Cecil Papers: August 1606, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1606, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp235-269 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1606, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp235-269.

"Cecil Papers: August 1606, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp235-269.

August 1606, 16-31

The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 16. I pray you excuse me in being importunate to know what grace my last letter to his Majesty had, and whether I may be so happy as it moved his Majesty anything to think of his unfortunate servant and subject. It would be the happiest news that can come to me, and yet if it do not I will remain ever as I have been his most loyal and faithful vassal.
PS.—I will refer some of my private business to report of this bearer, wherein I pray your favour.—This 16 August.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 33.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Duke of Holst[ein].
[1606, August 16.] Your Highness's letters of 4 June came to my hands 7 or 8 days since, by the contents whereof although there be wrought a difference of affections, the one of an extraordinary contentation to behold myself held worthy of the undeserved honour of the Garter, lately bestowed upon me, by one of the worthiest of that Society; the other a grief that for this great favour the disproportion between our fortunes yields me so little means of requital; yet it gives some relief to my mind to hope your Highness will deal so favourably with me ut voluntas reputetur pro facto. Concerning the other part of your letter wherein you impose the care upon me of preventing any aspersion that might have light[ed] upon you by any that had any ill disposition towards you, I beseech you to receive this from me, that as I have not heard nor can think who could be so much an enemy to himself as to go about to sow any such seeds in this Court or kingdom where your person and honour must have so just defence; so if any such there should have been I would have given you an account of my honest affections in that kind, as far as should have lain within my small power. And now, Sir, I must let you know from his Majesty the success of another business whereof Colonel Gunterodt had speech with me by your direction and I with his Majesty. Before any such speech his Majesty of himself was pleased to sound the mind of the King [of Denmark] your brother how it stood towards you, not only out of desire to know the cause of any coldness but by that knowledge to work a reconciliation by his mediation, than whom there could not be chosen a more indifferent or more proper arbiter. Of which office I am commanded particularly to deliver you the success. That it is true his Majesty did not conceal that there was dryness between you, nor was so reserved with the King my master as not to confess that the cause was only a sudden unkindness, and hot words at a time of good fellowship without any other original ill affection in either of you, or any exasperation since. Of which speech his Majesty took this hold that such was his nearness to you both, and such had he ever observed you to be in all just respects towards the King your brother and knew [you] would ever be whensoever you should think the same should not be neglected by him, as he could not forbear to propose that there might be an abolition of all misunderstandings, by which good work the King my master should have obtained one of his highest desires. To which motion of his for avoiding your farther trouble this has been shortly the answer of the K[ing], that as the alteration proceeded from sudden and light accidents his mind was both well prepared to receive the King's overture and most ready to embrace your brotherly affections with contentation to himself and constancy towards you. With which worthy answer his Majesty finding himself infinitely satisfied let him know that he would make you acquainted, that you might accordingly dispose yourself to take notice thereof for the fast knitting of that mutual friendship which cannot but be of use and honour to yourselves, and to all that are honest an object of comfort.
Having now delivered you the end of this particular by his Majesty's commandment I have nothing more to add but this, which I know you will be glad to hear, namely that this great and worthy King [of Denmark] has been received with all the honour that their Majesties and this State could demonstrate, that he is now departed after — days' stay, and, as I hope, by this time near his own coast; of whom I must say this without flattery, that the memory which he has left behind him for his princely carriage in all things will be as rare as the example was to see one king, yea such a king, for affection only to take a journey into another prince's kingdom; of which besides other comfortable effects this is one, that by this knot wherein you are now so fast woven we may say quam jucundum est fratres habitare in unum.
All other things remain as they were, and his Majesty with the Queen and all your royal nephews and nieces well and merry.
Draft, corrected by Salisbury, with a later draft of the portion from the commencement to "as not to confess," also corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed; "16 August, 1606. Mynute to the Duke of Holst." 7¼ pp. (117. 34.)
John Blytheman, Mayor, and the Aldermen of Plymouth to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 16. We understand of sundry informations lately made to the Lord Admiral against Sir Richard Hawkins his Vice Admiral in these parts, as well of his general miscarriage towards all in the place where he lives, as also towards his lordship; whereby the gentleman, we hear, is drawn into great troubles and likely to be undone, if God and the justice of his cause do not deliver him from the malice of his enemies. We therefore, presuming upon the daily experience we have of your favour, make known what we know of this gentleman, and his carriage here where he lives, to be so well deserving of us we cannot charge him to have deserved the least ill of us, unless in standing too much upon the Admiral's jurisdictions here amongst us: and if the gentleman have forgotten his duty towards his lordship in any particular we shall be very sorry, in respect of the memorable benefits the town has received of his father, as also that himself in his general carriage towards all as in his particular towards us has deserved well; assuring you of our poor credits that in the report of his general ill carriage and misbehaviour he is greatly misborne unto his lordship. Wherefore out of our own desire to have the truth made known and not out of any motion or desire of his, or of ours to excuse him farther than the truth is, we beseech you to take notice of this much for answer to that calumniation against him if any such be.—Plymouth, 16 August, 1606.
Signed. Seal. 1⅓ pp. (117. 40.)
Entertainment Charges at Theobalds.
1606, August 16. Abstract of moneys paid for charges of provisions made at Theobalds against the King of Denmark's coming thither with his Majesty, and spent while their Majesties lay there, being 5 days ending July 28, 1606.
£ s. d.
Charges of the diet 551 12 4
Necessaries and ordinary expenses 150 5 1
Charges of the show at Theobalds 57 16 8
Rewards to the King's servants 84 0 0
Charges of the great horses given to the King of Denmark 264 12 4
Charges of the dogs given to the King of Denmark 18 14 6
Paid Aug. 16 to Mr. Levynus for 18 oz. of gold 54 0 0
Sum total:—1180l. 0s. 11d. [sic.]
Unsigned. 2½ pp. (119. 162.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 17. By my Lord Chamberlain I received your letters, and after dinner when his Majesty had done with the Lords I attended his Highness, who perused your letter to me, your draft to Mr. Winwood, and Mr. Winwood's to you. And for the Count's because the one is long and his Majesty conceives it is but a justification of himself in that which has passed, he would not bestow the labour to read it exactly but commanded an abstract to be made, which shall be done. But for the substance of the matter [he] conceives as well by your judgment as by that which he has understood by the King of Denmark, that the Count is so far Spanish as it were not safe to put the town over deeply at his commandment, and therefore likes well of your draft to Mr. Winwood, which he takes to aim at the preserving of a former agreement made at the Hague, whereof the conditions were indifferent for both and yet such that the town should not be disposed without their own good wills. For the Duke of Curland his Majesty has not yet given any answer whereby he is bound, and will handle the matter in general terms to do what he may with his honour; and when he has spoken with him he will signify what was requested and what he has yielded unto, and then Sir Thomas Smith shall attend you for direction.
Mr. Glover according to your pleasure signified yesternight was presented to his Majesty this morning and used with good favour, and by the Lord Chamberlain's commendation knighted and so dismissed.
The instructions for Wales shall be presented to his Majesty to-morrow morning, and they give me occasion to acquaint you with a bill sent to me by the Lord Zouch for the office of Remembrancer there to be granted by letters patents for two lives. This office your lordship I think remembers has had much altercation, and sometimes been thought needful and sometimes not; and as I take it was by the last instructions left to the disposition of the President. But in these I find no mention of it. I have sent the bill to you which my Lord Zouch besides his subscription recommends earnestly as a matter he desires to do for his reputation, but as you shall like of it so I will present it or leave it. Mr. Lesieur had it and was removed by the Earl of Pembroke.
Mr. Anthony Skinner has been here with me appointed, as he says, by you. It was about his licence to go out of the realm and his father-in-law Mr. Gage: whereof he brought me a draft which has in something been altered by me. It differs not in substance from one already passed for Charles Paget penned by my Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas (as I hear) at the request of my Lord of Northampton. The draft I have sent to you to consider whether you shall like it to pass and to serve for a precedent for others in the like case who shall compound, or whether it shall be granted to them and another conceived for others with the advice of his Majesty's learned counsel; and to be left here with us to serve for such as you shall afford it unto upon composition, if you shall like that any of them shall have licences before his Majesty's return, or else to stay. I have also sent another draft of licence of such as be convicted (for Gage and Skinner are not); in both which it may please you to give direction. I had prepared to wait on you with them myself, but because of my Lord Chamberlain's commandment to attend for the homage of the Archbishop of York I cannot possibly be in London to-morrow and back at Windsor at night, his homage being appointed on Tuesday morning.
My Lord Treasurer has received his Majesty's pleasure upon the suits of divers of his servants for leases of the traitors' lands.— From the Court at Hampton Court, 17 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 2¼ pp. (117. 41.)
The Baron de Hobocque, the Archdukes' Ambassador, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 17. Matthew Renzi, a London merchant, some months ago became bankrupt and fled to Ireland, to the hurt of his abused creditors. He has left certain goods in Chester and North Wales. One of the creditors, Daniel de la Faille, (a friend of Hobocque's) has obtained the Council's order to have the goods seized, and is sending a man for that purpose. Hobocque begs for Salisbury's letter to Sir Sacvyl Trever to aid the man in the matter.—"Votre maison a Stepney," 17 August, 1606.
Signed. French. 1 p. (192. 121.)
The Bishop of Ely to the Privy Council.
1606, August 17. I received your warrants for sending away Robert Walsh and Thomas Arton, priests and prisoners in Wisbech, which shall be done by the first means I can get. I wrote to you of a third, George Smith, a priest unfeignedly converted, whom I hear his Majesty has pardoned under his hand, but not yet under the seal, so that he continues in prison, being without means to bring it to that end. If he were at liberty he might find means to follow it himself. I desire to know your pleasure in that behalf. I doubt it will seem to the country somewhat inconvenient that these obstinate priests by his Majesty's grace are delivered, if he that has conformed himself continues in prison.—Downham, 17 August, 1606.
Holograph, signed: M. Elien'. 1 p. (192. 122.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 18. This morning before his Majesty's departure he signed these instructions for Wales which herewith I send you. He signed also a warrant for the graving of a signet for the Ambassador of Turkey, as the manner is, and a warrant for horses procured by the Earl of Worcester.—From the Court at Hampton Court, 18 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (117. 43.)
Henry Savile to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 18. Being of late in the Strand near the house where I have attended your renowned father with comfort and credit, I met a couple of goodly tall men in Irish mantles, well hosed and shod, and hats upon their heads, which showed them not to be of the busy sort; their complexion ruddy and well tempered, of sober and seeming ingenuous features. After some 5 days I found them both with the Spanish Ambassador's people, not as needing or attending for reward, but very conversant; the one seeming more cheerful, the other dejected as at no peace within himself. From what rank of the Irish or for what intelligence I only unfold unto your lordship, as in my allegiance so long accepted by my late Mistress and reported by your father and others I would be sorry if any secret guilt should unrest me for concealing appearances among parties more than suspected.— 18 August, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 44.)
John Lytler, Mayor of Chester, to the Same.
1606, August 18. The enclosed letter directed to you and the rest of the Privy Council I received this day from the Mayor of Liverpool, who signified that it contains business touching his Majesty: therefore I have forthwith sent it you in post.—Chester, 18 August, 1606.
Signed. ⅓ p. (117. 45.)
The Bishop of Chester to the Privy Council.
1606, August 18. A report was lately brought to me of the apprehension of one Mellington a priest, near Liverpool, upon notice whereof I addressed myself to repair thither, to be informed of particulars of him and to acquaint you therewith. Before I could effect that, (being continually busied in this spacious and rude diocese with recusants and others, troublers of our Church and Commonwealth), I was shown by the postmaster letters directed to you concerning that matter, which he received from a messenger who seemed ignorant what course to take therein. I have taken order for the speedy conveyance of the letters to you, and purpose to further examine the cause and acquaint you therewith.—18 August, 1606.
Holograph, signed: George Cestren'. 1 p. (192. 123.)
Thomas Throckmorton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 20. Of late commissions are come into cos. Buckingham, Warwick and Worcester for inquiry of the value of my poor living for his Majesty according to the late made statute. And by this late session of Parliament I am restrained not to pass above 5 miles from my habitation here in co. Buckingham without licence. My suit is to have from you and some others of the Council a licence according to the statute that from the first of September to the end of Hilary term next I may travel into these counties and to London about my necessary business. If my poor estate did not urge me to these travels to satisfy the law and my creditors who stand in danger for me, my old years would desire rest at home.—20 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 47.)
Thomas Throckmorton to the Earl of Northampton.
1606, August 20. To the same effect.—"From my poor house at Weston, this 20th of August, 1606."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (117. 46.)
Sir Thomas Fludd to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 20. A son of mine being a doctor of physic and greatly desirous to have conference with certain physicians, Italian and French, now in France, his acquaintance and good friends in his travel beyond seas, touching secrets and other things concerning that study, and to return within two months, about a month past went over into France and landed at Dieppe, from whence he wrote the letter herein, which came not to my hands till last night. Although this he writes of was a good while since, yet I thought it my duty to send the letter to you that it may appear whether the men were any searched for, and that a better eye may be had to such boats; for it seems the boat came of purpose, else would he never have landed at Dieppe being of good distance from the town he came from.—Milgate, 20 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (117. 49.)
The Enclosure:
Robert Fludd to Sir Thomas Fludd, his father. I was examined lying at Hide (Hythe) because I was of the description of him that was searched after, for he had, they said, a small stature, lean visage, auburn hair, etc.
Being here arrived at Dieppe I have been advertised of that which may somewhat resolve the Council in something. A small boat of very little size was rashly by certain Frenchmen guided over to Shoreham in England to buy some wood proper, they said, for some affair they had. They confessed they found two men hidden in a ditch, one of a fair complexion, fair auburn hair and beard, of middle stature, clad in breeches of "damsk" very fair, and he or the other had a grey cloak; the other had a fair complexion but rounder face. These secretly rising out of the ditch came to the boatmen and promised what they would demand to carry them over. They unknown to any took them in and covered them with a pile of wood and brought them over, but in great danger of being drowned, for they were all wet and "bemoyled." When they came to this town they lodged where I lodge and of mine host, which holds the "Fleur de Lewse." I was informed of them, who said that in cleansing of themselves they reported they would not for ten thousand crowns be again in England. The one had great store of linen with him, and the boatmen were contented to their asking. I thought good to signify thus much to make known by what devices traitors may be conveyed out of this realm of England. The boatmen dwell at Dallas a town hard by Havre de Grace, who no doubt were sent of purpose to convey them away, and may have been instruments of many other conveyances. You may understand more of this at my host's, from whence God aiding I will depart the morrow.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 48.)
William Udall to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 21. At my Lord Chief Justice's departure out of the town I presumed he had acquainted you with the great probability I had for the discovery of Oswald Tesmond upon the borders of Worcestershire, and thereupon I had directions from him to attend you for further supply to go into those countries to discover what may be attempted for apprehending that traitor. I have not hitherto importuned you, until now upon late intelligence from some inward friends I make full account to deliver both Tesmond and Gerrard. I am most inward with him who is most devoted to Thomas Abington and his wife, being sometime his brother's tutor in Cambridge: he has given me greatest hopes, only I want means to go into Worcestershire where I promised to meet him. If I may be furnished to effect this journey I can and will yield you good content. I have effected many services, as the intercepting of so many prints and books, which may all testify my sincere meaning. I will discover upon my life what house and what place is to be searched.
There are many inferior services at this present to be effected, as the going of Wright the priest for Ireland, and now about Chester to take shipping, which is for the publishing of some books to be printed there, the taking of Greene lately banished the Jesuit, the apprehending of 2 priests which keep between them a female commodity at the "Rose" in Duck Lane, with others of like nature; all which except by your direction shall remain unfoiled till my Lord Chief Justice's return to this city. Concerning Richard Fulwood as I was writing this I heard of his being at Edmonton yesterday. What to do or whom to trust I know not more than to attend your direction. Bishops Gate Street, this 21 of August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1⅓ pp. (117. 50.)
Lord Norreys to the Same.
[1606], August 22. So strong is the report at London of my madness as my friends that come hither to see me think to find me tied in chains. As an evidence that I should be so an invention is raised that at my last being in London, your lordship sending for me to come to you I should make this barbarous answer,— "Tell my Lord I am now going to tennis; if he have anything to say to me let him meet me there." Now that this is an invention I protest before God you sent not for me as I remember, but I entreated Sir Walter Cope to tell you I desired to kiss your hands before my departure out of the city; which you gave me leave to do. My suit is that from one of your servants I may receive a letter such as I may show that may acquit me of that tennis court matter. I doubt not but you know of my signing the writing for my wife's maintenance, concerning whose abode in London or country or such particularities I refer all to you; being glad to understand of her intended journey into Lancashire.—Ryecott, this 22 of August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed; "1606." 1 p. (117. 51.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 22. Sir Thomas Metham this bearer, one of his Majesty's "Escuyers," has made humble suit on behalf of his father an old gentleman of threescore and ten years of age, but a recusant, who is now sent for by the justices of the assizes for that country, Mr. Savill and Mr. Sing, to appear before them with purpose to commit him to prison; which the gentleman alleges to be by suggestions of his adversaries who seek to put him to disgrace, the old man being one who till now has not been much troubled for those matters, being known to be aged and of quiet behaviour. He has long since made over his living to his son his Majesty's servant, reserving only a small pension to himself, so as no benefit can come to his Highness by him. Upon which reasons, and for that this gentleman is one of whom his Majesty has good liking and who shows himself a good Protestant, his Majesty is willing to pleasure him in that which he seeks for his father, that he may be committed to his custody or else to some friend's house near about London, but not exposed to a public reproach there, except there be any special cause to make example of him. Yet herein his Majesty would not show himself lest scandals should arise thereby, but desires you either by your own letter by way of advice to the justices of assize, or from some other of the Lords to join with you, they might be wished in regard of his age, of his son's conformity and attendance in his Majesty's service and of his quiet disposition to forbear to commit him; or if they did restrain him that it might be to his son's charge who would undertake for him.—From Farnham, 22 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 52.)
Sir Robert Hicham to the Same.
[1606], August 22. The bearer. Mr. Bury, and his brother having procured her Majesty's pleasure long since to Sir Roger Wilbraham and myself for the farming of the casual profits of her charter of liberties for 21 years, paying such an annual rent as we should think fit: as we thought it not fit to do anything therein without the rest of the [Queen's] Council, and they not without your lordship, petitioner has been much delayed and there has been no profit hitherto made of them. For his satisfaction I am constrained to inform you thereof, as also that he entreats you to refer consideration thereof to the King's Attorney and myself who is likewise of counsel with her Majesty, that we might certify you and the residue what we think best for her Majesty's service.— Gray's Inn, 22 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 53.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 22. Because I understand that the Earl of Northumberland is a suitor for the finding of his own diet, I entreat you the same may be forborne until his Majesty come to some standing house; before which time I hope to wait upon you to inform you of many special inconveniences that in my opinion will follow of the same. Nevertheless I refer the ordering thereof as you shall think fit.—From the Tower, 22 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (117. 54.)
Roger Manners to the Same.
1606, August 23. Your letter dated August 16 came not to me till last night very late. It is true that many of Sir Thomas Wekes's papers came to my hands; but in her late Majesty's days Sir William Wade made search for them, and by commandment of your father I left the chamber to him where Sir Thomas Wekes lay, and there were all his writings; so as he searched at his pleasure and might take what he liked. I never saw any writings greatly containing matters of state, neither did I make great account of any of his writings, so as many of them are either burnt or cast away as matters of no account. Such writings of his as are left I have commanded my servant to bring you: you may do with them what shall please you, for I esteem them not so much as the least drop of your favour.—At Enfyld, 23 August, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 55.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606, August 23. These commissions which you committed to me being signed by his Majesty yesternight and the proclamation, I have sent them to you and have nothing else to trouble you with; but his Majesty is not without importunity for suits here. Mr. Hadzor is here for my Lord Daubigny and insists to have the warrant amplified, that your power may be not only to take composition in money but to reserve rents, and those rents to be given to him for his maintenance. Sir James Fullerton has moved his Majesty for one John King to be joined with him in his office of Mustermaster, which he says the King has granted for a lease in reversion of the monastery of N—, whereof he is now buying the present estate and for payment of 700l. due to him upon his entertainment; alleging that by his being here he has been allotted no imprest of the treasure which has gone over. In all these his Majesty has yet said nothing to me, but I acquaint you with them beforehand, for I perceive they will be sent up to your lordships. The Lord Knollys came hither yesternight, and my Lord of Walden and Sir Tho. Howard.—From the Court at Farnham, 23 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 57.)
A Ship of Denmark.
1606, August 23 and 24. (1) Th. Smith to — —. To go to Mr. Wolstenholm and tell him that if there be any ship in the river bound for Denmark, my Lord of Salisbury desires to be certified thereof and of the time she is to depart, for some letters that are to be carried from his Majesty into Denmark. To go also unto Mr. Pope, sergeant of the Admiralty, with the like message.—23 August.
(2) One Mr. Inglestate, a Dutchman, had a warrant for transportation of 76 tons of case shot for the use of the King of Denmark, and said that a ship stayed behind that should carry that shot. This Englestadt was with Mr. Wolstenholm, and he perhaps can likewise tell whether that ship be gone or no. Inquire thereof.
(3) Th. Smith to Mr. Inglestate. I have told my Lord of Salisbury that you will cause the ship to stay at Gravesend till Monday morning; whereupon he has written to the Court to signify so to the King. But because one day more will not break much time and the King is now far off, you may do well to cause the ship to stay till Monday night or Tuesday morning, if the letters come not sooner, and if it may be without loss or much inconvenience to them that are to go away in the ship.—23 August.
(4) L. Engelstedt to [Th. Smith]. As soon as I came yesternight here I took order with the searchers not to clear the ship until I gave them order, and that I might in the meantime hear of you. Wherefore I pray you to make so much haste as possible, and I myself will stay here to see the safe delivery of the letters. And if a small consideration were sent down to the shipper it were not amiss for his better staying.—Gravesend, 24 August, 1606.
The following notes have been written about this paper:—The ship's name is the Jonas of Copenhaven with timber . . . going for Denmark, cleared from the Custom House this day.
Inquire at Fresh Wharf for Mr. John Clautes, for Mr. Ludolph Englestedd, at "the Christopher" at Gravesend. Shipper Peter of Dantzic, to inquire at the sign of "New Harlem" at St. Catherine's.
Mr. Wm. Taylor to inquire at Mr. Layton by Dunston [St. Dunstan's] church by Tower Street.
Endorsed: "1606. Ship of Denmark." 2 pp. (117. 56.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 24. This post is sent only to convey to you his Majesty's letter to the King of Denmark of his own handwriting, wherein his Highness has spent some part of this afternoon; and now commanded that it should run with speed because of the ship's departure to-morrow, whom his Majesty would have you charge to deliver it as soon as they are arrived. By his Majesty's commandment I also send the copy in some places altered from the first draft by his Majesty's self, as you may perceive by the underlining where anything is omitted and interlining when it is altered or added. His Majesty wished also that if the Queen write, as he thinks she will, or desire to know what his Majesty has written, that you would cause the letter to be read to her in English out of the copy. His Majesty having also understood by my report that your lordships had taken pains in the matter of the saltpetre is well pleased, and desires you to bring that to an end. And for other matters of grievances that your resolution may be hastened as much as may be, and for the form of publishing his Majesty's determination therein to the people. And in all other things that may concern the Parliament he hopes you will be ready against his return.
Touching the conference with the Spanish Ambassador whereof your advertisement came hither to-day at noon, his Majesty willed me to signify that seeing he perceives it asks a new day he shall not need to say anything until after the next meeting he be advertised by you what the success thereof is. It seemed to me his Majesty had heard something thereof before the coming of your letters, but I guess not particularly, for he read your letter and the other papers attentively and twice over.
Sir Thomas Knyvett has been here to-day with his Majesty about the money that is in his hands, for payment whereof he had received his Majesty's letter procured by the Lord Treasurer: and therein to-morrow your lordships of the Council shall receive a letter from his Majesty whereby the examination of Sir Thomas Knyvet's reasons for not payment at this present is referred to you. But I do not perceive the King resolved to make him a gift of the money as he expected.—From Farnham, 24 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1¼ pp. (117. 58.)
The Duke of Lennox to the Same.
1606, August 24. I have heretofore endured many injuries at the hands of Anthony Besson and Richard Besson. The latter being bailiff of some lands of mine in Yorkshire has received a great part of my rents and withholds them from me; the other has by his many instigations withdrawn my tenants from that duty they owe me. Last term I caused Richard Besson to be arrested at my suit for the money remaining in his hands; notwithstanding he procured his enlargement upon sureties little better in reputation or worth than common bailers. The charges expended are quite lost, and myself without remedy unless you will by your private letter write to the Lord President of the North to take some course that I may receive remedy before that Council or have sureties sufficient to answer me.—Farnham, 24 August. 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 59.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[?1606], August 24. I cannot as yet learn any more touching that odd writing I sent you. I desire to know how the King takes it, as also whether anything further be discovered by it. You may acquaint the King that I have taken 2 priests in one house, and yet a third escaped, whereby he may discern what store there are of them. The house belongs to Sir Harry Constable, who although he profess to be a protestant, yet his "housekiptres" and officers are recusants and the only receivers of priests in this country. I would be glad to know what the King will have done with these priests, for if he mean, as they are taken, to pardon them, it were better in my judgment the travail and charge in taking them were spared, for it does more hurt than good, they returning presently to the places where they were; and the country taking great encouragement by it to continue still in their obstinacy.—York, 24 August.
Holograph. 1 p. Endorsed in a modern hand: "About 1606." (119. 97.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606, August 24. His Majesty has perused your dispatch which came this morning, and is much offended with the proceeding of the French King. The Ambassador's letter you shall receive herewith, and all the pieces signed which came with your letters. In the warrant for Ireland I have made a mark in the first line, where there wants some word. You shall also receive a writing in a Scottish hand, containing an information of abuses in levying the subsidy, and of the causes of the continual lessening of it, which his Majesty gave me to send to you, saying although he thinks many parts of it to be out of purpose, yet because he has heard from your lordships a like complaint, he thought it not amiss to direct it to you, knowing you will pick out what advantage you may for his service. I think you will find it to proceed from somebody not well acquainted with our State, nor with the care your lordships have at every payment how to have it levied with most advantage to his Majesty.
Here is also by his Majesty's command a form of a letter offered to him for Mr. John Elphingston, to be directed to the Lord Chief Baron in favour of his suit, in which he thinks it not fit for him to write, being a matter judicial, but wished you to speak with my Lord Chief Baron in his favour according to the interest of the letter, and to procure him what good may be had without the breach of justice. The time is short, and therefore the Lord Chief Baron is to be presently let understand his Majesty's pleasure.— Court at Royston, 24 August, 1606.
PS.—I am commanded to recommend to you and my Lord of Northampton a matter concerning Sir Robert Steward. The particulars I know not, but his Majesty says you understand it. That it may be put to an end to the gentleman's contentment, if it may possibly be: if not, as is best for the public.
Holograph. 2 pp. (192. 124.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 25. It may please you to receive herewith the two letters signed by his Majesty whereof I made mention in my letters yesternight touching the moneys in Sir Thomas Knyvet's hands; which because it is a matter of importance to his Majesty and to him also I thought good to send away with speed, because it requires that my Lord Treasurer may speedily see whether he shall rely on this money for Ireland or no. The matter is vehemently recommended to his Majesty by the Lord Treasurer, but somewhat tempered by his Highness's favour to Sir Tho. Knyvett, yet not so far as perhaps he expects which is a discharge of the debt, but only that his Majesty would understand whether there be cause to press him to the present payment or no, and thus determine his pleasure.—From Farnham, this 25 August, 1606.
PS.—Let my Lord Treasurer receive his letter when it is sealed that thereby he may know his Majesty's answer.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (117. 60.)
The King to the Privy Council.
1606, August 25. Upon information by our Treasurer of England that there was remaining in the hands of Sir Thomas Knyvet, Warden of our Mint, seven thousand and odd pounds detained by him to our use out of the profits claimed by the workmaster of our Mint upon the working of our moneys, and that the workmaster in regard of our present use of money was contented to relinquish his claim thereunto and to give the Warden a discharge for it; we did by our letters require the Warden to pay the said money into the Receipt of our Exchequer, whereupon he has come to us and besought us not to press him to the payment thereof, alleging that he can receive no warrant for his discharge against the workmaster's demand but only by judgment to be given in the suit depending between the workmaster and him, and that the workmaster's offer to make him a discharge for the said sum is but a prejudice to him in the whole suit which is not less than 27,000l. If his information be true, although our present need of money be very urgent, yet our disposition is not to supply our needs with hard measure to any, much less to a gentleman of his quality, and to a servant deserving well of us. We have therefore thought it the meetest way for us and him to direct our letter to our Treasurer, willing him to move the matter to you of our Council; and when you have heard what our Treasurer's information is for us, and the Warden's answer for his excuse, you shall consider whether there be reason for us to press the Warden to the present payment of the money before the determination of the suit in law. And if you find the reason of his excuse just, and that there is no way for his discharge for the said payment but only the determination of the controversy, as he alleges, then is our Treasurer to think of some other way to supply our present need for Ireland; and you to advise whether it would not be a more speedy course for us to proceed to the determination of that controversy by commission to some of you rather than to leave it to the course of the law, which is like to be long and the matter not so proper to the knowledge of lawyers. Upon report from you what you think to be most expedient for us we will signify our further pleasure to you.—Given under our signet at Farnham, the 25th day of August in the year of our reign of Great Britain the fourth.
Sign Manual. 1 p. (117. 61.)
Sir Stephen Ridlesden and Sir Robert Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 25. Being informed by this petitioner Thomas Plasse, his Majesty's mastersmith for the office of the Ordnance for all ironworks in the Tower of London, that you were an especial favourer of his suit for that office to her late Majesty, we beseech the continuance of that favour, the rather because we are fully of opinion you could not have commanded a more excellent workman in the whole kingdom. Our request is for the furtherance of his Majesty's service in that kind, which is now at a stand by reason of a possession indirectly obtained (and as we conceive) very unjustly detained in the house and shop appropriated for that service 40 years ago, and for 38 years of those 40 holden by several patentees by special words and grant; though now by some means out of due course (as we think) it is entered upon and detained by one Gisborn, a smith for the mint, in whose patent there is no mention of that or any other house.
As well for his Majesty's service as for the apparent justice of the cause, grant your furtherance that his petition (now a full month depending and twice exhibited to his Majesty's Privy Council) may be read and considered and such order taken as to your Honours shall seem good.—At the office of the Ordnance, 25 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 62.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Same.
[1606], August 25. In favour of one Worsley. There is a commission out of the Court of Wards to inquire whether there were an office found at the time that Worsley's father came to his land. The commission has not been proceeded with, and Worsley fears his adversaries will still hinder it. Worsley's suit is that Salisbury will direct the feodary of the county of Lancaster to proceed in the commission, so that certificate may be made to the Court what is found by it.—25 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 125.)
Robert Dudley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 26. I wrote unto you to be a mean for me to the King that I might in recompense of all my services both to her Majesty that dead is, as also to the King both before his coming into England after he was proclaimed by me, as also at his coming to Newcastle, be placed in Tynmouth Castle again where I was in [15]88 when the Spaniards would if they could have invaded England; and now that it is in his Majesty's gift I hope the country if it stand with his good liking and yours think me as sufficient a man for that place as any in the north, for I am one of the eldest soldiers in these parts or in the south either, and as yet never had any recompense for my services, as is known to you. My service and expenses were such at the King's coming in that if his Majesty and you have not compassion of me, which he promised me himself, I am utterly undone for ever; for I have attended the Court so long as now I am able to follow it no more.— Newcastle upon Tyne, 26 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 63.)
W. Crashawe, preacher at the Temples, to the Same.
1606, August 26. About May last I was informed that one Biller, a late convert from popery, was in miserable want. I sent for him and finding that he had been at Rome and in England imprisoned for popery and that now he conformed himself I made means to prefer my man I had unto one of my Lord's secretaries and took him to serve me. I found him trusty but not so wise as I wished. He told me he had been Parsons's man in the English College in Rome, and after him young Allen's alias Heskith's, Card. Allen's kinsman. Many things he told me, all true for aught I could find. In July last, coming to me somewhat later in the evening than my time appointed, I asked where he had been. He said with his old master, Mr. Roger Witherington. Knowing he is as dangerous a papist as any in the north and so esteemed of the Council there I demanded the time, continuance and other circumstances of that service. I asked why he left him? He answered, he was taken at the "Plough" without Temple Bar for a papist and suspected for a priest, was carried before Mr. Recorder and committed. I asking what he did at the "Plough," he answered it was the ordinary where his master. Mr. Thomas Percy, and many other great papists daily resorted; and he was their purveyor, steward, messenger and carrier of letters, so came to be called amongst them 'Trusty Ned.' Being committed I asked how he lived? In Newgate he said they had their masses daily, whereunto came out of London divers of all sorts, so by them the prisoners were very well maintained. Besides, quoth he, both my master and Mr. Brookesby would often visit me, and especially Mr. Thomas Percy, and give me 5s. and 10s. at a time and bid me be constant and I should want nothing.
What, said I, were your master and Mr. Thomas Percy well acquainted? Quoth he, they were as sworn brethren, I have carried letters full oft between them: I have marvelled a thousand times since the treason how my master could escape, for Thomas Percy would have kept nothing from him and there were few days but they met either at meat or at mass, and that winter other gentlemen came oft unto them and they were often in secret conference; and I knew when they came about great secrets, for then was I sent forth about some business. You would make me believe, quoth I, such fellows cared for mass or any matter of religion? Quoth he, they had masses almost every day. I asked where? He answered, sometimes at the Spanish Ambassador's, sometimes in Shoe Lane, sometimes at Northumberland House. Nay, the Earl would never suffer that! Yes, and was sometime at it himself in Thomas Percy's lodging: I remember all the tokens as well as if it had been but yesterday. Once they took me to mass in that house in Percy's chamber and there was my Lord, and when mass was done he saluted the priest and passed by us all, and when he came to me stroked my forehead and asked oh, this is trusty Ned, is it not? I did my duty after the finest Italian fashion, and asked my master who it was? He swore and said, It is my Lord, man. Had he a George about his neck, quoth I? I think not, but he was a goodly man with somewhat a down look; but judge by my master's words, and besides never any lord came to our masses but he and Lord William and it was not Lord William, for him I know. When he had said what he would (for I urged him to nothing) I told him this was a matter of more moment than he imagined and bade him be advised what he said, for I must discover it. He said he would stand to all he had said; whereupon before his face I wrote down the whole matter, read it to him verbatim, amended it in one place at his appointment, and laid it up—he saw where. I could not then discover this conveniently the state being full of business about the King of Denmark's entertainment. He never came to me to recall one word he had spoken; and when I saw opportunity to disclose it I sought for my paper, but it was gone. But when I called him and told him he must now justify what he had said he first denied he had said so, but when I urged him confessed all that I laid to him, but the truth was he thinks he was a little in drink, for he was quite mistaken in every point. He could give me no good answer why he came not to tell me he was mistaken, nor how he could devise so many circumstances, all false. Then I sought exactly for my paper but it was gone, yet I know not how it can be gone but by him. Since I have learned that he was in the town in company with Mr. Roger Witherington and had much conference with him since he told it me.—August 26, 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (117. 64.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, August 26.] Yesternight there came a packet directed to my Lord Hey from the Earl of Northampton; he lying not here, the letters were delivered to Lord Fenton. There was one letter to his Majesty which contained two sheets of paper written of all sides. After his Majesty had read it he gave it to Lord Fenton; so far as I could perceive it contained such matters as had passed in Council since his Majesty's departing from you. I send you a copy of the gest which his Majesty altered yesternight. His coming to Windsor is but a day altered; it should have been the 8th and now it is the 9th.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "August 26, 1606. Sir Roger Aston to my Lord. From Farnham." 2/3 p. (117. 65.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 26. I received your most honourable and friendly letters, partly advising me how to carry myself in some causes of my lieutenancy, partly reprehending me for the late wrong which your lordship was informed I offered you in sending for one Sweet to be examined by me, from the place where he was stayed by your direction, and for blaming the mayor that would not sooner send him: all which it seems you understand to be true from these of Barnstaple. For answer, considering the wrong offered me herein by these informers I cannot well satisfy you without some trouble to you; therefore pardon me if I be somewhat tedious, to avoid the imputation they so injuriously and without just cause go about to lay upon me. I sent to the mayor of Barnstaple for Sweet to be brought to me out of the prison as soon as I heard they had committed him; which being his Majesty's Lieutenant in this place, and the Recorder of that town, I then thought I might lawfully do. And the rather I desired to examine him in his Majesty's behalf, because as you may remember I first sent up to you the discovery that one Browne brought over from beyond seas touching Sir Robert Basset and his fond pretences; and shortly after I had also the examination of some of his servants who went with him to Rome, by whom I understood of the maintenance that he had in the English College, by means of this fellow Sweet. Therefore not knowing what state Sir Robert stands in at this day with his Majesty, but assuring myself Sweet was a fugitive and a great favourer of his, and by report a priest, and as I might well suspect came lately from Sir Robert because he resorted to Barnstaple where Lady Basset at that time lay, I sent to the mayor to have him brought before me to be examined in behalf of his Majesty as others in like causes before this had been without any seruple or denial by any former mayors these 20 years past. Upon the mayor's first refusal to send him, whereat I greatly marvelled, I sent again a sharper warrant in his Majesty's name, which also in a sort he denied. But at length with much ado the prisoner came before me, whom I examined as well as I could; and finding that he had rendered himself to your lordship as he came by London I remitted him to the prison whence he came. Thus far I proceeded out of mine own plainness and purpose to have done his Majesty some service as I thought, not all this while knowing or suspecting that he was stayed there by any direction from you, nor in three weeks after till your letters came to my hands to reprove me for it. But if the mayor or any of his brethren, knowing my place of authority and nearness to them, and seeing my earnestness by so often writing to them in his Majesty's name to have the prisoner brought before me, had been so honest and respective men as either to have come to me or sent me word that they had apprehended him by any direction from you; then, my good Lord, I should have much forgotten myself in my duty towards the State and due regard of your lordship in particular, and deserved a far greater reprehension than you have given me for this, or shall I hope hereafter deserve at your hands. And how they have used me also in detaining this your letter from me, I know not, because it is without date, but I suppose that therein also they have dealt ill with me, for the mayor had set the prisoner at liberty 14 or 15 days before I received this your command to enlarge him.
But the secret of all this business and of your trouble and my disgrace therein, rests wholly in your servant John Delbridge; for the mayor disclaims and told some of my servants, that he told them what would become of it when they first denied me the prisoner, and seemed to mislike of that course. But Mr. Delbridge who glories in his opposition with me in many things else and has of late years diversely dishonoured me, he, I understand, would not assent to the prisoner to be brought to me, or any notice to be given me of the warrant and direction you had sent to stay him, but secretly underhand brought the matter to this effect it is now come unto, much to my disgrace as he thinks. And indeed unless you right me, as I doubt not but out of your noble disposition, whereby you give that which is just to all men, you will do, by reproving those that have thus wrongfully used me, and in some sort abused you as well as me, that other corporations, whereof there be 3 or 4 within 6 miles of my house, may take notice of the mayor's oversight in this, my authority will be of little estimation in these parts, neither shall I be able to do his Majesty that service that appertains to my place.—From Tawstock, 26 August, 1606.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (117. 66.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to the Earl of Salisbury, High Steward of Kingston upon Hull.
1606, August 26. They understand the King is willing to grant their poor neighbours some relief for the grievous loss they sustained by Denmark, for which they have been suitors 7 years; also that Salisbury has commanded that none should trouble the King of Denmark during his abode here; but that after his departure Sir John Harbart, Sir Christopher Parkins and Sir Daniell Dunn should move Salisbury in the suit. They beg Salisbury's good means in this behalf.—Hull, 26 August, 1606.
Signed: James Casson, Mayor, Jno. Lyster, John Graves and others. 1 p. (192. 126.)
Anthony Atkinson, of Hull, to the King.
1606, August 27. The Bishop of Bristol has dealt very hardly with me in not acquainting your Majesty with my services done for Queen Elizabeth in advancing her customs and other revenues, and in apprehending traitors to her person and your Majesty's dominions, and what services I can and am ready to do for your Highness; but I am so oppressed therein as no truth can take place. I humbly pray your Majesty for God's cause send for the Bishop, who can inform you of matters of great importance, the sooner the better, to whom I refer all, for your Majesty is abused, truth smothered, true men are banished and persecuted. Help, God and King, for there is no help in man: so God bless you and yours in all happiness.—London, 27 August, 1606.
Addressed: "To the King's mooste excellent Maty. his owne hands. Noble King for God's cause open and reade."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 67.)
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 27. The rumour whereof I writ unto you was brought into these parts by Sir David Williams the judge, or otherwise the clearness of my own conscience would have caused me to let it pass like the idle wind that I regard not. But when by such a person it was openly published I found it concern me to clear my self of such a mad calumniation. Concerning my wife I am glad to hear so much from you, having shrewd arguments to think she braves me even since her going abroad; but of all her doings I strive not to make small matters seem great, but great small, so as I am so well able to justify my proceedings towards her to be respectful, as I doubt not when the sight of more days and wise counsel shall make her sensible of honour and good manners but that she will strive to procure me some recompense for the misfortunes her youth and weakness have made me subject unto. I must acknowledge the impertinency you told me of in one of my letters, and have found out another in the same letter, wherein I showed a determination seldom to frequent those places where I should see you; wherein I writ as I meant, but finding myself not able to brook such a fast from your presence I must do like him that took upon him too strict an order, meaning before long to repair to London, where it were a great honour for me to lodge in your house of the Duchy. In this suit I thought best to be my own petitioner.—Riecott, 27 of August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (117. 68.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606, August 27. In answer to your letter received yesterday on the way to this house his Majesty this morning commanded me to return to you, that he gives you great thanks for this forewarning of Irish businesses because he shall be thereby the better armed against all motions, although he has been of late very wary in making any answers of which advantage might be taken, and thinks that he is now so well informed of those things that he will do little by reference but answer of himself, that men may know it is his own judgment of his affairs that guides his tongue and not infusions from private persons. For Tyrone he could remember very exactly the state that Tyrone has in the church lands within his province and the purpose of tolerating them in his hands for a time, to make exchange afterwards for lands lying near ports and forts fit for his service. But he takes that Tyrone's grievance arises not from that, but that under colour of grants to particular persons much of his inheritance is called in question, which if it come to be determined by strictness of law he doubts what the success may be in a country where their evidence and records are so ill kept: and willed me to signify that as he would not maintain Tyrone in any encroaching upon his subjects as were not fit, so he would wish all occasion to be taken from him of just complaint, considering what a dependency the Irish have on him and how ticklish their disposition is towards the state, and he an instrument apt to make innovation. [He] wishes therefore that your lordships would well consider whether it were not like to be of more contentment to him, that he were directed to set down his demands particularly, and by what grants he conceived himself wronged, and to send over somebody instructed for the maintenance of his rights, and so to receive his answer here from his Majesty or your lordships, than to refer him to the decision of law merely. For that of Sir Randal McSorley's brother in the Star Chamber, his Majesty professes openly that he never heard of any such matter, and wonders if any stay of justice has been by letter from him in a matter of that moment, for that commonly his memory fails him not. Touching Sir James Fullerton, his Majesty says that he moved him for the joining of one in patent with him, naming no man, and that his Highness's answer was with caution: That some offices there were of such natures as it was without offence or ill example to join others in them, some others which it was not convenient to bestow so, because upon the vacation of them consideration was to be had both of the person and of the fees and rights of the office how they should continue or be altered: That he named not the office to him, and therefore his Highness said if it were one of the first nature he could be content, but seeing he perceives it is an office of importance and proper to a soldier he has good reason to deny him, and that he has given no obligatory answer to him. For his money which he demands his Highness says that he cannot justify him that he stayed here by his commandment, and therefore has no extraordinary cause to be regarded, but would be content a letter were written in his favour that he should be paid as money falls out in proportion there and no otherwise.
I have received back the latin letters whereof three are from the King of Poles, one in answer to his Majesty about the Prince of Moldavia, another of thanks for his Majesty's answer touching the Duke Charles. A third is mistaken, for being directed on the outside to his Majesty the inner part is to the Marquis of Brandeburg: whereupon his Majesty said merely, that he had rather your lordship were such a Secretary as that King had than he such a King; for in a letter of Dr. Bruce it is written that he is summoned to appear the sixth of this month before his nobility to receive new counsel or [sic] of their appointment and new rules of government, or else to be deprived.
I have sent also a discharge of the subsidies for Mons. de la Fontayne, and thank you for your favourable remembrance of me in your letters which were to come to his Majesty's view.—From Titchborn this 27 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. The passage in italics is underlined. 2½ pp. (117. 69.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 27. I perceive by my chaplain Mr. Croshowe how much I am bound to you in my absence. I will not trouble you much with relating (as I think) the hard measure offered me, since you are sufficiently acquainted with it; only I entreat that whilst I am employing myself in the King's service a grant so prejudicial to me may not take effect, for my estate you know to be weak enough already and has no need of further hindrance.—York, 27 August.
PS.—I pray you procure me the King's leave for my present coming towards London because I am enforced for a lameness in one of my veins to come by the Bath, and if I should stay till near the Parliament the season of the year will be past. Let me hear from you as soon as conveniently you may.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 71.)
Sir R. Lewkenor to the Same.
1606, August 27. I received this day by this bearer Mathew Davies, gent., one of the messengers of the Chamber, immediately on my coming home out of my circuit in Wales, the new instructions signed by his Majesty, which I will not only presently publish to my associates in these parts but will myself perform the contents thereof and your directions by your letter; praying your countenance until my miscarriage or neglect of duty shall deserve the contrary, beseeching you that if you shall be at any time informed of any abuse committed by me you will vouchsafe one of your ears to be open to hear my just defence before you censure the same.—Byldowes, 27 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal of arms. ½ p. (117. 72.)
The Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury to the Same.
1606, August 27. Leaving this bearer at London to overtake me before my going from my Lord of Kent's house in Bedfordshire I have bidden him deliver these few lines to you, which entreat you to send my wife and me word by him how you do, hoping you have well overpassed that which troubled you when we saw you last; which we heartily beseech Almighty God may be so, and that you may enjoy as perfect health and long life as any man living that has seen thirty years.—"From Harolds Park, this Wednesday morning ready to take coach, 27 August, 1606."
Holograph by the Earl, signed by both. Seal. ½ p. (117. 73.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 27. By your noble favour I have received my bill signed, for the which thanksgiving is so vulgar and merit so far above my reach I must beseech you to vouchsafe the unfeigned zeal of my devoted heart as some part of the interest only of those debts. The everliving God long preserve your days as well for the general good of the state as the particular comfort of your friends. —Kaye [Kew], 27 August, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 74.)
Sir Richard Hawkyns to the Same.
1606, August 27. The many favours received by your mediation in the time of my imprisonment in Spain, the grace done me in the general distribution of honour by his Majesty, the protection vouchsafed me against the menacing pride of Spain, have bound me to you in an everlasting obligation; which not being deserved "amate" me when I take pen in hand to pretend augmentation, no less than the debtor which being bound to a day for satisfaction of great sums is enforced to pay his creditor his expectation with entreaty to pleasure him not only with forbearance but with a new loan. But when I consider your true noble nature never tired in doing good to others I am "hearted" to entreat continuance of your bounty in patronizing my innocency against malice and her ungodly brood, lately hatched with the heat of false suggestions and informations. Which the honest townsmen of Plymouth knowing the violent courses followed against me causeless, did by letter let you understand my guiltless carriage, howsoever assailed by the worm of private envy. For writing this letter the mayor James Bagg has imprisoned one of the chief of the town, John Trelawny, and deterred many others from the like good office toward me, threatening to keep him prisoner during his mayoralty. My suit is to have your letter to the said mayor for his enlargement. If he be imprisoned for no other cause than writing that letter, as it is written me, it is in my poor opinion an indignity offered to your lordship, whose ears they know are ever open to justice and whose judgment they are too well assured will soon find out the packing of malice, and therefore would stop any course that should lay it open to so clear a censure. And for that your justice is as Jonah's gourd leaves, which God has caused to grow up for sheltering the weak from the hot parching sun of their oppressors, let me be comforted under the defence of it against those ungodly men who falsely have incensed the Lord Admiral against me, that by your mediation a reference of my cause may be made by his lordship to those which love him best and most regard his honour: or by you and the rest of the Privy Council to those you think convenient, that my innocency and wickedness of my enemies may be discovered. At your best leisure pass over the enclosed brief information which delivered by mouth might be overtedious.—27 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 77.)
The Enclosure:
"A true information of the proceedings against Sir Richard Hawkins."
The Lord Admiral upon the bare informations of the known enemies of Sir Richard Hawkins has granted a commission out of the Court of Admiralty against him without acquainting him with his exceptions against him or calling him to be a party to the commission, which privilege the law allows to every subject. This was devised by John Harrys, nephew to Christopher Harrys, sometime deputy vice-admiral to Sir Walter Ralegh, Humphry Jobson, James Bagg and one Morton, servant to Christopher Harrys, who helping themselves to the secret informations of John Howell of Exeter, a deputy to Sir Richard, prosecute this business with all eagerness; and abusing the Lord Admiral's noble disposition have wrought him to direct this commission to divers now discovered to be the secret contrivers of this practice or Sir Richard's known enemies, and not men of indifferency for such a service. This commission was brought to Plymouth by Jobson who came into Sir Richard's house there to demand his account, and being possessed with passion took hold of a slight or rather made anything his occasion to give Sir Richard the lie, laying his hand on his dagger with many opprobrious words, as fool, ass, knave, and comparisons to be as worthy a man as Sir Richard. All which Sir Richard out of a due respect to his Lord for that time endured without offering or suffering any to offer any violence unto him, but posted presently to London as well to give the Lord Admiral knowledge of the misdemeanours of his servant as to give him satisfaction touching his account. But his lordship so far from righting these wrongs heaped more upon him, who laboured for ten weeks by all good means to reconcile his lordship but could never yet persuade him to right or hear him. The fruits this commission has brought forth are most foul, as by threatening witnesses, yea by writing that they never spake; which will be approved by good witnesses, and that the commissioners being required to write all that they spake which were examined replied they were not there to do Sir Hawkins [sic] right nor to write anything that made for him but all that made against him, making choice of the town clerk of Dartmouth to be their writer for that he was a known enemy to Sir Richard.
Besides this his lordship through their instigation contrary to the course of law and justice, by his private warrant has made sequestration of Sir Richard's office (having it by patent during his life) in the hands of his known enemies, and the profits, which in such cases should remain in deposito, he has taken wholly to himself.
It will be also approved that under colour of his lordship's private warrants to Jobson, Grymes and others divers felonies and robberies have been committed by them, to the scandal of his lordship and the justice of the kingdom.
These strange courses have been prosecuted to enforce Sir Richard to resign his patent; but they not prevailing his lordship thinking to have sufficient advantage by his own confession, caused him to be examined upon oath in the Court of Admiralty upon 42 Articles; but being frustrate of that hope also some violent course seems intended against Sir Richard to call his life in question.
If this be the reward of 24 years' service without blemish, the recompense of his labour to do justice and to free the commonwealth from the scandal it receives by rovers and pirates; if this be the fruits of 1000 marks spent in maintenance of his Majesty's jurisdiction of Admiralty and in setting an orderly proceeding in justice, to have his hand that should protect made the instrument to wrong him, and by his authority to be inquired of by his enemies, tried before he be cited and sentenced before he be heard: he had been better never to have been born, or else to have lived still a prisoner in Spain.
Sir Richard by these proceedings and his long attendance consumes that little portion he has, all his domestical business goes backward, the exercise of his office denied him and the benefit robbed by others or violently taken under colour of the Lord Admiral's authority; his reputation scandalised causeless, justice in the country perverted, and the Lord Admiral's noble disposition abused. For remedy he prays a commission by the Privy Council directed to such justices as they think fit to examine these abuses and certify the truth; and also their letters to forbid any man to intermeddle in Sir Richard's office of vice-admiral besides himself and his deputies till matter sufficient be proved against him why he should be removed.
1 p. (117. 76.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, August 27. By this copy enclosed of the dispatch to Sir Charles Cornwallis you shall so fully understand the state of our affairs which have relation to Spain and the Archdukes' countries as it shall be needless to add anything to it until some more particular occasion shall be offered. My desire is that with all convenient speed you will send the pacquet into Spain, and the rather because I understand that the Spanish Ambassador here dispatched one of purpose to go from hence into Spain with his letters concerning the conference, but he cannot be ready to depart before Saturday next. The book of complaints I have not sent you a copy of because of the prolixity of it and that it be things only concerning Spain, which are to be redressed there and no where else.—27 August, 1606.
Copy. ½ p. (227. p. 266.)
The Enclosures:
(1). The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Charles Cornwallis. Having understood by his letters the great and intolerable wrongs his Majesty's subjects received daily in Spain both in their traffic and their own persons, Salisbury thought it high time to lay before the King and his Council the true image sent him of the great coldness and alteration in Spain. His Majesty thought it the best way in honour and justice to draw the Ambassador here into an orderly conference. This conference was on Friday last, 22 August, and to it came also the Baron of Hoboque, the Archdukes' Ambassador. Salisbury used the short speech enclosed as an introduction, which he caused to be set down in Spanish. When he had read it the Ambassador answered that they were come to receive complaints but not to make any against the English until he had order out of Spain. It was answered that the English main grievances had relation principally to him and to his advertisements from hence and it was thought more agreeable to discuss the motives thereof which if he could justify they were ready to give him satisfaction; if not by seeing his error he might countermand his former acts and so be more able to do good offices in Spain when they should see that he was satisfied here. He replied that he thought what he had written he had done upon good occasion and would give reason for it when he should be so directed but insisted to be excused from making any new complaints until he had received answer out of Spain upon his last letters concerning the imprisonment of Ball. To this it was answered that his complaints of lack of justice and his disgraceful usage here were of long time precedent before he could write of Ball, which matter would answer itself when it came to be debated. Only the former complaints which were made the ground of English ill usage in Spain were urged now and if he refused to declare these it must either be interpreted to proceed by commandment from the King his master or from want of good affection in himself. Hereupon he grew more calm and protested his master's and his own good affection to maintain the peace but because he came not prepared to debate those matters he entreated first to receive the English complaints and at another meeting he would propound his. So they proceeded first to argue the points wherein the Spaniards had broken the treaty and then the particulars collected out of Cornwallis's letters, in which the Ambassador blamed his master's ministers and especially the exception taken against the King's testimony in the cause of Mr. Mathew (fn. 1) for matter of religion and doubted not but upon his representing of it the advocate would be severely punished. He was reminded also of Mr. North's letter written into Spain concerning Garnet's innocency and the manner of his execution as Cornwallis's secretary Hawksworth had written to Levinus [Monck]. But North absolutely denied having written to any such purpose and therefore judgment of him must be suspended until a copy of the letter as published in Spain is received, which Cornwallis is asked to procure as soon as he can.
Concerning the matter of Blont the English councillors rather ran a course to express their good interpretation of what they had done with him and declared that his Majesty disdained to trouble himself any further with such a base companion. They concluded that the King expected he should be banished their State being fugitive upon the summons to return. So likewise did they do for Owen concluding with them that when there was not an extraordinary affection in princes beyond the contract of a treaty they found there came little fruit of those challenges. Therefore they desired the Ambassador to make the separation of their complaints, what they challenged de jure and what they mentioned only by way of comparison of the Spaniards' objections to them in many things which they urged as arguments of English lack of affection or of inward partiality, when by treaty and contrast the Spaniards cannot challenge them; which course will be best to be forborne especially of the Spaniards' side who visibly break the main articles of the peace. In this temper was this conference carried, so that for all those particular cruelties used in the Indies they said they would not object them as injuries to the treaty because they had agreed to leave them to adventure but only to let the Spaniards see that in the form of punishment there appeared more bitterness than if they had cast them into the sea.
Thus Cornwallis has now a narration of the course holden with both the Ambassadors by seven or eight of his Majesty's greatest councillors to which they do not expect at the next meeting that the Spaniards shall make any great reply; for one reason because they see that the Ambassador would fain linger any second meeting until he has answer to the dispatches he last sent into Spain upon the apprehension of Ball, upon which subject although he was told that they easily believed that he had multiplied as many ill interpretations as he could to distaste Spain of that proceeding, yet they desired him to remember that the sour fruits which Cornwallis has gathered of his former labours can have no relations to that conceit which Ball's matter could beget. Not to heed an opinion that they were willing to extract something to the scandal of the Ambassador and by consequence of the amity they resolved to deliver Ball over again, except the Ambassador stand much upon his pride to refuse him. For Thomasso the brother of Jaques he has only been yet under course of examination in the Tower, though the party that is his accuser not only avows to his face as much as Salisbury has sent Cornwallis but has part of his accusation supported by another man.
Salisbury is persuaded that the Spaniards repent them of their treaty not because they are fit for war but because they made it no better than to leave a liberty of voluntary service to the States both at land and sea. They would fain draw England to procure a trade from her to the ports of Flanders, to which they know the best way is to deny justice to his Majesty's subjects in their trade in Spain, wherein consist their advantages, they having no subjects to be oppressed in England. If Cornwallis shall find his Majesty's subjects thus tyrannized in Spain as to receive no right because England will not yield to more than ever it promised it will be high time for his Majesty to bethink himself of some other course. If his Majesty and Council find such measure in his subjects' trade only as he may not be esteemed over cold in their behalf, he is fully resolved to observe to them all such proceedings as either the treaty itself or the intention of it mutually protected on both sides can require. But if the King of Spain will be angry with the King for his religion and will make himself judge of his proceedings with his own subjects then will his expectation be deceived. His Majesty's inward affection stands to conserve peace as long as he may with honour and safety, or to make a war upon good foundation, and such is his sincerity as he will no sooner resolve it but he will declare it without using any practices beforehand under the profession of his peace.
Amongst other things on Sunday sevennight some officers of the city by warrant from the High Commissioners upon complaints made by all the inhabitants dwelling near the Ambassador's house that there were continual resorts to mass made stay of 14 persons, a furlong off his house, whereupon the rest that were within stayed coming forth. It may be he will write of this but Cornwallis will easily answer it. News came no sooner that those officers had done this but present order was sent they should forbear to come near his gate that day, by which means, though it was known that persons of good quality were within, they all escaped. Of all which when they informed him as being sorry that those accidents happened, he seemed to make so light of it as he said it was not his fault, they would come in whether he would or not; to which it was temperately answered that such an answer would not be taken at Cornwallis's hands in Spain. Cornwallis may hear also that when they go abroad in their coaches some discourtesy may be offered by the common people and although the reason may easily be attributed to the reports of the ill usage of his Majesty's subjects in Spain, yet whensoever the Ambassador should produce any such the offender would be severely punished. This he was told and an apt occasion was taken to show how strangely his Majesty's own person was used in Antwerp, a fact they would hardly have believed would have been left unpunished when the party was produced. For the words in the note enclosed being proved against an Englishman, servant to Vestegen, (fn. 2) and confessed by himself he was produced before Sir Thomas Edmondes and the President Richardot but all that followed it was a sharp admonition without so much as restraint or commitment for it.
His Majesty and all the Lords remain thoroughly satisfied of Cornwallis's diligence and providence. Salisbury of whose danger by bloody practices Cornwallis has expressed his care assures him that as he believes not all so he condemns not all but the more danger is laid before him the more zealous it makes him of God and his country's service. He is newly recovered of some late indisposition accidental to some heat in his kidneys. "From his Majesty's house at Whitehall,"—27 August, 1606.
Copy. 9 pp. (227. p. 267.)
[Printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials, II, 249-253, where it is incorrectly dated 17 August.]
(2). Introduction [by the Earl of Salisbury at the Conference of the Privy Council with the Ambassadors of Spain and the Archdukes].
As it is well known of what consequence the amity is between the monarchs of Britain and Spain, not only to their own dominions but also to the whole state of Christendom, whose prosperity and quiet depends on it; so it is most agreeable to both in duty to God and Christianity, and in honour to the Princes themselves that all their actions and intentions and those of their ministers and public instruments concur in preserving the same. In which consideration sith many things have fallen out since the conclusion of the treaty, and especially of later times, which afford great occasion of complaint, which if they should be so continued would shake very dangerously the foundation of that amity which ought to be most sacred between them: his Majesty has wished a conference to be had with you in which the particularities of the complaints on both sides might be opened, debated, and either's intentions being clearly understood, such a representation be made of it to the Princes as thereby their judgments might be better confirmed of what they are to trust to in future. In the proceeding whereof, since now the occasion is offered, we have thought it the best way to reduce all things to the treaty itself (as to their centre) which must be the indifferent judge betwixt us.
The scope of all treaties has principal relation both to the Princes themselves and to the uniting of their affections, and to the free and mutual commerce betwixt their subjects, both these being so individually conjoined as the one can hardly subsist without the other.
For the Princes themselves and their affections we hope there shall never be cause of doubt, when things shall be rightly understood. It is then the subject and their commerce which have received the wound and must needs be cured, lest the anguish (as from the body rising into the head) might unhappily endanger the whole frame.
We will therefore first deduct our own grief and then we will be ready to receive yours, and we doubt not but to yield you the best satisfaction in them that can be. Our complaints are of several natures, first general and directly against the articles of the treaty; as—
"Imbarquing" [embargoing] of our ships, which lately was done at Lisbon contrary to the 28 Article:
Continuing of the 30 per 100 in divers places of the King of Spain's dominions, 2 years after the publishing of the treaty, and for anything we know yet continued, contrary to the 13 article:
Taking of our mariners forcibly out of our ships to make them serve in theirs, contrary to the whole scope of the treaty:
Confiscating of ships and whole ladings for a small quantity of prohibit goods, as was in the cause of the Vinyard, against the 24 article:
Putting our men into the Inquisition without laying any particular charge to them; forcing and beating them to do reverence to the Sacrament in the street, contrary to the private article.
Imposing of new impositions and continuing of other exactions at their pleasure, contrary to the 13 article.
Others are particular for divers wrongs and injuries received, and for denial of justice in them.
Lastly for many indignities and unkindnesses, which though they cannot be directly expostulated as breach of treaty, yet have they such dependency of it as cannot be separated salva et illæsa amicitia.
Copy. 2 pp. (227. p. 276.)
(3) Certain clauses collected out of Sir Charles Cornwallis's letters which were read to the Spanish Ambassador. Notwithstanding I have lately procured the King's letters to all his ports for the good usage of his Majesty's subjects, yet I find that in all places they receive as many grievances as ever, which of force must either proceed out of the evil disposition of those people or from some connivancy here.
When I was with the Duke of Lerma he objected to me that of late the King's Ambassador could obtain neither favour nor justice but was disgracefully used by his Majesty's ministers. Whereupon when I told the Duke that he should do me a great favour to let me know the names of the parties, he answered "angerly" that he needed not particulate any, for it was from them all.
Though for many that sue I have procured promises and faithgiving from the principal men in this State, yet I can as yet not obtain any performance for any neither in the whole nor any part, nor receive any one reason either satisfactory or so much as probable.
Upon their continual and daily promises here of a final good dispatch in the merchants' causes I have thus long expected them with patience. Finding now so great alterations in their dispositions and how dear fugitives and detractors of my Sovereign and his State are become unto them, and no performance of anything they promise, neither my duty to the King nor charity to the poor merchants that suffer would permit me to omit any longer in this particularity to certify the truth of all their causes.
Don Louis Fachardo at his last being abroad with his navy met with certain ships of London laden with corn and bound for Seville. He took the masters and first set their necks in the stocks, after removed them into the admiral, and then with his own hands did as much to their legs, reviling and calling them heretics. Lutherans, dogs and enemies of Christ, threatening to hang them and in conclusion having made them pay for the powder he shot at them returned them to their ships.
At my last access with the Duke of Lerma when I moved him for the poor men that remain here in the galleys and were taken in the West Indias, he sharply and shortly answered that Don Louis should be called to account for that he did not instantly execute them all.
In the cause of Mr. Mathew when his Majesty's testimony was alleged (which ought to be instar mille testium) it was absolutely rejected because his Majesty was not within the obedience of the Church; and thereupon notwithstanding that the advocate of the cause replied that to the testimony of a King there could not be admitted any just exception, especially against his Majesty of Scotland upon that point being by public act neither denounced not excommunicated, yet were the sentences given in such sort as appears, upon pretence only that they were goods of English.
The cause of Thomas Anderson, notwithstanding that his business is by the King and officers determined, the value of his ship proportioned and his time of services rated, yet he is now put over to the King's confessor; who notwithstanding that I sent a gentleman to him in my name returned this answer, that they should depart en ora mala, for he would not speak with "Ingleses."
There is lately a letter written by North the Ambassador's secretary in which he troubled himself very much to make Garnet innocent and to make known the general good inclination in England to the Roman Catholic religion; as arguments of both he instanced a sorrow expressed by the people for the Jesuits putting to death, and that when the executioner showed his head and bade God save the King, there was not one would bestow an Amen! but instead thereof fell upon the hangman, who escaped hardly with his life, &c.
Secretary Andreas de Prada, to whom all English causes are now referred, being sent unto from his Majesty's Ambassador for answer to a memorial of complaints made answer to Mr. Hawkesword his secretary and to Cottington, a gentleman of his chamber, that indeed he had order from the Council of State to make answer to all matters concerning the Ambassador and his present affairs, and he would accordingly make answer by order; and so forthwith, not once touching any matters of the memorial, he fell abruptly to accuse the State of England of unthankfulness and injustice, and to have broken the conditions of the peace, particularising that there was no justice done unto the subjects of Spain, their Ambassador disgraced in England, and the seas full of men-of-war robbing and foiling the Spaniards more than in time of war, and that they found and were so resolved it were better for them to have war than peace: and thereof was cause the Earl of Salisbury, who endeavoured by all means to set all the world together by the ears, being pity such a one should live, and that the King had the worst ministers of any prince in the world. Even all of them both at home and abroad being all bad, but especially the Earl of Salisbury who was the sole cause and procurer of the laws against the Catholics, several times repeating it was pity he did live: all which was spoken with much vehemency.
Copy. 2¾ pp. (227. p. 278.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 28. At my going out of your chamber I met Mr. Venables of Andover attending to speak with you, of whom he pretends and has signified to many he has extraordinarily deserved by letting you have the farm of Trelands in Dorsetshire for half that it was worth; although I know you paid him to the value as at the Court I answered him; he having gained by that farm only 1000l. at least and to the college never paid one penny fine, as before you he shall not deny. Since, he has much troubled his Majesty in the progress and with more clamour intends to pursue his suit. I have not only offered to Venables wholly to submit to your order but signified both by word and petition, which enclosed is the copy of, and to my Lord of Montgomery have made such offers as I think he will say are profitable for Mr. Venables to hearken unto.—"From my lodging at the sign of the old Bishop of Canterbury at Gray's Inn Lane corner, at one Mr. Davis his house, grocer, August 28, 1606."
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 75.)
Sir Thomas Shirley the Elder to the Same.
1606, August 29. I have been a long suitor both to my Lord Treasurer and your lordship in sundry things. You both give me one answer, that you liked not to give your opinion apart and alone. One of my suits I present you enclosed that mightily stands me upon to obtain, not for profit but to ease myself of a bond as I once told you; for so I may have that value I little regard how good or bad they may prove, and I know the choice will be very bare after so great cutting as of late has been, having myself lately holpen some friends with the best of that kind that I know in all England. If when my Lord Treasurer and your lordship happen to be together you will put this into question and by your means I may obtain it I shall hold myself most bound to you for ever. For other things whereof I moved you I will forbear at this time to trouble you.—29 August, 1606.
PS.—I make no doubt but that this kind of doubling the rent is beneficial for the King also.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 79.)
The Enclosure:
Petition of Sir Thomas Shirley, knight. That in regard at the request of the Queen there was taken from him the parsonage of St. Saviour's in Southwark, co. Surrey, being the only privy thing that would have yielded him present money to pay his debts, and that the rest of the impropriations already granted him by his Majesty prove to be of much less value than he expected, his Highness would afford him the yearly value of 200l. more of impropriations in fee farm; for which he will also give his Majesty an annual rent of 200l. according to the tenor of his Majesty's grant already to him; beseeching his Highness to allow him towards the same so much in value as his Majesty was to have bestowed upon Mr. Elpheston, if he would have forborne the parsonage aforesaid.
½ p. (117. 78.)
Deaths in Westminster.
1606. August 29. Certificate of such as died and were buried within the city and liberty of Westminster for the week ending 29 August. 1606.
St. Margaret's 5 whereof of the plague 4. St. Martin's in the Fields 10 of the plague. St. Clement's 3 of the plague.
Signature illegible. ½ p. Damaged. (214. 55.)
Roger Manners to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 31. I very heartily thank you for furthering my suit to his Majesty, and am very sorry their lordships would not allow thereof, which I well hoped they would have done, for I have been long known to every one of them and in my life never gave any of them cause of offence; my only desire being but to have had something to have showed for myself, to prevent such trouble as may be offered me by such as know me not. Wherefore, hold me still in your good opinion and let not the world think you have forsaken me: for you shall ever find me a loyal subject to his Majesty, and to you and yours a faithful friend. I have occasion for my private business to go into Lincolnshire to my house at Uffington, where I would think myself happy [if] you would command me any service. And for myself if this may not be had by your means I will never seek help of others, but let God dispose of me as shall please Him.—At Great St. Bartholomew's, 31 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 80.)
Lord Carew to the Same.
1606, August 31. I am bold to recommend a matter commended to me by some of the officers of the Ordnance and of some instant necessity for the use of that office. Many years since the Master Smith had a workhouse upon the top of the hill in the Tower not far from the Lieutenant's lodging, which by your father and Sir Walter Mildmay (being commissioners for some causes in the Tower) was thought to be inconvenient; first, for that the smoke of the forge was noisome to the Lieutenant's house, to which the Lords of the Council at sundry times had repair at their coming to the Tower; and besides very dangerous to have a place where great fires must continually be used so near the store house and White Tower where the gunpowder is placed. Therefore they ordered that the workhouse for the Master Smith should be in the lower part of the Tower where now the Mint is, and, I am informed, caused a house to be built there for his dwelling and to work in, which ever since has been used for service of the office of the Ordnance, and from time to time repaired upon the ordinary allowance to the same. I pray that this bearer Thomas Plaice, now the Master Smith, may be restored to that which his predecessors many years have held, and now kept from him; whose great sufficiency for the execution of that office is much commended to me.—Savoy, this last of August, 1606.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (117. 81.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August. My conscience assuring me that whatsoever has been conceived of my course I never revolted from my devotion to the King and the State, I cannot but hope God will put into your mind at last to have compassion of me, which makes me renew my suit to you for some relief. For which purpose I have by petition addressed the whole body of the Lords [of the Council], knowing indeed that formally the discharge cannot come from one for a thing done by more than yourself. But your lordship knows my case right only, which may be to others not so excusable in appearance. Whereupon notwithstanding I stand not; but relying wholly upon your wisdom and equity, pray I may at least remain upon your commandments at mine own house till I may with your favours obtain a full leave to live somewhere else out of the way, and bestow myself as shall be thought best for your satisfaction; and the meanwhile provide for my poor family.—This—of August 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 82.)
Lord D'Aubigny.
[1606, ? August]. Mr. Attorney General's answer touching the commission for concealments, which was intended to be made for the benefit of the Lord Aubigney:—
The commission now in force touching defective titles and concealments authorises the commissioners sufficiently to compound for all kinds of defective titles and concealments. The commissioners may make compositions for concealments informed to them both by the Lord Aubigney and any for him, as by Mr. Tipper. If the King grant another commission to the same commissioners for the matters comprised in the former commission, it will revoke the first commission. Therefore Mr. Attorney does not think fit to draw any such commission.
In respect whereof, the Lord Aubigney desires a warrant in writing to be directed to Mr. Attorney General to draw such articles and warrant from his Majesty, as Mr. Tipper has, and signifying the King's pleasure for the granting of all such feefarm rents and compositions as shall be laid down by the commissioners for such concealments as shall be discovered by the Lord Aubigney, or any for him, or so much thereof as his Majesty shall think fit, and for what time his Highness shall be pleased to give the Lord Aubigney that benefit.
Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 136.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 328.]
The Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
[1606, ? August]. The Lord Warden by prescription has ever had the government of the passage within the ports and power to license all manner of persons to pass beyond the seas. The Lord Warden from time to time has deputed commissioners in every several port. In [anno] 2° of the King a statute was made to restrain women and children to pass out of the realm without special licence under the hands of 6 of the Lords of the Council.
Presently, to ease them of the trouble of so many suitors, a commission was granted to the Lord Warden, notwithstanding the Act, to give passes to those persons prohibited.
Now comes the proclamation [Aug. 23] and forbids any to pass without licence from four of the Council, whereof the principal secretary to be one. Since, a commission is again granted by his Majesty to the Lord Warden to license women and children only, which derogates much from the reputation of his place.
Therefore his desire is that you would give order to Mr. Solicitor that drew this other commission to draw it anew as well for men as women.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 79.)
The King of Denmark's Suite.
[1606, August]. "Nobiles quotquot sunt in comitatu Si Regis Daniae, Nor., &c."
Albertus Schee. marescellus; Magnus Ulfeld, Vice-Admiral; Christianus Berneko; Jacobus Ulfeld; Corvitius Rud, cubicularius; Andreas Sinklar, cubicularius; Caspar Millitz, capitaneus. The above 100l. each. Magnus Gide, magister venationum, and 14 others, including an "architiclinus." "pocillator et cubicularius," and "ciborum pergustator et cubicularius"; 50l. each.—Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "A note of the money to be given." 1 p. (193. 26.)
The Gunpowder Plot Conspirators.
1606, August. Epigrams by John Favor, vicar of Halifax, on the Gunpowder Plot conspirators.
e.g., "Percy. Pearce-eye. Pearcye wold pearce the eyes of King and State and lead them blind wiw his traiterous bate."
Latin and English. 1 p. (140. 104.)


  • 1. Macquemet in Winwood's Memorials.
  • 2. Werstegan in Winwood's Memorials.