Cecil Papers: April 1606, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1606, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp112-127 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1606, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp112-127.

"Cecil Papers: April 1606, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp112-127.

April 1606, 16-30

Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, April 16. Since his last written a few days since the President Ricardott has been with him and made a bitter complaint how much the Archdukes hold themselves wronged in respect of a great disgrace offered, as they pretend, to their Ambassador in England, who having been invited with the Venetian Ambassador by Sir Lewis Leuknor in his Majesty's name to see the tilting on the Coronation day and assured that he would be allowed precedency of the Venetian Ambassador, afterwards to avoid discontenting the latter they were both unbidden and desired to abstain from coming. The Archdukes take it as a great affront as they allege it has ever been the right of the Dukes of Burgundy to be ranked next to the crowned Kings. Arguments between Edmondes and Ricardott touching the matter. No reasons that the former alleged could satisfy but the latter's conclusion was that the Archdukes thought fit in regard of the accident to forbear now to send the Count St. Aldigonde to his Majesty as they had formerly intended. Edmondes's reply was that the Archdukes would therein principally take a revenge against themselves and would give occasion to all to think they sought to strain the occasion to recriminate upon the English for the just cause they knew in their consciences they had given them to be ill satisfied for not delivering his Majesty's traitorous subjects. Ricardott alleged the further cause of discontentment given them by restraining the King's subjects to pass to the Archdukes' service, whilst granting daily liberty therein to the States, though before he had professed that for his part he did not much esteem the service of the Englishmen here.
Finds by them here that if his Majesty would send for Hoboque and use him with kindness in regard of the accidents which have passed, it would much salve the matter. These Princes have been bred in the custom of apprehending more nicely the points of honour than those of more serious substance. The Ambassador's wife too, who has a chief voice in the Chapter, is much discontented that she is not more favourably used and oftener visited, and much importunes for the revoking of her husband.
Yesterday order was taken for the setting of Baily at liberty, so now only Owen remains prisoner.—16 April, 1606.
Copy. 4¾ pp. (227. p. 215.)
[Original in P.R.O., State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Roger Manners to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], April 17. The King made stay of the parsonage of Bennington for him, wherein he has yet 20 years to come; and ordered that Sir Thomas Sherley should forbear it, and furnish himself elsewhere. Notwithstanding this, Sherley has sued to proceed, and his petition has been referred to the Lord Treasurer. He encloses a copy of the petition and his answer, and prays Salisbury to satisfy the Lord Treasurer of the King's pleasure in his behalf.—Enfyld, 17 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 7.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1606, April 17. So soon as I came back this morning to the Tower, Garnet's keeper told me that Garnet had been very earnest with him to go to Richard Fullwood from him (for you know Garnet conceives that Fullwood is in prison) and to will him in any case to take heed, if he were asked any question by the Commissioners concerning the "lls" [Lords], to confess nothing of them. This he twice very carefully prayed his keeper to say to Fullwood. His keeper, to draw him on, asked him what "lls." It is no matter, said Garnet, if you tell him as I bid you. he will understand my meaning. He told him further, when he had delivered the message to him, than he would write. This I set down verbatim, as the keeper tells it me, whom on my faith I never found untrue hitherto in one word. For daily if Garnet say any to him he reports it to me; if he had no speech of anything he says as much. This morning he might securely deal with his keeper, for I locked them both up myself, and took away the key. It may please you to keep this scribbled letter, because they are the very words the keeper delivers. He is very angry the letters were not burned which lately were taken.—17 April, 1606.
PS.—I think Phillips's servant, that ordinarily attends upon his master, could easily find the means to apprehend Fullwood, who is the only trusted man by the Jesuits.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 6.)
Eliza Vaux to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, April 17]. I have been a long suitor to you for leave to go into the country for recovery of my health and to avoid the great charges I live at here; and I find my suit and myself so wholly neglected that I cannot but marvel what has made so great a change in you, from whom I found such honourable usage before; as when I was last at the Council table you showed that care, both of my health and estate, as I could not think how to yield sufficient thanks. Since then I cannot accuse myself that I have given you the least cause of alteration. If any have incensed you against me, I shall be highly bound to you but to let me come to my trial.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "17 April, 1606." 1 p. (116. 22.)
The Bishop of Gloucester to the Same.
1606, April 18. Recommends the bearer, Thomas Harlowe, son-in-law of William Okey, late Keeper of the Gatehouse, deceased, for the keepership. Harlowe lived under his government in Christ Church, Oxon, almost 7 years, where he demeaned himself very religiously and studiously,—At my house in Westminster College, 18 April, 1606.
Holograph, signed: Tho. Gloucester. 1 p. (116. 9.)
Sir Christopher Roper to the Same.
1606, April 18. He begs Salisbury to further his suit for the education of his son in languages and learning. He promises to take all possible care against giving the least offence either to Salisbury or the State thereby.—18 April, 1606.
Holograph, signed: Chr. Rooper. ½ p. (116. 10.)
Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1606, April 18. I omitted to put you in mind yesterday touching the two Grymes [Grahams] which are committed to the King's Bench for sundry robberies and murders committed by them on the Borders. If justice be not done on these, and the principal of their families removed from the Borders, it may be doubted the King's charges will be long continued; and these Borders not made clear of such rapines; which I leave to your consideration. It seems the Earl of Cumberland will be pleased to be at the charge to convey them down; and my Lord Bishop of Carlisle well knows the condition of these men. These Easter holidays, in which Mr. Speke, Mr. Serjeant Croke and Mr. Solicitor have some time of rest, if it may seem good to you that they might deal somewhat in the examination of Sir Charles Yelverton, David King and Whythere, and one Lanware alias Edwards, lately taken, and whom Garnet seems to grieve at his apprehension, it may haply prepare somewhat ready against Mr. Attorney's return. I have particularly written unto Mr. Lieutenant concerning these persons.—Stooke, 18 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (116. 11.)
Sir Henry Touneshend to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], April 19. I have been performing my duty at Chester in the Exchequer there the 14th of April, where I have ordered 65 causes in the book of hearing, besides rules; and yet I had as many and more at my last sitting the week before Christmas, and shall not be altogether idle at my circuits a fortnight hence at Chester. Being now at Chester I heard that some information was or would be preferred to you of some petty fees that I had newly erected to the charge of the subjects. Albeit I know your judicial disposition not to condemn me before I answer, it may please you to understand that there be as many causes depending and have been dispatched in my time, as double for the time formerly, howsoever you are informed. But upon a petition preferred by Mr. Dod, Baron of the Exchequer there, alleging that his pains was not recompensed, and his ancient fees withdrawn by his careless predecessor and his deputy, little resident there upon the place, my Lord of Derby commended earnestly the said petition to me. Whereupon I conferred with Mr. Glaceour, who seemed forwards to me on Mr. Dod's behalf. Then I conferred with all the attorneys and officers of the Court, who all subscribed to an order what fees of right belonged to the place due to the Baron Office. Notwithstanding, I was so careful that I commanded the Baron not to put the fees in execution until your and my Lord Derby's pleasure were known; which was and is performed accordingly. Mr. Dod intends after this Parliament to acquaint your lordships with it. For any action that I have done or shall do in that Court, I desire before any hard conceit be had of me that the accusation may be examined, and shall take the same as a recompense for my service.—From his Majesty's Castle of Ludlow, this Easter even.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606"; also the following names: Sir H. Townsend, Sir Rich. Lewkner, Justice Owen, Justice Walmsley, Justice Gaudy. Justice Warburton, Sir Jh. Foster. 1½ pp. (193. 54.)
Anthony Ersfeild to the Same.
[1606], April 19. Near the Isle of Wight, in a little harbour called Meadhole, there are associated 20 or 30 loose seafaring men that rob and spoil by sea whom they can catch, and have taken a Frenchman loaden with wines and other commodities. The chief is one Turner, a Suffolk man. What prejudice these coasts may have if they be not suppressed, I leave to your censure. If I may have warrant to apprehend them and the like, whereby to be secured from the penalty of the law in case by violence some might be slain, I will employ my best endeavours to hinder their unlawful courses. Since my last I received the Council's letters, wherein you authorise me to the custody of this place, until his Majesty dispose of it. I will perform faithfully the trust. Here is now a fleet of 9 great ships belonging to the Hollanders, bound for the East Indies.—Portsmouth, 19 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 12.)
Viscount Lisle to the King.
1606, April 20. He begs to be appointed general examiner, for the examination of all deponents upon all commissions to be directed out of the English Courts, with power to appoint deputies. The appointment will be no prejudice to any officers of the Courts, and a wonderful ease to the subjects in travail and charge, the business more justly performed, and neither party out-countenanced.
Note at foot: The King refers the petition to the Lord Chancellor and others for report.—20 April, 1606.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (116. 14.)
The Enclosure:
Considerations to show the commissions directed out of the English Courts for examination of witnesses will be better executed by special examiners, sworn and appointed in every county, than by commissioners nominated at large, as now they are.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606. L. Lisle." 2 pp. (116. 13.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 21. Sends a present of a couple of pheasants, and half a dozen partridges; and offers to send him shortly "young pheasants cut and crammed like capons, whose taste very much differs in daintiness from their own nature."
He is informed that Sir Edward Parham landed here secretly from the Low Countries, remained some time under counterfeit name and habit for the dispatch of some business with suspected persons and suddenly departed, it is not known whither.—My poor house at St. Giles, Wimborne, 21 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 15.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
1606, April 21. With a petition, apparently concerning the sale of some of his lands. Details of proceedings in the matter, which has been referred to the Lord Treasurer and Salisbury. The land has been surveyed, as well that which he desires to free, as that which he offers to assure. He begs Salisbury to sign the certificate, wherein it appears his Majesty gives nothing away. He will reserve the King's gifts, when he thinks him worthy of any, to matters which may be of profit.—21 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 129.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 22. The Marquis of St. German landed yesterday at the Downs, whither I went instantly from Dover with 5 coaches and 12 horses to receive him, and so brought him to Dover. This day I have brought him to Canterbury. He was met on Barram Down by Sir Moyle Finch, the High Sheriff, with very near 40 knights and gentlemen, all singularly well horsed, and very well furnished; by which troop he was very honourably and to his great contentment conducted to his lodging in Canterbury. To-morrow he intends to go to Rochester, and Thursday morning to Gravesend, and thence to London the same day. He makes great haste to return, and if his Majesty dispose not otherwise of him, he intends not to stay above 6 or 7 days; and to that end, by secret motion from Don Blasco, I have written to my Lord Chamberlain about his first audience on Saturday next. If it shall be so pleasing to his Majesty, and if the Queen and the Prince would also be present, it would be a great advancement to his dispatch, being tied to many compliments which he must receive and perform from and to other Ambassadors, which will spend him some days. He has brought with him from the Queen of Spain sundry presents to the Queen, which they give out to be very rich.—Canterbury, 22 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 16.)
Postal endorsements: "Canterbury tuesday 22th of April at 6 a clock in the eveninge hast hast post post hast hast with dyligence. Lewes Lewkenor. Settingborne the 22th day of aprill at 9 a Clocke at night. Rochester at 11 aclock at night. Darford at five in the morninge."
C. de Harlay to the Same.
1606, April 22/May 2. He acknowledges Salisbury's letter, assuring him of the confidence he had in him during his stay in Great Britain; which he will always endeavour to preserve. M. de la Boderie is now going to succeed him there, and brings this letter. He assures Salisbury of la Boderie's sufficiency and sincerity, and of his respect to Salisbury; to whom he will endeavour to make himself agreeable, according to the charge laid upon him. Thanks him for the news of the English State which he has sent him by Du Jardin.
In accordance with Salisbury's wish he has told the King of Salisbury's gratitude for his Majesty's good opinion of him as shown by his treatment of his nephew Monsieur de Res [Roos]. By the latter he is bidden to assure Salisbury that the King confirms more and more every day by good offices his knowledge of his lordship's prudent and religious services in the conservation of the amity between himself and the King, Salisbury's master. Having heard three days ago of the death of the Earl of Evenchiere [Devonshire] the King told de Harlay of his great grief at his loss both on account of the Earl's own merits but still more on Salisbury's account, knowing by de Harlay his great friendship for him and how he had been assisted in all his good intentions by him. Cannot let the occasion pass without testifying to his own great regret at the death of this brave and gallant "cavallier," both on Salisbury's account and on that of his friends and the whole kingdom.—Paris, 2 May, 1606.
Signed. French. Endorsed: "Monsieur de Beaumont." 2 pp. (116. 30.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 23. I received your answer by my Lord Carew, that the Parliament ended, you would further my suit. I would wait on you, but I having had 6 of my children at once visited with the measles and the seventh dead, I would not presume to breathe on you or put my foot in the Court till I had purged my family in a clearer air. I desire warrant to Mr. Dodryge, his Majesty's solicitor, to draw up my book for my fee farm, by the pattern of my lease which I have under the great seal; that his Majesty by your good means may sign it.—Kewe, 23 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 17.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, April 23. Presumes to let his lordship know that it has been lately written hither out of France that when the Marquis of St. Germain came to Paris care was taken to put on some familiar friends to demand of him how he could assure himself to be welcome in England considering the refusal made by the King of Spain his master to satisfy his Majesty's demand for the delivery of his traitorous subjects. He answered that he carried with him what would give good contentment, which he made himself to be understood to be not only rich presents but authority to propound some offers for a marriage between the Prince and the Infanta of Spain; that if James would mediate for the reducing of those of Holland to obedience, whereby to make an end of the war, the King of Spain would promise to dispose of the countries now in the States' possession in the said marriage.
Salisbury will best know what is true herein but it is generally said that St. Germain is to present la carta blanca to his Majesty for stipulating of such a peace for the Hollanders as he shall think good. It is also observed for an instance of ostentation that, when he demanded his passport from the French King for his passage to England, he was not unwilling to specify therein amongst other things for presents the sum of 40,000 crowns in gold.
There is no appearance of undertaking anything here till the return of the Marquis Spinola. It seems there is a disposition to send the Count of St. Aldigonde to his Majesty after the return of St. Germain out of England.—23 April, 1606.
Copy. 1¾ pp. (227. p. 220.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
N.W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, April 24/May 4. My last to you was from Doway, wherein I told you what I had learned until then; since which time I have arrived at Bruxelles, viz. upon 27 April. The next day after my arrival I went to visit Signor Alto ("Sir Will. Stanley"), who invited me to dine with him, which I consented unto; and at dinner he, with another Colonel of this country, asked me many questions of our country; unto which I answered as I thought in discretion fittest. Amongst other things the Colonel asked me whether Signor Octaviano's ("Hugh Owen") friends did not desire to see him in England. I told him, Yes, and that they hope soon to see him there; unto which he answered, Nay, quoth he, that they are not like to do, unless Signor Augusto ("King of England") will send hither Signor N. Caroone and yourself, which he may as well require to be done, as Signor Augusto may desire to have Signor Octaviano come to him. This Colonel wished very often that the peace might not hold, and then, quoth he, we shall have other news. In the end they all resolved that they doubted not but that they should very shortly see Signor Octaviano in statu quo prius. The next day I went to visit Signor Octaviano who keeps still his chamber ("prison"), but I found him very merry, and of the same opinion concerning himself that the aforenamed gentlemen were. He told me that he might walk abroad if he would, but he would not until he saw the extremest malice of his enemies past. When he is able to walk abroad I make no doubt but we shall take some little journey out of the town to take the fresh air. I could write more particulars of this business, but I fear to commit it to common characters; therefore I pray you send me as before I have requested you. A day or two after I went to visit an old acquaintance of mine, one of the Cavalcanti ("Jesuits") come lately out of Spain, and now here residing in the place of Signor Negro ("Baldwin"); who told me that Signor Auro ("King of Spain") was exceeding angry when he heard of the course that was taken with Signor Alto and Signor Octaviano, and that he had written hither to him [sic] in their behalf. He told me further that Signor Furioso ("Creswell") went out of Spain in great haste about the midst of December last urbem versus ("Romam"), and there hath been very sick, neither is he as yet returned into Spain. He told me further that he marvelled no man did mischief Signor Augusto ("King of England"). Also he told me that Signor Augusto had no more reason to send for Signor Octaviano than Signor Auro had to send for Don Anthonio Peris, who lives in France. Signor Negro is but seldom here, but goes up and down the country from one town to another, and at this time is gone to St. Omer, but means to return hither shortly, and then to St. Omer again ere it be long, by which means I may perhaps find occasion to salute him by the way, if you think it fit: advise me by your next what I shall do in that point. One inconvenience will be that if I commence anything with him. I shall thereby discover my business with Signor Octaviano, unless I can do it by a secondary means.
There arrived here yesternight Sir Robert Basset and Mr. Geffrey Pole, lately come ab urbe, and this morning (for that Mr. Pole and I have been of old acquaintance) I went to visit them, but I had not many words with them, for Sir Robert was going in great haste to the Nuncio, with whom he said he had very earnest business.
The common report here is that the two Cavalcanti ("Jesuits Greenwell and Gerrard") mentioned in my former letters are on this side the seas, but their nearest friends tell me that they are still safe in England.—Bruxelles, 4 May, 1606, stilo novo.
PS.—There is a gentleman in this town that has often seen Signor Octaviano in company with two of them that are dead. Let your next letters to me be delivered op de greit by the Wermes Port at the house of the widow Moyson, and endorsed as you appointed.
The names and words between quotes have been inserted above the line. 2 pp. (116. 30(2).)
Captain Ellis Jones to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 25. He has held for 4 years the company which my Lord of Devonshire bestowed on him through Salisbury's recommendation, when Devonshire was at Kinsale. As the climate there destroys his health, he begs that the company may be turned into a pension of 6s. 8d. or 6s. a day.—25 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 18.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1606, April 26. Since my Lord Mayor began to offer some wrong to the liberties of this place, I have received from divers merchants of London strange opposition for that little quantity of wine which has been paid (as by good record in the Tower appears) at the least 300 years to his Majesty's Royal Castle; wherein I have had very honourable assistance of my Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Attorney General, whose chance it was to be here when my man that takes that duty was well beaten. This day one Busford, a merchant of London, has not only denied me that duty but has evil entreated my servant, and taken from him his bottles with very outrageous words; amongst others he wished the pox on all offices and officers. I have used lawful means to remedy myself, only I crave of you that if he shall complain to the Lords, that his words may be examined; and because he has with great oaths given forth that he will spend great sums of money to overthrow this privilege, and that I shall have nothing of him but by law, my suit is that we may be referred to the course of law, which will give right to us both.—26 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 21.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, April 26. Because it is a very essential matter in the execution of foreign employments not only to receive directions for things fit to be negotiated, and to execute the same with dexterity and judgment, but also to be advertised from time to time of all circumstances that are offered in the movings of affairs betwixt one state and another, I have thought good to make you here a particular relation of that which passed betwixt his Majesty and the Archdukes' Ambassador at an audience which he had some two days since, in which he dealt with his Majesty in these 2 points following. First he showed in form of a complaint how sensible the Archdukes were of an injury they reputed done unto them in the point of honour by disinviting him again at the feast of Coronation, upon pretence of competition of priority of place betwixt him and the Venetian Ambassador. Of which point because it is fit you should know the very ground I will deliver you the particulars as near as may be, as they happened. It is true that a day or two before the last Coronation his Majesty caused the Ambassador of Spain, together with the Archdukes' and of Venice, to be invited to the solemnities, with a purpose to have placed the Ambassadors of the Archdukes and of Venice as neither the one nor the other should have had just cause of discontentment by any visible marks of priority. But the Archdukes' Ambassador upon the inviting challenged precisely the precedency before the Venetian, and showed otherwise an unwillingness to come but upon those terms ; as the gentleman that was sent to invite them made report of the Archdukes' Ambassador's speeches to the Lord Chamberlain, who having acquainted his Majesty with it and considered that now they could not well admit with [sic] the one without discontenting of the other, his Majesty resolved to omit them both, being but an office of courtesy which they could not challenge by virtue of their places: and so the gentleman was returned back again to disinvite them both, who in his delivery of his message to the Archdukes' Ambassador exceeded his direction (as it seemed) only thus far, as he took upon him to deliver the reason of this disinviting, which he was not commanded to do, to be in respect that his Majesty could not well accommodate him if he expected an absolute and markable precedency. Upon this message the Archdukes' Ambassador grounding his quarrel, wrote to the Archdukes as it seems, and came to his Majesty upon the receipt of new directions to expostulate the matter as a great indignity offered to his masters, who either as Dukes of Burgundy, or as son and brother to an Emperor or as daughter to a King of Spain, had and ought to have precedency of all others beneath the condition of Kings. His Majesty having heard the Ambassador at large (who was somewhat warm in this point) made this reply, that it was strange unto him to be put to this exigent by the Archdukes as to be challenged of unkindness because he sought to content all without being driven to determine of that which yet was undetermined of any other Prince; letting him know with great coldness a great while (notwithstanding the Ambassador's heat) that no longer than yesterday the Venetian Ambassador being with his Majesty had held the like language in his own behalf, against whom, though his Majesty told him that he had disputed very plainly for the Archdukes' right, as that which in his own affection he gave him to be due unto him, yet upon the reasonable and temperate answer of the Venetian, who was willing to join this issue with his Majesty, that if the Archdukes could ever show de facto that he had it given him in any other Court, that he would yield; his Majesty could not but suspend his judgment, and therefore wondered wherein he had deserved such expostulation at the Archdukes' hands; adding this further, that if he might speak plainly unto him what the Venetian said (though he had absolutely taken the Archdukes' part to the Venetian) that where he alleged to claim it as Duke of Burgundy that was not sufficient now to carry it, for it was alleged that the title since the uniting of it in Philip and Charles of Spain is now dismembered, given to the Archduke by a donative in which are many reservations kept to Spain. And for his pretence as to an Emperor's son and brother, the world doth not acknowledge any such right in them; for the Emperors being elective, with themselves dieth their dignity, so as their children and brethren (being not otherwise qualified) can challenge no such prerogative before other sovereign princes. And for the Infanta as daughter to Spain, being now no heir immediate to the King, his Majesty saw no reason why she should ascribe unto herself more than his Majesty should do unto his own daughter, who is as you know an heir general to his kingdoms. But to the main point now in question about the disinviting, which the Ambassador alleged did proceed in his Majesty from the motive of competition betwixt the Venetian and himself, the King said it was no act of his own, but rather as apprehended by the Ambassador or used by the party happily with desire to satisfy his questions why he was disinvited ; in which case it was no wonder that a messenger might in such a degree forget himself, and yet that could hardly amount to a good exception to a Prince that had no end but honour and kindness: with which answer he said that he must rest satisfied, or else use his discretion. And in very truth, Sir, this is the plain truth. With this answer the Ambassador seeming somewhat satisfied he proceeded to the other point, concerning the delivery of Owen and Baldwin, the one not being in his master's power, and the other having many considerations of state depending upon it; for he being a person who of many years hath had much correspondency with most of the Catholics of England his delivery now might endanger them all, for that those things might be drawn from him, either by torturing or strict examining, not fit to be discovered now when there is a firm peace established. Whereunto his Majesty answered first for the general, that he had no other end in demanding him than as his subject and guilty of so abominable a treason as this was, in the pursuing whereof his Majesty thought that all princes in the world would have willingly concurred with him, even as he protested he would have done to others if the case had been theirs and that any of those criminals had remained in his power. Secondly, for the particular of discovering Catholics and their courses, his Majesty's own former assurance to the Archdukes in the word of a prince might have satisfied that scruple, that the caitiff should not have been researched for any other matters but only concerning the gunpowder treason; and for torturing or strict examining his Majesty's intention was (whereof the Ambassador could not be ignorant) that the Ambassador's house should have been his prison, and that he should not have been otherwise dealt with but in his presence and hearing. The Ambassador replied that the Archdukes would proceed against him there if his Majesty would send over the papers to accuse him. But his Majesty answered that seeing they had denied to send him his subject to be tried here according to the laws and customs of his native country, his Majesty was loth to send any papers or accusations over, not knowing how they might be scanned and construed there by the formalities of their laws, whereby a double scorn might be drawn upon him. But, said his Majesty, it is now in vain to speak of new trials, seeing the wretch is already condemned by public sentence of the whole Parliament, which sentence the Archdukes might see if they would. The Ambassador replied, if his Majesty would impart that sentence to the Archdukes it might be he should have satisfaction. But his Majesty said that at the end of the Parliament the sentence should be extant in print and the Ambassador might buy it if he would for 12d. and send it to his masters; for he that already failed him in his own honour, and had been delayed so long for answer and now gat no better, meant not to expect other than new distinctions and refusals; for which cause he will no further expostulate than only to desire the Archdukes to believe that he would have done more for their sakes. The Ambassador made instance of the Archdukes' readiness to have assisted his Majesty's Ambassador there in the apprehending of Captain Blont, yea, if needed, to have compelled him, but, said he, your Ambassador ever refused it. His Majesty answered that he had not directed his Ambassador to demand Blont in that kind, seeing Owen was denied him, against whom there were so palpable and notorious proofs of guiltiness. But howsoever it was, as his Majesty had demanded in all these nothing by virtue of any contract of friendship or treaty but merely jure gentium, and out of courtesy amongst princes; so being now refused by the Archdukes he leaves it to the judgment of the world whether the Archdukes ought to expect any more at his Majesty's hands but such things as he is directly bound unto by the treaty. Upon these terms they brake off, and the Ambassador seemed to depart not well satisfied. All which partialities I have only related for your knowledge, not that you should take any occasion to speak of it yourself, but only as occasion shall be offered to you that you might be able to satisfy them accordingly if happily the Ambassador have in anything misconceived or misinterpreted his Majesty's upright and sincere meaning in it.
For our occurrences the Marquis of St. Germain is arrived and this day is to receive his first audience. To-morrow being Sunday his Majesty doth purpose to feast him and to dispatch him with all the expedition that may be, according to the Marquis's desire.
For Garnet, the cause of the protraction of his execution hath partly grown by reason of the holy week, as they call it, before Easter, and the holy days following; and partly because of this delay there have many things been discovered by him which serve to very good use in his Majesty's service. It is now resolved that on Wednesday next he shall be executed.—26 April, 1606.
PS.—Since the writing of this letter I have received yours of the 16th in which I have observed the reasons which you have used on his Majesty's behalf, which are such as for one that had no manner of light from hence or foreknowledge of the business in question, but was driven only to resort to the strength of your own reason, could not be made better ; and amongst others the argument of the access of power to Spain to prove his pretended precedency hath not been forgotten here. And his Majesty also reasoning with the Venetian against his argument of the dismembered state of the Archdukes as Duke of Burgundy, used this reason unto him, that the Venetians were not to be considered now as heretofore they were, when they had the title of Kings of Cyprus.
Copy. 6¼ pp. (227. p. 221.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 27. Among other impropriations, he made choice of a parsonage in Lincolnshire called Long Benington, in which Mr. Roger Manners has a lease. He had a particular rated for it, and was ready to pass it; but Mr. Manners procured from the King a stay thereof. He informed the King that he was much wronged thereby, as he had paid for it by the assurance of his own land to the King for the payment of 1,000l. yearly. The King has referred the cause to the Lord Treasurer, and he begs Salisbury to favour him therein.—27 April, 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (116. 23.)
Sir Richard Moryson to the Same.
[1606, April 28.] He much feels the loss of his government, both in reputation as a soldier, and in his means to live in the latter part of his age; but submits himself to this censure, being more comforted in the testimonies he has received of Salisbury's good opinion, than the loss of fortune can countervail. He begs that for his services in the wars he may be allowed a pension; and in respect of the places he has held in Ireland, he desires to be made a councillor.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "28 April, 1606." 1 p. (116. 24.)
William James, Dean of Durham, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 30. I have been certified by divers friends of your favour in that wherein they have been troublesome to you; for which I am ever most bounden. My Lord of Dunbar at his passing has signified to me your constant affection, notwithstanding all oppositions, and has wished me to be a dependant on you, by whose means he hoped there might be obtained that which is desired.
Helenor Jackson, committed by me and others for saying that the 5th of November, the day of Percy's devilish design, should end them or mend them, she being an obstinate recusant, and no doubt privy to their hellish plot, and a great carrier of news from house to house, has lately cut her own throat in the gaol here. You have taken an honourable part in the cause. Let papists and atheists band themselves: his Majesty's good subjects will and do carry you in their hearts, and daily in their prayers and speeches make honourable remembrance of you.— Duresm, 30 April, 1606.
Holograph, signed: W. James. Endorsed: "Dean of Durham." 1 p. (116. 25.)
Lord Dirletoun to the Same.
[1606], April 30. This afternoon his Majesty read that letter you sent me; and I delivered likewise to him Garnet's assertions, which he looked to have. Howsoever Mr. Myrrie, the Clerk of the Kitchen, did "pinass" either his Majesty or you; yet I can assure you the King was exceeding merry, and no man so well at his pleasure as myself; and for that I must thank you. His Majesty thinks (for this matter of the Church, which you think shall die in the Lower House) it will be wakened in the Upper House; and no man so careful as you before it should perish altogether. You will receive here enclosed the two letters you sent to me. His Majesty minds by the grace of God the morrow to make for Newmarket, because the very day before he came to this town, there died one old man and a child. For Montgomery's match, he got the forfeit of 100l., and then as I think for 40s. the horses ran. But my fellow Montgomery did go before ever. His Majesty is well pleased, and has had good sport at the hunting this morning.—Royston, last of April.
Holograph. Endorsed "1606." 1 p. (116. 26.)
The Gunpowder Plot.
[1606, April]. Interrogatories addressed to [Henry Garnet].
Who they were that were sent from hence to Rome, about a twelvemonth hence, from whom, what was the message etc.
Whether was not the letter written by Coffyn sent to him, or if it were sent to any other, to whom was it sent, and who showed it unto him; what is the meaning of the postscript of Father Parsons's hand.
Of whose hand is the cipher that was found in his chamber, and between whom.
1. Who came to him in his lodging in Thames Street, in the company of Catesby besides Tesmond.
2. What lodgings he had in London besides that in Thames Street.
3. What he knows of Phillips, and the correspondence he has with Owyn and Baldwyn; how long has he been acquainted with the same.
How many letters have come to Phillips in his packets; by what endorsement, and how often did he write back.
What other advertisement did Phillips send to him by Richard Fullwood.
4. To declare the truth where the Bulls are that were sent to him a year before the decease of the late Queen; and whether he durst adventure to burn them without leave.
To make now a true declaration of the several conferences between him and Tesmond concerning the Powder Treason.
What conference he had at any time with Tesmond or in his presence, of a Protector that should be chosen, after the blow given, and who should have the chief authority.
Was there not a proposition amongst them to have spared the King, Queen and Prince. How was that overruled.
5. Did not you will Tesmond to tell Abington you wished him to take arms and join with the traitors or Catholics because there was no other way left.
6. To declare the truth what passed at Caughton [Coughton] between you and him.
Whether was not Richard Fullwood with you both at Caughton and Henlipp; to what purpose came he down thither, and how was he employed in any of those occasions. What letters brought he to you, and from whom.
Who is Treasurer under him to the Jesuits.
What sums of money hath he conveyed of late to beyond the seas, and to what place.
7. Whether hath he not since the discovery of the treason spoken with Tesmond after the Wednesday the 6th of November when he was at Caughton, and if he have, in what place, and what was the conference.
8. What letters hath he written unto him in that time, and to what effect.
9. Did he not advise him, if he came in question, to use the matter so as the credit of the Jesuits might be saved as much as might be, and in no case to confess that they were contrivers or authors of this project.
10. Did he not likewise agree with him or advise him not to discover any nobleman.
11. What other gentlemen of quality or noblemen were thought upon as fit persons to furnish horses upon the negotiation of Winter and Tesmond.
What letters had Baynam from any person besides yourself, when he went to Rome.—Undated.
Endorsed: "April 1606. Interrogatories." 2 pp. (116. 28.)
An. Milles to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, ? April]. Living within a mile of Canterbury Park, I desire your lordship's cloth to attend this St. George's Day, than which nothing would more raise my dejected thoughts.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 37.)
The inhabitants of Lewisham to the Same.
[1606,? April or May]. They have always had common of pasture for their cattle, and estovers and shreddings of trees growing in the common called Westwood within the manor of Lewisham. At the suit of Henry Newporte, Yeoman of the King's Boiling House, a commission was awarded to find a parcel of waste in Lewisham called Westwood to be the King's, and inquire particulars thereof. The commissioners sat on 25 April, 1606, and the greater part of the jury meant to give their verdict that Westwood was the King's waste and yet a common; but the jury were dissolved. Since then Newporte goes about to get sinister testimony against them, and to prevent them from giving their evidence as defendants of their rights of common. They are above 500 poor householders greatly relieved by the common, and would be utterly undone if it should be unjustly taken from them; and they beg the Earl's aid as High Steward of Lewisham.— Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (116. 19.)