Cecil Papers: April 1606, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1606, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp92-112 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1606, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp92-112.

"Cecil Papers: April 1606, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp92-112.

April 1606, 1-15

N.W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, April 1. I have written to you of late 3 letters, one from Dover and 2 from Calais, in every of which I have made some mention of 2 brothers of the name of Calvacanti, who were come or to come into these parts. But I have learned since that my grounds whereupon I then wrote were not certain, and therefore you cannot directly build upon what I have said in my former; always I held it my duty to let you understand what I had heard in that business; for although (as far as I know yet) it has not proved as I wrote, yet by that which I understood coming along Kent, the business was of many desired to have been put in execution. When I come to St. Omers I shall be able to inform you what my friends there know concerning that point. In the mean[time], I desire to have order for the proceeding in my journey, for since my coming hither my hopes of good success in that business are exceedingly increased, which I doubt not (God permitting me) but well to effect, as also many other businesses worthy your knowledge, only that excepted which yourself desires not to be effected; and assure yourself in the word of an honest man (for that is always my oath) I have resolved to do you all the good offices that I may or can. But you will perhaps marvel that I promise to do these many offices and stand still upon profession of honesty. Let it not trouble you, Sir, for I will (God willing) do all these offices I speak of, and more also, and yet do no more than the law of my profession will allow me. I will make no great brags nor solemn protestations, but in one plain word I dare assure you that a man of greater show and better endowments shall not (perhaps) be able to do you that service that I shall. I desire but your patience till time shall prove in deed what I now speak. Captain Turner (as he calls himself) embarked himself here upon Sunday last from London. I doubt not but you have heard of him ere this, and I know your wisdom understands rightly in what sort to use him; but he has been held here by all that know him to be a most vain and ridiculous fellow, and has abused many great personages. But these things I leave to your consideration, only what I know to be true I dare affirm, and that is that he had, at his going from hence, furnished himself with many untruths to abuse you withal. I could deliver some particulars, but I dare not commit them to ordinary letters; I pray send me a cipher, for I know that I shall hereafter have use of it, for I smell a smoke of a fire that is making to heat more irons. I could write something of Signor Cisalpino but I presume you have already what I can say; besides I am unwilling to commit business of that nature to vulgar letters. In my next I shall tell you more. I stay here at Calais until I hear from you; for before my coming from home I furnished myself fit to keep company with such as I was wont, which was with the best sort of nation. My powder is all spent; and the rather for that I stayed at Dover and here longer than I needed, had it not been for the aforenamed purpose. I need not excuse myself for altering my phrase and style, for you know without doubt the reason thereof. So acknowledging my duty in such sort as becomes me, I rest.—Calais, 1 April, 1606. Yours in all I am, N.W.
PS.—When you write to me at Calais, let your letters be directed to me by my own name at one Mathew Bersein's house at the sign of the White Rose in Calais.
2 pp. (115. 150.)
Sir R. Drury to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], April 1. The reason that from so near I presume to write is a burning ague, which these 14 days has limited me to my chamber, whence being in carrying to get recovery in my homebred air, my thoughts could not go quietly out of this town before they had once again presented themselves to you. Upon the last occasion I attended you, you with a most gracious patience debated my speeches in Parliament, not prejudicating but opposing what might be said. What I had then or have since said, in any of those two matters, particularly concerning the King, I appeal to any honest tongue that it shall please you to ask; in the last, it being my good hap, by my coming at the instant when the House was debating the question, to sway our part by a single voice; wherein if I had been contrary, as wrong reports had delivered, every man knows it had then been contrarily contraried. Of my earnestness for continuing that liberty which we have now in our going beyond sea, I beseech you to believe me, protesting that I was not moved by any particular respect but was earnest to move others to that which I thought substantially concerned all gentlemen; wherein I did jealous the disposition of the House something too unsensible. So much as I touched of misreports out of the House was only thus much, wishing it might be the last time we should have occasion to speak of it, which I took from the occasion of a gentleman's speech formerly delivered at large. I said that you had made us understand sufficient reasons why and how the King was advertised of the particular proceedings of our House; but that he should be wrongly informed of men's words in particular, and our meanings wrested by the carriers, contrary to all honest construction, was very injurious. And this I deliver to be the uttermost of any word I said; craving pardon for troubling you with my vulgar matters; my jealousy that you should remain with any ill taste has given me audacity.—Drury House, 1 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 151.)
Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1606, April 3. I have sent you here enclosed a particular of the several books packed up in the portmanteau which you wist of; and have thought it fit to send you two several books, of the less of which there are 12, and of the bigger but 3. It seems though the first making of them were 35 years past; yet what was meant in that they seem to be new printed, though of the old date, to be sent over now, I know not. The rest which are crossed seem to be books fit to be perused; and where they seem to be claimed by one towards the Spanish Ambassador I hold it will not fall out so, for both Hicknutt who brought them over confesses that they were sent over by John Fowler to be delivered unto Fowler's wife here, to be sold by her for the relief of her and her children, not having other means to help them; and she confesses the portmanteau to be her husband's and that he sent her word some 3 weeks past that he would send over things to her to relieve her and her children. The Ambassador's man I answered to his content that other made claim to it, and that I would speak with them and answer him to-morrow, to the end I might in the mean season certify you.—Serjeants' Inn, 3 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 153.)
The Enclosure:—List of Books.
The Manual of Prayers. Considerations of frequenting the Sacrament, written by Androtius a Jesuit. A dialogue of comfort against tribulation, made by Sir Thomas Moore. The defence of the Queen of Scots title (3 of these). The regiment of women (15 of these). An apology of the constitution of the English Colleges at Rheims and Rome. A Christian directory to salvation. A treatise of the Catholic Faith; written by William Reynoldes a priest. The 3 books entitled, Beware of Mr. Jewell. A confution of Jewell's sermon. A treatise of the beginning of heresy. Christian Doctrine. A Pearl for a prince, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. The Fortress of Faith. A consolatory epistle to the afflicted Catholics. A Reply to Mr. Davyson's Dream.
1 p. (115. 152.)
Henry Garnet to Greenwell. (fn. 1)
[1606], April 4. (fn. 1) My most dear and loving Sir, I am sorrier for your taking than for my own. I found at my coming hither all men possessed with informations of me, everyone almost having touched me of those which are gone before. And withal after many examinations and denials, the special thing against me was that Mr. Hall and I had sundry conferences, when we made our confessions and gave one another information of our examinations. There were 2 witnesses in a corner which heard all and gave evidence of principal points; though they mistook them, so that I thought it better to tell the very truth, with less discredit to our order, than to permit them to have harder conceits of us, as of contrivers and authors of all the conspiracy.
And because I assured myself that you were beyond, as I was told, I laid part of the blame upon you, you being already touched very deeply, for the which I heartily ask you forgiveness. I said that you, at the house in Essex, told me of the matter in confession. yet walking and after confessing, because it was too tedious to hear all kneeling. I said I thought you knew it in confession with leave to tell me, though I charged you not to be known to any that you had told me. Also that you gave me leave to reveal my knowledge, if ever I came in question here or beyond for it. We both conspired to hinder it. and to this purpose I wrote continually to Rome, procuring censures, but not expressing particulars. I never approved it. nor, as I think, you. As for the confession of Bates. I believed it not, and he was bound to "secret" as well as his ghostly father. I told you after how I could not sleep, and you said you were sorry you had told me.
I said that all the knowledge I had of Mr. Catesby was that he at London on 9 June, at my chamber in Thames Street, you being there, but I think not hearing, propounded me a case of killing innocents; and I said it was lawful not to regard them, if the victory were so much worth. But I never heard him propound in particular anything against the King, or of powder; and I thought the question to be an idle question.
I said that I had dissuaded privately Mr. Catesby from all attempts until he knew the Pope willing, which I knew would never be.
I am heartily sorry it was my chance in all these matters to touch no creature but you and my Lord Montegle.
Your journey into Spain was confessed by all. I said I was moved in it, but would not consent to any invasion, but only to commend them for to receive pensions of the King of Spain; and so I was content you should go to procure us a pension. After Mr. Winter's return I perceived he had negotiated other matters, and that they intended to get horses, and that they never cared to join other noblemen, but to get all the thanks themselves, thinking themselves to be able to provide 1,500 horses.
They charged me with you being at Coughton, but I said you came only to see me, and then hearing of the troubles you went away to shift for yourself. They said you went to the rebels, whom you told me you would never forsake as long as you lived. And I did not hinder you, because I meant you should go to hear their confessions and give them counsel. They said when you came in, you said the Jesuits were undone: I said you said all Catholics were undone. I said I would have kept you with me if the house had not been in danger, but in that respect you must needs shift for yourself, and go whither you could.
It is confessed that at Mr. Abington's you exhorted them to take arms, and said it was my opinion. I denied that I ever gave any such commission.
I wrote yesterday to the King to testify that I do and always did contemn the intention, and that indeed I might have revealed a general knowledge had of Mr. Catesby out of confession, but hoping of the Pope's prevention, and being loth to hurt my friend. I acknowledged to have so far forth offended God and the King, and so asked forgiveness.
Almighty God send us plenty of his heavenly comforts; for your apprehension hath made my sorrows to be renewed. Fiat voluntas Dei. Ora pro me, et mihi parce.—4 Apr. H.
Our conference at Coughton was that you related unto me such intentions as you had told me before at the first, but no particular.
They asked who should have been Protector, and I said you told me that that must be resolved by the Lords that should be saved. Who they were nobody knew, but they left all at random.
Holograph. Endorsed: "4 April 1606." 3 pp. (115. 154.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 4. Your opinion will be more confirmed when [you] have read the enclosed, which two I only procured him to write to disclose his hypocrisy. Mistress Vaulx hath seen neither of them as yet, and if I resolve to let her see that which you sent back this morning, it shall not be left with her, but printed to be read to procure the bearer credit. I have half brought him to confess that the discourse he had with Greenwell of these horrible treasons was not in confession, and I hope to use the means to make him acknowledge it. Before the Deans I drave him to say that if it was not in confession, he conceived it to be delivered in confession, howsoever Greenwell did understand it. I assure you it is a great loss of that worthy nobleman. There must be many years and many great gifts to breed men so qualified.—From the Tower, 4 April, 1606.
PS.—If good search be made at the house at Erith, his books will be found there. The letter I now send you is that declaration he would have published when he is gone, and therefore is [to] be kept the more secret.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 156.)
Lord Dirletoun to the Same.
1606, April 4. Finding this bearer going to London, I let you hear of his Majesty's good health. This morning in going to Church he said to me, "I wonder I hear not from London, since Garnet's execution; for," said he, "this youth, young Riche, was present, but can relate nothing rightly." I hope on Saturday night you will see his Majesty, for so do we look for that attend him.—Newmarket, 4 April. 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 33.)
Lord Cromwell to the Same.
1606, April 4. Having laboured to transport myself, my wife, family and goods into Ireland, where I have bought lands of Lord Devonshire's, returning, I am not only fallen sick, but found my Lord very sick, whom God has now taken, to my double grief for the loss of so good a friend. His sudden death prevented the perfecting of the writings for my assurance. Having ousted myself here of all, and no certainty there, I know not how to turn but to your favour; beseeching that, as I am to live in an uncivil country, that company of foot I have by my Lord's appointment may not be cast, and that you will remember me for those 50 horse of his there, which by his death rest to be disposed. There was some promise hereof between us.—4 April, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Crumwell. Lord Mountjoy's death." 1 p. (192. 86.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Same.
1606, April 5. Begs for Salisbury's recommendation of his services to the King.—5 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 87.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 5. The Archduke has now received letters from the King of Spain which he says were the first he has received from him these four months. They contain an excuse for refusing to make delivery of Owen. There was a great probability of his innocence for his papers did not contain anything to charge him concerning the matter. By his long stay here he had made himself a subject of these countries. But if his Majesty would send the informations against him care should be taken upon verifying them to give him all the satisfaction that might be for his due punishment.
Edmondes's reply to Ricardott who had imparted this answer and his refusal to expostulate further with him, seeing they were resolved not to satisfy his Majesty. His Majesty having deeply engaged himself to the Archduke to prove Owen guilty of the conspiracy could not but be highly discontented to find so weak credit given to his assurances. They were not to expect he would so much wrong his honour as to send over the informations for the trying here of his subjects. Ricardott confessed that he could not maintain that these men could not by right be challenged to be James's subjects. Concerning Baldwin he said his quality exempted him from their jurisdiction and alleged that they were advertised from Hoboque that his Majesty desisted from making instance for his delivery, which Edmondes told him was contrary to his instruction.
Understands they have taken order for the restoring of Sir Wm. Stanley to his liberty, in thankfulness whereof he caused a solemn mass to be sung in the great Church, at the which assisted all the principal music of the Duke's Chapel which are for the most part Englishmen.
Before Salisbury acquainted him with the confession of Garnett the Jesuit his partisans here gave it out that it in no sort appeared that he could be justly touched with the matter. Now they resort to another shift and say that he confessed something against himself after having suffered great torments on the rack and being kept many days without meat and sleep, but he would retract the same at his arraignment. They also report that Owen that killed himself in the Tower had his guts broken forth by forcible racking and died of that violence.
The Archduke, when acquainted with the said confession and how Owen stood further charged by it, said it were good that Owen knew it for he persisted still in his justification. Edmondes told him that Owen for all the show he made to the Archduke knew that he would be convinced thereof for he had consulted some civil lawyers of this town [Brussels] to help himself by other evasions; also he had sent a friend of his to the Archduke's confessor for his opinion whether he stood bound in conscience to declare to the King or his Ambassador that a bare information had been delivered to him that something was intended to be done in England for the advancement of the Catholic cause, and the confessor's answer had been that living here in employment so near the person of the Prince it would have best suited with his duty to have forborne to intermeddle with any of those matters.
The Jesuits finding that Edmondes's informations have much weakened their passionate reports concerning Garnett, etc., have reproached the Nuncio to his face for entertaining correspondency with Edmondes. His fear of them for the greatness of their credit to hinder him in his hope of a Cardinal's hat makes him dare not be so sensible of their insolency as otherwise he would be.
Edmondes in his last speeches with Ricardott told him that his Majesty had no reason to suffer any more of his subjects to come to their service unless they would take order that the Jesuits no more intermeddled with the regiment; that the practising with any for change of their religion be forbidden; and that order be taken for the affording of charitable burials to the Protestants.
Ricardott acknowledged they were matters very fit to be redressed and protested the Archduke did not desire to make any distinction between them for matter of religion.
At the time of the drawing forth of the regiment about Maestricht Studer procured the greater part to mutiny against the L. Arundell for want of their money and clothes and in that disorder they have since continued. Now that they know Capt. James Blont has withdrawn out of these countries, Ricardott has made very kind offer to give his Majesty any satisfaction he shall require touching him but Edmondes has answered that he has no charge to demand him but only to leave him, now that his demeanour is known, to the Archduke. It is here underhand given out that Gerrard the Jesuit is escaped out of England and lately passed secretly by St. Orme's for Italy.
Concerning Sir Henry Carey has upon receipt of Salisbury's last letters again dealt with the Archduke on his behalf. The Archduke expostulated that Carey did not deserve he should employ himself in his favour and that the matter did not depend on him but for his Majesty's sake he would try to procure what favour he might. The Secretary Manciscidor has also promised to assist and wrote to the Portugal merchant of Antwerp called Diego Lopez Sucres, to whom it is said the interest of the ransom is now transferred, to certify his lowest demand, which then like Sibilla's books was raised to no less than 12,000 crowns. Manciscidor brought the Portugal's letter and said he misliked the demand and that all he could effect was to bring it to 8,000 crowns, which makes 2,400l. comprising therein all charges for his expenses. Edmondes offered 1,500l. but it was utterly rejected. Since, he has again dealt with the President to make a new motion to the Archduke and has received for final answer that he will only mediate the abatement to 7,000 crowns. Whereupon Carey's friends are to advise what resolution they will take.
F. Baldwin has had the honour within these few days to reconcile Kate Arden to the Catholic faith, in regard whereof he now pronounces her, though the hireling of all nations, to stand in the state of as great purity as ever she did.—Bruxelles, 5 April, 1606.
Copy. 7¼ pp. (227. p. 206.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], April 6. I understand my Lord of Devonshire is gone the same way I lately was, whose loss I much lament, for his own merit, and the friendship between you and him. The places he held in his Majesty's service will, I doubt not, be divided into many streams, whereof if the least, Portsmouth I mean, might by your favour be turned towards me, whereas it was before in the hands of a friend, you might account it disposed to one of your servants, who desires nothing more than to express how I ever rest yours.—Ricott, 6 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 157.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
1606, April 7. His Majesty being informed that Mr. Leonard, in the right of his wife, who is heir general to the old Lord Dacre, has the reversion of certain valuable manors in Cumberland and Westmorland, after the dying without issue male of Mr. Francis Dacre (who is never like to have any), was as I perceived pleased to accept the said reversion in lieu of 4000l. which otherwise Mr. Leonard would give to his Majesty. And albeit I was not commanded to look into it yet, ex officio, I have looked, yea and pryed into it this afternoon, and out of my old notes of records concerning Dacre's title (wherewith I sometime was well acquainted, and for it travelled to Carlisle) I find a plain and substantial title for his Majesty to the reversion of those manors, after Mr. Francis Dacre's decease. There fore I pray you that his Majesty may take the 4000l., for the reversion is his own, and need to have no release from Mr. Leonard and his wife. Praying for your speedy recovery.—7 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 158.)
Roman Catholics.
1606, April 7. Examination of John Johnson, servant to Mr. Bartlett.
He knows not his master's name. He was at Birmingham yesterday, but saw no Catholic there. He is a Romish Catholic, and has been 3 or 4 years. He did not see Mr. Jeffry at Birmingham yesterday [nor] these 3 months. His master was never at Mrs. Smith's, nor she at his house.
Examination of Anne Androus.
She has dwelt with Mrs. Haywood 1¼ years. (Incomplete.)
Examination of Eunice Watton.
Has never been to church these 40 years. Was brought up in the old law. She has been 1¾ years with Mrs. Haywood, whom she now serves. On Saturday night and Sunday last there was at Mrs. Haywood's house one whom she said was a physician from Lichfield.
Examination of Robert Hunt, servant to Mrs. Smith.
He is a Catholic, and was not at church since he was a boy. A physician of Lichfield was here on Saturday night. There was never mass or priest in his house. Mr. Anthony Skinner was here 10 days since, and his Mistress called him cousin; Mr. Webb's man's name is Thomas Walker.
Examination of Thomas Watton, servant to Mrs. Smith.
Has not gone to church these many years. When Mr. Smith lay on his deathbed, many friends came to him, but he knows not who they were. After his death his Mistress had her brother Cage and others repair to her. Since her coming to Renhall there have been with her Mr. Robert Stanforde, Mr. Edward Stanforde, a physician from Lichfield, and one Rider. Robert Stanforde appointed a pool to be fished this day, but sent warning he would not fish, as the waters were up.
Examination of Joane Tuncks, servant to Mrs. Smith.
Mr. Skinner was here about 10 days before, whom her Mistress called cousin Skinner.
Examination of Katherine Benton, servant to the same.
She knows none to have come to her Mistress's house, except Mrs. Webb and some neighbours.
Mrs. Smith says that her cousin Anthony Skinner was here on Monday week. He dwelt at Birmingham or Shelford, in Warwickshire. His description agrees with that of Skinner of White Webbes.
3 pp. (115. 159.)
Richard Watts to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 7. He arrived at Paris on the 3rd, and went to the Ambassador's house to deliver Salisbury's letters. He himself lodges in the Rue de Bievre, at an advocate's named Tourner, the same house where Mr. Tibaldus Gorges dwelt when in Paris. It is usual for those who desire to study the language to stay in the surrounding towns, in order to avoid English company; but as he heard from Mr. Hunniman that Salisbury appointed him to dwell in Paris, he stays there till further order. The quarrel between the King and the Duke de Bouillon is entirely appeased; and articles have been made of which he encloses a copy. It is said that the King is still at Sedan, and will return soon to Paris with, or shortly followed by, the Duke de Bouillon. The Protestant Church at Dieppe was overthrown by the fury of the wind on March 24, 40 persons being killed, and as many wounded. —Paris, 7 April, 1606.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (115. 160.)
The Enclosure:
Copy of the Articles agreed upon between the King and Monsieur de Bouillon.
1. That all that de Bouillon has undertaken up to the present against the service of the King, either by himself or by others, shall be fully pardoned him.
2. That he shall be re-instated in all his estates, offices, goods, pensions and honours, which he enjoyed before he committed this last fault.
3. That he will renounce all alliances within and without the kingdom with friends or enemies of the King, promising to serve him indifferently and without exception against everybody.
4. That the castle and town of Sedan shall remain to him and his descendants and that he will not be touched in his sovereignty which he will retain as his predecessors have always had it.
5. The King will take the said sovereignty in his protection as heretofore against all without exception, paying the garrison and satisfying in all what former kings have observed touching the said protection.
6. His Majesty, that he may be the more assured of de Bouillon's fidelity and prudence, shall at once put a governor and garrison in the said place and they shall take oath of fidelity to him and stay there for the space of four years, at the expiry of which all shall return to its first state. Nevertheless, de Bouillon, when he shall be there shall always give the word. The Sieur de Necancour was at once named and received as governor.
7. The dwellers in the castle (Les citadins) and inhabitants shall take a new oath to his Majesty that, in case de Bouillon and his descendants shall sooner or later fail in their allegiance to the King and the Crown, they will no longer recognise them for their lords and they shall then be able to choose another for their governor.
French. Endorsed: "Your lordship's servant Watts": and the following list of names: Wattes, Marshall, Lenton, Typper, Warburton, Pyster, Probyn, Mylles, Ferne, Fytsgerald, Fytsherbert, Gylbert. 1 p. (115. 161.)
Sir Richard Leveson.
1606, April 7. As the King has been pleased to give day to the executors of Sir Richard Leveson for payment of 800l., these are to will you to take security for the due payment of the said money.—Whitehall, 7 April, 1606.
Unsigned and unaddressed. ½ p. (141. 283.)
Walter Fitzwilliam to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 8. He offers services, and acknowledges the obligations of his house to Salisbury. Thanks him for his licence to travel, which he endeavours to make the best use of.—Florence, 8 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 162.)
The Mayor and Burgesses of Portsmouth to the Same.
1606, April 8. They express their great grief at the decease of the Earl of Devonshire, their very good Lord and High Steward; and beg [Salisbury] to accept their choice of him for that office.— Portsmouth, 8 April, 1606.
Signed: Peter Cooke, Mayor. ½ p. (115. 163.)
The Master and Seniors of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 8. We esteem not the least among many former evidences of your regard of this Society, the last advertisement given of the petition exhibited to you by one Gabriell Horne, a student of our College, for the obtaining of a fellowship at our late election: if we had received your letters in due time, we would have endeavoured to have given you satisfaction. The petition declares a manifest suspicion of partiality in us, but we confess that when we have divers competitors of equal quality and capacity of preferment we sometimes use our liberty, and, so far as lawfully we may, respect the favourable letters of honourable persons. But in cases of particular foundations, appropriated to special places or persons, howsoever the petitioner may uncharitably conceive, yet our consciences testify to us that we hold it a great impiety, for private favour or respect of any, to break the will of the dead. As hitherto in all our proceedings of like nature we have stood clear of that imputation, so, in this particular case, we have fully satisfied ourselves, so there remains no scruple in us touching his suggestions. For howsoever he claims in his petition a special interest to the place before others, and implies an intendment in us to favour some other person having no right at all but greater means than himself, yet upon due examination it appears there are at this present remaining in our college, two other students, by the statutes of Sedber School, every way as eligible and as capable of this preferment as himself, and for desert in learning and other scholarlike behaviour to be preferred before him; as upon due trial lately made, manifestly appeared to us. Whereupon we have proceeded to admit into the said fellowship one of the said two students of that school, as will very manifestly appear to any that shall enter into particular examination of our fact.—Cambridge, 8 April, 1606.
Signed: The Master and Seniors of St. John College in Cambridge: Ric. Clayton, Roger Morrell, Daniel Monsey, Arthur Johnson, John Allenson, Wylliam Holland, Wm. Billingsley. Seal. 1 p. (134. 143.)
N.W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, April 8/18. I have received yours of the 3rd, whereby I understand that 3 of mine are come to your hands, in the first of which I told you that I had partly resolved, upon the news I understood by a certain gentleman whom I found at Dover, to stay there, to expect more news of the 2 gentlemen. But after 2 or 3 days I met with a p. [priest ?] that came from Calais, who told me very confidently that one or both of the gentlemen were arrived on this side. Thereupon I resolved to cross over to Calais. When I came, I found the same opinion confirmed by a knight of England, and others newly come out of Brabant. Yet I remain, and shall do still, uncertain of the verity of it until I come to St. Omer; where I assure myself I shall learn of that business as much as my friends there know; and will certify you. It is true as you say, that when I spake first with your master, I stood not upon any points of disbursement, neither was that the cause of my coming to him. But my journey cannot be performed without money, for which I would never have pressed you if a means of my own had not failed me; which happening, I was forced to press you as I do; but if God spare me life and health, I will so handle the matter as you shall think the money you allow me as well bestowed as ever any money you laid out. I have received your bill of exchange, and the money also according to the order of the bill. I met yesterday with one who parted from Brussels on Tuesday last, who tells me that the 3 principal parties with whom my chief business is are still there; and in such case as I shall, I hope, find good opportunity to effect my desire. I mean to depart forward on my journey to-morrow. You shall hear from me when I pass.—18 April, 1606, stilo novo.
1 p. (116. 8.)
R. Morrell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 9. He acknowledges Salisbury's most pithy and judicious letters, full fraught with many excellent rules, both for order in study and direction in life. He promises to direct his course by them, so as to attain the end at which Salisbury aims. He has hitherto trained Lord Cranborne in, for languages, Latin; and for arts, logic; wherein, omitting the quirks and quiddities, incident to them both, he has acquainted him only with those precepts necessary for true congruity in speech, and orderly reasoning in disputation. He is very ready to teach him any other art or tongue wherein Salisbury desires to have him specially instructed: either himself, or by any other prime man in the University. For "story," if there be any writer whom Salisbury commends before another, they will presently take him in hand. Though loth to part with Lord Cranborne at this instant, being in so good a tune as he is, going to his book so cheerfully and profiting therein so well as he does; yet as Cranborne desires to see Salisbury, and as a little intermission would very much refresh his wit and revive his spirits, he begs Salisbury to give him leave to come to Theobalds for the holy days.—St. John's College in Cambridge, 9 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (115. 164.)
Anthony Ersfeild to the Same.
[1606], April 9. They have advertisement that Portsmouth is deprived of their Captain and Governor. His lordship substituted him as Lieutenant in that place; of which he hopes to give an honest account. Begs that he may be continued in his place.— Portsmouth, 9 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 165.)
The Queen's Jewels.
1606, April 9. Statement of jewelry delivered by Sir John Spilman, Sir William Herick, and Mr. Lulls for the Queen, the Duke of York etc., with interest thereon to 9 April, 1606.
½ p. (140. 198.)
Sir Richard Leveson.
1606, April 11. Privy seal granting terms for the payment by the executors of the late Sir Richard Leveson of money due by him to the late Queen.
Draft or copy. 5 pp. (141. 284.)
The Earl of Derby to his uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], April 12. I have not had my health and being here at the Bath find great ease, and therefore desire you to excuse my absence at this time; but in the interim if I be able to travel as I have found it troublesome to come hither I will not fail to be there.—Bath, 12 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605 " [sic: ? 1606]. ½ p. (110. 73.)
N.W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, April 12/22. My last to you was the 18th of this present from Calais, wherein I told you I had received yours of the 3rd. with the bill mentioned. I have since been at St. Omer with my friends there, by whom I understand that the two gentlemen of whom you make mention are not for certain yet come out of England, but are there still, well and in good estate; neither have they any great desire to come, though their friends much desire it; to whom I said it was generally thought fit it should be so, only the difficulty was in passage, which I told them I durst take upon me securely to effect; whereunto they were very willing to give ear; so if they by other means do not come to you before I return home, I make no doubt but I shall at my return cause them to take their leave of you before they depart.
Having taken leave of my friends at St. Omer I went towards Doway, where going to visit the chief man of our nation there, he told me that Signor Alto ("Sir Will. Stanley") was newly recovered of his late sickness and was able to ride or go abroad. But for Signor Ottaviano ("Owen") he still kept his chamber, but his physician was in great hope he should shortly recover, which my friend assured me he was like to do; for said he, he that gave health to Signor Alto, can and will likewise restore Signor Ottaviano. Talking further with him, he told me he had seen a book written in your master's name, wherein your master desired to know what interest Signor Franco ("Pope") did pretend to have in Signor Augusto ("King of England"); unto which he answered, your master should shortly know that, and perhaps sooner than he would be willing to know it.
Signor Cisalpino ("French King") has been of late at Rheims, where he has granted a Formall ("college"), being for a company of Cavalcanti ("Jesuits"); and has promised them 6,000 crowns for the accomplishing of it. I mean to-morrow to take my journey towards Brussels, whence I imagine I shall have occasion to write to you of matters of great secrecy; therefore I desire you to send me a cypher.—Doway, 22 April, 1606, stilo novo.
PS.—In your next tell me how many letters you have received from me, for this is the 5th that I have written unto you since I came to Calais.
The names and words between quotes have been inserted above the line. Endorsed: "W.N." [sic]. 1 p. (116. 1.)
Sir Francis Stafford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 12. He has performed 33 years' service in Ireland, and since the peace has been discharged of all his entertainments, having only left a pension of 5s. a day. Last summer, on the death of his eldest brother, he repaired to London, when Salisbury used him very honourably; but on asking the continuance of his favour, Salisbury replied that "it would be more looked unto if he should do anything for him than for any man in England." His conscience is clear of giving offence to Salisbury; and he begs he will relieve his poor estate.—London, 12 April, 1606.
Holograph. 3 pp. (116. 2.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, April 12. Has been informed the late direction out of Spain concerning the conspirators mentioned only the answer to be made for not delivering them and for the present enlarging of Sir Wm. Stanley but did not prescribe what further course should be taken for the punishment of the others. It is likely that either it is reserved for the Marquis of St. Germain to deliver the more plausible message or that they intend to govern themselves in their further proceedings according to what their first answer has wrought with his Majesty.
There was once a purpose to set Baily at liberty but it was thought fit to forbear it till answer came from his Majesty. Understands the Jesuits have laboured in Spain to discredit the fruits of his Majesty's amity but though they acknowledge that they do not receive the benefits by the peace which they expected, yet for other advantageous respects it imports them to conserve the same.
The Pope's Nuncio in Spain has lately written to the Nuncio here a very taxing and reprehending letter for not employing himself more in the favour of the traitors, whereof this man is said to have returned him as sharp an answer.
The choice made of Monsr. de la Borderie as Ambassador for the French King with his Majesty is not well pleasing to some here, he being charged to have practised for the aliening of some of the nobility here from the Archduke's service. To do the gentleman right he is by the general report exceedingly commended to have carried himself during his employment here with great sufficiency and very good reputation.—12 April, 1606.
Copy. 1½ pp. (227. p. 213.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Relation of Henry Garnet concerning the Gunpowder Plot.
[1606]. April 13. I have thought it my part to set down as briefly as I can the whole state of my cause, thereby to satisfy my friends, and to take away all occasion of scandal.
Mr. Catesby nor none of the conspirators ever propounded the case to me, or ever had my consent to any such matter: only Mr. Catesby asked me whether if one intended lawfully to kill any man, he might do it, notwithstanding the hazard of innocents. I nothing imagining either the King's person or any such horrible massacre as this, answered that oftentimes in wars such things were done, so that they were such as the victory might countervail the innocents' death; neither did I then think that it was a question intended to be put in practice.
I always condemned in my own conscience absolutely this attempt; and generally I thought all insurrection against the King unlawful, because there wanted the declaration of the Pope; yea, he expressly forbade all such attempts. And of this my opinion I have many witnesses, with whom I have reasoned; yet durst I not absolutely condemn the opinion of others; or take away the liberty which most divines give to Catholics; though contrary to my opinion.
When Mr. Greenwell told me of the matter, I misliked it, and wished him to hinder it; and I under hand wrote still to Rome for censures, as my letters there will testify, and procured Sir Edm. Bainam to be sent to Rome, to inform generally; assuring myself he should hear an express prohibition of all. Thus much of my privity to the conspirators.
Now that knowledge which I had by Mr. Greenwell I took it as in confession, for he offered to go to confession of purpose; but I said I would take it as in confession; he being my ghostly child, and being to come shortly to confession: though then and in many other conferences I presumed to be licensed to utter my knowledge, if ever I should come in question, the thing being laid to my charge. And this point has bred me much disgrace, for the Commissioners and the King say that Mr. Greenwell acknowledges that it was not sub sigillo confessionis, and it may be he meant not so, but I stand to it as the truth is, that I took it so, both because he offered confession, and after few days came to confession. If it had been any less degree of secrecy I had written of it to Rome. But I perceive the Commissioners would fain have me as deep in this matter as may be; and after I had acknowledged all that was true, my Lord Chief Justice said that they must have more of me than so; for I must forsooth confess that I was the very original of all, and the plotter: and besides I must confess such noblemen. as Catesby and the rest did build on, both in this action and also in the intended invasion from Spain; and for these two points I was to go to torture the second time upon Friday which was Good Friday beyond sea. (fn. 2) But I pleaded that I was hardly dealt with, having told all I could, and bade them set down what they would have me confess, and so far as it concerned only my own credit I would acknowledge it without torture; whether torture were appointed as a punishment, or as a trial; what if I confessed nothing in my next torture, must I be tortured again? and that this was against the course of common laws. But they said No, not in cases of treason. For what ! saith my Lord Chief Justice, this that you have confessed is nothing. Will you make your fault but a peccadillio? I entreated that in respect of my conference with the 3 Deans all the forenoon (for I should have been racked that forenoon) and in respect of my long examination that afternoon, I being wearied, the torture might be deferred till another time, and desired Mr. Lieutenant to be a mediator. They all said they were sorry, but it was so commanded. Well then, quoth I, this is the day in which my Saviour died for me ! I am contented, and will appeal to a higher Judge. So I went to my chamber, but afterward Mr. Lieutenant told me he had obtained a delay till the next coming of the Commissioners, though the Council's commandment was most peremptory; and my Lord of Salisbury told me that more than I had told should be brought out of my fingers' end. Some days after came Mr. Corbett, and told me that the Council thought best to get out of me by mildness what I knew. But I told them that verily I knew no more, and that in respect of my Superior's commandment I kept myself aloof in all such matters; and that whensoever I should be condemned, and to die, they should perceive that upon never so great remorse and fear of God I could utter no more than I had done; and by this mean I caused them to hasten my arraignment, that I might be quiet.
The cause why I acknowledged my privity was for that all before had accused me, Mr. Catesby using my name to persuade others, and they made account that I was far more guilty than I was; so that my true confession might rather credit myself and friends than otherwise. But principally for that Mr. Hall and I having sundry conferences at our doors, 2 witnesses at a third door heard all, and our very sacramental confessions. Wherein I thank God was no great matters. Only I being in my journey sore wearied, and having no stomach, acknowledged that I feared I had hurt myself with too much abstinence, and some excess of drink. They themselves and Mr. Attorney (who rebuked his man for saying otherwise) said I was not drunk, but said that I said I had taken a cup too much, which word I used not. And hereupon went abroad the report that I had taken a cup too much, which I thank God was most false; and I thank God the rather because this slander arose by occasion of confession. We both whilst we were in the hole at Henlip made our accounts, etc.; otherwise it would have been likely we had made our general confessions of our whole life to these two new ghostly men. These men heard us discourse what we should answer to this point or that: and falsely they deposed two things against me, first that I said Mr. Catesby asked me in the Queen's time whether it were lawful to blow up the Parliament House; and that I said it was, which was most false; for I told Mr. Hall that the Commissioners said so, but indeed I never said so. They are honest men, but could not hear us well. Also they charged me falsely that I should say that in a sermon I had commended the business of the Parliament House to prayers of all present; and told them a verse: gentem auferte perfidam &c. The truth was they object to me, said I, a certain prayer; but it is true there was such a thing; but I will say it was to pray against ill laws to be made. This they misconstrued, and said that indeed I meant that prayer for the Parliament business.
Besides, they heard me say, "I cannot tell how to satisfy them for my going to Coughton." And finally they heard me say, "I thank God they have asked nothing of the great." More they heard not. My meaning was the great house, which I said was the house in Essex, for Erith was not yet spoken of till Mrs. Anne named it. But the Council would needs have this to be some great personages.
Besides all this, I know not by what treachery that which I wrote in orange to Mrs. Anne was taken at the Gatehouse, where they took some advantages, yet without cause. So that of force I must confess my knowledge, neither was it wisdom against evidence to suffer tortures, which I thank God for a better cause I could have sustained.
Now was I constrained to name also Mr. Greenwell, which yet I would never have done if I had not been told for certainty of a friend that he was gone over. If I had not thought so, I must have called my wits together to have made another formal tale; but the case standing as it did, it was necessary. For first, I could not derive my knowledge from any of the conspirators, for that was contrary to my deep protestations made to all Catholics by writing, and to the Council by word. Secondly, I saw by sundry confessions he was touched as deeply as I; and the Commissioners wished they had him in my room. Thirdly, it was the best way to excuse him. when they should see that he and I both sought to hinder it.
Finally, to excuse my going to Coughton. I said it was partly for want of a house, partly for that one of the wives asked one of my company where we would bestow ourselves till the bruit were past, that is till the Parliament. And herein I was overseen, for I thought the gentlewomen past all examinations; and having none to name so free from danger as Mrs. Anne Vaux, and not apprehending this point as perilous to her I said it was spoken to her, which she denies; and I told Mr. Lieutenant and Mr. Corbet that I thought I mistook it. But she shall have no hurt for it, and she was laid for before, and Mr. Lieutenant said she was dogged by a seminary priest. She was not taken for me, but for White Webbs. And all will turn to the best, for she shall save all her goods.
The two briefs of the Pope I was forced to acknowledge, for Mr. Catesby built all his intention upon them: and that "salved" the matter of the [great] which before I could not satisfy them in. I persuaded Mr. Catesby upon the Pope's last prohibition to desist from all purposes in general, which he promised to do, except the Pope consented. [ assuring myself that the Pope would never consent.
When the Council charged me with conference with Hall I denied it; they urged me to divers protestations, which I used with intention of equivocation. They said Hall had confessed it. I said yet I would not acknowledge it: if he will falsely accuse himself, let him: I will not. When I saw the case evident, then I held my peace. They were scandalised; but what should I have done? Why should I not use all lawful liberty? The authority of the Pope I thought it my duty not to deny, though I spared as much as I could.
The journey into Spain was to get pensions, and to be entertained of the King's faction after the death of the Queen; for this was no treason, though it must needs displease the King.
All other things objected were false, as of Faux his going, or of my sending letters to Sir Ed. Bainam, when the action was done, and such like.
No other man or woman have I any way touched. I had hoped Mrs. Anne Vaux would have kept herself out of their fingers.
I said Mr. Blackwell had the two briefs about a day in his hands. I burned them the day the King was proclaimed. I acknowledged my chamber in Temmes Street, to conceal other places; but it served not my turn, for when many are to concur in one tale it is impossible. I denied that I ever meant to concur or send into Wales upon the letter received at Coughton by Bates, and if Mr. Greenwell went to Henlip and persuaded them to rise, saying it was my opinion (as it is witnessed), it was more than I gave him commission to do.
The three Deans were with me lately, wishing me to contrition, confession and satisfaction. I said I would look to that: with them I would not have to do, because it was unlawful; yet we conferred of many points of divinity. I showed them the Council of Trent in the profession of faith, that we were bound to think they could not be saved by holding generally the creed, because they believed not all which the Church has defined. They said they held more charitably of us and marvelled at our hard conceit of them. I wished them therefore to take the surer way and to be Catholics. They asked me whether I thought I should die a martyr. I said no, but a penitent sinner. The like I said long since to Mr. Attorney, who marvelled that every day of the month I named by some saint. What, saith he. you have a saint for every day: but you shall have no place in the calendar. No. said I, I look not for it, but I hope for a place in heaven.
I never had discourteous word of the Commissioners but only once, when they having taken a letter of Mrs. Vaux to me, subscribed, Your loving sister A.G., my Lord of Salisbury said, What, you are married to Mrs. Vaux: she calls herself Garnett. What ! Senex fornicarius ! But the next time he asked me forgiveness, and said he spoke in jest, and held his arm long on my shoulders; and all the rest said, that I was held for exemplar in those matters.
I wrote a note of my hand by the 3 Deans that I disallowed the powder action, and all insurrections; and that I asked forgiveness of God and the King for that I had not disclosed the general knowledge which I had of Mr. Cates[by], which all proceeded from hope of prevention by the Pope, and lothness to betray my friends.
The service which I offered to the King at my arraignment was nothing but according to my profession.
I desire none be superior till Fa. General write. In the meantime I appoint Mr. Blunt as our agent for all temporal things, wishing him and Mr. Antony and Mr. Michell to write oft, and to direct scholars. Mr. Antony, Mr. Ducket and Mr. Holland I appoint as confessors of ours, according to every one's inclination, cum omni potestate, and to receive the renovations; yet let Mr. Antony renew at the mass of one of the others.
Mr. Hall I hope is in glory. His first dream did comfort me; that of eleven vows I did not understand; it was that I should be professed with more solemnity. He dreamed again that he was to be removed to another College, and Fa. Alfonso came smiling to him saying. Prepare yourself, you must to another College, which is very wholesome, and will please you; but you must suffer much by the way for you must go a great way by sea and you will be very sick. That skilleth not, saith he. And so he is gone, and God of his goodness send us all to meet in heaven, whereof I have no small hope.—This Palm Sunday, (fn. 3) Ascendam in palmam et apprehendam fructus ejus.
Addressed: "Dilectissimis in Christo Patribus ac fratribus meis." Holograph. many passages underlined. 8 pp. (115. 13.)
Anthony Ersfeild to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], April 13. Here is arrived from the East Indies a ship of 600, belonging to the States, by which I understand they have taken 3 carricks outward bound, with all their money, victual and munition, and put to the sword all that were in them, and burned the carricks; and are returned so rich as never ship came into Holland of the like wealth. Other ships of their consortship are gone home, as they hope; but this lies here wind bound; and has of their men-of-war to waft them home. Here continue still 2 men-of-war to wait upon the Dunkirk, which is not able to get out of the harbour.—Portsmouth, 13 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 4.)
Sir Thomas Windebank to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, April 15. I send herewith the bill signed of Lord Mountegle's grant, with the other for his pension (though I think there be no meaning of that), not doubting but you will take order for their safe keeping. I thank you for your favour of leave to me to take this little benefit of this sweet air in this place, where I intend to some trial for my disease.—Haynes Hill, 15 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 89.)
Viscount Cranborne to [the Same].
1606, April 15. By [Salisbury's] direction he and his cousin Harry rode to Huntingdon on Sunday, coming there before my Lord of Dunbar. On his arrival, he spoke to Dunbar in such sort as [Salisbury] wished. Dunbar entreated them to stay supper with him, using them with all kindness. They took their leaves of him overnight, as he purposed to be gone very early next morning.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 15 April, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 12.)


  • 1. Alias Greenway (Father Oswald Tesmond).
  • 2. i.e. New Style 14/24 March, 1606. In England Easter day (O.S.) in 1606 fell on 20/30 April.
  • 3. Garnet must here be using the English (Old Style) dating.