Cecil Papers: May 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp127-155 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp127-155.

"Cecil Papers: May 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp127-155.

May 1606

Sir William Dethick, Garter King of Arms, to the Same.
1606, May 1. He has been put from his office and living after 40 years' service; and prays for justice, and the fees of his office. The Earls of Nottingham, Suffolk and Northampton have sent letters to the judges to stay the law. His former petitions have been directed from the King to the Council, and not to the Lords Commissioners for the Earl Marshal, that have authority for arms and chivalry, but not for the great seal, or any man's office or living, fees or profits, at installations, or funerals, etc.—1 May, 1606.
Copy. 1 p. (192. 90(2).)
On reverse: the Same to the Council, to the same effect.
The Privy Council to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, May 2. It may appear unto you by a petition we send, you here enclosed what damage hath been lately done unto certain poor merchants of Norwich and Yarmouth by the viceadmiral of Dunkirk called Claison, who surprised their ship as she was going for Rotterdam in Holland, being laden only with merchandises, and took away from them certain packs of worsted stockings and other such like small commodities to the value of 170l., which they carried into Dunkirk and sent the ship back again to Yarmouth. Forasmuch as this kind of proceeding with his Majesty's subjects is directly against the treaty and cannot but much hinder the free commerce which ought to be upheld among the merchants for maintenance of trading, we have thought good to recommend this cause unto you to be moved to the Archduke or such of his Council as you shall think meet; that by your solicitation the poor men may have some speedy answer for the recovery of their goods and such satisfaction for their charges and losses as shall be agreeable to equity and justice, wherein we do the rather require you to further them because they are not able to attend any long delay without increase of their damage, to the utter undoing of their poor estates.— Whitehall, 2 May, 1606.
Copy. ¾ p. (227. p. 228.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 2. His Majesty is gone this morning very early toward Newmarket, hunting by the way; but before his departure signed the dispatch for Ireland which I send to you herewith; also the letter to the States about the matters of Embden, and a warrant for Sir John Ramsey. He spake of no other thing, but he seemed to be well pleased with that you had advertised that the attainder of Tresham would proceed.—Royston. 2 May, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 29.)
The Same to the Same.
1606, May 4. The King upon perusal of your letter seemed to find some contrariety in that which you wrote about Tresham, and that which you had written before to my Lord of Dirleton; the first being, as his Majesty said, that it was a thing resolved in the House: this latter that you had it in hope. I told him that you might have written the one as your judgment of the success, because we were so persuaded in the Lower House, for aught I could discern, that it would proceed as touching his blood, considering the great reason why it should be so. And the other according to the observations you made of men's dispositions after the disputation of it; which at my coming away had not been spoken of in the House, but only the evidence heard. It seems this conceit of his is somewhat grounded upon a letter of Sir Roger Ashton's to my Lord of Dirleton, wherein he advertises his conceits and the means made by Tresham's brothers for saving of his blood. In the same letter is also somewhat written about the causes ecclesiastical, and of words between my Lord of Canterbury and Mr. Yelverton, whereof his Majesty marvelled that there was no particularity in your letter. To which I answered that if there had been aught meet for his knowledge, it would not have been omitted, but that you thought it needless to advertise every interlocutory speech, but rather having your eye upon the issue, and the appearance that was of the success thereof, gave your judgment in general, that it was like to be to his contentment. If anything fell out otherwise he was like to hear of it as soon as there was cause it should come to his knowledge.
The third was that he longed to hear of the bill concerning the continuation of the treaty of Union, whereof you made no mention. I told him because that was a thing already agreed on by consent of both Houses, it was like to be the last that would come in, being but short and quickly to be dispatched. Sir Roger's letter contains also somewhat about a new bill of purveyors, whereat his Majesty was much moved. Touching his Majesty's abode here, I cannot perceive by him that he keeps his purpose to be returned by Saturday next. And I thought it not unfit to let you know these particularities by the post's return, although there be no great cause of haste in them. We are so idle here as I think I shall be to-morrow night at Cambridge with my Lord of Cranborn, who returns thither; but I will be here again in the morning.—Newmarket, 4 May, 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (116. 31.)
Sir Arthur Capell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 4. Congratulates him on the addition of honour his Majesty has conferred upon him. If Salisbury commands him to attend him in his instalment at Windsor, he will gladly do so.— Hadham, 4 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 32.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1706, May 6. I am commanded expressly by his Majesty to signify to you how much he is pleased with the discourse you have written of the conference: which though he acknowledge to have been very painful to you, after so many laborious sittings and other dispatches of his affairs, yet when you shall hear that it has brought him more contentment than all the sports he has had here, he assures himself you will account the pains well bestowed. His Majesty seems to hope by the success of that day's work that all the controversies about these Church causes will either die, or be weakly pursued. Upon that point of your advertisement which reports the quirks of the repeal of Queen Mary's statutes, his Highness discovered the ground of a suit made to him by a letter from the Lady Arbella, brought hither this day, which was (as much as I can gather by his speech) that she might have the benefit of the seals of non obstantes for causes ecclesiastical; which suit his Majesty could not conceive how it was grounded till he read your letter. But upon sight thereof, and knowing that Mr. Yelverton has access to her, he both conceived the scope of the suit and from what invention it proceeded. Upon that point he willed me to say that he liked very well of your conceit of a new short law for the explaining of the law in that point touching the statute of King Edward; and that if you thought it fit to be propounded at this Session and likely to be passed, he would wish it taken in hand, and thought the House would rather like to have it so to be done than that either his Majesty should grant in every diocese a commission or rectify the Bishop's actions judicial by non obstantes. Also he wished that the bill about the Union might be hastened, and that of the subsidy, to the end he might be able to discern at his return how long the Parliament shall be needful to be held together. His journey will be from hence to Royston on Thursday night, or Friday morning ; and purposes to be at London by Saturday at noon, as his people say, although he go post.
I wrote to you in my last of my Lord of Cranborne's return to Cambridge; but on Monday his Majesty, dining at the Lord Gerard, when he came to take his leave, the King would not suffer him to go but stayed him to attend during his Majesty's abode here, and says he will answer to you for him.
My man has advertised me from London that you have made stay of a bill signed by his Majesty for one Ethrington; whereupon I thought it my duty to advertise you that it is a matter recommended to his Majesty by the Earl of Shrewsbury, as Justice of Oyer in the North where this park lies; and was recommended to me by Mr. Wilson, your servant, as a matter some way concerning him.—Newmarket, 6 May, 1606.
Holograph. 3 pp. (116. 34.)
Lord Roos to his uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 6. Offers excuses for not writing before. "Abroad I have received more courtesies, and have been more honoured by the name of your nephew, and that by the best in France, than any desert of mine could merit the least of them. The Duc de Sueily has invited me sundry times to dine with him at the Arsenal. This last week the Duchess his wife, coming from Queen Margarite's, came with her coach and took me with her home to supper, where there was much discourse of your merit. I am not able to give them thanks for those favours which I have received; they being done for your sake, makes me entreat you to thank them." Offers services.—Paris, 6 May, 1606.
Holograph, signed: Will. Roos. Endorsed: "Lord Roos." 1 p. (192. 90.)
Nicholas Hillyarde to the Same.
1606, May 6. About 5 years agone, when I drew your picture, I found that favour with you that you accepted my offer of my son Lawrence's service, and willed me to retain him still to perfect him more in drawing, which I have done, and he does his Majesty now good service, both in limned pictures, and in the medal[ing] of gold. My hope is that you will let him wait on you in your livery at the feasts solemnising of St. George.—6 May, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (115. 130.)
Lord Compton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], May 7. Recommends the bearer for a footman's place. The Savoy, 7 May.
Holograph, signed: William Compton. Endorsed: Lord Compton. 1606." ½ p. (116. 36.)
Gio. Battista Giustiniani to the Same.
1606, May 7/17. I enclose the account you requested of the Kings indebtedness to the house of Pallavicini, hoping that you will not be too busy to read it, and that besides recalling the memory of a devoted servant the reasons stated in it may induce you to exert your authority to procure a reasonable satisfaction of the debt, since it is vain to hope for payment in full.—17 May, 1606.
Holograph. Italian. Seal of arms. ½ p. (116. 52.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606, May 8. His Majesty received your letters this morning at 5 or soon after, being at the end of his breakfast, and ready to go forth to his sport; but returned to his chamber to peruse them, and then delivered me the letters again and willed me to return them to you, to whom he will signify his pleasure at his coming, which will be upon Saturday at night.
The letter directed in French came from Sincleir and advertises the coming of the King of Denmark: for so much I perceived by his Majesty, for that he made mention of one particular; which was that his Majesty's ships might be well in order for the King to see. He advertises also of the Queen of Denmark's delivery of a daughter. Other things there are in the letter, wherewith his Majesty said he would acquaint you at his coming; but put the letter in the fire.
With your packet there came a letter directed on the outside by Sir Anthony Ashley, but the letter within was from Mr. Speaker to his Majesty, which his Highness commanded me to send back to you, and made but light reckoning of it. But I thought it not amiss to let you know that he read it so hastily as I doubt whether he did well receive the particularities into his mind. He said you might speak with him of it at his return, and so went to his horse. It is about the renewing of the offer for draining the fens to his Majesty's use, wherein I think the Speaker would not have written to his Majesty but with your privity.—Newmarket, 8 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (116. 37.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1606, May 8. This day the Lady of Kildare caused me to send for the books which remained at Blackfriars. When she delivered them, she made answer to this bearer that those paper books which were of my father's negotiations you commanded her to detain, and not deliver them. I know the contrary, for that last year you, out of your favour to me, commanded Sir John Leuson to deliver them to this bearer for me; and then because my study was not ready, I thought I might have presumed so much of my Lady's favour; though you now see her preciseness. Favour me so much as to write to her, otherwise she will not deliver them.—From the Tower, 8 May, 1606.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. 1 p. (116. 38.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 8. Has received Salisbury's letter of the 26th ult. informing him of the two points which the Archduke's Ambassador treated in his last audience with his Majesty, the one concerning the Archduke's complaint of denial of precedency to his Ambassador before him of Venice, the other declaring the answer received out of Spain touching Owen. On the first point he has spoken to the Archduke himself and details the conversation. The sum of the Archduke's answer was that he acknowledged himself very much beholding to his Majesty for the kind demonstrations of his favour towards him and sorry that he did not think him worthy of the continuance thereof. He alleged that the pretence of the Venetians ought no way to be brought into competition with his and the Infanta's quality. Edmondes told him that there was no cause to think that the proceeding which had been used was out of any aversion of affection. He would not dispute the nice question of the point of his quality but assured himself that if the matter came to a trial by the voices of princes his Majesty would not refuse to give his judgment on his behalf.
To the Archduke's and Ricardott's inquiries what his Majesty's answer was concerning Owen, has told them they should best understand that from their Ambassador but has acquainted them that he understood order was taken to attaint him by Parliament.
The Jesuits of these parts have of late held a provincial assembly and have sent one called le Pere Thomas in commission to Rome.
Sir Rob. Basset's letters to Salisbury written by a servant of his will declare his repair into these parts. As before he was possessed with other frenzies he is now much infected with the doctrine of Rome. In his company is also come Mr. Jeffrey Poole who intends to spend some time in these wars. His lordship shall receive herewith an abstract of the last advertisements out of Germany.—8 May, 1606.
Copy. 3 pp. (227. p. 228.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
The Master of King's College, Cambridge, to the Same.
1606, 9 May. I received this last Lent by the Vice Chancellor your "counterpaine" signed and sealed, touching assurance out of your manor of Haddam for the yearly payment of 40l. rent unto our College, for the lease of Ruislip common wood, which you lately bought of Sir Robert Ashbey, to the end the other "counterpaine" should be sealed by our College. Whereupon, I conferring with our senior company, it was thought meet that in a matter of such weight the same should be perused and advised of by the College counsel; and accordingly our counsel meeting and conferring upon both the present assurance and also the former from Sir Robert's father, did, on the College behalf, find divers things in their opinion meet to be amended, to be referred to conference between your counsel and them this present Easter term. That there may be no delay or neglect imputed to me, I thought it my part to advertise you of the true cause of the necessary stay for a time. We are assuredly persuaded that you would have the College security well provided for; but I know not how the indenture engrossed for our common seal to be put unto was so far made in readiness by learned counsel put in trust by you, without any privity of ours or conference with our learned counsel. Wherefore, if it shall please you to give order that your counsel meet with ours, Mr. Bracken and Mr. Byng, both of Gray's Inn, upon their agreement and perfecting the assurance, and so the new engrossing, I shall be ready to offer the same to your sealing and do my endeavour for the speedy passing thereof.—King's College, Cambridge, 9 May, 1606.
Signed: Roger Goade. Seal. 1 p. (134. 146.)
Walter Mathewe, deputy mayor of Plymouth, and his brethren, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 10. The Lord Chief Justice has recommended to us an enterprise for establishment of a Plantation in the parts of America; whereunto we were drawn to assent upon hope to obtain such free and reasonable conditions as had in former times been granted by the late Queen to certain gentlemen. But it appears that it has been thought more convenient, for respects best known to you, to assign us to be directed (under his Majesty) by a Council of divers, some very worthy and worshipful persons, others of the same rank and quality ourselves are, the greatest part strangers to us and to our proceedings; which nevertheless being done with your privity, we doubt not of any inconvenience thereby; and therefore refer ourselves to your care over us. Our further desires we leave to be more largely related by Captain Love, the bearer.
We beg for your protection and help; and express our thanks to the Lord Chief Justice for his good affection towards us in this behalf.—Plymouth, 10 May, 1606.
Signed. Endorsed: "Mayor of Plymouth." 1 p. (116. 39.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Same.
1606, May 10. Through the motion of some persons well affected of these parts, in this idle time to bring to pass something worthy his Majesty's acceptance, it has pleased my Lord Chief Justice, out of an honourable disposition to advance their proceedings, to be a means for the obtaining of his Highness's good liking, as by his letters patents appear, to several parties granted. But some things there are whereunto they find themselves tied, which has exceedingly cooled the heat of their affections that at first made proffer of their adventures: as namely they are upon all occasions to expect their directions for their government from certain whom his Majesty has elected to be of his Council for those affairs in and about the City: and although many of them exceeding worthy, yet divers citizens both of London, Bristow and Exon, well known to have no understanding what belongs thereto more than ordinary. Besides, for them here to be tied upon all occasions to post it to London, is a matter so chargeable as they are wholly distasted with the imagination thereof; and they have written to his lordship they utterly refuse to proceed any further unless they may obtain Salisbury's favour to join with his lordship, for the delivering of them from so heavy a yoke, as they imagine this in time will be to them. Indeed when it was bruited that so many citizens and tradesmen were made councillors to his Highness for the disposing of their affairs that on their private charge undertook the enterprise, all the gentlemen that before were willing to be large adventurers presently withdrew, and by no means will have to do therein. But now the poor townsmen of Plymouth implore Salisbury's protection, hoping by his means to find relief, otherwise they despair of any future good hereof. Undoubtedly it will be a matter of that moment, both to his Majesty and our whole nation, as it were great pity it should be suffered to fall to the ground. Neither can there be anything more honourable than free conditions to be granted to such as willingly hazard themselves and their estates, without farther charge to his Highness, to seize him of so large territories as they promise to do. Their desire is principally to be assigned to Salisbury and the Lord Chief Justice, with such other worthy persons as Salisbury thinks fit to take to them, for their more easy execution of his Highness's pleasure; and that there be certain commissioners authorised and chosen by Salisbury out of these parties, that may execute those directions, to the ease of all here, without their further trouble or charge; and that they may be exempted from having to do with those citizens and townsmen nominated in his Majesty's grant, whom they see are like hereafter to prevail against them, in that they have already got the government over them, so as they can look for no liberty more than shall stand with their liking, or sort to the profit of their several corporations; therefore they are suitors for obtaining their release in that behalf. That being granted, doubtless many worthy and brave spirits will easily be drawn to engage themselves in this design; and the rather if they find they may walk under the shelter and by the direction of so honourable a person as Salisbury.—Fort of Plymouth, 10 May, 1606.
Signed: Fard. Gorges. 2 pp. (116. 40.)
Lady Arbella Stuart to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 11. I lately moved his Majesty to grant to me such fees as may arise out of his seal which the bishops are by law to use, as I am informed. I am enforced to make some suit for my better maintenance; as heretofore I have found you my good Lord, so I must earnestly entreat you to further this my suit. Sir Walter Cope has been requested to recommend my suit to you, for I thought his mediation would be less troublesome to you than if I solicited your lordship myself or by some other my friends.—11 May, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (134. 94.)
[Printed in extenso in E. T. Bradley, Life of the Lady Arabella Stuart, Vol. II, p. 221, where the date is given as May 2.]
Frances, Countess of Hertford, to the Same.
[1606], May 11. As you see occasion with my Lord, and if it please you, when you speak with him to seem angry with me for coming from the Court of that fashion, and taking no leave of none: tell him you wonder what strange condition I am grown on that I never wrote to you since I came down; for he does not know that ever I sent letter to my Lord of Suffolk or you since I came down.—Netley, 11 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (199. 128.)
Later copy of the above. 1 p. (249. 213.)
Paul de la Hay to the Same.
1606, May 12. He regrets his inability, on account of the imbecility of his aged body, to attend Salisbury; and begs him to accept instead the attendance of his son-in-law Vaghan, whose grandfather was Sir Roger Vaghan of Porthammel. Brecon.— Your lordship's house of Alterenes, 12 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 41.)
The Earl of Derby to the Same, his uncle.
1606, May 12. I was moved by Sir Roger Aston to be a suitor to you for the advancement of Mr. Irelande the lawyer. His pains in my business have deserved my best wishes. Nevertheless, in regard of my estate and posterity, I request you to will him to deliver all writings and evidences in his hands, or any others to his knowledge, concerning my estate, which, though he make show to have done, is in part but not in all performed; and if he seem to excuse it, that you would be so plain with him that hereafter I need not trouble you further.—Lathome my house, 12 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 42.)
Sir Robert Bassett to the King.
[1606] May 12. Having certified your Majesty of my desire to give you all satisfaction for my past offences, and being come into these parts that I may remove all occasion of imputation and have recourse to your Ambassador, who I desire may be an eye witness of my comportments, I humbly entreat your mercy towards me, whose present miserable condition and remembrance of past follies are in themselves a sufficient affliction. In confidence whereof I desire to put my life into your hands. Knowing the little humanity of greedy creditors, I entreat that I may live for some time in these parts, until I can with more freedom present myself before you. Whatsoever enormous errors my former carriages have committed, I hope my future shall make amends for them.—Bruxels, 12 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 43.)
Sir Robert Bassett to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606] May 12. Repeats part of his letter to the King of same date. Begs that the bearer may have licence to repair to his wife, that he may know in what sort his creditors are compounded withal. He may make his passage more free into England, if he could free himself from their vexation.—Bruxels, 12 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 44.)
The Earl of Bath to the Same.
1606, May 12. He expresses his gratitude to Salisbury for his manifold favours, not the least of which is "your most honourable and friendly care and speech uttered in my behalf, and for the maintenance of my honour and reputation in the open assembly of so many honourable and worthy personages."
He is also bound for the ready access Salisbury has given to Mr. Griffethe, my Lord of Northampton's man, on his (Bath's) behalf.—Towstocke, 12 May, 1606.
Signed: W. Bathon. 1 p. (116. 45.)
Sir Thomas Mildemay to the Same.
1606, May 13. Rose Colville alias Adames, of Chelmsford, widow, has uttered pestiferous speeches against the King. She is a very old, poor, simple woman, that has received relief of the parish. He encloses the examinations of Colville and her accusers, and asks directions.—Springfild Barnes, 13 May, 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (116. 46.)
N. W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, May 13/23. My last to you was of the 4th of this month from Bruxells; since which time I have often visited Signor 8no [Hugh Owen], with whom there is no alteration as yet, but he is something more melancholy than he was wont to be, and so much "disconted" [discontented] with his great patrons here, as that he has in my hearing exclaimed vehemently against them; but always in the presence of his sure friends. Notwithstanding all which, he makes no doubt in the world of his recovery, and that now he thinks speedily; for he told me within these 5 days that at his first walking abroad, which he hoped would be shortly, he would send such a relation of Turner that he doubted not but would be very welcome unto your master. Let his walking abroad be never so soon, I hope it shall be to good purpose. As I told you in my last, if you desire to speak with Signor Negro [Baldwin], I make no doubt but I shall entreat him to come to you. He is now in this town, but departs very shortly.
There be certain men gone to Rome of late, whose business is (as the Cavalcanti [Jesuits] here fear) to request that all the Cavalcanti may be called out of England; but whether it be so or not I know not as yet; but sure I am that they fear it very much; for talking with one of them about the same matter, he told me, "well," said he, "when the good are called away, you shall see a general punishment soon fall upon them that remain behind." Signor Negro standing by: "well," said he, "if it fall out so, we shall see what we shall be able to do."
I am always careful to hear how the gentlemen our old friends do, and for as much as their best friends here do know, they are still well in England.
The author of the answer to the scandalous libels is exceeding bitterly carped at here by many, who affirm that they can prove it to be a thing of his own invention and nothing else. They mean to have it turned into French, which they say shall be to the author's great disgrace. I have other things to write, but they are such as I dare not commit to ordinary letters, as I have told you in times past.—Bruxells, 23 May, 1606 stilo novo.
PS.—I must confess I was somewhat prodigal at my first coming to town, which I thought not amiss, for the renewing acquaintance with my old friends as well clergy as lay; but it has made me the sooner to crave more supply.
1 p. (116. 62.)
[The Earl of Salisbury ?] to Dr. [Robert] Soam, Master of Peter House.
1606, May 14. Dr. Fletcher desires to have his son removed from Trinity College into Peter House. The son has only a scholarship in the former, and cannot obtain a fellowship there for a long time, on account of the number of bachelors of art who are to be preferred for their seniority there. The writer begs that the son may be admitted a fellow of Peter House at the next election.—From the Court, 14 May, 1606.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Dr. Fletcher." ½ p. (116. 47.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 14. Recommends Mr. Brachin, Recorder of Cambridge, a reader in Gray's Inn, to succeed in the place of Chief Baron of Ireland. The Lord Chief Justice will answer for his sufficiency. There was wont to be difficulty to find a sufficient man to go into Ireland.—Barnard's Castle, 14 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (206. 28.)
The Bishop of Bristol to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], May 15. One Mr. Ubanke, a prebendary of Durham and a man of good service in those parts, in conference with me touching Jesuits and other Popish adversaries, declared that on the 9th of this instant Sicklemore, a seminary and now prisoner at Durham, sent to him, praying private speech; when Sicklemore confidently affirmed that no priests were in any peril of death, but of banishment only; and that not any priest was actor or plotter in the late horrible gunpowder treason. When Ubanke replied that Garnet was a special actor, and therefore now justly executed, he, sighing thereat answered: "then there is nothing for us but persecution. The devil is in that Lord of Salisbury; all our undoing is his doing; and executing of Garnet is his only deed." These speeches I cannot overpass with silence, wishing that Cantharides, who without life makes blisters arise in living flesh, may not living feed upon every fresh and most precious flower; nor that the Jesuits and priests, who dead are enemies in their adherents and friends to the present flourishing state, may living prosper to gorge themselves and feed their eyes fat with envy and fill their hearts full of malice against Aristides surnamed Justus for his uprightness. But your not ceasing to sow good seed, both for prosperity to the state and to the church, makes all good subjects daily rejoice at your little, nay, no fear of their threats.—York, 15 May.
Holograph, signed: Jo. Bristol. Endorsed: "1606. Bishop of Bristol." 1 p. (116. 49.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Same.
[1606], May 15. If this servant of mine may bring me word that you are well, among all your troubles with this great Prince and Nether House of Parliament, I am not curious of other news and can receive no better.—Edmonton, 15 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 50.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1606, May 15. That which you called to mind of Garnet's confession, that he went to see the garden of Sir Edward Siliard, will be a plain inducement to prove that White knew Greenwell. For thus far he is come forward. He confesses he was often with Garnet at the house of Mayny, who went then by the name of Darcy, and Mrs. Vaulx by the name of Mrs. Green, that they both came to see his master's garden; that this Darcy persuaded him to be a Catholic, and gave him certain prayer books and other treatises, which he yet has.
Mrs. Vaulx confesses that Whyte came often to them, to the house of Mayny, and thinks that he dined there one day with Mr. Garnet, when Greenwell dined in their company; but she says she thinks Whyte never saw Greenwell but that time. Whyte will not yet be drawn to confess he saw him there at that time; but, when he was asked that question, fell to weep very bitterly; so as I guess, and may in a manner conclude, that Greenwell, seeing White in the company of Garnet, took that knowledge of him as he used and trusted him to convey him over beyond the seas. In the mean season I have given him a sheet of paper to set down his own declaration in this matter.— 15 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 51.)
Sir John Throckmarten to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 16. He expresses his sorrow that sickness will prevent him from attending Salisbury at his instalment; and offers services.—Chisweike, 16 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 64.)
Sir Henry Guildford to the Same.
1606, May 18. Excuses himself for not attending Salisbury upon his instalment at Windsor, on account of sickness.— Worcester House in the Strand, 18 May, 1606.
Holograph, signed: Henry Guldeforde. 1 p. (116. 53.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to the Same.
1606, May 19. In favour of the bearer, Captain Collome, who served in the wars in this kingdom for many years. He is much encumbered with wrongful vexations, which he cannot so well redress here as before the Lords.—Cork, 19 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 48.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1606], May 19. Understands Salisbury takes his journey to-morrow to Windsor, whither he would have accompanied him had he not been arrested by God. He is sending his son in his place.—My Lodging in Westminster, 19 May.
Holograph, signed: E. Sheffeylde. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 55.)
The Same to the Same.
[1606], May 19. Intended to demonstrate his love to Salisbury by sending his son to attend his installation; but by misfortune his son, playing at foils, has been thrust in the eye, which he is in great danger of losing.—Westminster, 19 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 54.)
William Willaston to [the Same].
1606, May 19. Yesternight the enclosed was brought to me by one who calls himself Thomas D'Arguen, and says he is secretary to the Cardinal Joyeuse. and has heretofore sent and received letters from you. He desires to live in your favour. I know nothing concerning his honesty, having never seen nor heard of him before. If his letters be worthy the sending or answering, there is easy means to hold correspondence.—Rouen, 19 May, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Willaston the merchant." ½ p. (116. 56.)
N. W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, May 19/29. My last were of the 23rd of this present, since which time I have talked with a friend of mine who has ordinary correspondence with a friend in Veni[ce], by whom I have understood of a letter lately directed from the Duke to the prelates and clergy of the State, which I make no doubt you have already seen; notwithstanding, I send by this bearer a copy from the original printed at Venice. The sequel of this affair I leave to your consideration; but if you please to understand more of this by my endeavour I shall be careful to give you future understanding; for I have acquaintance with a person here of great intelligence in business of that nature.
Signor Ottaviano [Owen] has found himself so well disposed . . . upon Wednesday last . . . . . . . . . . upon Thursday was at the solemn procession . . . . town, to the great rejoicing of many of his friends, since which time he is very often visited by Signor Alto [Sir William Stanley], Signor Negro [Baldwin], Francisco Jaques and Sir Thomas Stath: betwixt whom I perceive a business brewing, whereof I cannot speak as much as I would if I had the characters I have wrote unto you already for once or twice. Let me hear from you shortly, and pray send me some money, for I do not know how soon I may have great occasion to use money, I mean in my chiefest business.—Bruxells, 29 May, 1606, stilo novo.
Damaged. 1 p. (116. 74.)
Court of the Earl Marshal.
[1606, May 19]. Petition to the House of Lords, praying them to pass a bill sent up by the Lower House for prevention of abuses in connexion with the Earl Marshal's Court and the exorbitant fees there charged.—Undated.
1 p. (197. 23.)
Papers attached:
(1). Draft of the Bill.
pp. (197. 24.)
(2). "A Breif of the Act againste the Court of Marshallsey."
8 pp. (197. 25.)
(3). "An answere to the scandalous petition preferred against the Court of Marshalsey."
1 p. (197. 29.)
The Earl of Tyrconnell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 21. Acknowledges Salisbury's favours; and expresses his intolerable grief for the death of his "most honourable patron" [Earl of Devonshire], whose wisdom and learned counsel were his guide, whose high favours were his advancement, and whose tender love was his upholder and enricher.
His poverty is so great, by reason of his unpeopled country, that he must be a suitor for Salisbury's favour. Begs from henceforth to have the nominating of the High Sheriff of Tirconnell, in the same nature as his Majesty has granted to his next neighbour, the Earl of Tyrone.—Donegal, 21 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 57.)
Henry Anderson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 21. It is reported that the Bishop of Durham shall be removed to York, and the Dean of Durham put in his place; and Mr. Newton, the Prince's schoolmaster, to have the Deanery. He gives particulars of various illegalities under which the tenants of the Dean and Chapter, of whom he is one, now suffer in regard to their holdings; and begs that the next incumbent may confirm the ancient customs, according to the order made by the Council; or else that the King will take the leased lands into his hands, paying the Dean and Chapter their present rent; and he undertakes to procure for the King 10,000l. at least for them in fee farm.—Newcastle, 21 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 58.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, May 21. The Marquis of Spinola came yesternight late after 10 of the clock. His indisposition forced him to travel in litter, but sick though he be they are much comforted with his arrival out of their hope to have their common necessities relieved by him. These were grown great since the issuing of the moneys levied upon the last bills of exchange which the Marquis sent hither, the banquiers of Antwerp refusing to furnish any new sums but upon the credit they should receive from him.
Has been visited by an Ambassador of the Elector of Cullen who, he understands, is come to make relation how backward the Emperor shows himself to proceed to the election of a King of Romans.
Owen is now restored to the same state of grace as his consorts, being also set at liberty. Cannot as yet learn whether there be any intent to proceed otherwise against him.—21 May, 1606.
Copy. 1 p. (227. p. 231.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Robert More.
1606, May 21/31. Order by Jacques Vacher, Mayor and Captain of La Rochelle, to Jean Touguer, to receive in his ship and deliver to the governor and judges of the province in England where he lands, Robert More, Englishman, found in La Rochelle as a vagrant.—La Rochelle, 31 May, 1606.
French. 1 p. (P. 160.)
Sir Henry Poole to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 22. With a present of a brace of bucks.—My house of Sapertonne, 22 May, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 59.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1606, May 22. I have delivered to his Majesty that which you commanded me, and I left him satisfied with it, committing the matter to your discretions. But since, upon my Lord of Canterbury's being with his Highness, who makes doubt that you will not be ready to send down the bills of recusants tomorrow, his Majesty conceives that thereby occasion may grow to hold the House longer together, which displeases him; and therefore commanded me to signify that, seeing you have made choice of Tuesday, he expects it should be fixed, and no more changes follow, which he thinks would be but a scorn. I did what I could to assure His Highness upon the confidence of your speech; and answered, touching the doubt conceived out of my Lord of Canterbury's speech, that although you could not be ready to send it in the morning, yet you might do it in the afternoon, sitting now at both times, and spending so much time together; and as I thought the Lower House would do the like. Yet his doubt of any more deferring was such as his pleasure was I should signify it to you, and that he hopes you will prevent any further delay. I send you also the general pardon signed by his Majesty, which I received from Mr. Attorney.—From the Court, 22 May, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Thomas Lake from Greenwich." 1 p. (116. 60.)
Robert Dudley to the Same.
1606, May 24. He has been a long time suitor, to his great charge, concerning the refining of lead, for which one of Hull has also been a suitor, in regard of the great loss that the inhabitants have sustained by Denmark. Understands that the King and Council favour the latter suit, so he has, by the mediation of Lord Ivers and Sir Ralfe Grey, agreed with the Hull men that if by Salisbury's means the latter may have their suit, they will content him of his charges, with which he will rest satisfied.— 24 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (74. 76.)
Arthur Gregory to the Same.
1606, May 24. I wrote unto your secretary long since of a seminary priest, one Nicholas FitzJames, that was at Careye's house at Hame, near to this place, the 24th of the last month, in company of Jesley his son-in-law, who rode with the priest from thence in view of some that had known him to have said mass in that house, and there the last year married one Mr. Perham, uncle to Sir Edward Perham, to a maid of Carye's wife's. And since I have written the like to Mr. Lieutenant and to my Lord Viscount Byndon, who can say most of them and is most ready to take order for them. The particularities I think needless to repeat, Mr. Lieutenant writing back that he would not fail to acquaint you therewith. There is a ship of this place arrived from Lisbon: the master tells news of the Spaniards' fleet that are gone to seek the Hollanders, which because they are matters better advertised to you otherwise, I only write that he reports that our English men are generally evil used in all things, the officers of custom calumniating them upon idle suggestions; and when they had no colour to pretend that their cloth came from other place than directly from their own ports, they say it smells of Holland, and some have thus spent more than their merchandises have been worth. Besides they take men out of English ships and enforce them to serve, so that our countrymen exclaim and wish nothing but wars, alleging that no merchandise but victual is in any request to yield profit. I could write a hundred particularities of strange abuses, but I doubt not you are daily complained upon by our merchants of London, who by report are not free from the like. For my own particular, I only presume to put you in remembrance of my desire to return to do his Majesty many services, and to yourself especially. If my services in all secret employment cannot deserve favour, I doubt not you will enable me to be fit for many other services in wars as well as peace. If I show not his Majesty a more furious kind of battery than has ever been invented, let me lose his relief and your favour. These and many other things, as plotting, surveying, architecture, or what else, I desire you to receive wholly with myself, taking the patronage and honour of all that belongs to me.—Poole, 24 May, 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (79. 77.)
Lord Cromwell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 26. The importunity of his creditors would not suffer him to stay for the letters which his Majesty vouchsafed him, in such sort as he acquainted Sir Thomas Lake. Beseeches Salisbury's pardon for not visiting him at his departure, and begs him to speak to Lake for the speedy dispatch of the letters which the bearer will bring to him.—26 May, 1606.
Holograph, signed: Ed. Crumwell. 1 p. (116. 63.)
N. W. to Monsieur du Pre.
1606, May 26/June 5. I desire very much to know what letters you have received from me of late, especially whether them I wrote from Doway are come to your hands. My last were of the 29th of last month, wherewithal I sent you a copy of the Duke of Venice's letter to his clergy. Signor Ottaviano [Owen] (as I told you lately) is so well recovered of his sickness that he is able to walk about the streets, but not so absolutely well as that he is as yet able to ride out of town. I have imparted my business I have with Signor Ottaviano to an assured friend of mine, who has promised me faithfully his assistance therein; and therefore he does and must somewhat depend upon me, which I leave to your consideration.
There is here of late a young man come from R. ("Rome") who has been clerk or secretary for some years unto Signor Grando ("Parsons"). This man has reported to a friend of mine that he knows great affairs that Signor Grando has in hand; but I hope to be acquainted with him, and understand something in particular, for he is discontented with his old master, and in some want. His report I have reason to believe, for I have myself heard certain gentlemen Cavalcanti ("Jesuits") speak words to the same effect; and within these 3 days Signor 8no ("Owen") to cammerade ("Bayly") wished a friend of mine of good understanding (who was resolved to go for England) to stay here, for he told him that within a year there would be employment for him for his great avail, whereupon this gentleman is resolved to stay.
The cammerade aforenamed told me yesterday that the English regiment is like to be dissolved, the peace not like long to continue, and a new regiment of English and Irish set up ere it be long; but how true his words are like to prove I know not.
I have for many reasons abstained to go to my Lord Ambassador ever since my coming to town; but now I shall have occasion I know not how soon. Therefore if you have not already written to him concerning myself, fail not to write by the next, for I do not know how soon I may have occasion to use his assistance.— Bruxells, 5 June, 1606, stilo novo.
1 p. (116. 65.)
The King and the Duke of Lorraine.
[1606, May 26]. Memoir of certain remonstrances on the part of his Majesty to the Duke of Lorrayne for his answer to certain overtures made by him to the Pope touching his Majesty's state and government.
As it is well known to all the world that his Majesty cannot have any particular correspondence with the Pope in regard to the religion which he professes without prejudicing his conscience which is dearer to him than life itself, so it is true that his wish has never been other than to conduct himself civilly towards the Pope in such sort as Christian princes should do to each other.
That his Highness (Altesse) may better recognise his Majesty's intentions (as you will have been able to hear them more particularly from his own mouth), his Majesty has directed that this memorial be given you the better to keep you in memory.
Since it has pleased his Highness to make representation to his Majesty of certain overtures he has received from the Pope touching the King's person and government, his Majesty desires that you will let him know that he has well remarked the discretion and prudence with which his Highness has conducted himself in this remonstrance for which he can only thank him affectionately as for something which proceeds from him of pure good will and from no ordinary (vulgaire) affection towards his Majesty.
Moreover, to enlighten more fully his Highness, you will make him understand that such is the assurance of his Majesty's own conscience that in public administration he has never had other object than the peace of Christendom, as witness his actions and behaviour both in general towards all princes and particularly towards those over whom he is appointed sovereign; in that not refusing to refer to the judgment of those who are not impelled by partiality, thus regarding his actions with the eye of honour and equity. And yet you will declare to his Highness that his Majesty will always bear good will to him whenever his Highness shall advertise him of what things in particular exception is taken against him for having acted contrary to the rules of his Christian profession or of moderate government, within the limits of which his Majesty is always minded to contain himself; in such sort that whenever he has been advised of charges made against him unworthy of his quality as an absolute and free monarch he has rather imputed them to the malice and corruption of inferior instruments, seeking only to feed on the troubles of princes, than allowed himself to be carried off by impetuosity and violence against anyone, which are emotions quite contrary to his nature, he being a prince who desires only to enjoy his own in peace. Nor is he inclined to entertain sinister suspicions of any person whatsoever but will be ready to change as soon as he sees by clear proofs that he is treated with that respect which is due to him as a Christian and peaceful prince. In such cases he will not fail to accommodate himself to what is just and equitable. But as to this his Majesty says he has so freely and openly informed you from his own mouth that it will not be necessary to repeat it.
Thus you have now an epitome (abrégé) or lively image of his Majesty's mind (esprit), however much it may lack the simplicity (nayeveté) of his declaration to you by word of mouth. To this I refer myself, my only charge being to draw up this memorial for you in writing, with this addition to reiterate the assurance of his Majesty's good wishes to his affectionate relative (parent) and friend.
French. In the handwriting of Levinus Munck. Endorsed: "26 May, 1606. Memorial of his Majesty's answer to the gentleman of Lorraine." 2½ pp. (116. 66.)
Captain A. Ersfeild to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], May 26. Here is arrived a ship from Seville in Spain, that advertises the States' fleet of 30 sail (that touched here about Shrovetide) so much annoy the Spaniards' commerce, as few escape them either outward or homeward bound; so as it is thought their Indies fleet shall not come home this year; and that there is a fleet preparing to waft them. Here is by contrary winds a ship from Burdeaux with 150 soldiers, all Gascoignes, bound to serve the States; another with as many more is passed by, all voluntaries, under Monsieur de la Force their Captain. They only desire victual for their money, which has not been denied them. There be divers ships of war belonging to the States that frequent this harbour, sometimes to grave and trim their ships, sometimes for relief of victual, and never without two that attend the Dunkirk. I request to be directed to what number I shall suffer them to be in the harbour at one time. Hitherto I have not given way to above 3 at a time. They ever use themselves with very good respects unto the place. Here is Porchester Castle, an old house of his Majesty's that my Lord of Devonshire had, being most necessary for some provisions for him that succeeds his lordship in the government of Portsmouth. I put you in mind of it, lest it be prevented by some other before his Majesty dispose of the place.—Portsmouth, 26 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 68.)
Sir Edward Phelipps to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 27. I received your letters some half an hour after 12, and therefore cannot satisfy his Majesty's pleasure to send either the notes or Mr. Recorder before 11, as is required, whereby his Majesty may be informed concerning D. Parker's proceedings. But if it might stand with your favour to the House, to move his Majesty that there may be some time given to present those notes of information either this evening or to-morrow morning, it will exceedingly satisfy them, and give them great comfort of his Majesty's gracious favour towards them. Give me leave to be a mean that his Majesty will vouchsafe them a gracious conclusion in these Parliament businesses, beseeching you to remember that little had been left unperfected that he has desired, and which will be a good preparative to prepare them against the next session of Parliament.—27 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 69.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Lord Dunbar.
[1606, May 27]. This draft letter is described on pp. 223, 224 of Part XVII of this Calendar, where it is incorrectly assigned to the year 1605.
7 pp. (111. 14.)
Modern (probably late 18th cent.) copy.
3 pp. (125. 148.)
Henry Lok to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 28. He understands by Sir Roger Aston of the King's gracious commiseration of him. Acknowledges his obligations to Salisbury, and begs for speedy employment, and that he may be enabled to retire in time to an honest competency. Recommends a near friend of his, Absolon Gethin, one "towards" the Earl of Ormond and Viscount Butler, whose affairs seem to concern the public state and private duties, which he is ready to particularise at Salisbury's better leisure.—May 28, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 70.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to The King.
1606, May 28. Never poor man desired more to bless his eyes with any sight than I have done to make my chief parts happy with beholding your Majesty. But God (not yet satisfied with my punishment) has inflicted further grievances by crossing my speed into England with contrary weather. But now that I have gotten Italy under my feet, I hope to do your Majesty some acceptable service in my way; I intend to visit many Courts, and will seek to enable mine understanding with all things fit for your service.—Naples, 28 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 71.)
The Same to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 28. I landed at Ottranto from Constantinople, and came to Naples 6 days ago, where I am forced to stay for want of money, until my brother's servant has received his half year's pension, which is promised within few days.
The Jesuits begin to be much hated in Naples, and the King of Spain also fears their greatness and wealth in that kingdom, because they intermeddled much in state government, and have heaped up a great treasure and daily increase in power and are become merchants of all kind of things; insomuch that after they had sold bread and wine to the value of 57,000 ducats for the King's galleys, there came a Jesuit to the Viceroy, and prayed him in the name of the whole College that he would give them leave to sell a small quantity of pork that they had more than they could use. The Viceroy willingly consented to this and asked the Jesuit how much they had; he answered 5,000 quintals. The Viceroy was much abashed at this priest's answer and said "volia mi dios, I had thought that you had 40 or 50 quintals"; but yet he did give him his desired licence.
I learned this morning by a very good advice that the Spanish Ambassador at Rome has at this instant a secret commandment from his King to treat with the Pope, to take from the Jesuits throughout all Christendom their superfluous living and bestow it upon poor monasteries and hospitals.
The Turk's fleet, consisting of 60 galleys, is come within sight of Taranto.
This morning there came letters fresh out of Spain, that the Marquis of Santa Cruce will be returned to Naples with the Neapolitan galleys in few days, and brings with him 24 companies of new soldiers to remain in these garrisons, and the old soldiers to be sent away upon some service yet unknown. All the galleys of Sicily and Naples, with 24 Genoan galleys and the Florentine galleys, are to put to sea against the Turk presently upon the Marquis of Santa Cruce's arrival at Naples, under the conduct of the Grand Prior of Toledo. He is third son to the Duke of Savoy, and is a most brave and forward young prince, of whom all these parts have great hopes. The whole number of galleys in this fleet amount to 61 sail.—Naples, 28 May, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 72.)
William Vaughan.
[1660], May 28 to June 1. Laid out in charges to bring up William Vaughan from Dover to London the 28th May.
His charges at Dover 10s.
3 horse from Dover to Gravesend 30s.
Our breakfast in the morning 2s.
Our dinner at Sittingborn 4s.
Our supper and lodging at night 7s.
For oars to London on Friday 4s.
Spent when we came ashore 4s.
For oars to Whitehall and back 12d.
Our dinner and supper for Friday 8s.
Ditto for Saturday 6s.
Oars to Greenwich and back 6s.
Fees in the pay-house 5s.
2 horse from Gravesend to Dover 20s.
Our boat hire down and charges to Dover 15s.
Paid the man which came with me for his pains 10s.
For my pains 20s.
For our charges on Sunday 6s.
7l. 18s.
Signed: Northampton. Endorsed: "1606. Charles Wingfield." ½ p. (119. 128.)
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral.
[1606, Before May 29]. At my coming down I found the 4 Hollanders, which my Lord of Northampton was advertised were sent for to strengthen the rest of the ships in the Small Downs, come thither, so that there were in the whole 6 before the mouth of the harbour and 2 within. I sent for the captains of each ship and signified his Majesty's pleasure that I was sent down to see the proclamation executed. They seemed to obey his Majesty's command and with great devotion to do him service. I told them my charge was as great not to permit any Englishman to serve the Dunkirk, as also that security should be taken that the ship in her passage to Flanders should not offer violence to any of their merchants or others. Most part of the day they spent ashore and either myself or some other gentleman by my appointment feasted them at my charges, to their great contentments. The conclusion betwixt us was that the 2 ships within should abide two tides after the departure of the Dunkirk, and for the seeing this executed I promised to be in person myself, and to leave order with my ships to see the like obeyed in the Small Downs. The next day when the tide served I was ready in my boat, and as the Dunkirk was ready to depart, the 2 Hollanders was [sic] as ready as she, which I wondered at, considering what had passed the day before. Whereupon I sent an officer of my Lord Northampton's to know their meaning, and to will the captain of the great ship to come ashore to me. The captain refused to obey the King's proclamation, as also to come ashore, vowing to cut off any man's head that should come aboard him. Immediately, in a great rage I returned aboard the Vanguard, and left Capt. Button to see the ship forth, notwithstanding his threats; assuring the Dunkirk that if the Hollander offered to impeach him to be revenged of the rest that rid without, promising to defend him, if he would but defend himself until he came within my command. I was no sooner gone but the company of the Dunkirk all save the Spaniards quitted the ship and got themselves ashore, thinking they had been betrayed. I imagined it was a plot laid down by consent of all the Hollanders, that they which rid without and under my jurisdiction should disclaim the fact and lay the blame upon the others, because they cannot be commanded as they lie. After my coming aboard the Vanguard I sent for the rest of the captains and vowed that if they did not see the captain within obey his Majesty's proclamation, I would take present revenge of them. They all forswore the act, exclaiming at the pride of him within, of whom they had no more command than he of them; and to give me the better satisfaction they entreated my letter with theirs to their admiral signifying the other's lewd carriage. Thus stands the state of the Dunkirk, who I know not how he shall be relieved, for neither the Vanguard nor Answer can come near the harbour to force them, and to send in the Whelp, being old and weak, where she shall lie aground, will in one tide break her back. To take revenge of the rest, who in conscience are innocent, were no course, and for Sir Nowell Carone to compel them I know not how you will adjudge it to stand with his Majesty's honour that so mean a man's letter should prevail where there is a denial of his Majesty's edict; but in my opinion if Sir Nowell Carone would command the sails to be taken from the yard, the captain to be displaced and sent up a prisoner and to be punished at your discretion, he should do his masters right, and it would warn others hereafter to have more respect to his Majesty's authority. Or if your lordship will but give me leave to carry aboard but 20 Englishmen to those that are already in the Dunkirk, though there be great difference betwixt the goodness of the ships, yet will I lose my life, but bring her forth in despite of them. When my Lord Warden's officers with the gentleman in their company that was sent from Count Aberbeck about this ship returned from doing their office, they were met with at the least 200 people shouting and rejoicing that the Hollander would not suffer her to pass; which was as much as that his Majesty's law could not be obeyed. After Saturday the tides decline, that there is no possibility to get her forth, neither can the Vanguard stay longer than Saturday for want of victuals. The Whelp desires according to your lordship's order to go westward. I find she hath not above 6 days' victuals. There are this day 4 ships of London come out of Spain, one of which hath been robbed by Hollanders, 27 packs taken out of her, one of her men hanged to death, and 2 "wolden" [wound] about the head that their brains was [sic] ready to come forth. Many of these spoils they do upon the coast of Spain, There are 6 pirates between Vsing [Ushant] and the Start, half English, half Holland, that rob all men. Four galleys have taken an English pirate at the South Cape, and those they have not hanged are put into the galleys.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 3 pp. (119. 38.)
[Printed in extenso in Monson's Tracts, III, 341–344 (Navy Records Society).]
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
[1606], May 29. I pray you to acquaint the Earl of Salisbury with the enclosed. This strange proceeding of the Hollanders in his Majesty's port of Sandwich most concerns you; but in my opinion it is not to be suffered for his Majesty's honour, and I think M. Caron should take great care in this, and to see those proud "droken" [drunken ?] fellows well punished, for I am sure the wisdom of the States will not allow them in it.
You shall see by the letter that the Vanguard must of force come in: her victuals are ended, and another is to go in her place, which shall be with great speed. I am here at the little lodge of Hampton Court, to see if the air would make me eat. I will be to-morrow morning at Chelsea. If there be anything for me to do in this, after they are in my jurisdiction, I pray you that I may know from you and the Earl of Salisbury, and I shall be ready to do it.—The Loge (Hampton Court), 29 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 75.)
[The Privy Council] to [Sir William Monson].
[1606, May 29 or later]. We have been made acquainted by my Lord Admiral with your letter to him concerning the misbehaviour of one of the captains of the Hollanders within the Small Downs; to which letter, though it be proper to the Lord Admiral and to me, the Earl of Northampton, as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, to make answer, yet because of the Lord Admiral's absence at this time, and that the matter concerns a point of state, wherein the advice of others, as privy councillors, may be necessary, this letter comes to you subscribed as you see, wherein we think good to say thus much unto you in answer. We observe your carefulness to take up all debates that arise there, from the bitterness and partiality of both parties, and that therein you do not spare your own cost and travail; but as the only ground of the same must be in the observation of neutrality, without any partiality to the one or the other, and that the best directories to the same must be his Majesty's proclamations in that behalf, we must plainly tell you that we do not find by your letter to the Lord Admiral that you have in all points so carried this question as that the one party may not pretend to himself some colour of grievance at it, and so be able to justify his cross proceeding. For where his Majesty in his proclamation limits a certain time for the one ship to go forth of the harbour before the other may be suffered to follow her, so the proclamation prescribes that no man-of-war should be permitted to revictual himself within his Majesty's ports for any longer proportion than may fitly serve to transport him from thence to any of the harbours of his superiors. In this case, howsoever the Hollander may have forgotten himself in not yielding that due respect to his Majesty's commandments delivered by you, for which he is worthy to be punished, yet that all pretence of excuse whatsoever should be taken from him, we have sent for M. Caron and expostulated the matter with him, who constantly affirms that all the States' directions to their men-of-war have always reference to the observation of his Majesty's proclamations, beyond which he dare not go in any directions; but he again assures us, if you take order that the Dunkirker go not out further victualled than may, in indifferent discretion, bring him to any of the ports of Flanders, the Hollander shall be constrained to submit himself to order, for which purpose he has again written to him, and protests against him if he do the contrary. It remains then for you to be well advised and take order that if the Dunkirker will go out that the Hollander may not be able (as we said before) to avow his action, which is to obey his masters' directions, who we assure ourselves leave little to the latitude of their captains' discretions. Whereof when you are sure, then if the Hollander do not show conformity upon your notice to him of it, you may call unto you the officers of the Lord Warden and advise together of such a course by conjunction of power as you have under the Lord Admiral, and of that which my officers have under me as Warden, to compel the Hollanders to obedience. Only this is it, we wish for avoiding ructions, that it may be done by civil measures rather than by violence, provided that his Majesty's honour be not prejudged. To this we must add that it is informed that in the Dunkirker ship there are many Englishmen that serve in her, whereat we wonder that you should permit the same to go forth, when you know that some have been condemned to be hanged for the like offence on the other side, when they were yet brought indirectly into our view and possession. Thus much we thought fit in my Lord Admiral's absence to answer you, who being now at Hampton Court, from whence we cannot in time receive his hand, having this afternoon received your letter from him, and being desirous to return you some answer with expedition and to have all matters ended, whereby contentment may be given to both parties; which is his Majesty's only object, though as things are carried sometime one way and sometime another, we see all sides displeased.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1606. Minute of my Lo. concerning the Dunkerk at Sandwich." 4 pp. (119. 82.)
Robert Hicham, Queen's Attorney, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], May 30. Myself, and the Queen's court in general, are so shamefully abused by a woman who had a suit there depending against Sir Harbert Crofts (which is now dismissed) as for my own part, except her Majesty or you shall command me, I must forbear to sit there until there be some other course taken with her. I am unwilling to trouble you, and if the fault were in me why she and such like are not punished without troubling you, I were the less excusable. This day she came into Gray's Inn Hall before dinner and after dinner, and there so railed upon me for bribery and partiality, with a "continuando" afterwards at my chamber, for 2 hours, that except all men were wise and charitable (if she should be suffered) it cannot but much reproach me. I was the more bold to write to you because Sir Harbert Crofts (who is causa sine qua non) came in the midst of it, and bore his part with me, and was the more willing to deliver my letter to you.— Gray's Inn, 30 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 76.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, May 29. Spinola has now almost worn away his fever and daily employs himself to hasten the preparations for the field. The common opinion is he will undertake something of importance either in Brabant or Flanders and that some reasonable number of men shall be committed to the charge of the Count of Sores to defend the places beyond the Rhine. The governors are sent for from all places to advise concerning the state of the places.
They have suddenly proceeded to the general wonder of all men to the discharging of the companies of Lord Arundell, Sir Griffin Markham and for form's sake of Sergeant-Major Studder, Lord Arundell's son, Sir Edw. Parham and Capt. Orme with order that the cashiered companies shall be turned into the others left to stand. If Arundell will not content himself with this private entertainment, as they reckon he will not, then it is said that the whole are to be commanded, by provision by Capt. Billinges, the eldest captain, till another colonel be appointed.
It will appear by the choice of the persons which shall stand with their companies what power Stanley, Owen and Baldwin have in the carriage of these businesses. They have long laboured that none may be employed here but such as shall directly depend upon their faction. Studder has insinuated to many here that it is not fit for the service of these parts to entertain any, especially in places of command, which have any dependency or expectation of fortune in England. They suggest that, though his Majesty shall refuse to suffer men to come hither, there may be a good body maintained of the runaways which daily come out of Holland which may be commanded by a person of inferior quality with less charge to the state and without being beholden to the King.
Baldwin seems to rejoice very much at the death of Garnett as of an advantage given for unjust proceedings against him. He vaunts that where it has been sought to discredit his society they will shortly publish a book to the world which shall declare the colourable dealings of England and how much they have been traduced by the same, and that they are a body able to stir up the affections of the princes of Christendom in their cause. About these businesses Coniers the Jesuit is come to Rome and to supply his place of residence in the English regiment there is designed one Chapman a Jesuit lately come out of Spain. Though their malicious meanings deserve to be despised Salisbury should be advertised that their affections aim at nothing so much as to practise against his person.
Has been to visit Spinola since his return. He inquired the cause why his Majesty would not suffer more of his subjects to pass over hither. Was told that he had made no absolute denial but for just reasons with which Spinola was made acquainted he made a restraint for a time. Spinola professed to be very sorry for the occasion as he prized exceedingly the valour of the English nation. He said that Sir Wm. Stanley had been with him and vehemently protested his innocency in the late devilish practice. He wished his Majesty might receive satisfaction for the doing of justice upon Owen and that the informations might be sent over hither against him. Was answered that he was deceived in the colourable religious behaviour of the one and that it was unfit for his Majesty to consent to the proposition touching the other.
Captain Orme will now shortly repair into England to satisfy Salisbury further touching Sir Wm. Windsor.—29 May, 1606.
Copy. 3 pp. (227. p. 232.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Lord Cobham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, May 30. I will now presume of your favour, which ever I had hope of from you, that more than was the entailed land Duke Brook should never have; for so was the meaning of the King. With him, whom now it is fallen unto, your lordship, I know, may so deal withal, that without any man's manner of contradiction, if that he have any advantage, will not stand in it but make a release of that which was never meant, and so some thought left to a poor destroyed man for his relief, when God shall put into the King's heart to forgive me. You pleased to hold my request reasonable and promised your furtherance. The undergoing of it is worthy of yourself and the reward is heavenly. Now, my Lord, as I make this request unto you, if the hope of my liberty be desperate, I can soon surcease it, for what if I had the world, to remain a prisoner were nothing. I have no argument to move for myself but that I was her brother whom you held dearest. For her sake remember me and be a means for my freedom. God and the world is witness that I have received punishment in the highest degree.—From the Tower, 30 May, 1606.
Holograph, signed: H. Brook. 1 p. (118. 131.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], May 31. On receipt of your warrant for my return, enclosed in a letter of Sir Fulke Grevylle's, I resolved to repair into England with all convenient speed, after I had taken my leave of the States and his Excellency, which I have now performed, though with more delay than I expected by reason of an annual liberality which the States have laid upon me and desired I should take with me as a testimony of their favour; whereof I thought it my duty to advertise you, being now ready and attending only shipping to pass the seas. As also that whereas I received a letter from the Council concerning the licensing of the Graymes to depart hence, that none of them since my coming hither, only one excepted for whom my Lord of Lenox wrote in his Majesty's name, are gone with my consent; but what through mortality and running away few of them are left. Consider the hardness of their condition that are confined without limitation of time for their release and what are the effects of despair, and the danger might thereby ensue to this place, if there were an enemy to make advantage of such humours. Under your favourable correction I think the best expedient to frame them to a resolution to serve his Majesty well here, and after to live like honest subjects in England, were to appoint them to remain a certain time in this service, which expired, they might be at liberty to return. Of other matters I know little to write, all things here being at a stand till Spinola shall give the occasion to stir.—Bryll, last of May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (116. 77.)
William Saxey to the Same.
[1606, May]. Before I was employed in the public service in Mounster I lived sufficiently by the practice of the common law, which I have professed more than 46 years. I have served in that place 12 years with great danger and loss and now no means of maintenance is by my profession left unto me. I pray that by his Majesty's favour I may be vouchsafed the place of the Chief Baron at Dublin, lately deceased, whereby I may be remitted to the exercise of my profession, discontinued by former service.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 90.)
[See the letter of 10 May, 1606, of the Lord Deputy of Ireland, Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–1606, p. 482.]
1606, May—1607, Oct. Gaol deliveries for the counties of Cumberland and Northumberland for the period specified, by Sir William Selby, Sir Robert Delavale, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Joseph Penington and Edward Gray, esquires, Commissioners appointed for that purpose. The names of convicted prisoners and the punishments awarded are given.
Copy. 4 pp. (119. 144.)