Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Cadbury, letter dated at, 546.

Cadie, John, 415.

Cadiz (Cadies, Cals, Cales, Calix, Calice), 99, 147, 193, 329, 347, 420, 447, 654.

expedition to, in 1588, alluded to, 158.

Spanish army at, 293.

Cadwallader :

Ethley, widow of Careckerudyon, examination of a servant of, 36.

Roger, 632.

Caen, 255.

Caesar's Commentaries, first book of, mentioned, 423.

Caesar (Cesar), Doctor Julius, Master of Requests, Judge of the Admiralty, 73, 143, 284.

letters from, 74, 147, 159, 222, 373, 467, 583.

to take order to prevent the spread of the plague, 247.

Cahir, Lord of, 549.

Caietan, Cardinal, 525.

Caishio, letter dated at, 43.

Calabria, 266, 330.

news from, 313.

protection of the coasts of, 330.

Turks repulsed from, 387.

Cape of, 549.

Calais (Callis, Caillis), 41, 57, 61, 69, 88, 209, 212, 231, 284, 432, 464, 465, 617, 623.

news from, 149, 401.

escape of Spinola from, mentioned, 431.

road, 389.

sands, 231.

Calice. See Cadiz.

Calismalis, 337.

reported number of galleys in, 336.

Calix. See Cadiz.

Callis. See Calais.

Calphild or Calfield (Calphill, Catfild), Captain Richard, commanding the Dreadnought, 510.

letter from, 173.

return to Plymouth with a prize, as to cargo and reports brought by, 173, 174, 175, 192.

arrives from Spain, 468.

under suspicion, 470.

burial of, 479.

Cals, Cales. See Cadiz.

Calstock [co. Cornwall], 559.

H.M.'s forest of, timber in, proposed to be used for repairs at Plymouth, 393.

Calverly, a seminary priest, despatched to London from York, 232, 233, 238.

Cambell, Dionise, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, letter from, 158.

Cambresy. See Cateau-Cambrésis.

Cambridge, letters dated at, 62, 224, 526.

Cambridge University :

contentions at, Sir R. Cecil's intervention asked for, in, 43.

list of the persons coming up with the presentation of the Chancellorship, 64, 65.

grace concerning Mr. Bird, 52, 53.

a visit paid to, 187.

financial difficulties, etc., of, discussed, 224, 443, 444.

a scholar, student of, 274.

members of, mentioned as fit candidates for the vacant see of Norwich, 437.

Chancellor of. See Cecil.

Vice-chancellor of, letters from, 424, 465.

—, letters to, 443.

Vice-chancellor and Senate of, letters from, 28, 223, 648.

Vice-chancellors of. See Jegon;

Du Port;

Smythe, William.

Orator of. See Naunton.

Procurators of. See Gostlime;


Register of. See Smith.

Senior Bedell. See Brooks.

Colleges of : Benedict, Master of. See Jegon.

Caius, Master of. See Legg.

Catherine Hall, letter dated at, 67.

Clare Hall, letter dated at, 465.

Corpus Christi, Fellows of, letters from, 525, 703.

Jesus, letters dated at, 53, 124, 424.

—, Master of. See Duport.

King's, letter to, 20.

—, Master and Provost of. See Goade.

Pembroke Hall, Master of. See Andrews.

Peter House, Master of. See Soame.

Queen's, Master of. See Tindall.

St. John's, 302.

—, letters dated at, 43, 192, 194, 406, 423, 440, 448, 457, 490, 505, 519, 598, 650.

—, M.A., formerly of, 212.

—, a tutor to have a fellowship in, 276.

—, its advantages, 540.

—, a fellow of, 643.

—, Master of. See Clayton. Trinity, 276.

—, M.A., formerly of, 212.

—, Master of. See Nevel.

Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyle (Argile), 90.

relations with the Duke of—, 89.

his agreement with Earl Huntley and Earl Murray not concluded, 141.

a kinsman of, 158.

daughter of, reported match for, 74.

—, marriage arranged for, 662.

Campes, the, manor of, 551.

Campion, Edmund, 512.

Canaries, the, 50, 51.

Candish. See Cavendish.

Candy, 549, 550.

Canequenes pieces, lawns called, 273.

Canissa [Styria], Turkish garrison of, reinforced, 122.

a convoy on its way to, reported captured, 136.

military operations round, 146.

recovery of, reported aim of the Emperor, 644.

Turks of, 156.

Canketn, 586.

Canning, William, merchant, 704.

Cannon, William, English prisoner in the galleys at Sluys, 561.

Canterbury, 9, 360 (2), 364.

palace at, letter dated at, 309.

province of, renewal of the general commission throughout, allusion to, 429.

Archbishop of. See Whitgift.

Cape Finisterre, mentioned, 387.

Cape Pitcher, letter dated off, 185.

Cape St. Vincent, 193.

Capell (Capel, Capill) :

Sir Arthur, letters from, 136, 469.

—, and his son, polite attentions to Mr. William [Cecil], 319.

—, mentions his wife, 469.

Edward, son of Sir Arthur, suit for, 136.

Lady, visit of, to Theobalds, 319.

Capell's Farm, lease of, 375.

Capua, news from, 246.

Caraie, a fortress, 287.

Carati, Captain Giacomo, acquitted, 310.

lieutenant of, sentenced to imprisonment, 310.

Cardiff, 576.

Recorder and Bailiff of, 576.

Castle, letter dated at, 279.

Cardigan, County of, soldiers for Ireland from, 31.

Cardin :

Fernando, a Jesuit priest, 505.

—, letters from, 44, 46.

—, suggested exchange of, 46, 47.

Hernan, a Jesuit, letters from, 395, 429, 450.

Father, 655.

Cardinal, the. See Austria, Albert Archduke of.

Cardona (Carbona), Don. Gio. di, Spanish naval commander, 254, 365, 420.

Careleile. See Carlisle.

Carew (Carewe, Carey, etc.) :

Sir George, Lord President of Munster, 97, 158, 199, 358, 359, 446, 481.

—, letter from, 701.

—, his knowledge of artillery, revival of mortar pieces by, 46.

—, progress of his campaign, 138.

—, camp of, letter dated at, 139.

—, transmission of letters to and from, 221, 254, 255, 288, 291 (2), 439.

—, captures the castle of Dunboy, 271, 272, 275, 276.

—, a packet from Sir Robert Cecil for, 620.

—, one in the service of, 656.

—, expected at Chester, 676.

—, servant of, office wrongfully granted to, 84.

George, letter from, 157.

Mr., of Anthonie, 471.

Sir Robert, conductor of troops for Ireland, letter from, 390.

Sir H., letters from, 10.

Carey (Carye, Carew) :

George, Lord Hunsdon, L. Chamberlain, letters from, 51, 219, 226, 448, 521.

—, as to the payment of debts owed to the Queen for his father, 51.

—, indisposed, 266.

Sir George, Treasurer at Wars in Ireland, 159.

—, certificate signed by, 92.

Sir George, formerly deputy lieutenant of Devon, 182.

Henry, and son, dwelling near Poole, recusants, 333, 336, 536.

—, letter from, 229.

—, instructions to Viscount Bindon concerning, 244, 245.

Sir John, Marshal and Deputy Governor of Berwick, Warden of the East Marches, 504, 518, 561.

—, letters from, 8, 27, 94, 127, 135, 225, 670, 677, 698, 699.

—, letters to, 11, 499, 587.

—, passports issued by, 82, 335, 466, 467, 478.

—, appeals for assistance, 94.

—, dealings with the King of Scots with regard to certain Liddisdale men, 89.

—, as to outlaws taken by, their names, etc., 106, 107, 127.

—, commends the son of Sir W. Reed, 465.

—, and his son, 652.

—, mentions his children and alludes to the loss of his father, 670.

Sir Robert, Warden of the Middle March, outlaws taken by, allusion to, 127.

—, Scottish pledges delivered to, 238, 343.

Mrs., 547.

Carisbrooke, Priory of [Isle of Wight], as to the reversion of the lease of, yearly rent paid for, 152.

Carleton in Yorkshire, heir of. See Stapleton.

Carlingford [Ulster], arrival of soldiers at, notified, 196.

men sent to, indenture of, mentioned, 210.

Carlisle (Careleile, Carlill), 91, 94.

letters dated at, 115, 662.

Bishop of. See Robinson.

Dean and Chapter of, and a certain wardship, 349.

the prebendaries of, allusion to a petition from, concerning the renewal of a lease, 346.

Carlo Quinto, grandfather of the King of Spain, referred to, 50.

Carlton (Carelton), Lanslott, disorders in the West Border caused by, complaint against, 115.

servant of, a murderer, 115.

Carmarden or Carmarthen (Carmerden), Richard, Alderman, H.M.'s Commissioner at Plymouth, 77, 104, 415, 514.

letters from, 47, 261, 273, 343.

leaves Plymouth, 280.

the Bishop of London desires that instructions may be given to, for the seizing of books secretly landed in London, 312.

Carmarthen, 637.

letter dated at, 168.

commended to Sir R. Cecil's protection, its municipal authorities and population, etc., 168.

county of, soldiers for Ireland from, 27, 31.

Mayor of. See Thomas.

Carnedon or Carndon Prior, manor of, belonging to Sir R. Cecil, 289, 648.

Carnicovius, ambassador from the King of Denmark, 645.

Caroche,” the, 561.

Caron (Carron), Mons. or Sir Noel de. Sr. de Schoonevalle, 91, 377, 426, 545, 500.

letters from, 58, 238, 480, 587.

letter to, 481.

letters from the States General for, as to the delivery of, 138.

letter endorsed, the proposition of, 477.

Carre (Carr, Kar) :

—, cousin of George Chaworth, connected with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 694, 695.

James, Scotch merchant, petition from, 578.

Thomas, accusations brought against, Cecil's instructions with regard to, 11, 12.

—, his servant hurries south to inform against him, 27.

William, letter from, 220.

Carrack (carrick), the prize, at Plymouth, cargo etc., 261, 262, 273, 280, 281, 282, 309, 413 (2), 611, 613.

arrival in England, allusion to, 266.

Spaniards reported imprisoned for the loss of, 334, 339.

offer for purchase of. 697.

Commissioners for, at Plymouth, 215, 218, 226, 261, 262, 273, 338, 362 (2), 372, 377, 378, 402, 408, 462, 474.

—, letters from, 261, 364, 408.

—, their commission ended, leave Plymouth, 280, 445.

Carracks, returning from the East Indies, project to intercept them, 459, 460.

prizes, inventory of the goods of, 570.

Carrickfergus [Ulster], 196.

Carston, one, murders committed by, 225.

Cartagena, 406, 420.

Carter, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Carthy (Carta) Charles. See McDermot.

Cartread, one, 68.

Carvannell, servant of Sir J. Gilbert, 118, 145, 392.

Cary. See Carew : Carey.

Caryon pool, a spring at Theobalds, 206.

Cascaes (Caskeais, Cast Cals), 333, 422, 654.

Cashel (Cassells), Bishop or Archbishop of. See Magrath.

Caspian, the, 122.

Cassano (“Cassan), Marquis de, Conte del Bosco,” 306, 326.

Cassel [Nassau], town of, 57.

Castell Maine, allusion to money paid for, 202.

Caster, near Grimsby, affray at, 363, 364.

Castile, the Adelantado (of Delantathowe, the Lanthoe of Spain) (Don Martin de Padilla), 26, 287.

at St. Marieporte, 99.

reported death of, 146, 193.

refuses to obey the King's first provision, 172.

Castle Haven [Ireland], 38.

Castres in Dauphiny, 498.

Cateau-Cambrésis (Cambresy), treaty with France and Scotland at, 255, 257.

Caterine, a hostess, 141.

Catesbie (Catsbe) :

Anne, petition for the benefit of a lease for, 132.

Edward, concerned in a brawl, 345.

Erasmus and Masy, parents of Anne, 132.

Catholics. See Roman Catholics.

Catoshes, price obtained for, 571.

Catwater (Cattwater), at Plymouth, 173, 215, 468.

Cauley (Cawlie, Cawlye), —, connected with the Earl of Oxford, 82, 86.

Caulton, 586.

Cavendish (Candishe) :

Mr., 70.

Mr., great nephew of Sir John Fortescue, 104.

Henry, as concerned with Lady Arabella Stuart's proceedings, 583, 585–587, 629, 685, 689–693.

Sir William, brother of the Countess of Shrewsbury, 384.

—, as concerned with Lady Arabella Stuart's proceedings, 584, 586, 587, 593, 629, 691, 693, 694.

Lady Grace, wife of Henry Cavendish, sister of Edward Talbot, letter from, 685.

Cawlie, Cawlye. See Cauley.

Cawsand (Causon) Bay, 174.

Cecala. See Cigala.

Cecil (Cicill, etc.) :

Dr., at Paris, suspected by the Catholics, 570.

Sir Edward, son of Lord Burghley, 431.

—, letters from, 167, 219, 258, 373.

—, in the Low Countries, 296, 343.

Cecil, Sir Robert (“Mr. Secretary”), principal Secretary of State, Master of the Court of Wards, etc., 150, 204, 229, 280, 343.

letters from, 2, 11, 13, 20, 21, 23, 33, 37, 40, 74, 77, 93, 123, 161, 167, 244, 271 (2), 273, 275 (2), 286, 305, 330, 334, 367, 396, 397, 403, 416, 425, 443, 444, 460, 474, 490, 493, 494, 497, 504, 518, 529, 539 (3), 572 (4), 587, 599, 610, 612, 626, 631, 633, 635, 657 (2), 666–668, 678, 680, 706 (2).

letters to, passim.

his mercantile adventures, 83, 119, 230, 234, 453, 456, 460, 470, 599.

offices of : warrant by, as High Steward of Westminster, 459.

as Chancellor of Cambridge University, 43, 538.

—, request to King's College with regard to his tenancy of Ruislip, 21.

presents made to, etc., 1, 139, 140, 164, 165, 189, 190, 199, 217, 221, 234, 286, 302, 303, 316, 321, 407, 439, 452, 456, 460, 469, 541 (2), 527, 581, 587, 647, 697.

instructions to George Nicholson with regard to [Richard] Douglas, 14, 15, 23, 24, 40, 41.

devotion to the Queen, 18.

building operations or improvements in houses and parks of, 21, 242, 243, 292, 370, 375, 597. See also Theobalds.

disposal of his moiety of a parsonage mentioned, 35.

licence desired from, 35.

surmise concerning a treatise sent to, 56.

hope expressed for his speedy recovery, 58.

letters, orders, etc., signed by, 60, 247, 396, 398.

as godparent, 65, 219, 678.

offer of a small annuity to, from the Corporation of Exeter, 70.

lying rumours current on the continent concerning, 154.

bond of Sir Walter Ralegh to, 163.

his instructions to Sir R. Leveson, 161–163.

—, the forwarding of, 167.

measures to prevent frauds upon his farm of customs, 176.

manors and property of, 201, 289, 348.

conspiracy to rob his new house, 204.

progress of a cause concerning, 213.

as to a counterfeited letter purporting to come from, 239, 240 (2).

turkey carpet saved out of prize goods for, 362, 365.

allusion to lands of, in Hereford, 376.

concerned in a lease from the Dean and Chapter of Bath and Wells, 508.

person desirous of entering service of, 510.

profits of, from the customs, 513, 514.

transmission of letters from Scotland to, 518.

entertains the Queen, 560.

thanked for saving the life of the Earl of Southampton, 562.

testimony to his zeal for the common weal, 563.

relations with Sir Arthur Savage and Lord Cumberland, 573.

his “puritan humour takes offence, at the shadow of a gift.” 582.

relations with Lord North, 603.

his experience of the envy of the time, 610.

and the case concerning Sir Edward Winter, 618, 636.

relations with his brother-in-law, George Brooke, 631.

his wife, mentioned, 280.

tribute to his wife, 631.

a reference to his son, and the boy's sweet disposition, 546.

eldest son of. See Cecil, William.

his daughter Francis, mentioned, 44.

father of. See Cecil, Sir William.

brother of. See Cecil, Thomas.

sister-in-law of. See Sturton, Lady.

nephew of, two men detained on suspicion for a robbery committed on, 60.

niece of, suit concerning her cousin, 90. See also Tufton, Mrs. Fra.

cousins of. See Brooke, Sir Calisthenes;

Herbert, Lady.

Cecil :

Thomas, 2nd Lord Burghley, Lord President of the Council of the North, 85, 194, 321, 414, 475, 512, 674, 698.

—, letters from, 80, 99, 200, 232, 238, 343, 363, 537, 666, 670, 680.

—, letter to, 70.

—, mentions his sons Edward and Thomas, 343.

—, connected with a cause in the Star Chamber, 453.

—, gift from, sent to Sir Robert Cecil, 527.

Thomas, son of Lord Burghley, in France, 343.

Sir William (Milor Secilus), first Lord Burghley, father of Sir Robert, 63, 80, 109, 113, 142, 143, 174, 188, 208, 263, 295, 297, 373, 435, 441, 456, 475.

—, reference to, as the late Lord Treasurer, 9.

—, annuity formerly received by, offered to his son, 70.

—, inhabitants of Kesteven desire the continuance of ancient rates as used in the time of, 220.

—, treaty with Scotland by, 275.

—, a visit to the tomb of, 187.

—, a testimony to, 538.

William, eldest son of Sir Robert (“your Will”), 44, 297, 317, 319, 348, 561.

—, at Cambridge University, letters from, 423, 448, 505, 650.

—, allusion to him at Cambridge University, 188.

—, reports as to his health and progress, 406, 440, 457.

Cecylia, Don Diego called to be admiral of, 675.

Cephalonia, Island of, 25, 299.

Cesar (Cezar), Vasco Fernandes, provedir of the King's Almazenes, reported imprisonment for the loss of the Carrack, 334, 339.

Cetcher, Juan, 95.

Ceuta (Seuta) [Morocco], 108.

Portuguese Governor of. See Villareale.

Cezimbra (Cysembrey, Sesembra, Sezembre), 332, 418, 420.

Road, carrack captured at, 183.

Governor of, dealings with Sir W. Monson, 418.

Chaderton (Chadderton) :

Laurence, of Cambridge, letter signed by, 649.

William, Bishop of Lincoln, referred to, 544.

—, mentioned in connexion with the living of Bangor, 669.

Chamberlain (Chamberlayn) :


John, petition from, 580.

Chamberlain, the Lord. See Carey, George, Lord Hunsdon.

a former Lord. See Howard, Lord William.

Chambers, Mr., 616, 646.

Chamond, Digori, letter from, 45.

Champantee, cause with Hare and W. Conradus, 579.

Champernown, Sir Richard, 1.

Champney, Anthony, 632.

Chancellor, Mr., 152, 309, 413.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, 51, 227.

Chancery, suits and causes, 8, 274, 636, 650.

a Master of the. See Tyndall.

Chandos (Chandois) :

Lord. See Brydges, William.

Lady, widow, letter from, 477.

—, the Queen proposes to visit, 140.

—, signs terms of agreement as to the Chandos property, 204, 221.

Chandos Case, resolution of the, 204.

property, terms of agreement as to, 221.

—, state of the offers respecting, 259.

Channel, the, 162, 174, 185, 209.

Chapell (Chapple), John, Alderman of Exeter, 71, 151.

Chapman :

Christopher, vicar of Hucknall, 690.

—, examination of, in connexion with Lady Arabella, 696.

Jno., Alderman of Hull, 296.

Charisius, Jonas, late Danish Commissioner, 640.

Charles, Duke. See Sweden, Duke Charles of.

Charlton, letter dated at, 30.

Charnocke, Robert, 632.

Charos Pasha, reported poisoned, 146.

Chase, the, of Hatfield, as to the projected sale of, 384.

Chatham, 218, 280, 344, 428, 479, 616.

Chaumont, Count, 94.

Chaworth, George, servant to Lady Arabella, 687, 689.

letter from, 694.

cousins of. See Carre;


Chelmsford (Chelmesford), 239, 699.

letters dated at, 240 (2).

Chelsea, 248.

letter dated at, 248.

Chenies, letter dated at, 29.

Cherry (Cherye), Francis, letters from, 397, 540, 630.

Chester, 166, 661.

letters dated at, 2, 4, 36, 60, 76, 77, 109, 164, 196, 219, 346, 372, 403, 446, 451, 454, 483, 491, 518, 523, 638, 646, 653, 676.

examination taken at, 36, 37.

embarkation of troops at, 355.

Irish boy who robbed a French gentleman at, 523.

Bishop of. See Vaughan.

comptroller and searcher of, enquiries for one Drew Pickas, 76.

Justice of. See Lewkenar.

Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 36.

Mayors of. See Glaseour;


Postmaster of. See Francis, John.

Chester, Robert, letters with regard to an estate entrusted to, 274 (2).

Chesterford, 190.

Cheswicke, matter of the copper mines at, a report on, 145.

Cheyne, Lady, 577.

Chichester, Mr., 165.

Chillingham, letters dated at, 127, 201.

Chillington, letter dated at, 5.

China dishes amongst prize goods, 365.

Chioggia [Italy], 156.

Chocke, William, gentleman, conductor of troops to Ireland, 31.

Christ, lives of, taken with Jesuits, 44.

Christians, army of the, referred to, as being broken up, 85.

Church, William, Master of the Fancy, 597, 614.

Churchman, Robert, letter from, 646.

Chy, 270.

Cigala (Cecala), [the Bassa], and his fleet, reports concerning, 122 (2), 325.

repulsed, 387.

Cicilia.” See Sicily.

Cineron, Count of, President of the Council of Italy, reported a prisoner, 286.

Cinnamon water, 560.

Cinque Ports, Lord Warden of. See Cobham, Lord.

Civell. See Seville.

Cività (Cevita) Vecchia, 154, 329.

Clandeboy [Ireland], rebels in, 633.

Clangregors, affairs of, mentioned, 664.

Clanrickard, Earl of, 421.

Clapham, letters dated at, 58, 238, 587.

Clare, Captain Henry, letters from, 286, 540.

petition against, being removed from a command 74.

Clark (Clarke) :

Robert, Master of the Susan, 421.

Sir William, 206.

—, the Queen's visit to, allusion to, 302.

William, a secular priest, a book by, alluded to, 520.

Clay, Mr. “Arculus,” house of, 608.

Clayton, Dr. Richard, Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, 64, 649.

letter from, 519.

Clement VII. Pope, bull of, for King Henry's marriage upon the divorce of Queen Katherine, 257.

Clement VIII., Pope, 155, 301.

letter from, 525.

intrigues at the Court of, 49, 50.

reported dealings of, in Ireland, 236.

in good health, 245.

dealings with the King of France, 246, 325.

the Queen's reported offer to, 253.

movements of, 287.

news concerning, 328.

trying to keep peace between France and Spain, 510.

reported offers to the King of Scots, 665.

Chamberlain of. See Polacio.

galleys of, news concerning, 313, 314, 330.

Clements, Richard, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Clepam, William, of Leith, examination of, 654, 655.

Clerk (Clerck) :

Baron, 198.

Jan le, merchant, 704.

Mr., Steward of the manor of Harrow, 574.

Robert, merchant, 704.

Clerk of the Markets, petitioner for the joint patent of the office of, 210.

Cleves (Cleve), Duke of, 262, 319, 345.

Clifford, George, Earl of Cumberland, 648, 698.

letters from, 190, 227, 321, 407, 438, 459, 574, 674, 675.

letter to, 27.

as to his mercantile adventures, 71, 114, 117, 425, 445.

Sir R. Cecil's friendship for, 539, 573.

promise to supply all necessaries for his house, 617, 618.

alludes to his brother and his brother's wife, 674.

servant of. See Oglethorp.

Clifton (Clyfton) :

one, 254.

Sir Giarvis, heir of, Her Majesty's ward, education of, 276, 302, 540.

Clinton (Clynton), Henry, Earl of Lincoln, letters from, 60, 98, 234.

various complaints against Sir E. Dymock, 234.

mentions his wife and children, 234.

concerned in a brawl with Sir E. Dymock, 344, 345, 410–412.

a letter from the King of Scots to, alluded to, 563.

Clonmel [Ireland], 535.

Clotworthy, Lewes, agent in Cork, 291.

Clunye, the, at the Barrana Delvins [Ireland], rendezvous of Jesuits, 236.

Clutterbooke, Giles, merchant, 704.

Clyfton. See Clifton.

Clymesland, manor of, belonging to Cecil, survey of, 289.

Clynton. See Clinton.

Coalle. See Cole.

Cobham, letter dated at, 292, 303.

note of provisions at, 82.

Cobham, Earl of. See Brooke, Henry. late Earl of. See Brooke, William.

Cocke, Mr., 207.

Cockin, Mr., 96.

Cocks, Christopher, letter from, 48.

Codrington, Richard, letters from, 497, 498.

Cogisland, in the Fens (co. Lincoln), 179.

Coke, Sir Edward (“Mr. Attorney”), Attorney General, 9, 40, 53, 58, 95, 113, 161, 167, 238, 312, 330, 375, 448, 669.

letters from, 77, 90, 137, 141, 322, 512, 519, 534, 541.

letter to, 77.

“a second Cardinal Wolsey,” 567.

an attack upon, 569.

Colchester, letter dated at, 139.

bailiffs of. See Bird and Northaye.

Cole (Coalle, Colle) :

Mr., of Devonshire, a gift from, 527.

Richard, at Plymouth, 120, 130, 364, 378, 409, 613.

letters from, 365 (2), 408, 533.

connected with a cause concerning Sir R. Cecil, 213.

difference with Capt. Scoble, 378.

Colham, Middlesex, the reversion of, 571.

Colier, Richard, J. P. of Dorset, 700.

Colle. See Cole.

Colleton, John, 632.

Collingwood (Collingewod) :

Henry, of Etall, fray with George Mustchampe, letters from Sir J. Carey concerning, 94, 225.

Henry, soldier of Berwick, concerned in a fray, 225.

Luke, brother of Henry, of Etall, dies of wounds received in a fray, 94, 225.

Oswald, concerned in a fray, 94, 225.

Cologne (Couloigne), 390.

arrival of a Commissioner from, 644.

news from, 345.

Archbishop of, sends to the Diet convoked at Prague, 644.

Electeur de, 361.

Coloretto, Colonel, brother of, 122.

Colthurst (Coulthurst), J., 370.

letter from, 242.

Comberford, a student at Oxford, 337.

Commissioners, a writ of supersedeas delivered to, stays a suit in the Star Chamber, 118.

Common Pleas, Judges of the, lease examined by, 486.

Compton [Devon], 83.

Concealments, a book of, complaint with reference to payment for, 16.

Condé, Prince of, 493.

Conesbye, 412.

Connaught, province of, a traitor of, flees to Spain, 39.

description of, referred to, 579.

rebels reduced in, 610.

Conquett (Conquit) [Brittany], 389, 398, 449.

Conradus, William, petition from, 579.

Constantinople, 298, 351.

news from, 122, 137, 146 (3), 155, 156, 266, 285, 298, 310, 326, 345, 366.

Contarini, Francesco, ambassador for Constantinople, 298.

Conway, Sir Ed., letter from, 353.

Conyers, John, merchant, 704.

Cooch, Captain, payment to, 92.

Cook(e) :

Sir Anthony, letter signed by, 516.

Avis, Lady, wife of Sir Anthony, letters from, 64, 490.

George, of Sussex, heir of, a ward, 484.

Richard, apprehended, 663.

William, letter from, 85.

Cookham, 554.

Copcott, Reinold, late merchant, as to the guardianship of his daughter, 663.

Cope :

cousin of Lord Lumley, 111.

Mr., 331.

Mr., a gift from, 528.

Walter, 380, 407, 408.

—, letter from, 370.

—, letters to, 356, 597.

—, fails to make good his promise as to a debt, 581.

Coper, Mistress, 219.

Coplestone, Anthony, 261.

Coppes, Mr., 316.

Coppinger (Copinger), nephew of Lord Cobham, 196, 203.

Corbett, Sir Miles, 322.

Cordell (Cordel), 467, 625.

Cordova :

Don Gio. de, Spanish general, 386.

Fray Gaspar di, Confessor to the King of Spain, 486.

Corham, William, gentleman of Hampshire, recusant, 676.

Cork [Ireland], 10, 13, 54, 254, 291, 424, 563.

letters dated at, 117, 227, 235, 460.

soldiers awaiting transportation to, defects and mutiny amongst, 169, 170.

transport of men to, 277, 320, 340.

an escape from, 445.

Cork haven, 649.

Cormocke, payment to, 92.

Cormyck,” 567.

Corn from prize ships, 582.

for transportation, Lord Treasurer's answer with regard to, 637.

Cornelis, Martin, master of a Dutch vessel, 429.

Cornellius, Richard, Mayor of Southampton, letters from, 99, 375.

Cornewell, Mr., 303.

Cornwall, a prize pillaged in, 114.

lands belonging to Cecil in, alluded to, 348, 370.

Head Sheriff of. See Vivian.

Vice-Admiral of, 102.

Cornwall (Cornewaill), Thomas, kinsman of Sir H. Bromley, letter from, 221.

pretended title to certain escheated lands, 66, 67, 206.

Cornwallis (Cornwaleys) :

Anne Lady, letter from, mentioning her son, 109.

Mr., 337.

Sir William, letters from, 139, 209, 361, 496, 541.

—, mentions his son Withipoll, and his father, 139, 361.

Corrupt stewards and woodwasters,” day appointed for the examination of the causes of, 137.

Cortneye. See Courtnay.

Corvo (Corves), Island, 105.

Cossina, Nicholas, an Italian, arrested in Leith on suspicion, 676.

liberated, 678.

Cotington, Dr., prebendary of Bath and Wells, 508.

Cottell (Cotells), Thomas, 46, 408.

Cotton :

Fr., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

George, esquire, of Hampshire, recusant, 676.

Henry, Bishop of Salisbury, letter from, 429.

Mrs. Cassandra, letter from, 65.

Couillet, John, servant to the French Ambassador, 478.

Couloigne. See Cologne.

Coulthurst. See Colthurst.

Council, the. See Privy Council.

Coupare, Capt., a prisoner of, 575.

Court, the, letters dated at, 430, 444, 467.

Papists at, 499.

Courtnay (Courteney, Cortneye) :

Capt. Francis, son of Sir William, 404, 405 (2), 427.

Sir W., 206.

Sir William, letter from, alluding to his son, 656.

Coventrye, John, of the Inner Temple, 647.

Covert, Alexander, gentleman, sent on a mission to Denmark, remembrances for, 640, 641.

Coward, Christopher, “boy” of Mr. Symcocks, petition for a warrant for the stay and examination of, 63.

Cowdrey, letter dated at, 699.

visit of the Lord Treasurer to his sick daughter at, 309.

Cowdrey, Thomas, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Cowell, John, of Cambridge University, letter signed by, 224.

Cowes, the, under the Isle of Wight, 99.

Cox :

Master, 526.

Toby, captain of the Diamond, 116, 119, 130.

Coxe, Mr., a spring in the land of, to be used for improvements at Theobalds, 317.

Cracow, 156.

Craddock, Mr., 421.

Cranfeild, Lionel, merchant, 704.

Cratwryght, —, 442.

Craven, present to Cecil of a stag and buck from, 190.

Craven, Mr., 495, 498.

servant of, 665.

Crayford, of Cambridge University, performs his submission, 52.

Credy, William, 529.

Crescentino, proposed exchange of the territory of, in a marriage contract, 328.

Cresswell, Joseph, Jesuit, movements of, 569.

his character, etc., 570.

Crewe, Ranulphe, of Lincoln's Inn, 647.

Cright, Andrew, Scotchman, 91.

Crighton, Sir John, a Scottish laird, pass issued to, 466.

in London on his way to France, 547.

Crips (Cripse), Capt., delivers a prisoner in Spain, 80.

Master of the Green Dragon, 97.

Crivelli, Giovan Giacomo, gentleman of Milan, a bandit, in London, 663.

Croatia, 137.

Croch. See Crowch.

Crœsus, son of,” allusion to, 112.

Croft(e) :

cousin to Da. Williams, 642.

Herbert, letter from, 498.

Thomas, J.P. for Suffolk, 523.

Crofton, Captain, robbery committed by, 25.

Croke :

Geo., of the Inner Temple, 647.

John, Recorder of London, letters from, 204, 452.

Croker, Anthony, captain of the Lion's Claw, 119.

Crompton (Crumpton) :

Captain Anthony, letter from, 37, 541.

—, defends himself against charges, 579.

Dr. Thomas, 105, 106, 130.

—, letters from, 213, 622.

—, an appointment for, 492.

Cromwell, Edward, Lord, 665.

letters from, 101, 541.

letter to, 167.

Crooke, Mr. Serjeant, 650.

Cross(e) :

Alsop, merchant, 704.

Sir Robert, 185.

—, letter from, 234.

—, a gift from, 528.

—, servant of, wardship bestowed on, 234.

Crossinge, Hugh, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Croston, a merchant of London, son of, formerly page to the Duke of Lerma, 292.

Crowch (Croch), Captain William, Lord Bindon's man, conductor for Dorset, 171.

bonds taken of, 182.

allusion to fault committed by, 183.

Crowe Meole, in Shropshire, suit concerning the purchase of, 497.

Crowhill, letter dated at, 376.

Croydon, 424.

Crumpton. See Crompton.

Cucco, King of, alliance with the King of Spain against Algiers, 345, 347, 386.

a cousin german of, object of his mission to Majorca, 347 (2).

Cuevre, Marquis de, 94.

Cuffe, Hugh, set at liberty after arrest for a debt, 581.

Cuke. See Cuyk.

Cullen, munition received from, by Earl Enno, 129.

Cumberland (Comberland) :

Earl of. See Clifford.

Countess of, letters from, 542, 625.

—, household provision for, 617.

—, disagreement with her husband, 625.

Cuneo [Savoy ?], garrisoned by Spaniards, 345.

Currell,” some jewels of, taken from a French ship, 17.

Custom House, the, 41.

letter dated at, 343.

a waiter at, petition for, 62.

officers of, letter to, 176.

—, instructions to, for the unlading of ships, 176.

Customer, the, 462, 470, 565.

vacant post of, at Plymouth, desired, 471.

at Plymouth. See Halse.

Customs deducted from goods captured in prizes, 152.

a charge of fraud upon the, 513.

waiters, reasons for their complaints, 514.

losses to the Queen through the use of a book of rates of Queen Mary's time, frauds, etc., 566, 567.

a twentieth part, 582.

of silks, 75, 76, 77, 331.

—, certain sorts added to the grant of, 77.

—, minute to the Customers of London anent, 444.

the Comptroller of, illicit profits made by, 514.

Cutlard, Mr., 478.

Cuyk (Cuke, Cuyke), country of [Netherlands], 262, 320.

the dorp (i.e. village) called, Spanish army encamps at, 307.

Cyprus, news of an earthquake at, 285.

Cysembrey Road. See Cezimbra.