Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Baaksem (Baxen) [Netherlands], 203.

Baarle (Baerle) [Netherlands], 202.

Babington, Bishop, 53.

Bachelor, William, wife of, gift of a cross by, 32.

Backer, Robert, made serjeant-at-law, 621.

Bacon :

Mr., 167.

Francis, Bencher of Grays Inn, 259, 260, 647.

—, book of Squire's treason by, 569.

Mathey, letter from, 503.

Nathaniel, 106, 322

Sir Nicholas, J.P. for Suffolk, 322, 523.

Badbye, Captain, payment to, 92.

Baden in Tourlech [? Durlach], Ambassador from, 644.

Baden, the Marquis of, controversy over the gardianship of, alluded to, 645.

Baerle. See Baarle.

Bagenall, Sir Samuel, letter from, 460.

Bagshaw, Dr., English priest at Paris, 85, 158, 608.

Bailee, W., Prebend of Westminster, 142.

Baion. See Bayonne.

Baker, John, bailiff's man of the liberties of Westminster, 548.

arrest made by, 150.

Bala, town of [Merionethshire], a murder in, 481.

Balbaine (Balbany, Balbanie), Mr., merchant, 234, 449, 633.

Balbani, Antonio, letter from, 642.

Balche, a gentleman, under arrest, letter on behalf of, 38.

eldest son of, acts for his father as Serjeant-Major of Lochon, 38.

Baldwine, a Jesuit, 231.

Ball, Colonel, commanding troops in the Low Countries, 269.

Balliaggio di Ger, 266.

Ballyshannon [co. Donegal], army payments in, 92.

Baltimore [co. Cork], 38.

Baltin, A., letter from, 481.

Banckes, Captain, 30.

Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, 229, 233, 236, 238, 265, 660.

letters from, 29, 47, 56, 101, 148, 158, 194, 201, 204, 243, 252, 399, 312, 318, 326, 405, 424, 457, 519, 520, 522, 532, 631.

indisposed, 148.

lying rumours current concerning, 154.

suffragan of, mentioned as a candidate for the Deanery of St. Paul's, 67.

Baneham, Mr., of Gloucestershire, daughter of, dispute concerning her marriage with the son of Sir Thomas Throgmorton, 463, 464.

Banester, John, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Bangor [co. Flint], parsonage of, the presentation to, 544, 545, 669.

Bar, Madame de, French King's sister, effect of her attachment to the Protestant religion, 570.

Barbary, 277.

trade with, 623.

reported sailing of frigates with munitions to, 347.

King of, debts of, to certain merchants, 284.

merchants trading to, consent to furnish assistance for Moors redeemed from servitude, 222.

a ship of, captured, 156.

—, intelligence brought by, 162.

Barcelona, 181, 329.

soldiers raised in, 172.

trade with Alexandria, 549.

Bardonnoughe, Laird of, pass issued to, 466.

Barker :

alias Thompson, alias Page, an arch Jesuit lately executed, 265.

one, of Chester, 517.

Mr., connected with Lady Edmonds, offer made to, 124.

Mr., of Suffolk, recommended for Serjeant-at-Law, 546.

John, at Pisa, 85.

Mary, a ward, 577.

Richard, the heir of a ward, 577.

Ro., of Inner Temple, 647.

Barkley (Barkely, Barklye) :

Maurice, letter from, 535.

Sir Morris, 219.

Sir Richard, 563.

Barlo, “the railer,” 306.

Barloe, a Jesuit, 522.

Barlow, W., prebendary of St. Paul's, letter from, 52.

Barn Elmes, letter dated at, 152.

Barnbye, Francis, secular priest, 632.

Barnes :

Doctor, of Oxford, daughter of, 575.

Richard, H.M. Agent in Muscovy, 422.

—, letter to, 425.

Barnett, William, alderman of Hull, 296.

Barnstaple, 1, 6, 339, 616, 655.

letters dated at, 13, 51, 54, 154, 277, 291 (2), 306, 320, 340.

men to be transported from, for Dublin, 154.

allusion to abuses supposed to have been offered by the Governors and Magistrates of, 211.

embarkation of troops from, 355.

Mayor of. See Stanberye.

Barnwell, Sir Patric, 702.

Baron, Dr., 28.

Barra, Robert de la, merchant, 704.

Barre, Robert de la, a fraud upon the customs by, 546.

Barrell, one, an Irishman, his manner of claiming prize goods objected to, 120.

Barrett (Barret) :

Dr., President at Douay, 88.

Richard, servant of Edward Gorge, examination of, 32.

Barry (Barrie) :

Lord, 548.

Samuel, letter from, alluding to losses of his father, 263.

Thomas, 57.

Barrough, Mr., 185.

Barrowe, Richard, 37.

Barrowes (Barras, Barwisse, Barowys, Barrois) :

—, cause of, alluded to, 356, 357.

Robert, the priest, 168, 236, 400.

—, released from the Gatehouse, 230.

—, letter from, giving information concerning the movements of Jesuits, 231.

—, committed to the Marshalsea, 326, 520.

Bartolomeo, Fra, called the Saint, 299.

Barton, Mrs., a Catholic, daughter of Dr. Barnes, of Oxford, 575.

Barwell, Edmund, of Cambridge University, 224, 649.

Barwicke. See Berwick.

Barwisse, a priest. See Barrowes.

Base, Isle of, by Roscowe, Spanish lieutenant buried at, 450.

Baset. See Bassett.

Basill (Bassell, Basyll), Simon, Controller of H.M.'s Works, 199, 459.

Basing, letters dated at, 84, 509, 624 (2).

Baskervile's tenures, 499, 642.

Bassadona, Sir, 323.

Bassell. See Basill.

Basset (Baset, Bassett) :

—, page to Lady Arabella, 689.

Captain, payment to, 92.

Mr., statute of, allusion to, 207.

Mrs., 371.

Sir Robert, of the Lion's Claw, claim to prize goods, etc., 116, 120, 165.

William, 580.

Bastille. See Paris.

Baston, town of [Lincolnshire], women from, join in the Kesteven riots, 178, 179.

Basyll. See Basill.

Bate, John, merchant, 704.

Bateman, Robert, merchant, 704.

Bates, Edward, merchant, 704.

Bath (Bayethe), 82, 104, 140, 141, 158, 177.

letters dated at, 97, 101.

remedy for palsy, 139.

Bath, Eliza, Countess of, letter from, 208.

Earl of. See Bourchier.

Bath House, arrangements connected with, 372, 377.

Bath and Wells, Bishop of, money received from, by the Mayor of Bristol, 27, 31.

Dean and Chapter, question of a lease, 508, 519.

Battenburgh, castle of (on the Maas), taken by Count Maurice, 270.

Battori (Battory), Prince, negotiations with the Emperor for peace, 122, 136.

gives a false account of a certain victory, 146.

Battye or Battie, one, executed at York, letters on the subject of the value of the estate of, 83, 85.

Bavaria, Duke of, sends to the Diet convoked at Prague, 644.

controversy with the Count of Tourlech, 645.

Bawirp, 214.

Bawtrey, Sir E. Dymock's counsellor, plot with one Staynes against the Earl of Lincoln, 234.

Bayethe. See Bath.

Baynard, Capt., 81.

Baynard's Castle. See London Places.

Baynham, Thomas, suggested sheriff for Gloucestershire, 497.

Bayonne (Bayon, Baion) [France], 93, 215, 470, 473, 671, 698.

islands of, 333, 418.

Baxen. See Baaksem.

Baxter :

Captain Jo., letter from, 164.

John, petition from, 580.

Beale :

Mistress Edith (Eadithe), letters from, 12, 514.

alludes to the death of her husband, 12.

Richard, merchant, 704.

Robert, late clerk of H.M.'s Council, books made by, on the state and pretences of the Hanse towns, alluded to, 251.

[Robert ?], 618.

Beacon, letter dated from the, 152.

Béarn [province in Southern France], 136.

Beauchamp, Lord, question of a marriage between the son of, and Lady Arabella Stuart, 584, 585, 664, 665.

Beaumaris (Bewmarris, etc.) [Anglesea], 346.

letters dated at, 605, 701.

execution at, alluded to, 212.

bailiffs of, 76.

Beaumont, M. de, French Ambassador, 92.

letters from, 90, 572.

Beaupre, letter dated at, 384.

Beauvoir la Nocle, Monsieur, French Ambassador, assurance from, and bonds of, 255, 257.

commission to, 156.

Beche, 389.

Becher, William, a prisoner, letter and petition from, 7, 8.

Becket, Mr., of Lymehouse, son of, takes a West Indian prize, 75.

Beckwith, John, the elder, declaration by, 157.

Bedford, Earl of. See Russell.

Bedworth, 586.

Beef, scarcity of, 10.

Beer or Beare, Sullivan (O'Solevan, O'Swileven), 272, 549, 650.

Beerhaven. See Berehaven.

Beeston :

Hugh, dispute about a lease granted to, 491.

Mr., 109, 356, 357.

Bela, Marquis de la, brother of Prince Avallmo, wounded, 602.

Belgrade, principal men in, executed for complicity in a revolt, 266.

Belgrave, parish of, 87.

Belgrave, George, cause against the Earl of Huntingdon, 119, 663.

Bell :

Capt., 132.

Simon, 681.

Bellarmine, Roberto, Cardinal, Archbishop of Capua, 246.

Belle Isle (Belille, etc.), Island of [France], 400, 449.

intelligence from, 450.

Belyne, Isle of [France], 398.

Belin, 293.

Bellott :

C., Customer of Weymouth, letter from, 16.

Cuthbert, Prebendary of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Thomas, letter from, 61.

—, certain sorts of silk added to the grant of customs lately made to, 77.

—, list of manors passed to, in trust for Sir R. Cecil, 201.

Mr., 514.

Belman (Bellman), Robert, H.M.'s post for Padstow, 439, 421.

letters from, 2, 35, 160, 387, 403, 424, 620.

a list of letters received by, 388.

certificate by, 421.

asks directions as to transport of packets for Sir Robert Cecil, 620.

Belsis, letter dated at, 357.

Beltreis, laird of, 664.

Belvoir, letters dated at, 99, 187, 289, 679.

Bennett (Benet, etc.) :

Edward, 653.

Matthew, Irishman, son of the Mayor of Ross, 456.

Mr., 632.

Dr. Robert, Dean of Windsor, letters from, 160, 168, 214, 458, 507.

—, candidate for the vacant See of Hereford, 163, 424, 437.

Thomas, merchant, 704.

William, Mayor of Ross by Waterford. 456.

Bentlie, William, goldsmith in Plymouth, 290.

Berehaven (Beare Haven, Beerhaven, etc.) [Ireland], 38, 417.

fort or castle of, the Lord President intends to besiege, 138.

—, siege and taking of, alluded to, 221, 279.

Berg (Bergh), Duchy of [Germany], Duke of Zweibrücken on his way to siege of, 345.

Count Adolph of, taken prisoner, 116.

Bergen - op - Zoom (Bergesupzone) [Netherlands], 341, 368.

letter dated at, 431.

threatened by the Archduke, 352.

Berington, John, of Herefordshire, 499.

Berisford, Tristram, merchant, 704.

Berk, Berke. See Rheinberg.

Berkshire, felons in, reprieved for the galleys, 243.

sheriff of. See Norreys, Sir John.

Bernardi (Bernarda) :

Francisco, merchant, 704.

Filippo (Philippo), Genoese merchant in London, letter to, 502.

—, suspected of conveying packets for Jesuits, 231.

—, letter on behalf of, 662.

Berry, Nicholas, a Frenchman, 578.

Berti, Mauro, merchant, 704.

Bertie :

Peregrine, Lord Willoughby (of Eresby), 581.

—, passport signed by, 165.

Robert, Lord Willoughby, son of the above, letter from, 219.

Berwick on Tweed (Barwick, Berryk, etc.), 75, 91, 110, 141, 239, 442, 504, 578.

letters dated at, 9, 94, 128, 165, 225, 335, 452, 466, 467, 478, 670, 677, 698, 699.

license dated at, 82.

Lord Sheffield's suit for, 106.

contract and agreement at, also treaty, 257 (2).

protest with regard to three of the garrison of, to be sent to the assize at Newcastle, 225.

chamberlainship of, 588.

Chamberlain of, 560.

Council of, Sir J. Carey's request with regard to, 94.

Marshal and Governor of. See Carey, Sir J.

Besaunt, Mr., his note of the provisions at Cobham, 82.

Beskwood park, 229.

Beveridge (Beveredge) :

one, report of his doings at Lisbon, 654, 655.

John, a Scot, stayed by order of the Earl of Bath, 164.

—, despatched to Sir R. Cecil, 173.

—, information concerning 339.

Beverley, James, refuses to release his sister-in-law from a clause in a will, 579.

Bevis (Bevys), Richard, Alderman, afterwards Mayor, of Exeter, 151.

letter from, 477.

Bewmarris, etc. See Beaumaris.

Bickley, a Jesuit, 522.

Biggs, one, 85.

Biller, Edward, son of George Biller of Bursted, parish of Belgrave, examination of, 87, 88.

Billingsley, Sir Henry, 150.

Bilson, 586.

Bilson, Thomas (Bishop of Winchester), letters from, 59, 65, 123, 208, 676.

gift to Cecil, 527, 630.

Bilsone, D., 306.

Bindon (Byndon), letters dated at, 30, 182.

Bindon (Byndon), Viscount, letters from, 30, 181, 535.

letters to, 244, 700.

with regard to his action in the matter of the son of Henry Carey, 229, 244, 245.

man of, 171.

Bingham (Byngham), Sir R., 516.

Bingley, Captain, 92.

Birch, Nicholas, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Bird (Byrrd) :

Edward, 670.

John, letter from, 265.

—, letter to, 228.

John, Bailiff of Colchester, letter from, 139.

Mr., of Cambridge University, 52, 53.

Birdsall, letter dated at, 23.

Birne, Edmond, petition from, 580.

Biron, Charles de Gontaut Marshal (“Duke Byron”), 95, 146, 313.

reported pardon of, 266.

trial and execution of, 271, 285, 286, 287, 298, 299, 300, 310, 337.

sends a ring at the scaffold to his sister, 300.

a pamphlet of his death, Bishop of London's action with regard to, 318.

petitions the King for his life, the answer, 325, 326.

conspiracy of, allusion to, 339, 348.

—, effect on the policy of France discussed, 245, 246.

—, general pardon issued to all concerned in, 329.

—, news of, 592.

allusion to Spanish practices with, 659.

Secretary of. See Fin.

Biscay (Biskey), 241, 282.

Bishop (Bishope, Bisshop) :

Dr., at Paris, 158.

William, 632.

Bishop Auckland, letter dated at, 91, 92.

Bishops charged with neglect of duty, 500.

Bishopthorpe, letters dated at, 7, 112, 113, 171.

Biskaner, a, a prize, mentioned, 230.

Bisse :

Dr., the elder, Prebendary of Bath and Wells, “a very obstinate man,” 508, 575.

Dr., the younger, Sub-Dean of Bath and Wells, 508, 575.

Black (Blacke) :

Marcus, 74.

Robert, 74.

Blackfan, a Jesuit at Valladolid, 569.

Blackfield, —, a chirurgeon, 81.

Black Sea, the, 122.

Blackwater, the [Ireland], 395.

Blackwell, George, the Archpriest or Archprelate, 204, 567.

letter to, 525.

pension of 300 crowns yearly to, 205.

Blague, Dr. Thomas, letter from, 616.

Blake :

Robert, Bailiff of Galloway, 74.

Robert, agent for the exchange of money in Ireland, complaint of his hard dealing, 309.

Valentine, 421.

Blankenberghe (Blakenbargh) [Flanders], 354.

Blarney (Blaerny), castle of [co. Cork], 446.

Blais, in the river of Bordeaux [France], 337.

Blavet (Bluett, Bleute), 389.

Spanish galleys shelter in, 450.

Blitterswijk (Blyterswyck) [Netherlands], 202.

Blois (Bloys) [Dep. Loir-et-Cher., Fr.], 136, 155, 156.

treaty with France at, 255.

Blount (Blunt) :

one, a Jesuit, 229.

Charles, Lord Montjoy, Lord Deputy (Deabwty) of Ireland, 33, 37, 51, 64, 84, 136, 158, 160, 166, 171, 194, 209, 235, 358, 701.

—, letter from, alluded to, 633.

—, letter to, 539.

—, minute from the Privy Council to, 93.

—, Kinsale delivered up to, 23, 30.

—, agreement made with the rebels and Spaniards after their defeat, 38, 39.

—, jest with Don Juan del Aquila, 39.

—, indisposed, 97.

—, arrival of reinforcements for, 196.

—, campaign in Ireland, 271.

—, preparing for a journey into Tyrone, 305.

—, servant to. See Earth, Roger.

Sir G., 516.

John, of Herefordshire, 499.

Bludder, Mr., disagreement of, with Mr. Darell, mentioned, 471.

Bluet(t), John, English priest at Rome, 204, 399, 400, 608, 632.

letters from, 154, 205.

the sending over of, from Paris, etc., 519, 532.

Blunston, Nicholas, slain in an affray, 363, 364.

Boa Vista, the. See Lisbon.

Boazio, Baptista, letter from, 41.

Boch, —, an attorney, 80.

Bodie, Richard, steward, 53.

Bodkim, Dominick, 74.

Bodkinge, Christopher, 74.

Bodley, Thomas, letter from, 387.

Bodocke, Richard, 74.

Bois (Boys), Siegneur du, Commander of troops in the Low Countries, articles of agreement with the governor of the fort of Longen, 470.

a success of, 476.

Bois-le-duc (Bolduke, Hertogonbus), [North Brabant], 346, 399.

Governor of. See Grovandonck.

Boissise (Boyssicy, Boysiez), Jean de Thumery, Seigneur de, French Ambassador visiting England, 92, 159, 645.

letters from, 45, 155.

allusions to the letter to the King of France to be entrusted to, 140, 144.

present from the Queen for, mentioned, 140.

Bolduke. See Bois-le-duc.

Boleyn (Bullen), Sir Thomas, created by Henry VIII., Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, afterwards attainted, 73.

Bolles, Sir John, 92.

at Chester, 517.

Bollyn or Bollen, See Boulogne.

Bologna, 195.

Bongarse, M., agent for the French King, 645.

Books :

a treatise in two parts, “A petition to Her Majesty,” and “A letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of both provinces,” sent to Sir R. Cecil, surmise concerning, 56.

Book of Orders, the, allusions to, 343.

Law of Nations, 543.

not named, in which “Seculars are miserably overmatched,” 555

Boost, the priest, apprehension of, 567.

Borachero. See Brochero.

Borello, Signor, 116.

Bordeaux, 698.

transmission of letters from, 528.

Borders, the. See Scotland.

Borghese, Cardinal, 254.

Borne (Boorne), John, master of the Marigold, 456, 463.

Bornford, William, merchant, 704.

Boronio, Broccardo, letters from, 101, 147.

Borowe, Lord, 23.

Borowe, Walter, Alderman of Exeter, 71, 151.

Boroughes, W., 163.

Borthik, Jaques, master of a ship, 328.

Bosco, 307.

Bosque, Dr. Dimas, of Valencia, in Spain, the Viceroy's physician in India, 537.

Bossevile, John, 632.

Bostock(e) :

Capt., 117.

Col., in the Archduke Albert's service, 570.

Boston, grievous cries of the inhabitants in the country round, 98.

Boswell, letter dated at, 70.

Bothall, letter dated at, 685.

Bothbie, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Bothwell (Bodwell) :

Countess of, one of the keepers of Liddesdale, outlaws delivered to, 127.

Earl of, intelligence concerning, 6, 15, 19, 35.

—, signs a treaty for Scotland, 257.

—, relations with the King of Scots, 664.

Boudison, Nicolas, merchant, 704.

Bougars, Mons., agent for the King of France in Germany, 521.

Bouillon (Bullion) :

Henri de la Tour D'Auvergne, Duc de, Marshal of France, 525, 610, 611, 644, 645.

letter from, 442.

remains at Heidelberg awaiting an answer from the French King, 57.

treaty with France by, 255.

bond of, 257.

summoned by the King of France, 300.

under suspicion, 493, 494, 497.

the French King's action against, 592.

Boulogne (Bollyn, Bologne, Bullen, etc.), 231, 401.

letter dated at, 330.

lieut. governor of. See Tamma.

the Treaty of, memorandum on, 86, 87.

Bourchier (Bouchier, Bowergchier) :

Sir George, uncle of the Earl of Bath, 507, 653.

William, Earl of Bath, Lieutenant of Devonshire, 151, 284.

—, letters from, 1, 67, 88, 164, 173, 210, 261, 439, 616, 653, 702.

—, examination taken before, 654.

Bourgoigne, arrival of troops in, 294.

Bourk, Robert, of Dover, 637.

Bourne, Dr., prebendary of Bath and Wells, 508.

Bouthier, Jacques, letter from, 258.

Bower Henton, tithes of, 599.

Bowergchier. See Bourchier.

Bowes (Bowsse) :

Sir Jerom, as to the suppressing of his works in the Blackfriars, 219.

Sir William, 670.

—, letter from, 259.

Bowsar, Will, 16.

Boyar, Mr., to succeed to the office of one of the Tellers, 401.

Boyle, Sir Ri., 702.

Brabant, Spanish army in, 336.

Spanish mutineers overrun, 454, 476.

campaign in. See Low Countries.

Bradbury, Capt. Jonas, letters from, 6, 200.

Bradley, Mr., 359.

Bradmayne [co. Dorset], 366.

Bradshaw (Bradshawe) :

Lawrence, a curate imprisoned in Chester, 637, 638.

—, liberated, 676.

Thomas, 526.

Bragg (Brag, Bragge, Brage), Robert, Commissioner at Plymouth, 114, 130, 131, 180, 338, 362, 365, 456, 611.

—, letter from, 117.

Brakenbury, Francis, letter from, 609.

Bramble, William, Mayor of Poole, letter from, 32.

Brand, John, of Suffolk, the wardship of the son of, desired, 490.

Brandenburg, the Elector of, 644.

Sigismund, eldest son of, aspirant for the Dukedom of Prussia, 645.

Braunigburge, Marquis of, 258.

Braunschweig, Braunswick. See Brunswick.

Brawshawe, Mr., extract of letter to, 609.

Bray, one, of Clonmel, 535.

Brazil (Brasyle), 26, 44.

carriage of goods from, to escape capture, 623.

a fleet in preparation for, 655.

fleet expected at Lisbon, attempt to intercept, 163, 446, 447.

—, reported capture of, 237, 329.

—, best time for action against, 592.

sugars, 27, 114, 131, 132.

Breadgate (Bredgate, Brodgate), John, Mayor of Dover, 84, 88, 616.

Breame. See Bremen.

Breanes, John, deposition made by, 37.

Brecknockshire, soldiers for Ireland from, sent back, 31.

Bremen (Breame, Breme, etc.) [on the Weser], 153.

letters and remembrance dated at, 58, 441, 521. And see correspondence of English Commissioners infra.

the Emperor approves of its choice, as the place of meeting of the Commissioners, 247.

projected embassy to, complaint to be dealt with at, 296.

comparative dearness of living in, 588.

number of the Commissioners from, 644.

Archbishop of (John Frederic), brother of the Duke of Holstein, 251, 347, 472.

—, and the negotiations at Bremen, 640, 644.

—, sister of, wedded to Duke Charles of Sweden, 644.

English Commissioners sent to, to treat with the Commissioners from the King of Denmark, 58, 382.

—, letters to, 426, 473.

—, correspondence dealing with preliminary arrangements, 241, 249, 250, 251, 274, 276, 278, 288, 289, 315, 316, 336, 344, 347.

accounts of the outset of their journey to, 360 (2), 364 (2).

—, arrival at Stade, 376, 379.

—, correspondence dealing with their negotiations, 471–473, 476, 487, 488, 489, 500, 501, 639, 640, 657, 644.

—, remembrance for a mission sent to Denmark by, 639, 640. See also Eure;



Le Sieur.

Brenta, the, [Italy], proposal to divert the stream of, 123.

Brereton, Sir Randall, 669.

Brest (Breste) [Brittany], 449.

Spanish galleys arrive at, 390.

Governor of. See Sourdeac.

Brewning, Richard, gentleman of Hampshire, recusant, 676.

Brewster, William, letter from, 702.

Brey [Netherlands], 203.

Bridges :

John, Dean of Salisbury, letter from, 109.

—, candidate for the See of Hereford, 109.

Thomas, alias Strange, petition from, 580.

—, memorandum concerning, 681.

Bridgford on the Hill, letters dated at, 609 (2).

Briel, the [Netherlands], 56.

Briggs, David, merchant, 704.

Brighen (Brechein), 136.

letters dated at, 90, 98, 110.

Bright, Henley, 577.

Brigstoke parks, the, 648.

Brissac [Brisarke), Marêchal, in Brittany, 450, 493.

Bristol (Bristowe, Brystow), 10, 160, 175, 616, 649.

letters dated at, 6, 27, 31 (2), 37, 54, 97, 166, 169, 170, 171, 183, 191, 209, 221, 255, 284, 288 (2), 328 (2), 369, 390, 393, 407.

levies at, viewing and embarkation of, etc., 38, 166, 169 (2), 171, 355.

—, mutiny amongst, 169, 170.

proposed visit of the Queen to, mentioned, 248.

Castle of, mentioned, 135, 563.

—, Constable of, the suit of, 32.

Chamberlain of. See Pytt.

Commissioners at, letter from, 169.

the Lieutenancy of, 37, 38.

—, suit concerning, 134, 135.

Mayor of, 649.

—, duties performed by, as Deputy Lieutenant, 37, 38.

—, See also Vawer.

Brittany (Britanye, Bryttanye), contracts for forces sent into, 255, 256.

galleys said to be in, 383.

note of expenses incurred in, 449.

feared revolt in, 493.

coast of, as to a bark to be sent to, 401.

—, allusion to, 425.

British men-of-war, engagement with the Spaniards, 193.

Brixham (Bricksome), the parson of, uncle of one detected in coining, 701.

Broad Seal,” the, 679.

Broad, one, formerly melter and refiner in the Mint, sues Alderman Martin, complaint against, 198.

Brochero (Brachero, Borachero), Don Diego, Spanish commander, with his fleet, reports as to his movements, 267, 282, 293, 332, 333, 340, 446, 447.

treatment of Englishmen captured at sea, 654, 655, 679.

called to be admiral of Cecylia, 675.

Brockett, Sir John, detected of coining in Ireland, 700.

eldest son and certain servants of, committed, 700.

Brodrydge, Christopher, 71.

Brokanhill, the goodman of the, bearer of a letter, 140.

Broke, Mr., a complaint made by, against the merchants trading in Ireland, 642.

Brokenbury :

Francis, 579.

Anthonie, petition from, 579.

Brokinge, Christopher, 71.

Brome, Lady Cornwaleys' house at, letter dated at, 109.

Bromley, Sir Henry, letters from, 48, 66, 206.

alludes to his wife and children, 48.

Broograve, Jo., Bencher of Gray's Inn, 647.

Brooke or Brooks :

—, Senior Bedell of Cambridge University, 65.

Captain, 92, 661.

Basil, becomes security for A. Townshend, 455.

Sir Calisthenes, cousin of Sir R. Cecil, 414.

—, letters from, 351, 537.

—, petitions for the post, vacant by the death of G. Gilpin, 351, 352.

George, letter from, 614.

—, letter to, 631.

—, a man of, sent to Cecil, 614, 631.

Henry, Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 138, 199, 403, 451, 578.

—, letters from, 57 (2), 66, 88, 94, 110, 111, 126, 159, 163, 203, 292, 302, 308, 373, 404, 416, 424, 428, 438, 442, 456, 464, 529, 541, 590, 637, 638, 641, 660, 674.

—, letters to, 209, 247, 398 (2), 401, 458, 465, 469, 617.

—, indisposition prevents him attending Court, 94, 95.

—, as ambassador in the Low Countries, loan recommended by, 228.

—, jewels delivered to, mentioned, 256.

—, as to his 50l. adventure, 338.

—, concerned in an adventure, 599.

—, nephew of. See Coppinger.

John, prisoner in the galleys at Sluys, 561.

Robert, merchant, 704.

William, late Lord Cobham, H.M.'s chamberlain, allusion to, 414.

Bronckerd. See Brouncker.

Broughton [co. Shropshire], letter dated at, 435.

Broughton :

Hugh, letter from, mentions his treatises, 306.

R., letter from, 435.

Brouncker (Bronckerd, Bronkhorne, etc.), Sir Henry, letters from, 120, 144, 583, 593, 596 (2), 601, 692, 693, 694?

letters to, 685, 687 (4), 689, 692.

commends his wife and children to Sir R. Cecil's protection, 120.

in connexion with the matter of Lady Arabella Stuart, 593–596, 681, 684, 685, 686, 687, 695.

letter sent to, 609.

reference to his letters about Lady Arabella Stuart, 624, 626.

Broutfield, Alexander, a Scotch gentleman, passport for, 165.

Browghton, letter dated at, 157.

Brown(e) :

persons named, mentioned, 36, 46.

Mr., in Venice, 322, 324.

Mr., concerning abuses offered to (in company with Sir E. Dymock), by two Lords, 344, 345.

Mr. Doctor, 538.

Anthony, Viscount Montague, letter from, 699.

—, map said to be in the hands of, 367.

Jo., letter from, 252.

John, lately arrived from Rome, is stayed, 159.

John, English merchant at Florence, 386, 454.

John, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Lancelot, 537.

Robert, messenger of H.M.'s Chamber, 31.

Tho., at Barnstaple, 51.

Thomas, of Southampton, late captive in a Spanish galley, furnishes intelligence, 401.

Thomas, letter from, 344.

Sir William, letter from, allusion to, 71.

—, reported to be the successor of G. Gilpin, 431.

Valentyne, 411.

Bruce :

Capt., commission given to, by James VI., 90.

Edward, letter from, 396.

—, letter to his cousin, 396.

Edward, abbot of Tolloss, 5.

Robert, 19.

—, King of Scots displeased with, 664.

Bruges [Netherlands], 116.

letter dated at, 481.

bonds taken from, 228.

Brunswick (Braunschweig) and Luneburg (Luningborgh), Otho, Duke of, H.M.'s pensioner, 246, 247, 381.

letter to, 247.

intervention in the negotiations at Bremen, 316, 640.

process with the town of Brunswick, 327, 328.

Brusquete, Ludovico, as to his exchange, 395, 396, 429.

brother of, mentioned, 396.

Brussels (Bruxelles), 320, 361, 432, 570.

letters dated at, 295, 297, 469.

a point with regard to the Treaty of Boulogne settled at, reference to, 87.

intelligence from, 293, 294.

country about, spoiled by mutinous soldiers, 493, 494.

Brydges William, Lord Chandos (Chandois), Councillor for the March of Wales, letter from, 187.

signs terms of agreement as to the Chandos property, 204, 221.

cause with Lady Chandos, alluded to, 477.

Bryttanye. See Brittany.

Buccleuch (Bakclewgh, Baucleughe), Laird of, 547, 678.

sent for by the King of Scots, his gallant behaviour in the Low Countries alluded to, 448.

Buckhold, 554.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville.

Bucklawrne, manor of, belonging to Sir R. Cecil, survey of, 289.

Bucquoy, Comte de, Governor of Retz, 602.

at siege of Ostend, 498.

plot for betraying Ostend to, 506, 515.

Buda, 137.

the siege of, alluded to, 644.

Budden, John, 370.

letters from, 371, 508.

desires the feodaryship of co. Somerset, 371, 375.

survey of manors belonging to Sir R. Cecil, 289

Buggenhagen, Bernhart, member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Bugghenam [Netherlands], 203.

Bugia (Buggia), near Algiers, threatened by the Spaniards, 325, 329, 345 (2), 347.

reports of projected attack on, 329, 406.

Bukow, Christoff Trampe Claus, member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Bulger, Christopher, a sailor of Dover, 401.

Bulkeley (Buckley) :

Edward, Prebendary of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Sir Richard, 660.

—, letter from, 604.

—, letter to, 601.

—, examination taken before, 605.

Bullen (Bulleyn, Bolleyn) :

Dr., late rector of Bangor, 544. See also Boleyn.

Bullion, matter of, mentioned, 442.

Bullock, William, a petition exhibited by, alluded to, 62.

his brother, lands formerly purchased from, mention of, 62.

Buon Convento, near Sienna, town of, 49.

Burge, Mr., Lord Northumberland's man, present to Cecil of flying tame fowl, 221.

Burgesio, Cardinal, 205.

Burgh :

Fr. Lady, letter from, 538.

young Lord, the manner of his death, symptoms, and remedies resorted to, etc., 59, 65, 66.

—, mother of, mentioned, 65, 66.

Sir Thomas, letter from, 194.

Burghley (Burleghe), letter dated at, 20).

palace of, visited, 187.

Burghley (Burleigh, Burley) :

one, charged and sentenced for murder, 652, 653.

Captain John, of the Isle of Wight, gentleman, for three years a prisoner in Galicia, declaration of, 215, 216.

—, allusion to, 218.

—, recommended for employment, etc., 226.

Lord. See Cecil, Thomas.

Burgundy, troops in, orders received concerning, 311.

House of, towns subject to, discussion concerning, 283, 284.

—, jewels belonging to, in the Exchequer, held in bond, their value discussed, etc., 227, 228.

Burlamacchi, Signor, 642.

Burlings, the, 333.

Burne, Mr., Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge, 643.

Burnef, 400.

Burnell, Mr., letter to, 359.

Burnett, Ralph, servant to Mr. Gilpin, letter from, 412.

Burnham, letter dated at, 387.

Burnsell, Anthony, Alderman of Hull, 296.

Burras, master of a hulk, 196.

Burrell :

F., of Newcastle, 499.

Serjeant, letter from, 82.

Burrowes, a church in Norfolk, the advowson of, 581.

Busonies, country people of Galicia, muster under Don John de Aguila, 216.

Butler :

Doctor, 625.

Sir Edmond, attainder of, mentioned, 73.

—, news of his death, 507.

John, 74.

Theobald (“young Mr.”), nephew and heir of the Earl of Ormonde, 220.

—, proposed marriage of, to the Earl of Ormond's daughter, 220, 280, 281, 301, 302, 312, 358, 410.

—, his satisfaction at the arrival of the young lady at Milford Haven, 507.

Thomas, Earl of Ormond, 76.

—, letter from, 220.

—, letter to, 301.

—, —, alluded to, 311, 312.

—, conference touching the state of the house of, leads to a search for documents, 73.

—, marriage of his daughter. See above.

—, his wife alluded to, 301.

Thomas, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Sir Walter, nephew of the Earl of Ormond, married to a daughter of the Lord of Montgarrett, 281.

Doctor William, of Cambridge University, letter from, 538.

Butry, Mons. de, 255.

Buttes, Henry, of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 526.

Button :

—, 284.

Captain, 268.

Richard, 632.

Buzanval (Buzenvall), Mons., French Ambassador, 255.

Bydstow Park, as to the case of, 486, 487.

Byngham. See Bingham.

Byndon. See Bindon.

Byron (Biren), Sir John, 702.

and his son, connected with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 694. See also Biron.

Byrrd. See Bird.

Bytances, 216.