Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Abbascome,” a farm, 616.

Abbes-shawe, 107.

Abbotsburie, Dorset, manor of, with right to wrecks of the sea, 527.

Abergwilly, letters dated at, 77, 611.

Achinis. See Hawkins.

Acton, letters dated at, 150, 468, 484.

Adams, Mr., Queen's preacher in the co. of Lancaster, 606.

Adare, lease of, 359.

Adelantado, the. See Castile.

Admiral, the Lord High. See Howard.

Admiral, the,” shipwrecked on the French Coast, 698.

commanding the Spanish in the Low Countries. See Aragon.

Admiralty, the office of the, 119.

Judge of the, 103, 492. See also Caesar.

Court, the, 114.

—, a cause in, alluded to, 145.

—, Spanish and Portuguese interpreter in, 580.

Admirante (Aldmirante, etc.), the. See Aragon, Almirante of.

A'Donell. See O'Donnell.

Adryaenssen, Cap. Jan, Cant of Dort, vice admiral of the Dutch fleet, 400.

Adye, John, a reader in Chancery, nominee for the Solicitorship of Ireland, 647.

Africa, Flemings to furnish necessaries for Spanish holds in, 109.

reported destination of the Spanish fleet, 287.

coast of, descent on, 330.

—, expedition for, discussed, 386.

Moors of, suspected understanding with the English, 253.

Agard, Arthur, officer of the Receipt of the Exchequer, schedule of records delivered to, 255.

Aglionby, the cause of, explained, 348, 349.

Agosta, island of, rebellion of, suppressed, 298.

valley of, 310.

Aguila (Agula, Aquila), Don Juan (Giov.) del (“Don John”), 276, 293, 510, 655.

remains as hostage in Ireland, jest with the Lord Deputy, 39.

fate of the soldiers of, 134.

troops under the command of, etc., 216.

castle which he should have rendered at his composition, taken by the English, 271, 272.

command to be given to, 366.

inveighed against by one Archer, 417.

Aix, 313.

Alabaster, Thomas, 449.

letters from, 164, 165, 220, 474 (2), 475, 517, 616, 645, 662, 663, 672.

Alarateha, 278.

Albania, compulsory levying of troops in, 137.

Alba [Piedmont], town of, proposed exchange of, in a marriage contract, 328.

Alba Regala (Albaregale), captured by the Turks, 387, 461.

the Sultan eager for the recovery of, 122.

news concerning, 137.

Albert, Prince, 46.

Aldenham, letter dated at, 11.

Aldermanbury, letter dated at, 516.

Aldo, Don Francesco, son and daughter of, proposed marriages for, 50.

Aldobrandini, Cardinal, 154.

Aldworth, Richard, merchant, 704.

Aleppo, news from, 121.

Dutch merchants in, 26.

Janissaries of, hatred against those of Damascus, 121.

Alexander, Mr., 380, 647.

Alexandria, ships trading from, 549, 550.

Alford, Captain, payment to, 92.

Algiers (Algire, Argear, Arger, etc.), 181, 366, 432, 551.

letter endorsed as being from, 75.

threatened by the Spaniards, 137 (2), 298, 325, 326, 329, 345, 347, 386.

the enterprize of, 253.

commencement of the campaign in, 293.

steps to be taken for the remedying of abuses at, discussed, 351.

goods left at, 357.

army for, dissolved, 494.

former Spanish preparation for, report concerning, 661.

King of, 351.

Alicanti (Elegant), 50, 51.

Alice Holt (Ales Holte) and Wolmer, the keeping of the forests of, petition for, 84.

Alington, H., letter from, 233.

Allar, Richard, 74.

Allee, an escaped Turkish slave, 398.

Allen (Allyn) :

one, late lieutenant of Sir F. Gorges and Sir J. Gilbert, warrant desired for, 315.

Captain (naval), 402.

Captain, undertaking to raise a company, has many of his men pressed, redress petitioned for, 144, 145.

Cardinal, 88.

Sir Francis, 516.

Ralph, merchant, 704.

Thomas, formerly called Heskett, kinsman to Cardinal Allen, 88.

Alleyn, Thomas, sum owed to, by Count d'Egmont, 95.

Allers, Bernould, shipper of a captured flyboat, 26.

Alexandretta or Scanderoon [Syria], 25.

Allt-yr-ynys (Halterrenes) [co. Hereford], concerning the sale of land near, 375, 376.

Almain horse with the Army of the States General, 268.

Almirante, the. See Aragon, Admirante of.

Altdyck [Netherlands], 203.

Alun, Father Gaspar, a prisoner, as to his exchange, 429.

Alurez, Gaspar, letter from, 670.

Alvares, Francisco, a Spanish prisoner, directions for his stricter confinement, 397.

Alwin, Mr., a squire bedel in Oxford University, 338.

Ambassador, the, suspicious of Broccardo Baronio, 147.

Amesbury, co. Wiltshire, 584.

Amsterdam, plague in, measures to prevent its spread in England discussed, 247, 428, 429, 438.

a ship of, the E. India, intelligence brought by, 105.

ships from, as to the unlading of, 121, 176.

Amwell's purchase, 321.

Anatolia, 155.

Ancona, 156.

Andaluzia, 328.

Anderson (Andersan, Andersonn) :

Alderman, 68.

F., of Newcastle, 499.

Gilbert, declaration by, 157.

John, messenger to Scotland, 528.

—, suit to the King of Scots, 664.

Lord, Judge, 16, 571.

—, son-in-law of, 234.

Andover (Andever), 535.

letter dated at, 248.

Andrews (Andrewes) :

Dr., Master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 64, 448.

Lancelott, D.D., Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter of Westminster, 661.

—, letter from, 142.

—, alluded to as Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Southwell, 113.

—, warrant by, 459.

Anger, Francis, nominee for the Solicitorship for Ireland, 647.

Angeri, the brother of the Scrivano threatens, 299.

Anglesey, 701.

Angola, fleet in preparation for, 665.

Angori, 326.

Anhalt, Christian, Prince of, 644.

Anjou, Duke of, brother of Henry III., bonds of, 256.

Anna Maria Mauricia. See Spain, Infanta of.

Anonell. See O'Donnell.

Anonymous persons :

letters from, 17, 414, 469, 499, 503, 512.

letters to, 509, 512, 535, 576.

a man in London, following the business of the Earl of Derby, 161.

one furnishes intelligence concerning an alleged plot, 332, 333.

Anraet, Paul, letter from, 414.

useful as an informer, 537.

Anspach, the Marquis of, 645.

ambassador from, 644.

Ansterton, 563.

Ansterye, Mr., 528.

Antwerp (Anwarpe), 272, 350, 432.

letter dated at, 502.

reported present to Archduke Charles, 261.

bonds taken of, 228.

country about, spoiled by mutinous soldiers, 493.

mutineers demands upon, 506.

news from, 608.

one of, owner of the goods in a captured flyboat, 180.

Antwerpian, an, suspected spy, 47.

Anthony, Mr., of the Wards, 61.

Anwell, Lewis, exception taken to his appointment as sheriff of Merionethshire, 481, 482, 483.

Appellants, the, a chief man amongst, 194.

Apsom. See Topsham.

Aquila. See Aguila.

Aquines, Don Ricardo [Hawkins ?], 486.

Arabs, chief of. See Daudel.

Arace, the, river in Morocco, said to be the goal of a Spanish enterprise, 254.

Aragon (Arragon), the Almirante or Admiral of (the Almirante, the Admiral, etc.), 294, 383.

commanding in the absence of Archduke Albert, movements and doings of, 203, 235, 291, 295, 296, 307, 308.

in sight of Grave, 285.

disorders in his army, 313, 319.

deals with the Spanish mutineers, 327, 340.

army of, intercepted letter of an Italian captain serving in, alluded to, 350.

Aragonio or Arigoni, Cardinal, 205, 254.

Arbella, Arbell. See Stuart, Lady Arabella.

Arbolays, John de, 526.

Archbald, George, merchant of Edinburgh, 82.

Archdeacon, Daniel, letter from, 176.

Archduke, the. See Austria.

Archer, “that archtraitor,” his escape from Berehaven, attempts to incite Spain to further assistance for Ireland, 417, 419.

Irish information given by, 535.

Archpriest, the, 49, 632.

Ardern, Robert, letters from, 96, 103.

Arenberg, Charles Comte d', letter from, 469.

Arger, Argier. See Algiers.

Argol, Mr., in a lingering sickness, wardship of his heir, 517.

Argyle (Argile), Earl of. See Campbell.

Ariosto, quotations from a translation of, 188.

Aris, Christopher, vice-admiral, 533.

Armestrong (Armestrange) :

Archie, of the Abbes-shawe, an outlaw taken by Sir John Carey, 107.

Archie, of Whittoughe, an outlaw taken by Sir John Carey, 107.

Dandie, broad sworde, an outlaw taken by Sir John Carey, 107.

Jock, of Whittoughe, an outlaw taken by Sir John Carey, 107.

Armestronges (Armstranggs), the, outlaws, 127.

suit in behalf of, mentioned, 662.

Armorer :

Clement, 518.

David and William, soldiers of Berwick, offenders, to be sent to the assize at Newcastle, 225.

Army :

apparelling of forces in Ireland, as to frauds and abuses committed by the contractors. 704, 705.

embarkation, mustering, transport, etc., 13, 30, 31, 50, 51, 67, 154, 277, 305, 306, 346, 451, 454.

levies of men for, 126, 164, 171.

—, granted by the Queen for the assistance of the States General, 149.

—, complaints as to defects in, 166, 169.

—, mutiny amongst, 169, 170

—, intimation of disorders in, 478, 479.

suggested reformation of defects in, 181.

Army in Ireland. See Ireland.

Army in the Low Countries. See Low Countries, campaign in.

Army of the Christians, mentioned as being broken up, 85.

Armyne, Hughe, Alderman of Hull, 296.

Arnheim in Guelderland, 506.

Count Maurice keeps his Christmas at, 515.

Arnott, a dangerous Frenchman, passing under the name of Arnold, 637.

Arragon. See Aragon.

Arran, Earl of, 612.

Arrigon, Signor Fabricio, money given him by the King of Spain, 106.

Arthois, 294.

Arundel (Arondel, etc.) :

Mr., arbitrator in Sir G. Markham's case, 504, 604.

Lady Mary, wife of Thomas, 243, 377.

“John, off Lanheron,” letter from, 210.

Thomas or Lord Thomas, of Wardour, 58, 377.

—, letter from, mentioning his youngest son, 409.

—, cause of his objection to Sir George Peckham, 243, 244.

Arundel's case alluded to, 137.

Arundell House, 377.

letter dated at, 649.

Asheroe, 2.

Ashley :

Mr., 539.

A., J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Ashton (Aston), Roger, messenger of the Scottish King, 6, 14, 600.

letter from, 124, 675.

audience with the Queen, 41.

King and Queen of Scots' attentions to, 90.

on a mission from King James, 529.

return to Scotland, 612.

Ashwater (Plymouth ?), 273.

Asia, troops being despatched against rebels in, 146.

reports of revolt in, 156, 266.

news from, 310.

Askew, George, a priest, prisoner in the Clink, 212.

Asplen, Edmund, Mayor of Southampton, letters from, 637, 666.

Assan Pasha, defeated and killed, 310, 326.

Asten, one, a dyer near Paul's Wharf, wardship of, 234.

Aston, letter dated at, 4.

Aston, John, found a lunatic, proceedings of his wife, 507. See also Ashton.

Atherton, Richard, letter from, 372.

Atkins (Atkynes) :

a priest, robbery committed by, 88.

—, on being charged therewith, accuses his wife, 89.

David, a pursuivant, 53.

Atkinson (Atkinsonne) :

one, a malefactor, 144.

Anthony, searcher of Hull, complaint against, 33.

Anthony, letter from, 86.

Captain, payment to, 92.

John, declaration by, 157.

William, priest, prisoner in Newgate, 252.

—, letters from, 229 (2), 235.

—, examination of, advised, etc., 265.

Atterton, 586.

Attorney General, the. See Coke.

Audenach, 476.

Auditor, the, 331.

Audley, Mr., 75.

Audley, Lord. See Tuchet.

Aulford, near Chester, letter dated at, 607.

Augmentations, late Court of, 36.

Aurich, 175, 246.

Austria :

the King of Poland wishful to contract an alliance with a Princess of, 156.

House of, attempt to overthrow English trade with Russia, 630.

Archduke Albert of (“the Duke,” “the Cardinal,”), 49, 68, 276, 286, 291, 327, 453, 570.

—, proceedings before Ostend, 34, 150, 607.

—, marriage being arranged by, 50.

—, the Queen willing to reopen negotiations with, on the appearance of a real disposition for peace, 87.

—, designs and preparations of, 116, 129, 130.

—, rumoured lieutenant for, 146.

—, troops for, 181.

—, Italian supplies for, movements of his forces, 203.

—, presentation from Antwerp, 261.

—, towns subject to, discussion concerning, 284.

—, reports concerning, 295, 345.

—, reported complaint for the French King from, 300.

—, as to his movements, 313, 314, 352, 383.

—, mutiny in the army of, etc., 341, 379, 493, 498, 506, 515, 537.

—, landing of gentlemen for, reported, 390.

—, willing to effect certain exchanges of prisoners, 429, 430.

—, sum owed by, mentioned, 663.

—, an Italian in Scotland bears letters from, 678.

—, Confessor of, 513.

—, men-of-war of, capture an English vessel, 148.

Archduke Ferdinand of (“the Archduke”), at Gratz, arrests made by, 122, 136.

—, the Turkish army preparing to attack, 137.

—, the Turks await reinforcements before attacking, 156.

Archduke Matthias of, brother of the Emperor, general pardon published by, 137.

—, represents the Emperor at the Imperial Diet, 42, 57, 311.

Auvergne, Count of, approaching trial of, 300, 311.

sent to Losca, 313.

allusion to Spanish practices with, 659.

Avalos, Don Alfonso d', 361.

Avéro (que es Lancastre ?), Duke of, 395.

Avery, Marquis of, commander of Spanish bands of ordinance, split with the Admirante, 327.

Awltzbach, Marquis of, grievous sickness of, the Baron of Wonau sent to visit him by the Elector Palatine, 57.

Aylmer, Joshua, letter from, 158.

Azores, Isles of, 133. See also Terceres.