Cecil Papers: February 1603

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp631-660 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp631-660.

"Cecil Papers: February 1603". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp631-660.

February 1603

The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 1. Yesternight four priests in the name of the rest brought unto me a profession of their allegiance, whereupon they have resolved after their own fashion, together with another writing containing another device. I have sent both to you. The reasons of these courses are some speeches gathered up when some of them were before the Lord Treasurer, your Honour and the Lord Chief Justice, viz.: that the meaning of the Lords was to extend the word “allegiance” in the proclamation so far that if they came to offer themselves to any of the Lords or Bishops, they must either renounce their religion or promise to give over the use of their functions, or be committed to prison. For the first, they say they are resolute; the second they cannot do with any good conscience; it would be an odious thing to all Catholics; the Jesuits would calumniate them exceedingly and the Pope condemn them. Touching imprisonment, they allege these reasons; (1) The Catholics, they being in prison, will not relieve them; (2) The Archpriest will stay all general contributions from them; (3) Such Catholics as depend upon them will be driven to join the Jesuit faction; (4) The Spanish plotting will be more successful when those are constrained who would oppose them. As to their undertaking in their second writing that they will tender themselves within forty days, I think they mean to see how the four, who are come, are treated, and on that either to come in or to renounce, as they say, the benefit of the proclamation. Mr. Benet and Mr. Watson are much moved with their presumption in not resting themselves upon her Majesty's clemency. And for all I see, nothing had been done by them had it not been for their importunity. Some were willing, indeed, but every one insisted on his own device, and so they could conclude nothing, as in Mr. Benet's opinion they should have done.—My House in London, 1 Feb., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (91. 89.)
The Second enclosure :
Whereas many of us secular priests, who have delivered the profession of our allegiance under our hands, are justly hindered from making our personal appearance in the manner prescribed by her Majesty's proclamation of the fifth of November last, we have sent four of our brethren to appear before my Lord of London on our behalf. [In margin : Mr. Bluett, Mr. Charnocke, Mr. Hebburne, Mr. Barnbye] which shall so also appear on Thursday next, and so from day to day as his Lordship shall appoint. And we do promise that after his Lordship has acquainted her Majesty or the Council with the profession of our allegiance, we will submit ourselves to such order as shall be prescribed (our religion and use of our functions reserved.) The parties who fail to appear after 40 days' warning renounce the benefit of the proclamation. Subscribed this last of January, 1602. Signed, William Bishope, John Colleton, John Mushe, Robert Charnocke, John Bossevile, Anthony Hebborne, Roger Cadwalader, Robert Drury, Richard Button, Michael Woode, Anthony Champney, Walter Hassalls, John Jackson, Francis Barnbye, Oswald Needham. 1 p. (91. 84.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 1. I understand commissioners are to be sent into Ireland to enquire what lands are come to the Queen by the late rebellion there. In Ulster and Leinster, Tyrone, O'Conor Sligo, Sir John Oreilly, Edmund Oreilly, Philip Oreilly, Sir Hugh McGinnis, O'Hanlon, the Macmahons, Sir Mulmory Mac Swyne, Sir John O'Dogherty, the O'Neiles of Clandeboy, Hugh Boy Macdonell of Tenekille, and other rebels held their lands by letters patent. Particulars given.
Garnett's Buildings, near Temple Bar, 1 Feb., 1602. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 90.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 1. I enclose a letter written from France by my brother-in-law, who has been thought an evil deserver to the State and her Majesty, so that it is not fit I should keep the letter unseen, and so I send it as I received it from Oxfordshire, where it went to seek me.—The Savoy, 1 Feb.
Endorsed : “1602. Sir Henry Lee to my master with a letter to him from Charles Padgett.” Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 92.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 2. Enclosing letters for Mr. Balbany, which do much import him.
It is reported that the bark which was sent to Sir William Monson, is taken by the Spaniards. The certainty will soon be known. Her victualling for fifty men for three months cost 122l. 10s., whereof I will send the account; and my half of the bark did stand me 100l. which I fear will be lost.—Plymouth, 2 February, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 93.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. Alderman Roe.
1602/3, Feb. 2. Asking him to make arrangements for furnishing Lord Ewer with so much money as he shall need, not exceeding the sum of 1,000l., which he, Cecil, will see discharged, as heretofore. (91. 94.)
Draft in Munck's hand. ½ p.
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 2. Since your last being with me I have endured a far more dangerous but never a more painful sickness. My cold increased so mightily that with continual coughing all my breast came into an extreme soreness. I take physic on Friday and must again on Sunday. I know not when I shall be clear. I return my Lord Mountjoy's letter. I asked Mr. Attorney of the Duchy whom he thought the fittest man to be Solicitor in Ireland and he named Mr. Goldsmith, but said that he was making means to tarry. I prayed him to persuade him to go. I wish the fittest, for I am addict to none.—2 February, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 97.)
Sir John Ogle to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602/3, Feb. 3. Concerning a matter between me and Captain Ridgeway, which my enemies will not fail to use against me, as much through spleen to Sir Francis Vere, through whom the common bruit will be that I was set on, as through malice against myself. But I am not the man to do the office of an hireling in any respect, Ridgeway in my hearing never using any unbeseeming speech of Sir Francis Vere. Besides, the name of your follower was a sufficient protection against my sword, if he had carried himself towards me like an honest or discreet gentleman. The quarrel began upon a first and second conference had between us, meeting by chance. Something that was said, he not only misunderstood, but also weakly or maliciously divulged to some my secret enemies, who brought his words to Sir Francis Vere with all the arguments they could devise to possess him (who, some say, is too apt to believe ill of men) with a jealousy of me. Then were my discontents in the field ripped up, my dislike because I had not a regiment, my actions for two years past considered, and all things that could make against me. When I got an inkling of this, I broke it with Sir Francis Vere, who told me that though there were cause enough to suspect me in regard I had talked with his enemy, and the same enemy had given matter of great suspicion against me, yet as I had broken it of myself, he wished me to use my best counsel to clear myself, and to draw from Ridgeway the particulars of such discourse as passed between us in writing, or else at a conference before friends on both sides, and that then he would be soon satisfied. When I understood that Ridgeway had put matter into my enemies' mouths against me, knowing myself clear of any practices against Sir Francis Vere, and having forgotten all discontents, which I took to proceed rather of a tartness of nature than of any malice against me, I wrote to Ridgeway certain interrogatories, such indeed as were fathered on him, and some afterwards owned by him. For, in his answer, he falsely averred that I had advised him to strengthen his proceedings against the General, confirming therein (and his letters were to justify or accuse me) the reporters' tales. However, it seemed he wrote this in spleen because I wrote somewhat roundly, if he were the man that had wronged me. Afterwards, when I called upon him to testify under his hand how I had advised him, &c., he wrote me a letter justifying me in general terms, but without touching the point in question. Several days passed, and I could draw nothing directly from him excusing or accusing me, but jealousies rather increased. I then went to speak with him myself, to bring him to a conference before friends, there to charge or discharge me of the matter. This he promised to do, but the next day he sent me flat word he would neither write or speak more in the business, and sent me a copy of his first letter, which I had left with him to explain how I had advised him, but touched not on that, and in his letter stood I should take what course I list, he cared not, &c. I then had no other course left but to fit him with a disgrace suitable to the indignity he had done me, unless I would baffle my own credit to the world or be held dishonest to Sir Francis Vere. I attended, therefore, a fit time to meet him, having no intent to draw my sword but to break his head with my dagger, which failing to execute, I afterwards fulfilled with my sword. I sought him no further, though he was disarmed, his sword being stricken from him by me, his dagger valiantly thrown by him at me. Captain Fairfax and Captain Norton, who are both upon their despatch for England, were by and can certify this matter. What Ridgeway will do, I am to expect. Some say he will set out pamphlets in Dutch against me; others, that he will watch me in the night; others, that he will challenge me, which I least expect, if it be not that he hear that Sir Francis Vere hath commanded me not to meddle with him. Sure I am he has incumbered me with the most untoward trouble that ever yet befel me. How Sir Francis Vere now regards me, I know not. Some that construe his disposition imagine the worst, but knowing my innocency, I hope the best. Pray pardon this long letter, which I should not have written, were I not sure you would hear of this from others.—Hague. Feb. 3., 1602.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (91. 95, 96.)
Sir Henry Poole to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 3. Expressing his gratitude to Cecil for showing justice to his loyalty and reprehension to wicked practices against him.—Saperton, 3 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 99.)
The Earl of Worcester and Sir Robert Cecil to the Lord President of Wales.
1602/3, Feb. 4. Forasmuch as we have received two letters from your Lordship which do both concern us, one in respect of the direction sent you from her Majesty concerning the cause between Hughes and Jhones, another containing our own particular request for your favour to be extended to Sir Edward Wynter, we have thought it our part in one letter to take notice of both. As for the first, it is true that since our signification of her Majesty's pleasure we have found by my Lord Keeper that the cause hath been continued in the Chancery and there order made upon hearing of both sides with reference of other parts of the bill to further proceedings judicially; whereof if her Majesty had known as much before, (but that is not the custom of suitors to inform truly in this age) she would not have offered indignity to her court of Chancery to take it from them to your needless trouble, and therefore, upon my Lord Keeper's making so much known to her council, where Jhones and Hughes were both present, her Majesty is pleased to suffer it to pass on his ordinary course of trial; so as we hope your Lordship shall be no more troubled with the matter. And now, concerning the second point we have no more to say but this, that you have fully satisfied our expectations, having proceeded therein both as a magistrate that knoweth how necessary it is to preserve obedience to so great a place as you hold, and as a friend that have been contented for our sake to dispense with the follies and contempts of him that now is very sorry for it, and shall not fail before the time limited in your letter to make his appearance there and to abide such censure as your Lordship shall find necessary to be imposed upon him. For all which we do return you our hearty thanks and do desire you to remain assured that we will always be ready to requite your kind proceeding with our best offices.
Minute. 3½ pp. (91. 100, 101.)
John Lyly to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 4. My fortunes are come to this issue, the Queen's mercy and Mr. Greville's care : your Honour's good word to both may work a conclusion of all my cares.
My wife delivered my petition to the Queen, who accepted it graciously and, as I desired, referred it to Mr. Greville, for I durst not presume to name your Honour.
The copy I have sent enclosed, not to trouble your Honour, but to vouchsafe a view of the particulars, all woven in one, is but to have something.—Feb. 4, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 103.)
Christopher Harris to the Privy Council.
1602/3, Feb. 4. I send by this bearer John Mourton, the roll of a hundred mariners, which, by virtue of your letters of the 19 of January last, I have imprested in the South parts of Devon. The number were only gotten with extraordinary diligence, many ships having departed from that coast to the isle of Maye, Newfoundland, and other places.—From Radford, this fourth of February, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (183. 142.)
Lord Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, Feb. 6.] On the subject of a commission to examine witnesses; and a motion for copies of the papers concerning Sir John Norreys' will, which neither he nor his counsel ever saw before they were produced in court.
Holograph. Signed, “Fr. Norreys.” Undated. Endorsed :—“6 February, 1602.” 1 p. (91. 104.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 8. Two Letters :
1. This bearer, Robert Bourk, of Dover, has brought me this morning some books and other things belonging to some priests or Jesuits, lately brought over by John Jacobe, who for that cause was committed to the Gate House. The bearer declares that by the help of the same Jacobe, he will be able to discover these persons, and that he will be surety for his return. I pray you therefore to order Jacobe to be delivered to him, if there be no other reason for his detention.—Blackfriars, 8 Feb., 1602. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 108.)
2. Only this I am to acquaint you with, that this French man I wrote of last week is not Arnold; he is called Arnott, and is a dangerous man that can counterfeit any man's hand. It is dangerous for you to give him a passport under your hand, lest he abuse it to counterfeit your hand.
From Carmarthen, I hear nothing; I make account it will pay in the audit with the rest.—Blackfriars, 8 Feb. 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 109.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3 Feb. 8. I have received the Lord Treasurer's resolute answer that he will give way to no licence for any quantity of corn to be transported, for that the prices rise; and all shires do certify that they can not spare it without raising of extreme high prices in all parts of the realm.—London, 8 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 110.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 8. Requesting him to support their petition to the Queen concerning the landing of the sweet wines at Southampton. The state of the town is grown desperate, partly by being debarred from the traffic whereby it did in ancient times most chiefly flourish, and also by great spoils done by the Dunkirkers, besides the benefits of the sweet wines taken away by the late grant to the Levant Company. Unless some relief be given, it will not be able to uphold the walls, gates and sea-banks, which are now no charge to the Queen.—Southampton, 8 February, 1602.
Signed : “Edmund Asplen, Mayor,” and by the Aldermen.
Seal. 1 p. (91. 111.)
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 8. In my last I desired your pleasure touching Lawrence Bradshaw, the curate, a prisoner here for suffering the Irish boy to escape and receiving some part of the moneys which the boy took from the French gentleman. The said boy returned hither yesterday to pass for Ireland, alleging that he is discharged of his trouble by the favour of the French gentleman his late master, whom he robbed. Now the curate, being an accessory, cannot be touched by ordinary course of law when the party principal is discharged, though he be by this fault utterly undone, for he hath been degraded from the ministry by the bishop of this diocese.—Chester, this 8th of February, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 143.)
Captain William Taaffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 9. Asking Cecil to further his petition to the Queen which is enclosed. He wishes to attend on Cecil to acquaint him with some matters touching the state of Ireland from the Lord President.—9 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 112.)
Lord Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, Feb. 9.] I commend my suit to you to speak to the Lord Keeper that I might be put into the commission of the peace. Three assizes are already passed since my grandfather's death, and I am still left out, to my disgrace in the country. My uncle is in commission in both shires, Oxfordshire and Berkshire, and I have more land than he, although not so much present rent. This poor authority will somewhat shelter me from my uncle's oppression.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed : “9 February, 1602.”
1 p. (91. 113.)
Turlogh O'Brien to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 10. I have petitioned the Queen for some help to my estate in consideration of my services during O'Donnell's incursions into Thomond, but I hear from the Master of Requests that no grants of land will be made until the report of the Commissioners is received; I also hear, to my great grief, that her Majesty took no notice of me. I am loth to press further in the matter, but I would entreat you to make my poverty known to the Queen that my estate may have some relief.
I am here indebted and arrested for suretyship given to men of London for John O'Conoghoore when he was here. I would ask you to be a means that I may be discharged of this arrest and suretyship and that his lands may satisfy the debt. I have no means to maintain my children, and know not how poverty may move my two sons to follow unlawful courses, if no employment be found for them.
My extremity here is so great that were it not for an especial friend of the English, who pleaseth I should be made partaker of his diet, I were not able to get bread.—10th Feb., 1602.
PS.—Fearing lest your Honour will imagine that I dissemble in the premises, I would refer to Mr. William Daniell, the worthy preacher, now come over to present to her Majesty the New Testament, which he translated into the Irish tongue, who will declare the truth about the state of Ireland and mine own private condition.
Holograph. Endorsed : “Tyrlough O'brian.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 114.)
Negotiations at Bremen.
1602/3, Feb. 11/21. The Lord Erenfreid of Minckwizt, Baron of Minckwitz and Drenaw, Councillor and Ambassador of the Emperor, having heard the declaration of the Deputies of the Senate of Stoad and read the writing under their seal dated the 10th February, 1602, finds this much; That the Senate endeavours to put off the execution of the Imperial mandate against the English residing here, and to excuse the trade and dealing of the said merchants and also themselves for permitting it; and secondly, offers for the avoiding of evils a friendly treaty to be put forward with the first mentioned matter. Now, as regards the first point, the Ambassador heartily wisheth that the Imperial mandate could be restrained and understood in that way, and that the excuse of the Senate might prevail with the Emperor, and the required execution avoided.
But the question now is, not whether the present here residing English merchants have again begun to use their monopolies with open court as was done before the mandate; but whether the banished Society of Merchants Adventurers, which have their original in England, are again crept into the Empire or no.
It is notorious that these Merchants send many ships laden with cloth into Germany, and especially unto this town, and utter them by the authority of their court in England, and that the merchants residing here are for the most part Merchants Adventurers; and it is therefore clear that the English Merchants Adventurers' monopoly is still used in the Empire in spite of the Imperial mandate, though under the colourable name of common merchants.
Moreover, the most part of these merchants are the very persons that were banished out of the Empire by the Edict and thus forced to depart from this town, Emden and other places, and therefore they are liable to be punished, although they wholly abstain from hurtful monopolish trades. It would be pessimi exempli if this banished society and merchants were to be allowed to delude the Imperial mandate under colour of common merchants, before they had made satisfaction.
Upon these grounds, the Imperial Ambassador might proceed with the required execution here in Stoade and wherever the like English persons and their goods might be found. But as in their second point the Senate propose a treaty, and together with the merchants here present pray the Ambassador to accept the same, and offer thoroughly to solicit the Queen of England to send her Ambassador to this friendly treaty; and considering the intercession made by John Frederic, elected archbishop of Bremen etc., and Lord Otto Duke of Luningborgh and Brunswick, the Emperor's Ambassador will not trouble himself to further refute articulatim the Senate's declaration, but will relate the same to the Emperor's Majesty, and bring it ad acta.
And the Imperial Ambassador, although not instructed as to the proposed treaty, if the Senate and the English nation here present will promise to procure the attendance of Ambassadors from the Queen, with sufficient authority to be present at the end of June or beginning of July in some place either in the archbishopric of Bremen, the Dukedom of Holst, the Earldom of Oldenburg or East Friesland, will accept the proposed treaty ad referendum, and in the mean time defer to the pleasure of the Emperor the required execution, the said mandate, however, to remain in full force until revoked by the Emperor's majesty.
And in view of the merciful and peace-loving disposition of the Emperor, the Imperial Ambassador is of opinion that had these friendly means that are now humbly offered been used before in this cause, it had never proceded to the publishing of a penal mandate, much less to the execution. It may therefore be hoped that the Emperor's assent to this course will [not sic] easily be gained, especially if the Worshipful Senate solicit the same; and if the Queen restore to the Hanse towns their privileges, and restore to the Barons Fukkers, &c., and Welshers their goods, taken in 1592 in a ship called Madre de Dios against all reason, or compound for the same, then will the Emperor show himself gracious towards the English and their adherents in the matter of the punishment mentioned in the mandate.
All which the Imperial Ambassador signifies to the Senate of Stoad in answer to their petitions.—Stoad, 21/11 Feb., 1602.
Copy. Translation. 4 pp. (91. 143, 144.)
1602/3, Feb. 12. Remembrances for Alexander Covert, gentleman, sent by the right hon. the Lord Eure and Sir John Herbert, knight, and Daniel Dun, Master of Requests, Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Treaty at Bremen, to Denmark, with letters to the late Commissioners, or in their absence to the King's Council.
Covert is to repair to the Court of the King of Denmark, taking with him Richard Lewis, merchant, sent by the Company of the East Merchants, to solicit and procure the performance and execution of certain points agreed of in the late colloquy of Breame, in behalf of the said merchants, for their more safe and quiet passage through the Sound. On arrival, he is to enquire for Lord Parsberg, Chancellor Wittfeld, and Jonas Charisius, late Commissioners, and if all three be there, to deliver H.M. Commissioners' joint letter to them, and require them to further the matters which were promised to be performed; and the copies of such tables as shall be set up accordingly are to be delivered to Lewis, to the end he may return to certify the Company, that they direct themselves and dispose of their trade thereafter. He is to solicit an answer by letter, both as to what has been done touching the points the said Lewis pursues, and also what resolution is taken by the King and Council touching other points in the joint letter, copy of which is to be delivered to Covert for his better direction. In case the three Commissioners be not present at Court, he is to make known to the chief of the King's Council present that he has letters to the Council from her Majesty's Commissioners, and to require a time to be appointed to deliver them to the whole body of the Council. He is to follow, pursue and expect of them a resolution touching the points formerly agreed, and committed to the charge of Lewis, and their answer by letter in the rest of the matters committed to his charge, in the manner formerly prescribed and limited him to attend the same at the Commissioners' hands. When he has received an answer to the Commissioners' letter, and order is taken for the performance of that which Lewis is to attend to the execution of, he is to repair to her Majesty's Commissioners at Bremen, and to make account of his journey.—12 February, 1603, at Bremen.
p. (98. 1.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 12. I send you by this bearer, John Jacobe, the Irishman of whom notice was given to us. His name is Stephen Lattin; he confesses to being a Catholic, but other matter of importance I find not in him. He is now in the train of the Venetian Ambassador. I send you his portmantell. The books in it answer his profession being a scholar.
He tells me, the Venetian Ambassador was nothing well pleased with his entertainment at the Court last Sunday.—
Partly holograph. Undated. Endorsed : “Feb 12, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 115.)
Robert Johnson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3], Feb. 12. A letter expressing love, gratitude and admiration.—Paris, 12 Feb.
French, Italian and Latin. Holograph.
Endorsed : “Young Mr. Johnson to my Master, 1602.”
Seal. 1 p. (91. 116.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 12. On the subject of the customs &c. of the sequestered goods.—Plymouth, 13 Feb. 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 119.)
Sir John Poyntz to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 13. Your favourable acceptance of my motion in behalf of my son emboldens me to entreat you by this gentleman to be informed of such particularites of that matter as would be too long for a letter.—13 Feb., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (91. 120.)
Turlogh O'Brien to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 14. Last Saturday and Monday I attended to have been seen by your Honour, but thereof having missed, I pray you to assign me a certain time of private conference.—14 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 121.)
Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Treasurer and Mr. Comptroller of H.M. Household, and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 14. This gentleman, Mr. Broke, being come from Sir Harry Docray, grievously complains against the merchants trading upon the exchange of Ireland, affirming how greatly they abuse both her Majesty and the captains and soldiers. For that which they provide in England for 100l., they sell it to the captains and soldiers for 400l., and so they turn 400l. exchange upon the Queen, and undo the captains and soldiers with these extreme rates. This gentleman is very discreet, and very confidently affirmeth how they have been thus hardly used by the merchants, and saith that if their course be suffered, they will utterly overthrow the army.—14 Febr., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 122.)
Antonio Balbani to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, Feb. 15.] I am very grateful for the favour which at your instance Signor Burlamacchi has received from the Lord Chancellor (sic); but although he is promised proper justice, he (and I with him) would beg that the bearer of his answer to the memorial may make use of your name in delivering it to his Excellency.
Undated. Italian. Signed. Endorsed : “15 February, 1602.”
1 p. (91. 123.)
Da. Williams to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 15. On the subject of a statement made by Roger Vaughan concerning the finding of the office touching Baskervile's lands; I certify you that you never communicated with me touching that cause. Vaughan well knows that my love is such to my cousin Croft that I would go to any place in England for him.—Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street, London, 15 Feb., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 124.)
Ferdinando Heyborn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 15. This enclosed her Majesty wrote this morning in her bed and commanded me to hand it to your Honour.—15 February, half an hour past 7 of the clock.
Holograph. Endorsed : “Mr. Ferdinando to my master.” Seal. ¼ p. (183. 144.)
Edward Fletewoode, parson of Wigan, W. Leygh, parson of Standish, and William Foster and Richard Meidglay, preachers by her Majesty's pension, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 15. The bearer, late high Sheriff of the county, will deliver his opinion touching the corrupt state of religion and government in these parts.—From Wigan, the 15th of February, 1602.
In Fletewode's hand. Endorsed : “Preachers in Lancashire to my Master.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 145.)
Nicholas Mosley and others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 16. Having enjoyed no small testimony of your honourable care for religion in this our county of Lancaster, we are bold to pray you to consider the case of the town of Manchester and the parish of eight chapelries belonging to it, all depending for religious instruction on the collegiate church of Manchester : wherein her Majesty in the 20th year of her reign erected the college, called Christ's College, consisting of one warden, four fellows, preachers, two curates and diveres singing men, all to be resident. Yet Mr. Dee, the warden there, being no preacher, and none of the fellows save one commorant in the said town, no such course of ministry is held there as was intended. So that the folk of the town well affected to religion have condescended to contribute a yearly pension for the entertainment of one Mr. Burne, a learned preacher, and bachelor of divinity of Cambridge, until a fellow's place in the College can be found for him, or the wardenship conferred upon him. The fellowship, we doubt not to shortly obtain if the warden and company know that Mr. Burne enjoys your favour. For the other, we pray you to be a means to her Majesty that Mr. Burne may have the grant of the next presentation to the wardenship; which if we can obtain, he is willing to resign his fellowship at St. John's College, Cambridge, and come to reside among us upon such entertainment as may be obtained.—Manchester, 16 Feb., 1602.
Signed.—Nicholas Mosley. Edward Fletewoode, parson of Wigan. W. Leygh, parson of Standish. Richard Meringley, her Majesty's preacher in Lancashire. Ed. Trafford. Richard Holland. Seal. 2½ pp. (91. 125, 126.)
Her Majesty's Commissioners at Bremen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 16. Touching the despatch of our messenger to Denmark, we refer you to our joint letter to the Council. About the date of that despatch, the Secretary for the Dutch tongue to Duke Charles of Sweden came to Bremen, sent to us and to the Duke of Holstein and the Archbishop of Bremen, whose sister the said Duke married; this gentleman, Berthold Henzken, presented to us letters from his master, and made certain propositions to us, which we prayed him to set down in articles, and now enclose with his letter of credence, and our answers thereto.
On the 13th instant, we heard from the Baron of Minquitz at Prague that the Emperor had appointed the Count of Schoneberg and himself for the despatch of the causes for which we are here. The Count is a Protestant, and has married a sister of Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse, which makes us hope for honourable success in that action. The 24th of February is fixed for the day of colloquy. The towns of Bremen and Hamburgh have sent messengers to secure his speedy arrival. The Hanse Towns, in their Assembly at Lubeck, decided to send deputies to this colloquy, and to inform the Emperor's Commissioners. There are arrived five from Lubeck, one from Cologne, four from Bremen, four from Hamburgh, two from Stralsund and three from Luneberg. They have had several meetings since their coming, and are said to have discussed how they might divert the residence from Staden either to Hamburgh or this town.
A few days since, by their request, Lord Eure received seven of the chiefest men among them, who professed themselves not to blame for our tedious delay here, and after compliments on both sides retired well pleased.
We are grateful for your information as to the proceedings of the French King in the action of the Duke of Bouillon, and will requite the same by such reports as these cold north east countries yield.
The Emperor, wishing (as he pretends) to prosecute the siege of Buda and the recovery of Canisa in Styria purposed to have a general diet; whereupon the Dukes of Saxony and Bavaria, the archbishops of Cologne, Mainz, and Treves have sent to Prague to consult the Emperor on this matter and for quieting the troubles in Germany. The Emperor sent the Landgrave of Leuchtenberg to the Elector Palatine and the Landgrave Maurice of Hesse to insist that they would send to the Diet. But before his coming, the Elector Palatine, the Duke of Deuxponts, with his two sons, the Marquis of Brandenburg, the Administrator of Strasburg, Christian Prince of Anhalt, two Ambassadors, one from the Marquis of Anspach, and the other from Baden in Tourlech [? Durlach,] and also Commissioners from the chapter of Strasburg; [“an assembly of Protestant Princes in Heidelberg”—margin], and it is thought that they will hardly come to the Diet, unless some order be taken for the troubles in Strasburg and for the controversy between the Count of Tourlech and the Duke of Bavaria over the guardianship of the young Marquis of Baden; for the Princes joining unto Strasburg greatly dislike the Emperor's proceeding in both causes.
We hear from Heidelberg that the Duke of Bouillon remains there awaiting letters from the French King. M. Bongarse, agent for that King, is awaiting the resolution of the Protestant Princes there on some secret matters before starting for Metz, where the King is expected to suppress the tumult of 'Sambole,' governor of the Citadel, and the towns folk, who have asked the King to leave with them M. Espernon and M. de Boyssicy until the King's own coming. The Commissioners of the United Provinces are also at Heidelberg, expecting those Princes' resolution as to the uniting those Provinces to the Empire.
The Treaty between the deputies of the United Provinces, the town of Emden, and the Earl of East Friesland is dissolved, The Earl has gone to the Hague to satisfy the States on some points, hoping to find more reasonable conditions from them than from the town of Emden. We enclose a copy of the propositions made to him by the town of Emden.
We obtained privately from the Secretary of the Duke Charles of Sweden an account of the points in controversy between his master and the King of Denmark, of which we send a copy. He also said that the King of Denmark had sent Carnicovius to the 'Reichsdaye' now holden in Poland, to assist the Elector of Brandenburg's eldest son, Sigismund, in obtaining the Dukedom of Prussia after the death of the Marquis of Ansbach. It is thought this controversy will breed great dissension between the King of Poland and the Marquis of Brandenburg. He also said that the town of Lubeck had sent an embassy to the Moscovite, which, owing to the controversies between them of Lubeck and his master, and the marriage between John Frederick, youngest brother to the King of Denmark, and the daughter of the Emperor of Russia, made him very jealous and desirous to be at peace with his neighbours.—Bremen, 16 Feb., 1602.
Signed :“Ra : Eure. J. Herbert. Daniel Dun. Stephen Lesieur.”
pp. (91. 128–131.)
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 16. Offering to buy cinnamon belonging to Cecil. Also about the ward of Mr. Jackson, deceased, for whom I have been a suitor. His lands are 60l. or 70l. a year; his portion, nothing; his age, nine or ten years.
Touching the piece of wood, I see no hope to find it here at Leadenhall, having, as I have, seen the bedsteads.
Mr. Chambers has desired me to tell you of a carpet of Persia which he has, which came in the carrack unto Zealand. It cost 70l. or 80l. Flemish, which may be 40l. or 50l. English. If you please it shall be brought to your house.—16 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 133.)
Robert Churchman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 18. Thursday, about our Irish bills of exchange, your Honour did take it in ill part that my bills were made in other men's names, being persuaded it was done colourably. I would humbly pray, for God's sake, that I may by word of mouth explain my reasons for so doing, which I am loth to do in writing; and also may speak of that matter which I did impart to you at the Court on Sunday last.—18 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 137.)
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 19. Your letters, dated at the Court the 13th of February, enclosing a packet to Sir Jeffrey Fenton, came to my hands the 16th, and were despatched in a bark for Ireland at nine the next morning.—Chester, 19 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 138.)
Sir Edward Fitzgerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 20. The estate of this poor country, is grown most miserable, and there is a general dearth of all necessaries. The cause thereof in some censures (besides the long troubles) arises from our new money, whereof a grievous distaste is apprehended.—Dublin, 20 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 139.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 20. (1) If I had come to you this Sunday, I must have returned that night, for all this next week is our time appointed to call in the Queen's debts and send forth process for all the Queen's business. But this miserable weather and my being entered into a cold doth withhold me. After this week I will tarry with you till you be weary of me.—20 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 140.)
(2) Not knowing how soon you will come to London, I have thought good to put you in mind of our present great payments and of our small means, and therefore, if possibly you might help us with any convenient sum out of the Wards, it should never come in better time. I send you the certificates of the Inns of Court touching a solicitor for Ireland : I pray you confer with Mr. Wilbraham therein and such other as you think fit. Some that better know them than myself, tell me that the nomination from Gray's Inn is absolutely the best above all other, namely Goldsmith and Anger. They both have made great means to me to be spared and, if they do so to you, I pray you deny them till you hear more of their sufficiency, for they have both learning and living and are of good credit and reputation.—20 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. ¾ p. (183. 146.)
The certificates referred to, viz.:—
The Benchers of Lincoln's Inn. Nominate Mr. Richard Digges and Mr. Henry Robbins, Lincoln's Inn, 16 Feb., 1602.
Signed, Henry Hobart, Lect.; Robert Houghton; Thomas Harries. John Tyndall. Thomas Spencer. Ranulphe Crewe. Thomas Hitchcock.
Seal. ½ p. (91. 127.)
2. The Benchers of the Inner Temple. Nominate Mr. William Fletcher and Mr. Humphrey Weare, which have been Readers in Chancery.—The Inner Temple, 16 Feb., 1602.
Signed : Edw. Coke. Grey. Hugh Hare, Treasurer. John Coventrye. G. Wylde. T. Foster. William Towse. Geo. Croke. Roger Dale. Anthony Dyot. John Hele. Ro. Barker.
Seal. 1 p. (91. 135.)
3. The Benchers of the Middle Temple. Nominate Mr. William Gosnoll, who is passed his reading, and Mr. John Adye, a reader long since in Chancery.—Middle Temple, 16 Feb., 1602.
Signed : George Snygge, Treasurer. John Shurley. William Gybbes, Richard Swayne. Richard Daston.
Seal. ½ p. (91. 132.)
4. The Benchers of Grays Inn nominate Mr. Clement Goldsmith, and Mr. Francis Anger.—Grayes Inn, 16 Feb. 1602.
Signed : Jo. Broograve. Fr. Bacon. W. Hiskyng? Will. Gerrard.
Seal. ½ p. (91. 134.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3], Feb. 21. The only doe and best in my charge I have sent you to “srove” [shrove] with. Accept her in good part until you have a better from any other parks about you. I entreat you return your black horse to Mr. Alexander for some time, or he will come to nought. Otherwise, he may prove a horse for yourself at a need, from which God defend you, yet it may be. Hold your good opinion of my brother and give him your furtherance.—Woodstock Lodge. 21 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed : “1602.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 141.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 22. I hoped to have heard from my Lord Keeper in answer to my last two letters. I have received a letter from my Lord of Worcester and yourself, saying you are satisfied with my treatment of Sir Edward Winter, and recall in some sort your letter for Hewes, wherein I shall easily let fall any course that way, and if it be called upon, shall prolong it till I may hear from you. But I must press for your advice; for it is grown a question by some of the council whether I may take the seal with me into South Wales, and call upon them for attendance, though when I first claimed that power, it was not questioned. My reasons are that it will help to bear my charges, the many complaints whereunto speedy redress may be given, and lastly, that other Presidents have done so.
I hear you have gotten the Brigstoke parks. I would you would let me be your tenant at as high a rate as any will give.—Ludlow, 22 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (91. 145.)
Sir Arthur Savage to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 22. Although I long have had cause to fear your hard conceit of me, yet could I never find the reason, wherefore I will not despair of your favour till some more evident testimony be shown, which I hope never to deserve. In my petition to you touching my park, I found your Honour estranged; and therefore addressed the Queen, who first promised me a letter to my Lord of Cumberland to order him to suffer me to enjoy the park or repay me the money it stood me in. But being importuned to the contrary, she refused to write, but sent me word that he would deal well with me. Yet his man Taylor told a brother-in-law of mine that he would enter upon the park presently without any manner of satisfaction. I know not how I stand reputed by you; but I think not you will deem the course taken with me to be summum jus. I therefore refer myself to your honourable censure.—22 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 146.)
Thomas Treffry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 22. A tenement of the manor of Carneden-Prior has come into hand, which will yield 100l. fine for a lease for three lives. Advertises Cecil thereof, so that he may raise so much in the price in the sale of that manor to Mr. Jeff's friend, or reserve the profit of the lease to himself.—Lostwithiel, in Cornwall, 22 Feb., 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed : “22 Feb., 1602.” 1 p. (98. 9.)
The Vice Chancellor and Heads of Houses at Cambridge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 22. His often admonitions for the good of their body, if they should not with all due respect be received of them, they were well worthy to undergo the sharpest censure he could lay upon them, but things long degenerate are not so easily or speedily to be reduced to their decayed purity. How carefully they have endeavoured and how far they have proceeded, it will please him to be informed from Dr. Neale, who has undertaken this office, and then their hope is he will pardon intermission of verbal answers, if he shall find his injunctions really observed.—February 22, 1602.
Signed : William Smythe, Vican : Roger Goade, Umphry Tyndall, Thomas Nevile, Ric. Clayton, Jo. Duport, Jas. Mountagu, Edmund Barwell, Laur. Chaderton. Seal. 1 p. (136. 96.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 22. I am sorry that I cannot write with my own hand. The enclosed letters are from Captain Plessington, whom I lately ordered to arrest Captain Griffith, a notable pirate come into Ireland. This he has done; and as he now hears of a great ship forced into the river Shannon by distress, and there standing on her guard, I think it well to send him thither to bring her to England. It seems that some speedy course must be had to remedy the scarcity of victuals in Munster.
[PS. Holograph.] My wife hath had an extreme fit of 38 hours and is not yet out of it. The Lord comfort her and me.
I will send order very straightly to the mayor of Bristol for the safe sending up of Gryfyne (sic) and some of the principal of his company.—Arundel House, this evening, 23 Feb., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 148.)
Enclosure :
Captain Charles Plessington to [the Earl of Nottingham].
1602/3, Feb. 22. At my last being at Court my Lord commanded me to haste away with my ship from Bristol to Cork haven to arrest there Captain Pierce Griffith, a notable pirate. I reached Cork on the 12th instant, where I found the said Captain. And after some stay for a fair wind, I returned with the man, his ship and crew to King road, near Bristol, where I now am.
I have examined him concerning the goods taken by him in the ship, most of which were sold and made away with before my coming. The remainder is not worth more than 1,000l. at most. There was a rumor of great sums of money in her when she was taken, but all he will confess is that some of his company in breaking up chests got some forty pounds, which was shared among them, yet says he thinks that there may be money in her, which will not be found before she is unladen. It is not unlikely, for the fly boat has been near three years out of her own country, as appears by her cockets and bills of lading, and accounts, and by letters written in Dutch directed to be delivered in Hamburgh. Many of them are sealed, and I purpose to send them up to his Lordship.
The goods now in the ship are oils, ginger, logwood and “shoomacke” [sumach], the first much damaged by leakage and the ginger nearly rotten.
My Lord President was gone twenty days since for Dublin. Munster is very quiet. They say all the rebels are in the north, but at my coming away, I heard that Sullivan Beare was returned into his own country slenderly accompanied. Victuals are so scarce in the country that it is thought most of them will starve this year. I could not buy any fresh meat for English money.—On board Her Majesty's ship Tramontana, in King Road, 22 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (91. 147.)
William Cecil to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602/3, Feb. 22. Are all come safe and well to Cambridge, where they find all things well. Now will fall hard to his book again, to recover what he has lost by his long absence.—St. John's College, Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 4.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 24. I have returned unto you my Lord President of Wales' letter to you. He writeth now to me of diverse things, (1) of a cause depending in the Star Chamber, (2) of a cause depending before him and that Council, (3) of the cause between Hughes and Johnes, which was heard in the Chancery and after recommended to him. I will give him answer as soon as conveniently I can. For the carrying of the seal with him, and the Council to attend him in his intended journey into South Wales, he writeth not a word to me, and therefore I think expecteth not my opinion. I think the question will not be what he may do, but what is convenient to be done. Wherein I can say no more, but salus populi suprema lex. I think it were not amiss to stay Mr. Serjeant Crooke for a few days, and to debate with him, and to prepare him to second your letters, if letters cannot reply, which he being well informed may well do, and remove this scruple and satisfy both parties, and draw all to join in one yoke of duty.—24 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 150.)
Hortensio Spinola to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 25. I understand that I may have my liberty on paying 300l., taking an oath not to serve against this country, and giving bonds for 200l. to free eight of the English who are at Sluys on the galley of Signor Federico Spinola. As far as the 300l., which the family Spinola, of Genoa, have sent me by way of alms, and the oath, I am very ready. But the third condition depends upon Signor Federico, who has never done anything for me during my captivity in spite of my letters to him. The only assistance I have been able to get here from my countrymen is from Franceso Rizzo, who is ready to enter into a bond of 100l. that within four months I shall either obtain the freedom of six of these English or pay the said sum, and more I cannot persuade him to do. I can only beg you to remember all my sufferings during four years of prison, always ill, and now on the verge of death, and to accept this offer. I can assure you that I will procure the liberty, not only of the six prisoners, but of as many as I possibly can.—From my prison, 25 Feb., 1602.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (91. 151.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 25. (1) I received this 25th of February, by Captain Williams, letters from you, with his petition enclosed. I hoped I had satisfied him; for there is nothing sought to be infringed in the grant granted to him by her Majesty. I think, however, that if I can make you understand the nature of his suit, you will agree it ought not to be winked at. What fees the law gives, he is to have; but every bailiff of hundred is wont by way of 'comortha' to get of freeholders and others that are to serve at 'size and sessions something, a thing illegal, whereby men of weak understanding are put to serve and others set at home through their bribes. Of this, if relators should not give notice, others durst not; and so under pretence of stopping relators, he or his men might do what they liked. This, I think, you would not desire to have borne with.
To-night, I also received letters from the Council, not only commanding a refraining to proceed in the cause betwixt Hughes and Johnes, but a present dismission. I am somewhat grieved that I should be required to do this, which will ring in this country people's ears that Mr. Jhones is so great a man that he may cross my Lord President; and then I shall do little service here. I have written as much to the Council and enclose a copy of my letter which I would have you look at and then deliver or retain the letter as you think fit. I have often thought of your speech, that I should be taught other lessons. If I had thirsted after this place I had well deserved it, but surely I have so little been crossed and so bent myself to a quiet life, as I confess I take little delight in this honourable place. But I beseech you leave me not till either I finish my days or you bring me back to my private life. Thus I complain to you and crave your help.—Ludlow, 25 Feb., 1602.
P S.—Sir, the 26th, about 3 of the clock in the morning, there came unto me a packet of letters containing one from her Highness, whereof I am much comforted that my services are found acceptable. The letters received from my Lords, I will perform. But I have no copy of her Highness' letter to the Lords, and I see no hope of profit to stir men to cheerful disbursing of charge, which, because by the Queen's letter to me and the Council's letter to the county of Worcester, a copy whereof is sent unto me, there is some semblance of such an intent, I am bold to make known to you.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (91. 153.)
The Enclosure. (91. 152.)
(2) The gentleman, this bearer, has been sent for by warrant of the Lords of the Council, a thing not usual within this government, but by letter to the President. I persuade myself that it only proceeds from the procurement of the Earl of Huntingdon; but because I know not the cause, I have persuaded the gentleman to be obedient and not to use any sleights which he could easily have been contented to do by reason of his many debts; for once being laid up, he is in danger not to come abroad in haste. His land is encumbered that he cannot sell it. I have known of his bringing up and I wish him good. I beseech you consider the wrong to my place and to this gentleman's estate. He is but his own enemy through his great mind, quick spirit, and small estate. If either his estate or my means may make him beholding unto you, you shall bind him to do you good service.—Ludlowe, 25 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 154.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 26. I have thoroughly heard the cause touching Burley for the killing of Kilby. It appeared that they had been together by the ears twice before that day, and were parted and gone clear asunder the one from the other; and that after, Burley following some other of the company homeward towards Skynners, some brawl grew between them, offered by Burley, depending which Kilby came to them again, having not so much as a knife about him, and upon the sudden, the rest being going their way, Burley and Kilby were grappled together and Burley stabbed Kilby into the body, whereof he presently died before the rest could come to him. Further, after Burley had judgement, he desired to speak with me, signifying he had matter of moment to inform me of, whereupon I sent for him and he told me that there was a practice by some of the said Burley's friends that had some hard conceit towards Sir John Carew, to kill him, or his son, now being, as he said, in France. He would in no wise tell me by whom unless I would promise to reprieve him for a month and to remove him to London. Doubting that this was but a device, I told him I might not do it upon any such condition, but if out of conscience he would deliver it, I would then do as I thought fit, whereupon he would go no further with me then, and so I returned him back again, and yet stayed his execution for that I promised you to make the true state of the cause known to you before he should be executed.—Thetford, 26 Feb, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (91. 157.)
Richard Hoper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 26. Expressing his gratitude to Cecil for obtaining for him the reversion of an office, and also for procuring him to be an assistant to such commissioners as shall be assigned for special service in Ireland.—26 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 155.)
H. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 26. The letters to Mr. Secretary Fenton were sent away from this port the 17th instant, and delivered at Dublin the following day, by Edward Bennett, the bearer hereof, who being for London, I have presumed to let you know of his diligence and of the frowardness of the sailors here, who will not set sail with letters unless they have allowance for carrying letters, albeit they have full freight for their voyage. But this Mr. Bennett overcame by a kind of violence. I would ask you to give instruction for some course to be taken.—Chester, 26 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 156.)
M. Regnault to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602/3, Feb. 26/March 8. The same evening I saw you, I dined at the ambassador's, where I was seized with a catarrh which caused me almost intolerable suffering. I have since been in the hands of my physicians and have been prevented from visiting you. If I have the good fortune to regain my health, I will endeavour to carry out to the best of my ability your Honour's behests.—London, 26 Feb., 1603, English style, 8 March, 1603, French style.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (92. 14.)
The Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 26. Enclosing the examination of a Scotchman.—Towstocke by Barnstaple, 26 Feb., 1602.
Postscript in the Earl's hand.
Sir, I have but one uncle in the world and that is Sir George 'Bowergchier,' my father's brother. I beseech you, if he have any cause to use your friendship, let him know that I wish him well.
Seal. 1 p. (91. 160.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of William Clepam, taken by William, Earl of Bath, 25 February, 1602.
William Clepam of Leith, near Edinburgh, saith :
He arrived at Ilfracomb on the 23rd February in the Charlse, of Brest, and has been going between Spain and Scotland these five years, past, and has resided in Lisbon and St. Toualls for the last 18 months.
About thirty days past he saw in Lisbon and Cascales about 3,000 land soldiers ready to be employed; there are more in Galicia.
About three months since, the King made out a fleet of seventeen sail to “warfe” home the Indies fleet, whereof Don Diego was admiral and Pedro Siriago vice-admiral, and they had much ado to furnish the ships with mariners, so much that they impressed strangers to serve, even Portugalls, which they never did before.
They brought home the Indies fleet to Cadiz, laden with eighteen millions, and then came back to Lisbon. During their voyage, they took four Flemish ships and four English, three of which were men-of-war, two of Plymouth and one of London, of which Captain Middleton was captain, who was presently hanged up in his own ship and by his own man at the commandment of Don Diego. Many things were objected to him before his death, and especially his sinking of one of the ships of that fleet.
About thirty-five days past, he saw fourteen great galleons of the King's come into Lisbon, of 800 and 1,000 tons apiece, all men-of-war, laden with armour and munitions come from Cadiz under the conduct of Pedro Siriago.
He says that the Spaniards have taken seven or eight English men-of-war, some before the wharfing home of the Indies fleet and some since. Siriago used the Englishmen that he took very kindly, and saved Captain Duncombe, whom the Fathers wished to have executed, because he had formerly taken some of them at sea and carried them into England.
One Beveridge went out of England and arrived in Lisbon about Michaelmas last in a Scottish ship laden with dellboards, pretending to the master of that ship here in England, by a letter written from Plymouth to Dartmouth, that he had a licence from the Lord Admiral to go into Spain, and a pass from the Viceroy of Portugal to trade in England. Whereupon he ventured the ship, and coming to Lisbon, his ship was stayed, and Beveridge, following the suit for the Scot, was condemned to the galleys himself and the ship to be forfeit. But afterwards Beveridge went up to the Fathers showing them how he had been imprisoned in England three times for bringing over letters to Father Cardyn and others; so that the Fathers came to the Viceroy and procured the sentence to be reversed and the ship set free.
Don Diego sends all the Englishmen he takes to the galleys. But those that Siriago takes are better used. There was one Captain Luff, or Love, an Englishman that had served the King of Spain, and came from him to us again. He was taken with Captain Duncombe by Siriago and executed by command of Don Diego.
Some merchants of this coast meeting here in Severn with a ship called the Fortune of 'Norbergin,' in Norway, pressed from Hampton to serve her Majesty in Ireland, did, on a letter from Beveridge, freight her for Lisbon with coal, and manned her with Scottishmen which lay in Barnstaple expecting Beveridge's return from London. But he being arrived at Lisbon before this ship, foretold what she was, and how she had served the Queen in Ireland against the Spaniards; so that, on arrival, the ship and goods were seized, the men sworn, and all that they had taken from them.
Christopher Mora's term as Viceroy of Portugal is nearly expired. He is a very covetous man.
There is nothing done about the King but by the mediation of the Duke of Lerma, Marquis of Denia.
Don Alphonso de Vassan, brother to the Marquis de Santa Cruz, is likely to be general of any army sent out.
The Duke de Medina is like to be Viceroy of Portugal. John de Aquila is at his house within thirty leagues of Lisbon, not much spoken of.
The soldiers, who used to speak ill of Ireland and of going there, are now commanded not to do so.
Last summer five Englishwomen, one said to be of great account, came to Lisbon to be made nuns.
Forty sail are making ready to go to the East Indies, Brazil and Angola, for which place they take up many soldiers to repress the mutinous negroes there.
The English men-of-war taken by the Spaniards are used for men-of-war. Two of them, with three others, lie off Lisbon on the coast, double manned. Their commission is to lay the enemy aboard and not fight far off.
There is no talk there of any preparations in England. But they are waiting for more Italians to man their ships; and it is said the King of France is preparing a large army.
Of late there came into the Lisbon river four or five hundred sail of Frenchmen laden with corn.
There is a general order that if any Englishmen be taken at sea, without letters of reprisal or other licence to pass, they shall be executed.
When the Spaniards and Portugall's men-of-war met at Lisbon to take passage with Don John for Kinsale, there were many bickerings between them, and many were killed.
Signed : “W. Bathon.” 2 pp. (91. 159.)
Richard Palfreyman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 26. Immediately after I attended you about the monies due to the Lord President of Munster, my master, I heard that there had been deaths from the plague in the Minories where my abode is. I write to explain the reason of my absence.—Minories, 26 Feb., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 161.)
Sir William Courteney to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3], Feb. 26. To you I offer my love and service, as well for that I have ever held you a most honourable friend, as for the thanks I owe you for your regard of my son.—26 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed : “1602.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 162.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 26. I enclose the account for the twentieth part of the sequestered goods, received by me for the Lord Admiral and you. By the book of rates, the ginger and cinnamon do owe much more for custom, but I have rated the same as it is sold, hoping so to pass it with the customer.
There is no further news from Captain James Willes or the rest of the Indians company, but that they are in the King of Spain's galleys. I pray a warrant for taking up of some Spaniard or Portugal, if any be brought hither, that may redeem him.—Plymouth, 26 February, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 164.)
The Enclosure :—The Account mentioned. (91. 163.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 27. When I purposed to have waited on her Majesty this morning, an extreme cold enforces me to pray to be for this time excused. The service for the subsidy in London is appointed upon Tuesday next, which I would willingly attend if my health will suffer me.—27 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 165.)
Jo. Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 28. I have been lately troubled with a swelling in my face and extreme toothache, but now is fallen into one of my feet, and has this last night so tormented me as I never felt the like pain afore. Upon Friday last, there was a matter offered me which by my Lady Elizabeth Guilford's means has been presented to the Queen, and, as I understand, is delivered into your hands. And I would humbly entreat you to effect it for me. The Lord Mayor hath already practised to recover his fault by offering a bribe to the receiver for an acquittance that should bear antedate.—28 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 166.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3,] Feb. 28. Your kind letter, sent by Mr. Turser I received on the 22nd of February. I have nothing worthy writing at this time, only our negotiation for Her Majesty. Since our joint letters signifying Mr. Leyzeiur's proceedings with the Baron of Minckwitz at Hamburgh, and the Baron's departure thence for Prague on the 5th of January, Mr. Leyzeiur received one letter from the Baron from Prague of the 29th of January (old style), signifying the Emperor's permission to have appointed commissioner with him the Earl of Schoumbrough, and them both so to be at Bremen that the colloquy might begin the 24th of February. The Count knows the Emperor's pleasure, and is earnestly solicited by the Hanses to repair personally to the discharge thereof, but he desires to depute his chancellor, Dr. Veiott, and others of his council. The Baron is not yet come and has not written to us to explain his delay.
I hope by my next letter to certify you either of our entrance into this long expected business, or else a resolution tending to our return, which will be most grievous to us. But I hope these sudden frosts and storms may be an excuse of the Baron's long delay and that the clearness of weather may hasten his coming and further the business by remembrance of this long delay.—Bremen, 28 Feb., stylo veteri.
Holograph. Endorsed : “1602.” Seal. 2 pp. (91. 167.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Feb. 28. My Lord Treasurer's indisposition of health and my own extreme cold continuing and increasing, I have presumed to put off the service of the subsidy in London. By a little deferring there will be no prejudice to the service.—28 Feb., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 168.)
10 [Sir Robert Cecil] to 30 [The King of Scots].
1602/3, Feb.—Letter commencing : “Although the wisdom and sincerity.”
Draft by Cecil. Endorsed : “Febrr.” (135. 65, 66 and 70.) [Printed in extenso : Camden Soc. Publications. O.S. LXXVIII. pp. 17–20.]
[Sir Robert Cecil] to [? Thomas Douglas].
[1602/3, about Feb.] I do confess that I would have been glad to have heard from you before this time, especially when such variety of reports have filled this place, concerning practices in that kingdom; but I am apt to believe that absence has been the occasion of that silence. For the matter concerning the Lady Arbella, of whose professed Papistry you write, first, it may well be so for any extraordinary inspection the State has thought fit to take with her, who is in the custody of those parents who were not to be used as persons suspected to be so ill affected as to permit so corrupt an education, where (unless she had been made a prisoner) I know not how any minister of State could have made that point secure. But Sir, though consciences are secretly wrought in youth, whereof strangers can take no notice, if it be so carried, as outward circumstances do not conclude it, yet I assure you (for my own part) I have heard so little proof of her being Catholic, as if I were to speak for a wager, I should think it an extravagant information. First, because her own grandmother earnestly professes the contrary; and secondly, because some of those that are likest to deal with her in points of conscience were known to be otherwise. As, for an instance, one Starkye, a minister (who lately laid violent hands on himself) having been hardly used by some of her friends, was ever reputed a Protestant, and (besides that he was her chaplain) in all his exercises of study and learning he was most inwardly conversant with the young lady. So as for anything the State could take notice of, she is taken to be otherwise. Wherein (for my own part) for any further curiosity, I have not used it, to hearken after her, or any in her predicament, and therefore, whatsoever I speak therein, it is but by observation and collection of circumstances, against which if I might hear any one particular proof (that were not invidum vagum) I should then, by comparing that with my own, better beat out the truth, although I am apt enough to believe that if she have been taught to value herself, for high expectations (to which it is an easy matter to lead ladies' thoughts) that in that case she may have also received this doctrine, to give hope to either side to whom she speaks, of such inclination in matter of religion as she conceives will make her soonest acceptable to the parties. To which I will only make this addition, that if I were you, as I am not, I would never give counsel to a King of Scotland to procure such an extraordinary observation of her person or disposition as might more prejudice him by the lustre it will give her than all the effects which may arise of her being, as you say, infected with Papistry. For I have often observed Tacitus' rule to be true, in this point when he writes, Punitis ingeniis gliscit authoritas. But this, Sir, I answer not, as taking myself bound to study these cautions, being only interested in the present, without any certain future object, but rather to make you see that if this were a negligence, it has done the King no harm; though I cannot say that that respect has been the cause of such proceeding. Of this answer, therefore, I do leave the application to yourself, to be managed as you please, for though I have not entertained any by-correspondencies from the King, but only when I have been commanded by the Queen, yet shall I not mislike that you take notice that I have written thus much unto you, since the cause moves from you. And now, Sir, to come to that purpose (whereof Mr. Nicholson informs me from you) concerning the sending the Duke into France, about the Tripartite League, and for that purpose to pass into England; this I say, that howsoever France may value himself towards those whom he concludes opposite to Spain, with many fair pretexts of the wonders he would do, yet I conclude that he made not his peace for war, but for peace, and that both of them will conserve it free from such notorious denunciations, though I doubt not but in particular circumstances there will break out under hand practices, each upon other's estate, every month in the year, all which shall sometime be expostulated, sometime disavowed, with imputation upon ministers, and never suffered to grow to such a height as a league offensive and defensive with those Princes between whom and him there is flagrans bellum. Next, assure yourself, the predominant counsel about him are vassals to the See of Rome, who infect his mind with so much jealousy of the party of religion at home as he is taught to do with his estate, as wise physicians do with crazed bodies, to whom they minister no violent medicines. Besides, for a proof of the King's disposition to keep upright all terms of amity between those two crowns (notwithstanding all his discoveries of Spanish practices with Biron, Janville and the Count d'Auvergne) he has now sent Monsieur Monbarrott for a leigier ambassador into Spain, with a whole volume of professions. So as for those other figures of his activity and desire of conjunctures (for my own part), I read them as words that are written in water. But Sir, I write not as forestalling the wisdom or resolution of the Duke's journey, for it may have reasons supra me which are nihil ad me; only out of freedom to answer your question, whether by occasion of such an employment the Duke might grace himself by drawing anything from this State to the King's advantage, I resolve to let you know, first, that no man lives that better knows how sound her Majesty's mind is towards the King : next, how little prejudice her Majesty has of the Duke's disposition, in whom she observes so many honourable parts, which God and nature have bestowed upon him. But if you will ask me whether any person of his eminent quality be not like to stir more jealousy than to work kindness, I should trifle with you if I should conceal it, which, as it is all that I can speak of your proposition how his coming would be digested, quoad personam, so you must tell me what you would have in particular before I can answer you ad rem. Only this much I do directly profess, that I have so much sense of my continual “infortunityes” in all things I do (with person or causes) which have relation to that State, as I never dealt yet with man or matter belonging to that kingdom whereof either one or both Princes had not some strange apprehension. And therefore, Sir, for anything that I can undertake when the Duke should come hither, or any other man, you have used the matter so amongst you, in continual loading me with imputations, of being full of practices against you, as that which I would do out of just and ordinary duty, in the causes whereon the amity depends, is construed here and there to be labour to win grace, or to procure abolition of former crimes. For proof whereof, what can be more apparent of the injuries I receive by malevolent tongues, than to be still scandalised as if I had been partaker with Francis Mowbraye's odious privy purposes, notwithstanding the plain and open course I took to make you judge over me by putting all parties into your hands. But, Sir, for the major part (which is commonly the worst), I weigh it not, because Christ himself had his calumniators. Only it grieves me to hear, as I do, that the King himself stuck not to suspect me before my own parts in this action had demonstrated my innocency; for howsoever now I hear his Majesty is pleased to afford me right in his own censure, yet the former prejudice (wherewith I know he was possessed) shows me sufficiently how ready he was to make my process unheard. Whether therefore you may reap good or evil by inwardness with me, I must leave you to your own counsel, desiring you only to assure the Duke, that as whatever I wrote in the Queen's name, was her own, so in the accident which befel him about my letter, no man was guilty but some of his own, neither could any man be more sorry than myself, or more desirous to do him honest service than is Yours.
Undated. Endorsed : “Minute for Scotland concerning the Lady Arabella. 160.” Draft, with corrections by Sir Robert Cecil. 6 pp. (82. 104, 2 to 4.)