Cecil Papers: January 1603, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1603, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp607-631 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1603, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp607-631.

"Cecil Papers: January 1603, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp607-631.

January 1603, 16–31.

John Daudridge, prisoner in the Gatehouse.
1602/3, Jan. 16. Petition to Sir R. Cecil. Asks pardon for his offence and prays for liberty.—The Gatehouse, 16th January, 1602.
1 p. (P. 232.)
Sir John Gilbert and Thomas Payne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 16. Under your warrant of the 16th of July, 1601, we sent out a pinnace of Captain Parker's, called the Newyear's Gift, for the discovery of the enemies' preparations on the coast of Spain; Captain Parker, the owner of the said pinnace, now complains that he has had no satisfaction for her; she was cast away on that service, and we would therefore entreat you that satisfaction may be yielded to him. The pinnace, being of the burden of 20 tons, is valued by him at a hundred marks.—From the Fort by Plymouth, 16 January, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 52.)
1602/3, Jan. 16. Ostend had like to have been yielded unto the Archduke on Christmas Eve, but in the time limited to agree about it there came succours into the town, and since more have entered, and it is advised from Holland that some of the States were much displeased it was not then rendered; for now they think themselves bound in honour to defend it, and indeed they of Zealand are loth to lose it; but they of Holland wish it gone, for that it consumeth all their best men and captains, so that next summer the States are like to have no men to put into the field. I have heard of a list of 8,000 men, English and Dutch, that Ostend hath already consumed. We hear the Archduke is about to raise mounds and so to shoot down into the town three or four ways athwart, so that scarcely any will be able to stir in the street, nor any house to stand. It is thought it will be better for the Archduke to do this for two months than to take the town at once; for many more of the States' men will be killed and his own soldiers will be kept from mutinying by the 6d. and a loaf of bread the day the piece, which the country allows them. And by that time the expected money from Spain will be come and the Archduke will be able to pay his soldiers. Moreover Ostend will then be of more use because of the galleys which are expected, to wit, twice as many as are on the coast of Flanders already.
An Italian Coronell would needs have leave of the Archduke to attempt to enter the old town, but the tide rising, himself and some 300 of his men were drowned and slain in the retreat.
Through the late vehement winds the Rhine and Waal are overflowed and have drowned many persons, and among others, a regiment of States soldiers, being Frieslanders, which were coming towards Ostend. These inundations are in Gueldres and the province of Utrecht.
The States soldiers go not to Ostend but by compulsion : they call it their slaughterhouse. Some of them have been hanged for murmuring and refusing to go.
We have news from Paris that the Jesuits shall be restored there.
Certain English Priests have lately been with the Pope's nuncios in Paris and Flanders, but found no entertainment suitable to their desires. Bagshaw was most vehement, whereupon the Flemish nuncio persuaded the rest to leave him and his company. Bluett is very calm. The books published in England they affirm to be made by Protestants in their name. I hear the English Apology translated into Latin is more than half ended from the press.—10 Decembris from Spain.
The Infanta was born on St. Maurice's day and was christened Anna Maria Mauricia. The Duke of Parma and the Duchess of Lerma held her at the font.
Certain English ships of war met with the four carricks going from Lisbon to the East Indies, but the carricks escaped back to Lisbon, losing the voyage for that year.
The same, or some other ships, took a ship bound from Lisbon to Brazil with 17 Jesuits in her. Of these they put eleven ashore in Spain and took six to England.
The Spanish King will this year put himself clean out of debt, and to that end has made great provisions of money. He has given order for the levying of great forces in Italy against the Spring.
Sir William Stanley and his brother, with Mr Thomas Fitzherbert, are now in Rome, etc.
Endorsed : “Occurrents from Antwerp 16 Jan. From Spain 10 December.”
pp. (91. 53.)
Lady Arabella Stuart.
1602/3, Jan. 15–17. “Copies of Mrs. Shorland's letters and feigned answers to them”:—
1. Bridget Shorland to John Hacker. Asking him to come to her to Sutton of Ashfield to Mr. “Arculus” Clay's house. 15 January.
2. “A feigned answer.” “Am sorry my occasions are so great that I cannot now come to you.”—Bridgford, 17 Jan., 1602.
3. Copy of Mrs. Shorland's letter of 15 Jan. (See p. 606 supra.)
4. “A feigned answer” to the same.—Bridgford on the Hill, 17 January, 1602.
5. Mrs. Shorland to Mr. Brawshawe—to the same effect as that to Hacker.
“The messenger that was to have carried the abovesaid letter returned a feigned answer by word that Mr. Bradshawe was not at home.”
6. Mrs. Shorland to Mr. Bradshawe.—“My Lady would entreat you to ride post to the Court and deliver this letter that is enclosed”: to Sir Henry Bronker. Sutton in Ashfield, 15 Jany.
“The messenger that was to have carried the abovesaid letter returned a feigned answer by word that Mrs. Bradshawe would send Sir Henry Brunker's letter to her husband to be carried with all speed.”
7. Mrs. Shorland to Mr. Frank at the Heath. “Would entreat you . . . . . . to come to speak with me,” or, “write to me what news at Hardwick and send me my letters that you have brought me from London.” Undated.
“The messenger that should have carried the abovesaid letter returned a feigned answer by word that Frank would come to her within two or three days, but at that time he durst not.”
In the same handwriting as the body of the Countess' letter to the Queen of the 29th of January. (See pp. 624, 625.) (135. 125, 126.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Jan. 17. I have sent you enclosed both the charge which hath been conceived would lie upon the countries for the shipping and the proportion yesterday agreed upon for each several country, city and town, for that the notes thereof was taken in a paper of mine; and I doubt the sums set down will hardly serve, for I fear the provisions being all made here, it will grow to greater prices.—From my house, 17 January, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 54.)
Francis Brakenbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 17. Amidst my second joy which God of late bestowed on me (in part distracted by my friendless friends who seek my ruin) a threefold comfort was adjoined when you pleased to acknowledge me with more respect than God can make me able to deserve.—Sellabie, the 17th of January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 132.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Lord President of Wales.
1602/3, Jan. 18. My very good Lord, I hope there is no cause for me to reiterate the assurance of my love to your Lordship, though I want both occasion and opportunity to demonstrate the same in anything of value but my profession, which nothing but yourself can alter, for if when first I observed and reverenced you for your virtue I should have doubted of longer continuance in your affection than when I could do you no service, or when the malice of the time might sometime raise shadows of suspicion that I was changed, I that know so well the infinite injuries which the envy of this time hath often cast upon me, should have grown desperate of the constancy of any worthy man's love or friendship. I will therefore stick to my first principle with you, the rather because they agree with your own disposition, which is to judge all other by the measure of that honesty which I find in mine own heart; and now for answer to your letter. First, for that escape which you seek to excuse, I think no body so fond as to advertise it, or if they do, none that have place in this place can be so unjust as to censure it otherwise than as a common and ordinary accident. For her Majesty's acceptation of your services, I do imagine he liveth not that hath heard her speak a word tending to an indisposed thought, and therefore, though I do not every day tell you that whereof I find no question, yet if there be any scruple in your mind by any report, I shall easily be able when I know it to clear the same. It remaineth now that I acquaint you with our domestical affairs and somewhat with the foreign. Here her Majesty hath excellent health and hath passed this Christmas well, as I hope for her she shall do many. Out of Ireland we hear still all hope of better, the army being now somewhat abated, standing at the number of 12,000 foot and 1,200 horse, which as it rise by degrees to such a height as hath exhausted this kingdom (the precedent being yet unheard of that ever King of England paid so long so great an army) yet until it hath wrought some effect, there was necessity to raise it, and so there must be a descent by degrees to lessen it : for omnes motus repentini sunt periculosi. The Deputy doth extraordinarily hasten the conclusion of that business, for in the midst of winter he made a journey into Connaught, where most of the rebels are reduced; and though the archtraitor yet keepeth up his head, yet his brother (a man of great activity and expectation after him, called Cormac Mac Baron) hath submitted himself; whereof if the Deputy do not discover some practice that it is by his brother's toleration, there will be very great use made of the same. For when all the feathers are pulled out of a wing, it is not the pinion bone that can bear up the bird.
Of the matter of the Duke of Bouillon, the same cause which makes you desirous to hear of him doth work in me a feeling of his case, who have ever held him as you do a principal pillar of that house wherein the reformed religion hath her protection. I will therefore for your satisfaction send you both the advertisements which come out of France, whereby you shall perceive res gestas and those are no secrets, and I will also let you see what course the Queen took for him, and in what mind the King is towards him, both which appear by these two inclosed papers, whereof the one would be reserved to yourself.
I have delivered your letters to Mr. Greville who receiveth them with humble thanks; and will return you answer. To the letter from my Lord Willoughby, I will return by mine own hand my kind acceptation of his good affection, in whose writing I find very good profit made by his travail, whereof I wish increase with all my heart.
Draft. 5 pp. (91. 55–57.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 19. Two days past I received the Lord Treasurer's and your honour's letters. There are no goods of the carrack's here but those calicoes and spices brought from Mr. Harris's, which are set down in the examinations sent unto his Lordship the fifth of November last, but said therein to be found in a cellar in the parish of Plymstock, being so described because Mr. Harris did not wish his name or his house mentioned, as I then explained to his Lordship, doubting some misconstruing. I now send a note of the goods.
I am loading the sequestered goods aboard the Fancy, of London. I find the St. Thome sugars have wasted much by lying in the cellars. I weigh them all in the presence of Sir John Gilbert's, Mr. Harris's, Mr. Bragg's and the Searcher's men. So soon as they are laden, I will send the account.— Plymouth, 19 January, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 58.)
Anthony Rudde, Bishop of St. David's, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 19. Having been heretofore suitor to you for my translation hence to Hereford, I do now renew the same petition, with the addition that, if I cannot obtain Hereford, yet I may be removed to Norwich, upon my faithful promise that I will be dutifully serviceable to you during life.—From Abergwilly, Jan. 19th, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (183. 133.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 20. According to her Majesty's commandment, I sent for William Jones and Robert Madryn by poursuivant. They appeared at a day, but having bestowed some time in hearing the cause, I found no good endeavours of mine might take place, whereupon I have taken order that the cause shall be examined by course of this court. So far as I can understand, the lawyer Mr. Jones hath sought to make the matter as good of his side as he can, yet do I think in conscience that he doth the poor gentlewoman wrong to deprive her of the body of her daughter. If my credit work no more to breed speedier ends to the Queen's commandments, I can use no more than I receive from her; but if a more worthy shall come hither, I shall contentedly bear my fortune in a private life.—Ludlow, this 20th of January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (183. 134.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Nicolson.
1602/3, Jan. 20. I think Mr. Aston goes away so well satisfied, as I shall not need to deliver you any more particulars than he will tell you, for her Majesty hath both princely expressed her care for the King's conservation and hath written unto him likewise in answer of an earnest letter written by him about my Lord Scroope's supposed injuries upon the Borders. For the letter which the King wrote, I send you the copy, and so I do of her Majesty's answer. I do also send you a copy of that letter which she hath written down to her wardens and the bishop of Durham for their better looking to the harbouring of the Gowryes, where this principal respect moveth the Queen to this proceeding, that the practice wherewith their brother was tainted, was directly against the King's life; upon which actions and their circumstances many things are reasonable to follow which might in other cases seem extraordinary. For you do very well know that there is no country in the world, where some malefactors towards other princes are not harboured; so as it is merely out of her Majesty's own free kindness that this is done. But, Mr. Nicholson, her Majesty was much pleased to see that the King noted such a notorious liberty as many of his subjects that have no passport, no certain trade of living, do swarm here and are the only merchants of lies from and of both the countries. A matter long foreborne to be looked into but now so necessary as there must be a straiter hand holden; for these men go to Rome, Spain and where they will, in respect the King is not at war with none of the princes of Europe, and these men are not stayed nor arrested by us because they pretend when they are taken to take this only in their way to their country, when in truth there is nothing less meant, for here we find them half a year after, which is both contrary to the laws in force and rules of policy; for no Scottish subject of what quality soever by the treaty in tricesimo quarto Henry 8 coming out of France is other than good prisoner without a safe-conduct; where here the Lord Simple, the Lord Sanchyer and divers other known to be enemies to the religion, and coming from Spain and the Archduke, made no difficulty to come hither. In which case, if you speak with any of the Council, you shall find that, in the time of this King's mother, when the Earl of Arren was protector, the Bishop of Dungeld and Abbot of Pasley was stayed prisoner for want of a safe conduct until the Queen had written to the King of England, her uncle. So is it truly now so universal a thing amongst our English that have no business in Scotland as merchants, nor passport of councillor or wardens, to go into Scotland as her Majesty is much offended with the contempt in that kind, and of this no man feels the smart but myself, all things being carried in another form when Mr. Walsingham, my predecessor, lived, and therefore I assure you, I would advise those Englishmen that are in Scotland and have no passport to look to themselves, for ere it be long, if these courses be not amended, there will be some other order taken. For all that is desired is but that the duty may be observed of asking liberty, for otherwise it is not cared how many went thither as long as that amity continueth in that constancy it doth. And this much for that point. You shall further understand that my Lord Scroope is now licensed to come up and hath left Mr. Dalston, his deputy, who being, as it seems, very friendly to the Greames, hath reconciled my lord and them. He hath also gotten at my lord's hands the delivery of Robert Greame and another upon surety, for which favour the Greames have promised to serve with so great zeal and affection as my lord believeth much in their honesty. Whereupon I find her Majesty now disposed to retract a little her delivery of Robert Greame, wherein though she might take hold of my lord Scroope's affirmations still that he is her subject, yet because that remaineth still in dispute, her Majesty is contented you deal plainly with the King that seeing it is conceived that if he had him he would not execute him, but for her Majesty's satisfaction, for which the lord Jhonston would be sorry, she thinketh it not amiss for nourishing good blood between the two wardens, whose particular fashions do often perturb the course of justice, that this favourable course be held with that Greame to see to what issue things will sort upon those borders.
Draft. 8 pp. (183. 135–138.)
Endorsed :—“1602. Minute to Mr. Nicholson from my master. Jan. 20.”
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 22. By a letter from Mr. Harris and myself is certified the lading of the sequestered goods. The twentieth part for custom I have taken out here and have certified the Lord Treasurer of the same. There was in the cellar with the sequestered goods a quarter of a chest of white sugar laid in by Sir John Gilbert and Mr. Colle for another account. This I have detained. The master sails to-night for London.—Plymouth, 22 January, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (91. 59.)
The Enclosure.
A note of the charges disbursed in Plymouth by William Stallenge for the sequestered goods sent to London in the Fancy, Master William Church. Total, 16l. 8s. 8d.
½ p. (91. 64.)
Dr. Christopher Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 22. Urged to keep my chamber for cure of a cold, I send enclosed the minute for Turkey. If you please to return it, my servant, the bearer of it, may fall to ingrossing it. On Tuesday, I am warned for the commission of depredations. On Wednesday, I hope to be at the Court.— 22 January.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (91. 60.)
Richard Sutton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 22. I have already applied to the Lord Treasurer to be relieved from going to Ireland, and now make the same application to your Honour. At my last going there with Mr. Auditor Gofton, I was continually sick. Also my poor estate here is much in disorder, and if I should miscarry would be much endangered.—22 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Auditor Sutton.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 61.)
George Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 22. Though I come to the knowledge of your pleasure at a second hand, yet with this I have sent you my man whom you seek. I cannot but complain to you of yourself that howsoever your affection be in private you would not trust me immediately with the delivery of my own servant. For whatsoever my value be, my metal is as pure as any man's living, and so it ought to be taken.—Blackfriars, 22 January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 62.)
Captain John Ridgeway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 22./Feb. 1. Since my last letters, my General, Sir Francis Vere, hath sought to deprive me of my company and to turn the reputation I have gained in these countries into infamy. I hear he has written to your Honour against me. But because the circumstances are tedious, and for that I know not what is invented against me, and because I am jealous of the loss of so honourable and powerful a love, I have been so earnest for my leave into England that his Excellency and the States have condescended. I only wish to address the justness of my cause to you, and would ask you to suspend your judgment till you have heard me. And then if you find not that I have borne about sixteen months' oppression, let me never more continue in your good opinion. And I doubt not that you will hold it fit that having my reputation drawn in question I should stand up to defend it.—s'Gravenhagh [The Hague], 1 Feb., 1603 novo.
Holograph. (91. 91.)
Robert Le Grys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, Jan. 22.] I have been, by Mr. Nicholson, made acquainted with your pleasure concerning the tender of my service to you. I am not ignorant how much it might prejudice your Honour and advantage those that love you not, if a man lying under the censure of the laws, as I do by my ill fortune at this present, should be received by you, except the instant necessity of either preventing or executing might excuse such a contempt. Neither do I think I have been guilty of any such levity as to offer any reports or rumours but such as have either been delivered by those that are best acquainted with the truth, or at the least have been so confirmed by such testimony and fortified by circumstances as for my part, I confess, that if there be any doubt, my want of judgment will not let me perceive it. And for secrecy, I will assure your Honour that only Mr. Nicholson is of all men living, besides your Honour and such as you trust in your despatches, able to discover that ever I made any offer of myself to you; which I humbly beseech you to conceal with all wariness, for that I know, besides my name, it imports me no less than my life, at which, though none of those that for the favour the King doth bear me do hate and envy me, dare aim so long as I stand in his grace, yet if I were, by discovering of my desire to serve her most sacred Majesty according to my duty, unarmed of that guard, I know my security here would be very slender. And though I might find some excuse for these general terms, yet if I should descend to particularities, as in the last place your Honour seems to desire, I cannot see what may warrant me, having some reason to persuade myself, as if ever I may have the honour to come to your presence I intend to discover, that, besides the many hazards upon the way, letters are not very safe in your cabinet. But if you will be pleased to cherish my desire to do her Majesty and your Honour service, by favouring my friends' and my humble suit to her for her gracious pardon of my unfortunate chance, I doubt not but that I shall be able to satisfy your expectation and merit that grace. And, if you shall be pleased to return me hither, I will boldly promise to do you that service that I think no Englishman and not many Scottishmen in this kingdom shall be able to perform.
Holograph. Undated. 1½ pp. (97. 151.)
Endorsed by Cecil :—“22 Jan. Mr. Grise” and in another, but contemporary, hand “1603.”
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602 3, Jan. 23.—I doubt not that Mr. Chambers, to whom the charge was imposed, hath imparted unto your Honour the “success,” and also the little hope that is to find anything of the desired here amongst the wood, which on Friday last was turned over piece by piece. It appears it should be in a piece of wood ready wrought, and not in rough pieces as these are. There are many circumstances to be considered, if it came in the ship hither or no, or if it were landed in Portugal.—23 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 63.)
The Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 25. I have lately received letters from the Lords for the imprest of 100 mariners and sea-faring men in the North part of the County of Devon, and for sending them to Chatham by the 12th of February next. I have already, as privately as I could, issued my warrants to all mayors and other officers that they may suddenly be warned to come before me before they can escape, as they have done before, and on Saturday next, the 19th (sic) of this month, they will all appear at Barnstaple. But many are now at Bristol fair and abroad, and I fear the number may fall somewhat short.—From my house in Tavistock, 25 Jan., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (91. 65.)
Gregory Sprint to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 26. As to a grant required of him of the reversion of the farm of 'Abbascome' for seventy-one years. Being unable at this unseasonable time, by reason of his years and feebleness in one of his legs, to come himself, he sends his nephew Mr. Richard Martin to explain his right to these lands and his other wrongs.—26 Jan., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (91. 66.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 26. Forwarding an enclosure received from Mr. John Brodgate, of Dover.—Dover Castle, 26 Jan. 1602.
Holograph, ½ p. (91. 67.)
Dr. Thomas Blague to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 26. As a prisoner commanded to my house by the Lord Keeper, I am bold to present these lines. Hearing from my friends of your favours towards a poor priest brought up in your family and devoted at your feet, I beseech you either command me to attend you or signify by some body what I shall do. For I am unable to bear the threats of her Majesty's heavy displeasure suggested against me her innocent and faithful servant. My estate is weak and by Mr. Stonhows' unjust vexation made weaker. I have provided a poor portion of 6l. a year for my wife and children. This Mr. Stonhows would wring from me. Your father, when I was made dean by his means and yours, gave me this charge at the council table, that seeing I had matched with a gentlewoman well allied, and had by her three sons and a daughter (whereof two are graduates in Cambridge), if now being made dean, I did not provide for them, they would all condemn me of gross negligence. This I would honestly perform, but am hindered by indirect courses.—Lambeth, 26 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 68.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham.
1602/3, Jan. 26. (1) I am advertised to-day by William Frost, a sailor of Dover, who is come from Calais, that there arrived there last Monday an Italian gentleman of the age of three score or thereabouts, coming on an embassage to her Majesty. The coats of his retinue are guarded with blue and yellow.—Dover Castle, 26 Jan., 1602.
Note by Cobham :—This letter was now brought me. I conceive it should be the secretary sent from the state of the “Venis.” When I understand more particularly, you shall presently hear from me. If from any other place he come, will send for a passport.
Posting Endorsements :—“Dover 26 January at 3 in the afternoon. At Canterbre past 6. Seathingborne past 9 a clock at night. Rochester past 11 clock at night.”
Seal. ½ p. (91. 70.)
(2) Here arrived this evening, from Calais, the ambassador Signor Giova Carlo Scarumelli, Secretary to the State of Venice, who is employed to her Majesty for the affairs of that State, as by the pass he brought with him from Sir Thomas Parry appears.—Dover Castle, 26 Jan., 1602.
Posting indorsements :—“Dover xxvjo January at ix. at nighte at Canterbery paste xij. of the clok at night. Seathingborne past 5 a clocke in the morninge. Rochester past 8 a clocke in the morninge. Darford at past 12 at nowen.”
Seal. ½ p. (91. 69.)
Sir Drew Drury and Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 27. Relative to the manner and time at which the Earl of Cumberland promised to supply such necessaries as were wanting in his house, we send you that part of the article verbatim, viz.: “That there may be a supply made of all necessaries of all household provisions that may or shall be needful, as linen of all sorts, brass, pewter, bedding &c,” Which article amongst others the Earl did subscribe, viz.: “I do willingly yield unto all this above written,” dated the 8th of April 1601, attested under our hands and Mr. Beale's. And this promise we have always thought he meant to perform; as appears by his recent speech to my Lady of Warwick and me Sir Drew Drury, which I am sure he must remember.—27 Jan., 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Lady Cumberland.” 1 p. (91. 71.)
Sir Edward Winter.
1602/3, Jan. 28. (1) [The Earl of Worcester and Sir Robert Cecil] to the President of the Council of Wales. Because we write in a matter which may be misinterpreted in respect of our quality, being councillors of estate, and so peculiarly interested in the care to prevent all manner of contempts to magistrates, we must now tell you that we lay aside our public condition, and write unto you as a nobleman and our private friend. The case concerneth Mr. Wynter; the contempt is to your Lordship as President, and therefore, the support disclaimed by us, who would be loth to be otherwise dealt withal. But because we know your Lordship seeketh only preservation of the dignity of your place, and that in all these cases submission and apparent obedience satisfieth the expectation of the world, we shortly say thus much unto you. That the gentleman intendeth nothing more than to make his personal repair unto your Lordship, according to his duty, and there to submit himself to your pleasure, having, as we understand, sought your Lordship by a reverent letter as became him. Only our request unto you is in respect that the lady his wife at this time is in some worse case of her infirmity than we could wish, that you will at our request suspend any sharp proceeding against him for some convenient time until he make his appearance, which we shall take for a great courtesy at your hands, and if you do by your letter certify us what day you will prefix him, he shall then not fail to accomplish the same, thereby to manifest to the world that no friendship nor partiality here shall exempt any man from receiving that which is due to him from you upon any such neglect of the duty he owes to that Council.
Having therefore, as we conceive, made plainly appear to your Lordship how far we are from neglect of those things which are your due more than to entreat for an offender upon those terms which are both honourable and ordinary between friends, and wherein your Lordship may ever use the equal liberty to us.
Draft. Endorsed :—“1602. Minute about Mr. Wynter his submission to the Lord Souch.” 2½ pp. (97. 67.)
(2) The reply from Lord Zouche.—It is an honourable request from those I honour so much to demand only stay for a willing satisfaction. I in my particular have been much bound to you both for your honourable favours in this matter in respect of myself, though I know the justness of the cause required your regard. I would be loth you should not think me respective of your loves and thankful for your favours. I have therefore enquired what proceedings have been against Sir Edward Winter and do find that a process of sequestration was to have gone forth within two or three days, which may be stayed near three months, but by reason of my going into South Wales, Lent Term will be ended here the second week of Lent, so that there will be no appearance again before Trinity Term. Wherefore, it will be good for Sir Edward Winter to be here before that time, which may be prolonged, but I think it shall be more honourable to make an end of his fault than by delays to work a taxation of partiality in us, and yet at the end purpose to perform the same, as I hear from you he does.—Ludlow, 28 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 73.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 28. (1) Expressing his gratitude for Cecil's assurances of friendship and the Queen's appreciation of his services. Has received letters from the Lord Keeper and the Council for the apprehending of one Good for contempts in the Star Chamber; has had him apprehended.—Ludlow, 28 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (91. 72.)
(2) I sent letters this morning, little thinking to write again at night; but I must now acquaint you with that which troubles me much. I find after many cunning crosses by Mr. Justice that he grows now stronger; from whose strength he fetcheth it, I know not, but he taketh delight to show that he would cross me. Upon Wednesday last, I had occasion to chide one of the pursuivants for showing some favour in serving a process upon a man of Mr. Justice's who was complained of : Mr. Justice openly took it evil. I then spake not a word, because in chiding the pursuivant, I had already said that if he used those tricks I would turn him out of his office, he should know that I would be master, meaning thereby to let him know I liked not his flattery of others; but not thinking to touch Mr. Justice. But finding he took it ill, as I had given some occasion, I held my peace. But this morning, there being a foul matter handled before us of a fray in Carnarvon in the night with such outrage that the bell was rung, I finding no such careful proceeding by the Queen's Counsel as I liked, inveighed at the negligence of the carriage of such offences. Mr. Justice presently in a great rage stood up as if I had spoken against him, and defended the carriage of the matter, and that I needed not to tax him, whereupon I could only say that belike he was touched that he did “keeke,” for I did not mean him, but expected he should have rather joined in chiding; but I find his pride has been such in this place that my being here is displeasing to him; and for my part, I find so little comfort in him that I wish I were away, for as I can live under any government to which I am tied, so can I not endure to be in place of government and not enjoy the rights of it. I write this that you may know what passes and answer for me or blame me, and also that order may be taken that, while I tarry, he may acknowledge my place. I am willing to be recalled, or to tarry if he will acknowledge my place. But to say true, I think there is such jealousy grown between us as I shall not think it good for this government for us both to be here; for he hath had the principal government and his wife's brother to be his assistant; and I think I am to answer for the carriage of things now, and do not like to do always what they will. I ask you to let me find you so honourable that I may live here in honour or come back in peace, or for punishment if I deserve it. I have appointed to muster the five shires of South Wales, and to carry the seal with me and some two of the Council. If Mr. Justice will go, he shall be offered but not entreated. It is fit that the seal and some go, both for the countenance of the service, and that some causes may be ended in that time. This muster is to begin the Monday in the third week of Lent, and a fortnight after Easter I purpose to come to London, having had leave of her Majesty once a year to kiss her hand. Besides, I must look into my own business and that of Lord Willoughby, which goes evil for us both and especially for him, Mr. Hart having felled woods not fit to be felled by tenant by dower, and gotten by default a writ of dower against the younger children, to the overthrow of my late Lord's leases made to many poor men for good consideration. This doth grieve me more than may be thought. My own estate fainteth by the negligence of them I trust and my own overspending here. I beseech you at the least vouchsafe me as much favour in the Court of Wards as may be. You see every day giveth you ties upon me.—Ludlow, 28 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (91. 74–75.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 28. Your Honour's packet directed to the Lord President of Munster was received at Padstow this 27th at eleven in the night; the post bark set sail a quarter before eight, and I doubt not it will be delivered to his Lordship to-night or early the next morning. I would desire to know whether if, when the post bark is absent on employment, I receive more packets, you would authorise me to impress another, which I had to do, to my great charges, last All Hallon Tide, when I had three barks out together, and one miscarried; and now the owner doth vex me by law, in which I hope to be supported.—Padstow, this 25th of January 1602, at 8 in the day.
Holograph. Signed :—“Robert Bellman post of Padstow.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 76.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 28. I thank you heartily for your letter. It doth more content me to see such a call of serjeants to supply the places of the ordinary justices of this realm, when I shall be at my rest, than if I had had a thousand pounds given me; and for the addition of Mr. Barker, I must say this of him, that he is both an honest man and learned, and though in respect of his fellows' ancientry, we forbore him now as fit for another after call, yet since none of the more ancient are left out that were of best desert (except those forborne for their places of service) the choice of him cannot but prove well.—Serjeant's Inn, 28th Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 78.)
The Enclosure :
List of names to be included in the warrant for the appointment of serjeants-at-law, to which the name of Robert Barker has been added, apparently by Cecil.
In Thomas Windebank's hand. Note thereon at foot by Windebank, dated Richmond, 28 January, 1602.
Aurelianus Townshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 28./Feb. 7. I wrote last from Venice; and would have followed my letter with all haste to offer you my services. But my haste caused my horse to run against a laden mule, whereby my ankle was put out, and I remained long ill at Strasburg. Thence I went to Nancy, where I again fell ill, and spent all my money; and should have remained there for want of thirty crowns, which were paid by a gentleman of Madame the sister of the King. With him I came to Paris, where I got M. du Moulin to pay him for me; and now knowing no one here to apply to, must await your pleasure. I hope that my future conduct will explain the past, or will at any rate show you that my heart has never failed in its duty towards you.—Paris, 7 February, 1603.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (91. 106.)
Thomas Windebank to the Lord Treasurer.
1602/3, Jan. 28. I was present when Mr. Ferdinando this morning brought a message to her Majesty from your Lordship that you had purposely sent a gentleman of yours to know how she did. Besides the very great thanks she gave you for sending, she wished that if the weather should continue thus as that you might not conveniently come to the Court for Sunday next, that you should forbear coming till Tuesday following, which she did will me to write to Mr. Secretary also and the rest.—28 Jan. 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (183. 139.)
Sir Nicholas Moseley and Richard Holland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 29. Report of their enquiry into the difference between Mr. Trafford and Thomas Fenn. The points are with regard to services done and money disbursed by Fenn for Trafford, and to the tithes of Newton; Fenn's charges against Trafford's lady; and threats received by Fenn from Trafford's servants. Their report is in Trafford's favour.—Manchester, Jan. 29, 1602. (2483.)
Michael Loke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 29. When I was at Venice, I spoke divers times with some of the chief nobles there touching the state of that commonwealth, and the traffic of our nation into all Levant. I found that they desired the continual traffic of our nation into all the dominion of Venice and wished for the revival of the ancient amity between England and Venice; and for that purpose to have a public person resident there with whom they might confer. They offered me certain articles of great privilege for our nation in traffic; upon the abrogation of our traffic into Turkey and the qualification of the late taxes imposed by both parties and the reformation of our ships of war, which trouble the peaceable traffic of merchants in the seas of Levant. It may be this messenger now come from Venice about the late ship taken with Venetian goods may also have some private order to treat on these points.—London, 29 January, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “Michael Loke, senior.” 1 p. (91. 79.)
Dr. Thomas Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 29. I would not have been so bold to have written, if (for the infirmity of one of my children with the small[pox], &c.) I durst have repaired either to the Court or to yourself.
But I hope you will vouchsafe to read the enclosed paper, which I have drawn up hearing some talk of a new proclamation or course to be taken for settling such business.—29 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 81.)
Enclosure :
If the goods taken do appear by the letters and other things found in the ship to belong to enemies, then it is affirmed that those are colourably done, albeit the goods are sent from an enemy country and are to be discharged in an enemy country; or if no proof of this kind can be found or the papers be destroyed, the goods are delivered to the claimers. Of late, all writings are made in friends' names and the true papers sent overland or on other ships.
The Portugalles have of late disposed themselves to hire Embdeners, Hamburghers and others of the East Countries (whom they bind by charter party to fight with the English) to carry their goods from Brasil and other places. When the goods are taken, certain dealers for the east country men and Dutch here pretend them interested in ship and goods, so that the takers are infinitely incumbered with actions for great sums; and no respect had if any of our men have been slain.
The subjects of this realm are enforced to take commission from foreign states or to sell goods taken in Barbary, &c., to provide themselves of some things abroad for their charges, lest all should be taken from them when they come home. And sometimes the captains and company will leave their ships at large, and leave the owners and victuallers to answer the claims of the strangers against them.
The owners and victuallers are infinitely discouraged by laying the burthen of the spoil committed by the mariners on them. And though piracies be much complained of, yet none of any note are executed. They of Holland and Zealand heretofore dealt for Brabanters and men of Flanders and also for divers in Spain and Portugal. Since the peace between France and Spain, they deal with the French at Calais, Rueon, and Newhaven, and all the trade with Spain and Portugal is in their hands; wherefore the King of Spain has, by proclamation in June last, more strictly barred the Dutch of the United Provinces from trade and is more extreme against them and the English than before.
The Dutch, to continue their trade, transfer their shipping to the French and some become dwellers there, which will increase the French shipping and damage the English and Dutch. For the continuance of suits against our men of war, and to keep them from possession of the goods taken, we have new devices of appeals.
There are eight or ten men that have been dealers for all strangers, natives of Brabant and other places now at enmity. If their accounts were looked into, they would be found to have coloured great sums for the enemy, and to have goods of great value in their hands. The King of Spain hath by search gained much, and the like might be done here. The offence cannot be great, for they are but few.
2 pp. (91. 80.)
Lucy, Lady Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 29. (1) In behalf of a servant of the Marquis of Winchester, who desires (my Lord's occasions withdrawing him from the next reading at Grays Inn, by which means he cannot attend the obtaining of the bar by the allowance of this reader, though his antiquity and exercises of the house may well deserve that favour), that you will be pleased to afford him your honourable letters for the obtaining thereof this term by pension.—Basing, 29 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (91. 82.)
(2.) My good uncle. You will make me much beholden to you by favouring the bearer, [“Mr. Myllet,” inserted in Cecil's hand] a gentleman who has a lease with eight or nine years to run in some of the Duchy lands, but desires to resign it and renew his estate.—Basing, this 29 of January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (183. 140).
Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury to the Queen.
1602/3, Jan. 29. I understand by Sir Henry Brounker's letters some part of your Highness' pleasure touching this unadvised young woman here, and do most humbly desire that I may know your Majesty's further pleasure. I cannot yield to your Majesty such humble and dutiful thanks as I am most bound to do for your Majesty's most gracious favour and goodness to me and princely acceptance of my faithful poor service. I will not respect my trouble or charge to do your Majesty any service that shall lie in me during life, but I doubt it is not in my power now to do that service to your Majesty in this matter as I desire, for the bad persuasions of some have so estranged her mind and natural affection from me that she holds me the greatest enemy she hath, and hath given herself over to be ruled and advised by others, so that, the bond of nature being broken, I cannot have any assurance of her good carriage. I cannot but doubt there is another match in working, but who the party should be, I cannot conjecture. Some vain words she hath spoken tending to such a matter, which I thought at the first were to make me more negligent in looking to that which was before discovered. She is borne in hand, as I gather, that she shall have your Majesty's good liking and allowance of anything she doth, and have liberty to have resort to her and herself to go or ride at her own pleasure. For my own part, I should have little care how meanly soever she were bestowed so as it were not offensive to your Highness. So far as my credit doth extend with her, I advise her to attempt nothing without your Majesty's pleasure first known. She saith she will do all duty to your Majesty, but desireth me to forbear to examine her. Her vain speech puts further doubts into me of her folly. Your Majesty in your wisdom upon this small light will look further into this matter than I can imagine. The greatest light I gathered was by those scrolls I formerly [sent] up to Sir Henry Brounker. They grow now so wary that I doubt I [shall] hardly meet with any more. Sometimes she will say that she can be taken [away] off my hands if she will, which I trust for the short time your Majesty's pleasure shall be for her stay here, I shall sufficiently look to, but I cannot do it and give her liberty to walk and ride abroad and to have resort to her. I humbly crave pardon of your Highness for presuming to trouble your Majesty with my rude scribbling.—From Hardwick, this xxixth of January, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed by Cecil :—“The cowntess of Shr. to the Q.” Seal. 1 p. (135. 127.)
Francis Hall, Post of Royston, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 31. I received your Honour's packet at ten and rode with it to Cambridge. Mr. Doctor Butler took his journey to London the day before, but I left the letter with his apothecary, who undertakes speedily the conveyance.
I hear from a neighbour that he lights at “the Bull” in Bishopsgate and is there to be heard of.—Royston, 31 January at 10 before noon.
Holograph. Posting endorsements :—“R. at Ware the last of Januarye att one in thafternoone. R. the last Jenuarie at Waltom Cross att past three in the after nowne and sentt away presenly. R. at London the last of Janu. past six at night.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 83.)
Lady Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. I blush to deliver these things to your honourable hands ever full of weighty business; this was that which stayed me from entreating your favour, till it pleased you to make offer not to be weary, “of this cores never harte on afore” to trouble a councillor of your state; but since you will be pleased, I beseech you make such an end as I may not incur by necessity the “man of cvmber” till the half-year come.
My hope is and was, out of your most Christian and wise discourse, that whatsoever error you did find or might in my manner towards my Lord, you would please to temper them so with your grace, as the severe name of the great authority of a husband might not prevail in a dislike, but to yield to make good those desires framed by my friends or myself upon necessity, that your affections would have so much power with my Lord as to put in practice, that which was before in part promised; that I might have hope to win his heart by time, when it was made soft by entreaty of so honourable a person as yourself. This was my end, and let it this be your trouble, since you have begun, which I humbly thank you for.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, Jan.” Undated. Seal. 1 p. (91. 87.)
Account of Henry Fawconer.
1602/3, Jan. Received of Mr. Cordell and Mr. Garwaie, by the appointment of Richard Gifford, being monies gotten by a voyage made in the Fortune, of London, whereof Richard Gifford was captain : 1,078l. 1s. 0d.
Payments. By the adventurers' appointment for the enlargement of Richard Gifford out of prison, 522l. 10s. 0d. Repayment to the three adventurers of their shares, total, 478l. 13s. 10d.; paid to the second adventurer, 400l.; charges concerning the oil, 16l. 12s. 8d.; concerning the linen cloth, 12l. 16s. 4d.; total payments, 1,430l. 12s. 10d. Moreover, the three adventurers have a ship lying at Portsmouth which, with her furniture and ordnance, is valued at 500l., and 32 packs of linen cloth, divisible among them.—Jan. 1602/3.
pp. (87. 165–6.)
Mr. Vice Chamberlain and to the Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury.
1602/3, [Jan.]. Madame, It hath pleased her Majesty upon receipt of your letters by Sir Henry Bronckard, with which and all other particulars he acquainted her, to command us two to let you know how much she remains satisfied with your proceedings, nothing appearing in them but fulness of care to prevent inconveniences and desire to accomplish in all things her Majesty's pleasure. But lest you by mistaking her meaning or apprehending more than is needful, should peradventure take some course that is not convenient, we are commanded to let you know; first, what her Majesty conceives of the young lady's action and how from henceforth she would have it ordered, to avoid idle talks and rumours, whereof there is aptness in most men to take liberty in this time. In the observation of the root from whence this motive sprung in the lady, she doth perceive that some base companions, thinking it pleasing to her youth and sex to be sought in marriage, were content to abuse her with a device that the Earl of Hertford had a purpose to match his grandchild with her : a matter wherein they knew in their own consciences how lewdly they dealt, but that they hoped so to have practised upon the nobleman as to have profit if they could once have been admitted only to have entered into such communication with him. For of this your Ladyship may be assured, that if his own precise carriage in the matter and clear and innocent dealing with the Queen, as he hath done, were not sufficient to clear the Earl, yet the incongruity of his grandchild's years, being between 17 and 18, besides the absurd election of the ministers and course of proceedings, is sufficient to satisfy all the world that this matter had a corrupt beginning as it hath a fond end, and hereof is her Majesty pleased that you should make the young lady partaker to this intent, both that she may see her folly and withal to receive this admonition hereby, that howsoever her Majesty may be contented, in respect of her penitence for her fault, to pass over the presumption in her to hearken to a match in that place, whereby it might be collected that she had some other idle conceit than the marriage, yet that if she shall not take this for a warning, and content herself to live in good sort with so dear a parent and so worthy a matron, without dealing in such things or any matter of importance whereunto she shall not either first make you privy, if she be the first author, or, immediately after she is acquainted by any others, shall not resort to you and plainly and dutifully declare all circumstances even at the first instant, she shall be made know that therein she abuseth that liberty which otherwise her Majesty is pleased she should hold, as heretofore she hath done, for all correspondencies and exchanges of courtesies and acquaintance with her friends or yours, in matters that tend not to such like plots or practices : wherein she must know that, being of that blood she is, her Majesty will look for an extraordinary account of her proceedings. Next, Madame, to concur with this purpose of her Majesty in the manner of her treatment, we are commanded to tell you that she would have you by all means avoid any such manner of guarding your house, or excluding resort, as may continue the fond bruits that are raised, and that you therein return to your accustomed manner without any other over-curiosity. Your Ladyship may, notwithstanding, sufficiently observe how she carries herself; and because your age and sickness cannot permit you to be always in her company, you may impose some care upon some discreet gentlewoman to be in her company and some honest gentleman to attend her amongst the rest, who, without using any extraordinary restraint, may have eyes sufficiently unto her if she do anything unfit for her, either in duty to the Queen or in prejudice of her own honour or well doing. To conclude, Madame, we must again reiterate unto you her Majesty's gracious acceptation of your dutiful care and affection to please her. Only you must receive this answer for your suit to be freed of her, that her Majesty cannot think of any other place so fit for her as this is, and therefore desireth you to remain contented, and to look to your health that God may give you a comfortable life, which her Majesty wisheth you as much as any friend you have. And so for this time we, &c.
Draft. Endorsed :—“1602,” and by Cecil :—“La. Shrewsb., Mr. Vicechamberlain's and my Ire to ye Lady Shrewsbury.” 1¾ pp. (135. 128).
Report of the Earl of Hertford's Man.
[1602/3, Jan.] Upon Thursday the thirtieth day of December 1602, about three of the clock in the afternoon, one John Daudridge, alias Good (who affirmed himself to be servant unto the old Countess of Shrewsbury), came to your Lordship's house at Totenham, and inquired for Mr. Gilbert Prynne, steward of your house, unto whom he signified that as a messenger he had matters of great consequence and importance to impart and deliver to your Lordship. Asked what his message was and from whom he came, he replied, “I may not tell you. My errand is only to my Lord in private.” Whereunto Mr. Steward answered, “It is not his Lordship's wonted use to entertain any such messengers; therefore I pray you tell me what countryman you are.” And then he said, “I am a Derbyshire man, and may by no means deliver anything but to his Lordship.” Hereupon, as also in regard the said Daudridge, alias Good, was a mere stranger, altogether unknown to your Lordship, and such his earnestness for secrecy and close concealment did minister just occasion of jealousy and suspicion, your Lordship not holding it anything agreeable to discretion to afford him audience or answer alone, first expressly commanded the said Mr. Prinn, your steward, and Mr. Edward Daniel, one of your gentlemen, to attend and observe what he should any way utter, and then admitted him to your presence, being then in your dining chamber. Where at his first coming he kneeled down and declared unto your Lordship the cause of his repair, which your Honour (as it seemed) mightily distasting and disliking, grew so far impatient as to prohibit him to proceed any further. At which time, myself upon other occasions coming into the said dining chamber, found your Lordship very much moved and distempered, where standing before the said messenger's face you did openly relate and repeat unto us what he had delivered to yourself, which was, that your Lordship had caused your servant Kyrton at the time you sent him into Wales to let leases of your lands, to deal with one Owen Tewder, who sometime served the old Lady of Shrewsbury, to treat of a marriage between the Lady Arbella and your eldest grandchild. And then your Lordship giving many bitter reprehensions unto him for his unadvised presumption in attempting to charge you with that matter, of the least cause or knowledge whereof your very intents and thoughts were never so much as once guilty, and to acquaint you with that which was well known to be opposite to your pleasure, told him, “Thou art prepared for punishment,” and willed me to bring pen, ink, and paper, which I accordingly performed. Whereupon your Lordship strictly commanded him, that under his own handwriting, he should set down and specify the place from whom (sic) he came, the parties who sent him, the directions given him, and all other the circumstances he knew concerning this cause. And he, upon command, wrote a note (as he said) of all things that he either was willed to do or had knowledge of, the true copy whereof remaineth in your Lordship's keeping. It likewise pleased your Honour to commit him to the charge of the said Mr. Daniel and myself to be by us safely kept in a private chamber until you might conveniently transmit him to the Lords of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, and commanded us to move no questions touching the matter, but yet with our best discretion to observe and understand what we could of him, if he were any way prone to delivery. When he remained in our charge, suspecting your Lordship took him for a counterfeit only, and hoping (as it should seem) if he could justify himself, your Honour would either entertain his message or return the messenger and proceed to no further course, was very desirous to write a letter to the Lady Arbella, and so did, and sent the same by me to your Lordship, the true copy whereof your Honour hath. About ten of the clock the same night, your Lordship commanded us to bring him before you into your dining chamber, where you again proceeded to further examination, being present Mr. Prinn, your steward, Mr. Edward Daniel, Mr. Thomas Hammond and myself, at which time he confessed no matter of substance more than that he had already done. Whereupon your Lordship dismissed him to his bed. When he came to his chamber, we discoursed of many matters, thinking to have got some more from him, but could not at that time. At my going to bed, I locked the door and put the key under my bed's head, whereat he fetched a great sigh, fearing, as it should seem, some ensuing troubles. The next morning, being Friday the last of December, as soon as it was day, I called unto him and asked him how he did. Whereunto he answered and protested he had not slept one wink all the night, uttering his speeches so lamentably, that we might discover in him an extraordinary pensiveness. Whereupon we thought it requisite to aggravate unto him his offence, and did particularly discourse what harm he had done in meddling in a matter of so high importance, and so contrary to the pleasure of her Majesty, and told him unless he did sincerely confess all unto your Lordship, you would prosecute the cause so vehemently, that the danger would light upon my old Lady, my Lady Arbella, and both the Cavendishes, because they were all partakers of his offence. And therefore, if he would reveal the whole truth, we would become suitors unto your Lordship in his behalf, that you would impute the fault unto his ignorance, as not knowing what did belong unto such matters, albeit he was willing to do any service for the Lady Arbella and her friends, which we told him was the only way to help himself and do them all good. Whereupon, he made answer, that (if we would promise him, that his Lordship should conceal what he would deliver us, and not bring the Lady's name in question) he would show us a letter written with the Lady Arbella's own hand, whereunto we replied, that we would move your Lordship to perform his desire. And then he delivered us the letter, the copy whereof remaineth with your Lordship. By nine of the clock, your Lordship had made ready your letters to Mr. Secretary with the notes concerning this cause. Whereupon you commanded the prisoner to be brought before you in your dining-chamber, there being present Mr. Prinne your steward, Mr. Edward Daniel, Mr. Hammond and myself. Your Lordship did then signify unto him, that you did intend to send him to Mr. Secretary and did exhort him to deal plainly, when he came before him to be examined. And then he humbly desired upon his knees, with weeping tears, that your Lordship would have compassion on him and send him back to his Lady. Which notwithstanding your Lordship did commit him to the charge of Mr. Edward Daniel and Mr. Thomas Hammond to be conveyed with as much speed as they could to the Court to Mr. Secretary, and the custody of the letters and papers to Mr. Hammond only, and appointed one of your grooms to attend on them. Forthwith, about ten of the clock the said Friday, being the last of December in the morning, they took horse hard by the porter's lodge, your Lordship having appointed John Daudrige, alias Good, the prisoner to ride upon his own horse. And so he did. And then they all did set forward on their journey.
Endorsed :—“1602.” “The report of my L. of Hartford's man.” 3¼ pp. (135. 179 and 180.)
Francis Cherye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. Hearing that speech was of late at my Lord Treasurer's concerning Denmark causes, and that her Majesty is sending an ambassador to the Emperor of Russia, I think it were good that he should acquaint the Emperor with the hard usage given to the English by the King of Denmark, before anything be attempted against the King. For since the marriage between his daughter and the King's brother, the Russ is apt to believe all that King tells him; which might lead to the overthrow of the English trade with Russia. This has been earnestly shot at heretofore by the House of Austria, when the Emperor of Germany informed the late Emperor of Russia that the English did serve the Turk with munition, and that the merchants trading there were monopolists. But her Majesty then wrote letters by me Francis Cherie to the present Emperor and his predecessor, and the said Cherie brought back an answer from the Emperor, the contents whereof are better known to your Honour.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (91. 86.)
A Note of Plate sold at 5s. 10d. the ounce being in January, 1602.
1602/3, Jan. Two bowls with covers, gold, 87½ oz. @ 52s. 9d. the ounce, 230l. 15s. 0d.
These were given at New Year's tide, 1602.
A standing cup and cover, from the bishop of Winchester, 29 oz. 8l. 9s. 2d. (fn. 1); a bowl and cover from Sir John Roper, 75½ oz.; a bowl and cover from Mr. Nicollson, 50 oz., and a bowl and cover from the Merchant Adventurers, 80 oz. Total, 234 oz. @ 5s. 10d., 68l. 5s. 0d.
½ p. (183. 141.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to George Brooke.
1602/3, Jan. Your care to send me your servant is very welcome (for care is the companion of love) and the dearest bond, that ever I was tied in, made me think I mought challenge it, except I could have accused myself to have justly lost it. For the sending to my Lord and not to you, it proceeded of no private indisposition towards you, but from the inwardness of my conversation with my Lord (which both our fortunes hath established in this place, where we both ordinarily live) as also this being so far from my esteeming worth inquisition, I made bold with his Lordship to do me the courtesy (rather accidentally than immediately) to advertise me of some circumstances which made my friends carefuller than I was to beat out that of which for myself I thank God I have made my audit, as of all other hopes or fears, but in God's providence. I have asked the man some questions, and find no cause to except against him, and for an answer to your profession, to be made of as pure a metal as any, howsoever you are valued. For the first part, Sir, if you remember from what stock you are a branch, you may conclude that I need no remembrance of that, being next yourself as well able to guess at the mixture as any, when I conceive if any composition could be purer than other, I had most trial of it, to my infinite comfort till God found me fit to be corrected with the privation. For the second part, which concerns your value, I can say no more but this, that the purest gold may be touched with pitch and so less valuable to those that otherwise would have prized it. That pitch, I mean, credulity of the practices of malice and envy, whereof when you shall make separation, I confess there remains nothing of the solid, but that which may attract the best offices of him that never wronged you but ever resolved to be your assured friend and brother-in-law.—I pray you, Sir, let the man receive no prejudice by this action, for I wholly acquit him.
Endorsed by Munck :—“Copy of my Mr's. letter to Mr. George Brooke. Jan. 1602.” 1 p. (91. 85.)


  • 1. Sold to Mr. Levinus, whereof was abated him 9s. 2d.