Cecil Papers: December 1602, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp499-518 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp499-518.

"Cecil Papers: December 1602, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp499-518.

December 1602, 1–15

— to Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice.
[? 1602,] Dec. 1. Seeing the insolence of the seminaries has awakened your justice, and you think it full time to apprehend and punish both them and their relievers; our hope and trust is that you, being the greatest minister of justice, will no longer tolerate the intolerable and dangerous impieties of them that live in Court amongst you (who daily entertain, relieve and maintain seminaries and perverse papists). Many your Lords and Ladies are popishly affected, and use a common phrase (“We must learn to draw homeward”). Their attendants are papists, seminaries and intelligencers for Spain. They plot against your counsels and study to destroy both the Queen, yourselves, and the whole land. Your remissness and neglect of justice has given them heart against you; and being grown strong, they care not to front you. They interpret the proclamation rather to be a reproof of the busy Protestants called pamphleteers than a denunciation of justice against their treacheries; for (say they) the greatest are sound Catholics, meaning some of you councillors. The Bishop[s] of this land are idle and more than half blind, for the Indian earth has sealed up their eyelids. It is a common saying in this West country that the Court has infected the country with popery. If this be true (which God forbid) woe be to you that guide the stern, for your ship will sink to the pit of hell. Labour therefore to redeem the time, for the days are evil. And so, praying the Jehovah to direct you and the rest to seek his glory and to see yourselves, I commit you to His grace that guideth all aright.
Unsigned. Undated.—Note at foot :—“This letter was delivered my Lord, 1 December. Heeylsford.”
This note (except the signature Heeylsford) appears to be in the same handwriting as the letter. The address is not in the same handwriting as the letter.
1 p. (90. 87.)
John Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 1. On the 26th of November I wrote to you of the breaking off of our colloquy with the Danish commissioners. For the details of this, and of our conferences with the Baron of Mintquitz for the hastening of the colloquy with the Emperor's commissioners, I refer you to our joint letter. As touching a letter left by the Baron to be forwarded to the Queen, and of the late coming of the Queen's letter, and of yours delivered to Sir Noel Caron to be sent hither, we have also written.
Touching the exactions in the Sound, to withdraw our trade out of these easterly parts, though the merchant does not count the gain to countervail the hazard and charge, were very inconvenient, considering the multitude of traders, or to animate her Majesty to fall out with the Dane, though his claim of sovereignty in the main ocean be insupportable; considering the sundry irons that yet remain in the fire that must be hammered, I think her Majesty may with conveniency cause the merchants to send to Denmark for one of judgement to demand and attend the execution of those points, the which the Danish commissioners promised to see effected. By that means the rate of all merchandise being made certain, and the quantity of the last by weight, measure or number set up in tables, the trade for the time may be maintained, seeing they have undertaken that goods only concealed shall be subject to forfeiture.
Touching the liberty to fish on the coasts of Norway and Iceland and in the main ocean, for that we found Mandorpius and the Chancellor Whitfaeld reasonably affected therein, so as redditus piscariarum, which the “Fends” do number inter regalia, might be reserved to the King, the which we offered to be done, I conjecture it may be obtained in some sort provided we refrain from trade in Iceland, where I think but little trade is used. But all this I refer to your consideration.
Touching the controversy between the Count and Town of Embden, if other occasions of the States hasten not the proceedings, I think the matter may be conveniently treated of here at Bremen, a place neutral, neighbour to both parties, where we can confer with the Baron of Mynquitz, the Emperor's commissioner therein, who is not ill affected either to the town or the States.—Bremen. First of December, 1602.
I pray you excuse my hasty writing. By means of my old hurt in my right arm, I can hardly at times hold a pen in my hand.
I am requested to give my testimony of the diligence Master Lesieur hath used in these actions. He hath most willingly undertaken anything we have laid on him, and is a very fit instrument to be employed in these parts.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (96. 85 & 86.)
Lord Eure and the other Commissioners to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 1. It is likely the Emperor's commissioners will not only bring letters of credence from the Emperor to us, but will also expect one from the Queen to them. We do not yet know the names of the commissioners, but the letter may be signed and sealed, and the superscription left to us.
We are the more anxious for this, because the Baron of Minckwittes, who is the Emperor's commissioner, has shown much affection to the Queen and the State of England. He asked of us, after we had settled the time and place for our colloquy, that we should send a letter of his to her Majesty, which we promised to him, thinking it should be to no other effect than the business we have dealt in.
Next morning he departed while we were in our session with the Danish. Afterwards, Mr. Langius, the Secretary of Staden, brought the letter to us, whereof we demanded a copy. But finding the Baron made mention of a matter whereof he had said nothing to us, we send the letter and the copy to you to be disposed of.
The 29th of last month, an ordinary foot post of Amsterdam brought us a letter from the States General, and a packet from your Honour, containing letters from her Majesty and your Honour, for the employing of Mr. Lesieur to the Earl and Town of Embden. Upon further advice from the States, a copy of whose letter we enclose, we forbear to proceed therein.
We are sorry that the packet came not before the departure of the Danish Commissioners, that we might have performed your instructions upon the King of Denmark's letter to her Majesty.
We are greatly comforted by your affection for us and by her Majesty's allowance of the courses we have held.—Bremen, 1st Dec., 1602.
Signed :—Ra. Eure, J. Herbert, Daniel Dun, and below, Steph. Lesieur, Endorsed : “Received 21st of the same.” Seal. 2 pp. (96. 87).
Giovanni Battista Giudice to Giovanni Francesco Sopranis and Filippo Bernardi.
1602, Dec. 1/11. I have not written to you for many days. I am now thinking of coming to see that court, and should be glad if you would send me a passport for myself, my friends and my servants.—Antwerp, 11 Dec, 1602.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (96. 106.)
Theodore Rodenburg to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 1. I esteemed myself very fortunate in having access of late to your presence, but the unexpected answer I received eclipsed all my conceived hopes, amazing me as far as almost I rested without reply. Now, if by your favour I may enforce my petition, I beseech you to suspend your opinion, and not easily believe that the magistrates of Embden should so far forget their own reputation, as in drawing particular profit to one or two, to suggest counterfeit and untrue surmises to her sacred Majesty. The extremities whereto they are brought by the Earl's hard pursuit, your Honour seeth, being such and so great as they cannot secure themselves from their enemies, who since these late troubles infest those coasts, and attend their opportunities so far, as they cannot pass from Embden to Norden, an haven town in East Vriesland, without apparent danger. These sacres are to furnish four ships, to lay and keep open this passage, otherwise they should be pent in as a bird in a cage, and forced to hard issues.
For the culverins, they are to fortify certain block-houses and places of special importance about the city. Suits of this nature the magistrates heretofore have never moved to her Majesty, only now, when the world may take knowledge of their urgent occasion, neither, if by your favour this suit be obtained, shall one piece be transported without the city's arms engraven upon it. If I offer in this business, committed to me from the magistrates, any untruth, let me ever be accounted unworthy your favour and regard.—1 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (185. 76.)
Francis Trenchard and Rice Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 1. Set forth their claim to a lease of the extended lands of Sir George Rodney, of whom they are coheirs, as against Mr. Rodney. As to the debt due by Sir George to the Queen.
Endorsed :—“1 Dec., 1602.” 1 p. (904).
Mathey Bacon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 1. For the wardship of the heir of Roger Kynaston of Shropshire.—1 Dec., 1602.
1 p. (927).
— to Lady Scudamore.
1602, Dec. 2. I am bold to write to you to acquaint her Majesty with a matter that nearly toucheth my reputation. Certain lewd fellows of Norton in co. Notts (being set on by one Manhood, a bankrupt fellow, for his private gain), have informed her Majesty that they are her ancient and present tenants; whereas, in truth, they never were nor now are her tenants, but I her present and immediate tenant by lease of those lands, and so have been of long time, and they tenants under me, I having some term therein yet to come. My petition is that her Majesty will not refuse me that favour never yet denied to any of her meanest subjects, and that my term should be renewed and their clamours rejected, chiefly to the end that such base companions may not return into my country triumphing over me.—2 December, 1602.
Endorsed :—“Copy of a letter to the Lady Scudamore.” (89. 140).
Robert Le Gryce to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 2. Since my last letter to your Honour, there has fallen into my hands an occasion of doing better service than I expected to have; which not daring to commit to paper, and being assured by Mr. Nicholson that he has not required a speedy answer from your Honour concerning my offer of service, I am now bold to entreat you to certify me speedily how you will be pleased to employ me.—Edinburgh, 2 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 89).
Geoffrey Trafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 2. In February last, Thomas Fenn exhibited a complaint against me, suggesting many indirect and fraudulent courses to be practised against him; and this summer he has many times come to Manchester, a town within a mile of my house, and there railed against me amongst my neighbours without cause; for I protest that when he left my house before last Christmas, I did not owe him to the value of 12d. I would therefore ask for your Honour's letters to such as you shall think fit to examine the differences between us.—Trafford. 2 Dec, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 90).
Sir Griffin Markham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 2. There are at this present matters of such importance depending betwixt my father and brother Skinner as tend to the overthrow or upholding our poor house, which are “comprimitted” to the award of Mr. Arundell, as indifferently chosen for both of them. Therefore, I beseech your Honour to take knowledge to him that we are your poor alliesmen, and move him to favour our cause according as he shall find the equity thereof doth deserve. Hereby you shall do an honourable and meritorious deed in saving a poor gentleman's house from ruin.—This second of December.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“2 Dec., 1602.” Seal. ½ p. (185. 77.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Scrope.
1602 Dec. 2. I am very sorry to find that the Scots Warden is so apt to bite and whine, and the more because the hope of quietness is the motive of her Majesty's contentation with your coming up at the next term, wherein, as I would be loth to take upon me to warrant Princes' pleasures, so I do assure you, that I am persuaded her Majesty will continue her disposition, if there be not great cause to the contrary, and sure I am, that I will be a careful solicitor for the same. For the practices against you, by any that are come up, I am ignorant of it, either in one kind or other, and though I cannot answer for anything I know not, yet, if it were any great matter, I should know it, and seeing you do now touch it, I will the more curiously hearken after it. For the matter of Robert Greame, her Majesty is well pleased that he should be delivered, having the King's word, that he will do justice upon him, and therefore your Lordship may convey him to Barwick, where he may be delivered into the King's hands. We shall now see, whether it be to any purpose to yield to his request, by the course he will take in requital, for righting your wrongs.
Wherein, if the King shall suffer his wardens so much to prevail, as they may be justified in right and wrong, then must there be some other course taken than is yet, and therein, methinks, you have written very well to the agent. I send you herewith a letter from the Lords, for delivery of this criminal, and another to Sir John Carey, to receive him, besides a letter for the sheriff, for his satisfaction.
Draft or Copy. Endorsed :—2 Dec., 1602.—“To my Lord Scrope from my Mr.” Unsigned. 1¼ pp. (185. 78.)
Draft of the letter to the Sheriff enclosed :
Her Majesty having resolved to satisfy the King of Scots' earnest request to have the body of Robert Graeme to be delivered over to him for no other purpose than to receive justice according to his merit : I signify so much unto you, upon whose tenants he is said to have committed many burglaries and felonies, for this only purpose that you may know he is not lightly set at liberty for any other end by her Majesty's Warden, who is always earnest by all good means either there or here to procure and do justice upon all those that any way do injury to any of her Majesty's subjects under his charge. In which respect, seeing you do now know the reason of the Queen's assent to the King, it is expected that you will in no sort oppose yourself against the same for any thing that may concern your private.
Endorsed : “To the Sheriff of Cumberland from my Mr.” (96. 88.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 2. One of my daughter's children is sick; it is doubted it is the small-pox, which disableth me to attend that service which I should perform for the Sheriff. I make bold therefore to present unto you the bill for Wales, with such notes as I have received and do understand for the shires, where greatest faction is on foot or beginning. I pray you use it as you shall think meet; I affect none, nor stand for none. Fiat justitia. This bearer hath not been near the infected part of my house. To-morrow, I mean to remove myself and my wife, with her young ladies.—2 Dec. 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 79.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 2. Signifies his good health.—St. John's College, Cambridge. Dec. 2, 1602. (228. 3.)
Holograph. ½ p.
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 4. I send by Mr. Ruswell those letters and petitions which Fernando Cardin hath written to the King and to his friends in Spain and Portugal for Mr. Hawkins' liberty. If you approve, we are determined to send one of the Jesuits and Mr. Hawkins' servant with these letters to solicit the cause. Mr. Ruswell can read and interpret the letters, which maketh me bold to send him, else I would have come myself.—4 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 91.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 4/14. In my last I wrote to your Honour of the going abroad of some troops into Luxemburgh, and to Emden and East Friesland. The troops returned from their journey with Count Louis about the 6th instant (stylo novo). The towns and villages they have ransomed, amount, it is said, to 200,000 rix dollars. Many villages were burned by reason of a command laid upon the inhabitants by their chief, that they should not gather any money together to make ransoms, choosing rather their people to be only impoverished and the States not anything by them enriched, than both to suffer spoil and contribute to an enemy. It is thought the prisoners brought along as pledges for part of the money will not be redeemed.
The wars begun by the “Grave” of Emden are either quite done or the greatest force is spent. Some say he is gone to the Emperor. Since, here is advertisement that he keeps himself retired and his wife negotiates an agreement between himself and the citizens, which it is thought will be concluded. I enclose particulars of the proceedings of De Boys, chief of the troops sent thither (but as cashiered by them) from the States.
The mutineers continue upon the same foot and refuse to listen to the Pope's legate; their speech is Todo y oro; they have summoned them of Antwerp to send them 100,000 pistolets or they will burn their mills and let out their dykes.
The Princess of Orange is daily expected here. Her son, Count Henry, returned eight days since, after fourteen days attendance for her in Zealand.
To-day, Count Maurice is gone towards Arnheim in Guelderland to a general meeting of the Estates, called a Landt-daghe. His return is expected within twelve days. But I imagine something is in hand for some of those parts, coloured by that meeting. For before his going, he was very inquisitive of me to know how many able men these English companies in Holland could afford him, if he had occasion to use them.
Sir Francis Vere is now reasonable well recovered, and is determined to come to the Hague for some time.
The Estates are now levying money for next summer's charge of the wars. Where they will fall, cannot long be unknown to you. Meantime I tell you what is done, and what the opinion is will be done. Some say Count Maurice will draw them upon the Maas to take Venlo, Raymont, and towns standing on that river. Others say Ostend must be disengaged, or it can never be unset.
Your Honour will see that it is no fault of mine if my news prove to be no news before it reaches you, owing to the start Flushing has of Holland. I do not cease to inform myself of what passes, and trust to your word that my letters should not be disliked though they were not always heavy laden.—Hague, Dec. 14, 1602, novo.
PS.—This night is brought to the Hague the Serjeant-Major of Ostend on suspicion of conference secretly had with the Count de Bucquoy and to have plotted the betraying of the town.
Holograph. 2 pp. (96. 92.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 4. I pray you speak with my Lord Treasurer, and make him know that I have written to you concerning that matter, and what it please you besides. What success the cause had before him this day, I have not yet heard, for that my man that attended that business is not yet returned hither. This pursuivant bearer tells me the Queen comes not to you till Monday. Here is now with me young Mr. Butler, who hears by my lady Sheffield that the young lady is arrived, with Sir G. Bourchier in her company, at Milford Haven, whereof he is heartily glad and vows to acknowledge all thankfulness to you for ever. He hears that his father Sir Edmund Butler is dead, being written so by a captain out of Ireland, who writes that such news came then to Dublin, but of other certainty he hath it not. I send you herein the picture of the Duke of Saxony, brought me by a man of mine who was at his marriage to the King of Denmark's sister, the 12th of September last, and saw him run at tilt. He reports him to be (according to this picture) the fattest young man that ever he beheld. He is about twenty years old. I fear I shall not be able to visit you at Court of Sunday as I thought, for that I find myself not so “currant” this day as yesterday. We both here thank you for your visitation.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“4 December, 1602.” 1 p. (96. 93.)
Dr. Robert Bennet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 5. I am assured of your Honour's care of me, yet that I may not seem to neglect my own suit, I presume to pray your remembrance of it. My credit is dear to me; the adversary wanteth no will to do me reproach; the time giveth him opportunity; I have no harbour for my repose but her Majesty's gracious disposition and your kindness. The country doth overgrow with seminaries; the inferior ministry slacketh their hand of doctrine; the people will be corrupted in duty, the houses will quickly ruinate; which are arguments of the necessity of service there. If it will stand with your favour to yield me satisfaction of my mind distracted with suspense, I will ever be most thankful.—From Her Majesty's chapel of Windsor, 5th Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 94.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 5. I hope the trouble I put you unto will more persuade you to help me from this place than my desires. I have passed one term here; what reports go of it, I long much to understand. I have laboured to keep a good conscience and satisfy your expectation of me, and I shall be right glad that my services may be so well accepted, as I may hope that neither dishonour to the place nor disprofit to the person shall ensure; both which may be easily helped by a favourable dismission of me from hence.
The cause of my writing is the pity of the bearer hereof, one John Aston, who is found a lunatic out of the Court of Wards by his wife's procurement, being once sick and in that sickness raving; which woman having no children by him, and finding that by his will he had not left her so much as she desired, took that occasion to procure a commission whereby to draw to herself all his goods, since which time he has been so kept as it would have made a sound man lunatic. He got away by stealth to this place, whom we would not believe till we had sent our letters to Mr. Davis of this Council, commended for a wise and honest gentleman, a copy of whose reply is enclosed, whereupon we took some further examination of the matter. But the man's want of money and friends; his dissolute life in loving drink and women, have many times procured as evil speeches as from a lunatic, which hath given them great colours to their foul device; but if you will enquire into the matter, you will find it a foul practice.—Ludlow, 5 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (96. 95.)
John Budden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 6. I have sent my nephew Daccombe up to attend your directions about the preparing the Bishop of Bath and Wells and the Dean and Chapter there to be ready at their next Chapter day at Michaelmas, to confirm Mr. Waite's lease : the which, if good and provident care be not had, may chance not to be done at this time, and then after, too late to take advantage of the last act of confirmation. I found they had a jealousy that such a thing would be attempted, and that made all or the most part absent the last day, and so I fear will be again if certain of them be not specially prepared before as well to be then present, as also to yield their consents. The Bishop of Llandaff, Mr. Doctor Langworth and Dr. Bisse the younger, subdean, be special men and the likeliest to do good, for they all hope of preferment; the other are men that cannot so well hope for more than they have, and the elder Dr. Bisse a very obstinate man, and looking for no more or other preferment. Yet I wish that letters be, as well from you as from Mr. Secretary Herbert, newly directed to all the aforenamed persons, and to Dr. Cotington, Dr. Powell and Dr. Bourne; Mr. Doctor Langworth is not, that I can hear, returned out of Lancashire, whither I was told he went, and Dr. Bisse, the younger, subdean, [is] in Sussex; Mr. Lowman, Mr. Necton's son in law, whose sister the doctor hath married, can tell where he is, and when he returneth; these two, being men of best spirit, with the Bishop of Llandaff, and Dr. Bourne, who is yours, will, if they come together, without doubt effect the business; and without them or two of them—whereof the Bishop of Llandaff and Mr. Doctor Langworth—it may be doubtful. Likewise must there be letters as before to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, to prepare him also for his confirmation. I found by Mr. Dr. James, an inward man and most special of all others with the Bishop, that he had savoured of this business from Mr. Secretary Herbert last term, and yet, being wise and secret, he protested he had made no man acquainted, and out of a special desire he had to do you some good office, did brook with me in it : on whom, if you bestow two or three lines not taking any notice, he will effect your desire. It must not be deferred till the day, but some convenient time before.
If you determine to take any further course in Cornwall, it were good Mr. Treffrye were directed with speed, to the end he might return you satisfaction at his coming to the term.—Shaston, 6 December, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (95. 52.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 8. In favour of Mr. Thomas Paine, late Mayor of Plymouth, who is like to pay 120l. for a pinnace taken up for her Majesty's service in the time of his mayoralty. Himself going up to the Court to seek for remedy hath desired from me these few lines to your Honour; for the pinnace being taken up by your warrant, and employed as she was, there is no reason, though she were lost in the service, to charge Mr. Paine therewith.—Plymouth, 8 Dec., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (95. 96.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 8. I cannot sufficiently thank you for your assured friendship, that you have ever and yet do carry towards me, as by your message by my wife well appeareth. The state of my body hath made me unfit for the Court ever since I saw you. But, God willing, I will not fail to do my duty to her Majesty before her departure, and so more largely be able myself to thank you.—This 8th of December.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (96. 97.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 8. Entreated by Sir John Seymour and his lady to commend to your service their second son this bearer, whose towardliness, together with the desire I find in them to have him so placed, moves me to be a suitor unto you for the same, wherein, if you will entertain him as one of your ordinary attendants, I shall acknowledge it a great kindness to me done, and an exceeding pleasure to his parents.—Your ever loving and well-wishing niece.—Basing, this 8th of December, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 99.)
D.P. to —
1602, Dec. 8/18. It is now three months since I wrote to you. I was expecting daily orders from my master to return to Italy, and having written to you three times to the address of Signor Hieronimo Paluzzi, without reply, I thought you must have left Venice. However, I will now write again, and you can write to me at this Court, where I shall be for some time. The armada is being broken up; most people think it was intended for Ireland, but it was ordered to collect before Don Giovanni dell Aquila was chased out of Ireland, and on that unfortunate termination of the enterprise, it had to be employed in some other useless project. There is here still a Papal nuncio intended for Ireland. But the Earl O'Donnel is dead here and the Earl of Tyrone must be ill-treated by the English; yet the undertaking of Ireland is thought desperate, though perhaps they will try it once more. The fleet of the Indies is expected with ten millions on board, two for the King; it has already passed the Strait of the Bahamas. The enemy's fleet is at Cape St. Vincent, though it is not thought it can stay there long. They talk of borrowing eleven millions to assure the pay of the troops in Flanders month by month for three years; after that, some saint will help. The Pope is trying to keep the peace between France and Spain. They are raising 8,000 infantry here, probably for Flanders.—Dec. 18, 1602.
Italian. Holograph. No address. 1 p. (96. 123.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 9. I have received your Honour's letter, with one from the Lord Treasurer and your Honour to the Mayor and his brethren, which at their next meeting I will deliver, hoping that they will thereby set me free from their company.
The last day, here arrived the flyboat taken by Sir John Gilbert's ship the Refuzall and others of her consortship. There are in her 510 chests of sugar and nothing else of importance.
There is no news of Captain Willes.
Her Majesty's ships returned from the coast of Spain are still here awaiting a fair wind.—Plymouth, 9 Dec. 1602.
PS.—If you will send me commission, I can be fitted with two French barks, one bound for Lisbon, and the other for Cales, and with sufficient persons to go in them with such merchandise as you may think meet.
Captain Calphild's pillage here landed and delivered again to Sir William Monson is six packs of linen cloth and one pack of buckrams. There were diapers and other things broken up in the ship and divided by the master and others.
Signed, postscript holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 101.)
Sir John Fortescu to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 9. This bearer (being well known unto me) is desirous of being entertained into your service, and hath entreated my testimony of his honest and good behaviour.—The Wardrobe, 9 Dec., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (96. 102.)
Jo. Ferne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 9. With a packet from the Lady Eure written to her Lord, to be forwarded.—York, 9 Dec., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (96. 103.)
[Edward Seymour,] Earl of Hertford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 9. Two letters :—(1.) I could not have thus long forborne visiting you, to have given thanks for your respect of me, as well in this late business touching Sir Hugh Portman, as also in your care to free my attendance at Court this Christmas, wherewith my cousin Sir John Stanhop, the Vice-Chamberlain, hath made me acquainted. Which kind of service in my youth I was more apt and able to undergo than my age and health of body will now give leave; besides, I know my being in the country doth yield better means of service to her Majesty than my attendance here can afford. I have understood that notwithstanding the Lords' censure, Sir Hugh Portman hath given forth that he was in no ways guilty of those articles by me produced against him, but I perceive, by his late submission, which you sent me yesterday, he hath changed his opinion. Notwithstanding, because my proofs were not set down to the full, and that he left behind him at the hearing a touch that I should levy money without warrant, I have sent the enclosed, assuring you there is no point therein contained that varies one jot from the truth.—From Hartford House, in Cannon Row, 9 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (185. 80.)
(2.) With regard to the cause between myself and Sir Hugh Portman, I intreat you to move the Lords to spare inflicting further punishment. I hope that this gentle admonition from their Lordships will be good instruction to him hereafter to observe all due courses in anything concerning her Majesty's service.—From my house in Channon Row, 9 Dec., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (185. 81.)
Sir Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 10. I am entreated by some poor innocents, the children of an unhappy father, my cousin Thomas Lee, that whereas the Baron of Reban is a suitor to her Majesty for Rebane Castle and the lands, that there might be some stay thereof. My brother, Sir Henry Lee, and myself hear that the right is in these children, on which Sir Robert Gardnar can say much.—The Savoy, 10 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 104.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper of the Seals, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 10. To trouble your eyes or ears with words of compliment, I should wrong both you and myself. I did write out of a troubled mind, and I see it pleaseth you to take it in good part. The thing itself I digest as I may, with little comfort or contentment; what it shall please you to do in it, I leave to your own wisdom. I wish I could redeem his folly at a great price, but of that I despair, and so must leave him to himself. In your French news, I see a piece of work cut out which it seems will not be ended in haste.—At Harfelde, 10 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (185. 82.)
Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 11. The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire sent last night to my Lord Burghley, and again to me to-day, about his toleration for abiding at Waltham. The signification of her Majesty's verbal pleasure is enough; there need be no non obstante. It is a small matter, and yet more acceptable to him than matter of greater moment.—Holborn, Dec. 11.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 105.)
— to —.
1602, Dec. 12. Portion of a letter, commencing “Rightly respected brother,” setting forth the argument against the claims of the Church of Rome. The writer refers to his “brother William” as having made and sent a sufficient answer, and speaks of “your muster masters Campian, Duretis and Stapleton.” Towards the close, he writes :—“For who without exposing his indiscretion to the hardest censure, or betraying his own ignorance or simplicity, who not having a brazen face or an adamantine forehead, will or can deny either that the true Church is discerned by the true doctrine of Christ therein preached and professed. 2. That this true doctrine is approved by the conformity or correspondency thereof unto the rule of truth, the Holy Scriptures. 3. Or that this correspondency is to be manifested by the said Scriptures according to the analogy of faith rightly interpreted. 4. Or, lastly, that in the interpretation or expounding of Scripture, more credit is to be attributed to the testimony of the Spirit, and voice of God speaking in His Word, which cannot err, than to the arbitrament of the Church, assent of Fathers, decrees of Councils or any judgment of man which may deceive and be deceived. If you doubt of the verity of these assertions, and cannot be persuaded of the validity of so impregnable positions, vouchsafe for your better satisfaction, with patience and without prejudice, to read the ensuing confirmation of either of them in their order.
[A few lines only of the portion of the letter thus introduced remain.] Dated :—“Prid. Id. Decemb. Anno Domini, 1602,” Unsigned. 2 pp. closely written. (139. 147.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 12. I send you herein a letter lately delivered me by one George Dakens. This man, having lain some time in the King's Bench, in execution, though he had been a gentleman of convenient estate, but wasted, I got his delivery. Whereupon, this time 12 months, he discovered unto me a knot of young gentlemen preparing for robberies, which I found to be true. This summer, having served at Grave with the States, he telleth me he lighted into the company of two English Jesuits there, the one called Pollard, who should write this letter subscribing his name backwards, the other Pagrave, whose name is also written backwards. In this letter, these two, as he saith, did determine with him to come for England about this time, and dealt with this Dakyne to lodge them, who directed them to his lodgings here in a house next me, with purpose, as he pretends, that I should have knowledge of it. Now this Dawkyns, being put out of this lodging here, doubteth he should miss them, whereupon, knowing that they purpose to come by Gravesend, he is gone to attend them there. This Pollard, he saith, is of a most pestilent spirit and resolution. Before I wrote to you of it, I meant to have inquired whether there were any such Jesuits or not, but finding that Hall, who was sent over by the Ambassador, is acquainted with the Jesuits, I thought it not amiss forthwith to send it you, whereby you may hear of Hall or the other two young men, whether there be any such in the Low Countries. But that which doth somewhat stumble me is that devout “Ociduig,” mentioned in the letter, is the Archduke's confessor, Father Judico, and the friar, that Mr. Attorney and myself caused to be taken, came also from that confessor of the Archduke's.—At my house, late, the 12 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (185. 83.)
Bernard Hide to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 13. I find myself much wronged by the complaints unto your Honour of the officers of the Customs, and hope, therefore, to lay open the untruth of their frivolous complaints.
They allege that we bring your Honour and reputation in question; this is but done by those who would hide the truth, and by such merchants as wish to continue to deal fraudulently. But I will refer my carriage to the merchants who desire to pay their due, and if any affirm I have wronged them or your Honour, I will restore the double. And the best merchants of the companies will satisfy you therein.
I have always allowed the merchant time and any reasonable matter for his store, but have desired he should pay his due custom. If this be a wrong, I am faulty. If the contrary be proved, I will willingly endure your hardest censure. What I can say of these men that have delivered to you this untrue report, will appear hereafter.
And first for Mr. Carmerden, upon whose recommendation (as I conceive) your Honour entertained most of the waiters employed last year, what profit was raised thereby is best known to your Honour; this year, there is a difference of 3,000l. that may show how much you were then wronged. How impossible it is to raise this out of a yard or two of velvet in a piece, as they allege, you will conceive.
The collector, Alderman Moore, he wants the receipts of the customs of silks, lawns and cambrics, besides the bills of store, by him to be given, which would draw some requital from the merchant.
The comptroller, he wants the appointing of the ships, from the which a great gain came unto him from many a poor man, which gave him half of his labour for to have work, besides his share for bills of store and other bribes from the waiters.
In all which the Surveyor and his clerks is greatly abridged of his share, for bills of store and a bribe called expedition money.
The discontented waiters that wronged your Honour last year cannot make their profits as in time past; and these stir up merchants to make clamour against us your deputies, saying, if I had not taken it upon me, your Honour would have given it over to her Majesty again. All their hope is to cause you to be discontented with us, and so to bring it into the old course again; and in like sort merchants have dealt with me to let things pass as in former times and not to lay open hid mysteries.
We have taken into your service two of her Majesty's waiters, Bevil Moulesworthe and Henry Southworth, who in consequence are discountenanced by the officers, and get hard measure from the discontented waiters, as Mr. Bellot can tell you.—13 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 107.)
Edith Beale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 13. I have received a letter from your Honour and other members of the Mines Royal, dated the 10th of this present, touching the demand made by the Company of an hundred pounds alleged to be remaining in the hands of my late husband of a greater sum committed to him by the Company. I was persuaded that you would have considered my excuse given to Richard Leeds, an officer of the Company, being sent unto me on this matter, referring myself to some time when I should be better able to pay, from my expectation of her Majesty's bounty in relieving my meanness of estate. Yet I hope that you will weigh how unable I am to satisfy you in respect of my great charge of children; willing, however, to discharge my husband's credit from the least suspicion of unrightful dealing, I will be contented with a respite in the demand for that money. And this favour I expect in regard of the great pains which my husband bestowed in the affairs of the mineral works, which had otherwise been given over, as many of the Company know. I beseech your Honour to assist me to obtain somewhat for me from her Majesty.—London, 13th December, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 108.)
Captain John Ridgway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 13/23. I return all humble thanks for your favourable letter unto me. It pleased your Honour to think mine own accusation was the cause of the infinite unkindnesses I have and do still receive from my General. I protest I never spake of so much as a syllable in any letter directed to your Honour, until himself told me the very words I had written in certain of my letters. Then I answered him I had at no time written anything but what was most true and what I was continually ready to acknowledge and justify. I think your Honour hath understood what spoil our horse and foot, conducted by the Count Lodwicke into the land of Lyssenburgh, have made. How they have burnt above 300 villages, taken two small towns, burnt an infinity of corn and other provisions, and brought with them many prisoners. The States expected they should have returned with great contributions, which the people were not able to give, so that their booty proved their greatest gain. Those men also that they sent to the relief of Emden, have dispossessed their “Grave” of all his fortifications, only one whereinto himself was fled, and that they now besiege, but he is stolen out of it and gone, they know not whither, so it is thought they shall gain that place within these five days. Then the States expect the return of their forces, having left the banished duke with a bare title without possessions. Three days since there came a whole company of horse, officers and all, from the Archduke's camp before Ostend to the mutineers by Hollstraet, so that they are now thought to be in number above 6,000 strong. The sergeant-major of Ostend is here imprisoned, suspected to have practised to betray the town. The States have examined, and I think, racked him, but his confession is not openly known. Howsoever, I hear that he doth not much deny that he parleyed twice with the Count Buckquoy without order. The provost-marshal of Williamstate should have at the same time betrayed that town also, and had received 2,300l. sterling to that purpose, but he is taken and executed. His Excellency is gone six days since to Arnham, where he keeps his Christmas. The States are beginning to establish orders, which, if they proceed, our nation shall have little cause to complain of their General's deductions. I had myself delivered all this and sooner to your Honour, but that Sir Fra. Vere did utterly cross my leave for England.—From s'Gravenhage, 23 December, stilo novo, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—C. Ridgway, Wygorn, Sir W. St. Jhon, Sir Fra. Allen, Ch. Ousley, Sir J. Hollys, C. Ersfeild, Sir Anth. Cook, Sir Arth. Savag, Sir R. Byngham, Sir G. Blunt, Sir Olver St. Jhon, Sir Rich. Morrison, Sir Th. Scotte, Sir Alex. Ratlyff. Seal. 1 p. (185. 86.)
Simon Wyllys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 15. I cannot forbear to represent to you the inconvenience that I suffer by reason of the protraction of my suit to her Majesty. Hoping for the speedy effecting of it, after your Honour's favourable commendation of it, I remained in London to my great expense (most of my wife's friends being retired into the country), so that I could scarce get money for my diet from the time I left your service until Michaelmas term, besides my being driven to eat in places which I have ever held contemptible. Had I expected this delay, I might have gone to stay with country friends. Next, when I heard that her Majesty insisted upon the matter of languages, I assured your Honour (by a letter sent by Mr. Hickes) of my purpose to travel to give her Majesty satisfaction in that particular (though this was never exacted at any man's hands but mine). I have settled my poor fortune accordingly, and arranged with some merchants to supply me by way of exchange, engaged a servant, and even furnished myself of a couple of small hackneys to aid me in my journey and to sell in France. All this increases my expenses, and the charge on my fortune, which is rather worthy of commiseration than commendation, as this bearer can tell you. I pray you consider that time is precious and idleness intolerable to me, who have spent twenty years in a service where business hath not been wanting, and after the three years almost that this matter hath hung in suspense so deal with her Majesty that it may receive the blessing of her angelic hand before Christmas. Otherwise, I shall think myself strangely unfortunate that, in recompense of a full double apprenticeship in the service of a principal minister of state, am not capable of a second reversion of one of the meanest offices in her Court, for the execution whereof her Majesty does not part with a penny fee nor other allowance, but that small benefit which the officer reaps by it from his own industry and the bounty of the suitor or client by whom he is employed.—From my brother Roderam's house in Aldermanbury, 15 December, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (96. 109.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 15. I humbly beseech you to pardon my presumption, for I confess I am not worthy your former favours, and if merit do grow by wealth, I shall be a long sinner. Mr. Argol, as I understand, is in a lingering sickness, and I dare answer as yet sought by none, but the likelier to recover for my seeking of his heir, if my present fortunes be correspondent to my already past. If I may be vouchsafed a forerunner in this of any other, I am but enchained with so many more links, out of which I am not likely to “wade” out, but ever acknowledge that what is my best hath proceeded merely from your goodness.—Dec. 15, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 110.)
Thomas Alabaster to Levinus Munck.
1602, Dec. 15. The good entertainment lately given by his Honour to certain gentlemen of Genoa that came into this realm is cause that another of the same place now at Antwerp desires to taste thereof and to see this court, as by a letter from the party herewith you may see, who fearing to be stayed at Dover, desires a passport for himself, by the name of Giovanni Battista Giudice, and his friends and servants.
From the Court of Spain there are letters of the last of last month with advice that the galleons with the silver departed out of the Havanna the 4th October, so with the first may be expected their arrival at Seville, if God let them not, for I do not see that man shall at that time.—15 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Alabaster to me.” 1 p. (96. 111.)
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to the Lords of the Council.
1602, Dec. 15. According to your Lordships' letters of the 1st of this month, enclosing the examination of one William Rowston taken before Sir John Bolles, concerning Thomson and Barker of this city, whom by former directions from the Lords I had committed to prison for counterfeiting passports, I have used the assistance of Mr. Justice Warburton for their re-examination, and we find them very confident in the denial hereof or of any acquaintance with Rowston, William Parker, or Laurence Skill, by whom these two of Chester are accused. We find also from the muster-roll of the soldiers' names, whereby they were called before the Commissioners at this port, that the soldiers arrived here the 22nd of August last and were viewed on the 23rd, at which time Rowston, Parker and Skill, being soldiers levied in the county of Lincoln, were absent, and certified by the conductor to be run away, whereby we were partly persuaded that they escaped by the way before their company's coming to this city. We would ask that the passport which was counterfeit and shown to Sir John Bolles might be sent hither, as the readiest means to discover the offender. Meantime the men shall remain in prison.—Chester, 15 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 112.)