Cecil Papers: November 1601, 21-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1601, 21-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp500-508 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1601, 21-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp500-508.

"Cecil Papers: November 1601, 21-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp500-508.

November 1601, 21–30

Mrs. Anne Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 21. My son, before his going into Ireland, did obtain unto Mr. Palfreyman, in consideration of his long and faithful service, the office of the keeping of her Majesty's small guns within the Tower : and notwithstanding her Highness's special letters patent thereof, he hath ever since been exceeding much troubled by Mr. Lee; and [although] it hath been divers times heard and fully ordered by you and other the commissioners, as I am informed, yet Mr. Lee (in contempt of the said order, I take it) hath of late commenced suit against Mr. Palfreyman in the Exchequer. The gent being destitute of his best friend by my son's absence, and enforced to appeal unto the commissioners, afford him your favour in the same.—At the Minories, this 21st of November 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (89. 120.)
Dr. Fletcher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 21. Experience of your former favours and the extremity of my present state have enforced me to this boldness. I have been drawn from my profession and practice of law by public service. Four times I have been employed in her Highness' service out of the realm, once ambassador, thrice as agent and special messenger from her Highness, without any recompense or allowance from her Majesty. All which negotiations, by the blessing of Almighty God, were well effected, to her Highness' honour, the public good, and the increase of her customs, but the great undoing of my private estate; which being impoverished by these services is now forced to crave relief. And where else but at the rich and royal hand of my most gracious Prince, in whose service I was employed? Which I would not do for mine own behoof, who think not much to afford gratis all my service and life itself to my Prince and country; but for the relief of that great charge which God hath given me, being rich only in that which maketh a rich man poor, many children.
My suit to the Queen's Majesty is not great nor ambitious, but small and reasonable, bestowed usually upon other men of least desert, for her grant of certain leases in reversion to the tenant's use. I pray your furtherance; I have no means to requite you but my heartiest thanks, and continual prayer to Almighty God, who will not forget your Christian work in helping a poor distressed family of so many children.—This 21st of November 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (89. 121.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to his brother [-in-law] Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 22. In that I have not sent an answer to your last letter, I shall desire you to hold me excused, sithe ever sithence the receipt thereof, by reason of my sickness, I have not been able to write. Whereas you conceive that I have been carried too much by the deceits of Cauley, I do assure you there is no such thing. I have used him, and do still, as a follower of my business, wherein I do not find any cause to blame but rather recommend his diligence. For counsel, I have such “lavers” and the best that I can get as are to be had in London, who have advised me for my best course to desire her Majesty would grant me her warrant signed for the drawing of a book, mentioning what her pleasure is to grant me concerning the escheat of Sir Charles Davers, de bene esse, quantum in Regina est; whereby shall ensue no prejudice unto any interested therein.
For the rest of your letter, although it be some discouragement to me, yet I cannot alter the opinion I have conceived of your constancy, neither suffer it to enter my thought that a vain fable can “brandel” the clearness of your guiltless conscience, sithe all the world doth know that the crimes of Sir Charles Davers were so “by fold” that justice could not dispense any farther.—From Hackney, 22 November 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 124.)
George Brooke to his brother-in-law Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 22. I desire by all means to revive and enforce that league that once made by my sister remains indissoluble in her children. Therefore, having received at the hands of God a son, the dearest jewel that ever I was possessed of, I will do my uttermost by dedication to make him yours. Receive him then into your patronage so far as to be one of those under whom he may enter his Christian adoption. If he have it not hereditary, I will give it him by discipline, to love as freely as his father hath done. If you please to do me this honour my brother doth purpose to join with you, and the time shall be at your appointment.—Blackfriars, 22 November 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 125.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov. 22]. 1. John Shelberye to [Sir Robert Cecil]. Was granted the wardship of his wife's son John Myllett. Prays for a lease of certain descended lands.
Note by Cecil that petitioner is to have a particular.
Endorsed :—“22 Nov. 1601.” ½ p. (P. 644.)
2. Petition of Humfrey Duke, for the wardship of the heir of James Stephens.
Note by Cecil that petitioner is to have a commission.
Endorsed :—“22 No. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 221.)
3. Petition of Richard Ivison, Cecil's porter, for the wardship of the heir of Richard Wright, Leicestershire.
Note by Cecil, let him have a warrant for a commission.
Endorsed :—“22 No. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 277.)
William Tyrwhitt to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 23. I am detained in prison for some debts, partly by my negligence in not seeking to redress it by your Lordship's means, which would have prevented all. Now I entreat that my estate may be weighed, who have ever studied to serve my prince and country. This twelve year I have commanded, and to that end my travail is. Wherefore I beseech your letters to Justice Gawdye to take bail according to law.—This 23th of November 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (183. 82.)
T[homas] D[ouglas] to Mr. Thomas Honiman.
[1601], Nov. 24. I have this night met at Gravesend one called Captain Tyrrie, one of the captains of the Scottish guards in France, who is bound home. He is a papist, and for that was forced by the preachers to leave Scotland. He is a great doer for the Papist lords in Scotland beyond sea. If he know anything touching things hurtful to this state, Mr. Hudson, who is very entire with him, can easily draw it from him, or cause my master to speak him fair when he asks a passport and it may be he shall learn somewhat.—Gravesend, this 24 of November.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“24 November 1601. Thomas Douglas to my master. Concerning Capt. Terry.” ½ p. (89. 126.)
John Stanhope to the Privy Council.
1601, Nov. 24. I received your letters of October 13 last, requiring me to provide one good and serviceable horse, furnished, to be delivered at Chester by the 28th of the said month; which I performed accordingly, notwithstanding I had but six days' warning from the receipt of your letters to the day prefixed for the delivery of the horse. I have a note under the hands of Captain Alford and the Mayor of Chester witnessing the receipt of the horse, and therefore would not have troubled you with this my certificate but that by your letters I am so commanded.—From Elvaston, this 24th of November 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (89. 127.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Oliver Cromwell.
1601, Nov. 24. Whereas I am given to understand that there is brought into Cole harbour, by one John Bote, six tierces of salted beef, belonging to William Hollydaye, of London, merchant, which were brought thither from a pinnace of his victualled to have gone to sea in matter of reprisal : which said six tierces are detained by you, as forfeited unto you, upon supposal that they are stolen goods : where otherwise it is alleged that Bote was put in trust to discharge the same out of the pinnace, who howsoever he may have intended to defraud Hollydaye of them by bringing them thither contrary to his direction, yet it were a hard construction to hold the same for forfeited. I have thought good in regard thereof, as also because this poor man hath sustained great losses in her Majesty's service, to desire you that you will not proceed in such extremity with them, but let him have his goods restored unto him, whereunto if you shall the more willingly yield for my sake, I will remain beholding to you for it.—From the Court at Whitehall, this 24 of November 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Minute to Mr. Oliver Cromwell.” Seal. ¾ p. (183. 83.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov. 24.] Petition of Robert Whyniarde, for a supersedeas in the case of the wardship of Bradshaw, Derbyshire.
Note by Cecil granting it.
Endorsed :—“24 No. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 276.)
John Seintleger to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 25. Whereas there was an order set down by you from her Majesty that I should have received 100l. and a protection for six months; the Lord Treasurer refused the delivery thereof without your letter. My suit is I may have your order to the Lord Treasurer.—25 November 1601.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (89. 128.)
Captain John Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Nov. 25.] My suit is you will vouchsafe to give the name at the christening of a new born son unto me. The other godfather is my lord Governor, Sir Robert Sydney, the godmother my lady Rawley, who purpose to attend that business if I may be so happy as to have you so greatly to favour me. The place, at my father-in-law's in Lambeth marsh; the time, after ten days, at your best disposed leisure.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“25 Nov. 1601.” Seal, broken. 1 p. (89. 129.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 25. Seeing in few words the honestest man that is shall be driven to answer with many lines any accusation whatsoever it be, true or false, I desire your patience in reading them, and pardon for my boldness in troubling you with so large a discourse. It seemeth by your letters there is doubt made that my choleric nature will lead me to some indecent course of revenge; but my behaviour in this cause shall plainly prove unto you that I have suffered almost intolerable injuries by him [the Mayor of Plymouth], and even in the first of our dissension in the town hall, where he began to swell against me with great words, I told him it was an unfit place and time for us to scold, and desired him not to interrupt me in her Majesty's affairs; for at that time I was presting of men for my ship. At another time, upon the Hoe talking with him, I told him, before ever I received your letters to that effect, that we must agree and join together, as becometh good subjects, in doing her Majesty service, and promised that for my part I would be assisting unto him in all that I might to that effect; but for my private occasions, I bade him do his worst, as his spleen would lead him, for I regarded it not.
Whereas also you write that I in the fort, and he in the town, should acquaint each other with the word of the watch, I cannot but certify you the inconveniency thereof, that it is both contrary to all discipline of war, dangerous, and altogether unnecessary that the word in a fort should pass without the walls. First, for that the port in the night ought never to be opened to any, although they have the word. Secondly, the town can have no use of this word within the fort, for I can as well talk with them without the port as within upon any occasion of businesses. Besides, they use not their own word as they ought, for they give it to the whole watch, which would be dangerous both to them and me if any one of the watch should be taken by an enemy. Wherefore I conclude that it is my right to give it them, if you be so pleased. I cannot but give you humble thanks for the abstract of the mayor's complaints, and do hope to prove that I am so free from all I am charged with as I shall be now thought no less worthy the continuance of your favours than I was at your undertaking for me to the Queen in the beginning. The books I will keep until I receive order what shall be done with them. The principal Jesuit shall be delivered to Mr. Stallenge his man, as you have commanded. I beseech I may have leave to come up before Christmas.—From the fort by Plymouth, 25 November 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (89. 130.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 25. Concerning the Jesuits, I think it a better course that he which you have appointed Mr. Stallenge's man to receive, and one other of the best of them, may be stayed here as pledges for the rest that may be sent away, who will use far better means for their redemption themselves, than they can any way by their letters; for they say, if they cannot by the King, they will by the Pope, work means for their delivery, and to that end have intreated me to send you their reasons for it, which I have here enclosed.—From the Fort by Plymouth, this 25th of November 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 131.)
Lord Keeper Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 25. You have framed so good a work upon a sure and true foundation that I have nothing to add, but pray God to bless and prosper it.—25 November 1601.
Holograph. ¼ p. (89. 132.)
George Margitts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 25. For divers causes, viz. my late long sickness, etc., I am enforced once more to be suitor for your letters to my Lord Chief Baron for stay of my cause until Trinity term next.—25 November 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 133.)
Edward Michelborne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 25. Cecil has presented a clerk to the parsonage of Clayton in Sussex, the patronage of which Michelborne claims. If the right of this last presentation be found to be Cecil's, prays that the now incumbent may be established therein, and he, Michelborne, will satisfy Cecil's nominee.—25 November 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (1961.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov. 25.] Petition of Edward Mosley, son of Sir Nicholas Mosley, to Sir Robert Cecil, for custody of the infant daughters, and of certain concealed lands in Urmeston and Chollerton, Lancashire, of Sir Robert Lovell, deceased.
Endorsed :—“25 No. 1601.” ½ p. (P. 201.)
Mrs. Martha Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 26. Her Majesty's letters patents granted to John Smith, her late husband, for white salt, have secured to her Majesty a debt of 7,000l. due by Robert Bowes esq., late treasurer of Berwick, deceased, and have paid thereof to her Highness 6,000l., and is to pay the remainder, together with a rent of 40l. a year; which letters patents are the only relief she has left for maintenance of herself and children and to pay his debt, which by reason of the said payments to her Majesty amounts to 4,000l.; for that she never made any benefit to herself by the letters, her Majesty having received it in the payment of the said debt—the time in which she shall reap benefit being yet to come, in the three last years, after her Majesty's debt had been fully paid. Understands the letters patent are like suddenly to be made frustrate by this present Parliament, to the utter undoing of herself, her children and creditors. Prays him to be a mean that her Majesty may commiserate her most distressed estate.—26 November 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 134.)
Thomas Madox to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Nov. 27.] Claims the manor of Barlands, Radnor; but there is a combination there to draw all the Queen's tenures by knight's service into socage tenure, and the jury falsely found the same to be held by socage. Prays that the jury be sent for, examined, and punished.
Note by Cuthbert Pepper on the matter, and recommending that four or six of the principal jurors be ordered to appear in court and answer.
Endorsed :—“27 Nov. 1601.” 2 pp. (662.)
Sir John Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Nov. 28. In regard it was my fortune to be by you when you wanted a pistol, I have presumed to make a present of one unto you, which I will be bold to recommend unto you for a good one because the outward show is not to be esteemed of.—Paris, 28 November.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Two Seals over red silk. ½ p. (89. 136.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 28. I was requested by the Lord Simple, before his departure towards Scotland, to crave your favour for a pass to Matthew Simple, who is presently to repair, as he seems to me, to Paris about some particular affairs of his lord's there, and that about a marriage his lordship intendeth in France. The truth I dispute not, but I suppose in deed the lord is shortly to be employed also towards Spain. What you please to do herein, I refer to your better judgment, whether his stay may be as profitable as the giving way to his lord's projects, which are promised to redound to her Majesty's service, and with your Honour's privity. He had lately before his last going into France, your Honour's pass for himself, horse and carriage, which is not yet expired but lieth in the searcher's hands at Dover, which he knoweth not if it will be of force at this second going. Not willing to trouble you, but craving to be commanded wherein my service may be acceptable, I rest.—This 28 Novem. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (183. 84.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 29. As I acknowledge myself much bounden for your late very honourable acceptation of my attendance upon you, so have I reason to be much comforted with your words. God hath set you in a high place, strengthened you with great favour from her Majesty, and hath by these enabled you to further much good to Church, to Commonwealth, and unto any unto whom you vouchsafe any good. And truly, Sir, I will speak boldly and plainly and pray you that I may do so. The eye of religion and religious men is upon you, the eye of the Commonwealth is upon you. It pleased you to mention an holy remembrance of your breeding in religion and your purpose to persevere in that you were bred and brought up, which joyed my heart greatly; and I doubt not but the same God that framed your heart to conceive and your tongue to utter so holy a speech will by His grace enable you to proceed in so holy a purpose. Touching the Commonwealth, I confidently profess that your late feeling manifested of the people's grievances about these monopolies, and your very honourable carriage therein, hath affected the whole House much, and will work you great honour and love generally throughout all parts of the land; and I pray God from my heart that you may be ever rightly informed to do that in your place that may be for the Commonwealth's good, and that is far from popularity which true wisdom can never affect.—29 November 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (89. 135.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov. 29.] 1. Petition of Richard Iveson, Cecil's Porter, for lease of lands in Hackthorne, Lincoln, the late Duke of Suffolk's.
Note by Cecil, petitioner to have a particular.
Endorsed :—“29 Nov. 1601.” ½ p. (P. 279.)
2. Petition of Thomas Davide for the concealed wardship of the heir of Steven Freelove, Suffolk.
Note by Cecil, granting a commission.
Endorsed :—“29 Nov. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 280.)
1601, Nov. 30. Endorsed by Sir R. Cecil :—“A plot of my Park at Theobalds.” 1 p. (141. 69–70.)
Starch Monopoly.
1601, Nov. 30. Brief of starch sold in England, from Sept. 1, 1599, to Nov. 30, 1601.
1 p. (204. 123.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov. 30.] 1. Myles Raynsford to [?Sir Robert Cecil].—To bestow on him William Barnes, a lunatic, who has been kept in Bridewell this 14 years.
Endorsed :—“30 No. 1601.” ¼ p. (1858.)
2. W. Brereton.—For the wardship of the heir of Roger Hurlston, Cheshire.
Note by Cecil : Let an office be found for which he may have a commission.
Endorsed :—“30 Nov. 1601.” 1 p. (651.)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
[1601, Nov.]. Letter commencing, “I must by these few lines presume.” Ending, “I will put end to these my ragged lines scribbled in haste.”
Holograph. Seal. Undated. 1 p. (133. 156.)
[Printed, Camden Soc. Publications. O. S. XLVI., p. 139.]
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov.] 1. Robert Pamplyn, yeoman of her Majesty's Robes. For the custody of Christopher Wannesford, lunatic. Disputes the claim of Charles Wren thereto.
Endorsed :—“No. 1601.” 1 p. (1378.)
2. Edward More and 13 others, Gentlemen Pensioners, to Sir Robert Cecil. Recommending Mr. Asheby, clerk of the Check of their Band, who is suitor for a wardship.
Endorsed :—“November 1601.” 1 p. (1932.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil, her uncle.
[1601, Nov.] She has sent a note showing how “this land” descended to “my lord,” Lord Mountjoy, and her cousin Greville. Conditions under which Mountjoy passed his part in fee simple last Parliament. “If by this bill we offer to acquit Mr. Greville of all the remainders which might descend to my Lord and his issue, no man's capacity that I can speak withal sees why he should not free his to my Lord.” Prays for his protection to the bill.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Nov. 1601.” 1 p. (2390.)
Sir James Sympill to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Nov. or early in Dec.]. The Duke [of Lennox] thanks you heartily for your resolution taken for his furtherance on his journey, and the despatch of her Majesty's letters to the King by him; and I myself must think me much regarded by your Honour in using me so favourably by your letters at all occasions. The Duke rejoices much to understand her Majesty's gracious using of her subjects and their great love towards her Majesty, specially at such a time as this of the Parliament. We are now to take our horses, and shall be no farther than Woltonn this night, so your post may easily be with us in due time, and I shall let no time slip wherein I may do good offices to your contentment so far as I can.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. Sir James Simple.” ½ p. (90. 161.)