Cecil Papers: December 1601, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1601, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp508-521 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1601, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp508-521.

"Cecil Papers: December 1601, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp508-521.

December 1601, 1–15

[1601, Dec. 1.] Right honourable. Whereas about two months past I brought unto your Lordship a piece of bullion which was made according to the Irish standard, yet did touch 12d. in the ounce above it, which piece was well commended of Sir Richard Marten, and to be the best that he hath seen of that kind, since which time nothing hath been done in it, but the poor men have been at great charge here long in London, and in some measure have been relieved by me. And they in requital thereof have acquainted me with a new piece of work of a metal or bullion, which no man can make but themselves, and impossible to be counterfeited, the form whereof are made into pledges or tokens, and to serve instead of halfpence and farthings, which will abide as often melting as any sterling and with as little waste, and shall be malleable to the proof and forge as thin as any other silver. It will also 'neal and blanch as fair as need to be, as by the example appeareth.
The better sort of these pledges bear just as much silver as the Irish standard of that money, yet do they touch higher than that by 16d. in the ounce : having in it but a fourth part silver.
The second or baser sort have in them but one eighth part in silver, yet toucheth higher than the Irish money by 6d. in the ounce; being likewise malleable will forge as well as any silver, and will blanch very fair and white, and in melting will waste no more than ordinary silver.
If her Majesty will be pleased to find silver, copper, fire, workmen and all other charges for the better sort, it will stand her Highness in 18d. or 20d. the ounce at the most, and then allowing for the medicine and other charges 12d. the ounce. Then will the whole stand her Majesty in 2s. 6d. the ounce, which being put abroad as current for halfpence and farthings, will yield 5s. the ounce.
If her Majesty do the like for the second or baser sort, they will stand her Majesty with all charges but in 12d. the ounce, and for the medicine and other charges 8d. the ounce.
If her Majesty please not to be at the charge, we will take the matter upon us and find all charges, and we will yield her Majesty 4s. the ounce for the same, and take it weekly at her Majesty's hands and pay current money the same.
If her Majesty like of the bullion with a purpose to make a coin thereof, we humbly desire to have a place to work in by ourselves in the Tower.
If her Majesty like to have this made current, then we desire that by indenture a piece of the said bullion may be made and delivered according to the Irish standard of the better sort of pledges or tokens.
The like piece to be made of the second or baser sort, which shall contain but half so much silver as the better sort.
Upon every coining according to the order of the Mint, the Controller and other her Majesty's officers may come and take forth certain pieces of the same to be put into a pyx, and so thereof accordingly trial may be made.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1601. Primo die Decembris—Typper concerning halfpence and farthings.” 2½ pp. (88. 79, 80.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 1. This poor man, Peter Loyson, of Flushing, having been hired with his ship to sail towards Spain with certain cordage, for considerations best known to your Honour, was apprehended there, his ship confiscated and himself condemned to the galleys, as by his petition hereinclosed may appear. But now being escaped and returned to Flushing, he is very earnestly recommended unto me from the Estates of Zealand, that I should be a mean for his relief herein; and I pray you vouchsafe the poor man such relief as shall be thought meet.—From Clapham, this first of December 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (183. 88.)
Captain John Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Dec. 2.] By this gentleman Mr. Levinus, your attendant, I understand that you personally, in regard of more important businesses, cannot be at our christening. Although it would have been a most special grace unto me, your will be done herein as in all that may concern me. May it please you to dispose your gentleman to be at my father-in-law's house on Saturday next in the afternoon, about the hours of 2 or 3.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“2 Dec. 1601.” Seal, broken. ½ p. (89. 137.)
The Queen to King James.
1601, Dec. 2. Letter commencing, “My dear Brother, never was there yet prince nor meaner wight.” Ending, “Your most affectionate sister, E. R.”
Endorsed :—“2 December 1601. Minute of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scottes with her own hand sent by the D. of Lennox.” 1 p. (134. 17.)
[Printed. Camden Soc. publications. O. S. XLVI., p. 140.]
Court of Wards.
[1601, Dec. 2.] Petition of the Committee of John Bullor, gent., the Queen's ward, to Sir R. Cecil, for the promised allowance of 6l. yearly for the exhibition of the ward.
Note by Cecil : let a warrant be made.
Endorsed :—“2 Dec. 1601.” (P. 237.)
Sir Francis Stonor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 3. Being most desirous to acknowledge your favour vouchsafed me to her Majesty this summer at Basing, I make bold to present you by bearer four pieces of gilt leather hangings towards the furniture of your new house.—London, 3 December 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 141.)
Ferdinand Cardinus to the Rector of the Jesuit College, Antwerp.
1601, Dec. 3/13. Nineteen of their Society were sent forth to Brazil by the Society, his Catholic Majesty and the General of the Order, but on the threshold of their voyage from Lisbon they were taken by two English ships of war. Eleven of them were put on shore in Portugal, the other eight carried into England. Of these the eldest, worn with age and disease and overcome by the sea voyage, died. The English have chosen the writer out of the rest to be detained as a hostage, to be exchanged for an English knight, whose name he does not know, who is a prisoner in Flanders. Prays him to induce the Archduke to effect the exchange, that he may regain his liberty.—Plymouth, Ides of December 1601.
Latin. Holograph. 1 p. (89. 144.)
[See Sir John Gilbert's letter above, p. 493.]
Three letters to the same effect, addressed respectively to the Provincial of the Society of Jesus, Antwerp; Francis Costero, of the Society of Jesus, Antwerp; and the Archduke Albert.—All dated, Plymouth, Ides of December 1601.
Latin. 3 pp. (89. 145, 146 and 147.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 4. I cannot conceive, in so short a time and in so small an absence, how so great a change is happened in you. For in the beginning of my suit to her Majesty, I was doubtful to enter thereinto, both for the want I had of friends and the doubt of the Carys. But I was encouraged by you, who did not only assure me to be an assured friend unto me, but further did undertake to move it to her; which you so well performed that, after some dispute, her Majesty was contented. I was promised favour, that I should have assistance of her Majesty's counsel in law, that I should have expedition. But for favour, the other party hitherto hath found much more; her Majesty's counsel hath been more, nay only, against me; the expedition hath been such that what might have been done in one month is now almost a year deferred. At my departure from Greenwich, what good words you gave me and what assurance of your constancy to me, if you have forgotten, it is in vain for me to remember. Now, besides the alteration which I find in the style of your letters, Cauley hath told me that you are exempted, and that Cary complains as it were of your partiality. When I took my leave of her Majesty, she used me very graciously, and moreover gave me these words, that she doubted not, for all that was said to the contrary, but that the escheat of Sir Charles Davers would fall out well, and that with all her heart she wished it and meant it to me. I was glad to hear her and thought myself greatly beholden to you; for I myself had never yet speech with her; wherefore I did and do still impute this her good mind to your friendly dealing towards me. Now the cause falling out to be good and by course of law her Majesty's, it is justice that her Majesty may bestow the same at her pleasure, and if she be willing to give it me, I do not see in reason how partiality should or can be imputed to you; and the matter lying thus in the balance of justice, I do not see but both for your promise' sake even from the beginning, and for the alliance which is between you and me, without any just imputation of partiality you may as well and with as great honour end as begin it. And whereas you assure me the Lord Treasurer is now very willing to further me, I am very glad if it so prove, for I have need of as many good friends as I can get, and if I could I would seek all the adversaries I have in this cause to make them my friends, whereof I stand in so much need; and yet, when I had done all, I would especially think myself beholden to you, on whom, for all these discouragements past, I do only rely. I have written to her Majesty, and received a most gracious answer to do me good in all that she can, and that she will speak with you about it. Now therefore it is in your power alone, I know it, that if you will deal for me, as I have cause to believe, that it may have an end according to mine expectation. The Attorney hath had a device indeed, as you know if you list, by referring it to judges to delay the cause, whereby wearying me with an unreasonable time he might procure an agreement, whereto I will never agree, or else an extenuation or utter overthrow of her Majesty's liberality towards me. But my counsel doth fully advise me that if it be her Majesty's pleasure to have a short end thereof, then to grant it me de bene esse, quantum in nos est, wherein if it please you to hear, then I doubt not but they are able to satisfy you. I earnestly desire that, howsoever, there might be an end, for as it hath hitherto been handled, if it were to begin again, I would never enter into it; and if I cannot obtain it, yet an end as it is fallen out is somewhat.—4 December 1601.
Holograph. 2 pp. (89. 148.)
Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 4. Having at this instant received these enclosed from a justice of the peace of Berkshire, I thought fit to send it you, who by your intelligence can better discern of it than these wandering reports; but yet it is not amiss that you see all, and by comparing many advertisements together, you shall better discern of a truth.—At my house in Aldersgate Street, this 4th of December, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 149.)
Mathew Greensmith to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Dec. 4.] The King of Denmark, it appears, is glad to find occasion to be doing with Sweden, partly for lack of payments of moneys promised in the contracts between the two Kings in the last wars; and partly, divers grievances now committed in these late troubles, as well by the King of Poland as also Duke Charles; and partly, his youthful years cannot well digest peace. So that the speech is wholly that the next summer there will be wars between both princes, except God turn it otherwise, which God grant, or else many a poor seafaring man and merchant will smart for it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Emden, 4 December 1601.” Seal. ½ p. (89. 150.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 5. About six months past, at my suit here in the Fleet, the Lords of the Council wrote to certain commissioners to examine three causes of mine depending for debt between Serjeant Hele, Hugh Myddleton, goldsmith, and one Edward Sherland, executor to Henry Sherland, late of London, linendraper. They could not bring Sherland by any means to accept what they thought in conscience and equity fit, and certified accordingly. Very shortly after I moved her Majesty to wish my Lord Keeper to bring to some good end the foresaid three causes. But my Lord hath so dealt in them that whereas I assured myself some relief by her Majesty's favour, I am by his proceedings undone. Beside, upon my petition lately to her Highness (by whose means I know not, but it may easily be guessed) her Majesty is most falsely informed; which if I prove not, having hearing, and also what I write of my Lord Keeper, let me be hanged at the Court gates.
I beseech you for the knowledge and acquaintance hath been between me and your house, and the good mind to my power I have always borne you, let me have some end.—Fleet, 5 December 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (89. 151.)
Jo. Bredgate, Mayor of Dover, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 5. This bearer Thomas Douglas, servant to you (as he saith), having licence from you to pass over the sea, stayed here longer than he expected by reason the wind and convenient passage would not suffer him to take shipping; and being lately at sea, was by sudden storms [driven] to come to land again, and cannot finish his journey within the time limited in your licence. He hath entreated me to make certificate thereof.—At Dover, 5 December 1601.
Signed. Seal, broken. ½ p. 510 (89. 152.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 5. On Tuesday last I received from Sir John Gilbert the Jesuit, according to your order. And as Sir J. Gilbert intendeth to send from hence the greater part of these Jesuits to procure the liberty of divers Englishmen in Spain and Portugal, this Jesuit also is desirous to seek his liberty by the best means he may, and hath written to the Archduke and others his friends the letters that go herewith. (See p. 510). He prayeth, if these letters take no effect with the Archduke, he may understand thereof [with convenient speed.—Plymouth, 5 December, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 153.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 6. I humbly thank you to vouchsafe me answer; whatsoever shall please you shall well content me, yet beseeching you not to doubt of the goodness of my cause, neither to think I am so lewd or unadvised to write or say to any, many degrees under you, what shall not be true.—6 December, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (89. 154.)
John Osborne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 6. Perusing my notes of some records in my office concerning yesterday's committee, I have inclosed the materialest, in some whereof you may discern how the King did charge the maritime shires by way of contribution, and sometime by way of taxation, as the Abbot of Reading. Tho' they do not altogether conform with the matter in hand, yet they will not be unwelcome to you, because they be ancient and of the same kind, and per-adventure some piece of them may by your wisdom help to advance on the matter.—6 December 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. John Osborne, of the Exchequer, to my master.” Seal. ½ p. (89. 155.)
John Allsop to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 6. In the end of August last, the Merchants Adventurers requested me, a brother of their company, to travel to the Emperor's Court, there to deliver the Queen's letter to the Emperor and to procure an answer. Accordingly, the 10th of September, because the Emperor admitteth not the access even of the greatest persons, I delivered the same to Baron Charles of Leichtenstein, lord High Steward, with several request to him and the other three privy councillors, Carodutius the Vice-chancellor, the Herr of Hornstein, and Beruitius, principal Secretary, to further a respective answer. But finding that with fair promises (while dangerous practices against the Merchants were plotting) I was delayed six weeks together, I ceased my former suit and desired to be dismissed with a receipt for the letter I delivered; which, together with some shew of discontentment that I made, procured a letter to the Queen from the Emperor to be delivered unto me the 6th of November by Secretary Beruitius, the copy whereof, though I made suit for, was denied me. Afterward I gave no ear to persuasions of longer abode there, but departed sooner—as I might well perceive—than they desired. Which letter of the Emperor's will be delivered to you by the Merchants aforesaid.
Furthermore, I cannot in duty but let you know that afore my setting forth on this journey, rumours of intended confiscation of the Merchants' goods were spread in these parts, first coming from Andreas Haniwaldt, councillor to the Emperor in the Reichs-Hoffrath, and then his commissioner in East Friesland; and at my being at the Emperor's court, except I would wilfully stop my ears and eyes, I could not but hear and see the same to be still in train and working. For about the end of September, jointly with her Majesty's letter, an information of the Hoffkhamber, that the Merchants Adventurers' goods might be arrested, and the manner how, was by the Emperor's commandment committed to the consideration of the Reichs-Hoffrath, whose resolution and confirmation of the same was set down the 18th October, how dangerously for the Merchants I need not amplify, but leave it to your judgment upon the perusing of these enclosed copies both of the one and the other, obtained by secret and extraordinary means. From which 18 October till my departing from Prague, being the 10th of November, I could not learn (though I diligently enquired) any alteration, but rather more appearance of the eminency of the danger. For whereas the examination of the truth of the information seemeth to be committed to the Baron of Minckwitz afore he should lay the arrest, the Agent of Lubeck, upon the 2nd of November, preferred an inquiry made of this cause, proving by the deposition of 18 such witnesses as the law requireth, that of those English Merchants now commorant at Stoad, some are the very same and some are the factors and servants of other who in anno '97 were thence by the mandate expelled; inferring that without further enquiry these were those Merchants Adventurers liable to the mandate. Whether this was approved or not, I do not know, but at the same time it was determined that the said agent should presently depart for Lubeck to persuade the deputies of the Hanse towns to continue their assembly, by assuring them of the Emperor's commissioner, the Baron of Minckwitz his not only speedy coming, but bringing instructions in matters to their contentments.
At my return hither the 22nd of November, considering the suddenness of danger toward the Merchants in this place in likelihood was such as might not attend directions out of England from their masters, I acquainted some of the discreetest amongst them with so much as was needful to ground their beliefs, and with their consents informed likewise the principal of the magistrates, requiring of them, in case such arrest should be made or offered to be made, to know what they would do for relaxation thereof and keeping the Merchants harmless. Who after some delays gave the promise to the Merchants that as much as in them lieth they would save them harmless, using persuasion that no such danger could be toward; but if a course by ghewaldt (that is by force against justice) should be held, they were in no better case than the Merchants, and one calamity common to them both.
This answer of the magistrate notwithstanding, it was by those Merchants thought meet that all the rest of them having charge on their hands should be secretly admonished, that without disadvantage every one might provide for his own safety. Which is in so good sort performed that very little remains of their wares unuttered. This commissioner is not yet come to Lubeck, but daily expected, and preparation made for his entertainment, who at his coming understanding this town to be now so cleared of the English Merchants' goods, may (if it rest in his discretion) defer the arrest till a time of more advantage; which to prevent, and in time to provide for the current course of trade and ample vending of English cloth, the chief commodity of our realm, your wisdom will no doubt find necessary, wherein, or in any other service I shall be able to do, I rest at your commandment.—From Stoad, this 6 of December 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (89. 156, 157.)
The Countess Dowager of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 6. Honourable cousin. But that I have not been well these twelve or fourteen days, nor am in case yet to come forth of my chamber, I had gone to you myself, instead of writing, to entreat this favour, that whereas Francis Tunstall, of Aldclyff, gentleman, hath one and twenty years yet to come in the rectory of Lancaster for the yearly rent of 40l. 6s., you will yield your best means for a lease of the same in reversion for thirty one years more to William Tunstall, son and heir of the said Francis, and to William Tunstall, son and heir of the said William. I will take it as a great favour if my desire may prevail in this.—York House, this 6th of December 1601.
[PS. Holograph.]—I must entreat pardon for not writing with my own hand, my sickness hath been the cause to which I hope you will impute this times fault. Yet by these lines must I not forget to remember my love to yourself.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (183. 76.)
Richard Lowther to Sir John Stanhope.
1601, Dec. 8. Give me leave to suit your countenance in an accident lately and unfortunately befallen my only daughter and comfort; whose husband, Thomas Cleyburne, being her Majesty's ward, entered to his living and estate by supposition of his full age about a year since, though he is not of full age till January next. After his entry, his two uncles, Humfrey Wharton and Thomas Cleyburne, so humoured my son-in-law that they obtained of him a lease of most of his estate, the discontent whereof, with their hard usage of him, hath of late absolutely distracted him and brought him into a raging frenzy. Since they are forced by his distemperature to restrain him by force, so as the expectation is what effect this restraint will produce; but the general fear is either a settled madness or a lunacy. My suit is, I may be his governor in favour of [my] daughter and her child, and that she and the little estate that is left may not fall into the hands of strangers : and in this, as in all other my suits to her Majesty, you shall equally participate of one half of the profit.—From Lowther, 8 December 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (89. 158.)
Jane, Lady Lovell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 10. This bearer, my late servant, of my knowledge is a man often subject to great extremities of sickness and not able to continue in service as heretofore, and is compelled to go to his friends in Essex for the better recovery of his health. And whereas some of the inhabitants of the parish where his friends dwell have in times past, when upon the like occasion he hath been there resident, notwithstanding his sickly estate, upon some private grudge procured warrants from some justices of peace and attached his body, to press him to serve her Majesty in the wars; he fearing still the like attempts, my earnest request is that it would please you to sign this enclosed, or some other, for a sufficient protection against them.—At my lodging, this 10th of December 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 159.)
Enclosed :
Draft of warrant to John Wright, of Kelvedon, Essex, gent., to receive and retain in his dwelling house, called Kelvedon Hall, the body of Francis Lockley, late servant of Lady Lovell, of London, widow, till he receive commandment to the contrary.
Unsigned. ½ p. (89. 160.)
Lord Darcy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 10. I perceive by my Lord of Shrewsbury's letters your desire is to have a part of the conveyance of such lands as lately I had from her Majesty of Rothwell Hay and Round Hay, for the better satisfaction of Mr. Fretchvyle touching his sister's jointure; which you shall command at my hand, and I am content it shall be at your free dispose. Yet forasmuch as I am informed that her Majesty, my Lord Keeper, my Lord Treasurer, and yourself have had information to my dishonour, that hitherto I have lived in the course of my life incontinently, which I much detest, and by indirect courses have been drawn to disinherit my son, from which foul scandal, upon mine honour, I am free : and as that information hath been published in many parts of the country, of which I might be ashamed if my conscience did not acquit me,—I am resolved that this next term, God willing, or before, if the weather will permit my travel, to come to London, and do not doubt to give her Majesty satisfaction of that foul scandal laid unto my charge. At which time I will bring my book unto you to rest at your dispose, and in the meantime desire you to think of me as one that hateth so dishonourable a life as I am scandaled withal. As for wronging my grandchild, I thought to give you some taste of my dealings with him. I have lived, as my father did before me, of the old rents of my land. I have made little profit of fines, my living is not great, and upon mine honour I have estated all my land upon him. I leave him in rents as much as ever my father left me, and more, in regard that both his mother's portion and his wife's portion I have bestowed it in land and conveyed it upon my house; nor have I leased anything but such as I did reserve unto myself to sell, lease and dispose of at my pleasure, upon the marriage of my son his father long before he was born. For my daughter's jointure, upon my honour, I have passed it unto her as sure as any law can devise since her Majesty was pleased to bestow it of me, and that this is true, upon my coming up you shall I hope receive satisfaction. What leases I have made to Mr. Rye, I have done upon good consideration, and nothing but I hope I may lawfully justify, and I best know he hath deserved them; and my son and his friends shall show much folly to impeach them. Let me have notice of such persons as have given these informations unto you.—From Aston, this 10th of December 1601.
Signed. 1½ pp. (89. 161.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 11. Giving particulars how far he had proceeded in the six weeks' victuals to be sent for Ireland. As to further victualling, the greater benefit will be to him if he may victual in Lent, and he begs Cecil's favour therein.—Plymouth, 11 December 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 162.)
Nicholas Smith, Customer of Yarmouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 11. Having on Sunday last, by this bearer, delivered my petition unto the Queen's Majesty, and the same by her Highness then delivered over unto you; I most humbly pray for an answer. The matter touches the decrease of the customs.—11 December 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 163.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 11. I received your letter the 9 of December at 9 of the clock in the morning, and presently sent my man and horse to Wells unto Dr. Borne; which returned me answer that part of the business he is to effect in Wells and the rest in Bristol, and that with all speed he would do it, and would be with me as this day in Bristol. I hear not from him, but when he cometh or send[eth], I will advertise you. There was delivered this day a letter unto my servant, I not being within, which I have sent here unto you. I received this day at 7 of the clock in the evening a letter from you concerning one John Thomas Jones. Presently, I caused a privy search to be made for him, and as yet I cannot learn of him, but will continue the search more. I have sent unto all the lodgings near the city to make inquiry for him; if he come hither, I will be sure of him. I would know your pleasure concerning Jenkinson and Nowell, which are in prison; they have made great suit unto me for their release.—At Bristol, 11 December 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 165.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 11. In the setting down of the captains who are to go into Ire and, I beseech you to have my cousin, Thomas Jobson, in mind. He is a gentleman well born, and hath spent much time in the wars.—At Baynard's Castle, the 11 of Dec. 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 89.)
Edward Page to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 12. I crave your accustomed furtherance in aid of such travellers as I am, that have delivered some moneys into the hands of Mr. Morgan in Ireland, upon exchange to be paid in London according to her Majesty's proclamation; which I have attended since my coming, and yet without certainty of receiving thereof, to my great loss and hindrance in my business, being licensed by the Lord Deputy and lord President but for three months and then to return.
I have a cause depending in Chancery, to be heard next term, about the will of my father (sometimes her Majesty's Gentleman Harbinger). My absence about the affairs of Ireland for my Lord of Limbryke [Limerick] and the state may prejudice me in the opinion of the vulgar, if you do not, for his sake for whom I adventured my being there, move my lord Keeper for lawful favour to my cause, and despatch therein. My adversary is my brother's wife, allied to the Lord Wentford, and by that alliance maketh great friends to overbear the cause by reason of my absence. And further, upon the certainty of the overthrow of our enemies in Ireland, if you give me leave, upon the re-establishing of peace in Ireland, especially in Munster, to give some notes after my 9 years' experience to your consideration, I would gladly before my return do my duty therein.—12 December 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 166.)
Captain John Woode to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 12. I think it very convenient that the forces in Munster were victualled for other three months; the whole number of 8,000 may now be done with biscuit, beef, pork, butter, cheese, peas, oatmeal, herrings and Newland fish, which are all good victuals and such as will keep well. If it please you, they will be fitted for the foresaid number till the last of May, which is very needful, were they no more but our own forces; yet I hear many of the Irish come to serve for her Majesty, which must likewise be relieved, which will shorten it so much the sooner. But say that the one half of the forces should be dissolved, then will it be the longer ere they shall need a new supply. And say they should want, it is impossible to furnish them with any till the middle of June, and that will be with nothing but butter only. For cheese, there will be none transportable till Bartholomewtide; beef and pork, out of season to be made, and at unreasonable prices henceforwards, whereas now I will undertake within these thirty days to ship the full as aforesaid. For money, I will crave only three thousand pounds imprest, and the remain I will stay for till I bring certificate of the whole shipped away, which will amount unto thirteen thousand and odd pounds.—12 December 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (89. 167.)
Octavius, Bishop of Icaria, Papal Nuncio, to John Skinner.
1601, Dec. 12/22. Your letters have been faithfully delivered to us, and we thank you for so promptly acceding to our request. We grieve that the event was not answerable to your pious labours, and that the magnates would not listen to you, but we hope that others may succeed better. Our cure looks not so much to the means as to the end, and we trust that in good time God will exalt His church, save His sons and give quiet to the Commonwealth of Christians.—At Newport, in Flanders, 22 December 1601.
PS.—L. quam accepimus nobis gratum. Et licet justo titulo illum acceperimus, nihilominus abstinuissemus postmodum illum penes nos habere ob inanes suspiciones ni D. V. offenderetur. Quare pro cura et diligentia adhibita maximas illi gratias habemus.
Latin. Signed. Addressed :—“Generoso domino Joanni Schinero, Caletum.” Endorsed :—“Skynner's papers.” 1½ pp. (183. 90.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 13. The 7th of this month, I received your packet in Barnstaple by the Mayor, being dated 12 November at 10 of the clock at night; and demanding a reason of his delay in sending them to sea, he answered that your pleasure was not to send a purpose bark with them; but in regard your letters dated 30 November did stay at Padstow for want of a fair wind, I acquainted my Lord of Bath with the mayor's slackness, and received the packet from the mayor and so sent both the packets together by a purpose bark, the post bark being gone over with letters from my Lord Admiral to the fleet.—Padstow, 13 December 1601.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (89. 168.)
Nicholas Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 14. I have sounded my father concerning Derick's house, wherein I find him slow to part with that he hath : notwithstanding, I have handled the matter so as I think, if you write unto him, and allege the causes that make you desire it, he will return you an answer to your contentment.
Since my coming home, I hear that the poor men in whose behalf I have been a suitor pray heartily for you, and hold themselves exceedingly bound to you, but they fear the malice of the puritans will be a cause of their continual persecution. Their oppressions without doubt are great, and they are now so poor as, except some mitigation be in short space, a number must beg. I beseech you to be a means they may have some ease, and no doubt you shall win great honour, and be misliked of none but such as already love you not.—Coodhill, 14 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 1.)
Richard Topclyffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 14. I lately wrote of two monstrous traitors : one John Petty, sometime of her Majesty's guard, a desperate ruffian, and a serpent against you : the other, a base clown, of a cowardly disposition, dwelling amongst wild mountains, but daring to sting with his tongue the sacred fame even of her Majesty. At my last being at Court, I revealed to the Queen herself that clown's scandalous speeches; and her pleasure was that I should apprehend him discreetly. Since that time the clown has been forth of his country : but I have enclosed in my letter to the Queen a true copy of the accusation and the speeches used by the clown. When I have apprehended him, and have him in my house, I mean that, with mild usage (I hope), he will utter the truth of all things needful, and that then more testimony will spring up. I would ask for a commission under the Council's seal, as I had in my Lord Burghley's time : I shall then be strongly armed against this vaunting slanderer, or any such monstrous viper, among those mountains in the Peak, if he lurk within the devil's den (usually called the “Devil's Arse”); and against the traitorous lawyer against whom I have proof of disloyal persuasions; or against such as Petty. There are in the parish where this clown dwells, above 100 persons, none of them known to be christened, all born since the beginning of the Queen's reign, where there have been harboured above 50 seminary priests and Jesuits whom I can name. If it be needful to root up some one proved weed in this winter season, for example's sake, such as this clown, or Petty, or others, then, when I have my commission, I am apter and readier to adventure any danger than to follow any Christmas delights or other pleasures. Unspeakably has her Majesty bound me with her sacred conceit and defence of my credit in the desperate times I have lived in, who have seen six rebellions. I refer what concerns Petty to the bearer, my son Charles.—Umerbye, 14 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. 2 pp. (90. 2.)
E. Drake to Richard Drake, his uncle.
1601, Dec. 14. Of a wardship which he has bought, apparently at Ford, in which one Davies is thwarting him. Prays Drake to procure Mr. Secretary's favour for him in the matter. As to the payment of his debts. Sends by the bearer a young horse to his cousin Francis Drake.—Ash, 14 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (90. 3.)
Francis Barnby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 15. For two urgent necessities, Mr. Blewyte, Dr. Bagshawe and those whom not long ago you, amongst the rest of the Council, had favourably dismissed out of the land to prosecute some causes well known to you, were constrained to send back some one of their company to acquaint you and the rest that sent us with our proceedings and success; and also to labour amongst our friends in England for money and other important means, without which, the cause which we have undertaken by your favourable aid and consent would shortly be overthrown, to our utter ruin and perpetual discredit; as also to no small harm and damage of our dearest country. As both they and the Bishop of Tricana (one that wishes to you in particular all happiness, and for the rare report which Duke Virgineo Ursino, a Roman, and others, both English, French and Flemish, have made of your wisdom and virtuous disposition of nature and qualities of your honourable mind) desires your acquaintance, if with both your good it might be : he, I say, and they have persuaded me to undertake this journey, as being better able to despatch and return with speed, because of my younger years and stronger constitution of body, which may better endure the storms of winter seafaring, than either of the other two. Now therefore, having adventured upon hope of your permission, it was my fortune to be driven into the port of Dover, where I was known, and so stayed until it shall please you to free me, or command me to come forward. My letters from the Nuntius to our Archpriest and others, I have kept as yet to the end they may have more full effect when by your permission I may deliver them, with that message which shall most advantage this cause against our adversaries, who (by reason of a breve come forth of late by the surreption and false information of Fa. Parsons) have almost drawn from us all our chiefest friends. So the cause would ruin, unless by your licence I may go forward with the business, which with your liking was begun. Desiring you would admit without disdain my humble suit, so rudely proposed as this short time and little opportunity will permit (I being committed to the strait keeping of the bailiff of this town).—15 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “Barnby.” Noted on the back :—“Canterbury past 8 at night. Settingborne paste 12 at night. Rochester allmost at 3 in the moringe, the 16 day. Darford at allmost 8 in the morning.” Endorsed :—“Francis Barckley, the priest.” 2 pp. (90. 4.)
Thomas Nicholson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Dec. 15. Has been a suitor to Cecil for a long time, and a month since the Duke of Lennox desired Mr. Henry Lok to speak to Cecil in his favour, as the Duke did at his parting : yet he has heard nothing of Cecil's will, though he wrote lately to Lok entreating him to bemoan his distress to Cecil. Prays Cecil to direct Lok to see him (the writer), so that Cecil may hear from Lok what he shall deliver.—15 Dec. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 5.)