Cecil Papers: November 1601, 11-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1601, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp491-499 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1601, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp491-499.

"Cecil Papers: November 1601, 11-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp491-499.

November 1601, 11–20

James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 11. The Duke [of Lennox] requesteth your pass for a servant of his to France, named James Robinson, whom he sendeth over to despatch his baggage to Scotland by sea, and that your pass may serve for his return if weather put him upon any part of this coast; and that the pass may prohibit the searchers of ports to break up or search any of his lordship's trunks or coffers or any other part of his baggage. He maketh haste to be over for this service.—London, 11 November 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 98.)
Dr. John Nowell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 11. I have buried, according to your direction, my Lord of Desmond. His necessary charges for his lodging in my house, my counsel unto him, his physic taken and funeral charges, I have in a bill ready to show you, no part whereof as yet being paid, although I have demanded it of Morris Shean, my Lord's man, who hath at all times received the money by your appointment, rather, as I understand, to his own use than to my Lord's, for he hath already paid out the last hundred pound without his lord's privity—how no man knows, being sent by you especially, as I take it, towards the charge of my Lord's running, if God had so permitted. Wherefore I entreat that the money due to me may, by your warrant to Morris Shean, be defrayed; who have taken what pains was fit, both in health, sickness, and after the death of my Lord, always in honesty for his honour, and never respecting any private benefit to myself.—11 November 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 99.)
Sir Henry Wallop to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 11. I received yesterday my Lord's letters to my Lord Deputy for the reducement of the ward of Eniscorthy to the number of 20 persons to be furnished from time to time by myself. Because I know right well that your particular recommendation will give as much if not more life to my cause than the general letters, I beseech you to bestow two or three words of your own hand upon me to my Lord Deputy, whereby he may espy my dependency upon you, which will not a little advance the business in hand.—From my house in Fleet Street, 11 November 1601.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (89. 100.)
William Parker, Mayor of Plymouth, to Lord Admiral Nottingham.
1601, Nov. 11. I found one Dodge, the foot post, this present day, whereupon I took his examination herein enclosed, as you commanded me in your former letter about Capt. Kenion, for the monies he brought home, parcel whereof is about him and the rest is in the hands and custody of his brother-in-law.
Farther, I beseech you to stand our friend in the Parliament house concerning our watercourse which Sir Francis Drake brought hither to Plymouth; for if our water be taken away, our town is not able to live, neither are her Majesty's nor her subjects' ships able to be supplied with water, nor her army to be so well fitted with bread and beer.
Sir John Gilbert giveth out speeches here that he will break the back of the mayor and the town; wherefore I pray you to take knowledge of another examination taken touching the said Sir John, herewithal likewise sent, and to stand my good lord (as you have hitherunto ever done) for redressing of this matter.—Plymouth, 11 November 1601.
Signed. On the back :—“From Plimmouth the 11 of November 1601 att twoe of the clocke in the afternoone. hast hast hast hast for life. At Aishburton halfe aneour past . . . in the night. Exeter at 9 in the mornig the 12 daye. Hunyton twelffe a clock at nown 12 of November. Crewkern at 6 at night Novem. 12. Shafton at . . . of the cloke in the mornig. Sarum 12 a cloke. Andever at [8?] at night being Friday, at Harvert Brege at 6 of the cloke in the morning.” 1 p. (89. 102.)
The Enclosure :
Examination and complaint of Samuel Bodley, of Plymouth, merchant, and Thomasine his wife, taken before Wm. Parker, gent., mayor of Plymouth, 11 Nov. 1601.—Said Thomasine saith, that Sir John Gilbert on the 9th inst. came into her house and inquired for a man, being boatswain of his ship whom examinate answered that she knew not whether he were there or no, which Sir John would not believe, but searched her house himself, without any constable or officer, whereupon he found the said boatswain in the chamber, which examinate verily thought was not in the house. Upon which Sir John, using contemptuous words, said, “What rascally whore bitches be this?” saying farther, “By God's precious wounds, I will ransack thy house!” And for all that he had searched and found the said boatswain, yet did Sir John make farther search in her house, and did beat her servant, saying he would be revenged of them.
Signed. 1 p. (89. 101.)
Copy of the above examination, subjoined to an abstract of letter from Wm. Parker to Lord Nottingham, of 10 November 1601.
½ p. (89. 112.)
Abraham Campion to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 11. As to the wardship of his nephew Francis Albany, son of his sister Albany, now married to Sir Francis Lacon. His sister prays that a lease out of the lands of her jointure from Francis Albany may be granted to his brother William and himself, for the benefit of the ward.—Nov. 11, 1601.
1 p. (1926.)
Cinque Ports.
1601, Nov. 12. Muster of the Cinque Ports.—12 Nov. 1601.
Imperfect. (210. 3.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 13. According to your letter I have made stay of one of my best Jesuits, for whose delivery to any that you shall appoint, as also how I may dispose of the rest, I desire your further directions. Many are desirous of them to redeem their friends, prisoners in Spain; but they are such perilous fellows as I dare not trust them with any unless I be warranted for it by your Honours. Divers books and relics were taken with them, which I have been careful to get into my hands, to the end they might not be dispersed the whole country over, and do keep them till they may be viewed by such commissioners as you shall appoint to call in and view all the books. I have troubled you and my Lords with a complaint against the mayor, being urged thereunto by his insolent and cross dealing with me in the Queen's affairs, so far as I could never have endured it had I not hoped that your Honours would have righted my reputation therein. I protest to God, I bare him no malice nor gave him cause of any doubt of my love, but endeavoured myself by all means to win the love of the town. Notwithstanding, such insufferable injuries are still heaped on me by this mayor as I am forced to seek remedy thereof from your Honours, to whose favour I appeal.—From the Fort, the 13th of November 1601.
By reason of my great businesses in London, I crave your leave to come up.
Holograph. 3 seals. 1 p. (89. 105.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil, her uncle.
1601, Nov. 13. These come to trouble you in a cause that nearly and presently concerns my Lord and me, who through the speedy and great payments we were commanded to make to the Queen's Majesty, be now enforced to make sale of more land. To this end my Lord hath preferred a bill in Parliament, of the same effect that his father did at the last, when my Lord Mountjoy, who was in coparcenery seised of those lands jointly with the said Marquis, did also prefer and passed his bill giving him freedom to dispose of those lands at his pleasure descended from the Lord Brooke. The stop to my late lord Marquis' bill then was my lord my grandfather's providence, who doubted if he had been absolute lord in those lands he would have disposed them to his base sons. The stay now why my Lord is not like to pass this bill is that my cousin Grevel seemeth doubtful or discontented therewith, alleging, though upon a question with my brother Edward, no greater cause than unkindness in that he was not made privy before the bill was read, which indeed was by evil fortune I could not find him at the Court, and not for any other default of me or my officers, without whose direction or desire the bill was read before it should have been. Now, Sir, if there be no greater matter, I beseech you undertake to satisfy him for me, and to desire him to do my lord as much kindness this Parliament in the very self same tiled [sic] land as he did my Lord Mountjoy in the last. And though there may be a difference in his friendship to him and to us, yet there can be no difference of reason, equity and courtesy, no more is there of any prejudice unto him in any manner of sense; neither did he, as I am informed, any way oppose against the bill preferred by my Lord's father the last Parliament. The cause I desire it is only for that these lands lie far off Basing, and these being not freed, I must sell near Basing, which I will rather do than be driven to any charge in composition, which by the preceding bill past appears only a matter of thanks and courtesy : again intreating you very earnestly to obtain for me my cousin Grevel's favour in this bill, the force whereof by no possibility can be prejudicial to him nor his.—From the Augustine Friars, 13 November 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (89. 106.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 13. I heartily pray you to peruse these notes enclosed against the Bill now propounded in the Lower House touching pluralities. The shortness of the time hath caused me to set them down in this brevity; but they shall be justified every one of them if need be.—From Lambeth, this 13th of November 1601.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (89. 107.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 14. I received this enclosed letter from the Lord of Dunsany, importing his grievances, wherewith I thought fit to acquaint you, being the anchor hold of his hopes and fortune. I doubt not but you will procure him her Majesty's favour, in whose service he hath shewed himself as forward as any man of his quality in that realm.—14 November 1601.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (89. 104.)
E., Lady St. John to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 14. I am to crave your friendship in freeing my son Rice Gryffyn from the shrievalty of Rutlandshire, wherein he hath not any land either in possession or reversion, and yet standeth in the bill of election of sheriffs. As I do earnestly crave his discharge thereof, so do I acknowledge your kindnesses, for which I thank you.—Binfield, 14 November 1601.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (89. 108.)
George Shirley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 14. On the subject of a debt. Denies that he ever gave commission to Mr. Beeston or Mr. Cope to make any composition for him to the use pretended. It never appeared that Mr. Cuffe (with whom the pretended commission was said to have been made) was authorised by any warrant from Her Majesty to protect his (Shirley's) wife. Is very well contented to submit to yield such satisfaction as Cecil, upon examination, shall think fit to impose.—“From my Lodging in Fleet Street,” 14 November 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (89. 109.)
Sir Henry Bromley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Nov. 14. Join with the other lords in intercession to her Majesty for my enlargement. I am ready to redeem her favour with the last drop of my dearest blood. In the meantime I pray God to send you your heart's desire.—From the Tower, this 14th November.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 80.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 15. My ship which by your letters of the 11th of this present, I am commanded to make stay of, is gone with the Queen's ships, though not with such expedition as you willed and I was willing to perform. Stand assured that I will be always ready with a grateful mind to dispose myself to your service and fulfil your command to the uttermost of my power. And whereas you have willed me to make her ready for a voyage to the coast of Spain, at her Majesty's charge in the victuals, I would know whether the company now impressed in her shall be continued in pay during the whole voyage or but until her return from Ireland. If but until her return, then the company must be presently dismissed, which will be a great trouble and charge (the ship being ready to be gone) to be to seek of men for the voyage, the greatest part of our mariners being now from home. I would rather choose to continue them in pay until they were at sea, and then the captain may make offer unto them their choice of pay or thirds. With your packet I received a letter from Sir Walter Ralegh, willing me, if my ship were gone, to send for her, and in the meantime provide her supply of victuals; a man is now going, the wind being fair. Sir Walter Ralegh writeth that your Honour (sic) desireth to have half my ship. If so, then do I desire to bear half the victualling. Let me know for how long she shall be victualled, and whether you will accept of Tolkerne, now captain in her, whom I do think to be fit, being very valiant and a man well exercised in those affairs.—From the Fort by Plymouth, this 15 November, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1¼ pp. (89. 103.)
W., Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 15. I have sent the bearer my servant unto my Lords [of the Council] with one of the tripartite indentures of the late 300 men levied in this country of Devon for her Majesty's service in Ireland, with a brief schedule of what he is to receive for the coat and conduct for them; praying your furtherance for his speedy despatch, with such consideration for his travail therein (and for the payment of 600l. to Sir Thomas Tasborough) as you think convenient. About these last affairs, I have had occasion, being so near resident to Barnstaple, to observe the proceedings of all sorts of persons employed, and have as briefly as I could remembered my Lords in my letters of some necessary matters worthy to be reformed.—Tavistock, 15 November 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (89. 110.)
Samuel Norton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 15. The 6th of this month I received a letter from you and the rest of the Lords, the contents whereof I perused with no small grief, wherein you charge me and the rest that we have, hindered her Majesty's service by refusing good and serviceable horses. Pardon me, I must justify them all to be unserviceable, and especially those five which you have named. And those two horses of both the Archdeacons which you caused to be viewed by gentlemen of knowledge and judgment, I confess they were of stature to be allowed; but we found the Archdeacon of Colchester's horse was lean, old, having splint and spavin and wounded on the near leg behind; the other Archdeacon's horse, old and given to the scratches. As for the other three named by you, Sir John Goodwin's gray gelding and John Croke's sorrel roan, they were, besides other faults, over aged, which is the principal bane of the Irish service when they shall find no hay but ruffett, for aged and lean horses there are never able to get up or live out the winter. We have turned back none but such as are lame, blind, under stature or aged; such an one was Sir Edwin Sands' hobby, being of 12 handfuls height, as his own letter herein enclosed can specify. Lastly, we must protest that we did it in no other regard than for the insufficiencies of the horses. As for the men and persons named, they are to us but only known by name, and never gave us cause to shew them any discourtesy or indifferency. For Mr. Gorges' part and mine, we have been in these commissions these four years, and I hope you never heard of any indirect dealing by our hands, whereby you should have cause so sharply to reprove us as you have done in this service, wherein we never made such speedy expedition, with pains taken both by day and night; for after the whole number, being 1,025 footmen, were come, and the 208 horses were mustered, we viewed the arms for the foot, clothed and embarked both the foot and horse within four days. Finally, be not offended though I prefer this petition unto you, that you will spare my farther dealing herein, drawing now into some years and especially growing sickly; for which doing I shall think myself most bound.—From Lighe, 15 November 1601.
Signed. 2 pp. (89. 111.)
R. Carmarden to [Sir R. Cecil].
[1601, Nov. 16.] Petition for the wardship of the heir of Nicolas Cussens, Middlesex, butcher.
Endorsed :—“16 Nov. 1601.” ½ p. (P. 199.)
John Killigrew to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], Nov. 17. Proposing a plan for the satisfaction of the accounts depending between Mr. Locke and himself.
Concerning the lease betwixt him and his sister in controversy, craves, when his lawful right shall appear, that it might be disposed towards the relief of his poor family, being the only thing for 7 years left to relieve them, for that he had disposed all his other livings, amounting to 1,000l. yearly, for satisfaction of his creditors; having, since enjoying Cecil's protection, compounded for 6,000l. debts. For that it is bruited by his adversaries that he has no ways been burdened with his father's accounts, and yet has brought his estate to be desperate of recovery, he craves the reading of a brief and truly collected memorial of his estate.—Nov. 17.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (89. 113.)
George Stanbery, Mayor of Barnstaple, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 17. Your letters from the Court, the 12 November at 10 of the clock in the night, came to my hands at Barnstaple the 16th, early in the morning, with the enclosed to my lord Deputy in Ireland. For post bark, here is none, as you suppose, but if it be your pleasure, I will provide one to lie in readiness to answer all occasions hereafter, and in my poor opinion it will be very expedient during the time of this service. And whereas my Lords and you do much wonder how so much time could be spent before the forces departed, requiring me to certify you in whom the fault was, and that the conductors have certified the cause to be for want of the readiness of shipping; I beseech you to pardon my simple answer to these hard questions, wherein without affection I will say the truth, as it becometh me to do, agreeable to that in effect which myself and the other commissioners have formerly informed to all the Lords of the Privy Council,—which is, that if the conductors had been here in due time, we think the forces had been all in Ireland with the first fair wind, which because they came not was utterly lost.—From Barnstaple, 17 November 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (89. 114.)
G., Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 17. Sir Hampden Poulett is in some doubt that the shrievalty of Hampshire may be imposed on him, his name being in the roll of such as are to be presented unto her Majesty. In my desire to prevent it, knowing that it cannot but be a great trouble to him and hindrance unto her Majesty's service, being already charged with the deputy lieutenancy of that shire, and looking to the town of Portsmouth, I desire you to show unto her Majesty these reasons and be a means that he may be freed from the same, which I will number among the rest of your kind favours.—Blackfriars, this 17th of November 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (183. 81.)
Sir John Stanhope to Mr. [Richard] Percival, “attendant of Sir Robert Cecil.”
1601, Nov. 18. The bearer, Stephen Boynton, is my very honest neighbour in Yorkshire, and one I am beholding to, and therefore would willingly do him what pleasure I can. He is come post to the town about the wardship of an honest yeoman's son, his town neighbour, who is lately dead, called John Moore, in respect there was such love between them as there was a marriage intended between Moore's son and heir, about 11 years of age, and a daughter of his; in which respect he affecteth the wardship the rather.
His whole living is not 20 nobles a year of usual rent, and was accounted a freeholder of no better value. What he might make of it (occupying the most part of it in his own hands), I know not. I wish the man so well I would have written to Mr. Secretary in his behalf, because I know he will be very honestly careful of the education of the child, and bestowing him of his own daughter, but that he tells me one Mr. Ostcliff, an attorney, was with you yesternight therein from this bearer; and therefore I thought good to recommend him to yourself to be a mean that he may have the preferment of him, rather than some other young man that may chance seek him only to make a gain of him; because I hear that a younger brother of Mr. Stapilton, of Carleton, means also to come up about it, and they being men of need are like enough to make a prey of the ward if they have him.—Gray's Inn, 18 November 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (89. 115.)
Sir Richard Lewkenor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 18. I am bold still to solicit you, now in the Parliament, or otherwise by conference with the bishops of these parts, to take some course for the stay of the increasing humour of papistry and recusancy in these countries of Wales and the Marches; or else to set some course how her Majesty may be better answered of the forfeitures due to her Highness for their disobedience. The justices of peace in these countries do very much complain of great contempts and disobedience generally committed in the musters, for want of appearance of such as are summoned to the same; which is thought to be by reason of the smallness of the punishment of offenders in such cases, which is but 10 days' imprisonment or payment of 40s., which generally they will undergo rather than endure the service in the Irish wars, to which they are employed in these parts for the most part. Also, were it not fit that the statutes made for the punishment of such soldiers as run away after they have received her Majesty's press or pay, should be now reduced to some better form?—From her Majesty's Castle of Ludlow, 18 November 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 116.)
Thomas Walker, Mayor of Exeter, and Others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Nov. 19. Having divers suits and businesses, concerning the state of their city and country adjoining, in Parliament and before the Privy Council, have made choice of Mr. John Howell, a burgess of Exeter, to solicit the same and impart them to Cecil; whose directions and favourable furtherance they entreat.—Exeter, 19 November 1601.
Signed by Walker, Wm. Martin, Nic. Spicer, John Budemore and John Chapell. ½ p. (89. 117.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Nov. 18.] 1. Petition of Richard Sleighter for the wardship of the heir of Sir Robert Lovell, of Lancashire.
Endorsed :—“18 No. 1601.” ¾ p. (P. 220.)
2. Petition of Francis Lewes, of Cornerd, Suffolk, for the custody of Margaret Bright, an idiot, daughter of John Bright, late of Bury St. Edmunds.
Note signed by Cecil : desires to be certified by the feodary of the county of the weakness of the party, and fitness of petitioner.
Endorsed :—“18 No. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 222.)
3. Petition of Hugh Towers and Ciprian Godfry. Became feofees of certain lands, in return for payment of 600l. to Francis Denman, and 1,200l. legacies to his daughters Barbara and Anne, petitioners' nieces. Edward Dorell, husband of Barbara, makes suit to prove the deed of enfeofment fraudulent. They pray Cecil to stay the suit in Chancery till it is determined in the Court of Wards, or else dismiss it from the Wards.
Undated. Endorsed :—“18 Nov. 1601.” (P. 268.)
4. Nov. 20.—Petition of Isaac Kinge, for the wardship of heir of Henry Cusse, Swindon, Wilts. Proceedings of John Symonds therein.
Note by Cecil, petitioner to have a commission.
Endorsed :—“20 No. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 283.)