A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 5, Bullingdon Hundred. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1957.
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'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 5, Bullingdon Hundred, ed. Mary D Lobel (London, 1957), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol5/pp321-343 [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 5, Bullingdon Hundred. Edited by Mary D Lobel (London, 1957), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol5/pp321-343.
"Index". A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 5, Bullingdon Hundred. Ed. Mary D Lobel (London, 1957), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol5/pp321-343.
Note. The following abbreviations have been used: abp., archbishop; Abr., Abraham; acct., account; Ad., Adam; admin., administration; Alex., Alexander; Alf., Alfred; Amb., Ambrose; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; archd., archdeacon; Art., Arthur; b., born; Baldw., Baldwin; Bart., Bartholomew; Ben., Benjamin; Bern., Bernard; bldg., building; bnss., baroness; bp., bishop; Brig.-Gen., Brigadier-General; bro., brother; bt., baronet; c., century; c., circa; card., cardinal; Cath., Catherine; ch. (chs.), church(es); ch. bldg., church building; ch. hist., church history; chant. (chants.), chantry (chantries); chap. (chaps.), chapel(s); char. (chars.), charity (charities); Chas., Charles; chpl., chaplain; civ. war, Civil War; clk., clerk; coll., college; comms., commissioners; Compt. cens., Compton Census; const., constable; cr., created; ct. (cts.), court(s); ctss., countess; cttee., committee; d., died; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; Dav., David; dchss., duchess; dom. arch., domestic architecture; ec. hist., economic history; Edm., Edmund; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; est. (ests.), estate(s); f., father; fl. flourished; Fr., Father; Fred., Frederick; Geo., George; Geof., Geoffrey; Gil., Gilbert; grddau., granddaughter; grds., grandson; Greg., Gregory; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; ho. (hos.), house(s); hon., honor; hosp., hospital; How., Howard; Humph., Humphrey; hund. (hunds.), hundred(s); incl., inclosure; ind., industry; Jas., James; Jon., Jonathan; Jos., Joseph; jr., junior; jurisd., jurisdiction; Kath., Katherine; Laur., Laurence; Lawr., Lawrence; Ld., Lord; Len., Lennard; Leon., Leonard; Lew., Lewis; m., married; Magd., Magdalen; Maj., Major; Maj.-Gen., Major-General; man., manor; Man. Ho., Manor House; Marg., Margaret; Mat., Matthew; mchss., marchioness; med., medieval; Mic., Michael; mkt., market; Mqss., Marquess; Nat., Nathaniel; Nic., Nicholas; noncf., nonconformity occs., occupations; Osw., Oswald; Oxf., Oxford; P.N., Place-Names; par., parish; par. govt., parish government; Pet., Peter; Phil., Philip; pk., park; Pncss., Princess; poor rel., poor relief; pop., population; Pres., President; Princ., Principal; profssns., professions; prop., property; Prot. noncf., Protestant nonconformity; Prov., Provost; prss. (prsses.), prioress(es); quad., quadrangle; r., rector; rcty., rectory; Rcty., Rectory (building); rds., roads; Reg., Reginald; rems., remains; Revd., Reverend; Reyn., Reynold; Ric., Richard; riv., river; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom. Cathm., Roman Catholicism; s., son; Sam., Samuel; sch. (schs.), school(s); Seb., Sebastian; Sim., Simon; Soc., Society; soc. conds., social conditions; Sol., Solomon; sr., senior; St., Street; Steph., Stephen; Theoph., Theophilus; Thos., Thomas; Tim., Timothy; top., topography; univ., university; v., vicar; vct., viscount; vctss., viscountess; Vic., Vicarage; vill., village; Vinc., Vincent; w., wife; Wal., Walter; Ward., Warden; wd. (wds.), wood(s); wid., widow; Wm., William; yeo. fam., yeoman family.
Abberbury, Sir Ric. (fl. 1393), 193; Ric. (fl. 1415), 193
Abingdon, earls of, 11, 13, 14, 63; ests., 10, 11, 12, 13, 58, 63, 74; and see Bertie
Abingdon (Berks.), 112, 148, 236, 244, 271, 272, 279 n, 284; barony of, 139; fair, 67; hosp. of St. John at, 149; man., 146; Q. Sess., 113
Abingdon Abbey, 104, 105, 111, 279; abbots, 98, 110, 243; and see Athelhelm; Dorset; Ealdred; Faritius; Hanney; Ordric; Rainald; Salford; Vincent; advowson, 245; prop. in Arncot, 19; Chippinghurst, 107; Cuddesdon, 98, 101, 102; Denton, 106; Garsington, 137, 139, 144, 151; Littlemore, 207–8; Nuneham Courtenay, 242; Sandford, 268, 269; the Vent, 116; Wheatley, 109, 114
Achard, Joan, m. Pet. de la Mare (d. 1349), 33
Ackerman, John, architect, 14
Acland, Sir Hen., 197
Acton, Mary Butterfield, w. of Sam., 167; Sam., 167; fam., 159
Adam s. of Siward (or the Rich), 141
Adam the ferryman, Hen. s. of, 272
Adam, Rob., architect, 238 n
Adampys, Thos., 287
Adams, Geo., farmer, 120
Addington (Bucks.), 298, 299, 308; and see Carbonel
Addison, Jos., essayist, 316
Adeane, Whorwood, 113
Adela, Queen, 284
Adlestrop (Glos.), 18
Admiralty, the, 239
Adrian IV, Pope, 107
Ady, Sol., 108
Aelfhere, Earl, 101.
Agar-Ellis, Hen., Vct. Clifden, 305
Agillon, Marg., see Riviers; Rob., 240
Agincourt, battle of, 50
Agnes dau. of John the ferryman, 51
Agnes la passeresse, 234, 242
Agnes (fl. 1275), 85
Air Ministry, the, 239
Aisheton, — (fl. 1537), 101
Akeman Street, 15, 16, 20, 249
Akenny, de, Isabel, m. 1 Pain de la Mare, 2 John Pecche, 138, 142, 144, 145; Joan, wid. of Rog., 138, 145; Ralph, 138; Rog., 138, 145
Alabaster carving (15th-c.), 274
Albert, the Prince Consort, 101
Albury (Aldberie), 5, 8–14, 51; char., 14; ch. bldg., 14; ch. hist., 13–14; civ. war, 9, 11; Compt. cens., 11; ec. hist., 11–13; farms, 11, 12, 13; field syst., 12; incl., 12; inns, 8; mans., 9–11; mills, 8; noncf., 14; P.N., 11; pop., 11, 14; rectors, 13– 14; Rcty., 8, 13, 14; schs., 14; taxes, 12, 318; top., 8–9; wds., 8, 11; yeo. fam., 12; and see Tiddington
Alchester, in Wendlebury, 3, 225
Aldbourne (Wilts.), bell foundry at, 14
Aldermaston (Berks.), 33
Alders (Tamworth) Ltd., 271
Aldgitha, dau. of Wigod of Wallingford, m. Robt. d'Oilly (fl. 1086), 60
Aldworth, Thos., 149; Wm. (fl. 1811), 149; Wm. (fl. 1848), 108
Aldworth (Berks.), 252
Alexander III, Pope, 52
Alexander, Bp. of Lincoln, 229
Alexander the miller, 85
Alexander le sutere, 174
Aleyn, Master John, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 316
Alfred, King, 64
Alice dau. of Ad., m. Sir Wm. de Coleville, 141
Alice dau. of Thos. le smyth, 209
All Souls Coll., Oxf., 67, 163, 164, 183; fellows of, 202
Allam, And. (b. 1655), 137, 142; And. (fl. 1665), 137; John (fl. 1506), 39; John (fl. 16th c.), 54; fam., 137
Allen, Gabriel, 253; Mary Kath., 172; Rebecca, 99; fam., 28
Allin, John, 209; Ric. (d. 1790), 201, 204, 209, 212; Ric. (fl. 1830), 209; fam., 201, 209, 212
Almaria, de, see Damory, Gil.
Almond, John, 174
Almshouses, 58, 76, 266
Alston, Penning, 224; Sarah, m. Sir Edm. Harrington, 224
Alward the miller, w. and dau. of, 271
Alwi (fl. 11th c.), 10
Amaury of Cowley, 82, 84; and see Amory
Ambrosden, 3, 7, 15–30, 60, 61, 224, 230, 234; char., 22, 23, 29–30; ch. bldg., 26–28; ch. hist., 23–26, 256; civ. war, 17, 25; Compt. cens., 28; dom. arch., 16; ec. hist., 20–23; farms, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24; field syst., 20, 21; incl., 21, 22, 25; inns, 15, 16, 17, 23; mans., 17–20; mills, 15; occs., 23; Park, 15, 16, 18; P.N., 20; poor rel., 22; pop., 20, 22, 23; Prot. noncf., 28–29; rds., 15; Rom. Cathm., 17–18, 28; schs., 15, 29; soc. conds., 22–23, 26; taxes, 15, 16, 318; top., 15–17; vicars, 16, 22, 25–26, 256, 258; Vic., 16; wds., 15, 20, 21; worthies, 16, 17, 18, 28; and see Arncot, Lower; Arncot, Upper; Blackthorn; St. Valery, hon. of
Ambrosden Amicable Soc. of Tradesmen, 23
American Military Hospital, in Holton, 109
Amory, And. (fl. 1225), 82; And. (fl. 1279), 82, 85; Geof., 82; Wm., 85; fam., 84, 85, 87
Anabaptists, 14, 75, 121, 188
Anchorites, see Hermits
Andelet, John, 12
Anderson fam., 143
Andrews (Andrewes), John, 231; Ric., 304
Anfred, Wm. s. of, 195
Anglo-Saxon remains, 100, 115; rds., 96, 116, 123, 168
Anna, Nic. de, 23
Anne, Queen, chaplain to, 25; and see Queen Anne's Bounty
Anne, queen of Ric. II, 62, 193
Anne (Boleyn), queen of Hen. VIII, 241
Anne of Cleves, queen of Hen. VIII, 160 n
Annora, the anchoress, see Braose
Appleby, Sir John, 63, 70, 253, 277; Marg., see Hadlow
Appropriations of churches, see Ambrosden; Baldon, Toot; Beckley; Cowley; Cuddesdon; Elsfield; Forest Hill; Headington; Horspath; Iffley; Marston; Merton; Sandford; Waterperry; Woodperry
Archdale, Abr., 100, 109, 110, 115; John, 110n; Martin, 110; Mary, w. of Thos., 110; Mary, m. — Moulton, 110; Ric. (d. 1577), 110, 126; Ric. (d. 1638), 110; Ric. (fl. 1648), 110; Thos., 110; fam., 98
Architects, see Ackerman; Adam, R.; Beazley; Bliss, R.; Bodley; Brooks; Brown, Lancelot; Bruton; Buckler; Buckeridge; Bury; Butterfield; Carr, J.; Clark, R. N.; Clarke, Jos.; Clarke, Somers; Comper; Crossley; Derick; Dodd, F.; Drinkwater, H. W. G.; Ferrey; Gandon; Hawksmoor; Holland, Hen.; Howard, F. E.; Hussey, R. C.; Jackson, Sir Thos.; Kent, Wm.; Keys; Leadbetter; Malcolm; Mowbray; Micklethwaite; Miller, Sanderson; Neighbour, S. W.; Nicholson, O.; Openshaw; Potter; Rickman; Richardson, Sir A. E.; Robertson, Dan.; Rogers, H. S.; Rolfe; Scott, Sir Geo. Gil.; Scott, J. O.; Sims, Joshua; Smirke; Smith, G.; Soane; Street; Stuart; Sulman; Tollit; Underwood; Vanbrugh; Woodyer; Woolfe
Armagh, abps. of, see Robinson, Ric.; Usher
Armborough, Thos., 111
Armstrong, Francis, 204
Arncot, Lower (or Prioris), in Ambrosden, 7, 15, 17, 20; man., 19, 20; taxes, 318; and see Ambrosden
Arncot, Upper (or Abbatis), in Ambrosden, 6, 7, 16, 21; man., 19–20; mills, 16; taxes, 318; and see Abingdon Abbey; Ambrosden
Arncot Bridge, in Ambrosden, 15
Arncot Ordnance Depot, see War Dept. Base
Arnold, Mat., poet, 206
Arthur, Duke of Connaught, 95
Arthur, Wm., 193
Ascelina the widow, 254 n
Ascot (Berks.), 19 n
Ash, of, John (fl. 1200), 63; John (fl. 1242), 63; John (fl. 1361), 63; Nic., 63; Niel, 63; Pet., 63; Rog., 63; Wal., 63; Wm., 63; fam., 64
Ash (or Esses, Nash End, Nashe), in Beckley, 6, 56, 63, 64, 65, 68, 72, 225; and see Beckley
Ash (Bucks.), 253
Ashendon Hund. (Bucks.), 56
Ashhurst, Miss C. A., 304; Revd. T. H., 306, 309; Sir Wm. Hen., 19, 304
Ashridge Coll. (Herts.), 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, 256; appropriated ch., 23, 24, 25
Asthall man., 61
Astley, Anne, w. of Ric., 176; Ric., 176
Aston, Sir Art., 178
Aston, deanery of, 43
Aston, Steeple, 20
Astyn, —, and his w., 52; Grace, m. Sir Seb. Smythe (d. 1733), 102; fam., 52
Athelhelm, Abbot of Abingdon, 19, 109, 139, 239
Athelstan, King, 268
Athelward (fl. 1034), 268
Atherton, Humph., 32, 40
Atkyns, Rob., 265; Thos., 261; Wm., mason, 163
Atterbury, Francis, Dean of Christ Church, 275
Attewelle, Ralph, 167
Aubrey, Eliz. Sophia, m. Chas. S. Ricketts, 252; Frances, see Jephson; Sir John (d. 1700), bt., 252; Sir John (d. 1743), bt., 252; Sir John (d. 1767), bt., 252; Mary, see Lewis; Sir Thos., bt., 252; Sir Thos. Digby, bt., 252; and see Aubrey Aubrey; Aubrey Fletcher
Aubrey Aubrey (formerly Ricketts), Chas., 252
Aubrey Fletcher (formerly Fletcher), Sir Hen. (d. 1911), bt., 252; Sir Hen., bt., 252; Sir Lancelot, bt., 252
Audley, Edm., Bp. of Salisbury, 35, 52, 55, 143; Hugh, 102, 241
Audley Chantry, see Salisbury Cathedral
Augustinian canons, see Dorchester Abbey
Aumale, ctss. of, see Riviers, Isabel
Aumary, see Damory
Aurelius Ambrosius, 20
Austin canons, see Dorchester Abbey
Austin friars, see Oxford friaries
Austruy, Baldw. de, const. of Boulogne, 80
Avenel, Helewis, see Wadard; Wm., 311
Avery, Jas., 231
Avery, Messrs., of Wheatley, 112
Aylesbury (Bucks.), 305
Azor (Azur) (fl. 1066), s. of Toti, 33, 63, 191
Bacon, John, auth. of Liber Regis, 306; Marg., see Pollard; Dr. Nat. or Phanuel, 31, 40, 44, 45, 48, 48 n, 49, 54
Bacun, Mabel, 50
Badger, Alice, 133; fam., 66
Bado, Geodo de, see Doe
Baggesore, Phil. of, 278
Bagot, Ric., Bp. of Oxf., 99
Bagshawe, Chas., 26; Edw., 25, 28
Bailey, Revd. —, 54
Bailiff, Wm. the, 225
Bainbridge, Chris., Abp. of York, 49, 50, 51
Baker, Mary, 292
Bakesware (Herts.), 141
Baldington (Baldindon, Baldinton), Agnes, m. 1 Wm. Brome, 2 Geof. Gate, 10, 171; Alice, w. of John, 9, 10, 143, 145; Hen. de, 51; Joan, w. of Sir Wm., 10; John, 9, 10, 143; Rob. de, 51; Thos., 10, 171; Uctredus de, 51; Wm. de (fl. 1086), 37; Wm. de (fl. 1220), 51; Wm. de (fl. 1255), 37, 51, 52; Sir Wm. (d. 1419), 10, 51; fam., arms of, 171
Baldington man., in Thame, 52
Baldon, Hugh of, 51
Baldon, Bishop's, see Baldon Row
Baldon, Little (Baldon Willelmi), in Toot Baldon, 4, 34, 35, 37, 42, 44, 47, 52, 234, 249; man., 51–52; and see Baldon, Toot
Baldon, Marsh (or Baldon Windsor), 5, 6, 30–46, 51, 52, 63, 143; chap., 42, 44; char., 47; ch. bldg., 45–46; ch. hist., 42–45; ct. rolls, 38, 39 n, 41 n; crops, 39, 40, 41; dom. arch., 31–32; Durham Leys Farm, 31, 32; ec. hist., 30, 31, 32, 35–42, 44; farms, 41, 42, 44; field map, 36; field syst., 38, 40; fields, 31, 38 n, 39, 40, 41, 43; Green, 30, 31, 33, 39; Ho., 30, 32, 247; incl., 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45; inn, 32; lesser est., 35; man., 33–35, 52; noncf., 46; occs., 42; P.N., 35, 38 n, 40; pop., 38, 40, 42; rcty., 32, 45; rds., 30, 31, 41; sch., 46; taxes, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42; top., 30–33; vill. map, 31; wds., 30, 37; worthies, 32–33; yeo. fams., 31–32, 40, 44
Baldon, Toot, 33, 47–56, 148; char., 47, 55; ch. bldg., 55; ch. hist., 43, 44, 45, 52–55; civ. war, 55; Compt. cens., 55; Court Leys, 39, 48; ct. rolls, 50 n; curacy, 53; dom. arch., 48–49; ec. hist., 35–42, 52; farms, 47, 48, 49; field map, 36; fields, 47; Green, 47, incl., 52; inns, 48; Louches Ct., 48; mans., 49–52, 107; noncf., 55; occs., 48; P.N., 35; pop., 42; rds. 47; sch., 46, 55; taxes, 48, 51, 52, 55; top., 30, 47, 134; Vic., 49; vill. map, 31; windmill, 47 wds., 47; worthies, 49; yeo. fams., 49; and see Baldon, Little; Baldon Row; Baldon St. Lawrence; Baldon, Marsh
Baldon, Willelmi, see Baldon, Little
Baldon Brook, 30, 47, 134.
Baldon Health, 41
Baldon Row (Baldon in the Row or Bishop's Baldon), 47, 48; and see Baldon, Toot
Baldon St. Lawrence, in Toot Baldon, 4, 6, 35, 37, 42, 44, 47, 50, 51, 52, 146, 211; man., 49–50; sch., 249
Baldon Windsor, see Baldon, Marsh
Baldons, the, 2, 234, 243; and see St. Valery, hon. of; Wallingford, hon. of
Balfour, Melville, later the Hon., 174
Ball, Geo., 133; Jane, 133; Ric. (or Bell), 211
Ballard, John, 316
Balliol Coll., Oxf., 164; master of, 18
Bamburgh, Gil. de, 172
Bampton, Jos., 44, 54
Banastre, Laur., 252.; Marg., m. Wm. Lewis, 252; Mary, see Dynharn
Banbury, earl of, see Knollys, Sir Wm.
Banbury, 123; barony of, 35, 51; Unitarian chap in, 213
Bancroft, John, Bp. of Oxf., 100, 104
Baptists, 99, 214, 265, 266; and see Anabaptists
Barantyne (Barentine), Drew, 110, 240; Jane, see Lewknor; Joan, see Drayton; John, 107; Sir Wm., 110
Barbados, bp. of, see Coleridge
Barclay, Jack, 48
Bardolf, Anne, m. 1 Sir Wm. Clifford, 2 Reyn., Ld. Cobham, 170, 171; Eliz., see Damory; Joan, m. Sir Wm. Phelip, Ld. Bardolf, 170; John, Ld. Bardolf, 170; Rob., 171; Thos., Ld. Bardolf, 170; Wm., Ld. Bardolf, 170; and see Beaumont, Wm.; Phelip
Bards man., in Caversfield (Bucks.), 224
Barentine, see Barantyne
Barford Cheney, 311
Barford St. Michael, 52
Barker, Sir Ant., 312; Sir Hen., 312; Hugh, 253, 254; Mary, m. Sam. Sandys, 253 n; fam., 312
Barlow, Ann, 46
Barnard (Barnarde), Anne, m. 1 John Doyley, 2 Sir Jas. Harrington, 3 Sir Hen. Poole, 223, 227, 233; Thos., see Kennington; Wal., see Kennington; —, 201; fam., 201
Barnwall, Frances, see Brinkhurst; John, see Barnwall Curson
Barnwall Curson (formerly Barnwall), John, 299, 299 n, 303, 306
Barron, Jas., 186
Barston, Geo., 106, 107; John, 101, 106, 107; Ric., 101; Thos., 101
Bartholomew of Kent, kt., 171
Bartlett, Geo., 101; John, 233; Mary, 233; Ric. (d. 1683), 233; Ric. (d. 1685), 233; Ric. (d. 1722), 233; Wm. (d. 1717), 233; Wm. (fl. 1718), 233
Barton (Old Barton), in Headington, 4, 158–9, 163, 278, 318; Man. Ho., 159
Barton St. John man., 284
Basse, Agnes, 313; Iseult, 314
Basset, Agnes, see FitzNiel; Alan, 19; Alice, m. John Biset, 160; Gil. (fl. 12th c.), 224; Gil. (fl. 1200), 160; Isabel, 192; Joan, or of Piddington, m. 1 Guy de Ryhale, 2 Sim. de Gerardmolendino, 3 Aubrey de Dammartin, 224, 251, 252; John, 174; Philippa, m. 1 Hen. de Newburgh, Earl of Warwick, 2 Ric. Siward, 5, 6, 137, 160, 294; Reyn., 80 n, 84; Thos. (fl. 12th c.), 224; Thos. (fl. 1200), 5, 160
Bastard, Rob., 283; Thos. (or Hye), 216
Bastian, Mr., 141, 147
Bate, Wm., 304
Bath (Som.) stone, 137
Bath and Wells, bps. of, see Giffard, Lake, Piers
Bathurst, Dr. Ralph, Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 153, 154, 156
Batoni, Pompeo, painter, 18 n, 46
Bayeux, bp. of, see Odo
Bayley, Wm., 105
Baynton, Eliz., w. of Sir Rob., 34; John, 33, 34, 43; Nic. de, and his w. Joan, 33; Sir Rob., 34; Thos., 33, 34
Bayswater Bridge, in Headington, 157
Bayswater Brook (or Wash Brook), 123, 157, 163, 214, 282, 289
Bayworth, in Sunningwell (Berks.), 269
Beale & Thynne, organ builders, 93
Beauchamp, Alice, see Tony; Eliz., see Braybroke, Roches; Guy de, Earl of Warwick (d. 1315), 138; Sir John, of Powick, 33; Ric., Ld. St. Amand, 43; Sir Wal., of Bromham, 33, 43; Wm., 43
Beaufeu, Agnes, w. of Hen. (d. c. 1273), 297; Hen. (fl. 1200), 297; Hen. (d. c. 1273), 5, 297, 300, 305; Isabel, m. Ric. Rusholm, 297, 307, 307 n; Ric. (fl. c. 1180), 297; Ric. (d. 1246), 5, 297, 300; 302, 304; Ric. (fl. 1279), 297; Ric. (d. by 1350), 297, 302; Rog., 297; Thos., 297; fam., 297, 301; fee, 298, 302
Beaumont, Eliz. Vctss., see Phelip; Hen. de, 285; Hugh, see Poer; John, Vct. Beaumont, 171; Marg. de, m. Saer de Quincey, Earl of Winchester, 208; Marg. de, see St. John; Wm., Ld. Bardolf, later Vct. Beaumont, 171; fam., earls of Leicester, 208
Beaumont, in Oxford, 260; and see Wolvercote
Beazley, C. N., architect, 28
'Becchanlea' (Suss.), 64
Beche, de la, Isabel, 298; John, 298; Nic., 252
Becket, Thos., Abp. of Canterbury, 223
Beckley, 6, 7, 17, 56–76, 116, 117, 125, 160, 216, 278, 288, 293; char., 76; ch. bldg., 74–75, 292; ch. hist., 71– 74; civ. war, 60; commons, 56, 57, 70; ct. rolls, 67–68, 74; dom. arch., 57–58; ec. hist., 64–71; farms, 57, 58, 66, 69; field map, 65; field syst., 67, 68; geology, 57; Grove Ho., 57, 60, 66, 72; incl., 66, 68, 69, 70–71, 72; inns, 56, 57, 58, 69, 71; Lower Park Farm (the Lodge), 57–58; mans., 57, 60–64, 66, 68, 69, 294; Man. Ho., 57; Middle Park Farm, 57–58; mills, 60, 66, 72; noncf., 75; occs., 66, 67; Palace, 57–58; Park, 56–57, 61, 62, 66, 67, 294; Pinfold Green, 56; P.N., 56, 64; pop., 64, 66; quarries, 57; rectors, 69, 294; rcty. est., 71–72; Roman villa, 64; schs., 66, 75–76, 293; taxes, 64, 66, 318; top., 56– 60, 64; Upper Park Farm, 57–58; vicars, 73; Vic., 57, 60, 73; wds., 56, 57, 67, 68–70; yeo. fams., 66; see also Ash; Horton; Marlake; Otmoor; St. Valery, hon. of; Studley; Studley Priory; Whitecross Green
Beckley and Stowood, civ. par., 56
Beclee, John, mason, 163
Bedford, ctss. of, see Isabel; duke of (fl. c. 1700), 72; earl of, see Coucy
Bedston, Wm., 285
Bedyll, Sir Wm., 81, 178, 180, 182
Bee, Ann, m. Theoph. Leigh, 72, 75; Edw., 57, 72, 75; Mary, w. of Edw., 75; fam., 75
Beecher, W., 104
Begbroke, 50, 316
Bell, Ric., see Ball; Thos. (fl. 1462), 196; Thos. (fl. 1472), 200; Wm., 154
Bell-founders, see Carter, Jos.; Derbie; Green, Ric.; Hemins; Jannaway; Keene, Ric.; Knight; Mears, C. & G.; Mears & Stainbank; Rudhall; Taylor, W., and W. & J.; Weston, Pet. de; White, John
Bell plan, the, 99
Bells (medieval), 122, 167, 265, 308
Benedictine Order, priests of, 308
Benfield & Loxley, Messrs., contractors, 270
Benford, Bart., 102
Benham, Wm., 38
Benlowe, Rob., 195
Bennett, Hen., 317; J. M. C., 95; Thos., 292; fam., arms of, 58, 58 n
Benningfield, Mat., 28
Benson, Fr. R. M., 91, 92, 93, 95
Benson, 55
Benwell, Wm., 212
Beoley (Worcs.), 241
Bereford, John (fl. 1363), and his wife Agnes, 196; John (fl. 1386), 196
Berkeley, Marg., see Lisle; Thos., Ld. Berkeley (d. 1417), 9
Berkshire, earl of, see Norreys, Francis
Bernard of Savoy, 138
Bernard, Nic., 197; Wm., 194, 195
Bernwood Forest, 21, 67, 69, 221, 225, 225 n, 250, 300, 304
Bertie, Vct., see Bertie, Francis Leveson
Bertie, Bridget, see Wray; Francis Leveson, Vct. Bertie of Thame, 63; Hon. Fred., 14; Jas., Ld. Norreys, Earl of Abingdon (d. 1699), 10, 63; Lady Mary, 14; Montagu, Ld. Willoughby, Earl of Lindsey (d. 1666), 63; Montagu, Earl of Abingdon (d. 1743), 66; Montagu, Earl of Abingdon (d. 1855), 70, 71, 74; Rob., Earl of Lindsey (d. 1642), 119 n, 182; Rob. (fl. 1702), 179
Bewforrest, Luke, 102
Bibury (Glos.) stone, 16
Bicester, 5, 17, 18, 19, 27, 57, 221, 233, 254, 257; dean of, 25; fair, 67; mkt., 229; Market End, 15; noncf., 28, 29; Priory, 16, 19, 21, 22; rcty., 231; sch., 25, 258; v. of, 21
Bicester stone, 28, 29
Biggs, Thos. (fl. 1559), 66; Thos. (d. 1611), 66; fam., 66
Bignell, in Bicester, 62
Bigod, Rog., Earl of Norfolk (d. 1306), 61
Binsey, 2, 3, 87, 216, 218
Bird (of Norwich), Balley, mapmaker, 310
Birmingham Oratory, Frs. of, 213
Biscoe, Anne, m. Tim. Earle, 172, 176 n; Elisha, 5, 161, 169, 172, 175, 176; Eliz., formerly Earle, 172, 176, 177; Frances, formerly Earle, 172, 177; Mary Anne, see Earle; fam., 176; and see Tyndale Biscoe
Biset, Alice, see Basset; Ela, m. J. of Wootton, 160; Isabel, m. Hugh de Plescy (d. 1292), 160; John, 160; Marg., m. John de Rivers, 160
Bishop, fam., 159
Bisshopp, Sir Cecil, bt., later Ld. Zouche de Haryngworth, 244, 245
Bixtrop, Mat. de, 125, 130, 290
Blacheman (fl. 1046), 268
Blachford, Ld., see Rogers, Fred.
Black Death, 85, 127, 162, 193, 200, 226, 230, 277, 312, 313; and see Plague
Black Prince, see Edward the Black Prince
Blackhall, John, 11
Blackmore, R. D., author, 60, 66, 295 n
Blackthorn, in Ambrosden, 7, 61; ec. hist., 21–22; Green, 16; incl., 22, 25; man., 18–19; mills, 17; rcty. est., 22, 23, 24; taxes, 318; and see Ambrosden
Blackthorn Bridge, in Ambrosden, 15, 17, 249
Blades, Thos., 73
Bladon, 225
Blaenllyfni (Wales), 297
Blake, Moses, 69
Blaket, Eliz., see Willicotes
Blanket, Wal., 245
Blay, Ric., 209; and see Blea
Blaydes, Revd. F. H. M., 18; Fanny Maria, see Page-Turner; Fred. A., see Page-Turner
Blea (Blay), fam., 212
Bleay fam., 215
Blechynden, Dr. Ric., Prov. of Worcester Coll., Oxf., 246
Bletchington, 191 n, 226
Blewitt, Francis, mason, 27
Bliss, Nat., 131, 132; Rob., architect, 204
Blockesham, see Bloxham
Blois, Hen. of, Bp. of Winchester, 264
Bloodhurst, Hen., 207
Blount, Sir Chas., 231; Eliz., m., And. Windsor, Ld. Windsor, 34; Wm., Ld. Mountjoy, 34; fam., 21, 58 n; arms of, 58
Bloxam, J. R., 206, 213
Bloxham (Blockesham), Osbert of, 158
Boarstall (Bucks.), 21, 61, 70, 223, 250, 252, 292, 297; ld. of, 251, 253; man., 252, 253.
Bodley, G. F., architect, 93
Bogar's char., 144
Bohun, Humph. de, Earl of Hereford (d. 1275), 192; Marg., m. Hugh de Courtenay, Earl of Devon (d. 1377), 240
Bokeland, John, Abbot of Oseney, 43
Boldshipton, see Bolshipton
Bolehuth (or Rillehitch), Margery de, 117
Boleyn, Anne, see Anne, Queen; fam., 26
Bolles, Felise, 261; Parnel, 261; Rob., 261; Wal., 261; fam., 261
Bolshipton (Boldshipton, Bowlshipton) or Bruggeset (Bridset, St. Bridget's), in St. Clement's, 81– 82, 85 n, 261, 262; ct. of, 84, 261; Ho., 260, 261; hund. of, 261; and see St. Frideswide's Priory
Bolt, Ric., 119 n; Rob., 103, 317; Mr., 129; fam., 119, 315
Bolte, John, 314; Rob., 314
Bolton, fam., 133
Bond, A. H., 53; Sir Nic., 61
Boroughbridge (Yorks.), 9
Bosco, de, Wm. (fl. 1189), 305; Wm. (fl. 1220), 63; fam., 64
Boswell, Jas., author, 108, 195
Boteler, Sir Nic., 142
Botfish, Thos., 226
Botley, 196
Bouchier Smith, fam., 149
Boulogne, const. of, see Austruy; count of, see Eustace; ctss. of, see Maud; fee of, 80, 82, 83
Boulter, Edw., 266
Bourton-on-the-Hill (Glos.), 159
Bowbridge, in Waterperry, 295
Bowden, J. W., 214
Bowes, Col. E. C., 108
Bowles, John, 13
Bowlshipton, see Bolshipton
Box (Wilts.) stone, 137
Boy Mill, see Cowley
Bracegirdle, Dr., physician, 159
Bracey, Jas., 167
Brackley (Northants.), 228
Bradbury, fam., 184
Bradeley, John (fl. 1316), 51; John (fl. 1428), 51; Rob., 51; Thos., 51; fam., 52
Bradenham (Bucks.), 34
Bradenstoke (Wilts.), 10
Bradshaw, Francis, 316
Bradwell Hall, Oxf., 186
Brai, see Bray
Bramley, Revd. Hen., 187
Brandon, Chas., Duke of Suffolk, 193, 240
Braose, de, Annora, m. Hugh Mortimer, 199, 202, 203; Maud, see St. Valery; Wm., 203
Brasenose Coll., Oxf., 164, 189, 215; chap. belonging to, 106, 182; chpl. of, 44; princ. of, see Shippen; prop., 81, 87, 89, 136, 143, 146, 148–9, 182–4, 216, 218, 295
Brasses, monumental, 155, 176, 188, 220, 307
Brawderibe, Steph., 104
Bray (Brai), de, Emma, or Peri, m. Wm. Fitzellis (fl. 1160), 10, 296, 297, 304; Fulk, 10, 296; Lovel, 296; Ralph, 10; Ric., 10; Walo, 208
Bray, Thos., 115
Braybroke, Eliz., Lady St. Amand, m. 1 Wm. Beauchamp, 2 Sir Roger Tocotes, 33, 43
Breaute, de, Fawkes, 208, 239; Marg., see FitzGerold; Wm., 208
Brett, Hen., 118; Mary, see Lowe
Brickworks, 23, 109, 112, 267, 270, 281
Bridges, John, Bp. of Oxf., 33, 46
Bridset, see Bolshipton
Briggs, H., 172; Jane, 94; Mat., 94
Brightwell (Berks.), 275
Brightwell Baldwin, 17
Brightwell Grove, in Brightwell Baldwin, 179
Brill (Bucks.), 56 n, 67, 70, 249, 250, 253, 254, 292, 302; man., 251, 252; Nashway Farm in, 56 n; royal lodge at, 279, 304
Brinkhurst, Cath., see Curson; Frances, m. 1 — Barnwall, 2 — Cussack, 299
Bristeva (fl. 1086), 35
Bristol (Glos. and Som.), 34, 35
British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 242
British Broadcasting Corporation, 312
British Legion, 220
Brittany, duke of, see Dreux
Brize Norton, 311
Broadwater, John, 202; Sim. (fl. 1653), 12; Sim. (fl. 1697), 12; Wm., 101
Brocard, Parnel, 170
Broke, Thos., 243 n
Brome (Broun, Browne), Agnes, see Baldington; Alice, m. Wm., of London, 171; Chris. (d. 1509), 6, 10, 171; Sir Chris. (d. 1589), 110, 125, 171, 174, 175, 176, 182, 183, 262, 286; Chris. (fl. 1630), 126; Edm., 125, 126, 129, 133; Eleanor, see Windsor; Eliz., 176; Geo., 6, 125, 171, 175, 261; Hen., 136 n, 141, 143; Jane, m. John Wickham, 141, 156; John (fl. 14th c.), 171; John (fl. 1480), 161; Sir John (d. 1558), 10, 87, 104, 107, 119, 125, 165, 171, 173, 176, 182, 218, 219, 261, 286, 290, 302, 305; John (fl. 1628), 126; Magd., m. John Denton 17, 18; Nic., 116, 141; Rob. (d. 1485), 5, 10, 161, 171, 286, 287; Rob. (fl. 1545), 98, 101, 125; Ursula, m. Sir Thos. Whorwood, 126, 128, 161, 165, 170, 171, 172, 261; Wm. (d. 1461), 10, 171, 176; Wm. (fl. 1513), 171, 174; Wm., s. of Wm. (fl. 1513), 171; Wm. (fl. 1526), 13; Wm. (d. 1599), 171, 176; fam., 5, 116, 165, 171, 174, 175, 262, 290; fam., arms of, 171
Brome Chapel, in Holton ch., 171, 176
Bromham (Wilts.), 33
Bromley, Bart., 143; John, 144, 147; fam., 136
Brook (Brooke), Eliz., 202; Geo., 17; John (d. 1745), 202; John (fl. 1756), 202; Mary, m. Francis Mildmay, 17, 28; Ric., 202; Wm., 25
Brooks, Jas., architect, 273
Broome, —, wid., 148
Brougham Comms., 9, 156, 177
Broughton Stavely (Bucks.), 62
Broun, see Brome
Brown, Miss A., 257 n; Edw., 133; Sir Hen., 28; John, 212; Lancelot (Capability), architect and landscape gardener, 238, 239; Marg., w. of Edw., 133; Tom, 310; Wm., 230; Maj.-Gen., 137; Mrs., 257; —, 201; fam., 66, 190, 201, 212, 250, 310
Browne, Geo. H., 107; Thos., 107; and see Brome
Brownsill, Mrs. —, 12
Bruggeset, see Bolshipton
Bruly, Joan, m. John Danvers, 10; John, 10; Maud, see Quatremain
Brun, le, Isabel, w. of Wm. (fl. 1205), 311; John (fl. 1220), 311; John (fl. 1279), 125, 311; Wm. (fl. 1196), 311; Wm. (fl. 1205), 311
Bruton, E. G., architect, 77
Bruyn, Eliz., see Pole; Ingram, 253
Bryan, Sir Francis, 241
Buchan, John, Ld. Tweedsmuir, 63, 117, 118
Buckeridge, Chas., architect, 232
Buckingham, duke of, see Temple
Bucks. Water Bd., 15
Bucks. Yeomanry, 60
Buckland (Berks.), 105
Buckler, J. C., architect, 153, 166, 204, 207
Buckner, Thos., 261
Bucuinte, Ad., 138
Budd, Ric., 69
Budgell, E., 107
Bueles, Alice de, see Grove; Hen. de, 172
Buketot, Phil. de, 277
Buleden (Bulesden, Bulesdon), see Bullingdon
Bull-baiting, 164, 260
Bulley, Fred., Pres. of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 186
Bullingdon Green, in Cowley and Horspath, 3, 7, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 177, 178, 183, 188
Bullingdon (Buleden, Bulesden, Bulesdon, Bulledon) Hund., 1–7, 49, 79, 110, 113, 115, 197, 217, 221, 262
Bullingdon Penn, 79, 83
Bullingdon R.D.C., 96, 113
Bullsdown, in Cuddesdon, 3
Bunye, Wm., 245
Burcot, 47, 163, 249
Burcote, Hen. de, 151
Burford, Martha, 90
Burford stone, 100
Burgan, Beatrice, 84 n; Ralph, 84, 84 n; Wm., 84, 194, 196; fam., 85, 199, 200
Burgan fee, see Cowley
Burgess, Hen., 147; Lawr., 146; Thos., 143; fam., 146, 147, 150
Burgh, de, Lady Cath., m. John Weyland, 312; Eliz., see Clare; Sir John, 170; Ric., Earl of Ulster, 170; Ulick John, Mqss. of Clanricarde, 312
Burghers, Mic., mapmaker, 40
Burghersh, Hen., Bp. of Lincoln, 23, 24; fam., arms of, 203
Burghfield, Rob. of, 49; Thos. of, 49
Burghfield (Berks.), 49
Burghley, Ld., see Cecil, Wm.
'Buriende', in Marston, 216
Buris, Pet. de, 158
Burnett, Mary, 286
Burrows, Jas., 183; Thos., 167
Burt, Mr., 294
Burton, Alex. de, and Emma his w., 286; Revd. Jas., 202
Bury, Talbot, architect, 155
Busby, John, 75
Bush, Mr., of Burcot, 249; Mr. of Oxf., 105
Bussell, Mabel, see Sandford; Thos., 269
Busson fam., 212
Butiller, le, Guy, see Merton; Nic., 144; Rog., 145; fam., 144
Butler, Edw., Pres. of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 188; John, Bp. of Oxf., 94; Ralph, 69, 71; Wm., 122; Mrs., 161
Butterfield, Wm., architect, 75
Byfield, Ric., 186
Cahaines (Chaaing), or Ryhale, Guy de, 224, 229, 229, n, 251, 252
Caisun, Wm., 208
Calcutt char., 122
Caldwell, Lawr., 312
Cale, Geo., 270
Calew, Wm. de, 84 n
Calloway, Jos., 99
Calmes, John, 243
Cambridge, duke of, see George
Camby, John, 230
Camoens, Luis de, poet, 124
Camoys, Eleanor, m. Sir Rog. de Lewknor, 50, 110; Eliz., see Louches; Hugh, Ld. Camoys, 50, 110; Marg., m. Ralph Radmylde, 50, 110; Ric., 50, 110; Sir Thos., Ld. Camoys, 31, 32, 50, 110
Camville, Gerard de, 82 n
Cannon, H. W., 66
Cannon & Clapperton, Messrs., 271
Canterbury (Kent), 230
Canterbury, abps. of, see Becket; Chichele; Courtenay; Laud; Longley; Rich; Tait; Theobald; Warham; Winchelsey
Canterbury, dean of, 45 n
Capella, John de, 23, 25
Capucin friars, see Greyfriars
Carbonel man., in Addington (Bucks.), 298
Cardinal Coll., Oxf. (later Christ Church), bldgs., 78, 112, 163, 174, 259, 279; chs. belonging to, 131, 151, 165, 218–19; prop., 81, 82, 101, 110, 121, 125, 179, 208, 252, 261, 269, 290
Carey, Wm., Bp. of Exeter, later of St. Asaph, 91 n
Carisbrooke castle, Isle of Wight, 170
Carlton, Ant., 17; Joyce, m. Edw. Denton, 17
Carmelites, see Oxford friaries
Carr (of York), John, architect, 238; —, 69
Carter, Geo., 76 n; John, 211; Jos., bell-founder, 204; Ric., 73; fam., 269
Cartright, John, 287
Cary, Lucius, Vct. of Falkland (d. 1785), 141; Rob., mapmaker, 215; —, dau. of Lucius, m. Wm. Plumer (d. 1822), 141
Cassington, see Kersinton
Castle, John, contractor, 207
Castle, Messrs. R. & I., builders, 155
Catell, John, 304
Catesby, Philippa, 161; Wm., 161
Caux, Evrard de, 19 n; Gerald of, and his w. Adelaide, 19; Rog. of, 19; Wm. of, 19
Cave, Edw. (d. by 1566), and his w. Eliz., 11; Edw. (fl. 1580), 11; Eliz., see Danvers; Prudence, m. John Croke (d. 1554), 58 n; Sir Thos., 11; (? Sir) Wm., 11
Caversfield (Bucks.), 224
Cawley, Anne, see Pollard; John, Archd. of Lincoln, 46
Cecil, Wm., Ld. Burghley (d. 1598), 62
Central Ordnance Depot, see War Dept. Base
Chaaing, see Cahaines
Chadlington, 61 n; hund. of, 3
Chalcombe, Hugh de, 124, 125
Chalcombe (Northants.), 125; Priory, 125, 125 n
Chalderwelle, Wm. de, 207 n
Chalgrove, 5, 45, 112, 151; battle of, 284; hon. ct. of, 141
Chalgrove quarry, in Cuddesdon, 112
Chamberlain (Chamberleyn), Sir Edw., 285; Joan, see Lydyard; Leon., 304; Marg., see Lovaygne; Ric. (fl. 1435), 285; Ric. (d. 1496), 285; Sibyl, w. of Ric. (d. 1496), 285; Wm., 285; fam., 285
Chambre, John (fl. c. 1400), 21; John the younger (fl. 1412), 21
Chancellor, Lord, 115; see also Harcourt, Sir Sim.
Chandos, Eleanor, m. Roger Collyng, 286; Eliz., 286; Sir John, 5, 61, 161, 286; fam., 161; and see Isabel
Chantrey, Sir Francis, sculptor, 307
Chapels, see Forest Hill; Horton; Muswell; Piddington; Studley; Templars; Wheatley; Woodperry (ecclesia destructa)
Chaplain, Rob. the, 13
Chapman, Hen., 272; Rob., 112; — mapmaker, 78 n
Charitable Uses, Comms. of, 249
Charity Comms., 30, 96, 100, 205, 220, 234, 249, 309
Charlbury stone, 77, 93
Charles I, King, 81, 102, 119, 126, 170, 208, 275, 277
Charles II, King, 13
Charlton-on-Otmoor, 56, 60, 70, 208, 221, 227, 231, 316
Charpenter, John le, 174
Chastleton, 63
Chaucer, Alice, m. Wm. de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, 117, 140, 193, 240, 296; Geof., poet, 140; Maud, w. of Thos., 140; Thos. 138, 140, 193, 195, 240, 296; fam., 136
Chaumont, Ida of, m. Rog. de Tony, 137, 138; Rob. of, 137
Chausey, de, Geof., 81, 141; John, 81, 141; Nic., 141; Ric., 141; fam., 80, 141
Chebenhurst, see Chippinghurst
Chelsea, Duke of York's Asylum at, 90; Wagon Works, 112
Cheltenham, John of, Abbot of Eynsham, 122
Cheney, Eliz., m. Rob. Doyley, 223; Mary, 176
Cherwell, River, 76, 78, 82, 83, 116, 117, 119, 120, 157, 158, 160, 163, 195, 214–16, 218, 258, 260, 263, 309, 313, 314; valley of, 259, 262
Cherwell Bridge, 81, 261
Chesham Bois (Bucks.), 34
Chesney, de, Maud, m. Hen. FitzGerold, 9; Rob., Bp. of Lincoln, 9, 131; Wm., 9; fam., 9
Chester, bp. of, see Jacobson
Chesterman, —, 52; dau. of, m. — Astyn, 52
Chesterton, 229; Brook, 228; man. of, 3, 21
Cheyne, John, 34
Chichele, Hen., Abp. of Canterbury, 219; John, 219
Chichester, bp. of, see Sherborn
Child, John, 100, 102, 179; Penelope, m. Sir John Curson (d. 1727), 299, 308; Wm., 102, 179, 299
Childerley (Cambs.), 118
Chilling Place, see Piddington
Chillingworth, John, 103, 110; Wm., 103, 110; fam., 66, 111
Chilton (Bucks.), 76, 269
Chilton Foliat (Wilts.), 9
Chilworth, in Great Milton, 4, 5, 12, 12 n, 96
Chilworth Musard, in Great Milton, 4, 115
Chilworth Valery, in Great Milton, 4, 115
Chipping Norton, 230
Chippinghurst (Chebenhurst), John of (fl. 1254–6), 107; John of (fl. 1279), 107; John (d. 1511), 107; Rob. (fl. 1517), 107; Rob. (fl. 1538), 107; Thos., 107; fam., 107
Chippinghurst, in Cuddesdon, 51, 96, 103, 104, 106–8, 141; man., 101, 107–8; Man. Ho., 106; map, 97; taxes, 318; and see St. Frideswide's Priory
Chisbridge, in Hambledon (Bucks.), 80
Chislehampton, 30, 47, 50, 223
Chissebeche, Alice, w. of Geof., 80; Geof., 80; John de, 81; Reyn. de, 81; Ric. de, 81; fam., 80
Choche (Choch), Hugh, 110, 111, 143, 144; Rog. (fl. 1230), 146; Rog. (fl. 1279), 144; fam., 144, 145, 199; and see Garsington
Cholera, 17, 23, 149, 263; and see Black Death; Plague
Cholsey, Ric., 86
Christ Church, Oxf., 91, 160, 164; bldgs., 67 n, 163; canons of, 94, 102; chs. belonging to, 90–91, 165, 218; dean of, see Atterbury; prop., 19, 72, 79–80, 82, 88, 89, 118, 120, 125, 148, 312, 315
Christ's Hospital, Horsham (Suss.), formerly Lond., 96
Christmas, Thos., 176
Church Army Press, Cowley, 89, 94
Church Horspath, see Horspath
Churchill, Ben., 202; Geo., Duke of Marlborough, 70; Hen., 253
Cistercian Order, monk of, 305
Civil War, see under parish entries
Clanfield, 47, 249
Clanricarde, mqss. of, see Burgh
Clapcot (Berks.), 138
Clappe, Hen., 144; fam., 145
Clare, Eliz. de, m. 1 Sir John de Burgh, 2 Theobald de Verdon, 3 Rog. Damory, 170; Gil. de, Earl of Gloucester (d. 1314), 170; Marg. de, m. Edm., Earl of Cornwall, 17, 23, 170; fam., arms of, 292
Clarendon (Wilts.), 57
Clarendon Press, Oxf., 124, 271
Clark, R. N., architect, 207; Wal., 238
Clarke, John, 245; Jos., architect, 155, 213; Martha, 303, 304; Mat., carpenter and surveyor, 27; Somers, architect, 46; — (fl. 1786), 69
Claydon, 225 n
Claymond, John, Pres. of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf., 87, 259
Clemens, Ad., 284
Clement, Abbot of Oseney, 53
Clement the shepherd, 50
Clent, Edm., 110
Clerk, Hen. the, 195, 196
Clerk, John the, 199
Clerk, Rog. the, 146
Clerk fam., 212
Clerkenwell Priory (Lond.), 232
Clewer Community of nuns, 214
Clifden, Vct., see Agar-Ellis
Clifford, Anne, see Bardolf; Sir Wm., 170
Clifton, Adelinus de, 35; Agnes, 35; Ric., 35; fam., 35
Clifton, in Deddington, 141, 143
Clifton Hampden, 30, 35, 51, 52
Clinkard, A. J., 143; Edw., 143; Ric. (fl. 1763), 30; Ric. (fl. 1862), 144; Thos. (fl. 1660), 49; Thos. (fl. 1886), 144; Wm., 143, 152 n; —, 149; fam., 147
Clinton, Geof., the chamberlain, 191, 192; Geof. (fl. 12th c.), 191; Hen. (fl. 1190), 191, 192; Hen. (d. c. 1233), 192; fam., 191
Clipsham (Rut.) stone, 164
Cloyne, bp. of, see Reynold
Coade, —, 310
Coates, —, 69
Cobden, Ric., 316, 317
Cobham, Anne, see Bardolf; Reyn. de. Ld. Cobham of Sterborough, 170
Cockerell, Thos., 26, 28; —, s. of Thos., Fellow of Univ. Coll., Oxf., 26
Coghill fam., 291
Coker, John, 22
Cokethorpe, in Ducklington, 237, 242
Coks the fisherman, 196
Coldhale, John, 175
Cole, Wm., 230
Coleman the mercer, 197, 199
Coleridge, Wm. H., Bp. of Barbados, 91 n
Coleville, Alice de, see Alice, dau. of Adam
Coley, Revd. Jas., 91–92
Collingwood, Chas., 274
Collins, Ant., 266; Mary, m. Thos. Napier, 94; Wm., 315; fam., 315
Collinson fam., 315 n
Collisson, Ric., mapmaker, 41, 41 n, 68 n
Colls, Ric., 86
Collyng, Eleanor, see Chandos; Rog. (fl. 1391), 286; Rog., s. of Rog., 286
Collys, John, 111
Colthorpe, in Banbury, 227
Colyn, John, wid. of, 211
Combes, Eliz., 249; Francis, 249
Commissioners, see Charitable Uses; Charity; Sewers; Thames
Comper, Sir Ninian, architect, 204
Compton, Long (Warws.), 160
Compton census, see under parish entries.
Congregationalists, 28–29, 94, 99, 220, 233, 258; North Bucks. and North Oxon. Union, 258; Oxon. and West Berks. Assoc., 99
Connaught, duke of, see Arthur
Conybeare, John, 264
Cook, Lewes, see Edner, Louis
Cooke, Cassandra, see Leigh; Revd. Geo. L., 71; Mrs. H. M., 72; Revd. H. P., 247; John, Pres. of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf., 316; Revd. Sam., 72; Revd. Theoph. Leigh, 66, 70, 71, 73; fam., 57, 72, 73, 75
Coombe, Alex. of, 5; Wm. s. of Alex. of, 5
Coombe, in Great Milton, 4, 5, 96, 98, 115–16, 318
Coombe (Cume, Cumbe) Brook, in Cuddesdon, 98, 101, 115
Coombe (Cumbe, Cumbegrave) Wood, in Cuddesdon, 98, 102, 115
Coombes, Thos., 243
Coope, Wm., 240
Cooper, John (fl. 1649), 12; John. s. of John, 12; Jos., 281; Thos. (fl. 1629), 143; Thos. (fl. c. 1650), 12; Thos. (fl. 1776), 22; — (fl. 1742), brickmaker, 112; — (fl. 1834), mason, 109; fam., 12, 184; fam., brickmakers of Cuddesdon, 112
Copcot, Eleanor, Prss. of Studley, 178; Humph., 178; John, 178; Kath., Prss. of Studley, 178
Copcot legend, 188
Cope, Bern., 151
Copeland, Revd. W. J., 154
Copped Hall, Greenwich, 312
Coppock, Jas., 167
Cornish, Revd. C. L., 207, 213 n; Canon Hen., 94
Cornwall, ctss. of, see Clare, Marg. de; earls of, 64, 125, 170, 186; and see Edmund, Gaveston, Richard
Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf., 35, 46; est. maps, 216; fellows of, 14, 246; pres. of, see Claymond, Cooke, Morwent; prop., 82, 87, 89, 157, 164, 182–3, 189 n, 200, 208, 212, 216, 262, 286, 289; quarry, 164
Corsham (Wilts.) stone, 94
Corston, de, see Fitzellis
Corston (Wilts.), 10
Costard, Ric., 210; fam., 201, 212
Cotesmore (Cottesmore), John, 195, 196; Wm., 103
Cottisford, 18, 60, 258
Coucy, Ingram de, Earl of Bedford, 193; Isabel de, see Isabel
Coudray, Wm. de, 111
Council of Trade, the, 280
Courcy (Curci), de, Alice, m. Warin FitzGerold, 239; Emma, see Falaise; Geof., 245 n; Gundreda, see Warenne; John, 239; Ric., 2 n, 239; Rob., 245; Wm. (d. by 1130), 239, 242, 245; Wm. (d. c. 1155), 239, 245; Wm. (d. 1176), 239
Courtenay, Eliz. de, w. of Sir Hugh (d. 1349), 240; Hugh de, Earl of Devon (d. 1340), 240; Sir Hugh de (d. 1349), 240; Hugh de, Earl of Devon (d. 1377), 240; Marg. de, see Bohun; Sir Pet. de, 240; Sir Phil. de, 240; Ric., 194; Wm. de, Abp. of Canterbury, 245; fam., 237
Coventry (Coventre), John, wid. of, 66; Vinc., 253
Coventry, bp. of, see Wright
Cowley, Alice of, m. — Talemasch, 80; Amaury of, see Amaury; Gunnilda of, see Gunnilda; Sir Hen. of, see Kersinton; Hugh de, 84 n; Osbert de, 80, 84; Sired of, 82, 84; Thos. (fl. 1390), 194; Thos. (fl. 1410), 86, 194, 196, 200 n; Thos., of Iffley (fl. 1415), 200; Thos. (fl. 15th c.), 86; Wm. of, 80
Cowley, 76–96, 103, 112, 177, 185, 189, 190, 226; Barracks, 77; bridges, 78–79; Burgan fee, 82, 85, 86, 87, 194, 209; char., 88, 92, 96; ch. bldgs., 91–93; ch. hist.: St. James, 76, 79, 86, 87, 90–92, 95, 96, 201, 202; St. John, 76, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96; civ. war, 78, 79; ct. rolls, 84, 88; cts., 80, 83–84, 197, 210; Diocesan Sch. (Cowley Coll.), 77, 95; Dogets Place, 82, 86, 209; dom. arch., 77; ec. hist., 83–90; farms, 76, 89; field map, 198; fields, 79, 83, 85; fishery, 82; hosps., 76, 92; Hundred Acres, 79, 83, 90; incl., 78, 79, 88, 88–89, 96, 259; inns, 77, 87, 92; land in, 142, 146, 193, 194, 195, 197, 199, 200, 209; mans., 79–81; Man. Ho., 77, 95; Marsh, 79, 81, 157, 259; Milham Ford, 78, 79, 260; mills: Boy Mill, 78, 79, 82, 195, 260; Temple Mill, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 260; occs., 85, 89, 151; Oxford Military Coll., 77, 92, 95; par. govt., 88, 89–90; P.N., 76; pop., 77, 83, 85; Prot. noncf., 89, 94–95; Quarry, 85, 89; rcty. est., 79– 80, 86, 87, 90, 93; Rom. Cathm., 93–94, 80; Salesian Coll., 94, 96 n.; schs., 77, 90, 92, 94, 95–96; streets: Between Towns Rd., 78; Church St., 77, 78, 90; Church Cowley (Cemetery) Rd., 78; Cowley Rd. (Berrye Lane), 78, 94, 95, 259; Crescent Rd., 94; Cruel (Crowell) Lane, 78, 87; Garsington Way, 78; Hertford St., 95; Hockmore St., 78, 87; Hockmore Way (Littlemore Rd.), 78; Holloway, 78, 83, 197; James St., 94; Magdalen Rd., 78, 95; Marston St., 91; Mud Lane, 78; Oxford Rd., 95; Pile Rd., 78, 79, 84, 89; Prince's St., 95; Rymer's Lane, 78, 79; Stockmore St., 91; Temple Rd., 77, 78, 79, 89, 94, 95; Temple St., 77, 78, 83, 88; other streets, 78; taxes, 86, 87, 318; tithes, 82, 259; top., 76–79, 259, 261; Vic., 77, 92; wds., 79, 83, 278; Workers' Hall, 78, 95; yeo. fams., 86, 87, 88; and see Bullingdon Green; Cowley, Church; Cowley, Temple; Hockmore St.; Hospitallers; Rose Hill; St. Frideswide's Priory; Templars
Cowley, Church, in Cowley, 76, 77, 78, 83, 87, 90, 94, 96, 191, 318; man., 6, 79–80, 82, 90, 143; Westbury, 78, 83, 86, 87; and see Cowley; St. Valery, hon. of
Cowley, Little, in Cowley, see Cowley, Temple
Cowley, Middle, see Hockmore St.
Cowley, Temple (or Little), in Cowley, 76–77, 83, 87, 90, 94, 95; man., 6, 80–81, 141, 143, 179, 193, 208; and see Cowley; Templars; Wallingford, hon. of
Cowley Fathers, see St. John the Evangelist, Society of
Cowley preceptory see Templars
Cowley St. James, see Cowley
Cowley St. John, see Cowley
Cox (Coxe), Ric., 19; — wid., 164; fam., 291, 308
Coxhead, Edw., 66; John (fl. 1641), 66, 68, 68 n, 69; John (fl. 1641), the younger, 68; John (fl. 1657), 70; Ric., 68; Rob., 66
Craddock, Wm., 316; —, see Nourse
Crapper, Messrs., 267
Craucumb, Geof. de, 251
Crawley, Chas., 206, 213; fam., 207, 213
Crendon, Long (Bucks.), 51
Cressy, Rob., 86 n
Crew, Eliz. Ann, m. Geo. Boscawen, Vct. Falmouth, 127; John, 127
Crew Trustees, the, 127
Crispin, Miles, 4, 33, 35, 80, 141, 144, 151, 299, 300
Croc, Rainald s. of, 9
Crofton, 151
Croke, Alex. (d. 1673), 58, 63, 76; Alex. (d. 1818), 75; Alex. (d. 1833), 75; Sir Alex. (d. 1842), 63–64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72; Anne, w. of Chas., 75; Anne, see Hore; Chas., 75; Charlotte, m. Wm. Ledwell, 63; Eliz., see Unton; Sir Geo. (d. 1642), 58, 63, 68, 69, 74, 76; Geo. (d. 1860), 64; Sir Hen., 63; Jas., 63; Jenny, m. John Parker, 75; John (d. 1554), 58, 58 n, 60, 63, 64, 71, 72, 125; Sir John (d. 1609), 58, 63, 66, 70, 71, 72; Sir John (d. 1620), 63; Sir John (d. 1640), 63; John (d. c. 1714), 63; John (fl. 1714), 63; John (fl. 19th c.), 64; Le Blount, 75; Lady Mary, w. of Sir Geo., 63; Paul Amb., 63; Prudence, see Cave; Ric. (fl. early 16th c.), 63; Ric. (d. 1663), 63; Sir Ric. (d. 1683), 217, 220; Thos., 63; Col. Unton (fl. 1660), 217; Unton (d. 1671), 159, 215, 217, 220; Wm. (d. c. 1642), 63; Wright, 217; fam., 56 n, 58, 64, 66, 72, 75, 119, 215, 215 n, 217 n, 218
Cromwell, Bridget, m. Gen. Ireton, 170; Oliver, Protector, 118, 170, 217, 275; Thos., 151
Crook, Noah, parchment maker, 112
Cropredy (Northants.), 316
Crosfield, Thos., 260
Crossley, F. H., architect, 213
Crouch, Rog. atte, 209
Crowell, Wm., 78, 194, 195
Crowell, 240
Crowmarsh Giffard (Northants.), 143, 206
Crown living, 264
Croxton, Ric., 29; Wm. (fl. 1690), 28; Wm. (fl. 1775), 22; fam., 28
Cruikshank, Revd. Hen., 95
Crundall, Alex., 172
Cuddesdon, 52, 96–116, 122, 123, 141, 151, 168; Bp.'s Palace, 98, 100–1, 104, 280 n, 310; bridge, 98, 174; char., 100; ch. bldg., 105–6; ch. hist., 104–5, 114–15; civ. war, 98, 100, 101, 170; dom. arch., 100; ec. hist., 102–4; farms, 100, 101, 103; fishery, 101, 107; geology, 98, 108; incl., 103; inns, 100; man., 101–2, 103, 184; mills, 101, 104, 112; occs., 103; par. map, 97; P.N., 100, 103, 107; poor rel., 100, 103; pop., 102, 103; Prot. noncf., 98–99; rlwy., 98, 112; Rom. Cathm., 98; schs., 99, 103; taxes, 103, 106 n, 318; Theological Coll., 100, 101, 104; top., 96, 98, 100–1, 177, 178; wds., 98, 102, 115, 278; worthies, 98; and see Chippinghurst; Coombe; Denton; Littleworth; Magdalen Coll.; Pilfrance; Vent, the; Wheatley
Cuddesdon deanery, 43, 104, 165
Culham, 30, 237, 239, 244 n, 284
Cullum, Messrs., builders, 106
Cullum, Messrs., wheel-wrights, 112
Culpepper, Martin, Ward. of New Coll., Oxf., 290
Culverd, And., 196; Christian, wid. of John (fl. 1295), 195, 196; John (fl. 1295), 195, 196; John (fl. 1324), 196
Culworth (Northants.), 34
Cumberlege, H. A., 220
Curci, see Courcy
Currill, Alf., 114; fam., 109
Curson (Curzon), Agnes, w. of Ric., 298; Ann, w. of Sir Francis (d. 1610), 307, 308; Anne, see Dormer; Cath., formerly Brinkhurst, 296, 299, 300; Eliz. (d. 1668), 307; Eliz., w. of Sir Thos. (d. 1682), 100; Eliz., see Knollys; Frances, m. Oliver (? Wm.) Gadbury, 296; Sir Francis (d. 1610), 298, 305, 307, 308; Sir Francis (d. 1750), bt., 270, 296, 299, 307, 308, 309; Isabel, see Sanders; John (fl. c. 1500), 298; Sir John (d. 1655), 127, 296, 298– 9; Sir John (d. 1727), bt., 296, 299, 304, 308; Sir John, 309; Magd., see Dormer; Penelope, see Child; Sir Pet., bt., 299, 308; Ric., 298, 302, 304, 308; Sir Thos. (d. 1682), bt., 296, 299, 303, 304, 307, 308; Vinc., 297, 298, 302, 303 n, 307; Wal. (d. 1527), 297, 298, 302, 303, 305, 307; Wal. (fl. 1575), 308; Winifred, see Powell; fam., 274, 296, 298, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308; fam., arms of, 307, 308; ests., 299; household, 306; and see Barnwall Curson; Roper Curson
Curtis, John, 219
Cussack, Frances, see Brinkhurst
Dacre fam., 308
Dacre fam., 308
Dahl, Mic., painter, 296
Dammartin, de, Aub. (I), 223, 251; Aub. (II) (d. 1200), 223, 224, 251; Joan, see Basset; Odo, 251; Reyn., 251; fam., 223, 251
Damory (de Aumary), Eliz., see Clare; Eliz., m. John Ld. Bardolf, 170; Gil., or 'de Almaria', 286; Marg., w. of Sir Ric. (d. 1336), 161; Sir Ric. (d. 1336), 160–1, 286; Sir Ric. (d. 1375), 160–1, 286; Sir Ric (fl. 14th c.), 56; Rob. (d. 1236), 286; Rob. (fl. 1285), 286; Rog. (d.c. 1281), 286; Rog. (fl. 1317), 170; fam., 5, 286
Danbe, Art., 197; John, 197; Rob., 197; fam., 196
Danes Brook, 289
Danish remains, 20
Danvers, Ann, see Sadler; Dan., 34, 40; Eliz., m. Sir Thos. Cave, 11; Geo., 227; Harrington, 227; Joan, see Bruly; Joan (or Jane), m. Ric. Fowler (d. 1478), 171; John (d.c. 1448), 10, 171; John (d. 1556), 34; John (d. 1616), 34, 46; Ralph, 79, 80; Roland, 79; Susan, m. John Pollard (d. 1670), 34; Susannah, see Pope; Sybil, see Fowler; Sir Thos., 10–11, 50, 51, 116; Sir Wm. (d. 1504), 227; Wm. (d. by 1660), silk merchant, 34; fam., 79, 227; fam., arms of, 46
Darcy, Sir Geo., 311
Darling fam., 184
David, Earl of Huntingdon, bro. of Malcolm, King of Scotland, 251
Davis, Lewis, glass-painter, 214; Revd. Ric. (fl. 1709), 274; Ric. (fl. 1790), mapmaker, 1, 40, 88, 228; Wm., 111; Mr., 176
Davy, Martin, 287
Davye fam., 46
Dawson, John, 266; Thos., 266
Day, Ann, 214; Bart., 105; Thos., 180; —, 201; fam., 201, 211
De la Mare (Mara, Mora), Isabel, see Akenny; Isabel, m. Thos. de Maydenhatch. 138, 145; Joan, see Achard; Joan, w. of John, m. 2 John de Louches (fl. 1337), 138; John, 138, 139, 145; Lucy, w. of Rob. (d. c. 1308), 33; Mat., 138; Maud, see Hastings; Maud, wid. of Pet. (d. 1254), 43; Pain, 138, 142, 143; Pet. (d. by 1173), 33, 42; Pet. (d. 1254), 33, 43; Pet. (d. 1291), 33, 37; Pet. (d. 1349), 33, 45; Rob. (fl. 1201), 33; Rob. (d. 1272), 33; Rob. (d.c. 1308), 33, 43; Rob. (d. 1382), 33, 34, 43; Thos., 33; Willelma, m. Sir John Roches, 33, 43; Wm., 139; fam., 32, 33, 43, 46, 138; and see Geoffrey
Dean (Deane), Ric. (? Thos.), 189; Thos., see Ric.; fam., 184
Dean, Forest of, 280
Deeley, H. A., 230; Thos., 227; fam., 22; and see Doilly
Denham, Thos., 223
Denham (? Dynham), Lady of, 226
Denison, Wm., Prov. of Queen's Coll., Oxf., 107; Wm. (fl. 1705), Fellow of University Coll., Oxf., 131
Denton, Dorothy, m. Edw. Smyth, 17; Edw., 17, 18, 21; John (d. 1576), 17, 18, 23, 24; John (d. 1649), 24, 24 n, 27; Joyce, see Carlton; Magd., see Brome; Thos. (fl. 1450), 51, 81 n; Thos. (fl. 1500), 17; Sir Thos. (fl. 1630), 286; Ursula, w. of John (d. 1649), 24, 25, 27; Wm., and his w. Mary, 18, 27; fam., 23, 25, 81, 211
Denton, in Cuddesdon, 96, 106, 109, 136, 147, 151; ec. hist., 103, 108; glebe, 104; Ho., 103, 106, 107; incl., 103, 108; land in, 51, 107; man., 101, 106–7; map, 97; poor rel., 100; taxes, 108, 318
Derbie, Mic., bell-founder, 122
Derbyshire grit, 94
Derehyde man., see Shotover
Derick, J. M., architect, 273
Despenser (Dispenser), Sir Ad., 50, 139; Aymer, 139; Emma, see St. John; Geof., 125, 284; Hugh le (fl. 1200), 311; Hugh, Earl of Winchester (d. 1326), 9, 61, 110, 251; Sir Hugh (d. 1326), 110; John (fl. 1320), 9; John (fl. 1368), 9; Nic., 9, 10; Thos. s. of Hugh le (fl. 1200), 311; Thurstan, 50, 139; fam., 13; fee, 37, 143
Devereux, Rob., Earl of Essex, 13, 60, 158, 178
Devon, ctsses. of, see Bohun, Marg.; Riviers, Isabel and Marg.; earls of, see Courtenay; Riviers
Dey fam., 269
Dickerson, John, 68
Didcot (Berks.), 112
Digswell (Herts.), 312
Dikerel, see Merton
Dispenser, see Despenser
Disraeli, Ben., statesman, 34
Dissent, see Anabaptists, Baptists, Congregationalists, Friends, Jews, Plymouth Brethren, Presbyterians; and see Prot. noncf. and Rom. Cathm. under parish entries
d'Ivry, Adeline, see Grantmesnil; Adeline, 60; Aubree, w. of Rob. (fl. 11th c.), 60; Geof., 60; Hugh (fl. 1086), 17, 60; Hugh (fl. 12th c.), 60 n; Rob. (fl. 11th c.), 60; Rob. (fl. c. 1086), 60; Rog. (d. c. 1089), 17, 19, 35, 37, 49, 53, 60, 72, 79, 80, 115, 124, 125, 170, 178, 286, 290; Rog. (fl. 1100), 17, 60; fam., 17, 60; barony, 17, 60
Docwra, Thos., prior of the Hospitallers in England, 269
Dodd, Fielding, architect, 106; Thos., 129
Doe, Joldewin de (or Geodo de Bado), 251
Doget, Ric., 209
d'Oilly, Aldgitha, see Aldgitha, dau. of Wigod of Wallingford; Edith, w. of Rob. (d. 1142), 93; Hen. (d. 1163), 19, 79, 90, 125, 185; Hen. (d. 1232), 10; Hen., 262; Rob. (fl. 1086), 19, 35, 37, 49, 53, 60, 72, 79, 117, 121, 125, 172, 185, 284, 296, 304; Rob. (d. 1142), 19, 125, 264; Rob., 262; fam., 10, 49, 117, 124, 172, 297; fam. estates, 53, 296; fee, 172; hon., 10; and see Doyley
Doilly, Chris., 22; and see Deeley
Dolbey, Ric., 68, 68 n, 69
Dominic, Fr., 213
Dominicans, see Oxford friaries
Donnington Hosp. (Berks.), 82, 87, 89, 193, 195, 200; Trust, 190, 193, 206
Donnington man. (Berks.), 52, 193
Dorchester, mqss. of, see Pierrepoint
Dorchester, 2, 102; canons (secular) of, 43, 52; chaps, of, 52; fee, 51; hund., 2, 6, 51; man., 35, 52; peculiar, 42–43; sch. at, 47, 249; see of, 4, 52
Dorchester Abbey, 42, 44, 53, 301; abbots of, 38, 50, 300, 301; and see Roger; Wynchingdon; canons of 43, 52
Dormer, Anne, m. 1 Edm. Powell (d. by 1678); 2 Sir John Curson (d. 1727), 299, 308; Magd., m. Sir John Curson (d. 1655), 307; Mic., 51 n; Rob., 285; Rowland, Baron Dormer, 299; fam., arms of, 307
Dorset, John, Abbot of Abingdon, 245
Douneham, Alice, see Rushbery
Downe, earl of, see Pope, Sir Wm., 34
Doyley, Anne, see Barnard; Eliz., see Cheney; John (d. 1569), 107; John (d. 1593), 223, 233; John (d. 1623), 107, 140; Kath., see Tregian; Margery, m. Sir Edw. Harrington, 223; Rob. (d. 1577), 223, 225, 227; Sir Rob. (d. 1577), 107; Thos. (d. 1545), 223; fam., 222, 227, 230; and see d'Oilly
Drake, Revd. John, 141; and see Tyrwhitt-Drake
Draper, Cresheld, 110
Drax, Sir Jas., 18; Wm., 17; fam., 18 n
Draycote, Rob., 305; Sired de, 302
Draycott (Draycot), in Waterstock, formerly in Ickford (Bucks.), 4, 18, 305
Drayton, Eliz., m. John Wenlock, 240; Lady Isabel, wid. of Sir John, m. 2 Steph. Hatfield, 240; Joan, m. Drew Barantyne, 240; Sir John, 240, 245
Drayton (Leics.), 209
Drayton St. Leonard, 151
Dreux, Annora de, see St. Valery; Pet. de, Duke of Brittany, 61
Dreux, counts of, see Robert II, Robert III
Drinkwater, H. W. G., architect, 220, 274; John, poet, 250, 257, 310
Druce, Wm., 153
Drury, G. V., 276, 277, 281
Dry Sandford, see Sandford
Dryden, Sir Hen., 26; Revd. Lempster G. G., 16, 26
Dublin, St. Patrick's ch., dean of, see Aleyn
Dudley, Edm., 110
Dudley (Worcs.), ld. of. see Sutton, Sir John
Dunch, Edm., 273; Eliz., m. John Isham, 273, 275
Dunkin, John (d. 1673), 227; John (d. 1846), antiquary, 227, 229
Durant, John (fl. 1279), 31, 38; John (fl. 1328), 38; Thos. (fl. early 14th c.), 31, 38
Durbridge, Thos., 271
Durham, prebendary of, see Haggett
Durham Coll., Oxf., monk of, 164
Duyn, John, see Fitzellis
Dyer, Gilb. the, 262
Dynham, Alice, 252; Jas., 253; John (d. 1602), 252, 253, 255, 258, 277; John (d. 1634), 252, 253; Kath., see Rede; Kath., wid. of John, 253, 258; Mary, m. Laur. Banastre, 252; Thos., 252, 253, 277; fam., 226 n
Eagle Foundry, Oxf., 109
Ealdred, Abbot of Abingdon, 101
Earle, Anne, see Biscoe; Eliz., see Biscoe; Frances, see Biscoe; Mary Anne, m. T. G. Tyndale, 172, 175; Tim. H., 172; Mr. and Mrs., 176
Easington, in Chilton (Bucks.), 63, 76, 258
East Bridge (Petty Pont), Oxf., 78, 81, 82, 195, 261, 264; and see Magdalen Bridge
East Haddon, see Haddon, East
East Hagbourne, see Hagbourne, East
Eaton, Revd. Byrom, 241, 246, 248; Sarah, w. of Revd. Byrom, 248
Eatun, see Wood Eaton
Ecclesiastical Comms., 16, 24, 89, 90
Edendon, Wm. of, see Edington
Edgehill, battle of, 312
Edington (Edendon), Wm. of, Bp. of Winchester, 194, 272
Edith, Queen, 63
Edmonds (Edmondes), Chris. (fl. 1530), 62; Chris. (fl. 1580), 98
Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, 17, 23, 49, 60, 61, 63, 67, 71, 169, 170, 179, 180, 182, 294; ct. of, 125, 141, 185; knights of, 125
Edmund of Abingdon, see Rich
Edner (or Cook, or Rigge), Louis, 94, 94 n
Education, Board of, 168
Edward the Confessor, King, 207, 268
Edward I, King, 57, 60, 61, 67
Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edw. I), 138
Edward II, King, 33, 61
Edward III, King, 57, 60, 61, 125, 273, 286
Edward IV, King, 34, 60, 67
Edward VI, King, 24, 219
Edward VII, King, 203
Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edw. VII), and his w., 95
Edward, the Black Prince, 61, 62, 67, 71, 185
Edward the miller, 226
Edwards, Amb., 292; John (fl. 1554), 210; John (fl. 1557), 292; John (d. 1681), 210; Marg., 210
Edwy, King, 101
Eeley, Wm., 184
Efteley (? Iffley), Rob. of, Prior of Kenilworth, 203
Egerley, John, 102
Elder Stubbs (wood), 96, 157, 275
Elderfield, Francis, 53, 54
Eldridge, Martha, 291; Wm., 12
Elias, Prior of St. Frideswide's, 252
Elias, Wm. s. of, 84 n
Elizabeth I, Queen, 18, 23, 24, 26, 53, 62, 81, 179, 193, 208, 275
Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Edw. IV, 160 n
Ellerton, Dr. Edw., 186, 188, 189
Elliot, Pet. (d. 1682), 108; Pet. (fl. 1738), 108; —, 124
Elsfield, of, Anne, dau. of Wm. (d. 1398), 118; Gil., 117; Hugh (fl. 12th c.), 119, 121; Hugh, s. of Wm. (fl. 12th c.), 117; Joan, m. Thos. Loundres, 118; Joan, grddau. of Wm. (d. 1398), m. John Hore, 118; Joan, w. of Gil., 117; John (fl. 1242), 117; John (fl. 1279), 117; John (fl. 14th c.), 118 n; Ric., 118n; Thos., 117; Wm. (fl. 12th c.), 117; Wm. (d. 1398), 118
Elsfield, 7, 116–22, 157, 163, 261; char., 118, 122; ch. bldg., 121–2; ch. hist., 120–1; commons, 163, 294; dom. arch., 116, 117; ec. hist., 118–20; farms, 116, 118, 120; incl., 119; man., 117–18; Man. Ho., 121; mill, 116; noncf., 121, 122; occs., 120; P.N., 118, 119, 163; pop., 118, 120; rds., 116–17; sch., 122; Sescut, 116, 119, 214, 215; social conds., 120; taxes, 318; top., 116–17, 214, 215, 310; vicars, 121, 175, 219; wds., 118, 119, 278, 294; worthies, 117; and see St. Frideswide's Priory
Elstone, John, and his w., 176
Elton, Revd. Edw., 109, 113, 114, 115
Elvetham (Hants), 81, 208
Elveva, the Lady (fl. 11th c.), 17, 17 n
Elwes, Sir Gervais, 140; fam., 140
Elye, Thos., 186
Emigration, 103, 112
Empson, Anne, m. 1 Rob. Ingleton, 2 John Hugford, 298; Sir Ric., 298
Englefield, Cecily, m. Wm. Fowler, 171; Sir Francis, 102; Sybil, m. Ric. Quatremain, 171
Epwell (Ipwell), in Swalcliffe, 161
Esses, see Ash
Essex, earl of, see Devereux
Esthulle, Wal. de, 107
Ethelred, King, 19, 81, 120, 160, 165, 261
Eton College (Windsor), 163
Eugenius III, Pope, 19, 52
Eugenius IV, Pope, 269
Eustace, Count of Boulogne, 80
Eustace, John (fl. 1279), 110, 111; —, v. of Beckley, 73
Evangelical Union, the, 92
Evans, Revd. E., 219; Harman, printer, 164; Martha, m. Chris. Willoughby, 32; —, wid. of Revd. E., 219
Evelyn, Geo., 121; John (fl. early 18th c.), 242; John, diarist, 276
Evesham, battle of, 61, 192
Evetts, Revd. Thos., 89
Évreux, counts of, see Simon, William; and also Helewis, w. of Wm.
Ewelme, 50, 140, 243 n; half hund. of, 4, 5; hon. of, 3, 4, 5, 62, 102, 124, 170, 178, 311; steward, 179, 270
Ewen fam., 215
Exeter, bp. of, see Carey
Exeter Coll., Oxf., 112, 233; chap., 231; ch. belonging to, 230, 231, 232; fellows of, 44, 231, 233; prop., 143, 148, 149, 222, 238, 300
Eynsham, 80, 87, 229 n
Eynsham Abbey, 16, 38, 222, 310; abbots of, 264, 294; and see Cheltenham; chs. belonging to, 226, 229, 230, 289, 290, 315; prop., 33, 37, 279, 284, 294, 311, 313–14; tithes, 43
Eyre, Jos., 26
Fairfax, Col. Sir Thos., later Gen. Ld. Fairfax, 137, 158, 167, 170, 217, 280
Fairford (Glos.), 201
Faith, Wm., 99
Falaise, Emma de, m. Wm. de Courcy, 239; Wm. de, 239
Falkland, vct. of, see Cary
Falmouth, vctss., see Crew
Fane, Georgina, m. Jos. Warner Henley, 299; John, 299
Faringdon (Berks.), 126; chap. at, 265
Faritius, Abbot of Abingdon, 104, 105, 139, 239, 243, 245
Farmer, Ric., 272
Farr, Revd. Thos., 186; fam., 183
Farthyngston, Ric., 196
Faulkner, Ann, 75; John (fl. 18th c.), and his w. Mary, 75; John (fl. 1786), 58, 69; fam., 75
Faulstone, in Bishopstone (Wilts.), 33
Faussett, Godfrey, 175
Fawkener (Fawkner), Marg., m. Rob. Fitzellis (fl. 1450), 298, 307; Ralph, 245; Wm., 298; fam., arms of, 307
Felise le meleward, 226
Fell, John, Bp. of Oxf., 30, 100, 256, 263, 274
Fencott, in Charlton-on-Otmoor, 56, 70
Fenne, Hen. de la, 196; Wm. de la, 196; fam., 85
'Fernhurst' (Bucks.), forest of, 254
Ferrey, B., architect, 101
Ferryman, John the, 51
Fettiplace fam., 43
Fewcot, in Stoke Lyne, 225, 226
Fiddler's Elbow (Berks.), 269, 270, 271
Fidler, J., 55
Field, Steph., 206, 209; —, 201; fam., 201, 212
Fileking, John, 199
Finch, Thos., 316; Wm. (fl. 1660), 165; Wm. (fl. 1694), 291; Wm. (fl. 1752), 167; Wm. (fl. 1846), 165
Firkins, Ric. (fl. 1640), 196; Ric. (fl. 1661), 196
Fish, Ric., and his w. Marg., 127
Fisherman, Coks the, 196
Fitton, W. H., geologist, 134
Fitzellis, Eliz. (or de Corston), m. Sir John Russell, 10; Ellis, 10, 13; Emma, see Bray; Hen. (fl. 1180), 296–7; Joan, see FitzNiel; John (d. 1395), formerly Duyn, 298; John (d. by 1438), 298; Marg., see Fawkener; Marg., see Pippard; Margery w. of Wm. (fl. 1250), 297; Margery (fl. 1470), 307; Maud, m. Rob. James, 298; Rob. (d. by 1300), 297–8, 301; Rob. (d. by 1346), 298, 302; Rob. (fl. 1450), 298, 307; Rog. (fl. 1300), 10, 297; Rose, see Rokele; Thos. (d. by 1277), 297; Wm. (fl. 1160), 10, 296, 302, 304; Wm. (d. 1227), 10, 297, 304; Wm. (fl. 1250), 10, 297, 300, 304, 305; Wm. (d. 1318) (or de Corston), 10; fam., 10, 297, 301; fam., arms of, 307; ests., 298; fee, 297, 302, 304
FitzGeoffrey, Maud, see Lucy; Ralph, 311
FitzGerard, Ida, m. Walchelin Hareng, 311; Wm., 311
FitzGerold, Agnes, see FitzNiel; Alice, see Courcy; Alice, m. Rob. de Lisle (d. c. 1262), 9; Hen. (fl. 12th c.), 9; Marg., m. 1 Baldwin de Riviers, 2 Fawkes de Breaute, 9, 239–40, 242; Maud, see Chesney; Warin (d. 1218), 9, 33, 192, 245; Warin (fl. 1250), 192, 208 n; fam., 9
FitzHerbert, Pet., 297 n
FitzNiel, Agnes, m. 1 Reyn. Basset, 2 Warin FitzGerold (fl. 1250), 192; Aumary (or de Nowers), 193; Grace, w. of Rob. (d. 1265), 192; Grace, m. John de Nowers, 193; Joan, m. John de Hadlow, 253; Joan, m. Thos. Fitzellis, 297; John (d. 1289), 253, 297; John (d. 1300), 21, 253; John (fl. c. 1300), 209; Ric. (fl. 1170), 191, 192; Ric. (d. c. 1220), 191, 192; Rob. (d. 1265), 5, 192; Rob. (fl. c. 1300), 209; Rob. (d. 1331), 81, 192, 193, 196, 208, 209; Rob. (fl. c. 1350) (or de Nowers), 193; Thos., 21; —, w. of John (fl. c. 1300), 209; fam., 191, 199
FitzOsbern, Wm., Earl of Hereford, 9
FitzPeter, Reyn., 297 n; John, s. of Reyn., 297 n
Five Mile Act, 94
Fleccar, Geof. de, 158; Parnel de, w. of Geof., 158
Fleetwood, Sir Geo., 312; Hen., 312; Thos. (fl. 1575), 312; Sir Thos. (fl. 1606), 312
Fletcher, Sir Hen., see Aubrey Fletcher
Flexney, Thos., 245
Foliot, Hen. (d. by 1233), 9; Isabel, m. 2 Hugh de Whithull, 9; Pet. (fl. 1255), 5, 9; Pet. (fl. 1295), 9; Rog. (fl. 1225), 9; Rog. (fl. 1246), s. of Pet., 5; Rog. (fl. 1280), 9; Samson (d. c. 1280), 9; Wm. (fl. 1195), 9; fam., 9, 13
Folkington, Rob., 119n
Fonnereau, Eliz., see Heywood
Fonte, John de, 142, 144, 145; Thos. de, 142, 144
Fonthill Bishop (Wilts.), 311
Forbench (Forberich, Forbych), Chas., 202, 203, 273
Forbes, Revd. G. F., 55
Forbych, see Forbench
Ford, Edw., 188; John, 128; Wm., 188
Forde, Edw. (fl. late 17th c.), 144; Francis (fl. 1634), 142; Francis (fl. 1720), 142; John (d. 1616), 142; John (d. 1634), 142; John (d. 1644), 142; Ric. (d. 1572/3), 142; Ric. (fl. early 17th c.), 148; fam., 146, 146 n, 150, 156
Forest Hill, 6, 7, 73, 76, 122–34, 146, 157, 175, 275, 305; bridge, 123; chpls., 130, 290; char., 133–4; ch. bldg., 132–3, 281; ch. hist., 130–2; civ. war, 123, 124, 126; Compt. cens., 127; cts., 128, 129; crops, 128; curates, 131–2; dom. arch., 124; ec. hist., 127–30; farms, 119, 127, 128; field syst., 129–30; incl., 129, 130; inhabitants, 291, 292, 293; inns, 122, 124, 130; mans., 124–7, 284; Man. Ho., 124; mill, 123 n, 128, 132; noncf., 133; occs., 130; P.N., 123, 130; pop., 127–8; quarry, 130; Risinghurst, 124; rds., 123; Sandhills, 123, 124, 131, 281; schs., 133; taxes, 124, 127, 128, 318; top., 122–4; wds., 123; worthies, 124; and see Forest Hill with Shotover; Minchincourt; St. Valery, hon. of; Vent, the; Wallingford, hon. of
Forest Hill with Shotover, civ. par., 109, 122, 168, 275, 282
Forester, Hugh the, 276 n
Forester, Ric. le, 57, 62
Forman, Rob., 87
Forster, Lady, 261
Forz, Isabel de, see Riviers
Foster, Cecily (or Celia), see Rusholm; Sir Edm., 297; Lambert (fl. c. 1370), 297; Lambert (fl. 1428), s. of Lambert, 297; Ric. (fl. 1375), 297; Ric. (fl. 1472), 286
Fountaine, Theodosia, see Harrington
Fowler, Cecily, see Englefield; Edw., 101; Gabriel, 174; Joan (or Jane), see Danvers; Ric. (d. 1478), 171; Sir Ric. (d. c. 1502), 171; Ric. (d. 1528), 101, 171, 173; Sybil, m. Thos. Danvers, 11; Thos., 62; Wm., 171; fam., 174
Foxley, John, 73
Franciscan Capucin friars, see Greyfriars
Franciscans, 86, 208, 274; and see Oxford friaries
Frank, Ralph, 316, 317
'Frankeburg' (? Wendlebury), 225
Franklin, Edm., 146; Jane, 184; John (fl. c. 1220) the, 301; John (fl. 1506), 146; John (fl. 1524), 182, 184; Miles, tanner, 85; Ric. le (fl. 13th c.), 81, 85; Thos. le (fl. 13th c.), 81, 85; Thos. (fl. 14th c.), clk., 85; Wm., 146; fam., 85, 86, 136, 143, 146
Franks fam, 301
Freeman, E. A., historian, 98, 207
Freen (Frene), Anne, 292 n; Thos. (fl. 1386), 196; Thos. (fl. 1402), 196
Freland, Rog., 114 n
Frene, see Freen
Frescheville, de, Denise, see Hareng; Eustace, 124, 311; Millicent, m. Miles of Fritwell, 311
Friends, Soc. of (Quakers), 167, 231, 265
Fritwell, of, Miles, 311; Millicent, see Frescheville; Ric., 125, 311; Steph., 311
Fritwell, 311
Froggepitte, Wal., 271
Frogley, Ric., 100
Frome Selwood (Som.), 55
Froston, Rob., 52
Frothingham, Kath., m. 1 Ric. Powell (d. 1682), 2 Sam. Symonds, 127
Froude, Mrs. Wm., 213
Fruin fam., 55, 147
Fry, Dr. Steph., 266; Revd. Thos., 53, 54, 55
Fulk (fl. 1086), 311
Fuller, Wm., see Mardyn; fam., 85
Fulthorpe, Edith, see Hore; Thos. 118
Fulwell, in Mixbury, 62
Fynmore, Mr., 129
Fyppes, John, 16
Gabell, Hen., 306
Gadbury, Frances, see Curson; John (fl. 1577), 100; John (fl. 1679), astrologer, 296, 308; Oliver (? Wm.), 296, 296 n; Wm., see Oliver; fam., 296 n
Gaddesden (Herts.), 141
'Gadre hundreds', 2 n
Gage, Eleanor, see Seyntclere; Sir Hen., 178; John, 285; Mr., 175
Gainsford, Austin, 209; Juliana, see Hye
Gale, Jos., 104, 150, 174
Galowe, Ric., 202 n
Gamage, John, 110; Rob., 209; Thos., 209
Gamlingay (Cambs.), 316
Gandon, Jas., architect, 237
Gannage, Rob., 278
Gannoge, Gil. de, 141
Gardiner, Sir Alan, 194; Dr. Bern., 102; Grace, see Smythe; Ric., 287; Steph., Bp. of Winchester, 24; Thos., 102; Wm., 53
Gardino, de, John, 106; Julian, 106; Pet., 106; Reyn., 106, 144; Thos., 106
Garendon Abbey (Leics.), 208
Garsington, de, Ad., 139; Adeline, w. of Saladin, 145; Hugh (fl. early 13th c.), 151; Hugh (fl. 1247), 139; John (fl. early 13th c.), 152; John (fl. mid–13th c.), 143; Nic. 146; Ric., 146; Rog., 139; Saladin, 144; Wal. (fl. 11th c.), 139; Wal. (fl. 12th c.), 139; Wal. (fl. 1224), 139; Wal. (fl. 1255), ? or Pain, 139, 145, 155; fam., 145, 199, 211; and see Choche
Garsington, 47, 86 n, 98 n, 101, 108 n, 109, 134–56, 177, 262, 267; char., 156; ch. bldg., 154–6; ch. hist., 151– 4; civ. war, 137; dom. arch., 136–7; ec. hist., 144–50; farms, 136, 137, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149; field map, 135; fields, 136, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 207; Green, 134, 137; incl., 148–9; inns, 136, 137, 154; land in, 52, 88, 184; Library Farm, 136; mans., 81, 137–41: Garsington, 140; Havels (South End), 139– 40, 144, 145, 147; Louches (North End), 138–40, 141, 145, 149; Man. Hos.: Havels (Chaucer's Man. Ho.), 134, 136; Louches (North End Man. Ho.), 134, 136, 147; mill, 136; noncf., 156; North End, 136, 140, 143, 146; occs., 150–1; par. govt., 147–8, 150–1; P. N., 134, 137, 149; pop., 145, 147, 149, 150; Rcty., 152–3; rds., 134, 137, 146, 151; schs., 137, 156; South End, 134, 140, 143, 146, 149; Spittle Green, 134; taxes, 136, 145, 147, 150, 318; top., 134–7; wds., 134; yeo. fams., 136, 143, 144, 146–8, 149, 150, 151, 152, 318; and see Abingdon Abbey, Hospitallers, Magdalen Coll., Templars
Gascony (France), 138
Gate, Agnes, see Baldington; Geof., 10
Gaudin, Pet., 171
Gaveston, Piers de, Earl of Cornwall, 61
Gayhurst (Bucks.), 193
Gelote, Joan, 173; Maud, w. of Ric., 172, 173; Ric., 172
Geoffrey (fl. 1086), grandfather of Pet. De la Mare, 33; Hen. s. of, 33; Rob. s. of, 33
George II, King, 304
George, Duke of Cambridge, 95
Gerard, John, 308
Gerardmolendino, Joan de, see Basset; Sim. de, 224
Ghernon, Adeliza, m. Hen. de Thomley, 299, 299 n, 301
Giffard, Wal., Bp. of Bath and Wells, 251; fam., 46
Gilbert (fl. 1086), 179
Gilbert (fl. late 12th c.), 302
Gilbert, v. of Waterperry, 305
Gilbert the dyer, 262
Gilbert the hatter, 262
Gilbert's Act (17 Geo. III), 237
Gilman, Ric., 144; —, 197
Gilpin, Wm. S., landscape gardener, 239
Gladstone, W. E., statesman, 54, 167
Glass, painted, 46, 75, 187–8, 213, 257, 292, 307
Glass-painters, see Davis, Lewis; Hardman; Horwood; Jones & Willis; Kempe; Morris, Wm.; Price (of York), Wm.; Shrigley & Hunt; Webb, C.; Willement
Glorie, John, and his w. Joan, 196
Gloucester, earl of, see Clare
Gloucester, Berwick Lodge in, 35
Gloucester, bp. of, see Slade; dean of, 253; prebendary of, 246
Gloucester Coll., Oxf., 44
Glover, John the, 262
Glynne, Sir John, 16; Kath., m. Thos. Lister, 28; Sir Steph., bt., 18; Sir Wm. (d. 1690), bt., 15, 16, 18, 25, 28; Sir Wm. (d. 1721), bt., 18, 26; fam., 18 n, 23
Goddard, Ann, see Sadler; Ric., 34, 53, 241
Godfrey (fl. 1086), 171
Godstow Abbey, 82, 87, 110, 139, 142, 203, 216, 279; abbess of, 260
Godstow Wood, in Oakley (Bucks.), 72
Godwin, Earl, 207, 268
Godwin the weaver, 225
Golafre, John (d. 1396), 62; John (d. 1442), 62
Golding, Alice, 246; Isabel, 242; John, and his w. Scholastica, 272; fam., 242
Golightly, Thos., 45, 54
Gomme, Sir Bern. de, Dutch military engineer, 260; Ric., 66; fam., 66
Gonne, Edw., 223
Goodgame, John, 123
Goodridge, John, 144
Goodwin, Col. Art., 251; Thos., 316
Gordon, Revd. Ric., 121, 122, 219; Canon, 221; Mr., 204
Gore, Chas., Bp. of Oxf., 98
Gorhambury Estates Co., 312
Goring Priory, 301, 305
Gose, John, 151
Gosford Hill, in Kidlington, sch. at, 122, 221
Gough, Ric., 237
Grafton, Fr. C. C., 92
Graham, Brig.-Gen. C. A. L., 107; Chas., 20
Grant fam., 291
Grantmesnil, Adeline de, m. Rog. d'Ivry, 60; Hugh de, 60
Grate, Thos., 78
Grave, see Grove
Graven Hill, in Merton, 3, 15, 221, 225, 228
Gravesend, Ric., Bp. of Lincoln, 71, 202
Gray, Thos., poet, 238
Great Hambleton, see Hambleton, Great
Great Haseley, see Haseley, Great
Great Milton, see Milton, Great
Great Rollright, see Rollright, Great
Great Western Rlwy., 15, 77, 98, 207, 236
Greaves, Anna Maria Rooke, see Henley; Revd. Edm., 132; Geo., 307
Green (Greene), Sir Geo., 140; Ric. (fl. late 17th c.), bell-founder, 14; Ric. (d. 1750), printer, 188; Revd. Vernon T., 213
Greenaway, H., 184
Greening fam., 89, 201, 209, 212
Greenwood, John, 108; fam., 108
Gregorie, Capt. Geo. Wayne, 107
Gregory IX, Pope, 53
Grenehurst, Ralph, 194
Greyfriars, Oxf., 94, 96, 220
Griffin, Jas., 253; Mic., 253; Ric., 112
Grimston, Jas. Wal., Earl of Verulam (d. 1924), 315; Jas. Wal., Earl of Verulam (d. 1949), 312
Grosseteste, Rob., Bp. of Lincoln, 71, 104
Grove (Grave), de, Alice, m. Hen. de Bueles, 172; Fulk, 172; Hen., 172; Margery, w. of Fulk, 172; Orenga, w. of Thos., 172; Thos., 172
Grove, see Holton
Grulc, Wm., 229
Guiden, Francis, 144
Guido, see Reni
Guild of St. Katherine, see Iffley
Guilford, earls of, see North
Guinney, Louise Imogen, poetess, 213
Gunnilda, dau. of Wm. (? de Cowley), 81
Gunter, Ric., 230
Gupill, Ric., 81
Gutch, John, 264
Gysbourne, John, 245
Hacun (Hacon), a Dane, 223, 239, 251
Hadden, John, 226
Haddon, East (Leics.), 208
Hadleigh (Essex), 132
Hadlow, de, Edm., 253, 277; Eliz., m. Edm. de la Pole, 253, 277; Joan, seeFitzNiel; Sir John, 33, 61, 61 n, 71, 142, 251–2, 277; Marg., m. John Appleby, 63, 253, 277; Ric, 277—, w. of Ric., m. 2 Sir Ric. de Hildesle, 277
Hadston (? or Hatton), —, 201; fam., 201
Hagbourne, East (Berks.), 53
Haggard, Rider, author, 137
Haggett, Revd. Francis, 237, 247
Haines, Jas., 209
Hale, Sir Mat., 23
Hall, Ant., 167; John, 11; Phil., carpenter, 305; Rob., 53; fam., 11
Halsey, Jos., 141; Thos. Plumer, 141
Halton, Tim., Prov. of the Queen's Coll., Oxf., 40, 49
Hambleton, Great (Rut.), 171
Hampden, Sir Edm., 57, 62, 286; John, 299
Hampton Gay, 225, 226
Handborough, 66
Hanks, Eliz., 47
Hanney, Pet. de, Abbot of Abingdon, 245
Harald, Nic., 112
Harcourt, Aubrey, 242, 245; Edith, see Seyntclere; Abp. Edw., see Venables-Vernon; Edw. W., 242, 248; Eliz., see Venables-Vernon; Geo. Granville, 242; Geo. Sim., Earl Harcourt (d. 1809), 236, 237, 238, 242, 244, 248; Sir John, 311; Lewis, Vct. Harcourt, 239, 242, 248; Martha, m. Geo. Baron Vernon, 242; Mary, m. Ric. Taverner, 311; Lady Rebecca, w. of Sim., Earl Harcourt, 237; Ric., 285; Sir Sim., Vct. Harcourt, 234, 237, 241, 242; Sim., Vct. Nuneham, Earl Harcourt (d. 1777), 234, 236, 237, 242, 244, 246, 247; Wm., Earl Harcourt (d. 1830), 242, 249; Sir Wm., 242; Wm. Edw., Vct. Harcourt, 242; Revd. Wm. Vernon, 242; Ctss., 249; fam., 244, 245
Hardinge, —, 124
Hardman, —, glass painter, 105
Hardwick, John de (fl. 1366), 314; John (fl. c. 1400), 314–15; John (fl. 1421), 314–15
Hareng, Denise, m. Eustace de Frescheville, 311; Fulk, 311; Helewis, see Wadard; Ida, see FitzGerard; Rog., 314; Walchelin, 311, 313, 315
Hargreaves, Jas., 289
Harle, Rowland de, 242
Harold, Earl, 268
Harolde, Thos., 158 n
Harper, Thos., 149; fam., 129, 147, 150, 151, 154
Harpesford, see Wheatley Bridge
Harrington, Anne, see Barnard; Sir Edm., 224; Sir Edw. (fl. c. 1635), 221, 223–4, 228; Sir Edw. (d. 1716), 224, 233; Sir Jas. (d. 1614), 223; Sir Jas. (fl. late 17th c.), 222, 223, 224, 228, 233; Jas. (d. 1677), 222; Jas. (fl. 1709), 228; Jas. (d. 1713), 233; Jas. (fl. 1747), 224, 224 n; Kath., see Wright; Lucy, dau. of Sir Edw., 233; Lucy, wid. of Jas. (d. 1713), 233; Margery, see Doyley; Ric. (d. 1712), 224, 233; Ric. (d. 1763), 233; Sarah, see Alston; Theodosia, m. —Fountaine, 233; fam., 223, 227, 230, 233
Harrington (Northants.), 298
Harris, Ric., joiner, 28; Rob., Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 153; Sam., 184; Alderman, 144
Harrison, H. K., 254; Wm., author, 234
Harse, the, see Worminghall Brook
Hart, John, 258; Sam., 229, 231
Hart Hall, Oxf., princ. of, see Iles
Hartin, Rob., 229, 233
Hartley, Winchcombe Hen., 193; fam., 193
Harwell (Berks.), 53, 142; Free Sch. at, 142, 149
Haseley, Great, 10, 14, 87, 266, 296 n; 1d. of, 80; quarries at, 276; and see Rycote
Haseley stone, 276
Hassall, Mrs. A. G., 109
Hastings, Hugh de, 33; Maud de, m. Rob. De la Mare, 33
Hatfield, Isabel, see Drayton; Steph., 240; Wm., 196
Hatter, Gil. the, 262
Hatton (? or Hadston) fam., 201
Hauville, de, Alice, w. of Hugh (fl. 1255), 139; Hugh (fl. 1255), 139, 143; Hugh (fl. 1279), 139, 144; Isabel, 139; John, 140; Phil., 139, 142; Reyn., 139; Thos., 140; Wm. (fl. 1296), 139; Wm. (fl. 1404), 140; fam., 136
Havergall, Miss B., 299
Hawkes, John, 123, 132
Hawkins, Edw., Prov. of Oriel Coll., Oxf., 210; John, 248; Revd. W., 210; Wm., the elder (fl. 1805), 229; Wm., the younger (fl. 1805), 229
Hawksmoor, Nic., architect, 163
Hawthorne, Nat., author, 239
Hay, see Hye
Hayes, Ric., 123
Hayward, Sam., 66
Headington, 7, 113, 142, 157–68, 183, 203, 281; char., 168; ch. bldg., 166–7; ch. hist., 72, 120, 162, 165– 6, 216, 218, 219, 264; civ. war, 158, 167, 217; commons, 163, 225 n, 294; cts., 162–3, 197, 210, 215 n, 262; Cross, 158, 259; dom. arch., 157–8, 165, 261, 262; ec. hist., 162–5; fisheries, 160, 216; fields, 78, 129, 163; hosps., 159–60; incl., 163, 165; inns, 157, 159, 164: The Britannia, 49, 159; Joan's, 164; man., 2, 3, 5, 50, 61 n, 83, 137, 160– 2, 225, 261, 276; man., lds. of, 219, 262, 281, 294; mkt., 158; mills, 158; New Headington, 159, 167; Old Headington, 159; peculiar of, 120, 165, 218; P.N., 157, 163; pop., 159, 162; Prot. noncf., 167–8; quarries, 157, 159, 163–4, 169, 237, 260, 281; rds., 157, 159, 162; Rom. Cathm., 167; Royal Palace (Ethelred's), 57, 157, 160, 161, 165; schs., 168; stone, 163–4, 166, 167, 169, 237, 259; streets: Barton Lane, 157; Cheney Lane, 259; Church St., 157; Copse Lane, 157; Gipsy Lane, 159, 259; Lime Walk, 159, 167, 168, 169; London Rd., 157, 158, 159, 168; Margaret Rd., 168; Marston Rd., 157; North Place, 157; Old High St., 157, 158; Old Rd., 159; Quarry High St., 167; Trinity Rd., 167; Windmill Rd., 158, 159; taxes, 162, 163, 318; top., 157–60, 177, 214, 259, 261, 275, 278, 293; Vic., 166; wds., 157, 163; and see Barton; Headington Quarry; Highfield; Wick
Headington Hill, 112, 158, 164, 259, 260, 262, 263
Headington Hund., 3
Headington Plateau, 275
Headington Poor Law Union, 159
Headington Quarry, in Headington, 159, 163–4, 165, 166; ch. bldg., 167; noncf., 167–8; sch., 168
Hearne, Thos., antiquary, 14, 73, 132, 164, 167, 189, 246, 259, 260, 264, 267, 268, 270, 272, 273, 292, 299; Thos., yeoman (d. 1686), 227; fam., 227
Hearth tax, see taxes under parish entries
Heaster, Mr., 294
Heath, Mic., see Hethe
Heath Bridge, in Ambrosden, 15, 20 n, 249, 250
Hebborne, John, 253
Heber, Ric., M.P. for Oxf. Univ., 265
Hedges, Revd. Isaac, 292
Hedsor, Phil. of, 72
Hele, Pet., 108
Helewis, w. of Wm., Ct. of Évreux, 107
Hellier, see Shaw Hellier
Hemins, Edw., bell-founder, 93, 257, 308
Henderson, John (fl. 1877), 64; Capt. John (fl. 1953), 64, 76; fam., 64
Hendred (Berks.), 87
Henley, Anna Maria Rooke, m. Geo. Greaves, 307; F. G., 306; Francis, 299; Georgina, see Fane; Capt. J. C. W., 299; Jos. (d. 1832), 295, 296, 299, 304, 306–7, 309; Jos. J. (d. 1910), 299; Jos. W. (d. 1884), 109, 299, 305, 308; fam., 296, 299 n
Henrietta Maria, queen of Chas. I, 81, 94, 208
Henry I, King, 53, 82, 104, 107, 120, 121, 131, 139, 152, 160, 165, 185, 218, 261, 264, 284, 304
Henry II, King, 69, 137, 225
Henry III, King, 21, 53, 57, 60, 61, 116, 125, 137, 141, 203, 279
Henry IV, King, 60, 170
Henry V, King, 62, 107, 245
Henry VI, King, 57, 62
Henry VII, King, 34; parl. of, 161
Henry VIII, King, 24, 62, 72, 125, 140, 218, 245, 252, 269
Henry VIII's Coll. (later Christ Church), Oxf., 82, 121, 152, 165, 252, 255, 261, 273
Henry, Prince of Wales, bro. of Chas. I, 277
Henry, r. of Pangbourne, 31
Henry s. of Ad. the ferryman, 272
Henry s. of Geof., 33
Henry, burgess of Oxf., 82, 191
Henry the clerk, 195, 196
Henry le passur, 272
Henry the smith, 199
Henry (fl. 13th c.), Ric. s. of, 81
Herbert s. of Pet., 10 n
Herbert (fl. 1086), 172
Herbert (d. 1235), Pet. s. of, 10
Herbert (fl. 1243), Pet. s. of, 10
Herbert (fl. 13th c.), Reyn. s. of, 297
Herbert, Esther, 188; John, 210; fam., 188
Hereford, earls of, see Bohun; FitzOsbern
Heritage, John (d. 1726), mason, 227; John (fl. 1780), mason, 27, 232; Thos., mason, 227
Hermit, Ralph the, 252, 258
Hermits, 142, 190, 199, 202, 203, 252, 258
Herne, Wm., 128
Herny (d. 1349), 85
Heron, Prior of Wallingford, 151
Herschel, Sir Wm., bt., astronomer, 207
Hert, Gil., 84 n; fam., 85
Hertford Coll., Oxf., 281; princ. of, see Sharp
Hervey (fl. 1086), 299
Hester, Mr., 13
Heth, Rob., 316
Hethe (Heath), Mic., 81, 182
Hewes, John, 305
Hewett, —, 69
Hewster, Thos., 261
Heyes, Revd. J. L., 233
Heyford, Lower, 33
Heythrop, 179
Heyton, Eleanor, m. Ric. Taverner (fl. 1600), 312; John, 312
Heywood, Ann 133; Eliz., m. — Fonnereau, 127; Francis (d. 1722), and his w. Dorothy, 127, 133; Francis (d. 1739), 127, 130, 133; Francis (d. 1747), 127; Mary, w. of Francis (d. 1739), 133; Mary, m. — Wright, 127; Wm., 127, 133; Mrs., wid. of Francis (d. 1747), 132; fam., 130, 133
Hiatt, Mat., 291
Higgins, Edw., 133
High Wycombe, see Wycombe
Highfield, eccles. par., 159, 166
Hildesle (Ildesley), Hugh de, 277; Sir Ric. de, 277; —, see Hadlow
Hill, Ann, 271 n; Revd. Chas., 256, 257; Jas., 271 n; Mrs. Lee, 270, 273; Rob., 196, 197
Hindon (Wilts.), 312
Hinksey (Berks.), South, 189
Hinton, Jas. (d. 1823), 99, 214, 265; Jas. (fl. 1825), 156, 214, 265, 266
Hitchins, Edw., 190
Hobbes, Geo., 287
Hobbs, Rob. W., farmer, 120
Hockmore St. (or Middle Cowley), in Cowley, 76, 77, 82, 83, 84, 88, 89, 96, 189, 190, 199, 205; and see Cowley
Holford, Dame Eliz., 292; Wm. de, 301
Holiday (Holyday), Barton, Archd. of Oxf., 191, 202, 203; Eliz., see Wickham; Geo., 202
Holland, Hen., architect, 238; —, builder, 115
Holland-Hibbert, Capt. the Hon. Wilfrid, 63, 72
Hollow Brook, in Horspath, 177, 183
Holloway, Chas., 286; John, 202; Ric. (fl. 1671), 80; Ric. (fl. 1816), 20, 22; Wm., 20; fam., 80, 87
Holly, Wm., 315; fam., 315
Holmes, John, 54; Revd. Rob., 291
Holship, Wm., 27
Holton, 5, 6, 7, 96, 116, 122, 168–77; char., 177; ch. bldg., 175; ch. hist., 14, 174–5, 281; civ. war, 170; dom. arch., 169; ec. hist., 173–4; farms, 169, 170, 174; Grove, 4; Ho. (Park), 169, 170, 172, 175, 177; incl., 173; mans., 161, 170–3: Grove, 172, 173, 174; Seintlice, 151, 171, 173; mills, 168, 173, 174; noncf., 176; occs., 130, 169, 174; pk., 169, 170, 172, 181; P.N., 170, 173; pop., 173; rectors, 114, 131, 173, 175, 316; rds., 168, 169; schs., 99, 176–7, 281; taxes, 173, 174, 318; top., 168; wds., 96, 116, 168– 9, 173; and see Lyehill; Pilfrance; St. Valery, hon. of; Vent, the; Wallingford, hon. of
Holton Brook, 96, 168, 295, 300
Holyday, see Holiday
Holywell, see Oxford
Home Missionary Soc., 28
Honorius II, Pope, 261
Hoole, Francis Wm., 161–2; Col. Jas., 161
Hope fam., 215
Horae Consecratae, by Sir Jas. Harrington (fl. late 17th c.), 222, 223
Hore, Anne, m. Unton Croke (d. 1671), 217, 220; Edith, m. 1 Thos. Fulthorpe, 2 Rowland Pudsey, 118; Gil., 118; Joan, w. of John, 118; John (fl. early 15th c.), 118; John (d. 1471), 118; Mic., 217
Horley, 34
Horn, John, 183, 184; Thos., 184
Horne, Revd. E. H., 150 n, 154; Geo., Pres. of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., later Bp. of Norwich, 186; John, 165
Horner, Hen., carpenter, 27
Horseman, Eliz., 98, 175; Maria, 98
Horspath (Church, Lower or Nether), 3, 6, 100, 109, 146 n, 177–89; char., 184, 189; ch. bldg., 92, 187–8; ch. hist., 185–7; civ. war, 178; commons, 177, 182, 183; cts., 179, 182; dom. arch., 178; ec. hist., 180–5, 226; farms, 177, 178, 182, 183, 184, 185; field map, 181; fields, 177, 180, 183; incl., 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185; inns, 178, 184, 185; mans., 81, 178–80, 182; Man. Ho., 178; noncf., 184, 188; occs., 185, 201; P.N., 177, 182; poor rel., 184; pop., 180, 182; rcty. est., 186; schs., 178, 186, 188; taxes, 178, 180, 182, 184, 318; top., 78, 79, 157, 177–8; wds., 180, 182, 183, 278; yeo. fams., 184; and see Bullingdon Green; Horspath, Old; Hospitallers; Magdalen Coll.; St. Valery, hon. of; Templars; Wallingford, hon. of
Horspath, Old, Over or Upper, 6, 177–8, 179, 180–2, 318
Horspath Rent and Shoe Club, 187
Horton, in Beckley, 56, 58, 64, 68, 69, 70, 282, 302; Budds Green, 58; chap., 73–74; ch., 75; field syst., 67, 69; Goose Green, 58; incl., 69, 70; taxes, 318; and see Beckley, ec. hist., mans.
Horton cum Studley, civ. par., 56
Horwood, Messrs., glass-painters, 55
Horwood (Devon), 52, 241
Horwoode, John de, 186
Hospitallers (Order of St. John of Jerusalem), advowson, 273; chap., 91; ct., 226; dissolution, 81, 208, 223, 269–70; Grand Master, 225; preceptory of Sandford, 64, 86, 91, 269–70; prior of, 145, 179, 273; and see Docwra; Malorre; Thame, Phil. of; prop. in Cowley, 81, 83, 86, 192–3, 200, 211, 226; Fewcot, 226; Garsington, 143, 145; Horspath, 179, 180, 182, 226; Littlemore, 86, 192–3, 208, 211; Marlake, 64; Merton, 223, 224, 225–6; Sandford, 81, 106, 268, 269
House fam., 111
Howard, Chas., Ld. Howard of Effingham, cr. Earl of Nottingham (d. 1624), 193; Chas., Earl of Nottingham (d. 1642), 193; F. E., architect, 75 n
Howchyn, Wm., 21
Howell, John, 201; Thos., 128; fam., 201
Howitt, Wm., 231
Howse, Ralph, 174
Huddesford, Geo., Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 153, 154
Huddlestone, Ric., 62
Hudson, John, 265
Hugford, Anne, see Empson; John, 298
Hugh, ld. of Tidmarsh, John s. of, 80, 80 n, 81 n
Hugh, Master, r. of Garsington, 152
Hugh, r. of St. Clement's, 264 n
Hugh s. of Hugh, 144
Hugh s. of Ric., 144
Hugh the forester, 276 n
Hugh 'le millewarde', 85
Hugh (fl. 1086), 50
Hulc, Wm., 314
Hull, Wal. at, 67
Humble Brook, 143, 146
Humphrey, Prior of Kenilworth, 202
Humphrey, Lawr., Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 185
Humphreys, Revd. —, 44
Hunt, Ric., 25
Huntingdon, ctss. of, see Leybourne; earls of, see David, Malcolm, Senlis, Waltheof, William; hon. of, 223, 224, 251
Hurst, Ann, see Pike; Edw., 88; John, 89; Steph. (d. 1818), 88; Steph. (fl. 1818), 88; Wm., 88; fam., 87, 88, 89
Hurst (Berks.), 312
Huse, Geof., 239; Gundreda, see Warenne
Hussey, Cath., 257; R. C., architect, 204; Mrs., 270; fam., 273
Hutchinson, Dr. Chas., 20
Huxley, Aldous, author, 137
Huxtable, John, 44
Hye (Hay, Hyze), John, 216; Juliana, m. 1 Edw. Mortimer, 2 Austin Gainsford, 209; Rob., 209; Wm., 209; fam., 209, 216; and see Bastard, Thos.
Ickford (Bucks.), 4, 13, 151, 189, 202
Ickford Bridge, 8, 9
Ifelde, John de, 284
Iffley (Givetelei), 5, 76, 78, 87, 88, 91, 189–206, 269, 272; bridge, 190; char., 205–6; ch. bldg., 201, 202, 203–4; ch. hist., 86, 87, 191, 201–3; civ. war, 191; Compt. cens., 204; cts., 190, 197, 210; dom. arch., 189–90, 191, 194, 204; ec. hist., 197–201; fairs, 191; field syst., 190; fishery, 82, 195, 196, 202 n, 207; guild, 200, 203; incl., 190, 197, 201; inns, 189, 190, 201; land in, 82, 84, 85, 209, 210; lesser ests., 194–7, 200, 202; Lincoln Farm est., 189, 194–5, 196, 197, 207, 208–9, 211; Lincoln Farm Ho., 190, 191, 194; lock, 191, 196, 197; man., 63, 82, 83, 191–4, 206, 208, 209 n, 210, 211; Mill est., 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202 n, 211; mills, 189, 191, 195–7, 199, 200, 201; noncf., 195, 204; occs., 195, 196, 199, 200, 201; P.N., 191, 194, 195; pop., 199, 210; quarry, 199; Recty., 190, 195, 202; rcty. est., 82, 194, 200, 202; rds., 189, 190, 207; schs., 190, 204– 5; taxes, 200, 201, 318; top., 189– 91; Turn, 190, 207; Vic., 202, 203; vicars, 202, 203, 204; weir, 271; worthies, 191; yeo. fams., 200, 201; and see Littlemore, Magdalen Coll., Templars
Ildesley, see Hildesle
Iles, Thos., Princ. of Hart Hall, Oxf., 107, 108
Ilmer (Bucks.), 302
Inclosures, see incl. under parish entries
Ind, Maj., 194
Ingleton, Anne, see Empson; Geo., and his w. Sibyl, 298; Jane, m. Humph. Tyrrell, 298; Rob., 298; fam., 298
Ingoldsby, Sir Ric., and his w. Eliz., 76; Thos., 76
Ingram, Revd. Dr. Jas., Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 137, 149, 153, 155, 156; fam., 155
Inkpen (Berks.), 34
Innocent III, Pope, 152, 261, 269
Inns, see under parish entries
Ipwell, see Epwell
Ireland, Dr., 191
Iremonger, John le, 174
Ireton, Bridget, see Cromwell; Gen. Hen., 170, 283
Irons, Chris., 233; John, 233
Isabel, queen of Edw. II, 160 n
Isabel, Pncss., m. Ingram de Coucy, Earl of Bedford, 193
Isabel, dau. of Marg. sister of Sir John Chandos, 286
Iseward (fl. 1086), 51
Isham, Eliz., see Dunch; Sir Euseby, 273; John, 273
Islip, 56, 60, 111, 117, 169, 215–16, 278, 310, 314; civ. war in, 284; liberty of, 2
Ives, John, 12
Ivry, see d'Ivry
Ivry la Bataille (France), 60
Izard, see Shillingford
Jacks, Olive, see Olive Jacks Memorial Field
Jackson, Alex., 17; Amb., 229, 230; Dr. Cyril, 100; Sarah, 205; Sir Thos., architect, 77; Wm., 165, 263; fam., 114, 291
Jackson's Oxford Journal, 263
Jacob s. of Moses, 50
Jacob, John, 303
Jacobson, Wm., Bp. of Chester, 191
James I, King, 44, 62, 277
James II, King, 316
James, Duke of Monmouth, 167
James, Christine, m. Edm. Rede, 253; Kath., see Pole; Mary, w. of Ric., 193; Maud, see Fitzellis; Ric., 193; Rob. (d. 1432), 253, 277, 298; Rob. (fl. 1541), 210; Thos., Bodley's Librarian, 279; Mr., 190
Jannaway (Janaway), John (fl. 1810), 206; John (fl. 1816), 156; Thos., bell-founder, 204
Jarrett, Geo., 155; Thos., 266
Jeffries, Mrs., 213; —, 196
Jenkins, Wm., 241
Jenkinson, Sir Banks, 158
Jennens, Eliz., 34; Jas., 44, 53; Pet., 34; Ric., 53; Wm., 34, 43, 53
Jephson, Frances, m. Sir John Aubrey (d. 1743), 252; Mary, see Lewis; Wm., 252
Jerom, Wm., 196
Jersey, Isle of, 138
Jesus Coll., Oxf., 45, 279; princ. of, see Lewis, Dav.
Jews, 84, 199
Joan, queen of Hen. IV, 160 n
Joan of Hedington, Tragi-Comedy of, by Dr. Wm. King, 164
Joan of Piddington, see Basset
Jocelin (or Josce), 172, 174; Ranulph s. of, 172, 174
Jodrell, Judith, m. John Nourse (d. 1774), 312; Paul, 312
John, King, 5, 33, 61, 82, 251, 297
John, Abbot of Oseney, 188
John, Prior of Sandford Preceptory, 272
John, r. of Stanton, 290
John s. of Hugh ld. of Tidmarsh, 80, 80 n, 81 n
John s. of Reyn. FitzPeter, 297 n
John le charpenter, 174
John the clerk, 199
John the ferryman, 51; dau. of, see Agnes
John the franklin, 301
John the glover, 262
John le iremonger, 174
John the miller, of Iffley, 195, 199
John the miller, of Stanton, 301
John the somenour, 152
John le venour, 278
John (fl. c. 1200), Ric. s. of, 179
Johnson, Revd. John, 274; Dr. Sam., lexicographer, 117, 190, 195; Dr., bursar of the Queen's Coll., 45, 54
Jones, Anne, w. of Thos., 317; Mary (fl. 1795), 165; Mary (fl. 1805), 229; Mary (fl. 1845), 165; Thos., 316, 317; Mr., 263
Jones & Willis (Lond.), glass-painters, 257
Jordan, Martin, 196, 211
Josce, see Jocelin
Joyner, see Lyde
Judith, Ctss., 223, 251
Juggins, Ann, 115; Wm., 111; —, a cockfighter, 114; fam., 113
Juliana, dau. of Wal. the smith, 304
Katherine, queen of Hen. V, 62
Keble, John, 265
Kedleston (Derb.), 298
Keene, Ric., bell-founder, 28, 93, 156, 176, 233; W. R., 274
Kelmscott, in Broadwell, 120
Kem, Sam., 13
Kemp, John, 315; Wm. (d. 1558), 315; Wm. (d. 1605), 315; fam., 315
Kempe, C. E., glass-painter, 93, 105
Kenilworth Priory (Warws.), 82, 87, 191, 199, 200–2; priors of, see Efteley, Humphrey
Keniton, in Radley (Berks.), 269
Kennett, White, Bp. of Peterborough, 17, 18, 22, 25–26, 27, 28, 29–30, 231
Kennington (Kennyngton), Bern., 201 n, 210; Thos., or Barnarde, 102; Wal., or Barnard, 195, 196, 201
Kennington (Berks.), 271
Kennington Island, in Littlemore, 207
Kensington (Lond.), 261
Kent, Bart. of, kt., 171
Kent, Hugh, 53; Thos., 13; Wm., architect, 276
Kenulf, King of Mercia, 268
Kepeharm, Alice, m. Pet. Tubney, 142; John, 142
Kersinton (Cassington), Denise de, see Talemasch; Emma de, w. of Hen., 84 n; Sir Hen. (or of Cowley), 80, 81, 84, 197; Wm. de, 82, 84; fam., 84, 199
Kerston Hall (Northants.), 161
Kerwood, A. B., 270
Kettell, Ralph, Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 152, 153
Keys, P. H., architect, 115
Kidlington, 143, 148
Kimber, Ant., 183; Thos., 212, 214; —, a Jesuit, 214; fam., 214
King, John, 150; Ric., 22; Rob., 219; S. W., 143, 150; Sam., 150; Thos., 22; Dr. Wm., 164
Kingerlee, T. H., builder, 293
Kingston Bagpuize (Berks.), 246
Kingston (Lisle), in Sparsholt (Berks.), 9, 192
Kirby, Mr., 22
Kirkby, Wm. de, Prior of Wallingford, 151
Kirtlington, 172; Hunds., 3
Knap, Wm., 38, 40
Knight, Ellis (fl. 1625), bell-founder, 46, 204; Ellis (fl. 1650), bellfounder, 133; Hen. (fl. 1615), bellfounder, 106; Hen. (fl. 1650), bellfounder, 133
Knollis, Revd. Francis, 186
Knollys (or Knolles), Eliz., w. of Sir Wm., 81; Eliz., m. Sir Francis Curson (d. 1727), 296, 307; Sir Francis, 81, 179, 208; Sir Wm., later Vct. Wallingford and Earl of Banbury, 81, 88, 208, 266
Knot, Wm., 44
Kute, Reyn., 301; Wm., 301
Kyrkham, Rob., 116
Lacy, de, Ilbert (fl. 1086), 125, 284, 289; Ilbert (fl. 1137), 289; Rob., 125, 284
Lake, Art., Ward. of New Coll., Oxf., later Bp. of Bath and Wells, 290
Laking, Pet. de, 246
Lambert, Marg., m. Ric. Taverner, 311; Wal., goldsmith, 311
Lamott, John, 110
Lancaster, duchy of, 33; earl of, 81 n
Land tax, see taxes under parish entries
Landrein, John, 286
Lane, Eliz., see Pollard; Dr. John, 34, 35, 46, 48 n; Hon. Mrs., 118
Langdon, Thos., mapmaker, 78 n, 206
Langley (Bucks.), 237
Langley, in Claverdon (Warws.), 118
Langston, John, 195, 196
Langton, Thos., Bp. of Salisbury, later of Winchester, 50, 51, 52
Lanquett, John, 189
Latemer, Gil., see Marshal
Latimer, Edw., wine merchant, 165, 281; —, w. of Edw., 165
Laud, Wm., Abp. of Canterbury, 100, 219, 241
Lavington, Market (Wilts.), 33
Lawrence, D. H., author, 137
Laxman, Joan, and her husband, 138
Leadbetter, Stiff, architect, 237, 238
Leake, Hen., 94, 201, 204
Leaver, Eliz., w. of Thos., 210; Thos., 210
Leche, John de, Abbot of Oseney, 300
Ledhale, John de, 301
Ledhale (Ledall), in Waterperry, 4, 296, 297, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 318
Ledwell, Charlotte, see Croke; Jas., 58, 66; John, 127; Mary, w. of Thos. (fl. 1780), 75; Thos. (fl. 1728), 66; Thos. (fl. 1780), 58, 66; Wm. (fl. 1728), 63; Wm. (d. 1766), 63; Wm. (d. 1779), 75, 289; Mrs., 287n; —, m. Wells the schoolmaster, 66; fam., 58, 66
Lee, Thos., Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 153, 154
Legge, Col. Wm., 100
Leicester, earl of, 208; and see Beaumont, Montfort
Leicester, arms of borough of, 307
Leicester, archd. of, 246
Leicester, hon. of, 208
Leigh, Ann, see Bee; Cassandra, m. Sam. Cooke, 72, 75; Cassandra, m. Sir Edw. Turner (d. 1766), 16, 18, 258; Mary, see Lord; Theoph., Master of Balliol Coll., Oxf., 18, 72, 72 n, 75; Wm., 18
Leigh, North, 5, 161
Leighton, Sir Thos., 140
Leiston (Suff.), 35
Leland, John, antiquary, 64, 91, 171, 268; Sir Thos. (or Leyland), 227, 269
Lelham, Rob., and his w. Isabel, 172; Wm. (d. by 1418), and his w. Cecily, 172; Wm. (fl. 1422), 172
Leofwine (fl. 1086), 239
Leslie, Fr. Chas., 265, 308
Letten, Susanna, 305 n
Leverich fam., 200
Leverton (Lincs.), 269
Levinz, Baptist, Bp. of Sodor and Man, 186
Lewes, John, and his w. Agnes, 52; Wm., 227
Lewes, battle of, 61
Lewin (fl. 1086), 82, 191, 195
Lewis, Dav., Princ. of Jesus Coll., Oxf., 191, 193; Edw., 252; Joan, w. of John, 204; John, 190, 193, 204; Marg., see Banastre; Mary, m. 1 Wm. Jephson, 2 Sir John Aubrey (d. 1700), 252; Wm., 252
Lewknor (Lewkenor), Eleanor, see Camoys; Jane, m. Sir Wm. Barantyne, 110; Sir Rog. (fl. 1430), 50, 110; Sir Rog. (fl. 1500), 110
Lewknor, 312
Ley, Jos., 207
Leybourne, Juliana de, Ctss. of Huntingdon, 61
Leyburn, Rog. de, 284
Leyland, Sir Thos., see Leland
Lichfield, bp. of, see Wright, Rob.
Lichfield Theological Coll., princ. of, see Massey
Lillingstone Lovell (Bucks.), 63
Lincoln, earl of, see Pole, John de la
Lincoln, bishopric of, 4, 52; bp. as diocesan, 13, 42, 43, 125, 165, 272; bps. of, see Alexander; Burghersh; Chesney, Rob. de; Gravesend; Grosseteste; Longland; St. Hugh; Sutton, Oliver; Welles, Hugh de; consistory ct., 256; lands, 4, 6, 35, 37, 51, 52, 101
Lincoln, Dean and Chapter of, 230
Lincoln Coll., Oxf., ch. belonging to, 131; fellow of, 132; prop., 87, 89, 124, 127, 164, 190, 194–7, 200, 208, 211
Lincoln Diocesan Registry, 256
Lindsey, Wm., 188
Lindsey, earls of, see Bertie, Montagu (d. 1666), and Rob. (d. 1642)
Lirpyn (Lyrpin, Liripin), Ric., 86; —, 85; fam., 86 n
Lisle, de, Alice, see FitzGerold; Alice, see Teyes; John, Ld. Lisle of Rougemont (d. 1355), 9; Marg. see Pippard; Marg., m. Thos. Berkeley, Ld. Berkeley, 9; Rob. (d. c. 1262), 9; Rob., Ld. Lisle of Rougement (d. c. 1399), 9, 9 n; Warin (d. 1296), 9; Warin (d. 1322), 9; Warin, Ld. Lisle of Kingston Lisle (d. 1382), 9, 9 n, 298; Sir Wm. 298; fam., 9
Lister, Kath., see Glynne
Little Baldon, see Baldon, Little
Little Iffley, see Iffley, Little
Little Milton, see Milton, Little
Littlemore, John, 214
Littlemore, 189, 191 n, 193, 197, 199, 201, 206–14; char., 205–6, 212, 214; ch. bldg., 213–14; ch. hist., 212–13; cts., 197, 210; dom. arch., 206–7; ec. hist., 210–12; farms, 206, 207, 212; field map, 189; fields, 207; fishery, 211; hosp., 206, 207, 210; incl., 207, 208, 209; inns, 207, 208, 210; land in, 85, 195, 200; Lawn Upton Ho., 206, 207, 214; lesser estates, 195, 200, 208–10; man., 81, 207–8, 210, 212; Man. Ho., 206, 212; Moor, 212; noncf., 214; occs., 212; P.N., 207; pop., 210; rlwy., 206–7; rcty., 210, 212; 'St. George's', 201, 206, 208, 212, 213, 214; schs., 206, 214; taxes, 200, 210, 211, 318; tithes, 209–10, 211; top., 206–7; worthies, 207; yeo. fams., 211–12; and see Abingdon Abbey, Hospitallers, Iffley, Littlemore Priory, Templars
Littlemore County Sch., 156, 188
Littlemore Priory (the Mynchery), 268–70, 272; ch. appropriated to, 290; lands of, 52, 86, 125, 145, 208, 286, 313; mills of, 196, 271; prsses. of, 37, 125, 144, 145, 211, 269; rents of, 208, 208 n; site and bldgs. of (in Sandford), 207, 267–8, 274 wd. of, 180, 182, 183, 272–3, 279
Littleworth, in Cuddesdon, 96, 97, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 177
Loader, Rob., 142
Local Government Act (1858), 206
Lock (Locke), Sir Jos., banker, 89, 165, 166, 265; Wm., 63; fam., 190; trustees of Sir Jos., 89
Lock Meadow Island, in Sandford, 270, 271
Lockhart, J. G., novelist, 265; John, J., later Wastie, 80, 90; fam., 87
Loder fam., 215
Loggan, Dav., engraver, 260
'Lokeselp', see Lock Meadow Island
London, John de (fl. 1295), 9; John, Ward. of New Coll., Oxf., 290; Thos., 187
London, 34, 41, 163, 273; coaches to, 111; mkt. of, 111; mayor of, see Robinson, John
London Brick Co., 112
London City Mission, 95
London Midland & Scottish Rlwy., 15
Long, E. T., 257; Wm., 38,40
Long Compton, see Compton, Long
Long Crendon, see Crendon, Long
Long Wittenham, see Wittenham, Long
Longland, John, Bp. of Lincoln, 289
Longley, Chas. T., Abp. of Canterbury, 91 n, 93
Lord, Mary, m. Wm. Leigh, 18; Rob., 18; Thos., 24
Loretta of Hackington, anchoress, 203
Lost villages, see Ash; Baldon, Little; Baldon St. Lawrence; Chilworth Musard; Chilworth Valery; Chippinghurst; Coombe; Grove; Horspath, Upper; Ledhale; Marlake; 'Old Wheatley'; Stowford; Woodperry.
Louches, de, Eliz., m. Sir Thos. Camoys, 50, 110; Ellen, see Wace; Geo., 37, 49, 51; Joan, see De la Mare; John (fl. 1279), 49; John (fl. 1320), 146; Sir John (fl. 1330), 5c, 110, 146; John (fl. 1337), 278; John (fl. 1340), 138; Margery, w. of Rob., 50; Sir Ric., 50, 110, 111; Rob., 37, 49, 50, 146, 211; Sir Wm., 50, 110; fam., 110, 211
Loundres, Joan, see Elsfield; Thos., 118
Lovaygne, Marg. de, see St. John; Marg. de, m. 1 — Chamberlain, 2 Phil. Seyntclere, 285; Sir Nic., 285
Loveden, Alice, w. of Thos., 51; Thos., 50, 51, 51 n
Lovel (Lovell), Eliz., see Seyntclere; Sir Francis, 277 n; Sir John, 285; Wm., 285; fam., 60
Lovelace, Anne, 292
Lowe, Mary, m. 1 Ric. Pudsey, 2 Hen. Brett, 118, 122, 221; Ric (d. 1616), 261; Ric. (fl. 1630), 261; Wm., 261
Lower Arncot, see Arncot, Lower
Lower Heyford, see Heyford, Lower
Lowndes, Wm., 179
Lucerne, 6, 13; and see Sainfoin
Lucy, de, Cecily, m. Rog. de St. John, 284; Geof., 284; Gerard, 311; Maud, m. Ralph FitzGeoffrey, 311; Reyn., 284
Ludbrook stream, 128
Ludgershall (Bucks.), 223, 249, 250, 254
Luke, Sir Sam., 236, 260
Lusher, Geo., 129
Lyde (or Joyner), Edw., 178, 184; Francis, 102, 159; John, 178, 184; Ric. (d. 1613), 102, 104, 159; Ric. (fl. 1620), 102; Rob. (d. c. 1557), 102; Rob. (fl. 1570), 102; Wm., 188; — (fl. 17th c.), 184; fam., 184
Lydiard Tregoze (Wilts.), 140
Lydyard, Clemence, see St. John; Joan, m. Ric. Chamberleyn, 285; John, 285; Thos., 285, 286; fam., 285
Lyehill, in Holton, 170; quarries at, 169, 174
Lyngham, Leon., 44
Lyrpin, see Lirpyn
Lys, Revd. J. T., 231, 232
Mablyston, Wm., 223
Macclesfield, earls of, 98, 103, 107, 108, 148, 180; and see Parker
McDougall, Jas., 108
Macfarlane, Revd. Chas., 154
Mache, Hen. de, see Wheatley
Mackarness, John, Bp. of Oxf., 105
Mackarness (Mackaness), John, 70; Mr., 151
Mackay, E. G., 46
McKay, Mr., 233
Magdalen Bridge, Oxf., 150, 215, 259, 260, 263; land adjoining, 77, 266; and see East Bridge
Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 13, 72, 188, 189, 262, 279; bldgs., 112, 163, 187; chs., 183, 185–6, 188, 273; fellows of, 73, 104, 175, 185, 186, 195, 219, 312, 316; and see Cooke, G. T. and T. L.; mill, 158; pres. of, 186, 279, and see Bulley, Butler, Horne, Geo.; prop. in Cuddesdon, 98, 101, 102, 107, 114; Garsington, 142, 149, 150, 156; Horspath, 183– 4; Iffley, 194, 197, 200; Shotover, 279–81; other prop., 87, 128, 157, 165, 216, 262, 270, 299, 304; quarry, 163, 164, 281
Magdalen Hall, Oxf., 259
Maitland, Gammie, 277, 281
Makkeneye, Wm., 278
Malbon, Sam., 156
Malcolm, King of Scotland, also Earl of Huntingdon, 229, 251
Malcolm, John, architect, 178
Mallam, Ric., 184; Thos., 184
Mallory, J., 194
Malorre, Rob., Prior of the Hospitallers in England, 269
Maltale, Rob., maltster, 85
Maltman, John, 200
Malton (Glos.), 87
Mann, Wm. s. of, 19
Mann, Anne, see White
Mansfield, Kath., author, 137
Mapledurham Chazey, 80, 141
Mapmakers, see Bird; Burghers; Cary, Rob.; Chapman; Collisson; Davis, Ric.; Langdon; Sargeant; Smith, Rob.
March, earl of, see Mortimer
Mardyn (or Fuller), Wm., 196
Mare (Mara), see De la Mare
Mare, Revd. Hen., 96
Margaret, queen of Edw. 1, 81, 160
Margaret, queen of Hen. VI, 57
Market Lavington, see Lavington, Market
Marlake, in Beckley, 56, 63, 68, 69, 225; and see Beckley, Hospitallers, Templars
Marlborough, duke of, see Churchill, Geo.; Spencer, Chas.
Marlborough (Wilts.), 192
Marmion fam., 38, 303
Marowe, Thos., 106 n
Marriott, Chas., 212, 213
Marsh, John, 21; Jos., 27, 30; Thos., 27
Marsh Baldon, see Baldon, Marsh
Marsh Gibbon (Bucks.), 29, 233; Trustees of the Poor of, 255
Marshal, Anselm, Earl of Pembroke, 139; Gil. the (fl. 1086) (or Latemer), 139, 144; Gil. the (d. 1166), 139; John the (d. 1165), 139; John the (d. 1194), 139; John (fl. 1215), of Ireland, 80, 81, 84 n; Ric., Earl of Pembroke (d. 1234), 179; Wm., Earl of Pembroke (d. 1219), 179; Wm. (fl. 1245), 81
Marshall, Revd. Edw. (d. 1839), 202; Edw. (fl. 19th c.), 202
Marston, 7, 83, 214–21; chars., 122, 217, 221; ch. bldg., 218, 219–20; ch. hist., 121, 162, 165, 216, 218– 19, 264; civ. war, 217; commons, 216, 294; Copse Lane, 214; Ct. Place Farm, 215, 216, 217; dom. arch., 215; ec. hist., 163, 215–18; farms, 215, 221; ferry, 215; fields, 216, 217; fisheries, 216; incl., 216, 217, 221; inns, 215, 217, 217 n; man., 215; Man. Ho. (Cromwell Ho.), 215, 217; mill, 215, 216; noncf., 220; occs., 217, 218; par. govt., 216; P.N., 215; pop., 217, 218; rds., 214–15, 218; schs., 218, 221; taxes, 162, 217, 262, 318; top., 116, 119, 158, 214–15, 278; Vic., 219; wds., 216; Workman's Hall, 218, 220; yeo. fams., 199, 209, 211, 215, 218; and see Marston, New
Marston, New, in Oxf., 214, 218; mission chap., 219; ch. (R.C.), 220; sch., 221
Martin, Chas., organ builder, 155; Revd. Dav., 94; John (fl. 1476), 286; John (fl. 1523), 19; John, s. of John (fl. 1523), 19; John (fl. 1580), s. of Thos., 19; Marion, m. Hen. Standard, 20; Nic., s. of Thos., 19; Rob. (d. c. 1797), 230; Rob. (fl. 1797), 230; Thos. (d. 1553), 19; Thos. (d. 1587), 19, 20; fam., 19– 20, 209
Maryland, Jas., 266
Mason, Edm., 127, 128, 129; Ric, 287; Revd. Wm., 238, 247–8; fam., 87, 209
Masons, see Arkyns, Wm.; Beclee; Blewitt; Cooper; Heritage; Nash; Orchard, Wm.; Robinson, Rob., Wm., fam.; Townesend, Steph., Wm., fam.; Turrill; Wood, Thos.; Varney
Massey, Canon E. R., 221 n, 231
Master, Diana, see Whorwood; Edw., 128, 172, 175; Wm., 175
Matham, Mary, 176
Mather, Cath., 159, 168; John, 292; Mary, 293
Mather's Farm, in Headington, 164
Mathews fam., 66
Mathieu, Amand, 275
Matilda ad fontem, 309
Matthews, John, 161; Mr., 256; Mrs., 161
Maud, Ctss. of Boulogne, queen of King Stephen, 80, 279
Maud, Empress, 5, 60, 160, 260
Maud, a washerwoman, 242
Maurice, Prince, 9
Mavor, Revd. John, Fellow of Lincoln Coll., Oxf., 132, 133; Revd. Wm., 132
Maydenhatch, Isabel de, see De la Mare; Sibyl de, 138; Thos. de, 138, 155
Maylard, John, 290
Maynard, r. of Nuneham Courtenay, 246
Mead, Wm., 201; fam., 201
Mears, C. & G., bell-founders, 213
Mears & Stainbank, bell-founders, 93
Measey, Geo., 307
Mechlin (Belgium), 25
Mede, Wm., 87
Medieval taxes, see taxes under parish entries
Medley, in Oxf., 2, 87
Meers, Jas., 69
Meisnil (Mesnille, Meynill), Isabel de. m. Ralph Musard, 179; Ralph, 208; Rob. (fl. 1195), 208; Rob. (fl. 1200), 208; Wm., 208
Meleward, Felise le, 226
Melsam, Geo., 136, 136 n, 140, 146, 148
Meneyngsherde, John, 286
Mercer, Coleman the, 197, 199
Merritt, Fred., 91, 92
Merton, Sir Guy de, or le Butiller, 223, 224, 225; Rob. (d. 1266), or Dikerel, 224–5; Rob. (fl. 1279), or Dikerel, 224–5, 254 n; Sim. de, 224; Wal. of, 192; Wm. de, 224, 225
Merton, 221–34; char., 227, 234; ch. bldg., 227, 230, 231–3; ch. hist., 226, 229–31; cts., 226; dom. arch., 222; ec. hist., 225–9; farms, 229; fields, 228; incl., 221, 222, 228, 229, 230; inns, 222; man., 6, 223– 4, 251; Man. Farm (formerly Man. Ho.), 16, 18, 222, 223, 226, 227; mills, 222, 225, 226, 228; noncf., 233; occs., 227, 229; Piddington Fee, 223, 224–5, 226; poor rel., 229; pop., 229; recty. est. (Coll. Farm), 222, 223, 228, 230; rds., 15, 221, 228; schs., 29, 233–4; taxes, 226, 318; Templars' Grange (Court Close), 222, 226; top., 5, 7, 221–3; Vic., 222, 231; West End Farm, 222; wds., 221, 225, 226; yeo. fams., 227; and see Graven Hill, Hospitallers, Templars
Merton Coll., Oxf., bldgs., 112, 163, 199; fellows of, 316; prop., 158, 185, 208
Mesnille, see Meisnil
Metcalfe, Theoph., 28
Meynill, see Meisnil
Michael of Northampton, 72
Mickle, Wm. Julius, poet, 124; Mary, see Tomkins
Micklethwaite, J. T., architect, 46
Middleton, Gil. de, 284
Middleton Keynes (Bucks.), 312
Middleton Stoney, 20
Mildmay, Francis, 15, 17, 20 n, 28; Helena, 17; Marg., see Whethill; Mary, see Brook; Sir Thos., 17; Sir Wal. (d. 1589), 62; Wal. (d. 1623), 17, 22, 23–24; Wal. (fl. 1673), 18, 28; fam., 23, 28
Miles, Rob., 127
Mileways Acts, 259
Milham Ford, see Cowley
Mill, Thos. s. of Wm. atte, 215; Wm. atte, 215
Mill, Wm. of the, of Holton, 173, 174
Miller, Alex. the, 85
Miller, Alward the, 271
Miller, Edw. the, 226
Miller, John the, of Iffley, 199
Miller, John the, of Stanton, 301
Miller, Wm. the, of Sandford, 270
Miller, Maj. A., 277; Gen. A. D., 116; Edm., 303; Col. Jas., 262, 277, 281; Sanderson, architect, 16; Thos., 287; Thos., see Shepard; Wm., 287; fam., 133
Milles, Thos., later Bp. of Waterford, 316
Mills, see under parish entries
Mills, Wm., 107
Milton, Hen., 283; John (fl. 1620), 278 n; 283; John, poet, 110, 124, 126, 131, 184, 283; Mary, see Powell; Ric., 283, 292; fam., 292
Milton, Great, 9, 12, 50, 101, 115, 141, 143, 151, 311 n; man. of, 11; and see Chilworth, Chilworth Musard, Chilworth Valery
Milton, Little, 151; man. of, 11
Mimekan (Minkan), Alice, wid. of Phil. (d. c. 1315), 277; John, 142 n; Lucy, w. of Phil. (d. c. 1315), 142; Marg., m. John Rushbery, 142; Pet. (d. c 1235), 179, 276; Phil. (d. c. 1220), 142, 276; Phil. (d. 1249), 142, 276; Phill. (d. c. 1315), 86, 142, 144, 276–7, 277 n; Phil. (fl. 1337), 142; Wm., baker, 86; Wm., fishmonger, 142; fam., 86, 142; fee, 138, 159
Minchin, John, 291; Eliz., 291
Minchincourt, in Forest Hill and Stanton, ch. hist., 125, 130, 290, 291; Farm, 122, 123, 125, 126, 130, 282, 283, 286, 287 n, 288; lands of, 289
Minkan, Wm., see Mimekan
Miserden (Glos.), barony of, 179
Missenden Abbey (Bucks.), 19, 158, 252, 254, 258
Mitcham (Surr.), 140, 143
Mitchell, Mr., 24
Moberley, Jos., 24
Mockyng, Thos., 114
Molendino, John de, 215
Mollens, see Molyns
Mollineux, Lovell, 147; Ric., 137, 144, 147, 153; fam., 147, 150, 151
Mollington, 191, 315
Mollyneux, John, 234
Molyns (Mollens), Anne, m. John Symeon, 114; Ant., 114; Barentyne, 104
Monmouth, duke of, see James
Montagu, Eliz., wid. of Wm., Earl of Salisbury (d. 1397), 240; Wm., Earl of Salisbury (d. 1344), 61–62; Wm., Earl of Salisbury (d. 1397), 61–62; fam., arms of, 307
Montfort, Sim. de, Earl of Leicester, 192; Wm. de, Dean of St. Paul's, 33, 43
Moor, Revd. Wm., 13, 14
Moorbirge Brook (le More), in Stanton St. John, 282, 288, 289
Moore, Revd. Geo., 92; Revd. Jos., 105; Wm., 29, 179
Mora, see De la Mare
Mordaunt, Chas. H., Earl of Peterborough, 143
More, Sir Thos., 34; Thos. (fl. 1670), 197; fam., 233
Moreton in the Marsh (Glos.), 127
Moreton, South (Berks.), 53
Moritz, C. P., 236, 238
Morocco, ambassador from, 275
Morrell, Baker, 128, 183, 184, 185, 187, 189; Fred. P., Oxf. solicitor, 141, 155; Mrs. G. H., 221; Jas. (fl. 18th c.), and his w. Eliz., 156; Jas. (fl. 1789), 184; Jas. (fl. 1850), 19, 202, 262, 270; Lady Ottoline, 137; Phil., 141, 150; Mrs. Phil., 150; fam., 159; fam., estate of, 183
Morris, John, 184; Thos., 127; Wm., author, &c., 213; Wm., Vct. Nuffield, 160; — (fl. 1524), 201; — (fl. 1665), 184; — (fl. 1754), 184; fam., 211
Morris dancing, 109, 114, 165
Morris Garages, 77, 89; and see Morris Motor Works
Morris Motor Works, 66, 77, 207
Morse, John, London banker, 283
Mortain, John de, 37, 49; Wm. de, 49
Mortimer, Ld., see Zouche
Mortimer, Annora, see Braose; Edw., 209; Juliana, see Hye; Roger de, Earl of March and Ulster, 142
Morwent, Rob., Pres. of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf., 209
Moses, Jacob s. of, 50
Mosley, Sir Osw., 102
Moss, Dr. Chas., Bp. of Oxford, 99
Moth, Wm., 85
Moule, Thos., 32
Moulton, Anne, m. Ric. Powell (d. 1646–7), 110, 124, 126, 295; Mary, see Archdale
Mountford, Eleanor, m. 1 Geo. Pudsey, 2 Rob. Sylvester, 118
Mountjoy, Ld., see Blount
Mowbray, A. Mardon, architect, 92 n, 93
Mulcock, Mr., 19
Mulet, Bern. de (fl. 1225), 179, 185; Bern. de (fl. 1250), 179; fam., 178
Munday, Sarah, m. Dr. Thos. Nowell, 195, 204, 205, 206; Sir Thos., upholsterer, 195
Municipal Corporations Act (1835), 258
Munt, —, 108; fam., 107, 109
Murcott, in Charlton-on-Otmoor, 56, 70
Mursley (Bucks.), 192
Musard, Hasculf, 179; Isabel, see Meisnil; Ralph (d. 1230), 179; Ralph (fl. 1246), 179; Rob., 179; fam., 179
Musgrave, Chardin, Prov. of Oriel Coll., Oxf., 316
Muswell, in Piddington, 250, 254, 255; chap., 24, 257–8; hermitage, 252, 254, 257–8; man., 61 n, 224, 251, 252–3, 258; Man. Ho., 253; mill, 251; Muswell Hill, 249, 250, 251, 252
Mynchery, the, see Littlemore Priory
Mynchery Wood, in Horspath, 180, 183
Naish, Hugh, 19
Napier, (Napper), Edm., 94, 183; Eliz., see Powell; Geo. (d. 1610), 274; Geo. (d. 1671), 183; John, 183; Mary, see Collins; Sir Rob., 94; Thos., 94; Wm., 77, 80, 94, 183, 274; fam., 80, 87, 94
Napoleon I, chpl. of, see Vernon, Jas.
Napoleonic War, 174, 184
Napper, see Napier
Nash, Wm., mason, 201
Nash End, see Ash
Nashe, see Ash
Neighbour, S. W., architect, 106; Wm., 183, 184
Nevill, Ric., 104
Neville, Geo., 34; Hugh de, 160, 239; Joan de, 239; John de, 276; fam., 240
New Coll., Oxf., 286, 293; advowson, 286, 289, 290; bldgs., 112, 163, 164, 292; chpls. of, 45, 73, 95; fellows of, 283, 290, 291, 292; prop., 283, 285, 287, 289; wards. of, 290, and see Culpepper; Lake; London, John; Pinck; Whyte; Woodward, Mic
New Forest, the, 251, 280
New Headington, see Headington
New Inn Hall, Oxf., princ. of, see Stone, Wm.
Newburgh, Philippa de, see Basset; Thos. de, Earl of Warwick, 10; Wm. of, Chronicler, 296
Newburgh Priory (Yorks.), 10, 296
Newbury (Berks.), 113
Newcastle upon Tyne, coal ashes from, 41
Newdegate, John, 285
Newlin fam., 204
Newman, Card. J. H., 178, 206, 207, 210, 212, 213, 214, 263, 264; Mrs., 190, 191
Newnham Murren, 243 n
Newton, Revd. Jas., 236, 237, 244, 246, 247
Nichalls, Edw., 303
Nicholls, Revd. Thos., 292, 293
Nicholson, Otto, architect, 238; Revd. Wm., 154
Nicolson, Geo., 186
Nixon, John, alderman, 144
Noke, 2, 56, 70, 121, 216, 278, 294; r. of, 73; sch., 317
Noke Wood, 56
Norbiton Hall (Surr.), 312
Norfolk, earl of, see Bigod
Norgrove, Martha, 210
Normandy, duke of, see Robert
Norreys, Bridget Wray, Bnss., see Wray; Eliz., Bnss. Norreys, m. Edw. Wray, 62; Sir Edm., 277; Sir Edw., 62; Francis, Ld. Norreys, cr. Vct. Thame and Earl of Berkshire, 62, 277; Sir Hen. (d. 1536), 241; Sir Hen. (d. 1601), cr. Ld. Norreys of Rycote, 10, 58, 62, 70, 277, 279, 280, 294; Jas. Bertie, Ld., see Bertie; Marg., w. of Sir Hen. (d. 1601), see Williams; Mary, w. of Thos., see Pollard; Thos. (fl. 1561), 241; Sir Wm., 62; Ld. (fl. 1547), 52; fam., 64, 241, 277
Norris, Hen., 123, 132
North, Sir Edw., 311; Francis, Ld. Guilford (d. 1729), 118, 120, 121; Francis, Ld. Guilford, later Ld. North and Earl of Guilford (d. 1790), 121; Francis, Earl of Guilford (d. 1817), 121; fam., 117, 118, 120, 121
North Gate Hund., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
North Leigh, see Leigh, North
North Oseney, see Oseney, North
Northampton, Mic. of, 72
Northampton, earls of, see Senlis, Waltheof
Northampton, 245; battle of, 171; siege of, 192
Northaw, (Herts.), 312
Northern by-pass, Oxf., 214, 218, 309
Northfield Brook, 134, 177, 183, 207
Norwich, 310, 312
Norwich, bps. of, 298; and see Horne
Nottingham, earls of, see Howard
Nourse, Anne, see Sedley; Eliz. Johanna, m. John Weyland (d. 1825), 312; Francis (d. 1687), 312, 317; Francis (d. 1732), 312; Hen., 312; John (d. 1633), 312; John (d. 1642), 19, 312; John (fl. 1648), 312; John (d. 1708), 24, 310, 312, 316, 317; John (d. 1774), 24, 312; Judith, see Jodrell; Marg., w. of Francis (d. 1687), 317; Martha (d. 1673), see Smith; Martha (fl. 1700), see Smith; Martha, m. Rob. Pitt, 317; Philippa, see Tyrrell; Ric. (d. 1673), 312, 317; Ric. (d. 1679), (317; —, m. Wm. Craddock, 316; fam., 18, 24, 183, 312
Nowell, Marg., m. Ric. Twopenny, 194, 195; Sarah, see Munday; Revd. Dr. Thos., 191, 193, 195, 204, 206; Capt. (later Admiral), 190, 194
Nowers, de, Aumary, see FitzNiel; Grace, see FitzNiel; John (d. by 1331), 193; John (d. by 1349), 193; John (fl. 1355), 193; Ric., 193; Rob., see FitzNiel; Wm., 193
Noyes, T., 184
Noyon (Noyon-sur-Andelle, France), fortress of, 51; prior of, 51; priory of, 37, 51, 107
Nuffield, Ld., see Morris
Nuneham, Lady, see VenablesVernon, Eliz.; Ld., see Harcourt, Geo. Sim.
Nuneham Courtenay, 2, 2 n, 52, 190, 234–49, 271; char., 249; ch. bldgs., 32, 236, 246, 247–8; ch. hist., 236, 245–7; civ. war, 236, 246; dom. arch., 236–7; ec. hist., 242–5; farms, 236, 244, 245; ferry, 234, 242; field map, 235; field syst., 243, 244; fishery, 242, 245; incl., 236, 243–4; inns, 236, 237, 238; lock, 234; man., 239–42; mills, 242; model vill. (18th–cent.), 236; noncf., 237, 248; Nuneham Park, 190, 234, 236, 237–9, 243, 244; P.N., 237, 242, 243; pop., 242; rectors, 237, 244, 246, 247, 249; Rcty., 237; rcty. est., 245; rds., 234, 236; schs., 237, 247, 248–9; soc. conds., 244; taxes, 243, 318; top., 234–7; wds., 234, 243, 245; and see Abingdon Abbey
Oakley (Bucks.), 70, 72, 293, 296, 297, 298, 300, 302
Oaksey (Wilts.), 223
Oberammergau (Germany), 93, 213
Oceana, by Jas. Harrington (d. 1677), 222
Ochre works, 112, 218, 281
Ockenden (Essex), 298
Oddington, 2, 56, 70, 121
Odo, Bp. of Bayeux, 49, 79, 124, 125, 239, 284, 286, 299, 300
Oglander, Mrs., 122
Oilly, see D'Oilly
Oke, Thos. de la, 314; Wm. Unfrey, 314
Old Barton, see Barton
Old Headington, see Headington
'Old Wheatley', see Wheatley
Olive Jacks Memorial Field, in Forest Hill, 124
Oliver, clk., of Gloucester Coll., 44
O'Malley, Sir Edw. Loughlin, 107
O'Neill, Fr. S. W., 92
Open Brasenose, 79, 157, 183, 275
Open Magdalen (woods), 79, 157, 275
Openshaw, F., architect, 109
Orchard, John, 163; Wm., mason, 163
Ordric, Abbot of Abingdon, 138
Oriel Coll., Oxf., bldgs., 163; bursar of, 210; chs. belonging to, 212, 213; fellows of, 165, 194; mill, 196; prop., 86, 87, 208, 211, 216, 262, 286, 288, 289, 301 n; provs. of, see Hawkins; Musgrave; Say; quarry, 164
Oseney, 2, 216
Oseney, North, hon. ct. of, 6, 49, 125, 179
Oseney Abbey, 133, 203, 296, 297; abbots of, 188, 300, and see Bokeland, Clement, John, Leche; acct. rolls, 128, 301; canon of, 296–7; chs. belonging to, 79, 82, 90, 91, 92, 130, 131, 201, 202, 264, 304, 305; deeds, 16; fishery, 314; lands, 19, 21, 22, 79, 83–87, 123–5, 127, 128, 144, 145, 172, 199, 262, 269, 279, 296, 299, 301, 303; mills, 123, 128; tithes, 53, 121, 185, 290
Oseville, Sewel de, 225
Osmond, Geo., 22
Osyat, John, 313
Otley, Rob., 315; fam., 315
Otmoor, in Beckley, 56, 64, 66–72, 90, 221, 222; incl., 60, 70–72, 76; and see Beckley
Otmoor Associations, 71
Otmoor riots, 60, 71
Ottawa (Canada), 117
Ottele, Wm., 314
Owen, Geo., physician, 142; Thankfull, Pres. of St. John's Coll., Oxf., 108; fam., 58
Oxford, 5, 45, 57, 117, 148, 182, 183, 214, 259, 261, 295, 308; aldermen, 144, 266; borough, 3; boundaries, 2, 76, 79, 157, 214; chs.: All Saints, 163; George St. (Congregational), 94, 99; New Rd. Baptist, 168, 214, 265; St. Aloysius (R.C.), 265; St. Giles, 155; St. Martin (Carfax), 93 n; St. Mary the Virgin, 209, 213; St. Peter-in-the-East, 259; City, as landowner, 144, 149, 182, 183, 206, 270; County Borough, 214; East Gate, 258, 260, 261; (City of) Education Ctee., 205; fortifications, 130; friaries: Austin friars, 112, 298; Black friars (Dominicans), 112; Grey friars (Franciscans), 112, 279; White friars (Carmelites), 270; Holywell man., 2, 3, 87; hosps. (medieval), see St. Bartholomew's, St. John's; inhabitants, 81, 114, 271; inns, 88; King's Arms, 88; (City of) Library, 158; M.P., 80; mkt., 114, 166; mayors, 4, 164, 167; parishes: St. Cross (Holywell), 158, 274; St. Ebbe, 197; St. Giles, 270; St. Giles and St. John (civil), 157, 189; St. Mary the Virgin, 206, 210, 212; St. Mary Magdalen, 96, 156; plague, 197; Port Meadow, 3; prop. in, 91, 201; recorder, 217; Royal Agric. Soc.'s show at, 103; sch., 122; siege, 137, 217; streets: Carfax, 238, 272; Divinity Rd., 12, 157, 259; Gipsy Lane, 159, 259; Iffley Rd., 90, 94, 259; Mildred St., 172; suburbs, 3, 83, 116, 124, 189; trades and profssns., 42, 85, 183, 207, 209, 210, 229: architect, 274; bankers, 35, 118; bell-founder, 122; fishermen, 215; goldsmith, 190; printer, 188; skinner, 86, 87; tailor, 190; websters, 85
Oxford, archdeaconry of, 90; archds., 24, 43, 88, 165, 202, 305, and see Holiday, Woodvil; official of archd., 42, 43; registrar of archd., 194, 202
Oxford, bishopric of, bp. as diocesan, 43, 54, 165; bp. as patron, 23, 24, 104, 111, 114, 115, 166, 219, 315; bps., see Bagot, Bancroft, Bridges, Butler, Fell, Gore, Mackarness, Moss, Paget, Randolph, Secker, Skinner, Smallwell, Stubbs, Wilberforce; lands, 103, 108, 277, 295
Oxford and Coventry Canal Co., 47
Oxford and District Co-operative Soc., 78, 190
Oxford Architectural and Historical Soc., 204
Oxford-Burcot River Authority, 272, 273
Oxford Canal, the, 41
Oxford castle, 130, 279; governor, 178; keeper, 251; prison, 132, 274, 316
Oxford castle, ch. of St. George in, 53, 72, 79, 121, 125, 185, 264, 269, 290n, 304, 315; hon., 125; lands, 19 Oxford Chronicle, 92
Oxford Co-operative and Industrial Soc., 78
Oxford Corporation sewage pumping station, Littlemore, 206
Oxford County Mental Hospital, see Littlemore
Oxford Diocesan Board of Education, 95
Oxford Diocesan Board of Patronage, 13, 174, 185, 273
Oxford Extension Act (1928), 157, 189, 206
Oxford Herald, 271
Oxford hospitals: Radcliffe Infirmary, 90, 159, 160, 162, 237; Warneford, 157, 159–60; Wingfield-Morris Orthopaedic (now Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre), 160
Oxford Local Board, 210
Oxford Military Academy, 77, 95
Oxford Movement, the, 204
Oxford Preservation Trust, 120, 189, 218, 275
Oxford Regional Hospital Board, 109; and see Oxford hospitals
Oxford Steam Ploughing Co., 89
Oxford Times, 92, 203
Oxford University, 19, 57, 79, 197, 203, 238, 263, 279; bldgs., 164; Bodleian Library, 279; Botanic Garden, 163; Clarendon Bldg., 163; Old Ashmolean Bldg., 163; Pitt Rivers Museum, 206; Radcliffe Camera, 163; Schools Quad., 163; Sheldonian Theatre, 163, 169; colleges and halls, see All Souls Coll., Balliol Coll., Bradwell Hall, Brasenose Coll., Cardinal Coll., Christ Church, Corpus Christi Coll., Durham Coll., Exeter Coll., Gloucester Coll., Henry VIII's Coll., Hertford Coll., Jesus Coll., Lincoln Coll., Magdalen Coll., Magdalen Hall, Merton Coll., New Coll., New Inn Hall, Oriel Coll., Pembroke Coll., The Queen's Coll., Ruskin Coll., St. Edmund Hall, St. John's Coll., Trinity Coll., University Coll., Wadham Coll., Worcester Coll.; degrees, 35, 172; prop., 234, 242, 275; scholars, 57, 160, 164, 200, 261, 275, 279, 314
Oxfordshire County Council, 109, 312
Oxfordshire Education Committee, 177
Oxfordshire Militia, 60
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 77, 93
Packer fam., 193
Packley, Ric., 174
Page, Sir Greg., bt., 18; Isoult, 301; Mary, m. Sir Edw. Turner (d. 1735), 18
Page-Turner, Sir Edw. (d. 1846), bt., 18; Sir. Edw. (d. 1874), bt., 18, 222; Fanny, m. F. H. M. Blaydes, 18; Fred. A., formerly Blaydes, 18, 24; Sir Greg. (d. 1805), bt., formerly Turner, 16, 18, 18 n, 22, 233; Sir Greg. (d. 1843), bt., 18, 24, 229, 233, 254; fam., 23, 24, 224, 230, 233, 254
Paget, Francis, Bp. of Oxford, 98
Pain (fl. 1108), 224
Pain, John, 139, 144, 145; Thos., 139, 143; Wal. (? de Garsington), 139, 145, 155; — (fl. 1315), 145; fam., 139, 145
Painswick (Glos.) stone, 153
Palatiano, Ctss. E. Ada, 193
Palences, de, Gueres (or Wenric), 269, 272; fam., 269
Palmer, Eliz., 161; G., 104; Jas., 166; Sam., 111
Pangbourne (Berks.), 31
Pantrea, John, 107
Parker, Wm. the, 67
Parker, Geo., Earl of Macclesfield (d. 1842), 183; Dr. Gil., 121; J. H., ecclesiologist, 133, 155, 213; Jenny, see Croke; John (fl. 1641), 68; John (d. 1805), 75; Thos., Ld. Parker, later Earl of Macclesfield (d. 1732), 107, 142; Thos., Earl of Macclesfield (d. 1850), 102
Parker's Bookshop (Oxf.), 263
Parkins, Thos., 223
Parrott, Leon., 18; R., 24; Wal., 312; Wm., carpenter, 257
Parsons, Herb. (d. 1911), 118, 120, 295; Herb. (fl. 1919), 118; John (d. 1545), 80, 87, 90, 111; John (fl. 1900), 295; Mary Jane, 118; Wm. (d. 1556), 87, 210; —, w. of John (d. 1545), see Pulker; fam., 87, 119
Parsons, Thomson & Co., Oxf. bankers, 118
Pasco, Mr., 214
Passeresse, Agnes la, 234, 242
Passur, Hen. le, 272; Thos. le, and his w. Agnes, 234
Patrick, clk., 43
Paulling, Mr., 244
Pawling, Rob., mayor of Oxf., 164, 167
Paynell, Kath., see Pyriton; fam., 269
Pearce (Pierce), John (fl. 1597–8), 31 n; John (fl. 1643), 31 n; Thos., 31 n; fam., 31
Pec, Geof. del, 209
Pecche, Isabel, see Akenny; John, 138
Peculiars, ecclesiastical, see Baldon, Marsh; Baldon, Toot; Dorchester; Elsfield; Headington; Marston; Sandford
Peel, A., 153; Revd. Edm., 55; Sir Rob., 265
Peers, Ric., 146
Peesley, Sarah, 197; Wm., 197; —, wid., 197
Peisley, Bart., 266
Pelham, John, 285
Pemberton, Marg., 292; Thos., 292
Pembridge, Hen. de, 252; Sybil de, see Pluggenait
Pembroke, earls of, see Marshal
Pembroke Coll., Oxf., deeds, 12; prop., 11, 12, 81, 88–89, 208, 210
Penn, Martha, 29
Peppercorn, Wm., 161
Pepys, Sam., diarist, 241
Percehai, Ralph, 139
Pereson, John, Prov. of the Queen's Coll., Oxf., 50
Peri, Emma de, see Bray
Perne fam., 215
Perrot, Alice, w. of Rob., 185; Rob., 185; Sim., Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 185
Perye, Rog., 172
Peshall, Sir John, 264
Peter s. of Herb. (d. 1235), 10
Peter s. of Herb. (fl. 1243), 10
Peter (fl. 13th c.), 38
Peter (fl. 13th c.), Herb. s. of, 10 n
Peterborough, bps. of, see Kennett, Piers; earl of, see Mordaunt
Petre, Cath., m. John Powell, 270; Sir Wm., 143, 230
Petty Pont, see East Bridge
Peyto, John de, 252
Phelip, Eliz., m. John, Vct. Beaumont, 171; Joan, see Bardolf; Sir Wm., later Ld. Bardolf, 170
Philip Augustus, King of France, 61, 251
Philip of Hedsor, 72
Phillipps, Sir Thos., antiquary, 75 n
Phipps, Geo., 81, 208; Revd. Jas., 81, 208, 210; Vinc., 96; fam., 93
Picot (fl. 1086), 63, 139
Piddington, Joan of, see Basset
Piddington (Northants.), 251 n
Piddington, 17, 226, 249–58, 310; chap., 256; char., 258; Chilling Place, 249, 250, 253–4, 255; ch. bldg., 252, 256, 257; ch. hist., 24, 25, 253, 256–7, 258; civ. war, 251; dom. arch., 250; ec. hist., 254–6; farms, 250, 254; fields, 254; incl., 254, 255–6; inns, 250; mans., 61 n, 223, 224, 225, 251–3; Man. Farm, 250, 254, 257; Man. Ho., 252; mills, 250–1; noncf., 253, 258; occs., 256, 258; P.N., 250, 251, 254; pop., 255, 256; rds., 249, 250; schs., 29, 258; taxes, 318; top., 5, 7, 249–51; Vic., 257; wds., 225, 249–54; and see Muswell; St. Frideswide's Priory
Pierce, see Pearce
Pierrepoint, Hen., Mqss. of Dorchester, 241, 245
Piers, John, 107, 108; Wm., Bp. of Peterborough, later of Bath and Wells, 107
Pike, Abr. (d. 1751), 88; Abr., s. of Abr., 88; Ann, m. Wm. Hurst, 88; John (fl. 1665), 88; John (d. 1727), 88; Leon., 88; Ric., 88; Rob., 87, 88; Steph. (fl. 1559), 87–88; Steph. (fl. 17th c.), 88; Wm., 88; — (fl. 1524), 201; fam., 89
Pilfrance, in Cuddesdon and Holton, 96, 116, 168
Pilgrim Trust, 120, 218
Pinck, Rob., Ward. of New Coll., Oxf., 290, 292, 293
Pippard, Marg., m. 1 Rob. Fitzellis (d. by 1346), 2 Warin de Lisle (d. 1382), 298; Wm., 298
Pirie, Eustace de, 21; Sibyl de, dau. of Wal., 21; Wal. de, 21
Pishill, 42
Pissiaco, Maurice de, 23
Pitilt, Hen., 202 n
Pits, Art. (d. 1579), 191, 193, 195, 202, 204; Art. (fl. 16th c.), 195, 204; Marg., w. of Art. (d. 1579), 195, 204; Phil., 193, 195, 196, 202, 204; Rob., 195; Thos., 195; fam., 190, 204
Pitt, Marg., 317; Martha, see Nourse; Dr. Rob., 317
Plague, 49, 197, 205, 228; and see Black Death; Cholera
Plant, Geo., 128; fam., 129
Plat, Wm., 113
Plescy, de, Hugh (d. 1292), 5, 6, 117, 160, 162, 215, 253; Hugh (fl. 1300), 117; Hugh (d. 1349), 117; Isabel, see Biset; John, 253, 258; fam., 253
Plot, Dr. Rob., 164, 174, 281
Ploughley, hund. of, 2, 3, 5
Plowman, Wm., 92
Pluggenait (Plukenet), Alan (fl. 1200), 160; Alan (d. 1299), 224, 251; Alan (fl. 1309), 251, 252; Clemence, wid. of Alan (fl. 1200), 160; Hugh de, 5, 160, 167, 218; Josceus, 160; Oliver, 158; Sybil, w. of Alan (fl. 1309), m. 2 Hen. de Pembridge, 252
Plukenet, see Pluggenait
Plumber, Samson the, 262
Plumer, Jane, 141; John, 141; Thos., 140, 143; Wal., Ld. Plumer, 140–1; Wm. (fl. 18th c.), 141; Wm. (d. 1822), 141; —, w. of Wm. (d. 1822), see Cary; fam., 149
Plymouth Brethren, 99
Poer (Poure), Genteschieve le, 208; Hugh (or Beaumont), 208; Sir Ric. le, 253; fam., 208
Pokins, Ric., 108, 108 n; Rob., 147, 148; fam., 147
Pokok, Hugh, 254 n
Pole, Alice de la, see Chaucer; Edm. (d. 1419), 253, 277; Edm. de la, Duke, later Earl, of Suffolk (d. 1513), 140, 240; Eliz. de la, see Hadlow; Eliz. de la, m. Ingram Bruyn, 253; John de la, Duke of Suffolk (d. 1491 or 1492), 140, 240; John de la, Earl of Lincoln (d. 1487), 140, 240; Kath. de la, m. Rob. James, 253; Card. Reg., 121; Wm. de la, Earl, later Duke, of Suffolk (d. 1450), 62, 140, 193; fam., arms of, 203
Polein, John, 144
Pollard, Anne, m. John Cawley, 46; Sir Ant., 52, 53, 241, 247; Eliz., m. John Lane, 30, 34–35, 44, 46; Sir Hugh, 241; John (fl. 16th c.), 44; Sir John (d. 1557), 52, 241; John (fl. 1600), 52, 53, 234, 241; John (d. 1670), 34; John (d. c. 1712), 34, 39, 46, 241, 243; Lewis, 34, 40, 44, 52, 53; Marg., m. Nat. Bacon, 44; Mary, w. of Sir John, m. 2 Thos. Norreys, 241, 243; Philippa, see Sheldon; Ric. (fl. 1540), 241; Sir Ric. (fl. 16th c.), 241; Ric. (d. 1612), 247; Susan, see Danvers; Wm. (fl. 1360), 112; Wm. (fl. 16th c.), 241; fam., 34, 35, 46
Pontarius, Ralph, 199
Pontefract, hon. of, 284, 299
Pontefract castle (Yorks.), ch. of St. Clement in, 289
Pool, Hen., 253
Pool Powell char., 133–4
Poole, Lady Anne, see Barnard; Eliz., 233; Sir Hen., 221, 223, 233
Poor Law Board, 90
Pope, Alex., poet, 242; Lady Eliz., w. of Sir Thos., 34, 153; John, 34; Susannah, m. Dan. Danvers, 34; Sir Thos., 34, 152, 153; Sir Wm., bt., later Earl of Downe, 34
Popish Plots, the, 296
Porman, Ulfwine, 242
Porter, Revd. Geo., 54
Portland (Dors.) stone, 164
Potato Board, 312
Potter, R., architect, 15
Poulton, John, 152 n; fam., 147
Poure, see Poer
Powell, Anne, see Dormer, Moulton, Wyndham; Anne, w. of Ric. (d. 1695), 127; Cath. (fl. 18th c.), 270; Cath., see Petre; Edm. (fl. 1540), 81, 143, 270, 274; Edm. (d. 1592), 94, 270; Edm. (d. 1632), 270; Edm., (fl. 1632), 270; Edm. (d. by 1678), 270, 299, 308; Edw., 175; Eliz., m. Wm. Napier, 94, 274; Francis, 274; John (d. 1678), 270; John (d. c. 1727), 270, 274, 299; Kath., see Frothingham; Mary, m. John Milton, 110, 124, 126, 131, 283; Ric. (d. 1646–7), 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 283, 286, 295; Ric. (d. 1682), 127; Ric. (d. 1695), 124, 126, 127; Sir Wm. (d. 1656), 274; Winifred, m. Sir Francis Curson (d. 1750), 270, 273, 296, 299; Winifred, see Throckmorton; fam., 124, 126, 128, 130, 175, 271, 273, 275
Powlett, Sir Ant., 62
Presbyterians, 167, 233
Presser, Edw., 233; Joan, m. Silvanus Vaughan, 233
Preston, Damian (d. 1586), 227; Damian (d. 1670), 227; John (fl. 1524), 201; John (d. 1563), 227; John (fl. 1718), 227, 233; fam., 227
Price, Bart., 175; Wm., of York, glasspainter, 188
Prideaux, Humph., 264
Priest (or Prost), Wm., 301
Prince, Wm., 248; fam., 237
Probus (Cornw.), 223
Proctor, Luke, 131
Prost, see Priest
Prynne, W., 94
Public Health Act (1872), 96, 113
Pudsey, Edith, see Hore; Eleanor, see Mountford; Geo. (d. 1625), 118; Sir Geo. (d. 1688), 118, 120; Hen., 118; Sir John, 118; Mary, see Lowe; Mic., 118, 122; Ric., 118; Rob., 118; Rowland, 118; Revd. Thos., 118; Wm., of Langley (Warws.), 118; Wm. (d. 1659), 292; fam., 118, 261, 292
Pulker (Pulcher), John, 80, 81, 86, 87, 90, 182; Wal., 86, 200;—, m. 2 John Parsons (d. 1545), 87; fam., 201, 211
Pullen, Dr. Josiah, 259
Punch, 92
Purley (Berks.), 140
Pusey, Edw., 169, 175, 265; Lady Lucy, 169, 176
Pye, John, 126, 130; Sir Rob., 126, 127
Pyriton, Ad. de, 269; Kath. de, m. — Paynel, 269
Pyrton, 179
Pytchley (Northants.), 273
Quakers, see Friends, Soc. of
Quarries, see Cowley; Forest Hill, Headington, Iffley, Lyehill, Shotover, Wheatley
Quatermain, Francis, 143; Mrs., 95; fam., 137, 147, 150; and see Quatremain
Quatremain, Guy, 10; Joan, see Russell; John, 10; Maud, m. John Bruly, 10; Ric., 10, 171; Sybil, see Englefield; Thos., 10; and see Quatermain
Queen Anne's Bounty, 25, 73, 101, 115, 121, 132, 186, 202, 231, 306
Queen's Coll., the, Oxf., 34, 51, 164, 178; bldgs., 112, 163; chs. belonging to, 43, 53; fellows of, 45, 54, 260; prop., 34, 35, 39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 55, 107, 108, 146, 149, 150; provs. of, see Bainbridge; Halton; Langton; Pereson; Smith, Jos.
Queensland, Australia, 112
Quincey, Marg. de, see Beaumont; Rob. de, Earl of Winchester (d. 1264), 208 n; Saer de, Earl of Winchester (d. 1219), 208; fam., 208
Radclive (Bucks.), 311
Radley, Edw., 143, 148; John, 143; Rog., 139, 143; Thos., and his wife Eliz., 143, 155; Wm., 143; fam., 139, 143
Radmylde, Marg., see Camoys; Ralph, 50, 110; Rob., 50, 110; Sir Wm., 50, 110, 114 n; fam., 50, 110
Rainald, Abbot of Abingdon, 139; Wm. s. of, 139
Rainald s. of Croc, 9
Rainaldus (fl. 1086), 276, 294
Rallingson, Ric., 260
Ralph, Master, anchorite, 142
Ralph the hermit, 252, 258
Ralph, pontarius, 199
Randolph, Revd. John, later successively Bp. of Oxford, Bangor, and London, 91 n, 93, 94; fam., 85
Ranulfs. of Josce (or Jocelin), 172, 174
Rasur fam., 276
Ratcliffe, John, 146
Rawlinson, L. W., 233; Ric., antiquary, 45, 141, 176; Mrs., 166
Ray fam., 130
Ray, New Riv., 56
Ray, Riv., 15, 16, 23, 56, 71, 221, 249, 251
Read, see Rede
Reading (Berks.), 46, 184
Rede (Read, Reede), Christine, see James; Edm. (fl. 1430), 253, 277; Edm. (d. 1489), 223, 253, 258, 278, 286; Kath., m. Thos. Dynham, 252, 253; Kath., wid. of Edm. (d. 1489), 158; Leon., 252, 277; Wm., 226, 253; fam., 225 n, 277
Redhead, John (fl. 1389), 68 n; John (fl. 1700), 87; fam., 78, 86, 87
Reginald Dalton, by J. G. Lockhart, 265
Reni, Guido, Annunciation painted by, 46
Reve, John, 211; Thos., 121
Reynold, Bp. of Cloyne, 122
Reynold s. of Herb., 297
Reynold s. of Pet., 10 n, 297 n
Reynolds, Hen., 243
Rhee stream, 268
Rich, St. Edm., Abp. of Canterbury, 79, 260, 261
Richard I, King, 142, 225
Richard II, King, 62, 193, 259
Richard III, King, 34, 62
Richard, Earl of Cornwall, 17 n, 23, 33, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 71, 160, 169, 171, 185, 294; chpl. of, 175, 186; steward of, 72
Richard s. of Hen., 81
Richard s. of John, 179
Richard le forester, 57, 62
Richard (fl. 1086), 4
Richard, Hugh s. of, 144
Richards, Wm., 215
Richardson, Sir A. E., architect, 232
Ricketts, Chas. Aubrey, see Aubrey Aubrey; Chas. S., 252; Eliz. Sophia Spencer, see Aubrey
Rickman, Thos., architect, 14
Riddell (or Roshe), Chris., 118
Ridges, Wm., 233
Ridlington (Rut.), 223
Rigge, see Edner
Rillehitch, Margery de, see Bolehuth
Ripariis, Marg. de, see Biset
Rippington, Thos., 308
Riselburgh, Elias de, 186
Rivers, John de, 160
Riviers, Baldw. de (d. 1216), 9, 239; Baldw. de, Earl of Devon (d. 1245), 9; Baldw. de, Earl of Devon (d. 1262), 240; Isabel de, Ctss. of Aumale and Devon, m. Wm. de Forz, Count of Aumale, 9, 240; Marg., see FitzGerold; Marg., m. 1 Baldw., Earl of Devon (d. 1262), 2 Rob. Agillon, 240; Wm. de, Earl of Devon (d. 1217), 239; Lady de, 208 n
Robbins, Edw., 174
Robert, Duke of Normandy, 60 n
Robert II, Count of Dreux, 61
Robert III, Count of Dreux, 61, 71, 179
Robert, curate of Sandford, 273
Robert s. of Geof., 33
Robert s. of Wal., 296
Robert the chaplain, 91
Robert the smith, 209, 211; dau. of, m. John FitzNiel (fl. c. 1300), 209
Robert (fl. 1086), 268
Robert (fl. 13th c.), see Burghfield
Roberts, Mr., 54
Robertson, Dan., architect, 265
Robin Hood, 275
Robins, Geo., 75
Robinson, Anne, 150; Anne (fl. 1710), 241; Revd. Chris., 14; Revd. John, 246; Sir John, Ld. Mayor of London, 241, 243, 247; Mary, m. David, Earl Wemyss, 241; Ric., Abp. of Armagh, 91 n; Ric., smith of Oxf., 27; Rob., mason, 201; Wm. (fl. 1685), mason, 153; Wm. (d. 1678), 247; fam., masons, 150
Roches, Eliz., m. Sir Wal. Beauchamp (d. 1430), 33, 43; Sir John, 33, 43; Lady Willelma, see De la Mare
Rochester, prebendary of, 246
Roger, Abbot of Dorchester, 53
Roger, Bp. of Salisbury, 260
Roger, r. of Waterperry, 304
Roger, s. of a Knight Hospitaller, 50
Roger, chaplain, 91
Roger the clk. of Garsington, 146
Roger, a mason, 48
Roger (fl. 11th c.), 299
Roger (fl. 13th c.), Wal. s. of, 37, 50
Rogers, Dr. Edw., 175, 176; Fred., Ld. Blachford, 213; H. S., architect, 93, 105; Revd. Rob., 195; Sarah, see Tubb
Rokele, Rose de la, m. Wm. Fitzellis (d. 1227), 10, 297, 304
Rolf, Turstin s. of, 117
Rolfe, Clapton, architect, 248
Rolleston (Staffs.), 274
Rollright, Great, 50, 61 n
Roman remains, 20 n, 30, 35, 36, 64, 76, 79, 100, 115, 157, 170 n, 177, 242, 268, 283, 310
Roper Curson (formerly Roper), Francis Hen., Baron Teynham, 299, 308
Rose, Jas., 115; John, 227; Rob. de la, 242
Rose Hill, in Cowley, 92, 94, 191
Roshe, Chris., see Riddell
Ross, Revd. J. C., 45 n, 55
Rotherfield (Suss.), 141
Rotherfield Greys, 121
Rousham, 51 n
Rowles, Anne, 11
Rowney, Thos. (d. 1727), attorney, 217, 241, 304; Thos. (fl. 1730), 217; fam., 217
Royal Air Force, 71
Royal Arms, achievements of, 292, 308
Royal Navy, 279, 280, 294
Royse (Royce), Hen., 80, 87
Rudge, Edw. (fl. 1636), 19; Edw. (fl. 1647 and 1667), 253; Edw. (fl. 1679), 19; Edw. (fl. 1706), and his w. Mary, 19
Rudhall, Abr., bell-founder, 204
Rupert, Prince, 9, 60, 284
Rushbery, Alice, m. — Douneham, 142; John, 142; Marg., see Mimekan; fam., 142, 146
Rusholm, Cecily (Celia), m. Lambert Foster, 297; Isabel, see Beaufeu; Joan, 297; Ric., 297, 297 n
Ruskin Coll., Oxf., 158
Russell, Chas., 147; Eliz., see Fitzellis; I. H., 155; Revd. J. (d. 1937), 105; Jack (fl. 1815), 215; Joan, m. Thos. Quatremain, 10; Sir John, 10
Rycote, in Great Haseley, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Ryhale, Guy de, see Cahaines; Joan de, see Basset; Pain de, 229
Ryhall (Rut.), 224
Sacheverell, Hen., 14, 242
Sackville, Bridget, see Wray; Hon. Edw., 63
Sadler, Ann, m. 1 John Danvers (d. 1616), 2 Ric. Goddard, 34; Ant., 34; Eliz., w. of Jos., 156; Jos., 143, 144, 147, 148, 156; Sir Mic., 158; fam., 149, 156
Sainfoin, 41, and see Lucerne
St. Alban's Abbey (Herts.), 155; cell of, see Wallingford Priory
St. Amand, Aymer, 61 n; Lady Eliz., see Braybroke; Ld., see Beauchamp, Sir Ric.
St. Ambrose, 20
St. Andrew, Rog. de, 208, 211; Saer de, 208
St. Asaph, bps. of, see Carey, Short
St. Bartholomew's Hosp., Oxf., 76, 78, 79, 83, 87, 157, 172, 259, 301; land of, 85, 209, 262, 283; rents of, 195, 196, 199
St. Bridget's, see Bolshipton
St. Clement's, 79, 197, 258–66; almshos., 266; Bolshipton Ho., 260, 261; bridge, 260; char., 266; ch. bldgs., 78, 264–5, 266; ch. hist., 259, 262, 263, 264, 266; civ. war, 158, 259, 260; ct. rolls, 261 n; dom. arch., 260; ec. hist., 262–3; fair, 260; fields, 261, 262; incl., 262; inns: 260; Black Horse, 260, 261, 263, 266; lesser ests., 262; 'lunatic asylum', 263; mans., 261–2; man. admin., 261, 262; mkts., 260; mills, 260: King's Mill, 158, 214, 259, 316; occs., 262, 263, 265; P.N., 261, 262; poor rel., 263; pop., 263; Prot. noncf., 264, 265–6; rds., 259–60, 262, 263; Rom. Cathm., 94, 265, 266; schs., 266; streets: Bath St., 260, Boulter St., 266, Caroline St., 263, Cherwell St., 260, George St., 265, 266, High St. (St. Clement's), 259, 260, 263, 265, 266, The Plain, 259, 264, 265; taxes, 262, 318; top., 76, 78, 91, 157, 158, 258–61, 294; Turnpike Ho., 259; Workho., 263; and see Bolshipton, Templars
St. Donanverdh, 64
St. Edmund, see Rich
St. Edmund Hall, Oxf., 316
St. Edmund's Well, in St. Clement's, 260–1, and see Rich.
St. Evroult Abbey (Normandy), 51
St. Frideswide's Priory, 131, 160, 185, 219; chs. belonging to, 72, 120–1, 131, 165, 218, 264, 296; peculiar jurisd., 165, 218; priors of, 6, 82, 144, 226, 294, and see Elias; prop. in Bolshipton (or Bruggeset), 260, 261, 262; Chippinghurst, 107; Cowley, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84; Elsfield, 117, 119; Piddington, 223, 226, 251, 252, 255; Stanton, 284; Waterperry, 299, 301, 304; shrine, 160, 172; tithes, 72, 82 n, 104, 152, 165, 178
St. George, ch. of, see Oxford castle
St. George and the Turkish Knight, mumming play of, 165
St. George's Chapel, see Windsor
St. Giles's Fair, Oxf., 71
St. Hugh, Bp. of Lincoln, 51, 202, 229 n
St. John of Jerusalem, Order of, see Hospitallers
St. John (of Garsington and Lydiard Tregoze, Wilts.), Clemence, m. John Lydyard, 285; Joan, w. of Sir John (d. 1512), 140; Sir John (d. 1512), 140; John (d. 1576), 140; John (d. 1594), and his w. Lucy, 140; Sir John, bt. (d. c. 1648), 140, 143, 147; Nic., 140; Oliver, 140; fam., 285
St. John (of Stanton St. John), Cecily de, see Lucy; Emma, w. of John (d. by 1230), m. 2 Geof. le Despenser, 125, 285; John de (fl. c. 1149), 60, 185, 284, 289; John de (d. by 1230), 128, 284, 290; John de (d. c. 1316), 284, 287; John de (d. by 1322), 284, 286; John de (d. 1349), 284, 285; Kath., see Say; Marg. de, m. 1 Hen. de Beaumont, 2 Sir Nic. de Lovaygne, 285; Nic. de, 285; Pet. de, 285; Rog. de (d. c. 1214), 284; Rog. de (d. 1265), 284; Rog. de (fl. 12th c., 1354), 285; Thos. de (fl. 12th c.), 284; Thos. de (fl. 15th c.), 284; Wm. de, 285; fam., 284, 285
St. John the Evangelist, Society of (or Cowley Fathers), Oxf., 91, 92, 95
St. John's Coll., Oxf., 10, 115, 163, 280; pres. of, see Owen; prop., 143, 149
St. John's Hosp., Oxf., chap. of St. Mary in, 141, 279; ch. appropriated to, 185; lands of, 85, 87, 141, 144, 158, 162, 195, 197, 199, 200, 278; ward. of, 138
St. Lawrence Baldon, see Baldon St. Lawrence
St. Paul's (Lond.), dean of, see Montfort, Wm. de
St. Remy, de, Juliana, 191, 192, 195, 201; Ric. 191; Rob. (fl. 1158), 191, 201, 202; Rob. (fl. 1192), 191; fam., 191
St. Valery, de, Annora, m. Rob. III, Count of Dreux, 61; Bern., 60–61; Hen., 61; Maud, m. Wm. de Braose, 203; Reyn., 60, 71; Thos., 61, 311; Wal., 60; fam., 17, 60 n, 179, 185, 286
St. Valery, hon. of, 6, 61; lands in Ambrosden, 17, 18, 19; the Baldons, 37, 49, 50; Beckley, 57, 61, 63; (Church) Cowley, 79; Forest Hill, 124; Holton, 170; Horspath, 178, 180, 186; Wood Eaton, 311; lds., 56
St. Vincent, 101
Salden (Bucks.), 192, 193, 199
Salesian Congregation, Oxf., coll. of, 94, 96
Salfode, Ric., 86 n
Salford, Ric., Abbot of Abingdon, 245
Salisbury, Jas., 188
Salisbury, ctss. of, see Montagu; earls of, see Montagu
Salisbury, bps. of, see Audley, Langton, Roger
Salisbury Cathedral, chant. in, 52, 143
Saltash, Mr., 167
Salutation of Mary the Virgin, Soc. of, 101
Salvation Army, 99
Samson the plumber, 262
Sandby, Paul, painter, 237, 238
Sanders (Saunders), Miss A. J., 299; Edw., 298; Francis, 100; Isabel, m. Wal. Curson, 298, 307; Ralph, 202; Rob., 66; Thos., 245; Wm., 66
Sandford, de, Christine, 269; Jordan, 269, 270; Mabel, m. Thos. Bussell, 269; Millicent, 269; Ralph (fl. early 13th c.), 269; Ralph (fl. 1242), 269; Ralph (fl. 1279), 211; Ralph (fl. 1316), 208 n; Ric., 211; Rob., 269; Rog., 269; Thos. (fl. 1219), 271; Thos. (fl. 1240), 269; Thos. (fl. 1316), 194, 211; fam., 189 n, 194, 200, 209, 211, 269
Sandford, Dry (Berks.), 268
Sandford on Thames, 91, 94, 112, 143, 209, 267–75; brickworks, 267, 270; bridge, 272; char., 275; ch. bldg., 204, 273–4; ch. hist., 201, 203, 268, 272–3; dom. arch., 267–8; fair, 267; ferry, 194, 242, 267, 272; fields, 267; fisheries, 269, 270; incl., 267; inns, 267; islands, 270; locks, 196, 267, 268, 271–2; man., 81, 106, 207–8, 211, 268–70; Man. Ho., 268; mills, 196, 267, 268, 269, 270–71, 272; Minchery Farm, 207, 267–8, 270; noncf., 270, 273, 274, 299, 308; paper mill, 267, 271; P.N., 267, 270; pop., 267; rds., 267, 270, 272; schs., 268, 274–5; taxes, 267, 318; Temple (Manor) Farm, 268, 270; top., 267–8, 270; Vic., 268; wds., 267, 268; and see Abingdon Abbey, Hospitallers, Littlemore Priory, Templars
Sandford Cartulary, 269
Sandford Commandery, see Hospitallers
Sandford Preceptory, see Hospitallers, Templars
Sandford St. Martin, 268
Sandhills, see Forest Hill
Sandys, Mary, see Barker; Sam., 253 n
Sargeant, Geo., mapmaker, 56 n, 60 n, 68
Saunders, see Sanders
Savoy, Bern. of, 138
Sawaker (fl. late 12th c.), 302
Sawold (fl. 1086), 10
Sawyer, John, 176; Rob., 53
Say, Geof. de, 284; Kath. de, m. John de St. John (d. 1349), 284, 285; Rob., Prov. of Oriel Coll., Oxf., 12
Scaccario, de, And., 50, 179; Hen., 179; Isabel, 182; John, 37, 50, 179, 180, 182; Laur., 179; fam., 50
Scala, Ric. ad, 202 n
Sceot's tumulus, see Soteslawa
Schotelawa (Schotteslawa), see Soteslawa
Schutz, Augustus, 276, 277; Geo., 131, 176; Penelope, m. Thos. Whorwood (d. 1771), 172; Thos., 133, 277; fam., 133, 281
Scotland, royal house of, 223; and see David, Malcolm, William
Scott, Sir Geo. Gil., architect, 133, 167; J. O., architect, 257
Scroop, Ric. de, 50; Rob. de, 50; Wm. de, 37, 50
Secker, Thos., Bp. of Oxf., 115
Sedley, Anne, w. of Wm., 312; Anne, dau. of Wm., m. John Nourse (d. 1708), 312, 317; Wm., 312
Seeley, Rob., 186
Segrave, Sir Hugh, 240
Senlis, de, Sim. II, Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton (d. 1153), 223, 224, 251; Sim. III, Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton (d. 1184), 223, 251; Sim. (fl. 1248), 171; Sim. (fl. 1279), 171; Sim. (fl. 1317), 171; fam., 171, 173, 223, 251
Sered, Hugh, 209; Wal., 209
Sergeant (Seargeant), Mr., painter, 292
Sescut, see Elsfield
Sewers, Comms. of, 197
Seymour, Edw., Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector (d. 1552), 62
Seyntclere, Edith, m. Ric. Harcourt, 285; Eleanor, m. John Gage, 285; Eliz., m. Wm. Lovell, 285; John, 285; Marg., see Lovaygne; Sir Phil., 285; Thos., 285
Shabbington (Bucks.), 298
Shardloes (Bucks.), 141
Sharp, Wm., Princ. of Hertford Coll., Oxf., 91 n
Shaw Hellier, Revd. T., 55
Sheen Priory (Surr.), 51, 107
Sheldon, Philippa, m. Sir Ant. Pollard, 52, 53, 241, 247; Wm., 241; fam., 237, 239
Sheldon tapestries, 239
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, poet, 263
Shepard (or Miller), Thos., 287
Shepherd, Clement the, 50
Shepherd, Wm. the, 302
Sherborn, Rob., Bp. of Chichester 285
Sheriff, John, 28
Sherwood, Revd. W. E., 268, 274
Shifford, in Bampton Aston, 313 n
Shillingford (or Izard), Alice, 66; Edm. (fl. 1559), 66; Edm. (fl. 1628), 66; Edw., 66; John (d. 1657), 71, 72, 73; John (d. 1694), 71, 75; Ric., 102 n; Wm., 71, 71 n, 72; fam., 66
Shiplake, 127
Shippen, Rob., Princ. of Brasenose Coll., Oxf., 234
Shipton, Rob. (corruption of Bolshipton), 261
Shipton, hunds. of, 3
Short, Thos. V., Bp. of Sodor and Man, later of St. Asaph, 91 n
Shotover, 2, 7, 116, 168, 177, 275– 81, 293; bailiwick, 276–7, 278; civ. war, 280; Derehyde Man., 277, 278; ec. hist., 277–81; Ho. (Lodge), 262, 275–6, 280, 281; incl., 276, 280, 281; ind., 281; P.N., 275, 279; pop., 277, 278; quarries, 112, 281; rds., 275, 281, 295; sch., 281; top., 275–6; and see Forest Hill with Shotover, Magdalen Coll., Shotover and Stowood Royal Forest
Shotover and Stowood Royal Forest, 69, 128, 157, 225, 275, 276, 278, 279–81, 295; admin., 278, 279; commons, 111, 180, 197; cts., 280; disafforestation, 163, 216, 277, 280, 281; foresters, 86, 159, 278; serjeanty of, 142; timber from, 186, 259, 279, 280, 294; and see Shotover, Stowood
Shottesbrooke (Berks.), 26
Shrigley & Hunt, Messrs., glasspainters, 214
Siddons, Sarah, actress, 237
Sidgwick, Mr., 167
Silverside, Thos., 31
Simon, Count of Évreux, 51
Simon, dispenser to King Hen. I, 139
Simon s. of Hugh of Baldon, 51
Simpson, Ralph, 174
Sims, Joshua, architect, 276; Thos., 100, 115; fam., 215, 218
Sired (fl. late 12th c.), 84 n
Siward (or the Rich), Ad. s. of, 141
Siward, Philippa, see Basset; Ric., 57, 160
Skelton, Jos., engraver, 260
Skinner, Rob., Bp. of Oxf., 25, 104, 245
Slade, Sam., Bp. of Gloucester, 91 n
Slade char., 168
Slimbridge (Glos.), 316
Smallwell, Edw., Bp. of Oxf., 91 n
Smirke, Sir Rob., architect, 239
Smith, Alice, 189, 204, 205, 206, 212; Ann, 214; Chas., 149 n; Chris., 102; Francis, Fellow of Magdalen Coll., 312; G., architect, 95; Geo., carpenter, 266; Hugh. (fl. 16th c.), 86 n; Hugh (fl. 1625), 167; John (fl. 1512), 211; John (fl. 1611), 140; John (d. 1639), 201 n; John (d. 1690), 312, 316, 317; John Bouchier (fl. 18th c.), 143, 149, 149 n; John Thos. (fl. 1836), 99; Jos., Prov. of Queen's Coll., Oxf., 49; Martha, m. Ric. Nourse (d. 1673), 312, 317; Martha, m. John Nourse (d. 1708), 312, 316, 317; Oliver (fl. early 17th c.), 143; Oliver (fl. 1633), 143; Paul, 303; R., wine merchant, 70 n, 71; Ralph, Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 312; Ric., 211; Rob., mapmaker, 234; Thos. (fl. 1320), 194; Thos. (fl. 1617), glover, 130; Thos. (fl. 1694), 143; Thos. (fl. 1859), 89; Travers, 214; Vinc., clockmaker, 27; Revd. Wm., 215; Mrs., 261; — (fl. 1524), 201; — (fl. 1663), wid., 212; — (fl. 1688), 108; — (fl. 1783), 149; fam., 86, 149, 190, 200, 201 n, 211, 212 n
Smith, Rob. the, 209, 211
Smith, Wal. the, 304
Smyth, Alice, 209; Dorothy, see Denton; Edw., 17, 18; John (fl. 15th c.), 142; John (fl. late 15th c.), skinner, 86, 87; John (fl. 1557), 102
Smythe, Thos. le, 209
Smythe, Barbara, 19, 20, 22, 52, 102, 110; Grace, see Astyn; Grace, m. Bern. Gardiner, 102; Dr. Seb. (d. 1674), 102; Sir Seb. (d. 1733), 19, 52, 100, 102, 110, 217; Seb. (d. 1752), 102
Snell, Eliz., see Vyner; John, 254; Col. Wm., 254
Sneyd, Revd. Wal., 107
Snow, Jeremiah, 253, 254
Soane, Sir John, architect, 309 n, 310
Soanes, Wm., 130; fam., 130
Soberton (Hants), 208
Sodor and Man, bps. of, see Levinz, Short
Somenour, John the, 152
Somerset, Protector, see Seymour
Soterlawa (Soteslawiam), see Soteslawa
Soteslawa (Schotelawa, Schotteslawa, Soterlawa, Soteslawiam, Toteslaw), hund. of, 2, 2 n, 3
South Hinksey, see Hinksey, South
South Sea Bubble, 316
Southampton (Hants), 297
Southcott, Lady, 241
Sparks, Mr., 28
Sparrow, Rob., 183
Speed, Dr. John, 217; fam., 315
Speenhamland (Berks.), 193
Spencer, Chas., Duke of Marlborough (d. 1758), 237; Eliz., 188; John (fl. 1518), 148; John (d. 1616), 142; John, 155; Lawr., 142; fam., 142, 146, 184, 308
Spicer, John, 270
Spindler, Rob. (fl. 1665), 32; Rob. (fl. 1718), 143
Squibb, Frances, 292; Revd. Lawr., 290, 292, 293
Stacey fam., 292
Stafford, Sir Humph., 91
Stampe, Edw., 261; John, 52, 174; Isabel, w. of John, 52
Standard, Anne, 27; Hen. (d.c. 1613), 20; Hen. (fl. 1613), 20; Hen. (fl. 1664), 20; Marion, see Martin; Thos. (fl. 1613), 20; Thos. (d. c. 1706), 20; fam., 20
Standen, Wm., 253
Stanford (Northants.), 11
Stanlake, Ric. de, 194; Rog. de, 194; fam., 194, 211
Stanshawe fam., 141
Stanton Harcourt, 94, 230, 237, 241
Stanton St. John, 62, 126, 282–93; chap., see Woodperry, ch. hist.; char., 288, 293; ch. bldg., 291–2; ch. hist., 125, 130, 284, 289–91; civ. war, 60, 283–4, 288, 292; commons, 70, 287, 302; Compt. cens., 283; ct. rolls, 286, 287; dom. arch., 283; ec. hist., 286–9; farms, 283, 287 n, 289; field map, 287; fields, 129, 287 n, 288, 289, 294; incl., 288, 289, 290, 293; inns, 282, 283; lesser ests., 51, 286; mans., 125, 128, 284–6; Man. Farm, 282, 283, 287 n, 288, 289; Menmarsh Common, 282, 288–9; mills, 282, 283, 287, 289; noncf., 282, 283, 292; P.N., 282, 288; pop., 283; Recty., 282, 283, 290, 291; rds., 169, 282, 295; schs., 133, 282, 292–3; Stowford, 4, 163, 283, 286; Stowford (Stafford) Farm, 283, 289; taxes, 282, 283, 318; top., 7, 56, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 130, 282–4; wds., 278, 286, 288, 294: Great Wood, 282, 283, 286, 288; and see Minchincourt; St. Frideswide's Priory; Vent, the; Woodperry
Stanwell (Mdx.), 34
Staunton, Thos., 27; Wm., 53
Stavely, Wm., 62
Stebbings fam., 159
Steel, Ben., 122
Steele, Ric., essayist, 259
Steeple Aston, see Aston, Steeple
Stephen, King, 9, 19 n, 60, 158, 279
Stephen, Master, s. of John the Somenour, 152
Stephens, Gil., 73
Stocgrave fam., 242
Stocker, Wm., 201; — (fl. 1552), 201; — (fl. 1666), 201; fam., 201
Stockwell, Geof. de, 192, 199
Stocwell, Phil. de, 106
Stogursey (Som.), 239, 240
Stoke, Master Ric., 104
Stoke, battle of, 140
Stoke Prior (Worcs.), 17
Stoke Talmage, 141
Stokeham (Stokeshamme), see Waterperry
Stokenchurch (Bucks.), 179
Stokes, John, 62
Stokker, —, 211; fam., 269
Stone, Revd. Wm., Princ. of New Inn Hall, Oxf., 266; Mrs., 168; fam., 103
Stone, see Bath, Bibury, Box, Burford, Charlbury, Clipsham, Corsham, Derbyshire Grit, Haseley, Headington, Portland, Taynton, Wheatley, and see Quarries
Stoner, Sir Francis, 195; Wm., 195; fam., 196
Stonesfield slate, 153
'Stoniford', in Bernwood Forest, 304
Stow (Lincs.), archdeaconry of, 246
Stowford, Hen. of, 286; John of, 286; Wal. de, 283
Stowford, see Stanton St. John
Stowood, 2, 7, 56, 69, 117, 157, 162, 293–5; ec. hist., 60, 69, 293–5; farms, 293, 294, 295; forest, 119, 294; incl., 294; inns, 293; pop., 293; top., 116–17, 293, 294; and see Shotover and Stowood Royal Forest
Stratford, John de, 117; Wm. de (fl. late 12th c.), 117; Wm. de (fl. 13th c.), 117, 119; Wm. (fl. c. 1800), 175; fam., 117
Stratford Langthorn Abbey (Essex), 299, 301
Street, G. E., architect, 93, 101, 105, 115, 204
Stretley, Thos., 107
Stuart, Jas., architect, 238, 246, 247
Stub fam., 85, 194, 210, 211
Stubbings, Dr. John, 16, 25, 27, 28
Stubbs, Wm., Bp. of Oxf., 98, 105
Studley, in Beckley, 6, 56, 57, 64, 70, 302; almshos., 58, 76; chap., 58, 74; dom. arch., 58; field syst., 68, 69; incl., 68, 70; man., 63–64, 68, 69; Priory est., 119; Priory Ho., 58; taxes, 318; and see Beckley Studley Priory
Studley, civ. par., 56
Studley Priory, 13, 56 n, 71, 72, 125, 130, 279; prss. of, 71, 123, 178, 294; and see Beckley, Studley
Styles, Rob., 201
Sueting (fl. 11th c.), 109, 139, 144
Suffolk, dchss. of, see Chaucer; dukes of, see Brandon, Pole
Sulman, John, architect, 94
Sulston, John, 258
Sumer, Hen., kt., 144, 145; Thos., 144, 145
Summertown, in Oxf., 215, 218
Sunninghull, Gil. de, 182
Sunningwell (Berks.), 269
Surman, Thos., 183; W. F., 144; fam., 147
Sutere, Alex. le, 174
Sutton, Humph., 193; Sir John, ld. of Dudley, 252; Oliver, Bp. of Lincoln, 246, 290; Sir Ric., 142, 143; Rob., 75
Sutton on Thames (Berks.), 272
Swalcliffe, 141
Swan, Jas., 270
Swegn (fl. 1086), sheriff, 35, 50
Swing rioters (1830), 191
Sydenham, Mr., 44
Sydenham, 194
Sylvester, Eleanor, see Mountford; Rob., 118
Symeon, Anne, see Molyns; John, 114
Symonds, Kath., see Frothingham; Ric., 115; Sam., 127;—, gent., 133
Symons fam., 195
Synod, archidiaconal, 305
Tackley, 102, 191 n
Tagg of Oxford, nurseryman, 237
Tait, A. C., later Abp. of Canterbury, 45, 54
Talemasch (? de Tedmershe), Alice, see Cowley; Denise, m. Hen. de Kersinton, 80, 81, 84
Tallboys, Alphonso, printer, 266
Tanner, John, 28; Ric., 28
Tatham, Thos., carpenter, 8
Tatnall, Wm., 35, 53
Taverner, Eleanor, see Heyton; John, 316, 317; Marg., see Lambert; Mary, see Harcourt; Ric. (d. 1575), 310, 311, 316, 317; Ric. (fl. 1600), 311–12
Tawney, Chas., 168; Hen., builder, 115
Taxes, see taxes under parish entries
Taylor, E. W., 161; Jos., 110; T., engraver, 239; W., bell-founder, 122; W. & J., bell-founders, 133, 220
Taynton (Glos.) stone, 174
Teddington(Mdx.), 107
Tedmershe, see Talemasch
Templars, Order of, advowson, 229– 30, 272; chap., 77, 85, 90, 91; ct., 210; Master, 271, 272; preceptories: Cowley, 71, 77, 225, 269, 301; Sandford, 110, 223, 269, 272, 299; prior (of Sandford), see John; privileges, 6; prop. in Berks., 225; Cowley, 6, 78, 80, 81, 83–86, 193, 211; Garsington, 143, 145; Horspath, 179, 180, 182, 185; Iffley, 82, 199; Littlemore, 84, 193, 208, 210, 211; Marlake, 64, 68 n; Merton, 6, 222, 223–6; St. Clement's, 260; Sandford, 106, 211, 268, 269, 272; Wheatley, 110, 111; suppression, 81, 106, 179, 223, 225, 269, 273
Temple, Ric., Duke of Buckingham (d. 1861), 253
Temple Mill, Wm. of, 85
Temple Mill, see Cowley
Terrent, Sam., 26
Tescale, Thos., 261
Teswell, Rob., 281
Tetloe, Ric., 257
Tetsworth, 111
Tew, Hugh de, 125, 130; Wal. (fl. 1160), and his w., 125; Wal. (fl. 1205), 125
Tewkesbury, battle of, 34, 62
Teyes, de, Alice, m. Warin de Lisle (d. 1322), 9; Hen., Ld. Teyes (d. 1307), 9; Hen., Ld. Teyes (d. 1322), 9
Teynham, Baron, see Roper Curson
Thackwell, Anne, 309; Thos., 305
Thame, Phil. of, Prior of the Hospitallers in England, 226
Thame, vct. of, see Bertie, Francis; Vct., see Norreys, Francis
Thame, 115, 163, 295; civ. war at, 9, 60, 158, 284; fair, 67; hund. of, 2, 4, 115 n; man. of, 51; schs., 175, 281; v. of, 175; and see Baldington
Thame Abbey, 172, 311
Thame, Riv., 2, 8, 96, 98, 101, 106, 108, 115, 168, 170, 295, 300, 301
Thames Navigation, Comms. of, 197, 272
Thames, Riv., 2, 30, 76, 160, 163, 189, 190, 195, 197, 207, 214, 216, 234, 242, 267, 270, 271, 272, 279, 280, 304
Theobald, Abp. of Canterbury, 223
Thomas s. of Thurstan, 199, 211
Thomas s. of Wm. atte Mill, 215
Thomas le smyth, 209
Thomas (fl. 1537), mason, 48
Thomas, Revd. Dav., 154
Thomley, de, Adeliza, see Ghernon; Aufricia, w. of Rob. (fl. 1243), 299; Basile, w. of Jordan, 299, 299 n; Denise, w. of Rob. (fl. 1243), 299; Ellis, 299, 301; Godfrey, 299, 301; Hen., 299, 301; Joan, w. of Ellis, 299; John (d. by 1334), 300; John (fl. 1344), 300; Jordan, 299, 301; Rob. (fl. 1243), 299, 300, 302; Rob. (fl. 1279), 299–300, 301; Rualdus, 299, 301; fam., 302
Thomley, in Waterperry, 4, 295, 296, 300, 301; ec. hist., 302; incl., 302; man., 299–300, 301, 304, 305; taxes, 318; Thomley Hall, 296; Thomley Wood, 302, 304
Thomson, Guy (fl. 1860), 35; Guy (fl. 1935), 295; John, 75; Laetitia, 75; Wm., later Abp. of York, 105
Thorbarn fam., 211
Thornton, Mrs., 133
Thornton (Bucks.), 298, 312
Thovi (fl. c. 1060), 139
Throckmorton, Winifred, m. Edm. Powell (fl. 1632), 270; fam., 274
Thrup, in Kidlington, 311
Thurstan, Thos. s. of, 199, 211
Thurstan (Thursteyn) fam., 194, 209
Thwaites, Edw., 191; John, 154
Tiddington (Titendene), Tithingtown), in Albury, 2, 8–14, 295; chap., 13; Ho., 8, 12; man., 10–11, 297; and see Albury
Tiddington Brook, 5, 8
Tidmarsh (Tedmershe), see Talemasch; ld. of, see Hugh
Tilley, Revd. Wm., 13–14
Tipping, Anne, 12; Thos. (fl. 1560), 298; Thos. (fl. 1705), 304; Wm. (fl. 1550), 223; Wm. (fl. 1785), 69; Wm. (fl. 1820), 14; fam., 227
Tirrell, see Tyrrell
'Titendene', 99, see Tiddington
Tithingtown, see Tiddington
Tocotes, Eliz., see Braybroke; Sir Rog., 43
Todd, Revd. John, 306 n
Toli (fl. 1086), 80, 141
Tollit, H. T., architect, 207
Toluse, Rob., 301
Tomkins, John, 132; Mary, m. Wm. Julius Mickle, 124; Rob., 124, 127 n, 132; Sam., 132
Tony, de, Alice, m. 1 Thos. Leyburne, 2 Guy de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, 3 Wm. la Zouche, Ld. Mortimer, 138; Baldw., 137 n, 138, 138 n, 139; Ida, see Chaumont; Ralph, 138; Rob., 138; Rog. (fl. 12th c.), 137, 137 n, 138; Rog. (d. by 1264), 138; Rog. s. of Baldw., see Akenny; fam., 137–8
Toot Baldon, see Baldon, Toot
Toppes, Dennis, 44, 53
'Toteslaw', see Soteslawa
Toti, Azor s. of, 33, 63, 191
Toti the Dane (fl. c. 1010), 64n
Towle, John, 196
Townesend, Steph., mason, 115, 202; Wm., mason, 276; fam., masons, 201
Townsend, Edw., 144, 147; fam., 150
Towton, battle of, 171
Towynsyn, Mic., 152 n
Treason Trustees, 17
Tregian, John, 223; Kath., m. Rob. Doyley (d. 1577), 223
Tresilian, Sir Rob., 194
Trinity Coll., Oxf., 34, 148, 155, 167; ch. belonging to, 152–3; pres. of, 152–4, and see Bathurst; Harris, Rob. Huddesford; Ingram; Kettell; Lee; Wilson; Yeldard
Tristram, Prof. E. W., 317
Trotman, Alf. Davis, 95
Trotton (Suss.), 50
Trump, fox-terrier bitch, 215
Truro (Cornw.), 24
Trussell, Anne, 34; Edw., 34
Trust Houses Ltd., 236
Tubb, Chilton, 195; John, 291; Sarah, m. — Rogers, 195; Mr., miller, 196; fam., 291
Tubney, Alice, see Kepeharm; Durand, 142; Geof., 142; Pet., 142
Tubney (Berks.), 186
Turner, Cassandra, see Leigh; Revd. Dan., 204; Sir Edw. (d. 1735), bt., 16, 18, 25; Sir Edw. (d. 1766), bt., 15, 16, 18, 27, 224, 228, 233, 254, 255; Sir Edw., 28; Sir Greg., see Page-Turner; Mary, see Page; Wm. (fl. 1805), 229; Wm. (fl. 19th c.), 248; fam., see Page-Turner
Turnpikes, 15, 98, 112, 159, 236, 259, 262, 265, 275
Turrill, Jos., 154; Ric., 154; —, mason, 150; fam., 150, 154
Turstin (fl. 1086) s. of Rolf, 117
Tutbury (Staffs.), 274; battle of, 170
Tuthulle, Miles of, 50
Tweedsmuir, Ld., see Buchan
Twopenny, Marg., see Nowell; Ric., 205
Twycross, Revd. Rob., 305, 306
Tyndale, Constance, 169; Dora, 169; Revd. H. A., 169, 175; Mary Anne, see Earle; Revd. Thos. Geo., 114, 172, 175; Wm. Earle, see Tyndale Biscoe; fam., 175
Tyndale Biscoe, Hen. S., 172; Wm. Earle, 172; fam., 169
Tyrrell (Tirrell), Sir Edw., 312; Eliz., see Usher; Geo., 298; Humph., 298; Jane, see Ingleton; Sir Jas. (d. 1718), 276, 277; Gen. Jas. (d. 1745), 276, 277; Philippa, m. John Nourse (d. 1633), 19, 312; Sir Tim. (fl. 1624), 275, 276, 277, 279; Sir Tim. (d. 1701), 174 n, 276, 277; Thos., 312; fam., 277, 281, 293, 298
Tyrwhitt-Drake, Ann, see Wickham; Thos. Drake, 141; fam., 148, 149; and see Drake
Uffington, John, 314
Uffington (Berks.), 246
Ulster, earl of, see Burgh, Mortimer
Underwood, H. J., architect, 187, 207, 213
Unity, Mat., 246
University Coll., Oxf., master of, 226, and see Walker, Obadiah
Unton, Eliz., m. Sir John Croke (d. 1609), 58 n; fam., arms of, 58
Upham, in Aldbourne (Wilts.), 34
Upper Arncot, see Arncot, Upper
Urban III, Pope, 305
Urquhart, Revd. Wm., 107
Usher, Eliz., m. Tim. Tyrrell (d. 1701), 277; Jas., Abp. of Armagh, 275
Vache, Phil. de la, 62
Vanbrugh, Sir John, architect, 109 n
Varney, Ric., mason, 310
Vaughan, Joan, see Presser; John, 68; Jos., 233; Rob., 233; Silvanus, 233; Thos., poet, 13
Vavasour, Hen., 108
Venables-Vernon, Edw., Abp. of York, see Vernon Harcourt; Eliz., m. Geo. Sim. Harcourt, Earl Harcourt, 242, 248, 249; Geo., Baron Vernon of Kinderton, 242; Martha, see Harcourt
Venour, John le, 278
Vent, the, in Cuddesdon, Forest Hill, and Holton, 96, 104, 116, 122, 126, 141, 168, 174
Vente, Rog. de, 116
Verdun, Thos. de, 191
Verney, John, 62; Ralph (fl. 15th c.), 62; Ralph (d. 1525), 62
Vernon, Eliz., see Venables-Vernon; Revd. Jas., 233
Vernon, Ld., see Venables-Vernon, Geo.
Vernon-Harcourt (formerly VenablesVernon), Edw., Abp. of York, 101, 236, 238 n, 239, 242, 249
Verulam, earls of, see Grimston
Vicars, Thos., 68; fam., 66
Victoria, Queen, 101
Vincent, Abbot of Abingdon, 139
Vines, see Vyne
Vineyards, 31
Vosper, Art., 233; John, 233
Vyne(Vines), Eleanor, 258; Hen. (fl. 1560), 253; Hen. (fl. 1582), ? s. of Hen., 253; Jane, wid. of Hen., 253; Ralph, 253; fam., 253
Vyne Place, in Remenham (Berks.), 253
Vyner, Eliz., m. John Snell, 253; Thos., Dean of Gloucester, 253
Vyse, Ric., 185
Waard, Helewis, m. 1 (?) Fulk Hareng, 2 Wm. Avenel, 311, 315; Walchelin, 311, 315
Wace (Wase), Ellen, m. Sir Ric. de Louches, 50; Gil., 9; John, 142, 143; Wm. (fl. c. 1300), 50; Wm. (fl. 1454), and his w. Joan, 142
Waddell, Mr., 210
Wade, Hen., 252
Wadham Coll., Oxf., bldgs, 163; prop. of, 143–4, 149, 151
Wadley, in Littleworth (Berks.), 120
Wadnell, Mrs., 96
Wainhill, in Chinnor, 9 n
Walker, Eliz., w. of John, 250, 257; John(d. 1722), 257; John (d. 1731), 257; John (fl. 1758), 255; Obadiah, Master of University Coll. Oxf., 266; Reyn., 186; Ric., 253; Thos., 270; fam., 250, 253
Walkerville, Jordan de, 208
Wall-paintings, 28, 75, 93, 105, 167, 220, 257, 317
Waller, Anne, w. of Rob., 11, 12; Edm., poet, 11; Rob., 11
Wallingford, Vct., see Knollys, Sir Wm.
Wallingford (Berks.), 4, 9, 279
Wallingford, hon. of, 4, 5, 6, 79 n, 141, 311; lands in the Baldons, 33, 49; (Temple) Cowley, 80, 81 n, 84; Forest Hill, 124; Holton, 170; Horspath, 178, 182; and see Ewelme
Wallingford Priory, 141, 151; priors of, see Heron, Kirkby
Wallis, John, 148; Thos., 143
Walpole, Edw., 308; Hen., 308n; Horace, author, 238, 239
Walsh, Geo., 194; Hen., 194
Walter s. of Pain (or de Garsington), see Pain
Walter s. of Rog., 37, 50
Walter the smith, 304
Walter (fl. 11th c.), Rob. s. of, 296
Walter at Hull, see Hull
Walter, Sir Wm., 159
Waltham Forest (Essex), 280
Waltheof, Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton, 223
Walton, Edw., 186
Walton (Herts.), 96
Walton, in Oxf., 3, 191, 260
War Dept., 230
War Dept. Base Ordnance Depot, Bicester, 15, 16, 17, 23, 221, 222, 229, 250, 256
War Office, 17
Warburton, Revd. Thos. Acton, 191, 203, 204, 205
Ward, Wm., 257, and see Waard
Warenne, Gundreda de, m. 2 Wm. de Courcy (d. 1176), 3 Geof. Huse, 239, 245
Warham, Wm., Abp. of Canterbury, 285
Warneford, Dr. S., 159
Warre, John, 17
Warton, Thos., author, 153
Warwick (or Warewick), John de, 106
Warwick, ctss. of, see Basset, Philippa; earls of, 49, 296, 297; and see Beauchamp, Guy de; Newburgh
Wase, see Wace
Wash Brook, see Bayswater Brook
Wastie, Francis, 80, 92 n, 96; John J., see Lockhart; fam., 80, 87, 88, 89
Watcombe, in Watlington, 33
Watele, see Wheatley
Water Eaton, in Kidlington, 309, 311 n, 315
Waterford, bp. of, see Milles
Waterperry, 7, 10, 14, 70, 117, 295– 309; chap. (R.C.), 296 n, 308; char., 309; ch. bldg., 297, 306–8; ch. hist., 304–6; Common, 295, 296, 300, 303, 306, 309; dom. arch., 295–6; ec. hist., 300–4; farms, 295–6, 303–4; fields, 300–1, 303–4; fishery, 304; Ho., 296, 299; incl., 300, 301, 302, 303, 306; mans., 296–300, 304; mills, 304, 305; occs., 304; P.N., 300, 301, 302–3; pop., 300, 302, 303; Prot. noncf., 309; recty. est., 304, 305; rds., 295; Rom. Cathm., 265, 274, 298, 304 305, 306, 308–9; schs., 309; sheepfarming, 302, 303; Stokeham (Stokeshamme, Parsonage Hamme), 304, 305; taxes, 302, 303, 305, 318; top., 295–6; vicars, 302, 305, 306; Vic., 295–6, 306; wds., 295, 300–2, 304; worthies, 296; and see Bowbridge, Ledhale, St. Frideswide's Priory, Thomley
Waterstock, 8, 304; living of, 306; ld. of, 10, 50, 76; mill, 305; and see Draycott
Watlington, 194, 299; and see Watcombe
Watson, Joshua, 214
Watts, Geo., 115; W. F., 120
Waynflete, Wm. of, Bp. of Winchester, 50, 142, 163, 185
Weaver, Godwin the, 225
Webb, C., glass-painter, 204; Frances, 98; Wm., and his w. Mary, 108
Wednesbury(Staffs.), 41
Welbeck, Leon., 147, 148; fam., 143
Well (Welle), atte, Hugh, 145; Thos., 116; Wm., 145
Welles, Anne, wid. of Paul (fl. 1699), 12; Hugh de, Bp. of Lincoln, 72, 90, 131, 165, 219, 305, 306; Paul (fl. 1699), 12; Paul (fl. 1750), 12 n
Wellesbourne, Sir John, 62
Wells, Rob., bell-founder, 46; Mr., schoolmaster, 66; –, miller, 196; fam., 107 n; and see Wellys
Wellys fam., 107
Wemyss, Dav., Earl Wemyss (d. 1720), 241; Mary, see Robinson
Wendlebury, 221; and see 'Frankeburg'
Wenlock, Eliz., see Drayton; John, 240
Wenlowe, Wm., 98
Wenman, Sir Thos., 252n
Wenric (fl. 1086), see Palences
Wesley, John, evangelist, 99, 275
West, Nic., 230; Revd. Thos., 204
West Wittenham, see Wittenham, West
Westbrooke, Thos., 100, 156, 184, 189
Westbury, in Cowley, see Cowley, Church
Westmacott, R., jr., sculptor, 213
Westminster Abbey, 215 n; abbots of, 2, 294, 314
Westmorland slate, 155, 276
Weston, John (fl. 1449), 286; John (fl. 1524), 66; Pet. de, bell-founder, 28
Weston (Lincs.), 155
Weston-on-the-Green, 21
Weyland, Miss B. H., 312; Lady Cath., see Burgh; Eliz. J., see Nourse; John (d. 1825), 310, 312, 313, 315, 316; John (d. 1854), 312; John (d. 1902), 312, 315; Mark (fl. 18th c.), 312; Capt. Mark U. (fl. 20th c.), 312; Maj. Ric., 312; fam., 310; fam., arms of, 317
Whaddon, Alice, w. of Nic., 51; Nic., 51
Whale, Thos., 232
Whalley-Gardiner, Sir John, see Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner
Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner, Sir Jas. (d. 1805), bt., 52, 102; Sir Jas. (d. 1851), bt., 102, 111, 114; Sir John, bt., formerly Whalley-Gardiner, 19, 20, 52, 102, 110; fam., est. of, 107
Wharton char., 168
Wheatfield, 247
Wheatland, Marg., w. of Steph., 75, 291, 292, 293; Steph., 75, 291, 293
Wheatley (Watele), Hen. of (or de Mache), 106, 110, 111; John, 19; Mat. of, 110; Wm. of, 110; fam., 110
Wheatley (Watele), in Cuddesdon, 3, 6, 7, 96, 108–15, 124, 174, 175, 278; chap., 114, 115; coaching, 111; ch. bldg., 115; ch. hist., 104, 114–15, 281; common, 111, 281; ct., 113, 150; dom. arch., 109; ec. hist., 110–14; fair, 114; field syst., 111; incl., 111–12, 113; ind., 112; inns, 109, 111–12, 114, 116; land in, 50, 126; man., 101, 109–10, 139; Man. Ho., 109; map, 97; mills, 109; occs., 48, 112, 150; 'Old Wheatley', 115; par. govt., 113; P.N., 111; poor rel., 100, 113, 229; pop., 103, 111, 112; quarries, 98, 112; rds., 96, 98, 108–9, 111, 112, 113, 295; schs., 99, 100, 133, 176, 177; soc. conds., 113–14; stone, 98, 105, 109, 112, 174; taxes, 112, 318;top., 108–9, 111, 117, 123, 177, 178, 275, 309; Vic., 100, 109; vicars, 98, 99, 109, 113, 114, 115; workho., 109, 113; and see Chippinghurst, Cuddesdon, Denton, Templars
Wheatley (or Harpesford) Bridge, 96, 98, 112, 150, 174; land adjoining, 114, 172, 173, 278
Wheeler, Revd. Art., 108
Wheeler-Bennett, John, 137
Wherwell Abbey (Hants), 138
Whethill, Marg., m. Sir Thos. Mildmay, 17; Ric., 17
Whicher, Thos., 231
Whistler, Lawr., 136
White, Anne, m. — Mann, 292; Hen., 87; Jane, 257; Jas. (fl. 1665), 88; Jas. (d. 1718), 87, 88; Jas. (fl. 1800), 89; John (d. 1648), 283; John (fl. 1670), 88, 283; John (fl. 1853), 89; John, bell-founder, 46; Ric., 220; Wm., 89; fam., 77, 87–89
White Friars, see Oxford friaries
White Knights, in Earley (Berks.), 17, 28
Whitechapel bell-foundry, see Mears
Whitecross Green, in Beckley, 56, 57, 66, 68, 69, 74
Whitehead, Wm., poet, 237, 238
Whithull, Hugh de, 9; Isabel, see Foliot; Rob. de, 13
Whittlesey, Rob., 66 n
Whitton, John, 316
Whorwood, Brome (d. 1657), 161, 172; Brome (d. 1684), 161, 172, 174, 175; Diana, m. Edw. Master, 172, 177; Edm., 175, 316; Eliz., 176; Hen. Mayne, 5, 161, 166, 172, 174; Jane, w. of Brome (d. 1684), 161, 170, 172; Jas., 175; Penelope, see Schutz; Revd. T. H. (fl. 1835), 161; Sir Thos. (d. 1634), 126, 129, 161, 164, 167, 171, 172, 176, 261; Thos. (d. 1708), 172; Thos. (d. 1736), 172; Thos. (d. 1771), 137, 172, 173; Revd. Thos. H. (d. 1835), 161, 166; Lady Ursula, see Brome; Capt. Wm. H., 161; fam., 5, 116, 126, 128, 130, 158, 165, 166, 169, 172, 174
Whyte, Thos., Ward. of New Coll., Oxf., 290
Wick, in Headington, 157, 158–9, 163, 216, 278, 294, 318
Wickham, Ann, m. Thos. Drake Tyrwhitt-Drake, 141, 148, 149, 156; Eliz., m. Barton Holiday, 202; Jane, see Brome; John (fl. 17th c.), 141; John (d. 1683), 141, 150; John (d. 1691), 141; Mary, 156; Ric., 93; Wm. (fl. 1622), 195, 202; Wm. (d. 1643), 141; Wm. (d. 1727), 141, 147, 156; Revd. Wm. (d. 1770), 141, 147, 156; Mrs., wid. of Wm. (d. 1727), 141, 147; Mrs. (fl. 1806), 141; fam., 64, 136, 141, 147, 149 n, 156
Widford (Herts.), 141
Wigod of Wallingford, 60
Wigston fam., 12 n; and see Wixon
Wilberforce, Sam., Bp. of Oxf., 28, 45, 73, 98, 101, 105, 115, 166, 175, 232, 273
Wilcotes, see Willicotes
Wildgoose, Thos., 147; Wm., 116
Wilkynson, Geo., Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxf., 186
Willaston man., in Mixbury, 61
Willement, Thos., glass-painter, 101, 213
William I, King, 51, 268
William IV, King, 155
William the Lion, King of Scotland (d. 1214), Earl of Huntingdon (1165–74), 251
William, Count of Evreux, 35, 37, 51, 107
William, curate of Sandford, 272
William s. of Alex. of Coombe, 5
William s. of Anfred, 195
William s. of Elias, 84 n
William s. of Mann, 19
William s. of Abbot Rainald, 139
William, s.-in-law of Gil. Latemer (or the Marshal), 139
William of the mill, of Holton, 173, 174
William of Temple Mill, 85
William the bailiff, 225
William the miller, of Sandford, 270
William the parker, 67
William the shepherd, 302
William, Thos., carpenter, 174
Williams, Sir John (d. 1559), later Ld. Williams of Thame, 10, 58, 62, 285; John (fl. 16th c.), 54; Marg., m. Sir Hen. Norreys, 10, 62, 277
Willicotes (Wilcotes), Eliz., m. — Blaket, 286; John, 285; Wm., 161, 162, 286; fam., 5
Willis, Browne, antiquary, 115
Willoughby, Chris. (d. 1773), 35; Sir Chris. (d. 1808), bt., 32, 33, 35, 40–43, 45, 46, 52, 53, 244; Sir Hen. Pollard, 35, 41, 44, 45, 52, 53; Hugh Pollard, 45, 53; John, 35; Sir John Pollard, 35; Sir John Chris. Pollard, 35; Juliana, w. of Sir Chris., 46; Martha, see Evans; fam., 43, 46, 53
Wilmot (Willmot, Willmott), John, 51; Leon., 47, 49, 249; Wm., 249
Wilson, John, Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 153; John (fl. 1900), 196
Winchelsey, Rob. of, Abp. of Canterbury, 316
Winchester, ctss. of, see Beaumont, Marg. de; earls of, 208; and see Despenser, Quincey
Winchester, 196
Winchester, bps. of, see Blois, Edington, Gardiner, Langton, Waynflete, Wykeham
Winchester Coll., 50, 306
Windsor, Sir And., later Ld. Windsor, 34, 39, 43; Eleanor, m. Sir Chris. Brome (d. 1589), 171; Eliz., see Blount; Wm., Ld. Windsor, 34, 171; fam., 32
Windsor (Berks.), 279
Windsor castle, 112, 163, 279; castle guard at, 106, 109, 110, 139; St. George's Chapel in, 152
Winter, Ric., 195, 196; fam., 201
Wise, Edw., 55; Francis, 117, 121, 121 n; John, 140; Hen., 143; Hugh, 287; Mr. (fl. 1707), 244
Wise's Auction Rooms, in St. Clement's, 263
Withington (Glos.), 146 n
Witney, 194, 200, 211, 314
Wittenham, Little (Berks.), 273
Wittenham, Long (Berks.), 34, 43, 53, 186
Wittenham, West (Berks.), 138
Wixon, Anne, 12; Ric., 12; Wm. (fl. mid-17th c.), 8, 12; Wm., cooper, 12; —, wid. of Wm., cooper, 12; fam., 12 n
Wolfe, Marcus, moneylender, 263
Wolsey, Card. Thos., 143, 152, 241, 259, 260, 270; and see Cardinal Coll., Oxf.
Wolvercote, 3
Wood, Pet. atte, 278
Wood, Ant., antiquary, 44, 78, 137, 155, 158, 160, 164, 170, 247, 259, 261, 263, 264, 268, 273, 299, 311; Revd. Richardson, 73; Thos., mason, 100
Wood Eaton (Eatun), 6, 18, 309–17; Almesmoor (Alvesmoor), 313, 314; char., 317; ch. bldg., 316–17; ch. hist., 315–16; civ. war, 312; Compt. cens., 312; ct. rolls, 314; dom. arch., 310; ec. hist., 278, 294, 312–15; farms, 309, 310, 312, 315; field syst., 313; fishery, 313, 314; incl., 262, 314, 315; man., 37, 311–12; Man. Ho., 310, 317; noncf., 317; occs., 313; P.N., 309, 313, 314; pop., 312–13; rectors, 312, 316; Recty., 309, 315–16, 316; rds., 309; sch., 312, 317; taxes, 312, 313, 314, 315, 318; top., 214, 215, 309–11; wds., 119, 278, 294, 309; worthies, 310, 312, 316; yeo. fams., 310, 315; and see St. Valery, hon. of
Woodhays (Bucks.), 223
Woodley, John, 197
Woodmason fam., 214
Woodperry, in Stanton St. John, 4, 6, 21, 60, 282–3, 289, 318; ch. bldg., 283, 292; ch. hist., 290, 291; Farm, 282, 283; fields, 287 n, 288; Ho., 282, 283, 288; man., 286, 287
Woodperry Brook, 282, 288, 289
Woodrising (Norf.), 312
Woodstock, 66, 132, 156, 202; prison, 203; royal palace, 160; trustees of poor of, 22
Woodvil, Lionel, Archd. of Oxf., 202
Woodward, Mic., Ward. of New Coll., Oxf., 284; Mr., 303
Woodyer, Hen., architect, 55
Woolfe, John, architect, 237
Woolstone (Berks.), 245
Wootton, Ela de, see Biset; J. de, 160; Wm. of, 160
Worcester Coll., Oxf., portraits at, 246 n; prov. of, see Blechynden
Workhouses, 109, 113, 159, 263
Wormenhall, Thos., 209
Worminghall (Bucks.), 12, 70, 169, 295, 296, 298–302, 304
Worminghall Brook (or the Harse), 300
Wormsley, in Stokenchurch (Bucks.), 299
Wotton (Surr.), 242
Wray, Bridget, Bnss. Norreys, m. 1 Edw. Sackville, 2 Montagu Bertie, Earl of Lindsey (d. 1666), 63; Edw., 13, 62; Eliz., see Norreys
Wretchwick, in Ambrosden, formerly in Bicester, 15, 20, 23
Wright, Calvert, 241, 245; Sir Edm., 224; Kath., m. Sir Jas. Harrington (fl. late 17th c.) 224, 233; Mary, see Heywood; Mary, dau. of Mary, 127; Rob., Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, 241
Wroxton, 34, 120
Wyatt, Dr. Thos., 246
Wyatts, builders of Oxf., 167
Wycombe Rlwy. Co., 77, 98
Wycombe, High (Bucks.), 112
Wykeham, Wm. of, Bp. of Winchester, 285; fam., 141; and see Wickham
Wymbyssh, Nic., 195
Wymond, Rob., 37
Wynchingdon, Rob. de, Abbot of Dorchester, 42
Wyndham, Anne, m. John Powell (d. c. 1727), 270
Wynter, —, 201; and see Winter
Wytham (Berks.), 13
Yardley, Hen., 167
Yarmouth (Norf.), 141
Yarnton, 61
Yateman, Francis (d. 1712), 53; Francis (d. 1797), 30, 44, 53; Jas., and his w., 248; Wm., 53, 54
Yattendon (Berks.), 298
Yeats, Ant., 48
Yeldard, Art., Pres. of Trinity Coll., Oxf., 153
Yerke, Mrs. Jane, 292
Yewdon man., in Hambledon (Bucks.), 223
Yonge, Charlotte M., author, 98
York fam., arms of, 203
York, abps. of, see Bainbridge; Thomson, Wm.; Vernon-Harcourt
Young, Art., 12, 13, 22, 32, 40–42, 47, 69–71, 103–4, 111, 123, 149, 173, 228–9, 244, 267, 281, 304, 310, 315; John, 55
Yve, John, 21
Zouche, Ld., see Bisshopp
Zouche, Alice la, see Tony; Wm. la, Ld. Mortimer, 138