A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1979.
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Eleanor Chance, Christina Colvin, Janet Cooper, C J Day, T G Hassall, Mary Jessup, Nesta Selwyn, 'Index: K-Z', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford, ed. Alan Crossley, C R Elrington (London, 1979), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol4/pp491-506 [accessed 10 March 2025].
Eleanor Chance, Christina Colvin, Janet Cooper, C J Day, T G Hassall, Mary Jessup, Nesta Selwyn, 'Index: K-Z', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford. Edited by Alan Crossley, C R Elrington (London, 1979), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol4/pp491-506.
Eleanor Chance, Christina Colvin, Janet Cooper, C J Day, T G Hassall, Mary Jessup, Nesta Selwyn. "Index: K-Z". A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford. Ed. Alan Crossley, C R Elrington (London, 1979), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/oxon/vol4/pp491-506.
Keble, John,
Keble College,
Keble Road,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
keepers of Oxf.,
Kemp (Kempe):
-, C. E.,
-, Mary Jane,
-, Sir Nic.,
Kemp Hall,
Kendal, Ann,
Kenilworth (Warws.),
Kennet, riv.,
Kennington (Berks.),
Kensington, see London
Kent, Ric.,
Kent, earl of, see Holand
Kent, and see Canterbury; Dover; Rye
Kenyon, Edm.,
-, Alice, w. of John, m. 2. Hen. Simeon,
-, Benet,
-, Christine, see Pady
-, Hugh (fl. c. 1170),
-, Hugh (fl. 1255),
-, Joan, m. Geof. of Hinksey,
-, John (fl. c. 1130),
-, John (d. c. 1205),
-, Laur.,
-, fam.,
Kepeharm Lane,
Kershaw, B.,
Kettell, (Ketyll):
-, John,
-, Ralph,
Kettell Hall,
Kettlewell (Yorks. W. R.),
-, Frances Sarah,
-, Isabella,
Kidlington, Thos., abbot of Oseney,
-, Campsfield in,
-, Gosford in,
Kilby, Ric.,
-, Alan,
-, Denise,
-, Geo.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
-, Hen.,
-, J. D.,
-, Lawr.,
-, Rob., bp. of Oxf.,
-, W.,
-, Wm.,
King Edward Street,
King Street (later Merton Street),
Kingerlee, T. H.,
King's Arms inn,
'king's eight yardlands' (Ehteard),
King's Head inn,
king's houses (Beaumont Palace),
King's Langley, see Langley, King's
King's mead,
King's mill,
Kingsclere (Hants),
Kingsmill, Wm.,
-, Alice of, m. Nic. of Coleshill,
-, Joan of, m. John (s. of Wm.) de Eu,
-, Nic. of,
Kingston Road,
Kirk, K. E., bp. of Oxford,
Knap Hall,
Kneller, Sir G.,
-, John,
-, Jos.,
-, fam., n
-, Edw.,
-, Francis,
-, Sir Francis,
-, Wm., Ld. Knollys, later Vct.
Knox, E. A.,
Kybald Street,
Kytsell, John,
Labour exchange,
Labour party,
Labourers, Statute of,
Lacy, Wal. de,
Ladies Subscription School for girls,
Lady chapel at Smith Gate, see St. Mary's chapel
'Lady's Hole',
Lahore (India), bp. of, see French
Lake District,
Lamb and Flag inn,
Lamb inn,
Lambe, John,
Lamplugh, Thos.,
Lancashire, and see Lancaster
Lancaster, earl of, see Thomas
Lang, Cosmo Gordon, abp. of Canterbury,
Langford mill,
Langley, Hen.,
Langley, King's (Herts.),
Langston, Jas.,
-, Bart.,
-, John,
Lark hill,
Latimer, Hugh, bp. of Worcester,
Latter Day Saints (Mormons),
Latton, John,
Laud, Wm., abp. of Canterbury, n, and see religious life (Laudian revival); university (statutes)
laundry workers and washerwomen,
Laurels, housing estate,
Lavenham (Suff.),
lawyers, n,
Le Maitre, John Peter,
Leadbetter, Stiff,
Leamington (Warws.),
leather ind.,
-, leather-selling,
and see breeches-makers; curriers;
fur trade; glovers; saddlers;
shoemakers; skinners; tanners;
Lee (Legh, Leigh, Ley):
-, Jacob,
-, Joan de,
-, John,
-, Reynold of the,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos. de (d. 1345),
-, Thos. de (fl. 1357),
-, Thos. (fl. 1488),
-, Thos. (fl. 1543),
-, John, abbot of Oseney,
-, Jos.,
legates, papal,
Legg, Wm.,
Legh, see Lee
Leicester, earls of, see Dudley; Montfort
-, Franciscans from,
Leicestershire, and see Leicester; Shepshed
Leiden (Netherlands), n
Leigh, see Lee
Leigh, North,
Leigh, South,
Lenborough (Bucks.),
Lenthall, Wm.,
-, Sir Creswell,
-, Wm.,
Lewes (Suss.),
-, battle of,
Lewis, John,
Ley, see Lee
Leyland Motors,
-, Liberal Unionists,
libraries and reading rooms,
Lichfield (Staffs.),
Liddell, H. G.,
-, bps. of,
and see
Alexander; Avalon; Burghersh;
Longland; Smith, Wm.
Lincoln College,
-, patron of Oxf. chs.,
-, rector of,
-, site and bldgs.,
Lincolnshire, and see Boston; Holland; Lincoln; Stamford
Lindsay (Lindsey):
-, A. D. L.,
-, fam.,
Linke, Rob.,
Linton, Hen.,
Linton Road,
Lion brewery, see Morrell's brewery
Little Clarendon Street,
Littlegate (Water Gate),
Littlegate Bridge, see Preachers' Bridge
Littlegate Street,
-, hosp.,
-, priory,
-, prioress of,
Littlemore Hall, Oxf.,
Littleton, Edw., Ld. Littleton,
livery stables,
-, keepers,
-, Ann,
-, Chas.,
-, Griffith,
Lloyd's Bank (Carfax),
Llyd, Edw.,
Local Board of Health,
-, univ. representation on,
Local Education Authority,
local government officers, see civil servants
-, Edw.,
-, Edw., and Son,
-, Sir Jos.,
-, fam.,
Lockhart, J. I.,
lodgings, and see inmates
Loe, Thos.,
Log, John,
Logic Lane,
Lokyer, Thos., n
Lollardy, and see univ. (Lollardy in); Wycliffe
London, John,
-, Bermondsey,
-, bp. of, see Ridley, Nic.
-, Camberwell,
-, Charity Organization Soc.,
-, citizens of,
-, communications with,
-, Crystal Palace,
-, customs and liberties,
-, Domus Conversorum,
-, economic dominance of,
-, goldsmiths' company,
-, husting,
-, Kensington, South,
-, Lincoln's Inn,
-, mayor,
-, migration,
-, moneyers,
-, Newgate prison,
-, Oxf. mayor's oath in,
-, Oxf. trade with,
-, Paul's Cross,
-, rly. stations,
-, St. Stephen's, Walbrook,
-, sheriffs,
-, shipmen of,
-, soldiers,
-, Somers Town (in St. Pancras par.),
-, taxation,
-, Tower, constable of,
-, Westminster, and see Parliament
-, abbot of,
-, courts, central, see courts
-, dean and chapter of,
-, Marlborough Ho., n
-, plague at,
London and County Bank,
London and North-Western Rly.,
London Place,
Longland, John, bp. of Lincoln,
Longwall Street,
Longworth (Berks.),
Lords Appellant,
Louis XVIII, king of France,
Lovel, Wm., Ld. Lovel,
Lovelace, John, Ld. Lovelace,
Luard, D. E. T.,
Lucas, W. F. & Co. Ltd.,
-, Fulk de,
-, Rog. de,
-, Wm.,
Lucy and Co.,
-, Fred.,
-, John,
Ludlow (Salop.),
Luther, Martin,
Luton (Beds.),
Lyhert, Wal., bp. of Norwich,
Lyth, John,
Macaulay, Thos. Babington,
-, J. D., n
-, Mrs.,
Macclesfield House,
Macfarlane, Alex.,
Maclean, Donald,
Maegtheford (Mayweed ford),
Magdalen Bridge (East Bridge, Pettypont),
-, houses on,
-, rebuilding of,
Magdalen College,
-, bldgs.,
-, Waynflete Bldg.,
-, Grove,
-, mill,
-, Oxf. property,
-, water-walk,
Magdalen College School,
Magdalen Gate House,
Magdalen Hall,
Magdalen Road,
Magdalen Road Evangelical Free Church,
Magdalen Street,
Magdalen Wood,
Magpie Lane,
Maidenhead (Berks.),
Malaunay, Hugh,
Mallinson, Thos.,
-, Hen. of,
-, Wm. of,
Manchester College,
Manning, Cardinal Hen. Edw.,
Mansfield College,
Marat, Jean Pierre,
March, earl of, see Mortimer, Rog.
Margaret (of France), queen of Edw. I,
market gardeners, see gardens
Market Hill,
Market Street,
-, clerks of,
-, cttee.,
-, offences:
-, engrossing,
-, forestalling,
-, regrating,
-, piccage and stallage, see taxation
Marks & Spencer Ltd.,
-, duchesses of, see Churchill, Sarah;
Spencer, Caroline
-, dukes of,
and see Churchill, John;
Spencer, Chas.; Spencer, Geo.;
Spencer Churchill
Marlborough Road,
Marlow, Mic.,
Marprelate tracts,
-, Chas.,
-, J. A. R.,
Marshall, Thos. the, see Thomas the Marshall
Marshall's inn,
Marshalsea money,
Marston, New,
-, ch.,
-, sch.,
Marston Ferry Road,
Marston Street,
-, David,
-, Mat.,
-, R. R.,
-, Wm.,
Martyr, Peter,
Martyrs' Memorial,
Mary I,
Marygold House,
mason, Ric. the, see Richard the mason
-, guild,
-, union,
Massey, John,
Mather, Cath.,
Matilda, empress,
-, Mary, see White
-, Wm.,
Mauclerc, Wal., bp. of Carlisle,
Maufe, Sir Edw.,
Mauger (fl. c. 1200),
Mauger's Hall,
Mauncel (Mounserel):
-, Geof.,
-, Rob.,
Maunder, Geo.,
Maurice, prince,
Maurice, Peter,
Mayo, Thos.,
Mears, Jas.,
Mempric, king,
Mercer, Ric., see Garston
-, guild,
-, guild, see corporation (guild merchant)
-, merchant tailors,
-, ealdormen of, see Eadric Streona;
-, earls of, and see Alfgar
-, kings of, and see Offa
Mermaid (Swindlestock) tavern,
Merriman, Wm.,
-, Miss,
-, W. W.,
-, 'Shoteslawa' in,
Merton College,
-, bldgs.,
-, chapel, see St. John the Baptist par.
-, Oxf. property,
-, patron of Oxf. chs.,
-, playing fields,
-, warden and fellows,
Merton Street, and see King Street
Mesopotamia, Oxf.,
metal trades, and see cutlers; farriers; hardwaremen; ironfounders; ironmongers; locksmiths; lorimers; pewterers; pinners; plumbers; smiths
Metcalfe, Fred.,
Methodists, n
-, chaps., and
see Cowley Road Methodist
ch.; Wesley Memorial ch.
-, schs.,
Metternich, prince,
Meules, Sir Nic. de,
Mews, Peter,
Middle Row (in Broad Street),
Middle Row (near St. Mary Magdalen ch.),
Middlesex, see London; Staines
Midland Bank,
migration, to and from Oxf.,
Milburn Bros.,
Milcombe, Wm. of,
mileways, see roads
Milham Ford school,
military incidents, see battles
Miller, Conrad,
and see under names of
particular mills
-, horse-mills,
-, millers,
-, windmill,
Milton, Wal. of,
Minchery Farm, housing estate,
Minchin mead,
mint, at Oxf.,
-, moneyers,
Minty, Norman,
Mitre hotel,
Moffat, W. B.,
Molton, John,
moneyers, see mint
Moneypenny, Geo.,
Monmouth, Geof. of,
Monmouth, duke of, see Scott, Jas.
Monmouth's Rebellion,
Monmouthshire, see Chepstow; Newport
-, Eliz., Lady,
-, John de, earl of Salisbury,
Monte, Humph. de,
-, Hen. de,
-, Sim. de, earl of Leicester,
-, Sim. de, s. of above,
Moore (More):
-, H. W.,
-, J. H.,
-, Sir Thos.,
Moral Rearmament,
Morcar, earl of Northumbria,
Morcar, thegn,
Mormons, see Latter Day Saints
-, Baker,
-, Fred. Jos.,
-, Fred. Parker,
-, Mrs. J.,
-, Jas. (d. 1807),
-, Jas. (d. 1855),
-, Jas. (d. 1863),
-, Mark,
-, Ottoline, see Cavendish-Bentinck
-, Phil.,
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,
Morrell Avenue,
Morrell's (Lion) brewery,
-, John,
-, Wm.,
-, W. R., Vct. Nuffield,
morris dancing, see dancing
Morris Garages,
Morris Motors Ltd.,
-, Edm.,
-, Rog.,
-, Rog., earl of March,
Morton, John Whicker,
-, C. J.,
-, J. E.,
motor ind., and see Morris Motors Ltd.; Osberton Radiator Co.; Pressed Steel Co. Ltd.
Mounserel, see Mauncel
-, A. M.,
-, A. R. & Co.,
Mountford, Eliz.,
-, Jos. (fl. 1806),
-, Jos. (fl. 1833),
Municipal Corporations Commissioners,
Municipal Secondary school,
mural mansions,
Murray, Sir Jas.,
Museum Road,
museums and galleries,
music and musicians,
-, city waits and drummers, see corporation (waits)
-, John,
-, fam.,
Napier, see Napper
Napoleconic Wars,
Napper (Napier):
-, Edm.,
-, Edw.,
-, Geo.,
-, fam.,
Nares, Geo.,
Nassau (Bahamas), bp. of, see Venables, Addington
Natal (S. Africa), bp. of, see Colenso, J. W.
National Electric Construction Co.,
National Freehold Land Society,
National Westminster Bank,
Natt, John,
Nazareth, Poor Sisters of,
Neate, Chas.,
Nelson (New Zealand), bp. of, see Hobhouse, Edm.
Netherlands, see Leiden
New College,
-, Oxf. property,
-, site and bldgs.,
-, Sacher Bldg.,
-, warden of,
New College Lane,
New College School,
New Gate, see Friar Bacon's Study
New Inn (St. Aldate's),
New Inn Hall,
New Inn Hall Street,
New Interest,
New Jerusalem church,
New Parks, see Holywell
New Rent (near Carfax),
New Road,
New Road Baptist church,
New Theatre (Victoria Theatre),
Newbridge (near Standlake),
Newington, South,
-, John,
-, Cardinal John Hen.,
Newmarket, Oxf.,
Newport (Mon.),
-, proprietors,
and see Oxf. Chron.; Oxf. Herald;
Oxf. Journal; Oxf. Times
-, Ernest,
-, John,
Nicholas the spicer,
-, Peter,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Chas.,
-, Otho,
Niel the dean,
Nielsen, A. C. & Co.,
night watch, see police
Nightingale Hall Lane, see Hare Hall Lane
-, Joan,
-, John,
Nixon's school,
-, John,
-, Wm.,
Nodding, Ric.,
-, schs.,
and see under names of particular
Norfolk, and see Norwich; Walsingham
Norham Gardens,
Norham Manor estate,
Norham meadow,
-, Sir Edw.,
-, Hen.,
-, Ld., see Bertie, Jas.
North Gate, frontispiece,
North Oxford,
North Parade,
Northamptonshire, and see Aynho; Braunston; Northampton; Whitfield
-, John (d. c. 1340),
-, John, s. of above,
-, John, (fl. 1444),
-, Marg.,
-, Wm.,
Northgate hundred,
-, bailiffs,
-, ct.,
-, purchased by city,
Northgate Street, see Cornmarket
Northumbria, earls of, see Aubrey; Morcar; Tostig
Northumbria, persons from,
Northway, housing estate,
-, Eliz., w. of John, m. 2 Edm.
-, John,
-, Mic.,
-, Sibyl, see Selwood
-, Silas,
Norton, Chipping,
Norton, Hook, see Hook Norton
n, n,
-, bp. of, see Lyhert, Wal.; Oxf., John
Nottinghamshire, sheriff of,
Nourse, Chas.,
Nowers, Sir Geo.,
Nuffield, Vct., see Morris, W. R.
Nuffield College,
Nuffield Press Ltd.,
Nuneham Courtenay,
nurserymen, see gardens
Oates, Titus,
Observatory Street,
Ock, riv.,
Octagon chapel, see St. Mary's chapel
Offa, king of Mercia,
'offering houses',
Ogilby, J.,
Oilly, see Doyley
Okele, John,
Old Ashmolean Museum,
Old Bank,
Old Interest,
Old (Bishop King's) Palace,
Oldfield, Joshua,
-, Wm. (d. 1504),
-, Wm. (fl. 1524),
orchards, see gardens
Oriel College,
-, fee farm payable to,
-, Oxf. property,
-, patron of Oxf. ch.,
-, provosts,
-, site and bldgs.,
Oriel Street,
Orléans (France),
'Orsnaforda' coins,
Orthodox Church,
Osberton Radiator Co.,
-, abbey,
-, abbots,
-, as cathedral,
-, as employer,
-, canons,
-, Oxf. property,
-, patron of Oxf. chs.,
-, St. Nicholas's chap.,
-, site and bldgs.,
-, Bridge,
-, ct.,
-, lock,
-, man.,
-, meadow,
-, mills,
-, mill-stream,
Oseney, New (with Oseney Town),
-, ch., see St. Frideswide's
-, nonconf.,
-, schs.,
Oseney Mead industrial estate,
Oswald, saint,
Otteworth, John,
Overhee, fam.,
Oving (Bucks.),
-, Geo.,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Morgan,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Oxfam, see Oxf. Cttee. for Famine Relief
-, David of,
-, Ellis of,
-, Hen. of (d. c. 1163),
-, Hen. of (fl. early 13th cent.),
-, Hen., s. of above,
-, Jacob of,
-, John of (d. 1200), bp. of Norwich,
-, John of (d. 1342),
-, John. of (fl. 1344),
-, John of (another, d. 1362),
-, Simeon of,
Oxford, as place-name,
Oxford, borough and city of, see corporation
Oxford, diocese of, see diocese
Oxford, governors and keepers of, see Civil War; keepers
Oxford and Abingdon Building Society,
Oxford and Bletchley Junction Rly. Co.,
Oxford and District Good Neighbours' Fund,
Oxford Angling and Preservation Society,
Oxford Anti-Mendicity Society and Charity Organization Assoc.,
Oxford Benevolent Society,
Oxford Building and Investment Co.,
Oxford cake,
Oxford Canal,
-, Canal House,
-, Company,
-, wharves,
Oxford Chronicle,
Oxford City Dispensary,
Oxford City Mission,
Oxford City Science sch.,
Oxford College of Further Education,
Oxford College of Technology (Polytechnic),
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (Oxfam),
Oxford Cottage Improvement Co.,
Oxford Electric Co.,
Oxford Extension Act,
Oxford Fund, see religious life
Oxford Gas Light and Coke Co.,
Oxford gloves, see gloving
Oxford Group, see Moral Rearmament
Oxford Herald,
Oxford High School for boys,
Oxford Incorporation, see poor-relief
Oxford Industrial and Provident Building Society,
Oxford Journal,
Oxford knives, see cutlers
Oxford Loyal Volunteers,
Oxford marmalade,
'Oxford martyrs', and see Cranmer; Latimer; Ridley
Oxford Medical Dispensary,
Oxford Mileways and Improvement Acts,
Oxford parliament, see parliament
Oxford Police Acts,
Oxford Polytechnic, see Oxf. Coll. of Technology
Oxford Poor Law Act,
Oxford Poor Law Union, see poorrelief
Oxford Preservation Trust,
Oxford Races,
Oxford Registration District,
Oxford Sanitary Aid Association,
Oxford sausages,
Oxford Savings Bank,
Oxford School Board,
Oxford Times,
Oxford Trades Council,
Oxford Trading Association,
Oxford Tramways Co.,
Oxford Trust, see religious life
Oxford University, see university
Oxford University Press,
-, Bible Press,
-, Clarendon Press, Walton Street,
Oxford Volunteer Fire Brigade,
-, bdy.,
-, clerks of the peace,
-, coroners,
-, county clerk,
-, County Committee (Interregnum),
-, County Council,
-, County Hall, and see
castle, site of
-, J.P.s,
-, Ld. Lieut., n
-, M.P.s,
-, parl. elections,
-, prison, q.v.
-, sheriffs,
-, shire hall (court ho.),
-, townsmen's estates in,
Oxfordshire Regional Planning Advisory Committee,
Oxfordshire Steam Ploughing Co.,
Oxpens Road,
Pacey's Bridge,
Packer, Wm.,
Pady, Christine, m. 1 Laur. Kepeharm, 2 Jordan Rufus,
-, Mic.,
-, Wm.,
Paisley (Renfrewshire),
palace, royal, at Oxf., and see king's houses
-, And.,
-, Eliz.,
-, Wm.,
Palmerston, Vct., see Temple
Paradise Gardens,
Paradise House, see Greyfriars
Paradise Square,
Paradise Street,
-, parchment-seller,
parish government,
-, vestries,
Park End Street,
Park Hospital,
Park Town,
-, Jos.,
-, Mat., abp. of Canterbury,
Parkers (bookshop),
parks, and see Holywell; University Parks
Parks Road,
-, Ho. of Commons,
-, Speakers,
-, Ho. of Lds.,
-, meeting in Oxf.,
-, representation of city,
-, constituency bdy.,
-, elections,
and see
Corrupt Practices
-, M.P.s,
-, univ. M.P.s,
-, Herbert,
-, John, alderman,
-, John, bp. of Peterborough,
-, John, vice-chancellor,
-, fam.,
Parsons & Co. (Iowa, U.S.A.),
Parson's Pleasure,
Pasco, Thos.,
-, Chris.,
-, Jas.,
-, Rachel,
Pauling, Rob.,
Paving (Improvement) Commission,
-, corpn. representation on,
-, univ. representation on,
Payn (Payne):
-, John,
-, Thos. and his w. Joan,
-, Wal.,
Paynter, Ric.,
Peasants' Revolt,
Peggey, John,
-, Bart.,
-, fam.,
Pembroke, earl of, see Valence, Aymer de
Pembroke College,
-, patron of Oxf. ch.,
Pembroke (Pennyfarthing) Street,
Pembrokeshire, see St. David's
Penn, Wm.,
Pennard, Frideswide,
Penniless Bench,
Pennsylvannia (U.S.A.),
Pennyfarthing Place,
Pennyfarthing Street, see Pembroke Street
Penry, John,
-, John (fl. later 18th cent.),
-, John (s. of above, fl. 1793, 1856),
-, fam.,
Penson's Gardens,
Pentecostal churches,
Percy, Hen., Ld. Percy of Alnwick,
Percy Street,
Pergamon Press,
-, John,
-, Leonard,
-, Rob.,
-, Sim.,
-, -,
-, fam.,
Perrot's House,
Peshall, Sir John,
Peter son of Herbert,
-, bp. of, see Parsons, John
Peters, Hen.,
Pettypont, see Magdalen Bridge
Pheasant inn,
Pharaoh, fam.,
Philip, king,
Philip, s. of Rob. earl of Gloucester,
Philip the spicer,
Philpot, Miss A. W.,
Phipps, Wm.,
Phoenix Insurance Co.,
Physic Gardens, see Botanic Gardens
physicians, surgeons, and leeches,
Piggot, Jas.,
-, Jas., n,
-, John,
pilgrimages, see religious life
pillory, right of,
-, pillories,
Pinfold, Geo.,
Pirie, And.,
Plantagenet, Ric., duke of York,
Plantation Road,
Plater, Wm.,
pleas, cognizance of,
-, Hugh de,
-, Isabel de, see Biset
-, John,
-, Jos.,
-, Thos. (d. 1828),
-, Thos. (fl. 1883),
Plowman's Wharf,
Plukenet, Hugh,
Pocock, Edw.,
police and policing,
-, night watch,
-, peace-keeping (medieval),
-, police cttee.,
-, police stations,
politics, and see Chartists; Conservatives; Jacobitism; Labour party; Liberals; New Interest; Old Interest; parliament (representation); Radicals; Socialist League; societies (political); Tories; Whigs
Pollard, Sir John,
Pollowe, John,
Polton, Phil.,
Ponte, Pontius de,
Ponynges, Thos. de,
Poole, John,
Poor Law Board,
-, Commissioners,
and see Board of Guardians; taxation (poor rates); vagrancy
-, Oxf. Incorporation (United
-, Poor Law Reform Assoc.,
-, workhouses,
-, parochial,
-, union,
popes, and see Honorius III; Innocent II
Popish plot,
Port Meadow,
-, proposed inclosure,
-, sport and recreation on,
and see Oxford races
Porter, Dan.,
porters, see carriers
Portland, duke of, see Cavendish-Bentinck
post-horses, disputes over,
postal and telephone services,
-, post offices,
-, telephone exchange,
Postmaster's Hall,
Pot stream,
-, And.,
-, Geo.,
-, Mrs. Geo.,
-, Wm.,
pound, town,
-, Chris.,
-, Edm. (fl. 1540),
-, Edm. (d. 1592),
-, F. York,
-, Geo.,
-, Isabel,
-, Vavasour,
-, Wm.,
-, Messrs.,
Preachers' Bridge,
prehistoric remains,
Pressed Steel Co. Ltd.,
-, Agnes, see Studley
-, Ric.,
-, Dan.,
-, Sampson,
prices and wages, at Oxf.,
Prideaux, John,
priest, Rob. the, see Robert
Prince, Edw.,
Princes Street,
printers and printing,
-, union,
and see Alden Press; Oxford University Press; Pergamon Press
Priory mill,
-, Bocardo (city), frontispiece,
-, castle,
-, chars.,
-, county (on castle site),
-, Gloucester Green (city),
-, Prison Commissioners,
privileged persons, see university
Privy Council,
professions, see industries
property values and rents, in Oxf.,
-, leasing policy,
Provisions of Oxford,
Prussia, king of, see Frederick William III
Prynne, Wm.,
Pubbesbury, Wm. de,
public health, and see cemeteries; drainage; epidemics; hospital services; streets (repair and cleansing)
Pudsey, Sir Geo.,
Pugin, A. W. N.,
-, Josiah,
-, Nic.,
Purdue, Hen.,
puritanism, see religious life
purveyance, royal,
Pusey, Edw. Bouverie,
Pye, John,
Pyrton hundred,
Pyry Hall,
Quakers, see Friends
Quaking Bridge,
Queen Anne's Bounty,
Queen Street,
Queen's College,
-, Florey Bldg.,
Queen's Lane,
Quelch, Ric.,
Quilter, Ellis the, see Ellis the Quilter
racing, see Oxf. Races
Rakham Lane,
Radcliffe (Ratcliffe):
-, John,
-, John, Ld. FitzWalter,
-, Ralph,
Radcliffe Camera,
Radcliffe Infirmary,
Radcliffe Observatory,
Radcliffe Square,
Radcliffe trustees,
Radcot Bridge, battle of,
-, Eliz.,
-, John
railway mission,
and see Great Western Rly.; London
and North Western Rly.
-, railway-workers,
-, union,
-, stations,
Rakke, the,
Rallingson, Ric.,
Ralph the dean,
-, Peter,
-, Thos.,
Randolph Hotel,
Ranulph, Fulk s. of, see Fulk
rates, see taxation
Rats and Mice Hill,
Rawlinson, Martha,
Ray, riv.,
Raymond the reeve,
Reading, Reynold,
Reading (Berks.),
-, abbey,
Rectory Road,
recusancy, see religious life
Red Lion Square,
Reed, Edm., n
reeve, Raymond the, see Raymond the reeve
Reeve (Reve):
-, Geo., n
-, Thos. (fl. 16th cent.),
-, Thos. (d. 1697),
regrators, and see markets (trading offences)
religious houses,
-, Dissolution of, effects on Oxf.,
-, sites and remains,
and see under names of particular
religious life,
-, anchorites,
-, city lectureships,
-, Evangelical Movement,
-, Oxf. Fund,
-, Oxf. Trust,
-, Laudian revival,
-, non-jurors,
-, Oxf. (Tractarian) Movement,
-, pilgrimages,
-, Puritanism,
-, recusancy,
-, Reformation,
-, Sabbatarianism,
-, university participation in,
and see churches; nonconformity;
religious houses; Roman
Renfrewshire, see Paisley
-, abbey,
-, mill,
Reynolds, Peter,
Rhodes House,
Richard I,
Richard II,
Richard III,
Richard, earl of Cornwall,
Richard the mason,
Richard the spicer,
Richards, G. C.,
-, Jos.,
-, Thos.,
Riche, Brooman le, see Brooman
Ridges, Mary,
Ridley, Nic., bp. of London,
riots and civil disturbances, in Oxf., and see town-and- gown relations (riots)
Ripon (Yorks. W. R.), dean of, see Freemantle
-, Claude,
-, Geo.,
Risborough, Princes (Bucks.),
River, Adam,
river navigation, see Cherwell; Thames
-, E. J.,
-, John de,
Rixon, Wm.,
-, ancient,
-, bypasses,
-, mileways,
-, relief-road controversies,
-, Roman roads,
-, turnpikes,
Roberson, Thos.,
Robert, earl of Gloucester,
Robert the priest,
Roberts, Sarah,
Robertson, D., n
Robin Hood inn,
-, Cath.,
-, Nic.,
-, Thos.,
Roby, Wm.,
Rochester, bp. of, see Chavasse, C. M.
Rodshaw, John,
Roebuck inn,
Roger, bp. of Salisbury,
Roger son of Iungwine,
Roger the forester,
Roger the tabletter,
-, Chris.,
-, H. S.,
Rolfe, C. C.,
Roman Catholics,
-, chap.,
-, sch.,
Roman remains, and see roads (Roman)
'Rome' in Oxf., see Holywell
Roper, John,
Rose, Wm.,
Rose Hill,
Rose Lane,
Rotherfield Peppard,
Rous, John,
Rousham, Steph.,
Rowland, Wm.,
-, Eliz.,
-, Thos. (d. 1694),
-, Thos. (d. 1727), n,
-, Thos. (d. 1759),
Royal Academy of Music,
Royal College of Science,
Royal Society,
royal visits,
Royse, Hen.,
Rudde, Ralph,
-, Christine, see Pady
-, Jordan,
Rugby (Warws.),
Rupert, prince,
Rush, John,
Ruskin, John,
Ruskin College,
-, Chas.,
-, Francis, earl of Bedford,
Russia, emperor of, see Alexander I
Rye (Kent),
Rye House plot,
Rycote, see Haseley
sac and soc,
Sacheverell, Hen.,
Sackville West, Col. W. E.,
Sacred Heart, ch. of,
-, Chas. Jas.,
-, Jas.,
-, Rob., see Walford
St. Alban Hall, see Alban Hall
St. Albans (Herts.),
-, abbey,
St. Alban's church (Oxford), see Cowley St. john (chs.)
St. Aldate's Chambers,
St. Aldate's parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, chant. etc.,
-, chwdns.,
-, churchyard,
-, rectors, and
see Bowles; Chavasse, C. M.;
Christopher, A. M. W.; Hall,
John; Stampe; Wall
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
St. Aldate's Street,
-, bldgs. in,
-, mkt. in,
St. Aloysius church,
St. Andrew's church (Headington), see Headington (ch.)
St. Andrew's church (North Oxford),
St. Anthony of Padua church,
St. Antony's College,
St. Barnabas's parish,
-, ch.,
-, schs.,
St. Bartholomew's hospital (Cowley),
-, as alms-house,
-, chap.,
St. Benedict's church, see St. Budoc's
St. Bernard's College,
St. Bernard's Road,
St. Budoc's parish,
-, ch.,
-, called St. Benedict's, n
St. Catherine's College,
St. Catherine's House,
St. Clement's parish,
-, alms-houses, see Cutler Boulter;
Stone's hosp.
-, bdy.,
-, called Bridgeset,
-, chars.,
-, cholera in,
-, ch.,
-, churchyard,
-, Civil War defences,
-, fair, see fairs
-, housing,
-, nonconf.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, public services,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs.,
St. Clement's Registration Sub-district,
St. Cross parish, see Holywell
St. Cross Road,
St. David's (Pemb.),
St. Denys's school, see Holy Trinity Convent sch.
St. Ebbe's parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, cholera in,
-, ch.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, churchyard,
-, drainage,
-, Friars district,
-, housing and development, n,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, rectors and curates,
and see Bulteel;
-, rectory-ho.,
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
-, workho.,
St. Ebbe's Street,
St. Edmund Hall,
St. Edmund and St. Frideswide church,
St. Edward's parish,
-, ch.,
St. Francis of Assisi church (Hollow Way, Cowley), see Cowley (chs.)
St. Francis's church (Crescent Road, Cowley),
St. Frideswide's, John of,
St. Frideswide's Bridge,
St. Frideswide's fair, see fairs
St. Frideswide's Lane, see Frideswide's Lane
St. Frideswide's minster,
St. Frideswide's parish (medieval),
-, ch.,
St. Frideswide's parish (New Oseney),
-, ch.,
-, schs., see Oseney, New
St. Frideswide's priory,
-, bldgs.,
-, ch.,
and see Christ Church
-, Oxf. property,
-, patron of Oxf. chs.,
-, precentor,
-, priors, and see
-, site, and see Christ
St. George's chapel, see St. Mary Magdalen par. (chap.)
St. George's in the Castle, college,
St. George's in the Castle, parish,
-, ch.,
-, tower,
St. George's Mansions,
St. Giles's fair, see fairs
St. Giles's field,
St. Giles's hospital,
St. Giles's House (Judge's Lodgings),
St. Giles's parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, inc.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
-, vicars, and see
Juxon; Turner, Thos.
and see Walton
St. Giles's Street,
-, houses in,
St. Gregory and St. Augustine church,
St. Hilda's College,
St. Hugh's College,
St. Ignatius's chapel,
St. Ives (Hunts.),
St. James's church, see Cowley (ch.)
St. John:
-, Edw. of,
-, John of,
-, Rog. of,
-, Thos. of,
St. John Street,
St. John the Baptist, Sisters of,
St. John the Baptist parish,
-, bdy.,
-, ch.,
-, curates, and see Hobhouse;
St. John the Evangelist church (New Hinksey),
St. John the Evangelist, Society of
(Cowley Fathers),
-, ch.,
St. John's College,
-, bldgs.,
-, fellows,
-, Oxf. property,
-, patron of Oxf. chs.,
-, president,
-, stewards,
St. John's Evangelical Free church,
St. John's Hall,
St. John's hospital,
-, Oxf. property,
-, site and bldgs., and see
Magdalen College
St. Luke's church, see Cowley (chs.)
St. Margaret's church,
St. Margaret's Road,
St. Margaret's well, see Binsey
St. Martin's parish,
-, chars.,
-, ch. (otherwise Carfax ch.),
-, as city ch.,
-, bldgs.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, tower (Carfax tower),
-, chwdns.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see
Fletcher, C. J. H.; Niel the dean
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
St. Mary and St. John church, see Cowley St. John (chs.)
St. Mary Magdalen parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chap. (St. George's),
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, chwdns.,
-, churchyard,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
-, vicars and curates,
and see Haweis;
Hack, B. S.; Tresham, Wm.
St. Mary the Virgin parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, as univ. ch.,
-, bldgs.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, Congregation House,
-, fraternity,
-, chwdns.,
-, poor-relief,
-, rectors and vicars,
and see Newman, J. H.;
Oxford, John of
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
St. Mary's (Lady, Octagon) chapel, Smith Gate,
St. Mary's church (Bayswater, Oxf.),
St. Mary's church (Iffley), see Iffley (ch.)
St. Mary's College,
St. Matthew's parish (Grandpont),
-, chap.,
-, ch.,
-, schs.,
St. Michael and All Angels church (New Marston), see Marston, New (ch.)
St. Michael and All Angels church (Summertown), see Summertown (ch.)
St. Michael at the North Gate parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, Oxf. property,
-, curates, chaplains, or vicars,
and see
Rogers, Chris.
-, chwdns.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
St. Michael at the South Gate parish,
-, ch., chants. etc.,
St. Michael's Street,
St. Mildred's parish,
-, ch.,
St. Nicholas's chapel (on Grandpont),
St. Nicholas's chapel (in the king's houses),
St. Nicholas's chapel (Oseney), see Oseney abbey
St. Nicholas's parish, see St. Thomas's par.
St. Pancras, see London (Somers Town)
St. Paul's parish,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, curates and vicars,
and see Venables
-, schs.,
St. Peter-in-the-East parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, called St. Peter and St. Paul,
-, chants. etc.,
-, chwdns.,
-, churchyard,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, vicars, and curates,
and see Clare, Bevis
de; Hamilton; Hobhouse;
Oxford, John of
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
-, vicarage-ho.,
St. Peter-le-Bailey parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, chwdns.,
-, poor-relief,
-, rectors and curates,
and see Barkworth; Chevasse, C. M.; Linton; Maurice, Peter; Penson,
John (fl. 1793, 1856); Salman;
-, rectory-ho.,
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
St. Peter's College (formerly St. Peter's Hall),
St. Peter's hospital,
St. Philip and St. James parish,
-, ch.,
-, schs.,
-, vicar,
St. Scholastica's day, see town and gown relations
St. Thomas the Martyr, Community of,
St. Thomas's parish,
-, bdy.,
-, called St. Nicholas's,
-, chaplains, curates, or vicars,
and see Burton, Rob.; Chamberlain, Thos.; Hack, B. S.
-, chaps.,
-, boatmen's chap.,
-, chars.,
-, cholera in,
-, ch.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, churchyard,
-, housing and development,
-, inc.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, schs.,
-, taxation,
St. Thomas's Street,
St. Ursule, Dames de,
St. Valery:
-, Bernard of,
-, Reynold of,
-, Thos. of,
St. Valery, honor of,
Salesian Congregation,
Salisbury, earl of, see Montague, John de
Salisbury (Wilts.),
-, bp. of, see Roger
Salman, John,
salt trade,
-, J. S.,
-, John,
Salvation Army,
Sambach, Ann,
Sandbrooke, Wm.,
Sare (Sayer), John,
Sargent, H. W.,
Saundreson, Nic. and his w. Maud,
Sawold (O. E. personal name),
Saye and Sele, Ld., see Fiennes, Wm.
Sayer, see Sare
Schmidt, Bernhardt,
schools, see education
Schools Street,
-, border,
-, expedition against,
-, Scottish wars,
-, Sir Geo. Gilb.,
-, Sir Giles Gilb.,
-, Jas., duke of Monmouth,
Scudamore, John,
Seacourt, see Wytham,
Seacourt stream,
Seal's coffee-house,
-, city,
-, guild, n,
-, mayor's,
-, parochial,
-, statute merchant,
-, univ. 'half-seal',
Seckham, S. L.,
Second World War,
Selbie, W. R.,
Seller, Wm.,
-, Ric.,
-, Sibyl, w. of Ric., m. 2 John Norton,
Selwyn, Sir Nic.,
Seman (Seyman):
-, John,
-, Cath.,
Serles, Rob.,
-, domestic,
-, monastic,
and see apprenticeship; innservants; journeymen; university; university (colleges)
Seventh Day Adventists,
sewerage, see drainage and sewerage
sewers, commission of,
-, John (fl. 1239),
-, John (fl. 1279),
Sewy's Lane, see Shoe Lane
Seyman, see Seman
Shaftesbury, earl of, see AshleyCooper
Shakespeare, Wm.,
shambles (Butcher Row),
Sharp, Thos.,
Shaw, John,
Sheahan, P. J.,
Sheard, Thos.,
Sheffield (Yorks. W. R.),
Sheldonian Theatre,
Shelswell, n
Shelton, Thos.,
'shelving stool',
Shepley, Hugh,
Shepshed (Leics.),
Sherborne, Ld., see Dutton
Sherborne (Glos.),
Shereman, Thos.,
sheriff's tourn, quittance of,
Sherland, Chris.,
Sherwood (Shirwood):
-, E. J.,
-, W. E.,
-, Wm.,
Shewring, Colin,
ship-money, see taxation
Ship Street,
Shire Lake stream,
Shirwood, see Sherwood
Shitbarn Lane,
Shoe (formerly Sewy's) Lane,
shoemakers (cordwainers, corvisers),
-, cobblers,
-, guild,
-, journeymen's guild,
-, Trades Soc.,
-, translators,
Shoemakers' Hall, see Bocardo House
'shortford', judgement of,
'Shoteslawa', see Merton
Shropshire, and see Eyton; Ludlow; Shrewsbury
Sibthorp, Humph.,
Sidelings (Fenneit),
sieges and sacks, of Oxf., and see Civil War
Simcock, Sam.,
-, Alice, see Kepeharm
-, Hen.,
-, Steph.,
Simeon's Trust,
Simmons, Wm.,
Simnel, Lambert,
Simon (fl. 1293),
Singleton, John,
Siward, Ric.,
Skinner, Mat.,
-, guild,
Slade Park, housing estate,
Slatford, Job,
Slatter, Hen.,
Slatter's bookshop (later Slatter and Rose),
Slavonia (Slavonians, Slovens' Hall), king or judge of,
smallpox, see epidemics
-, A. H.,
-, Christian,
-, E. B.,
-, John (fl. 1580), n
-, John (mayor 1639),
-, John (s. of above),
-, John (d. 1680, another),
-, Sir John,
-, Oliver,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos. (d. 1601),
-, Thos. (d. 1646),
-, Wm., bp. of Lincoln,
-, fam.,
Smith Gate, and see St. Mary's chapel
-, goldsmiths,
-, gunsmiths,
-, whitesmiths,
Snowe, Ralph,
Socialist League,
societies and clubs,
-, building, see building
-, charitable, see charities
-, friendly and benefit,
-, political,
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
Somers Town, see London; Summertown
Somerset, and see Bath; Bathford
Somerville College,
Soothill, W. E.,
'Sotterlawa' hundred,
Souche, see Zouch
South Bridge, see Folly Bridge
South Gate,
South Oxford,
-, Council sch.,
South Parade,
South Park housing estate,
South Parks Road,
-, Hen., n
-, Jane,
-, roads to,
-, trade with,
Southfield Road,
Southfield school,
Southmoor Road,
Speedwell Street,
Spencer (Spenser):
-, Caroline, duchess of Marlborough,
-, Chas., duke of Marlborough,
-, Geo. (d. 1817), duke of Marlborough,
-, Geo. (d. 1840), duke of Marlborough, see Spencer Churchill
-, Ld. Rob.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Spencer Churchill (formerly Spencer), Geo., duke of Marlborough,
-, as marquess of Blandford,
Spending, Rog.,
spicer, John, Nic., Phil., and Wm. the, see John, Nicholas, and Philip, the spicer; Winchester, Wm. of
-, Edwin T.,
-, R. J.,
-, R. J., and Son,
Spindler, Bond,
Spooner, W. A.,
Sporeman, Alex.,
sports and pastimes, and see ballooning; bear-baiting; boating; bowling; cock-fighting; dancing; iceskating; Oxf. races; riding; swimming; tennis
Spring, fam.,
Sprunt, John,
Spurgeon, Chas.,
Spurgeon's College,
stable workers,
Stael, Peter,
Staffordshire, and see Lichfield; Walsall; Wolverhampton
Stainer, Sir John,
Staines (Mdx.),
Stamford (Lincs.), n
Stampe, Wm.,
-, Gaunt Ho. in,
Stanford (Stoneford), in Oxf.,
Stanley, Marg.,
Stanley Road,
Stansfeld, J. S.,
Stanton Harcourt,
Stanton St. John,
-, Woodperry in,
Stapleton, Sir Thos.,
Star inn, see Clarendon Hotel
State, Secretaries of,
States' Yard,
statute merchant bonds and seals,
Stephen, king,
Stephenson, J. C.,
Stevens, Tim.,
Steventon (Berks.),
Stockwell Street,
Stoke, South,
Stoke Talmage,
Stokenchurch (Bucks. formerly Oxon.),
Stokes, Wm.,
Stompe, see Stumpe
Stone, Nic.,
Stone's hospital,
Stonor, Thos.,
Stratford-upon-Avon (Warws.),
Streatley (Berks.),
Street, G. E.,
-, cleansing and repair,
-, encroachments,
-, lighting,
-, pavage, see taxation
and see under latest names of particular streets
Strike, Wm.,
Striplin, Mrs.,
Stuart, Frank,
-, Agnes, w. of John, m. 2 Ric.
-, John,
Studley priory,
Stumpe (Stompe):
-, John, n
-, Wm.,
Suffolk, dukes of, see Brandon; Grey, Hen.
Suffolk, see Dunwich; Ipswich
-, called Somers or Summers Town,
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, housing and development,
-, Hawkswell farm,
-, nonconf.,
-, Northern House,
-, schs.,
Summertown-Radley terrace,
Summertown and Wolvercote ward,
Sun Insurance Co.,
Sunderland (co. Dur.),
Sunnymead housing estate,
Surman, J. M.,
Surrey, see Clapham; Epsom; London (Bermondsey and Camberwell)
Sussex, see Chichester; Lewes
Sutton, Alex., prior of St. Frideswide's,
Sutton Wick (Berks.),
Swabey, Hen.,
Swan, Thos.,
Swan brewery,
Swan Court,
Swanbourne, John,
Swansea (Glam.),
Swapham, Hen. de,
-, Adrian John,
-, Benj.,
Sweyn, king of Denmark,
Swift ditch,
Swindlestock tavern, see Mermaid
Swindon (Wilts.),
Swinford (Berks.), see Cumnor
Swinsell, Rog. of,
Swinsell (Berks., near Folly Bridge),
Swinton, John,
Symonds, Chas.,
Tabard inn, see Angel
tabletter, Rog. the, see Roger the tabletter
Tackley's Inn,
Tagg, fam.,
tailor (or armourer) , Guy the, see Guy
-, guild,
-, journeymen tailors' guild,
and see merchants (merchant
Talboys, D. A.,
Taman, Wm.,
Tanfeld, Thos.,
Tatham, Edw.,
Tattleton, John,
-, Thos. Hen.,
-, Sir Wm. Elias,
-, Ric.,
-, Rog.,
taverners, and see vintners
taverns, see inns, taverns, and alehouses
-, Chas.,
-, Edw.,
-, Ric. (d. 1756),
-, Sir Ric. (d. 1791),
-, Ric. (fl. 1827),
-, fam.,
Tawney's brewery,
-, taxes:
-, aids,
-, aulnage,
-, barbicanage,
-, Civil War,
-, hearth tax,
-, levies on townsmen,
-, mileway tax,
-, murage,
-, pavage and pontage,
-, piccage and stallage,
-, poll tax,
-, ship money,
-, subsidy,
-, tallage,
-, tronage,
-, window tax,
and see tolls; univ. (taxation)
-, rates:
-, church,
-, corpn. (borough, general),
-, gaol,
-, paving and lighting,
-, poor,
-, public health,
-, water,
-, Israel,
-, John (fl. later 17th cent.),
-, John (d. 1745),
-, John (fl. 1851), n
-, Rog.,
-, Wm.,
Taylor (Taylorian) Institution,
temperance movement,
-, Temperance Soc.,
Temple, Hen. John, Vct. Palmerston,
-, tennis-court keepers,
Terrent, Thos.,
Teulon, S. S.,
Tew, Great,
Tewkesbury, battle of,
textile ind.,
and see dyers;
flax-retting; fulling; rug-makers;
shearmen; upholsterers; weavers;
-, cloth trade,
-, clothiers and cloth-workers,
and see clothing; drapers; haberdashers; mercers; taxation
Thackeray, Wm. Makepeace,
Thames, riv.,
-, as bdy.,
-, mills and fisheries,
-, named reaches,
-, navigation,
and see Burcot
-, pollution,
-, Thames Conservancy Bd.,
-, trade,
-, wharves,
and see 'Aldee'; Bulstake stream;
castle (mills, mill-stream); Pot
stream; Seacourt stream; Shire
Lake stream; Trill Mill stream
Thames Street,
Thames valley,
Thames Valley Drainage Commission,
theatres, plays, and players, and see New Theatre
Thomas, earl of Lancaster,
Thomas the Marshall,
-, Jenkyn,
-, Sam.,
-, Wm.,
Thompson (Thomson):
-, Jas.,
-, Sir John,
-, fam.,
Thornbury, see Binsey
Thorney (Cambs.), abbot of,
Thorpe, Mrs.,
Three Goats' Heads inn, n
Three Tuns tavern,
Thurston, Sam.,
Tidmarsh, Ric.,
Tidmarsh Lane,
Tierney, Geo., n
Tilcock, Wm.,
Tillyard, Art.,
Tipping, Wm., n
Tisdale, Thos.,
tithes, and see 'offeringhouses'
tobacco, sale of,
-, tobacco-pipe makers,
Todd, Nic.,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
toll and teme,
-, levied by Paving Commissioners,
-, toll-gates,
-, turnpike tolls,
Torold, Peter,
Tostig, earl of Northumbria,
Totnes (Devon),
Towle, John,
town-and-gown relations,
-, corpn. oath to univ.,
-, discommoning and excommunication of townsmen,
-, precedency of univ. and city,
-, riots and disturbances,
-, St. Scholastica's day,
-, St. Scholastica's day ceremony,
and see, for other disputes over city
government, under particular
subjects, especially ale; bread;
bridges; building (disputes);
carriers; castle (mills); coaching; coffee-houses; courts;
epidemics (cholera); guilds;
inmates; inns (licensing); lodgings; markets; police; poorrelief; post-horses; roads
(mileways); streets; theatres;
trade (regulation of); university
(privileged persons and taxation); wine, assize of
town (guild) halls,
-, incidental references,
Townsend (Townesend):
-, John (fl. 1684),
-, John (fl. 1778),
-, Steph.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Townson, R. W.,
Toynbee, Arnold,
Tozer, Hen.,
Tractarians, see religious life (Oxf. or Tractarian Movement)
-, regulation of,
-, by city,
-, by univ.,
and see craft guilds
-, trade tokens,
and see fairs; London (Oxf. trade
with); markets
trades, see industries
trades unions,
Train, see Tryman
Train (Devon),
trams, see transport (internal)
translators (leather), see shoemakers
-, internal,
-, buses,
-, cabs,
-, trams, and see Oxf.
Tramways Co.
-, transport workers,
and see
bargemen; carriers; coaching;
livery stables; railways
Treacher, Sir John,
Tresham, Wm.,
Tresilian, Sir Rob.,
Trill mill,
Trill Mill Bow,
Trill Mill stream,
Trillock's Inn,
Tring (Herts.),
Trinitarian friary,
Trinity College,
-, president of,
Trinity men, and see corporation, officers (beadles of beggars)
Troughton, John,
Trustee Savings Bank,
Tryman (or Train), fam.,
-, Eliz., n
-, Wm.,
Tubb, Wootten, and Tubb,
Tubney (Berks.),
Tuckwell, Wm.,
tumbrel, right of,
Turf tavern,
Turl Gate,
Turl Street,
-, H. F. L.,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, W.,
-, Mrs.,
turnpikes, see roads
'two-faced pump',
Twyne, Brian,
Tyes, Hen.,
Tyrrell, Ben., n
Tyrwhitt, R. St. J.,
Underhill, John, bp. of Oxf.,
Underwood, H. J.,
United Charity sch., n,
United Parishes, see poor-relief
United States of America, and see Iowa; Pennsylvania; Virginia
-, in general,
and see, for particular univ. interests and connexions, under appropriate subjects especially ale; bread;
bridewells; bridges; building
(disputes); canals; carriers; castle (mills); cemeteries; coaching; coffee-houses; corpn.
(univ. representation); courts;
debt, cession of; education;
fires (fire-fighting); gas-supply;
guilds; hospital services;
inmates; inns; Local Board of
Health; lodgings; markets;
music; Paving Commission; pillory; police; poor-relief; posthorses; prices and wages; prisons; prostitutes; purveyance;
railways; religious life; roads
(mileways); seals; streets; taxation; Thames (navigation);
theatres; town-and-gown relations; trade (regulation of);
water-supply; weights and
measures; wine (assize of)
-, academic halls,
-, Act (later Encaenia),
-, archives, keeper of,
-, bldgs.,
and see
under names of particular
-, chancellors,
and see
-, charters and privileges,
-, ch., see St. Mary the Virgin
-, clerks of the market, see market
-, colleges,
-, as landlords,
-, bldgs.,
-, bursars,
-, chaps.,
-, choirs,
-, heads of houses,
-, monastic,
-, plate,
-, servants,
stewards and
and see cooks
-, and see under names of particular
-, congregation,
-, Congregation House, and see
St. Mary the Virgin (ch.)
-, convocation,
-, coroners,
-, delegacies,
-, dispersal of,
-, Encaenia, see univ. (Act)
-, grammar schs.,
-, high stewards, and see
-, jurisdiction,
and see courts
-, J. P.s,
-, library, and see
Bodleian Libr.
-, Lollardy in,
-, M.P.s, see Parliament
-, members of,
-, museum,
-, 'nations' in,
-, night watch, see police
-, nonconf.,
-, officials,
-, bedels,
-, 'bulldogs',
-, marshall,
-, pop.,
-, postal service,
-, privileged persons,
-, scholars' servants,
-, proctors,
-, professors, readers, and lecturers,
-, property,
and see univ. (bldgs.)
-, regents,
-, regiment,
-, registry,
-, registrars,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, royal visits,
-, schools,
and see Bodleian Libr.
(Schools quadrangle); Examination Schools
-, Science Area,
-, seals, q.v.
-, servants,
-, societies and clubs,
and see Vincent's
-, solicitor,
-, sports and pastimes,
-, statutes,
-, Laudian statutes,
-, taxation,
-, rating,
-, temple,
-, Union,
-, vacations,
-, vice-chancellors,
-, Visitors,
University and City Bank,
University College,
University Parks,
Urry, Oliver,
vagrancy, and see corporation (officers, beadles of beggars)
Valence, Aymer de, earl of Pembroke,
Valentia, Vct., see Annesley, Art.
Van Heemskerk, Egbert,
Van Linge:
-, Abraham,
-, Bernard,
Vanbrugh, Sir John,
Vanbrugh House,
Vaughan, Peter,
vee de naam,
Venables, Addington, bp. of Nassau,
Venables-Bertie, Montagu, earl of Abingdon,
Venice, men from,
Venner, Thos.,
Victoria, queen,
Victoria Theatre, see New Theatre
victualling, see food and drink trades
Villiers, Geo., duke of Buckingham,
-, Jos.,
-, fam.,
Vincent's Club,
Virginia (U.S.A.),
Vrooman, Wal.,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,
Waddell, Chris.,
Wadham, Dorothy,
Wadham College,
wages, see prices
waifs and strays,
Walden, Ric. of,
-, marches of,
-, princes of, see Arthur; Charles II;
Edward VII; Griffith, Llewelyn
-, Welsh:
-, expedition against,
-, in Oxf.,
Walford (or Sadler), Rob.,
-, Obadiah,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., and Co.,
-, Ursula,
Wall, John,
Waller, Sir Wm.,
Wallingford, Vct., see Knollys, Wm.
-, honor of,
Wallingford Way, Oxf.,
Walsall (Staffs.),
Walsh, Percival,
Walsingham (Norf.),
Walter, archdeacon of Oxf.,
Waltham, Thos., see Welcome
Waltham (Essex),
Walton, H. B.,
-, agric.
-, ct.,
-, man.,
-, reeve of,
-, tithes,
-, well, n,
Walton House,
Walton Manor estate,
Walton Street,
Wantage (Berks.),
War Office,
Ward, Wm.,
Wardell, John,
Ware, Isaac,
Warham bank, n,
Warneford, S. W.,
Warneford Hospital,
Warner, John,
Warwick, ctss. of, see Basset, Philippe; Beauchamp
Warwick and Rugby Building Society,
Warwick Street,
Warwickshire, and see Birmingham; Compton, Fenny; Coventry; Fazeley; Kenilworth; Leamington; Rugby; Stratfordupon-Avon; Warwick
Washbourne, Wm.,
-, city,
-, Domesday,
-, 12th-cent.,
-, city,
-, royal,
Water Eaton, see Eaton, Water
Water Gate, see Littlegate
water-mills, see mills
-, waterworks,
and see Carfax
Waterhouse, A.,
watermen, see bargemen
Watkinson, Jos.,
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,
Watson, Albert,
Waver, John,
Waynflete, Wm.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, guild,
Webb, Harry,
weights and measures,
-, assize of,
Weirs Lane housing estate,
Weirs mill,
Welcome (or Waltham), Thos.,
Welcome's Folly, see Friar Bacon's Study
Wellesley, Art., duke of Wellington,
Wellington public house,
Wellington Square,
Welshman's mead,
Wendlebury, see Alchester
-, Peter,
-, Thos. (d. 1627),
-, Thos. (fl. 1628),
-, Chas.,
-, John,
Wesley Memorial church,
Wesleyan Boys' sch.,
West, John,
West Gate,
West Ham (Essex), sch.,
West Indies, and see Barbados
West Oxford,
Western Road,
Westgate Centre,
Westminster, see London
Westminster College,
Westminster Press,
-, Sir Chas.,
-, Nathan,
Wetwang, Wm. de,
Wharf House public house,
-, Phil., Ld. Wharton,
-, Thos., Ld. Wharton, n
wharves, see Oxf. Canal; Thames, riv.
-, wharfinger,
Wheatley (in Cuddesdon),
whipping post,
-, Eleanor,
-, John,
White (Whyte):
-, Francis,
-, Mary, m. 1 John Bridgeman, 2 Wm.
-, Sir Sampson,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Thos.,
White friars, see Carmelite friary
White Hart inn, Cornmarket St.,
Whitelocke, Bulstrode,
whitesmiths, see smiths
Whitfield (Northants.),
Whittington, Ric.,
-, Brome,
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,
Whyte, see White
Wickham, see Wykeham
Widdowes, Giles,
widows, wealth and status of,
-, Sam., bp. of Oxf.,
-, Wm., n
Wilder, John,
Wildgoose, Hen.,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Wm.,
William I,
William III,
William IV,
William the clerk,
William the dean,
William the reeve,
William the spicer, see Winchester, Wm. of
-, Fred.,
-, Ivy,
-, John, Ld. Williams of Thame,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
Williamscote, see Cropredy
Willicotes, Wm.,
-, Cath.,
-, Francis,
-, his char.,
-, John, n,
Wilmot, Joan,
Wilson, Rob.,
Wiltshire, and see Cricklade; Salisbury; Swindon
Winchester, Wm. of (the spicer),
Winchester, earl of, see Despenser, Hugh
Winchester (Hants), n,
-, bp. of, see Waynflete
-, College,
-, fair,
-, moneyers,
-, John,
-, Miles,
Windsor (Berks.),
-, assize of,
-, trade,
-, wine and spirit merchants (modern),
and see vintners
Wingfield, Hannah,
Wingfield Morris Orthopaedic hospital,
Winkfield (Berks.), see Ascot
Winkley, Thos., n
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
With (Wyth):
-, Gillian,
-, Sim.,
Wokingham (Berks.),
Wolfson College,
Wolsey, Cardinal Thos.,
-, his charter to univ.,
-, bdy.,
-, bridge,
-, ch.,
-, common,
-, green,
-, man.,
-, mills,
-, public services,
-, rights in Port Meadow,
-, Trout inn,
-, ward, see Summertown and Wolvercote ward
Wolverhampton (Staffs.),
-, Ant.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1559),
-, Thos. (d. 1643),
-, Thos. (fl. 1652),
-, fam.,
Wood Farm housing estate,
Woodforde, Jas.,
Woodhouse, C. M.,
Woodington, Eliz.,
Woodliffe, Wm.,
Woodperry, see Stanton St. John
-, Blenheim Palace,
-, M.P.s,
-, royal visits,
-, town clerk,
Woodstock Road, Oxf.,
-, St. Giles's Terrace in,
-, St. John's Terrace in,
Woodstock Rural District Council,
-, B.,
-, Edw.,
woodworking trades, and see bowyers; cabinet-makers; carpenters; chair-makers; coopers; fletchers; furniture-makers; instrument-makers; joiners; turners
wool trade,
Woolworth, F. W., & Co. Ltd.,
Wootton (Wootten):
-, Ela of, see Biset
-, John of,
-, Ric.,
Wootton (Berks.),
-, Boar's Hill in, n,
Wootton hundred,
Worcester, Edw. of,
-, bp. of, see Carpenter; Cobham,
Thos.; Latimer, Hugh
Worcester College,
Worcester Street,
Worcestershire, and see Dudley; Evesham; Worcester
workhouses, see poor-relief
-, And.,
-, Eleanor, w. of Phil., m. 2 Wm. of
-, Joan, see Eu
-, Phil.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Worton (in Cassington),
Wren, Chris.,
-, Thos.
-, fam.,
-, John A.,
-, Martin,
-, Ric.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm. (d. c. 1636),
-, Wm. (fl. 1679),
-, Wm., s. of above,
-, fam., n
writs, return of,
Würtemburg, prince of, see Frederick
Wyaston House,
-, Geo.,
-, Jas.,
-, L. & R.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Wyatt's Wharf,
Wychwood Forest,
Wycliffe, John,
Wycliffe Hall,
-, Joan,
-, Wal.,
-, fam.,
Wycombe, High (Bucks.), n,
Wycroft Lane,
Wyggeston, fam.,
Wyke, see Binsey
Wyke, East,
-, Eastwyke farm,
Wyke, West,
Wyke Bridge,
Wykeham (Wickham):
-, Jane,
-, Wm. of,
-, Wm. ('Honest'), n
Wyking, Vincent,
Wylcot, Thos.,
Wylde, Thos., see Goldsmith
Wyth, see With
Wytham (Berks.),
-, Seacourt in,
-, Wytham Hill,
-, Marg.,
-, Thos.,
yardlands, see 'king's eight yardlands'
Yate, Marg.,
Yaxley (Hunts.),
Yeadon, Wm.,
Yeats, Chris.,
York, n,
n, n
-, dukes of, see Edmund; Frederick;
James II; Plantagenet, Ric.
Yorkshire, and see York
-, East Riding, see Beverley
-, West Riding, and see Carleton;
Horsforth; Kettlewell; Ripon;
Young Men's Christian Association,
Younglove, Rob.,
Zouch (Souche), Jas.,