Index: A-J

A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1979.

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Eleanor Chance, Christina Colvin, Janet Cooper, C J Day, T G Hassall, Mary Jessup, Nesta Selwyn, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford, ed. Alan Crossley, C R Elrington (London, 1979), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

Eleanor Chance, Christina Colvin, Janet Cooper, C J Day, T G Hassall, Mary Jessup, Nesta Selwyn, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford. Edited by Alan Crossley, C R Elrington (London, 1979), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

Eleanor Chance, Christina Colvin, Janet Cooper, C J Day, T G Hassall, Mary Jessup, Nesta Selwyn. "Index: A-J". A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 4, the City of Oxford. Ed. Alan Crossley, C R Elrington (London, 1979), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

NOTE: An italic page-number denotes an illustration on that page or facing it. The substantive account of a subject is indicated by bold-face type. A page-number followed by n is a reference only to the footnotes on that page.

Among the abbreviations used in the index the following may require elucidation; abp., archbishop; agric., agriculture; Alex., Alexander; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; Art., Arthur; Bart., Bartholomew; bd., board; bdy., boundary; Benj., Benjamin; bldgs., buildings; bp., bishop; Cath., Catherine; cent., century; ch., church; chant., chantry; chap., chapel; char., charity; Chas., Charles; Chris., Christopher; chwdns., churchwardens; corpn., corporation; cttee., committee; ct., court; ctss., countess; d., died; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; dom. archit., domestic architecture; Edm., Edmund; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; fam., family; fl., flourished; Fred., Frederick; Geo., George; Geof., Geoffrey; Gilb., Gilbert; Hen., Henry; ho., house; hosp., hospital; Humph., Humphrey; hund., hundred; inc., inclosure; ind., industry; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; Laur., Laurence; Lawr., Lawrence; ld., lord; libr., library; m., married; man., manor(s); Marg., Margaret; Mat., Matthew; mkt., market; Mic., Michael; Nat., Nathaniel; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; pk., park; Phil., Philip; pop., population; Reg., Reginald; rem., remains; Ric., Richard; riv., river; rly., railway; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; s., son; Sam., Samuel; sch., school; Sim., Simon; Steph., Stephen; Thos., Thomas; Tim., Timothy; univ., university; vct., viscount; w., wife; Wal., Walter; Wm., William.

Abbeyfield Society,

Abbot, Chas., Ld. Colchester,


-, Wm. (fl. 1352),
-, Wm. chancellor of Oxf. univ.,

Abery, Geo.,

-, Edm. of, abp. of Canterbury,
-, Ric. of, see Richard the mason

Abingdon, earls of, and see Bertie; Venables-Bertie

Abingdon (Berks.),
-, abbey,
-, abbot of,
-, Baptists,
-, bridge,
-, ch.,
-, M.P.,
-, mkt.,
-, mayor,
-, men from,
-, riots,
-, roads to,

Abingdon Poor Law Union,

Abingdon Road, Oxf.,

Abingdon Rural Sanitary District,

Accorso, Francesco,

-, Sir H. W.,
-, Sarah,

Adam the bookbinder,

Adam, John,

Adams, Wm.,

-, Steph.,
-, fam.,

Addison, Jos.,

Addison's Walk,

Adelaide, queen of Wm. IV,

Adullam chapel,

Agas, Ralph,

Aglionby, John,

agriculture, around Oxf., and see Binsey; graziers; Holywell; Walton

Ailric's eyot,

aircraft, and see Cowley, airfield

Alan, count of Brittany,

Alban (St. Alban) Hall,

Albert, prince consort,

Alchester (in Wendlebury),


Alden, Hen.,

Alden Press,

Aldrich, Hen.,

Aldsworth, Chas.,

Aldworth, Hen., n

ale, assize of,

alehouses, see inns

Alexander I, emperor of Russia,

Alexander, bp. of Lincoln,

Alfgar, earl of Mercia,

Alfred, king,

Alfred Street,

Alfric, abp. of Canterbury,

All Saints parish,
-, bdy.,
-, chaplains, curates, or vicars, and see Clark, And.
-, chars.,
-, ch.,
-, as city ch.,
-, bldgs.,
-, chants. etc.,
-, fraternity,
-, chwdns.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, taxation,

All Saints (Highfield) church,

All Saints, Sisters of the Society of,

All Souls College,

-, D.,
-, John, & Sons,
-, Cardinal Wm.,

alms-houses, see charities

-, John of,
-, Thos. of,
-, Master Thos.,

Alworth, Ann,

Alworth's school,

-, Blackthorn in,

Amsterdam, Oxf.,

Anabaptists, see Baptists

Anchor Hotel,

Anchor inn,

anchorites, see religious life

Andover, Vct., see Howard, Chas.

Andrews, Ric.,

Angel (Tabard) inn,

Angel meadow,

Anglesey, earl of, see Annesley, Jas.

Anglesey, see Holyhead

Anne, queen,

Annesley (Annesleye):
-, Art. (fl. 1796),
-, Art., Vct. Valentia,
-, Isabel, see Chandos
-, Jas., earl of Anglesey,
-, John,

Annunciation, ch. of the,

apothecaries, and see spicers

Appleton (Berks.),

apprenticeship, and see charities

-, Anne,
-, John,

architects, see Aldrich; Bailey, H. O.; Bell, Chas.; Billings; Blackburn; Blomfield; Blore; Bodley, G. F.; Bruton; Buckeridge; Buckler, C. and J. C.; Bucknall; Butterfield; Camplin; Cave; Champneys, Basil; Christopher, J. T.; Christopher and White; Cockerell; Codd; Comper; Crombie; Dale; Day, N. F. C.; Deane, Sir T. and T. N.; Derick; Dixon; Drinkwater; Ellis, T.; Farmer and Brindley; Fenning; Ferrey; Figgis; Fisher, Wm.; Flavel; Giles, Gough, and Trollope; Greenshields; Gwynn; Hanson; Hare, Cecil and H. T.; Harris J.; Harrison, N. W.; Hawksmoor; Hooper; Hudson; Jackson, Sir T. G.; Jenkins, Wm.; Jennings, Homer, and Lynch; Kershaw; Leadbetter; Maufe; Milburn Bros.; Moffat; Moneypenny; Moore, H.; Mowbray, A. M.; Newton, Ernest; Nicholson, Sir Chas.; Peisley, Bart.; Plowman, John and Thos.; Powell, Messrs.; Pugin; Reynolds; Rivers, E. J.; Robertson; Rogers, H. S.; Rolfe; Salter, J. S.; Scott, Sir George Gilb. and Sir Giles Gilb.; Seckham; Sheahan; Sherwood, E. J.; Shewring; Smith, E. B.; Stone; Street; Surman; Tawney, Ric. (fl. 1827); Teulon; Townesend, John and Wm.; Underwood; Vanbrugh; Ware; Waterhouse; Wilkinson, Wm.; Woodward, B.

Argyle Street,

Aristotle Lane,

Aristotle's (Brooman's) well,

armourer, Guy the, see Guy

Arthur, king,

Arthur, prince of Wales,

artists, designers, and engravers, see Bell, John; Burne-Jones; Carpentier; Gibbons, Grinling; Hack, M.S.; Hawkesley; Holiday, Hen.; Hollar; Kempe, C. E.; Kneller;Ruskin; Taylor, John; Van Heemskerk; Van Linge, Abraham and Bernard

Ascot (in Winkfield, Berks.),

Ashley-Cooper, Ant., earl of Shaftesbury,

Ashmolean Museum, and see Old Ashmolean Museum


assizes, see courts

Aston, Sir Art.,

Aston's eyot,

Aswardby, John of,

Athelmer, ealdorman,


Atkins, Abraham,

-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,

Atterbury, C. L.,

attorneys, see lawyers

-, Jas.,
-, Jas., s. of above,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Aubrey, earl of Northumbria,

Aubrey, John,

Augustinian (Austin) friary,
-, site of,

Austin fair, see fairs

Austin Motor Co.,

Avalon, St. Hugh of, bp. of Lincoln,

Aylesbury (Bucks.),

Aylmer, Wm. de,

Aynho (Northants.),

Babington, Margery, Lady,

Bachelor's Tower, see Friar Bacon's Study

Bacon, Rog.,

Badger, fam.,

Baha'i faith,

Bailey (Bayley, Bayly):
-, H. O.,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Thos., n
-, Wm. (fl. 1493), n
-, Wm. (d. 1683),

Bainton Road,

-, John (fl. 1559-84),
-, John (fl. 1816),
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. & Co.,

-, guild,

Balehorn, Sim.,

Ball, Hen.,

Balliol, Devorguilla de,

Balliol College,

ballooning, and see Sadler, Jas.

Bampton, Wm.,

-, Cote in,


Banbury Co-operative Society,

Banbury Road, Oxf.,

Bancroft, John, bp. of Oxf.,

Band of Hope,

Banger, Geo.,

banking, and see Lloyd's; London and County; Midland; National Westminster; Old Bank; Oxf. Savings Bank

-, Wm.,
-, -,

-, chars.,
-, sch.,
-, and see New Road Baptist ch.

Barbados (W. Indies),

-, guild,

Bardgett, Jos.,

-, Agnes, see Bost
-, Gillian of, m. 1 John of Hampton, 2 Wm. Dagville, 3 Thos. of Cowley,
-, John of,

Barford St. Michael,

bargemen, boatmen, and watermen,
-, boatmen's chap., see St. Thomas's par. (chaps.)

-, Hugh,
-, John,

-, Edw.,
-, Thos.,

Barkworth, S. M.,

Barns Road,

Barons' Wars,

Barry, John, n,

Barton, Rob.,

Barton, housing estate,

Barton Abbey,

-, Alice, m. John Biset,
-, Fulk,
-, Phil.,
-, Philippe, ctss. of Warwick,
-, Thos.,

Basset's fee, see Biset fee

Bath (Som.),

Bath and Wells, bp. of, see Giffard, Wal.

Bathford (Som.),

baths, public, and see swimming

-, Ralph,
-, S. E.,

battles and other military incidents, and see Baron's Wars; Civil War; Crimean War; Danes; Edgehill; First World War; Hundred Years War; Lewes; Monmouth's Rebellion; Napoleonic Wars; Peasants' Revolt; Radcot Bridge; Scotland (Scottish Wars); Second World War; sieges; Tewkesbury

Bayley (Bayly), see Bailey

Bayswater, Oxf.,
-, Hill,

Bazeley, H. C.,

Beacon Hill (near Eynsham),

Beaconsfield (Bucks.),

Beam Hall,

-, queen's 'bearward',

Bear Lane,

Beard, Chas.,

Beauchamp, Ela, ctss. of Warwick,

Beaumont Buildings,

Beaumont fields,

Beaumont Palace, see Carmelite friary; king's houses

Beaumont Street,

Beaver House,


Becket, Thos.,
-, cult of,

-, Agnes of, see Bost
-, John of,

Bedford, earl of, see Russell, Francis


Bedford's Lane,

Bedfordshire, and see Bedford; Luton

Bedston, Wm.,

Beechcroft Road,

Beef Hall,

Beef (Beef Hall) Lane,

Bek, Thos.,

Belcher, John,

-, Chas.,
-, John,
-, Sir Rob.,

Belloc, Hilaire,

Belsyre Court,

Benedict, saint,

benefit societies, see societies

Benet, Hugh,

Benseval Street,

Benson, R. M.,

Berkeley Castle (Glos.),

Berkshire, earl of, see Howard, Thos.

-, Charity,
-, Downs,
-, Sheriff,
-, Society,
-, and see Hormer hundred, and under names of particular parishes

Bermondsey, see London

Bernard, John s. of, see John son of Bernard


Berry, John,

-, Hen.,
-, Jas., Ld. Norreys, later earl of Abingdon,
-, Montagu, earl of Abingdon,
-, Montagu Art., earl of Abingdon,
-, Peregrine,
-, Willoughby, earl of Abingdon (d. 1760), n,
-, Willoughby, earl of Abingdon (d. 1799),
-, fam.,
-, and see Venables-Bertie

Besselsleigh (Berks.),

Bettrice, Ric.,

Betts, Thos.,

Beverley (Yorks. E. R.), n

Bibury (Glos.),

-, Alice, m. Ric. Cary,
-, Eleanor of, see Worminghall
-, Margery of,
-, Nic. of,
-, Wm. of,


Bickerton, Jos.,

Bidder, H. J.,

Bignell, Hen.,

Billings, John,

Billingsley, Thos.,

-, agric.,
-, called Thornbury,
-, ch.,
-, ct.,
-, green,
-, Langney in,
-, man.,
-, Perch inn,
-, rights in Port Meadow,
-, road to,
-, St. Margaret's well,
-, sch.,
-, taxation,
-, Wyke in,

-, bp.,

Birmingham League,

-, Adam,
-, Alice, see Basset
-, Ela, m. John of Wootton,
-, Isabel, m. Hugh de Plessis,
-, John,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Biset (Basset's) fee,

-, Nic.,
-, Wm.,

Bishop King's Palace, see Old Palace

Bishop Kirk school,

Bishopton, John of,

Black Assize,

Black Death, see epidemics

Black Hall,

Black Prince, see Edward, duke of Cornwall

Blackbird Leys,
-, ch.

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Blackburn, Wm.,

Blackfriars, see Dominican friary
-, mill,

Blackfriars Road,

blacksmiths, see smiths

Blackstone, Sir Wm., n

Blackthorn, see Ambrosden

-, B. H. Ltd.,
-, Benj. Harris,
-, Benj. Hen.,

Blandford, Wal., bp. of Oxf.,

Blandford, marquess of, see Spencer Churchill, Geo.

Blenheim Palace, see Woodstock


Bletchley (Bucks.),

Bliss, Nat.,

Blomfield, A. W.,

Blore, E., n


Blücher, Marshal,

Blue Anchor inn,

Blue Boar inn,

Blue Boar Street,

Bluecoat schools:
-, for boys,
-, for girls,

Blundell, Sir Francis,

Board of Guardians,

Boar's Hill, see Wootton (Berks.)



boatmen, see bargemen

Bobart, Jacob,

Bocardo, see prisons

Bocardo House (Shoemakers' Hall),

Bodins Lane, see Frewin Court

Bodleian Library,
-, Divinity School,
-, Duke Humfrey's Libr.,
-, Law Libr.,
-, librarian,
-, New Bodleian Libr.,
-, Schools quadrangle,

-, G. F.,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Wm.,

Bodmin (Cornw.),

Boekman, Dietrich,

Bogan, Zachary,

Boham, Hugh,


book trades,
-, bookbinding,
-, bookselling,
-, and see copyists; limners; printing; scriveners; stationers

bookbinder, Adam the, see Adam

Bookbinders' Bridge,

Booth, Wm., Salvationist,

-, Denise,
-, Gilb.,

-, John,
-, John, s. of above,

-, Agnes, m. 1 John of Barford, 2 John of Bedford, 3 Hen. Castell,
-, John, s. of Wal.,
-, John, s. of Wm.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,

Boston (Lincs.),

-, H. & Co.,
-, Wm.,

-, Alice,
-, Hen.,
-, Wm.,

Botanic (Physic) Gardens,

Boterel, Ralph,

-, bridge,
-, causeway,
-, mead,
-, mill,

Botley, New (Bulstake Town),

Botley Road,

Botley turnpike trust,

Bourne, R. C.,

-, Ann,
-, John,

Bowles, John,


Bowman, Leonard,


Boyle, Rob.,

Brademore, see Broadmoor

Brainthwaite, Ric.,

Brampton, Wm.,

Brandon, Chas., duke of Suffolk,

Brasenose College,
-, bldgs.,
-, founder,
-, Oxf. property,

Brasenose Lane, n,

Brasenose Wood,

Braunston (Northants.),

bread, assize of,

Breauté, Fawkes de,


breeches-makers, n


Brett, Mary,

Brewer Street,

brewers and brewing, n,
-, guild,
-, rota system,
-, and see Hanley's and Swan breweries



bridewells, frontispiece,

-, John,
-, Mary, see White

bridges, and see, for references elsewhere, under names of particular bridges
-, bridge hermits, Hermitage Bridgewright's place),
-, pontage, see taxation

Bridgeset, see St. Clement's par.

Bridgewater, And.,

Bridgewright's place, see bridges

Bridport, Rob. of,

Bridport (Dors.),

Brightwell Baldwin,

Brill (Bucks.),

Brindley, Jas.,

Bristol, Moses of,

-, bp. of, see Hall, John

British Electric Traction Co.,

British Leyland,

British Motor Corporation,

British Motor Holdings Ltd.,

Brittany, count of, see Alan

Broad, Thos.,

Broad Street,
-, bldgs.,
-, mkt. in,
-, and see Middle Row

Broadgates Hall,

Broadmoor (Brademore),

Broken Hayes, see Gloucester Green

-, Adam de,
-, Sir Chris.,
-, Geo.,
-, Rob.,

Brooke, Sir John,

Brookes, Marg.,

Brooman le Riche,

Brooman's well, see Aristotle's well

Brown (Browne):
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Sir Ric.,
-, -,

Brown and Poulson Ltd,

Browns, Thos.,

Bruton, E. G.,

Brutus, the Trojan,

Buchman, F. N. D.,

Buckell, Sir Rob.,

Buckeridge, C.,

Buckingham, duke of, see Villiers


Buckingham Street,

Buckinghamshire, and see Aylesbury; Beaconsfield; Bletchley; Brill; Buckingham; Claydon; Draycott; Eton College; Hillesden; Lenborough; Oving; Risborough; Stokenchurch; Wycombe, High

Buckland (Berks.),

-, C.,
-, J. C.,

Bucknall, W.,


Budworth, fam.,

Bugwell, Durand de,

-, disputes over cottages and encroachments,
-, dom. archit.,
-, changes in built-up area,
-, housing conditions,
-, housing estates,
-, policy and regulations,
-, societies, and see Oxf. Building and Investment Co.; Oxf. Cottage Improvement Co.
-, trades, and see architects; bricklayers; carpenters; glaziers; joiners; masons; painters; paviours; plasterers; plumbers; roughlayers; slaters; tilers
-, and see university (bldgs. and colleges)

Buistard, see Bustard

Bulkeley, Thos.,

-, John,
-, Revd. John,

Bullingdon Green,

Bullingdon hundred,

Bullingdon Road,

Bullocks Lane, see Bulwarks Lane

Bulstake Bridge,

Bulstake meadow,

Bulstake stream,

Bulstake Town, see Botley, New

Bulteel, H. B.,

Bulwarks Lane,


Burcot Commission,


Burgess mead,

Burghal Hidage,

Burghersh, Hen., bp. of Lincoln,

Burgon, J. W.,


Burne-Jones, Sir Edw.,

Burnel's Inn,

Burnham, Thos.,

-, Francis,
-, Rob., author,

Busby, John,

buses, see transport (internal)

Bustard (Buistard):
-, Ric.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,

Buswell, Wm.,

Butcher Row, see shambles

-, guild,

butter bench,

Butterfield, W.,

Butterwick, Rob.,

Byfield, John,

Byron, Sir John,


Cade, fam.,

Caffin, R. A.,


Calfield, Geo.,

Calvin, John,


Camberwell, see London


Cambridgeshire, see Cambridge; Thorney

Cameron, G. T.,

Campion, Edm.,

Camplin, Thos.,

Campsfield, see Kidlington

canals, and see Grand Junction; Oxf. Canal

Canning, Wm.,

Canterbury, St. Thos. of, see Becket

-, province,
-, abps., and see Abingdon, Edm. of; Alfric; Chichele; Cranmer; Janberht; Juxon; Lang; Laud; Parker, Mat.

Canterbury College, Oxf.,

-, guild,

Capuchin friars,

Cardinal College,

Cardinal's Hat (Holywell St.),

Cardon, Thos.,

Cardwell, Edw.,

-, buildings,
-, ch., see St. Martin's
-, conduit,
-, mkt. at,
-, tower, see St. Martin's par. (ch.)

Carleton (Yorks. W. R.),

Carlisle, John of,

Carlisle, bp. of, see Mauclerc

Carmelite friary (White friars),
-, site and bldgs., and see king's houses

Carmelite nuns,

Caroline Street,

Carpenter, John, bp. of Worcester,


Carpentier, Adrien,

Carr (Carre):
-, Emmeline,
-, J. R.,

carriers, carters, and porters,

-, Francis,
-, Jas.,
-, Ric. (fl. 1687),
-, Ric. (fl. 1706),
-, Tim.,
-, Wm.,

-, Alice, see Bicester
-, Hen., Ld. Falkland,
-, Hugh,
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

Case, John,

Cassington, see Worton

-, Agnes, see Bost
-, Hen.,

Castle, Jos.,

-, barbican,
-, ch., see St. George's
-, constables, castellans,
-, mills,
-, freemen's obligations at,
-, mill-stream,
-, prison, see prisons
-, site of,

Castle Street,

Castilion, John,

-, Rob.,
-, Wm.,

cathedral, see Christ Church

Catherine (of Braganza), queen of Chas. II,

Catherine Wheel inn,

Catholic Apostolic church,

Catte Street,

Cavalier Plot,

Cave, W.,

-, Ottoline, m. Phil. Morrell,
-, Wm., duke of Portland,

cemeteries, and see Jews (burial grounds)

Central school:
-, for boys,
-, for girls,

Chacombe, Godfrey of,


-, Jos.,
-, Thos.,

Chambers, Geo., n

Champneys (Champness):
-, Basil,
-, Hen.,
-, W. W.,


-, Eleanor, m. Rog. Colynge,
-, Eliz.,
-, Isabel, m. John Annesleye,
-, John,

chantries, and see under names of particular ancient par. chs.

Chapman, Wm.,


charities, n,
-, alms-houses, and see Christ Church; Cutler-Boulter; St. Bartholomew's hosp.
-, apprenticeship chars.,
-, charitable socs., and see Oxf. Anti-Mendicity Soc.; Oxf. Benevolent Soc.
-, and see prisons

Charity Organization Society, see Oxford Anti-Mendicity Society


Charles I,

Charles II,
-, as prince of Wales,

Charlotte, queen of Geo. III,



-, C. M.,
-, F. J.,

Cheltenham (Glos.),

Cheney Girls' school,

Cheney Lane,

Chepstow (Mon.),

Chequers inn,

Cherry, Hen.,

Cherwell, riv.,
-, as bdy.,
-, as water supply,
-, fords and bridges,
-, mills and fisheries,
-, navigation,
-, pollution,

Cherwell Secondary school,

Cheshire, see Chester

Chesney, Wm. de,



Chichele, Hen., abp. of Canterbury,

Chichester, Rog.,

Chichester (Suss.),

Childwick, Geof. of,

Chillingworth, Wm.,

Chilmeade, Miles,

Chilswell Pool,

Chimney Hall (Logic Lane),

china factory,

Chipping Norton, see Norton, Chipping

Chipps, Wm.,

Chislehampton, Rob. of,


Chitty, Jos.,

cholera, see epidemics

Christ Church, and see Cardinal College; Henry VIII's College
-, alms-houses,
-, bldgs., and see Christ Church (cathedral)
-, cathedral,
-, choir sch.,
-, dean, see Aldrich
-, Oxf. property,
-, Model Dwellings and New Buildings,
-, patron of Oxf. chs.,

Christ Church meadow,
-, Broad Walk,
-, proposed road,

Christ Church Memorial Gardens,


Christian Scientists,

-, A. M. W.,
-, J. T.,

Christopher and White,

Church Army,

Church of Scotland,

Church Street,

-, ancient chapels, and see under names of particular chapels
-, ancient parishes, and see under names of particular parishes
-, cathedral, see Christ Church
-, clergy, and see under names of particular parishes
-, modern and outlying parishes, and see under names of particular parishes or churches
-, and see taxation (rates); tithes

-, John, duke of Marlborough,
-, Sarah, duchess of Marlborough,
-, fam., and see Spencer Churchill


Churton, H. B. Whitaker,


Cirencester (Glos.),


City Chambers,

civil servants and local government officers,

Civil War,
-, damage to property,
-, governors of city,
-, and see fortifications; taxation

Civilian Repair Organization,

Clapham (Surr.),

-, Bevis de,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm., s. of above,

Clarendon, earl of, see Hyde, Edw.

Clarendon, O. S. E.,

Clarendon Building, n,

Clarendon Hotel (Star inn),
-, Assembly Rooms,

Clarendon Press, see Oxford University Press

Clark (Clarke, Clerk):
-, And.,
-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, W. A.,
-, Wm.,


Claydon (Bucks.),

Claymond, John,

Cleobury, Wm.,

Clerk, see Clark

clerk, Jordan the, see Jordan

Clewer (Berks.),
-, sisterhood of, see St. John the Baptist, sisters of

-, Geof. de (d. by 1135),
-, Geof. de (fl. 1166),


cloth, see textile ind.

Clothing Fund,

clothing ind., and see cappers; furriers; hosiers; hurers; milliners; shepster; tailors

clubs, see societies

Cnut, king,

Coach and Horse Yard,

-, coachmen,
-, coachbuilders,

Coal Fund,


cobblers, see shoemakers

-, Reynold of,
-, Thos., bp. of Worcester,

Cockerell, C. R.,

-, cockpits,

Cockpit inn,

Codd, F.,

coffee-houses, and see Seal's

Cogan, Thos.,

Cogges, barony of,

Colchester, Ld., see Abbot

Colchester (Essex),

Cold Arbour,

Colenso, J. W., bp. of Natal,

-, Alice of, see Kingston
-, John of (d. c. 1274),
-, John of (d. 1325),
-, Nic. of,

College, see Golledge

Collingwood, Sam.,

Collins, Chas.,

Columbanus, abbot of Eynsham,

-, Eleanor, see Chandos
-, Rog.,

-, John,
-, Thos. and his w.,

Comber, John,

Committee for Indemnity,

Communist party,

Comper, J. N.,

Compton, Fenny (Warws.),

Conant, John,


Congregation House, see St. Mary the Virgin par. (ch.)


Conopius, Nat.,

Conservative Freehold Land Society,


Cook (Cooke),
-, Gilb.,
-, Hen.,
-, John,

-, guild,

-, F. T.,
-, Frank and his w. Jane,
-, Frank, Ltd.,
-, Thos.,

Co-operative Society,


-, Sir Wm.,
-, fam.,


Corby, Frank,

cordwainers, see shoemakers

corn trade,
-, corn-exchanges,
-, corn-markets,

Corne, Wm.,

Cornish, Hen.,

Cornmarket (Northgate) Street,
-, bldgs.,
-, mkt. in, see corn trade (corn-markets)

-, duke of, see Edward
-, earls of, see Edmund; Gaveston; Richard

Cornwall, and see Bodmin

coronation feast, Oxf. service at,

-, in general, and see, for particular corpn. interests and connexions, under appropriate subjects, especially apprenticeship; baths; Board of Guardians; bridewells; bridges; building; carriers; castle (mills); cemeteries; charities; Civil War; coaching; coronation feast; courts; drainage; education; electricity supply; epidemics; fairs; fee farm; fires; fisheries; fortifications; franchise, riding of; gas-supply; guilds; inns; libraries; Little- more (hosp.); markets; parks; Parliament; Paving Commission; Penniless Bench; police; politics; poor-relief; Port Meadow; prisons; public health; railways; religious life; river navigation; roads; royal visits; St. Martin's par. (ch.); sports and pastimes; streets; taxation; theatre; tolls; town- and-gown relations; trade; transport; vagrancy; waste; watersupply
-, archives,
-, armour,
-, arms (heraldic),
-, bdy. of city and liberty, and see franchise, riding of
-, burgesses, greater and lesser, and see corpn. (freemen)
-, by-laws,
-, charters and privileges,
-, city ch., see All Saints; St. Martin's; St. Michael at the North Gate
-, city lectureships, see religious life
-, city regiment,
-, city trained band and musters,
-, civic ceremonies and feasts, and see coronation feast; franchise, riding of
-, common bell,
-, commonalty, see corpn. (freemen)
-, 'commune of city',
-, council,
-, class of bailiffs,
-, class of chamberlains,
-, common council (the Twenty Four),
-, councillors, addresses, ages, burdens, dress and behaviour, occupations, wealth and status,
-, elections to,
-, mayor's council (medieval),
-, meetings,
-, nonconformists on,
-, purges of,
-, Roman Catholics on,
-, the Thirteen (inner, mayor's council),
-, univ. representation on,
-, finance,
-, chest of five keys,
-, city treasure,
-, common chest,
-, Dame Margaret Northern's chest,
-, and see fee farm; taxation (rates)
-, freemen (burgesses, commonalty, freedom, hanasters),
-, admission,
-, as electors,
-, chars., and see Nixon's sch.
-, disfranchisement,
-, foreign freemen,
-, honorary freemen, n,
-, oaths,
-, rights and privileges, and see Port Meadow
-, sch., and see Nixon's sch.
-, and see taxation (levies); castle (mills)
-, guild merchant,
-, hanasters, see corpn. (freemen)
-, jurisdiction, see courts
-, J.P.s, and see courts (quarter sessions)
-, liberty of city, and see corpn. (bdy.)
-, M.P.s, see Parliament
-, mayor's child,
-, municipal bldgs., see bridewells; butter bench; City Chambers; corn-trade (corn-exchanges, corn-markets); Penniless Bench; prisons; St. Aldate's Chambers; town halls
-, oath to univ., see town-and-gown relations
-, officers,
-, aldermen, elections of, occupations and wealth, powers and duties,
-, assistants (associates), elections of,
-, auditors,
-, bailiffs, elections of, income and expenditure, oaths, occupations, powers and duties, and see corpn. (council, class of bailiffs)
-, beadles of beggars,
-, bellman,
-, chamberlains, elections of, income and expenditure, and see corpn. (council, class of chamberlains)
-, common chest, keepers of,
-, constables,
-, coroners,
-, escheator,
-, fairmasters,
-, high stewards, elections of,
-, keykeepers,
-, macebearers,
-, marshall,
-, mayoress,
-, mayors, deputies, elections of, income and expenditure, oaths, occupations, powers and duties, seals, q.v.; and see coronation; corpn. (mayor's child)
-, millmasters,
-, moneymasters,
-, recorders, deputies, elections,
-, scavengers,
-, serjeants,
-, sheriffs,
-, solicitors, city,
-, surveyors, city,
-, surveyors of nuisances,
-, tasters, sealers, and searchers,
-, taxers of houses,
-, town clerks, n, elections of, powers and duties,
-, town criers,
-, treasurer,
-, water-bailiffs, q.v.
-, plate and insignia, n,
-, prison, see prisons
-, property, and see Northgate hundred; Port Meadow; waste; water-supply (waterworks)
-, seals, q.v.
-, waits and drummers,
-, wards,
-, waters, see fisheries

Corpus Christi church,

Corpus Christi College,
-, bldgs.,

correction, hos. of, see bridewells

Corrupt Practices, Royal Commission on,

Corry, J. H.,

corvisers, see shoemakers

-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,

Costar and Waddell,

Cote, see Bampton


Council of State,

-, ecclesiastical, at Oxf.,
-, royal, at Oxf.,

Country Towns Mission,

Courtenay, Sir Edw.,

-, assizes, and see Black Assize
-, central,
-, meeting in Oxf.,
-, chancellor's,
-, city (bailiffs', husting, mayor's, portmoot),
-, suitors to,
-, county,
-, guild,
-, leet:
-, of city,
-, of univ.,
-, magistrates' ct. bldg.,
-, pie powder,
-, private,
-, quarter and petty sessions, and see (s.v.corporation, Oxfordshire, and university) J.P.s
-, univ. steward's,
-, ward,
-, water-bailiffs',
-, and see Binsey; Holywell; North-gate hund.; Oseney; Walton

Cousins, Wm.,

Coventry, Thos.,

Coventry (Warws.), n,

-, Gillian of, see Barford
-, Thos. of,

-, airfield,
-, chs., and see Cowley (Cowley St. John)
-, Cowley Centre,
-, Cowley Marsh,
-, Cowley St. John,
-, chs.,
-, growth,
-, inc.,
-, ind., and see motor ind.
-, Middle Cowley,
-, Military College,
-, nonconf.
-, pop.
-, preceptory,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom rem.,
-, schs.,
-, Temple Cowley,
-, wake,
-, and see St. Bartholomew's hosp.

Cowley and Iffley ward,

Cowley Fathers, see St. John the Evangelist, Soc. of

Cowley Place,

Cowley Road,

Cowley Road Hospital,

Cowley Road Methodist Church,

-, G. V.,
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Ric., and Co.,
-, W. H.,
-, fam.,

Cox, Morrell, and Co.,

Coxeter, Margery,

Cramer, J. A.,

Cranford, Rob.,

Cranham Street,

Cranmer, Thos., abp. of Canterbury,

Crapper, J. M.,

Craven, Wm.,


Crete, persons from,

-, Dorothy, Lady Crewe,
-, Nat., Ld. Crewe, bp. of Durham,

Cricklade (Wilts.),

Crimean War,

-, housing estate, n,
-, meadow,

-, Mic.,
-, Sam.,

Croke (Crooke):
-, Chas,
-, Nic.,
-, Ric.,
-, Unton, n
-, Unton, s of above,

Crombie, Rob.,

Crompton, Thos.,

-, Oliver, n,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,

Crooke, see Croke

-, Williamscote in,

Crosdil, John,

Cross, Solomon,

Cross inn, see Golden Cross

Cross Keys inn,

Crossman, R. H. S.,

Crotch, Wm.,

Crowell, see Holywell

Crown inn,

Crown tavern,

Crowsley Park (near Henley),

Crutch, Thos.,

Crutched friars,

Cuddesdon, see Wheatley

-, bridge,

Culpeper, Martin,

Cumner, John,

Cumnor (Berks.),
-, Cumnor Hill,
-, Farmoor in,
-, Swinford in,


Cursor, Thos.,

Curtis, J. C.,

-, Benj.,
-, Wm.,

-, alms-houses,
-, Provident Dispensary,

-, Oxford Knives,

-, Walls,

-, Gillian, see Barford
-, Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm. (d. 1399),
-, Wm. (d. 1474),

Dale, T. L.,

Dame Margaret Northern's chest, see corporation (finance)

-, Ric.,
-, Ric., s. of above,

Dance, Eric,

-, morris,


Daniel, Eliz.,

Dann, Jas.,

Darby, J. N.,

Darton, Nic.,

Dashwood, fam.,

Daunce, Sir John,

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Daventry, Wm. of,

-, Abraham and his w.,
-, John (fl. 1659),
-, John (? another),

Dawkins, Jas.,

-, John,
-, Thos., his char.,

Dawson Place, Jericho,

-, John,
-, N. F. C.,

Dean (Deane):
-, Hen.,
-, Sir T.,
-, T. N.,

dean, Niel and Ralph the, see Niel and Ralph

Debenhams, stores,

debt, cession of,

-, John of,
-, Ric. of,


Deedes, Cecil,

De Gomme, Bernard,

Denchworth, John of,

Denchworth, North (Berks.),

Denchworth Bow,

Deneke, fam.,

-, king of, see Sweyn
-, prince of,

Dennis, Thos.,

Denton, Thos.,


Derbyshire, sheriff of,

Derick, J. M.,

-, Hugh le (d. 1265),
-, Hugh, earl of Winchester,

Devereux, Rob., earl of Essex,

Devonshire, and see Exeter; Totnes; Train

Dewe, J. and R.,

Dewy's Lane,

Didcot (Berks.),

Dimmock, Hen.,

diocese, of Oxf.,
-, archdeacons, and see Walter
-, bps., and see Bancroft; Blandford, Wal.; Fell; King, Rob.; Kirk; Underhill; Wilberforce
-, cathedral, see Christ Church; Oseney (abbey)
-, chancellor,
-, ct.,
-, deanery,
-, Diocesan Bd. of Educ.,

Dissolution, see religious houses

distributive trades, and see apothecaries; barbers; chandlers; drapers; grocers; haberdashers; mercers; upholders

Divine Love, Ch. of,

Divinity Road,

Divinity School, see Bodleian Libr.

D'Ivri, Rog.,

Dixon, Hen.,

Dodd, J. T.,

-, Jas.,
-, Wm.,

D'Oilly, see Doyley

Dominican friary (Blackfriars),
-, site and bldgs.,
-, 20th-cent. friary,

Domus Conversorum, in Oxf.,

Donnington hospital (Berks.),

Donnington Bridge,


-, Fleetwood,
-, Mic.,
-, Wm.,

Dorset, and see Bridport

Douai (Belgium),

Dover (Kent),

Dowson, -,

Doyley (d'Oilly):
-, Hen. (d. 1163),
-, Hen. (fl. 1208),
-, John (fl. 1545),
-, John (fl. 1646),
-, Nigel,
-, Rob. (d. 1091 or 1092),
-, n,
-, Rob. (d. 1142),
-, fam.,

Doyne, R. W.,

drainage and sewerage,

-, linen,
-, woollen,
-, guild,

Drapery Hall,

Drapery Lane,

Draycott (Oxon. formerly Bucks.),

Drayton St. Leonard,

Drinkwater, H. G. W.,

Drubber, Edw.,

Dry, Ann Lydia,

ducking stool,

Ducklington, John of,

-, Crews,
-, Rob., earl of Leicester,

Dudley (Worcs.),

Duggan, W. B.,

Dumas, -,

Duncan, Mary,

Dunwich (Suffolk),

Duport, Thos.,

Duppa, Brian,

Durand, Geof. s. of, see Geoffrey

Durham, bp. of, see Crewe, Nat.

Durham, co., see Sunderland

Durham College,

-, Jas., Ld. Sherborne,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,


Eadric Streona, ealdorman of Mercia,

Eagle Ironworks,

Eagleston, Wm.,

earthenware dealers,

East Anglia,

East, Frank,

East Bridge, see Magdalen Bridge

East Gate,

East Oxford,
-, British sch.,

Eastwyke farm, see Wyke, East

Eaton, Lucas,

Eaton, Water,

Ebbe, saint,

Eddison, Wal.,

Eden, Sir Fred.,

Edgecombe, John,

Edgehill, battle of,

-, Chris.,
-, Jas.,

Edmund, duke of York,

Edmund, earl of Cornwall,

education, and see Oxf. Sch. Bd. and, for references elsewhere, under names of particular schs.

Edward I,
-, as prince,

Edward II,

Edward III,

Edward IV,

Edward VI,

Edward VII, as prince of Wales,

Edward the Confessor,

Edward the Elder,

Edward, duke of Cornwall,

Edwin son of Godegose,

Ehteard, see 'king's eight yardlands'

Eleanor (of Castile), queen of Edw. I,

Eleanor (of Provence), queen of Hen. III,

electricity supply,
-, power station,
-, and see Oxf. Electric Co. Ltd.

Elim Pentecostal church,

Elizabeth I,

Elizabeth (Woodville), queen of Edw. IV,

Elliot, Ann,

Ellis the Quilter,

-, T. M.,
-, Wm.,

Elliston and Cavell Ltd.,


Eltham, John of, see John

Elvey, Louisa,

England, kings and queens of, and see royal visits and under names of particular sovereigns


Ensworth, Thos.,

-, Black Death,
-, cholera,
-, plague,
-, smallpox,

Epsom (Surr.),

Erasmus, Desiderius,

Erle, Wm.,


Essex, earl of, see Devereux

Essex, and see Colchester; Waltham; West Ham

Ethelred II,

Ethelred, ealdorman of Mercia,

Eton College (Bucks.),

Etty, fam.,

-, Joan de, m. And. Worminghall,
-, Joan de, w. of John, see Kingston
-, John de, s. of Phil.,
-, John de, s. of Wm.,
-, Nic. de,
-, Peter de,
-, Phil. de (fl. 1277),
-, Phil. de (fl. 1286),
-, Phil. de (fl. 1318),
-, Phil. de (fl. 1318, another),
-, Rog. de,
-, Wm. de (fl. c. 1195),
-, Wm. de (fl. 1242),
-, Wm. de (fl. 1261),
-, fam.,

Eu (Lower Seine, France),

Eustace, s. of King Stephen,

Evangelical Catholic church,

Eveleigh, fam.,

Evelyn, John,

Eveness, John,

Evesham (Worcs.) ,

Examination Schools,

Exchequer, in Oxf.,

Exeter (Devon.),
-, bp. of,

Exeter College,
-, bldgs.,
-, rector,

Exeter Lane,

-, abbey,
-, abbot of, and see Columbanus
-, Freeland Lodge,

Eyres, Wm.,

Eyton (Salop.),

Fagan, J. B.,

Fairacres, housing estate,

-, Ferdinando, Ld. Fairfax,
-, Sir Thos.,

-, Austin,
-, St. Clement's,
-, St. Frideswide's,
-, St. Giles's,

Falkland, Ld., see Cary

Falle, John de,


Farebrother, Mary,

Faringdon (Berks.),

Farmer and Brindley,

Farmoor, see Cumnor

farriers' guild,

-, J. J.,
-, Thos.,

Fazeley (Warws.),

fee farm, of Oxf.,

Fell, John, bp. of Oxf.,

felons' and fugitives' goods,

Felstead House schools,

Felton (or Haresfelde), John,

Fencote, Thos. of,

Fenneit, see Sidelings

Fennell, R. W.,

Fenning, A. R. G.,

Ferrey, Benj.,

Ferry Hinksey Road,

-, Adam,
-, Wal.,

-, Ric.,
-, Thos., n

Fiennes, Wm., Ld. Saye and Sele,

Fifth Monarchists,

Figgis, T. P.,

Filleul, P. W. G.,

-, n,

fire-fighting and precautions,

First World War,

Fischer, Johann Christian,

-, Geo.,
-, Wm. (fl. 1814, 1832),
-, Wm. (fl. c. 1864),

Fisher Ludlow Ltd.,

Fisher Row,

fisheries and fishing,
-, fishermen,

fish trade,
-, fishmongers,

FitzAlan, John,

FitzCount, Brian,

FitzGerald, Warin,

FitzWalter, Ld., see Radcliffe, John

Flanders, men from,

Flavel, G. R. S.,


-, Ric., bp. of Lincoln,
-, Wm.,

-, C. J. H.,
-, Eliz.,
-, Jas.,
-, Wm.,


Fleur de Luce (Lys) inn,

-, Ralph (d. 1578),
-, Ralph (fl. 1612),
-, Ralph (fl. 1674),
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

-, floodable land,

Flying Horse inn,

Folly Bridge,
-, rebuilding of,

food and drink (victualling) trades, and see bakers; brewing; butchers; confectioners; cooks; fish trade;innkeepers; malting; poulterers;regrators; tea-dealers


Forest Hill,

forester, Rog. the, see Roger the forester

-, John,
-, Ric.,

-, Civil War,
-, and see castle; East Gate; Friar Bacon's Study; Littlegate;mural mansions; North Gate;Smith Gate; South Gate; taxation (murage); Turl Gate; WestGate

-, Ric. (fl. 1368),
-, Ric. (fl. 1463),

Fowler, Thos.,

-, Chas. Jas.,
-, Geo.,

Foxcombe Hill (near Wootton,Berks.),

-, king of, see Louis XVIII
-, and see Eu; Gaul; Orléans; Paris

franchise (liberty), riding of,

franchises, see ale; assay; bread; escheats; felons' and fugitives' goods; frankpledge; gallows; infangthief; pillory; pleas; sac and soc; toll and teme; tumbrel; vee de naam; waifs and strays; weights and measures; wine, assize of; writs

Franciscan friary (Grey or Minorfriars),
-, site and bldgs.,
-, and see Capuchin friars

-, Eliza,
-, Geo.,
-, Thos.,

frankpledge, view of,

fraternities, religious, see guilds

Frederick, duke of York,

Frederick, prince of Würtemburg,

Frederick William III, King of Prussia,

Free, Edw. Drax,

Freelands, housing estate,

Freeling, G. N.,

Freemantle, W. H., dean of Ripon,

Freewater stone,

French, T. V., bp. of Lahore,

Frenchay Road,

-, Edw.,
-, Thos., n,
-, Wm. (d. 1546),
-, Wm. (fl. 1574),
-, fam., n

Frewin (Frewen):
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,

Frewin Court (formerly Bodin's Lane),

Frewin Hall,

Friar Bacon's Study (New Gate,Bachelor's Tower, Welcome's Folly),

Friars Minor, see Franciscan friary

Friars of the Sack,

Frideswide, saint,
-, shrine,
-, translations,

Frideswide's (St. Frideswide's) Lane,

friendly societies, see societies and clubs

Friends (Quakers),

Frilsham (Berks.),

Fry, C. B.,

Fulk son of Ranulph,


Fulsey, Jane,

fur trade,


Furse, Thos.,

Fyfield (Berks.),

Fysshe, Thos.,

Gadre hundred,

Gage, Sir Hen.,

Galpin, John,


gardens and orchards, around Oxf., and see Botanic Garden
-, gardeners, market gardeners, and nurserymen,

-, Bridget,
-, Chas.,
-, Wm.,



Garston (or Mercer), Ric.,

gas supply,
-, gasworks, and see Oxf. Gas Light and Coke Co.


Gaveston, Peter, earl of Cornwall,

Genoa, merchants from,

Geoffrey son of Durand,

George I,

George III,

George IV,
-, as prince regent,

George V,

George Hall,

George Hotel,

George Street,

George Street Congregational Church,

Gerland, Nic.,

-, men from,
-, and see Bonn

-, John. (fl. 1386),
-, John, s. of above,

-, Grinling,
-, Wm.,

-, Osbert,
-, Wal. (fl. 1086),
-, Wal., bp. of Bath and Wells,

Gilbert, Thos.,

Giles, Gough, and Trollope,

Gilkes, Rob.,

Gill (Gylle), Joan,

Gillet, C. E.,

Gillett and Co.,

Gingiver, Wm.,

Gipsy Lane, housing estate,

Glamorgan, and see Swansea

glass, painted or stained,


Glemham, Sir Thos.,

Gloucester, earl of, see Robert

-, archdeacon of, see Polton, Phil.

Gloucester College,

Gloucester Green (Broken Hayes),
-, housing development,
-, mkts. and fairs,

Gloucester Hall,

Gloucestershire, and see Berkeley Castle; Bibury; Cheltenham; Cirencester; Gloucester;Hailes; Sherborne

-, guild,
-, Oxford gloves,

Glympton, Edw.,

Glyn Dwr, Owain,

Goad, John,

Godegose, Edwin s. of, see Edwin

-, abbey,
-, abbess,
-, Oxf. property,
-, site,
-, Bridge,
-, mill,


Golden Cross (Cross) inn,

-, John. (fl. 1279),
-, John. (fl. early 14th cent.),
-, (or Wylde), Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, fam.,

goldsmiths, see smiths

Golledge (or College), Edw.,

-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, Master Thos.,
-, fam.,

Goodwin, Wm.,

Goore, John,

Gordon Walker, P. C.,

Goring, Hen.,

Gosford, see Kidlington

Goulburn, E. M.,

Gowers, W. R.,

-, John,
-, Marg.,

Grafton, Chas.,

Grand Junction Canal,

Grandpont, Thos. of,

-, causeway, and see Folly Bridge
-, Grandpont House,
-, suburb, medieval,
-, suburb, modern,
-, ch., see St. Matthew's
-, tithing,

Grave, Rob.,

Gravel Walk,

Gray, see Grey


Great Western Rly.,
-, workshops,

-, Chas.,
-, J. R.,

Green ditch,

Greenshields, J.,

Gregory, John,

Gresswell, Ric.,

Grey (Gray):
-, Frank,
-, Hen., duke of Suffolk,
-, Sir Wal.,

Greycoat school,

Greyfriars, see Franciscan friary mill,

Greyfriars (Paradise House),

Greyhound inn,

Greyhound meadow,

-, Llewellyn ap,
-, S. Y. N.,
-, Sam. Young,


Grimbly, Owen,

Grimbly Hughes,

Grissell, H. de la Garde,

-, guild,


Grosvenor and Hall,

Grove (in Holton),

Grove Cranes Ltd.,

-, Isaac,
-, R. J.,

guild halls, see town halls

-, craft, and see, for references elsewhere, under names of particular trades
-, merchant, see corporation (guild merchant)
-, religious (or fraternities),and see All Saints,St. Ebbe's, St. Martin's, St.Mary the Virgin, and St.Thomas's chs.


gunpowder factory,

Gunpowder Plot,

gunsmiths, see smiths

-, Jas.,
-, Ric., n,
-, Ric., s. of above,

Guy the armourer (or tailor),


Gwynn, John,

Gylle, see Gill


Haberdasher's Hall,

-, B. S.,
-, M. S.,

Hackman, Alfred,

Hailes (Glos.),

Hailsham, Ld., see Hogg

Haines, see Haynes

Halegod Lane,

-, A. W., n,
-, Ant.,
-, Bart.,
-, Sir Hugh,
-, John, bp. of Bristol,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, Hall's brewery,

-, in St. Aldate's par.,
-, in St. Thomas's par.,

Hamilton, W. K.,

-, Ric.,
-, R. D.,

Hampshire, see Kingsclere; Southampton; Winchester

-, Gillian of, see Barford
-, John of,
-, fam.,

Hampton Gay,

Hampton Poyle,


Hanbury, Wm.,

Handel, Geo. Fred.,

Handy, Wm.,

Hanks, Geo.,

Hanley, Dan.,

Hanley's brewery,

-, Ric. (d. 1618),
-, Ric. (fl. 1641),

Hansom, J. A.,

Hanson, Sam.,


-, Geo. Simon, Ld. Harcourt,
-, Sim., earl Harcourt,
-, Sim., Vct. Harcourt,
-, Wm.,
-, Sir Wm.,
-, fam.,


-, Cecil,
-, H. T.,

Harehall (Nightingale Hall) Lane,

Hareng, Waukelin,

Haresfelde, John, see Felton

Harington, Ric.,

Harold Harefoot,

-, Chas.,
-, Francis,
-, J.,
-, John,
-, his char.,
-, Thos.,

-, Mat.,
-, N. W.,

Hart Hall (Logic Lane),

Hart Street,


Hartley, John,

Harvey, And.,

Haseley, Great,
-, Rycote in,

-, Cath., ctss. of Huntingdon,
-, Hen., earl of Huntingdon (d. 1595),
-, Hen., earl of Huntingdon (d. 1643),
-, fam.,

Hatchman, Rog.,

Hathaway, E. P.,

Haudlo (Haudlow), Sir John,

-, Alice,
-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,

Haweis, Thos.,

Hawkesley, A.,

-, Edw.,
-, Geo.,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,

Hawksmoor, Nic.,

Hayes, Mary,

Hayfield Road,

Haynes (Haines):
-, Benj.,
-, Wm.,

Head, John,

Headington, n,
-, bdy.,
-, ch.,
-, Headington Quarry,
-, ch.,
-, Hill,
-, Hill Hall,
-, man.,
-, mills,
-, New Headington,
-, nonconf.,
-, pop.,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. rem.,
-, schs.,

Headington Poor Law Union,

Headington Registration District, n

Headington Rural Sanitary District,

Headington ward,

Hearne, Thos.,

Heathcote, W. B.,

Hedges, Hen.,

Hegham, John de,


Henrietta Maria, queen of Chas. I,

Henry I,

Henry II,

Henry III,

Henry IV,

Henry VI,

Henry VII,

Henry VIII,

Henry VIII's College,

Herberfield, Cecily,

Herbert, Peter, s. of, see Peter

-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Phil.,


Herford, U. V.,

Hermitage, see bridges (bridge hermits)

Heron, Geo.,

Hertford College,

Hertfordshire, see Langley, King's; St. Albans; Tring

Hester, G. P.,

-, Mic.,
-, fam., n

Hewes, see Hughes

Hewet, Rog.,

Heyford, Lower,


-, Hen.,
-, Thos.,

Hicks, John,

Higgins, Wm.,

High Bridge, see Hythe Bridge

High Street,
-, bldgs. in,
-, mkt. in,
-, and see Gravel Walk

Hill, -,

Hillesden (Bucks.),


-, Geof. of,
-, Joan of, see Kepeharm
-, Thos. of,

Hinksey, North (Berks.),
-, ferry at,
-, road to,

Hinksey, South (Berks.),
-, Hinksey Hill,
-, New Hinksey,
-, ch., see St. John the Evangelist
-, schs.,

Hinksey stream,

-, J. H.,
-, Jas.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm., n

Hitchings, Sir Edw.,

Hoarstone close, Great,

Hobhouse, Edm., bp. of Nelson (New Zealand),

Hodges, Baldwin,

Hodgkins, Thos.,

Hody, Edith,

Hog Acre ditch,

Hogg, Quintin, Ld. Hailsham,

Holand, Thos. de, earl of Kent,

-, Hen.,
-, Wm.,

Holland (Lincs.),

Hollar, Wenceslaus,

Holman, John,


Holwey, Agenes,

Holy and Undivided Trinity, Soc. of,

Holy Cross, friars of, see Crutched friars

Holy Family church, see Blackbird Leys (ch.)

Holy Land,

Holy Rood church,

Holy Trinity at the East Gate, chap.,

Holy Trinity (Blackfriars Road)
-, parish,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, schs.,

Holy Trinity (Headington Quarry),
-, see Headington Quarry (ch.)

Holy Trinity Convent sch. (St.Denys's),

Holyhead (Anglesey),

Holywell (St. Cross) parish,
-, agric.,
-, bdy.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Civil War defences in,
-, Crowell,
-, ct.,
-, man.,
-, man.-ho.,
-, mill,
-, pks., and see University Pks.
-, poor-relief,
-, prison,
-, rectors, n
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, 'Rome' in,
-, schs.,
-, taxation of,
-, vicars or curates of,
-, workho.,

Holywell Music Room,

Holywell Street,
-, bldgs. in,

Honorius III, pope,

Hook Norton,

Hooper, Thos.,

-, Gerard Manley,
-, Wm.,

Horde, Sir Thos.,

Horlock, Rob.,

Hormer hundred (Berks.),


Horse and Jockey inn,


Horsforth (Yorks. W. R.),


Horspath Road:
-, housing estate,
-, industrial estate,


Hosar, Wm.,


hospital services and homes, and see Cowley Road,John Radcliffe, Littlemore, and Park hosps.; Radcliffe Infirmary

Hounslow (Mdx.),

housing, see building

-, Chas., Vct. Andover,
-, John,
-, Thos., earl of Berkshire,

Howard Street,

Howell, John,

Huckle, Phil.,


Huckvale, Rob.,

Hudson, John,

Hugh, saint, see Avalon

Hughes (Hewes):
-, Chas.,
-, Hugh Price,
-, Jas.,
-, Marion,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm. H.,

Hull, John,

Hulme, S. J.,

Humphrey, David,

Hundred Years War,

Hunsyngrove, Ric. de,

-, Francis,
-, Jas.,
-, Laura,

Huntingdon, earl of, see Hastings, Hen.

Huntingdonshire, see St. Ives; Yaxley

Huntley, Wm.,

Hurst, Hen.,

Hussey, Rob.,

husting, see courts (city)

Huxley, Jas.,

Hyberdine, Wm. de,

-, Edw., earl of Clarendon,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos. and Co.,

Hythe Bridge,

Hythe Bridge Street,

Ibstone, Wm. of,


-, ch.,

Iffley Road,

Improvement Commission, see Paving Commission

Independents (Protestant Nonconformists),

India, and see Lahore

Indian Institute,

industries, trades, and professions, and see under names of particular and grouped occupations, especially architects; artists; banking; book trades; building; clothing; distributive; food and drink; lawyers; leather; metal; motor ind.; physicians; servants; textile; transport; woodwork


Inge, C. C.,

Ingoldsby, Ric.,


Innocent II, pope,

inn servants, and see grooms, ostlers

innkeepers, alehouse-keepers, and tipplers,

inns, taverns, and alehouses,
-, licensing,
-, and see, for references elsewhere, under names of particular inns

instrument-makers (musical),

Iowa (U.S.A.),

Ipswich (Suff.),


Irish, in Oxf.,

Irish, Edm.,



Irving, Edw.,

Isabella (of France), queen of Edw. II,


Isis, riv., see Thames

Isis Street,

Italy, men from,
-, and see Bologna; Genoa; Venice

Iungwine, Rog. s. of, see Roger son of Iungwine

Ives, Wm.,

Ivri, see D'Ivri

-, Jane,
-, Sir T. G., n,
-, Wm.,

Jacksons of Piccadilly,

Jacob (fl. 1651),

Jacob, Aaron,


James I,

James II,
-, as duke of York,

James (Jamys):
-, Francis,
-, Hen.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,

Janberht, abp. of Canterbury,

Jane, Jos.,

Jaudewyne's market,

Jehovah's Witnesses,

Jellyman, Mat.,

-, Sir Leoline,
-, Wm.,

Jenks, Rowland,

Jennings, Homer, and Lynch,

Jephson charity,

-, ch., see St. Barnabas's par. (ch.)
-, housing,
-, nonconf.,



Jesus College,


-, burial grounds,
-, synagogues,

Jews Mounts,

Jobson, Cirques,

John, king,

John (of Eltham), s. of Edw. II,

John son of Bernard,

John the painter,

John the spicer,

John Radcliffe hospital,


-, Griffiths,
-, John,
-, Mary,

Jordan the clerk,

Jordan Hill,

-, guilds,

Jowett, Benj.,

Judge's Lodging, see St. Giles's House

Jury Lane,

Juxon, Wm.,