A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1660: April (3 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp898-912 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1660: April (3 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp898-912.
"State Papers, 1660: April (3 of 3)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp898-912.
In this section
April (3 of 3)
A letter from Paris.
23. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 367.
By my former I mention'd what had passed in the cessation of the new charges upon the merchandizes of strangers, that are imported, as cloth, and other things; so that this trouble mean while is over. But the crown upon every tun of all ships, that lade, is still exacted; and also of those ships, that do not lade, and that according to the amplification of this edict touching the tax. After the departure of the last Holland fleet from Nants, came into that river 2 men of war, to cause the tax of a crown upon the tun to be paid, by reason that those of that country would not believe, that that tax should be in the sea-towns. It is believed, that the court will not come hither till August; and for the voyage towards the frontiers, there is on both sides little preparation at present.
Four thousand foot, and two thousand horse, will be shipp'd at Toulon upon the king's fleet, and upon the merchants ships, there stayed. The orders for the employment of those forces are not to be opened, nor read, till they are all at sea. Monsieur Bartet hath brought from Madrid divers letters for the cardinal Mazarin; and saith, that the infanta is the most sweet princess in the world; and that she hath a most admirable wit.
The marshal de l'Hospital, governor of Paris, is dead.
The Dutch commissioners at Copenhagen to the states general.
Copenhagen, 16/26. April, 1660.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
H. and M. Lords,
My lords, The letter which your H. and M. L. were pleased to write to us, of the
19th of this month, is come safe to hand. We thought it our duty to return an
answer to the contents thereof with all speed; and, namely, that at this present hour the
Swedish fleet of war (except two, that are sail'd to Elsenore, and two more, that are in the
bay of Wismar) doth still lie in and before the harbour of Lantscroone; and none of
their fleet never advanced further seaward than near to the fleet of your H. and M. L.
which lay at an anchor between Lantscroone aforesaid and this city. And this is also really
true, that the Swedish ships of war never took but two Danish vessels, that came running
in amongst them, and which might have afterwards escaped, if they had pleased; so that
the information, which hath been sent your lordships, hath been falsely grounded, and is
an abusive and an erroneous information; and we can with reason, and of our knowledge,
assure your lordships, that not the least damage hath been done to the ships of the king
of Denmark, and of the subjects of the same kingdom, in sight of the fleet and ships of
war of your H. and M. L.; much less, that the hostile actions of Sweden against Den
mark would have been suffer'd or permitted by the said fleet; having always made it our
business to prevent the same. And we are rather of an opinion, that since the fleet of
your H. and M. L. withdrew from before Lantscroone, there hath been far more
damage done to the Swede by the Dane at Sea, than the Dane hath sustained. We shall
not fail, in continuation of our duty, punctually to regulate ourselves according to the
contents of the said your H. and M. L. letter, and use such prudence in the conduct and
management of our negotiation, as we have hitherto used; and we hope your H. and M.
L. will have a favourable opinion of our good endeavours against all abusive and sinister
impressions, which some may endeavour to make.
A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 351.
Right Honourable,
I had by the last post your honour's order and command for to continue to write the
intelligence to him, intimated to me from Mr. Isaac Johnson in his letter; and withall,
your honour's promise to take care for to see me satisfied for my paines, to which I give
full beleef and credit, being your honour's pleasure and command to Mr. Johnson to
signifye unto me your honour's order, which I shall strictly observe. And I will not faile
to write weekly the intelligence to your honour, and the insides of affaires, as possibell as
may be. As for newes, by letters from Danzig, of the 20. currant St. N. we have, that
the peace betwixt the Pole and the Swede is concluded: the articells of it are not yet
divulged, but as yet kept private, till some small appertenances, belonging to the perfection of the treatie, be debated. The French envoye, Monsieur Colbert, is gone from
Wien to the treatie in Prussia, at the Olive, for to intimate to the Swedish commissioners
there, that the emperour offers to the Swedes a cessation of armes for 6 weekes, to which
the Swedes will not condescend, seing it is done out of meere pollicy for to recreut the
forces in Pomerania, especially their cavallery, which the great part of them want good
horses, and are much weaker then they were before. Their intent is nothing elce, but
to gaine time. The Swede will in a short time be ready to march for to encounter the
ennemy in Pomerania. As for the treatie in Dennemark, it sticks on the Danish side, which
insist still to have satisfaction from the Swedes, for the losses and dommages since the first
of September, when the Swedes did refuse to accept the project of peace made at the
Hague; and for satisfaction, they demande from the Swedes to have Bahus in Norway.
Besides, this they demand from the Swedes a satisfaction for the losses and dommages
since the last breach of the Roscheld's peace, and desire to have from the Swedes, Landtscroon, Malmore, and Christianstadt; but the Swedes will never consent to such impertinent
demands. He remaines still to adhere to the project made at the Hague; and if the king of
Denmark does not submit to reason, he will be forced to it. But if the Hollander had not
played the wagg, and had not pretended this and that, the peace had been concluded much
sooner then now. The English express coming from England, being sent to the English
embassaders in the Sound, is past, and gone further in his journey. The treatie at Izehoe
in Hollstein, betwixt the Dane and the duke of Hollstein, is not ended; yet the successe
of it is feared to be fruitlesse. The Danish forces continue still the siege before Tonningen.
This is all at present from
Your Honour's
Most humble and faithfull servant,
De Lawerin.
Hamburg, the 17th of
April, 1660.
A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 352.
Right Honourable,
I made bold to draw up a bill of exchange, for to be payed of your honour to Mr.
Richard Basse, the sum of fifteene pound sterling, the value received here from Mr.
David Hechester, per addresse. I hope your honour will not refuse to pay the sayd
summe, for I have been necessitated for to take up so much moneys for to subsist here;
and formerly I have been at the charge of or postidge of letters to your honour in time
past, which comes to 5 pound sterling, and the 10 l. sterling are layd out for dyet. I
humbly intreath your honour to accept my bill of exchange, and to order it to be payed. I
do engage myselfe (upon the intimation made to me by Mr. Isaac Johnson) herewith to your
honour, to continue to write weekly the intelligence to your honour, and to observe exactly
his honour, and all his future commands. I pray my lord to pay the said bill of exchange,
and excuse me for my boldnesse; and I subscribe to remaine
Your Lordshipp's
obliged and verie humble servant,
De Lawerin.
Hamburg, the 17th of Aprill, 1660.
Col. J. Jones to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 368.
Honourable Sir,
The bearer, Mr. Hordley, hath somewhat to informe you of, which I humbly conceive proper for your cognizance; and therefore I have advised him to wayte on you.
Sir, I am not in complement, but in trueth and reality one, that loves and honours you, and
would very gladly imbrace any happie oportunity to aprove myselfe,
Your sincere freind, and humble servant,
Jo. Jones.
19. Apr. 1660.
Mr. Petit to secretary Thurloe.
St. Vincent, 5 leagues from Bayonne, the 30/20. of April, 1660.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Right Honourable,
I met in Thoulouse with two letters of his excellency my lord embassador Lockhart,
desiring mee to writt the occurrences of this court unto your honour, which I did beginne
there to doe the 23/13. of this instant.
What I have new to saye, is the arrival of the king and cardinal together neere Dax, intending to come on sunday next to Bayonne. Yesterday an expres of Spaine brought newes of the marying of the infantado with D. Louis de Haro for the king of France at Burgos, from whence that court was to come to Fontaravie within the 5th or the 6th May, St. nov.
They saye the mariadge will bee complyshed soone after, and the king shall come back immediately with his court at Bourdeaux, except his eminency, who is to stay at St. Jean de Lus, to work with D. Louis de Haro about some business; which seemes, concerneth rather the strangers then the French.
Maye bee the Spaniards will try to ingage him against the English; but I doe beleeve, if
once their majestys can carry the infantado out of their hands, his eminency will found pretences enough to excuse himselfe; specially, if the parliament cause the commonwealth to
bee united, and soe much considerable upon the sea, that little hopes bee left of a good succez against that nation, who seemes att last to bee in a condition to proceede forward in the
glorious and hapy work of a true stablishment, after so much blood spendeth in itt. The
mareschal of Turenne is with the court. I hope your honor will doe me the favor as to excuse my bad languidge, and give mee the permission to remayne still
Your Honour's
Most humble and most obedient servant,
Re. Petit.
Mr. Downing's memorial to the states general.
Vol. lxvii. p. 233.
The underwritten envoy extraordinary of England hath lately received the resolutions of their lordships the states general, together with certain papers of the admiralty of Amsterdam, concerning a parcel of rye belonging to one Thomas Bawtrey, of London, merchant. And, however the said admiralty are pleased therein to pass as hard a censure upon his memorial, touching that matter, as they have against the corn itself, viz. that it was founded upon misinformation, or not right apprehending thereof; yet, having seriously perused and considered the same, he cannot find, but that the matter of fact, as it is therein set down, is intirely in substance the same with what is set down in the said papers to be matter of fact; to wit, that a certain parcel of rye, belonging to one Bawtrey, merchant of London, was first taken by the Danes, and after by the Swedes, and at last by some ships of war of this state, and sent back to Amsterdam. Nor doth he find any difference in point of circumstance, save only, that whereas in the said memorial it is said, that the Swedes intended to carry the said rye into some place in Pomerania; in the same papers it is alleged, that their intention was to carry it to some place in the Nering, the which, as it is very little distant from Pomerania, so it is not at all material, whether the intention was to carry it to the one or the other.
And for what is said, that the plenipotentiaries of England, in their letter, do only make mention of the rye, and not the ship; but that he, the said envoy extraordinary, in his memorial, doth declare the ship to be an English ship, and so would thereby insinuate, that the less belief is to be given to what is therein demanded; it seems, that however the sentence passed against his memorial is very severe, yet that it hath not proceeded from any over through examination, in reading thereof; the said envoy, in his said memorial, expresly calling the said ship a ship of Lubeck, and demanding nothing but the lading.
And for the reasons, by which the said admiralty would justify the sentence, which they have given, they are such, as, had it not pleased their lordships the states general to have taken the pains to have sent them unto him, he should not have thought them worth the answering; nor yet, that it had been possible for a court of admiralty to have taken away from an honest merchant his goods upon grounds of that nature.
Is it a good argument to say, that the said corn was good prize to the Dane, because it came from a place of Sweden? And what can the consequence thereof be, but an intire making it unlawful for England to trade with any part of Sweden ? And may not, upon the same account, all the ships of this country, which come from Spain, be seized by the English, and be good prize unto them?
Or is it a good argument to say, that neither the Danes nor the Swedes did look upon the said corn as belonging to the English; and therefore, that neither ought they also to do it?
Is it a good argument to say, that because justice hath not been done by one, therefore it shall not be done by another? And yet neither doth it appear, that justice was by either of them denied.
As for the passage in the letter of count Magnus de la Garde, in which he calls the ship, in which the said lading was, a prize; doth that any more make it to be a prize, than the letter of lieutenant-admiral Opdam to the said admiralty, wherein he also calls it a prize? And is it not ordinary (pro formâ) to call any ship, that is taken, a prize? Doth it appear, that the said ship was judicially tried before any court of admiralty in Sweden or Denmark, whereby really to make it a lawful prize, and alter the property thereof; or that the ship or lading were so much as demanded by any, that had interest therein? She was taken by the Danes 28 June/8. July, 1659, and continued some time in their hands, and afterwards taken by the Swedes, and by them carried from place to place, and 3/13. August following taken by the ships of this state. And what possibility in so short a time (and in which the said ship was so oft shifted from hand to hand, and from place to place) for the proprietors to be able so much as to know, to whom or which way to address themselves, much less for the perfecting of a process ? It was from the 13th to the 30th of August, ere any one came to lord vice-admiral Opdam, so much as to demand either ship or goods, altho' he lay so near to Lubeck.
And for what is in one of the letters of the said admiralty, that they are astonished at one passage in his memorial, to wit, that Thomas Bawtrey, proprietor of the said corn, had already spent above 2000 gilders in the prosecution of this business; they may consider, whether it be possible for a merchant to make a voyage from London to the Sound, (thinking there to have found his ship) and from thence hither, and to stay here so many months, and be at the charge of advocates, and the like, for less; and that he must not have been a very good husband to have spent no more.
And for what is said, that in case he find himself aggrieved, he may have recourse to a revision; it is true, that where there is new matter to be alleged, it may not be improper to have recourse to that way; but here is, in this case, nothing of new matter to be pleaded. And therefore the admiralty justifying the sentence they have already given, what hopes, but after a long expence of time and money, they will give another of the like nature ? And besides the injury being done, not by any private person, but by a ship of war in the service of this state, and sent hither by their admiral, it is but reasonable the state should do justice herein, as was this winter done in England, in the like case, upon a ship of this country, seized by an English man of war.
The said envoy extraordinary doth therefore demand, that seeing it is not all denied, that the said corn doth veritably belong to the said Bawtrey, merchant of London, and was never out of his possession, nor ever in the hands of any enemy, by which the property would be changed; that it will please their lordships forthwith to command the said rye to be restored unto him, without farther delay and expences.
Given at the Hague, 29. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Hague, 20/30. April, 1660.
Vol. lxvii. p. 242.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Right Honourable,
I Received yours by the last post, and doubt not but you have since received myne, which
was kept in the merchants hands. This comes to you, and so shall my others for the
future, under that cover, which you directed in your last. As for the business of the Sound,
153 106 34, in short, thus: If you make a shew, that you would send but twenty good ships from the Sound,
244 149 161 41 108 the states generall will doe what you please; but 109 38 535 503 270
491 510 120 83 40 217 44 244 if otherwise, they will doe what themselves please
82 153 with the king of Sweden, 500 536, and that on purpose to let him know, that
it is best for 326 305 him, for the future, to depend upon them, and not upon England. 468 103
207 395 146 523 547. And indeed the fundamentall 58 grudge against Sweden is, 339
140 148 554 346, that they would 395 not doe what they would have had them during the 38
468 88 37 153 441 106 war between England and this state; 41 390 547 207 469 143
463 466; and you need not send one ship; it would be abundantly enough, if
only it be 313 given out, that you will doe it. 72 148. And if that the councell
107 251 84 would but be in 263 362 231 deliberation about it, the alarm 468 199 213
101 would quickly come 325 hither. 135. And you have all the reason in the world to
do it; for that the states generall not only delay the giving whether they will keep to the accords made 286
468 169 503 350 284 477 at the Hague; 375 219 468 319 318 44; but, in the
mean time, 468 71 133 381 393 their ministers do quite contrary thereunto. 67 466 254 107
150 437 441 468 135 154 109 477. And by a paper, which you will find amongst
those, which I have this day sent by the post to the councill, you will see, that there is a
390 neat occasion given 109 for the quite 23 133 40 198 breaking the cessation 140 141 220
239 by sea; 16; the which 416 order 135 is also in itself directly contrary to the agreement
made by the ministers of the states general with the king of Sweden. The Portugall ambassador thinks, that
131 138 400 535 500 536 468 551 England 141 449 416 150 325 109 78 140
467 547 will quite 263 142 desert them 468 100 in regard noe instructions come yet to me.
477 379.
576 23 443 Ormond brought a letter from the king to the princesse dowager 120 441 107 251 143 270 483 311 136 very full of kindness, 207 267 and directed a madam 371 260 89 371 241 ma bon cousine, 524 339 45, which is more than ordinary. De Wit also gave him 308 154 41 3 26 15 a visit privately, 121 441 155 219 362, assuring him of his utmost readyness 477 142 to serve his master; 271 140 466 135; and that, in case 140 43 408 14 479 324 of a treaty, he should be invited hither. 70 466 35 325 468 136. And, in the mean time, he and his friends are daily makeing up their differences with the prince of 58 522 468 69 134 267 50 51 Orange his party. 143 500 468 546 327 422 171. And it is said, that the 142 states of Holland will, 557 503, in compliment, give to the young 170 112 154 110 prince of Orange place of grand veneur, which is now void, 136 493 346 397 155 117 173 38, with power to make 17 a deputy. 173.
I pray that I may have money for my maintenance: I am now five weeks behind-hand, and the councell of state, before I came away, ordered Mr. Frost to pay me, or when I should appoint, monthely 150 l. for my mayntenance, as envoy extraordinary. And I pray, that accordingly it may be paid by him, who is in Frost's place, to my servant Fawley; besid, they gave order to pay me a part of my arrears by Frost, the first of May. Fawley, my servant, hath both the orders; and unless you please to take me under your patronage, as I am by some of that place, I am sure I shall fayre ill. I charged a bill of exchange for one hundred pounds for paying for the papers, which I weekly furnish the councell with, which I dowbt not but is paid, I having ever since my last coming hither been fayn to do it out of my own purse. I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
Monsieur Weyman, principal minister of the elector of Brandenburgh heer, is gone to Bredagh, by express orders from his master, to salute and congratulate the sonne of the king; and heer is talk, that the French ambassador shall do the like.
Mr. Downing to William Jessop esq; clerk of the council of state.
Vol. lxvii. p. 240.
I Received yours by the last, with the inclosed for the king of Denmark, the which
accordingly I delivered to Monsieur Ottho Kraeg, one of the Danish ambassadors
heere, with my own hands, and in the better manner I could; and he hath promised,
that he will take care, and that the answer shall be by me sent you; and if you had
thought fitt to have let me know the matter, which it concernes, I should have endeavoured to have said something in particular to it also; and shall be very heartily glad of
any occasion, wherein I may testify, how much I am,
Your most affectionate humble servant,
G. Downing.
Hague, Apr. 30. 1660. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy, le 24. d'Avril, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 369.
L'Admirauté d'Amsterdam a escrit une serieuse complainte de ce, qu'on ne leur fournit point d'argent; & que pourtant ils seront obligés de rapeller la flotte de Ruyter; qui bientost sera au bout de ses victuailles. Ceux de Geldre & d'autres ont mis sur le tapis l'affaire de Munster, desirant savoir, en quels termes cela est. Le sieur raet-pensionnaire a promis d'en faire ouverture.
Les ambassadeurs destinés vers Espagne se preparent maintenant tout de bon & pour avoir un secretaire, qui s'entende un peu bien sur les affaires. Ils parlent de requerir tel Pester pensionnaire à Maestricht.
Le sieur Cojet a fait pleinte, que Ruyter a prins un navire Suedois, depuis que l'armistice est fait entre cest estat & la Suede.
L'on delibere encore pour donner une response sur le memoire de Downing, & du depuis il a donné un autre memoire.
Lundy, le 26. dito.
L'on a eu une conference sur les affaires d'Outre-Meuse, & demain s'en tiendra un autre; l'on en aura discouru, si le sieur ambassadeur d'Espagne a de l'inclination pour en faire un sin; que dans 3 à 4 jours on en viendroit bien à bout, voulant dire, que l'intention de son excellence seroit de conserver des certains cavaliers, certains ecclesiastiques, & le passage ou communication de navaigne vers Roleduc, &c.
L'on aura aussy eu sur le tapis les ingredients de l'instruction pour l'ambassade d'Espagne, qui ne contient rien de nouvelle alliance; ains principalement une confirmation de la paix, &c.
Mardy, le 27. dito.
C'est aujourd'huy seulement, que l'ambassadeur de France a fait presenter son memoire: que Vlacq avoit desja imprimé le 25. si que son excellence a au grand peur, que le memoire ne tombast en naufrage, seu, ou autre interruption. L'affaire de Munster, & composition de cela, a esté rememorié par ceux de Gueldre & de Frise; mais le sieur raet-pensionnaire a esté absent.
Les deputés en Dennemarc escrivent, que dans peu ils esperent de parachever le traité au contentement de cest estat; mais autres particularités ils n'en donnent.
Sous mains l'on parle d'envoyer une deputation d'icy au roy d'Angleterre pour le complimenter; mais on attend advis de Breda, si on le trouve asses tempestif & à propos.
Mecredy, le 28. dito.
Le sieur president a derechef mis sur le tapis les affaires d'Outre-Meuse, & devoit les achever; si que demain derechef on les entreprendra.
La Hollande a proposé qu' à present, & en ces deux ambassades, on devoit garder l'honneur; que pourtant on devoit doubler le reiglement, au moins pour cette fois.
La plus-part est bien enclin à cela; mais la Frise & Groningen veulent, que ce soit donc general, & qu' à l'avenir cela se pratique aussi bien qu' à present; & à cela la Hollande ne veut pas entendre.
Jeudy, le 29. dito.
Le sieur Downing aura derechef fait pleinte par un memoire escrit, de ce que l'admirauté d'Amsterdam ne fait pas droit touchant la prinse de certain seigle mal jugé & confisqué; mais c'est fulgur e pelvi, tant que les Anglois eux-memes entr' eux sont si mal unys, & ne meritent pas la consideration, qu'ils on fait cy-devant.
Il y a eu pleinte de ceux, qui ont credité de l'argent pour le bastiment de temple au Sas, aux quels on ne paye ny capital ny interest.
Tel Bailly aussy emprisonné & deporté par le conseil de Flandre à Middlebourgh fait sa plainte, sur quoy on escrit au dit conseil.
Vendredy, le 30. dito.
Il n'y a rien eu qu'une pleinte de Maestricht, qu'on y fait quelque turbe touchant la possession ou jouissance d'icelle, requerant la maintenue. Ce qui est mis en mains des commissaires deciseurs.
Estant meu l'affaire des ambassades vers la France & l'Espagne, a esté dit d'aucuns asses froidement, que cela estoit encore chose eloignée.
Derechef est mis sur le tapis le pretendu accord de Munster, & qu'on en desire avoir ouverture. Ce qui causera encore du discours.
La Frise a fait memorer, que la dit province desire estre donnée satisfaction au Dennemarc.
Commissioner Pells to the states general.
Vol. lxvii. p. 371.
H. and M. L.
My lords, as far as I can learn, all differing points, as well between Poland and Sweden, as with the allied Imperialists and Brandenburgers, are now concluded and agreed in the cloister Oliva; and to-day, it is believed, the same will be signed. God grant it may be a firm peace! I hope to send over the articles by the next post.
His majesty of Poland, presently after the subscription, intends to return for Poland.
Dantzick, 1. May, 1660. [N. S.]
P. Pells.
Just now I receive advice, that the peace was not signed to-day,
but will be to-morrow, without fail.
Mr. J. Aldworth to secretary Thurloc.
Vol. lxvii. p. 389.
Right Honorable,
Since my last to yow, dated the 20/30. March, I have been absent from this place,
which have beene the occasion of my not writing unto yow; but being now returned,
and in probability shall reside heare for a considerable time, I shall not fayle to give your
honour a weekely accompt of what passeth in these parts, according as you desire in your
letter, dated the 5th April. The chavalier Paul, commander in chief of the ships of
this place, parted here 3 days past only with four ships of war, and three fly-boats, having aboard them about 2500 soldiers: the remaynder being 5 ships of warr, and three
flie-boats may follow them in 15 dayes, attending only the arrivall of some soldiers, that
are to imbark on them. The number in all will be about 5000. It is generally supposed,
their rendevous will be at Naples, where is to joyn with them 20 Spanish ships of warr,
and a like number of galleys, with about 7000 soldiers; and the pope sends 10 ships,
and all his galleyes, with soldiers also. The states of Genoe, and duke of Savoy, furnisheth ships, galleys, and soldiers; so that in all, it's thought, the army may consist of
about thirty thousand. The French admirall, with his squadron, carryes the pope's standard and collors, which undoubtedly is only to avoid an avarie, that the grand signeur may
say on the French nation. Their designe is either for Candy or Cyprus. It's most probable, their intent is to surprize the latter, whereby to have Turkes sufficient to exchange
for the Christians, that are slaves in Turky. The French squadron hath aboard them
three hundred excellent brass gunns, with provisions for six months; and it is still said,
that assoone as the soldiers is landed, the ships goes for West France. The 3 ships, that
are building, will not be ready this six monthes, for want of timber, masts, &c. The
cardinall Mazarin hath laid such heavy taxes in the people of this province, that they
already begin to murmur; and undoubtedly, in a very short time, great disorders will be
not only in this province, but in many others, the nation being generally unsatisfyed,
especially those of the religion, since the taking of Orenge; which is all, that offereth at
present, worth your honnor's notice; so humbly remayne,
Right Honorable,
Your Honnor's faithfull servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
Tollon, the 4. May, 1660. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
I had no letter from you by the last post; but the post before it, I have had one, with
an intimation, that you had order from Mr. secretary Thurloe to signifye unto me his
pleasure and command for to continue here for to write the intelligence to him, which
order I shall observe exactly and faithfully. I hope Mr. secretary will be pleased to pay
my bill of exchange of fifteene pounds sterling, being but a verie small summe, which
I stood in need for to supplye my present necessityes. As for newes, since my last to you
of the 17th courant, we have by letters from Coppenhagen, of the 14th courrant, that
the Suedes have taken prisoner general Schake, and lieutenant-general Alefeld, the two
chiefest commanders of the Danish army, who have done to the king of Denmark the
best service in the late warrs against the Suede. They were coming from Funen, in a
Hollandish galliot, intending for Coppenhagen, and were mett by the two Suedish men
of warre, which tooke this galliot, with the two sayd generalls, and withall, a considerable summe of moneys, above 60,000 rixdollars. The vulgar opinion is, that the Hollander did betray these Danish officers. The Danes can soone change out their two generalls, with some great Suedish officers, which are their prisoners yet, as the prince of
Anhalt, the lieutenant-generall Ham, the two counts of Waldeck, the count Conigsmark,
and many great ones more. The treatie in Denmark is not yet ended, but it's neare to be
concluded. The Danes stick so obstinately to have Balius for their satisfaction, to which
the Suedes will not consent, not being expressed in the project of peace, at the Hague, the
4th of August. It's reported but now, that the Suedes will deliver the lands about it to the
Dane, but not the castell. The treatie at Ilzehoc, betwixt the Dane and the duke of
Holstein, is not yet ended. It's thought it will take no effect; the duke is able enough
to hold out the siege of the Danes, before he will stand of from his souverainty of Sleswick, being once agreed to him by the treatie of Rostschild. From Dantziq we have, by
letters of the 28th currant St. N. that the peace betwixt the Pole and the Suede is certainely
concluded; the articells of it are not come out yet; some of them you had in the Dutch
printed newes by the last post. The count Conigsmark is now sett at liberty, and is brought
from the castle (where he was prisoner) into the towne of Dantziq. The king of Poland is
much displeased with the Hollander, and with the city of Danziq. There are great jealousies, discontents, and fears, amongst them. Elbing comes to be delivered to the Brandenburger. This being all at present, I remaine
Hamburg, the 24th Aprill, 1660.
Your friend and servant,
De Lawerin.
For Mr. Isaac Johnson, merchant at London.
I send you herewith inclosed onely one Dutch print of this day; there was none elce printed this day, being the great holy-dayes of Easter, the hand-crasty men being at their devotion.
Right Honourable,
I make bold to send your honour my second bill of exchange, and intreats your honour
to make good payment to Mr. Richard Basse. I hope your lordship will not take
it ill, being a verie small summe for to supplie my present necessityes.
De Lawerin.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. lxxvii. p. 384.
My last to Mr. secretary Thurloe, and to yourselfe, inclosed in Mr. Richard Basse
his letter, was of the 24th of April. Since your last to me, of the 6th of April,
with the order from Mr. secretary Thurloe, I have had none in two posts from you. I
must confesse, I am with you at a great uncertainty, sometimes in hopes, sometimes in
fear; but I hope, when the next post from England comes on, I shall be at more certainty then, expecting from Mr. secretary Thurloe an answer, if he hath pleased to accept
my bill of exchange of fifteene pounds sterling. As for newes, we have by letters from
Coppenhagen, of the 29th of April, that the Hollandish fleet hath besett 12 Swedish men
of warr, coming from Landskrohn. The Hollander would not let them passe further,
nor to returne againe to Landskrohn, but desired them not to stirre from the Hollands
fleet, till further order came from the Hollands embassaders; which base action of the
Hollanders (if it continue to be true) will be highly ressented of the Suedes. It's reported,
that the reason of the Hollanders detayning the said Swedish shipps is, that the king of
Sueden refuses to keepe the agreement made with the Hollander at Elbing. Others say,
that because the Suede domineers upon the seas pro lubito, and hath taken 2000 Danish
seamen coming from Norway, and going for Coppenhagen. This newes is come yesterday
by severall letters from Coppenhagen, but the Suedish letters from Elseneur doe not make
mention at all of it, but rather, that peace is neare to be concluded. Betwixt the mediators there is of late a great jealousie arisen, which to remove, the Suedish commissioner, seignior Rosenhalm, is gone to Coppenhagen to make them agree together.
The French and English embassaders have been hard with words together; they have more
yet discovered the Hollanders suttellness; they plague most all nations with their insidelity;
the period of their felicity may be neare enough. By letters from Danziq we have, that the
peace there is concluded; and nothing more but the ratification to be expected. The Polish
parliament is to sitt in the middest of May; I would willingly adde more to this, but at
present I have no more of note. Therefore I conclude, and remaine
Hamburg, the 1st of
May, 1660.
Your friend and servant,
De Lawerin.
I pray, Sir, impart my letter unto Mr. secretary Thurloe, and let me know his further pleasure, with his owne subscription, if I am to continue here, or not.
The yung Graf Conigsmark had leave from the duke of Brandenburg, with a passe from him, to goe and see his mother at Hamburg, upon parole; and intending to return from hence to Berlin againe, was taken againe upon the Elbe, and is brought prisoner to Gluckstat. How the duke of Brandenburgh (whose prisoner it is) will like this folly of the Danes, by the next you shall know it.
Extract out of the register of the secret resolutions of the H. and M. L. states general of the United Provinces.
Martis, the 4th of May, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 390.
Was once more produced to this assembly the letter of the four lords extraordinary commissioners in Denmark, writ at Copenhagen the 16th of April last, directed to the greffier, containing amongst the rest, in effect, that they had received their H. and M. L. letter of the first of that month, and that they would punctually regulate themselves, according to the contents thereof, also not sail to give this state a further account of their proceedings for the effecting of the contents of the said letter. Whereupon being debated, that notwithstanding the said promise their H. and M. L. have not received any letters from the said lords commissioners by the two last posts, it is therefore resolved, that a letter shall be writ to the said lords commissioners, that their H. and M. L. are highly troubled and displeased at it, the more in regard some lords of the government, and also some particular persons in the Hague, have received letters writ at Copenhagen the 17th of April, that they shall not only advise their H. and M. L. with the reason of their not writing, but also send the account, which they promised, and especially likewise, that they do also advise, why they caused the fleet of this state to withdraw from before Lantscroon, and thereby give occasion to the Swedish ships to turn out, and also suffer several Danish ships to be taken by the Swedes in the fight of the fleet of this state, yea after the declaration of Denmark, which was however judged satisfactory by the ministers of the states. And it is also ordered, that they shall likewise inform this state, how it stands with the treaty of peace between the two northern crowns, to the end, their H. and M. L. may take their measures one way or other, with this addition, that their lordships shall insist upon the orders and commands given in the resolutions of their high and mighty lordships of the 3d of October, 30th of January, and the 19th of April last, and to execute the same punctually, and not recede from any point mentioned in the same.
Capie d'une lettre escrite de Bruxelles le 4. de May à neus heures du soir, 1660.
Vol. lxvii. p. 388.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Ma derniere estoit le 1. de se mois à six heures du soir, depuis est party duc de York vers Hollande
le jour d'hier à 8 heures du soir; son retour est incertain; mais selon toute apparence il retournera en bref.
Le roy d'Angleterre est encore à Breda avec grande apparence, et sans doute qu'il partira vers Angleterre, en peu de temps. Le admiral est entierement pour le roy, et le dito roy et duc de York en sont très asseuréz.
Il faut avoir une pe rsonne à Bergues pour addresser le toutance le premier. Tout ce que Monsieur Lockhart desire de pardeçl scavoir, il fautl' advyser distinctement. J'envoye icy copie d'une lettre, venant de la Haye. Toutes les lettres il faut les brusler.
Si le sieur Lockart desire, j'iray bien à Breda pour l'advertir de tout un; cependant j'espere de vous bientost voir, &c.
Substance principale d'une lettre escrite de la Haye le 1. May, 1660.
Depuis nous recevons grande confirmation, que le roy d'Angleterre, qui est presentement à Breda, ira bientost en Angleterre, de tantque le parlement semble totalement tenir sa partie, ce qui apparoistra en peu des jours hors de leur assemblée. D'Angleterre viennent journellement plusieurs grands personnages, pour congratuler le roy, et presenter leur service, et aussi sont partys à hier d'icy deux deputés des estats generaux, ayant charge de presenter au dit roy toute faveur et assistance; aussy dit on icy, que le gouverneur de Dunquerque est accordé avec les Espagnols, ce que l'on croit icy, parcequ'il est recognu homme sage et advisé, &c. au moien de quoy Flandres sera en repos, &c.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 374.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Deare Sir,
The favor of yours of the 16th instant I received the last post, and humbly thank
you for your freedom therein. I shall in this repay you in your own coyne. I had never
a harder task. 10 39 28 9. They have had odd plots 6 29 32 40 39 6 heere concerning the king,
and all means used to win me; and thos failinge, other things were thought on; but I
can assure you, I has intirely secured Munster 38 17 16 5 81 against any, that shall
be for the king, or not for the council of state or parliament. The like is done in most of Ulster, and some
Leinster. Soe that whatever does befall me or Mr. Bury, who walke together, I does not doubt but
their interest 31 40 19 38 17 39 40 2 will not fall; for the army in Ireland for the most part is fixed, I
meane for council of state or parliament. 'Tis true, col. Bridges has note yet the castle of Dublin, nor could it now be done without puttinge things into a flame; 29 11 30 19 7; but I can assure you, the two companies 4 15 32
30 36 11 31 24 19 39 in it 40 3 will doe nothinge without me and Bury. I know not
what you meane about Limerick, havinge never yet heard any order touching it. But I can fully
assure you of col. Wilson, who is in 24 it, 2, and all the garison 12 38 24 39 32 31 2 are very
right. 25 22 23 40 3. I doe monstrously dread the cavaleir party, and if the parliament should be of such, God
only knowes what wil be the evills. I am therefore hartily glad, that the lords, 34 38 16
39 5, I mean of 48, do resolve to fit; 24 40 3; that may be hazardous; but the other
I doubt is certayne. If Lambert should breed any disturbance, we are reddy here to secure
the parliament with our army. I wish our slightinge too much his weakness does not contribute to his strength. I have received your commands concerning Mr. Clarke, who I
will assure you I shall serve as hartily on your score and recomendation, as if he were the
very brother of,
Deare Sir,
Your most affectionate and most faithfull
humble servant,
Dub. 24. of Ap. 60.
A letter of intelligence.
9. de May, 1660. [N. S.]
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Je viens de recevoir cette lettre du 2. de May à 7 heures du soir de Bruxelles, de laquelle
j'envoie aussitost copie à vostre excellence, par ou elle voira le correspondent ne perd aucun temps en les affaires de vostre excellence; et que non-obstant toutes ses diligences, ses
lettres tardent quelque fois, estant cette conforme à celle du 4. de ce mois, j'ay delivré
ce matin à vostre excellence, et contenant ce, que manque à l'autre copie.
Le 2. de May est icy arrivé due de York à heures an matin, et a parlé à Caracene, et fait raport des besoines, qui ont esté faits à Breda.
Le roy d'Angleterre demeurera encore quelque temps à Breda là: ou arrivent touts les jours de 95 134 personnes.
Cejourd'huy est party par Bruxelles une personne Anglois, agé environ 30 ans, blond de cheveleure, ayant une casaque de panne noir pour parti de-là vers Angleterre, ayant avec luy des lettres de consideration.
Le sieur roy d'Espagne a envoié bien six cent mil florins pour conter à roy d'Angleterre, quand il les desire avoir à son profit.
On ne doute pas, que roy d'Angleterre ira en bref à Angleterre pour raison, que tout le parlement est pour luy, et il faira le voyage en bref, et l'admiral d'Angleterre est pour le roy absolument, et la plus-part de la noblesse. 85 149. Sur ce je suis, Monsieur, &c.
Voilà ce que cette lettre contient. J'attenderay cependant les ordres de vostre excellence, en me disant,
De vostre Excellence
Le plus humble et plus obéissant serviteur.
A letter from Dublin.
Vol. lxvii. p. 376.
I received yours of the 10th by Mr. C. and would be glad to hear, that mine are come safe to your hands. From Corke 'tis written, that the news of my lord Broghill's being made lord president of Munster was received with many demonstrations of joy, expressed by bonfires, vollys of great shot from the forts, &c. From Ulster I am informed, that the earl of Antrim, though a papist, has discovered, that the pope did lately send a bishop over hither, who had drawn severall of the Irish to engage under their hands against any of the late king's family. The truth or ground of this you must judge of. The ordinance (as they call it) for the poll-money was yesterday passed, which 'tis thought will amount to towards 200000 l. This day, after some high debate about dissolving or adjourning the convention, it was carryed for adjourning only, which they say is to be for 6 weekes after friday next, at which time the names of persons are to be brought in to fitt as a committee in the interim; yet so that upon any emergency occasion, in the intervall the speaker (who had 300 l. voted him for his good service) is to take the chair, and summon the other members (most of which live or will stay in or about Dublin) to convene again. They have condemned Mr. Chambers's book to the fire, and put him out of salary. Five bishops, Rapho, Kilmore, and 3 others, put in, and have 200 l. per ann. apeece.
No other considerable alteration have happened here since my last of the 18th. I
Dublin, April 25. 1660.
Your very humble servant, 519.
General Monck to the states general.
Vol. lxvii. p. 378. In the handwriting of secretary Thurloe.
High and Mighty Lords,
I beleive col. Sidney, who hath the honour to command a regiment in your imediate
service, hath acquainted your lordships with the reasons, that make it necessary for him
to come into England, and remain here for some time; and he being a person, whom I
very much value, both for his own worth, and upon the account of his noble family and
relations in this country, I was willing to give your lordships the trouble of a letter on his
behalfe, and thereby to recommend him to your favour, that his absence from his charge may
be dispensed with, without any prejudice to him, either in his command, or his other interests
and concernments with your lordships, which I shall esteem as a particular obligation upon
myself, and be ready to acknowledge it upon all occasions. My lords, I cannot end without assuring your lordships, that I have a singular affection to your state, and should take
very great content, if in my station I could be of any use for bringing these two comonwealths into a nearer union, wherein consists not only their owne, but the good of all their
Protestant neighbours. And so recommending your affaires to the blessing of God, I
H. and M. Lords,
Your lordships most humble servant.
Westminster, 26. April, 1660.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy, le 1. May, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 379.
Le sieur Coyet a fait pleinte de ce, que le Dennemarc tourmente le duc de Holstein contre le contenu du traité de Roschild, et au reste en suite du memoire de sieur resident de Bye; mais peu de reflection a esté prinse sur cela.
Il y a eu pleinte des marchands, de ce qu'en la cour de grand Muscovite on sait peu de droit à ceux de cest estat. Ils ont requis d'estre donné quelque charactere à tel Tielman Ackema, soy tenant à Moscovie. Ce que la Hollande a overgenoomen.
Il y a eu conference à ce matin pour hausser la depense journailliere des ambassadeurs de 65, à 100, par jours.
Le sieur de Renswoude, mal content de ce, qu'on n'a pas associé son fils aux ambassadeurs, est sasché de cela. Et la Groningue pour ce qu'on ne paye pas les changes restants du sieurs Isbrants, montants à bien vingt mille francs.
La Frise a sait proposer l'affaire de Munster, pour savoir en quel estat, et pour l'assister. On a dit qu'il sailloit attendre.
Lundy, le 3. dito.
Il y a eu un memoire de l'ambassadeur de Portugal, saisant pleinte de ce, que desja un demy an passé il a bailly memoire, et fait presentation, demandant response et resolution; et qu'il ne recoit rien: requiert encore expedition.
Ceux du Sas de Gent supplient, qu'une fois foit prinse resolution touchant le Verbodemen, ce qui est mis en mains des commissaires.
La ville de Bremen a requis estre enclose dans la paix du North, contre la soustenue de Suede, prétendants, qu'elle est d'autre nature que Lubeck et Hamborgh.
Le Geldre a requis changement de la compagnie de Ehrentrieter hors de Zutphen contre celle de Pinsen.
Le conseil d'estat a sait pleinte de ce, que la Hollande depuis l'an 1655 ne paye point d'assignation ou actes dé versouck du conseil.
Mardy, le 4. dito.
Les admirautés, ou l'admirauté d'Amsterdam, l'a fait si grossiere en cette derniere revision sur un navire de Lubeck de Luytjen Lomans, que les interessés ont fait pleinte icy, allegants que tous les adjoints ont improuvé la sentence, voire ont dit, que c'estoit une Goddeloose sententie; et que c'estoit couper la bourse aux merchands; sur quoy (chose jamais ouyée) les estats generaux ont ordonné, que le cas sera mis es mains du grand confeil, pour en avoir avis. Et le ministre d'Angleterre a grand raison de dire, qu'il n'a que faire de la revision, et qu'il sait bien en tirer raison fans cela. Bref il conste, que la dite admirauté ne fait pas droit tousjours.
Il y a besoigne sur les affaires de Portugal.
Il y a eu trois memoires de l'ambassadeur d'Espagne: les deux sont mis en mains du conseil d'estat; le 3. es mains des deputés sur la marine.
La Geldre a proposée, la Hollande secundée, que e'est chose intolerable, que les deputés extraordinaires de l'estat en Dennemarc n'escrivent rien de ce qu'ils font. Sur quoy leur sera escrite une lettre de reprimende trés-serieuse.
Mecredy, le 5. May.
Il y a eu grand bruit sur ce que l'on n'attend rien de la conclusion du traité en Dennemarc, l'on ne pas digerer la prinse de ces notables officiers Danois menés à Malmo. De Hollande comparurent bon nombres de membres dans la generalité, saisant grand bruit, si que la lettre escrite aux deputés selon la conclusion de hier à esté notablement augmentée de passages et parolles très-serieuses, pour taxer les deputés, et les contraindre à rendre conte et raison de diverses prevarications vel quasi, présupposants, que ç'a esté aux deputés de cest estat touts seuls, et comme si ceux de France et d'Angleterre n'y avoient rien à dire.
Le sieur Downing a esté en conference avec ceux de Hollande, et y a sait les mêmes pleintes, qu'il a fait cy-devant par divers memoires aux estats generaux.
Et l'on prendra l'advis, non seulement du grand conseil, mais aussy de la cour provinciale sur le cas hesterne de la revision de la sentence de l'admirauté d'Amsterdam,
La princesse douariére d'Ost-Frise ayant notisié, que le seu prince son mary a requis cest estat pour tuteur sur ses jeunes princesses, la Hollande l'a overgenoomen.
Vendredy, le 7. dito.
Le sieur Downing a esté voir le sieur president, et luy a dit de bouche, que passés 3 ou 4 semaines il a sait une proposition, selon laquelle il a recommandée la paix au Nord, qu'il n'a pas encore response; mais qu'il insiste encore pour response; et si on ne lui respond point, qu'il doit prendre cela pour negative; et qu'en ce cas tant la France que la Suede font sollicitants d'Angleterre pour faire une ligue et alliance avec l'Angleterre.
Mais si cest estat veut faire et tenir bonne alliance avec cest estat, que l'Angleterre ne desirera rien plus voluntiers. Sur quoy n'est rien encore fait, si non que les deputés des affaires du Nort font admonestés de considerer et examiner la susdite proposition. Aucuns disoient, que cela n'estoient que des parolles chaudes du dit sieur Downing.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloc.
Vol. lxvii. p. 381.
Deare Sir,
I humbly thanke you for the favor of your letter, and what was in it. Since the providence of God hath soe ended my lord Lambert's undertakinge, 'tis beleeved it is much
better he made that attempt, then if he had not; for he would still have bin esteemed more
formidable to his ennemys, and more considerable to his friends, if this happy experiment
had not undeceived both. The one are not a little alarmed here by a strange report brought
over this post, as if there should be a close intended with the kinge, only on an act of indempnity, and a few things of that nature. Not that both houses want eminent old patriots, but
that such are not the greater number. Wee all hope thos pretious rights we have soe
longe, and we thinke justly contended for, will not be exposed, but provided for.
Our generall convention did this day adjorne for 6 weekes. They hope within that time, if things continue quiet in England, we shall have a parliament heere; if unquiet, then they will be in a better posture to settle England. They past this enclosed declaration. It was first mooved by judge adv. Whaly; it was drawne up much more sharpely then now. 'T was not to be stopped, when once mooved. If we can finde any way to keepe civil and military affaires on foot, if I should goe for England ere any one of our number come from thence to releeve me, I shall not stay a day after; or if any com to supply my place, I shall hasten thither. The generall here enjoyned me with some earnestnes to use expedition heerein. I confess I never did longe more to be in a parliament, then I longe to be in this, and that which you mentioned in your inclosed not beinge done, seems to call aloude upon all, that can fit to serve their countrey, to doe it, and keep off one extreme, as well as we have through mercy bin lately freed from another.
The hopes I have ere longe to have the much desired satisfaction of discoursinge fully with
you, and the post barque beinge reddy to set sayle, makes me heer only assure you of the
reall truth of my beinge,
Deare Sir,
Your most affectionate and most faithfull humble servant,
Dublin, 2. of May, 60.
If honnest Cadwallader be neer you, let him know I am his most humble reall servant.
Captain G. Butler to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 383.
I have endured much miserye and losse for this state abroade, and att home, yet never
had satisfaction. That way I have propounded is so modest and seazible, that I am
confident, if you would please but to offerr it to the counsell, it would be granted, I having
ingaged my lord generall by generall Pen. Sir, a speedy answeare is all, that is expected;
and if you please not to favour mee in it, expresse your mind to my friend this gentleman captain Bray, that I may apply myself to some other. My necessitys are pressinge,
and such as if you were sensible of, would cause you to commiserate him, who is
3. May, 1660.
Your humble servant,
G. Butler.
To the right honourable the council of state,
The humble petition of captain Gregory Butler,
Vol. lxvii. p. 326.
That the petitioner served under the right honourable the earl of Essex, Sir William
Waller, and major-general Massey, to the latter end of the year 1646, at which time
the brigade was disbanded.
That your petitioner was afterwards sent for by the lord protector, and imployed as a commissioner into America, in which service he lost his brother the adjutant-general, and six servants, besides 1200 l. in the management and support of the service, and as yet never received his own arrears, or any of his brother's.
Your petitioner humbly prayeth, that you would take the premises into your grave and wise consideration, and allow unto him a commission to call to account all these prize officers in the Caribee islands of Barbadoes, Antegoe, Mevis, Mount Serrat, and St. Christophers, for all the advantages and benefits they have received for the advantage of the English nation, out of which he may satisfy himself his just arrears due in that service, and be accountable for the remainder; and also to grant unto your said petitioner a commission for the government of Tortugar on the north - west part of Hispaniola, with authority to depute and grant commissions to men of war against any, that shall be enemies to your interest.
And your petitioner, as bound in duty, shall pray.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Dublin, the 8th of May, 60.
Vol. lxvii. p. 392.
Deare Sir,
I Confess your last favor of the 1st instant did not a little amaze me; soe unanimous
and greate a progress made in one day by both houses in soe weighty a business may
cause a man to wounder as much as at any thinge has happened in this age, which hath bin
nor unfruitfull in admirable productions. I heartily beg of the Lord, that our steps may be
as safe as they are expeditious; and that we may ascertayne those just rights by an agreement, which we contended for soe successfully in the warr. I'le assure you, many of us
pray hartily for the parliament; and we think we never had more reason to doe soe then
now, our whole settlement being now to be concluded on; and what is now done will
hardly admitt of the least amendment, tho' we might afterwards discover never soe greate an
oversight. I intend, God willinge, as soone as I am releaved heer, to hasten for England.
I most humbly thanke you for your forreign newes. I heere send you the words of an address
to be sent to the generall. It was unanimously subscribed yesterday. Wee longe to receave our
next packet; for by it we expect to see all concluded, if we may judge of subsequent days
proceedinges by the first; and tho' therein also we may be deceaved, yet I am certayne
you will never be soe in beleivinge,
Deare Sir,
Your most affectionate, and most humble servant,