State Papers, 1660: April (2 of 3)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1660: April (2 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1660: April (2 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1660: April (2 of 3)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

April (2 of 3)

Sir Robert Honywood to secretary Thurloe.

Copenhagen, 17/7. April, 1660.

Vol. lxvii. p. 353.

Honoured Sir,
I took the liberty the last night to accompany the dispatch with a few lines to yourself. Having this morning early received yours of the 23d of the last month, (though the post be in a readiness to be gon) I cannot omit the acknowladgement of the receipt of it, and further acquaint you, that as concerning that clause about the remission of the four hundred thousand, we have so far debated it with the Swedes, that we do not doubt, but they are already resolved to quitt it. All the advantage we have proposed to make of it for them is, that some part of their troupes may remain in quarters here, till grass be growen, that they may live elsewher. We are immediately going about the forming of the treaty mentioned in our disparch to the councell, and have our materialls so far prepared, that I hope it may be finished before night, and perfected to be presented to either party within five or six dayes; and to your view by the next occasion. I shall in the interim take the liberty againe to mind you of our desire to returne, when the worke is don; which whenever it shall be, shall beg of God, that we may find the spirits of the distracted people quieted by the happy beginnings and stedfast hopes of the like conclusion of such a settlement, as may be a just foundation of rest and peace to the three nations in all their concernes.

Sir, I am Your very humble servant,
Rob. Honywood.

General Monck to the bailiffs of Bridgnorth in Shropshire.

Vol. lxvii. p. 355.

The consideration I have of the great concernement of the nations in the good event of this next parliament, and the desires I have to contribute my endeavours in any thing, that may tend to that end, give me this occasion of writing to you. I know there is nothing can rationally be of more service to this nation at this time, then that persons of known ability and fidelity to publique and rationall interests be chosen for this parliament; upon which account I do assure myselfe, the request I shall now make will not be unwellcome to you, in recomending to your choyce John Thurloe esq; to be one of your burgesses, in which, as I do undertake it will be for publique advantage, so I shall particularly owne it as an obligation and respect to,
Whitehall, 7. Apr. 1660.

Your assured friend,
George Monck.

Sir William Killegrew to king Charles II.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I hope your majesty will alowe me in their number, who are very glad for your comminge into England, and one, that maye as reasonably as many others have hopes, by your favor, to gett some preferment or reparation for my losses, and make that my designe in my perticuler adress unto your majesty on the account of my neere relation to your father, and his favor to me grounded on his assurance, that I preferred his service before my owne interest; which this inclosed letter, all his owne hand writing, doth clearely shewe; which was the occasion for my so frequent walkinge with him at Oxford, of which your majesty was then a daily witness. And, Sir, that I maye now make good my old caracter, I have no perticuler sute unto your majesty. I wish only to share in the general good of the nation, and doe humbly begge leave to present unto your view and consideration these followinge conceptions, from a heart, that will ever preferr your majesty's prosperety, and the generall good, before my private interest.

First, Sir, your character is presented heere as the most polliticke prince livinge, that understands all the artes of a courte, and as capeable to make these nations happie as any of your predicessors have done. And from this those now at the helme of government doe raise arguments to dought their owne securety; and will therefore bringe your majestie in on termes, such as maye looke like fetters unfitt to be imposed on their kinge, for whom they have so high a vallewe; and at a tyme, when the nation calls alowde for you, as the only cure for all their evells. But, Sir, 'tis conseaved, that if your majesty doe putt on such golden setters frankely, they will rather adorne, then adorne, then clogge your government; and insteed of restraininge your free hearte, you will have more power in a short tyme to grattefy and reward such as have merited favours from you. Sir, I doe not presume to sett your majesty a rule, but to offer unto your consideration some of the discorses, which the kinge your father did alowe me, in my frequent walkinge with him every morninge at Oxford, when his condition was not so desperate as yours since has bein.

Suppose, Sir, that you were now called in without any restrictions, how impossible a worke it would be, to please all those, that have really served your father and yourselfe, with them that will pretend to it. By what I frequently heare is the expectations of many, half the revennue of England will not doe it, did you come in a conqueror. For if your majesty doe but thinke on the numerous clergie, with their famelyes, and on the innumerable multitudes of all those that have suffred on your side, that will expect a reparation or recompence; naye, Sir, it is evident, that all the people in generall doe looke, that you should bringe them peace and plenty, as well as a pardon for all those, who have offended. And I doe feare, you will find it a harder matter to satisfie those, that call themselves your frends, and those who really are so, then all those, who have been against your majesty. Then, Sir, when I consider, how many there are of greate meritt, that you are in honor obledged to consider, who have lost a parte or all their estates, and have ventred far for you; such as maye justly pretend to greate places of trust, of honor, and profitt; and also, that some of the grandees heere, who have now done your worke, will expect the like from you; 'tis not your three kingedoms, that will aford halfe enough places or imployments for them all, which will dissatisfie all those, that miss of their hopes, in case your majesty have all at your disposinge. From such thoughts as these I gather, Sir, that however your comminge in on termes may looke at first fight as a lesninge of your dignety, 'twill prove more advantagious' to your future happiness, then to come in without conditions; for no sober man can repine, if your majesty doe not give what you have not power to give.

Next, Sir, if you come to your crowne as freely as you are borne to it, how will you settle church-government at first, to please the old true Protestants ? And how the Presbiterians, who now call you in, when all other interests have failed to doe it ? And how the Papists, who doe hope for a tolleration? How satisfie the Independents, the Congregation, and all the severall fortes of violent sectaries ? Whereas if your majesty be tyed up by articles, none of all these can blame you for not answringe their expectations.

Then, Sir, for the militia by sea and land, how can your majesty let fall the greevous taxes, which the people groane under, and then defraye that vast expence ? for though some perticuler persons doe desire your comminge for love to yourselfe, 'tis the generall affliction, that invites the generallety to wishe for your majesty, as the only remedy to remove their opressions. But if the parliament takes the care and charge of the militia, the people can have no argument against what their owne trustees shall doe for the good and safety of the nation; and whatever the nation does well, will be honor to the kinge; and whatever miscarries, he will avoyd the blame this waye.

Then, Sir, suppose you alowe the parliament to preferr halfe your councellors to you, and halfe your greate officers of state, they must be your servants, and confirmed by your greate seale, and atend on your person, and no dought will seeke your favor. And then, if any doe not discharge their trusts, they must answer it to those, that preferred them to you; by which meanes your majesty will be well served in emulation by both partyes, and be free from the old custome of your predicessors, to have all your officers faults layed to your charge; which lost our kinges their peoples hearts more then all other thinges. So that 'tis humbly conseaved, if your majesty doe parte with some of these ornaments of your crowne for a while, your majesty maye be now much happier, then in these distracted tymes to have all fully in your owne power, accompanied with the evells, that will necessarely atend them for some yeares, till this giddy humore of the people be allayed by there experience in your majestye's happie reigne.

'Tis also humbly conseaved, if your majesty have a large yearely revennue settled for your owne and famelye's support, 'twill be of greater use to yourselfe and servants, than two millions a yeare to desraye the land sea melitia with. By your owne private revenneue your majesty will have enough to reward who you please, without controule, and maye in a fewe yeares laye up a treasure to your owne use; that insteed of borrowing from your subjects, you maye at any time be able to lend your parliament a grand summe, if occasion require, and be reimbursed againe with love and thankes from the whole nation; and so become the father of your people, and lord of all their hearts; and thus invite them to compliment you into all your rights and royaltyes in sewe yeares; for when they see their kinge is become their best friend, who can they trust before him ? A little honest arte, Sir, this waye, would bringe you to more greateness and power, then any of your predicessors ever had; for the Englishe is to be wonne by kindness.

I am bould, Sir, to shewe unto your majesty these heads, (which I heare will be offered unto you) for argumentation with your owne heart, only because many tymes the conceptions of weake men have inlightned the judgements of wise princes. This is not sitt to be debated at your counceil; yet, Sir, this discorse I have often entertained the kinge your father with in the garden at Oxford, when every body wondred what he could find to talke so much alone with me about. I looke not on myselfe, Sir, as a fitt councellor of state, nor have I any pretention to any preferment or rewarde: I doe knowe, this discorse has nether eloquence nor arte to sett it out; but is really from a true heart, that loves you; 'tis my mite, Sir, havinge noe other waye then my prayers and wishes to serve you in. I shall rejoyce to see you happie; and if I thought any body else would offer these things unto your consideration, I would not have troubled your majesty with these rude lines. But havinge some reasons to aprehend, that some from hence maye give your majestie arguments not to accept of the conditions, that will be offred you, on hopes that France and Spaine will bringe you in on better termes, which I shall ever dought of their good-wills to doe; or if they would, it is not very likely they can, because a forraine warre may unite these nations (now full of solldiers) to their utmost opposition, which is the only hope of the sectaries, which maye begett a hazarrdous newe warre. Whereas by comming in by consent and on articles, you will be welcome, and be secured by generall Monke and his army against all opposers, if any shall apeere; for who can meritt more your trust, then he, who under God has done this great worke for you, beyond the indeavours or the hopes of all your friends, and who has resused the supreme power prossred and pressed upon himselfe?

Lastly, Sir, I do humbly conseave, that your majesty may with honor and safety throwe yourselfe freely into the armes of your people, and rely on such conditions, as they will thinke sitt for their kinge in honor to accept of, who is fully resolved to raise his owne happines on his subjects love; which I beleeve your father's reign will shewe. Such a trust in them must in a short tyme begett their trust in you; and maye make them impose less at present: however, in my poor opinion, such a generall free offer is more then can be desired, and will be more honorable then by submitting to perticulers.

Now, Sir, if all this, that I have proposed, be what you knewe before, 'tis more then I am acquainted with. My excuse is my affection to your majesty, without any designe for myselfe. There be so many, that have merited your favors, beyond any pretence of myne, that my only sute is, that your majestie will be pleased to pardon this presumption to give my opinion in this greate affare, which I doe not thinke fitt to have the aprobation of any man in; but however my good-will be accepted, I shall ever live and dye,
Horsely, Apr. 8. 1660.

Sir, Your Majestie's most affectionate, humble, and obedient subject and servant,
W. Killigrew.

Sir, I do humbly begge the returne of the kinge your father's letter, which I keep as a testimony of his favour to me.

Resolution of the states general.

April 20. 1660. [N. S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 359.

There hath been reported in the assembly, that the heer Huygens, and other deputies of their H. M. had examined the proposition of the deputies of Zeland; to wit, that during the employment of the fleet in Denmark, not one command had been given to any captain of Zeland, but always to an Hollander, though he were younger than the other; which might cause disorders, by reason that it is contrary to the custom of the militia of this state; and that one province cannot pretend any superiority over the members of the union; as also that the states of Zeland declare, that they will not suffer it any longer. They have also complained, that vice-admiral de Ruyter being desired by some Zeland captains to give them victuals, absolutely refused the same; saying, that he had orders to give them none, altho' he had abundance thereof; which their superiors do take for a sign of ill-will, which ought not to be between the members of the union; and having also conferred thereupon, the deputies of the provinces of Guelderland, Utrecht, Friseland (those of Overyssel being absent) and Groningen, have said nothing touching the 1st point, that letters shall be written to all the colleges of the admiralty, that the intention of their H. M. is, that the elder captain shall have the command of a squadron or of more than one ship of war; and that he shall command without distinction of the colleges of the admiralty, from whence he comes: and that the states of Holland shall be desired to yield hereunto. As for the second point, before any thing be resolved, the advice of the admiralties of Holland shall be expected.

Mons. Fresendorf to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 296.

Illustrissime Domine,
Quum adhuc ad sæpius iteratas solicitationes meas, in negotio ducis Holsatiæ, nihil responsi percipere licuerit, et navis quædam hodie ad istas partes abitura nobis scribendi occasionem ad serenitatem suam suppeditet; etiamnum illustritatem vestram rogandam duxi, velit me favorabili responso dignari, quo illud ad serenitatem suam hodie perscribere queam, mansurus de reliquo,
Westmonast. 10. Apr. an. 1660.

Illustritatis vestræ addictissimus ad serviendum paratus,

The princess royal to the states general.

Vol. lxvii. p. 360.

Hauts & Puissants Seigneurs,
Comme la saison approche, dans laquelle vostre ambassade extraordinaire en Espagne doit estre prest à partir, & que les considerations, qu'il a pleu à vostres seigneuries de faire paroistre au bien du prince mon fils, me poussent à vous demander les suittes dans cette occasion; j'auray à prier bien-fort vostres seigneuries de vouloir trouver agréable de recommander les interests de mon fils envers le roy catholique; à fin que par l'entremise efficacieuse de vostres seignieuries, & par les offices de leurs ambassadeurs, la maison puisse une fois retirer de sa majesté les satisfactions deües, à faute desquelles mon fils souffre des grandes incommodités, desquelles vostres seignieuries ont trop de cognoissance pour avoir besoin d'en estre informés par la presente, que j'acheveray par l'asseurance, que je les prie d'avoir, que je suis,

Hauts & Puissants Seigneurs,
Vostre trés-affectionnée amie,

A Breda, le 21. d'Avril, 1660. [N. S.]

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I have yours of the 3d, and going to make my ordinary visit to lord Aubony, I mett Marchin comming out of his chamber, whom I entreated to return againe, telling him, presumed, that after lord Aubony had heard what I was to say, would have occasion to speake a worde or two to him. When I read the letter to lord Aubony, he againe caused it to be read the second time, and explained it in French to Marchin, who beginns his journey to court to-morrow, and intends to leave a letter for the king. I am to lett you know, that lord Aubony was to visit lord Jermin on munday, who entertained him in privat for two houres: the subject of their discours was, the state of the times, and of 452 the king's affaires, 90, in relation to them. That principally insisted upon was, the disposition 322 662 in England to can in the king, 363 505, which, lord Jermin sayd, he was very certaine would be done, if, 232 the wayes to it were 338 not obstructed. Lord Autony answered, 465 127, that he was per swaded nothing ought, and he beleaved nothing 342 on the king's part 446 would bring any impediment to it. I, but sayd lord Jermin, the men, that managed the matters, and have 363 615, the power, are the Presbiterrans. Lord Aubony repleyed, that he tooke every hand to be proper, which would doe the worke, and without examining 252 459 179 of what sect or profession they 342 454 were, he was of opinion, that without 8 [a] more sure way were visably showen, the king should not stick to take his crowne at their hands, 91, that would give it him, upon such conditions, as the givers should thinke 222 fitt to propose. 179, their being scarse any thing, which might be esteemed unreasonable in a matter, to which their lay but one way open. Yow are in the right, sayd lord Jermin, and I am exceedingly glad to find you of that opinion; but I am still affrayd the king will suffer himself to be perswaded. But can you, replyed lord Aubony, (though I know you feare the power lord chancelor hath with him) that have seen 452 the king here, and are but newly come from Flanders, and doubtless has observed his carriage, thinke, that he is not master of his owne affaires, 91, and directs them himself? I, but, replyed lord Jermin, when ld. chancelor hath him with him among his papers, and showes him this and that letter of intelligence, and comments upon them, and that 452 the king, who likes not to 187 be overprest with such knotty and intricat things, would divert 142 himselfe, he may lead him 140 to a resolution. For what I have knowen of the king, 505, sayd lord Aubony, I cannot judg, that he is so easely wrought upon; and I doe beleave, he wil be of the mind to 218 184 enter into his kingdomes 689 91 upon any 346 party's 215 invitation, and almost 456 342 upon any conditions. You have reason, and that is it, sayd lord Jermin, which the cardinall would have him doe: but advise you the queene to be of that mind: she is yet very opposit to 184 senc; but I hope 270 243 she may be reclaimed; 236 127; and least she should thinke wee 27 concur'd to make this our business, goe 194 you in first, and I 143 will follow soone after. But lett me tell you, that for 363 505 the king's abilitys, 151 285 215, I know them very well, and they are very great; and he has given me as much satisfaction in all things, 111 as I could desire: yet I 143 cannot say, that I am 109 contented.

As soone as the queene saw lord Aubony, O, sayd she, my lord, I heare, you say, that the king is 187 to goe to England, and that you are glad there is such 8 229 a 50 layd open 218 for him. Doe not you know, that the Presbiterians are those, that are to invite him? Lord Aubony answered, that he car'd not who they be; that he look'd only upon 228 his being there. 175. But the conditions, sayd the queene, may be such, as they would have pressed upon 363 the king his father 86.

Madame, replyed lord Aubony, a king crowned, and in his owne dominions, had more reason 187 322 to insist upon 368 342 tearms, 541 then an exiled prince, 525, that hath not been 107 accepted by them. 201 540. What would any one have him doe, other then receave his kingdomes by what means soever 454 they were given him? 142? And if some better way then this occurs not, 459 130 what fault is to be 187 113 found with that which cannot 113 be mended? 24? These and other such arguments brought the queene to think, there was reason in what lord Aubony sayd, so as he left 229 322 her in a good moode. 122. Now the judgment, which lord Aubony makes on lord Jerman's part in the story, is this, that he indeed would have the king restored, and rather 201 by the Presbiterians than any o her, 700, not for any adherence 252 228 of his to their principles of saith, 252 402, but that though himself should be denied admittance into England, which he fears 363 the Presbiterians themselves 189 91 wil be of opinion is fitt to be donn; yet he would be sure, that whatsoever should befall lord Jermin, lord chancellor would be 305 excluded, 24, whom he hath very little affection for. Lord Aubony thinks likewise, that he will not perhaps be much displeas'd at the putting 252 of hard conditions on the king, 500, since he may hope, that among the rest, they will not forget 187 322 to indent, that the queene his mother 363 87 should live 8 abroad, 11, provided always her majesty receave 229 her dowry, 176, which it is probable 140 he will manage, 38, as he hath donn hitherto; and so care little for seeing England. Lord Aubony is so much taken with this 791 overture for bringing in the king, 594, that he congratulats with his majesty by a particular letter, besides the directions I have to entreat you to lett him know, how much he is joyed at it. Thus farr I give you the copy of a rough draught readd and approved by lord Aubony yesterday; what remains to be added to-morrow is yet unknowen to me.

Sir, the inclosed was given me this day, and is to be delivered to his majesty. My additionall instructions extend no further, then to lett yow know, that lord Aubony intends at the next visit to tell the queene after his manner, that his joy was so great for this overture, that he could not forbeare to send the king a congratulatory letter upon that subject.

I have seen my lord of Insiquin's letter to coll. Fithpatricke from Algiers, where he is prisoner. He is in health himself, but I am tould his sonn hath lost an eye in that fight at sea, which wee were generally perswaded, was not entertained with the shipp that carryed him. Though now it seames the contrary of what I formerly writt to you upon that subject be true; yet if nothing more ought to be retracted of what I wrote, the volume doubtless would be too great, which Paris will take an order shal be prevented. Thus humbly taking leave, I remaine
Paris, this 8. of Aprill,
1660. [N. S.]

Your faithfull humble servant,

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I have yours of the 10th, and I hope mine by the last poast, wherein there was a letter for his majesty, be come safe to you. I am to lett you know, that 452 563 commandeur Souvres, 175 91, (for which name 925 may stand in the cipher) who is a great confident of the cardinall, sent to intreat lord Aubony to give order, that he might have a place in the church of Nostre Dame, to heare some concert of oure musicke, which was there yesterday; and they two were so placed, as they might conveniently entertaine one another, as they did for a long time before the musicke begann. The affaires of England, which are now the whole subject of mens discourse, was willingly entred upon by lord Aubony, and after they had agreed in the judgment both of them made upon the favorableness of the present conjuncture; the com. de Souvres tould him, there were newes arriv'd that morning by an express, which were imparted to few; and that he would not troble lord Aubony with repeating them, before lord Jerman had acquainted them with them. But lord Aubony replying, that perhaps he might not see him in three or four dayes, he then told him, that for certaine the counsel of state in England had resolv'd to call in the king eaven upon very easy tearms, and that before the parlement sate: that the counsellors now about him, among whom he asked, whether there was not one they cal'd lord chancellor, might perhaps be excepted against, and left behind; to which lord Aubony answered, that doubtless lord chancelor, if his present going might bring the least prejudice upon the king, would willingly condiscend to stay, knowing the king as well as he does; for whether he goes or stayes, his majesty, who beleaves him faithfull and useful to him, is more constant, then to change his affection upon such circumstances; and that being preserved, none knew better then the com. de Souvray, that saw the cardinall expel'd and brought in againe to rise higher, how many ways there lye open at court to compass what the princ hath a mind to. The com. de Souvray tould him besids, that he had spoken freely to the queene, and let her know, that she ought not to thinke of going suddenly into England; and that those, who would advice her to it, or intertaine her with such hopes, were not her freinds; that length of time would be requisit for setling matters there. Lord Aubony thinks this to be an arrow shott out of lord Jerman's bow, and a warning-peec given to prepare the queene for that, which perhaps he may consider to be for his own advantage; it being certaine, that if they (which perhaps he fears) exclude himself, he cannot but be desirous, that her majesty should stay, by whom he lives, and for whom he is 175 91 respected. 184 The com. de Souvray added likewise, that the king ought to leave behind whom they pleased, and satisfy them in all such things; and that the cardinall was of that opinion. The court goes by the way of Parpinian with a few select persons only to the place of conference, there to solemnise the marriadg.

The B. of Drommore tells me, that cardinall Grimaldy is againe cal'd to court, and to be imploy'd to Rome, to mediat the surrender of Avignion, mortgaged, we say, for a sum of money, whereof the one half is to be payd in hand, and the other, (if wee be possest of the place) God knowes when. The situation of it pleases the king; and men say, that it will render the face of France more intire on that side. There remaines, that I tell yow, how I bless and admire the providenc of God, in the great work you have in hand; and seems to be so disposed, as it is morally certaine it cannot fayle of a happy conclusion; for I am much deceaved, if wee shall not see this, that is the less faulty party, and now has the power, prosecute those, who have imbrued their hands in that crime of blood with more violenc then another; and all of them lay their hands on the sacrefice, as the best mean to expiat their offences, and recover their innocence; so as those most interested need but looke on and contemplat, how God hath reach'd forth the hand of his mercy and justice both at a time; his mercy, in restoring our king; his justice, in exsposing to the odium of the people those few heads, that contrived the murder of his father; and what blessings he hath kept in store for England, that after such civill discentions, and such various and ridiculous changes of government, hath rescued it from being the sinke, into which all the excrements of neighbor nations, now after a tedious warr preparing to make cleane theyr owne dwellings, were in all likelyhood reddy to fall. Thus humbly taking leave, I remayne
Paris, this 16. Aprill,
1660. [N. S.]

Your faithfull humble servant,

For Mr. Lawrence.

Admiral Lawson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 363.

Right Honourable,
I was ordered, by the councell formerly, and Mr. Scott, to gett a trustie person to indeavour to gain what intelligence he could off any preparations of forces ether in Flanders or France, that probable might bend towards England; as also what preparation of shipping there would happen in the ports of France, as farr as Brest. And I did make use of a gentleman of Dover, who was heare yesterday, and shewed me a letter, that at Brest what shipping the king of France hath there, are fitting for the sea, which are in number about seven. This person hath and is willing att any time to go over into Flanders or France upon that affair. I humbly intreate to knowe, whether you have occasion, and will have him still to continue to gett what intelligence he can, and to be ready to go over upon any emergency. I heare, the prince of Orange house at Flushen is preparing for the king of the Scotts. My humble service being added, I crave leave to subscribe myself,
On board the London in the
Downes, this 11. April, 1660.

Right Honourable,
Your very humble servant,
Jo. Lawson.

To the right honourable John Thurloe, esq; and Jo. Thompson, esq; secretarys of state, these present, Whitehall.

Mr. Tho. Gilbert to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 365.

Highly Honourable and truly Honoured Sir,
Never was stone more impetuously hurryed downward by the inward pressure of its own natural weight, and the foreign impressed force of the strongest hand, than the sevenfold greater part of Bridgnorth are by the native bent of their own inclination, and overpowerfull sway of their great landlords, meeting together, irresistibly carryed on to an high cavalier choyce of both their burgesses. None could indeed certainly tell, what execution the enclosed engine might do, till it had been fully tryed; but the minister of the place, (a very discreet man) together with myselfe, and a little colledge of our most select friends, setting ourselves critically, as wee were able, to feel the pulse, and curiously to inquire into the temper of the town, doe, upon the best prudential observation we could make, jointly conclude, that the generall's writing would be so far from speeding your election, that his standing would not have carryed his own at Bridgnorth, except he would have declared himself absolutely for the king, and without any such terms, as they hear are about to be offerred him. Such a spirit is there set up, and so active in Bridgnotth, and even this whole county, that I am verily afraid there will scarcely bee on either knight or burgess chosen amongst us, that is not a very high royalist. Being therefore tender either of prostituting the general's letter to a baffle, or your name (ever precious and honourable with mee) to a contempt, you have the letter returned, with much trouble and grief of heart, from,
Shiffenhall post-house,
April 11. 1660.

Highly Honourable and Honoured Sir,
your most faithfull humble servant,
Tho. Gilbert.

You are much more honourable and good, than to need my apology for the trouble I have given you, when you know, it was in my heart to have spared neither pains nor charge, (in a place, where I formerly had so good an interest, as to prevail for burgesses unworthy to be named the same day with Mr. secretary Thurloe) that I might have given the nation the hopefull advantage of your sitting in that parliament, which is so dreadfull to the sober, godly people in the nation; and so much the more to me, as having been the only active minister, as you know, in these parts (though never, as I know of, rashly and imprudently, in the old and young protector's tymes); nay, tho' I never carryed incivilly in the least toward the cavalier party, my best and surest friends tell me, I am so much threatened by them, that I cannot (as they apprehend) be long safe among them; so that I shall humbly offer myself to wait as chaplain upon an ambassador (for I hear the councell is about to send divers). If you think me worthy of such an employment, I have upon that consideration enclosed the last peece of Latin, that hath come from my pen at a late visitation of a new free-schoole in our neighbourhood; whereby you will bee somewhat the better able to judge, whether, amongst other things, my poor stocke of Latine may suffice for such a service.

Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

Right Honourable,
I writ you a fortnight since, in answer to a letter received from you, being very glad of your retorn to act for the publick, your honour being by long experience so wel acquainted with thos affaires. Concorning a good correspondent at the place yow desyre, I dout not but to effect it to content, when I shal hav your resolution, what you intend to spend therein, which must be obtained only by mony; for thos piple cannot be gained but by the force of mony, being profest enemyes unto us; but for mony they wil do any thing; adventure both body and soul too. I shal now wait for your direction, what som to spend, which I humbly conceiv must be proportionable to the information you aym at; so yourself must be the only decyder of this dout. I know yow look not after common newes, such as the currant or diurnal affourds; but to that, wherein the welfare of state consists: such intelligence must be procur'd from principal men in that court, a monsignor, or secretary at lest, if not a cardinal; so that you must not be sparing in the pention, lest the harvest prov accordingly. I cannot approach or addres myself to any man to do this offis, but with the mony in my hand, and ask him this question, whether he wil earn so much mony yearly for writing a letter once a week. Besyds, to avoid jelosy, which the Itallians ar all infected with, I must not speak or correspond with this man myself, but by another hand, which lykwys wil cost mony; wherewith I acquaint your honour, that you may se and know the depth of the charge for your government. If yow wil hav me go throh to setle this intelligence, be ples'd to send me the heads of what you desyre to know, for my direction; as also the mony I shal give, or the yearly pention, which must be paid beforhand, and must be a som proportionable to the quallity of the person, and the intelligence you desyre. If you should ask my opinion, what som wer fitting to giv, I should answer, a thousand pounds per ann. wer wel spent, to hav such intelligence, as I suppos you aym at; and when lest, 500 l. a year pention, and now-and-then 100 l. gratuity, according as the intelligence shal pleas you. Thes ar really my thohts; which I humbly refer to your honour's more mature consideration.

Upon the death of the king of Sweden, the queen is hasting from Rom to her own country; but it is believed, she will very hardly fynd entrance ther. At Rom she is very poore and retyred, and 'tis believed, want of meanes to be a chief caus of her departure; for the pope is weary of her. All Itallians ar streit-handed; they lov not such convertins, as want mony.

This next month the duk of Parma is to marry the duk of Savoye's dauhter, and in September next the great duk's son is to marry the duk of Orleans daughter, for which solemnity they alredy begin to mak preparation here.

This wiek has come no letters from Ingland, which gives much occasion of discourse to the sutle Itallians, who absolutly believ, that general Monk is for the king, having, as they say, brauht in the secluded members, who hav setled the militia in the hands of the king's frends. In Paris the somtyms queen of Ingland gives it out for certayn, that her son is sudainly to retorn, having had promis from them, that ar able to perform. In Holland they lay wagers, six to one, of the king's retorn; and from Brussels, secretary Nicholis wryts, with confidence, as much. God direct the parliament's hands to do that, which is for the nation's entyre good and welfare! I must not omit to let your honour know a passage, that happened yesterday, in discourse with a couple of Itallians concerning the affaires of Ingland, who wer very knowing men, as most of them ar; but because this discourse may be more then this paper may conteyn, I shall give it you in a paper apart.

About a month since the state's fowre frigats, under comand of captain Poole, wer met off Sapientia, going for Smyrna to vittel. Nothing els offers, but that I am,

Right Honourable,
Your faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.

Leghorne, 23. April, 1660. new style.

Inclosed in the preceding.

23. April, 1660. [N. S.]

In the possession of the right honourable Philip ld. Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

I Must not omit to let you know, what discourse happened yesterday with a couple of Itallians, concerning the affaires of Ingland, who wer very knowing men, as that nation generally is. The opinion of the one was, that the approching parlament would assuredly cal in the king, seing the secluded members had prepared a way for it, by turning out the commonwealth's-men from comanding the militia; and being sherifs of the countyes, and putting into theyr places the king's frends and cavalliers; instancing the citty of London, who of itself had an army able to bring in the king, and Sir George Booth, who has now the parlament's authority for that, for which he was so latly apprehended. The other answered, althoh this be true, yet it cannot be imagined, that so grav and wys a body as the parlament will soon forget the late great expence of blood and treasure, as again to set up the said government, that caused it; which would be an action of such levity, not to say folly, that so wys a body could not possibly be guilty of. When the Athenians, Tuscans, and Romans, cast off kingly government, they never willingly reassumed it; and yet it never cost al thos nations together half the bloud it has Ingland. He further said to the other Itallian, You and I hav wyves and children. How soon it may pleas God to send siknes and death, we know not. Would it be discretion in us to leav our children and estates in the tuition of one of the princes, (the great duk's brothers) or in the hands of a marchant of our own rank and quallity, who may be accountable for his administration? Ovum non ovo similius; and that great and wys body, the parlament of Ingland, not only deliver up theyr own, but the estates, wyves, children, religion, and libertyes too, of three great nations into the hands and custody of one man incontrollable; and not rather put thes pretious jewels into the hands and keeping of twenty or thirty of theyr own members, of whom they may frely demand an account at al tymes. This certainly is consistent with right reason, and the true interest of that nation. To say, that they will bynd the king to such conditions, as no opportunity shall be left him; al such must needs vanish with tym, and piple's libertyes must again becom inthral'd, whereof the world is full of witnesses and examples.

Sir Edward Hyde to Sir John Grenvile.

April the 23d, Breda, 1660. [S. N.]

In the possession of Hugh Gregor esq;

The king hath received yours of the 18th from Ostend, and you will easily beleave he wished you a quick and a safe passage, and is impatient to heare from you, after you have spoken with the gentleman. Since we came to Breda, every day hath brought us more expresses than you imagine from England, and, truly, some from considerable persons of all partyes; and all pretend to have great power and creditt with the gentleman, and great hope of disposing him to serve the king, in order to which many propositions are made; and from some, the very advises, which are already followed, you will easily thinck the king retournes thancks to all, and desires them to use all their power to so good an end. Now, as the king resolves to conceale nothing of moment from the gentleman, upon whose affection he relyes intirely, and that whatsoever he shall be informed of by his majesty, shall not be turned to the prejudice of any man, soe I am directed to let you know of one particular embassaye he hath receaved, which puts him into some wounder, and the gentleman will better know, what use to make of it, than the king doth. Here is a gentleman comme from my lady Carlile, who went first to the queene at Paris, and from thence hither, with instructions in writing, which the lady professeth are the gentleman's positive advise, derived to her by the secretary Tompson, who is the sole confident betweene them. They conteyne the gentleman's positive exceptions against the king's being in Flanders, or in Holland, as unfit places for them to treat in; the first, as an enemye's and a catholique country; the other, as too much interested in trade; and so like to take advantage of the king's presence; and thereupon his advise is pretended to be as positive, that his majesty should immediatly goe into France, as a place without all exception, as if it were Geneva, for religion, and a country not at all affected to its interest. You will immagine the king beleaves this not to be the gentleman's opinion; yet he thincks it nesessary he should know it, that he may the better judge what designe there may be in this, and whither in truth Mr. Tompson be like to have any hand in it. There is another thing, in which the king doth as much desire the gentleman's advise. We have, since I saw you, receaved very francke overtures from secretary Thurlo, with many great professions of resolving to serve the king; and not only in his owne endeavours, but by the ser vice of his frends, who are easily enough guesed at. This comes through the hands of a person, who will not deceave us, nor is easily to be deceaved himself, except by such bold dissimulation of the other, which cannot at first be discovered. Yet it is enough suspected by the king; there is somewhat of curiosity accompanyes Thurloe's professions; for he is very inquisitive to knowe, whether the king hath any confidence in the gentleman, or hath approached him the right way; which he desires to know only, that he may finish what is left undonne, or be able the better to advise his majesty what he is to do thirein.

The king retourned such answers as are fitt, and desires to see some effects of his good affection, and then he will find his service more acceptable. Both these perticulers the king thincks fit the gentleman should know, that his majesty may receave his advice, and to know what his opinion is of Thurlo, and whither he be able, if he were willing, to contribute much to his majesty's service: but this being of such a nature, as, being communicated, may be turned to the prejudice of persons, to whom his majesty wisheth no hurt, and may draw reproach upon himself and his councills, the king would not have you impart either of them to any person whatsoever, except the gentleman himself, and Mr. Morice; because, possibly, you may not so conveniently at present be admitted to the gentleman; and then no inconvenience can arise from it. I am,
Your most affectionate, and humble servant.

Indors'd by Sir William Morrice:
Lord chancellor, to Sir Jo. Grenvile, from Breda.