A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1659: October (2 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp763-771 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1659: October (2 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp763-771.
"State Papers, 1659: October (2 of 2)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp763-771.
In this section
October (2 of 2)
Mr. John Barwick to king Charles II.
October 14. 1659.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
370 The death 22 and 138 buriall of 194 171 the 507 bishop of Duresm. 51 103 hath caused
167 70 my absence from London for 210 allmost a moneth; but 94 I had occasion thereby not to be alltogether useless 185 131 to your majesty's service. I was at the baronet's house
106 54 52 402 I mentioned in my last, (whom I now understand your majesty hath had
some account of 73 536 by Mr. Cholmley 63) whither 167 my lord Bruce came at
the same time, and upon the same occasion; and stayd there so long, 195 as did give me 103 several
occasions to debate such things, as were necessary, very fully with 137 both of them 34
both joyntely and severally. And in breif 94 I find my lord hath the same interest, 406,
affections and resolution to serve your majesty, which he had (which, when the truth is known,
will appear better, then some are willing it should be); and 370 74 the baronet is 54 218
firmly fixed, I hope, 185 to joyne his interest with him, 217, whensoever there is occasion. I find also, that their neighbor 536 246 Tyrringham 342 91 34 is of the same piece
with them, and they much desire (and I think I can satisfy them in that particular) to
215 536 have Mr. Chicheley to joyne with them. 252 432.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
The sequestrators make such a doe in those parts, as brings some damp upon the meaner spirits; but as for 370 120 these here mentioned, it 206 219 rather 239 quickens them, only 219 it makes them the more 287 close and cautious. Yet I have proposed 367 such a way for 210 conveighing 131 your majesty's commands to them, 432, when occasion shall require, as 276 hath left them 432 fully satisfyed. I have observed one thing more (which I humbly crave leave to mention); viz. 372 that my lord Bruce is 57 77 218 a person of very high esteem 252 with the gentry in 13 281 those 361 52 parts, and one whom 33 the persons I have here named 257 are desireous may 412 comand n chief over them, rather then any other in those parts. I humbly beg your pardon for this boldness.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
For his majesty 538.
Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.
October 14. 1659.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
SINCE my return I have scarce had time to read yours of September 26. and therefore must betake myself to your pardon for this tumultuary account I now give of
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
The large dispatch 94 I writ a moneth ago was 127 52 left with Mr. Thornton, and is not yet sent, the wind, as he saith, being all the while contrary.
As for myself, I never had any by-ends, but meerly the discharge of my duty; and therfore I thank God I am, and hope ever shall be, the same in all conditions. And for the other gent. this other address will shew you, what I find his temper to be; the reason why I make a particular address of it, I have heretofore mentioned.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
However, the letter you produce I conceive will be of very good use. The thing you
will more wonder at is, that the cleargi should be so much for the king, 370 408, as
I find they are in those parts, by what I have seen myself. My negotiation for Scotland
is still on foot, and I hope may produce some good, or at left may slave off some ill;
but I had reason to fear the danger of interfering, when another way was set on foot,
without 370 139 the colonel's 30 51 privity, being a person of a high spirit, and by whos
assistance Monke must doe his work 281 in that army, 62, if any be done. But as for Ireland, I
have litle hopes, the gent. being now out of a capacity of doeing any good for the present;
and yet I can revive my acquaintance with him, as occasion shall serve. The other
business, 372 that of the church, 249 200, being every day more and more necessary, will
require some paynes from me; and if the gent. you so much suspect faylles of his promise, I fear it will be labour in vayn. We shall now be in a new perplexity for 370 the
province of Yorke; 378; but as for 370 530 the isle of Man, the earle of Derby 48 73 is the
undoubted patron as to the presentation. My sick friend, I hear, continues his recovery;
but I am forry to hear he intends to winter in the country. I shall doe what I can for Gr.
P. I am called off. I beseech you excuse my hast. I am
Your undoubted servant.
I must leave the newes to my friend, that sends this; by whom at any time I can best receive your commands.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
For chancellor.
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, 24. October, 1659.
Vol. lxvi. p. 61.
ON saturday night last the Water-drinker, a ship which came out of the Streights, valued at above 3 millions of gilders, was cast away in Zeland. Here arrived some
commissioners from the town of Munster, desiring the states to put a garison in that town,
in like manner as that of Embden. They offer one of the fairest churches to the use of
the Protestants. What the states resolution will be, a little time will discover.
It's said, that captain Bancker, coming out of the Sound with Mons. Coyet, as embassador from the king of Sweden, is cast away about the point of Schagen; but the seamen and passengers are saved.
De Witt to Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England.
Hague, 24. October, 1659.
Vol. lxvi. p. 63.
My Lord,
I HAVE received yours of the 17th, and I am sorry to understand thereby, that those
of the government of England should make so little account of performing their word;
and likewise so to behave and comport themselves in regard of this state or the inhabitants
thereof, as reason and the laws of nations doth require: however I expect nevertheless by
the next, according to the hope which you give me, the signed convention about piracy.
The exception made there upon the defect of the declaration of the public ministers, which of both the northern kings may be the resusant, is in my mind very insignificant and improper; and is fully convincing, that there is no good to be expected from that side, as well for the clearness of the business, as also in regard of what hath been done over and above; as doth appear by the act of both sides ministers, sent you in my last. Yet however I think it very necessary, that the parliament be given to understand by solid reasons the injury and wrong, which is done us through the non-representation of the made agreements; and that they be summoned to the effectual observing of the same.
I dare not proceed to move any thing concerning any further alliance to be made with England, till I see some effects of those conventions, which we have already made with that state, and you may freely signisy so much to Sir H. Vane and others; for really this state can expect no better usage from any future treaty, which shall be made with England, till they see them make good what they have formerly concluded. And I cannot behold the affairs of the world (according to my apprehension) no otherwise, but that it will be impossible for those of the present government there to prevent by any other means than by a public alliance with this state, the dangers, which hang over their heads from within and from without. Yea, in case they continue in this manner to give reasons of offence to this state, I do verily believe, that those, who at present frame great designs against them, will be thereby animated to put the same resolutely in execution. It may be, that they can see their business more clear, and apprehend the same better, than we can from hence; but in my poor judgment they act so imprudently, and steer such unjust courses, that unless they speedily alter and mend the same, they in a short time will suffer very great shipwreck.
De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, 24. October, 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 65.
My Lord,
I HAVE received yours of the 17th, which gives me advice of the petition presented
to the parliament by the officers of the army, upon which they were to debate the next
morning; and in regard the said petition is full of submissions, it was hoped, that all would
pass in a reciprocal satisfaction, and so the calm would subsist where you are. And this is that,
which was confirmed to me by Monsieur Downing, who gave me a visit yesterday, and
shewed me a letter from Monsieur Lockhart, of the 3d instant, from St. John de Luz,
wherein he writes him word, that the greatest difficulties were determined, which had staid
the marshal of Grammont, and the cardinal was to depart very suddenly to go and meet
them at Tholouse, whither he the said Monsieur Lockhart was to accompany him. For the
affairs here, I send you a copy of a deliberation, wherein you will see the orders sent to Monsieur Nieupoort, to make instance in regard of the affairs of the north, from whence I have
had no news since my last; so that I can write none: only these lords here expect the issue of an
enterprize, which was to be made upon Funen, by the transport of the troops of the
elector, which were met to that end at Kiel; and that, which gave hopes of the good success of this enterprize, was, that the king of Sweden had wholly unfurnished that island,
by drawing away his forces from thence to send them to Zeland, Schonen, and Pomerania, from whence the news is, that the prince elector, designing to take Gripswall by force,
had been twice beaten off in two assaults with considerable loss, the place being very well
provided with men.
Monsieur Coyet not arriving doth cause credit to be given to the advice, which is come from Amsterdam, that the ship, in which he came, is cast away at the Cattegat. This will be a great hindrance to affairs, and chiefly to the accommodation of the north; the minister, as is said, being charged with propositions very pleasing to this state, which is easily to be believed, by reason of the great endeavours used here by the party of the consederates to hinder his reception; but it is most certain, the advice, which is here of the perishing of a very rich ship of this country in the sight of Flushing, the said ship being laden with bars of silver coming from Spain.
A letter of intelligence.
A St. Jean de Luz, ce 27. Octobre, 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 69.
LE duc de Lorraine est en liberté, et arrivé à Iron, un quart de lieu au dessus de Fontarabie, ou il sejourne, et va conferer avec Don Louis de Haro. Hier son eminence,
accompagnée de toute la cour, et des Messieurs de Guise, et le comte de Harcourt, alla au
devant luy à une lieue d'icy; et après-disné et une longue secrete conference, le dit sieur
duc, suivy des gardes de Mons. le cardinal, retourna au dit bourgh d'Iron. Ce matin les
deux ministres ont esté à la conference, en dessein de signer tous les articles qu'ils ont fait,
et arresté ensemble durant vingt et une conference; mais les affaires du dit duc l'ont occupé
toute la journée, et la signature a estée remise à la premiere, non sans grand deplaisir de tous
ceux qui les suivent.
Nous avions desja nommé le jour de nostre depart, et sommes reculez comme les autres Demain le roy d'Angleterre entrera dans Fontarabie, malgré l'ambassadeur d'Angleterre, qui est icy, et confere incessament avec celuy du Portugal, lequel aupres deux audiences, qu'il a eu de son eminence, est resolu d'envoyer le resident vers les Hollandois, auxquels il fera des offres et propositions trés-advantagieuses. Le dit ambassadeur agit aussy incessamment auprés des Anglois, prevoyant que le roy d'Espagne fera ses derniers efforts par terre et par mer contre les rebels. Nous eusmes hier nouvelles de Mons. le mareshal de Grammont, qu'il a esté reçeu de Madrid plus magnifiquement que je ne puis exprimer, et reviendra bientost chargé des presents, et tout ce que l'on demande pour le repos de la Chrestienté. Nous ne parlons icy d'autres choses, que des dons et magnifiques receptions, que les François reçoivent d'Espagne; qui pourtant n'esgalent pas ceux que son excellence a envoyé à Don Louis de Haro, et aux autres ministres du roy catholique; mais l'on parle d'une tapisserie d'une prix inestimable, qui sera presenté à son excellence de la part de sa majesté catholique, sitost que les dits articles sont signés, &c.
In the possession of the editor.
We are appointed by the general council of officers to send you a copy of their agreement, which was consented unto and resolved on tuesday the eighteenth of this
instant, which we accordingly herewith send you; it being likewise referred at the same
time to this committee to take care, that it be tendered to every respective regiment,
troop, company, and garison, who shall be found free to sign the same. We have in pursuance thereof thought fit to send you this inclosed, which we desire you to propose to all
officers and soldiers under your command, for the ends aforesaid; which being done, you
are to return it with the subscriptions, with all convenient speed, to the lord Fleetwood,
commander in chief.
The peace and unity of the army, being much concerned in the dispatch thereof, we
doubt not but all care and diligence will be performed by you. We remain,
Your loving brethren and fellow-soldiers,
J. Lambert,
Ed. Salmon,
John Daberon,
Jo. Mason,
Tho. Kelsey,
Jer. Camfield,
John Disbrowe,
T. Biscoe,
S. Clarke,
Thomas Talbot,
Oliver Edge,
Fran. Allen.
Whitehall, Octob. 19. 1659.
P. S. It is desired, that the officers and soldiers may sign together, of each respective troop and company. You are likewise to leave a large margin, equal with the margin in the print, to the end, that the subscriptions of the army may be bound up together.
De Witt to Nieupoort.
Hague, Oct. 31. 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 79.
My Lord,
My last to your lordship was of the twenty-fourth of this month: since is the post from
England with the letters not come, which we very much long for, not doubting but
the same will bring us advice of the conclusion of the convention about the subject of piracy,
and better effects from that side in performance of the conventions made upon the Eastern
affairs, for the more satisfaction of their H. and M. L. upon their resolution of the fourteenth
instant. The resoluteness and readiness, which is used and shewn here upon all that doth concern England, ought, in my mind, to be required and received with more equity and precise observation of the promises and words passed between them. You may see by the
inclosed memorandum of the secretary Richard, what ill-will their H. and M. L. do draw
upon themselves by their said resoluteness; and if so be all this will not effect so much,
that at least those of England should make good their word to this state, I will believe,
that they will easily conclude, that the affection of this side towards them will also decrease.
By the inclosed letters of the lords extraordinary commissioners to the kings of Sweden and Denmark, and especially by that writ to the lord greffier of the fourth instant, you will perceive, that the lords English plenipotentiaries do make scruple upon the point of the 400000 rix-dollars, concerning which Mons. Downing must acknowledge, that there was no other opinion by the contractors, than that the said point should be likewise a necessary condition, as he hath also in conferences declared several times the same to be the opinion of the parliament according to the instruction, which was sent him presently after the adjusting of the said convention. I hope you will be able to effect, that the said parliament shall order the said plenipotentiaries not to exceed the same about it, much less against the declared intention of the contractors, wherein my own particular is also very much concerned; for I have with great assurance, out of the mouth of Mons. Downing, given that information to their noble great lordships, that the said point, according to the intention of this state, was also necessary; and that upon that information, not without contradiction and protestation of the chiefest members, the convention of the twenty-fourth of July last was approved of by their noble great lordships.
The assembly of the lords states of Holland is summoned again to-day against the eleventh of the next month.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy, le 25. d'Octobre, 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 67.
SUR pleinte des officiers du pais de Fauquement il y eust hier conference, mesme aveque assistance du conseil d'estat, comme requis d'aviser ce qu'on pourroit faire pour remedier contre les executions & pilleries des Espagnols, ayants envoyé quelque renfort de milice environ ce pais-là: le conseil de l'estat, au moins le Sieur Vander Hooge aura avisé, que ces executions des Espagnols comme iniques devroient estre reparèe par repressailles. Mais le Sieur Veth avoit contredit cela, disant, que l'y avoit un bon traitté fait entre l'ambassadeur d'Espagne & ceux de cest estat, ce qu'il valoit mieux d'en faire le partage, & que le Sieur Beverning avoit en main certain bon project & concept de partage, qui avoit apparence de plaire à l'Espagne, & qu'il falloit attendre son retour, & puis l'on en escriroit à l'ambassadeur.
L'on remarque clair, que le dessein de l'admiral Ruyter soit d'attenter sur Funen, ayant pour c'est effect embarqué 3000 ou 4000 de la milice de cest estat: & pour embarquer 3000 chevaux & 1000 à pieds Danois soubs le generall Schacke alloit à Kiel.
Touchant l'edict de France, defendant le fratage des navires estrangerers, devant que les Francois ayent leur charge, & resolu, deu parler aussy aveque les Hanseatiques ou Osterlins.
Lundy, le 27me dito.
Le Sieur resident Charisius a presenté deux memoires: dans l'une il remercie de ce que l'on a accommodé son roy de ces 60 mille francs; requirant continuation, &c. dans l'autre il requiert permission de faire levée de milice au service de sa majesté, disant: qu'il y a icy des officiers & de l'argent pour ce faire. Cela est aussy consenty: aucuns dirent, que donc la necessité & dissette n'estoit pas si grande.
Le Sieur president à rapporté que le ministre d'Espagne avoit salué les estats generaux de la part de l'ambassadeur d'Espagne, par un memoire à demandé libre exportation de quelque bagage de Don Jean. Dans l'autre à fait pleinte de ce que les gens & officiers de cest estat tratoient si mal les habitans du pais d'Outre-meuse. La premier est accordé: mais que le marquis de Caracene signe l'acte de specification du bagage, le second est mis en mains, &c.
Le Sieur Wickefort a notifié par le Sieur president la venue du duc de Brunswyck: l'on n'pas resolu de le complimenter par aucuns deputés ny mesme par l'agent de Heyde: ains si le Sieur Wickefort revient auprés du president, il luy dira, que sa venue est agreeable, &c.
L'on a trouvé bon de donner à chaque envoye de Salée une chaine & medaille de 400 francs, & une livre contenant la description des provinces unies; & un semblable livre mieux relié & illuminé pour le prince de Salée; & une semblable chaine pour le professeur Gool.
L'assemblée hesterne fust sur deux lettres de l'admirauté d'Amsterdam, l'un contenant pleinte de ce, que les provinces ne fournissoient point d'argent; l'autre estoit encore touchant le nouveau lastgelt en France; conseillant de ne l'urger pas trop à present.
Mardy, le 28. dito.
Entre autres sont requis & accordes 200 paires de bottes de pescheurs, qui seront envoyés vers Dennemarc.
Le Sieur Gent n'ayant pas esté present hier, a proposé à ce matin estre estrange, que hier on avoit neglige d'envoyer à bienviegner & complimenter le duc de Brunswick Hanover; sur quoy est trouvé bon, que non pas l'agent de Heyde, mais le Sieur de Gent mesme, membre de l'assemblée, ira complimenter le dit duc.
Il y a eu une longue lettre de Lubeck & Hamborgh complaignant, que les navires de Lubeck allants vers Stockholm, & menés à Copenhagen, dont l'un desja estoit relasché: requirants aussy la relaxation de l'autre. Cela est mis en mis des commissaires.
Jeudy, le 30. dito.
L'on a resolu d'escrire aux commendeurs d'Embden & Lieroort de prester la main forte aux estats d'Ost-Frise à collecter ce qu'ils doivent à cest estat; non obstant l'inhibition du Ost-Frise.
En outre est resolu de requirer le conseil d'estat à executer le dit duc pour payer aussy ses trois termes, qui montrent presque à 200 mille francs.
Il se trouve que le duc de Hanover a reconduit l'ambassadeur de France jusques à la carosse. Il aura du depuis declaré, qu'il n'a pas reconduit le baron de Gent si avant, à cause que le dit baron par civilité s'y oppose: & le duc ne s'opiniastra pas. Aussy le duc aura pretendu, qu'on eust deu luy envoyer plus que un.
Vendredy, le 31. dito.
Les ministres de son altesse electorale de Brandenburg ont dereches insisté pour avoir resolution ou response sur leurs memoires precedents; & specialement sur les dix points & l'asseurance pour le retour des troupes, que S.A. electorale envoyeroit vers Dennemarc; lesquels points n'àguere on à veu imprimés.
Le Sieur Downing a reclamé l'Aigle, d'un des navires de Lubeck, venant de Revel, & mené à Amsterdam. Et sur ce que l'on dit, que cela se doibt reclamer devant l'admirauté à Amsterdam, il dit que l'admirauté ne fait pas droit: il desire que les estats generaux le luy facent ravoir; autrement, &c. En effect les admirautés ont par fois besoin de telles illuminations. Pisces minutos comest.
Commissioner Vander Honart to the states general.
Dantzick, Nov. 1. 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 87.
H. and M. Lords,
MY lords, since my last I have had it confirmed, that the Polish court is removed from
Warsaw to Mema or Dirschaw, to be so much the nearer to shorten the journey of
the lords de Lombres and Akakia, who are with the Swedish courtat Elbing, to dispose them
to accept of Oliva for the place of treaty. Some of the lords embassadors, that were at Warsaw, are daily expected here; others will stay by the said king; but whether the Swedes will
agree to the said place, is still uncertain.
The lord Penbergh, extraordinary commissioner of the king of Denmark, is here also arrived, as I understand, but hath not yet made himself known; for what reasons, I know not. Upon and out of the Hooft and Marienborch, there hath been of late here heard much shouting; and those of the Hooft in a fally out, which they made yesterday, slew many Dantzickers, without yet doing any damage to the approaches. Both those places run great danger of being taken, unless the famine, which is very great in the Polish leaguer, and whereof many already dead, happen to relieve them.
Vogelsang to Ruysch.
Copenhagen, 5. Nov. 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 99.
My Lord,
Although I understand underhand some time since, how that they were debating
here about sending a considerable embassy to their H. and M. L. yet I durst not advise
so much then, by reason the event was uncertain; but now the same is agreed on, and the
lords are already appointed for the same, who are the lords Otto Kraegh and Boeckwaert
out of Holstein. I am also informed, that they intend to send the lord Rantzow in the
like quality to the commonwealth of England.
I have a copy of a certain letter of the lord embassador Nieuport to the lord gressier, of the twenty-seventh, wherein he desireth order, to the end the freight of 600 chaldron of coals might be paid in Copenhagen: but I could rather wish, that the said payment might be made in some place in our own country; for money is so very scarce here, that it will be impossible to procure such a sum here as 3600 rix-dollars; so that I heartily desire there may be some other course taken in it. The said contract doth cause great joy here. What progress hath been made in the design carried on by their H. and M. L. under the viceadmiral de Ruyter, we have yet no certain news; but it is to be lamented, that so much brave time hath been lost.
My Lord,
P. Vogelsang.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Le 1. Novembre, [1659. N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 101.
I L y a grande contestation entre la Hollande & autres provinces, pour les 60,000 francs, dont cy-devant tant de fois est parlé, qui devoient estre sournis au roy de Dennemarc.
Les autres pretendent, que la Hollande devroit fournir cela; mais la Hollande le decline, & desire, que le conseil d'estat le doive negotier à interest. En sin est conclu, qu'on doive encore requerir l'advis du conseil d'estat. Ruyter escrit lamentablement du peu de provision, qu'ont les navires de sa flotte, si que'lles seront en grand peine, si la flotte avec la victuaille ne vient pas bien tost.
L'admirauté d'Amsterdam encore est dereches pressée pour avoir le subside des provinces, pleignant qu'elle ne vient point.
Le 2. Novembre.
Ceux du prince d'Orange desireroient bien, que le dit prince vint dans l'assemblée des estats generaux, pour y prendre congé devant qu'aller à Leyde, et ce en suite de ce que ses devanciers souloient faire: les autres provinces n'y feroient point de dissiculté mais la Hollande donne à connoistre, qu'elle ne le permettra pas, disant que le prince n'a point de charactere ny qualité pour ce faire.
En Orange est encore trouble, le roy de France ayant ordonné, que le peage au Rone. se payast au receveur de la princesse royale. Le conte de Dona a envoye arrester toutes navires, qui n'ont pas payé à son receveur. Le roy de France a envoyé une fregatte pour affranchir le passage. Le comte de Dona aura envoyé des musquetons pour chasser la fregatte.
La princesse royale ira avec le prince à Leyden pour un nuit ou deux, pour le mettre en trein. L'on parle, que le magistrat à Leyden defrayera le prince durant ses estudes pour la convissive.
La princesse royale ne veut pas baiser le duc de Brunswick, & pourtant il ne la veut pas aller voir.
Le 3. Novembre.
Le Sieur . . . . . & Weyman de la part des princesses royale & douariere ont esté voir le president, & luy ont notifié le depart du prince, & l'offre de sa bonne affection & correspondence. Sur quoy c'estant rapporté dans les estats generaux, la Geldre dit, que l'on devroit faire rendre le compliment par le president de la Hollande, & principalement le Sieur raet-pensionaire dit, que le prince n'estoit qu'un enfant & sans charactere; & qu'il n'estoit pas besoin de le recomplimenter. La Zelande avisa, qu'on le devoit recomplimenter en forme: les provinces suivantes aussy mesme par des deputés de toutes les provinces; mais en sin a prevalu, qu'on le complimenteroit par 4 deputés, le Sieur Huygens, Ripperse, Stavenisse, & Renswoude.
Le Sieur Ommeren a rapporté de la conference tenüe fur une des deux navires de Lubec, mené à Copenhagen: sur quoy est resolu, qu'on en prendra advis de tous les colleges de l'admirauté. Le mal est, que les villes de Lubec & Hamburgh ne peuvent pas parler le mesme langage, que parle l'Angleterre.
L'on n'a pas encore aucune certitude de la sorte de la flotte. La lettre de Ruyter est mis en mains des commissaires.
Le 4. Novembre.
Il y a eu une lettre du conseil de Brabant pour estre esclaircy sur quelque point dans le proces pendant entre le baron de Meroode, & le résident Roomer, sur quoy il y eust quelque contestation entre le Sieur raet-pensionaire & la Zelande, laquelle favorisoit le Sieur Roomer: ou moins pour l'expedition de la justice.
Il y a eu encore quelque advis du college de l'admirauté du Noorde quartier, touchant le lastgelt en France; item touchant l'huile de baleines.
Le Sieur Nieupoort ambassadeur a envoyé une pinke expresse avec congé du regime en Angleterre, qui est tout à fait changé, le parlement estant casse, estant fait un conseil de dix, qui gouverneront toute la republique, & de sept qui donneront les charges de la milice.
L'ambassadeur Nieupoort demande permission de venir icy rapporter de bouche, qu'il ne sauroit pas achever le traité de la marine; & que les Anglois ne veulent nullement le dresser, comme il faut.
Encore & dereches il y a eu rapport, debat, & dispute pour les 60,000 francs, qu'on devoit fournir au roy de Dennemarc. Le conseil d'estat ne le veut pas negotier.
Le 6. Novembre.
Il n'y a eu qu'un long rapport & receueil par le Sieur Crommon formé, touchant la cause entre la dame de Malsen & le regime de Cleves, ce qui a trotté long temps, en sin sera mis es mains des avocats de l'estat pour aviser.
Touchant la seigneurie de Deuren est derechef rapporté par le conseil d'estat.
De l'arrivement du Sieur Cojet est notification point de luy-meme, qu'il ne vient qu'en qualité de deputé extraordinaire. Il est encore incognito à Amsterdam. Le Sieur agent de Glarges aura augmentation de gages de 1200 fl. par an, à quoy la Frise seule contredit encore.
Le 7. Novembre.
D'autant qu'on attend de jour à autre avec la flotte une grande quantité de matelots, & que l'argent pour payer leur solde pourroit n'estre pas si preste; l'on craint que (comme l'an 1652 durant la guerre d'Angleterre arrivoit à Amsterdam) que ces matelots estants d'ordinaire gens fort sauvages & farouches, ne facent quelque tumulte ou desordre à Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Horn, & Enchuysen. C'est pourquoy la Hollande a proposé de faire venir quelques compagnies en ces quatre villes; & par cette occasion la Zelande & Frise parlera aussy de Middelbergh & Harlingue.
Le college à Amsterdam aura avisé, qu'il faille confisquer le navire de Lubec, allant vers Stockholm, prins par le commandeur Cornelius Everets, & mené à Copenhagen.
L'on a proposé, que concedant Deurne au Sieur de Deurne l'on doive conceder Lysselt Albada. Mais iceluy à Albada estant papiste, on l'a improuvé.
Le Sieur Downing a notifié, qu'il est resolu de faire un voiage vers l'Angleterre, laissant sa femme icy; a requis un navire de guerre pour son transport: on luy a concedé un, qui est à la Breille.
To general Fleetwood.
In the possession of the editor.
May it please your Excellency,
SOME, that are employed in civill and military affaires in this county of Mountgomery,
have not received the least expres or account from any publique person since the dissolution or interruption of the late parliament, which hath put us to a stand as to our actings.
I have been att a meetinge for the sequestration and the militia, and there was but one person
to joine with mee. The commissioners of the militia (such as have neither troope nor company to be payd off) are loath to meddle in it, being themselves unconcerned. And the
commissioners for sequestration being alsoe loath to raise moneyes, they knowe not for whom,
nor to what end. The army heretofore declared their repentance for their former interruption, and that then they went out of the way. Wee know not but they may please to
repent for this alsoe, or els the former repentance is to be repented off. In this county we
are not soe used to the late parliament, but that if a more righteous settlement bee held
forth, wee shall soone close with it; but will be loath to act by an implicit faith. I humbly
desire, that you will encouradge the commissioners for the militia to act, that my troope
may be payd off, and the other companies alsoe, if judged not usefull. Sir, the Lord guide
you in this great affaire, and that you may call to your assistance such as have the spirit of
wisedome and councill, and the feare of the Lord, and seeke not themselves; remembring,
that your worke, as well as former structures, must some time abide the fiery tryall. We
hang downe our heades here, bearing our shame, whilst the enemies triumph and rejoice,
having nothing to answer, untill we have some good account from your excellency of the late
transaction. We shall yet hope you intend well, and expect, that the Lord will doe us
good in the latter end; soe humbly take leave,
Aberbechen in Mountgomery. ss.
the 28th day of Oct. 1659.
May it please your Excellency,
Your very, &c.
A certificate, whereby all the officers were new commissioned, to general Fleet-wood.
In the possession of theeditor.
Accordinge to the resolve of the generall counsell of the armie the twenty-seventh of October, that all the officers of the armie should have ther commissions renewed without a new approbation; we doe therfore humbly desire, that your lordshipp would renew the commissions of all the commission-officers of the army according to the foresaid resolves. Given under our hands this twenty-ninth of October, 1659.
John Disbrowe,
J. Lambert,
Ja. Berry.