A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1659: October (1 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp752-762 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1659: October (1 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp752-762.
"State Papers, 1659: October (1 of 2)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp752-762.
In this section
October (1 of 2)
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the states general.
Martis, the 14th of Octob. 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 5.
The lords commissioners of the province of Zeland have once more urged in pursuance of their proposition of the third instant, to the end that leave may be given to the lord de Hubert, one of the commissioners extraordinary of this state in Denmark, to return home. Whereupon being debated, it is resolved herewith to consent to the said request; and consequently a letter shall be writ to the said lord Hubert, that he may return home, whensoever his occasions shall not permit to stay any longer there, if so be the same can be done without prejudice to the treaty of peace.
Extract out of the secret register of the resolutions of the H. and M. lords states general of the United Netherlands.
Martis, 14. Octob. 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 11.
There being again produced to the assembly the letters of the lord embassador Nieupoort of the third instant, with inclosed papers relating thereupon; whereupon being debated, it is resolved, that there shall be writ to the said embassador, that he do signify to those of the government there, that their H. and M. L. did not understand without considerable admiration, that the negotiation about the business of private men of war, and against the bringing in of ships into each other's harbour, was not yet perfected; whereas the said raging evil did increase daily more and more; with order, that he the said lord embassador shall yet use all manner of earnestness and diligence, to the end the said negotiation may be yet brought to a good conclusion, conformable to the foregoing their H. and M. L. resolution of the 23d of July, the 8th of August, and the 3d of September last respectively; at least that their H. and M. lordships may know, what the final meaning and intention of the government there is about it. Moreover, the said lord embassador is withal powerfully to confute the exceptions proposed unto him for the departure of the English fleet out of the Sound, being taken out of the verbal relation of the lord Montagu, and read unto him; and especially that which doth seem to tend thereunto, as if by the lords commissioners extraordinary of this state with the kings of Sweden and Denmark, directly or indirectly something had been committed, or omitted and refused, contrary to the true intent and contents of the conventions of the 21st of May, the 24th of July, and the 4th of August last; and that by such reasons and arguments, as the said lord embassador shall be able to apply in defence of the right of this state, and which he shall judge to be of most power, force, operation, and persuasion. Likewise he the said lord embassador shall signify to those of government there, that their H. and M. lordships, after examination of the answer of the said parliament of the 22d of Sept. stylo loci, have observed with sorrow, that the said parliament, in lieu of proceeding to a real execution of the said convention, by effecting of the points in their H. and M. lordships resolutions of the 12th and 17th of the last month particularly expressed, according to the obligation introduced by the said conventions, and whereunto consequently there needs no new treaty, that state seems to continue with a general declaration to be ready to make such further treaties, and to take such resolutions, and make articles with their H. and M. lordships, as whereby will be demonstrated their sincerity in all the said conventions; and that the said lord embassador shall in the name and behalf of their H. and M. lordships yet summon those of the said government to the sincere observation of the said conventions, not with words, but with deeds; and especially, that he do obtain, that the said parliament, in performance of the fourth article of the treaty of the said 21st of May last, by a publication demonstrative do recal out of the service of the king of Sweden all English, Scots, and Irish regiments; likewise all officers, soldiers and mariners of that nation, which are yet in the service of the said king. Likewise, that the parliament, for the making good of the convention of the 24th of July last, which followed upon the said treaty, do help to compel the king of Sweden with all their power, to accept of the peace, and unto the end that they do send back a sufficient fleet to the Sound; also that by provision they do give express orders to all their admirals, vice-admirals, commanders, and captains at sea, as also all their governors, or other officers of their ports under their command, to take and seize upon all Swedish ships of war, or merchant-men, wheresoever they can meet them, and to bring them into their harbours, and there detain them, as their H. and M. lordships have already given the necessary orders on their side, that the said parliament do also give due authority to their commission Downing here, together with commissioners of this state, to agree with the minister of the duke of Brandenburg here, about the transporting of the Brandenburg forces, and about all that can be contributed by the duke of Brandenburg, with vigour and prejudice against the king of Sweden; as also about what may be reciprocally desired in the behalf of the said duke, for his security and equity: that the said parliament also in specie may contribute what lieth in them to help furnish the city of Copenhagen with provision, and especially with firing; and that the said lord Nieupoort shall desire a speedy and special answer upon all the above-said, of the parliament, to the end their H. and M. lordships may know upon what they have to declare concerning the same. And he the said lord embassador shall also declare to the parliament, that their H. and M. lordships could not very well understand the true meaning of those few lines put after the said answer of the said parliament; from whence however may in some sort be concluded, as if the plenipotentiaries of the parliament with the kings of Sweden and Denmark might return home from the place of treaty; yet however that their H. and M. lordships do undoubtedly expect, that in case such be the intention of the parliament, and that it be judged there, that they have reason for so doing, that the said reasons will be first communicated to their H. and M. lordships; and that nothing will be disposed of about it, but with joint consent; much less that any thing apart will be executed.
Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
St. Jean de Luz, 14. Octob. 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 19.
My Lord,
I Thank you for the punctuality, which you observe in informing me of the
state of affairs of England; I pray continue it. I will tell you in exchange, that this
negotiation is almost finished; and that we have ordered the articles of the peace and
marriage to be writ fair in French and Spanish, the consummation of the latter being
deferred for some time, by reason of the season of the year, the infanta not being able
to come out of Spain; so that you will have time enough to come and take possession of your charge. Notwithstanding the carriage and countenance of the Spaniards, yet
I am persuaded, that they desire to have a peace with England, as well as with us; and
that the peace may be universal; but I cannot answer for them positively. In the mean
time I would not consent, that any thing should be inserted in regard of England in our
treaty with Spain; only that in case the peace be not made between the two nations,
France is not to assist the one or the other, and is to continue in an exact neutrality; which
you may communicate where you are; and which I assure myself will be confirmed by
Mons. Lockhart, who is at present here, and to whom I impart all that passeth here.
Capt. Clement Nedham to general Fleetwood.
In the possessian of the editor.
My Lord,
I Am given to understand, that the committee of officers, to whom the late paper from
the general councell was recomitted, have added severall thinges beyond their instructions; as namely, that noe officer bee said aside but by a court marshall; nor any comissionated by parliament, but what shall bee approved by the committee of nomination. My
lord, I know it's a pleasinge case to such as putt a higher value on their comissions, then
on their duty to the parliament, from whom they received them. It seemes strange to
mee, that this army, whoe could subject themselves and their comissions to the lusts
of the late single person, to bee laid aside at the pleasure of him, whoe was but a servant
as themselves, should now impose and limitt the supreame authority of the nation. I
never expect that injustice from a parliament, which I have seene practised by court-marshalls;
witnes the cruell imprisonment and casheeringe of some faithfull officers, onely for mentioninge the intollerable prid and luxury of the late court; insoemuch as I heard some of
these, that state as judges, confesse they were acted by feare against theire owne fight. I
say again, I never heard of any such thinge done by parliament. My lord, I hope wee
are all sensible, that the parliament have not oft used their power in this case, as from
thence comes a great part of our miseries; for had they timely clipped the winges of their
old generall, doubtles hee had never created an interest to destroy the authority, by which
hee was raised; nor had the nation knowne the confusion and miseries they have since
tasted; nay, I may say, this army had never beene tempted to such apostacy, as hath
defiled our consciences before God, and our reputation to the world. My lord, wee are
either servants, or masters: if masters, lett's tell the parliament, that wee onely called
them to take the odium of raising money to mainteyne us, and lett them know what
harmes they must expect; but, if wee be servants, raised and mainteyned by their authority, lett's bee ashamed to offer that to them, which wee would abhorre our owne servants
should offer to us. My lord, your lordship hath many domestique servants, and I perswade
myselfe, a sober family; and I thinke, while they carry themselves well, it were harshnes
in your lordship to turne any one away, to bringe in another. But, my lord, if a servant
should say, I challenge a right to contynue, unles dischardged either by my fellow-servants,
or my owne consent, though I know your lordship of a most myld temper, yett certainely you would thinke that servant unworthy to contynue in Wallingford house. My
lord, as to what is proposed touchinge the comittee of nomination, I have not heard of
above two or three officers in all the army, that have beene commissionated by parliament, but what have beene approved by that comittee; and by them the army have
beene modled. I feare, my lord, the indigent families of many poore officers discharged
by that comittee, have a lowd cry, as havinge received such measure, as never was mett
by parliament, some regiments ten, some fourteen, and some twenty officers said aside,
that have served many of them seventeen or eighteen yeares, and never any crime laid to
their chardge, onely to gratify freinds and relations, many of which never drew sword
in this service. Lett the world judge, whether it bee fitt to impose such steeresmen on
a parliament. Nott that I speake it to detract from the worth of those honourable gentlemen of that comittee: I thinke it were lesse injury to say, they acted upon misinformation, then to lay such an imputation on the parliament, for what was done in their late
votes. My lord, I have thus farre spoken as to the matter of that proposall; I shall
now crave liberty to offer my thoughts as to the end thereof.
My lord, to my understanding the designe of that proposeall is to create an interest
in the army, distinct to that of parliament and nation; and this (say some) is our best
security against the spirit of the nation, which may possibly bee introduced in parliament.
My lord, I find many your officers, especially those of the Northerne bridgades, much
decry the constitutions of corporations, as emblems of monarchy. It seemes to
mee incongruous, that the same men should strive to bringe the army into a corporation. My lord, were it possible to forme an army of saints in reallity, such as would
undoubtedly abide stedfast, and could this army support itself either by its owne interest
and property, or by extraordinary food from heaven, I should not deny them a charter
as the most renowned corporated body on the face of the earth. But, my lord, seeinge
this army consists of men subject to infirmity; that seeinge this army was raised by authority of the people of England, called forth to defend the birth-right and liberty of
the meanest man in the nation, as well as their owne; that this army hath beene paid
and mainteyned out of the purses of the same people, and cannot in future stand but by
the same meanes; seeinge there remaines in this army but a handfull of those men, that
beare the burthen and heate of the warre, many beinge retired to private callinges, that
have equally meritted with ourselves; that consideringe the distemper now on the spirit
of the nation hath much of it arisen from the unstable spirit of the army, that had sett
up what they pulled downe, and pulled downe what they sett up; and now (that I
mistake not) seeme to assert an interest of their owne, independent from that of the nation,
in which all the world will judge selfe to bee at the bottom; let us now thinke it our
duty to settle on such a basis, as every man's interest may bee involved, and all men
see their owne property and right mainteyned. Certainely hee, that doth righteously,
shall have praise of men; and the laudable practice of this army tendinge to subjection to
that authority, under which God hath soe much blessed us, shall alay the sury of the spirit
of this nation, when they shall see righteousnes and truth exalted in the midest of us, and
every man shal be able to say, his interest is imbarqued in this bottom; the contrary hereof
will turne every man's hand against us, and ours against every man. Lett us not thinke,
that if wee goe out of the Lord, either our number, our horses, our armes, our successes,
our courage, or skill can save us. Wee have seene with our eyes men of greater might
then ourselves blasted by inconsiderable meanes. My lord, the most righteous government in the world might bee upheld by the sword: but the Lord deliver England from a
sword-government! For my owne part, I was never an enemy to a single person, because
such, but in that hee usurped power, beinge neither called thereunto by God nor man;
and if twenty or thirty, nay a whole army, should usurpe government on the same
tearmes, I should bee alyke mynded towards them; for 'tis not the number, that differenceth tyrants from lawfull magistrates. My lord, I thought my duty to offer your lordship
this trouble, to the end, if you find any thinge of reason from hence against the offeringe
of that proposeall, your lordship would stifle it in the birth, that such a thinge may never
goe forth into the world to the shame of an army, that soe lately declared their sorrow
for former backslydinges. I am,
My Lord,
Your lordship's most humble
and faithfull servant,
Cle. Nedham.
4. Octob. 1659.
In the possession of the editor.
We do by command from the general council of officers of the army, now in London,
transmit the inclosed to you, being a true copy of the representation and petition,
which this day was by them humbly presented to the parliament, and the votes of the
house past thereupon; and are further to signify to you, as the sense of the general council,
that it is desired the inclosed be communicated to all the commissioned officers of your
garison, and the subscription of all taken to the said representation and petition, that are
free to sign the same; which being signed, you are desired to return close sealed up, to
Thomas Sandford esquire, secretary to his excellence the lord Fleetwood, who is to give an
account thereof. As we have thus answered the council's order, we doubt not of your
care to fulfil their expectations and request: which is all at present from
Your affectionate friends and servants,
J. Lambert.
John Disbrowe.
Rob. Varenne.
Jo. Mason.
Tho. Kelsey.
Ja. Berry.
Ri. Ashfeild.
Ra. Cobbett.
Rich. Creed.
Will. Packer.
Whitehall, 5. Octob. 1659.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords the states general.
Lunæ, the 20th of October, 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 51.
Was proposed to the assembly, that the farmers, by edict of the king of France, do import only, they themselves, trane-oil, and what else comes from the whale into France, do use great violence and force against the Netherland ships, which come to arrive there with trane-oil, for the account of others, striving directly against the common freedom of the nations, which are thereby excluded to trade with their wares in France, which they have in great quantity, and consequently prejudicial to the navigation and commerce, and that against the express right of treaties and alliances, which their H. and M. lordships have made with France; and upon this occasion, several propositions being made to cause the said monopoly to cease, and to be wholly taken away, and to restore the freedom of trade; and amongst the rest, that the province of Normandy is now altogether unprovided with trane-oil, which the farmers will have occasion to furnish, that the exporting of the same out of Holland and Zeland ought to be hindered, tho' it were but for two or three months, that thereby undoubtedly this monopoly would come to cease. Whereupon being debated, it is resolved, that the said project shall be sent to the respective colleges of the admiralties, for them to pass their considerations upon it, and to send them speedily to their H. and M. lordships.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. lxvi. p. 1.
I Had by the last post from you but three lines, and no share of your newes, except
what the prints speakes of; yet are there verie remarkable things passed with you
betwixt the parliament and the army, whereof other English letters by this post made
mention of. I perceive by the few lines, that my silence causeth you to that brevity.
You speake of two posts letters wanting; but I am sure you will finde it, that I have
failed to write to you but one post, that is the 13th of September; but the next post after,
that is, on the 20th of September, I have written to you the reason for writing that post;
and so I have continued to write from post to post. As for newes, we have from Elseneur
of the 20th of September, that ours and the French embassaders did follow the king of
Sweden into the island Falster, where they were arrived safe; but the king was gone from
thence into another island, called Moen, before the embassaders arrived. The Hollands
vice-admirall de Ruyter hath layne with his fleet all the time since our fleet hath been
absent before Landskrohn, and hath hindered the Svedish fleet from comming out of the
sayd port; and as yet we doe not heare, that the Hollander acts any hostillity against the
Svedes, although they are farr stronger at sea then the Svedes at present. There is here
great longing for to heare, how the Svedish envoye, Mons. Coyett, will be received from
the general states of the United Provinces. It is very probable, they will not admitt him
to audience, because the king of Sveden had flighted of late their plenipotentiares, and
had spoken so sharp words to them. They write from Holland, that the states general
are resolved not to give to the sayd Swedish envoye audience, till the king of Sveden doeth
declare to accept the project of agreement made at the Hague the 4th of August; to
which the king of Sveden all this time would not submitt. By letters from Dantzig
we have, that the 13th of October, new style, the governor of Marienburg, lieutenantgenerall Bilau, with a strong svadron of horses and foot, is fallen into the Polish laguer,
with intent to ruine the bridge, which the Poles have made over the river Nogatt: but
the Poles have beaten them, and killed above an hundred men, took forty-seven prisonners, and drive them backe againe into the town. After this the Svedes fell into the Polish
laguer againe, but with better success then before. They have slaine two hundred Poles,
brought some prissoners into Marienburg; but they have not could ruin their bridge. The
Danziger Host remaines still belaguered. From Elbing and Marienburg we have had no
letters, not since the sixth of September, the passage of posts being stopped by the Poles.
Stetin holds out stoutely against the Imperialists; and before Grypswald they was beaten,
and forced to leave the siege. The Svedish field-marshall Wrangell hath releeved Grypswald, and is marching to Stetin, for to releeve the sayd towen. The newes from Curland
mentioned in my last of the fourth currant doeth continue: therefore needlesse to repeate
the same. I pray, Sir, be pleased to impart to me, how the parlament and the army is
agreed; and if you heare not, that the parlement will send to this town a publicke minister for to be their resident. This is all at present from
Your humble servant,
De Lawerin.
Homburg, 11. Octob. 1659.
For Mr. Isaac Johnson, merchant at London.
An account of the depredations committed by the Dutch upon the English; delivered to the Dutch embassador by the committee, 11. Octob. 1659.
Vol. lxv. p. 701. Lion, Providence, Rappabannack, Sarah, Fortune.
That Maurice Thomson and William Thomson, aldermen of London, with others, did in the year 1656 set forth the ships Lion, Providence, the Rappahannack, the Sarah, and the Fortune, upon trading voyages for Guiney, under the command of several English masters; and the said ships having made good voyages, and being richly laden upon account of the English, and upon the point of making their last port, and so to return for England, were in August and September, 1656, set upon and surprised by two Dutch ships, bearing then openly Dutch colours, viz. the Mary of Amsterdam, and the Unicorn of Middleborough, commanded by captain John Craell, of Munekedam in Holland; who took out all the lading of the said ships, and put all the English together into the Sarah, the worst of them, without having any goods therein, save a little bad victuals, not enough to keep them alive; and they had starved, had they not happened upon the St. Thomas island belonging to the Portugal, whereby they were forced to sell the ship to get provision and victuals to enable them to come for England. By the loss of which ships the said owners were damnified the sum of 52033 l. 15 s. sterling.
The said English merchants, for reparation of their said losses, sent over Mr. Harris their solicitor, and others, into Holland, to obtain justice in the ordinary course of law, who spent twelve months time in solicitation to no purpose; and having been at above 500 l. charges in prosecution, and tired out with delays, returned with no other account than this, that captain Kraell and the ship Unicorn (whom they had arrested) were both without bail released, albeit it was fully proved, that the owners and letters out of the said ships Mary and Unicorn were Dutchmen, living in Amsterdam and Middleburgh; and also that the said captain Kraell lived at Munekedam.
That alderman John Dethicke and company, Englishmen, having set forth the Bantam frigat, commanded by captain Isaac Taylor, from London, for a voyage to the East-Indies, to lade pepper, and to return to Europe therewith upon their account, Thomas Newman English merchant being their supra-cargo, the said frigat in August 1657 arrived at the road of India Poura, in the island of Sumatra in the East-Indies, and was freely admitted to trade and buy pepper there; and did buy as much pepper as would have fully laden the said ship, being in burden 210 tons.
That they did lade on board the said ship 672 bakards of pepper, and provided the rest to be laden on board within few days after. But so soon as the said 672 bakards of pepper were aboard, which was about the 11th of October, 1657, one Antonio van Voorst, commander of the ship Turtle-dove, in the service of the Dutch East-India company, with three pinnaces manned all with Dutchmen, arriving in the said road of India Poura, came and anchored round about the said Bantam frigat, and sent for the commander and supra-cargo on board the said Turtle-dove, and peremptorily charged and commanded them, that they should not trade there. Whereupon the said Newman told captain van Voorst, that he had bought his ship's full lading of pepper, and that some of it was on board, and the rest would be on board in three or four days, and then he would be gone. But the captain told them, if they would not depart, he would force them away. Whereupon captain Taylor and Mr. Newman went on board the Dutch captain, and told him, that they had laid out (besides the pepper on board) at India Poura 3000 dollars, and desired the same might be brought on board; but he told them, it should not; and if they did attempt it, he would take it away; and said, that all the trade for pepper on the West coast of Sumatra belonged to the Dutch East-India company. But Mr. Newman attempting notwithstanding to bring some pepper on board, the same was seized and detained on board the Turtle-dove. Whereupon the said Mr. Newman, captain Taylor, and one Gresham Howard the chief mate, on the 19th of October, 1657, protested against the said Dutch captain; and on the said 19th of October the Dutch captain forced them to depart thence, without taking in the remainder of the pepper, and sailed in company with their frigat, on purpose to disturb their trading in any other part of the Indies. And arriving at Bantam, the English were not permitted to trade there, but were forced to go with the said van Voorst to Batavia; and being there summoned to appear before John Matsooken, general there for the said Dutch East-India company, he told them, that neither they nor any English should trade in any of the dominions of the queen of Acheine, and would not suffer them to lade any goods at Batavia aforesaid, but stopped twelve ton of ebony wood, that they had provided, and were carrying on board. And the said English were forced to depart away from Batavia with the Bantam frigat, and so to sail to Europe, and arrived at Leghorn with 96 tun dead freight. By which actings of the Dutch, as aforesaid, the owners of the said ship Bantam were damnified to the value of 9778 l. sterling money.
That Mr. Maurice Thomson and others, owners and employers of the ship Maidenhead, did in August, 1656, freight and set forth the said ship Maidenhead, upon a trading voyage to Jambe and Bantam, and from thence to Leghorn; that the said ship, having taken in part of her lading at Jambe, upon very disadvantageous terms, (occasioned by the inhancing of the price of pepper at that time by the Dutch) departed thence towards Bantam, to take in the rest of her lading, being sixty ton; and on the 5th of February, 1657, in her course thitherward, met with five men of war belonging to the Dutch EastIndia company, who made several shot at her, and forced the said ship to come to an anchor by them; and the master, when demanded, whether he was bound, answering for Bantam; and that if he attempted it, they would sink or burn her and her lading; and thereupon forced her back, under a guard of some of the said ship, till they were past the Bantamores dominions. By which means she went to Leghorn with sixty tons dead freight, to the damage of the petitioners, 3393 l. sterling.
That the merchants and employers of the ship Olive-branch did in May, 1656, freight the said ship with a fitting cargo for Bantam in the East-Indies, and from thence to Leghorn; that in December following, upon her arrival near Bantam, she was met with by some Dutch ships belonging to the East-India company of Holland; and after some shot made at her with bullets, was boarded by one of their captains, who commanded the master of the said ship to bear up to the Dutch admiral; and being come up, the admiral forbad him to go into Bantam with his ship, threatening, that if the master attempted to go in, he would sink him. Whereupon the master of the said ship, being denied the liberty of that port, was forced to put into Pollagundy, 25 leagues distant from that place, where they were forced to unlade and relade with pepper and sugar at far dearer rates than what might have been had at Bantam; and so came back with 63 tons dead freight. By which means the merchants freighters were damnified 1604 l. 13 s. 4 d. as plainly appears by depositions on oath; and the owners of the said ship, by the obstruction given to her in her said voyage, were damnified through loss of time, and deterioration of the said ship, in her hull and rigging, the sum of 2000 l.
That the ship Endymion in August, 1657, coming into the streights of Sunda, in her voyage from England, met with a single Dutch ship, who related, that the Dutch had commenced a war with the king of Bantam; and so accompanied the Endymion within sight of Pullapanijam, where were riding three Dutch ships more, who commanded the Endymion to come to an anchor near to them; which they did. They then summoned the commander captain Jervase Coachman to come on board their general. But the said captain being disenabled through sickness, sent his purser on board the said general; who returned with this answer to the commander from the general, that he would not permit the said ship to go into Bantam road, no nor so much as their boat to go off to advise the English company's agent of the said ship's arrival. And in this condition they kept the said ship for nine days, at the end whereof they sailed for Jambe, and there procured what pepper was to be had, and so came back again for Bantam, to have completed their tonnage; but they were again countermanded by three of the said Dutch ships, and sent for on board their general, and by him prohibited to go into Bantam road with their ship; but with much intreaty suffered them to send their boat on shore, to advise the English agent of their being there; who thereupon addressed himself to the Dutch general, intreating him to permit the said ship to come into Bantam road, to take in what goods were there in readiness for her: whose answer was, that he durst not undertake it without express order from Batavia, which caused the agent and council to speed their letters to Batavia to the governor general, desiring him to order, that the ship might be suffered to come into the road. But they received answer, that they would not suffer any ship to go, nor any going to or from the shore in any manner whatsoever. Whereupon the agent with Mr. James Bostock set sail in the ship Endymion for Batavia, supposing his presence might have effected somewhat to the answering their desires. But after many personal addresses, letters, and protests, they returned fruitless; whereby the said ship Endymion was forced to return to England with a considerable quantity of dead freight, the Dutch not suffering them to fetch so much as water for their homeward-bound voyage. And further, the said ship's-boat being sent to cut some wood on an uninhabited small island, the Dutch fired a gun at the boat, commanding them on board to crave their permission, which they were forced to do, or else to return from whence they came. By which said actings of the Dutch towards the Endymion, the English merchants are damnified to the value of 10500 l.
The ship Jonathan of London was freighted by Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham, Christopher Willoughby, John Page and company, and set forth from London upon a trading voyage to the East-Indies, and from thence back again to England. And in the month of January, 1656, the said ship took in on the coast of Cormandel a great quantity of goods to be carried to Bantam, and vended there. But in her course thither, about the aforesaid month of January, 1656, near an island called Palliapanjan, within few leagues of the road of Bantam, they met with five ships belonging to the Dutch EastIndia company, who told the master and company of the Jonathan, that they must nor should go into Bantam; for that they lay there by order of the general of the Dutch EastIndia company at Batavia, to oppose them or any other ship from England, that should endeavour to go thither. Whereupon the master and company of the Jonathan desired the commander of the said Dutch ships to send on board and search their ship, assuring them they had no ammunition or prohibited goods on board, and earnestly intreated they might be permitted to go into Bantam, in regard they had divers sick men on board, and very much wanted fresh victuals and other necessaries. But the Dutch denied to search the said ship, or to let them go in; and the Jonathan notwithstanding endeavouring to steer in for Bantam, they at the Dutch ships shot at her, and commanded the master and cape merchant to come on board, or otherwise they would sink them. Whereupon the cape merchant and one of the mates of the Jonathan (the master being sick) went on board the Dutch admiral. And although they urged the necessity of their putting into Bantam for the reasons aforesaid, yet the said admiral expresly forbad them, and told them, if they attempted it again, he would take them prisoners, and sink their ship. Thereupon the master and company of the Jonathan drew up a protest against the Dutch, and intimated the same to the Dutch admiral, requesting his answer in writing. But he denied that also; and there being no possibility of getting into Bantam, they were necessitated to depart with their ship and goods to other places, and to dispose of the goods at very low rates, in respect of what they would have yielded at Bantam; besides, leaving at Bantam in money 3000 l. sterling, which was then ready to be received. By which means the said ship's voyage was almost quite frustrate and overthrown, and the freighters damnified to the value of 6000 l. sterling.
William Blake, Thomas Hopkins, and others, were owners of the ship Unity; which said ship being at Jeffenapatan in the island of Ceilon in the Indies, the said Thomas Hopkins, and William Jourdan master of the said ship, hired a certain vessel, called a champan, being of the burden of sixty tons, and loaded on board of the said vessel and the said ship Unity, at or near Bengal, Hughes, and Ballafore, in the parts of the East, several goods and merchandizes to be carried and transported for Jeffenapatan aforesaid. And the said two vessels accordingly sailed away, and arrived at Jeffenapatan in January, 1657, and were in the factory there discharged and all unladen (except 80 bales of saltpetre, and six mauns of opium); and while the said vessels were at Jeffenapatan aforesaid, there came news, that a fleet of Dutch ships had taken three Portugal frigats at Jussicurre, and also the island Manar; and on the twenty-sixth of February, 1657, there came to Jeffenapatan from Manar a Dutch army in small vessels, and besieged the same (the fleet, that brought that army, being commanded by general Richloof, and one captain Vanderlaine). And it being commonly reported, that the Dutch, having many Blacks, Bandanesses, Amboineses, and of Javah in their army, had promised them a pardo, valuing one piece of eight per head for every white head of persons slain by them, that they should bring; the master and company of the said vessel Unity, and champan, were forced to fly for their lives, some to the Portugal fort, and others to the said ship Unity; and the next day after their flight the Dutch came and possessed themselves of the said English factory at Jessenapatan, and of all the goods there on account of the English, and particularly of the goods, that were brought in the said ship Unity, except those undelivered, as aforesaid; and utterly deprived the English of the same. The said ship Unity after the escape aforesaid, being ballasted, watered, and rigged at the isle of Cays, and sailing towards the port of Ballasore, was on the third of March, 1657, met with by a Dutch frigat, called the Massapore, being rear-admiral of the Dutch Pullacat fleet, commanded by schipper Andres; who after a whole day's chace came up with them, and commanded the master of the Unity on board them; where being come, they took him prisoner, and sent a corporal and two soldiers on board the Unity, and carried her to Negapatan, where they met the Dutch vice-admiral; and thence the Massapore frigat weighed with the Unity to seek the Dutch admiral; and sailing towards Tringcombar, met the said admiral named John Williamson in a fleet called the Pullacat, who ordered them to return back to Carrical, to speak with the chief Dutch merchant at Tringcombar, named Mr. Newland; and arriving there, and going on shore to him, the master of the Unity demanded of him, why they detained him and his ship and company, being English and in English service; who answered, that he had order from the lord Pitts governor of Pullacatt, and the lord Richloos the Dutch general, to seize all vessels and persons English or others trading or sailing to or from Jeffenapatan. And so the said Newland seized the said ship Unity with the said 8 bales of petre, 6 maunds of opium, and pieces of striped stuff, that were undelivered at Jeffenapatan aforesaid; and took the said goods out of Carricall, and laded the Unity with rice for Jeffenapatan, and sent the master of her and his company prisoners to Richloof; and being come to him, the said general and the lord Vanderlawne called them villains, and asked them how they durst come to trade with their enemies, and told them their ship and goods were lost; and that besides they deserved to be hanged. And the said general sent the said master and his company prisoners from place to place till the 27th of August, and then released them at Pullacatt; whereupon they went (being poor and tattered) to a place called Madraspatan, belonging to the English; and the said master at several places, in the Indies discoursing with the Dutch, touching the seizure of the English ships and goods in those parts, they always answered, that they followed the orders of their masters (meaning the Dutch East-India company); and what they did therein, their said masters would answer at home. By the seizure of which said ship Unity, and the goods aboard her, and the Champan aforesaid, the merchants interested are damnified to the value of 10046l. 7s. 6d.
The ships Advice, burden about 370 ton, Robert May commander, and the Dragon, of about 250 tons, Nicolas Baddiford commander, were in May, 1658, employed by the governor and company of English merchants, and laden with goods and money to a great value, and bound for Bantam in the East-Indies, and there to be reladed for England.
The Advice arrived at Anjar near Bantam, the 15th of October, 1658; and upon her arrival a praw was sent off from the English house to bring on board the fresh provisions under the command of one Peter Cook; who fearing himself to go on board in regard of some Dutch ships riding there, sent off a canoe with an English flag, and two of the company's servants, on board one of the Dutch ships, to know whether the praw might go on board or not. But the Dutch seized on the canoe, servants, and flags, and kept the same, and would not permit the said provisions to go on board: and the said ship Advice arriving the next day by the commander of the Dutch fleet under Pullapanjan, he surrounded the said ship with five Dutch ships, and commanded the English factors on board him. And although they acquainted the Dutch, who were their employers, and earnestly desired leave to go into Bantam road, and dispose of themselves according to commission; the Hollanders answered, That they had express command to the contrary from their general in Batavia; and without express order from him they would not permit them any access to Bantam, or to send thither, or to receive any thing from thence, or any advice. So that they were forced to send two persons to Batavia to treat with the Dutch general; but they returning no answer, the ship Advice failed thither.
The Dragon being arrived at Pullambenn point, they espied 6 sail of Dutch ships, 5 leagues distant; one of which, coming within shot of the Dragon, never haled her, but fired a gun at her laden with shot, which the Dragon answered. And then the said ship fired two guns more, which the Dragon also answered; and the Dragon being then clear of her, came and anchored in Bantam road, and sailing from thence for Jambe on the last of October, met with 3 Dutch ships, and coming to an anchor, in regard the weather was calm, and the current against her, the said Dutch ships came also to an anchor by them, and forced the captain of the Dragon to come on board their admiral; where being come, the said admiral detained him and Mr. Middleton, one of the merchants of the said ship Dragon, and carried them and the Dragon for Batavia; and being there arrived, put ten Dutchmen on board the Dragon, and sent the captain of her and Mr. Middleton ashore as prisoners, and kept them so about six days. And notwithstanding the English company's factors at Batavia for above a month's time together did solicit the Dutch general there, both by letters and personal addresses, to get admittance into Bantam, and liberty to relade their ships for England, they could not obtain the same; by which actions of the Dutch as aforesaid the said English East-India company are damnified as followeth, by the hindering the said ship Advice, and interrupting her in her trade, the sum of 15794 l. 6 s. and also by the said ship Dragon the sum of 10787 l. in all the sum of 26581 l. 6 s.
The ship Mayflower, burden about 280 tons, William Curtis commander, was in the year 1658 employed by the governor and the English East-India company to go and lade pepper at the island of Sumatra; and upon the said ship's arrival at Acheine, they procured leave of the queen to lade with pepper; and accordingly sending off a boat with pepper to the said ship, the same was seized by the order of Balthasar Bort, commander of three ships then in Acheine road in the immediate service of the Dutch East-India company, who also forbad and prohibited them to bring any more pepper from thence; so that the said ship's voyage was wholly disappointed, and the ship forced to continue abroad a twelvemonth longer than she needed, if she had laded there. And the commander of the said ship, demanding the pepper so seized, was denied the same, or any satisfaction for it: by which means the said English East-India company are damnified to the value of 11774 l. 16 s. 10 d. besides what damage may further accrue, the said ship Mayflower being still abroad.
The ship Benjamin, being freighted by English merchants, and bound for Surat, sailing by cape Ranlis near Goa, in November, 1656, was in the open sea set upon by two Dutch men of war, though they had their English colours out, &c. who outrageously assaulted them, fired broad-sides and vollies of small shot into them, wounding seven or eight of their men, and at last took them by force, and kept the ship divers days as prize, till their vice-admiral came and released them upon the commander's captain Arnold Brown signing a note, that he had received no wrong, which he was forced to sign, ere he could be cleared. And after all this they could not be suffered to take out of an English ship called the Hopewell, riding in the port of Goa, saltpetre, pepper, and other goods provided for the said ship Benjamin, nor to send a boat to the said ship; nor durst the said ship come out to them, for fear of the like usage; by which means the said merchants interested in the Benjamin are damnified in the sum of 8830 l.
The ship Assada, merchant, sailing from Surat, (and before the Dutch had begun their war with the Bantamers) arrived at Bantam, there discharging her lading, was freighted for Cambosa; at her returning from which place a Dutch vessel, coming over the bar, was lost; but by the help and assistance of the Assada merchants company the lives of eight Dutchmen were preserved, taking them in their ship for Bantam; and there sent them on board one of the Dutch ships, and so intended to sail into the road; but the Dutch fired 3 pieces of ordnance at them, commanding the merchant, Mr. Nicolas Buckeridge, aboard their admiral; where presently sentence was pronounced of sending them away to Batavia, not suffering them to send a boat on shore to land their goods brought from Camboia intended for England, or fetch off any part of such goods as were ashore in Bantam, provided for markets in India, to the great loss of the English company, and other proprietors in the said ship.
Golden Cook.
The Golden Cook, a small vessel, having procured her lading of pepper to transship on board the Employment, the Dutch, having notice thereof, manned out a vessel of 20 guns to surprise her pepper from on board her; but it pleased God to frustrate their design.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the H. and M. L. states general, &c.
Jovis, the 23d of October, 1659.
Vol. lxvi. p. 59.
Received a letter from the college of the admiralty at Amsterdam, writ the 21st instant, containing an answer to their H. and M. L. letter of the 11th instant, and consequently advice upon the projects mentioned therein, to cause to cease the progress of the new impost laid upon the ladings of foreign ships, having laden in some ports or roads of France, to come in or unlade in the harbours, roads and towns of the United Provinces, upon the penalties to be prefixed by their H. and M. L. Having also received a letter from the college of the admiralty in Friseland, writ at Harlingen the 10. instant, concerning the said subject: whereupon being debated, it is resolved, that copies of the said letters shall be sent to the said embassador Nieupoort, to dispose the government in England, to the end that they, in opposition against the introduction of the said impost by the said prohibition to be made to their inhbitants respectively, will concur with their H. and M. L. The lord Van Ommeren is also hereby desired to speak with the resident Aytzema, to the end, that the Hans towns will also concur therein with their H. and M. L. in opposition of the said new impost, and prohibit their inhabitants accordingly.
Samedy, le 18me d'Octobre, 1659. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvi. p. 37.
Le sieur de Heyde a esté voir le sieur commissaire Downing, luy faisant pleinte et recommendation, touchant le navire Marc Aureille, entré par tempeste en Pleymouth, et illec arresté; sur quoy il a promis avec beaucoup de civilité, que non seulement en cela, mais en toute autre chose il fera tout ce qu'on requerra de luy. Ce que les deputés des estats ont à luy recommender se voit par la resolution du 14me d'Octobre.
Le sieur president a esté prest à conclurre pour les 4 seigneuries dans la meyerie de Deurne, de Bellicom, item de Risoir; et de Mierlo. Mais cela est encore sursys.
Le conseil d'estat a avisé, qu'il sera necessaire d'accroistre ou augmenter la cavaillerie de 2000 chevaux, à fin que par terre et sur les frontiers l'on soit aussy bien en posture que par mer.
Lundy, le 20me dito.
Le commis Spronsen a rapporté d'avoir rendu au sieur resident Charisius, disant, que l'estat ne pouvoit pas accepter des clauses choquants, qui estoient dans iceux: sur quoy il declaroit avec beacoup de civilité, qu'il n'avoit jamais eu intention de choquer ou offenser l'estat aucun membre d'iceluy; que cela repugnoit à sa bonté et naturel, plustost enclin à endurer qu'à faire mal. Mais qu'en ayant desja entendre auparavant il en avoit ecrit au roy. Et par ainsy les memoires sont seposés et tenus comme non donnés et exterminés des registres.
A Amsterdam sont chargés quelques navires avec de l'huile de baleine traen pour France; mais d'autant qu'en France on maligne avec celle marchandise-là, la Hollande a propose d'interdire ce transport.
De Copenhagen ne sont pas venu des lettres; mais du sieur admiral en sont venues du 10me Octobre, d'entre Langelandt et Lalandt, parlant des suriecuses tempestes et vents, qu'il a enduré. Semble qu'il alloit à Copenhagen.
Mardy, le 21me dito.
Le sieur de Renswoude president a proposé, que son fils en la cour d'Espagne entourré de gens d'autre religion, et qu'il court risque d'estre gaigné par ces gens, et induit a quiter sa religion. Pourtant propose et requiert, qu' à luy soit donné et envoyé un ministre de la religion reformée. Ceux de Hollande et Zelande ont cela overgenoomen. De la part de l'electeur de Coloigne il y a eu un envoyé qui a proposé touchant Lith, ou la jurisdiction et superiorité; requerant que cela soit vuidé par des neutraux, et que cependant la possession demeure comme elle est.
L'on a conceu quelque ordre pour envoyer au sieur Boreel touchant l'huile de baleine. Sur quoy la France semble un peu maligner.
La Zelande a proposé, qu'on devroit envoyer une ambassade extraordinaire vers le roy de France, à fin de menager la France, et prevenir toute dispute et mal-entendre avec ce royaume.
Mecredy, le 22me dito.
Les envoyés de Zalé ont ce matin eu leur audience d'adieu ou de dimission. Ils ont par l'interpretation du Gool, professeur es langues orientales, dit beaucoup de compliments et louanges de la belle policie et ordre, qu'ils ont icy remarqué, speciallement à la Haye; et mesme parmy tant des religions et croyances, l'on tient tout en si bonne paix et repos, &c. puis ont rendu graces de la reception, accueil, et defrayement, L'on a reduit le tout en forme de quelque traité signé de costé et d'autre.
Le sieur Boreel escrit, que le sieur Lockart iroit faire rapport de ses conferences avec grand apparence de paix pour l'Angleterre avec l'Espagne; de quoy on est icy aucunement surprins et estonné. Car l'interest de cest estat n'est pas, que ces puissants voisins soyent appaisés; comme devenants tant plus considerable et formidable à cest estat.
L'on est aussy peu content de ce que le sieur Nieuport escript, que l'Angleterre demeure si froid envers les affaires du Nort. Qu'elle pleint des grands depens faits pour la Nort; montant à bien 600,000 livres sterlings. Item, qu'elle declare de ne savoir pas, lequel des deux roys soit refusant.
Jeudy, le 23me dito.
L'admirauté d'Amsterdam a avisé sur la resolution du 20me d'Octobre, qui parle d'enerver, pas des contraires interdictions l'octroy de la compagnée de l'huile de baleine en France. Item, sur ce qu'en France on continue decharger les navires estrnagés avec certain lastgelt: L'admirauté en Frise a aussy escrit touchant les mesmes choses. Tout est mis es mains des commissaires, pour examiner et en faire rapport.