State Papers, 1656: June (2 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: June (2 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: June (2 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: June (2 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

June (2 of 7)

An intercepted letter to White.

Bruges, 17 June 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxix. p. 174.

I have received yours of the 20th, and have spoken to my friend, as you desired, who is hugely satisfied of you, and hath writ to you in the last post inclosed in mine.

Valenciennes is besieged, and we have but few men in it; but we are resolved to succour it, come what it will of it; for it's a place of so great consequence, that we must endeavour to relieve it.

Don John and the prince of Condé met this day at our lady of Hall: our levies in Germany are coming on very slowly: there is an order given in Spain, that no Engiish shall live nearer then ten leagues to any sea-town.

There came no letters from you by the way of Holland by the last post from those parts.

Vice-admiral Goodsonn to secretary Thurloe.

Torrington, the 7th of June 1656.

Vol. xxxix. p. 178.

Yours of the 12th of February sent by the Matthias arrived here the 6th of May, I being then at sea; but at my returne I had noe sooner perused mine, thinking to confer and advise with major generall Sedgwicke, when it pleased God to take him from us, which is a los al good men here lament, and those of the army, that were such, are at a great stand, and much dejected in being deprived of the hopes they had conceived in having him amongst them. His highness, I hope, wil speedily send a supply of some able men to carry on the worke here; for besides my particular los of the major generall, the burden now as in relation to the publique lyes so heavy upon me, that I shall not be able long to beare it, though so far as God doth enable me, I am willing to put forth myself to the uttermost, with that help I have of collonel Doyley, who still continuing commander in chief of the army, doth also act as formerly as a commissioner, and I shall faithfully endeavour to give his highnes satisfaction in my employment. Nevertheless I must profess to you, I find a great discouragement and affliction in the clashings of some turbulent (I might say pernicious) spirits amonst us, of which I shal give you a ful accompt by the next, as also of all affaires and passages here since my last, which went from hence in the Grantham the 14th of March; for the Falcon was dispatched, when I was absent at sea. I send this only as an advertisement of what we are doing at present, because in complyance to your directions noe opportunity should be omitted; for we have now occasion of sending a small vessel to the governor of Nevis, who hath sent hither three gentlemen, that arrived the last weeke to desire shipping for the transportation of himselfe and about a thousand people, besides women, children, and their servants. Those gentlemen have made propositions to us, a copy whereof are inclosed, which we have in part satisfyed; and when they returne from Port Moranto, a harbour about ten leagues to windward, which they are gone to view, we shal endeavor to give them content in the rest, and do also intend to send three ships with them to windward, viz. the Marmaduke, Adam and Eve, and Mary fly-boate, this small vessel being sent before to give them advertisement thereof, that the people may be in the better readiness at the arrival of those ships.

At my last being at sea we were at Rio de Hacha, which it pleased God to deliver into our hands; but we got little, for the people had carryed their best goods up into the mountaines; only I brought away four brasse pieces of about 4000 l. weight each, that were in the fort; which being taken, I caused in part to be demolished, and we tooke besides two small vessells, the one laden with cocoa, and the other with wines. The cocoa I intend to send for England in the Great Charity, which is appointed to return * * * * * * equally distributed to the fleet and army, I shall by the Great Charity give a more particular account of every thing; but if this chance to come first to your hands, let it intercede with you for your prayers to procure a blessing upon the poore endeavors of, sir,
Your most faithfull and most humble servant
William Goodsonn.

As to newes from Spaine, the wine ship, who sailed the first of April from Spaine, sayth, that the first of March old stile there set saile from Cales a fleet consisting of twentyeight saile, of which four gallions of the kings, and four merchant men named as men of war are bound, the major part of them for Mexico, and the rest upon their particular occasions for trade; and this man taken being bound for Cartagena saith, that he set saile with the same ships, but by foule weather was separated from them.

General Monck to the protector.

Vol. lix. p. 125.

May it please your highnesse,
I AM sorry to acquaint your highnesse with a sad accident, that hath besalne us in this country by meanes of a fire that hapned in the cittadell of S. Johnston's, which by this inclosed letter, you will perceive there is destroyed by the fire one rowe of building, besides the losse of seaven hundred pounds worth of provisions, which was destroyed in itt. Colonel Daniell was heere att the head-quarters when this newes came to him. I have given him orders, in case hee findes this fire hapned through carelessness, to punish those, who occasioned itt; but by as much as I can learne, itt was by making a fire in a stone chimney, uppon which the sutt took fire which they quenched, and thought the fire was putt out, but there was some timber in the chimney tooke fire, and soe burnt till towards morning, and then broke into a flame. I have noe more to acquaint your highnesse withall, butt desiring the Lord to sanctifie these his dispensations towards us, I remayne

Your highnesse's most humble servant
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 7° June 1656.

Since the writing of this I received a second letter, which colonel Daniel received from his major, which makes the businesse not so bad as it was represented in the first.

General Monck to the protector.

In the possession of the righthon. Philip l. Hardwick l. high chancellor of GreatBritain.

May it please your highnesse,
Having received an order from the councill for the triall of one William Murray, whome they sent prisoner from London, the court martiall finding they have nott power to try him, sent mee the inclosed representations concerning the businesse, which I thought fitt to send to your highnesse. The man is in prison. Wee durst nott bringe him to bee tryed by a common jury, for I doubt they would free him, as they have done others heretofore; butt wee shall keepe him in prison, till such time as I know your highnesse pleasure. The councill alsoe sent to mee for a copy of the names of the officers, that are appointed to colonel Breyne's fower companies in Scotland, with an estimate of what their pay will come to monthly, above what they now receive in the severall companies, of which I have also sent your highnesse a copy. Lieutenant colonel Bramston is att the waterside with the men, butt noe newes of any shipping to take them in. I remayne

Your highnesse's moste humble servant
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 7° June 1656.

Mr. Ph. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon, to the Generals Blake and Montagu.

Vol. xxxix. p. 182.

My lords,
Some reports bruited abroad here, by whome or upon what occasion, I know not, that your lordships are not well satisfied with the peace already ratified betweene the two states, have begott exceeding discontents in the cittie, and many jealousies, that albeit the moneys were sent on board, your intentions are still to continue before the barr in the same hostile appearance as at present. As for the moneys, they shall be put aboard the Colchester with all possible expedition. I have about 30000 l. allready in my possession, but it will cost sometime to chainge the Portuguese coine into peeces of eight, besides the boxing of it up. I beleeve before night, I shall have eight or nine thousand pounds more; but to morrowe being a day of intermission, it wil be munday night at the least before all be putt aboard. In the meane tyme if your lordship will declare but to me in writeing, by such a letter as may be communicated, the sinceritie of your intentions, and that the body of the fleet shall remove from the barr upon receipt of the moneys, it will much strengthen the hands of friends, and weaken theirs, who take all advantages to worke mischiefe against those, whoe have been labourers in setling this worke of peace. I submit to your lordships judgments, to take such course as might best begett a confidence betwixt us, and remove distrusts and jealousies. And shall humbly beg your lordships answer with all speed, that I might have but a line or two to give them some satisfaction in this little interim, till the moneys be delivered on board, which shall be as soone as possible, and as fast as hands can worke it of. I am

Your honours most humble servant
Ph. Meadowe.

Lipa. 7th June 1656.

Generals Blake and Mountagu to Mr. P. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon.

Vol. xxxix.p. 160.

We are sorry there should be any jealous apprehensions conceived of us, as if we should intend hostility against his majesty of Portugall, although he should perform that, which is presently to be done on his part, according to the articles of the treaty lately concluded. And we hope, that those, whoe weigh things prudently and with candor in themselves, have more honourable thoughts of us; and that to them there needs no declaration of our minds in a thing, that cannot be supposed of us without imputation of unfaithfullnese and dishonor to us. Let it suffice, that the lord protector of England, &c. having concluded a peace with his majesty of Portugall, ourselves commanding the fleete by his highnesse permission, if his majesty of Portugall doe performe on his parte, and cause the money, which is by the treaty forthwith to be paid for his highness use, to be putt into our possession, that it may be conveyed for England, hee may confidently assure himselfe, that we shall never soe far dishonor his highnesse, whose servants we are, nor prostitute our owne reputation, and bring a scandall upon the faith and holyness of the religion we professe, as to violate any of the articles of the treaty, but on the contrary exactly observe the same, and give unto his majesty of Portugall such reall demonstrations of our love and amity, as we shall have opportunity for. Whereof you may assure his majesty in our names. We are
Your very loving friends,
Rob. Blake.
E. Montagu.

Naseby in Cascais road 8 June 1656.

Generals Blake and Mountagu to Mr. P. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon.

Vol. xxxix. p. 192.

Apprehending the consequence of the businesse mentioned in your letter by captain Lloyd, we did very betimes this morneing dispatch you up an answer, according to the simplicity of our harts in the thing, and have thought meet now to send up another vessell with this expresse, to lett you know, how much we desire a frequent correspondency with you till this affaire be brought to a final period. As any thing of moment doth occure, the bearer will give your letter conveyance to
Your loving friends R. Blake.
E. Montagu.

Naseby in Cascais road this 8th of June 1656.

Sent by the captain of the Mermaid.

Mr. P. Meadowe to Generals Blake and Mountagu.

Vol. xxxix.p. 204.

My lords,
I have communicated that from your lordships, wherein you have been pleased to give soe free a declaration of your purposes, as surely cannot but give ample satisfaction, unlesse they are resolved to pretend vaine jealouseyes, whereby to palliate other intentions. The moneys will not all be sent abroad so soon as I thought for. I feare there will not be above 150000 crownes upon the Colchester this night, and a good part of that wil be in crusados too, because we have not tyme to change it into peices of eight. I submitt it to your lordships, whither it may not be convenient, that the said frigatt be ordered to goe out with the sum aforesaid, and the remainder be putt aboard the Mermayd. Their armada consisting of about fourteen ships is ready to sayle. They have sent to me concerning the exchange of civilityes, as they passe by your fleet. I tell them, they need not doubt of reciprocall courtesey and respects. I am ready to receive your honours commands, and to communicate whatever occurs in complyance with that obligation, which is due to your lordships from
Your honours most humble servant
Ph. Meadowe

Lisbon, June 9th 1656.

The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to the States General.

Copenhagen, 18th June 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxix. p. 184.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, yesterday night we received letters from Elseneur, that the lord lieutenant admiral was arrived there with three ships. Upon our further memorandum to his majesty about the grievances in Norway, we have yet received no resolution. The lord chancellor excuseth the delay thereof upon the shortness of time, and the multiplicity of affairs; and promiseth that we shall have it to send by the next post. The Swedish agent here hath desired the master of the tolls in the Sound, to admonish all ships, that are bound for Dantzick, that the same is block'd up by the king his master, that so they may avoid all damage that shall happen unto them.

The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to the States General.

Copenhagen, 8/18 June 1656.

Vol. xxxix. p. 188.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, since our last of the 14th currant we have spoken further with rix-chancellor about that, which your high and mighty lordships were pleased to give us in charge concerning some novelties in the measuring and remeasuring of the ships in Norway, and also the raising of the tolls; all which we delivered to him in a memorandum, and desired him to shew it to the king. He promised us to do it, and give us good hopes of receiving an answer to our satisfaction. We doubt not, but we shall have an answer to send to you high and mighty lords by the next post.

The Muscovite ambassador is still here: he hath had another audience since our last; but what he treats upon we have not yet understood; for his memorandum, which he delivered to the king, is not yet translated.

Yesterday about thirty ships of war of your high and mighty lordships arrived in the Sound.

The Swedish equipage doth still continue, and the six ships of war, that brought the queen out of Sweden, are still before Dantzick.

Mr. Modyford to the protector.

Vol. xxxix. p. 206.

May it please your highnes,
How pertinent it may prove I know not, but 'tis my zeale to your service, that gives this present presumption to my pen; acquainting you, that of a certaine here have been within thes very few dayes severall ticketts delivered into the hands of the supposed most eminent cavelieres in this countie, being brought from Flanders by way of London, having onely this short expression on them or very neere the same sence: My lawer tells me, that my title is now good againe, and I doe intend to visit my friends very shortly. And farther, that the same person, from whom thos ticketts came; hath his councell in London, more or lesse of them meeting offten att Hartford or Brooke-houses; and of this I can onely learne the names of three, to witt, coll. William Russell (brother to the earl of Bedford) sir Thomas Painton, and Henry Seymour. It may be very well granted, that the like papers walke in other counties alsoe, and what they pretend, I must leave to a higher judgement; but my friend tells me, his opinion is, som action will shortly follow, and knowes noe farther att present. He is one of great esteeme among that partie, and had a tickett himselfe, but his principles have been for many monethes altred; and as a pledge thereof gives this relation, resolving to turne and employe all his interest to your highness service; and in order thereto desires to remayne awhile longer under covert, and that (unlesse it may conduce otherwise more advantagious to the same end) the adviser hereof may not in any kind be made publicke, is the humble request of
Your highnes most faithfully obedient subjecte and humble servant
Ja. Modyford.

From St. Cullume in Cornwall,
the 8th of June 1656.

Lockhart ambassador in France to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxix. p. 194.

Right Honourable,
Yesterday I had the cardinall's permissione to waite upon him. I found him a-bed: he told me, that his feverishnesse was over, and his paine gone; but that he had such a weakenesse in his ankle and knee, that he was not able to putt his foot to the ground. Whyl I was with him, he receaved a letter from mareshall Turain, informing him of the armie's conditione before Valenciennes. Its strenth consists of seventeen thousand foot and sixteen thousand horse. Their lyne of circumvalatione will be closed by tomorrow at night at furthest. The towne is verie numerus in inhabitants, but hath no considerable garisone. The mareshall hops to be master of it by the 20th of the next month. There are at least fifteen hundred families of protestants in the town. If their be a surrender of it upon articles, as its probable it will, I believe that poore people will expect his highnesse mediatione in their behalf. They will be in no conditione to capitulate for themselves, and the commanders of the garisone and the magistrats of the town will rather oppose then treat for anie publike tollerations of their religione.

Reuxbie is in England, and upon a dangerous desyne. It is most certain he is their, and his returne is expected by Charles Stuart at Bruges. I have used all possible endeavors to learn, wher he is, and with whom he corresponds their, but with no successe; onlie I ame assured by 480, that he hath large instructions to treat with all persons, that are dissatisfied upon whatsoever account. If he be in London, its probable, that he will rather trust himselfe to those, that are either Spanish by nation or inclinatione, then to those that are onlie cavaliers.

I am sorie to hear of the losse our merchands have latlie sustained by the Dunkerkers. Some twenty-five or thirty prisoners, that wer taken, have been ledd in triumph thorough severall of the considerable townes of Flanders: they perswade the people, that they have had a great victorie over the English at sea.

Their losse of Valenciennes will be verie considerable; and if they meet with one blow more this campagnie, and be vigorously attacqued next spring, their reputatione is so verie low, their forces so weake, and the bodie of the people so dissatisfied by the insupportable taxes putt upon them, and the insolencie of the soldiers, who are left at libertie, becawse they are not able to pay them, that I believe it were possible to beat them out of Flaunders next summer, if the warre were activelie prosecuted. The inclosed will give you an account of some other particulars, and I shall say no more in this, save that I am,
Right honourable,
Your most faithfull and obedient servant Will. Lockhart.

Chauni, June 19th 1656. [N. S.]

The prince Tarente was imprisoned for some threatening speeches he gave the cardinall: he had desyred the priviledge of a prince, which is to be covered in the king's presence at all tymes, except when they are spoake to by the king. The cardinal told him, that at the returne of the campaigne he would speake to the king in it. He took a delay for a refuse, and gave most injurious language, for which he is condemned by his best friends.

Lockhart ambassador in France to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxix.p. 198.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Right honorable,
I have mentioned the businesse of States Gen. C. M. was exceedinglie ill satisfied with their impudence, protests their hath not been a thought of anie such businesse since the tyme the St. Gen. had their war with prot. and upon the pe a ce all such thoghts were laid aside. That some eight dayes before he left Paris D. amb. seemed to utter something that way; but his power to conclude anie thing of that nature being enquired into, it was found, that their was not so much as a commission or advyse to make the propositione; and it was confess'd by the proposer, that he had done it out of his own privat zeal for the thing, and was resolved (if he found it would take hear) to use his best endeavors to dispose his ma s t ers to it. It was thoght rediculos to treat with a particular person about his private inclinations; and to declare upon such slender grownds was a weaknesse, that usuallie they were not guiltie of. I did endeavor, as much as I could, to retain the expressions, because they were delyvered with more then ordinarie earnestnesse. The freedome and noblenesse of your way in this was resented with manie expressions of gratitude; and its promised that (notwithstanding of anie former ill usage) if my lord protector fynds that a convenient thing, he will assist it, and dispose France to it; onlie Sweden must be comprys'd in it. Their was no great dispositions to speak freelie to the businesse of Sweden; so that I cannot give any distinckt account of that at present.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Cardinall seem'd to be surprys'd, when it was told him, that three or four thousand me n were refused, except they were l evied at the charge of France, and maintained by France He thinks the prot will need a great part of that army to releave and defend the place. He assures me, that once this week I shall know his last resolutions abowt it. Mean tyme a list of the pryces of these things mentioned in my former is press'd; and its expected, that the protector will make ready the fleet, so as in a year's advertisement it may put to sea; and at parting told me, he was consident at next meeting, wee should agree as to all things, but did insinuate, that he believed, that I had power to yeeld to the great particular in question. I protested the contrair. I hinted something concerning the I end ing of mo ny. I found I was understood, but he waved the speaking to it at that tyme. I have my fears still, that it will not doe. He told me, he had spent all his strenth, so that in civilitie I was oblyged to tak leave of him.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Sir, I am apprehensive, that if we come to agree either about the great businesse, or that of monies, or both, that my credentialls will not be looked upon as sufficient to impower me to syne; and without syning, businesse will be verie loose; but you are best able to judge of what is fitt to be done in that. The cardinall hath said nothing to me abowt anie such thing; onlie both the first and second tyme I waited on him, he told me, that he knew I had powers, that I wowld not then own. And now it being tyme to putt an end to the trowble you receave by this, I beg leave to renew my humble assurance, that I have most passionatt inclinations to be,
Right honourable,
Your most obedient and faithfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Chauni, June, 19th 1656. [N. S.]

The protector to Blake and Mountagu, generals at sea.

In the possession of Joseph Jekyll esq; In the hand-writing of secretary Thurloe.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Wee have seene a letter written by you to the commissioners of the admiralty, dated the 9th of May from Tanger, which arrived here yesterday morneinge, whereby wee understand the posture of the enemy, and that for the severall reasons expressed by you in that sayd letter, it seemes to you not rationalle, to attempt the burneinge of the Spanish fleet in Cadiz; and thereupon apprehending, that some of your ships may be spared into the chanel for the better secureinge of trade, and the blockeinge up of Dunkirk and Ostend, where the pirates and ships of warre grow so numerous, that lately eighteen or nineteen of them in a body tooke twenty of our merchant ships in two fleets, being under a convoy of a Dutch ship of thirty-six guns; therefore we have resolved to call into these seas part of the fleet now with you; and to that end wee desire you upon the receipt hereof, to give orders to ten shipps under a good officer to saile with the first opportunity of wynd and weather into the Downs, requireing them to give ymediate notice unto us of their arrivall. We leave it wholly unto you, which of the shipps you will send, conceiveinge you to be best able to judge, which of them will be sittest for this service, and may be best spared by you. Some thoughts we have had, that the lesser sort of ships, and espetially frigotts, will best answer the aforesaid ends here. This wee have resolved, not knowing any thing of your posture or counsells more then your aforesayd letter represents. But in case you are upon any designe, or if ought else hath emerged either upon our letter and instruction sent by captaine Lloyd, or from your own thoughts, with which these orders will not well confist, wee leave it to you, notwithstanding what wee have herein writt, wheither you will send these ships or not; our intentions not being to disappoint any things, which may be in your eye or designe to be done there by the fleet.

His highness present,
Lord president,
Lord Lambert,
Sir Gilbert Pickeringe,
Mr. Strickland,
Lord deputy,
Lord Fiennes,
Col. Sydenham,
Col. Jones.

Whitehall, 9 June, 1656.

That his highness be advised to send this letter to the generalls now before Cadiz in Spayne.

The information of capt. John Colebourne given to the secretary the 9th of June, 1656.

Vol. xxxix. p. 210.

The abovenamed captain John Colebourne saith, that upon the 15th of May last hee being with major John Felkins at his house in St. Jago de la Vega, there came into the roome to them lieutenant collonel Henry Archbould, whoe after some other discourse expressing some discontent at the armye, and the carriage of affaires both heer and in England, did say, that my lord protector was worse then his word; and that they should or were like to have noe more pay then what they had already; but if the army would bee ruled by him, they would take a course to pay themselves, by seizing on the fleet, and serving the Venetian, who would be glad to entertaine them into their pay. Whereupon hee the said captain Colebourne made answer, that it would be impossible to effect any thinge of that nature, for the fleet was not under their commande; for they had nothing but the fort, which the fleete would beate downe in an houres time. When the abovenamed lieutenant collonel Archbould answered, it coould be donne by a complyance with the fleet, whoe were as much discontented as they; and that he could make sure of two shippes, if not of sower; and that if every one would use his interest in like manner, theire busines might be donne.

Vera copia.

Will. Stayno, deputy advocate.

The governor of Berwick to general Monck.

Vol. xxxix. p. 200.

My lord,
This morning there was a fight at sea betwixt a frigott of ours (as it is supposed) and five of the enemy; but after a longe and hot dispute, one of them were blowne uppe, which sunke downe right (which itt is thought is ours) butt the five remaine still uppon our coasts. Something to this effect I received even now from the lieutenant, that commands at the island fort, with this addition, that the other five are much shattered in peeces in their masts and sayles. The fight was within fight of the towne. I thought itt my duty to give your lordshippe an account of it, least there may come some shippes out from you, which cannot come with safety. This is the best account at present from,
My lord,
Your very humble servant, John Mayer.

Berwick, June 9th at 11 clock att night. [1656.]

For the right honourable generall Monck, commander in chief of all the forces in Scotland.

General Monck to the protector.

Vol. xxxix. p. 222.

May it please your highnes,
I am to acquaint you with a sad accident, which I doubt hath befallne one of your friggots. I suppose itt is the Greyhound, who had orders to plye betweene Holly Island and Bussanesse, and sett sayle out of Leith roade on Saturday last; and the 9th instant being the Munday following, the accident mentioned in the inclosed letter hapned. I pray God give us grace to make use of these his dispensations. I am likewise to acquaint your highnesse, that there were ten barrells of powder seized upon by some waiters of the customes at Aberdene, which were brought in with some soape barrelis, with which they thought to have past itt. I have noe other newes, butt that the men drawne out for Jamaica are att the water side; and I have some notice from col. Brayne, that the shippes are not gone out of the river Thames, soe that I doubt the men will lie there very long, before they are shippt. Which is all at present from
Your highnesse's most humble servant,
George Monck.

Edinburgh, 10th June, 1656.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxix. p. 238.

Right honourable,
By the last weeke's post I remitted your honour the charge against Mr. Townley, with the prooses to make it good; since which I have received your letter of the 30th ult, which speakes his arrivall, and that upon the cominge of the charge the councell would call him to answer for his misdemeanors.

They write from London, that he carryes it very high there, sleighteinge all; but I suppose ere long he will beare a less saile. A friend writes me by this post, that beinge lately in company with Mr. Baron, he told him, that he came that day from your honour; and that you said to him, that now the businesse would suddenly be determined; but that you were sorry to consider how much of bespatteringe there would happen each of other; by which I gather (if Mr. Baron forged not that sayinge) that Mr. Townley or some of his abettors have endeavoured to render me under some unworthie character, the better to bringe off himselfe. Truly, sir, if he should have done soe, I cannot wonder at it, knowinge the man now soe well as I doe; and that I am not the first he hath traduced; nor can I reasonably thinke, that he will stick at any thing to blemish one, if he can, that hath so dareingly struck at his highnesse's honour in mee. I have not represented any thinge concerninge him, but what hee hath enforced mee unto by his publique and insolent actinge of it. Except I should expose my publick character to contempt, I could not possibly passe it bye; and if for that he traduce me, I shall little regard his womanish spitsullnesse, as I beleive other impartiall men will not. The businesse lyes before honourable and discerninge judges, to whose censure I humbly it, desireing you will please to lett me know, if Mr. Townley or any other have bespattered me, that I may wipe it off for your and friends satisfaction; and to let you see yet more of the malice of the man and his partie. I know, I have deserved more at the hands of God, than that a professinge friend should become a deadly enemie; and if hee please to have it soe, he knowes how to bring good out of that of evill. I hope by the next to have answer of my letter touchinge the layinge of a good intelligence. The mast ship is in loadinge, but how shee will passe the sea; I knowe not, the Dunkirkers beinge soe prevalent, as that sewe escape them. Referringe you to th'inclosed paper, which is the best intelligence theise parts affoard, I affectionately remayne
Your honour's most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

Hamb. 10th June, 1656.

The correspondent of the States General at Koningsberg the 20th of June 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxii. p. 226.

I am told just now by my doctor of physic, that the duke of Brandenburgh went from hence the day before yesterday towards Balga five or six miles from hence, upon the way to Elbing, accompanied with some of his private council, with an intention to sojourn there some time. It may be to be so much the nearer to Marienburg. I am also told; that the coming of your high and mighty lordships fleet into the Sound doth give great cause of consideration here. I will also add, that the last letters received from monsieur Strycker had been broken open, before I had them.

The elector of Cologne to the States General.

Vol. xxxix. p. 234.

Our hearty salutation and affection is presented to your high and mighty lordships our special good friends and neighbours.

You will still have in fresh memory, what we did cause to be remonstrated unto you by our commissioners, whom we sent to the Hague, concerning some grievances done of late, as well to us as the common citizen in our city of Rhynberck. We had hoped, that you would have taken away and removed all such grievances; but we are strangely surprized to be informed, that since by the commissioners of your high and mighty lordships, who are in our said city of Rhynberck, there hath happened and been made a new and heavy grievance, by making an alteration in the magistracy, turning out some by force, and putting in others, which we cannot imagine to have any colour of justice. Wherefore we do hope, that your high and mighty lordships will not prejudice hereby that good name, which you bear every where for administring of justice and equity; but that you will rather preserve and extend the same; and to abolish all that hath been done by your order upon ungrounded information; and to re-establish all things to their former constitution; and likewise not interrupt the same for the future.

Your lordships good friend and neighbour,
Maximilian Henrich.

Given in our city of Bonn, the 20th of June, 1656. [N. S.]

Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxix. p. 242.

Right honourable,
My last unto you was of the 13th currant, since which little offereth worth your notice. By this post I have received a pacquet from my lord Lockhart, to send forwards to our admirall, which wil be effected to-morrow; the barque only attending a sayre wind. In my last I gave your honor notice, that the magistrates of this place had receive mee with much civility, as did also our whole nation, except one Mr. Holworthy, an English merchant resident here, who in company with the old consill went to the magistrates, and told them his highness commission was not to be vallewed, being slighted in all parts; uttering also much uncivill languadge touchinge his highness and state, insomuch that two days past, spaking with the magistrates to register my commission according to custome, they answered mee, it could nott bee done, my expeditions not being authenticque. Assoone as the barque is passed with the pacquett to our admiralls by order of my lord Lockhart, I shall intimate unto the magistrates of this place the king's arrest for the establishment of the custome of 3 per cent, for satisfaction of this cittye's debt to our nation. When I have received theire answer, I shall give you notice thereof; in the meane tyme, humbly take leave, and remayne
Your honour's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.

Mærseille, 20th June, 1656. [N. S.]

An intercepted letter of Sir John Berkeley to Mrs. Davis.

Paris, 20 June, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxix. p. 230.

My dearest heart,
I writ to you in my last, that I did not know what would become of us, but that I did believe I should either not go or not stay long in Flanders; but that on all events I should find my subsistance on this side the seas, which I am still fully persuaded of; and yet it is some pleasure to hope, that in all events I may have some other innocent retreat. You promised to write to me duly, till you went into Ireland, which I desire you to remember, and to let me hear of your arrival.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My lord,
His highnes haveing received the enclosed letter this evening, did commaund mee to send it unto your lordship. It seems the person mentioned in it is a very notorious highwayman, and that the apprehending of him would be a great service to the publique; for which purpose your lordship is troubled about it at this tyme. This is all that I know either of the man or matter.

Yesterday the commissioners of the admiraltye received a letter from the generals before Cadiz, which signified nothing more, then that they were all in a good condition, and had not yet sound the opportunityes, which they hoped for. The last weeke two of our frigats, after a hot dispute, tooke the admirall of the Dunkirkers, of twenty-seven guns, and two hundred men aboard her. She was soe maymed in the fight, that they were forced to sink her, but the men they brought away. My lord, this is all I have to trouble you with at this tyme, and rest
Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 10 June, 1656.

Generals Blake and Mountagu to Mr. P. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon.

Vol. xxxix. p. 250.

We were in good hoape both from your letters and expressions here, that the mony due unto his highnesse upon this peace would have been put aboard the vessells we appointed for it, and they retorned to the fleet againe before this tyme. And you know we have pressed for expedition therein for many important reasons; and in our last letter, which was to be communicated to his majesty of Portugall, we particularly expressed our lookeing at that, as the principall security of the peace, and that which was forthwith to be performed on his part. But it seemes delayes have bin, which are not a little trouble to us; and we judge it best for his highnesse service, and the ease of our minds, to be very plaine, and desire to receive as cleere and plaine an answer from you. The mony (as we understood from yourselfe and some others) was paid, and in your possession in specie, and to the vallue of soe much sterling, before we came hither. If soe, surely other accomodations for the shiping of it might have beene sooner prepared then we yett see done. If the mony be not in your hands, and there be any obstacle concerning it on the king of Portugall's side, why doe we not know it ? Or if otherwise, we also think it requisite, that we should be informed of the true reason thereof, the knowledge of these matters being very necessary for us to guide our deportment. The consequencyes of this affaire are very great and considerable; and we desire you would so lay them to heart, as to act your part industriously in the remainder of it, and correspond with us in the most private passages thereabout. We have plainely and faithfully expressed our harts and intentions to take away jealousies; and we desire you would take care, as much as in you lies, that noe new occasions of jealousyes may be administred to us. Lett all things with you be transacted, as we have desired; and then ther needs noe discourse of compliments with the king of Portugall's ships; but as we said before, we shall not only be civill therein, but give reall demonstration of friendship, which is much more sutable to the affaire and our owne dispositions. We have desired captain Lloyd to take the pains to goe to you, with whome we intreate you to communicate freely, and lett us have a full and also a speedy account, how matters stand with you. We remaine
Your loving friends,
Rob. Blake.
E. Mountagu.

Naseby in Cascais road, 10 June, 1656.

Mr. P. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon, to generals Blake and Mountagu.

Vol. xxxix. p. 246.

My lords,
I formerlie told your lordships, that the monye due from the king of Portugall were paid to those heer, who are authorized by his highness for receiving the same; the further accompt of which is as followeth. Before the newes of the fleets comeing this way, I had made a peremptory demand of the moneys, whereupon the king caused a hundred and forty thousand crownes to be paid presently in cash to Mr. Beard appointed for the receipt thereof; and not being provided soe conveniently to furnish forth the remainder at that tyme, caused two rich Jewes in this citty to give bond for the payment thereof within a certeine time, which expired about five dayes since; the one for fifty thousand crownes, and the other for eight and fifty; for the lending of which money they are to receive the habitt of gentlemen. And besides this Mr. Beard had formerlie received bills of Alfandega for the payment of fifteen thousand crownes more, which, according to the stile of this countrey, is accompted by all merchants as ready mony. This, say they, is the whole debt. I demand twelve hundred pounds more to make up the fifty thousand pounds sterling mony, according to the provision made in the article; and in case it be denyed me, I shall have recourse to your lordships, and not give an acquittance, till I receive satisfaction herein. Of this mony there is not yett above twenty nine or thirty thousand pounds sterling on board the friggat, wherein if I have misinformed your lordships by giveing you to thinke, that a greater sume ere this would have binn on board, it proceeds from this, that others, who have the handing of it, have not performed what they gave me to believe, and what they themselves thought they might have been able to accomplish. Mr. Beard hath about twenty five thousand crownes more in hand, one of the forenamed receivers haveing paid twenty two thousand crowns of the fifty, and assures me, that the other twenty eight shall be paid to-morrow. I sent to the other of them forthwith to pay in the fifty eight thousand, who returned me answer, he would be paying it every day, but he believed it would be the latter end of the week, before the whole could be discharged. Upon this I wrote to his majesty, requireing the whole remainder of what is due, and that without delay word is sent me, that the fifty eight thousand crownes shall be paid to-morrow. Your lordships may possibly thinke, that I am too remiss, but all heer think I am too forward, and say I deale with them like negroes, as if they had neither faith nor honor. This is the present state of things. As any thing further occurres, I shall acquaint your honours therewith, who am
Your humble servant,
Ph. Meadowe

Lisbon, June 10th 1656.

Captain Lloyde to generals Blake and Mountagu.

Vol. xxxix. p. 248.

Right honorable,
We finde, that the last night there were 25000 crownes on board the Colchester, and no more. This day they hope to make it up 150000, according to the letter yesterday. But as to the whole businesse, every one wee speake with gives us a different accompt. Most men cleere the king, that he hath paid all. The agent referrs all to a letter, which in answer to yours he intends to lett us have this night, or very betimes in the morning; the delay whereof soe long made us dispatch this before-hand, to give your honours all the satisfaction wee have yett obteyned, which wee could wish were more. As we came, we observed the rear admirall of the king's armado and about four more on the carreen, with their gunns, to tallow betwixt winde and weather; and the agent sayth, he heares they will not now to be out soe soone as was once intended. God willing to-morrow morning betimes we shal be back with your honours. In the meane tyme take leave, and remaine,
Right honorable,
Your very humble servant,
Griff. Lloyde.

Lisbon. 10th June 1656. between two and three in the afternoon.

Before we had opportunity to send this away, we spake with captain Blake, who saith he hath but eight chests on board, which may contain about six thousand pounds sterling.

Generals Blake and Mountagu to Mr. P. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon.

Vol. xix. p. 254.

We have thought meet to order the Colchester to come forth to us with the mony she hath on board, and sent the Saphire up to take in the remainder; wherin we desire still all possible expedition may be used, for we would willingly dispatch her for England assoone as we could. We are
Your loving friends,
R. Blake.
E. Mountagu.

Naseby in Cascais road,
this 11th of June, 1656.

Sent by the Maidstone, the Saphire goeing in company.

The English merchants at Dantzick to secretary Thurloe.

Dantzick, 11/21 June, 1656.

Vol. xxxix. p. 89.

Honorable sir,
To that above, which is the duplicate of ours sent to your honour last weeke, we make bould to add, that some of us since have (in the name of the rest of our nation) beene with the presedent, and intreated, before they proceeded to execution, wee might have but seven weekes time given us to acquaint his highness the lord protector with our condition, and to know his pleasure concerning the same; but he answered us, noe further delation would be granted us; and telling us withall, that if wee would not all of us, as well guests as housekeepers, take the oath of fidelitie to them, joyne with them in the military dewtie for the defence of their cetie, and submit to the payment of such taxes as they would impose on us, that then they would distraine, thereby to force us to the same. The which they have alredie begun, haveing by their officers taken from the most of us distresses for our not payment of the hundreth penny, and will, as we beleeve, doe the like for our failing in the others alsoe.

If wee will depart, the presedent tells us absolutely (as afore) wee must leave the tenth part of our estates behinde us. Wee have soe much considence in your honour's care, to mainetaine and promote the reputation, honor, and welfare of our nation, and of your goodness for the releese of such as are in our condition, that wee presume, haveing acquainted your honor with the same, we need use no other arguments or intreaties to move you to promote our humble request to his highness mentioned in our former letter; and therefore will cease to trouble your honour any further, save to subscribe our selves
Your honour's most humble servants,
Franc. Sanderson,
Robert Browne,
Nevill Lorymer,
John Sayer,
Henry Haswell,
Richard Whitlock,
Thomas Benson,
Owen Lloyd,
Thomas Barker,
George Clifford,
Edward Daniel,
Will. Markham,
Robert Grymwade,
George Cock,
Gamaliel Acton,
John Fisher.

A letter of intelligence.

Dantzick, 21st of June 1656.

Vol. xxxix. p. 411.

The king of Sweden hath been lately about this town with a part of his army viewing the same, but departed again. Some report the king of Poland is potent and numerous about Warsaw, and hath taken it. Others say, it is not taken in, but he hath lost divers storms, but hath met with the Swedes forces, that went to relieve it under command of general Wrangell and Douglas, and beaten them. Others say, there is nothing of it. The boors are up in Samoyten, and hinder the post's passage from Riga, do much mischief. The Muscovite hath taken the field, and will hold randevouz about Smolensky, settle things with the Poland, set forward his march. They of Riga are warned to ship away their wood, or else they will fire it. An odium begins to grow upon the Swede, by reason of his oppressive taxes, so that this town have hopes of his declining; especially seeing the Hollanders will come into their assistance, who send them powder and what they want; the eyes of all men being turned upon their fleet in the Sound; and what conjunction the Dane and Muscovite will make, having his ambassador there, a short time will disclose; but all men hope the Hollanders will not suffer the Swede to be master of all the ports in this East sea, which would turn to their undoing; and therein we shall be beholding to themselves. Since my last we have received a final answer from the magistracy of this town, that we must take an oath of fidelity to help to defend their walls in person, pay taxes and all other military duties, or if we shall depart, we must leave our tenths behind us; which unjust demands and unrighteous yokes we hope our state will free us from, and not suffer them to lye upon our nation; but the Hollanders do instigate against us. Our intelligence on both sides is very partial; this town itself sometimes in five or six weeks time getting nothing, and yet have their secretary constantly by the king of Poland for information. The country is so broken, that there is no travelling by posts.