A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: June (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp83-95 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: June (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp83-95.
"State Papers, 1656: June (1 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp83-95.
In this section
June (1 of 7)
General Blake and Montagu to Mr. Ph. Meadows, the English envoy at Lisbon.
Vol. xxxix. p. 5.
We desire, that assoone as the fleete appeares in Cascais road, you would lett us have
some personall conference with you on board, if your health permitt. Pray loose noe
tyme in comeing to us, whoe are
Naseby 1 June 1656.
off cape Pitcher.
Your very loving freinds,
Rob. Blake.
E. Montagu.
Commissioner Pels to the States General.
Dantzick 11th June 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix.p. 5.
High and mighty lords,
Here hath not happened much alteration since my last. The Swedish infantry under
the general Steynbock doth fortify the Neeringe, making two bridges over both the
arms of the Weysell, which run before that place. The Muscovite ambassador, who is
gone towards your high and mighty lordships by sea, hath ordered to be signified by provision
to this city, that his master had concluded a peace with the king of Poland. The queen
of Sweden is coming to reside at Grandentz, to which place she hath caused some of her
goods to be brought already.
A letter of intelligence.
From Paris, June 13, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix. p. 35.
Marouis Hocquincourt having been set at liberty by the Spaniards for the price of 25,000 l. is returned to his government of Peronne.
The mareschal his father being sent for by the king, could not come by reason of his fciatica.
30 great guns are to be taken out of the arsenal of Paris, which gives reason to think, that the king intends some great thing. All the forces are marching towards Artois and Flanders; but to what end, we know not.
'Tis thought the princess of Conti is with child. The prince her husband is to go for Catalonia within seventeen days.
The duke of Guise is returned from Blois, where he spake only of the things concerning the succession of his mother, without mentioning any thing of the business between mademoiselle and her father.
Don John of Monthoy nephew to count Fuensaldagna went through this city Saturday last with a pass from the king, and waited upon by one of his majesty's life-guard, who conducted him as far as the Spanish frontiers.
The Dunkirkers and Ostenders have taken lately twenty English vessels, laden for the most part in Bretagne and Normandy. They were returning to London, where there are twenty frigats building against those of Dunkirk.
The secretary to the pope's nuncio now at Madrid is come thence to this place in seven days. He has carried things of great concernment to the nuncio, and hath order now to make all possible haste for Italy.
Count Lillebonne went from hence yesterday for the armies, according to his majesty's order.
Two Scottish colonels are lately come hither. They say, that the six thousand men France has bought are raised in Scotland, and ready to march; but they desire first the remainder of the money promised them.
The clergy require a revocation of the king's declaration in 1652, which was in favour of the protestants, before they will renew their contract with the king. They protest at court, that they have been surprized and deceived in it, and that they will give the clergy some satisfaction.
The duke of Beaufort was married Sunday last to mademoiselle de Monbason.
Paris, June 9th 1656. [N. S.]
WE hear from Brusselles, that the late defeat of the three Spanish regiments hath much abated their joy. Don John has sent for don Estevan de Gamarra out of Holland, to make him maistre de camp general. His highness has also sent commissions to raise men in Liege and Cologne, having had advice given him by the governor of Valenciennes, that the French intended to besiege him.
Mareschal (fn. 1) Turenne having been at the great counsel held at La Ferre the third instant, returned the next day to his army near Marlé. The king and the court are at La Ferre, and it is thought, that the design is to besiege either Audune or Doway, and that the court is to remove to Peronne.
The six thousand English are expected daily. 'Tis said they will come shortly; but some say, that the cause of their long tarrying is for want of money.
The (fn. 2) duke of York having demanded leave to go to his brother, has received a denial, for fear lest the English, who are in the French army, should go with him, and engage with the Spaniards.
Tuesday about three in the afternoon mareschal Schomberg departed this world. His corps was carried to the Recollets at St. Denis, and thence to Nauteuil.
By the last from Madrid it is confirmed, that the Spanish queen is with child.
Monday last count Rocchi was married to mademoiselle de Duras at Charenton.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xxxix. p. 53.
The duke of York is sent for, which gives great hopes, that Charles Stuart intends presently to be amongst you. Charles Stuart expects daily from the king of Spain the conclusion of those articles treated upon with the council here. The most assistance they can expect from these here will be ammunition and some money, which the pope is to advance to the king of Spain. Charles Stuart's chief hope is in the people, who being brought so low through the taxes, upon his appearance amongst them, will all combine themselves, and shake off your yoke. I assure you, the public resolution-ministers are quite out of favour. Lord Belcarres is engaged at Cologne, his lady crying pitifully for want. Middleton is become a great detester of the covenant. Charles Stuart is resolved to take none along with him hereafter, but those, who are or shall profess themselves to be of one mind. Valenciennes was besieged Friday last. The English with Charles Stuart are colonel Sydenham, Price, Philips, Cairless, who set on the tree with Charles Stuart after Worcester fight, Sir Edward Walker, Mason, Lane, and Harding, and of Scots colonel Blaikater, Borthwick and his brother, and major John Stone. The queen of England is thought to care little for her son's destruction, that by marrying her little popish daughter to the king of France he might have a title to those nations. The papists had a chief hand in making Charles Stuart's escape, hiding him in their priests holes.
Don John's army is lying about Tournay. The German forces he expects are only 2500 effective. I am in exceeding great danger of being discovered, therefore I beg leave to come home. I came from Bruges on Wednesday last.
Brussels, 13 June 1656. [N. S.]
William Ins.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxix. p. 39.
Right honourable,
I HAVE received yours this weeke, and shall doe what in me lyes to lay a good intelligence from Poland and Prussia, as you desire. Upon your first order I writ aboute it,
here not beinge any person fit to employ in such a busines. I am sorry Mr. Rolt did it
not, when he was there. From Prussia I doubt not but to have the certainty of things;
but in Poland noe posts are suffered to pass, as I formerly writt you; and it's a desperate
busines to be employed in, both sides punishinge severely such as give intelligence, though
but of the actions of their armies; but I shall doe what can be done.
I here inclose your honour the charge against Mr. Townley with the proofes to make it good. I could not well contract the charge into less roome and heads, nor discover the truth, without soe many interrogatories which follow next to the charge, and the examinations next after them; but to prevent trouble, I have extracted the cheef heads of his misdemeanors fourth of the charge, and referred to the proofes in the margent thereof, that soe his highness and the councell may shortly see and reade over the substance of his offences, which I wish were not foe great, and yet all hath not been said. I have inclosed the extracts in my letters to his highness and the councell, prayeing your highness to deliver them with the first opportunity after perusall, and closeing down the seals, and to signifie, that you have the full charge with the proofes ready, when the councell shall please to proceede in the busines. I pray you alsoe to move the councell in the particulars formerly signified unto you, touchinge the obstinate carriage of Mr. Townley's party heere, in countenancinge and maintayninge him in what he hath done, of which I gave you an accompte by the last and former posts, and sent you copies of their proceedings heere, as a company, to check with the commands of the councell, as by theire owne registers appeare. I heere inclose you also an attestation of Cambridge his callinge all men knaves, that should give under their hands, that his master Townley had affronted the resident. Of his other insolencies I formerly and by the last post writ you, and shall send you attestations thereof, if needfull. I hope you will thinke fit to remember him, when his master comes to his answer, whom truly he vies with in a saucie and peremptorie behaviour. There are severall other witnesses both heere and at London, whoe, if need were, can testifie much against Townley, especially Mr. Richard Wynn of London, of whom I make mention in the extract, if either yourselfe or the counsel thinke fit to send for him, which hee desires, beinge to commence a suite in Chancery against Townley, whoe he conceives (as I heare) hath beene a partner with his servant, contrary to the order of the company, and for which the penalty is disfranchisment, if it be proved. If his highness and the councell shall thinke fit to put the government heere into the hands of the well-affected agayne, I have heere inclosed you a list of such men as are fit for it; amonge whome there are some (those last in the list) that are of Townley's party, but the most moderate, and will be the lesse in nomber, if the rest be excluded, beinge the companie (as I heare) must renew their charter, and that some opposition is given thereunto by the interlopers, as they call them, soe as it may be long ere it come to be done. If in the meane tyme the government were put into the hands of the abovesaid men to transact the affaires of the company, according to their owne orders, and the court at London to choose them a day (for if that worke be left to the body of the company here to elect now upon the 24th of this moneth, whom they please, there will be nothing but confusion, and the disaffected will have their wills, whatever advice the company from London give them) the busines may foe rest, and all thinges here be carryed on in peace, and to the effectinge of what shall be needfull, till the charter can be renewed, and the company settled in their ancient way of government. I beleeve this expedient would bringe things soonest into order here, and would be approved of by the graver sort of the company at London, if propounded to them. The rest of Townley's party may sit in the general courts of the company to see and heare how the affaires of the company are carried on, to instruct young men therein; but not to vote or hand any thinge, for then they will turne all upside downe agayne, till their spirits are cooled.
It now remaynes, that I beg your honour's pardon for the great trouble I have given you
in this untoward business, which truly had I thought at first it would have forced me to foe
many long letters, I would never have stirred in it, whatever I had suffered for it; but I
trust the trouble is now near an end, and that for the future I may attend the commands
of my master and his service, free from disquietments by disaffected men. Referring to
the inclosed paper of the present intelligence, I affectionatley professe myselfe
Hamb. 3d June 1656.
Your honour's very humble servant
Richard Bradshaw.
Sir, in lookeing over Mr. Misselden's examination, you will find, that hee in favour of Mr. Townley says noethinge against him, but for him, nor will he come upon his othe, as his answer intimates. I send his and other examinations by another hand, that the pacquett swell not too much. They will bee delivered to your honour, though I beleeve you will judge these sufficient.
Mr. Gabriel Whitley, one of the witnesses noted in the margent of the charge, lives now in London. He hath not yet beene examined, but can testifie to what he is quoted for, if the councell please to send for him, or command his examination to be taken.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxix. p. 43.
Honored Sir,
I AM order'd by his highness councell heere to acquaint you, that haveinge expected as
longe as possibly they could his highness orders for the monthly assessment in this nation, which determined the last of this month, and which by this time should have bin
printed and published; they are now necessitated humbly to beg by you his highness pleasure therin. They are all too cleerly satisfyed, that 10000l. a month is as high as wil
be well borne; and as much satisfyed, that therefore nothinge less can be well imposed,
and have thereupon fitted all thinges for publication at that rate, but distributeing the
respective sums to the respective shires, when the gross sum is appoynted. They know
they need not in this exigency press for your answer to this, and yet they have order'd me
to tell you, if the new assess be not published before the old be fully expired, we shall run
into arreares to the army. I have now noe more to ad, but that I am perfectly, sir,
Edin. the 3d of June 56.
Your most affectionate and most faithfull humble servant
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Edinb. the 3d of June 56.
Vol. xxxix. p. 45.
Honoured sir,
I HAVE this day troubled you with two letters, and therfore have in this only to acquaint you, that the new regiment for Jamaica being at Aire, ther fell out a difference
betweene one of them and one of that garryson, which did growe to such a height, that
the garde after haveinge fruitlessly fyred only powder at them, were at last forced to fire
bullets too, whereby foure or five were killed, and many dangerously wounded; but all is
now quiet, and the men reddy to embarque. I write this briefly, because the particulars
would be too tedious.
Ther is lately a ship com into Aberdeane, wher som men made entry in the Customhouse of severall barrells, which they said were of sope, but were indeed of gunpowder;
they would have corrupted one of the waiters, but he was honest, and discovered. We
have sent to have the guilty persons brought of with a garde, and shall make them examples. This is a strong signe of some rogery a brewing; and 'tis the more suspitious, because those ports doe much abound with papists. We have ordered the lawse to be put in
force against papists, but dayley expect his highness order against lay papists, which if sent,
as we have humbly desyred, would give great satisfaction to all honest men heere, and much
contribute to the publick quiet. Therefore your favor in procuring * * * is humbly and
constantly desyred of you by, sir,
Your moste thankfull humble servant
General Monck to the protector.
Vol. xxxix. p. 49.
May it please your highnesse,
Having received this inclosed letter from colonel Ashfield, I thought fitt to send it
to your highnesse, and am sorry that soe ill an accident should happen to the partie,
that are going for Jamaica. The quarrell hapned between some souldiers of the garrison
of Ayre, and some of the partie that were in that towne. There were fower killed, and
some others hurt, as your highnesse will perceive by the letter. I have written effectually
to colonel Ashfield to see the offenders punished on both sides; and have sent him an order
for to execute martiall law, and to take away life or limb, according to the articles of
warre, as the court shall find occasion to put them in execution. And notwithstanding
this ill accident that hath befallne them, I hope the men will goe on chearfullie with their
officers, and answer the expectations we have of them, for truly they are as stout a partie of
men (both officers and souldiers) as can goe out of any country. The number of men will
bee made uppe, for there went many volunteers with them to the water-side, desirous to
goe alonge with them. However I shall take care to see them compleate. The men are
now att the water-side at port Patrick, butt I heare of noe shipping as yett; only I received
a letter from your highnesse councill, that I should write to a merchant in London concerning the shipping; but I heare nothinge from the merchant as yett, and I doubt the
men will lie long in expectation of shipping. However I shall take care that for one two
months neither officers nor souldiers shall want monie; and I hope by that time the shipping will come to receive them, though I could have wisht the shipping had bin there
ready to have received them, when they came first, least there should bee any distemper,
they being thirty miles from Ayre, which is the neerest garrison to them, and wee having
noe forces neerer. However I have appointed some horse to bee neere them; and I doe
not doubt, butt that notwithstanding this misfortune, that hath befalne them; they will
prove very obedient to their officers; for I never saw any men in my life goe more willingly * * * business then they doe; and I doubt nott but they will (by the blessing * * *
your highnesse expectation. I remayne
3d June 1656.
Your highnesse's most humble servant
George Moncke.
At the councell at Whitehall.
Tuesday, 3d June 1656.
Vol. xxxix. p. 19.
A Letter from divers gentlemen of Cheshire on behalf of the Cheshire brigade for their service at Worcester, was this day read. Ordered, that it be referred to the lord Lambert, general Disbrowe, colonel Jones, Sir Charles Wolseley, or any two of them, to state the matter of fact as to the demands of the said brigade, and the list annexed, and to report the same with their opinion to the councell.
Hen. Scobell, clerke of the councell.
Van Rhenswoude, the Dutch envoy in Spain, to the States General.
Madrid, 14 June 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix. p. 81.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, if so be I cannot wholly effect your high and mighty lordships project, yet
I can say, that the effecting thereof is so far advanced, as far as I can understand, that
they begin to debate in the council of state about my reception, the lord don Lewis de Haro
having acquainted me with so much. Wherefore I could not make any further instance for
the delivering of my credentials to their majesties. I thought fit in a visit, which I gave
to the earl Pignoranda, to acquaint him with your high and mighty lordships resolution;
finding him a person very much affected to the welfare of your high and mighty lordships,
I hope that your high and mighty lordships will not be displeased therewith. He did assure
me, that his majesty was resolved to give all manner of satisfaction to your high and mighty
lordships. The said earl used me with a great deal of civility, and promised me his assistance. The English fleet (upon which every one hath an eye) endeavoured not long since
to make a landing, was presently repulsed, and their men forced on board again. Also a
Hamburgh vessel, which had a pass from the lord protector, and passing his fleet, came
before Cadiz, but was presently arrested by the duke de Medina Celi, by reason he had
something to say against her lading and some of their passengers, and so he used the ship,
as if she had intended something in favour of the English fleet.
H. Van Rheede van Rhenswoude.
The English merchants at Dantzick to secretary Thurloe.
In Dantzick, 4/14 Junii 1656.
Vol. xxxix. p. 89.
Honorable sir,
We did some months ago make an address unto your honour, occasioned by reason of
some unusual taxes, and an oath of sidelity required of us by the magistracy of this
city. Whereupon we received his highness the lord protector's letter to this senate for the
freeing us from those exactions (which with all humble thankfulness we desire to acknowledge and record) whereby we did hope to have been freed from those, or any other of the
like nature, having for a long time remained unmolested in respect of the same. But of late
some of us in the name of the rest) have been sent for to appear before the president of this
city, and the required payment of those former taxes and contributions again renewed, to
which we refused to submit, upon those reasons formerly alledged; adding withal, that his
highness had writ in our behalf to the senate concerning the same. Whereunto he (the said
president) answered, that they had (as they imagined) in answer to his highness (some few
months since) given such reasons, why we ought not to be freed from their demands, as
that they doubted not, they were satisfactory, in regard they had hitherto received no answer
from his highness to the same; adding withal, that they rather thought he would be their
enemy, in regard he had assisted the king of Sweden with some thousands of men, and with
whom also he was entered into a near alliance. Whereupon we (according to his highness
letter) desired, in case we could not be suffered to remain here free (as formerly) from
those taxes, or being engaged in the present war against those, with whom we have daily
commerce; we say, that in such a case we might (together with what goods belong to our
principals in England and selves) freely leave the city, and have some convenient time
allowed (which we intreated might be six months) to fit us for such a departure; to which
the president replied not six weeks; and that withal if we would be gone, we must leave
the tenth part of our estate here. Yet adding he would present our desires to the whole
senate. The which we do understand hath been done; as also that they are resolved we
should pay their demanded taxes, or they will proceed to execution; which we find to be
true; for yesterday their officer coming to levy their hundredth penny from one of our nation by way of distress, did (finding nothing else) seize upon his wearing clothes, so that
we shall have all of us to expect to be proceeded withal in the like manner. We have also
some of us desired to export our goods by sea, and been willing to allow the usual custom;
but it hath been, and still is absolutely denied us. Our most humble request therefore to
your honour is, that you will be pleased to represent our condition to his highness and
council, and either to procure his highness letters again to this senate, that we may be
protected from violence here, or freely suffered to depart, or else to signify unto us his
highness pleasure, how we shall demean ourselves in this exigence. And we shall ever
pray, &c. &c.
Your honour's humble servants
Gamaliel Acton,
Richard Wallir,
Henry Haswell,
Thomas Benson,
Henry Maister,
Nathaniel Spencer,
Richard Whitelocke,
John Fisher,
Thomas Barker,
William Markham,
George Clifford,
Benjamin Ayloffe,
Owen Lloyd,
George Cock,
Edward Daniel,
Robert Grymwade,
Francis Sanderson,
A letter of intelligence.
Dantzick, the 14th Junii 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix. p. 57.
The Hollanders gave out, as if our fleet had taken Gibraltar, and their fleet sailed for these ports; some say to join with the Dane; others say with the Muscovite, and so for Narva, which a short time will shew. Some say here Holland ambassador hath told the king of Sweden, if he attempts any thing against this city, they will assist them. So they are looked upon as friends, and we as enemies, because his highness, as the president told us, hath sent over men to Bremen, to assist the Swede. For now they press upon us to pay all hostile contribution, contrary to his highness letter; whereas we desire to keep amity with all men, especially with those, who are in alliance with our state, and with whom we have daily commerce; but contrary to the law of God and man this will not be permitted us, but they will force us into their enmity against our friends, which hath caused us to desire leave to depart in some convenient time, if we cannot be protected in our com mon liberties: whereto the president replied, six weeks time would hardly be granted, and at our departure must leave our tenths, which leave of theirs extendeth not to us (every man having liberty by the laws of our land to dispose of his own estate as he pleaseth) but to the adjacent cities and places, where the like is practised against them. In the interim they have begun to distrain on us, whereof this day we have complained to the secretary of state, desiring protection from violence and oppression; for now we are not masters of our principles nor of our goods, but are, as it were, in a prison, subject to what they please to impose upon us. Of late there hath been several skirmishes between the Poles and Swedes. Some attribute the best to the Poles, others to the Swedes. This town was in alarm this night by some Swedes that came near the town to drive away cattle from Elbing. They write the Swedes are victors, and the Poles will not stand.
Commissioner Pels to the States General.
Dantzick, 14 June 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix. p. 61.
High and mighty lords,
Here is come certain news, that his majesty went from Samosch on the 11th of the
last month, and on the 16th was march'd by Lublin towards Warsaw.
The king of Sweden, after some rencounter with Charnitzky, is returned to Marienburg, bringing with him his queen, who is to reside at Grandentz. The Swedish horse and foot are come again into the Neering, and do approach this day in fight of this city to attempt the taking of the fort Weysselmund. This city doth all that it can to defend itself.
The Dutch ambassadors at Copenhagen to the States General.
Copenhagen, 4/14 June 1656.
Vol. xxxix. p. 77.
High and mighty lords,
Since our last the Muscovite ambassador hath had audience twice of the king, assisted
with the lord rix-chancellor and others. In the said audience he delivered a second letter from the great duke his master to the king, signed with his own hand, which is taken
for a sign of a very great honour and affection, which his master beareth to this king. The
contents thereof are said to be, that the great duke beareth a great deal of affection to this
king, and highly esteemeth of the amity he hath with him; and that he had upon the request of the emperor withdrawn his victorious armies from against the Poles, and that of
late he had received so many affronts and injuries from the king of Sweden and his ministers, that in case he have not full satisfaction made him, he shall be fain to seek it by
force. As far as we can perceive, they are resolved here to send away the said ambassador
well satisfied.
There are no letters come from Dantzick by the last post, but some masters of ships, that sailed from thence in five days, say, that the inhabitants do begin to be very much discouraged, and that some beginnings of disorder and discord do begin to appear; which in all likelihood will cause the town to be lost in a short time, if not relieved and prevented very suddenly.
They write from Koningsberg, that the duke of Brandenburg is preparing all his troops to assist the king of Sweden against Dantzick; the certainty whereof will appear to your lordships by a more certain hand.
P. S. Since the writing of our letter we receive just now advise by schippers, that are come from Elbing, Stettin, and Memell, that the Swedes and Brandenburgers were making all possible haste to make themselves masters of Dantzick; and that the five men of war, that brought the queen out of Sweden, are ordered to lye at the mouth of the river, and to seize and confiscate all Holland ships, that come in or go out.
Colonel Gifford to his lieutenant.
Vol. xxxix. p. 85.
Yours that intimated the landing of a suspected person neere Alborough by a Dutch
skipper of Skeiveling I have; and after a communication of it to Mr. secretary of
state, was advised by him to desire you, that if any care have bin omitted as to the attach
ing of that man soe landed, that now you use your utmost dilligence in it; and by the first
praye give account of your proceedings to
London, June the 4th 1656.
Yours to serve you
Ben. Gifford.
The superscription,
To leift. Richard Hamline at Landguard Fortte.
The judges of the admiralty to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxix. p. 93.
Honorable sir,
In answer to yours of the 3d instant relating to the paper, which the French ambassador
sent to his higness, complaining of a wrong and injury done to some of the subjects of
the French king; to all the matters of that paper wee cannot assent, yet doe hereby certifie, that the shipp mentioned in the said paper is this day by order of court discharged
from the arrest, and decreed to be released to the proprietors subjects of the French kinge.
Wee are,
Honorable sir,
Your humble servants
Jo. Godolphin, C. G. Cock.
Doctors Commons, June 4th 1656.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Ce 10 Junii 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 757.
A PRESENT est remis sur le tapis l'affaire de la redemtion des seigneuries engagées dans le Meyerie de Boisleduc, &c. qu'on espere de redimer toutes pour une somme de quarante mille franqs capitale.
Outre le nombre et registre desdites seigneuries cy devant sormé, le receveur Pieck aura representé, que la baronnie de Kessel meme soit une seigneurie engagée autrefois de ou par la duchesse Jeanne de Brabande pour une somme capitale de sept cent francs. Le conte de Horn, si tost qu'il l'entendra, si trouvera bien estonnée, qu'il faudra pendre cette piece, qui est presque son tout, pour une si petite somme. Le gouvernement de Liecoort vacant par la cession du lieutenant colonel Polman est conferé au capitaine Segers. Pour encore l'on n'a que convoque les gecommitteer de Raden, qui convenus convoquerent les estats de Hollande. Il y a eu conference à ce matin sur le point du magistrat de Rynberck pour faire changer la resolution prinse de le faire tout de personnes de la religion resormée, et de cela a esté fait rapport deja. Surquoy fera esté resolu, que les motifs et raisons representées par les deputés de l'electeur feront envoyées à Ste Schagen et Scheltinga, deputés du conseil d'estat, pour s'informer, laisser l'affaire en estat (si elle est en son entiere) et on rapporter. Ceux, qui sont affectionnés à l'electeur, pensent, que cest un acheminement a l'entiere satisfaction de l'electcur.
Ce 12c Junii.
AUJOURDHUI a esté presenté un memoire de la part de l'electeur de Brandeborch, representant qu'au pais de Cleve il y a des nouvelles levées, qu'il desire avoir en Prussie; et d'autant que l'alliance porte, que l'un donnera libre passage à l'autre, les ministres de S. A. elect. requierent permission de les passer simplement jusqu'es en Hollande, pour les embarquer et transporter par mer an fraiz de son A. electorale. Cela a donné grande arriere pensée: si on le refuse, on contrevient à l'alliance, et on domera à l'electeur occasion à hausser le passage. Si on l'accorde, on craint que ces troupes pourroient servir à assieger et incommoder Danzigk. Ainsy on a choisy un milieu, à savoir de faire revoir le retroactes; et cependant viendront ensemble les Estats de Hollande (qui sont adjournes pour mecredy le 14c au soir) qui apparement le traiteront tant plus. Encore point de nouvelle de la sortie de l'admiral. Le comm. Steincallefels avise, que le conte Coligny et de Suse ont loges sur des villages de cest estat, disants que ceux de Liege les avoient billetté sur ces villages, (ceux ne les ayants pas connu) ceux de Liege de nient.
13 Junii.
CEUX de l'admte d'Amsterdam ont escrit touchant le convoyer, qui a voulu defendre les navires Anglois allants du Tessel vers Angleterre, et prins par les Duynkerkois; conclu ants et suppliants, qu'il plaise aux Estats Generaux d'escrire à ceux de Duynkercke, ou à don Jean, de restituer ce navire de guerre cum omni causa. Les Estats Generaux sont nullement bien contents, par ce que cy devant desja ils ont ordonné, que les navires de guerre de cest estat ne deussent nullement conduire de navires ou denrées estrangeres. Et ils ont une opinion, que c'est une practique de aucuns de l'admirauté de donner des convoys a tels, qu'ils veulent, pour leur profit, et à d'autres point. Et ceux de l'admte ayant donné ordre á ce capitaine prins de desendre ces navires estrangeres, qu'ils ont fait contre l'ordre de l'estat. Bref au lieu d'escrire à don Jean, on a escrit à ceux de l'admirauté à Amsterdam, de venir icy, et rendre raison de leur fair, &c. Ceux d'Amsterdam auront aussy escrit, que les Duynkerkois en mer n'observent point le traité de marine art. 11. si qu'aux Hollandois il est impossible de savoir, si les Duynkerkois viennent en pirates, ou en ayants commission.
Le vice-admiral de Witt ayant encore manquement de matelots, a supplié les Est. Gen. d'ordonner aux convoyers de luy en donner. Sur quoy est escrit à l'admte de Rotterdam de l'accommoder, si faire se peut; mais on ne peut pas contraindre les matelots de servir à un capitaine contre leur gré.
Le Sr. de Merode revenu rapporte, que le Sr. d'Opdam ensin est entré en mer seul; les autres demeurants encore defectueux. Si (quand il est vray, que le nombre de sortys du Vlie est 27) l'admirael sera le 28e sans qu'encore on sache d'autres.
L'on a aujourd'huy ordonné, non seulement de regarder le traité du 27e Juilet 1655, mais aussy de l'examiner, pour tant plus trainer les ministres de l'electeur de Brandenborch, demandants passage et embarquement des troupes.
Cy joint aussy le memoire, que les dits ministres ont baillé sur la response ou resolution de c'est estat du 4e Juin, qui est une tacite promesse, qu'ils repliqueront.
14c Junii.
LES estats de Hollande viendront precisement ce soir ensemble; et de Nort Hollande il y en a desja venu: le seul sujet sera le secours de Danzick.
Le Sr Nieuport ayant esté sommé, s'ils n'estoit pas encore plenipotentie pour signer les articles du traité de la marine, en a escrit aux Estats Generaux, qui auront resolu de luy rescrire, qu'il pourroit soubsigner et perfectionner ce traité, si les Anglois voudront consentir en ces 2 articles. 1. Que libre navire rendra la marchandise libre. 2. Qu'on laissera passer les navires sur des lettres de certification sans ulterieure recherche.
Les Srs Frybergen et Hoolcksont sont commis sur la visitation des actes synodales.
Le magistrat de Boisleduc a sait pleinte, que les officiers molestent des prestres, qui entent sur leur passeport; disants que par de la on molestera de même dorenavant tous ministres, qui viendront en Brabante.
15e Junii.
AUJOURD'HUY est presenté une memoire par le resident de Swede, en suite de ce que desja les ambassadeurs de cest estat a Marienburg ont escrit desja quelque temps passé a savoir, que le roy de Swede a resolu d'attaquer la ville de Dantzick par mer et par terre, desirant qu'on ne veuille plus faire navigation ou commerce d'icy ny d'ailleurs vers elle. Ce estant lu, la Hollande (estant desja completement ensemble) l'a prins a soy et les autres provinces aussy.
L'admiral Opdam tenant a l'encre environ Ter Heyde l'a notifié.
Les Srs. de Schagen et Scheltinga (dont le dernier a fait le changement du magistrat a Rynberck) sont revenu icy; propement n'y est deporté que le bourguemaitre, estant a present icy, et le secretaire: le reste, qui sont de la religion Romaine, resteront leur vie durant.
Pour le transport des troupes electorales de Brandenborch, sera disposé par des deputes des Estats Generaux et du conseil d'estat; mais on le traine studieusement.
The Swedish resident to the States General.
Vol. xxxix. p. 103.
The underwritten resident of Sweden doth find himself charged to declare to their high and mighty lordships, how that in the behalf of the king his master, having been offered several times to the town of Dantzick all that may serve for a reasonable accommodation, which hath prevailed so little with them, that they have shewn all manner of opposition against his majesty and his affairs; as namely in their endeavouring to relieve Marienburg, the building of forts, and the like, as also their corresponding with his majesty's enemies. All which being not to be endured any longer, his majesty is forced to assault the said city by force; and with God's assistance to bring them to reason. Wherefore although not only the right of nations doth dictate, but also especially the practice of their high and mighty lordships exercised during their war doth clearly demonstrate, there ought to be abstained from all manner of negotiation and commerce to a place, that is so besieged, and such hath been signified not long since to their high and mighty lordships am bassadors at Marienberg. Wherefore his majesty doth trust and expect, that their high and mighty lordships in their known and high prudence have already given such orders, or that they will give such forthwith, whereby their inhabitants and subjects may be admonished of all damages; that may accrue unto them, if they undertake to trade to the said city against the intention and service of his majesty, and against the common rights and customs of nations. Their high and mighty lordships may rest assured, that his majesty is resolved to keep a good correspondence with them, and to continue the common, mutual, and free commerce and navigation.
Hague, 15th June 1656. [N. S.]
Mr. Thomas Errington to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxix. p. 97.
Right honorable,
Knowing the enclosed letter was for a papist, I made bold to open it, and have
sent it to your honour; and if you please to red it, you will find the generall resolution of the papists to make an absolute saile of theire estates, and soe to avoyd payment of
any parte of theire estates to his highness or commonwealth. This gentleman Mr. Hodghson had a very good estate, but hath spent and sould most of it; yet many papists have
estates. If your honour thinke fitt, pray returne me Hodghson's letter againe, and I shall
seale and delever it him. And thus craveing pardon for trubleing your honour with these
lynes, I rest
Newc. June 5th 1656.
Your honour's faithfull servant Tho. Errington.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to Mr. S. Morland, resident at Geneva.
Vol. xxxix. p. 150.
Honored sir,
I HAV this week received yours of the 16/6 May, which has bin a month on the way,
ten dayes longer then our letters ar coming out of Ingland hether. Thes Ittallians ar so
jealous of holding a correspondencie with Geneva, that wil hav no better way of wryting thether, but by way of Turin and Lyons. The affaires of the king of Sweden in Poland
begin again to mend, he having latly had a greate victory over the Poles, and wil now
closly ply his bisnes. If he make once an appearance in Germany, the protestant cantons
and al other protestants wil fare the better. The sicknes begun in Naples begins to increas
much. The vice-king, to put the French and Inglish in hatred of the piple, tels them, the
sicknes proceeds from a powder scatter'd by the French throgh the citty of Naples; but
the truth is, it is brought amongst the soldiers latly com from Barsalona. The piple are
very much incenst against the Spanyards, and know, that this and many other inconveniences proceed from the bad government. If ther wer but the least appearance of a fleet,
or any thing in their succour, they would now shak off the Spanyard, who ar a nation so
much interessed, that they ar insupportable. Ther has lately bin a woman in Rom, that
has declar'd much mischief would sudenly befal that citty, for which the pope sent out to
apprehend her; but she is escapt. 'Tis now credibly believ'd, the Portugal ambassador wil
be suddenly received at Rom, having proffer'd with all humillity so vast a sum as ten millions of crownes, being so much advanc't by church livings since the king was crowned.
I dout he has made a bad bargain, to buy his friendship with the pope, and neglect his
promis to the protector of permitting our nation a church in Lisbon, which perhaps may
cost him as much as t'other syd.
Just now is arryved a marchant's ship in this port, called Hannibal, wanting twenty-two
dayes from Ingland. About twelve dayes since she spoke with the Centurion frigat betwixt
the South Cape and Cadiz or Cales, whose captain told this ship, that the king of Portugal had underwrit all the articles, to the full satisfaction of his hyhness the protector; and
that generall Blake (seing the Spanyard would not appear at sea, nor set out any fleet to
meet or fyght him) was resolved to send home the great ships, and send another part of
the fleet to Jamaica, and keep a squadron of twenty frigats about the Streits mouth for al
occasions that may happen. This is what presents from, sir,
Lego. 16 June 1656. [N. S.]
Your faithful servant
Charles Longland.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxix. p.154.
Right honorable,
This day cam into port an Inglish ship cald the Hanniball wanting twenty-two dayes
from Ingland. Betwixt the South Cape and Cales sni saw three or four sail; one of
them came up and spak with her; it proved the Centurion, one of the protector's frigats,
who told this ship, that generall Blak was gon up to Liscon, whither Mr. Mainard was
retorned from Ingland, and the peace concluded betwixt the protector and that king. And
generall Blake seing the Spanyard would not come out to sea and fyht, was resolved to
send hom his great ships, and dispach another part of the fleet for Jamaica, and to kiep
ther about twenty frigats more. I thoht good to wryt you what I hear, althoh I know
you hav more full information thereof, as is good reson. The distraction in Naples goes
on by reson of the incresing sicknes, and the piple being incenst against the government.
If your fleet should but com into these seas, theyr appearance only before that citty, sending the people word, they wer com to help to tak off the Spanish yoke, would certainly
mak the piple rys, which would do the Spanyard as much hurt and damage, as in a manner the los of the West Indyes; for this kingdom of Naples yelds him de claro seven millions of crownes a year, and no countrey hi has can affourd him men but this. Ther is in
that kingdom a prym nobleman cald the duke de Avelino; he is very rich and popullar;
his gran-father had bin in Ingland; I do not know upon what occasion, whether taken
prizoner in the queen's dayes; but it siems this gentleman has heard of the great civillity
and good usage, that his granfather received in Ingland, which hath exceedingly indeer'd
him to our nation; upon which occasion this gentleman being the chief nobleman in that
kingdom very rich, popular, and belov'd by all, may esily be perswaded to advance his
fortune; espetially being propounded unto him by such an hand, that has strength to help
to him, and to whom hi beares an implicit affection. I am confident the loss of this kingdom would be a greater blow to the Spanyard, then the loss of the West Indyes; for that
affourds him only mony, but this both mony and men. You may tell me, the French
hav latly made so many attempts to no purpos. 'Tis very true; the piple knew they
should but change their yoks, and they ar sufficiently acquainted with the insolency of the
French. They wil esteem those theyr frends, who will help them to their liberty; that is
to set up a prince of theyr own. You have bin ples'd to giv me the liberty to wryt frely
unto you, which maks me somtymes propounde things it may be no wayes acceptable unto
you; wherein I besiech you, sir, to pardon me. This last week an ordinary woman servant to a nunery or monestery of nuns in Rom vented som proffetick threats against that
citty and piple, for which the pope has caused serch to be made for her, but shi is hidd
or fled. I am,
Lego. 16 June 1656. [N. S.]
Right honorable,
Your faithfull servant
Charles Longland.
Generals Blake and Mountagu to Mr. P. Meadowe, the English envoy at Lisbon.
Vol. xxxix. p. 158.
We have according to our promise, with the first opportunity of winde, sent up the
Colchester friggott under command of this bearer to take the moneys on board.
Wherein we desire you will give him what dispatch may be, and hasten him back to us.
From on board the Naseby in Cascais road this 6th of June 1656.
Your very loveing freinds
R. B.
E. M.
A letter of intelligence.
From Cologne, the 16th of June 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix. p. 146.
The post of Italy arrived here on Saturday last. They write from thence, that as soon as they had discovered there the design of England, in which France had a great share, the pope summoned together the ambassadors of Spain, Venice, Florence, and of other great and powerful princes, to whom he declared, not only the great danger, where of they were all threatned by the English fleet, to which that of the great Turk was to be joined by a secret alliance made between these two of late; but likewise exhorted them to a league, which will be concluded suddenly, and in that is to be comprehended the establishment of the king of Great Britain, provided he turn catholick.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xxxix. p. 115.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
L'Assemblée d'Hollande ne se fist jamais se subitement, comme cette fois. Le raet pensionaire même
estant absent et faisant une promenade en Roterdam, ce qui a cause des discours même parmi
les Estats Generaux. II est bien certain, si oncques les Estats d'Hollannd ont souhaité la subsistance de Espagne, que
c'est cette fois, ou Cromwell et France sont joints, et que France est apparent de subjuguer, au moins
traverser tout ces Netherlands Espagnols, jusques à Zeland, ce qui donneroit une grande jalousie à Zeland, de peur
que Cromwell & France alors n'allassent ouvrir le Riviere de Scheld pour remettre le commerce vers Antwerp; ce qui seroit une grande piece de la distinction de Zeland et les Estats d'Holland, principalement si le Swede de même incommodoit le commerce les Estats d'Holland en East Sea. Je say fort bien, que l'ambassadeur de Espagne a tenu discours à
un et autre icy, specialement à grave Guilliaume que grave Guillaume devoit venir c'est annee avec quelque armée
pour l'assistance de Espagne; mais jusques ores n'a estè rien dit de tel dans les Estats Generaux et les estats d'Holland se trouvent tellement brouillè par le Swede et le Polonois, qu'ils n'oseront pas songer à Espagne et France, au moins n'en
ont rien parlè. L'on verra, si le ambassadeur de Espagne apres son retour de Brussells (où il est encore) en
proposera quelque chose.
Cette assemblèe de les estats d'Holland sera de peu de durèe, et seulement sur la question; 1. Si et quel autre ordre on donnera à Opdam: 2. Si, et quel assistance on donnera à Dantzick. L'on voit de plus en plus, que le electeur de Brandenburg se joint et met dans les interests de Sweden; consequement princess douariere et grave Guill. et ce qui en depend: même je say, qu'un des Estats Generaux de Friseland a eu une reprimande de grave Guillaume, pour avoir consenti à une assistance pour Dantzick, qui toutesois n'est encore que parolle.
Et quoy que les estats d'Holland semble fort animée et resolue à union contre le Swede, je doubte grandement, s'ils oseront sans une conformité egale et universelle; mais cela se verra bien tost.
Et je retombe à ma veille opinion, que la fortune de le Swede reiglera tout, et que toutes ces navires de guerre n'est que fanfaronnade. Si le Swede n'est surmonté et chasse par le Pole, il se maintiendra bien contre les Estats Generaux et tout ce que les Estats Generaux font ne servira, que pour embroüiller les Estats Generaux de plus en plus. Car le Danois ne se veut pas remuer, et les ambassadeurs de les Estats Generaux ny rien; et on m'asseure de bonne part, que Denmare n'est nullement satisfait de ce que les Estats Generaux bravent avec leurs navires de guerre, et leur en a esté parlé. Mais ils l'ont excuse, disants, qu'il saut tenir le Swede en escheq en quelque facon que ce soit, et qu'aussy ils ont par fois escrit à les Estats Generaux, que Denmarc soit bien intentionnè et bien resolu contre le Swede; qu'autrement les Estats Generaux deviendroient tout à sait pusillanimes: Et ainsy suis je informé, et de bien bonne part; mais l'evenement demonstrera bientost ce qu'en est. Car ce temps present, voire 2 ou 3 jours prochains, seront fort critiques d'une ou d'autre façon.
Le bruit court icy fort, que vous viendroit icy. Cela vient d'une conjecture, que les Estats Generaux memes s'imaginent, que Cromwell demandera icy assistance.
Cette notification ou inhibition de commerce fait de par le Swede a grandement emeu les estats d'Hollande: ils appellent cela classicum canere. Mais ceux de le Swede disent, que ce n'est que le meme chose, que les estats d'Holl. ou les Estats Generaux ont practiqué de tout temps et pire. Je say que des paroles asses vigoreuses sont dites, et que les estats d'Hollande menacent, que vigoureusement ils resoudront. Mais je doubte fort si tous les estats d'Hollande resoudront à union, voire je doubte de Amsterdam meme; et quoy que tant grave Guillaume que tous les Amis du princesse d'Orange seroient bien aise de r'embarquer les Estats Generaux et les estats d'Holl. en union, neantmoins et grave Guillaume et les Amis du princesse d'Orange ne veulent pas que ce soit contre Brandenburg ou contre l'interest de l'electeur de Brandenbourg.
Ceux que Friseland ont hier fait proposer et recommender dans les Estats Generaux d'ordonner aux ambassadeurs pres de Sweden à fin de comprendre et enclorre le electeur de Brandenburg dans le traité, qu'ils feroient avec Sweden. Item d'admettre cependant aussy les ambassadeurs de Brandenburg dans la negotiation et conferences sur ce traité. Cette proposition est bien eloignée du dessein et advis de les estats d'Holland, car les estats ne d'Holland veulent pas seulement que ces ambassadeurs facent un compliment ou salutation à Brandenburg. Et vous aures veu la response, que les Estats Generaux ont donné à ceux de Brandenburg du 4e. Juin.
Cependant celuy de Dantzick presse fort, et desire une resolution categorique, et declare d'avoir ordre à s'en aller et ne trader nullement plus.
L'on icy singuliere esperance non seulement sur le Muscovite et Tartare, mais sur le empereur, qui envoye ses troupes vers les frontiers de Poloigne avec apparence, qu'ou directement ou sous le nom du pape il secourra le roy de Poloigne. Et c'est ce qui accommoderoit fort le dit roy. Car pour les Tartares ou Muscovites, les Swedois ne les craignent point,
mais à les estats d'Hollande il est tout un, par qui le commerce leur est conservé, pourveu qu'ils le conservent. Je reste
Ce 16 Juin [1656. N. S.]
Votre tresh. serviteur.
Le bil ay reçeu, esperant qu'il sera bon: par provision vous en dis den remerciement.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xxxix. p. 121.
Right honorable sir,
Yours with the bills of exchange of 30th came to my hands after the post was gone,
which was the caues of my not vreeting the last week. I receaved the monie, and
shall strive to maik good use of it. For what you vreet to me, I shall be most cairfull of
bothe the particulars; as for the (27, 15, 54, 60, 26, 57, 53) you may be confident, that
nothing shall come that way, but you shall be informed of it. I find them verie indifferent
in business, moir then could be conjectured. Ther is nothing as yeet on foot. The king
of Scots is at Bruges, but hes got no monies, which mackes manie of eus heir to be dejected, hearing divers of our friends to be in a sade conditione at Culen for laik of monies.
Our admirall Opdam is befor Skevline with sex strong ships, expecting a wynd, and, as is
thought, the orders of the estats of Holland, whou arr sitting hier upon business of great
concernement, as is said; but the particulars arr not knouen. Ther is no certein nevves of
the Sueds affairs in Holland. I pray you, if it be possible, let me have a passe in your nixt
to come for England under anie neame; and after my returne from Braband, if I find it necessarie, I shall come and see you, and if you think feet, shall goe far (80, 42, 40, 36,
18) or (84, 48, 3, 66, 39) and in the mene tym shall ommit no occasione hier to shou
At Skidam. the 16th of
Juin 1656. N. S.
Right honorable sir,
Your humble faithfull servant.