A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: December (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp724-736 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: December (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp724-736.
"State Papers, 1656: December (5 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp724-736.
In this section
December (5 of 6)
To the Venetian agent.
Antwerp, the last of December, 1656. [N. S.]
Here is news, that two of the gallies of the fleet, that is expected home from the Indies, were arrived home in some port of Gallicia; but not much credit is given to this
news. In the mean time the fleet, that is coming home, is much fear'd, in regard there
be 22 English ships upon the coast of Spain, expecting their coming.
King Charles being returned to Bruges, is sending an ambassador to Spain by a private way, in regard the king of France would not give him passage through France. It is believed, that the cardinal and the rest of that court is very much displeased with him for drawing away the Irish officers and soldiers in the service of the king of France into his own service.
The arrival of the fleet, that is expected home, will help much for the advancing of the designs of king Charles, Spain at present not being able to do what they promised in the treaty made with him.
A letter of intelligence from Mr. Blanck Marshall.
Bruges, the last of December, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p.251.
This week there is little of news, only that our men are going into their winter quarters. We are not as yet above fifteen hundred; but we expect at the return of Middleton from Dantzick some forces with him, especially our countrymen. Believe me, all
that are abroad of them will strive to come hither. In my judgment you will do well to suffer no more men to come abroad. There is one captain Gowldin coming about to Dunkirk
or Oftend with his ship to serve king Charles, from Flushing. I writ to you in my last,
to have a care of the other then; that was lying there. It is strange you do not light
upon that priest at London. Borthwick is still in Scotland. Bristol is going to-morrow or
next day ambassador to the king of Spain. There is lately gone out of Oftend seven or
eight frigates to sea. We have daily officers and soldiers come from France hither. Now
we have liberty to receive any nation. If I receive not that commodity you write to me
of by the first, I shall be forced to go to the quarters, which is a great way off. Sir, let
me intreat you to receive your commands by the first, and direct them as formerly.
W. Metham to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
As in my last, I now certifie again the receit of four hundred peeces of eight, made good
to me here by Mr. Longland his order, the which summ will scarce conduct me to my
intended aboad in these chargeable travelling times; for besides that all commerce is denied
us here to the rest of Italie, France and Spain have also banisht us, and just now at no
small expence I leave a Genoese barke sent back both from Barcellona and Marselles without prattica, loaden as they went, so that now unles our sicknes, almost quite ceased, alter
the strict resolutions of neighbouring states, my nighest way for Spain must be by Portugall.
I have given three receits of one tenor for the said 400 dollars; and as I most faithfully
and promptly undertake what you desire, so I hope to perform efficaciously my duty, as
soon as God shall send me there. I would wish my owne fortune could suffice to maintaine
me in my deseigne; but since it cannot, I must needs beseech you maturely to remember my
future support, especially in that place, which will exact a greater expence from me then
any part of Italie. In order to my correspondence I have conferred and agreed with
Mr. Longland, from whom you will have it; and I will according to circumstances observe
each particular what I to him and he to you will impart in the cifre. I desire you to
be cautious, as well in what you vouchsafe to write to me, as in the directing of your letters, which shall still find me by my own name, although I could wish you either omitted
yours, or subscribed them by another; remembring ever, that whatsoever letters comes to
Mr. Thomas Waune, either under the covers of Mr. Noel, Upton, or others, of whom
Mr. Longland will advise you, are intended to yourselse. Our news here is, the hastie order
and slow preparations of the Spanish armado against Blake; they finding both men and money deficient, and yet Holland either sends or sells them many a mariner. Portugall's young
king's counsel is bruited noe freind to the English; and that people's obedience to the late
peace depending rather on feare, and their forrain interests opposed by Spain, then on realitie. Rome is informed, and seares the crowne succession in England to be conferred on the
protector's head, and confirmed on his posteritie; and when in a consistorie by one or two
cardinals it was objected, as a thing impossible without the consent of the emperor and other
monarchs, the pope smiled and said, that the same thing, which made him what he is,
would maintaine him what he would be; and that he would sooner be approved at home and
abroad under the title of a succeeding crown, then of an elected protectorship. I perceave
in many persons of note great resentment, although the cheife pen, which brought it to
Rome from England, and divers others discourse it as a thing disadvantageous to his highnes, making several reflections and conjectures on a certain new coin, which is said to be
readie in the tower for the said coronation, &c. This is what I heare abroad. At home with
you there is a certain man called mons. Motett, if I mistake not, a chiefe instrument in the
late Spanish legacie under don Alonso de Cardenas, born in the country of Leege upon the
Mose. Although I can learn noe particular of him, yet I heare he is in England, and divers
letters to and fro conveyed by himv and under his covers, as hearetofore. The generally
suspended commerce here makes news both staile and scarce, before it comes to us; yet out
at sea nigh this port there is a Spanish man of war or two waiteing to entrap, if he can,
some English merchantmen; yet being som of the French fleet are abroad expecting the returne of a galleon belonging to this state, richly laden from Lisbon by the coast of Spain, I
believe the aforesaid two Spanish men of war will retire. The one has 28 or 30 guns, the
other of less consideration. Rome is much better'd, if not well, and this state will shortly
begin to declare themselves free by their neat patents; so that by God his grace in a short
time commerce may become as formerly, and I free to go which way you please to command me. In the mean unles some opportunitie offer for France or to Spain directly, I
am resolved by way of Portugal, being that if I should go any further aboute by way of
Holland or Flanders, I do much feare the moneys, which now I have, would not suffice my
sole journey. So with my faithful duty and obedience to your commands, I rest
At Genua, 2 January, 1657. stylo novo.
Sir Tho. Bendyshe, ambassador at Constantinople, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lvi. p. 247.
The favour your honour hath been pleased to do me in the kind acceptance of my
letters of the seventh of July, is not only a strong tie and obligation upon me, but
as great an encouragement to continue giving you the like trouble, which I must so account,
or render myself insensible, how great the weight is, which the multiplicity of affairs your
honourable employment heaps upon me.
Among several passages exhibited to his highness in the inclosed letter (which I recommend to your honour for presentment) the contents of a letter from Transylvania concerning the Swedish interest is one; and the main thing aimed at, is to divert the Turks from putting the Tartars to engage with the Polonian, which the better to effect, the dispatch of an ambassador from the king of Sweden to the grand signior is esteemed very expedient, if he might be honourably received.
Whether his highness hath any deep concernment in the interest of the Swede, I am uncertain; howbeit because possibly he may (they so affirming it) I shall tell you my apprehension, how that the way for a fair reception and taking off the Tartar, would rather have been found by sending an ambassador with eight or ten English ships as far as the Catles, and thence to give notice to the Port, that an ambassador is come, fairly to treat with the grand signior; upon which I conceive he would be admitted and received honourably, and the Turks to be quit of the ships without, would be much prevailed upon within by the ambassador to take off the Tartar; otherwise without some such shew of sea forces, I much doubt whether their land powers may any way affect the Turks.
General Blake having left Tunis, and the merchants remaining there, and continuing a trade, I finding that the grand signior (as a testimony of his clear forgetfulness of that act) to be contented again to establish an English consul there, at the request of Mr. Thomas Browne, late consul of that place, I confirmed by Barrat Mr. Thomas Champion to succeed him in that consulate; from whom I have received advice, that the grand signior's commands to that effect were reverenced by the bassa and dey, and in obedience thereto he was fairly admitted; but at the same time was told, that in revenge of the loss of their ships, they would take as many English vessels as they could meet with in the sea, as it seems they are resolved; for a small ship, called the Hopeful Employment, lately departing this port, a Tunis ship meeting with her, carried her in thither, made a prize of her and her goods, and sold her men for slaves. Nevertheless, to the end the Turkey company may receive no greater damage in these parts (before any resentment in an hostile way be made) I humbly conceive, a letter of complaint from his highness to the grand signior would be very necessary and of excellent use.
The Levant company drive a plentiful trade into these parts, which are very seldom without a great estate of theirs, their encouragement in point of security exceeding what former times afforded, of which I fear no abatement, so long as it shall please God to bless the designs of his highness, whose success against the Spaniard sounds big in the ears of these people.
The grand signior seems every day more than other resolved to enter the field this spring, from which, to outward appearance, he will not decline, as often as opportunity conveniently presents. His progress and motion shall be signified to his highness, the continuance of whose favours to me I know I must ascribe to your honour; and although the obligation be too great for me to requite, yet I shall never be ungrateful, or derogate from what I have professed, which is to be
Your most humble servant,
Tho. Bendyshe.
Pera, Dec. 23d, 1656.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honourable,
I This day late received your honor's letters of the 13th present, presuming ere this
Mr. Townley hath presented himselfe to the councell, or given notice of his beinge
come. There is nothinge more certain, than that he fained sickness, to elude the order of
beinge sent over by me, though it may be he carried the testimony of some phisicians to the
contrary, which may heere be obtained for a rix-dollar; but had he beene really sick, he
could not have undertook such a journey by land in such a season. The next day after the
friggat departed, he was sick indeed of the order, but nothing else: what reward soever he
and his sureties shall reap for so evading it, and so hastilly falsifying their words, as by the
attestation sent you by the last week's post appeares. I shall now waite to heare how it
pleased his highness and the counsell to proceed with him at his return for alltogether, having carried it so from first to last, as I believe, can hardly be paraleld. In my last I gave
your honor notice, what a letter had been published here from the councell at London of
the 21st November last, to the exceeding encouragement of Mr. Townley's partie, who conclude from the conferrence the governor had with your honor, that though Mr. Townley
were remanded, yett the proceedings against him neither would nor should (the very words
of the letter) be brought in president for the future. I doubt not but that you would think
fitt to command the sight of that letter, wherein (if I rightly understand the expressions
used) you are made the patron of their so great encouragement. Though Mr. Skinner hath
a nimble pen, yet methinkes their honors should not have signed such a letter, who could
not but remember what conference he had with your honor. It hath begott a fixt resolution
in the company heere, to observe his highnesse commands no otherwise for the future, than
as stands with the rule of their charter and orders, wherein they have noe rule at all in such
cases, as they very well know; and therefore doe but mock in that answer of theirs. I am
sorry the Quaker hath given the house so much trouble and diversion. Such horrid speeches
deserve exemplary punishment. I am glad those, that came hither, were so soon returned,
least they should have proved of the same feather. The 400 l. is not yet paid by Mr. Frost.
I intreat your honor to mind him of it. Having nothing more of intelligence, then what
th'inclosed paper presents, I affectionately remayne
Your honor's very humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Hamburg, 23 Decemb. 1656.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Honoured sir,
I Received both your letters, for which I return you many thankes, and am glad to heare
there is a comittee of councell appointed to speake with some of the Scotts councill, to
see who shall be most willing and fitt to bee sent downe. Itt is a thing very needfull to bee
done, for wee shall suffer much in the excise, and his highnesse in the Exchequer and the
assessements for pay of the souldiers; all which will suffer exceedingly, besides many other
thinges, which will bee to teadious to relate in this letter. For newes heere is but little;
onely major Straughan, with the other gentleman that came with him, are both gone from
hence againe; but I am confident they have done little in their businesse, for they were soe
affrighted and hunted, that they were glad they escapt away againe. And truly wee mist
Straughan very narrowly twice or thrice. They kept themselves in the hills, and went in
Highland apparell, that wee could nott well finde them. I am very glad, that the imprisoning of the persons heere hath something discouraged Charles Stuart. I remayne
Your most affectionate freind,
and humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 11 Dec. 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Jos. Jekyll esq.
My lord,
Wee have not received any letters from Ireland this weeke; nor is there any thinge of
consequence occurred here since my last, which may occasion your lordship any trouble by this post. All that our mindes are sett upon in parlament is matter of religion.
Some little debate was this day about raiseinge of money for the Spanish warre, but it came
to nothinge. What intelligence I have from forreine parts, your lordship will understand
by the enclosed paper. Soe for this weeke I will add no more, craveinge your lordship's
pardon for this trouble, and rest
Your lordship's most humble,
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 23 Dec. 1656.
Tuesday, 23d December, 1656.
At the council at Whitehall.
Vol. xlv.p.267.
That it be offered to his highness, as the advice of the council, that his highness be
pleased to renew the commission to the council of Scotland, and that three be a
quorum, and that a quorum of the council be sent down forthwith.
W. Jessop, cl. of the council.
The Dutch ambassadors at Dantzick to the States General.
Vol. xlv. p. 263.
My lords,
By occasion of the assembly of the lords of the council of the realm, who do daily
come together since friday last, there hath been communicated to them that, which
the Swedish resident hath proposed here, and they persist by the difficulties formerly moved
upon his power and his instruction. And we have been acquainted by the lord ryx-hoffmaster, that there hath been proposed to the said resident, in the name of his majesty and
his council, that this crown being agreed with their high and mighty lordships for the
preservation of Dantzick, according to that treaty, cannot enter into any treaty with Sweden, unless the said city be put out of all danger; and that his majesty cannot see, how
that can be during the war with Poland, in regard it is understood, that the said city cannot make nor will not make any treaty apart with Sweden without Poland; and unless
Poland make a peace, that city must continue and run the hazard of the war. The further
instructions of their high and mighty lordships to their ambassador in Prussia, about the
conditions, in which the peace betwixt Sweden and Poland may be carried on, were received here with great pleasure, and, as far as we understand by the lord ryx-hoffmaster,
there hath been roundly spoken in the behalf of his majesty to the ambassador of the
duke of Brandenburgh here about the interest, which this crown hath in the restoration
of the occupied places in Prussia to the king of Poland. Here are reports, as if the
lord Rosenwinge were instructed with means, to decide the war between Sweden and
Poland; but we are assured there is no such thing. Hitherto here hath been made
no pertinent communication of the late treaty made between Sweden and Brandenburgh, but well in general, that it only regards Poland and Prussia, 'till a peace be made
with a joint consent. There is yet no conclusion taken here in a business, which hath
been debated in the council, of putting this kingdom against the spring in a posture
of arms.
The resident of Sweden hath made a project to pursue the treaty in another place; but the same is refused by his majesty, since it was begun here.
Copenhagen, 3 January, 1657.
[N. S.]
To Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Paris, 3d January, 1656/7 [N. S.]
Vol.xxxiii. p. 541.
My lord,
In regard you write me some news of your Messias, I am to communicate to you a prodigy, that is a great deal truer, which happened to our house very lately, upon the person
of my sister, coadjutrix of Meaux: she found herself in an instant miraculously cured of a
schirrus in the liver, which turned into a dropsy, and which hath kept her bed-rid for
this year, without being able to get out of it. The miracle was done through the intercession of a holy thorn, which is at the Port Royal amongst the Jansenists; and this is
really true, that in a moment, after application of the relicks upon her stomach, she was
able to come down stairs into my wife's chamber, to tell her of the cure. The hardness
of the liver is gone, and her dropsy is vanished without any evacuation, and the doth
continue well, there being nothing to be seen of her diseases, but a little weakness and leanness. This, in my mind, is something more than that of your Messias, and which I desire you not to use after that manner he hath been used, since there is no deceit in all this
action, it being altogether true. If my lord protector, who doth spend whole days to examine the shallow imaginations of a ridiculous Messias, when he should be securing in his
family the greatest establishments of his authority; if he had, I say, in his the like accident, I doubt not but he would draw much advantage from it, and that he would make
good use of it to overcome the difficulties here he meets with in his affairs.
You are like to have no other news from me by this post, neither have I any to write, the whole court being in affliction for the death of mademoiselle Mancini. The king hath been in the college to see her son; and the marriage of mademoiselle her daughter, with the prince Eugene will not be hindered by it.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, the 3d of January, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 545.
The earl of Tot is arrived here: he doth not yet take the quality of ambassador of the king of Sweden.
The confessor of don John and don Castell Rodrigue, secretary of state in Spain, are here to pass into Spain.
His eminency hath promised 50,000 livres to buy horses, and to remount the Lorrain horse. The advice from Rome doth inform us, that the plague doth continue there, and doth sweep away a great many people daily, notwithstanding the great care that is taken to prevent the same from spreading. The pope is still shut up in Mount Cavallo, where nobody comes at him but his necessary servants, and doth no function. The queen of Sweden is residing at Pezaro in the dukedom of Urban. The commissioners for the tryal of mons. de Chevaille were again with him in the Bastille two days ago, where some further proceedings were had about it.
General Mountagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 273.
I Have received divers letters from don Diego deVilla Alva, and the master del Plata, desiringe mee to mediate for his highnesse favourable signification of his pleasure unto them,
concerninge the termes of theire libertye, that soe they may with speed apply to give satisfaction therein, and returne where theire occasions moste require them. Accounting myselfe
oblidged to doe them all the service I may in this theire unfortunate condition (to them) I
I make bold to give you this trouble, prosecutinge by this letter my desires, when I was in
London, that you would obtaine his highnesse pleasure herein with all convenient speed; for
theire occasions (though of a different nature in many respects) yet agree in this, to require
theire speedye libertye to attend them, as you will perceive by relations of theire condition,
which they intend to present you withall, I thinke with this letter. The profitt wee have
reaped by theire losse, even out of theire owne particular estates, is a good argument for all
fort of kindnesse to be shewed unto them. And give mee leave farther to desire you, that
especiall care may be taken to supply theire want of conveniencyes. In every letter from
them they complaine of cold, and want of cloathes to defend against it. You know his highnesse was pleased to give speciall order for theire honourable reception and treatement, and I
entreate you would please to enquire, if those, to whose care it was committed, doe theire
dutye, especially in the particular I have mentioned. I have written unto you by a former
post concerninge the marquesse, and shall attend your answere thereupon; at this tyme forbearinge to give you any further trouble, and remaine, sir,
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
E. Mountagu.
Hinchingbrook, Dec. 24, 1656.
In theire last letter, I finde greate acknowledgements of favors received from you, for which they desire mee to expresse unto you theire greate thankfullnesse and obligation unto you.
Sir John Clotworthye to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 269.
Honorable sir,
The favour I received from his highness att my comming from London, did soone receive its dyspach by the councill heere. And accordingly I have a lease of the
Lowgh, &c. under the crowne seale, though att a rent very concyderable; butt findinge
the express word of his highness letter of the 13th of May last somwhat generall, with referrence to the surrender of the Lough, &c. I am advised, that itt's necessary his highness
signify his pleasure in lyke express tearmes, as in the surrender, which his highness for brevity
sake, by the letter of the 13th of May, relates unto. And therfore having shewed the necessity of this explanatory order to my lord Henry Cromwell, his lordship most nobly offered to recommend it to your favour by what accompanies this; which will, I hope, bee
found soe reasonable a request, that the presenting, as from my lord Henry, the motion,
his highness will rattify and explaine his former favour, and therby highly obleige his
highnesse's and your
Most humble and most obliged servant,
John Clotworthye.
Dublin, Dec. 24, 1656.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 271.
I Received your large letter of the 16th instant, wherein you make a right judgement of
the grounds and reasons (for ought we can apprehend here) that induced our late officers
to quitt their publique imployment; and you doe with noe lesse judgement conjecture, what
may and will be the issue of this their unadvised action. As I told you before, their best freinds
doe highly censure it, and they themselves doe not very much boast of it. Allen has bin
twice with me since, and soe have some others, and those not the meaner sort of Anabaptists,
whoe give me a little faire words to my face, and commend my management of affaires, and
my holdeing forth a just liberty to all feareing God. What they doe shew here, I knowe
not, neither am I solicitous, but doe desire in my wayes heere rather to approve myself
to God than man, whoe at their best estate are alltogether vanitie.
I am truly sensible, that his highness meets with tryalls and troubles frome all sorts of men, and I would not willingly add to his present burthen by any miscarriage of mine. I knowe I am a poore creature, attended with many frailtys and weaknesses, and have need to wait uppon God for renewed strength; and truly my late desires of retirement have proceeded frome the apprehension I have hade of my owne unfittness for soe great and difficult a worke, rather then that I have not willingly indured what I have allreadie mett with, or may further expect in my worke here. All things are quiett here. I cannot at present farther inlarge uppon these matters, having bin under the chyrurgeon's hands this morning. Col. Thomlinson desires me to convey the inclosed to you, which relates to some estate, that is like to descend uppon his lady, if the lord Cobham prevents not, by cuttinge of the entaile by act of parliament, which he is nowe endeavouring to doe; and if he should effect it, itt would bee of great injury to the col. and his lady, he being necessarily absent uppon the publique service. I have sent you the state of his case, which you will be the better able to judge of then myselfe, being matter of law. If you, uppon the peruseall of it, see it juste, I desire you to interpose with his highness or parliament in it, as you shall thinke most meet.
I have herewith likewise sent you a copy of the late king's letter, for graunting of the treasurer's place of Ireland, which precedent will the best direct you for the setling it nowe.
We have taken care for the speedie sending away col. Moore and his men for Jamaica. The shipps we contracted for, will well carry one hundred men more then that, which was driven backe. We intend to compleat them up to that number, by raiseing a new company, which will in some measure repaire the losse of those in * * * *. I shall send you an account by the next, of the condition of that shipp, which was driven backe, and likewise of that which was wrackt. We have depositions returned of one of them, and doe not doubt, but to make it appeare, that they were both crazie and unfitt for such a voyage. It will be the latter end of the next month before the shipp, now contracted for, will be ready to go to sea. I hope before that his highness will send his pleasure aboute their convoy, if it shall be thought necessarie. I remaine
Your most affectionate freind and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
Dec. 24, 1656.
I bless God, my little daughter is well recovered.
An abstract of the several branches of the revenue in the respective counties in Ireland, belonging to his highness and the commonwealth, set this present year, 1656.
Vol. xlv. p. 274.
Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Paris, 4 Jan. 1657. [N. S.]
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
My lord,
Your letter of the 25th of December did inform of all that past at your audience,
which you had of my lord protector, upon the advice, which you gave him concerning the Spanish fleet, and upon the league, which he proposed; to which I have nothing
to reply: it also contained much news, for which I have only to give you thanks.
The company of horse, whereof you write to me, is a thing not to be thought on.
The lieutenants of the admiralty must have caused the harbours to be shut of themselves without order, for they had none for doing so. There are such necessary orders given out to let out the English ships, as are requisite; and we had not stayed 'till complaint had been made thereof, if we had known so much.
I expect an answer by the next concerning the seven or eight frigates, whereof I spoke to col. Lockhart.
As to the levies of foot, whereof the said col. spoke to you, true it is, that it was agreed, that my lord protector should take the trouble upon him, if he pleased, to name the officers, to the end they might be the better trusted; but for them to serve under his commissions would be absolutely against the order and custom observed in this kingdom, where all the foreign troops in the pay of the king do serve under the commission of his majesty.
I am glad my lord protector liked the horses I sent him, but I am sorry that you declared, that I loved rather the ongles than whole horses; for besides that in truth I love those better than the other, it will seem, it may be, that it is to engage him to make me some present; and that, which col. Lockhart made to him in my behalf, is but a trifle, which ought not to oblige him to any thing.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xlv. p. 277.
La Hollande a produit aujourd'huy ses sentiments provinciaux touchant les troubles environ la mer Baltique, que l'on devoit encore admonester les roys du nort à la paix; aussy
sonder l'electeur de Brandenborch, quelle intention il a environ sa paix avec Pologne. Que
l'on doive resoudre à constraindre celuy des partys, qui ne voudra pas entendre à la paix,
reservant à resoudre sur les lettres de Wismar du depuis venues touchant le resus de la mediation de cest estat. Item d'achever à resoudre pour l'equipage des 48 navires. Et pour
cest effect seront convoques les admirautes vers le 15. L'on aura assi arresté le jour de jeune.
Le Sr Rosenwinge en même temps & de contest avec la Hollande a presenté un memoire serieux aux Estats Generaux, demandant argent, hommes, & navires d'assistence.
Aussy est fait rapport de l'ambassade d'Angleterre; ou est deduit au long ce qui est passe, & les devoirs appliqués pour venir à la paix sans faire aucune mention de la seclusion du prince d'Orange; comme aussy le rapport par escrit n'en faira nulle mention. Ceux de Hollande ont avec beaucoup d'addresse & de soin præ-travaillé & preoccupée; qu'il ne fuisse fait nulle recherche de la dite seclusion; & toutefois que remerciement fusse fait aux ambassadeurs. La forme de ce remerciement est dirigé à la paix, disant, que l'estat ayant veu les bons devoirs, qu'en icelle ambassade ils ont fait pour la paix, en remercient les ambassadeurs; si que de la seclusion ne sont faite nulle mention. Aux ambassadeurs seront donnes à chacun une medaille d'or d'environ 300 l. ayant esté auparavant destinés à autre usage.
L'ambassadeur de Spaigne par le Sr president a fait mecredy passe souhaiter à l'estat bonheur & prosperité en ce nouvel an.
Les sieurs Huygens & autres son requis de luy aller rendre le compliment & bon souhait; & au Sr Rede, leur ministre à Madrid, sera escrit de tesmoigner de la part de l'estat à leurs majestes la joye & contentement, que cest estat a de la naissance d'un prince, avec les souhaits à ce convenables.
Le Sr ambassadeur de France a eu audience. Sa lettre de creance parloit assez amplement de l'affaire, si qu'il dit, qu'il n'auroit pas besoin de parler beaucoup; ains se rapporter au contenu de la lettre, qui estoit un offre de mediation & adhortation pour la paix avec Portugal, comme aussy pour celle d'entre les trois couronnes septentrionales, & qu'on ne veuille pas contribuer à chose, qui la puisse fomenter. Item dit d'attendre à heur à autre instruction, pour renouveller les alliances, traiter de la marine, & enfin demandant commissaires.
Ce qu'escrivent les ambassadeurs de Wismar voira cy joint. La Hollande ressemblera vers le 15e.
L'ambassadeurs de Dennemarck escrivent, que l'electeur de Brandeborch a promis à Dennemarck, de faire un diversion en Pomeraine; en quoy il demeure fautif.
Le resident de * * * a presenté memorial, souhaitant un bon nouvel an, aveq admonition aussy de ratifier le traité d'Elbing. Par l'agent de Heyde on l'en a fait remercier, & de même souhaiter un bon nouvel an.
L'ambassadeur de Hubert par une lettre particuliere a requis permission de revenir icy, ce qu'on luy a promis. Je reste
Vostre tres humble serviteur.
Ce 4 Janvier, [1657.]
A letter of intelligence to resident Bradshaw.
Vol. xlv. p. 283.
Right honourabel,
Since my last of the 2d instant, nothing of any moment is passed. The Poles have no
mind to fight. Their cavalrie retired and gone higher into Poland, as they pretend,
for want of forage for their horses, and the infantrie retired under the canons of the city; so
that there is little hopes of any combatt, because the Poles doe not stand. The king of Sweden is still with the army at Stiblau, Jutland, and other villages now in the Dansiger Werder, and hath taken in Grobin, a place belonging to the Danzigers, which gave it over to
the Swede without any fight. I am sure the king of Sweden will cutt of to the Danzigers
all the provision out of the Werden, and stop the passages for bringing all necessarys to that
citty. Concerning the intention of treatie there are some artickels framed from the king of
Sweaden, to be debated yet before the treatie, which are called antepr æliminares articuli.
1. The king will not treat of peace without the duke of Brandenburgh.
2. The king will treat without any mediators; and in case there must be admitted some, he will have no other but the king of France and the States.
5 Jan. 1656. [N.S.]
I must against my will finish my letter, because the post will not stay longer, but the next post I will recompence it. I am in great haste.
5th of Jan. 1657.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the lords States General.
Veneris, the 5th January, 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 279.
Upon what was presented by the present lord commissioner of the province of Friesland to the assembly, to the end the charge of field-marshal of the United Netherlands might be at last disposed of; after deliberation had, it is resolved herewith to desire the respective provinces, that are unready, that they will declare themselves upon the said subject.
Marigny to Stouppe.
Hague, 5 January, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 284.
How a Devil do you use the [* = James Naylor] Messias of the Quakers? I do not believe, that the Levellers, the Seekers, and the other sectaries will cause their Messias to come in haste, unless they have a mind to have him tormented. We say here, that there will be another attempt made for the succession of the protectorship; but you say nothing of it. The king of Sweden's brother goes away to-morrow: his journey was not only to be cured at Viana, but to make some secret propositions, which were not hearkened unto. I heard him say, that the resident of the king of Sweden had order to desire the States General, that they would solicit the liberty of Koningsmark, who was taken, as the Swedes say, upon the good faith of the liberty of commerce, for which the States General had sent their fleet into the Baltic sea. Will not you say, that the said general Koningsmark was a good merchant to go to buy corn or flax to bring into Holland? All the intrigues of Germany begin to be discovered, and the Swedes do no longer deny to have intelligence with Ragotski, who is to join with them, if he can.
The emperor hath 60,000 men; the Polanders and the Muscovites 160,000; the princes of Westphalia and the Rhine do raise men, and are not affected to the Swedes; and the English will not be masters at sea, I do assure you.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
30th December, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 286.
There is a letter come from prince Radzivill, upon which it is resolved to write to the ambassadors according to his petition. The lord Regenstorf hath had audience in respect of the prince of East Friesland, concerning the account and money, which is demanded of him.
1 January, 1657.
There was no assembly to-day and yesterday, only some few letters were read from Prussia, where they do wholly mind the accommodation. They wish, that the city of Dantzick would give a good sum of money, either to the king of Poland to maintain the war against the Swedes, or to the Swedes, to make them quit Prussia; but this is ridiculous. Dantzick hath not enough to maintain itself; as we say, curæ leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent. There is nothing yet resolved or done upon the comminations of France, and the collusions of England. And this letter of Amsterdam of the 29th of December doth sufficiently declare, that the maritime power here is not infinite. In private some discoursed, that notwithstanding the state ought to watch, and fortify itself of friends and allies, and therefore think of ambassies; the ambassador de Thou hath writ, that his departure is still very uncertain, there being yet no order given to furnish him with money for his voyage. It is doubted, whether this be not a cause rather fictitious than true.
Prince Adolph will depart within a day or two; it being very certain, that the lords of Holland do seem to be discontented, by reason he did not revisit their president as well as him of the States General. Item, because he did not receive those of Holland so well as he did those of the States General. But in effect it is believed, that it is not to give too much jealousy to Denmark.
2 January.
They have proposed to come into conference upon the ratification of the treaties. The earl of Horne hath signified, that four companies of the prince of Condé (making together but 50 horse) intended to pass through the country of Grave towards Boxtell; and that he hindered them.
3 January.
This day there was a great memorandum of the resident of Sweden, containing many complaints, how that those of Dantzick make hostilities and depredations at sea, and how that the states have soldiers in Dantzick.
Likewise there was read a very long letter from the ambassador of this state with the king of Sweden, who relates, that their proposition to him to quit Prussia did in no wise please him; with reasons thereupon on the one side and the other.
4 January.
There came a letter to day from the chambre mypartie a little too much in favour of the abbot of Cloosterall, which is ill taken; so that there was some discourse of recalling the judges, who are there from this state, and by that means dissolve the said chamber.
Mons. Lamsius hath desired prolongation of octroy for his island of Tabago or new Walcheren, which is referred to the chambers of the West India company.
5 January.
This day Friesland proposed, that the charge of marshal of the camp having been vacant since the death of the earl of Brederode, now a year and day, the fundamental order of the government, and the nature of the militia do require that charge to be supplied, desiring the president to make some overture. Upon which Geldre said, that they would declare themselves when the rest were ready, or to-morrow. Holland said, that there would be a meeting suddenly of their principals, and that they would represent to them. Zealand said, they would declare themselves, when the rest were ready. Utrecht said, that they would advise of when the rest, and make report. Friesland, Overyssel, and Groningen gave their voices to prince William; but the conclusion was, that the provinces should declare themselves to-morrow.
They are very angry against the chambre mypartie, they having given a sentence de relaxando captivo for the abbot of Cloosterall, giving security of 2000 guilders. They have resolved to write to the officers at Maestricht not to release him or the judges, and the gressier Grasswinckle is to be writ unto to come and make report.
The lord Huygens hath made report of the oaths taken by the soldiers at Dantzick. Item, that the council of state ought to give order for the payment of those soldiers.
Nieupoort, the Dutch ambassador in England, to Ruysch.
Vol. xlv. p. 281.
My lord,
I Am informed, that the commissioners for trade here have brought in a bill into the parliament, under the title of an additional act for the encouragement of commerce and navigation; and that the same is referred to some few commissioners to be examined. And in
regard it is variously reported, some saying, it is to cause the former act of October 1651
to be more strictly observed; others, that many points of the same are made more clear and
mitigated; I have endeavoured by several ways and means to get a further information
thereof, and, if it were possible, to get a copy of the said bill; but I have not been able to
prevail, in regard the same is in the hands of one, that is first in the commission; and
stricter orders being given, that no acts or bills shall be given to any, no not to the members themselves. Yet I was told to day, that a friend will do his best to get me an abstract thereof; and when I have it, I shall send it to your lordship. In the mean time I
will do all that I can to vigilate for the interest of the United Netherlands, in regard of the
free commerce and navigation in the United Netherlands.
W. Nieupoort.
Westminster, 5 Jan. [1657. N. S.]
J. A. to col. Ireland.
I pray your honour to send me an answer. This bearer, though my brother, knowes nothinge.
Vol. xlv. p. 327.
After my humble service presented, let mee beseech a line or two for orders, what I
had best to doe: the partye we have taken, and my information before Mr. Fox and
Mr. Case, and donne as secretly as may be. I crave concelement myselfe of all meerely
uppon this discoverie, which is very high, and nothinge but what my intelligence tould
mee: since W. E. comeinge home hee towld them first:
1. There would bee a riseinge before Candlemas day next.
2. That hee was to bee agetant generall.
3. Grete nombers repaireinge to the king of Scotts out of England.
4. That they daylie by up grete store of armes.
5. That hee is swoorne to be secrett in the plott.
6. That hee was to be gon before Christmas to his crue.
7. That hee durst loose his hart blood, if the riseinge were not before Candlemas.
8. That not a man's life should be given, when the riseinge should bee.
All these perticulers my intelligence informs mee (as they say) from his owne mowth. The sooner hee appears at London, the sooner al things will be discovered, and the grandees of this plott. I pray your honour and goodnes to lett this bearer, my brother, have a letter directed to mee, what I shall doe, and how I may subsist, haveinge deserted all preferment to followe close this horrid consperesie against the peace of this lond and nation. My feares of murder and care of subsistance continually trouble mee; and therefore, good sir, haveinge noe freinde to relie on but yourselfe, let mee heare by this next post, and concele me, because of greater good I am likely to doe heareafter.
Yours till death,
Decem. 26, 1656.
The superscription,
For col. Ireland, at the parlement doore, or at
Mr. Oden's howse in the Strand, London.
The protector to cardinal Mazarin.
In the possession of Mr. Theophilus Rowe, of Hampstead in Middlesex.
The obligations and manie instances of affection, which I have received from your eminency, doe ingage to make returnes suitable and commensurate to your merits. But although I have this set home upon my spirit, yet I may not (shall I tell you I cannot?) at this juncture of time, and as the face of my affaires now stand, answer to your call for toleration. I say, I cannot, as to a publike declaration of my sense in that point, although I believe, that under my government your eminency, in the behalfe of Catholicks, has lesse reason for complaint as to rigour upon men's consciences, than under the parliament. For I have of some, and those very many, had compassion, making a difference. Truly I have (and I may speake it with cheerfulnes in the presence of God, who is a witnes within me to the truth I affirme) made a difference, and (as Jude speakes) plucked many out of the fire, the raging fire of persecution, which did tyrannize over their consciences, and incroached by an arbitrarines of power upon their estates. . And heerin it is my purpose, as soon as I can remove impediments, and some weights, that presse me downe, to make a further progresse, and discharge my promise to your eminence in relation to that.
And now I shall come to return your eminency thankes for your judicious choice of that person, to whom you have intrusted our weightiest affaire; an affair, wherein your eminency is concerned, though not in equall degree and measure with myselfe. I must confesse, that I had some doubt of it's successe, till providence cleared them to me by the effects. I was truly, and to speak ingenuously, not without doubtings, and shall not be ashamed to give your eminency the grounds I had for much doubting. I did feare, that Berkeley would not have beene able to goe through and carry on that worke; that either the duke had cooled in his suit, or condescended to his brother. I doubted also, that those instructions, which I sent over with (290) were not cleare enough as to expressions, some affaires heere denying me leisure at that time to be soe particular as to some circumstances I would. If I am not mistaken in his character, as I received it from your eminency, that fire, which is kindled betweene them, will not aske bellows to blow it and keepe it burning. But what I thinke further necessary in this matter, I will send your eminency by Lockhart. And now I shall boast to your eminency my security upon a well builded confidence in the Lord; for I distrust not, but if this breach widened a little more, and this difference somented, with some caution in respect of the persons to be added to it, I distrust not, but that party, which is already forsaken of God, as to an outward dispensation of mercyes, and noysome to theire countrymen, will grow lower in the opinion of all the world. If I have troubled your eminency too long in this, you may impute it to the resentment of joy, which I have for the issue of this affaire; and will conclude with giving you assurance, that I will never be backward in demonstrating, as becomes your brother and confederate, that I am
Your servant,
O. P.
Dec. 26. 1656.
An intercepted letter.
London, Dec. 26, 1656.
Vol. xlv. p. 297.
I Perceive you have received one, that would tell you I was safely arrived. Upon Monday last I went into the country, not doubting to meet M. W. but it proved a vain presumtion, for he had been a discontinuer there some days before I went, and not then returned, but expected within a day or two. I thought it not convenient to stay his coming,
because none of his relations could be precisely confident of the time; but I left a note for
him, and in it inclosed a scrip of one of your letters most pertinent for him, that he might
know from whence it came, and appointed him where to hear of me at London; and accordingly this very day he came to me. I shewed him both your letters you writ to me at
Flushing, and delivered to him all else you desired. He bids me tell you, he hath the same
willingness to serve you, that ever he had; but urges as an obstacle to a present compliance
with your desires, he being now a servant to another; and while he continues so, cannot
prudently effect what you desire; but saith, if you please to lay your positive commands
upon him to quit his service, and come to you, he will do it with all the willingness in the
world, were his advantages ten times more considerable than they are. I did urge the necessity of his going, with all the reason I had, but could not say to him, that you could wish
him directly to leave his master; for though I said to him all you bid me, yet could not justify
my saying more. Your result of this he expects by the next: therefore, sir, if you please to
write a word or two, subscribe only thus, for M. W. and inclose it in a cover directed to
Mr. John Lamb, at Mr. John Dodson's house, a barber, near the Mitre-tavern in Woodstreet, and I will take care to transmit to him. I expect to hear to-morrow out of the North;
and then on monday following, God willing, I shall down. Though I have been forced
to stay here the return of a post, yet I hope it will not be counted time lost. By this same
direction write to me.
Your very faithful servant,
[No superscription to this letter; inclosed in a cover directed
for Mr. Baptista Peters, merchant at Gant.]