State Papers, 1656: December (4 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: December (4 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: December (4 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: December (4 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

December (4 of 6)

An intercepted letter.


I Received a letter from Mr. Fowbery, who is very well, and drives a very certaine good trade. He doth desire to knowe how his wife and childeren doe, and to intreat his wife, when she writes to him, to write onely of his businesse, and not to thinke of impossible thinges as Secovia wooles. Hee will bee with her shortly to hir great comfort, if shee can be patient and wise, and rub out a while. Hee desires to knowe, how itt is with my ladye and Mr. Lambe, and hee would not have you to feare any thing, but that hee will bee very shortly able to pay all his debts att his comming over, of which either hee or myselfe will give you timely notice. Commend mee to Mr. Finch, and bee advised by him, then all will bee well. Thus with my love to all my freindes, I remane

Your assured freind to serve you,
W. Barloe.

Bridges, Dec. 28, 1656. [N. S.]

I pray direct your letters as formerly.

I received a letter from my freind in Coleman-street. I will give him answer to his heart's desire very shortly; but I pray inclose noe more letters hether.

The superscription.

For his very loveing freind Mr. Peterson. Leave this at Mrs. Gwyne's in the backside of the Nag's-head taverne upon Clarkenwell-greene, London.

An intercepted letter.

Dort, Dec. 28, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliii.p.181.

If you and the rest of our partiners thinke it feit, I have noe mynd to haisard so much of our stocke by sea in tymes comeing, as wee have done in tyms by past, by reasone the princes royall has been this moneth at Bridges, and now is comeing to Holland, and she hath promiste to assiste hir brothere with what ships she can fynd, and Middletoun is nou at Dansicke, and hie is searching ester all the assistance hie can towards these places. I shall intreit you my freind may make all the haist hie can to come ovire, and send me word, if there bic any thing, wherein I can serve you.

Your loveing freind and servant,
James Thomsone.

The superscription.

For Mr. Will. Roue at his hous in Westminster, neir the Bouleing-alley, to bie sent by him to Mr. Rocford Richardsone, in West Chester.

Marquis of Worcester to secretary Thurloe.


Right Honorable,
I Doe confesse, that the ould saying is, that proffered service is not valued: in that respect I wonder not to have my endeavours soe little sett by. In a word, I am very well pleased to acquiesse, if his highnesse or your honour thinke me worthy of one quarter of an houre's audience; yet I must needes say, that if esteemed of, I am able to doe his highnesse more service than any one subject of his three nations; and though after a message by Mr. Noell, and a letter of mine delivered by my owne hands to Mr. Owng, and, as he tould me, by him to your honour, I cannot gett a time assigned me to wayte upon you; I here sende you a true coppy of don Alonzo his answeare to me, and doe assure you, that I have in readinesse a person, whom you yourself will confesse don Alonzo cannot except against; soe that, there only resteth needfull your approbation. When your honour shall have reade this and the coppys of the don's letter, I have entreated and enjoyned Mr. Noell to bring them me backe, and in his presence I will burn them, and remaine silent for the future in any thing of this nature, but in all things els

Your honour's most affectionate freind and humble servant,

Dec. 18, 1656.

The protector to the mayor of Newcastle.

Vol. xlv. p. 203.

In the hand writing of secretary Thurloe.

Gentlemen and my very good freinds,
My lord Strickland, who is one of our councell, did impart to us a letter written from yourselves to him, according to your desire therein expressed, which occasions this returne from us to you.

As nothing, that may reflect to the prejudice of your outward good, either personall, or as you are, a civill government, shall easily pass with us, soe much less what shall tend to your discouragement, as you are saints to your congregations, gathered in that way of fellowshipp, commonly known by the name of Independents, whether of one judgment or other, will be so farr from being actually discountenanced, or passively suffer damage by any, applying themselves to me; I doe once for all, give you to understand, that I should thereby destroy and disappoint one of the main ends, for which God hath planted me in the station I am in. Wherefore I desire you in that matter to rest secure. True it is, that two ministers, one Mr. Cole and one Mr. Pye, did present to me a letter in the name of divers ministers in Newcastle, the bishoprick of Durham, and Northumberland, of an honest and Christian purpose, the sum whereof I extracted, and returned an answer thereunto (a true copy whereof I send you here enclosed) by which I think it will easily appear, that the consideration of my kindness is well deserved by them; provided they observe the condition expressed, which in charity I am bound to beleive they will, and without which their own consciences and the world will know how to judge of them.

Having said this, I, or rather the Lord, require of you, that you walk in all peaceableness and gentleness, inoffensiveness, truth, and love towards them, as becomes the servants and churches of Christ; knowing well, that Jesus Christ, of whose diocess both they and you expects it, who when he comes to gather his people, and to make himself a name and praise amongst all the people of the earth, he will save him that halteth, and gather her that was driven out, and will gett them praise and fame in every land, where they have been putt to shame. And such lame ones and driven out ones were not only the independants and presbiterians, a few years since by the popish and prelatical party in these nations; but such are and have been the protestants in all lands persecuted, and faring alike with you in all the reformed churches. And therefore knowing your charity to be as large as all the flock of Christ, who are of the same hope and faith of the gospel with you; I thought fitt to commend these few words to you, being well assured it is written in your heart so to do with this, that I shall stand by you in the maintaining of all your just priviledges to the uttermost. And committing you to the blessing of the Lord, I rest

Your loving friend.

Oliver P.

Whitehall, Dec. 18, 1656.

To the mayor of Newcastle, to be communicated to the aldermen and others, whom it doth concerne.

General Lambert to col. Guibon.

Vol. xlv. p. 89.

In pursuance of an order of his highness and the counsell, I desire you to give order to two of the Irish companyes in your regiment, viz. capt. Robert Smith's and captain Hardy's, to march forthwith, one to Brentford, the other to Hammersmith, and there to observe such orders, as they shall receive from col. Huson, accordinge to the discipline of warre; and for soe doeinge this shall be your warrant. I rest

Your loveing friend to serve you,
J. Lambert.

Whitehall, Dec. 18. 1656.

To col. Robert Guibon.

The duke of Brandenburge's minister to the States General.

Read, Dec. 29, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlv. p. 232.

High and mighty lords,
The ministers of the duke of Brandenburgh are by express letters ordered to represent to your high and mighty lordships, that those of Dantzick, a few days since, did cause to be assaulted in open sea by their galliots a ship, being and coming from Amsterdam; and after a short fight mastered the same, visited, and brought her into the said city; and although not only the skipper, but your high and mighty lordships ambassadors there had made serious complaint about it, remonstrating, that it was an act and attempt of great consequence, a visitation of a dangerous example, and a business of very bad consequence, the crown of Sweden being as well necessitated as the said duke to use the like against the harhours of Dantzick, to receive satisfaction of an undeserved force, and to free and defend their harbours from enmity and pyracy, whereby nothing else would proceed, but the ruin of all commerce upon the east sea, to the irrecoverable damage of every one, and especially the inhabitants of your high and mighty lordships: wherefore your high and mighty lordships are herewith desired, seriously and humbly to consider the abovemention'd, and to resolve and employ such means, to the end those of Dantzick may be obliged not only to restore without delay the said ship, cum omni causa, and with the gunpowder, which they took out of her, but to give satisfaction and assurance to all the interested for the future. Your high and mighty lordships will herein do a work, which is conformable to so many treaties, yea to equity itself, and whereby others will be prevented to follow the example of Dantzick; and that the east sea may not be made fruitless against the clear interest of your high and mighty lordships for the commerce, and for all those, who have no delight in the Polish differences.

Daniel Weyman.

The admiralty at Amsterdam to the States General.

Vol. xlv. p. 231.

High and mighty lords.
Not doubting but the other colleges of the admiralty, in pursuance of your high and mighty lordships resolution of the 26th of June last, would have made ready their respective divisions and shares in the twelve appointed ships, ordered to be equiped amongst the rest, for the defence and protection of the mediterranean sea for the merchantmen of this state, we have sent thither half thereof, namely two capital ships, and two of the next rate ships, and two good frigots under the command of vice-admiral Ruyter, as we did formerly advertise your high and mighty lordships thereof. But yet perceiving, that notwithstanding your high and mighty lordships serious letters, that no equipage is made by any of the rest of the colleges for the end abovementioned; and conceiving that the said six men of war are not only insufficient for the same, but do also run some hazard to suffer some affront to the damage and prejudice of this state, we have thought sit to insist upon our former instances, and renew our humble request to your high and mighty lordships, that you would be pleased, considering the strong equipages that are made in all parts, to be employed to plunder upon the said sea, and how very much the good inhabitants of this state will be prejudiced thereby, to prevent the same as much as is possible; and to that end that your high and mighty lordships would be pleased seriously to dispose and order the said admiralties, speedily to supply the number of those ships, which are wanting; which we trust your high and mighty lordships will think needful to be done; and therefore will not enlarge any further concerning the same, hoping only, that such speedy order will be taken, that the bad and illminded will be brought to reason, or that their designs will be made fruitless.

Amsterdam, Dec. 29, 1656. [N. S.]

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Saturday, Dec. 23, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlv. p. 215.

Concerning the defraying or treating of prince Adolph, they have not yet resolved any thing also it will only be to defray him for three days. To the lord Mortaigne, who would a little offer himself undesired between prince Adolph and this state, as they have given to understand that it was ill done of him, and that he do not come to the council antequam vocetur, to which effect the lord president sent for him, and told it him at his own house.

Some Frenchmen carried the young prince of Orange to see and visit prince Adolph, but he did as a child, and could say nothing: he was out of countenance by reason of a great dog that frighted him.

The Portugals intending to besiege the castle of Mina in Africa, the company of the West Indies demands a succour for it. They have agreed to give them threescore thousand guilders.

The lords of Holland are separated without having ratified the treaty of Sweden; but they will meet again on the 9th next month, to the end to ratify yet within the time, if the Swede have the advantage; not otherwise.

The commissioners at Dantzick have a memorandum to instruct themselves concerning and against the resolutions of the 12th of December, by which they will tax Dantzick for not having ratified the treaty of the 10th of July from word to word.

Sunday, 24th December.

The lords Huybert and Isbrants were gone to the king of Sweden to dispose him to the mediation of peace. The king of Poland doth still continue in his resolution to have first the evacuation of Prussia.

There is a letter intercepted from the court of the king of Poland to the vice-chancellor Radziewsky, telling him, that the door of grace was yet open for him, provided he would do some considerable service for his majesty.

They have resolved to give to prince Adolph a splendid feast of 1200 or 2000 guilders on thursday next, in the house of mons. Maas. Of each province there shall be two commissioners; besides all the colonels are to be there. Prince Adolph and the resident of Sweden are to sit at the upper end. This night he saw the princess dowager, who sent for him to court with three coaches, with six horses each. The council of state will also treat him. When he goes away, they will conduct him out of the Hague. It is said he will depart at the end of this week.

The nobility of Holland have resolved to admit nobody into their number, that is under the age of 25 years, which is a nota bene for the lord of Brederode.

The ratification of the treaty made with Denmark is come.

Tuesday, 26th December.

There being by those of the admiralty of Amsterdam on the 3d Nov. order given not to admit any visitation at sea, the said order (being they expect the conclusion of the maritime treaty) is suspended. But notwithstanding that at the instance of the vice-admiral de Ruyter, it hath been re-confirmed by the said admiralty of Amsterdam. And this was signified to day to the States General, who did admire at it, that the said admiralty durst do a thing, which the state had countermanded. But those of Amsterdam say, that such visiting of their ships at sea is a thing altogether intolerable for the commerce; and yet during the war with England they visited all neutrals, and worse.

Wednesday, 27 December.

The council of state is angry, by reason that prince Adolph did only receive them at the top of the stairs; besides that he went first into his chamber; besides that he did not reconduct them far enough. Item, that he did not revisit the lord Wimmenum, as he did the lord Renswoude.

To-morrow they go to fetch the said prince by three commissioners with ten coaches. The commander of Hulst hath made complaint here, that on the behalf of the duke of Aerschot they have held the Sheepen-banck, which he pretends to belong to this state.

They have referred to the hands of the commissioners of the admiralty of Amsterdam, wherein they signify they had commanded de Ruyter not to suffer any visitation at sea; but Holland conniveth at it, and without doubt made a sign to the ambassador at Amsterdam. Zealand sheweth themselves angry at it: they say, that it is too great a boldness of the said admiralty to give an order contrary to an order.


The resident of Poland hath been to see the lord president, and by him hath signified to the assembly, that knowing that gunpowder brought to Dantzick was to go to the service of the Swedes their enemies, they had thought sit to confiscate it, excusing the city of Dantzick, who had released it. This is taken for a notification, and not very ill.

The king of Poland doth still hold the lord Wickefort for his minister, which doth highly distaste the said resident.

The states of the Ommelands have writ to the States General, that they have deferred the determination upon the letters writ to them 'till their next general assembly.

Friday, 29 December.

The resident of Poland having yesterday only done his office by word of mouth, concerning the 320 barrels of powder, they resolved to demand, that the agent de Heyde shall demand it of him in writing, to the end they may take some resolution upon it hereafter.

The lord Weyman, minister of the duke of Brandenburgh, hath presented a memorandum contrary to that, saying, that the detention of the said powder, as also the visitation and carrying away of the ship, is a thing contrary to the maxims of this state, and contrary to the conventions; consequently that the same ought to be restored. This is referred to the commissioners for the affairs of Poland and Sweden.

Concerning the memorandum of the commissioners of Dantzick, it is ordered, that they will take a review of the foregoing acts.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. xlv. p. 221.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I Have formerly writ several times to you concerning the secret order, which was given to the commander de Wild and vice-admiral de Ruyter, concerning the visiting of the ships at sea, which the English may pretend; wherein some members of Holland are timorous, refusing to agree to this order, fearing some danger, as in the year 1652. But the admiralty of Amsterdam, which is very much directed by the city of Amsterdam, is courageous; and whether the rest be willing or not willing, they have renewed and confirmed the said order; alledging for reason thereof, that the commerce cannot subsist without such an order. In short protector must suffer and connive at the said order, or that he be stronger than the fleet of St. Gen. for in these things right is measured according to each others strength. For the present de Ruyter hath but five ships of war, and a hundred merchant-men to conduct, whereof some are richly laden. The reason of all which the enclosed papers will tell you. But it is pleasant and considerable, that in the order and instruction, which they give to de Ruyter of the 20th of December, they prudently distinguish the case, saying, if de Ruyter doth come with his merchant fleet and his five ships of war to fall under the power of the English castles, or amongst a capital fleet of the English, that in such a case shall cease of courageously and powerfully hindering the visitation of the English; as if without that, mons. de Ruyter (by shewing his courage and strength) could fight with the castles, harbours, and fleets of the English; and thereby those of the admiralty of Amsterdam do sufficiently give to understand, that this right is to be measured according to each others strength; and themselves besides, that do measure it according to their passion and interest, as during this summer they did not only hinder, but expresly connived, yea favoured the visitations, which the Polanders or those of Dantzick did make aboard of Holland ships, as it is to be seen by the last letters from Dantzick; and they will prescribe to the protector a practice, which they themselves have always otherwise observed, yea so far as to take and confiscate all they could meet withal upon the coasts of Graveling, Dunkirk, Ostend, &c. whether they were contraband or lawful goods, and in the last English war they took, or at least plundered all they met with at sea. Who doth not see, that the Hollanders affect to draw all the trade to themselves? I am

Your most humble servant.

This 29th Dec. 1656. [N. S.]

De Witt to Nieuport, the Dutch ambassador in England.

Hague, 29 Decemb. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlv. p. 223.

My lord,
In regard of the holidays of Christmas, and the absence of the assembly of their noble great lordships, nothing hath happened here considerable since my last: only I forgot to tell you in my last, that the business of the treasurership general of these United Netherlands is made an end of, to the content of their said noble great lordships; and on the 20th instant it was resolved by their high and mighty lordships, that the lord Beverning shall be invested in the said charge. The lords of Zealand, who were the first in withdrawing their votes, ordered their commissioners to pleasure the states of Holland in the same.

Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Hague, Dec. 29, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlv. p. 22.

My lord,
The holidays here hath interrupted the course of affairs. The States General did not meet, and the commissioners of the other colleges are not yet come from their city. Those of Holland are to be here on the 9th of the next month, to take some final resolu tion upon the ratification of the treaty with Sweden at Elbing. Here hath past through these provinces incognito an envoy to the lord protector, sent by the duke of Brandenburgh. He stayed here a few days; and in regard he had secret conferences with some persons of this state, it is said, it was to regulate the said treaty, and to take the last resolution of these provinces upon that business; which doth not seem to me very true.

Here is a report, that the king of Spain intends to send hither an ambassador, to divert this state from their design, which they have to make a strict alliance with France and England; and to negotiate a stronger alliance between this state and Spain, than that they have at present.

A letter of intelligence.

Hague, Dec. 29, 1656. [N. S.]


Yesterday the States General treated the king of Sweden's brother. It is believed the council of state will also treat him, although they seem not to be altogether satisfied with his civilities; for he did not give the upper hand to the commissioners of the said province, nor returned any visit to the president, as he did to that of the States General, to whose commissioners he gave the right hand, and conducted them to their coach. How long he will stay here, is not known. The treaty of the Muscovites with the Poles is certainly concluded, to whom they are to restore all they took from them. They will make a war defensive and offensive against the Swedes. The king of Sweden is past the river Vistula with his army alone, which is said to be ten thousand men. He is very much put to it for want of provisions, and meets with many obstacles. They say here, that France hath sent eight hundred thousand guilders to his relief, and that there is a strict alliance to be made between the Port and France.

Boreel, the Dutch ambassador in France, to the States General.


High and mighty lords.

They assure me from Marseilles, that the equipage of the king's men of war, but at the charge of particular men of war, is advanced with as much speed as may be; and that at Toulon is published the declaration, whereof your high and mighty lordships have been informed; namely, that all other allies of this crown (except only the subjects of the United Provinces) are thereby exempted from the rigour of the rule, which faith, in the old ordinance of Francis the first, and Henry the third, that the goods of an enemy confiscateth them of a friend; so that the men of war at Toulon do threaten publicly the ships and goods of the subjects of your high and mighty lordships, which they shall meet at sea, as a certain and undoubted booty for their covetousness. At Calais the said declaration was long since made. They do now no more obscure the said design in this court, yea some begin to threaten your high and mighty lordships subjects therewith. Your high and mighty lordships will in their wisdom and prudence consider this business as it ought.

High and mighty lords, &c.

W. Boreel.

Paris, 29 Dec. 1656. [N. S.]

The company of merchants-adventurers residing in London, to the deputy-governor and assistants at Hamburgh.

Vol.xlv. p. 236.

Right worshipful sir and sirs,
Our last was of the 21 past, since we have had yours of the 18th ditto communicated unto us, &c.

But we must acquaint you with a matter of that nature, wherein if you concur not with us, and that too, readily and chearfully, besides the trouble and inconveniency you will undeniably bring upon yourselves in every of your particulars, you will hazard the very subsistance of the whole fellowship. We shall not need to represent before you, what hath of late passed between you and us upon your rejection of his highness's resident, Mr. Bradshaw, from that approved prefecture over you, even by your own manifold testimonies, which he held many years as deputy-governor in your court. You have had our sense clearly upon the whole from time to time. However we, for the carrying on the government and affairs of your court, did comply with your election the last midsummer of a martly deputy, and approve of the person; yet we must remember you, that we both timely pre-admonished you by ours of the 13th of June last, that at your said approaching election you should, as to your own government, consider, before whom this matter was lodged; and also after you had made this choice, did by ours 25th July give you this hint, that we understood the same not otherwise, but as proceeding from your own reasons above; from which you might easily conclude, we were not of that opinion; and withal then plainly told you, that we had no hope, that your provisional choice would not be displeasing or misunderstood, forasmuch as you still submitted the point of an annual or standing deputy to his highness gracious pleasure. Now then you are come to the trial; for at our last court of the 17th present we have had clear and unquestionable assurance, that his highness is so far from being satisfied from your papers before him, that you had any reasons to lay his said resident aside, that his highness finds his own honour touched in those your passes upon the person of his minister in the face of strangers. If we had then said, that the whole carriage from the first to the last is apprehended a designed and continued affront, it is not more than it was rendered unto us in terminis; and as we find it indeed to be so understood, and that it will not be believed, but all proceeded from private offence taken, and none justly given, and other animosities after entertained, and since extraordinarily improved. And we discover, that so much indignation is conceived against your froward deportments in this matter, that his highness judgeth not your papers worthy of a sentence. But we interpret all as we ought, that however wayward you have been, his highness would not willingly impose any thing on you or us, but would gladly see if you could be brought at length to see your own error, at least how you have been led astray, and engaged in a faction destructive to yourselves and the whole fellowship. And it was come to that pass, that this court is plainly conceived not to have done their duties; and say all we can, it will not be believed, that this court hath so little interest in the whole fellowship, but that of its own authority it might have presented this declaration of his highness's resentments and displeasure. So now you see how you have involved us, as well as yourselves; and therefore we have no other medium left us, but to deal roundly with you, to conjure you, yea plainly to require you in the name of the fellowship, to submit your private disgusts and sense to the interest of the whole. You may have heard how the constitution of the company hath been and is assaulted by all the ancient enemies and rivals thereof; if you have, let us have so much credit with you, that you will believe we were never at such a great strait as now; and if we had not been protected by his highness, had long since been overborne; and if once his highness should withdraw his gracious good opinion of our government, you may easily conceive what would quickly become of all. We earnestly therefore, and in all brotherly love beg of you to recollect yourselves, to turn your hearts again upon his highness's resident, to address yourselves in all sweetness to his honour, to re-elect him for your standing deputy for the residue of the year, and to comport yourselves towards him hereafter, according to the worth and character of his person. We will not doubt, but his honour will generously meet you half way in all loving conjunction and good offices; and we assure ourselves, that when you have once past over this first approach to so good an understanding, you will find the comfort thereof in every of your own heart. And we must pray you, that although these letters should come too late, that for the ensuing mart you should have reelected Mr. Watson, or any other person, that nevertheless you will pray him to take his ease, and forthwith proceed to the re-establishment of his highness's resident. And in this case or otherwise, we by this post write to Mr. Watson, to deny himself, or rather to comply with us in an affair, wherein the being of the whole fellowship is so much concerned. And so pray God to endue you with wisdom, moderation, and self-denial, we rest

Your worships ever loving brethren and friends,
The governor, deputy, assistants, and fellows of merchants-adventurers of England.

London, 19 Dec. anno 1656.

To the worshipful George Watson, deputy to the assistants and fellowship of merchants-adventurers of England, residing in Hamburgh.

The same to the deputy.

Vol. xlv. p. 237.

Worshipful sir,
By your letters to the court you will see what we writ for the re-establishment of his highness's resident in the place of standing deputy, for the residue of this year. We know and acknowledge thankfully, that you entertained this troublesome office only to serve the company, without any ambition of the place; and we doubt not but you will willingly again lay the same down for the public good. We therefore pray you earnestly, although before these come to hands you should be re-elected to the place for the approaching mart, that you will presently resign the same, and leave the court at liberty to perform our advice, and not to be persuaded by any reasons or importunities whatsoever to continue in the place, whether these letters come to your hands before or after the re-election court. Herein you shall very much oblige us and the whole fellowship, and besides provide for your own peace and reputation. And so we commit you to the protection of the Almighty, and rest

Your worship's very loving brethren and friends,
The governor, deputy-governor, assistants, and fellowship of merchants - adventurers of England.

London, 19 Dec. anno 1656.

To the worshipful George Watson, deputy to the company of merchants-adventurers of England, residing in Hamburgh.

A letter of intelligence.

Stetin, 30 December, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlv. p. 245.

They write from Elbing of the 22d instant, how that his majesty on the sunday foregoing departed from Marienburgh, and is past over the river Weyssel towards Dirschauw by his army, having sent orders before to the earl of Steinbock to hasten thither; so that it is believed, that the said earl past the said river on the 22d instant with his whole army.

And now they write from Dantzick of the 27th instant, that his majesty of Sweden was arrived at Dirschauw; so that now we shall shortly see what will pass between the two armies.

The queen of Poland is still at Konitz, where she hath stayed all this while, by reason of the holidays.

Here is great talk of the duke Ragotsky, who is said to be marching with 30,000 men against the Poles, to assist his majesty of Sweden, and that he hath taken the Cossacks into his protection. The Swedes got their army over Weyssell, at a place called the Menne.

The Dutch ambassador Dorp to Ruysch.

Dantzick, 30th Dec. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlv. p. 247.

My lord,
The lords ambassadors are gone towards Dirschauw, to speak once more with his majesty before both armies engage, his majesty of Poland being now disposed to some moderation concerning the preliminary instances, upon which on this side hath been strongly insisted, being now contented, that the mediation shall be held in suspence, till such time, that the conditions of the peace can be advanced to a good agreement, through the interposition of these present good friends. Concerning the foregoing declaration to evacuate the conquests in Poland and Prussia in this war, it is his majesty's pleasure now, that the same shall be negotiated in the treaty of peace. And the Polish commissioners for the treaty of peace are to appear provided with full powers, solemnized by the commonwealth at a general assembly, and the treaty to be held at some neutral place fit for such a purpose.

F. Van Dorp.

A letter of intelligence from col. Bampfylde from Paris.

Vol. lvi. p. 226.

By theise three laste postes I have not had any letters from you, nor has there come any letters of advice from Mr. Powell, whose bill is refused, this being the 12th day after fight. I have sayd soe much of my condition allready, that I need not trouble you further in that particular. Theise holydayes are wholly either employed in devotion or pleasure, affording very little newes or business. Madam Mancini, the cardinall's sister, dyed yesterday. The king has assured duke Francois of Lorraine to advance a speedy and considerable sume of monyes to his officers for the recruiting of theyr troopes to the number of 8000 horse and foote: hereupon depends much more then is fit for this way, which you shall very shortly have by another more convenient hand. The French and Spanish armyes in Ittaly are nowe fixed in theyr winter quarters, and not likely to afforde us more newes of them, till the spring. The Spanish and Germaine troopes are 1100 stronge, the French are 8000: they fortify all townes both in Millaine and Modena agaynest the next campaigne. I received yesterday a letter from 73 26 31 37 30 55 81 dated the 31st of Nov. from Florence, the substance of which is, that he wayted on the queen of Sweden to Piazaroe, where she resolves to winter, the plague being so hott at Rome, and she denyed a publique acception (according to her quality) at Venise. He had shuffled himselfe into her retinue, which I believed he woulde doe, being a man of moste invincible boldeness for such attempts; and sayes, that hir designe hither was really to have been treated here this winter; that hir pretences were to have gon farther through want of money, which is not plentifull with hir at present, had she not mett with a dispatch from the king of Sweden, a few days after his arrivall here. All the rest of her designes and propositions touching the generall peace you have had already in my former letters, soe as I need not interteyne you with that. He sayes, she was caressed at the courte of Rome, as an eminent convert; but not trusted or conversed with about any publique business, saving what she put herself upon; and that upon the whole matter, they were not unsatisfyed with hir departure; and that any less inconvenience then the plague, which would have kept hir thence, might have been countervayled by hir absence. She is very invective in all hir discourses agaynest my lord protector, declaymes much for the peace, as the catholique interest, which may be invaded and endangered by the growing power of heretiques, and as the great concernment of the Ittallian princes, whose dominions will otherwise be ruined by the continuance of the warr in their bowells, betwixt the French, Germans, and Spaniards, and peradventure at last be made a prey to the victor, or divided betwixt them upon their reconciliation. At Naples he writes, that they are in great want of men, and all sortes of provisions; and in noe less apprehensions of the English and French. He says, that mons. de Bas (brother to him that was in England) is nowe at the duke of Elorence his courte from the king of France, to desire permission from the duke and the state of Lucca, that 4000 men may march through their territoryes into Modena, to which they have consented upon theyr paying for all things in their march. Whether those troopes shall embarque at Villa Franca, and land at Pisa, or march by land through the territoryes of Genoa, is not yet knowne. Besides this errand I beleive he has another more private one, which I advertized you of (concerning a marriage) in one of my late letters. He says further, that cardenall Mazerine has assured the pope, that if he will lay aside the cardinal de Rets his interest, or that he may be prevayled with to exchange the archbishoprick of Paris for another, and to obleidge himselfe to remayne at the courte of Rome for ten years (unless the king see cause to recall him) that in that particular his majesty will rest fully satisfyed. Next, that his holiness will prevayle with the king of Spayne to desist from his pressing the king of France imediately to restore the prince of Condé to all the priviledges of firste prince of the bloode, to his charge of grand master of the householde, to all his governments, as well as to his hereditary revenewe, and to pay him the arrears thereof ever since his quitting of France. Concerning his revenew, he shall have satisfaction, provided that he will live for some years out of the kingdome. But for the rest, his majesty concludes it unreasonable to receive one into his bosome and councill, and to put great power into his hands, the next day after that his sworde has been drawne agaynest him. In the third place, that the pope will likewise prevaile, that the king of France may not be urged to abandon the crowne of Portugal, being agaynest his honour and interest; which things being consented to, by the mediation of the pope, for Perpiginan, and other townes in dispute; he makes no doubt, but that the twce kings will compounde those differences upon reason and justice withoute any intermediation He likewise sayes, that some of the councill and clergie here have assured the pope, that if theise things be brought aboute, that it will not be in the cardinall's power to hynder the peace. Of this I shall alsoe say more to you (which I am come to the certayne knowledge of here upon the place) shortly by another way, when the nuncios are arived here and at Madrid, which are expected, and have made such an entrance into this affayre, as that they discerne any hopes of success, two legates will be immediately dispatched. This is the substance of his letters; besides which I am informed, that there is a currier dispatched from Rome, to perswade the emperour to agree to the Pollonjan embassadoure's propositions, as a thing, which will further the generall peace, or if that cannot be accomplished, will strengthen the party. The count Tot, whoe is expected from the king of Sweden at this courte, for the greater expedition and the less expence, comes, as they say, only in the quality of an envoye. There is a great secret come hither from 966 (but I thinke only to be laughed at, but you shall have all things of this nature, that are possible as well as probable) that de Ruiter is gon to sea with a considerable fleet, bounde towards the Streightes, and engaged by private contract to assiste the Spaniards in the convoying of theyr plate fleet, the pretence they have for it being, that they have a great interest in the plate, and loste much by the laste. The king's dispatching the clergie, and they him (that is, theyr declaring what money they will assist him with) is all the business of this tyme. They have to-day received an alarme, that gives them some disorder, of the cardinal de Rets his being in Bell-isle, and as if his brother and the marshall de Maillioray were dispatching an express to the courte, with a request to his majesty, that he might continue there, and that they woulde answer for his fidelity. I cannot assure this for certayne, but I have it from soe good a hand, as that I beleive it myselfe, it being very agreeable to what I have lately heard, and a probable beginning of a designe, which I shall shortly advise you of at length, having already in some of my former letters touched upon some particulars in relation thereunto; by comparing of which with this, and what you will very speedily receive, you may have soe much light into what concerns theise two great competitors of the church for the dominion on earth, as to be able to make some reasonable judgment into the future cource of theyr affayres. Yet the governour of Arras (whoe has been discontented with the courte, and it with him the year past) is suspected to have something in designe, that may give disturbance to the king's service, having displaced divers officers of the guarrison uppon a suddayne, and put in new ones in theyr place. Here is likewise a rumour, that the duke of Mantoue is privately agreed with the Spaniard, who have longe since made him great offers; which, together with his being unsatisfyed with the duke of Modena, and in greater amitie with the duke of Parma then formerly he was, renders the thing not very improbable. Pray be pleased to let me hear from you, whoe am with great fidelity, sir,

Your most humble and most obedient servant,
La Marine.

Dec. 30, [1656. N. S.]

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, Dec. 30, [1656. N. S.]

Vol.xlv. p.240.

The process of mons. de Chenaillis is now fully finished, and there is now nothing more to be done, but for the proctor general to give his conclusions, to be judge what is to be done to him.

The king hath sent his letters to the court of aides to verify a new imposition of thirty sols upon every hogshead of wine.

On tuesday last madame de Mancini, sister of the cardinal Mazarin, received her last unction, being very ill of a continual feaver at the Louvre, where the queen doth take a particular care of her, visiting of her every day. Two days since she was somewhat better, which caused some joy at court; but yesterday she departed this life, which hath turned their sudden joy into sadness.

A few days since the duke of Roquelaure and the chevalier de Brajelonne, falling out at dice at the marshall of d'Albret's house, the first gave a box on the ear to the other, but in a short while afterwards the duke being met by the said chevalier, was surprised by him, and the chevalier gave him two or three blows over the face, whereupon the chevalier was committed prisoner; and now this business of difference is accommodating by mons. de Villeroy.

A letter of intelligence from Mr. J. Butler to Mr. Ferdinando Carnevall, merchant at London.

Vol. xlv. p. 255.

I Was in some doubt, my letters were not come to your hands, which made me resolve to wright no more, till I might heare from you. I have lykewyse sent by sea, that I might understand clearlie how busines stood: now my doubt is cleared by a letter, which I have received from you this morning. Whereas the poast from England comes ordinarilie to this place upon wednesdays or thursdays at furthest, this weeck's wind has been so contrarie, and calme withall, that he came only this satturday morning not halfe an hour before the poast parts for England; which is the reason, that I have no time to wright more to yow att present, then to tell you, that I have received yours with the inclosed for Dort, of the 12th of Dec. for which I returne you heartie thancks. By the next you shall heare more att length from

Your verie affectionatte freind to serve you,
Jacub. Goltburgh,

Vlyssingnen, Dec. 20/30, 1656.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlv. p. 134.

Honoured sir,
I Have sent you inclosed a letter from a Scotchman, that hath taken some paines in discovering a silver mine in the hills. I have acquainted major generall Morgan therewith, and major Hills, that he may not imbeazle the oare. Hee tels me hee hath made proof of some of itt, and hee findes that one hundred weight will make twelve pounds worth of silver. I desire you will make triall of itt, and if the oare prove good, itt may bee easily gott and transported, as you may perceive by the letter; and there is store of itt. I desire that I may receive my lord protector's commands, what hee will have done aboute itt, in case it prove good. The maine is uppon the earle of Sutherland's land; and if it prove good, I thinke itt would doe well his highnesse bought the land, which I believe hee may have for a small matter; but I am confident there is good share of this oare in the hills; for att my marching through the hills, I saw a great deale of the like kinde. I thinke itt may be worth the paines to see whether the oare proves good or not; and when you have made triall of it, I shall bee very glad to hear from you, and to give the man some directions what further to doe therein. I remayne

Your very affectionate freind, and humble servant,
Geo. Monck.

Dalkeith 20th Dec. 1656.

General Mountagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlv.p.239.

Yours of the 18th I received, and in it a pacquett directed to mee out of Flanders, which, when I opened, I found to containe two letters to the marquesse, one from don Juan of Austria, and the other from his secretarye.

That of don Juan I send you here inclosed, wherebye you will find his agreement to equall exchanges betweene us, and a moneth's pay for the liberty of supernumeraryes, that wee have none to exchange for. The other letter was a meere compliment, and condolinge of these gentlemen's condition. In the inclosed paper you will find mention of another letter of the marquesse's written from Portsmouth, which it seemes (as the marquesse tells mee) was sent by a French gentleman, whom I gave passage to from Lisbone, and contained only a recommendation of that gentleman to don Juan for some employement under him, and a desire, that he would write to the king of Spaine to shew compassion to his brother and sisters, who are alive and gone thither. The marquess now desires to receive his highnesses further pleasure concerninge him, what conditions he will please to appoint him for his absolute libertye, and what tyme he may be providinge to goe into Spayne, to accomplish them; the which I also entreate may be resolved as soone as conveniently it can. I could wish to heare of the parliament's proceedinges in matters, that are of greater weight and necessitye to be considered for the saving of the nation, as I conceive; but we must attend God's tyme, and not be over hastye, and troubled at the desseringe, which I hope is not of longe continuance. I have received a letter from generall Blake lately, and I have seen one from him also to the commissioners of the admiraltye, wherebye I hope you have received an account of his condition before now. This place affords noe other matter for mee to trouble you with; wherefore with thankes for all your favors, I remaine

Your faithfull and humble servant,
E. Mountagu.

Hinchingbrooke, Dec. 20, 1656.