A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: October (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp488-501 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: October (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp488-501.
"State Papers, 1656: October (2 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp488-501.
In this section
October (2 of 5)
Lockhart, ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliii. p. 1.
Right honorable,
I Have received yowrs of the 6th of October, with the enclosed letters to the king
and cardinall. At this morning's audience I delivered to his eminence that directed to him,
who advysed me to deliver to count Brienne the other directed to his majesty.
My complaint touching that businesse was with noe little noyse, for I assured his eminence, that his highnesse did so much concerne himself in the redresse of that affaire, as reparation of losses to the persons interessed would not be esteemed a sufficient satisfactione, except the offenders were severly punnished. Monday morning I shall waite upon count Brienne, and shall not faile to speak home to him in it. I may doe it the freelyer, because I ame advysed by 403 480 to doe soe. The cardinall seems to be very sensible of the injury don, and promiseth all the satisfaction can be desyred, both as to the reparation of losse fustained, and punishment of offenders; and that with all possible speed.
464 informs me, that Charles Stewart and his brother use their utmost endeavors for carying on their designe in Flanders; and tho' I can by no meanes procure a coppy of the treaty betwixt him and Spayn, yett I have good assurance given me, that there are main articles in it:
The king of Spayn is to give subsistence in Flanders to such forces of the English, Scottish, and Irish nations, as shall repaire unto Charles Stewart there, and shall once before the first of December next joyn 6000 men of his own to Charles Stewart's forces aforesaid, shall afford shipping for the transport of the whole, and shall furnish a reasonable proportion of arms and ammunition, with 200,000 crowns in money, for the better carying on the businesse. Before Spayn shall be esteemed bound to perform any of these things, save what relaits to the subsistance of the English, Irish, and Scotts, that shall repaire to Flanders, Charles Stewart is oblydged to deliver to the king of Spayn, or his ministers, a list of such persons of quality, as shall be ready to take arms for him at his first landing; as also that he shall make it appear to them, that he hath a landing-place in England assured to him. My informer tells me for * * their is at present some dispute betwixt the ministers of Spayn and of Ch. Stew. concerning the performance of conditions.
Those for Ch. Stew, presse, that the men, shipping, and mony promised, may be delivered; after which they will give in the list of the persons, and make the assurance of their landing-place appeare. Those for Spain protest they can neither provyd mony nor shipping (for they say their men are ready) till such tym as they be satisfyed in the aforesaid perticulars.
Ch. Stew. particular forces in Flanders consist of fyve regiments; their strenth altogether will amownt to 1000 or 1200 men, who are for the most part Irish. This is all I cane learn of the posture of their affaires in Flanders; only I must add, that their designes against his highness's person are crueller and wickeder then evere. 525 (within these sowr days) told, in great considence, to one, who acquainted 403 480 with it, he had good assurances, their plott against his highnesses lyfe was now so well ordered, as in all probability it could not miscarry. I pray God preserve him from their base and treacherous attempts, and give his frinds harts to beseech his highness not to follow the counfells of his owne courage, that can contemn all dangers, bot to consither, that in his lyfe, as in a treasure, is bound up the mercy and happynesse of all the good people in his dominions. The interests, behaviour, and principles of such as have nearest accesse to his person, cannot be too narrowly observed, nor over often enquyer'd after. Sir, I have said this, because from the circomstances of the forementioned discourse of 525, of which I have given you bot a hint, I find they perswade themselvs to have engadged some one, that hath neare accesse to his highness's person.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content – see page image]
Sir, the businesse concerning Dunkirk is at a stand, and will continue so, till I have the happinesse to heare from your honor abowt it. My letters from Compiegn of September 24/14, and from the same place of October 2d, new style, from Paris, October 11/1, gave account of all was discoursed in that affaire at two audiences I had preceeding this last. I humbly begg your counsell concerning that businesse, for I was much pressed this day to hasten its conclution, which if it prove happy, the poore Protestants here and amost every wher els wil blesse God for it. It is not imaginable, with what tendernesse and regritts they expresse themselves, when they mention their being cut off from you, as men in another world.
The differences betwixt the cowrt and the parliament by growing to that hight, that in all probability they . . . publick, ere it be long. The practise of 435 is highly * * I was told so good example hath found many admyrers, som followers. The good news of the affectionatt * by our parliament to his highnesse person and government * * nimity, and the good successe God hath blessed your fleet with, were received at court with great demonstratione of joy. I sent Mr. ' * * ther immediately after my receipt of them. I was told this the greatest part of the tym of my audience should be ***joycing with me for them.
Sir, if it be thought fitt to try what conclusion the business concerning Dunkirk will take, I
humbly conceive that having my letters of revocation by me, may prove not a little advantegios too
Paris, Oct. 11/11, 1656.
May it please your honor, your most humble servant.
The post, that broght the good news concerning the fleet, should have been heare upon Teusday, and did not arryv till Thursday late. I have complain'd of the abuse in it, for it falls out often so, and am made beleeve it shall be help'd.
A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliil. p. 117.
Noble sir,
There is very little novelty heare this weeke, save that of the English successe against
the Spaynards, the taking of one gallion and one shippe of warre by the English, wherein (they say) were ten millions of money; one other gallion and a ship of warre sunck; two
or three more stranded, and forc't on shore; the same is verisied by letters out of Spaine. It
strikes the Duttchmen absolutly dumbe, where before they were verry rayling against the
English. A great sadnesse there is in Flanders and Brabant, for that their money is taken.
The king of Scotts is much grieved thereatt, and againe thinks himself almost destined to
misery, notwithstanding his great hope not long since softered, and well nigh nature, but
nowe become macerate and vaine, for that it is crossed by an over-ruleing providence. All his
hopes now lye in England and in the brests and hands of his emissaries, being priests, and
some officers instructed heare, and come over privatly to endeavour to poyson the army and
navy, and further to instruct and encourage as well recustants as . . . to some attempt,
as to make a disturbance in the land, and soe to proclaime Charles Stewart their king. This
is the foolish imaginations they have, as I perceive. It is much wondered, why our shipps
should quitt the coasts of Flanders soe soone, since which time are gone out of Dunckerke
and Oastend eighteen or twenty men of warre, well appointed. 'Tis conceaved they are gon
to the west part of England about Syllie or Ireland, and some to cruise for the West Indies
men and Barbadoes ships. There are some rogues (being Dunkerkers and Oastenders) to my
knowledge are often harboured as well in Zealand as Holland. About five or six dayes agoe
went out of Flushing a Dunkerker ship of five guns with sixty men, and out of Trevere anther of greater force, all maned in that towne. A great deale of juggling there is betweene
them (as I perceave) and the Flanderers, or Flemmings, are throughout all the United Provinces better beloved, and have more liberty then the English; and in the Maze's mouth neere
the Brill there are two Dunckerker men of warre lying, and have bin there the moste of the
summer. Don John and his forces dare not showe their heads abroad for the French, who
are masters of the field. It is supposed, that the French will next summer sweepe away the
moste parte of Flanders, especially if the English joyne with them, and six uppon Dunkerk
and Graveling. Att Gravesende there should bee some ordre about the taking account of
passengers, and especially Irish, Scotts, and English, that have followed the king all this
while, and nowe are come and coming for England, who have bin for many yeares plotting
of mischiefe against you. Thus att present I rest your moste truely devouted,
From Sluise, Oct. 21/11, 1656.
Thomas George.
The way to send your honor's commands unto mee is knowne to Mr. Andrew Can of the post-house.
From the same to Mr. Andrew Can.
Vol. xliii. p. 119.
I am verry much affraid, that you are something displeased or otherwise disposed then you
were pleased to signifie unto mee by your only letter, which I know to bee the first, and
all fithence that I have receaved. I acknowledg your affaires and imployments to bee great,
and oft cannot write, neither should I expect, but nowe putting my condition unto you,
and sheweing the cause of casteing myselfe uppon your kinde promise in relation to my expence, and towards my support, as you were pleased to mention in the said letter.
Lett mee entreat your favoure soe farre as to patronize mee therein, and to dispatch somewhat towards my present subsistence, and I shall not fayle to serve you to the uttmost of my
power, nither will I be wanting, dum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos regit artus. Thus with
my humble service unto you in haste, I rest
From Sluise in Flanders,
21/11 Oct. 1656.
Your very assured servant till death,
Thomas George.
I pray lett mee heare from you, and you may direct my letters involved in a paper, with this supperscription, A mons. mons. Petrus Voorluys, advocate ou procurateur à Middleburge en Zealand.
There is one William Smith with his catch come from Zealand with Flanders hopes: hee is an Oastender, and hath a house and all his familie there; but nowe is arrived in London under pretence of a Flushinger. You may make what use you please. This I thought good to enforme you, which you may communicate (concealing mee) to some of your acquaintance, that may make profitt therof. Alsoe ther is one roggish cavilier, whose name is Prince, an auquaintance of this said skipper Smith. If hee were layd up, there is enough can bee said against him.
Thus I remaine yours.
T. G.
General Monck to the protector.
Vol. xliii. p. 115.
May it please your highnesse,
Understanding that your highnesse and councill have past an order for taking off the
forfeit lands of this countrey, and alsoe the donatives, I make bold to present my condition to your highnesse concearning the land, which the state were pleased to bestowe uppon
mee out of duke Hamilton's estate, my condition being singular from those, who have donatives given them, in respect itt has bin twice sold, and I beleive my engagements to those I
have sold itt to are such, that if they should bee taken off, I doubt I should be faine to make
itt good out of my estate, which would bee a greate losse to mee. Besides there has bin a
great deale of money laid out since the time that I had itt first, by myself, and since by capt.
Brossie and Mr. Bilton, in sinking of coale-pitts, building of salt-pans, and repayring the
house; and it is confirmed to mee and them as firme as the lawes of Scotland can make
itt. Butt besides my owne losse, I am confident your highnesse will finde many other inconveniencies by this order, as the trustees, who thinke themselves concerned in itt, will make
appeare to your highnesse by one, whom they are sending to make supplication to your
highnesse for that purpose. Wherfore I humbly intreate your highnesse, that if itt be nott soe
farr past, but that itt may be recall'd, that those who have had donatives, and the trustees
may bee heard, before any further proceedings bee had in that bussinesse. Had the land bin
in my owne hands, I should nott have opened my mouth about itt, but have accepted what
the state would have pleased to have given mee in lieu of itt. I now humbly crave of your
highnesse's pardon for giving your highnesse this trouble. I remayne
Dalkieth, 11 Oct. 1656.
Your highness's most humble servant,
George Monck.
Col. Morley to sir John Trevor.
Vol. xliii. p. 17.
Honourable sir,
I am forced to writte two letters to you this weeke, haveinge two severall occasions. The
paper inclosed in this letter I received upon Friday from a private sreinde; but since I
heare some of the papers mentioned in it have bin brought to you, I am amazed to heare of
it, and doe feare it may be done purposely to blemish the integrity of the excluded members. However if my hand be to it, I disavow that ever I knew of it, or gave any direction
to affix it to the same, it beinge my desire, that since I am debarred from exercise of the
trust reposed in me by my countrey to serve them in parliament, I am well contented I shall
ever live quietly at my owne house, where if any desire to speake with me, they shall assuredly finde me; and I know my brother Fagge's practice and opinion to be the same. If you
finde any of us suspected, pray say soe much for us, and we both shall make it good. I cannot enlarge at present, having bin crasy this five weekes, which now is turned to a terrible
sitt of the gout accompanyed with a seaverish distemper. My duty waits on you and my
lady. I remane
Your dutifull sonne and servant,
Herbert Morley.
Glyne, Oct. 12, 1656
The superscription,
For the honourable sir John Trevor, knt. at his house
in Cannon-rowe, in Westminster.
At the great sessions of the county of Flint holden at Flint the 13th day of October, in the year of our Lord God 1656.
Vol. xliii. p. 122.
We the grand inquest representing the body of this county, taking notice and being very sensible of the great want of justices of the peace in this county, and the smallness of the number of those, who now act amongst us, whereby goodness, and good men desirous of reformation become much discouraged, and vice and profaneness, through want of fit magistrates to resort unto, happen often to pass unpunished; and the good laws made against sabbath-breaking, whoredom, prophane swearing, drunkenness, and other enormous crimes, and for provision for the poor, and punishment of rogues, vagabonds, and sturdy beggars, remain in great part unexecuted, to the great dishonour of God, scandal of government, and and prejudice of the peace and welfare of this country; do make it our humble desire, that the commission of peace for this county may be reviewed, and persons fearing God, and otherwise justly qualified for so weighty and useful an imployment, may be commissioned to act as justices of peace amongst us, and required to attend that good work; and that the justices of the great sessions now with us, by application to those in authority over us, would be instrumental hereunto. We presume also herewith to present the names of such gentlemen of this county not already in commission, as if, put in authority and into the commission of the peace, we hope may prove very serviceable to their country in the preservance of the peace, order, and good government thereof, which is the humble and main end, aim, and intent of this our address, and is submitted to consideration.
The Jurors names.
Piers Williams of Merton,
George Brereton of Broughton.
Randal Edowe of Iscoed.
Humphrey Bowen of Willington.
John Aldersey of Broughton.
William Buttler of Tybroughton.
William Browne of Asliton.
William Stox of Ewloe.
Will. Jones the younger of Bagilt.
Thomas Davis of Halkin.
David Griffith of Merton.
Ed. Ap Roger of Arbistock.
Peter Wigh of Ewloe.
Randal Jones of Northopp.
Thomas Hughs of Naunch.
Griffith Ap Ellis of Axtyn.
Henry Ap Edwards of Gronant.
The names of such gentlemen as are conceived sitt to be put into the commission of the peace in this county.
John Salisbury esq;
John Broughton esq;
George Hope esq;
Samuel Mostyn esq;
John Parry esq;
Thomas Lloyd esq;
Peter Piers esq;
Robert Whitley esq;
Ellice Evans esq;
This Peter Piers, as since appeared, was named upon some mistake, having, as we are informed, been sometime of the adverse party, and therefore not sit to be associated with the rest; who, as we have learned upon enquiry, are completely qualified, and the best that county yields for that trust and employment.
J. B.
T. F.
Henry Birkened, prothonotary of the counties of Chester and Flint.
A letter of intelligence to resident Bradshaw.
Vol. xliii. p. 137.
Right honnourables sir,
Since the last of the 17th current little or nothing is passed of any note; only that the
great duke of Muscovia hath took up and quitted the siege of Riga, and offers to treat
with the king of Sweden. To this purpose he hath sent a corrier with letters to the duke of
Brandenburgh, desiring him verie earnestly to bee a mediator betwixt him and the king of
Sweden. It is not any loss of his forces, neither the resistance of the Swedes, bringes or forceth
the Muscoviter to this sudden and unexpected resolution; but it is said, that the Cossacks
upon request of the king of Sweden, are fallen on the Muscoviters contryes, the continuation
whereof your honour shall have next post. The king of Sweden with the queene are yet at
Frauenburgh. All his privy counsellors are with his majesty there, and consult with him
concerning the offer of the Muscoviter, and other things of great importance. The queene is
not yet gone for Sweden. The shipps are in readinesse to bring her thither, and some of the
Lubeckers ships are forced to take goods in of divers Swedish officers for to goe with this
convoy into Sweden. The last newes of the great defeate of the Brandenburger's forces done
by the Tartars, continues yet as before. They have had no greater losse all the time of this warr
than now. The generous pr. Radtzvill is taken in that sight prisoner from the Tartars, who did
deliver him into the hands of the Polish general Gonfewsky, who gave caution for him to the
Tartars, concerning the ransom they ask for him, which are threescore thousand rix dallers.
He is wounded upon his right arm. The Dutch embassadors are yet with the king of Sweden at Frauenburgh; it seemes they stay to heare whether the king of Poland shall command
at Dantzig or not, and then they are to goe thither. The king of Sweden hath passed Bromberg, ten miles from Dantzig; and is expected to come thither with the queene and about
threescore persons, to abide there all the winter. I hope the next post I shall have occasion
to impart more newes to your honour than at present. Therefore conclude, remaining at all
Elbing, 24 Oct. 1656. [N. S.]
Yours to command.
The Dutch ambassadors in Prusia to the greffier Ruysch,
Vol. xliii. p. 141.
My lord,
It hath occasioned to us over and over a great contentment to understand, that their high
and mighty lordships, after an exact examination made by the lords their high and mighty lordships commissioners of our affairs, that their high and mighty lordships should judge
them to be exactly performed, according to the orders and resolutions given us from time
to time, and that the treaty doth agree in substance, and also almost in verbis with the same.
We were also overjoyed to perceive by the letter of their high and mighty lordships of the
9th of October, that their high and mighty lordships were pleased with our endeavours already used for the furthering of a peace, and the further direction thereof entrusted to us. We
were on Saturday last informed by their high and mighty lordship's resident at Dantzick,
that the king of Poland had signified to those of Dantzick his arrival at Brambergh, and that
he had given them hopes that they should see him in person, wherefore are resolv'd to expect further advice from Dantzick: it may be we may have an opportunity given us to have the honour
to speak and declare by word of mouth to his majesty, how much their high and mighty
lordships desire to see those parts in peace, and to co-operate thereunto by our mean endeavours. We can assure their high and mighty lordships, that we have observed in this king
here a sincere esteem of the amity of their high and mighty lordships, and that his majesty
hath shewn, not to suffer any body with more confidence about his interests in the endeavouring of peace than their high and mighty lordships; but we fear we shall be in some
wise discredited; and if it be so, we shall be the less sit for the said imployment, in regard
the soldiers of their high and mighty lordships are already under oath, and in effectual service of those of Dantzick, and are sent out by parties, as we are informed, against the Swedes,
We do foresee, that his majesty hath something in his mind to speak to us about it; whereof
we will advise their high and mighty lordships in our next.
Frawenburgh, the 24th of Oct. 1656. [N. S.]
The Dutch ambassadors in Prussia to the States General.
Frawenburgh, the 24th of October, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xliii. p. 147.
High and mighty lords,
That which we advised your high and mighty lordships in our former concerning the
negotiation offered by the Muscovite to this crown, doth still continue, and more particulars thereof are expected by the duke of Brandenburg, who is daily expected and looked
for at Koningsberg; and this the rather, because it is said, that the treaties between the
Muscovites and the Poles in the Wilda are broken off, and the dutchess of Courland hath sent
advice hither, that the Muscovite hath raised the siege of Riga, and had made a cessation
of arms with the city for a month.
The lord rix chancellor hath made known to us, that 15,000 Cossacks are upon their march for the service of his majesty of Sweden, and approached towards Koningsberg.
General Steinboch hath followed the Poles for some days, but cannot make them to stand to engage them.
This day her majesty beginneth her journey for Sweden.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliii. p. 127.
Right honourable,
The good newes this daye's post hath brought, was darkely and doubtfully reported heere
two dayes since by letters from Spaine, acknowledginge that wee had sunk them some
ships, but not taken any. Ever blessed be God for soe seasonable a mercie, by which he hath
stopt the mouths of such, as scost at the undertakinge of that warre, and hath sett too his seale
of approbation in a moste signall manner, that thos that runn may reade, to the great encouragment of his highnes and the parliament, whose sweete agreemente is not the least of our
mercies. I trust the Lord's tyme is now come for our setlement at home, and doeinge of great
things abroade.
The inclosed letters and papers give your honor an account, how it hath gone of late with some part of the armie of the duke of Brandenburgh; I trust its not alltogether soe bad as the report maks it; but that the joynt forces of the king and duke will be able to check to the Pole, if not recover the loss. Wee cannot certaynly learne, whether the Muscovite hath withdrawne, or doe yet continue the siege of Riga. Most conclude it continues. I heare not by any others of that rebellion in Sweden mentioned by my correspondent; soe hope was onely a rumour to amuse them in those parts.
Though I finde noe mention thereof in this day's letter, I hope his highness doth not forget mee in that busines, which concerns the state more than myselfe; presumeinge, that at last I shall finde it hath not been in vaine to wait with patience for that justice, which may recover my farre sunken reputation, and reinstate mee in a capacity to serve his highness heere, and ever to manifest myselfe
Your honour's most humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Hamburgh, 14 Oct. 1656.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip, lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Wee expect to heare some further good news from you of the parliament's proceedings, your laste weeke's packet not being yet come to hande.
I shall not at present trouble you with any thinge from hence, but reminde you to answere those particulers I desired of you in my laste letters; and more especially concerninge those of setlinge the militia here. I doubt, if that affaire be longe delayed, it may be some discouragement to those, whoe are nowe moste willing to appeare for the service of his highness and their countrey, without puttinge you to any considerable charge. I knowe nothinge of more advantage to the securitie of his highness and the publique interest in this nation, then the effectuall setlinge thereof. Haveing so often of late given my thoughts and reasons at large uppon this matter, I shall leave it to you, and not further insist uppon it.
I have bin at Gallway, and hade a full view of that towne, which is as considerable both for the western trade, and of as great strength as any towne I knowe in these three nations; and would, if fully planted with English, have a very great influence for the awing the Irish in this province. I have formerly writt to you, that some London merchants or others might be treated with for the inhabiting thereof; which is full of well-built and faire houses, but verry much goeinge to decay for want of inhabitants. I doe therefore renew my request to you to be mindfull of that particular.
I have hade in my way hither a prospect of the counties of Gallway and Roscomon, which is likewise a place of strength and good importance.
I have with the assistance of the president of Conaught taken the best care I cane for the securing the guarrisons in this province.
I have alsoe disposed of the prisoners, that have been lately secured by the councill's order. There are some of the moste notorious persons, who were moste of them officers formerly in the Irish Ulster army, have absented themselves; but I doe not doubt but to have a good account of them verry suddenly. Col. Moore's regiment is now shipped and sailed aboute a weeke since from Carrick-fergus. There was some little disorder amongst them, after they were putt one board, which was soon suppressed. The merchantmen have verry much abused you, both in giveinge in their shipps to be of greater burthen then they are, as likewise in their provisions; of which I have desired lieutenant generall Brayn to take ane exact account, and make returne thereof to you. Hee for want of roome for his men in those shipps, which were appointed to receive those in Scotland, hathe bin necessitated, as he writes to me, to hire a vessell of two hundred tunn for the stowinge of those men, whoe could not be received in the merchants shipps.
I finde that the Irish are still keppt upp with the expectation of forrein aide. The drawing of the forces together, and the moveing the heade quarters from place to place, hath not a little amused them.
Sir Ch. Coote, nowe president of Conaught by pattents bothe from the late king and parliament, desires out of his affection to his highnes and present government to resigne that pattent, and to take a new one from his highness: for the executing that office his present pattent is full and large; and though perhaps it may be thought by some, that those presidentships are not soe necessarye (of which I will not of a sudden ventur to give my thoughts, having much to offer for them, were it necessarye, and more especially for this province) yet this employment being now legally invested in the hands of a person, that hath soe eminently and successefully served the publique, and doth still remayn as intirely faithfull to the present interest, I beleive his highnes will not thinke it adviseable to lay aside this office, while in soe worthie and faithfull a hande. And therefore since he desires to act therein by his highnes's authoritie, I hope his highnes will be willing to comply with his desires herein, and signifie his pleasure under the privye seale, that a pattent may accordingly be passed under the broad seale here; in the speedeing whereof I earnestly desire your favour and answere. I am
Your moste affectionat
friend and servant,
H. Cromwell.
Athlone, 14 Octob. 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the forces in Ireland.
In the possession of Joseph Jekyll, esq;
My lord,
This weeke hath afforded soe little newes either at home or from abroad, that your
lordship will be saved the trouble of readinge a longe letter from me by this post.
The house hath beene upon severall matters in reference to information, which will be too
longe to trouble your lordship with; and indeed altogether impertinent, in respect they are
but in proposition, and noe man can yet tell what they will come to. Wee all agree well yet,
and hope wee shall continue so to doe. The Scotch kinge, as I heare, doth not much
advance his leavyes for want of money; and I thinke it is not likely hee will get more as
yet, seeinge it hath pleased God to give soe much of it into our hands.
The Muscovite is risen from before Riga, soe that wee hope his carreir is stopt, and other newes from thence wee knowe nothing of. I am,
My lord,
Your lordship's most humble servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 14 October, 1656.
A day of thanksgivinge is appointed for our success against the Spanyards, to be observed the 5th of November, all over England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Cornwall, The Examination of Sampson Shakerly of St. Just, taken by Peter Ceely esq; one of the justices of the peace of the said county, the 14th day of October, 1656.
Vol. xliii. p. 131.
This examinant saith, that on sunday the 28th of September last past, he received a letter directed to himself and John Perrow of Burgan, subscribed by the name of Richard Pearce, which said letter this examinant knoweth by the hand-writing to be the proper hand-writing of major Christopher Grosse, whom this examinant knoweth hath gone under the name of Richard Pearce for the space of seven years and upwards; the contents of which letter was to this purpose; to know the condition of the country, how it stood, and what arms were privately to be obtained, and what arms would be needful to put the country in a posture; for the said major Grosse did believe, that his master (meaning the king of Scots, as this examinate supposeth) would employ him that way; and also in the said letter did continually advise this examinate to communicate the contents thereof to such persons, as he knew would be faithful to that interest; and that upon return of this examinate's answer, the said major Grosse would give me an account how the business should go on. And further, this examinate saith, that presently, on receipt of the said letter, before ever he communicated it to any person, this examinate did make known and discover the same to major Ceely, who advised this examinate to repair unto John Perrow, unto whom the letter was also directed, and confer with him about the contents therein contained; which this examinate did accordingly; which said Perrow presently returns this answer to this examinate, that he would not act according to the contents of the said letter, but would discover it to major Ceely, and wished this examinate to do likewise. Upon which this examinate did presently repair to the said major Ceely, and did acquaint him with Perrow's answer, according as he was ordered by major Ceely for the better discovery of Perrow's intentions. And further, this examinate saith, that since that time, nor never since he parted from the said Grosse at the last surrender of Silly, hath not received any letter or other correspondence or intelligence from him, nor knows of any that doth or hath had any correspondence with the said Grosse; neither did know of any such letter before the receipt of it, which he presently did discover as aforesaid. And further, this examinate saith, that he did never communicate the said letter, nor any thing therein contained, to any other person than is in this examination specified. And further saith, that this letter was delivered this examinate by John Uslicke the younger, of St. Just, which is the same letter now delivered over into the hands of major Peter Ceely: and further saith not.
Sampson Shakerly.
Cornwall, The examination of John Pearowe of Burgan taken by Peter Ceely esq; one of the justices of the peace of the said county, the 14th Day of October, 1656.
Vol. xliii. p. 132.
This examinate saith, that about thursday last sevennight he received a letter from Sampson Shakerly, directed to the said Shakerly and himself, which letter is subscribed by the name of one Richard Pearce, but this examinate very well knoweth it to be the handwriting of major Christopher Grosse, who for many years since the taking of Penzance hath gone under the name of Richard Pearce; the contents of which letter were, that the said Grosse hoped ere long to see them, but might not yet let them know the time; but wished them to be in readiness, for that his master (as this examinate supposeth to be the king of Scots) would send him that way; and wished them not to discover any thing till they had orders from him, but should speedily acquaint him how things stood, what arms and other necessaries would be requisite for those parts, as also for the whole county; for that should be his employment; and wishes them to be very secret, not to discover it to any but as they might confide in. And this examinant further saith, that presently on receipt of the said letter, he repaired to major Ceely to give him an account thereof, since which time hath not revealed it, or any thing therein contained, to any one. This examinant being demanded, why he discovered the said letter, answered, that he had given security in fifteen hundred pounds for his peaceable living in this commonwealth; and further saith, that he knoweth not of any that doth or hath had any correspondence with the said Grosse: and more saith not.
John Pearowe.
Cornwall, The examination of Thomas Grosse of Penzance, gent. taken by Peter Ceely esq; one of the justices of the peace of the said county, the 14th of October, 1656.
Vol. xliii. p. 133.
This examinate saith, that John Uslicke of the parish of St. Just, brought a paper to this examinate's brother, as he supposeth, on saturday the 27th of September last past, by nine of the clock in the night; and the said Uslicke wished this examinate to peruse it, and keep it to himself; and on perusal of the same this examinate disowned it, and delivered it back again to the said John Uslicke. This examinate being demanded, whether he knew of any that did correspond with the said major Grosse; this examinate replied, that he knoweth not of any, that doth correspond, or hath had any correspondence with the said major Grosse since his first departure out of England: and further saith not.
Thomas Grosse.
Tuesday, the 14th of October, 1656.
Vol. xliv. p. 135.
Ordered by the parliament, that the same committee, which brought in the reports touching the manner of addresses to his highness the lord protector with bills, do attend his highness with the resolutions of the house touching the same this afternoon; and for that purpose, they are to meet at four of the clock this afternoon in the speaker's chamber.
Hen. Scobell, clerk of the parliament.
The king of Spain to the governor of Porto Ricco.
para despachos de oficio dos ministros.
Sello quarto año de mil y seiscientos y Cinquenta y seis.
Vol. xliv. p. 316.
El reÿ,
Mi governador y capitan general de la ciudad e isla de San Juan de Puerto Rico, ô a la
persona a cuyo cargo fuere su govierno en un consejo real de las Indias, se a tenido
noticia por Cartas de Don Pedro de Bayona villa nueva mi governador de la isla de Cuba, y
don Christoval Arnaldo Isassi que se halla en los montes de Jamaica del estado de aquella isla
Ciudad y Puerto de que està apoderado el enemigo Ingles, al qual hacen la hostilidad que
pueden los naturales de la mesma isla que an quedado en las manos los quales an nombrado
por su cavo, y governador al dicho don Christoval de Isasi, y haviendose considerado en el
dicho mi consejo, y consultadoseme el medio que puede ser mas pronto, y effectivo para
desalojar al enemigo de la dicha isla, y recuperarla, mediante la ynquietud, y guerra que
hacen los dichos naturales ha resuelto para que mejor se pueda conseguir este intento respecto
de que aora no es fazis formar desde aca parte de exercito, ni embiar armada en forma, que
esta restauracion se haga mediante una guerra a la uzanza de aquella tierra, y con los medios
mas faziles, que fean possibles para lo qual he mandado por despachos de la sha desta se
introduzgan en aquella isla de Jamaica docientos o trecientos infantes armados, y otras tantas
armas de fuego por tercias partes, mosquetes, arcabuzes, y caravinas de chispa, con sus
frascos, y demas aderentes y balas de plomo, o empasta la cantidad que corresponde a esta
municion, y asi mesmo cien quintales de polvora, y la querda correspondiente, y la mayor
cantidad que se pueda de sal, mais, y otras provisiones y vastimentos que ay en essa isla, y
en la de Santo Domingo, la Havana, y Cuba, y que los remitais treinta, o quarenta enfantes
armados, y al presidente de Santo Domingo, y governadores de Havana y Cuba he mandado
socorra cada uno a la dicha isla Xamayca, con la gente armada conveniente y vastimentos,
que a parezido conveniente, respeto de la posibilidad con que se considera a cada uno de essos
presidentes, y a vos os encargo, y mando executeis el embio de los dichos infantes y que procureis que sea gente vieja, y que este exercitada en los campos para que puedan lievar los
trabaios y descomodidades de los mantenimientos, y de los montes, y campañas, y embiareis
los dichos soldados con provisiones de vastimentos de los generos que huviere en essa tierra, y
por lo menos con la paga de dos meses en dinero, lo qual executareis precissamente, pues
estoy informado, y es constante que essos presidios estan socorridos, y assistidos enteramente,
y con puntualidad de sus sittiados y consiste en este ymbio que el soccorro de Jamayca sea
pronto, effectivo, y de provecho, y hareis conducir la dicha infanteria al puerto y ciudad de
Cuba donde se ha de haçer almaçen dirigido al govor de aquella isla, paraque lo reciva, y
vaya embiando a Jamayca al dicho don Xpoval de Isasi a quien atendiendo al valor con que se
ha portado en Jamaica procurando hechar al enemigo de aquelle isla defendiendola con los
pocos naturales que an perseverado en ella le hemos nombrado por govor eninterim de la
dicha isla, y dareis quenta al duque de Alburquerque mi virrey de la N. España de lo que en
esto executaredes avisandole luego por menor del socorro que enbiaredes a la dicha ciudad
de Cuba para Jamayca para que con noticia de ello, y de lo que asimismo le avisaren los
demas mis govres pueda proveher, de todo lo que juzgare ser necesario y conbeniente, y del
recibo de este despacho, y de su execucion me avisareis en la primera ocasion que se ofresca.
Fecha en Sn Lorenço a vte y cinco de octubre de mil y seisientos y sincuenta seis años.
Yoel rey.
Por mandado del rey nuestro señor,
Gregorio de Leznia,
Al govor de Puerto Rico avisandole del socorro que ha de embiar al de Cuba para la isla Jamayca.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xliii. p. 149.
My last was of the 18th current. I cannot but much admire I cannot hear from you.
This is to let you know, that your ships have taken a ship that was bound for the
Indies with advice; and also it is reported, that they have taken two ships more, that were
coming from the Indies very rich. They always bring the quicksilver: but there is no certainty of this come. By the last of November next more or less of the fleet in Cadiz is to
be ready.
In Madrid of late there is arrived the brother-in-law of the duke of with some design of his own, and also acts for the king of Scots. His brother was with the protector from the queen of Sweden.
We expected great alterations by the parliament, and that the king of Scots would do much in England; and much more of these particulars you should have, but I cannot hear from you, nor that you receive any of mine. I would enlarge much more, if I could hear from you.
The foul weather hath beaten into sea the squadron of general Blake's fleet that lay before Cales. It is not yet convenient to speak any thing of my letter of the pension. I pray forget it not.
Madrid, 25th of October, 1656. [N. S.]
To monsieur Petkum.
Vol. xliii. p. 151.
I Have received the complaints, which some Scots have made for the taking of their ships
in the harbour of Norway. His majesty will not fail to give better orders hereafter,
as such as are possible to be given in so great an extent filled with ports. I believe the protector himself cannot prevent all the disorders in his country. His majesty, as he hath reason,
will complain to don John about such insolence, and will demand justice of him. Reinfranc, who hath orders to communicate with you, cannot advise them of any thing but
what is ordinary.
General Conicksmark is taken prisoner by those of Dantzick, and 200 Scots soldiers forced their officers to surrender themselves to Dantzick, being not willing to serve the king of Sweden.
Copenhagen, 25th of October, 1656. [N. S.]
The assembly of Virginia to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliv. p. 174.
Right honourable,
Though we are persons soe remote from you, yet we have heard soe honourable a character of your worth, that we cannot make a second choice, without erring, of one soe
fit and proper as yourself, by whom to make our address to his highness the lord protector:
our desires we have entrusted to this worthy gentleman Mr. Diggs, our late governor. We
shall desire you will please to give him accesse to you, and by your means to his highness.
And as we promise you will find nothing but worth in him, so we are confident he will
undertake for us, that we are a people not altogether ungrateful, but will shortly find a
nearer way then by saying soe, to expresse reallie, how much we esteem the honour of your
patronage, which is both the hopes and ambition of
Your very humble,
and then most obliged servants,
Samuel Mathewes, govnor.
Francis Moryson, speaker.
The assemblie of Virginia, 15 October, 1656.
The Dutch ambassadors in Prussia to Ruysch.
Vol. xliii. p. 165.
My lord,
The lords Rycks chancellor and the earl Oxenstiern have been to visit us by order of
his majesty, and began to speak to us in his majesty's name, upon the well minded
and sincere inclination of his majesty to live with their high and mighty lordships in all confidence, sincerity, and amity, and to observe the treaty in all its articles inviolably; saying
likewise, that his majesty could not expect any thing else from their high and mighty lordships,
after so many serious and repeated protestations and assurance in behalf of their high and
mighty lordships given to him by us. Then they said afterwards, that his majesty had thought,
that in pursuance of this his well minded and sincere inclinations, as also the good assurance
and good confidence, which his majesty had of their high and mighty lordships, according to
the nature of a sincere and unfeigned unity, it was serviceable and adviseable for both sides,
states, and governments, to be informed by us, for the preventing of all that might any ways
hinder and prejudice the said good unity and correspondence; and to declare to us, that his
majesty had understood, how some soldiers out of the fleet of their high and mighty lordships
were come into Dantzick; that they were brought under an oath into the service and pay
of those of the government there, and that they were used by them in exploits of war upon
and against the men of his majesty; that they also divided themselves amongst the firelocks,
being in the service of the said city; and that when they were not used upon and against the
men of his majesty, that then they guarded the gates of the said city, whereby their other militia
and the garrisons of the said city were able to do more excess against the said Swedes.
That his majesty desired to know and to be informed of us, what might be the mind and intention of their high and mighty lordships about the said business, which his majesty did the
more desire to know, in regard his majesty understood now, that the remaining militia
aboard the ships was also to be imbarked, to be lodged in the said city as the former. We
answered, that their high and mighty lordships were pleased to send to us their resolutions of
the 21st of September, by which the lord lieutenant admiral had orders given him to return
home with some of the heaviest and ablest ships of the fleet, and buy provision, till further
orders, to leave the remaining ships upon and near the road of Dantzick. Also, that
withall, the lord lieutenant admiral had received orders from their high and mighty lordships to
divide all the land soldiers, that were found aboard the fleet, upon the said twelve ships,
if so be the said men could be conveniently quartered upon the said ships; but if not,
then in such a case there should be ships hired to lodge the said soldiers in the hired ships;
but for want thereof, and that no ships can be hired, that then he the said admiral should
bring the said soldiers on shore, and put them under such officers, as were with them, under
the oversight of the magistrates of the city of Dantzick, with request, that they would
take care to lodge them, and provide such necessaries for them as they should stand in need
of. That since we have received no further resolution from their high and mighty lordships,
but we could not deny to have understood out of the said letters from Dantzick sent unto us, that
the soldiers were brought under the oath of faithfulness, and were enjoying some pay from the
magistrates there, and that they were set to guard the suburbs called Scotland, and the harbour Modlaw; but that we could once more speak roundly, that we did not understand,
that any orders or commands were given by their high and mighty lordships to all this; and
that we have no other knowledge of it, than is abovementioned. We also undertook to
advise their high and mighty lordships with all speed all that had been proposed to us in the
name of his majesty; and we said, that we were glad to understand with a special satisfaction, that his majesty had put so good and firm a confidence upon the sincerity of their
high and mighty lordships, and that he was pleased with so much open-heartedness to understand of their high and mighty lordships the nature of the business itself; and that in the mean
time he would be pleased to preserve a good opinion of the intention of their high and
mighty lordships. That we also would not neglect to get an answer from their high and mighty
lordships; and we are always charged to assure his majesty, that it is the clear intention and
altogether the earnest desire of their high and mighty lordships, that the old correspondence,
amity, and alliance should be preserved; and that their high and mighty lordships were resolved religiously and inviolably to observe all the points and clauses of the treaty. Afterwards falling into particular discourses, they said, that his majesty presently after the signing
of the treaty had caused all acts of hostility to cease against those of Dantzick; but on the
contrary, those of Dantzick had used more than ever all offensive actions by water and land;
that his majesty at the intercession of their high and mighty lordships, and only in their regard
of them, had agreed what he had in favour of those of Dantzick; whereunto his majesty
was urged by their high and mighty lordships, saying, that those of Dantzick could not boast,
that his majesty had offered unto them a while since the like terms and neutrality, in the
which should have been comprehended, Cum omnibus suis juribus, privilegiis, & immunitatibus, & libertatibus, & legitimè receptis consuetudinibus, salva alque integra side, quam prædicta
civitas regi Poliniæ debet. They said likewise, that they believed, that their high and
mighty lordships would not assist those of Dantzick, if they refused such good conditions, with
any force of soldiers, and back them in these their offensive actions of arms. They said
further, in conclusion, that his majesty had dispatched the ratification, and had sent it to his
resident in the Hague, to exchange it against that of their high and mighty lordships; and
that he doubted not, but that of their high and mighty lordships would be likewise ready
to be exchanged without any further obstacle.
Frawenburgh, the 27th of October, 1656. [N. S.]
The Dutch ambassador Nieuport to Ruysch.
Vol. xliii. p. 161.
My lord,
Upon tuesday last I had a declaration delivered me concerning a ship of Amsterdam,
called the St. Dennis, laden with several merchandizes, bound for Biscay for the
account of Amsterdam, which was taken in her voyage to Nantz in France by a frigat of
this state on the 7/17 current, and brought in at Portsmouth. I have thereupon presently
delivered a memorandum about it to col. Jones, to deliver it to his highness, who undertook
to acquaint the council therewith, and also to get me a dispatch upon the other memorandums concerning a ship of Rotterdam, called the Salmon, and another ship called the Hope;
and this morning col. Jones sent me word, that the said memorandum was read in the
council; and that the commissioners of the admiralty, commissioners of prizes and goods,
and the officers of the admiralty were ordered to appear before him and some other lords
this afternoon at three of the clock, to bring in what reasons they have, why they have
detained the said ships; not doubting, but in this manner the said ships will be soon discharged. And likewise upon this occasion I took an opportunity to speak, and most
earnestly to shew unto them, how necessary it is to make a maritime treaty; to which the
lord secretary of state, to whom I spoke in the afternoon for the releasing of the said ships,
made answer, that something had been done in it this week, but some other business in travelling had occasioned the deferring thereof till the next; and then speaking of the treaty
communicated to his highness in behalf of their high and mighty lordships, he said, that his
highness had read it, and that he was since informed, that the king of Denmark was discontented about the last concluded at Elbing. That therefore his highness was desirous to
be further informed about the same, before he could declare himself further concerning the
treaty of the guaranty concluded with their high and mighty lordships. I not being certainly
informed concerning the same, their high and mighty lordships may be pleased to consider
the same in their great wisdom what is to be answered upon this subject.
Westminster, 27 October, 1656. [N. S.]
Wil. Nieuport.
P. S. Just now I am informed, that the lords Jones and Thurloe have spoken with the said officers about the ships, and that it is likely the said ships will be released as soon as the council sits.
The examination of Richard Potter, sergeant in capt. Grove's company of the lord general Monck's regiment of foot, taken upon oath before major Holmes and capt. Walton, the 17th of October, 1656, saith,
Vol. xliii. p. 177.
That the 9th day of October, 1656, he was invited to supper to Mr. William Emerson's in Edinburgh by one John Smith, where this examinate was about eight or nine o'clock at night at his house; also was one Mr. — Hambleton, who took an occasion to fall into a discourse concerning public affairs, not being urged to it by any man there present: first, he the said Mr. — Hambleton wished all Scotsmen hanged, that said they did not love their king: secondly, he said, he was ashamed to see so many Englishmen lying in Scotland, either feeding upon, or fighting for oat bread (which of these words it was, this deponent doth not well remember) thirdly, the said Mr. Hambleton clapt his landlord on the back, and wished there was never an Englishman in Scotland could act better for the public or the commonwealth of England, than he the said Hambleton's landlord, viz. the aforesaid William Emerson. Fourthly, discoursing concerning the soldiers, he the aforesaid Mr. Hambleton asked, who were their masters ? the deponent answered, the commonwealth of England. Mr. Hambleton replied, he could not order such dogs as bit their masters so cowardly; upon which some words of controversy did arise, but all this time knew not, that he the said Mr. Hambleton was a minister, but took him to be some ordinary drunken idle fellow, from the manner of his language, and judging the said Hambleton then to be in drink. Further he faith not.
Richard Potter.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliii. p. 179.
Honoured Sir,
In pursuance of his highnesse's commands, the earle of Seaforte and the laird of Glengary
are secured att Invernesse, though I believe the former would not have engaged for Char.
Stuart, but rather against him. For the rest, I have not seized uppon any of them, in
regard that the laying hold of them might occasion more disturbance then Charles Stuart
himselfe would bee able to make here; and they having given securitie for their peaceable
liveing, their frends would looke upon itt as a violation of articles in mee to secure them,
when they are quiett, and there is nothing against them. Besides I hear, that since the late
defeate given to the Spaniards West India fleete, Charles Stuart's design of landing from
Flanders is broken, and his men, which hee has already raised, are dispersing for want of
monie; but if his highnesse please to command it, I shall secure the other persons you formerly mentioned: in the mean time I doe daily secure divers common men, who are moste
likely to joyne with Charles Stuart's partie, to make a disturbance. I remayne
Your very affectionate
freind and servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 18th October 1656.
Admiral Goodsonn and L. Stokes, governor of Nevis, to the protector.
Vol. xliii. p. 153.
May it please your highness,
Of all transactions and occurrences in the squadron of ships under my command have
from time to time given your highness's secretary and commissioners of the admiralty
an account of, and in my last the 22d of September by the Peter of Bristol, encountered at
sea, of our disimboguing through the gulfe, and the grounds and reasons inducing us
thereto. The 9th instant arrived here, where found the three ships sent hither for transplantation of the governor and people formerly mentioned a loading; but I find more
people and goods than they are able to carry; which defect shall make up. The number
of people from hence and Christophers will be about 1400 men, women, children, and
servants, and of them men able to bear arms 800. They carry with them of dry provisions, as Cassava, pease, bonanas, and such like, sufficient to sustain them six months, and
shall be upon departing this place, God willing, the 21st instant. As to the provisions
of this squadron with me, it's much exhausted, and fear shall hardly have enough to carry
us down to Jamaica.
On the 15th instant, in the evening came providentially to our hands your highness's letters of the 17th of June, and therein your highness's resolutions for endeavouring the carrying on this your highness's undertakings in the West Indies. Our desire is, that the Lord will prosper the work in your hands. As to fortification, the people now going down will be necessitated first to build houses, and plant provisions, before they can set upon that work. As to the fortification of the harbour, we have been using all endeavours, with that small means we have had; but to build a strong substantial hold will require more artificers and a greater stock than doth appear at Jamaica. Some tradesmen, as masons and carpenters, brought out of England and Barbadoes, but the greatest part dead.
As to the soldiers being together, your highness, we conceive, has been misinformed, in that they have been in regiments and divisions in compass about twenty miles; only this is to be feared, that they have kept in the town at their main guard too many people after the infection was spread there: what care possible shall be taken for those people coming. As to a regulation in hunting and killing cattle, and making orderly provisions for the soldiers; that we humbly conceive, that the cattle of the island is much destroyed, and that provisions must be either brought with them, or planted by them, or else they may come, as others have done, to want; but to this, as to all other your highness's commands, we shall set to our hearts and hands, and do what God shall enable us.
Marstonmoor in Nevis Road, Oct. 18, 1656
Your highness's most humble
and faithful servants,
W. Goodsonn.
Luke Stokes.
A letter of intelligence.
Bruges, this 28th of October, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xliii. p. 183.
I am afraid that mine do miscarry, by reason I hear nothing from you; however be confident, I shall omit no opportunity. I shall only desire your commands, when leisure will
permit you, to the same place. Our condition is not as you expect. Let it not be a trouble
to you, that any thing shall be done in relation to your business; but that you shall have a
timely warning to prepare yourself and the rest of our partners; but I see no great danger as
yet. There is only quarters appointed for king Charles for five thousand men; let people
persuade you what they please, but be confident of what I say is truth. If you think me
serviceable here for your factor, I pray you give me an allowance, for I have a great charge.
I cannot give so good an account as I would do, because I am commanded by king Charles
to seek for what soldiers I can get, which I dare not refuse; for I am one of the officers, and
here in great trust, but it should not be said by me. When you see the least failing in me,
trust me no more.
The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to Greffier Ruysch.
Vol. xliii. p. 187.
My lord,
By the last post we received their high and mighty lordships commands of the 19th current, by which we are ordered to inform their high and mighty lordships, whether and
what endeavours have been used by us in pursuance of their resolution of the 26th of November last, to get in that, which doth belong to this state from this crown, by virtue of the promised restitution of the English hemp-ships; as also to continue in the earnest endeavours, to
the end the octroy given to the salt-company in this kingdom, as being contrary to the 5th article of the treaty made in the year 1645, may be established. What concerneth the first we
have nothing to advise their high and mighty lordships, than that never by or with us here
any admonition was made of the said hemp-ships, in regard we never received, neither the
said their high and mighty lordships resolution of the 26th of November last, nor any orders
about the said hemp-ships before the receipt of this last; so that we hope we shall be looked
upon as innocent and without blame in this particular. Concerning the falt company we have,
since we delivered in our memorandum, spoken to the lord chancellor several times about it,
and recommended it as his care, that one might receive some favourable satisfaction about it;
and since we received our last orders from their high and mighty lordships, we have had a
large discourse with the lord chancellor, and debated the business at length, and answered all
that was objected against us; and at last he undertook to report the same to his majesty; and
as soon as we receive his answer to it, we will not omit their high and mighty lordships
thereof in all humility, and in the mean time not neglect to obtain a good issue of this
Van Reede,
Copenhagen, the 29th of Oct. 1656. [N. S.]