A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: August (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp301-315 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: August (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp301-315.
"State Papers, 1656: August (4 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp301-315.
In this section
August (4 of 7)
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe
Honored Sir,
I Gave you a touch in my last letter, which now I shall lay before you at large: A very
honest minister of this nation had a parishioner of his, a man of quality, which the last
thursday came to him, and acquainted him, that he had a letter come to him from Bruges,
inclosed in another, which ordered him to wet the inclosed in a certain juice, and he should
see what it contained. The minister advised him to be warned by my lord Glencarne's example, and therefore bad him come and deliver me the letter, which he prevailed with him
to do, and the minister sent me the letter, which having made legible by the prescribed
juice, I found the letter writ from col. Borthwick, and was to this effect: That C. S. council being to send the Spanish council at Brussels a list of those belonged to C. S. which were
to be employed speedily upon some important design, col. Borthwick's name was inserted,
omitting others, and when C. S. saw it, he dashed it out with his own hand, saying he was
a villain. This made Borthwick go to C. S. and desyer to know, wherein he was faulty;
who told him, that he had betrayed Glencarne to me. Borthwick replyed, that I had got
a minister to frighten Glencarne into a betrayinge of himselfe, and that had he not confest,
he had never been discovered; offeringe C. S. as a vindication of his innocence to get Glencarne to certify under his hand, that the said col. Borthwick was innocent, which C. S. said
if he did, he would reimploy him. This letter further conjur'd the gentlemen, to whom
'twas writ, to get Glencarne to signe him such a vindication, and to post it to him to Brussels. I thought it fit to acquaint our worthy general with this, and we were of opinion
'twas not amiss to see, what Glencarne would do at such a motion, which we allowed the person, to whom Borthwick had writt, to make; but Glencarne at it lost all patience, and offered to signe a certificate; that col. Borthwick only had betrayed him, which the said lord
does to this hour fully believe, and I thinke will make som shift to intimate it to C. S.
wherby that villain Borthwick may at length meet his desert. This letter further contayned
thes words: The treaty betweene our kinge and the king of Spayne is signed and sealed at
Madrid: as soon as it comes into Flanders, we shall fall to our work indeed, and if we are
not amongst you by November next, conclude you shall never see us again. This day
Mr. James Wood minister of St. Andrews came to me and told me, as an effect of his assuringe me he would live peaceably and inoffensively under the government, and know nothinge, which might tend to the prejudice of it without acquaintinge me with it, he was
very confident the lord Napier was privately com into Scotland to prepare thinges for a new
insurrection; and that a fisherman of Fife the last week taken by an Ostender, saw on board
of him the lord Belkarris, who is the chiese Scotchman C. S. does trust, and will employ in
any action heere. I have got Mr. Wood to send for the fisherman, that I may examine
him, for doubtless if that be true, ther is som villany near hand.
I have even now received a piece of intelligence from a good and faithful hand, which compared with Mr. Wood's does make me conclude his is true; the words are these: Ther are 12 Spanish vessels com about to the Hebrides, wher they landed som men, and took som fresh provision. I feare tis past question, that the lord Balcharris is disguised in the country, feelinge the people's pulses and preparinge thinges for a new stirr. Thes ships do ply up and downe about the back of Kantire and Ila, as I understand, to receive Balkarris abord, and carry him back to his master.
This newes I imparted to the generall, who told me, the men of Argile told him, ther was lately a fleet of Spanish ships seene upon their coast; but I find by compareinge my intelligence with that advertisement, that the ship was said to be on that coast ere they came, which makes both the generall and I conclude they are come with the knowledge and by the consent of thos ther, who really are a race of the arrantest roges in all Scotland. We have some out every way to get what we can of intelligence, and to be stricter on our garde. With a relation of the particulars I shall not trouble his highness, but humbly beg, if you thinke them worthy of his knowledge, to present them unto him.
As soon as I received your letter with his highnesse's order in it concerninge the ministers
stipends, I forthwith called together the heads of them, wher after some reasoninge of the
thinge and the matters being well prepared before hand, they unanimously agreed, that
every presbitery in the nation should certify to his highness's councill heere the fitness of
him they would desyre should injoy the stipends, and that the said minister should voluntary engage under his hand to live peaceably and inoffensively under the present government, and that all such as have arreares of stipends should doe the like; by which meanes
not only the kirke judicatory do or will owne the present authority even in kirke affaires
(which they never till now did) but also forthwith above 150 of the parochial ministers will
voluntary give the said engagement, and all others in the future, which are admitted,
shall doe the like; wherby ere longe every minister in Scotland wil be obliged to the go
vernment under his owne hand freely, and being engaged themselves, they will in interest,
if for nothing els, engage the people. I humbly beg your pardon for this length, and that
you will believe me, as I unalterably am,
12 August, 1656.
Your most affectionat, most faithful,
and most humble servant,
A good man of war sent upon the coast of Scotland towards the Hebrides would be very useful to view their actinges. They have now but one ship of force heere at all.
General Monck to the protector.
Vol. xli. p. 430.
May it please your highness,
Nott longe since your highness was pleased to grant me an order for 500 l. a month
out of the assessiments heere, towards the fortifications at Leith, and one thousand
pounds out of one third parte of the excise undisposed of. The 500 l. monthly is duly received, but the 1000 l. out of the third parte of the excise could not bee had out of the
monies, being that was disposed of to other uses; but (as I formerly acquainted your highness) I so far prevailed with the councill, as to give 1000 l. out of the sequestration money,
which I have promised either to get an order from your highness for the allowing of, or
else to repay it again; and understanding the copy of the order I formerly presumed to send
your highness is mislaid, I humbly beseech your highness, to signe the inclosed for the
aforesaid 1000 l. There being now a vacancy likely to be of a company in col. Daniel's
regiment, I presume to move your highness to dispose of the same to comptroller Phipps,
who though by the last establishment he hath had a great trouble put upon him, yet his
pay is no more than a private captain; and he being a very honest man, and one who is as
ready as any man to do your highness service; I humbly intreat your highness to bestow
that companie upon him, that may better his condition at present. For newes I understand,
that the lord Balcarres and the lord Napier are either landed, or upon the seas. There was
a fisherman, that saw one of them in a frigott; so I believe, that they intend to land, if
they are not landed, intending to make another busle in this country. I remayne
Your highnesse's most humble servant,
George Monck.
Edinburgh, 12 Aug. 1656.
Major general Disbrowe to the protector.
May it please your highness,
This morninge your highness letter came to my hands at Lanceston, and I have bin
very serious in the perusall of itt; and must acknowledge, that I find much of the
same spirit streaminge in the veins of this part of the earth; and am also satisfied, that
there are designs on foote, in order to the subversion of what hath been done for the nation's
peace and safety; for the men may plott and contrive, yet it's the councel of the Lord that
shall stand. My lord, I have spent some time with the honest people in all the counties I
have yet come in; and tho' they are like to meet with great opposition, yet they resolve in
divine strength to be unanimously active in electing such as are of known integrity to the
present government. Notwithstanding all the endeavours of the old diffatisfied party, I
shall make it my business to encourage the honest sober people, and strengthen their hands,
as much as in me lyes; and leave the issue to the wise disposer. As for the elections, that
hitherto have been made in corporations hereabout, I cannot apprehend any great danger.
Att Bridgwater they have chosen myself; at Wells major Jenkins; at Bath Jo. Ash the
younger; at Taunton general Blake and Tho. Gorge; at Barnstaple sir John Coplestone;
at Honiton major Serle; at Looe Mr. Buller. I am
Your highness most intire and humble servant,
John Disbrowe.
Lanceston, 12 Aug. 1656.
Major general Disbrowe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 436.
I Had yours with the former, for which I returne you my thanks. I perceive there are
great contendings and struglings in all parts. I cannot say we are free heare. Yet
by the elections already made in corporations we may give some judgment, that that spirit
of opposition to the present government bears not that sway, that some men fancy; for att
Bridgwater they have chosen myself, at Wells major Jenkins, at Bath John Ash the younger,
att Taunton generall Blake and Tho. George, att Barnstaple sir John Coplestone, att Honiton major Searle. Sir, I have consulted with the honest people of every county, as I came
along, and with them agreed upon names, and have sett them at worke for the improvement of their interest to elect sober and good men. I must consess in every county I yet
came in, I heare of their making parties; and undoubtedly their designs are to overthrow
all. Therefore my business is, as much as in me lyes, to prevent and break all such contrivances, which is and shall be the endeavour of, sir,
Your real and cordial servant,
John Disbrowe.
Lanceston, 12 Aug. 1656.
Major general Berry to the protector.
May it please your highnes,
I Have received yours, and shal be carefull to follow your instructions. I hope thinges
may succeed well. Though I doe see somewhat of that spirit you speak of, there is an
endeavour to make some church worke; but I would willingly hope it tends to noe publique
breach. Some dissatisfied persons attempt to be chosen, but they pretend they have received some late satisfaction, and want nothing but the seale of a parliament to all procedings; and if you would but make them lords, they would give you leave to be king; but,
my lord, I hope that God will helpe us, * * * leave us in this needfull time of trouble * * * *
that confidence I shall quietly goe on * * * * * be over solicitous. God, who causeth all
things to worke together for good for his people, will perfect his owne prayse in the
middest of us. I am this day goeing towards Hereford. My lord, I am
Your highnes most humble servant,
Ja. Berry.
Sallop, 12 Aug. 8656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
I Can assure your lordship, that his highnesse is as much surprized with captaine Vernon's
soe suddeine repaire into Ireland, as is your lordship, he haveinge told his highnesse,
that he was goeinge to the waters to make some staye there; and there was a full intention
to have spake further with hym, before he had lest this countrye. And I thinke his highnesse is obliged to doe something therein, that may signifie his dislike towards hym. Sankeye's comeinge over is alsoe unexpected here, his highnesse haveinge not before heard of it,
nor my lord deputye. I wonder at that man's spirit, who, I perceive, would faine carry
it faire with all men, but the issue will be to loose himselfe every where, which is the lott
of all such men.
The day of election now drawes neare; and here is the greatest striveinge to get into the parlament that ever was knowne. All sorts of discontented people are incessant in their endeavours. Wee shall see shortly what is to be expected. I am very glad to heare thinges will doe soe well in Ireland. The same wee heare out of Scotland.
The Spanyard still beseidgeth Condé, and is likely to carry it. The French stand lookeinge on without offeringe to attempt them, or to undertake any other designe.
This will further heighten the Spanyard, who threatens us very hard in the winter; and certeinlye C. Stewart hath some designe upon us this yeare, if he can get some foot of the Spanyard. He is now draweinge all his runingadoes both English and Irish into regiments in Flanders, and doth it avowedlye, and is tamperinge with some of our garrisons here upon the sea-coast. In Poland nothinge hath happened of very great consideration. The newes of a battell is expected every post; the successe whereof will be of great consequence. In the meane tyme the Dutch have sent into the cast sea 48 ships of warre to countenance Dantzick against Sweden, which doth greatly discountenance the Swedes in the war with Poland. I have nothinge else to trouble your lordship with.
Your lordship's most faithfull, and most humble servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
12 Aug. 1656.
Colonel Barkstead, lieutenant of the tower, to secretary Thurloe.
There was a meeting the last night in the city, in which were several men, whom I
hope are honest, yet the greatest part of the meeting were dissatisfied persons. My
friend, that was with them, tells me, that they assured themselves of obtaining an order
from his highness for the adding a certain number of cloakemen to be added to the electors,
pretending that thereby they will chuse honest men. Sir, those they had in nomination
among them the last night, were Mr. Moyer, major Salway, colonell Webb, colonell
Rowe, Mr. Brandriffe, alderman Tichbourne, lord Bradshaw, and one or two more. Sir,
it is believed, that if they obtain their order, the worst of those named (if worse may be)
will be too good; for although some very good and honest men appear in this business, yet
they will be over acted by a party, that underhand make use of them, whom they see not,
and who agree, that they should name some good men at present. I shall be able to give
you a better account of their proceedings within a day or two, the last night being the first
night I had notice of their meeting. I am,
Sir, your assured friend and servant,
Jo. Barkstead.
Tower Lond. Aug. 12, 1656.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
By reson of the sicknes in the skirts of Genoa, this prince has suspended all commerce
with that state, wherby we ar depryved of our letters from Ingland, which coming by
the French post throh the state of Genoa, synd no admittance unto this state: so the post
wil not part with any letters, being the command he has received to deliver them with his
own hands. In my last I writ you, the general opinion here was, that the French could not
tak Valensa in the state of Millan, becaus theyr army did begin to moulder away; but now
we hav advys, that a strong party is com unto them of 3000 men, which waves theyr former opinion, althoh as great a succour is com to the Spanyard out of Germany. 'Tis said
the French are clos to the walls of the town, and ar myning to mak a breach. We hav advys, that general Blake is stil befor Cales: he had sent 6 frigatts to Mallaga and 3 to Allicant to alarum thos parts: the former had burnt 3 ships in Mallaga moald. This day is
arryved a French ship from Smirna in 20 dayes, gives newes, the Venetians in pursuance of
theyr late sea-victory had landed som 9000 men on Tenedos yland, and made themselves
masters of it, which wil very much annoy the Turk, it lying just against the mouth of the
Hellespont, that the Turk cannot pas up or down to Constantinople. The Maltese ar manning out their new gained galliasses, and going in chace of the Tripolly men of war. I do
not hear any other newes, whither the Genowes fleet is gone, althoh som of that nation wil
pretend for Argier; but what probability that ten gallyes and seven ships should go to asfault that place ? so I continue in the same mind I was (if a man should judge of theyr desyns by theyr interest) it must be to succour the Spanyards, who having last spring sent at
least 5000 men to the West Indies, is now supplyed by the Genowes, seeing Naples cannot
do it; and it is most certain, that the Genowes have more interest in the plate fleete, which
comes from the Indyes, then the king of Spayn has. I was this day told by a Genowes, that
they ar arming out other ten gallyes and as many ships to go out in two months, so that it
may be probable this force is intended to join with the Spanish armado at Cales, and when
they hav newes of the West India fleete's approaching, to issue out of Cales, and convoy or
conduct them into port. The sicknes in the kingdom of Naples continues as hot as ever;
only the want of peple makes the mortallity les. At Rom tis not very hot. This state is
totally clear. God so continue it, and me in your honor's favour.
Right honorable,
Your most faithful and obedient servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorn, 23 August, 1656. [N. S.]
The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to the States General.
High and mighty lords.
My lords, by this post we have nothing further to advise your high and mighty lordships, only that the king arrived here this morning early from Norway. We shall
endeavour to speak with the lord ryx-hoffmaster in the evening about the charge, which
your high and mighty lordships have given us to finish the negociation, which we have
Copenhagen, 23 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
Dantzick, 23 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
Mr. Wm. Blake,
In my last I gave you an account of the last battle, and the victory obtained by the
Swedes against the Poles, which is very true; not one Pole to be seen, and col. Nairne
is governor in Warsaw again. The Swedes are gone after the Poles. The report of the
king of Poland's being taken doth not prove true.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Sunday, 20 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 393.
The answer to be given to the lord Schroder, is to be seen in the inclosed; but they will not give a responsive letter to him, before he delivereth the ratification upon the treaty signed the 13th of July. He himself also doth desire, that he may first send this copy to his principals, who will not be very well pleased with the inclusion of the city of Dantzick, as a medicine very weak; for Dantzick as well as Poland do desire the expulsion of the Swedes out of Prussia, for without that Dantzick cannot be safe. The said inclusion is not enough. But Holland itself would not engage in any such clause, for that would engage the state to a rupture; and we fear England. For a testimony thereof Holland hath so brought it about, that they have again resolved to write to the provinces, to the end to declare themselves concerning the defensive alliance to be made with France and England; and if the defeat of the Poles be true, Holland will endeavour so much the more the said alliance, notwithstanding the sincere expression, that the lord Linteloo and others have given to the lord ambassador of Spain to the contrary.
20th of August.
The commissioner Spronsen having seen the ambassador of Spain, and having delivered a letter to him in favour of captain Salmons, hath reported, that his excellency did speak with passion and reproach of the alliance to be made with England and France, &c. This is the cause, that the assembly doth presently give out suspicions, and doth keep it so private, that there is no way to know any thing of it.
21st of August.
There was nothing done remarkable this morning, only that they still endeavour to find out some way for the paying off those, which come from Brazil, which Friesland doth still oppose.
Yesterday the princess dowager caused the inclosed letter to be communicated to the assembly, who caused her to have thanks given her by mons. de Heyde. It was debated, whether they should wish her any joy upon it, but it was thought fit to give her only thanks. This day the said princess received a letter from the elector at Warsaw, of the 4th current, in confirmation of the victory; and that they know nothing of the Polish army, that was left. The elector was quartering his men in Great Poland. That a Muscovite envoy had had audience of the electress, only complimental, giving thanks that the elector had well used his subjects of Lithuania.
22d of August.
They have not yet concluded any thing in the business for the payment of the Brasil officers and soldiers. They proposed to raise the money upon the provinces.
At Elbing they continue to treat. The Swedes have yielded enough as to the tolls, and are willing to include Denmark, England, and Brandenburgh; but for Dantzick, they say, that it must be first separated from Poland. The ambassadors in Denmark write, that that king is jealous, by reason that the ambassadors in Prussia do advance the treaty too much.
23d of August.
There happened nothing remarkable this morning; only that an octroy was demanded for the impression of some letters of the deceased Mr. Salmasius.
Extract out of the resolutions of the States General, taken 23 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
Was read in the assembly a certain remonstrance of John Dury, minister of God's word, tending to the end, that their high and mighty lordships would second his aim and design for the uniting of the reformed and Lutheran protestants, by authorizing the churches and universities of this state to consider and examine his said design and project, to the end they may also declare their consent upon the same; together with the reformed churches of Germany and Switzerland, as they have done. Whereupon being debated, the lords commissioners of the respective provinces have taken the said remonstrance, together with a certain printed book, wherein the design of the author is made known, to communicate the same to their respective lords principals.
An intercepted letter to Mr. Tho. Williamson at Mr. Gilbert Soper's, a barber, over against the Horse-shoe tavern in Drury-lane.
From Bruges, 23d August, 1656. [N. S.]
I Very much wonder I have not heard from you. My cousin George Gardiner hath eaten
too much fruit. As the receipt I left with you would be very seasonable, the ingredients
being more proper, and better to be had there, I have formerly told you, that he hath a
very great opinion of your judgment in physic, and therefore some direction now may be
necessary, especially autumn being near, when the humours do most abound, and are fittest
to be evacuated. Direct yours under a cover to me at mons. Hookwood at Nieuport; and
so when I have told you that he and Mr. Phillips are agreed, I rest, &c.
Copy of a letter written from the prince of Condé's army, 23 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwick, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Le meme jour que je vous ecrivis ma derniere lettre, ceux de Condé conclurent leur traitte & sortirent le vendredi matin. Ils ont été conduits a Thionville par le plus court chemin, qu'est pourtant de plus de quinze jours de pied, composes des regiment du duc d'Yorck, de deux regimens Irlandois fort bons, quelques compagnies Suiffes de la garde du roy, quelques autres regimens Francois, & 350 cavaliers, avec une piece de canon. Ils ont laissé dans la place des vivres pour 6 semaines, & munitions raisonnablement. La place est fort bien fortifiée. Les trouppes, qui étoyent dedans, voulurent faire sedition entre mons. du Passage le gouverneur, a cause qu'ils ne vouloient pas se rendre. Il fut contraint de leur dire, qu'il avoit ordre de capituler & sortir. Je vous mande toutes ces particularites, afin que vous jugies, qu'il y a eu du mystere en la reddition de cette place. Le marquis d'Ormont a été ici pour parler aux officiers du duc d'Yorck & aux Irlandois. On luy à fait esperer, à ce qu'en m'a dit, que quand le roy d'Ecosse sera en etat de faire quelque chose; toutes ces trouppes viendront le servir, & mêmes je soubçonne, que tout se fait par le consentement de la France, & que le governeur à accepté cette longue marche pour donner moyen a ces regimens de ce debander, & de se donner au roy d'Ecosse, de peur que mons. le protecteur n'eut sujet de se plaindre de la France, s'il paroissoit, qu'elle eut consent a cela. Mais je ne veux pas asseurer cela.
Dans le traitté fait entre l'Espagne & le roy d'Ecosse, on ordonne a tous les gouverneurs des ports de recevoir & de traitter les navires du roy d'Ecosse, comme ceux du roy d'Espagne. On promet a ce roy 5000 par mois, & qu'on ne faira jamais la paix qu'il n'y consente.
Il n'a encor rien du tout touché. Le marquis d'Ormont sollicite par cela. L'exemple de mons. le prince me fait croire, qu'il sera mal payé.
Je vous ay mande, que le traitté de mons. le prince se rechauffoit. Le marechal de la Ferté, qui s'en est allé en France sur sa parolle, doit joindre sa negotiation avec celle de madame de Chatillon. Un gentilhomme de mons. le prince, nommé Ricous, est allé aussi pour cela; mais il doit aller en Espagne, pour negotier avec monsieur de Lionne.
Le cardinal Mazarin tache de se parer mons. le prince des Espagnols pour apres se moquer de luy.
Le roy d'Ecosse sert fort les Espagnols par les advis, qu'il leur donne de l'etat des affaires en Angleterre. On m'a asseuré, qu'il a fait porter secretement des armes & des munitions en Angleterre & en Ecosse par le moyen des Hollandois.
Pour nouvelles, on a travaillé tous ces jours a rompre nos fortifications & lignes, & à pourvoir Condé de toutes choses necessaires. Mons. de Turenne est campé à St. Venan. Nous partons demain pour aller de ce coté la. Je ne sçay encor, quel dessein on a. On parle de donner un demi-montre à toutes nos trouppes, de quoy elles ont bien besoin, car elles sont reduites a une extreme misere.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, the 23d August, 1656. [N. S.]
Conde' was taken upon friday last; all those that were not of the garrison are prisoners of war, the rest marched out with their arms. This is almost as great a blow as
Valenciennes. What the Spaniard will do next, we fear, but know not. Their army increaseth every day, and ours the contrary. This night your college all set forth to meet the
queen of Sweden, and have their harangues prepared to receive her. She comes instructed
from his holiness concerning the general peace, which we now here begin to have hopes of.
The duke of York is preparing for his journey to Flanders.
Intercepted letters, suppos'd from Sexby.
Jo. Smith to Mr. Richard Uther.
Bruges, 18 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
I Perceive by yours, that my former miscarried. This will let you know; that our friends
here think it very necessary for you to come hither, that so they may rest satisfied concerning the adventurers resolutions for carrying on the Barbadoes trade. If you arrive at Flushing,
let me hear from you by Tho. Doffery, and I shall not fail to come to you. Be sure you
come fully impowered to conclude what shall be thought best for all the owners good. You
will find no obstacle here to hinder your proceedings in the least. All your friends here
are very well. We hear, that the ports in Flanders are free for the English royalists, and
many great privileges granted to any, that shall bring in any ships of war or others. They
expect the duke of York will be at Bruges within 14 days, and talk highly. God dispose
all for the best. For our parts we must trade. Therefore once more, I intreat you, let not
your journey be lost, but come furnished to conclude the prosecuting of that trade, which
we shall find to be most advantageous.
Your assured friend,
Jo. Smith.
Jo. Smith for his best friend E. C.
My dearest love,
I Have once more writ to my brother W. and cousin G. C. They will fully understand
my request; therefore I will conclude it needless to enlarge any further. There is nothing
in this world, that I more wish and pray for, than our happy and speedy meeting; neither
have I the least reason to doubt of it; but yet if it shall please God otherwise to determine,
it would argue us guilty of a great deal of impatience and imprudence to impair our healths
by a voluntary afflicting ourselves for what lyeth not in our power to prevent or remedy.
Let not my love therefore harbour the least thought that way, but refer all to God's blessed
will, from whom we daily receive better things than either we can deserve or know how to
ask, who in his good time will bring us together to his own glory and our comfort. My
best love, forget not to send me the sympathy powder by Mr. H. All things go as well
as we can desire. I pray God send your new landlady to be kind to you. My best respect
to our best friend. If thou lovest me, be merry. He desires it, who loves thee dearlier
than himself, and shall ever remain
Thy truly loving husband,
J. C.
Joh. Smith to Mr. Canham at his house in Irlington near Barnstaple in Devon.
I Did formerly write to you, but now I understand those letters never came to your hands.
In them I did, and by this do desire you to know, that since my coming into these parts I
have waited with a great deal of patience upon the issue of my master's tedious law-suit, to
which now, I thank God, a happy end is put, the court having awarded him according to
his expectation, so that now we are sitting out our ship to proceed in our intended voyage.
In the mean time I make it my most humble suit and hearty request, that during my absence you will be pleased to continue your former kindness to my wife, whose present condition, if you please to consider, will for ever oblige your servant, who dare not now think,
but speedily it will be in his power to manifest, what so long he hath been ambitious of,
ever really to appear
Your most, &c.
Major general Kelsey to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 442.
Honored sir,
I Am desiered by the mayor and other honest men at Dover, to intreat your assistance in
an order, which hee rits mee word, that hee hath wrot to you about; which if it bee
Posable it may bee donn, I could hartily wish it you would procure it. I am not able to
give you an accompt of the busines, it being not stated to mee. Sir, I perceive, that the
rable of the town are endevoring to gitt Mr. Cony chosen, which wil be hard to prevent,
if hee bee not secluded. It seems on saterday sevenight is the day of choyce. I shall trouble you noe further, but reffir you to coll. Gibbon, to give you an accompt how things
are lyke to be caried in this countie, and remaine
Your humble servant,
Tho. Kelsey.
Canterbury, 13th August, 1656.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image 308]
You know the endeavours, which States General have caused to be used with Denmark, to move him
against Sweden. But Denmark kept himself neutral. Now the Dane seeing that the Swede doth
offer all that is reasonable to States General and that the ambassadors of States General are about to conclude an alliance
with Sweden he grows jealous of it, yea taketh it very ill, that ambassadors will conclude, before that
Sweden is driven cut of Royal Prussia and in the mean time the Swede would not do any thing himself.
It is also certain, that the chief ambassador of those, who are with Denmark is very hot, and he hath declared his discontent, by reason that those ambassadors do advance their treaty so fast.
The freshest and latest order, which States General have sent to their ambassadors, is of the 17th of Aug. and I believe there remaineth no other remora but Brandenburgh.
The inclusion, which is offered to Brandenburgh doth seem to them a pure neutrality, which they will not nor cannot accept without 175, whereof they are members and subjects.
And in effect they do not love, that the Swede should remain in Royal Prussia, and Sweden doth stir
them up to that. But in the mean time is happened the battle of Warsaw. I am
Your most humble servant.
This 24th of Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
The council of Ireland to the protector.
May it please your highness,
This day we received two letters from your highness and council, dated the 5th of
this month, whereby we are ordered to draw bills of exchange upon the committee of
the army for their payment of 1500 l. to the lord chancellor Steele and William Berry esq.
out of that part of the revenue designed out of the monthly assessment in England for the
use of this nation.
We are very sensible of the advantage your highness's affairs will have by the help of
such honourable and worthy persons, and are thankful for the assistance we shall receive
thereby. And as to the bills of exchange, we are ready to give all due observance thereto;
howbeit judge it consistent with our duty to represent the exceeding low ebb your highness's
treasure here is at present, occasioned through these extraordinary issues we have been forced
to of late, and what we shall now be put to for pay of your highness's army here, which is
six months in arrear; as also by survey of the adventurers moiety of the ten counties Lowth
and other lands not yet admeasured; the charge in raising, paying, and transporting the
men designed for your highness's service in Jamaica; whereby we have been put to very
hard shifts for a bare subsistance, humbly could have wished, that this unusual way of charge
might not have been, so it might have stood with your highness's good pleasure, and that
for the future a tender regard may be had in charging this treasury, which hath so long
groaned under great straits and difficulties. Nevertheless we shall draw bills of exchange to
be returned by the next post, as in your highness's orders are directed; remaining
Dublin, 14 Aug. 1656.
Your highness's most humble and faithful servants,
H. Cromwell
R. Pepys
Miles Corbett
Rob. Goodwin
Math. Thomlinson
An intercepted letter to Mr. Windham.
Boulogne, 25th Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 482.
I Hope now speedily to receive the money from Mr. Regnier, and so to dispatch all my
business this next week, that I may be gone from hence the beginning of the next ensuing week, which by the grace of God I intend to do. I shall expect letters from you this
next week, and then I shall expect no more till I give you a new address, which shall be
as soon as I come to your factor; and then I shall expect letters from you but once in a fortnight; and when you write, I pray give me a perfect account of all commodities. Comfort yourself, we shall see better trading. I met yesterday the lady Cornwallis going towardParis. I wonder what brings her ladyship into these parts.
Nieuport, the Dutch ambassador in England, to Beverning.
Westminster, 25 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
My lord,
The lord Thurloe, secretary of state, told me yesterday in the afternoon, that he was
very mindful according to his promise to admonish the lords commissioners of the lord
protector to renew the conference with me about the maritime treaty, but that some of them
were gone into the country, but that order was taken for them to be here the next week,
with assurance, that they should come to me the next week. I shewed to him very earnestly,
how necessary it was to finish this business, to pacify the minds of people, and to prevent
all inconveniences. He promised to do his best; and then speaking of news, he said, that
the ambassador of Sweden had received letters from the ryx-chancellor, containing great likelihood for an accommodation with the United Netherlands. I made answer, that I hoped
so; and assured him, in such a case, of the sincere observation of the fifteenth article of the
treaty of peace, expecting the same likewise on this side in the treaty already made, or yet
to be made with Sweden. He said, there was none made, but only a further elucidation of
some articles of the treaty made by the lord Whitelocke at Upsal in April 1654, and a
form of sea-passes, as he had said formerly; so that it could not be taken for a new treaty.
Yet he promised to give communication thereof after the ratification, and that we shall find
it to be no other than what he had said. Afterwards I told him, that it was not enough to
communicate the treaty according to the fifteenth article of the treaty, after the same is ratified; but that the United Netherlands are therein to be effectually comprehended, if they
desired it; and that the lord protector had so often promised, that he would not conclude
any thing with Sweden to the prejudice of the United Netherlands. He said again, that it
was no new treaty, but that he would speak further with the protector about it; assuring me
of his sincere affection and inclination. In case I receive no satisfaction about it the next week,
I shall desire to have audience of his highness upon this subject.
An intercepted letter.
London, 15th Aug. [1656.]
My deare friend,
I Have written unto you twice, but never received answer, which makes me feare they have
not come unto your hands. The last I inclosed in the post-master's, mons. Vandall.
Pray lett mee bee so happy, as to heare from you. Yett I hope I shall be with you before
these two posts pass. I writt by the last post, and sent you a second bill for 40 guilders,
drawn on the post-master of Dunkirk, mons. de Hoyce. To this day I owe my landlord
not 8 guilders; I hope he will look unto my things, until I come. I writt unto him, that
if you would lye in my chamber, you might, but none ealce. I heartily wish I were with
you. I am not very safe here, having been sought after since my coming. I trust in God
to come happily over, and enjoy once more your good company. Heere is not much of
news; only Bradshaw with some other were sent unto the tower. The thoughts of all are
on the parliament, to see what they will doe. Many have been chosen in severall counties.
The country stande against the choosing of swordmen, and the major generalls would have
them chosen. Not eals, but that I am really
Your most affectionat friend and servant.
Pray remember my kinde service unto Mr. Sweetlace. I saw a gentlewoman that came with his recommendatory letter to his brother. My humble service unto my lord Ormond. Pray tell my lord, I delivered his letter the same day to * * * * and to coll. P. his likewise.
The superscription,
A mons. mons. Halsey, gentilhomme Anglois à Bruges.
An intercepted letter.
Deare friende,
I Received yours, and I suppose you have received an accompt of your goods from
Mr. Wilson. If they be not yet arrived, I doubt they will turne to a bad accompt.
I received your letter of the 22d July by the priest, but not any message. I am resolved
for an adventure into Holland, but I am not satisfied, whether our comodities may be imported into any part of the United Provinces by any bodye but the merchants of the Hamburgh company, who have lately obtained a patent of his highness to that purpose. I shall
know this ere long; but if you can with conveniency informe yourselfe of the manner of
their proceeding with such as they meete with on your side, it will be some satisfaction to
me; for if they be not very strict, I conceive soe small a parcell as I shall bring may be permitted. I wrote to you the last weeke, which I suppose you have received. Let your next
be directed to alderman Andrews his buildings in P. Ch. yard. We have litle newes but
the sticling of discontented people in the choice of parliament men. The Pole and Swede,
they say, are both inclined to agree. My love to all our friendes. I am
Yours most faithfully,
R. B.
Aug. 15. [1656.]
An intercepted letter.
The 15th of August, 1656.
In my last, which a weeke since, I tolde you, that I had received your letters inclosed
from my brother, and dispos'd of two according to your direction. The third, which
was to the bishop, I have now sent according to an addresse I received from him since my
last. The hopefull plant is still in towne, but returnes to his maister the next weeke. He
and Mr. Midgeley are very much your servants. Mr. Midgeley cannot remove without
injuring Mr. Conyers, but must necessarily speake with some body from him. Therefore
pray will you hasten your journey with those accompts you have; for with your assistance he hath a business to doe, which if it succeede, will prove much more to Mr. Conyers
advantage in compounding his debts, then, it may be, you imagine. If you make that use
of those bills of parcells I sent you, which Epix. did of his gazets, you'l possibly find out
that, which my brother writes you have not yet light of; to which purpose I writ to you
two or three posts since, which it seems you have not receiv'd. I sent a letter the last post
directed to you from the lawyer to Will. Smith. Pray in your next let me know, whether
you have received it or no. Pray give my service to all my friends, and assure yourselfe
I am
Your faithfull servant,
Tho. Rawson.
The superscription,
A mons. mons. Jean Baptista Peters, merchand à Gaunt.
Major general Haynes to secretary Thurloe.
Right Honourable,
I Received yours of the 11th instant, by which I understand other parts weare as well infested with those ugly papers I sentt, as theise counties. If possible I can finde out Buttevant, I'll send him your honner to London. The inconsistency of those men and principles will appeare more and more; and I doubt not but God will disappoint them. I doe
not finde they are much takeing in theise parts; and when I receive your order about Manninge at Ipswich, that shall also be duely executed. His highness letter I received but two
dayes synce, which I have comunicated to as many of the commissioners and others as I dare
trust with it; and they are greatly satisfied with his resolutions therein, wherein they well pray
God may strengthen him to the end. I am going into Norfolke to morrow, where we shall
make the most use of it; and I hope it will quicken them in their endeavours uppon the
election day at hand, in which they have bin much discouraged by the potencie of the adverse party. Yett all the strength can be gott is endeavoured to crowde in my lord deputy
amongst them, that the honest people may have some one in parliament to address themselves to. I am doing my most to avoyde the election of John Hubbert of Norwich, and
Mr. Ph. Woodhouse, against whom you have something already by you from major Harvy,
which it's hoped, if they should carry it here, will not pass with you. I have sentt his highness in the enclosed part of the matter in charge against Mr. Boateman, which if he could
have been tryed before the commissioners for ejecting, they would have eased you of this
trouble; but Norwich is left out of the ordering, and soe a priviledged place in that respect.
Soe soone as I come to Norwich, I'le send what more lyes against him. I presume these
will give his highness a tast of his spirit, and if denyed (which it's supposed for the most part
he will not, being soe generally knowne) then in that case, if his highness please to referr the
articles and proofes uppon them to the commissioners uppon the place, to examyne and certisye, it will be a great ease to the wittnesses, who are many of them poore men, and not
able to bare the charge of travelling soe farr as London, much less of attending theare; and
it will give, I doubt not, generall satisfactione.
Sir, I am hugely ashamed your honour should soe much mynde the confirringe soe much
respect on me, who have soe ill deserved it, as I am assured by yours, and somewhat from
Mr. Sheldricke. Indeed, sir, my ayme in going to Wisbech was but to have conferred
with the commissioners, and rather to have received what they had to offerr for the good
of the isle, than to give ought in charge; and many of the gentlemen, I thanke them,
mett me there, as doctor Stane and collonell Castle, with captain Pitchford from the south
part; Mr. Farrer, coll. Diamond, and coll. Underwood from the parts of Wisbeech and
Whittlesey; and findinge the business of the elections to be the only thing they had to discours then, and that they weare devyded much about the place, as also that some of them
had expressed their desires for myselfe to joine with your honour, I judged it most advyseable to doe least in it, but to hasten to Lynn, where I had appointed to settle some business the next day, whether Mr. Sheldricke and Mr. Clapthorne follows, and there againe
I was drawne most unwillingly into the debate of the place of election, wherein I was more
passive then in the former resolutions of Ely; for my judgment ledd me to that, as the
fittingest place for that isle, and that which would have given most generall satisfaction,
because the last was at Wisbeech; and besides I did thinke then, that it would something
reflect uppon your honour to confine it to Wisbeech, wherein I prosess I had not the least
designe; and my only error was, that privyledge of the bayly, which then I understood
not. Finding that resolution disgusted very much those about Wisbeech, as judging it
was a designe in coll. Castle to putt a blott uppon yourselfe, and not well accepted of the
midland parts neither; and being convinced of my former mistake of the sherriffe of the
county, haveing noe jurisdiction in that point there, I fledd for it, before my resolution was
had, more then to leave it to Mr. Clapthorne; who comeing with Mr. Sheldrick as before,
and assureing me he better understood the isle, and the temper of them, than myselfe, and
that it would be daingerouse to trust this election in any other place; I was willing to submitt the place to him to doe as he pleased, who said he would give your honour satisfaction
therein; for that day I had noe thought of it, and suppose it come by Mr. Percivall's proposition, judging it would best satisfie the south (if the election must be at Wisbeech, to
which Mr. Clapthorne would not be drawen) that it might be at the assizes, for the ease and
benyfitt of the county. I begg I may not lay under further blame, then what I have heere
acquainted you with (which is truth) may deserve; for truly if my advice had bin sollowed, Ely had bin the place; for the affections of the isle, as to their elections, if I may
make a judgment thereof by the gentlemen I mentioned before, I finde they are unanimouse
in the choyce of yourselfe in the first place; but I could not finde, that any assurance could
be given for a second, they being devyded therein; and for myselfe, although I should
more desirousely serve in that capacity with yourselfe then any other person whatever, yett
I would not in the least be an occasione of bringing in question your election (as I feare it
may by the discourse I had with some) by being named; for I doe perswade myselfe, capt.
Fisher did expect your acceptance of him, and he the most likely to carry it as the election
is; and his complyance to your desires will certainly be forced; besides I am too great a
stranger to pretend to any such thing, and yourselfe not an inhabitant; and not to have one
resyding uppon the place, will goe downe with great regrate, and may possibly loose something of your honour's interest, which I prosess to be more my interest to be tender of
then my owne in that place. Theise considerations, with the possibilyty of being chosen in
some other place, county, or corporation, make me tender of accepting that, which may
too farr ingage your honor; and if a third can be found, wherein you may have satisfaction,
I shall most chearfully and thankfully accept the being left out. God willing, I'le be at
the assises the 26th however, and what commands you shall have there for me, I'le pursue;
and if ought occur in the interim, shall be speedyly transmitted you by,
Sir, Your honnor's truly humble servant,
He. Haynes.
Bury, Aug. 15, 56.
I humbly entreat your delivery of the enclosed to his highness, and that the papers may not be lost.
Colonell Underwood and myselfe thaught fitt to recommend captain Pitchford to you to be his lieutenant, there being noe other that understands horse service in that part of the isle, and noe one officer in the south to command those, if any occasione sudden shuld happen. He doth now frequent publique ordinances, and seemeth fixed against Quakers and the fifth-monarchy principle, I am perswaded may continue soe. What you shall direct in it, shal be pursued. If you like him, pray hasten a commission for him.
Major general Haynes to the protector.
May it please your highness,
I Received yours of the 8th instant, whereby I am assured your highnesse hath had a full
account of the unseasonable and indirect practices of some men in severall places, in order to the creating new troubles to the nation; hoping very much to effect it by influencing
the elections for the expected parliament, whose hopes I trust God will disappoint. We are
not in these parts without our dissatisfaction, and that upon different accounts of the government, and those that adhere to it; and there will not want endeavours for the chusing those of
like principles with themselves; and what the issue thereof will be, a little time will manifest, and your highness shall have a speedy account. Such is the prevalency of that spirit,
which opposeth itself to the work of God upon the wheele, that the spirits of those, that
are otherwise minded, have been much perplexed and discouraged from almost appearing at
the election, seeing no visible way of ballancing that interest. Yet have I and some others
with myself laboured with them to do their utmost, so that it may be hoped with the advantage of your highness letter to gett in some few, that may answer expectation. I have
communicated the said letter to as many as I could, and durst venture it with, for the little
time I have had it; and do find thereupon such satisfaction in the good resolutions your
highness hath taken up, and doth manifest therein, that they shall contribute to it what
strength lye within their power; and will, as it shall occur to them, present your highness
with what they shall judge may further the good intended. God willing, I purpose for Norfolk on the morrow, and there hope to improve it with honest men to good advantage,
where I humbly conceive there will be most need. Those few, with whome I have had liberty to advise, are of opinion with myself, that the militia of horse in these several
counties, if they were but paid and exercised (with the two established companies in Norwich, the three companies lately raised at Yarmouth, the two at Lynn, with the five companies under col. Brewster, which have once mustered, and want nothing but their commissions to enable them for service, and whose names I have given in to Mr. Malyn for that
end, and pray they may be forthwith transmitted) are a sufficient strength to secure the interest of these countyes, unless they shall understand there be any other actings amongst them,
that are not obvious to them. This is as true and as breife an account hereof, as I am able to
render your highness at present. The inclosed are some of those articles, that lye against
Mr. Boatman, which I humbly present your highness with, to try his spirit by; as also to
justify the proceedings against him, and the reports of him to your highnesse. So soon as
I can gather up and forme the other matters into charge against him, which cannot be
throughly done, while he is upon the place, hee hath such a power over the evidence, and
shall therefore speedily putt your highness's order as to his remoove in execution; and then
perfect the rest, wherein I am like to be put to the trouble of sending him, he yet absolutely
refusing a compliance with former order. The only wise God be councel and strength unto
your highness, whilst you are conflicting with so many difficultyes in the present work, I
am persuaded, God hath called you to, and pointed your heart for; and give you at length
to reap some harvest of your hopes, for encouragement in that, which yet remains for you
to do; and for this do I judge myself bound to ply the throne of grace, whilst I am,
My lord,
Your highness truly faithfull and humble servant,
He. Haynes.
Edmunds-Bury, August 15, 1656.
Major general Bridge to the protector.
May it please your highnes,
I Did the last week give an account to my lord Lambert of what busines had occurred since
I came into these parts, since which I have had a meeting with the commissioners of this
county at this place these two or three days, in order to the putting in execution of the instructions of your highness and councell; and doe find a good progress hath been made
therein. There was not less than twenty gentlemen at this meeting, all commissioners, where
after making my acquaintance, and takinge account of what business had formerly been
done, and the dispatch of some other business appointed for that meeting, I thought meet
to communicate your highness letter sent to me of the 8th instant, of which they generally
seem to have a deep sense upon their spirits. Although they see nothing at present a working in the country, yet do judge it a point of prudence, by way of prevention, to put themselves into what readiness they can, to oppose any invasion from abroad, or insurrection at
home; and therefore have taken time till the next meeting, to consider fit persons to be
proposed for to receive commissions from your highness upon occasion; and I doubt not,
but such will be nominated, as will be both satisfactory to the country, and also faithfull to
your highnesse. Yet notwithstanding my lord Bradshaw hath a great party here in this
county, even amongst the commissioners, some of which have had divers meetings with the
sheriff for the proposing him, Mr. Marbery, major Peter Brookes, and Mr. Lee of Lyme,
to be chose for the next parliament; but after much debate and arguing with them concerning the lord Bradshaw, I believe they are now satisfied to leave him out. I did propose to
them col. Croxton, Mr. Marbury, Mr. Hide, and Mr. Manning, the fittest men in this
county, but know not how it will succeed, the other gentlemen having made their party
strong, having been any time this month about it. However, with the advice of some honest friends I have taken the best course we could think of, to engage the gentlemen to bestir themselves to procure the election of persons of the most sober and suitable spirit to the
present work. Sir William Brereton hath been bestirring himself what he can by himself
and agents, to procure voices; but I find his interest amongst the gentlemen very little;
only some of the rigid clergy cry him up. Col. Duckenfield being one of the commissioners for this county (although he had not acted hitherto) I judged it meet to send my summons to him with the rest; and receiving the inclosed from him, I thought convenient to
communicate it to your highness, to prevent any disturbance at the election. I have appointed that troop of the army lying at Nantwich to draw forth near Chester, and be in readiness; as also the county troop, and col. Croxton's. Care will not be wanting to secure the
castle, in which the election is to be, as also to prevent any inconvenience elsewhere. I in
tend this day for Lancashire, having appointed a meeting at Preston on munday next. So
soon as I have informed myself of the condition of that country, I shall give your highness
an account, but I expect much thwarting there, through the peevishness of some, and disaffection of others. Notwithstanding the reports here of the lord Bradshaw's restraint (at
which I do not find the gentlemen any whit startled) here are warrants gone forth for the
assizes to be held the 6th of October, in the same manner as formerly; which I thought
worthy your highness notice.
Your highness's most humble and faythful servant,
Tobias Bridge.
Middlewyche, the 15th of August, 1656.
Colonel Barkstead, lieutenant of the tower, to secretary Thurloe.
There was a report, myself and my major made to the councell, dated the 7th Decemb. 1655, being a particular account of great quantityes of arms belonging to the
state remaining in the hands of several persons, that were commanders and officers of the
three regiments under major general Harrison, raised about that time, that Charles Stuart
marched out of Scotland to Worcester. The councell thereupon ordered, they should
be brought in, but as yet none of them are; and the reason is, that the order being imperfect, was returned with some amendments, one of which, as I yet remember, was to empower the officers of the ordinance to demand the same, and give receipts to the officers, from
whom they received them; and that myself, major, and others might be empowered to take
care to see the same effected; which order, together with those amendments, as yet remaine
in the hands of Mr. Jessop. Sir, I well remember the quantity of arms is great, being near
3000, and the persons, in whose hands they are, are most of them (I believe) dissatisfied persons. I humbly conceive the present dispatch of that order may be of much concernment.
I shall not give you any further trouble, more than to add, that I am,
Sir, your affectionate friend and servant,
Jo. Barkstead.
Tower Lond. Aug. 15, 1656.
I am informed from very good hands, that one Coates; the post-master of Reading, who
appeared very active for Mr. Blagrave's party at the elections there, did then rantingly
use these speeches, that he had drawn his sword these 13 years against the Presbyterians,
and would not sheath it yet. He being a person more immediately under yourself,
I thought it my duty to give you this account of him.
An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliffe.
Paris, 26 August, 1656. [N. S.]
D. N.
Though I am not yet certain of my removal, yet it is more probable, that I shall
go than stay: therefore I am packing and ordering my things. If I go, I think to
leave this place on monday come se'nnight. Duke of York was to go to day to bid his cousins
and his aunt farewel. He means to be back on monday, so as then I shall know what he
doth, and within a day after I shall resolve how to dispose of myself.
Here are very great preparations to receive the queen of Sweden. Some say she comes the next week, others that it will be the week following. We still talk of the treaty between France and Spain for peace or truce, which is much longed for by almost all persons in France.
The Spanish ambassador to the States General.
Lectum die 26 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]
Le soubsigné ambassadeur d'Espagne vient faire scavoir a messieurs les Estats Generaux, que par les derniers depesches, qu'il a receüe du roy son maistre, sa majesté a este servie de l'advertir des ordres, qu'elle avoit données a ce que le sieur Henry de Reede, leur envoyé, eu audience aussitost, qu'il la demanderoit, avec asseurance, qu'elle le recevroit & trait teroit avec particuliere bien-veillance, de quoy sa majesté avoit commencé de donner des tesmoignages effectiss & de l'estime, qu'elle fait de L. L. S. S. luy ayant fait donner aussi tost une maison pour son logement esgale a celle du resident de Dennemarck, quoy qu'il n'ayt pas le mêsme charactere, & de plus commende a ses ministres de luy procurer toute la satisfaction possible dans toutes les affaires, qu'il proposera, & recommendera de la part de L. L. S. S. Il vient en mesme temps donner advis a messieurs les Estats Generaux de la reprise de la ville de Condé, qui s'est rendu le 17 du courant a son A. serenissime prince don Jean d'Austriche, ne doubtant point, que L. L. S. S. ne s'en esjouissant, puis que touts les avantages de sa majesté & les prosperites de ses armes ne pourront que fort advancer la paix & tranquillité de la Chrestienté, outre que L. L. S. S. ont particulier interest en la reprise de cette place, qui facilitera grandement le commerce de la province de Haynault avec celles de leur obeissance, rendant entierement libre la navigation de la riviere de l'Escault, qui se trouvoit fort incommodé & chargée par les exactions, que les Francois tiroient de tout ce qui passoit par la dite place au commun prejudice des sujets des deux estats. Fait à la Haye, le 26 de Aug. 1656.
Signé Gamarra.
Copy of a letter written to Mr. Stouppe from Brussels, Aug. 26, 1656. [N. S.]
Les affaires du roy d'Ecosse ne s'avancent pas beaucoup. Les Espagnols reculent le plus qu'ils peuvent de terminer le traitté: quoyque comme je vous ay souvent mandé, il n'y ait aucune liaison fort estroite, neantmoins je suis asseuré, qu'on ne tiendra pas au roy d'Ecosse ce qu'on luy promet pur la subsistence. Lors qu'on faira quelque chose de plus particulier, asseures vous, que je vous en advertiray. Le marquis d'Ormont a esté quelques jours a l'armée, & il s'est trouvé à la prise de Condé. Il a voulu obliger les Irlandois, qui étoyent dedans cette place, de prendre parti avec les Espagnols, leur disant, que maintenant les deux roys d'Espagne & d'Ecosse n'ont ensemble que les memes interests. Mais il n'y en a pas une, qui ait voulu quitter le parti de France pour se mettre du costé des Espagnols. Ce qui fait voir aux Espagnols, que le roy d'Ecosse n'est pas fort aimé, & qu'il n'y auroit gueres des personnes, qui s'attacheroient a luy, en cas qu'on eut pris quelque resolution. Ce qui a encor refroidi l'affection des Espagnols, qui ne font du tout point de fondement sur luy. Ce n'est pas, qu'ils ne l'assistent, quand ils enverront les occasions, & qu'ils en auront le moyen. Mais asseures vous, qu'ils ne se hasteront pas; & quoy que cette campagne leur ait esté fort heureuse, que je ne vois pas qu'ils soyent en estat de donner encore aucune assistance considerable au roy d'Ecosse. La cour de ce pauvre prince est tellement divisée, & les Anglois, qui sont aupres de luy, font si devisés & si mal habiles, que je ne crois pas, qu'ils puissent rien faire ni conclurre de bon, de sorte que l'on ne doit rien craindre d'un si pauvre conseil.
Je vous asseure, que l'on traitte à Madrid fort serieusement avec mons. de Lionne. On ne sçait pas, si le cardinal Mazarin rompra encor cette negotiation: pour moy je ne sçay qu'en dire; je vous manderay ce qu'on m'en ecrira.
Nôtre armée a marché, mais ce n'est que pour se refraischir. On n'a pas pris encore resolution de ce qu'on faira, qui doit estre de ces trois choses, l'une ou d'aller droit aux ennemis, ou d'entrer en France, ou d'assieger St. Ghilain, qui incommode fort ce pays. Je ne scay lequel de ces trois desseins prendra.
A letter of intelligence from Louvain.
Charles Stuart's court waxeth every day. Digby, Whitford, who killed Dorislaus, lord Newburgh, sir Robert Murray, colonel Turner, and very many others from all quarters; but poor lord of Ormond hath been at don John, but returned with little hope. Charles Stuart professeth, that if ever he be re-established, he will owe his first rise to Scotland; and if he gets supplies of men and arms, he intends for the north of Scotland, because it being poor, they do rise willingly, and is nearer than Ireland to England, which being populous, is not attackable but with more supplies of men than can be expected. It is said the French are demanding a cessation of arms for six months space. Sir John Cockran and Borthwick are discharged by Charles Stuart his court. Public resolution ministers have relieved lord Belcarres. I have borrowed some little money in Zealand, and shall wait one fortnight longer for your commands at mons. Jean Shellikens in Louvain.
Your humble servant,
Wm Jus.
[26 Aug. 1656. N. S.]