State Papers, 1656: August (3 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: August (3 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: August (3 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: August (3 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

August (3 of 7)

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. xli. p. 268.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

They are near concluding something final upon the affair of Prussia. The ambassadors of St. Gen. in royal Prussia do still advance in their business to adjust the treaty between Sweden and St. Gen. and although that the States General by the sending of ships of war do act palpably against the alliance and their own practice, yet the Swede doth dissemble it, and upon the so clear protestation of sincerity and amity of the said ambassadors, I see that those of Sweden and those ambassadors do advance, and there will hardly be any more difficulty as to the treaty. But in the mean time the ambassadors of States General with Denmark are not backward to excite and provoke the Dane, to the end he shall attack the Swede; as on the other side likewise the States General do endeavour to separate the elect. of Brandenb. from Sweden to the end that the more easily the k. of Poland might drive the Swede out of Royal Prussia.

In the mean time the states of Holland seeing, that the other States General will not easily agree to amity, have proposed a reconciliation, according to which it is probable they will resolve. But in vain they torment themselves, for all doth still depend upon the fortune of war. If Sweden doth prevail, he will be able to maintain the Royal Prussia. If the k. of Poland doth prevail, the Royal Prussia will fall of itself. The ambassador of Brandenb. in Denmark doth endeavour to induce the Dane, to the end he may procure a peace between the Swede and k. of Poland, upon condition that Royal Prussia do remain to Sweden; but the Dane doth shew himself inclined to the contrary, and all this at the instigation of the ambassador of St. Gen.

In the mean time I must confess, that for the present the resolution taken (according to the project and dictate of States of Holland) is moderate enough; and on the contrary, it doth satisfy but a very little those of Dantzick, who do not desire the conclusion of such a treaty, nor such a correspondence between States General and Sweden; yea do not much care for the inclusion of Brandenburgh, but do desire the expulsion of 108 out of Royal Prussia. I am
This 18th of Aug. [1656. N. S.]

Your most humble servant.

Raedt pensionary de Witt to Nieuport the Dutch ambassador in England.

Hague, 18 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 274.

My Lord,
I Have received your lordship's letter of the 11th current, and I can assure your lordship by these, that the alledged discourse concerning and the imagined prophecy thereof, that mention thereof should have been made by one in the assembly of their high and mighty lordships, are pure inventions and contrived untruths, in regard there never happened any such thing; and we here now-a-days do make little or no account of prophesying spirits, but on the contrary it is certain, that the lord ambassador of Spain doth shew himself very much discontented about the little esteem, which he saith to be made by this state of the king his master, and the great favour, yea partiality (so he speaketh) that is shewn to, and especially to the lord protector of England by this state. He was also very much offended a few days since, by reason that this state denied to give him a free pass for some baggage belonging to don John, in regard the list thereof was not signed with don John's own hand, as is required, you know, by the order of this government. I could not imagine, that then any thing further had been concluded with Sweden, than what was formerly communicated to their high and mighty lordships; your lordship writing so expresly in your letter of the 28th of last month, that there was nothing further concluded with France or Sweden, which I now perceive to have reflection upon Sweden. And truly in my opinion it cannot be well taken here, if so be the lord protector is not pleased to give a confident overture thereof, which would be a public contravention of the treaty of peace in the fifteenth article, if he doth it not re integra.

The lords ambassadors in Prussia have not given us such circumstantial advertisement of the condition of their treaty as we could wish. Here inclosed I send you a copy of their letter.

Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Hague, 18 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 282.

My Lord,
My lord Nieuport hath made to his superiors in his last letters a large relation of the good offices, which your excellency hath past with the protector for the advancing of their maritime treaty, wherewith they were well satisfied, and have charged their ambassador to give your lordship thanks. The said lord Nieuport is to receive orders for the said treaty, which he is not to pursue, if so be the lord protector will not grant the three following articles: 1. That the subjects of these provinces shall trade to the Caribbee islands, and that the order or act to the contrary be annulled. 2. That the act for increase of trade be also annulled. 3. That free ship free goods, and that the ancient treaties are to be observed; wherefore they have ordered the captains to take all such English ships into their protections, as shall desire it, as it is agreed upon in the twenty first article of the last treaty of peace with England.

There hath not past any thing remarkable upon the affairs of Dantzick. All the resolutions of the province of Holland do remain suspended till the answer of the king of Sweden upon an act, which is sent to him, wherein that province doth demand of him some conditions and securities for Dantzick and its commerce in the Baltic sea. This being done, they offer to recall their fleet, and to keep the neutrality. In the mean time they give order for the reinforcing of the fleet with troops and ammunition of war, upon the news that in Sweden there are 24 ships ready to set sail, to be better able to resist, in case the Swedes attempt any thing upon the liberty of the commerce.

There hath been no fight between the Swedes and Poles, for there are some, that publish the defeat of the Brandenburgh forces, others them of the Poles.

An intercepted letter to Mr. Windham.

Boulogne, 18 August, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 286.

I Have received yours; and although it be not so full of satisfaction as I expected, yet if honest Mr. J. L. will make good what you write, I shall endeavour to make it serve my turn. The truth is, that I have been so long in expectation of it, that I am by this delay run out more than I thought I had been; so that what is now to be returned, will but pay for the commodities, which I owe for; so that I shall have no stock to begin my new trade, unless Mr. J. L. will engage to pay me 50 l. to fit me for my traffic. I am very unwilling to stay here any longer, to have no news to write you from hence, from whence I shall go to serve you, as soon as you give answer; and shall be most diligent to observe your commands, according to your trust and my duty. I pray God give a blessing to our trade.

Major general Haynes to Mr. J. Boatman.

Vol. xli. p. 314.

I Am now fully assured from Mr. secretary Thurloe, that you did clearly mistake his highness about your coming downe; for hee affirmeth, that you had noe liberty, nor yet was it intended to be given you, nor hath there been any thing done to make any alteration in what was done by former order; and therefore notwithstanding your allegations to the contrary, I am commanded to see you sent back again, and to putt you in the same condition as you were in before his highness reference; which I thought meet to signify to you in this way, expecting your compliance with his highness order (for so I must avow it to be) within a week after the receite thereof; els you will constraine mee to that, which I am in my owne nature most averse to. Soe soon as you shall procure an order from his highness (which I shall not obstruct) you may returne, and thereby will you be secured and I justified in your stay. Your speedy answere hereto is desired by,
Sir, Your's desirous to serve you, with a saving to the publique,
For Mr. John Boateman.

He. Haynes.

Mr. J. Boatman to major general Haynes.

Vol. xli. p. 312.

Having perused your letter, I finde Mr. secretary Thurloe brought in as a witnesse concerning the verball order I had from his highnesse as to my returne to my family. Truely, sir, to my knowledge, that honourable person was not there; and that my lord protector did grant mee my speciall request, I have sufficient and very worthy witnesse. If yow enquire of honest major Clayton, he will tell yow as much, and therefore I hope I may safely rest upon it. However I am resolved to undergoe that, whatever it be, that you say your nature is so averse to. I beseech yow, sir, report those horrid things you have against mee, and let mee know when to answere. By that time wee shall see, who will have most comfort and honour, yow by your tyrannicall and unheard of prosecution, or I by sufferings, who subscribe myself,

Sir, Your servant,
Ja. Boatman,
and now pastor of St. Peter's in Norwich.

Norwich, 8 Aug. 1656.

To Nieuport the Dutch ambassador.

Hamburgh, 19 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 368.

My lord,
We have not much by this last post from Dantzick. The king of Poland is for certain not taken prisoner. At Elbing they have been all busy to divert the queen of Sweden with all manner of recreations; afterwards she went to Marienburgh, where prince Adolph the king's brother is arrived.

The Muscovites are said to have taken Dunenburgh by storm, and are marched towards Riga.

Commissioner Pels to the States General.

Dantzick, 19 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 378.

High and mighty lords,
We are here yet as uncertain as ever of what past between the Polish and Swedish armies, in regard that each party is extolling their advantages, and no advice is yet come hither from his majesty of Poland himself.

At Koningsberg nor Elbing were likewise no letters come of late from the Swedish army.

In Poland they do hold themselves assured of the emperor's assistance, and that likewise at the meeting in Littauw a good union will be made with the Muscovite.

Some Swedish troops have some three days ago driven away great quantity of cattle out of several adjacent villages, which it seems our horse could not prevent.

A letter from the Dutch ambassadors in Denmark.

Vol. xli. p. 346.

My lord,
Since our last to your lordship of the 15th instant we have received their high and mighty lordships resolution of the 4th instant, by which we are ordered to use all possible endeavours with the king of Denmark and his ministers, to the end that his majesty may be disposed to peace with the crown of Sweden, and to agree provisionally about the preliminary for the erecting of a treaty, with presentation of their high and mighty lordships good offices for the furthering of so Christian a work; and that we should send their high and mighty lordships an account of our proceedings, as soon as we are able. We had made the day before our last to your lordships a new instance, in pursuance of that subject, which we writ to your lordship about, to the end his majesty would be pleased to appoint us commissioners to treat with us further about it; and the same being granted on friday last, we had a conference with the lord ryx-hoffmaster, the lord ryx-raden Christiaen Scheel, and Otto Craech, for a beginning of the same. The said lords told us in substance, that his majesty did accept and was pleased with the presented offices of mediation of their high and mighty lordships, as coming from his best friends and allies; and that if so be the king of Sweden had an inclination to end the war by a reasonable and good peace, his majesty of Denmark on his part will demonstrate in effect, that he is also well inclined to that. Their lordships needed not to relate to us at large, through what motives his majesty came to take up arms; but that they could tell us, that if so be Dantzick could cum effectu be settled in peace, the Weysel stream laid open, and the alteration about the eastern sea and in the commerce, which their high and mighty lordships had remonstrated together with his majesty to apprehend, and the affairs in Prussia might be re-established, his majesty for the rest, which were his particular differences with Sweden, would willingly hear the reasons of his friends upon the same, and would make no difficulty to accommodate the same upon any reasonable terms. That their lordships believed, that their high and mighty lordships would look upon the first as their considerable and proper interest, and that they would help further the same accordingly; and that they did also particularly desire, that their high and mighty lordships would be pleased to support the interest of his majesty in England, by using such offices there, to cause the good intention of his majesty to be looked upon there as he deserved. We gave their lordships thanks for this nearer confirmation, which we had received from them of his majesty's inclination to receive their high and mighty lordships good offices for the furthering of peace between the two northern crowns; and we made known to their lordships the order, which their high and mighty lordships by their resolution of the 4th instant were pleased to give their ambassadors in Prussia, to use the same endeavours by the king of Sweden; and moreover we told them, that their high and mighty lordships would rejoice to hear of the facility, which they promised us we should find on the side of Denmark, for the accommodating of his particular interests with Sweden; and forasmuch as concerned the rest, that their high and mighty lordships had well declared, together with his majesty, that they did very much desire all that might make for the re-establishment of the commerce and peace upon and near the east sea; but that the treaty of Elbing, and the elucidations following upon the same, being fully agreed, there seemed to be a tolerable regulation of commerce made with Sweden, and likewise full security had for the said city of Dantzick, and of its dominions and commerce, by means of including of the said city in the said treaty; and altho' it were to be desired further, that all things in Prussia might be restored to their former state, yet his majesty had no ground to demand the same in his treaty with Sweden, in regard it only directly concerned Poland. That it was not necessary, neither was it adviseable in consideration of the same, to delay or make any difficulty about the treaty for a peace between the two northern crowns, in regard the apprehension, which his majesty might have had formerly to make use of his arms for the effecting of the same, may be judged to cease through the alterations, which have happened of late; or at least not of such consideration, as that his majesty should therefore oppress his kingdoms and countries with the continuation of a very sad and dangerous war. And having particularly enlarged ourselves upon this in a long discourse, to demonstrate to the said lords the uselessness of the continuation of the war, in regard of what is abovementioned; as also the charges, dangers, and calamities of the same, and that little, which was to be got by a good issue, and how much there was to be lost by bad success. And for a conclusion we said, that we hoped all this would be considered by his majesty, to facilitate the peace; but that provisionally to prepare the way for it, there ought to be agreed about the time, place, and persons, to meet and treat about it; and in regard we had perceived by what had been declared to the lord ambassador of Brandenburgh on the behalf of his majesty concerning the same, that the time was lest altogether uncertain, in respect of any preadvertisement to be given to the king of Poland, we desired therefore, that his majesty would be pleased to declare about the place and the persons. The said lords replied thus, and said, that his majesty did always understand, that the inclusion of Dantzick cum effectu must be made in the treaty. That they acknowledged, that what we had discoursed was of consideration; that forasmuch as concerned the preliminary, notice was given to the envoy of Poland of what had past concerning the same; and that if so be the king of Sweden was inclined thereunto, and would so declare himself (which would be soon known by the report of the lord ambassador of Brandenburgh) his majesty would be willing to declare himself likewise about the time, as reasonably and justly, as also about the other affairs so in præliminaribus as chiefly. In conclusion the said lords told us, that his majesty had resolved to send the lord Rosenwinge to their high and mighty lordships, who otherwise was designed to be sent to the duke of Brandenburgh to speak with their high and mighty lordships about the common interests and those of this crown at this juncture of time.

The lord of Amerongen, who departed hence the next day with the lord Rosenwinge with a good wind, we hope will be arrived in the Hague before this come to hand. He will be able to make report to their high and mighty lordships of more particulars, which happened in the said conference.

We conceive by all that hath happened to us upon their high and mighty lordships orders given us in charge for the furthering of the said peace, that we can assure, their high and mighty lordships, that there will be no difficulty at all made on this side about the præliminaria; and that such a resolution will be obtained, as will further the business for the most part; and that the king of Denmark will likewise make no difficulty as to the business in general, especially if the duke of Brandenburgh do agree with Poland, and Sweden, being put into a condition to be able to maintain himself in Prussia, and thereby his majesty will likewise obtain the chief aim of his arms.

The news mentioned in our last, that the Swedes were marched deeper into Holstein, doth not continue; but on the contrary here is news, that they be yet in their former posts; and as the lords chief ministers here do tell us, that what is here reported at court, and writ over by us of a great disorder in his majesty's army, is not so bad a good deal as was reported.

The king departeth hence this day with the lord ryx-hossmaster to go for Jutland, and it may be further. We had no word sent us of it till just now, and after that the lord ryxhoffmaster was just gone. We shall endeavour to learn what orders they have left here for affairs, and whether we are to follow his majesty.

Copenhagen, 19 August, 1656. [N. S.]

Copy of a letter written from Brussells, Aug. 19, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 370.

Condé est pris; la garnison en sortit hier, à scavoir trois mille hommes de pied & mille chevaux.

On craint quelque descente des Anglois. Mons. du Turenne prend son chemin du costé de Flandres: on y a envoyé quatre mille chevaux, mais à present que notre armée est libre, on ne craindra rien de ce costé la ni d'autre; & j'espere, que non seulement nous empecherons les desseins des ennemis, mais que memes peut estre en les pourra incommoder. Il n'y a pas de l'apparence, que St. Ghilain tienne long temps. Je croy, qu'on l'affermera comme Condé, lequel on a pris dans 24 jours sans tirer un coup de canon. Vous scavez bien, sans doute, que mons. de Lionne est a Madrid. Il a proposé, de faire la paix avec l'Espagne à des conditions fort raisonnables, pourveu qu'on abandonnat mons. le prince de Condé, ce que le roy d'Espagne n'a pas voulu accorder; & a asseuré, qu'il ne faira jamais la paix avec la France, sans y comprendre mons. le prince de Condé. Nonobstant ce refus, mons. de Lionne ne laisse pas de continuer à traitter, & on a desja assés avancé. La France a desja beaucoup relasché de ses demandes, de sorte que pourveu que le cardinal Mazarin y aille de bonne foy, on ne doute point du succes de ce traitté. Mais on craint, qu'il n'ait commencé cette negotiation, que pour amuser & tromper l'Espagne. Il est vray, que si les affaires continuent à aller si mal en Italie, comme elles ont fait jusqu'à present, & si Valence ne se prend pas, peut estre le cardinal ne pourra pas empescher la paix, & sera contraint de la faire. Je croy, que tot ou tard monseigneur le protecteur connoitra, qu'on ne se peut pas fier au cardinal, & qu'il trompe tout le monde.

Pour le traitte; qu'est fait entre l'Espagne & le roy d'Ecosse, je vous asseure, qu'il n'y a pas encor grande liaison ni aucun dessein important, qui soit formé. L'accord, qu'on a fait, est principallement pour luy donner retraite, & à ses navires dans ses ports du roy d'Espagne, & pour luy donner de l'argent pour vivre. Je vous asseure encor, qu'on ne faira aucun autre traitté particulier, si ce n'est apres qu'on aura vu le succes du traitté que negotie mons. de Lionne à Madrid. Si la paix se sait entre l'Espagne & la France, vous ne deves pas douter, que l'Espagne ne faire un traitté particuliere avec le roy d'Ecosse, & ne l'assiste puissamment.

On travaillera aussi à obliger la France de rompre la paix avec l'Angleterre, pour se joindre tous ensemble à retablir le roy d'Ecosse. Le pape fait tous ses efforts pour faire cette union; car je vous asseure, que le roy d'Ecosse a intelligence avec le pape, & qu'il y a à Rome un gentilhomme aupres de luy.

Le cardinal a fait proposer encore depuis peu un accommodement avec mons. le prince de Condé; mais il n'a pas voulu l'ecouter, croyant qu'il ne vouloit traitter que pour le mettre en jalousie avec l'Espagne. C'est pourquoy mons. le prince de Condé est maintenant resolu de ne plus prester l'oreille à aucun traitté particulier, & de ne faire sa paix qu'avec l'Espagne.

An intercepted letter.

From before the leager before Condé, this 19th of Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 360.

Yours by the gentlewoman, which gave me advice of your receiving mine of the 3d instant, I have received, which I had not time to answer; for I was just going to take horse to go to the Spanish army; but yours that was in answer of mine of the last month I never saw; therefore pray recollect your thoughts, to say what is material for us to know.

Mr. Wiseman since some years before his father's death was not in so good a condition as at present, having not only fully agreed with the factors, where he now is, for his estate, which they have undertaken to possess him of; but this agreement is fully ratified and confirmed by the principal minister here, who hath now put it out of the power of any to part them, and is resolved to furnish him with so much money for the compounding of his debts; and I shall be able to see you this winter. You know the only two persons of our house, that I have any thing to do withal; the (fn. 1) lesser of which that is in bulk, though every way the greater, is with me here, being sent by our chief friend to negotiate the principal of his concernment; and being here, I shall tell you something of the present condition of this leager: The army here consists of 23,000 horse and 16,000 foot, and men as likely to fight as I ever saw, and as by their last action at Valenciennes they approved themselves.

The line of circumvallation, which by reason of the waters let out by the besieged is near 15 English miles in compass, is near finished.

They have not yet made their approaches, hoping rather to get the same by famine, for their provisions of all kind are grown short; and though they abound in men, having near 5000 foot and 500 horse, yet it is believed they want ammunition and guns. I beseech you send me a new address, how I shall write to you hereafter, and by what name; and direct yours hereafter to Mr. W. Davidson, merchant at Amsterdam, for Mr. W. Carter, or Mr. Williams. I am afraid, I have tired you with this long letter, for which I crave your pardon. Your uncle is with Mr. Wiseman: he is to raise men. I rest
Your humble servant.

A letter of intelligence.

Bridges, this 19th/9 August, 1656.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hard-wick, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

This is the eight from mee since my comeing hither; but am not as yet satisfied, whether any of them came into your hands or noe, which is a great truble to me, if I could help it. I writ once to Mr. Row by the name of John Harrison, to know whether myn came safe to your hands, which is the most earnest desyre of your servant to know the certainty.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I have wryten the duble of this inclosed to my brother in law, to see delivered to Mr. Row, least this should miscarry; not that he knowes any thing, but that it is from a freind of myne, who desyred mee to direct it. I have lykwyse this wick wryten to Mr. Row, to know the certainty for news. Wee have nothing at all this wick, onely the great expectation wee exspect at the returne of the m a r q u i s h o f O r m o n d f r o m d o n J o h n but I h o p e t o g i v e y o u a f u l a c o u n t. Last wendesday from Flushing went the lady Taff, hir daughter, two atending women, and one man for England. Ther ar many passengers come hither for England. Condé is not yet over. Some say the king of Swede is in a good condition, notwithstanding the former report. Ther is 1500 men goeing from Holland for the assistantes of Danzic; thy are alredy apointed. Direct yours alwayes to Flushing, untill yow heer further; although it bee great paines and trouble to mee, yet it is the surest way. Sir, I am sore put to it for mony; I hope that yow will soone helpe. You cannot doe amiss to direct it upon any merchant in Flushing, Middlebrugh, Campheire, or Dort, if yow have not my former direction. Sir, craveing pardon for this bouldness, I rest, and am,
Sir, Your assured servant till death,
Blanck Marshall.

For Mr. Richard Richarson, merchant in West-chester,
to bee left with Mr. Richard Row at the admirality chamber in Whythall, London.

An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliffe.

Paris, 19 August, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 380.

Charles Stuart desireth much to see duke of York. I thought, that he would have gone to him the next week; but Francis is in debt, and thinks how to pay his score, neither hath he any money to bear the charges of so small a journey. The truth is, Francis is basely used by those, that should provide for him; and he either sees it not, or rather will not take notice of it. Besides here are those, whose advantage it is to keep Francis where he is, and they have power with him. What will become of him, I cannot yet judge. He seems to do all he can to be gone; yet I fear he will find rubs in his way. I am as weary as a dog of mine office, for I labour in vain, do no good, but get scorns or ill will. If it were not for the honour I bear to my old master, and to comply with his desire, I would cast up all, and wash my hands; but I must not fail his expectation. I am ashamed to send to you for more money for my journey; if I had gotten that, which was promised me, I should not have troubled you; but now that is not to be relied upon. Since I writ this, one tells me, that the duke of York is going to the French court to take his leave, intending to begin his journey for Flanders about a fortnight hence. It seems there will be a time of gadding, both public and private, both for great and small, one one way, another another. God send us all to meet in heaven, though it seems we go not all the same way thither.

An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliffe to Harrison.

Paris, 19 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 342.

I Should be glad to hear from you, when I might expect to see you in these parts. I presume, that you have resolved on your removal with so good advice, as that there is nothing to be objected against it.

Charles Stuart is very well contented, and fully satisfied, but I hear of no commissions.

We talk much of a peace between France and Spain; and those that earnestly desire it (as many here do) will easily believe it. I could tell you some idle surmises about it, which I think not worth writing; but I believe, that mons. de Lionne (who was lately the French ambassador at Rome) is now at Madrid, treating a peace; and considering the ill success of the French arms this year ever since the cardinal Mazarin's refusal of the pope's mediation, would persuade a probability of peace; but there is one that tells me the cardinal gets four millions of livres every year by the war, whereas France and Spain get no advantage, but the loss of much blood and many gallant men. The glorious victory, which the Venetians have lately got in a sea-fight against the Turks, will be writ from all parts. We talk much of the queen of Sweden's arrival here in a few days. The duke of Guise is sent to conduct her from Lyons. The Louvre is prepared for her, which is a sign she is not to stay long. The siege of Condé continues, for the Spaniards do not approach the town, knowing they may have it by starving the besieged; for there is no possibility to relieve them. They will give no conditions, but the besieged must be all prisoners of war and at mercy. I heard a wise man say, that this was like to prove as great a blow to the French, the loss of so many men, officers, arms, and horses, as that at Valenciennes. Thus you see, we get one year, and lose another; but upon the whole matter neither side is advantaged by the war, though there be every year a prodigal effusion of blood, and many gallant men lost.

An intercepted letter of sir John Berkeley.

Paris, 19 Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 384.

Dear cozen,
I Desire you to continue to write as you did in your last I had from you. All that I shall tell you of our domestic affairs is, that we shall go with our whole family about a fortnight hence towards Flanders. Let me intreat you to advise my sister of it.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, 19th Aug. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 340.

This place affords little news. Condé holds out still. The garrison turned out all the inhabitants. The French army is much recruited, and the army now decamped and marched, but whither is not yet known. The Spaniard's is also risen and march'd, but have left Condé block'd up with 6000 men. It is said, the king will be shortly at Fontainbleau, and there receive the queen of Sweden, who is now expected here. The letters of Flanders say little this week, but that the king of Scots is very merry, and that he and his party have great hopes. There is news come of a very great overthrow, and the greatest that ever the Venetian obtained against the Turk, wherein they have taken 100 ships and gallies, and released 11,000 Christian slaves.

Lockhart, ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xli. p. 336.

May it please your honor,
Yours of July 31st came to my hands upon the 16th instant. The day next after my receipt of it I went to La Fere, with a resolution to have waited on his eminence, but sound that he either was or pretended to be extraordinarily pressed with businesse, so that I had not the happinesse to see him. I sent to cowrt this day for audience, and am put of till the next week. I shall at the first opportunity indeavor to learne his inclinations towards that mentioned in your last.

Sir, You have just reason to blame my too much creduiity, in having so often told you, that Mr. de Lion was countermanded, and upon his return. All that I can say for my excuse is, that his eminence was so positive in it, and last tyme I spoak to him abowt it, did assert it with such asseverations, that I held myself oblydged to beleeve him; but my confidence hath been so often disapoynted in that and other things, that I shall learne at last to be a little more upon my guard.

The letter was promised me to the duke of Savoy in the behalf of the protestants in Piedmont, was dispatched this week to their ambassador their. Count Brienne hath refused me a coppie of it, pretending that it contained severall other particulars, and that he cowld not give it without an expresse order from the king for it. I shall acquaint Mr. Morland with what hath been don in it; and now having mentioned the count, I beg leave to remember you of the passe he desired for 15 or 20 English horses. He sent to me this week again abowt it, and desyers, that it may be to a blank person, his servant; and that it may not be put in the French ambassador's hands, but that it may be sent to himself by my packett. The French army are towards Arras. Yesternight their was no certainty of their having laid seege to any place. They march towards Flanders, and give it out, that your fleet is to be upon that coast, and that you are to land a considerable number of foot their, who are to joyn with their armys; but for all that they can say in that, I feare the Spanyard shall not raise his siege from Condé. The ill news of the Swed's being beatt came this morning from Paris, but I hope they are false. I ame,

May it please your honour,
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.

9/19 August, 1656.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlip. 318.

Honored sir,
I Have just now received the honour off yours of the 5th instant, and the inclosed order in it, for which I humbly thanke you. I trust it shal be improved to the best advantage.

The shire of Mid-Lothian did imploy som persons to engage me to serve for them this parliament, of which the citty of Edinbrough gettinge noetice, did yesterday elect me to serve for them this parliament, and sent the lord provost and their bailiffs to me to desyer me to accept of that trust, with so much earnestness, that (the gentlemen beinge then with me and concurringe to it) I could not refuse them. The other they have chosen is the lord provost, who is a very sober man, and one who will be right. I shall engage the interest I have in Mid-Lothian for Mr. Disbrough.

Ther was som designe in Dumfrees there to choose one I did not like, which made me send for my lord Hartfield, a kinsman of my wise's, and the leadinge man ther; and I have engaged him to choose judg Smyth and col. Salmon. Smyth is a verry right man. I pray send me his highness's lycence for his goeinge to London. I shall engage he wil be chosen. I hope you will not have one unfit person out of this nation. I have three sisters now at London, that I have stayed from goeinge into Ireland upon an assurance of beinge with with them by the 3d of the next month, they beinge bound for Ireland three weekes since; but I shall not make good my word, unlesse by your favour I speedely receive his highnesse's pass, and an order for the reduction of the quorum, which I must again humbly beg of you as soone as may be. I would not be so importunate, did it not much concern me, and did I not know it would not prejudice his highnesse's service heere.

I have even now broght me a couple of letters from Bruges, but beinge to be deciphered, and it beinge very late, I cannot give you an accounte, how I come by them, or what they doe contayne, till next tuesday's post, at which time, God willinge, you shall receive an account of them from,

Sir, Your most affectionate, most faithfull,
and most humble servant,

9 of Aug. 1655.

Argile has bin very industryous to be chosen, but we have put a spoke in his wheele.

Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xli. p. 300.

I Am now returning backe to Nottingham from Lyncolne. The judges and lawyers have much lesse buysnes then formerly; but 12 trialls at Nottingham sises. I hope every yeare they will be more and more eased. I need say nothing of judge Hale: I assure you judge Hill gave a very honest charge, and very much to the advantage of the present government at Lyncolne. Since my going to Lyncolne, I have had much buysnes with the justices and the countrey; and truly I am confident, that a man would not be chosen, but upon apprehensions, that they would not change the government; but some I feare will deceave their expectation; Mr. Weaver for one, who doth declare at present for the present power, as I am informed; otherwise he would not be chosen at Stamphord. Yf my cousin Claypoole would stand there, yf I might timously knowe it, I believe I might put Mr. Weaver by. Sir Henry Vane hath no great interest in Lyncolneshire. Yf any thing inable him to bee chosen, I feare it wil be his being at this juncture of tyme sent for. I am late here at Newarke, and am to goe this night, being saturday, to Nottingham; and therefore forc't abruptly to breake of. By the next you shall know more of our affayres here, and so remayne

Yours most affectionately,
Edw. Whalley.

Newarke, 9th Aug. 1656.

Sir Henry Vane's friends labour much for him, as they did at Boston, but at last durst not appeare.

Major general Lilburne to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xli. p. 304.

The grounds of my beleeveing there are meeteings and councells to keepe out of the parliament the freinds of the government are these: I understand Rich. Darley and some others were at London lately, and had meeteings with sir H. V. Mr. Nevell, and some of that gang, and laide their designes there, how to drive on their worke, and to communicate councells and proceedings to each county; and upon Rich. Darley's returne here was private meeteings of severall discontented persons, in order to their better ordering and carrying on those affaires; and since this assise they have beene together att Bishoppthorpe and in this cyty; and I heare Lyonell Copley is one of the greate sticklers amongst them. I allsoe understand the same spiritt is gott into the county of Durham and Northumberland, where the people (whether by sir Ar. H. meanes (who is at Auckland) I know not) are perfect in their lesson, saying they will have noe swordmen, noe decimator, or any that receives sallary from the state to serve in parliament; and they are resolved to give a list to the government, and doubts not of carrying all before them; but yet I veryly thinke they may be disappoynted, and will misse of their ayme. I am informed the towne of Newcastle has sent a compliment to sir Ar. to lett him know their respects unto him; but least they bring both an inconvenience upon him and themselves, they intend to choose some other to serve for them; but their towne clarke was lately with him, but I cannot learne whether it was on his owne private accompt or theirs.

Sir, I am earnestly intreated by my neighbours att Thursk to procure them a patent, to alter their market from munday to tuisday, by reason of profaining the Lord's day. I have undertaken to use my endeavours, and must become an earnest suitor to you to promoate that worke. If you would please to doe mee that favour, to lett me know, if this may be done by patent for that towne, I should send up further instructions to you, or to whome you comitt the busines. I am senceable, it will bee a very greate obligation to the well affected of these parts, and begett a greater esteeme of his highnes and government, and be thankefully acknowledged by the towne, and by,

Sir, Your most humble servant,
Rob. Lilburne.

Yorke, 9 Aug. 1656.

Major general Haynes to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xli. p. 306.

Right honourable,
Upon my late coming from Wisbeech in the isle of Ely, where I was this last week, I had on saterday last sent mee from Diss in Norfolke the enclosed from Mr. Kett, to which I have returned aunswere, that the papers in his hands be sent mee, to the end they may be suppressed; and this day I received the enclosed expresse from the committee at Norwich of the same purport, with 24 lybellous books, and a letter from one Tho. Butvant. What sence they had of them, will appear by their owne; comparing these with what I was informed was spoken at a common hall at Ipswich by one highly dissatisfied there (which information being upon oath I have sent you) gives mee occasion to thinke, there are some desperate heads at worke, and that these papers are sent to severall places as well as into Norsolk. Yet not knowing what the consequence of them might be, and that I might also receive his highness commands as concerning them, I have thought meet to transmitt one of them, with the letters from Mr. Kett of Difs, to the committee above, unto whome I have written, to enquire after all such books, and prevent their spreading; as also to finde out the persons, if they can, that concerne themselves in publishing them; and particularly to inquire of Mr. Weld of Windham, who this Tho. Butvant is, and where hee may be found, if hee can tell, of which when I shal be informed, I'le give your honour an account. Sir, upon the receite of your last I acquainted Mr. Boatman of Norwich by letter with what I understood from you, to which hee soon returned mee his peremptory answer. The copyes of mine to him and his reply therto I earnestly desire your perusall, to the end I may prevayle for an order from his highness concerning him forthwith; and then hee shall not stay a day beyond: of how dangerous a consequence his being there at this season (the election day being so neare) I hinted in a former, and shall not need to repeat now. Whether by his meanes or noe, I cannot certainly tell (though its beleived hee influences those persons very much) there is great endeavour on foot in that county to make a worse choise then in the last election; and as I am well informed, do design to lay by sir John Hobart (who is two days since come into the country) because of his late relation to his highnesse, and to that end have reproached him with marrying with the king's goaler's widdow, and that she is not worth a groat. I humbly beg, by the first post, his highness resolution by order in writing concerning this Boatman; for though I have denied him his liberty to preach in Norwich, hee hath gott, since his coming downe, to preach in a church about two miles of the citty, and drawes multitudes after him. I know not who should thus advize him, unlesse Mr. John Hobart of Norwich, a person as closely maligninge the government and good men, as any other in Norfolke, and very conversant with him. We are endeavouring to have him left out in the choise of the citty, and are like to have the more difficult worke of it, in case Boatman continue, who is as captaine of all the more ordinary sort of people, who have votes in the election. If something effectuall be not done herein, I shall yet be out of countenance. His articles of charge are at Norwich, and so soon as I can come by them, shall transmitt them to his highness, according to his order, by which hee will appeare in his proper colours. I shall not further give your honour trouble, but to assure you, I am,

Sir, Your honor's truely humble servant,
He. Haynes.

Bury, 10 August, 9 at night, 1656.


I omitt to say ought of what occurred at my late being at Wisbeich, leaveing that [to] Mr. Sheldrike and Mr. Clapthorne.

An information inclosed in the preceding.

August 4, 1656.

Vol. xli. p. 310.

There was this day a court holden at Ipswich for the electing of two burgesses to serve in the parliament, which is to begin the 17th day of September following; and Nathanael Bacon and Francis Bacon esquires were chosen. When the election was past, the town-clerk read the indenture, in which was these words (his bighness's parliament) at which Mr. Robert Manning stood up, and objected in open court, that the king never called it his parliament. Whereupon Mr. Brandling propounded to the court this vote, whether an indenture should be made according to the government, which past so. Then the said Mr. Manning stood up again and said, you see the protector call the parliament his parliament; therefore it is a good caution for you, that are to be electors at Stowe, to have a care, that you chuse no sword-men, nor none that are the protector's friends (as this informant took it, but others that stood by said the word was the protector's creatures) at which I Thomas Puckle spoke out loud in the court, that we ought all to be the protector's friends.

Sworn the 5th August 1656 before me John Clarke.

Thomas Puckle.

The committee of Norwich to major general Haynes.

Vol. xli. p. 324.

Honourable sir,
Mr. Weld, one of your committee brought this letter inclosed this present day to this committee, with these 24 books, which are here also inclosed, which were sent him on thursday last (as he affirmeth) by the common post, and left for him at the King's head at Wymondham, and brought him to his house by one belonging to the King's head. We conceive the books are of so dangerous consequence, that we thought it our duty to acquaint you with them, and leave it to your discretion, what is fit to be done therein. We add no more, but subscribe ourselves,
Norwich, 9 August, 1656.

Sir, Your servants,
Ed. Warde
Rob. Woode
H. Kinge
Nicho. Bell
Tho. Weld
Raph. Woolmer
R. Browne
Rob. Doughty
Tho. Gurney
M. Salter.

Inclos'd in the preceding. Mr. Tho. Butvant to Mr. Tho. Weld.

Vol. xli. p. 322.

I Doubt not of your love to your countery, but you may doubt of my faythfullness to you. I shall only beg, that these may bee sent to them, that are to bee electors, and that you would beleeive I am

Your loving kindsman,
Tho. Butvant.

The superscription,
For Mr. Tho. Weld esq. att Windham in Norfolke.

Tho. Pett to major general Haynes.

Disse, Aug. 8 1656.

Vol. xli. p. 326.

Honoured major,
This 6 instant we received, I suppose from London, a great bundell of printed papers, but not from whence, neither place nor person named. We know not what to conceive off them, and thought good to send to Mr. shreife to advise with him, what to doe. After much debate I told him my sense, that I conceived fitt to write to the major, and acquaint him with the business, which he approved off, fearing that my son and myselfe had sent and dispersed them abroad, whether they might a bine destructive or not to the present purpose intended here at hand the 20 this instant, and have sent here inclosed one of the printed papers, and shall leave it to your wisdome and advise, what to do, expecting an answer speedily, and wee shall observe your order. Not else at present, only I shall remayne and am

Yours to serve you,
Tho. Pett.

M. shreife presents his servis.

The Dutch ambassadors in Prussia to the States General.

Copenhagen, 20 August, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 390.

High and mighty lords.
Your high and mighty lordships resolution of the 9th of this month, together with the power granted to us, came safe to us yesterday by the last post. The king (as the lord ryx-hoffmaster tells us) is ready to come from Norway with the first good wind, having been hindred for some time through contrary winds. As soon as he arriveth, we will finish the treaty, which is commanded us; and by provision we signified to the said lord ryxhoffmaster, that we had received the desired power and all sufficient orders. The gentleman, who was sent from hence with letters to the council of the kingdom in Sweden, is returned with a letter of the said lords of the council to this crown; whereof the contents are, that they are inclined to further all that may tend to the preservation of a good amity and correspondency with this crown; and that they will communicate the letter, which they have received from the lords of the council of this kingdom, to his majesty of Sweden, to return an answer to the same with the more satisfaction. The said gentleman was civilly received and treated, and the said letter was writ in more than usual civil terms, as we are told. The Swedish fleet doth still lye in the Dalers, poorly mann'd and ill provided, as the said gentleman doth inform.

There are come final orders from his majesty of Sweden to the lords of the council at Stockholm, to send some men out of the kingdom, which it is thought will now be observed by them.


Extract out of the resolutions of the States General, taken 21 August, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xli. p. 412.

Received a letter from the college of the admiralty in Zealand, writ at Middleburgh of the 14th current, and with a paper inclosed in it concerning the search, which was made before Gravesend in England on board the ship of war, called the Japonder, commanded by captain Claes Sanger, the said college therefore doth not doubt, that their high and mighty lordships will cause endeavours to be used by their ambassador the lord Nieuport with the lord protector of England, &c. to the end the said search on board men of war belonging to this state may be omitted hereafter; offering also this to the consideration of their high and mighty lordships; whether it will not be serviceable to give the English no cause for any such search, that their high and mighty lordships prohibition be renewed to all captains in their respective ships, to lade any wares or merchandizes. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and resolved, that the said prohibition shall be renewed and sent to all the respective captains to be strictly observed.

Major general Whalley to the protector.

Vol. xli. p. 466.

May it please your highnes,
I Receaved an expresse from your highnesse of the 8th instant, intimating that both foraygne and domesticke designes are carying on agaynst the present governement, and interest of God's people. So long as Charles Stewart or any of that line are alive, upon the aproaching of every parliament, we must expect the appearance of a black cloud, though I doubt not, but it will break upon theyr heads, that first rayse it, as hitherto, through God's mercy, it hath donne; nether can it be imagined, that he should want freinds of the Popish hicrarchie, so long as your highnesse and the regement of this nation stand in so great an opposition to it. And having alreadie shaked the very foundations of it, I hope the successe of the Spaniard disanimates us not. His hie exaltations in my thoughts presages his sudden and great downefall. I will suppose your highnesse hath a good account of the present both publique and private transactions, as also the temper of the people throughout the nation. I shall not presume to meddle with any thing but what falls properly under my charge; and truly after my much labouring in the duty of my place, occasioning my converse with all fortes of people, I can with some assurance affirme, that the heart is found; I meane we that are in the mediterranean part of the nation. The people generally knowe there is a present necessity for moneyes; the parting with it upon a settlement will not trouble them. They are no less sensible of the necessitie of establishing the present government, the wisest of them well knowing, that many changes will prove both chargeable and dangerous to them; and I am very confident, that not a man from hence would be chosen to fit in this parliament, in whom they conceaved a spirit of opposition to this present government. Mr. Weaver, Hatcher, and Lisle have declared, as I have been informed by honest men, for it. An honest man from Stamphord, where Mr. Weaver is likely to be chosen, came to me, and told me, that Mr. Weaver did declare to him and others, that his mind was alter'd from what it was the last parliament; yet I could wish, he were not thought on. I beleeve my cozen Claypoole, by the earle of Exeter's and my owne helpe, might put him by it. Sir Henry Vane's freinds labored much to procure him chosen at Boston, but finding theyr endeavours fruitlesse, did not at all openly appeare for him. They are now labouring for him in the county. Yf any thinge promote and accomplish his desire, I feare it wil bee his sending for at this juncture of time. Though others be of another opinion, I hope there wil be a good choice for that country. For the towne of Nottingham, I have a great influence upon it: they will not chuse any without my advise. The honest partie of the countie have of late (which I much wondred at) nominated col. Hutchinson to me, as not knowing better to pitch to make up the 4th man, he having satisfied some of them concerning his judgment of the present government; but I hope what I have hinted to them will cause them to thinke upon some other. Sir Arthur Haslerige, yf chosen, will most blemish theyr choice in Leicestershire. I hope that of Warwick and Derbyshire wil be so good. For the ether adding to the militia or commissionating new officers, I humbly offer it as my opinion, not to doe well. Wee can quickly have them, yf occasion bee. It will create new jealousies in the people, and have but a sower aspect. The greatest firebrand, that can be cast in betwixt prince and people, is jelousy, a perfect consumer of all true love and loyaltie; but I humbly submit my thoughts to your highnesse more prudent consideration, being assured, that you have God to your guide, and that he may be so to the end of your dayes, for his owne glory, the good of his people, and these nations, over which he hath set you, is the prayer of,

May it please your highnes,
Your most humble and faythful servant,
Edw. Whalley.

Nottingham, 11 Aug. 1656.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. xli. p. 416.

Right honourabel sir,
Since my last of the 15th instant I received a letter from my friend out of the Swedish army, dated in Warsaw the 7th of August, whereby I had the continuation and the same particulars of the victory, and taking in Warsaw, formerly mentioned in my two last letters; and therefore I find it needless to repeat them here again, containing in it the same passages, as in the printed relation are expressed, which I sent over by the last post; only that in the place of Gonzewsky there was killed the young duke of Russia, called Wisnivitsky, of Cracovie; but of the Swedish side we can hear of no great person killed in the same battle, but of the duke of Brandenburgh's general called Cannenberg, who being wounded by a bullet of a cannon, died. Of prisoners taken of both sides there is made no mention of in my letter from Warsaw, neither heard of any more, but of the Polish lord, called Lesczinsky, who was left behind by the Poles sick in Warsaw. I know your honour hath had from Dantzick from divers the contradiction of all this news, and that the king of Sweden hath not taken in Warsaw; but your honour may be sure, that my news coming from a great person of quality, is very true. The king of Sweden, with the duke of Brandenburgh, are gone with their forces beyond Warsaw to a place called Chierzk, seven miles from it, waiting the enemies coming back again to fight a new battle, for the Swedish army cannot subsist very long at the place, where she is now, for want of victuals, the country about being very much ruinated and wasted. In the mean time the two French ambassadors, mons. le comte d'Avaugour and mons. de l'Ombre are gone from Warsaw to the king of Poland, for to dispose him to peace; for in the beginning he could not be persuaded by the mentioned ambassador to it, but gave to him this answer, that he would rather hazard the battle, and see first the effect of it; but having lost the battle there is more hopes for peace than before, which God in his mercy may grant to us. The infection or sickness doth rage very much at Thorn, and at some other places more in this country; and it is feared the plague will increase further, which God forbid. It would hinder very much the correspondency. There is come this day from Queensburg news, that Gonsewsky the vice-general of Lithuania is fallen with some Polish forces into the duke of Brandenburgh his country here in Prussia. The Poles are much more angry with the duke of Brandenburgh for joining his forces with the Swedes, than with the king of Sweden himself; and they will have the duke excluded out of the peace; but the king of Sweden will never yield to it. The Poles have beleaguered Tykoczin againe in Samogitia. The queen of Pohland goeth every where with the king her master. She hath defended one of the forts before Warsaw with her own troops, which the Swedes have taken afterwards. She is of great courage. The queen of Sweden hath been here six days at Elbing, taking her recreations in the sweet woods and fair country houses near about this city and Dantzick; every day ballets and all manner of sport and recreation as possible might be, was made for to please the queen. This being ended, she returned yesterday to Marienburgh againe. Thus I conclude, remaining
From Elbing, the 22d of August, 1656. [N. S.]

Yours to command.

The superscription,
A mons. mons. le resident Bradshaw presentement à Hamburg.


  • 1. Ormond.