A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: April (5 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp710-722 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: April (5 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp710-722.
"State Papers, 1656: April (5 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp710-722.
In this section
April (5 of 7)
Courtin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, April 28, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 471.
My lord,
The report of the defeat and death of the king of Swedes doth revive again. It
cometh from Dantzick, but without any ground, in my opinion, in regard the letters, which we have from Jarislow, make no mention of it, and on the contrary they signify, that the king of Sweden was quartered still there, and his army round about. That
the king of Poland was at Leopolis. That several of the nobility were joined with him;
and that he had an army of 20, or 30 thousand men. He, that writ this news, puts in
a postscript, at this instant the king of Sweden is gone forth with the best part of his
horse and about 1500 dragoons upon an exploit, whereof the success is not known. He
went towards Leopolis to find out his enemy, according as they write me from Elbing,
where they saw letters from his camp of the 25th of March, wherein they advise, that
the Swedish army is still in a good condition; and that it doth strike terror in all places,
where they pass, though it be not very numerous of men; but yet they are all old soldiers
and choice men. In the mean time the governor of Cracow doth alter something of this
news by a letter of the 30th of March; and addeth also in the postscript, now at present
I receive letters from the king of Sweden, which do advise me, that the whole Swedish
army is marching to Sendomir.—If this be truer than the abovementioned, that the
king of Sweden and his army retreating to Sendomir, which is upon the Vistula between Cracow and Warsaw, that the Polanders are strong, and that the king of Sweden
is coming to meet the recruits, which are bringing to him by the prince palatine of Sultzbach, and the mareschal Wrangell, being some 7000 in number.
All the letters however, which confirm the defeat of the Swedes, are in greater number than those, which are able to dissipate these false reports; and in regard they come from better hands, they add more belief to them than those that came from the merchants. The states general do still continue the hastening forth of their fleet for the Baltick sea, but want of mariners is a great hindrance to them. There are above 100 merchant men in the Texell, which stay only for a wind, being bound for the Baltick sea. The states have ordered them to return, if the Swedes ask more toll of them than what they used to pay formerly. Twelve men of war were to conduct them, but not being manned, the merchant men intend to be gone, not being willing to stay till they are manned.
Petkum to monsieur Rosenwinge.
April 18/28, 1656.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 467.
Sir Oliver Fleming is of late so much Swedisied, that I hardly dare to speak to him,
in regard he supposeth, that we are friends of the lords states of the United Netherlands. I tell you this, because I know not now whom to speak to about the picture of the
lord protector.
We have here a confirmation of the arrival of the silver fleet in Spain, but no news of the fleet of this state.
They talk here, that his highness hath ordered 48 ships more to be equipt. If this be true, the people will be made sensible of it; that fleet, which is gone for the Streights, hath sufficiently drained the coffers of his highness.
It is also said, that his highness is to assist the French king, and that the levies, which the Swedes make in Scotland and in England, are to be maintained by the protector; and if this be so, the interest of the protestants is very much taken to heart by him.
The ministers of Sweden are enraged for anger at the lord Nieuport, by reason he did too freely relate the news of the defeat of their master.
For want of further matter I send you the Game at Picquet to entertain you. One Nevill is said to be the author thereof.
An intercepted letter of Mr. Windebanck.
Boulogne, the 28th of April, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 363.
I have written with much earnestness unto my cousin Westwood, to desire her, that I
may have this term a stock provided for me to begin and settle my trade with her
factor. The reasons and conveniences thereof I shall now forbear to press. The endeavour
to effect this must be on your part; and therefore I must recommend that to you, who,
I hope, will make no scruple or difficulty in using your utmost credit and industry to
comply with my desires; and I am confident, that you will not neglect an opportunity to
oblige him, whom you cannot omit to serve without some remorse, nor assist but with
some contentment and satisfaction to yourself, that you have discharged a duty, which
will bring a blessing upon you both in this world and the other, as a reward of your obedience. I shall say no more, but pray God to direct you, and rest
Most really and affectionately yours,
Thomas Parsons.
Directed to Thomas Westwood, under cover to one Jones, at the sign of the Wheatsheaf in Drury–lane.
Col. D'oyley, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 501.
Honnored sir,
Our longing desire and expectation to heare from his highnes, in answer to one of
the three wee sent you since the major generall's death, hath retarded our sending
to you. Wee are in some feare, the shipp Augustine, which wee sent six moneths since,
may have received some disaster. These will acquainte you with little alteration since
the sending of the Grantham; our numbers are not much lessened, nor our healths much impaired, blessed be the God of our salvation. Wee are much afraid of want; our provision
beginning to spoyle, and the quantity much shrunke. Wee cannot yet make our soldiers
sensible of their condition, nor without severitye plant soe much as provision for themselves. Wee have forced them to work for feare of hunger. Something they have done,
which may stop a gap, till we are further supplied, but not at all considerable as to provision. The enemy hath of late by ambuscados infested us, and slaine divers of our
men; and planting, which is so necessary, that wee cannot expect to hold out without it,
takes up all our men's tyme and labour. Indeed I cannot judge, but that is neither souldiers nor planters from the other islands do come hither, wee cannot long keep the place,
the advantages of the enemy being able to poise the difference in numbers. Wee have
endeavoured all meanes to treat with them but cannot. The best part of our fleet is gone
to see what they can do on the coast. Wee looke on our selves as very unhappy, that wee
should suffer soe much by the heate of the climate and continuall distempers, and want,
and yet doe our nation noe service. Wee hope we shall have his highnes best construction, heere being many very desireous to serve their country and his highnes, though we
have the continual clamour of home, home. For my owne parte, I am still prepared for
his service, if I could understand his commands; and shall endeavour the utmost to evidence, that I was not borne for myselfe, but for my nation. In which if it would please
God, that I might appeare effectually, I should think my voyage fortunate, with the addition of being esteemed
Jamaica, Aprill 18, ann. 1656.
Your faithfull servant,
Edw. Doyley.
Since my writing this, it hath pleased God to give us some successe against the Negroes. A plantation of theirs beeinge found out, wee fell on them, slew some, and totally spoiled one of their chief quarters. Alsoe wee have had a threatning danger, some of coll. Buller's regiment being discontented at plantinge, and lesseninge their bread by a quarter of a pound a daie, conspired to revolt from us; and accordingly 20 and more marcht from us, whome wee pursued, and tooke; executed three of the most notorious, and pardoned the rest.
The council of Ireland to the protector.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 487.
May it please your highness,
By my former humble addresses unto your highness and council we have made known
the miserable condition this nation is in, through that vast quantity of Peru and
other base and counterfeit coin this poor nation hath of late years been burthened with.
Indeed we are not able (so fully as we would) to express our resentments of this growing
evil, the general discontent it bears upon most men's hearts, nor the prejudice, that is
likely to arise, unless some speedy remedy be applied. For like a gangrene this adulterate
coin spreads far and near; it banishes hence the current coin of Spain, and eats up the
good English money, which the merchants (for want of exchange or other commodities
to return) make it a secret trade to export into England, or (notwithstanding our utmost
care for prevention) into some foreign parts, to any place, where it yields most advantage.
Hereby the stock of this nation is detrimented much above two thirds, as is conceived;
little other money is visible save this counterfeit American, which ordinarily goes for 4 s.
6 d. and upon the essay is found not to out value 2 s. 4 d. and most of that, which runs
current, is very little better than brass or alchemy. Trade hereby is exceedingly obstructed, plantations much discouraged, necessary provisions withheld, and monthly contribution (for supply of your highness's forces here) paid in such base coin, as becomes great
loss to the receiver, and being refused in sundry places (the temper of the people generally abhorring it) the publick affairs without speedy care ('tis feared) will unavoidably
fall into disorder; nor can we apprehend other than that this manifest inconvenience may
in the end beget disturbance in the people, unless your highness (out of your pious and
fatherly care of the welfare of this country) tenderly consider of what we have faithfully represented, nor know we any other or better expedient for the cure hereof, or
how to apply a suitable remedy, save by a mint, which (now as formerly) we most humbly
and earnestly desire (if the same may be held adviseable) may (at least for some time) be
erected here. This (as we conceive) will allay the importation of more such trash; it
will encourage us to decry what through necessity is made current here; will enable us to
call in the Peru and Mexico pieces, (which are little better than brass, and at present the
far greatest proportion of coin,) and being melted the product may be reduced to the
standard; and for that the soldier (and poorer sort especially) want the lesser and smaller
sorts of money for change, and to buy provisions with, this may accommodate them
with small and necessary proportions. We have no power by our instructions to give any
considerable relief to grievances of this nature. And as we conceive it our duty faithfully to represent thus much, so we doubt not but your highness will seasonably take the
same into consideration, which is very heartily desired; and nevertheless most humbly submitted to your highness's great wisdom and good pleasure by
Dublin Castle, the of April, 1656.
Your highness's most humble and most faithful servants,
H. Cromwell,
R. Pepys,
Miles Corbett.
Some questions made upon the letter of the Dutch embassador.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 493.
In the hand writing of secretary Thurloe.
His highness having revised the paper, which his excellency the lord embassador of the United Provinces had conference with him upon at your last audience, doth judge it necessary, before any resolution can be taken thereupon, that your excellency doe explayne the intentions of the states of Holland in some parts of that paper, viz.
Whereas it is sayd, that if any of the 3 confederates be agressed, or a warre be made against it, or should be troubled in their rights and liberties and commerce against the lawes of nations, or charged or wronged, that the other shall breake openly against such agressor.
1. There is now an open warre made upon England and France by Spayne. What are the intentions of Holland as to that warre, because the words are only in the future tense?
2. What are the import and extract of the words, troubled in their rights, liberties and commerce, or charged or wronged? it being necessary, that expressions of this nature be cleare in respect an open warre is to follow upon it.
3. Is there any thing of the minde of France knowne upon this busines, or any transactions with that court therein?
April 18, 1656.
Mr. Jos. Ashe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 513.
Honnorable sir,
Since I had the honnor to wayt upon his highnes, I have been since several tymes to
have wayted on you, but without effect; which makes me to give you this trouble,
that soe if occation be, I may receive your commands this night. My first visit was to
acquaint you, that my frend advised me sir H. de V. (fn. 1) was at Brussell, I desired to have
your directions for what you would have me doe in the busines; but beeing I could not
speake with you, I wroat him a letter, the coppy whereof goes herewith, intending there
by to have discovered, wether his condition be fixed or loose. My second visitt was to
have your thoughts upon it, or what else you might thinke wel of. My last was this
morninge to the same effect, only further, that I exspected an answer by this post, but
had none, and yet my frend writes me my letter was delivered into his owne hands. I
conceave the reason is, that the thing proposed was new, and having heard nothing of me
in 5 yeares, somwhat straunge, soe might consider of it til the next post; and seing it is
soe difficult to speake with you, if my thus troubling of you be as acceptable and convenient,
you may either way freely dispose of,
London, the 18th of April, 1656.
Honnorable sir, your most faythful servant,
Joseph Ashe.
Advice from Stettin, the 19/29 of April 1656.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 475.
It doth not only continue what I advised your lordship in my former concerning the rencounter between the earl of Baden and the Polanders, but the Polanders do prosper more and more, which doth cause no small alteration and perplexity in his place, in regard there cometh nothing but ill news for the Swedes from all parts. Last tuesday came letters from Elbing to the lord ambassador here, wherein they advise him, that the Polanders do revolt every where from the king of Sweden; and that they are all up in arms; and that the wayvod of Kalisch, to whom the king of Sweden had lately given the wayvod of Bosna, was turned again to the king of Poland, reducing all places again under his power, and using the Swedes, where he can find any, much worse then any other Polanders. It is impossible to advise any thing certain of the king of Sweden or his forces, which are very few and weak; and if we durst believe what is reported, they are either defeated, or in a very bad condition. A little time will discover the truth of all things. Most men here conclude, that he ought not to have engaged too farr into his enemies country, and not have staid so long about Jarislau, from whence he could not retreat without much danger, by reason of the several rivers he is to pass.
I have received both your lordship's letters. That which you command me in your first to keep a correspondency with the lord embassador at Copenhagen, and to advise them of all particulars, as I do your lordship from time to time, shall be executed by me, till your further orders. I shall remain in this place, till further order from your lordship.
Commissary Pels to the states general.
Dantzick, April 29, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 529.
High and mighty lords,
How that unexpectedly the lords embassadors are detained at Lauwenborgh 10 miles
from hence by the Swedish garrison, is to be seen by the enclosed copy of their
excellencies letter sent privately to me.
From Elbing is sent to their excellencies the late agent monsieur John Cock, to persuade the lords embassadors not to come for this place, but to take their way directly to the rycks chancellor, who hath full power to treat with their lordships. What will further be done in this business is expected with impatience.
Here are come also very credible reports, that there have happened considerable rencounters in Poland; and that not far from Warsaw 3000 of the Swedes are totally routed: amongst the rest slain upon the place is the marquis of Baden, and the only earl of Sultzbach, and that the king of Poland is forty thousand strong, and was come within two miles of Warsaw.
This is certain, that the Polish under chancellor Radziewsky is come on a sudden with all his train and baggage to Elbing by water, whereby it is presumed, that all doth not go well on the Swedish side.
Great preparations are made in the Pillauw to receive the queen of Sweden, where the elector of Brandenburgh doth intend to bid her welcome.
A letter of intelligence.
Amsterdam, 29 Aprilis, [1656. N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 532.
De Ruyter cum navibus 8 bellicis Gadibus commoratur, ibidemque magnam argenti vim recipit, ut id ipsum in Flandriam deportaret, Hispanis gratificaturus, elusurusque Anglicanæ classis solertiam in indagandis penetralibus Indiacæ prodigalitatis. Hoc si falsum est, certissime alis suis protecturus nunciatur naves prædicto argento onustas Hollandicas duntaxat ab Hispanis in hanc finem ingenti pretio conductas.
Dantisco nihil aliud præter regis Sueciæ interitum, & exercitus perditionem, cum affirmatione tam vehementi, ut authores pœniteat toties repetisse tam atrox nuncium, nisi accedat tandem sides. E contra colonelli Suecici, cui nomen Stolthenberg, testimonium omni juramento majus regem vivum salvum ac incolumem docet, idemque asseverat, sponsionem incredulis offerens pecuniarum, se 24 Martii stylo veteri regis sui manus deosculatum suisse, cum ab ejus majestate ab exercitu ad hasce oras ablegatus suisset.
A letter of intelligence.
Ady Aprill 29, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 542.
Honoured sir,
In my last, which was of the 15th present, I wrote you at large of all that then occurr'd, perticularly of the happy and unexpected arrivall of the silver fleete at Cadiz,
of which we have againe the confirmation by this weeke's letters (over France) from
Madrid and Sevile, as alsoe by sundry shipps arrived in Holland, which saw them putt
into the aforesaid port; but of its richnesse there is yet noe certayne accompt can be
given, they of Spayne having not been soe nimble now, as at other tymes, in sending over
its cargo or particulars of lading, which, as alsoe for that we doe not feare of any remisses
made over for the payment and recrute of our army, as was expected would have been
upon this fleet's arrival, makes many to beleeve, it hath nothing neere brought home
soe vast a treasure, as was at first given out. Nay som of our cheese Spanish negotiants
have allready private advises, that there is not above two millions registred, of which
scarce 800,000 crownes will come to the king's share; a very smale and inconsiderable reliefe
for this present necessityes. If his future fleetes prove noe better, his revenewes in the
Indyes will scarce quitt charges of fetching home. Yesterday came an expresse from
Cullen to certifye the court at Brusselles, that don Juan d'Austria, our intended governor,
was proceeded soe far in this journey for these parts, where 'tis thought he may make a
halt, till he heares, that Leopoldus hath left the country, and that the preparations
making for his reception be in a readynesse. This hath made the arch–duke resolve to
sett out on his journey for Germany the next weeke, when alsoe the rest of the courtiers
putt forth to meet don Juan. It's given out, that this new governor brings orders and
permition from Spayne to the states of the country to rayse forces for their own defence;
and that att his arrivall the lycent and all other grivances will be taken off. If soe, we
may give the French worke enough, for here is both mony and men sufficient in the
country to resist the power of France, if it were but well ordered; but I feare all these
faire storys will prove but winde, and that we shall only change our masters.
The Scotts king hath now made an end of his negotiation at Brusselles, from whence he is removed to Brughes, there to remayne, till the ratification thereof come from Spayne, when perchance we may come to know, what is concluded betwixt them. For the present their transactions are carried so private, that most of his owne followers know nothing of them. The newes I wrote you in my last concerning the Sweedes and Poles remaynes yet in suspence; soe that now the truth of either side is questioned; and some doubt there hath not been any generall battle at all betwixt them. The Holland fleet consisting of 35 sayle are put to sea; noe question but that they are bownd for the Sownd, with an intention to assist those of Danzick against the Sweedes. How this will be ressented by the lord protector of England I cannot tell; but we heere hope, that it may be an occation of a breach between the two states. These of Dunkerque have of late brought up severall prizes, of which two very considerable, one of 16 guns laden with French wines bound for England, esteemed worth 30000 pownd sterling, another of 21 guns a Scotish fregott. They have at least 15 sayle putting out anew, soe that unlesse som speedy course be taken against them, the trad for those parts will come to nothing. I have noe more at present, but my duty and respects to all my freinds, and to crave your leave to subscribe my selfe,
Honoured sir, yours,
John Johnson.
To monsieur Petkum.
Brussels, April 29, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. lxiii. p. 544.
We do expect here with impatience the arrival of don John. It will be the next week first, before we shall have a fight of him. The archduke is still here; he gives and selleth all that he can before he goeth with the Jesuits. They talk here of causing all the troops to begin to march towards the middle of May; but I believe it will not be so soon. Want of money will very much hinder the work.
Here is a report, that if the emperor doth make war, the prince of Condé is to be his general. The ministers here do not altogether trust him, and he will never have the troops at his absolute disposing.
The news of the defeat of the Swedes doth still continue. They have receiv'd here a letter from Silesia, which doth confirm it; and I hope he that will usurp all, will be humbled and hindered in his retreat.
Luis Males to Francisco Giavarina, the Venetian resident.
Antwerp, April 29, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 546.
As to the arrival of the fleet in Spain, for 3 galleons thereof, there is doubt made of their arrival at Cadiz; but of the two remainder, that is the admiral and the other, it is not yet known what is become of them.
The defeat of the Swedes doth now lessen more and more.
This day John d'Austria was to arrive in Cologne, to be in Brussels the next week; and at the same time the archduke is to depart.
King Charles, who is at Bruges, will endeavour to conclude with don John his negotiation treated on with the Spaniards, into which the archduke would not enter, till such time that the propositions made on either side were first writ into Spain, from whence they are to expect the resolutions.
I am confirmed, that 7000 Irish are to be at the service of France for some time, upon condition to serve no longer, after such time as king Charles shall want them.
Count Brienne to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, April 29, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 534.
My lord,
In my last I accused the reception of your letter of the 17th, to which I returned an
answer; so that I have little to say to you at present, only to assure, that you will not
be long without those papers mentioned in my last, which are given unto your servant
to be sent unto you; and before you can have examined them, you will have others sent
you, for they are making them ready in several places. I make no doubt, but you have
heard, what hath been published here by the Venetian embassador, that the silver fleet is
arrived in Spain, whereof we do yet make some doubt; but a little time will clear up
our doubts.
True it is, we are informed, that three ships and two pattaches are come home richly laden with merchandizes; but the fleet is said to be still at sea, so that the English may still continue in hopes of enriching themselves.
I have been to acquaint mr. de Meilleraye, by order of the king, that he is to restore the English ship brought in at Blavet; and that he should prohibit all officers commanding under him, not to suffer any royal ship to bring any prizes into their ports.
A letter of intelligence.
A Paris le 29 Avril, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 538.
L'on mande de Flandres du 22 Avril, que le roy d'Angleterre est allé au devant de dom Juan d'Autriche & le marquis de Caracenne jusques a Cologne. Que le prince de Condé y a aussy envoyé le comte de Colligni. Que Fuensaldaigne est alié a Anvers negotier le payement des pensions de l'archiduc, lequel estant presse par ses creanciers, offre pour asseurance de leurs hypotheques de donner pour caution le comté de L'isle, qui rend ce service a son altesse, en consideration de ce qu'elle a fait donner la prevosté de Louvain a son fils. L'archiduc voyant, que le roy d'Espagne ne luy fournoit que 50 m. escus des 700000, dont il est en advance pour la guerre de Pays–Bas, il a envoyé un expres a Madrid pour faire en sorte, qu'on luy assigne son renboursement sur les premiers deniers, qui proviendront de la flotte des Indes. Son altesse ne verra point dom Juan d'Austrice a Bruxelles, mais peut le rencontrer en chemin, s'il partoit le 27. Le marquis de Cagnac, fils aisné de la maison de la Force, s'estant mis dans les troupes du prince de Condé, on luy a donné le regiment de cavallerie de monsieur de Lorge. On a fait commandement au frere du comte de Ligneville de sortir de Flandres dans 24 heures sur des grandes peines. On dit, qu'il y a quelques troupes, qui sont en marche pour venir au service des Espagnols, sous le nom du roy d'Anglettere.
Le duc de Beaufort & le comte de Bethune ont terminé comme mediateurs les affaires, qui estoyent entre son alt. roy. & madamoiselle; & pour les executer le duc d'Orleans a donné procuration a monsieur de Choisy, & a remis a son retour de Blois son entreveue avec ceste princesse, qui s'est retirée a St. Targeau, le duc de Beaufort a Vendosme, & le comte de Bethune en ceste ville, ou il arriva mardy dernier.
Le mareschal de Hocquincourt a une passion si grande de servir, qu'il a envoyé de nouveau offrir a l'empereur de faire lever 8000 hommes, & d'achepter pour 500 m. escus de biens dans le royaume de Boheme pour s'y retirer avec sa famille.
Six conseillers de parlement de Rouen on esté exiles pour l'affaire des monnoyes. L'on fait construire un fort royal dans les preries de Valenciennes, qui incommodera beaucoup les Espagnols.
Le marquis d'Hocquincourt, qui estoit venu negotier sa rancon, s'en est retourné a Mons, les ennemis luy demandant une trop grande somme.
L'on a nouvelle, que le duc de Modene se prepare pour commander dans la Lombardie, tandis que le duc de Mercoeur ira commander les troupes de Monferrat. Que les deux galeres d'Espagne, qui avoyent servi d'escorte a dom Juan d'Austriche, & que l'on croyoit perdus, sont de retour, apres avoir esté extraordinairement battus par la tempeste.
L'on dit, que les Anglois sont a la rade de Barcellonne: le temps nous fera voir, quel sera leur dessein.
Depuis que les paysans de Coutras en Guyenne ont pris les armes, & deffait cinquante cavalliers, a cause des tailles, comme vous avec sceu, monsieur de St. Luc est party de Bourdeaux le 20 du courant avec 500 de pied & 300 chevaux, pour les aller charger; ils ont abondonné Coutras pour se retirer dans les Bois, ou ils esperent estre secouru par les paysans de Perguos & Xaintogne. On apprendra au premier ordinaire ce qu'ils auront fait.
Mescredy le parlement s'estant assemblé pour la mercuriale, tous les presidens s'y trouverent, mais non pas tous les conseillers. On voulut parler du retour des exilles & de la liberté de monsieur de Montauglan; mais on remit au lendemain sur ce que monsieur le procureur general luy avoit asseuré, que si la compagnie se comportoit envers sa majesté, qu'elle en feroit de mesme.
Hier l'assemblée ayant este continuée, on resolut, que tres humbles remonstrances seront faites a S. M. de vives voix & par escrit, & que cependant les gens du roy iront incessamment au Louvre pour demander la liberté de monsieur de Montauglan & le retour des exilles. On remit a l'assemblée mescredy. Ces messieurs ont resolu entre eux de ne point rapporter.
Mr. Augier to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 550.
Right Honorable,
My sonne will deliver this present unto your honour with collationed copies of the
decree we have obtained here for the re–establishing of the farme of 3 per cent. at
Marseilles, and other ports of this kingdome, upon the marchandizes going and comming
from Levant, for the payment of four hundred thousand livers Tournois, making part of
the six hundred and fifty thousand, which this king hath ordered to be payed us for the
acquitting of mr. de Cezi's debte.
As his highness protection hath most availed in the securities the embassador de Bordeaux hath given unto the English interested by his promise in his majestie's name, soe it is absolutely needfull the same protection be felt in the execution of the payment of the said debt. Otherwise the said interessed are in danger to loose a great part of their due by the eagerness of the first debtors, who are those of Marseilles, and by the aversion of some of the chiefest ministers of this court.
Your honour will therefore give me leave to tell you, that it importeth much his said highnesse would be pleased to send as soone as possible some copies of the said decree unto the admiral of our fleete, for to be delivered by some of his officers unto the consuls and inhabitants of the town of Marseille, with a letter of civilitie, praying them to favour the attorney of the said interessed, who will be the bearer of the originall of the said decree; and to facilitate the establishing of the said farme for the raising of the money mentioned therein, making part of the said debt, to the payment whereof they and their commerce are originally oblidged; assuring them, that he hath order from his said highnesse conformely to uphold and further their trade in those seas in all occasions.
Since the complainte I made unto your honour of the assignment given us for two hundred and fifty thousand livers upon the revente du domaine de Bourbonnois & autre nature, the ministers have two dayes since concluded the treaty thereof, and are about giving of it unto some treators.
It will also be most needfull his highnesse be pleased to advise the said ambassador in writing to represent unto the state of France, to assigne the said English interessed for the said summe of 250000 l. upon the first payment of the said assignement as it was promised them. In soe much that his majestie giving assurance unto the treators, the said English maye receive present payement, without which severall of them are like to be ruinated in the expectation, farr from having the reall assurances of their due to their owne satisfaction, according unto the said embassador's promise and to his highnesse's desire, who did promise himself one would deale with them according unto his majestie's justice, and the integrity, which ought to be observed betweene the two states. I remaine, right honourable,
Paris, April 29/19, April 1656.
Your honour's most humble and most obedient servant,
Re. Augier.
The officer, who will carrie oure admiral's dispatche, may addresse himselfe unto mr. John Aldworth, consul for the English nation in the said towne of Marseilles, with whome the said atturney of the interessed will lodge.
Middlefex.The information of Stephen Bowtell of the parish of Mary Woolnoth Lombard–street, London, (one of the deputies appointed by the commissioners for regulation of printing) taken upon oath the 19th day of April 1656 before sir John Barkstead knt. lieutenant of his highness's Tower of London, and one of the justices of peace assigned for the said county.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 562.
This informant saith, that on the 17th day of April instant he did buy of mr. Giles Calvert, stationer at the west end of Paul's, a book, entituled, A trumpett of the Lord sounded out of the Zion, &c. for which he paid 4 d; and the same day seized at the house of the said Giles Calvert 92 of the said books stitched up fit for sale, being a book, which this informant conceiveth to be scandalous and prejudicial to the commonwealth. And further saith, that this day he bought at the same place of the said person three other books, entituled, A cloud of witnesses, with whom I also appeare to beare testimony, that Christ Jesus is the word of God, and not the bible, which is called the scriptures, for which he paid 4 d. each. Saith, he hath not as yet seized any of them, by reason he desireth more particular order therein: saith, that the books aforesaid are the same, which he now produceth, and hath subscribed his name unto; and further saith, that this day he bought of Nath. Brooks stationer in Cornhill three books, entituled, Sportive witt, the Muses merriment, &c. for which he paid 18 d. each, and conceives the same to be scandalous, and hath seized about 50 of them in his house: and further saith, that the said three books are the same he now produceth, to which he hath subscribed his name, and further faith not.
Stephen Bowtell.
Middlefex. The examination ofNathaniel Brooks of Cornhill London, stationer, taken the 19th day of April 1656, before sir John Barkstead knight, lieutenant of his highness's Tower ofLondon, and one of the justices of the peace for the county aforesaid
Vol. xxxvii. p. 558.
This examinate being shewed 3 books bound in black calves leather, intitled, Sportive witt, the muses merriment, a new spring, &c. saith, that he did sell them this morning to one Richard Loe. Being asked where he had them? saith, they were printed for him by two several printers, viz. John Grismond in Ivy–lane London, and James Cotterell on Addle–hill London, about two months since. Saith, there were 1000 of them printed, but he did not receive so many, but received 950, or thereabouts, and hath disposed of 700 of them, except only the three books aforesaid, and about 50, which were seized this morning by Stephen Bowtell (one of the deputies appointed by the commissioners for regulation of printing:) the remainder he saith and promiseth he will deliver unto the said Stephen Bowtell this afternoon. And further being asked, who is the author of the said book? saith, they are only the collection of sundry papers, which he procured of several persons, and added together for that purpose. Being asked the names of the particular persons, who are authors of any of the said poetry? saith, that of one Walter Wasse he received the maid's portion, the hunting of the gods, and several others therein contained. The rest he had from several other musicians and other persons, and put them together as aforesaid. And further saith not.
Nath. Brooks.
Being asked, who is the author of the epistles of the said book? saith, one John Phillips, who lives about Westminster.
Nath. Brooks.
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, May 1, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 24.
I shall while I live continue myndfull of your courtesies, and shall intreat, that while I
am absent, you will use your moyen, that my affaires suffer noe prejudice in the house.
My brother will inform you thereof as occasion offerrs. To give you an accompt of our
newes, which are commone, for secrets belong to statsmen, Leopold is goeing to be made
king of the Romans; don John of Austria is coming hither in his place. Charles Stewart
is at Bridges, but his court is yet at Colone. General lieutenant Midleton is at Amsterdam, but is to goe shortly to Bridges. Since the discovery of Manning, (who was pistolled in a wood neare Colone by sir James Hamilton and major Armourer) Charles Stewart
has treated very closely with the councell of Spaine. The silver plate is come to Amsterdam, where 60 great shippes are made; for what end it is not knowne. De Ruiter the vice
admirall sufferrs none of his men to come out of his shippes. Thee princesse royall is with
her mother these 3 or 4 monthes. The towne of Akin, where the bathes are, is quite burnt:
some sayes it is with a lightening, and others say it is an subterraneous fire, occasioned
by the sulphureous matter it stands on. Adresse your letters to me at sir Patrick Drumond's in Trevire, till you heare further from
Your faithfull freind and servant.
Collonell Dallyell and Drummond ar long since gone for Musco. There are great wagers here pro and con on the death of the king of Sweden, it is sure he was rowted, and his brother is slaine.
An intercepted letter of mr. Windebank to one Jones.
Bologne, May 1, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii. p. 566.
I received both your letters, and am troubled you do not hear from my friend so certainly as formerly you did; so that I fear she doth not receive my letters, which you
know are of so great concernment to our future trade, it being more then time, that I
were settled with your factor, who is now at present employed and very busy in the ordering and settling his new commerce. I shall not need to press what I writ in my last; for
the more stock I am furnished withal, the greater and richer trade I shall be able to drive;
and I hope I shall be able to give you and all my friends so good an account of our future
trade, that they will be very well satisfied therewith. I need say no more to you, for you
know as well as I of what consequence this desire of mine is; and so I leave it to your
consideration. The French gazette tells us, that there hath been no battel fought between
the kings of Sweden and Poland; but the people will not believe it, for they would fain
have the king of Sweden beaten, and they say, that your lord protector and their cardinal
are so much his friends, as they endeavour to suppress the news of his being beaten.
The pope doth so earnestly endeavour a peace between Spain and France, that the people
become much incensed against the cardinal, looking upon him as the only impediment
thereof, so that it is believed, it will go near to raise the common people into a rebellion.
Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 570.
I am heartily glad, that many of these things sent you by me are so well approved of
by you. Truly, sir, wee make it our whole buysnes to promote the publique; and the
Lord hath not left us without our encouragements in our undertakings. This I may truly
say, you may ride over all Nottinghamsheire, and not see a beggar or a wandring rogue;
and I hope suddenly to have it so in all the counties under my charge, yf it be not already;
but I much feare it. I long to heare from you, as to other things; but knowing your
zeale to all good things, I shall not presse you, nor further at this time trouble, more
then to subscribe myselfe, as truly I am, sir,
Nottingham, April 21, 1656.
Your most truly affectionate freind and servant,
Edw. Whalley.
Intercepted letter of Halsall to his sister.
April 21, 1656.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 574.
Dear sister,
I Think myself very happy, that you have met with major Slater. When I was at serjeant Dendy's, his kindness and civility to me was very great. I pray you wait on him
as often as his occasions will give you leave, and present my hearty service to him a thousand times. Let him know of my condition, which really is so miserable, that it is almost intollerable. Tell him I shall engage myself never to act against this government,
nor to give or keep intelligence with any person, that is not in obedience thereunto, if I
may either have my liberty here, or be banished out of England, or have conditions
with any forces that shall go from hence, or be sent into the isle of Man, which place he
knows well, it being near my friends, and cheap to live in, from whence I shall not desire ever to return. This I propound, but shall be directed by him in all things; for I am
confident what he undertakes, he will perform really. Sister, my allowance is so small,
that my condition is sad, and more my bed is to be taken away, and what they will do
with me I know not. I desire you to speak to major Slater, that when his occasions bring
him hither, he would do me the favour to see me, which I am confident will not be denied by him. I pray you tell him, that though he doth oblige a very undeserving and inconsiderable person of me, yet I do assure him, if it ever be in my power to serve him,
he shall find me very ready to acknowledge this his kindness in my great necessity. Present
my humble service to serjeant Dendy and his lady, and wait on the major, as often as you
can without troubling him.
Dear heart, adieu.
April 21, 1656.
Dear heart,
Major Slater must not take notice, that I write to you or to any body. You may
read the enclosed, and when you have occasion, shew it to major Slater. You may
tell him, that your coming to see me is to fit and dine with me, and keep me company
in the condition I am in. For the liberty of the Tower, I wish I had it without security,
for I know not where to have any, if it were for my enlargement. See Will, if you can;
he may well be full of gold, for I am almost confident he had 2000 l. if not more for his
service, which makes me fear, it will be difficult for me to get my liberty. I wonder,
what my brother comes up for. Let me know, when you send to mr. Par: that I may
send mine to you. Be sure it go in a safe hand. I shall say nothing to Powell, untill I hear
from you. My bed is to be taken away; I must agree with Po. for one. Adieu.
Her answer to the same, April 23, 1656.
Dear heart,
This morning I was with major Slater by five a clock, by reason he was to go out
of town, and not to return till saturday. I dare not shew him your letter, but I said
as much to him as coming from you by the keeper; and he says he will see you this next
week, and hath promised me, that he will never leave, till he hath effected some good
for you; but he tells me, there is so much informed of your ingenuity and faithfulness
in your trust, that you must have patience for a time. I have offered my cousin Woodward and mr. Simpkins to be bound for you for the liberty of the Tower; and at his return he will try what will be done. He is a very civil person, and I hope will really
perform what he undertakes. He says your bed will not be taken; and for your coming
to a certainty with mr. Po. if you can give good words, till the major comes back, he
faith he will advise me what to do, and will give me his advice in all things. I told
him how happy I was to have the honour of his acquaintance, and that I would rely upon
him in all things. I could say a great deal more of him, but I will forbear at present.
The major of the Tower is his creature. I could wish you were acquainted with him.
Slater tells me, he will engage major Miller's wife to give you some time a visit, and to
do you any service she can; but I pray be not too confident of her. I wish you could court
the lieutenant to be your friend, for he is the only enemy. I intend to give him a visit
this week, and if of himself he offer me to see you, I cannot deny. I question not in
time but to do rare things for you. I did never more servently desire to see you till now,
for I am sure I could make you merry. I fear you make not much of your self, by reason you do not send to me for something, which doth trouble me; for, my dear, nothing can grieve me more, than to think you should in any way neglect or want any
thing, which may preserve your health. My brother, I hear, comes up on purpose to see
me; but I rather think he will not, unless he be to take leave of me before he be married, for I believe he will be ere long. Obliging mrs. A. B. and her D. present their service to you. I hope to be merry again with you. I believe, I shall send to my cousin P.
about a fortnight hence, for I have a token from her friends, if I can get a conveniency
to send. There is not any prisoner to go to the king of Sweden's service, as you heard.
I did give mr. Steere that token you desired from you: he was was very thankfull. I never
gave things with a better good will, for I hope he is honest. My dear heart, adieu.
Col. Hacker and capt. Shield to the protector.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 578.
May it please your highness,
There hath beene lately sent into our county a packet of scandalous and seditious
bookes directed to one mrs. Smyth a grocer's wife in Uppingham, and was by her
to bee dispersed with care and speed to the severall persons, according to the directions
and superscriptions here inclosed; which shee haveing done, one of the partyes brought
one to collonel Hacker, wherewith hee acquainted captain Sheild and the rest of the justices at a publique meeting that day, and upon consultation captaine Sheild ordered the
apprehending by a party of his soldiers some suspitious persons, which was strangers in
our countrey; upon which wee conceive some suspition was, that the books was discovered, and the several packetts was sent in to captaine Sheild the next day; and as
it may appeare by the superscriptions inclosed, all the persons, to whom the directions
was, are anabaptists or separatists. Upon our examination and viewe of the superscriptions,
one Anger, being likewise an anabaptist, as we are informed, whoe was lately of the lifeguard, as they confesse, wee judge suspitious in this matter, who lately lived in the upper end of King's street, but nowe removed, as we find by a letter of his owne, to the
great Goate–yard at the upper end of Horsey–downe in Southwark, beyond Londonbridge. This being all wee can find, wee thought it our duty to signifye it to your highnes, and to suscribe our selves
Received April 21, 1656.
Your highnesse humble servants,
Fran. Hacker,
Will. Shield.
Intelligence from Stetin, May 2, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxvii.p. 597.
By this day's mail, we have but very little particular and considerable news, only they continue still to say that the two weywoods Zernecky and Lubomirsky do incamp in Prussia, on the one and the other side of the Vistula, the first with 8000, and the other with 10000 men, hindering that from thence no succours may be sent to the king of Sweden, nor from any other parts to count Steenbock. Some letters from Dantzick import, that the Poles are near 30000 men strong in Prussia, and increase daily like a rowling snow–ball by the accession of the nobility and boors, so that the affairs in that corner seem to be bad enough for the Swedes, and may in a little time still grow worse. Last friday, as it is reported, 800 men both horse and foot marched out of the said town, to make themselves masters of Dirshaw, which, it is believed, may be done with little trouble, since the Swedes have secured and carried away from the said place their cannon. This day it is confirm'd that the Poles have taken Lowitz, Bramberg, and Tauchel, and that Straese and Shwetez are like to follow very soon. A merchant there writes this day to a certain Hollander, his good friend, who lodges here with me in the same inn, that they had tidings there, that his majesty of Sweden was dead; but here in this place I have heard nothing in the least of it as yet, neither do I believe this to be true. The Polish deputies have obtained from Dantzick (as they write from thence) at their request 12 pieces of ordinance with sufficient powder and balls, which were to be sent with a convoy to the camp. Letters from Elbing, which mr. Legaet has this day received, mention, that they had news there, that the Poles had made themselves masters of the city of Warsaw, but not of the castle. Of his Swedish majesty but little mention is made; which is a sign that he must be still in the same condition, for it is thought, that count Saphia keeps him besieged so close, that he cannot get out neither one way nor the other, and is sufficiently in trouble, not knowing what resolution to take. The said letters mention likewise, that his majesty decamping from Jarislaw had retired with great danger, marching constantly behind a sence of waggons, for fear of being fallen upon by the Poles, so that he could not make above one mile a day. Count Wrangel and the prince of Sultzbach are said to have joined his majesty with 3000 horse; however, where the said conjunction has happened is not mentioned, so that it is dubious. They write from Cracow April 15, N. S. that the king of Sweden was incamped at Baraunow, three miles from Sendomir; they write and talk very differently about it, so that, as yet, nothing particular can be said of it. Thorn has been in great danger and run a great risk, since the Poles had almost succeeded in their design upon the said town, to enter the city at the said time and together with some Swedish troopers, which were charged by the Poles, and retired into the town. The governor Mardefeldt being too quick for them with throwing of the bridge, has killed with his cannon, as they write from Elbing, 4 or 500 Poles. All the Jesuits, who are thought to be the authors thereof, were obliged forthwith to depart the town, without having leave to take any thing along with them except their clothes, which has caused among the inhabitants there great lamentations and complaints. The king of Poland is said to be marching towards Prussia with a powerful army of Tartars and Cossacks. And it is believed, according to several advices, that Pomerania perhaps may meet this summer with a hard fate, since it is thought, that they will be exposed very shortly to a visit of 10000 Poles or Cossacks. All the people in general are at present very melancholy here, and complain, that the good nature of their king doth now prove very prejudicial to him, having spared the Quartians and other Polish troops, without any distinction, after his victories, and taken them into his favour and mercy, who have learned and observed, to their great advantage, the Swedish discipline of war, which they now make use of to their improvement: but this is certainly not entirely without foundation, for it is very credible, that the Quartians (among whom there are found many noblemen and well–disciplined soldiers) have unquestionably done so. The regiment of horse of count Coningsmarck, which marched through here yesterday was se'nnight, is countermanded and is gone to Welling instead of Pomerellia, from whence they write this day, that the same is coming back, to stay somewhere hereabouts in Pomerania. I believe that the same could not get through by reason of the Polish troops, which lay in Prussia, and that it is kept back for fear of being routed. A secretary of queen Catharine of Sweden, who is arrived here, has related for some days at table here in the inn, that the said queen, having enough of Italy, and finding the said nation contrary to her temper and quite otherwise than she expected, viz. false and deceitful, was resolved to retire out of that climate, and favour the French interest instead of that of Spain, and to take up her residence there for a while: however as I have heard formerly, and not long ago, they think she won't be too welcome there. They say here for certain, that his majesty of Sweden hath laid a bridge over the Vistula near Steveruza, and was march'd over the same, whereof my next shall mention more particulars.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 586.
Right Honourable,
I have received yours by last post, which speakes your sense of Townley's affront, and
promise to acquaint his highness and the councel with it, not doubtinge but they
would be of the same judgement; and that by the followinge post I should heare from your
honor thereof, as alsoe if the letters to his highnes and the committee of the councel were
delivered by mr. Rolt.
This citie wonder at Townley's confidence, whoe haveing beene advised by the cheefe burgermaster and syndicus Peterson to submit himselfe, they promisinge (as they both told me) to interpose, that his acknowledgment might end the busines; yet he sleighted all, and is soe farre from submittinge, as that I am told hee hath saide in his boastinge manner, that he accompts it the best daye's worke that ever he did; and that if his highnes send for him at five of the clock, hee will goe at six, soe little doth hee regard to answer the busines; and when he heard, that witnesses should be examined to prove his words, he answered in scorne, what needes that ? for if any man will but give me a quart of wyne, I will give under my hand what I have said.
Some write by the last post from London, that for certayne Townley sent a quite contrary accompt of his deportment to his cheefe confident and abetter mr. Bethell, to acquaint some of the committee of the councel with it, which noe doubt hath beene done, and the busines rendered under another appearance to give a stop or diversion for a time, the first impression haveinge commonly that effect; but the witnesses are ready heere upon the place to prove what I have remonstrated, in case his highnes and the councel shall please to referre the busines to this senate, to avoyde further trouble at Whitehall, where hee hath given soe much already. If he and some of his party may be credited, they will not stick to say any thinge and it may be some of them would goe further to have their wills; but I presume their former actions have made them well knowne; and that beinge they will take no warninge, some speedy course will be taken to restraine their insolent and intolerable behaviour, or otherwise to free me from the uncomfortable condition I am in heere by reason thereof, if it be not done when theise come on. At present heere's not any ship of sufficient length to take in the masts; but that which was formerly emloyed is expected. If she come in tyme, I shall cause her to be dispatched to goe back with the convoy to the companies ships. For the powder, I writ long since, that haulfe of it was sold at price currant, which it would never have beene, had it been found bad; and since that some single barrells have been sold to skippers, whoe never found fault with it. If that which was sent did not receive damage in the ship, I am then much deceaved, if they that reported its badnesse to you, abused you not to some advantage they made of it. I shall cause it to be put off as soone as I can, there beinge noe better to be had in this country, if I should goe about to change it, as all men that have seene it assure me mee.
Haveinge nothinge to ad to the inclosed paper of intelligence, I shall ever remayne
Hamb. April 22, 1656.
Your honor's most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.