State Papers, 1656: April (4 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: April (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: April (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: April (4 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

April (4 of 7)

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.

In the possession of Joseph Jekyll, esq;

My lord,
By your lordships of the 2d instant I see the disturbance there hath beene at Kinsale about a quaker, whereof I have not heard any thinge say'd, but what hath beene represented in your lordship's. And therefore I will say nothinge upon that subject more, then to desire your lordship to be assured, that misrepresentations in this or any other case will not be enterteyned here to your prejudice, from what hand soever they come; nor doe I thinke, that the good lady (at whose name I cannot guesse) hath any ground to beleeve or affirme, that the anabaptists are too much encouraged at Whitehall. They have equall justice, respect, and protection with others, which wee judge their due, whilst they continue in the same peaceable behaviour and carriage with other Christians. There is another sort of men, who grow somewhat troublesome; I meane those, who are named (though falsely) 5th monarchy men, who have their daylye meetinges to provoake one another to blood, and professe openly, that their intention is to trye for it with the sword, if they can get any convenient number together. There are some few of these in London, although I thinke their creditt declines here very much, many of their partie haveinge seperated from them. Those, who reteyne their principles, flocke to Harrison, who continues at his father–in–lawe's house at High–gate, where he spares not to speake his minde freely to them, who come to visit hym, which I doe not heare are many. The greatest number of these people are in Norfolk.

There hath beene a meetinge of about 30 of them, at which they agreed of a letter to be written to his highnesse very full of invectives against and reflections upon his person and goverment; admonishinge him to lay downe his protectorship, and to be generall againe, and soe governe by his officers without a counsell; and then they say the prayers of God's people will be with hym againe. This letter is to be sent by 4 of their number. It is not yet come. At the same tyme the levellers are at worke alsoe, who are certeinlye fallen in with the kinge of Spayne, whose money is imployed in their hands to set us together by the eares; and Sexbye is now at the court of Brussells upon this negotiation for the levellers, and hath actually sent over some summs of money for the aforesayd purpose, 800 l. whereof is fallen into our hands; but this latter is to be kept secrett.

These thinges with some others, which I thinke not convenient to write, make me feare, that some troubles are approachinge; but I trust through the goodnesse of God they will be blowne over as formerly. The best care is taken, that can be, to lay forces in all parts to secure the peace, and all vigilancy used to be aware of any beginninges tendinge to disturbance.

The last letters from Poland and Prussia seeme to contradict wholly the defeate of the Sweadish army, bearinge that there hath beene noe fight; but wee doe expect the next letters to cleare up many doubts, which are made in that buisinesse.

I feare the Spanish gallions from the West Indyes are arrived. Severall letters say, that they came home to Cadiz about the 17th of March.

Wee have noe newes from Jamaica since my last.

Colonel Lockhart is goinge to France as a publique minister. He goes hence upon thursday next.

I shall with all my heart serve sir Hardres Waller in his buissinesse.

Whitehall, April 15, 1656.

Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Monsieur Petkum to Rosenwinge.

London, April 25, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 351.

The commander de Ruyter, with 8 ships of war and some merchant–men, past through the channel some few days since coming from Cadiz. They had a good sum of silver in them, as is said. I believe, that some here are very sorry, that he was not met by the generals Blake and Mountagu. I believe that amongst other expeditions the said fleet will search, visit, and bring in the Dutch ships trading into Spain, which in the end will cause a difference between the lord protector and the states.

Monsieur Coyet is now upon going. The protector hath caused a present to be ready to give unto him. I have sent continually for these three weeks to speak with the secretary of state, but he will never be at home. The sickness doth begin to appear a little in this city. If it encreaseth, the court and nobility will soon change their habitations. They talk here of equipping 48 ships of war; but I believe they will have trouble enough to find money for such a business.

General Mountagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii.p. 359 & 360.

I have deferred my writinge this letter, untill that our intelligence was as full as wee could expect, upon our endeavors; and truly now I have attained that, my health will not permitt mee to be so particular as I would, or to use my character for privacye, but for my owne ease shall take the most facile and breife way of givinge you what I know.

Wee mett with one ship in the Ocean, that gave us some intelligence, and wee had some from your agent at Lisbone; but neither of them, as wee thought, warrantable for us to guide our councells by: wherefore, as soone as wee came to these parts, wee dispatched away two frigates, with directions to goe into Cales bay, and enquire of such merchants, as they found there, as alsoe to use their owne eyes as to what was to be done in that harbor.

The intelligence wee had by theire return agrees with what wee had before, and in substance is thus: That about 6 weekes agoe there came home into Cales 4 galleons, with about 3 millions sterlinge in them; 2 galleons more were in company with them, but they are not yet heard of, and feared to be cast away.

That presently after theire comming into Cales, a fleete of 28 or 30 saile were dispatched away for the Indies, whereof 4 or 5 were of the kinge's men of warr, and 7 or 8 more, that were merchant ships, were also fitted out for warr. They say, they are for Santa Domingo, Cartagena, and the Havanna, and intend only the strengthning themselves, and conductinge home theire plate fleete, and doe not at all looke at Jamaica.

For Cales, they have there about 28 galleons, which they cannot yet fitt out for want of rigginge, which is daily expected in 3 or 4 Flemish vessels. They be above the Quarrallaes, and intend to sende a great galleon in the passage, if wee come to attempt there. Ther are noe fire shipps, nor noe preparation for fightinge us at sea (as we supposed in England,) but only for carrienge on theire India trade. They have sent 2 new regiments for Gibraltar, and the duke of Medina is as active as he can in secureinge the coast. You may well judge upon this intelligence, what straights wee are in to resolve our actinge; what respect to have to the West Indies, and what to attempt here worth the while. I must confesse, I know not which way to turne my thoughts in them. The weather is now tempestuous, soe that the shipps boates cannot come on board us; but as soone as they cann, wee intend to call a councell of warr; and in short if you will have mee guesse what may be our result, I presume it will be to fall into Cales bay, and doe our best to spoile the shipps there (if God be pleased to blesse our enterprize). This is but my single opinion: what wee may be directed to, when wee meete, is impossible for mee to write.

Here is a generall dread of the Indie voyage, yet I hope whatsoever wee can find reason to undertake, wee shall be willing to doe. I could almost wish, wee had beene soe happye as to conferr notes at London upon this case in hypothesi.

When I have another opportunitye of writinge, I trust, I shall be better able to give you an account of our affaires then now I am; but before I conclude, I thinke it needfull to lett you understand, that your agent at Lisbone found noe satisfaction from the king there in his businesse; and the apprehension of every body there and here also is, that if he can but triffle untill the latter end of the next month, by which tyme he hopes to have his Brazile fleete come home, which is of very greate value, that then he will make noe peace with you; at least to give you soe much moneye, as he is obliged to by the present treatye. I wish you would weigh your posture with that crowne, and lett us understand your resolutions; for if wee should understand from your agent at Lisbone, that the treatye is not agreed, and wee meete with his Brazile fleete before directions come from you to us, some of us would thinke an opportunitye lost or in danger to be soe: tymely consideringe your affaires and speedye advertisement in these expeditions are 2/3 of your businesse.

The weather hath bene wonderfull stormye and tempestuous since wee came on this side the south cape, and still continues soe. The fleete are all very well, and in good condition. Excuse this maimed abrupt discourse upon the account of my illnesse, which (I hope in God) will not longe continue. I am, Sir,

On board the Nasebye fregate before
cape St. Marie's, April 15, 1656.

Your most humble servant,
E. Mountagu.

Wee have appointed shipps to stand off to sea, and alsoe upon the coast to waite for the Flemish shipps, that are to come with rigginge and ammunition for Cales, as also for the 2 galleons from the Indies, in case they be alive and makinge homewards. And as soone as ever the weather permitts, I hope too morrow morninge, wee shall resolve our design.

If it be not too much presumption for mee, you will be pleased to present my most humble duty unto his highnesse.

Mr. Ed. Proby to mr. G. Torriano.

Bayone, April 25, 1656. [N.S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 371.

Mr. Geo. Toriano,
Sir, I write you now sinc have the news from Bilboa, that mr. Throckmorton, mr. Reid, and others, that are not com away from Bilboa, are retired to a convent; for the dayes beeing past, the rigor of death is expected to bee putt in execution. All goods are seized on of those, that are not naturalized and fresh maried, and English with Spaniards: noe respect to Romane catholiqs. There are many of our nation of all parts of Spayne here in Bayone. Others feare death in convents; this is theire rigour. All goods suspected English without reason imbargued right or wrong. This for your governo from

Ed. Proby.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Edinb. April 15, 56.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 375.

Honored sir,
By the favor of yours of the 8th instant I have received your commands for endeavoringe to gett you a preist to be your intelligencer in Spayne. I have therfore employed a verry likely person to procure me such an instrument; and of it, as soone as possibly I can, you shall receive on accounte. I should have bin hopefull to have furnished you, had I knowne your pleasure therein before our late proclamation had bin published, which makes it death for any preist to be found in this nation after the next Lord's day, which possibly may have blowen away most birds of that feather.

I am verry sorry to finde by your last, that you have yet noe certaynty of any defeat given to the kinge of Swedeland, nor of the arivall of the plate fleet, since the last I was assured of by an intelligencer of myne for a reall certeynty, and that the first was much apprehended by the lord Cranston, who has levyed and sent over from hence som men to that kinge, and is still raising more; but does feare, whatever losse is, or may be sustayned, will com from the Muscovite, and not from the Pole; and with this som ships newly arrived heere from thos parts, seeme to concur. But I know your intelligence is much better then ours alwayse, and I perticularly wish it to be soe in this. My agent sent for Flanders is driven in to Newcastell, as he writes me worde by the post; but will set sayle again, the first winde. If he gets to be one of C. S. servants or Middleton's, (which he is pritty confident of) I hope he wil be servisable. I have set and am still settinge many engines on foote to get intelligence; and if all doe not faile, you shall have som thinge worthy the money. I gave you in my last but one the trouble of a large accounte concerning the earle of Glencarne, as also the generall's and my humble opinion, how he might be best disposed of, with a short hinte of the bond his securityes had entred into of 5000 l. sterl. for his quiet and innocent deportment, which if left unminded, would be both a loss in the present, and of ill consequence in the future; at lest a good share of it, to be exacted and taken, would be doubly advantagious both in the acte and consequence of it; on all which I humbly beg to receive his highness pleasure and commands. And indeed the place he is kept in for security, and has bin above this 4 months, is such, as makes his importunity at once greate and excusable.

I did likewise in that and a preceadinge letter humbly beg, to receive his highness commands, how I should deport myself towards the ministry, who indeed I thinke may be woon if well handled. I did then humbly moove, if it might not be to lowe a condesention, that his highness would in a few lynes in a privat letter to thos, which writt to me, what I presented to his highness, to take notice of it to them, and encourage them to proceede, &c. or if his highness thought fit, I would send up privatly one of the leadinge men amongst the ministry, to attend his highness, to know his intensions towards them, and received full information from him of the rest of his brethren's intensions, to close with, and serve his highness, and live inoffensively under the government. If his highness dos beleeve a progress herein any way desyrable, possibly it will be best not to let thinges coole, whilst they are in a faire way. I likewise humbly beg your commands in this affaire. Just now by a letter from major general Morgan he informs, that neere a small toune called Fane in Maurryland, a ship of 500 tuns, by a violent storme, was cast upon the rocks of that coast. She had 30 guns, and above 35 of her men had saved themselves in her longe boate; that he had sent to secure the men, and as much as might be to preserve the ship and goods; but does not write to what country she belongs, how loded, or whither bound: possibly the next letter may repaire this imperfect accounte, and then a further relation shall be sent you of it by, sir,

Your most affectionat and most faithfull humble servant,

The council of Ireland to the protector.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 379.

May it please your highnes,
Wee have lately received your highnes order of reference, dated the 11th of June last, your pleasure being thereby signified, that wee should consider of the petition presented your highnes from mr. Thomas Dawson deputy commissary of musters, and of the paper annext, which we have perused, and find thereby, that in consideration of his extraordinary services, for which he had received no satisfaction, the lord deputy was pleased, upon a former petition presented to his excellency by the said Dawson, to refer it to a committee of officers, to consider and to report what they should think fit to be done therein; who after consideration had thereof humbly offered, that for as much as the said mr. Dawson had no arrears, he might have a sum of money, or rather that a competent quantity of land might be bestowed upon him as a reward for his faithful services, crosses, and losses he hath suffered; which being further referred to the said committee by the lord deputy, to certifie what proportion of land and in what county it was judged fit to have the same set out, their answer was, that in regard the general councill (of officers) had intrusted their agents to desire your highness, that no part of the land within the security of the soldiers already given, nor any desired as collateral security, should be disposed off to any other, untill the soldiers should be first satisfied, they did humbly offer, that your highness should be moved, in his behalf, to grant him some house or houses in any of the towns of Ireland, (which your highness hath an interest in) to the value of six hundred pounds, which according to your highnes said reference we have duly considered of; and finding that (as he alleadgeth) he hath not any arrear due unto him (upon the account of that service) there being no respited pay allowed him in the late establishment, nevertheless that his sallary was the more considerable, and that what was due to him as deputy commissary of musters hath been constantly and fully paid him; and for that by the act for satisfaction of adventurers and soldiers the forfeited lands within the ten counties are first to be set out for and towards their satisfaction, and if that satisfie not, then the remaining part of the forfeited lands throughout the whole nation is reserved as additional security for their plenary satisfaction, before pub. faith debts (which are not small) can be satisfied; so that we hold it our duty to return your highnes this short account, as also to acquaint your highnes, that according to the rule of the said act, untill the said original debts bee known, whether there will be any surplus of forfeited lands for your highnes to bestowe by way of gratuity, we do not see how we can warrantably assigne him any house or lands, (as is desired) which is humbly submitted by

Dublin castle, April 15, 1656.

Your highnes most humble and faithful servants,
H. Cromwell,
Rob. Goodwin,
R. Pepys,
Math. Thomlinson.

Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to the lords of the council.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 383.

Right honourable,
I beseech your honours to be mindful of what I did represent to your honours on friday last, concerning such part of the lading in the ship the Daniel, as doth belong to the subjects and inhabitants of the United Provinces:

Videlicet, that doctor Godolphin, one of the judges of the admiralty, alone hath ordered and decreed on the 3d of this instant, that without any distinction all the goods in the said ship should be exposed to publick sale on tuesday next the 22d of this instant, having refused to the parties interessed the benefit of the law, and to hear them by counsel, without any communication of the papers at all, or admitting of any legal proceedings; and although the parties employed on the behalf of the true owners did remonstrate, that all the goods, which were perishable, were sold already, and that they were assigned to give bail for damages, and that therefore no sale needed, and that it was not usual by rules of the said court of the admiralty.

That by reason of the notorious nullities of the said pretended decree of a judge alone, without hearing the parties interessed by counsel, or admitting their proofs and defence, according to the rules of reason and justice, the cause is not disposed to an appeal to judges delegates; but it is conceived, that it would be more just and reasonable, to order, that the sale of such goods, as do belong to subjects and inhabitants of the United Provinces, be stopt, till the merits of the cause may be heard by both the judges, according to the usual rates of the said court, the parties interessed giving bail by responsible merchants in this city to make good any deteriorations, that should grow by reason of their claims, if they do not make them good in point of propriety to belong to the subjects and inhabitants of the said United Provinces, for whom they claimed the same, or giving any caution whatsoever that can be demanded by the said court: the lords the said states general have sent me special order to take care, that their said subjects and inhabitants may recover their own and proper goods, which were laden aboard of the said ship, long before it was known, that there was any difference between England and Spain; assuring your honours, that I am, right honourable,

In Barckshire house, April 15/25, 1656.

Your honour's most humble servant,
Wil. Nieuport.

The states of Genoa to the protector.

Vol.xxxvii. p. 401.

Serenissime domine,
Fran. de Bernardis nostro in hac curiâ agenti mandavimus celsitudinem vestram adire, perennemque & immutabilem hujus reip. propensionem erga eam Britanicamque nationem confirmare, exponereque omnia, quæ administro nostro dedimus respondere super novissime ei renunciatis mandato celsitudinis vestræ enixe rogantes haud gravari, qua solet amplitudine ac serenitate animi, illum excipere, libenter audire, plenamque ac integram fidem in prædictis habere. Dum nos Deum optimum maximum deprecamur diu incolumen, votorumque suorum feliciter compotem. celsit. vestram præstare velit. Dat. Genuæ die 26 Aprilis 1656. [N. S.]

Celsitudinis vestræ add. dux & gub. reipub. Genuensis,
Gio. Carlo Mercante, Sec.

Olivario protectori reipublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hyberniæ.

A letter of intelligence to resident Bradshaw.

Dantzick, April 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 479.

Honorable sir,
My last was the 19th instant, with an attestation of the engagement on mr. Benson's behalf. Since yours of the 5th instant expressing you have wrot effectually unto mr. secretary Thurloe about my moneys. I hope you have engaged mr. Rolt also in the business, whereof I should be glad of good passage for England. I doubt not, and should be glad to heare, that mr. Palmer, who went with the frigat out of the Sound, went along with him under his convoy. The Holland ambassadors, who were stayed by the Swedes att Lowenburg, come on here the 24th instant late att night, and this day hould a day of humilliation; and 'tis thought will stay here for some further instructions. As for occurrances out of Poland, we are now deprived of the ordinary Polish posts; yet have intelligence, that (as in my last I wrot) the Poles commanders Gernetsky, Lubomirsky, and others, had fallen upon a party of the Swedes under command of the marques Von Baden, as he was repayring to the king, and routed his forces, and so came before Warsaw; and since hath bin before Thorn, and reported to have taken Bramburg, and so comeing this way, being numerous, as they report 20000 men, but no formed army, nor is the marques Von Baden slayne, as I wrot in my last. But the next day after the marques had the defeat, being the 8th instant, the king with his army mette with the Polish army about Stankits, under the command of general Polisky, Landscorengy, and Vitepsky, and routed them, and now is coming downe after these, whereby the poore people and countrey are daily ruined. Interim the report goeth, that the Pole and Muscovite are agreed, and give him Rusland, Lettauw, and Liefsland, which he intends to fall upon, and seeke to be master of the ports of Revel and Narva farre in the east sea; which were good for him, and suppose no such for us, if it is come to passe. Here is also written out of Poland, the Pols have slayne the prince of Transylvania's ambassador coming to the king of Sweden. Now this towne begin agayne to pres upon us for the hundred peny: if by force, they will take any thing from us, time will learne. The people in Lettaw are up, and give the Swedss litle or no quarter all over, wher the Pols come, this being their maxime, better a spoyled land then a lost land. So take leave, and rest

Your honor's most humble servant.

Letters of intelligence.

Dantisco, April 16/26, [1656. N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 481.

Hic nil nisi victoriam Polonicam crepamus omnes passim, urbesque præ lætitiâ tripudiant undique, præsertim, cum nusquam appareat rex Suecorum cum suo exercitu, quem prope Lublinum inter duo flumina consedisse audimus, atque ibidem obsideri a Polonis, nec hoc satis: dom. Lubomirsky, qui nuper marchionem Badensem profligavit, suburbium Warsowiense deprædatus, Borussiamque ingressus, expugnatâ Strasburga, Toronium usque progredi ausus est; sed re male tentatâ cum aliquot equitum millibus Braumbergam & Lovihium una cum præsidio Suevico cepit. Quâ re perterritus Suecorum generalis Steinbock cum copiis trans Vistulam Marienbergam versus sese recepit. Interea legati Hollandici hac occasione usi, cum gaudio huc pervenire, ut & ablegati Polonis, cum quadringentis equitibus, quibus cum data esset tandem potestas a senatu nostro nomine legati regis domini Lubomirci decem tormenta bellica cum globis ac pulvere nitri postulavere, proculdubio ex animi sententia omnia obtenturi. Reviviscit itaque rex Polonicus, & jam trepidatur in Marchiâ, quoniam novus exercitus Polonorum in Cassubia hæret, daturus operam, ut provinciam istam inter Vistulam & Noschium a Suecicis liberet, majora postea ausurus.

Elbinga, Aprilis 15/15.

Poloni prædatoriis manibus tumultuantur passim per Polonicam, absente adhuc Suecico exercitu, quem jam Warsowiam attigisse audimus. Quam primum rex copias cum Wrangelio conjuxerit, ibit in hostem recente victoria, qua deletis Badensis copiis potitus est, ferocem adhuc & jam majora tentare ausum, si deseruerit rem Suecicam fortuna.

Berolino, ditto.

De exercitu Suecico nihil certi: in Marchiâ nova, quæ Cassubiæ Poloniæque majori confinis est trepidatur valde, siquidem 4000 Polonorum vicinam arcem Braumbergam intercepere, iterque sibi aperuere Dantiscum usque. De rege Suecorum incerta adhuc omnia. Quotquot sunt qui mortuum negant, incolumem asservare verentur.

Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Paris, April 26, 1656.

In the possession of the right honourble Philip lord Hardwicke, lord highchancellor of Great–Britain.

My lord,
Your letters of the 10th and 17th were delivered to me. I am glad of the good reception, that was made you there; and give you thanks for your news. That which we have here is, that there are but four ships of the silver fleet arriv'd, which bring very little for the king's accompt, and that the admiral is believ'd to be lost. We know likewise very well, that as well in Spain as in Flanders there is great want of money, and their affairs in no good condition for want thereof.

You may communicate this to the lord protector, and at the same time deliver him the two inclosed letters.

He will see by that, which is not in cypher, after what manner Barriere doth explain himself. It is all written with his own hand, and directed to Cardenas. It is credible, the other is of consequence, since it is writ all in cypher; and methinks if Barriere be still at London, nothing can hinder, but that the protector may oblige him to uncypher it.

I do not wonder at the reports, whereof you write me word, to make men believe, that we have some secret negotiation for the peace; for they proceed from the Spaniards, who would fain sow divisions between us; but this is without ground; for all what we do think on here, is to reduce Spain to such terms, that their enmity shall not be able to do us any mischief.

You will do well to persuade my lord protector, if you can, not to send an embassador to this court. It is not, that his majesty would not be glad of it; but in regard here are many English and Irish, there may be some desperate fellows amongst them, that may attempt to do him a mischief; and what punishment soever can be afflicted, yet it would be a great misfortune. You may also add, that if he only sends him to be informed of the state of affairs here, you may assure the protector, that he shall have a perfect account given him from time to time. But if he send some person of confidence hither, he may do it freely, not representing any thing to him thereupon, but in the apprehension that those, who do neither love him nor us, may take an occasion to undertake something, which may occasion mistrustfulness.

I press as much as I am able monsieur de Brienne to dispatch away the commissioners.

Intercepted letter of lord Inchiquine to col. Dennis Clanchy.

Vol.xxxvii. p. 413.

The common repoarte heere was, that yow spent eight or nyne hundred pounds, (since yowr goinge to London) for which yow were clapt up; which was soe officiously minted heere, that it came to the cardinall's eares; and this by the mallice of your countrymen both there and heere, whose letters and names you may understand by the incloased.

Monsieur de Pallow taxed my lord of Bristow and mee for this, whome wee have satisfied so farre, as that hee undertooke for another letter from his eminency to the protector in your behalf, and that you shall not want all other encuragements, this rumor being found untrue. Hee promised, that monsieur d' la Businier should have orders (too morrow) to pay mee 300 pistoles to be sent you, which I will not faile by the next returne. But besure to mannadge your businesse carefully, that your own fortune and our ingadgments may not suffer.

Your countri men are the only enemyes yow are to feare, whom I advice yow to shunne there, and I will endeavor to stopp their proceedings heere.

If you see noe liklihood of goeinge forward, be sure to come off, soe as your failing may not be lay'd to your charge, which wil be as much for your credit as if you had gone thorrough with your designe.

I wonder yow write not oftner, (having had but 3 from yow since your goeinge) and noe accompt of particular thinges yow were to be carefull of.

I pray inquire very narrowly, in what condition my mother in law and the rest of our friends in Ireland are, for my wife is impatient to heere from them.

My brother writes to mee, that your men are very well payd in their winter quarters, and that Kelly payd him 500 crownes of your winter quarters money, pursuant to your orders; and tels mee, that they are to be pay'd of a monthes meanes imediately, and stayes to send your share with the former sume to mee, which I will dispatch as soone as it comes. The duke of Modena will not agregat your men to my brother's without a letter from your selfe, which my brother desires very earnestly, that beinge united, they may be the abler to master the boores.

The Sweades overthrow is confirmed, but not soe ample as was repoarted.

The kinge of Spaine allow'd large conditions to our kinge. The German army (intended against the Swead) is to come into Flanders and Italy; soe that wee are like to have a hott sumer on both sides.

Fare you well, and looke to your businesse; and be sure my utmost indeavors shall never saile to justifie, how unfeignedly I am

Paris, April 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Your kinsman and servant,

The superscription,
These for col. Denis Clanchy at mr. Thornton's house in Comon Garden, London.

To his highness Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 237, & 238.

In obedience to your highness's reference of the 9th of April 1656, upon the petition of Joanna the wife of Richard Laurence, we the governor and company of merchants trading into the Levant seas do humbly return answer,

That the said Richard Laurence was in 1653, upon request of this company, sent out by the parliament to be agent at Constantinople in the dominions of the grand signor, with whom this company did then article for four thousand dollars for one year; the payment whereof they have long since ordered, and doubt not but the same is made good to him. But before that year was expired, the company finding, that the said Richard Laurence was not introduced, nor had delivered his credential letters, and so remained uncapable of doing the service intended, they did by their letter in September 1654, and by other letters since, order his return to England, for avoiding a double charge upon their trade; but mr. Laurence conceiving the company's revocation to be insufficient, refuseth to return, until he receive your highness's order in that behalf, which we most humbly beseech your highness to grant, for his satisfaction.

Andr. Riccard, governor.

The commissioners for Norfolk to the protector.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 361.

May it please your highness,
In pursuance of your highness's order of reference, bearing date the 26th of January, upon the petition of Thomas Knyvett, esq; we humbly certify,

That the said Thomas Knyvett was one of those your highness took prisoner in Leistoff in March 1642, and soon after was sequestred, which sequestration we find was taken off by the committee of lords and commons for sequestrations in September 1644. But whereas it is alledged by the petitioner, that for more than eleven years past he hath lived unblameable as to the publick, we do further certify, that the petitioner hath not, to our knowledge, given any testimony of his good affection to the parliament's interest, we having cause to believe the contrary. Upon consideration whereof, and for that the orders and instructions that your highness and council do in our judgment oblige us to decimate the estate of the said Thomas Knyvett, we have ordered a decimation thereof accordingly on the 30th of the next month, unless your highness or council shall order the contrary. All which we humbly submit.

Norwich, April 16, 1656.

He. Haynes,
Robt. Jermy,
Raph. Woollmer,
Will. Stewart,
Isaac Preston,
Nich. Bell,
Thom. Bendish,
Robert Woode,
H. Kinge,
William Life,
Jo. Balleston,
Tho. Baret,
Bram. Gurdon,
Thom. Garret,
Richard Browne.

The Dutch embassadors in Poland to the states general.

Vol.xxxvii. p. 417.

High and mighty lords,
We writ to your high and mighty lordships at large from Lauwenborgh of the 15th current, of all that had happened unto us by the commander, under pretence of an order from the lord chancellor as governor of Prussia and Pomerellen given to him; likewise what we thought fit to write to the said lord chancellor, since we received an answer from the lord chancellor, being brought to us by monsieur John Cock, late resident of his majesty of Sweden in this city, who after a civil compliment delivered us the letter of the chancellor, in answer to ours. We found the letter to be writ in civil terms, yet we could perceive in some clauses of it, though obscurely, that the intention of the lord chancellor was to invite us to Elbing or Marienburgh, and to divert us from our coming to this city. Whereupon having debated what was best for us to do at that time, and after we had seriously considered upon the principal subjects of the commission, wherewith your high and mighty lordships were pleased to honour us, and having made reflection upon the present constitution of affairs in Poland and Prussia; whereupon we resolved to send our secretary early in the morning, to compliment in our name the said lord Cock, and to signify unto him, that we had found the letters of the lord chancellor full of civility; that we were inclined to answer the same with the like courtesy, hoping to have the honour within a few days to wait upon the chancellor in person; and that we did intend that day to pursue our journey; and in regard the lord chancellor had ordered him to conduct us on our way, that the same was very acceptable unto us, and that we took it for a very great honour; but in regard it would be too great a trouble unto him, we desired, that his lordship would be pleased to excuse himself that trouble. Whereupon the said Cock being come to us, and having further declared his order, and consequently his intention to conduct us, given us communication of another later letter of the lord chancellor's, writ to him, likewise full of civilities in our behalf, we prepared our selves for the journey, and after some discourse we begun to consider, what way we should take; and some scruples and difficulties being raised by the said lord Cock, which we soon removed after the best manner, we set forward about noon on the 22d current, and that night arrived at Nieustadt, and on the 24th current we came safe to this city. During our abode at Lauwenborgh we were used by the commander with much respect, who accompanied us on our journey with the officers of the garrison and a troop of horse, taking their leaves of us with demonstrations of very great respect. At Nieustadt we received all possible honour at our arrival there, and at our departure from thence we were likewise conducted by a troop of horse. When we came near the city, we were met by the son of the lord Pels, your high and mighty lordships commissioner at Dantzick, who by reason of his indisposition could not come, in a coach with six horses, being accompanied with several Holland merchants in coaches, and on horseback, and were saluted by the mouth of monsieur Gesema in the name of them all, and bid welcome, and complimented in very civil terms, and declared unto us in very strong expressions the acceptableness of our coming; and when we approached near the town, we met a troop of horse, and something nearer another, both fine troops and chosen men, who received us with much respect, and conducted us to our lodging. The officers had their swords drawn in their hands riding into the city. We found some soldiers in arms; and although it was rainy weather, and late in the evening, yet we saw a great concourse of people, who did receive us all with great respect and demonstrable signs of joy and affection. Being come to our lodgings appointed by the council of this city, we were a little after saluted in the name of the lords of this place by the counsellors Aelmer and Rosenberg, who staid and sup'd with us that night. The discourse we held was most about this present war, and the constitution of affairs in Poland and Prussia, and the preservation of the freedom of navigation and commerce upon the East Sea, the mutual and inseparable interests of your high and mighty lordships and this city, declaring the respect and common affection, which this city doth bear to the government of your high and mighty lordships. Concerning the present constitution of affairs in Poland is discoursed here very much at present, yet not with such certainty, that we dare give full credit to all. That is certain, that affairs are very much changed of late, and that three regiments raised for the relief of the king of Sweden, and conducted by the earl of Baden and the earl of Slippenbach, consisting of 3000 men, are totally defeated and destroyed near to Warsaw by Charnitzsky and the crown–mareschal Lubumitzsky; and that the said Polish generals do make great inroads into Prussia as far as Thorn, destroying and defeating all they meet withal of the Swedes. In our next we hope to give your high and mighty lordships a more certain account of all passages.

Dantzick, April 26, 1656. [N. S.]


The Venetian embassador at Vienna to the Venetian agent.

Vienna, April 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol.xxxvii. p. 425.

My lord,
The 3000 men designed for Flanders are upon their march.

The Polanders without hazarding the battle did so circumvent the Swedish army, that for want of provisions and with tedious marches it found it self in a streight and much weakned; so that the king would have past the Vistula at Sendomiria, but the Polanders prevented him, cutting down the bridge; and finding himself prevented in that likewise, he was forced to march towards Warsaw with an army much diminished and afflicted; the country being in all parts to rise and declare against him; and which he will escape out of, is hard to conjecture.

The council of Ireland to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 483.

In February last we signified the reasons inducing us to give mr. Evan Vaughan leave to act as deputy post–master; and that having notice of your patent, we would take care your just right should be preserved; since which the said Vaughan is returned to Dublin, and hath given us so satisfactory an account of his care and diligence exercised in setling effectually, as he hopes, the post stages in the most usual places of Ireland, much conducing to his highness service and publick advantage; and finding him desirous to address himself unto you more particularly with his proceedings, and to receive such deputation and rules for the future management of this affair, as you may think fit to give; and being credibly informed, he hath long waited after some settlement, and to reap some fruit of the labour he hath undergone here, when indeed the times were most perillous, and hath little other support then from our expectation of future advancement, we were the more willing to accompany him with this recommendation, leaving the same to your consideration. We remayne, sir,

Dublin castle, April 17, 1656.

Your affectionate friends and servants,
H. Cromwell,
Miles Corbett,
R. Pepys,
Rob. Goodwin,
Math. Thomlinson.

Resolution of the states general.

Jovis, April 27, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvil, p. 437.

Was once again produced to the assembly a letter from the college of the admiralty in the northern parts, writ at Enchuysen on the 20th current, and received on the 24th following, containing an answer upon their high and mighty lordships letter of the first of this month, and therein informed, that the seven men of war equipt in their jurisdiction belonging to the fleet of 48 ships of war were fully ready, and were daily busy to order captains to command them, expecting only wind and weather to carry them to the Vlie; and that they only expected orders from their high and mighty lordships whither to send them. Whereupon being debated it is resolved, that an answer be sent to the college, to desire them to send the said 7 ships to sea, and to cause them to sail to the Sound; adding withal, that at their arrival there they shall receive charge and orders from their high and mighty lordships extraordinary embassadors in Denmark upon all accidental occasions, according to which they are to govern themselves.

Resolution of the states general.

Jovis, April 27, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 429.

Received a letter from the college of the admiralty at Amsterdam, writ there the 25th current, containing amongst the rest, that the new ships of war under their jurisdiction would be ready to go to sea, as soon as they are informed of their high and mighty lordships intention about the instruction for the commander Tromp, to whom is provisionally given the command of the said ships; and that they had but such musqueteers, as they desired of their high and mighty lordships in their letter of the 4th current. Wherefore the said college did desire of their high and mighty lordships, that they would forthwith send them the said instruction and the said musqueteers to be divided amongst the said ships.

Whereupon being debated it is resolved, that an answer shall be returned to the said college, that their lordships will forthwith send away the said ships to the Sound, according to their high and mighty lordships resolution of the first current; adding withal, that they being arrived there, upon all accidental occasions shall receive orders from their high and mighty lordships embassadors extraordinary in Denmark, according to which they are to regulate themselves. As to the musqueteers, there is already order given about them.

Resolution of the states general.

Jovis, April 27, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 433.

After deliberation had it is resolved and understood, that henceforward, in pursuance of their high and mighty lordships resolution of the 19th current, the instruction for the lord of Opdam lieutenant admiral, as generalissimo for the said extraordinary fleet of 48 ships of war agreed upon on the same day, shall be sent to their high and mighty lordships extraordinary embassadors in Denmark, to serve for their information, and to give charge and orders to the said fleet at their arrival in the Sound upon all accidental occasions, according and in conformity of the contents thereof, according to which the said fleet is to govern themselves; and the said embassadors are seriously recommended to keep secret the said instruction.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

April 21, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 453.

The administrators of Griffier Musch have caused to be exhibited a declaration of expences made for copies given out since the year 1645, which do amount to many thousands of guilders, and about which there hath been a very great contest; for his instruction doth import, that he ought to have done it every three months. They have referred it to the chamber of accounts to be examined. The resident of Sweden hath exhibited a memorandum to the states general, containing notification of the untruth of the defeat and death of his king; item to dissuade them concerning the fleet.

They have writ again to the admiralty of Amsterdam to have some of them to come hither to advise about the securing of the Occidental Sea.

April 22.

Upon the memorandum of the resident of Sweden is resolved, that the lord president shall return him thanks, and recompliment him, assuring him, that this state hath no design to offend his majesty of Sweden, but to have equipt the fleet simply against those, who would molest and disturb the commerce and navigation of this state without any cause.

The lord Bonyn, envoy of the elector of Brandenburg, is arrived, without having given any notice to the state.

April 24.

The lord Rosenwinge commissioner extraordinary of Denmark hath represented and renewed his complaint concerning the abuses of the ships of the states, which go for Norway, committing frauds in their measures; which is recommended to the admiralty of Amsterdam and to the commissioners of maritime affairs.

The president hath proposed, that the commissioner of Dantzick being come from Amsterdam had made instance to him, that he might have a dispatch and resolution upon the two remaining points of his proposition. And in regard, that the states general have advice, that the Swedes do press more and more upon the city of Dantzick, it was resolved to enter into conference with the commissioner in pursuance of a resolution taken before Easter, to hear his declaration, what troops he doth demand, and what subsidy they do want.

The lord Bonyn hath not yet given any notice to the assembly of his arrival; however I hear, that he will not delay his audience.

There was also a memorandum read for the baggage of the arch–duke.

April 25.

The lord Bonyn, with the lords Weyman and Copes, have had audience this morning, conducted and reconducted by the lord Ripperda and Schulenburgh, after the same manner as the earl of Witgenstein, who having conducted hither the princess dowager had audience here. And it seemeth, that their character was a little more raised than that of those of the elector of Cologne, who were only conducted and reconducted by the lord of Heyde. They said nothing but compliments in general terms, and required commissioners to declare more expressly before them.

Those of the admiralty being urged to finish the equipage, they alledged their poverty; whereupon being ordered to negotiate for money upon the last money at 4 per cent, they have writ back, that they could not get any money but at 5: likewise that they could not get any seamen at the price and wages, which the state hath ordered to be paid by the month, which is referred to the lord Huygens and others.

Notwithstanding the resolution for to stay, yet the commissioners of the admiralty are departed before Easter. Whereupon they are writ unto to return hither towards the 2d of May, to advise further about the sea affairs, and especially to secure the Western Sea.

The states of Zealand do take it very ill, by reason that the court of justice hath decreed a re–establishment of the lord of Stavenisse, being willing to maintain the lord Vrybergen against the said re–establishment, and will send some commissioners upon this and other subjects towards the time that the states of Holland will be assembled.

April 27.

This day the lord of Gent made a report, how that by vertue of the resolution of the 22d of April he had recomplimented the resident of Sweden, protesting to him concerning the good intention of the state with the fleet; that he had said amongst the rest, that Jarislow was threescore miles from Warsaw; consequently that it was not strange, if there come no news, by reason that some small parties were killed by the Polanders, and that they could not give great convoys to every messenger.

The lord Bonyn caused his proposition to be exhibited this morning, but it came so late, that it could not be read. The commissioners are the lords of Gent, Merode, Beverninck, Veth, Holck, Wycke, Ripperda, and Schulenburgh.

The commissioners of the elector of Cologne have also again desired a conserence, which will be to morrow.

They have also resolved to take up 150000 guilders to pay those that come from Brasil. They have also given leave to the lord of Opdam to give one, two, or three guilders more to each mariner a month, than the ordinary pay, for otherwise it is impossible to have seamen.

Item, they have given leave to those of the admiralty at Rotterdam, to take up money at 5 per cent. upon the last money.

They have also laid wagers at Amsterdam, and other places, even to a 100000 escus, that the king of Sweden is dead.

April 28.

This morning came a letter from the king of Poland writ at Leopolis the second of March, containing how first the Muscovite, and afterwards the Swede, had invaded his kingdom; that he had for a while given way, but that at present he found himself in a good posture, having made a good agreement with the Cossacks, and that he had a promise of a good assistance from the Tartar Cham, &c. Afterwards he recommended the business of the town of Dantzick; that this state would give them a subsidy, and that he did approve of all that the said city did negotiate here concerning the same.

The embassador of Spain hath signified, that now the lord Verheyde and others were come here, he found himself ready to enter into conference concerning the country of OutreMeuse, and the agreement to be made thereupon; upon which they have resolved to say, that they have nothing to do with those counsellors, and that with them they will not confer; that his exceliency might inform himself of those counsellors as much as he pleased; but that the commissioners of this state will only conser with his excellency alone.

There have been also several orders given about mariners wages and the equipage of the fleet.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 93.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

In answer to yours of the 11/21 April, I will say, that I would not willingly promise any great matter of intelligence in Spain, without knowing, if I can effect it; but the obligations, which I have to you will constrain me to do all that lieth in my power. Money doth very much in these things; and the one must be proportioned to the other. It is thought likewise, that intelligence is here so easy; yea the simple is, but the best and exquisite is very difficult, yea with danger; for the discretion or moderation of states general and Holland the most part is very little, at least towards the little resident. And therefore mr. You may well remember, that I proposed to him, and desired him to procure for me, such an act of security whereof however you should never make any oftentation, (for that would do a great deal of harm to me) but only to save him in a great need; but hitherto God hath very much preserved him. As then to the said intelligence I will do my endeavour to induce me; but neither that of Spain nor that of states general (when you will have it exquisite) is to be done without considerable money and besides there must be some address. I remain

[April 18/28, 1656.]

Your most humble servant.