State Papers, 1656: February (4 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: February (4 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: February (4 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: February (4 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

February (4 of 6)

Autre copie de la lettre ou mandement de sa majesté au seneschal, aussy en faveur des Anglois du dit St. Malo.

De par le roy.

In the possession of the right honourble Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great-Britain.

Notre amé & feal. Les marchands Anglois, qui trafficquent en nostre ville de St. Malo, nous out fait plainte, que bien loin de ressentir les effects de la bonne intelligence, qui se doit d'oresenavant passer entre nos sujets & eux, en consequence du traicté de paix, qui a esté conclu au mois de Novemr. dernier entre i'une & l'autre nation; ils y font journellement maltraictes; mesme que depuis peu de jours le nommé Amos Sanders y a esté battu publiquement par les appelles Trachot dit la Chesnaye, Francois Gervais dit la Godelle, & autres habitans de ma dite ville, sans qu'il ait pû tirer raison de cette injure, qu' aucun juge se soit mis en devoir de luy rendre ou faire rendre justice sur ce sujet; & parce que cela choque ouvertement l'amitié & la bonne corresponcence, que nous voulons estre autre tenüe à l'advenir par nos sujets avec ceux de la republique d'Angleterre, nous avons jugé a propos de remedier à ce desordre, comme tres prejudiciable au bien de nostre service. C'est pour quoy nous avous voulu vous faire cette lettre, pour nous dire, que selon le deu de vostre charge vous ayez a prendre incessamment cognoissance de l'assaire du Sanders, & a luy rendre toute la justice que le cas le requerra, mesmes de prendre soin à ce qu'à l'advenir il ne soit saict de semblables oppressions par les habitans de nostre ville aux d'Anglois sous quelque pretexte que ce soit, & pour cet effect de tenir la main à ce que les articles du traicté de paix soient religieusement observez, nommement le contenu au septiesme, qui est d'empescher, qu'il ne se leve sus eux aucuns droicts, que ceux qui seront legitimement deus, si n'y faictes faute, car tel est nostre plaisir. Donnée a Paris le 25 Fevrier 1656. Signe Louis. Et plus bas, de Lomenie.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

This 19th, of Feb. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 103.

The memorandum of the embassador of Spain, containing that there was likelihood of accommodating the differences about the toll upon the Meuse, is taken into consideration. They have also agreed upon a letter of recommendation to the king of Spain for a master of a ship, they in Spain having bought one half of the lading, and imbezzled the other, neither paying for the one nor restoring the other; and at the next conference the Spanish embassador is to be spoken with about it.

Of the conference held the day before yesterday with the commissioner of Dantzick, was this day further mention made; but those that made the report not agreeing very well together, they resolved to demand his proposition in writing.

This day it was resolved to write to the college of the admiralty of Amsterdam to have in readiness a man of war and a ketch, to transport the embassadors (designed to the king of Sweden or for Prussia) with their baggage for Hamburgh. Of the embassadors designed to the elector of Brandenburgh no mention was made.

The officers of the elector of Brandenburgh having seized upon the duke's house at Orsoy, where the governor was used to lodge, the councill of state hath advised, that the governor shall retake it, and keep the possession and habitation, and the states general have agreed to the advice.

They expect vice admiral de Ruyter with his squadron here.

They have had in debate again the visiting of the ships at sea; but they have referred it, till they see what becomes of the maritime treaty in England.

February 21.

In regard that several ships were ready to go to sea, also some being already gone towards the east, the college of Amsterdam hath writ, that it would be convenient to forbid the rest to go away till a certain time; whereupon it is resolved to write to all the colleges of the admiralty, not to suffer any ship to set sail till the first of April. The resident of Sweden hath signified by the lord president the peace, which the king his master hath made with the elector of Brandenburgh, without exhibiting any copy of the articles, which he declared not to have.

The lord president hath made report, that the resident of the Hans towns did discourse with him, whether it were not convenient, that the embassadors designed for Sweden and the duke of Brandenburgh be instructed to speak as by the by to the king of Sweden (as possessing the most part of the Hans towns) to contribute towards the clearing of the Mediterranean sea. All of them thought it fit. Holland took it into consideration.

The princess dowager hath desired the lord president to come to see her at four of the clock this evening.

In the assembly hath been related, that the prince of Salm at Namur hath kill'd his wife, his secretary, and his own concubine.

February 22.

Those of the admiralty of Amsterdam have writ an answer, that they can very well equip a frigat to transport the embassadors, but that the same will be a great charge and loss of time and money for the state, and that it were better they would go by land. As to the ketch to transport their luggage, that they have never a one, and that the embassadors would be pleased to send their steward to Amsterdam to hire one. Whereupon it is resolved to send the steward, and to write back to the college of the admiralty to make ready a frigat.

As to what was proposed yesterday of instructing the embassadors, likewise concerning the clearing of the Mediterranean sea, to speak to the king of Sweden about it as possessor of the most part of Hans towns, Holland is not yet willing to agree to it, although that doth seem to the embassadors a good ingredient in their instructions, at least that it will be more acceptable to him than the offer of a mediation or the debate about the toll. But all that doth concern as well the embassadors as the sending forth of the fleet will receive it's method and frame from this assembly of Holland.

February 23.

There past nothing of importance to day, only it was proposed whether it were not convenient to resume and review the instructions of the embassadors gone for Denmark, and designs for Sweden. This will receive it's resolution from the advice, which is expected from day to day from the assembly of Holland.

In Zealand the towns Tholen, Flushing and Veer, have advised, that they will not hearken to the harmony. Middelburgh and Zierixee are reasonably well affected to Holland; but that will be of no great stead, if Goes doth join with the rest.

And in Holland are also perceived several inclinations.

The lord Nieuport hath had audience in the end. The protector hath altered his design of sending to Sweden, which doth not very much animate this state. As to the maritime treaty, the lord Thurloe hath promised to admonish the commissioners.

It is remarkable, that the Swedes at Stralsund have given several commissions to private men of war to prey and take all ships going to Dantzick, which will be a requital for what formerly this state did upon all ships going for the coasts of Flanders.

February 24.

This day the lord Isselmuyden proposed, that being nominated for the embassy to the elector of Brandenburgh, he was come hither upon the express letters of state with all his retinue, spending much money, without knowing if and when he shall go, desiring to know it. Holland hath taken it into consideration; and the inclination of the provinces is, that the same embassy, that is to go to the king of Sweden, will be able to perform that to the elector of Brandenburg.

As to the reviewing of the instructions nothing is yet done, and there is likelihood, that they will be suffered to act according to the occurrences.

Feb. 25.

This day they had in debate the business of the chambremy partie; whereof this state doth promise to itself no advantage; yea it is conceived, that not one cause will be decided by them for this state, by reason that the judges on the behalf of Spain are all able men continuing in charge, and unanimous, going all one way. The lord Crommon especially doth discourse very much how disadvantageous that chamber is to this state, and there will be strong endeavours used to dissolve that chamber.

There being come advice from Maestricht, that the Spaniards were quartered in the villages of the said city, they have referred that letter to the lords Huygens and others to be examined.

The lord Rosenwinge hath again desired, that satisfaction may be made to the king of Denmark of the defects of the subsidy, which this state doth still owe him, since and by virtue of the treaty of subsidy made with the said king during the war with England; whereupon admonition is made to those provinces, that are wanting in their payment. They have resolved to dispatch the ratification concerning a certain treaty about the limits of ground and lands, which this state or the West India company hath in New Netherland, neighbouring near to New England.

Holland hath this morning advised, that they do judge and conceive, that the embassador designed to the elector of Brandenburgh ought to be deferred and kept here till such time that the elector hath made overture and communication of the articles of the treaty, which he hath made with Sweden; it being a sign that Holland is no wise satisfied with the notification, which the ministers of Brandenburgh have made; it being also very strange, that the elector doth not write a letter to this state.

They have drawn up a project of report concerning the visiting of the ships of this state at sea, which is to be sent to the lord embassador Nieuport to serve for an ingredient to the maritime treaty.

The writing of the commissioner of Dantzick hath been exhibited and read, but without any subsignation, whereby he declareth, that the city hath need of men and officers.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Feb. 25, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvli. p. 200.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

There is great likelihood, that the advice of letters of marque granted by the Swedes against all ships going towards or coming from Dantzick is true, being a business, which doth not concern so much Dantzick (I am informed that those of Dantzick have no ships) as this state.

Some believe, that that will provoke and animate the states of Holland, yea advance the sending a fleet sooner than the sending of embassadors. For if the states of Holland advance their fleet towards the east sea, that will be a cause, why the Swede will shut up all the harbours of Sweden, Lyfland, Prussia and Pomerania to those of the states of Holland (which the Swede can do without all controversy;) and he will suffer all those of England and others to enter, and by this means the states of Holland will draw upon themselves the mischief, which they have always imagined to themselves to be the design of the Swede, namely, to take away from the states of Holland all the traffick of the east sea; and if then the fleet of the states of Holland will prey upon those of the protector and others (as during the English war they often said they would prey upon the whole world, rather than suffer the commerce to fall into the hands of others,) they will offend the protector; but if the states of Holland can resolve to make war upon the Swede by land, that is another thing, and such a one as I can no ways believe, for it is against the principles and maxims of the states of Holland. It is I confess a business, which the prince of Orange and grave William do wish and desire; but the states of Holland will find themselves presently plunged into a great labarynth at home and abroad: at home, for a good third, if not half, of all their trade would cease; secondly, they would fall into great debates and debts, which they endeavour to avoid and to rid themselves of; thirdly, having a mind to domineer and rejoice in Prussia royal they would soon find themselves subjected under the prince of Orange Abroad this war against the Swede must be managed by land, and to support or make a war so remote (tam procul a patria) is a very dangerous thing, as they have seen in Brasil: wherefore I cannot believe, that the states of Holland dare resolve upon that; and although the states of Holland should be willing to it, I do very much doubt whether the rest will.

And the states of Holland amongst themselves are so divided and irresolute, that they know not what they would have themselves. I am
Your most humble servant.

Journal of capt. Newbery.

Vol. xxxiv. p. 895.

Portland Frigat, 1655.
A brief account of the expence of time from the eleventh of January 1655 until the fifteenth of February following.

11th, We with the Arms of Holland, Laurel, Paul, and Martyn, set sail from the harbour of Jamaica, and according to the contents of my instructions stood over for the coast of Carthagena.

17th, We sell in with the land about three leagues to leeward of Sand-bay. The same day the Laurel looked into Carthagena, we met with him in the evening. Capt. Kerby informed me, that he saw in the harbour eleven sail, whereof six considerable ships: so we stood to the westward, intending to spend some time about the island.

19th, We came to an anchor before Palme-island. This night we sent our boats towards the main to surprize boats or vessels, that trade between Carthagena and Tuloo, for the attaining true intelligence of state of business at Carthagena or elsewhere.

20th, Our boats returned, but brought no news of the business aforesaid, only he chased a boat ashore, which they got off and sunk, by reason that the Spaniards carried away her sails, oars and rudder. This night we sent our boats, who returned the next day, but attained no news, &c.

23d ditto, We set sail from Palme intending for Porto-bello, according to a result of a council of war. This night the Paul spent her foretopmast.

24th ditto, This morning we had a hard gale northerly and a great sea, and upon the consideration of the condition of the Paul, I thought not fit to proceed any further as to go with the squadron for Porto-bello; so we stood again for the island: the Martyn we sent to look into the said port.

26th, We anchored again before Palme-island, at night we sent our boats towards the main for attaining the ends before specified: they returned the next day but brought no intelligence.

31st, We set sail and stood to the westward, intending to ply to and fro on the offing of the islands; about two in the afternoon we saw a sail, to whom we gave chace, but in little time we made her to be the Martyn; we anchored this night under Furtee.

Feb. first, About 6 in the morning we weighed and turned off, the wind northerly. In the afternoon the commanders being on board us, we resolved to send our boats with a considerable number of men under the command of capt. Kerby, to go a shore to a village, that lyeth about 3 leagues to the eastward of Palme; but it was so long before we could get so far easterly as with conveniency (Feb. 2d) to send away our boats, that we were prevented: so we sent away our boats about three in the morning to the main, but they returned not this day.

3d, Our boats came to us this morning, they informed me, that they chased ashore a boat near Tuloo, she was laden with Indian corn, burthen about 25 tuns: the enemy sunk her before our men got on board, so our men fired her; about 10 a clock we saw a sail, to whom gave chace with good hopes, that we should come up with her, but our hopes were frustrated; about 7 at night we lost sight of her, at which time we were about 18 leagues to the westward of Furtee, we with the Laurel stood to the westward all night, Arms of Holland, Paul and Martyn bore away to the island.

At 6 of the clock this morning, we having looked abroad and saw no sail, bore up and sailed about 5 or 6 leagues to the northward, supposing they might be to leeward of us: about nine we seeing nothing, nor no sail, stood to the east, intending for the islands to look for the rest.

5th, About 4 in the afternoon we being near Furtee, little wind northerly, so that we could not weather the shoals that lye on the west part of these islands, we bore up and came to an anchor on the southwest part of the island.

6th, We weighed about 6 this morning, and stood to the eastward, about 5 in the evening we met with the rest near an island called Mengler, in little time we resolved to make sail and to stand to the westward to clear ourselves of the island, and to ply to the eastward, and to look in at Carthagena, after which to repair to Jamaica.

8th, We were before the said place at 5 in the evening, and had good view of the ships in the harbour. I saw 9 in number, 5 good ships, two about 6 or 7 store, two small vessels in close by the walls of the town.

10th, About 5 this evening we had the river Degrandy about 4 leagues from the north-east, so we put over from that coast with a hard gale of wind at north-east.

14th, About 7 this morning we sell in with the land some 8 leagues to the westward of the harbour of Jamaica, for we plyed to windward all day but got little.

15th, About three in the afternoon we weathered the island that lyeth before the harbour of Jamaica, by the good hand of God arrived in the said harbour about five in the evening.

The information that capt. Blyth gave in concerning Porto-bello was, that he saw four ships in the harbour of the said port.

Vera copia.

Richard Newbery.

To the states general.

Stettin, February 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 159.

High and mighty lords,
According to the advice, which we received to day from Dantzick, the Swedes did take the city of Marienburgh upon articles upon the 19th current, and the next day they assaulted the castle by storm, but were beaten off with the loss of some men; and the major general count Dona, who commanded the vanguard upon this occasion, had one of his arms shot off, and is in danger thereby of losing his life. The particulars of all which we shall know by the next post.

They write of the 12th current from Cracow and from Breslaw, that the king of Poland preceiving, that the assistance of the Tartars and Cossacks did not answer his expectation, was retired from Landtschut in Russland towards Samber upon the frontiers of Hungary; and also, that the said king durst not yet trust his subjects, and especially the nobility, fearing lest they should betray him, and deliver him up to his enemies. Some say, that the king of Sweden met 4000 Quartians of the Polish army, and put them to the rout. All which news I receive with discretion, expecting to hear a confirmation thereof before I give credit to them; for on the other hand I do hear likewise, that the king of Poland is at least 40000 strong, and was therewith near to Lublin, and that we should hear suddenly of some considerable battle.

They write from Leipsick, that the emperor and all the German princes have engaged to take up arms against the king of Sweden for the good of the whole Roman kingdom. Whether this be altogether authentick is doubted by many; but this is certain, that the churchmen do preach throughout all the parts of the empire fire and flame, that his imperial majesty is so backward to assist the king of Poland against the king of Sweden, suffering so great a bough or branch of the Roman tree to be torn off and spoiled.

Mr. Rolt the English envoy arrived here from Dantzick the day before yesterday in the house where I lodge; and the next day he went away from Hamburgh, intending to take his journey from thence to Amsterdam, and to take shipping in the Maeze. As much as I could learn of his steward, his chiesest commission was to bring over his ratification of the treaty formerly made between England and Sweden. There seemed yet to be something more in it, but it was, as he said, altogether unknown to him. He had dispatched his business long since, and might have been back long ago, but that he had received express order from the lord protector not to come away, till he should send for him. He came away very well satisfied and contented, and was presented by his majesty with a very rich chain, upon which was fastened a rich jewel with very fine diamonds. Likewise at his arrival and departure he was faluted with a cannon shot, and conducted out of the town in a coach of the embassador of Sweden.

Commissary Pels to the states general.

Dantzick, Feb. 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 155.

High and mighty lords,
Since my last of the 23d of Feb. I am to inform your lordships, that they advise out of Poland, that the king of Sweden was with his army near to Lublin, and the king of Poland but ten or twelve miles from thence likewise. His majesty of Sweden being resolved (as is said) to hazard the battle. From Elbing and other Swedish places they do already advise some overthrow to be given to the Polanders, but without any certainty. Some small rencounters there have happened between them, which succeeded according to the opportunity and advantage, which they had of each other.

The city of Marienbourg is lately fallen into the hands of the Swedes. The fort is daily assaulted, so that it is to be feared, it will not hold out long, in regard there seems to be want of ammunition in the fort.

The Muscovite embassador is arrived at Koningsberg.

At Tapian in Prussia is to be an assembly of the states, where it is supposed will be made known all that hath been negotiated between the king of Sweden and the duke of Brandenburgh, which hath been kept secret for that purpose all this while.

In a cloister about a mile distant from this city are quartered some Swedish soldiers, who now and then do great hurt to this city and the adjacent parts.

The prince of Condé to Barriere.

Brussels, Feb. 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 156.

I am glad to understand by your letter of the 18th of this month the good order, which you have taken for my jewels, and the hope you have to engage them for some longer time. I saw by the same letter the news, which you writ me. You will oblige me in continuing to give me notice of all, that shall come to your knowledge. Send me word likewise, if you have received the bill of exchange of 200 l. sterling sent you by the earl of Fuensaldagna, whereof I writ you word in my last.

[This letter came under cover to one mr. Griel merchant.]

President Viole to Barriere.

Brussels, Feb. 26, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 157.

All that can be done for you at present here is to take care for your subsistence, which will be look'd after. As for the rest, you must expect till the fleet arrives, which will belong to you to take care, that it be not hindred from coming. I believe we shall have some alteration in the government of this country, and that the marquis of Caracena will come, and take the place of the earl of Fuensaldagna. You will hear of some other alteration very suddenly.

Marigny to Barriere, under cover of mr. Fouqueau the apothecary.

Brussels, February 25, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 220.

I am still fed with hopes of great rewards very suddenly, but I foresee, that they will refer me, as they do all things else, to the Indian calends, which are almost as bad as the Grecian ones; for to speak to you plainly, beggary is the very popular disease in this country, and a pattacoon is almost as rare here, as a loaf in a town that hath been besieged for a long time. In the mean time they will declare here the war very suddenly against the English with much fierceness. I know not whether it be not with these, as with those, who take their leaves of their masters, when they know they are ready to be turned away. The letters of the 5th of this month from Madrid do confirm the news of the retaking of Jamaica, and of putting all the English to the sword in that island.

Those of the country were so blind, and so little mindful of the part, that was taken in the revenge of the blood of their fathers, that they had a hand in the slaughter of the poor English. They add, that there were two of their ships burnt, and that the fleet was to arrive at Cadiz at the end of this month. I forgot in my last to tell you, that the good queen Christina hath sent away don Antonio de la Cueva and his wife, to whom she declared, that she was resolved to stay at Rome. And as she was told, that that was not what she had promised, she made answer, she would remain in a neuter state; and that moreover she had found in the Low Countries but two forts of people, fools and blockheads. The fools were the Spaniards, and the stupid were the Walloons. Here Pimentel is also reformed, and the embassador and the gentleman of the horse, and the head-chamberlain sent word, they shall be here within two months. The queen hath made choice of a young cardinal call'd Azzolini, with whom she hath associated her self, who won his cardinal's cap under the deceased pope, in the service of Donna Olympia. He is not 40 years old.

Major general Boteler to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 164.

Right honourable,
I received the books, first and 2d, subscribed by the honest people of Wales, and have disposed of them to some freinds, with whome I presume they will be of good use. I most humbly thank you for the hint you gave me of major general Disbrow's proceedings with the malignant aldermen of Bristoll. I hope I may make some advantage of it this next weeke at Bedford. Since the receipt of your last, I have spoken with the several officers of the militia, and have comforted them with what your honour writt about their pay. I would have given them order for three months pay for their severall troopes, but they choose rather to hope for your assistance to compleate their six moneths in some reasonable time, which I thought meete to acquaint your honour withall, imploring your timous help. I have made ready in each county within my charge a list of jurors, and I shall make no doubt easily to procure theire acceptation with the several sherriffs. I remaine
Oundle, Feb. 16, 1655.

Your honour's verie much oblieged, and most faithfull servant,
W. Boteler.

Within this few dayes I hope to effect and give you account of an acceptable service for the publique, which I will not mention till it be done.

Commissioners for Durham to the protector.

Vol. xxxv. p. 165.

May it please your highness,
We judge it a duty very incumbent upon us, to give you a narrative of our proceedings in relation to the instructions given by your highness and council to the major general of this county for securing the peace of the commonwealth, which we have done by this paper here inclosed. At present we have not, nor could not perfect the work, there being many mens estates here so incumbered by reason they were forfeited to the commonwealth for treason, and purchased by several persons, as we suppose, in trust for the delinquents: and the rather we have the more grounds to believe it, in regard the delinquents are in possession of the said estates, though when we called them before us, they produced estates made by the trustees to several persons, who contracted with them for the said lands, which makes the case so dubious, that as yet we have not compleated our work, though in pursuance of the business we have writ to the commissioners at Druryhouse, but as yet have received no answer. Therefore being in the dark, we humbly desire your highness and council's further order in this business, and the rather because our county is but little, and the revenues small, yet we judge that the incumbrances from the causes aforesaid is greater than in other counties; but we hope upon the reception of your highness and council's further direction to us we shall compleat our work, and accordingly give your highness a further account. As for our care and endeavours of securing those, that are men of no estates and live deboistly; and also the reforming of several sad miscarriages relating to alehouses and unlawful pastimes, dishonourable to God, and an occasion of the disturbing of the peace of the commonwealth, we shall leave the relation of that to the honourable major general Lilburne, desiring that our works rather than our words should declare our desires to honour God, and serve our country. So waiting to receive your highness's further pleasure, we take liberty to subscribe our selves,
Durham, February 16, 1655.

Your highness's humble and faithful servants,
P. Hobson,
Richard Lilburne,
Francis Wren,
Thomas Gowers,
Rob. Hutton,
Thomas Lilburne.

The Dutch embassadors in Denmark to the states general.

Vol. xxxv. p. 168.

High and mighty lords,
To our great admiration and trouble of mind, we received no letters out of Holland by the two last posts, and are very much afraid, that the same are intercepted; and that therefore it is requisite some further care and direction be taken and given hereafter about our letters. We have writ to your lordships, as long as we have been here, by every week's post, and we do very much long to hear of the reception of our letters. We do very much want your high and mighty lordships further instructions as to our main business; which we could now make use of, if they were come to hand. Here are now two men of war of Straelsunt, which have taken two Lubeck merchant-men, because they were bound to Dantzick. We have not any thing more to inlarge withal at present, in regard we cannot proceed with the instructions we have at present.

Copenhagen, Feb. 17/27, 1656.

High and mighty lords.

Nos Dei gratia Johannes Casimirus, Christianus Fridericus, Lebrecht & Emmanuel, tum nos Johannes Casimirus nomine curatorio nostri consanguinei, & minoris principis, Wilhelmi Ludovici, omnes principes Anhaltini, comites Ascaniæ, Dynastæ Servestæ & Bernburgi.

Vol. xxxv. p. 182.

Precamur omnibus & singulis hasce nostras visuris & lecturis salutem, & offerimus unicuique, pro ratione status & dignitatis, eô quo decet modo, officia, amicitiam, benevolentiam & gratiam, notum simul facientes exposuisse nobis virum reverendum & clarissimum Johannem Duræum theologum Scoto-Britannum, scripto ac ore studium & consilium suum de promovendâ pace & concordiâ inter ecclesias evangelicas, cui denuo se totum addixisset.

Equidem non latet nos cura ista laudabilis, quæ ante hos ipsos viginti duos annos, ad instantiam theologorum Britannorum, illum hanc solam ob causam exercuit, & Germaniâ nostrâ detinuit; neque ignoramus quousque pervenerint evangelici tum temporis, maxime Francofurti ad Mœnum, in piis istis, ut vocant, tractatibus, & quod progressum Deo benedicente fecerint haud contemnendum: forsan nec exitu felici caruisset res Deo & hominibus grata, nisi impedimenta quædam se opposuissent, tempori quidem isti propria, sed valida, & quæ facile consilia & vires hominum eluderent. Bene tamen egit cum sua ecclesia Deus opt. max. qui eadem perpetua esse noluit, sed propositum tantum interrumpi ac differri passus fuit, non etiam improbari, vel penitus damnari. Et habemus sane hodieque, de quo ecclesiasticæ evangelicæ & nobismet ipsis largiter gratulemur, dum illa ipsa consilia pacis ecclesiasticæ pace civili Germaniæ redditâ iterum in publicum prodeunt, & quidem illo ipso viro pio cordato urgente, qui antehac, & interea dum nonnullis negotium illud ferè sepultum videri poterat, circa istud egregiam operam navavit. Quemadmodum autem hunc conatum, & antea ex merito æstimavimus, missis simul legatis & consiliariis nostris, qui nostro nomine operas suas Francofurti, Monasterii, & Osnabrugis eam in rem conferrent, ita eundem & hodie magnopere laudamus & approbamus. Atque, sunt nobis in promptu causæ plurimæ, quæ nos alias huc tendentes serio monent, ut hic idem plane sentiamus, statuamus, atque optemus, quod cæteris orthodoxis principibus, statibus, & rebuspub. theologis quoque, placuisse videmus, tum in Palatinatu, tum in Hassia & Wetteravia, ipsâ etiam Helvetiâ & Transylvaniâ; prompti nimirum sumus erimusque in posterum, quovis loco & tempore idoneo ad urgendum illud opus charitatis Christianæ mutuæ, in vineâ nostri Domini & Servatoris Jesu Christi, qui mites demum beatos prædicavit, & mutuum amorem suis vel maximè commendatum voluit, salvâ tamen semper & ubique veritate cœlesti circa fundamenta fidei. Feruntur eo & nostri theologi & ministri verbi divini orthodoxi, suopte ingenio, jussuque nostro uti publicè testati sunt, qui ut idem etiam porro strenuè faciant, a nobis serio & clementer admonebuntur. Supremum numen, quod ideo callide veneramur, faxit, ut tandem exoriatur læta ista & diutissime expetita dies, quæ in ecclesia & repub. evangelicâ semen dissidii vel prorsus tollat, vel saltem sterile esse jubeat, animis, qui hactenus infeliciter iverunt in partes, ita demum feliciter mitigatis atque tranquillatis. Hoc votum nostrum est, hoc studium nostrum est, eritque imposterum; id quod hac testificatione, eô quo par est modo, omnibus significare voluimus. Dab. in Anhaltinatu nostro 13 calend. Martii, anno Christi MDCLVI.

Johannes Casimerus princeps Anhaltinus nostro & curatorio nomine


Lebrecht princeps in Anhalt, nostro ac dilecti fratris principis Emanuelis modo absentis nomine


Christianus princeps Anhaltinus


From prince Maurice of Nassau.

Vol. xxxv. p. 200.

My lord,
I Cannot help acquainting your lordship, that his electoral highness of Brandenburg has graciously ordered and commanded to levy and raise in his country of Cleve and Marck 1200 horse and 4000 foot more, and to continue there; wherewith they are busy here at present. The states of the country are summoned, hither, to persuade them in an amicable way, to consent to it, and to procure the necessary recruiting money for that purpose. General Koningsmarck has sent a lieutenant colonel hither, desiring leave to enlist some troops here, which is entirely refused him in civil terms, since so many troops are to be raised here in his electoral highness's service. What is written to me from Germany by yesterday's post, is inclosed.

Cleve, February 28, 1656. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

My lord, &c. sign'd
Maurice prince of Nassau.

Capt. Sabada's journal.

Anno Domini 1655, on friday the first of February,

Vol. xxxiv. p. 891.

I Received order from the honourable admiral Goodsonn to set sail with the Hunter galliot, and to take in a hundred soldiers, to go from the port of Jamaica, and to land them at Point Pedro, or any place, where I thought to do any good upon the enemy; and if need required, to go along with them.

Saturday, the second ditto in the morning, we set sail, endeavouring for Point Pedro, being troubled with calms and contrary wind and weather.

Sunday, the third ditto, we were about four leagues short of Point Pedro, drove with small sails until night, and when it was dark, we proceeded.

Monday, the fourth, about three of the clock we came to an anchor at Point Pedro, landed our soldiers, and marched up to the spring about a mile from the road; being there 'twas found good to march on in the woods, where we could not be discovered, and then the next night to fall upon Paretty, where we expected the enemy; but coming out of the woods, we saw one man on horseback coming from the water-side, wherefore we concluded that we were discovered; resolving therefore to prolong the time no longer, but to march towards Paretty, by the way we visited 3 houses, but could see no sign of any people but two men that lay dead, as we supposed to be of our last party that was there. Proceeding on our march, we perceived three more on horseback coming from the water-side towards Paretty; we followed, and when we came there we found the town burnt as it was left by our party. We marched to the spring, sending parties abroad to see what could be found; one party discovering houses shot two pieces, whereupon we followed, finding the houses newly forsaken. We sent other parties abroad, and finding nothing, we took up our quarters there for that night; a negro came on horseback demanding what we came for, for victuals? answer was no, but to seek out the Spaniards in those parts; his, that they had no more to do with the Spaniards than with us, and if we came to kill them, they would kill our men when they pleased. Being asked what they did there? they did intend to live there so long as there was any cattle to kill.

An. Dom. 1655, upon tuesday the 5th, capt. Foster and I, with a small party, went a broad to see what we could discover; marching about 4 miles compass, returned again. Coming in the quarters, understood how several soldiers were straggled abroad with their arms, and how the enemy had killed one of them; whereupon order was given to fire all the houses, and march towards the watering places. In the afternoon we resolved to march to the west, towards a place where I thought to find the enemy to be retreated; 4 of the enemies came on horseback, thinking to draw us a contrary path. After we had followed them a while, but perceiving their intent, we wheeled about a hill from whence they came; finding five houses in a bush, we seized them, and so march'd on till we came in the path that struck to the westward. Meeting with two negros on horseback, I and one more fired upon them, their horses carried them from the path; we proceeded a narrow path through the woods, about 4 miles farther came to an open savanna, spying the enemies on the other side; and seeing no way to come upon the back of them, were forced to run in upon them, taking seven prisoners, the rest escaped. They did confess they were twenty in number, a party of the whole; the rest were forty, which were fled over the river towards the north side.

Wednesday, the 6th in the morning, we march'd towards Paretty, where we quarter'd. In this march we had much rain by the way.

Thursday, the seventh in the morning, the prisoners desired to speak with us. Coming before us, told us, seeing they were our prisoners, and seeing they were civilly used, contrary to what was told them by the mr. del Campo, they were resolved to tell us the truth. Whereupon we told them, if they did so, they should have good quarter, but if we found them in a lye, they should die; whereupon they told us, there had been a frigat from Carthagena, and brought them provisions and a letter, that mr. del Campo should gather all the people of the island together at Paretty, for there was two galleons to come over, and 1000 men to be landed at Point Pedro, to join with them, and the armado from Spain to come to Jamaica harbour to beat the English from the land.

Whereupon they were come out of their country, expecting the rest from St. Ann's to come to them. Confest also that there had a great sickness been amongst them, whereof 500 men died since we took this island; also that there were 8 families gone off the island to Cuba; whereupon we resolved to march down to the water-side to return and bring the tidings. In the afternoon we came to the spring aforesaid.

February 8, Anno, 1655, upon friday.

Friday, the 8th, the soldiers cross'd the water with the horses to the waterside. It did blow very hard all the day.

Saturday, the ninth, we resolved to ship the soldiers, and to turn up to the river 4 leagues to the eastward of Point Pedro, and there to take in the rest of our water, because the water of Point Pedro was bad, and far to fetch, and capt. Foster was to go there ashore to see if he could attempt any thing upon the enemy. About midnight we set sail.

Sunday, the 10th, we had little wind at west: I stood into the black river, making light for the hoy to follow us. About midnight we came to anchor in eight fathom.

Monday, February 11th in the morning, we saw no hoy nor galliot above riding at the Turtle islands; we sailed thither, where we met with the admiral's boat, who told us, that the galliot had been at anchor nigh the shoals, and that she set sail about midnight; therefore at the sea breeze, we weighed anchor and sailed to the first river before Battelia, there we came to anchor an hour before sun-set with the admiral's boat.

Tuesday, the 12th, in the morning, we landed our soldiers to march into the country; we fill'd our cask with water, and in the evening came all aboard, and about midnight set sail.

Wednesday, the thirteenth in the morning, it began to blow hard, so that we and the admiral's boat were forced to come to an anchor in a bay, two leagues to windward to Maccaria.

Thursday, the 14th in the morning, we saw five ships at sea, we made our selves ready; but coming near, we saw them to be our five ships coming from the coast of Carthagena. About midnight we weighed anchor.

Friday, we turned all day with reasonable weather; in the evening we were open with the west channel of the west sound.

Saturday, the 16th, we turned all day; in the evening we were before the west channel of Port Aguia or Jamaica harbour, but had no sight to go in.

Sunday, the 17th, we arrived in the desired port, the Lord be praised for his mercy.

Capt. Greg. Butler to the protector.

Vol. xxxv. p. 169.

May it please your highness,
The last thursday I was invited to dinner with my lord Willoughbye, whose lady lies desperately sick. She will not be persuaded to remove from her husband, which makes me most humbly request your highness, if his offences be not great, to grant him the liberty to remove to sir Robert Stone's house in Tuttle street. Thus much I know, that he is much in debt, and would willingly go settle either in Antego or Surinam. As for his lady, she is a great friend to your highness's interest, and it is possible things may be misinterpreted to your highness concerning her husband. In this clemency of your highness will appear the conquest of your passions, which after all my sadness shall oblige me to remaine
Feb. 18, 1655.

Your highness's most humble servant, though most unworthy,
Greg. Butler.

Major general Kelsey to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 170.

Being disappointed of what I had intended to acquaint you with, (being now goeing into Kent) I therefore thought good to signify unto you, that generall is the discontent of honest men, (and I feare not only within my precincts, but in other places,) that such persons are continued in the commission for Oyer and Terminer within the respective counties, whoe for action doe seldome or not at all appeare unless at assizes; and those gentlemen, that would be more dilligent in action, are excluded; the which I thought very requisett to impart unto your selfe for the removeing the discontents of any, and putting those upon publique service, which are soe desireous to lay forth themselves therein. Sir, theire is one mr. Martin Pike of Pensehurst in Kent, who is generally judged to be a very fitt gentleman to be added to the comission of peace for the said county; and theire being such want of acting men in that part of the county, I think you will doe well to add him, as soone as may be. All which is submitted to your consideration by,
Somersett, Feb. 18, 55.

Sir, your humble servant,
Tho. Kelsey.

Secretary Thurloe to Henry Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
I Have received the honour of your lordship's of the 13th instant with the enclosed papers. I have heard somthinge of this matter from commissary general Reynolds, and beleeve, that others may have mentioned it in other places with a different spirit from his. But yet I desire your lordship to be confident, that wee are taught in what sence and with what mindes to receive relations of this nature; and doe in some measure understand the persons, who are conversant in such practises as these, as well as the thinges themselves. There is some discourse here of sendinge over to you mr. John Corbet, the lawyer, for a judge, and it is alsoe thought, he would doe well in the counsell. It is certeyne, he is an honest man, and mediocriter doctus; but wheither this will be resolved on, or wheither he will accept it, I am not able to say. That of setlinge the corporations in Ireland is amongst the instructions already. Generall Blake went towards the fleet yesterday, and generall Mountague goes to morrow. They goe on board at the Downes, and wee hope they will be ready to sayle with the first wynde.

Seeinge your lordship judges the printed address from Wales to be of soe much use, I have sent some more of them. Of late the discontented partye are fallen out with one another. John Sympson's worke now is to preach against the oppinion of the fifth monarchy, which (he sayes) wee are not to looke for untill Christ comeinge personally. This he preached yesterday openly, and afterwards at a more private meetinge he told them, that he knew, that they had an intention both heere and in the countrye to take armes, but for his part he sayd, he was utterly against it, and would declare hymselfe soe. He was sufficiently bayted for this by his own partye, and soe they broke up their meetinge in confusion. They make but little progresse in their warr in Suisserland. The canton of Zuricke are still before Ropperswill, and there was a cessation of six days agreed upon, by the interposition of the French ambassador, with hopes, that it will be augmented, and a peace alsoe to ensue thereupon. This is all I have at present to trouble your lordship with.

Feb. 19, 1655.

Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
J. Thurloe.

I suppose your lordship knows, that I have the manadgment of the posts of England, Ireland, and Scotland. I heare that there is one endeavouringe to set up a post in Ireland by authority of the counsell there, which is a playne entrenchment upon my charge and trust. I beseech your lordship to give stop to any thinge of that nature. What shall be for the service of Ireland, I can settle better than another.

Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 172.

I Suppose you expect some account of my proceedings in these partes. I am now packing up my papers here at Monmouth, where we have followed our worke close ever since we mett, and made some good progresse. The extraordinary taxe here will not be extraordinary great; especially if my lord should be too liberall in distributeing his indulgencyes amongst these unconstant people, who have played with both hands. Sir Trevor Williams will visite you, who, though he may have something to plead for himselfe with strangers, yet with those, that know him in these partes, he hath no argument, that will prevaile. Some others we heare intend to trie his goodness; but we thinke there is noe great danger of their prevaileing. Intreate my lord not to interpose too much, least he bring upon us an odium, and upon himselfe too great a trouble. I am much troubled with these markett townes every where, vices abounding, and magistrates fast a sleepe. I have caused the bayliefes of this town to be called in question for some miscariages concerning alehouses; and they have submitted to the censure of the mayor and common councell, who have fined them in 20 nobles apeece, imprisonment dureing pleasure, put them downe from selling ale &c. which makes a great noise with us, who are in this place a pittifull people. I intend to morrow, God willing, to goe towards Brecknocke, where any time this fortnight your letters will find me; and then I shall returne for a while to Worcester, where I have much to doe. Beseech my lord protector to let us alone a while with my lord Coventry, who hath so defiled himselfe with the commission of array, that nothing but a tenth can clense him. I shall not trouble you further, but to present my humble service to my lord Stricktland, and tell him, I have not deserted Wales; and excuse this trouble from
Monmouth, Feb. 19, 1655.

Your unworthy servant,
Ja. Berry.

The commissioners for Worcestershire to the council.

Vol. xxxv. p. 174.

Right Honourable,
You may please to understand, that in pursuance of our instructions upon perusal of several cases by the major general at his late being at Worcester upon the eight of February instant, and finding that Thomas lord Coventry was sequestred June 25, 1645, by the late committee of this county, for that he was a commissioner of array, although he continued not under sequestration, the same being taken off by order of both houses of parliament the 26th of August following; and also finding several warrants issueing out in pursuance of the said commission, and signed with his name amongst others, and one of them, as we verily believe, with his own hand; we were fully convinced, that the said lord Coventry was liable to the extraordinary tax, according to our directions in the third head; and did immediately issue out summons to the said lord Coventry, to appear before us upon the twelfth instant, who did accordinge to the said summons appeare, and did there consess, that he did act in the said commission of array, although it was but little. And we thereupon requiring his particular according to our summons sent to him, he desired a little further time for completing of his said particular, in regard of the shortness of time, and the absence of his servants; which was granted, provided he did at our next meeting (being this present day) pay in the sum of two hundred pounds in part of his first moiety of the tax to be levied upon his estate, which he did engage to do. Yet notwithstanding he hath neglected the same, only by letter desireing, that we might be acquainted with his going to London, a personal address being there expected from him. Whereupon we have issued out an order for the assessing of his estate at four hundred pounds a year, information being given to us, that the value of his said estate in this county is worth yearly four thousand pounds. And understanding, that the said lord Coventry is upon his appeal before your lordships, we thought it our duty to present you with this account of our proceedings against him, and the reasons that moved us thereunto; leaving the same to your honours consideration. We humbly take the boldness to subscribe ourselves
Worcester College, Feb. 19, 1655.

Your lordship's servants,
Talbott Badger,
Wm. Collins,
Tho. Roberts,
Tho. Wells.

At the council at Whitehall,

Tuesday the 19th of February, 1655.

Vol. xxxv. p. 173.

Ordered that it be offered to his highness as the advice of the council, that his highness will be pleased to send mr. Philip Meadowes into Portugal.

Hen. Scobell, clerk of the council.

Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseiles, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 185.

Right honorable,
My last unto you was of the 22d past, giving you notice, that the report off our nation's being retired from Smirna proves nott true; a ship of this place being arrived from Constantinople, which brought advise, that our ambassadour there hath not beene trobled in the least. Yesterday I received letters from Allecant, dated the 13th February, from some of our nation, who gives me notice, that the vice-king of Valentia had sent a judge thether, to make sale of all the English estates that was seized on, expecting in 2 dayes at farthest it would be effected; as also that the warr would be prolonged, which have caused them to secure their persons in the best nature they could, and are retired out of the toune, attending an opertunity to imbarque themselves. This day is arrived two English ships, which come directly from England, butt by the way mett not with any Spanish ships of warr, neither can I learn of any at all that are abroad. The count Brienne att Paris doth still refuse to deliver my expeditions for the consollatt of this place, without giving any reason whearefore hee doth it. Not any thing more att present offereth worth your notice, so I most humbly take leave and remaine
In Marseillia primo March, 1656. [N. S.]

Your honnor's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.

Van Ommeren to the states general.

Vol. xxxv. p. 193.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, since my last of the 23d past I have received these two inclosed letters from the Vallies, one from the embassador Servient, and the answer to the same made by the assembly there. Whereby your high mightinesses will observe, how proper and necessary it is, that by the lords mediators such prompt and firm resolution should be taken, that might put these poor people at once out of their incertitude. Of what has been acted in the general assembly at Baden, we hear nothing at all: it is only reported in generall, that the small popish cantons do continue equally proud and haughty, with out making as yet any concession, to accommodate such a weighty affair, it being matter of the greatest surprise, that from thence no other particulars of the situation of the negotiations there, on the proposals made by the lords mediators or the neutral cantons, are advised. Since the truce nothing is done further before Rappersweil. They are only busy, to throw up forthwith a large reintrenchment, which is ordered to be made on the mount, over against the city, to lodge there 3000 men, and thus to employ the other troops some where else with more advantage and to the distress of the enemy. Those of Lucern are said to have continually endeavour'd to fall upon the people of Ementhal, and to make themselves masters thereof during the cessation of arms; but the same being upon their guard it is said, have not only repulsed them, but pursued them likewise, and having killed and wounded a great many, marched into their country and lay now incamp'd on the enemies grounds. Hereupon, as it is reported, the lords of Berne have ordered their general Erlach to break up with his army from Lensburgh, and be idle no longer, whereof it is expected, that some good effect will soon be heard.

Last thursday mr. Pell, by the order of the lord protector, set out for Zurich, his usual place of residence, however without medling any ways in the present constitution of affairs, before he has received new instructions from England, in relation thereunto, which I have heard from his own mouth. And whereas we have not yet received here news from Switserland of the arrival of my lord duke of Rochefoucault, I continue here, without neglecting any business, and will regulate myself further according to the tidings I shall hear of his journey, and the further orders, which your high mightinesses shall think proper to send me on that subject.

Last week went also from here the gally or barge, which the magistrate of this republick has prepared for the lords of Berne, having 42 oars and 5 guns; the same shall be sufficiently manned for the safety of the lake of Geneva, to prevent the passage of any succour, which the duke of Savoy may send perhaps to the popish cantons, the country of Cheblais, or from Valesands,
Geneva, March 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

high and mighty lords, &c. sign'd
R. V. Ommeren.

The commissioners of the admiralty of Amsterdam to the states general.

Vol. xxxv. p. 198.

High and mighty lords,
We are inform'd here by letters of some private merchants dwelling in this city, and trading to the east, that there were fitted out at Stralsund 4 small vessels of war to disturb the trade in the Baltick, and that they had taken already two Lubeck trading vessels bound for Dantzick, which makes us afraid, that the same may also happen to the merchant ships of this state, which has moved us humbly to represent the same to your high mightinesses, in order to take thereupon such regards as your high mightinesses in your great wisdom shall think fitting.

Amsterdam, March 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

high and mighty lords, &c. sign'd
J. Schaep.

Underneath stood their high mightinesses most humble and commissioned councellours for the admiralty, and at their commands, sign'd
D. de Wilde.

Prince Maurice to the states general.

Vol. xxxv. p. 199.

My lords,
At present we have no news here worth mentioning, except only, that they continue as yet the levies and erecting of a body of 18000 men for the Roman Catholick electors and princes. The count Palatine of Newburgh is arrived post at Dusseldorp.

They are erecting a magazine at Dorsten, and the fortifications of that town are repairing and provided with strong pallisades.

Cleve, March I, 1656. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

My lords, &c. sign'd
Mauritz, P. of Nassau.

Minard to de la Bastide.

Paris March I, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 196.

My lord embassador will not write to you by this post, he being gone for Neufville, where he intendeth to stay two or three days to take a view of his lands. There is no news at present. The king goes to morrow to St. Germain's, where his abode will be but for two or three days. My lord embassador doth intend, as he returneth from Neufville, to take his leave of his majesty and all the court; and without any further delay hath resolved to set forth for England at the beginning of the next week, against which time all things are appointed to be ready to be sent away, so that it's probable you will receive no more letters from my lord himself.

Lord Broghill to the protector.

Vol. xxxv. p. 177.

May it please your highnes,
Your councill here have received an order from your highnes and councill, authorising and requiring them to set out of the lands in Scotland, lands of inheritance of the yearly value of one hundred pounds sterling to capt. Henry Ogle, to be enjoyed by him and his heires, in consideration of a good service performed by him to the state, and to cause him or his assignes to be putt into the possession thereof, and to certifie the particulars of the lands so sett forth and assigned unto him, to your highnes, to the end a grant might be pass'd thereof to the said capt. Ogle and his heires accordingly. In obedience whereunto your said councill gave order to the trustees for the estates of severall excepted persons in Scotland, to certifie them, what lands there are att present forfeited in Scotland, and so declared to be, with the yearely value of them respectively, to the end lands to the said value might be sett out to capt. Ogle. To which the councill having received the inclosed answer, they have thought fitt to send the same to your highnes, and humbly to desire your further pleasure therein. All which by appointment of your said councill here is humbly presented to you, by
Edinburgh, February 20, 1655/6.

Your highnesse's most humble,
and most faithfull servant,