State Papers, 1656: February (3 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: February (3 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: February (3 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: February (3 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

February (3 of 6)

The admiralty of Amsterdam, to the states general.

Amsterdam, Feb. 18, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 96.

High and mighty lords,
We hear and se daily, by reason of the openness of the water, as well here as in other parts, several merchant men are making ready, yea some are already set sail for Eastland and Norway. Now in regard that in former times it was judged convenient for the benefit of the commerce to keep in the merchant men till the first of April, according to opportunity of time and affairs, and that we now can find no less reason than formerly to suspend and defer failing to said parts, we have thought fit to offer to your high and mighty lorship's consideration in all humility, whether they shall not think fit to forbid any ships to sail thither, till a certain day to be fixed and made known expressly.

David de Wildt.

A paper of the Spanish embassador to the states general.

Exhibited the 18th of Feb. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 96.

The underwritten embassador of Spain having received letters from the council of the finances of his majesty in the Low Countries, wherein he doth advertise, that having laboured several days to give all possible satisfaction to the lords states general upon the complaints, which they had made formerly upon the subject of these rights and duties, which his majesty doth raise upon the river of Meuse, he had at last proceeded so far for the adjusting and accommodating of the new lists of those rights, that they were ready to be published very suddenly, whereof he would lose no time to give their high and mighty lordships notice thereof, to the end they may perceive the care, which is taken on the behalf of his majesty to give their high and mighty lordships all manner of content and satisfaction. Done at the Hague the 18th of Feb. 1656. Signed

Mr. R. Lawrence to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 97.

May it please your worshipp.

My last unto you was of the 18th of January, but feareing it may miscarrie, and the busines somewhat importing mee, causes mee send a copie thereof. In December 1654 I writ you, that his highnes haveing accepted of Richard Sallaway esq; as his embassador for this porte, the Levante company or some of them had thereupon writ mee to give the place, without an order ether from his highnes or the right honourable the councell of state. For answer thereunto I writ them under the 8th of December 1654, that without an order I durst not come from hence; therefore desired them to know theire pleasure therein, and to send mee the resulte thereof by all waies and meanes, and they should see, that I would not stay an hower more than needs must. And because I know theire cheese end in getting mee away was to save theire money, therefore writ them, that if his highnes did say, that I ought to have come away without an order, I would beare the expence myselfe rather than hazard his highnes displeasure in comeing away without one; wherein I earnestly intreated your worshipp's assistance, that a speecy answer myght be obtained, soe that if it were his highnes pleasure to have mee quitt the place, e're his embassador arrived, I might suddenlie know thereof; otherwise I myght lye here longe at a greate charge to my verie great damage. But unto this day did I never here, that the company have ever soe much as applyed themselves to aske the question, whether I should bee call'd away or not; or if they have, it hath bine with something else; soe that answer was not expected unto the one, unless the other were granted. If they had sought it, I am confident I might longe since have had such an answer, as would have bine satisfactory unto mee; but for many months have I bine fedd with faire words from the husband; first hee writes mee, that the company would suddenly give me an answer. Secondly, that they would doe it, when they should present mr. Garway. Thirdlie it is say'd, that hee should bring mee an order. And lastly, that they were resolv'd, not to stirr in the recalling of mee, untill theire embassador should be confirmed; and in the mean time while I did stay, there was no question, but they would allow mee my due; adding that sir Thomas Bendish stood recalled, and this untill the 27th of August 1655. Yet after all this feareing, that his highnes will not confirme mr. Garway, but that another may bee sent by his highnes, they for prevention of which doe now owne sir Thomas Bendish, and appoynte him his sallary; and mee they disowne, writeing mee to come away, without consente of my lord protector or the right honourable the councell of state. And because I have refused to come away without theire consents, therefore doe they throw all the disgrace upon mee that they can, as by the inclosed letter will appeare; which letter hath bine sent from place to place, opened sundry tymes and read; and when they had made what use they pleased of it here, and all shipps gonn out of porte, then is it sente mee; and not only soe, but they likewise refuse to pay mee my due for this last 18 months, and alsoe those monyes, which I have otherwise disburst for them; and barelie because I will not come at theire call without the consente of the state, which I shall not doe whatever befall mee. I have given answer unto theire letter; wherin tell them, that I dare not quit the place without consente of his highnes, or the right honourable the councell of state; but soe soone as I shall know theire pleasures therein, I shall give readie obedience thereunto. I have therefore humbly prayed his highnes with his right honourable councell, to take the premises into theire grave consideration; and that if it be theire pleasures to have mee quitt the place e're theire embassador arrive, then an order may bee granted unto the company for that purpose; and that they may likewise bee ordered to pay mee my sallary for the tyme I have been here, as alsoe what monyes have bine disburst by mee for theire account; or if the state shall thinke it meet to continue mee here, untill theire embassador arrive, soe much may be made knowne unto the company, that soe I may bee saved from that ruin and disgrace, which these men have and will indeavour to throw upon mee. Wherein I humbly intreat your worshipp's assistance, according to the equity of my cause. I have had trouble for the company now 3 yeares, two yeares of which I have been forced to keep house, knowing that if I should stirr abroad, I should have affronts put upon mee to the dishonour of the state; and I am in that condition, that not any of our own nation dares come nere mee without extreame hazard of one Ananea or other to be layd upon him; nor have I soe much as seene any of his mallignant preists since I came here within doores. This condition have I bine long tyme for them; and after all this, they doe not onely disgrace mee, and disowne mee, but intend likewise to ruin mee in estate, as is aforesaid, they being my debtors for sallary and monye expended 1500 l. and barelie because I will not come from hence without your consents, doe they refuse to pay mee. Sir Thomas Bendish with those of that faction study night and day of late, how to gett sir Thomas owned and confirmed, and mee call'd hence in disgrace; and for that purpose have their combinations in all places. And to encrease theire faction, this is the course they take: they incourage some to trade for this place contrarie unto all acts of the company, and them hee countenances, and desires an encrease of that number, that thereby hee may make the greater division amongst the company, and increase a party for himselfe. Nor doe they stick to say, sweare, or doe any thing, whether true or false, that may but carrie on theire designes. I have forborne to give you an account of sir Thomas Bendish his proceedings with mee against or in affronte to the state, for these reasons; first because that soe long as hee is in power, no man dares evidence what hee knowes, unless hee intend to be ruined by Ananea: secondly I have bine longe in expectation of my returne, hopeing that I might have bine soe happie as to have mett him at the councill-board, where I am confidente I could make it appeare, that hee never had any intention to surrender. It is now sayd, that hee is againe confirmed. This is the 5th tyme they have publiquely declared it, and some tyme since pretended, that they had letters from his highnes for the grand signet to deliver at discretion. When I see ought from you, I shall believe it; untill then I shall give no credit to theire reports. For affayres of this place, thus much.

From Bugdanea it is advised, that the people of that province are againe up in armes against the prince; and hee takeing to his assistance strangers, it is probable they will destroy the country, if the prince of Transilvania assist him not. The Venis bayly moves not; nor hath Capello any hopes of getting from Andranople, whilst this vizire governs. There hath bine lately some trouble with the Spahees for their pay, but the vizir haveing borrowed mony to pay them, all things are againe in peace, and the vizire for his good service herein hath bine vested by the grand signior, and was likewise promised, that hee should bee continued vizire soe long as he pleased. This was the same of what then writ. Since which here are letters arrived from ensine Basha, who advises the grand signior, that unless hee suddenly send the Janasaries and Spahees theire arrears, theire intentions are to quit the island of Candia; and secondly, that untill they send him a stronger power then yet hee hath, hee shall not bee able to doe ought in that place. Hereupon they have had a greate councell, wherein it is agreed, that forthwith the souldiers shall have theire pay, and 7000 fresh souldiers shall be sent with all possible speed.

It is sayd, that wee shall suddainly have a change both of the capt. Basha and ensine Basha theire generall in Candia: but all men are of the opinion, that hee will not surrender. There is now advice from the English of Alleppo, that after Saddee Basha had burnt theire suburbs, and besiedged the city forty dayes, seeing hee could doe noe good on it; and that the Byes threatned to raise forces against him, tooke a presente of the city, and went from thence unto Shiuas, where he is since received: so all is there in peace. From Bugdanea they advise, that theire difference is againe composed by imprisoning three men, whom the people esteemed to bee evell councellors, The Venis bayly moves not. Some of those men, who they employ to carrie letters, were latelye taken, and put into the galleyes. The Cossack and the Tarter have made a truce untill the springe. Thus with my respects tendered unto you committ you to God's protection, and remaine
Pera of Constantinople, the 8th of Feb. 1655/56.

Your worshipp's humble servant,
Richard Lawrence.

Major general Disbrowe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 101.

I Cannot but give you an account, that I have mustered the militia troopes in Cornwall, Devon, and Somersett, and alsoe issued forth orders for their pay. I am now going for Dorchester, and upon monday have appointed that troop to meet me at Shaffbury, and from thence I intend upon wednesday for the Devizes, and friday for Cyrencester haveinge appointed the troops of each county to meet me at the places aforesaid. I must desire you that Anthony Rous and Phillip Francis of Plymouth may be inserted into the comission of the year for Devon. No more but that I am
Chard, Feb. 8, 1655.

Yours in all affection,
John Disbrowe.

Major general Disbrowe to the protector.

Vol. xxxv. p. 102.

May it please your highnes,
I Have now been through the countyes under my charge, and have put your orders and instructions received from your highnes in a way of execution. I hope the work will be carried on not at all short of them. I fear goeing a little beyond them, which I hope will not be accounted a transgression, we having in most of the countys already assess't moneys enough to pay the militia troops. I am now returning to muster the said troopes, and to give order for their payment. I have already gone thorow Cornwall, Devon, and Somersett in that work, where I find the troops both officers and souldiers very unanimous to serve your highnes and the commonwealth. They are well armed, stout men in appearance, and well horsed, except in Cornwall, where their horses are but small. I am this day going for Dorcester, where I have ordered that troop to rendevouze, and to be mustered upon monday next. From thence I intend for Wilts and Gloustershire, to do the like. My design is to speak with the comissioners of each county, as I goe along, to understand of them, what impediments lye in their way, and to endeavour to remove them. And when I have been in Gloustershire, I do intend to wait on your highnes at London, to give you a more full account of my transactions than I can by this way. I hope my coming up will not be offensive to your highnes; for I humbly think, that if you would please to summon all the major generals up to wait on you within a fortnight, there might be somewhat propounded to your highnes, which might be of great use and advantage to this poor nation, especially if they find the temper of the gentlemen, where they come, as I do generally in these parts. I intend to be at Cyrencester in Gloustershire on friday next, from whence (if I receive no contrary commands from your highnes) I propose to sett forwards toward London upon the monday following. I shall not add any farther trouble at present, only to subscribe myself
Chard, Feb. 8, 1655.

Your highnes most humble and faithfull servant,
J. Disbrowe.

Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

Vol. xxxv. p. 92.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, the lord protector has appeared again in council since monday last, and has also given audience to several foreign ministers. The tidings from Jamaica are become more publick since my last, and from some letters, which have been communicated to me since, I observe, that the small town of St. Martha, which is plunder'd by vice-admiral Goodsonn and burnt down, is not situated in Hispaniola, as they then told me, but on the continent of the West-Indies. They hope, that by the reinforcement under the command of major general Sedgwicke, and the provisions which afterwards from time to time have been sent thither, the affairs there will be put into another posture. I am told, that there are still some more ships ready to be sent thither with all necessaries. The ships fitted out to sail under the generals Blake and Montagu are, except six of them, sail'd down the river Thames for the Downs, and are to be all of them ready, as I am inform'd, in the beginning of March at Portsmouth. General Blake went yesterday to the fleet, but general Montagu is still at his estate in Huntingtonshire. Some days ago I heard, that almost all of the chief officers in the army, as well in Scotland as in Ireland, are order'd to come hither to the lord protector: some of them are already arrived, and it is thought the rest will be here likewise in a few days. I am also inform'd, that very soon a publick fast and prayer-day will be appointed. The Biscay frigate, which is carried into Plymouth, as mentioned in my former letter, has since been condemned by the court of admiralty; but I have not yet heard, that any private commissions have been granted from this side. The council has order'd also, that none shall be granted by the judges of the admiralty to any body, without first advising the council thereof in relation to the security, and before the same has declared it self satisfied therewith. The lord embassador of Venice had an audience this afternoon of the lord protector, and, as I am inform'd, he has taken his leave, intending to set out in a few days from hence.

Westminster, Feb. 18, 1656. [N.S.]

Wherewith, &c.

High and mighty lords, &c. sign'd
W. Nieupoort.

Resolution of the states general.

Sabbathi, February 19, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 135.

There having been heard the report of the lords Bemmel and others, their high and mighty lordships commissioners, according to their resolutions of the 14th current, having had a conference with the lord Schroder, commissioner from the town of Dantzick; whereupon being debated, it was resolved and understood, to desire hereby the said lords commissioners, that they will be pleased to desire the said lord Schroder to give in writing that, which he proposed unto them in the last conference by word of mouth.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Petit.

Paris, February 19/9 1655/6.

Vol. xlvii. p. 131.

Notwithstanding the king's will, that his edict of coining should go on, yet the chambers of enquests or inquisition do shew much resolution to hinder the coining of the lys, which the merchants do not only refuse to take, but also the garrisons of Picardy, which would not be paid therewith.

The duke of Orleans has sent here an express, to thank his majesty for his deputation; but when he himself will come, is yet unknown.

The prince of Conti is expected here very suddenly; and it's certified, that his lady is dead.

The protestants of Zurich have for certain been beaten by an ambuscado, with the loss of 600 men and ten pieces of ordnance. There are in the interim several assemblies made between the protestants and papists, to determine this business in an amicable way.

The protestant cantons have sent an express to seek commanders, who thinking to make proffers thereon to mareschal Turenne, he was hindred by the dissuasions of one of the said mareschal's secretaries.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, February 19, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 133.

The governor of St. Ghillain hath given an account to the court in his last letters, how that the Spaniards had designed to have surprized that place, having to that end bribed the man, that kept the ammunition, with ten thousand escus, to have blown it up; but the business being discovered, their enterprize did not take effect.

Here is some kind of discourse again of the accommodation of the prince of Conde, but not much credited. That of the duke of Orleans is accomplished.

His eminence is ill of the gout at present.

The canton of Soleure hath sent one this week to the king, to desire some assistance of him. He hath not yet had audience.

The Swissers have desired leave of the king to go to assist their cantons; but they had no other answer given them, than that it was not needfull, and that the catholicks had yet the advantage; and that his majesty would do all that he could to accommodate the business in love between them.

On saturday last three counsellors having been received in the parliament, they would have spoke about the business of the monies, but the lord president presently beginning to oppose it, he was seconded by all the rest, who declared, that they ought to obey the commands of the king; so that they were not suffered to speak any further about it.

It is reported here, that the archduke hath returned an answer to the letter of Charles Stuart upon the subject of his journey to Brussels, that he may come and reside there with his whole court; and that he shall be favourably received.

Col. Rob. Lilburne to the protector.

Vol. xxxv. p. 103.

May it please your highnes,
Haveing made as farre a progress as may be at this time in proceeding against the plotters in this county, who were not many, (that we can discover) and haveing found itt fitt at this to goe to the tryall onely of two of the chiefe of them, by reason some wittnesses have absented themselves, and others (as we finde) have bene tempted withall, we are glad to suspend our finall proceedings against some of those, that are considerable, as alsoe against some of the meaner sort, that we must use as wittnesses against the greate ones, and to appoynt another meeteing as soone as we can; and I am now returneing to Yorke to proceede against the rest of the plotters there. The names of the two gentlemen we have sentenced are Tho. Bowes, esq; and capt. Hen. Wren. The first has an estaite of 1200 l. per annum, but the later very poore, and a greate papist ; and as some of his companie (who were onely three) informes, that a seminary priest did first ingage him. I humbly remaine,
Durham, February 9, 1655.

My lord,
Your highness's most humble servant,
R. Lilburne.

Major general Worsley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 105.

Right honourable,
Our meeting at Chester hath been this week to enquire into the particulars specified in the order, a copy whereof I sent you, and have received a very good account from the persons imployed, and have made this further progress. We have put down a considerable number of alehouses, after takeing notice of these several quallifications following; viz.

1. Such as have been in armes against the parliament, and are looked upon to be enemies to the present government.

2. Such as have good trades, and need not thereunto.

3. Such as stand in by and dark corners, and go under the name of blind alehouses.

4. Such as are persons of bad name and repute amongst their neighbours, and keep disorder.

5. All houses reputed for baudery and harbouring of suspected persons given to such and other like uses.

We have likewise taken course, that all such as are to be continued, bring in their licences, and honest faithfull sureties to be bound with them for keeping of good order and discipline, according to law in that case made and provided.

We have also put down innholders found under the qualifications above-mentioned.

We have further taken care to remove bad constables and to put in honest, faithfull, and judicious men.

We have likewise put down divers brewers, and taken care for the rest, which are to be continued, to give in very sufficient surety, that they shall not sell any ale or beer to any person nor persons unlicensed, except for their own particular use.

We have also taken care for all malsters within the city to do the same.

We have sent a great number of persons, to the goal for being married contrary to the act of parliament, and the persons, which have so married them.

We have likewise sent many suspicious, idle, and loose persons to the said place, some whereof to continue, 'till they give very good sureties for their good abearinge for the time to come; and many more, that will be thus dealt with, when we can light of them, but many have at present absented themselves. I received the two orders from his highness, one for payment of the troops, the other about jurors, which I shall take a speciall care of. Those things gives matter of rejoicing to the good, and is a terror to the bad. Your fear is their fear of not goeing through with the business with effect, but through the goodness of God, I doubt not but we shall prevent both. I shall give you an account of the rest in my next, and at present onely subscribe my self
Chester, February 9, 1655.

Your faithfull servant,
Cha. Worsley.

Col. Croxton hath been dangerously sick, but is now pretty well recovered; he is as good an instrument for this commonwealth as any we have in this countrey.

The commissioners for Cheshire to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 106.

We are desirous, it should be made known to his highness, that we have received his highness's orders and instructions, communicated unto us by the right honourable major general Charles Worsley, and have taken the same into consideration, and by our accounts manifested, and shall manifest, how much we are satisfied therein, and of the justness thereof; and have, by the assistance of our said major general, proceeded to the assessment of the extraordinary tax upon the estates of so many as have been yet discovered to be within the qualifications of his highness's orders; and we have also (being thereto desired by our said major general) taken into serious consideration the other part of his highness's instructions, together with such other grievances as we can discover this city to be incumbered with, by the notorious practices of loose and idle persons, sabbathbreakers, undue marriages, and the growth and excessive number of alehouses, (the places of receipt of wickedness, drunkenness, sabbath-breaking, and other impieties) all which we have seriously thought on as a work to which every of us ought to yield their utmost assistance, which we have (by the care, countenance, zeal, and authority of the said major general) been in some large measure the better enabled to effect, and have suppress'd many disorder'd, unnecessary, and disaffected alehouses, to the number of near 200. And have also suppressed the excessive number of malsters, and restrained them and the beerbrewers from selling malt or beer to any suppressed or unlicensed alehouse-keeper, other than for his own private use; and have also inflicted deserved punishment upon several persons unduly and pretendedly married contrary to the law, and the persons that married them; as also upon several persons, which by a strict enquiry are sound to be loose and idle persons that live without calling, and upon common tiplers, drunkards, and sabbathbreakers, and others; and we are resolved (with our said major general) unanimously to make it our business, not only to take care of the performance of what is already ordered, but also to use our utmost endeavours (in our places) to punish offenders, discourage such as are loose and idle, and to free our selves of discontented spirits, that bear ill-will to the so dearly purchased peace, and freedom of our peace, lives, estate, and flourishing condition, and shall hope for, and not doubt of all just encouragement from his highness and the council, or any other in authority, either in these things, or what else our city shall stand in need of. We rest
Chester city, Feb. 9, 1655.

Your loving friends and servants,
William Wright, major,
Thomas Croxton,
Richard Mynshall,
William Crompton,
Richard Leicester,
Jo. Griffith.

Lord Mulgrave to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 107.

Honoured sir,
Being very loath to become a dayly trouble to his highness, in relation to my selfe or freinds, as I have beene by his particuler commands these many dayes together once or twice a day, I resolved to forbeare it all I could; yet being pressed by my earnest occasions to desyre some consideration may be had of my petition, of which you have the coppy, and through the neereness of the ende of the terme, wherein something should be don by my councell and sollicitor upon the bonds entered into by the countess dowager of Mulgrave and her sonnes to mr. Toomes, and mentioned in a paper I left with his highness yesterday, as likewise by mr. Anderson's afficted wyfe, who consumes that litle money she hath in towne upon attending my lord protector's synal resolution and order about her husband, which I had given her some promises I should have on tuesday or weddensday last, as I did then verily beleeve and hope I might have had: I am forced to desyre your savour in obtayneing me his highness pleasure and effectuall order for possessing me of the said bonds, that I may make use of them for the repayment of such summes of money, as I have paid long since to my lady Mulgrave and her sonnes, which should have beene paid them by mr. Toomes, and indeede was so; and had I these bonds, I should not doubt to recover back again, according to right: as also that his highness would now graciously please to confirme the order of the councill as to mr. Anderson; and for his extraordinary unhappyness (and his freinds together with him hitherto) by his lyeing so long under a very vylde and unworthy charrackter, though undeserved, as hath bene proved by noe lesse than 12 persons, now acting for his highness and the commonwealth as commissioners with the major generalls, and as commissioners and justices of the peace, (being one of the best juryes of England) that there might be an effectuall order for his totall discharge, as to others, he haveing never beene in armes, and being such a person, as the parliament tooke off halse his composition, and haveing a wife and tenne young children. For which addition to your former respects unto me, especyally, sir, if you please by a word from you by this bearer to acertaine me what his highnes pleasure is to me and my freind, and in what way or order he is pleased to expresse it, that the good fruits of it may be seasonably reaped, I shal take it as the greatest favour at present you can possibly doe
At Kirkehouse, February 9, 1655.

Your very humble servant,

For his very much honoured freind mr. secrettary Thurlow, secretary of state at Whytehall, these.

Resolution of the states general.

Dominicâ, February 20, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 127.

Having received a letter from the college of the admiralty of Amsterdam dated the 18th current, containing in effect, that they daily heard (by reason of the open waters,) that several merchant-men were making ready, and some were already gone, for the East sea and Norway: now in regard that formerly for the best advantage of the commerce, the said merchant-men were kept in till the 1st of April, according to opportunity of time and affairs; and in regard there is at present no less reason to hinder them from sailing to the said parts than formerly; wherefore they thought sit to refer it to the consideration of their high and mighty lordships, whether they shall not think sit to forbid them from going till a certain day: whereupon being debated it is resolved, that an answer be returned to the said college of the admiralty, and to all other colleges, that they do cause publication to be made, that no merchant-men shall presume to sail towards Norway or the East sea through the Sound or Belt, till the first of April next, upon the forfeiture of a 1000 guilders each snip, that shall act contrary to this order; but what concerneth those vessels, that sail to fetch lean oxen, they may go to sea, when they please.

Mr. H. Morrell to secretary Thurloe.

Paris, Feb. 21, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 157.

Right honnorable,
I Was this morning with vicount Bryene, secretary of state, to have an answer to his highnes letter I gave him for this king. His answer was thus; mr. Morrell, I have bine sicke these 8 daies, and not seene the king; com to mee a daie or 2 hence, and I will give you accompt thereof. These delays, in my understanding, aggravate ther ill affection to his highnes. I can give itt no better sence, when after 36 daies, daie by daie, making my addresses to receive such impertynent remises, (impatient) I am hetherunto patient, the more to increase ther gilt, resolving, after an abused patience, to present my selfe by a breese remonstrance to the king himselfe, and therto six the coppy of his highnes letter, remonstrating all the delayes given mee, coppie wherof shall inclose your honour, wherby you may see I omitt nothing, which may conduce to effect his highnes desires, by seeing the first fruts of our (so late) contracted pece with France. Monsieur de Burdeox (I feare) obstructts secrittly my applecations, conceiving to have surprised his highnes in our tretty, making a latter artikell to eate up the antesedent, on saying what cause is past by sentence, speedy justice and payment shall be made to the subjects of other nation. The next, that all shipps taken since 1641 are to bee in the genneral (except before excepted) adjudged stollen, not taken. On this mr. de Burdeox hee maks his gloss, as therby to have overrecht us; but itt is playne to just intentions. Only hee would faine prove a Gundymor, and by report ownes as much power on his highnes, as Gundymor had over king James. I beleeve itt not, nor the advise given mee of him (though a young man, yett on of the subtellest speritts in France) caveat emptor; whersoer you see, Camelion like: such your man to be in acting.

For news by report on mr. Bellingam, gentelman of the horse to this king, is gon post to Savoy, on pretence to see the princes for his master's consort, butt with intent secretly to close with Spayne, to oaverrech us; a meere Italian garb, make shew to close with us on neerer intimasy, as did mr. Lestrado purposly, that I should writt of itt, that so all thoughts of Spaine and them might be masked from our eyes. Your wisdome by comparing of other more sollid papers with my weakelynes may judg to take your measuer, as by stricking to flint stones the light apeares.

Next that the duke of Mantua, a prince of Ittalie, finding unsafe dealing with thoes in power heere, hath put himselfe under the Spaniards protection, and itts feared the duke of Savoy inclyns thereunto, for heere is no constancy.

Some whisper, as ife the Hollanders were making a neerer consedracy with Spaine against us. Wee may not slight itt; what's gotten by blowes, may bee lost by oaver confidence, espetially wher ther love to money weys more then all the bonds of relygion and pyety.

All is not well heere: the parlament agree not in judgment with the court aboute rising their coyn: extremyty of want inforces unsafe and unresonable enterprises, as Richard the third, a horse, a horse, a kingdome for a horse. You understand mee: so craving pardon as in dutie, I remayne,
Your honnor's most humble servant,
H. Morrell.

Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 118.

I am now entered upon my new taske, and busy informing myselfe of the state of affayres in these countreys. Too morrow I hope to see some of the gent. of the countrey, and by them be instructed, which way to steere my course further into Wales, when I have sett them on worke in this country, where (if I be not misinform'd) it is hoped, I shall have helpe, the justices being generally honest men. But seeing I am not yet able to give you any account of things worthy your notice, I shall at present trouble you noe further, but remaine,
Monmouth, February 11, 1655.

Your unfeigned friend and servant,
Ja. Berry.

Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 119.

I Have received a packet of bookes with your name, but I had noe letter. I am very glad of these bookes. I hope they may doe much good. I shall, as I have opportunity, disperse them. I am just going into Sussex. They may bee of good use at Lewis. I find the greate endeavours of some have beene to render his highnes unto the people of God, as a person voyde of religion, or the power of godlines; and therefore I have thought it much my duty, as I come amongst good people, to beare my testimony to that eminent worke of grace, that the Lord hath wrought in him; and I doe therefore the more rejoyce to find soe many of the people of God owning of him. I doe not doubt, but God will more and more give him the hearts of those, that feare the Lord. I am perswaded many doe come in dayly. The Lord grant, that the consideration of all his mercy towards us may engage our harts more and more to himselfe. That however proud men deale perversly with us without a cause, yett they may att last be ashamed; and our harts being kept found in all the waies of truth and holines, wee may not be ashamed. Sir, I hope to returne hether on fryday next. Pray lett me here from you by the thursday post; and lett mee have something about the millitia troops, that may enable mee to looke them in the face, which I have not yett done, nor shall be able to doe without 6 mounthes pay. Capt. Dunch bids mee tell you, if you doe not helpe us, he must be forced to mutiny, for he faith none of them all shall be more ready to serve his highnes and the commonwealth, then these troopes, and therefore they hope the same encouradgement will be given to them as to others, which indeed is not doubted; but I pray helpe on the busines to an issue, for it is high time the troopes were mustered. But you shall not be farther troubled att this time by,
Winchester, Feb. 11, 1655.

Your very affectionate friend and servant,
W. Goffe.

I have allmost taken a house in this place. If you have any thing for or against my bringing it to a conclusion, pray speake it in your thursday's letter.

Resolution of the states general.

Martis, Feb. 22, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 167.

There being read to the assembly a certain remonstrance of the commissioners of the West India company of the chamber at Amsterdam; whereupon being debated it is resolved and understood, that a sufficient act of ratisication shall be dispatch'd of certain articles of agreement made and concluded on the 19th of September 1650 at Herford, situate upon Connecticut, between those of the united English colonies, and Peter Stuyvesant director general of the Netherland colonies, concerning the provisional limits and bounds in those parts. Likewise the said commissioners of the West India company are to take care, that the like act of ratification of the said articles may be obtained of the lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 121.

Honored Sir,
The councill have put it upon me to draw up a letter to his highness (and to the councill another) settinge forth all our publicke actinges heere since our arrivall; as also to send up an establishment of the civill list of Scotland, with an estimate of the annuall publike revenues chargeable by them for the defrayinge thereof; which has soe intirely engrost all the time I have out of the councill, that this post I am not able to give you that account of thinges, which, the Lord willinge, som time this week I shall send you; for which necessary omission, the cause considered, I hope you will pardon me. I trust on thursday night to dispatch that large account, and on saturday night to give you the duty of that relation, which now I am unable to pay. I most humbly thanke you for the honor of yours of the 5th instant; and am truly troubled at the loss the poor protestant Swissers have suffered. When I receive mr. Craddock's and capt. Price's paper, I shall improve it here the best I can amongst good men. I shall noe more at present trespas your time, but subscribe my self in all reallity, sir,
Eden. Feb. 12, (55.)

Your most affectionate, most obliged,
and most faithfull servant,

The civil list of Scotland, with the respective salaries thereof.

[Sent to the protector by lord Broghill, president of the council of Scotland, and refer'd to in the preceding letter.]

Annual salaries of his highness's council, and their officers.

Vol. lii. p. 65.

l. s. d.
Lord Broghill, as president of his highness's council 1000 00 00
Eight more of his highness's council, at 600 l. apiece 4800 00 00
5800 00 00
Brought forward 5800 00 00
Mr. Emanuel Downing, clerk of the council 0300 00 00
Mr. Matthew Locke, clerk-assistant to the council, 100 l. per annum (by way of addition to 200 l. a year established for that imployment by his highness and his council, in regard of his constant attendance and great pains, making in all 0300 00 00
The serjeant at arms attending the council, at 10 s. per diem 0182 10 00
The physician to the council, who is to attend Herriott's hospital so long as the council continue at Edinburgh 0182 10 00
The agent for the council at London 0150 00 00
Four under-clerks at 4 s. apiece per diem 0292 00 00
Four messengers at 4 s. apiece per diem, who have also 4 d. a mile for riding when they go above two miles off 0292 00 00
Two serjeants deputies at 3 s. apiece per diem 0109 10 00
Two door-keepers at 3 s. 6 d. apiece per diem 0127 15 00
One cleanser of the council rooms at 3 s. per diem 0054 15 00
7791 00 00

Annual salaries of the commissioners for customs, excise, and sequestrations, with their officers imployed in those affairs.

l. s. d.
Sir James Mac Donall, knt. Rich. Saltonstall, esq; Edmond Syler, esq; and Thomas Tucker, esq; commissioners for customs, excise, and sequestrations, at 365 1. apiece 1460 00 00
Clerk to the commissioners for customs, excise, and sequestrations 0200 00 00
Treasurer to the commissioners for customs, excise, and sequestrations 0160 00 00
Register accomptant to the commissioners for customs, excise, and sequestrations 0080 00 00
Door-keeper to the said commissioners 0020 00 00
Surveyor general of the customs and excise, his constant salary 100 1. a year, and 8 s. per diem when he travels on the duties of that place in the country 0100 00 00
The sollicitor for the state 0100 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at the port of Leith, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between Berwick and Sterling, on the south side of Forth 0120 00 00
Assistant to the said collector at Leith 0040 00 00
Checque of the port of Leith, and the precincts thereof aforesaid, for himself and one clerk 0100 00 00
Twelve waiters at the port of Leith, and precincts thereof abovementioned 0300 00 00
Two waiters at Edinburgh 0050 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Burnt island, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between the river Tay and Innerkethin 0080 00 00
Checque of the customs and excise at Burnt island, and precincts thereof aforesaid 0060 00 00
Eight waiters at Burnt island, and precincts thereof above mentioned 0200 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Baristoness, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between Sterling and Innerkethin on the north side of Forth, and from Sterling to Queensbury on the fouth 0060 00 00
Checque of the customs and excise at Baristoness, and precincts thereof aforesaid 0050 00 00
Six waiters at Baristoness, and precincts thereof above-mentioned 0150 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Dundee, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds within the river of Tay to Montros 0080 00 00
Checque of the customs and excise at Dundee, and precincts thereof aforesaid 0060 00 00
Six waiters at Dundee, and the precincts thereof above mentioned 0150 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Aberdeen, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between Montros and the river Spay 0080 00 00
Checque of the customs and excise at Aberdeen, and precincts thereof aforesaid 0600 00 00
3760 00 00
Brought forward 3760 00 00
Eight waiters at Aberdeen, and the precincts thereof above mentioned 0200 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Inverness, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between the river Tay and the river Spay 0060 00 00
Cheque of the customs and excise at Invernes, and precincts thereof aforesaid 0050 00 00
Three waiters at Inverness, and the precincts thereof above mentioned 0075 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Glasgow, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between that and port Patrick 0080 00 00
Cheque of the customs and excise at Glasgow, and the precincts thereof aforesaid 0060 00 00
Five waiters at Glasgow, and the precincts thereof above mentioned 0125 00 00
Collector of the customs and excise at Ayre, and the precincts thereof, being the bounds between port Patrick and Carlisle 0060 00 00
Checque of the customs and excise at Ayre, and precincts thereof aforesaid 0050 00 00
Four waiters at Ayre, and precincts thereof above mentioned 0100 00 00
Head searcher at the port of Leith 0040 00 00
Total 4660 00 00

Annual salaries of the officers of the court of exchequer.

l. s. d.
Advocate general 0200 00 00
John Thompson, esq; auditor general for himself 0400 00 00
For his three clerks 0150 00 00
John Baines, esq; receiver general of his highness's revenue 0250 00 00
For his clerk 0050 00 00
Receiver general of the monthly assess at 20 s. per diem 0365 00 00
Dictator of the rolls and clerk of the process, united offices, at 0070 00 00
Register of the signatures 0090 00 00
Presenter of the signatures 0060 00 00
Clerk of the property and burgh rolls 0050 00 00
Clerk of the sheriffs and principality rolls 0045 00 00
Register of hornings in the exchequer 0030 00 00
Macer to the exchequer 0050 00 00
Messenger to the exchequer 0020 00 00
Door-keeper to the exchequer 0020 00 00
Total is 1850 00 00

Annual salaries established for the commissioners for administration of justice to the people in Scotland, and the ministerial officers of the court of justice.

l. s. d.
George Smith, esq; William Lawrence, esq; Edward Moseley, esq; and Henry Goodier, esq; four English commissioners for administration of justice to the people in Scotland, at 600 l. apiece 2400 00 00
The lord Southall, sir James Lermont of Balchwing, and Andrew Kerr, esq; three Scots commissioners for administration of justice, at 300 l. apiece 0900 00 00
Three clerks of the process, at 200 l. apiece 0600 00 00
Clerk of the bills 0200 00 00
Director of the chancery 0200 00 00
Clerk of the general register of hornings 0100 00 00
Clerk of the general register of seizings 0140 00 00
Receiver of the fees in the court of justice, and for seals 0140 00 00
The door-keeper, cleanser of the house, and firemaker to the court of justice 0040 00 00
Total 4680 00 00

Annual salaries of the keepers of the publick seals in Scotland.

l. s. d.
Samuel Disbrow, esq; one of his highnes's council in Scotland, keeper of the great seal for himself and his under officer 0200 00 00
Mr. Samuel Moseley keeper of the signet 0100 00 00
Total 0300 00 00

Keeper of the privy seal maintains himself by the fees of his office.

Director of the chancery keeps the quarter seal as a pendicle of his office.

The establishment of officers in Harriott's hospital, as it was before the first of October 1655, with their salaries and weekly allowances of beer, coal, and candle.

A. D. 1655.

Officers. Salaries per week. Pints. Beer Scots meaf. at 1 d. 2/3 per pint. Loads. Coal horseloads, at 1s 6d. per load. Pounds. Candle, 8 in the pound, at 5 d.
l. s. d. l. s. d. l. s. d. l. s. d.
Claudius Fenwick, doctor 03 10 00 21 00 02 11 00 03 04 7/8 00 00 04½ 1/8
Apothecary 00 00 00 21 00 02 11 00 03 04 7/8 00 00 04½ 1/8
2 chirurgeons 1l. 8s. per week apiece 02 16 00 21 00 02 11 00 03 04 7/8 00 00 04½ 1/8
Two mates 01 15 00 21 00 02 11 4 2/4 00 06 022/3 2 00 00 10
Thomas Madden, master 01 18 05½ 21 00 02 11 00 03 04 00 01 00½
Joseph Gourd, steward 00 19 02¾ 21 00 02 11 2 00 02 08 00 01 00½
Geo. Berwicke, cook 00 07 00 28 00 03 102/3 2 fires, one for roast. the other for boiling 2 00 08 00 for the kitchin and shut. the gates/1 00 00 05
The cook's boy 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ½ 00 00 02½
The steward's assistant 00 01 06 00 00 00 00 02 00 02 08 ¾ ½ 00 00 04½ 1/8
The publick lanthorns 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 at the rate of 3d per night 2 ¾ ½ — 00 01 01
Six wards, in each one chimney







at the rate of 6d. per diem and 12 d. per 3 2/4 —


Candles for watching and dress. soldiers 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 2/4 00 00 00½
Matron 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Six nurses, to each 4 s. 6 d. per week 01 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The gardiner 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The labourer 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Total 928 l. 17 s. 00 d. sterling per annum.

An accompt of soldiers then in Herriott's hospital, together with their several allowances per week.

There are thirty soldiers in the said hospital, whereof two have four days in the week each man of beer one Scots pint, at the rate of 1 d. 2/3 per pint, of butter 5 ounces, of cheese 5 ounces, of bread two pound.

l. s. d.
The other three days they have each man one pound ½ of flesh, with bread and beer aforesaid, and each man an English pint of grewel or milk to breakfast, all which will amount to about 4 s. per week for each soldier's allowance, which is in the whole for the said 22 men 0004 08
per week.
The other eight soldiers being weak have 3 s. 6 d. per week allowed to each man in money, and no other provisions, which is in the whole 0001 08 00
The steward's asiistant hath the allowance of a patient's provision, which is 4 s. per week, besides his former allowance — 0000 04 00
The cook's boy hath the allowance of a patient's provision, which is 4 s. per week, besides his former allowance — 0000 04 00
Expended in sack, white-wine, sugar, cinnamon, mace, ginger, cloves, figs, and raisins, and liquoras, from the 4th of October, to the 12th of the same — — 0000 08 03
Besides several other contingent charges for medicinal use at the appointment of the doctor and chirurgion, and several other ways ariling for warning of meets and shirts for the patients, per week 0000 08 00
Total of the annual charge of the said hospital by salaries and otherwise, as it was before the 1st of October last 1293 10 00

The annual charge of Harriot's hospital from the first of October 1655, according to the establishment thereof made by the council.

A. D. 5165.

l. s. d.
THE chirurgeon to Herriot's hospital — 0091 05 00
One mate to the chirurgeon in the said hospital — 0045 12 06
The steward to the said hospital — 0050 00 00
The assistant to the steward of the said hospital — 0013 00 00
The cook to the said hospital — 0020 16 00
The cook's boy in the said hospital — 0006 01 04
The matron to the said hospital — 0010 08 00
The porter or labourer to the said hospital — 0015 12 00
The gardiner to the said hospital is to have the fruit of the garden there and — 0005 00 00
The washer to the said hospital, whilst the patients are there, are 30 in number — 0020 16 00
And the said allowance to the washer is to be increased or diminished as the number of the patients there rise or fall.
Total of the certain annual charge of the said hospital 0278 10 10

And the contingent charges thereof, which were formerly without limitation, are now fixed.

Every nurse in the said hospital hath 4 s. per week; and one nurse is to serve five weak men, and one nurse to a ward, where the patients are ambulant, and so according to the number of the sick.

Every ward (no ward having under five beds) is to have two loads of coals weekly throughout the year, and three pound and a half of candles weekly from the first of October to the first of April; and but two pound of candles weekly from the first of April to the first of October; six load 0f coals and one pound of candles is allowed for the kitchen in the hospital weekly throughout the year.

Two pound and a half of candles allowed weekly for publick lanthorns from the first of October to the first of April.

Two pound and a half of candles allowed weekly for dressing of thirty soldiers, and to be increased or diminished, in proportion as the number of the patients there shall rise or fall.

Officers of the court of admiralty their annual salaries.

l. s. d.
THE clerk of the court of admiralty — 0050 00 00
The serjeant at arms to the court of admiralty — 0035 00 00
Door-keeper to the court of admiraly — 0010 00 00
0095 00 00

Ministers maintenance not included in the establishment of the army.

l. s. d.
MR. John Collins — — 0200 00 00
Mr. Robert Dalyell — — 0200 00 00
Mr. John Beverley to make up his pay as chaplain to a regiment to 200l. a year — — 0080 00 00
0480 00 00

The above mentioned salaries are all the salaries of the civil list in Scotland.

An estimate of the annual publick receipts in Scotland arising out of the following particulars.

Monies long since mortified to the court of justice, the interest whereof is now annually received as part of the publick annual revenue.

A. D. 1655.

l. s. d.
THE lord Forrester, lord Nappier, lord Dewry, on the behalf of the states of Scotland, by bond — — 0388 16 11
Charles Alexander and doctor Douglass, his cautioner deceased 0327 16 08
0716 13 07
Brought forward 0716 13 07
George Jameson, John Glassford, and John Sheepe — 0103 05 05
The earl of Kincairne — — 0555 11 08
The earl of Errol, earl of Tweedall, and the laird of Albar 0777 15 06
The lord Balcomy, and the laird of Lismore — 0444 08 10
The earl of Haddington — — 0555 11 08
Sir James Murray, and Patrick Wood — 0166 13 04
The earl of Dumfries, and the laird of Fendrake — 0694 08 10
The earl of Hume, laird of Wedderburne, laird of Ayton, laird of Blakiter, laird of Plenderghost, laird of Linthill, laird of Lumsden, George Hume, and John Hume, by bond — — 1111 02 02
The lord Hackerton, mr. David Falkner, and John Falkner 0388 16 11
Sir William Dicke, mr. Andrew Dicke, and mr. William Dicke 0762 03 04
The lord provost and baillies of Edinburgh — — 3798 17 09
10075 09 00
The interest or annual rent whereof amounts to 0604 10 00

An account of the respective sums payable by the farmers of the inland excise monthly, for the faid excise in the respective shires.

l. s. d.
October 5, 1655, the county of Edinburgh, (the city and pendicles excepted) to mr. Andrew Greerson writer in Edinburgh 0300 00 00
The shire of Haddington, to ditto — — 0150 00 00
The county of Linlithgow, to ditto — — — 0060 00 00
The county of Sterling, to James Sterling, and Robert Russell, indwellers in Sterling — — — — 0081 00 00
The county of Lanerke to Gawin Dunlopp of Leith — 0250 00 00
The county of Clackmannon to James Ritch of Edinburgh — 0020 10 00
The county of Fife and Kinross, to Thomas Seaton of Cowpar 0370 00 00
The counties of Peblis and Selkirk, to John Glassford of Smithfield 0025 00 00
The county of Roxburgh, to Alexander Cornwall of Lawder 0070 00 00
The county of Berwick, to ditto — — 0050 00 00
The county of Renfrew, to John Rewet of Glasgow — 0030 00 00
The county of Ayre, to Andrew Hinshaw of the nether town of Hamilton 0200 00 00
1606 10 00
The counties of Ross,
Cromarty, and the
parts of Farrintosh,
put to collection by Arthur Dunbar.

All the other inland commodities put to collection by the collectors of the customs and excise in the respective ports.

15 Oct. the county of Dumfries to capt. William Green of Kirkgonien 0050 00 00
16, The county of Dumbarton to William Stephenson of Edinburgh 0018 00 00
17, The burgh of Dundee to John Scriminger bailly of Dundee 0100 00 00
The county of Wigton and Kirkowbright, to William Maxwell of Nethergate — — — 0042 10 00
18, The counties of Aberdeen and Bamfe, to John Forbes of Tylligony 0245 00 00
19, The county of Forfar, (the town of Dundee excepted) to Thomas Ramsey in Montross — — 0092 00 00
20, The county of Perth, to Alexander Glasse of Edinburgh — 0210 00 00
22, The counties of Elgan and Nairn, to William Duff of Inverness 0060 00 00
25, The county of Mearnes to Alexander Seaton of Newarke 0032 00 00
Orkney and Zetland — — 0025 00 00
Orkney and Zetland farmed to John Bailly for 8 months at 25 l. per month commencing the 19th of October last, who is to collect the month preceding, and to give an account upon oath ; but as yet the indentures are not signed, he having untill the last of this month to find security.
The counties of Argyle and Bute put to collection by James Hamilton.
2481 00 00

A. D. 1655.

The salt made, or to be made between Berwick and Leith,
between Leith and Sterling,
between Sterling and Burnt island,
between Burnt island and St. Andrew's,
put to collection by Tho. Row,
Wm. Bailly,
Geo. Smith,
Rob. Seaton.

An estimate of the customs and excise collected in the several ports in Scotland for the months of October, November, and December last, and of excise received in that time for inland salt.

l. s. d.
In the ports of Leith customs October 069 10 10
November 277 18 01
December 056 17 00½
404 05 11½
excise October 101 17 09
November 094 03 01
December 074 06 00
270 07 015/6 l. s. d.
674 13 01⅓
Burrowstowness customs October 102 14 03½
November 030 00 02⅓
December 121 05 061/5
254 00 00
excise October 024 09 04½
November 025 11 11½
December 077 19 00¼
128 00 04¼
382 00 04¼
Burnt island customs October 014 09 09½
November 012 04 10½
December 068 14 11
095 09 07
excise October 003 15 00
November 020 09 02½
December 005 16 02½
030 00 05
125 10 00
Inverness customs October 023 08 00
November 000 00 00
December 000 00 00
023 08 00
excise October 074 01 05½
November 032 08 02
December 000 00 00
106 09 07½
129 17 07½
Glasgow customs October 076 03 071/6
November 019 19 05 3/6
December 018 04 105/6
114 07 11½
excise October 095 17 082/3
November 134 08 07 3/6
December 036 08 09 4/6
266 15 015/6
381 03 01⅓
Ayre customs October
excise October
090 00 00
No perfect account of the receipts in this port returned from the collectors estimated at 90l. 1783 04 01⅓
Brought forward 1783 04 01⅓
Dundee customs October 082 01 09
November 020 19 10
December 024 12 07
127 14 02
exise October 038 11 03
November 027 17 01
December 048 09 03
115 17 07
243 11 09
Aberdeen customs October
exise October
200 00 00
No account of the receipts in this port returned, occasioned by the death of the collector, but we estimate it at 200 l.
For the said three months the sum total is 2226 15 10⅓
l. s. d.
The fees arising to the publick out of the respective offices in the court of justice, and for the publick seals, according to the proportion they arose to for two months of the present sessions, may for the six sessionmonths in the year amount annually to 3432 06 00

A particular of the retrenchments made by his highness's council in Scotland in the civil list established there formerly.

Sums saved annually by these retrenchments.

l. s. d.
The commissioners for customs and sequestrations had formerly the salary of 500 l. apiece per ann. making 1500 l. and have now 3651. apiece per annum, making 1095 l. 0405 00 00
Auditor general Thompson had formerly 500 l. per annum for himself, and 50 l. apiece per annum for two clerks, making in all 600 l. he has now for himself and three clerks 550 l. 0050 00 00
Presenter of the signatures had formerly 120 l. per annum for his salary, and has now 60 l. 0060 00 00
Receiver of the fees arising from the offices in the court of justice had formerly 200 l. has now 140 l. 0060 00 00
Clerk of the bills had formerly for that office 510 l. has now 200 l. 0310 00 00
Two clerks of the process being added for those offices 1030 l. to whom one clerk of the process being added for the outer house, the three clerks of the process have now 200 1. apiece, making 600 1. 0430 00 00
Director of the chancery had formerly for that office 390 l. has now 200 l. 0190 00 00
Clerk of the general register of hornings had formerly 120 l. has now 100 l. 0020 00 00
Clerk of the general register of seizings had formerly 120 l. has now 100, l. 0020 00 00
Four macers to the court of justice had formerly 50 l. apiece per annum, and have now no salaries 0200 00 00
Keeper of the signet had formerly 140 l. has how a 100 l. 0040 00 00
The annual certain charge of the publick hospital called Herriot's hospital was formerly 1293 l. 10s. it is from the first of October last reduced to 2781. 10s. 10d. yearly 1014 19 02
Total of the annual retrenchments in the said civil list 2799 19 02

The contingent charges in the said hospital formerly not limited is now fixed.

Abstract of the salaries of the civil list in Scotland under the distinct heads.

l. s. d.
His highness's council, with their officers and servants 7791 00 00
The commissioners, and other officers, imployed in the customs, excise, and sequestrations. 4660 00 00
The officers of the court of exchequer 1850 00 00
The judges and officers of the court of justice 4980 00 00
The officers of the court of admiralty 0095 00 00
Ministers salaries not in the establishment of the army 0480 00 00
The certain charge of Herriot's hospital annually is 0278 10 10
Total is 20134 10 10

An estimate of publick annual receipts in Scotland arising out of the particulars following.

l. s. d.
Out of the customs 04657 02 08
Out of the excise 34313 09 00
For the interest of mortified monies towards the salaries of judges 00604 10 00
Out of the offices of clerks and keepers of the seals 03432 06 00
43007 07 08
Out of which there is assigned for the payment of the arrears of the army two thirds of the excise beforementioned at 22875 12 08
The residue of the said receipts are chargeable by the council, being estimated at 20131 15 00
43007 07 08

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiii. p. 87.

Honorable sir,
This weeke's letters not beinge yet come (douted by some to be miscaryed) I have not other to divert you with, save what you will find in the inclosed paper. It's heere rumored, that an expresse past latelie incognito from the king of Sweden and elector of Brandenburg to his highnes. I expected that mr. Rolt would have beene heere ere this: he cannot now be longe wantinge. I suppose you hold your resolution of sendinge a ship to meete him at Rotterdam, this river beinge yett dangerous. Letters from Amsterdam have this day spread a report of ill newse from Jamaica. I hope it's not true. Mr. Dury expected longe since a letter from you by my conveyance. I am glad to heare of his good successe, as I should be glad to heare of his highnes recoverie, it beinge given out agayne heere, that he hath been lately very dangerously sick. I shall not truble you further with the busines of the company, but waite his highnes pleasure, in hopes it will be signifyed ere long unto
Feb. 12, 1655.

Your honor's most humble servant,
R. B.

There is a post come from Antwerpe since that with the English letters came thence, soe as now all conclude those letters are intercepted by the king of Spaine's order, or lost by some other misfortune.

There is yet hopes of this weeke's letters, for they came not out by the postcomme. Mr. Rolt departed Danzick the day before the post thence, which came in the night. Wee expect him heere within a weeke. Forces are still raysing in Bremerland for the king of Sweden, and some say part of the Scotch, levies are there arrived, but not certaine.

Secretary Thurloe to Henry Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

My lord,
I Thanke your lordship for yours of the 6th instant; that was the first, that mentioned any thinge of the quakers in Ireland. They are a people, who are much growen heere in numbers. Some of them, I thinke, put on that garbe out of designe, and others of them are certeinely deluded. The gentleman your lordship mentions had many meetinges with them concerning their oppinions; but wheither he were taken with their principles, or they with his, I knowe not. I trust I shall never embrace either. I sent your lordship by the last a booke called Animadversions upon a Welsh paper. Since that there hath been presented to his highnesse another Welsh paper, but of another complexion, and much more legitimate in the subscriptions; the subscribers set every one their names to it themselves; whereas not one third of the whole number, who are pretended to have set their hands to the other, knewe of it, untill they saw their names in print. This addresse was delivered to his highness by mr. Walter Cradock, and captaine Lewis, who profest, that this paper was short of the affection the subscribers have to the person of his highnes and the present government; and yet, as your lordship will see, the paper is very affectionate, and full of kindnesse. The fleete is not yet gone, but is almost ready. Mountagu goes as one of the generalls, and with great freedom. The Spanyard is not yet at sea, but is prepareinge with all possible expedition. Our affaires heere remeyne much in one state; neither have I by this post any newes of the change of affaires in other parts abroad; and therefore with my humble service I am bold to subscribe me
Feb. 12, 1655.

Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Major general Disbrowe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 120.

The inclosed, with many others, were going to the quakers to be dispersed by them to their friends in the west of England, but intercepted, and now in the custody of sir John Copleston, who at present is with me; but by the next he intends to send you two apiece of the rest. I have returned you in requitall these for those you sent me, but withall accept of my thanks. This day I am for the Devizes, and upon friday for Cirencester. I am
Shastsbury, Feb. 12, 1655.

Yours in all affection,
John Disbrowe.

Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 139.

Honourable sir,
I This day received yours of the 2d instant, from which I gather, (if I mistake you not, which truely I desire not to doe) that some representations have been made to you lately, as if, notwithstanding the adverse party would lay down their annimositys, and demean themselves quietly, that yet neverthelesse I mind the driving of things here to extremitys, by expelling men from the company, who have appeared in the trubling of the peace thereof; and thereupon you are pleased to give me your opinion and advice not soe to proceed, but rather to follow the good example of his highness in his dealing with such peevish men.

Truely, sir, I am so farre from taking ill your good advice, as that I heartily thanke you for it; wishing those persons, with whom I have to doe, (much against my mind) were soe ingenious as to see their error, and to lay hold of those oppertunitys, and that good advise, ministred to them by their friends.

Though I have had but little time since your letter came on, yet in pursuance of your direction to make tryall againe of them, I presently assembled the company here, to see if any thing writt to them by this last post (as supposing their friends might have hinted something to them by way of advise) had abated their resolutions of standing it out to the utmost. But according as I expected, soe I found them, resolved in a confederate way to abide by what they had done upon the publishing of his highness last letter to them, and to stand upon their justification in all; being apprehensive enough, that the reins are in their owne hands, though you suppose them in mine, because of those letters of his highness sent me, which in effect they little regard; nor doe they doubt from the incouragement they seem to have, but their champion mr. Townley, who is gone for England to that purpose, (as in my last I writt you I was informed) will prevail for their full justification in all things.

I presume upon his arrivall you will be satisfied, who they are, that seek to heighten matters to extremity, and thereupon will judge I have been necessitated by them to give his highness the trouble I have done, for the vindication of my master's honour as well as my own reputation. I dare confidently say, that if you had been upon the place, and observed what I have done, and how insolently I have been treated and provoked by some of them, you would conclude them worthy of a greater punishment than suspention from courts, and have thought it suitable to take notice of their affrontings of me, and to punish them for it, as well as their disturbing the peace of the company. Sir, let me intreat you to remember, that when after suffering more than my spirit (or than I thinke any rationall man in my place) could beare, rather then to be still trublesome to my friends, I was desirous and resolved to quitt my relations to the company, you were pleased to advise me not to leave them, for that I should find my selfe duely vindicated; and in order to it desired me to propound some way, how it might be done effectually, so as those that had affronted me should be made uncapable of assisting therein, which occasioned my sending of those proposalls to you as a remedy, and a suitable one too, as I should have presumed, were it not that you seem to dislike of them by your not taking notice of their receipt.

Sir, I suppose you do mistake in apprehending, that the putting of those three leading men of that troublesome party from assisting in the government, where they have acted to soe much disturbance, is an absolute expelling them from the company. They may injoy to all intents and purposes the benefitt of commerce and trade in the company, whilst (as a just reward, or rather as a gentle punishment for their abusing of the liberty, and their peremptory abridging of others of it, for doing but their dutys) they be suspended from sharing in the government, which was managed in peace and honour, whilst some of them were absent, and where there is noe need of them.

Being perswaded of mr. Townley's resolution to turn every stone, with the assistance of his numerous party, to cast an odium upon me, I have thought it suitable, that I be not surprized, to present you with the inclosed narratives of those three gentlemens deportments, whom I have charged in court to be the disturbers of the company's peace, together with a paper of Waites his persidious actings; all which, and much more, if necessity inforce me to it, shall be fully proved; requesting you that in case that party, or any for them have or shall exhibite any petition or paper to his highness reflecting upon me, or the well-affected here, as if I or they had misrepresented their persons and actions to his highness, desiring to come to their justification, or otherwise shall goe about to asperse me or them, as I believe they have the confidence to attempt it, that you will please then without delay to deliver all these narratives, with this my letter, to his highness; otherwise to keep them by you till a fitter opportunity; my desire being to give noe further trouble than as I am forced by them. And truley, sir, let me offer to your consideration how reflective it will be among strangers, who have observed and rejoyced at the opposition given me, and in me to my master and the commonwealth, if nothing should now be more done, than to come up to them, whilst they stand thus upon their tiptoes.

Sir, you know the command I have from his highnes to use my best endeavour, that the disturbers of the company's peace, should be put from among them; and very confident I am, that those three I have pitch't upon, are the men, that in the judgment of the gravest and worthiest part of the company both there and here have raised and somented the present differences, in the company; and how they have carryed it towards his highness in me, and how unfaithful some of them have been to the state, the narative shews you. I am so confident, sir, of your reality and justice to assist me in my necessary vindication, as that I am perswaded you will not only rest assured of the truth of what I have indicated; but also if these wilful men persist, you will please to suspend your countenance towards them, which I know may conduce much to their quieting and future peace of the company.

And for a close, I pray you againe, as in my last, that if any such petition or paper be presented by them, or when it shall be, that you will please to order me a copy of it with the subscribers names, and a commission to examine witnesses for the proving of what I have remonstrated, not doubting but now that you see how stubborne they are, you will think it high time to deliver my last accompt to his highnes, if not yet done (as I doubt it is not, because you write not of it) and to move, that at last these refractory men may be curbed, who will never leave wording it, whilst it shall be allowed them; that so I may proceed to settle the government, which is at a stand, till his highnes pleasure be known upon my last addresse of the 9th of Jan. For other matters of greater moment, I must refer you to a second letter here inclosed, affectionately remaining, sir
Your most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

Sir, if in your judgement there may be any other way found out for the setting of the company here in peace, and the suitable vindication of my selfe among strangers, I shall most readily close with it, and thank you for it, though it should be in my absolute quitting of the company, or sitting downe with the affronts put upon me, now that I have done my duty, if that be thought convenient, so desirous am I to rid my selfe and friends of this vexatious trouble, which truly if it should continue, I must think of a way how to purchase my own peace.

Feb. 13, 1655/6. with a narrative and a paper about Waites.

R. Augier to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 131.

Right honourable,
The count of Brienne, who is better in his health, and begins to goe abroad, gives me hopes with much civilitie, that he will present me unto the king att his entrance in the first councill, that shall meete. I dare so much the more promise myselfe that honour, that the chancellor hath for the premisses of the recovery of his owne health treated and given the ball two dayes agoe unto his majestie att his owne house; and that the coming of Lent will give some truce unto the pastimes of his court, which during his said majestie's recreations, could not endure any trouble, save that, which he hath received of mademoiselle Mancini's being ill, at present in health.

The princesse of Orange's presence hath added but little unto the splendor of the said pastimes; and is mearly considered here but as through a vaile of moarning. There are hopes given us, that wee shall have this weeke the valuable assurances for this payement of mr. de Cezi's debte. One doth also promise me the acquitting of mr. Langton's debte. I doe still expect the originall bonds for the same from the interessed, with the decree of the parliament of Aix; whereof I have onely some translations in English. The suite of the Ambass. de Bordeaux cares, who hath order to depart from hence within few dayes for England, doe much contribute unto this our satisfaction; and will doubtlesse cause the last measures to be taken for the little queene and her familie's removing from Paris.

Your honour will finde here inclosed a pacquett directed unto me by mr. Marvill. You maye see the rest in the occurences my sonne will deliver unto you. Remaining alwayes,
Paris, 23/13 Feb. 1655/6.

Right honourable,
your honour's most humble and most obedient servant,
R. Augier.

Minard to mr. de la Bastide.

Paris, Feb. 23, 1656. [N.S.]

Vol. xlvil. p. 188.

In regard my lord embassador hath received no letters from you by this last post, he told me, he had no occasion to write to you himself. I cannot yet certainly tell you the day of his departure, which however he doth publish to be very suddenly. And that which doth make me to believe, that he will not stay here very long, is the order, which he hath given me to hire some footmen, and one to wait upon him in his chamber in all hast, besides other necessary things, which I have bought for him; amongst the rest great store of Burgundy wine, which is extraordinary good. I cannot yet tell you any thing of the commissioners, who are to go for England. I have not yet seen any of them, since they came. It is very certain, there will be no alteration in that business as to your regard, unless it be for your advantage.

I have not any news to write to you at present.

Major general Worsley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxv. p. 135.

Right honorable,
Wee have yesterday and to day been att Midlewick in order to the countye's businese, and were a very considerable number of commissioners, and have made a good step into the worke. We have sent up and down the whole county the orders, a coppy whereof I sent you with some addition to what was in them for the cittie, and have put it into the hands off very honest juditious men, and I doubt not but to have as good a retorne as wee had in the cittie. The hand it's in either is a makeinge or marring to the whole worke, but I hope it will doe very well. Wee have taken course to find (if possible). where any due to the state lyes in any man's hand; and to fetch it in. Wee have sent out orders for some more, that by the last order will fall within the compas. Wee have apprehended a cople of dangerouse persons, and could doe many more, were it wee had a little more powere; but our instructions as to persons fit to be sent away lookes onely forward, except they were ingaged in the last designe, and that's hard to prove either; notwithstanding they be persons, that have bene and would be redy to lay hould on any opertunitie to disturbe our peace. The commissioners some of them this day expressed, that they could find nere 60 gentlemen in this county, many of them younger sonns, that were sit to be sent out of this commone welth, which done would much tend to the securitie thereof and terrifie others. I light of one Hugh Anderton in Lancashire, one noted by all your frends to be one of the most wicked dangerouse men in this commone welth. I intend to send hime to the castle of Chester to the rest. Hee hath bene sought for often, but could never be found before. Hee was deepe in blood of Boulton. Wee have sent for all malignant attorneyes in this county, to give securitie, that they act noe more as attorneys or solicitors in this commone welth without speciall order of his highness or counsell. Wee have added something to the extraordinary tax att this meetinge. I shall shortly give you an account of the summe in every countye. Wee shall pay our troops, and have a pretty good summe to spare to be otherwise disposed of. Your commissioners in this county humbly desire, that his highnesse and counsell would take some course for the regulattinge of mesurs, which is a great grevanc to the county. Wee have agreed of a list of honest juditious freehoulders for this yeare. Your commissioners looke upon it to be of singuler use to these countyes. These things give matter of incourridgment to the good and discouradgment to the wilfull. I hope for a blesed issue of these things. I hope time will manifest it. The 26th of this instant I shall (God willinge) be att Stafford, where I hope wee shall have a good account of our orders sent into that county. I shall not faile to give you an account of that and other things, as they come in order. I shal be too tediouse; therefore I'le only subscribe my selfe, as I am

Knutsford, Feb. 13, 55.

Your honour's faithfull servant, Cha. Worsley.

Copie de la lettre de cachet du roy au governeur de St. Malo en faveur de marchands Anglois.

In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

Monsieur le marquis de Coetquin. Les marchands Anglois, qui trassiquent en ma ville de St. Malo, m'ont fait plainte, que bien loin de ressentir les effects de la bonne intelligence, qui se doit d'oresenavant passer entre mes sujets, et eux, en consequence du traicté de paix, qui a esté conclu au mois de Novemb. dernier entre l'une & l'autre nation, ils y sont journellement maltraites, & que depuis peu de jours le nommé Amos Sanders y a esté non seulement bastu publiquement par les appellez Trachot dit la Chesnaye, Francois Gervais dit la Godelle, & autres habitans de ma dite ville, mais mesmes il n'a pu tirer raison de cette injure, au moyen de la faveur, que ses parties ont eue aupres de ceux, qui luy devoient rendre justice en ce recontre. Et parce que se procede choque directement l'amitye & bonne correspondence, qui je veux estre entretenüe a l'advenir par mes sujetz avec ceux de la republique d'Angleterre, j'ay jugé a propos de remedier à ce desordre, comm' estant prejudiciable au bien de mon service. C'est pourquoy j'ay ordonné le seneschal de St. Malo de prendre cognoissance de l'affaire, & de rendre justice à la partie interessée selon que le cas le requerra. Et j'ay aussy voulu vous faire cette lettre pour vous dire, que vous me rendrez un service, qui me sera tres-agreable, de prendre soin, que ma volonté soit en cela executée, mesme de tenir soigneusement la main à ce qu'a l'advenir il ne soit plus fait de semblables oppressions par les habitans de ma dite ville aux de marchands Anglois, comm' aussy de les prendre en vostre protection & de veiller à ce que les articles du traicte de paix soient religieusement observez, nommement le contenu au septiesme, qui est d'empescher, qu'il se leve sus eux aucuns droicts que ceux qui seront legitimement deus. Et m'assurant, que vous vous porterez avec vostre zele ordinaire a satisfaire à ce qui est en cela de mon intention, comme à une chose, qui concerne particulierement mon service; je ne vous seray la presente plus expresse, & prieray Dieu, qu'il vous ait, monsieur le marquis de Coetquin, en sa saincte garde. Escrite a Paris le 25 jour de Fevrier 1656. Signe Louis. Et plus bas, de Lomenie.

Et au dessus,
A monsieur le marquis de Coetquin, governeur de ma ville de St. Malo.