A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: December (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp270-287 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: December (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp270-287.
"State Papers, 1655: December (1 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp270-287.
In this section
December (1 of 7)
Pels, the Dutch commissioner at Dantzick, to the states general.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 9.
High and mighty lords,
Since my last of the 8th of December I am to inform you, that his majesty of Sweden
finished his agreement with the city of Thorn upon the 4th of this month; and
without any resistance made his entrance into the same the next day being sunday; and
was lodged in the town-house till the 7th of the same month. What the conditions are,
I cannot yet learn, only that the king doth promise to let them keep their privileges,
they admitting of a garrison of 1200 men under a Swedish commander, and to disband
their own garrison.
This city hath always refused to receive any assistance from the duke of Brandenburg.
The Swedish army is march'd from thence directly for Elbing, Marienburgh being strengthned by Polish troops and others.
As yet there hath happened no action between the Brandenburger and the Swedes. The city Graudens is also surprized by the Swedes. In this city is also great alteration; and what this success may produce, a few days will demonstrate.
Dantzick, Dec. 11, 1655. [N. S.]
High and mighty lords, Pels.
An extract of the resolutions of the states general.
Saturday, December 11, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 13.
On the report of the Heer Slingelandt, pensionary of Dort, and the other commissioners having in pursuance of their commissioners resolution of the lords of the states of Holland and West Friseland, dated the 7th day of the said month, desired the lord embassador of Spain residing here in the behalf, and in the name of the said lords the states, that he would take care and give order, that to the pretended service of God in his house henceforth none should be admitted, but those, which are of his family, without any more: after mature deliberation, and seeing the said lord embassador hath not been pleased to give satisfaction therein to the said lords the states, it is thought good and resolved in conformity to the before mentioned resolution of the 7th instant, that the president and council of the court of justice shall be required, as they are required by these, to hinder effectually by a guard about the house of the before mentioned lord embassador, in such times and hours, as the pretended service of God is kept there, the going in to the same house of all those, who are not of his family, or that have no necessary errand at his house. And the deputed council of the said lords of the states are withal required, and hereby authorized to afford such means of assistance, as well of officers as men of the guards of the said lords the states, as those of the said court of justice shall desire, or otherwise, so as the said court shall judge necessary for the due execution of the before mentioned intentions of the lords the states.
Viole, president of Brussels, to Barriere.
Brussels, December 11, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 5.
Le Tour hath sent me word, that he received letters by the last post from Cadiz, but
no orders for any money, so that it makes us almost desperate; for we know not how
to subsist any longer, all our creditors do so very much importune us, that they give us
no rest at all. His highness hath been to see this place, and is to be to day at Namur,
and there to distribute the winter quarters to his troops. He doth pretend, as I am told,
to quarter them in Guelderland and Luxemburgh. When that business is over, he returns to this place, which will not take up above a fortnight.
The church at Wexford to H. Cromwell major general of the army in Ireland.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 53.
May it please your excellency,
We cannot but with all thankfulness recognize and acknowledge the great mercy of
God to this poor nation, in providing such a person to rule over us, as is a lover of
God, and the godly truth, and peace, which your lordship hath largely manifested since
your coming hither, by countenancing of God's publick worship and ordinance, taking
care for the repairing of the places appointed for the same, countenancing of faithful and
able ministers not only about your own person, but declaring your readiness to maintain
and place such in places, which have long sitten in darkness and the shadow of death,
without any to break the bread of life unto them; whereby we have cause to hope (even
by those beginnings that are amongst us) that God will make your lordship an instrument
to advance his name in this sad, dark, and desolate nation. Blessed be God, who hath
thus raised you up to act for his glory and his peoples good; and blessed be ye of the
Lord, for that you have encouraged the hearts, and strengthned the hands of God's people in this nation. Go on, sir, and prosper, because of truth, meekness, and righteousness, and let no discouragements make you to faint or grow weary, knowing that your
labour is not in vain in the Lord. Sir, we should not have presumed to have interrupted your lordship's more urgent affairs with this address, but that we are informed,
that your lordship hath met with some discouragement in the way, which we thought it
our duties to remove, and to be as forward to strengthen your hands in the work of
God, as Satan by his instruments is to weaken them. We beseech you set before you
the example of good Nehemiah; let it be your care to glorify God by repairing the
breaches, and purging out the corruptions that are in our Israel, serving your generation
by the will of God (as David did) here, and then you may expect that your reward shall
be with the Lord, and your work with the Almighty, though possibly in regard of men
(some at least) ye may be but evil requited.
That your lordship may be an eminent instrument of God's glory and his people's good
here, and eternally happy hereafter, shall ever be the prayers of,
Wexford, Dec. 1. 1655.
Signed in the name of the church of God at Wexford.
Rob. Wilkinson,
Isaac Bellows,
Ja. Haughton.
Sir, your excellency's most humble servants,
and daily orators at the throne of grace,
Rob. Hobbs,
T. Daniel,
John Walker,
Paul Allfrie.
The superscription,
To his excellency the lord Cromwell, commander in chief of the forces in Ireland, theis humbly present, at Dublin.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 1.
Honored sir,
It hath pleas'd the Lord at once to visit my eldest son dangerously with the small-pox,
my selfe after a longe indisposition, soe violently with the gout, that ever since my
last I have not bin, neither am I yet, able to stirr out of my bed; and what is as grievous
to me as all, my wife after a longe languishinge, last night in greate payne and danger
miscarryed; which sadd afflictions I beg may be sanctyfied unto me, and I hope will incite you to excuse my silence. Thes two are duplicates of letters to his highness, which
it seems to have been mislayed. They are of concernment, and therfore answers are
begg'd by, sir,
Eden. Dec. 1. 55.
Your most humble, and most affectionate faithfull servant, Broghill.
We are resolved as soon as G[lencairne] comes to toune, (which we dayly expect) to secure him. Col. Pla. goes away to morrow.
Major general Haynes and the other commissioners to H. Laurence, president of the council of state.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 23.
May it please your lordship,
In pursuance of the orders and instructions of his highness and council for securing the
peace of the commonwealth, we have called before us Anthony Aldham of Thetford,
as a person considered dangerous to the nation; and upon debate we have adjudged him
under the fourth head of the aforesaid orders of his highness and council, and have secured
him in Bury goal accordingly. It now remains as our duties to represent to your lordship
the reason of such our judgment, which we humbly offer to be, for that we are convinced
by the information of persons of known integrity, that he is a very dangerous person to
this commonwealth, and that he hath no estate nor way of livelihood, but lives idly
and under great suspicion. All which we humbly leave to your lordship's consideration,
and remain
Bury, December 1, 1655.
Your lordship's most humble servants,
He. Haynes,
Hum. Mosely,
Samuel Moodey,
Robert Dunkon,
Edm. Harvev,
Richard Moyle,
Ja. Calthorpe,
John Clarke,
John Fothergill,
Thomas Deye,
Robert Sparrowe,
Thomas Westhropp.
Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 35.
I am, in pursuance of his highness orders, at Sallop, where I meete with a very faire
concurrence of the gent. of this county with your affaires. Some, that were a little
disatisfied, I hope will be perfectly gained. Some of them have acted, and others resolve to act. All of them appeare and countenance my worke, and hope to receive not
only satisfaction, but much good by it. I am perswaded it will tend much towards union;
only some rumours doe a little distract. It is reported, that the taxe is to be doubled.
This affrights some: others, and those honest men, startle at a report, that there will be
a new oath imposed upon the justices of the peace and men in places of trust. I could
wish, you would be tender in this. I thinke truly such impositions never did us any
good amongst our friends. Some have stumbled, but few better fixed by it. As to the
busines of the shreifes in this county, I confesse I know not what to say; because to put
it upon our friends is to doe them a greate discourtesy, and to put it into other men's
hands is to doe ourselves a greater. Doubtlesse col. Thomas Hunt is incomparably better
then those others in the liste. He hath beene a little disatisfied; but I hope to perswade
him. He hath apeared with us, and indeed I thinke him an honest man, but am loath
to doe him the discourtesey to put him to the charge, if you can thinke of a fitt man.
I feare I left a blanke unsupplyed for Herefordshire. I waited for the governor, who had
told me of one mr. Powell; but truely I hear by others he is but an indifferent man, and
is about to marry a great cavallier, which makes me suspect him. Flackett is the better
man, if he will act; but I have not seene him. I hope on munday to goe hence into
Wales, and I shuld be glad to receive from you the Welsh remonstrance, with the names
affixed; for I heare that many of them are but supposed to consent, and their names
put to by others, though perhaps now they will owne it to take of the blame from their
friends. I shall improve it to the best advantage I can; and I hope prevent the danger,
that it seems to threaten. Pray you beare a little with our Brittish zeale. A little more
understanding would doe us noe harme in those partes. You have some prisoners in London, that were supposed to be in the late plott, whose estates are in this county. We
desire to know what we shall doe concerning them. If you intend we should sequester
them, we intreate you to let us know the informations you have against them. And if
there be any danger in the discovered plott, I pray you let me receive instruction, that I
may send for my cavalliers, they being at present set at liberty by this late goale delivery.
I am this day to receive engagements for those, that are in prison here. I beseech, sir,
excuse me, that I trouble you with these scribblings. I thinke it my duty, and shall at
present give you noe more, but tell you that I am
Sallop, December 1, 1655.
Your reall friend and servant,
Ja. Berry.
I pray you remember capt. Croke's busines.
Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 39.
I receaved yours of the 27th November, and shal bee carefull of our quarters, though
we perceave nothing here looking towards a designe. I have left our buysnes in Leicester
in a good way of proceeding. The commissioners there, I doubt not, will act very vigorously
in my absence. I sat two dayes there upon the ejecting scandelous and ignorant ministers;
came hither upon wednesday last. The mayor of the citty being major Beake, and one
of the honest aldermen, presently after my coming, came to welcome me. The next
morning all the aldermen in their furre gownes, without the mayor, did the like. I
judge the cause of his not comeing was, he must then have brought his mace, and doubted as to what I writ to you before. The same day I having put him in, he met at my
quarters with other commissioners, and acts very chearefully. I find, having some intimacy
with him, that he hath exceedingly changed his judgment, and is zealous for the present
governement, which, as he protests to me, is upon a full conviction upon reading and
studying it. There is none here, I am confident, will be more faithfull to his highness;
none I am sure so able to serve him in these partes, having a very great interest with the
godly. Upon munday next the commissioners and my selfe are invited to dine with the
mayor and aldermen; so that you may perceave a generall owning, with at least a seeming
affection of his highnes his designe. And truly, sir, it is evident in most places, where
I have bin, there is a great change in the godly ministers. They exceeding well resent
the buysnes. I make it a great part of mine to discourse with as many, as I thinke feares
God, and labours to satisfye them, and to gayne theyr affections by giving them more
then an ordinary respect, which I thinke they well deserve. They have, and I hope shall
have as much encouragement as I can give them in the wayes of godlines. They expresse
great affections to his highnes, and pray for him in theyr pulpits. This I can say for
diverse ministers in Lyncolne, Leceistershire, and these here at Coventree; and I hope I
shal be able to say as much for them in Nottingham and Derbysheire, after I have sat
sometime with them, upon the ejecting scandelous ministers. Sir, I have great cause to
blesse God for giving me, so poore and unworthy a creature, these great encouragements.
But, sir, I fynd, and you may have a little taste of it by this enclosed petition, that where
the work of reformation should be most eminent, as in cyties and corporations, it is very
much wanting; and where our worke as to that should first begin, wee have no power more
then inspective. It hath bin a generall complaynt to me in Lyncolne and Coventree especially, that wicked maigistrates, by reason of their number, over-power the godly maigistrates. They no sooner suppresse alehouses, but they are set up agayne. They comfort
themselves at present, as they tell me, with the hopes of my assistance, which they
should presently have, were I in comission of peace in theyr corporations. However
they imagine I am. I shall at present declare to them, what his highnes expects from
them; that as they are called to bee magistrates, so they should answeare the end of theyr
magistracy, viz. depresse sinn and wickednes, and incourage godlynes. I shall give them
in charge to put downe as many ale-houses as shal be judged unnecessary; and present
me with a list at my next coming of what they have put downe, and what remayne,
and shal with major Beake and some others, that I judge godly, consider further of them.
For this alderman, that is complayned of, being by my commission a major general of
the corporations as well as the counties, I shal send for him, and with mr. mayor and
some of the best of his brethren, shall examine the buysnes; and yf I find him nought,
shall certifye to his highnes and the councill, according to my instructions. Excuse this
prolixitie. Having gonne over all the counties belonging to my charg, I shall be very
briefe hereafter. On fryday next, yf it please the Lord, I shall goe towards Nottingham.
I remayne
Coventry, Dec. 1, 1655.
Your most affectionate friend to serve you,
Edw. Whalley.
To the right honourable major general Whalley.
The humble petition of John Haw the younger and others, being constables of the city of Coventry.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 41.
Humbly sheweth,
That your petitioners having taken their oaths diligently to execute the office of constables have endeavoured to discharge their duties.
That in the execution of the same, particularly touching swearers, drunkards, and sabbath-breakers and the like offenders, they have met with no small share of revilings; yet those have not been comparable for discouragement to what they have met with through the default of mr. Joseph Chambers, late mayor of this city, and now an alderman and justice of the peace, through whose means and encouragement, as your petitioner John Haw can sufficiently make good, he hath had two several suits brought against him by such, whose offences he hath been the instrument to bring to light, one whereof is still depending in the court of record of this city, held before the mayor and bailiffs of the same, wherein one Christopher Randall is present, whom your petitioner convicted for swearing before the said mr. Chambers, and gives out that the said mr. Chambers encourageth him to go on against your petitioner, and saith he will be a witness for him.
That the said mr. Chambers hath frequently abated such offenders the penalties appointed to be inflicted upon them by law, and hath threatned some of the petitioners to bind them to their good behaviour for standing upon the penalties according to law and his own warrant.
That in regard of the mincing of penalties, your petitioners conceive most of the unlicenced ale-houses in this city have been much supported, of which unlicenced ale-houses there is now at least 50 in this city, with which things your petitioners and many others being much grieved, have thought meet to make their humble address to your honour, and to offer the same to your grave consideration for redress, being induced thereunto by notice they have had of your honour's readiness to redress just grievances. And so your petitioners shall pray, &c.
Isaac Price,
Edward Gulliver,
Thomas Titter.
Major general Berry to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 45.
May it please your highnes,
I have onely one publique busines of great importance, that I make bold to trouble
your highnes withall, haveing alwaise found you ready to accept such motions; and
that is, that your highnes would please to make good your word to capt. Croke;
but it must be whilest you live, or otherwise we shall feare it will never be done. You
know whatt plotting there is against your person; and if any of them should take, what
will become of our preferments ? Onely for my owne parte I may hope for something,
when you die, if any thing be left, because I am promised it in the word of a kinge,
from whom I crave pardon and a grant of this humble request of
Sallop, December 1, 1655.
Your highnes most devoted servant,
JA. Berry.
Major general Boteler to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 49.
Right Honourable,
I thought it meete to acquaint you, that I have beene this weeke in Rutland, where by
reason of the smallness of the county, and paucity of cavaliers, the commissioners
and I have at once perfected the assessements of their estates; which amount not fully
to 500 l. per annum. As I was passing through the forrest of Rockingham into that
county, I overtooke a gentleman, whome upon examination, as I rode with him, I founde
to be a roman catholique; and upon a more strict examination at my inn, I finde him to
be a priest, and one that hath no certeine habitation; but wanders up and downe from one
catholique's house to another, having, as he confesses, no estate to live upon; but I humbly refer you to the inclosed examination, which you may please to reade; and acquaint his
highness therewith, that I may receive and know his pleasure concerning him; and in
the meane time I have putt him into safe custody. Your honour will perceive, he hath
had his habitation for theise six months last past at the lord Brudenell's towne, and in
the house of one of his servants; which may a litle evidence to his highness (what is so
cleere to us that knowe him and live neere him) what a father and fausterer of the catholiques and their emissaryes he is; and certeinly if we be not deceaved in him, one of the
most secret and desperate enemyes, this commonwealth hath. I have secured severall persons within my association, in order to a transportation; but shall not trouble the councill
with their names, because that I shall have more of that sort, and intend to returne their
names together. I shall be in Huntingdonshire againe this next weeke at the second meeting of the commissioners there, where if any thing occurre, that may deserve your time to
reade, it shall be presented to you by
Oundle, Dec. 1, 1655.
Your honour's much oblieged and
most faithfull servant,
Wm. Boteler.
I have together with a coppy of the examination enclosed one of the chatechismes I founde about the catholique. The Agnus Dei I have in my keepinge with his beads, a meddall of the virgin Mary, a crucifix and some other bookes.
Mr. Ed. Rolt to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xiv. p. 18.
Right honorable,
Being unwilling to lett slipp any occasion to give your honour an accounte of my selfe,
and what I had in command to performe, I have made use of an opertunity to write
to you by a messenger from this place to Stettin, in answer of a letter of yours of the
4th of 8 bris, which I received heere this day, wherein you are pleased to make your
selfe merry with my supposed negligence, though I can speake it above excuse, that I
have neglected noe meanes to performe my duty in writing to you; and therefore I beseech your honour to lay the fault, as in justice it ought to bee, on the iniquity of the
time and place where I am, if you have not before the writing of that heard from mee.
My short warning and sudden departure of the messenger will not suffer mee to write at
large; only this I have leasure to acquaint you withall againe, that I have sent mr Swift
3 weeks since to Hamburg with letters, to give his highnesse an account of my reception
by the king, and allsoe my delivery of the ratification. I write at the same time a relation
of what I could learne of affaires in this parte of theworld to your honour, and since from
Torne what happened in my march with the victorious king of Sweden from Warzow,
which was sent you in the king's packett. The indeavours and diligence I used to prosecute my journey and to execute my commission gave me great trouble, but since I have
marched with the king, I have no inconveniency but by the cold weather in a wild and
frozen countery, for provisions I have twice a day sent me from the king's kitchen. I have
the honour often to eate with him at his owne table. I travell with him often in his coach,
and allwais one of his coaches is ordered to attend on me. He makes large expressions of
affection for his highnesse, and not only to me but to all persons, and gives assurances of it to
me dayly by his actions. Since the surrender of Torne it is thought there will be a warre between the king and the marquisse of Brandenburg. The king is very angry the marquisse
hath spoyled the best parte of the regall Prussia by the forces he hath quartered uppon it, the
king intending it for winter quarters for part of his army; wherefore he hath assigned to
Konispolkey generall of the Quartzanes and 4000 of his men their quarters in the ducall
parte about Osterod, and at this place hath entered in person with his owne army uppon the
lands of the duke. Heere are at present commissioners from the duke, which treat with
the king, but I cannot learne nor judg what will bee the conclusion; it is thought in a few
days it will be known. The duke hath allsoe putt in garrison to severall of the towns in
the regall part of Prussia, the cheife of which is Marienburg and Elbing, which is taken
very ill. The king is intended to march for one of those townes, but whether I cannot
yet understand. He expects in a day or two to joyne with count Magnus de la Guard, who
commands the forces out of Lituania, which consist of 12 or 14000 men, which with
these the king hath with himselfe here will make more than 24000 men besides his Quartzanes,
which are near 4000, and are of the army with his person. Heere is like to be a winter
warre, for I find not the king to soe much as thinke of leaving the feild in person, if the towns
in the regall parte of Prussia doe not surrender, and agreement be made between him and
the marquisse. I have not time to write more at present, but my humble sute (with earnestnesse I beseech) that you will be pleased to request his highnesse for my recall home, that
I may doe my duty to him neere his person, to whome I owe all the services of my life. I
am bould to take my leave, and subscribe what I shall studiously indeavour to expresse my
selfe to be; I am
Freestad, Dec. 2, 1655.
Your honour's most faithfull and obliged servant,
E. Rolt.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 65.
Honored sir,
When I tooke leave of you at London, you were pleased to assure me, that I should
finde this worthy bearer a truly honnest man, which character from you obliged
me to beleeve him such, and consequently to use him as such. And tho' my actinges
towards him could not in any reasonable degree proportion my desyres, yet beinge he is
to waite upon you, I could not abstayne from tellinge you, I have by experience found
he does plentifully make good the opinion you have of him, and merrits that respect
and usage from his highness, which heer we were unable, not unwillinge to extend unto
him. I esteeme it needless to recommend a person to your favour, who you alreddy think
worthy of it; and therfore what otherwise I should have desyred for him, I now doe for
myselfe, that therby you may excuse this debt to mr. Saltiston, and the trouble which to
pay it him is given you by, sir,
Edinburgh, Dec. 2, 55.
Your truly affectionate and most humble servant,
Col. Hewson &c. to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 57.
May it please your Highness,
We came over with you into Ireland, being well satisfied in your pious conduct, and
that in your eyes a vile person was contemned, as to trust under you, your heart
cleaving to those that feared the Lord, and observing that God hath given your highness
a spirit of discerning between them that feared God and those that feared him not; and
accordingly we were happy in your highness's immediate command over us, and residence
with us for some time. And when your highness was called back into our native country
we enjoyed, by your favour, our dear and precious lord deputy Ireton, who by his graciousness dispelled wickedness, and by his wisdom so guided the reins of this government,
that our hearts were much comforted and hands strengthened in the service of the publick.
But to our great grief, our God for our sins took him from us, and we left in the sadness
of our souls to lament our loss. And whilst our hearts were musing within us what the
purpose of God might be concerning us, considering the composure of the army and this
nation, the Lord was pleased, upon the desires of those that feared his name, to move
your highness's heart to send us, for our chief commander, our present precious lord deputy Fleetwood, which was a refreshment to all the godly in this nation; and his sweet
healing peaceable spirit hath not only drawn over the hearts of some, scrupling in some
points concerning the government, so that the most fearing the Lord are convinced there
is no other means visible, whereby the interest of God's people can be secured but in
your highness's hands, in the gracious exercise of your authority by this way of government the Lord hath now appointed over us and intrusted you with. And notwithstanding
the hopes, plots, and secret designs of open enemies and pretended friends, we hope and
shall ever pray, and with all our might endeavour the Lord may still preserve you and
the authority in your hands. And now, may it please your highness, since your calling of
our precious lord deputy into England, we have observed to our grief, that several persons in the civil and military lists have taken upon them to foist petitions all over this
nation and army, which hath heightened the expectation of disaffected persons, and
weakned the hands of many of your faithful servants, and insnared and deluded many
honest persons to subscribe the same, who never had the least thought in their hearts of
that which the contrivers chiefly aimed at therein, wherein they deal with his excellency
our dear lord deputy as David's secret enemies did with him, Psalm lxii. 3, 4. And
when we consider the principles of the persons most active, and contriving the business,
we cannot be of any opinion, that it is out of affection to the lord Henry's person, whom
they seemingly magnify, or to the government now established in your highness's hands;
but rather with desire and expectation to abuse his lordship's good nature of the one
hand, and weaken the godly interest on the other, to the promoting their private interest,
thereby to prepare this people for some other dangerous designs. Upon which consideration we cannot but present before your highness our thoughts thereof, and humbly implore your highness's favour, that our precious lord deputy may still be continued in his
conduct over us, under whom we have enjoyed so much of satisfaction, and by whom
justice hath been impartially administred to the whole nation; whose experiences in persons and things rendereth him most advantageous to publick concernments in this unsettled
wilderness. And we had not troubled your highness with these addresses, fith the lord
Henry, whom your highness lately sent over unto us, as a further pledge of your highness's
favour, did to his great honour speedily take care to suppress them so soon as the knowledge thereof came unto him, but that some of the chief promoters of them in the name of
the army doth assure us, they intend to have it before your highness's view. And fith
we your poor servants had the honour to command several regiments under your highness
in the work of this nation, we have therefore assumed to take upon us the humble considence, to beg of your highness, that the chief government of this nation under your
highness may rest in the hands of our present lord deputy; and that as soon as publick
affairs will admit, he may return to his charge over us. And in the mean while your highness shall find us obedient, and faithfully serviceable in our places, to our present commander in chief in the station he now is in, or in any other second place under our present precious lord deputy, your highness shall think fit to confer upon him; which with
your highness's favourable acceptance and charitable interpretation hereof, will add to the
many great obligations heaped upon
December 2, 1655.
Your highness's most faithful servants,
J. Hewson,
Hen. Prittie,
Ri. Laurence.
Sir J. Pettus to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 69.
Understanding by the lord deputy of Ireland, that when his lordship moved the lord
protector in my behalfe, you then pleased to expresse a kindnes for me; and having
often attended to testify my acknowledgment for so great regards to me, but finding
personall addresses difficult by reason of your late distemper (for which I pray recovery)
to great affaires; I presume to kiffe your hand by this paper-proxy. If there be any
further manifestation expected from me, then what is in this enclosed petition really declared, your directions shall be obeyed, and not onely in this my concernment, but in
what else you shall at any time comand,
Dec. 3. 55.
Sir, your most humble servant,
J. Pettus.
To his highness the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland,
The humble petition of sir Jo. Pettus knight, humbly shewing,
Vol. xxxiii. p. 87.
That by originall cohærence your petitioner may seeme to be involved with those against whom your highnes hath lately declared; but knowing his owne integrity, and that he hath, is, and ever will be, most faithfull to the governement, under which he lives; and that upon those grounds ever since 1645, he hath paid a conscientious obedience to those various interests, from whence your highnes is arrived to be protector of this nation, and resolving to performe the same to your highnes,
Humbly prayes, That he may continue in your highnes favour, without relation or suspition of adhærence to any interest but what concernes your highnes establishment, being willing to give such further demonstration thereof, as shall be most suitable to the salvo in your highnes late declaration.
And your petitioner shall ever pray,
Jo. Pettus.
Lord chief justice St. John to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
Mr. Secretarie,
I Verry well remember the substance of what is contayned in the paper, which will be
shewed unto you by sir John Trevor concerning sir Thomas Hanmer to be true. And
the discovery of the king's intendment to the Scotch armie was at a verry sesonable time,
which much irritated the Scotch commissioners heare, whoe denyed the thing, and had
many indeavours to make my selfe an incendiary betweene the two nations for entertayning sir Tho. Hanmer's discovery, and making of it knowne. I was then a detter to him
upon the publique account, but knew not the parlament ever did any thing for him, and
hearing that he is now questioned for a 10th part, &c. I could doe noe lesse in justice to him,
then to signifie what I now write, beleiving that it is not the intente of the protector
and councell to charge those with the 10th, whoe have soe well deserved, since they deserted the king's partie. Sir, I rest
December 3, 1655.
Your most affectionate servant,
Ol. St. John.
Major general Whalley, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 61.
Right honorable,
In my last I gave you an account off our meetinge att Preston for this county of Lancaster the 29th of November last. Our next meetinge for Stafordshire is upon the
7th instant, att which time wee shall proceed to the extraordinary tax with the most of the
grandyes in that county; and the like for Cheshire the tuesday followinge, and soe for
Lancaster. Imediatly after wee have had divers of them before us in these countyes, and
have received there perticulers, and order'd things to be in that readynese against the next
time of our meetings, that wee shall not faile to goe on with our worke; I am hopefull,
that of the tax wil be pretty well over by the day prefixt. Upon my observation of the
condition of these countyes, I find the want of good justices of the peace to be one, and
not the least, both as to the condition of some alredy in, as alsoe for the number of them,
which is very small; but I shall by the assistance of some good and knowinge men in
every county make bould to present you with my thoughts, who may be fit for that imployment. With what speed may be, I have layd out to apprehend some persons, who I
was informed were dangerouse, and lay sculkinge about, and seldome seen publicke. I
hope shortly wee shall cause divers others to be apprehended. One thinge more I humbly offer, and that is the markit-day beeinge either on the saturday or monday, ocations
the Lord's day to be much violated about constables, that are swerers, and drunken idle parsons themselves, and of the meanest sort of men, which is much ocationed by the want
of good justices; as alsoe by a custom they have in this countye to goe by house-rows;
and I shall endeavour to put on our justices to rectify this, if possible. What else comes
to my observation, I shall present you with from time to time. The commissioners in
every county are still presinge more to desire you, that they may every one have one off
the orders and instructions of his highnese and counsell. The malignant party seeme to
submitt to what is imposed with redinese. At our last meeting we had a debate concerning leasses, that where a gentleman hath granted a lease for three lives, and received
his fine, and it may be hath reserved a rent of 40 s. or 3 pounds, which wee call an ould
rent, whether he shal be taxed onely for the present rent, or accordinge to the vellew of
the liveinge, hee haveing received his fine. Wee have not yet resolved it; but I shall
give you an account when wee have. If you would spare us your thoughts of it, it would
be of use to us: yet this wee resolve, that as leases fall into the hands of the lord, wee
shall then take our proportion from time to time, as they fall, and soe add to that taxe set
upon them. Wee shall (I doubt) not find much of a parsonall estate. I have noe more
but to subscribe my selfe, as really I am,
Desember 3, 1655.
Your honor's humble and faithfull servant,
Charles Worsley.
A letter from Stetin.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 97.
My lord,
Last night I saw an express arriving here, which was sent by the commissary Van Brombergh, from Thorn to mr. Legaet, reporting that his majesty of Sweden made his
entry with great magnifience into the said town on the 6th instant, at ten o'clock in the
morning. The magistrates and the principal inhabitants went to meet the king with the
keys at some distance out of the gates. The congratulation and tender of their most humble obedience and fidelity was made by one of the magistrates, in a fine speech, and answer'd by the chancellor of the realm Oxenstiern. Whereupon the magistrates preceded
the king, their heads uncover'd, first to the church, where the Te Deum Laudamus and
other joyfull hymns more were sung, and afterward to the city-house. During the repast,
two discharges at two several times were made out of 80 guns each time, and other demonstrations of joy were seen. What conditions they have obtained, is not yet known
here; so much is certain that not a gun is fired against the town. His majesty has been upon
the ramparts, and has order'd some new fortifications to be made: about 4 or 500 men
which lay in garrison there, are taken out, and three regiments (which are said to be above
2000 men strong) are left in the town, under the command of major general Mandevelt.
On the 8th instant the king march'd with his whole army from thence, directly for Marienburg and Elbing, having understood that the elector of Brandenburg would expect him there; and it is firmly believed, that we shall hear in a few days something remarkable from thence. 60 guns are order'd to follow the army down the Weissel in prames and other vessels. Count Magnus de la Gardie is said to have join'd the king already with some troops, or to be not far from him. Count Lewenhoost stays in Lithuania on the frontiers of Prussia.
They write from Marienburg, that the said town is glutted with people, as well by the garrison, as also by people, which are retired thither with their cattle and effects from the neighbourhood. Here at the court (as I am credibly inform'd) they are of a firm opinion, that the elector is now in earnest, and that he will declare himself an enemy to the crown of Sweden. However, they add to it, (as they are used to speak pretty high) that his said elector shall feel what it is to oppose his majesty of Sweden. There are sundry discourses here, which I dare not write of, till the time has made me more certain, From Elbing (unless the elector takes care of it) the Swedes expect no more resistance than of Thorn, for that town has been good Swedish, and is still. As to Dantzick, they expect, that they will defend themselves and make resistance; and certainly they would have made too great preparations for nothing, if they thought otherwise. It is reported, that the electress was gone from Koningsberg to Marienburg; but this cannot be very well believed, since that town, in the present conjuncture of times, is not a very safe retreat for her.
His majesty has left all the quartians, that marched with him from Warsaw beyond Thorn, and not taken them along with him against the elector, if this be done out of distrust, or for what other reasons, is not known. Count Wrangel, who is expected here every day, is said to be appointed commander of the quartians and other troops.
The Swedish fleet (without having left, as it is reported, any ships before Dantzick) is arrived at Wolgast, and all the Dutch ships are sail'd with their cargoes from Dantzick.
This day I read a letter from Cracow of the 11/21 November, wherein, among other things, it is mentioned, that the king of Poland was then at Oppelen, and had summoned thither those waywods and castellans, that are still on his side, who accordingly appear'd; but what was done there or consulted upon, was not known. They say, that the said king is going to buy a principality in France and retire thither; but this I believe not, as long as it is not entirely over with Prussia. The dyet at Warsaw is put off till the 20/10 of November; however the same is expected to be opened every day. The two deputies of Bremen, I am certain, are not gone to the king of Sweden, but directly from Franckfort on the Oder.
They have had a report here for some days, that the Russians would join the elector of Brandenburg, and assist him in Prussia against the Swedes; and that for that purpose they were marching on to Koningsbergh, but this day's letters do not make any mention of it, so that fortune doth not seem to be so favourable.
This is known here and reported, that the under syndick of Dantzick is sent to Denmark, the United Provinces, and England, to desire all their assistance. Denmark, they say, dares not do it; England has enough to do with itself, but they know not what to expect from the United Provinces.
They have news here, that the queen of Sweden is brought to bed of a young prince.
Mr. Horn is set out already some days ago to the landgravine dowager. The count Woldemaar (in his own person) is arrived here, where he found an order from the king to march immediately. To morrow I shall know more, his troop marching through here, as also that of col. Assenbergh, whereof next post I will mention the number, hoping then to be able to acquaint your lordship likewise with something considerable from the king's army. This day I am again considently assured, that the Cossacks have not agreed with the Swedes.
I recommend myself to your lordship's favour, and will be as long as I live,
Stettin, Decemb. 4/14, 1655.
My lord,
Your lordship's most humble and most obedient servant.
Mr. W. Swyft to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliv. p. 298.
Right honourable,
About ten daies since I sent from Stetin a pacquet of mr. Rolt's enclosed in a letter of
mine directed to you, which I hope you have received. I came yesterday to the
English house at Hamburgh, where I shall waite your honour's commands in answer to
that packquett. Since my being here I have binn acquainted by my lord resident Bradshaw,
that the councell of state have ordered 500 l. sterling to be paid unto mr. Rolt. nigh
which summe the resident hath already disbursed upon the envoye's order, soe that I entreate your honour that you will bee pleased to give further directions to the resident, or
appoint some other way that the envoye may not want a supply, if his expences require
it; and I am confident, hee will give a very satisfactory accompt to his highnes and your
selfe at his returne, as well concerning his disbursements as his imployment. I am certaine next his master there is none hee more truly honours then yourselfe, nor whose favours
hee more highly values and depends upon then yours. I have often heard him say, that
whilst himself and busines were under your guidance, hee could never doubt a successe,
which bids mee hope, that as you have singular favours for him, you may have also a
particular charity for mee, who serve him by your appointment. I adventure not to write
newes, since I am assured, that you have already received from the best hands all and more
then can bee conveyed unto from hence by him, who most humbly recommends himselfe
to your protection, and is,
Hamburgh, Dec. 4. 1655.
Right honourable,
your honour's most faithfull and obedient servant,
W. Swyft.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 77.
Honorable sir,
This weeke's post beinge not yet come, nor any thinge of moment arrived in theise
parts since my last, other than what you will find in the weekely paper, I have onely
at present to acquaint you, that captain Fenwick and mr. Swyst came from mr. Rolt
heither yesterday, from whom I presume you will receive letters by this post, if you find
them not here inclosed. I have allready paid 1500 rix dollars to the order of mr. Rolt,
and expect dayly to have orders to pay out the remaynder of the five hundered pounds
sterling, the councell gave orders for. Mr. Swyft tells me, hee believes mr. Rolt will have
occasion for more money than yet you have ordered, in regard their travelinge hath been
very chargeable, which you will please to consider of, and let me have your commands
therein. In the meane tyme I have made bold to charge my bill of exchange upon you
for three hundred pounds sterling, payable to my servant Gawen Hudson at six dayes
sight, of which you will please to command punctuall payment, that my servant may keepe
touch with the merchants, from whom the money was taken up here, to be paid to their
use in London with the usuall punctuallity required. I beseech you, that he may not be
delayed by those, to whom the order may issue for payment of my bill, left I suffer
This letter from mr. Rolt, with the former lately sent, I suppose will fully satisfie you
of his welfare and proceedings; to which I have nothinge to ad, but that I shall ever
Hamb. Dec. 4. 1655.
Honorable sir, your very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
I perceive by mr. Rolt's letter now received, that my letters hence, though alwayes sent by the Swedes resident here, as he desired, have sped noe better in cominge to hand than his hither have done; onely I now heare, that the king of Sweden's pacquets, which accompanyed them, were all allsoe held up by the way, soe as I hope by this tyme mr. Rolt hath his letters.
Mr. Samuel Morland, to secretary Thurloe.
Geneva, Dec. 4, 1655. Old Style.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
Right honorable,
I have received this post no letter from your honor, the which I consesse I did extremely
long for, as hoping to have received some light thereby, how to have behaved my
selfe in this juncture of time, wherein I meet with severall difficulties, both in relation
to the present distribution of 7000 l. and also the wayes and means of restoring those
miserable people of the Valleyes into some settled condition.
As concerning the distribution of the 7000 l, and what progresse wee had made in the same, according to our orders in your honour's letters to mr. Pell and mee of the 8th of November: I was not capable by my last of giving your honour any other then a broken account, as being employed in the receiving with my own hands part of the abovesaid money. Wherefore I shall now attempt to doe it more distinctly.
Mr. Pell and I having seriously considered our orders conteyned in your honour's aforesaid letter, and forthwith advised with the most knowing and sober persons in Geneva concerning the most righteous and equall method of distributing the abovesaid money; wee were upon the whole fully convinced, that considering the state of affaires at present, no better or more equall method could possiblie bee thought of, then that which was lately constituted by those commissioners or deputies, which were lately chosen and sent as choise persons, and men of known fidelitie, by an universal consent of the cheife pillars of the reformed religion in the whole province, to visit those poore people, and also to make a right estimat of their number and sufferings, and accordingly to distinguish them by so many classes or ranks, to the end that the greatest sufferers might bee objects of the greatest charity.
Now after that wee had, upon mature deliberation, concluded, that this was the best way, that could bee at present pitcht upon; the next question was concerning the most safe and speedie way of conveighing this 7000 l. to Grenoble, where there is a treasury for this end and purpose, and from whence all the money, that has of late been sent those people from any place, has alwaies been conveighed with great care and industry into the Valleyes.
In order to this wee sent for mr. Calandrine, to know of him, as well what moneyes he had ready in his coffre, as also what wayes and meanes he had for the conveighance both of that and the rest to Grenoble. And finding by him, that he had no meanes, that were either speedie or safe; and also finding by others, that mr. Calandrine had no visible estate considerable, wee thought there might bee some danger, considering that hee is very aged, to let the money lay long in his hands. Wherefore by a mutuall consent, I have received out of his hands all that he had readie, viz. the summe of 5000 louis d'or. And having found out the most responsible, honest, and active merchant in Geneva, by mr. Pell's consent, I have delivered the money into his hands, and hee has engaged in writing to pay the said summe at Grenoble within the space of about 14 dayes. Wee also ordered the said merchant, viz. mr. Trunchin, to receive of mr. Calandrine the rest of the money, namely, as much as was at Lyons, which is 1120 louis d'or, by the way of a bill of exchange, and to conveigh that also from Lyons to Grenoble, the which he has likewise undertaken to doe within the space of 14 or 16 daies. All this will appeare more plainly by the papers (200, 201, and 202) which are copies of the originall papers, that have passed between us in this buisinesse. Wee cannot as yet give your honour a punctuall account, how much the conveighance of this money to Grenoble will cost. But thus farr this merchant mr. Trunchin has engaged, viz. that the conveighance of that money, which hee has received here at Geneva to Grenoble, should not at the utmost cost above 2/3 per 100, but hee hoped not so much; for, said hee, the case is thus, for as much as there is no trading of merchants between Geneva and Grenoble sufficient to make over such a summe, I must either send it by expresse messengers, and then I deserve 2/3 per 100 for securing the money, if it bee lost, after the charge that I shall bee at in thus sending it is deducted; or I must chose my time, and send it by small parcells by some merchants, that accidentally passe from thence thither. And then as it will cost little or nothing, so I shall desire no gaine from the poore people's money. And as for the conveighance of the money at Lyons, hee said it should not cost above ½ per 100, but hee hoped much leste.
All this was transfacted a weeke since, as your honour will find by the papers abovesaid; and a good part of the money had been alreadie at Grenoble by this time, had it not been that the duke of Savoy being informed, that a great number of French pistoles or louis d'or have been lately sent into the Valleyes, has issued out an edict to abate the price of the said pistoles; so that those of Grenoble have wrote to desire the money might bee changed into other species, as appeares by the paper (203).
The truth is, I had fully resolved, as I wrote in my last, to take a journey myselfe to Grenoble this weeke, and from thence into the Valleys, if need were, to bee more fully informed of the people's condition, and to see the money, or at least a good part of it, bestowed, according to the mind and intention of his highnesse and his councell; and accordingly had provided all things necessary for the said journey, but the ministers and most of the lords of Geneva, that I am acquainted with, being of a contrary advice.
1. Because I must goe a publick person, and by that meanes the papists would discover the way and method, how the money has been and is conveighed to those people. And that they being once discovered, the duke of Savoy would find some meanes to intercept the said money, and also procure the undoing of all those, which had a hand in it, who to this day have don it in secret. And although there may bee much suspicion, there can bee no proose against any of them.
2. Because in this nick of time, when all is like to bee on fire in Switzerland, it might proove of ill consequence to bee out of the way, when orders might probablie come from England to consult about affaires speedily, and also the nature of the thing require it. I assure your honour this is so universally taken notice of, and also talked of in Geneva by the most honest and sober party, that I am both ashamed and confounded to think of it; especially (said they) considering how mr. Pell appeares to have so little heat of affection for the cause of Christ, and also keeps himselfe so reserved, that wee can have no maner of freedome in the world of conversing with him; neither dare wee almost to speake to him, for feare of offending. They said moreover, that mr. Pell's desire of my going they did verily beleive was upon this ground.
I say, these reasons being by them urged (as I hinted in my last) did a little put mee to a stand. Wherefore I wrote a letter to the cheife and most active of those men in Grenoble, to signifie to mee speedily his thoughts thereupon; but withall resolved, that in case hee did not give mee satisfactory reasons, I would take a journey notwithstanding; that is to say, something more satisfactory then those of Geneva had given mee, as being afraid they would not, being weighed in the ballance, bee found sufficient to give full satisfaction in England; and so have ever since been signifying upon all occasions my intentions therein. And indeed for as much as I have received yet no letter from the gentleman of Grenoble, to whom I wrot, I had resolved (and mr. Pell had likewise consented) to goe on thursday morning next; but the ministers and severall of the lords of Geneva have again laboured upon the aforesaid grounds to divert my journey. I confesse the journey, it being now almost the midst of winter, amongst the snowy mountaines of Piemont, is not like to be very pleasant; yet for as much as (I blesse God) I promise to my selfe not much of pleasure or honour in this world, I am willing to hazard my interest therein upon so just a call, as I apprehend this to bee. However to reconcile all these things, I intend, God willing, to send an express to morrow morning privately to Grenoble to mr. D'lze, whom I have some acquaintance with, and who is the most famous man among the protestants there, and manages all things, to desire him to come immediatly to Geneva with all the informations possible concerning the affaires of Piemont, and especially concerning my journey. And after I have spoken with him, I shall take up a resolution to goe or stay. This is sure and safe, and I may send for him, and yet afterwards bee at Grenoble before the money can arrive there. I hope his coming and lively representing the sad condition of the poore people may quicken mr. Pell to set to his helping hand, to put things in order for opening a doore for my lord protector's intercession, which he has hitherto somtimes directly, somtimes indirectly waived. Mr. D'Ommeren is extremely disatisfied, and begins to speake very openly in Geneva against mr. Pell, both for slighting him and the cause; and I beleeve he is glad of the opportunity, his instructions being as yet but big words. This afternoon he promised mr. D'Ommeren and mee, to joyne in writing a letter into Switzerland, to draw forth, if possible, their intentions, without which, according to your honour's letter, wee can expect nothing from my lord protector; and indeed there is all the reason in the world for it. I know not whether he will stand to his word or no.
The newes from the Valleyes is most sad and lamentable. All the letters cry helpe for the Lord's sake, or else we perish; as your honour will see by the two inclosed papers (1 and 2). I perceive the poore people had been ere now in armes, had not they expected some reliese by a new intercession; in order whereunto they doe now very formally desire, and beg to know the utmost resolutions of England, Holland, and Switzerland. The plaine truth is, there are all the presages in the world of another and totall massacre. I have often mentioned the transplanting of them, but cannot perswade those people here to hearken to it as yet. They say, it would be good for the people indeed, but a great blow for the protestants of those parts, and must not bee thought of but as the very last remedy of all; concerning which I sent your honour a large discourse in my last.
The newes from Switzerland is, that the deputyes are come away from Baden, and nothing don, but that they are to meet again; some letters say within a weeke, others within
a month. Those of Zurich are very zealous; but those of Berne and the others are as
cold, and are resolved not to engage; and thereupon do exhort those of Zurich to some
moderation. All this your honour will see at large in the papers 204, 205, and 206,
which are extracts of the freshest date out of Switzerland, and from good hands, although
mr. Pell seldome communicates to mee a word to the purpose of any newes that concernes
Switzerland. I am afraid, that the prolonging of the treaty is, that they would willingly
have a good summe of money out of England. But those, who can suffer the bloud of
their poor brethren to be spilt for the cause of Christ just under their noses, I know not
what argument will prevaile upon them to compassionat their brethren, who are at a
greater distance. A little time, I trust, will make all these things cleare. In the meane
time I remaine,
Right honourable, your honour's most humble,
faithfull, and affectionat servant,
S. Morland.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of GreatBritain.
Honoured Sir,
I Received yours of the 25th of November, and am glad you have lighted uppon Halsell. For newes heere is none, butt that there are five or six rogues broke out in
Galloway, which I hope (by the course I have sett downe) will bee suddainly apprehended.
I heare thinges in Ireland are not so well as I could wish; but I make noe question butt
you will have an account of itt before this comes to hand. I thanke you for the care
you have had of major generall Drummond. I am confident, if hee bee furnished with
good officers, he will do his highnesse as good service as any collonell hee has, or will
send thither, hee being both an active, flout, and honest man. The ministers have had
a meetinge of late, to see what agreement they could make amongst themselves, butt are
falne into a greater difference then ever they were. There are some of the protesters
are resolved to act by his highnesse ordinance, and others have putt uppe these inclosed
papers to the councill. Those that doe act doe desire, that wee would procure an order
from his highnesse, that those powers which they have heerin desired might be granted;
which I thought fitt to send, that his highnesse may see them, when hee is best at leasure.
I remayne
Edinburgh, Dec. 4, 1655.
Your very loving friend and servant,
George Monck.
Col. Rob. Lilburne to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 93.
Mr. Heighington, the late post master of Durham, was with mee th'other day to vindicate himselfe of any suspicion had of him, that hee is not cordiall to the government, and said very much for himselfe; first, that he had paid 120 l. for the place about
18 yeare agoe, and that he had been a sufferrer these times, and discharged his duty
faithfully in his place, and was free to act upon such instructions, as was lately given to
the post masters, and that it was his principle to be true to any government established.
I promised to acquaint you thus much, and when you have read him in these apolloges, I
must tell you alsoe, that I understand he has many freinds to sollicite you in his behalfe,
and that will say much for him; but I am doubtfull upon the character given mee of
him, that he would doe his office, rather upon grounds of prudence and pollicy then
reall affection; for hee is a witty man, and able enough to doe his busines, as he is to conceale his judgment; and I must confesse the ground I went upon was the consideration of
the present time, and how necessary it is to have cordiall men in places of trust; and
that I doubted upon a pinch hee would not venter a broken shin for you. But he saying thus much for himselfe, and fearing you may bee soe much importuned, I shall leave
it with you to doe him what favour you please; and if you thinke fit to restore him, I
onely pray, that you will please to thinke of the present post master, as one willing and
free to serve you in any reasonable imployment, and that he may not undergoe any discouragement; or, sir, in regard, mr. Heighington has paid soe deare for his place, which
I knew not before, and officiated in it soe long together, (onely some little time the late
undertakers interrupted him) I humbly offer it to your consideration, if you thinke him
fitt for any other imployment about the courts at Durham. If you will befriend therein,
it may be a satisfaction to him. I am wondring sometimes, that your instructions concerning the cavalliers are not put in execution in these parts, as in other countreys. I
heare you have newly taken some new designers; and am glad it soe pleases God to discover them to you. Yet I cannot gather from any hand, that there is any thing of late
transacted here. I could wish you would thinke of disposeing of these persons, that we
might be free of the trouble of them. I am,
Yorke, Dec. 4. 55.
Sir, your most humble servant,
Rob. Lilburne.
From Dantzick, December 15, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 109.
My lord,
Those of Thorn are to receive a garrison of 1200 men besides the commander; and
to make oath of fidelity.
In regard the post of Elbing is not yet arrived, we know not what progress the Swedish army hath made. The elector is still at Koningsberg, where the syndic of this city is safely arriv'd. Marienburgh hath a strong garrison in it. The said syndic is to demand of the elector 2000 men for the defence of this city; where we are preparing to defend our selves.
The said elector hath sent lord Somits to the king of Sweden, to endeavour an accommodation; so that there is like to be some great alteration in a few days.
Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 143.
Right honorable,
I am sorry that the disposition of your body is not soe healthful, as I wish it with all my
heart; and I doe forbeare to trouble your honor as much as is possible. Yet in the
present conjuncture of affairs, I hope you will excuse me, that I dare not dilay any longer
to execute the instruction and order, which I have receaved from the lords the states generall
in the last weeke, concerninge their ambassages to the kings of Sweden and Danemarke re
spectively. And seeinge I have never conferred about those matters with any but your
honor himselfe, I presume you will not take it ill, that I beseech your honor with these
few lines to shew me soe much favor, that I may knowe wither and at what time his
most serene highnes will be pleased to admit me to a private audience. In the mean
time I wish your honor perfect health, with all prosperitie and contentment, remaininge,
right honorable,
Barkshire house this 5/15 of December 1655.
Your honor's most humble servant,
Wm. Nieupoort.
An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliff to mrs. Traps.
Paris, Dec. 15, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 115.
We have had a great frost for 8 or 9 days, greater than is usual to be here before Christmas.
On thursday last the peace with England was proclaimed. The king commanded bonfires to be made through Paris, and the great guns to be shot off. It is a shame to see, how it was performed: in most streets no fires at all; in some only a little straw. At the Greve (the town house and most solemn place) there was a thies hanged just before the fires were to be kindled, which some would construe an inauspicious omen. Pere . . . ., the most famous preacher in France, preached sharply against the peace before the king and the queen. Yet all this signifies nothing: the cardinal knows what he hath to do; and as long as the lord protector, the king of Sweden, and he hold together, they will not care for Turk, nor Pope, nor Spain, nor all the world besides.
Here came last week a book of articles of the peace printed at London; for here there is yet none published of it. One told me there are 25 articles all about trade. There is nothing of any persons to be sent away out of France in it; but it seems there are some private articles not to be printed; wherein that and some other things concerning the protestants of France and that league are provided for.
D. York
Francis knows nothing of his journey. No body speaks to him of it, nor doth he enquire about it.
Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 101.
This enclosed to his highnes is from the commissioners of Warwickesheire. There
is something in it concerning myselfe, that I was very importunate with them to
obliterate, but could not obteyne that favour. The alderman mr. Chambers, that was
mayor last yeare, of whom I writ to you in my last, I with mr. mayor and 4 or 5 of his
brethren, examined, and took the examinations of diverse godly men, that came in
agaynst him in writing, and rather then he would abide my certificate to his highnes and
councill, this day he came to the house, as they here terme it, which is the mayor and
alderman being met together, and desired to bee dismist. They comanded him to withdrawe, and after being called in; amoved him (which is the word of theyr charter) from
his place, as likewise from being of the common councill and bearing any office in the
cyttie. This hath strucke the worser fort with feare and amazement; but exceedingly
rejoyces the hearts of the godly. Many have bin with me, and blesse God for his highnes
his care of them, it being a mercy beyond what they expected. I assure you his highnes
is very much in the heartes here of God's people, both ministers and others. Yf the
Lord please, I shall goe from hence on fryday next towards Nottingham, where I shall
put in execution the act for ejecting scandalous ministers. I conclude with the sinceritie of
this profession, that I am, sir,
Coventry, Dec. 5, 1655.
Your most affectionate freind
and humble servant,
Edward Whalley.
Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 105.
I Came to this towne on saturday night, and on munday I met the officers of the militia
troope, which I hope will bee very diligent and active in their station to keepe
the peace of this county. Yesterday being tuesday the comissioners mett according to
appointment, there being present coll. Whichcote, capt. Cannon, capt. Thornhill, major
Allen, mr. Trappham, major Fincher, mr. Lush, mr. Cooke, mr. Keepe, mr. Sharpe, mr.
Bell, capt. Blore, lieut. col. White, and my selfe, who have all exprest their willingnes to
promote this service. Wee have made some entrance upon our worke, and shall proceed as fast as these short dayes and badd travelling weather will give us leave. There
are some persons in this county, who were in the late insurrection, against whom some
proceedings have bin made by the exchequer. The commissioners therefore make the
same desire with those of Hampshire, that directions bee given by his highnes and the
councell, how they shall proceed in such cases.
I received yours by the saturday post, and have communicated to the commissioners for Hampshire your opinion concerning the marques of Winchester, and shall likewise lett the commissioners for Suffex know his highnes pleasure concerning sir Edward Ford.
Wee have great cause to bless God for his continued goodness in discovering the bloody and wicked designes of our enemyes. I hope the Lord will teach those, whom it concerns, to make a wise improvement thereof. I gave a warrant to capt. Freeman of Coweold in Suffex to apprehend coll. Bushop. If you will bee pleased to write to him, it may further that busines. He is to be at Lewis with the commissioners the 10th of this moneth.
I am sory you were hindered from your busines the last week by sicknes; but I hope
the Lord hath bin gracious in restoring you to health, and will continue you as an instrument in his hand for much glory to his name, and good to this generation. I commend you to his grace, and remaine, sir,
Reading, Dec. 5, 1655.
Your very affectionate friend
and humble servant,
Wm. Goffe.
You have heere inclosed the commissioners for Barkeshere as now settled. All that I have added hath bin by the advice of capt. Dunch, capt. Pitman and capt. Thornhill, except capt. Blore and coll. White, who have come downe to vissite me and some friends in this towne.
I thanke you very hartily for remembring the 100 l. It will come very seasonably. I hear my cole seed is in some danger for want of turning. I beseech, you wright to mr. Edwards to take care therein. I am ashamed to trouble you with these affaires; but I hope you will pardon mee.
The names of the commissioners for Berks, appointed to put in execution the orders of his highness and the council for securing the peace of the commonwealth.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 73.
The council mistook in naming him maj. William Allen.
Col. Wm. Goffe,
Captain Cannon,
Col. Christopher Whitchcote,
Samuel Dunch,
Sir John Thoroughgood,
Major Francis Allen,
Capt. Wm. Thornhill,
John Barkstead esq;
Thomas Trapham,
Cornelius Holland,
Major Richard Fincher,
Francis Allen,
John Blackwell junior,
Vincent Goddard dead.
Thomas Fettiplace of Fernham,
John Dunch of Hessey,
Charles Fettiplace of Upper Lainborne,
Captain Thomas Blore,
Lieut. col. Francis White,
Henry Sharpe of Reading,
John Hyde esq;
Robert Lush of Sparsholt,
Mr. Cook of Wallingford,
Angel Bell,
Andrew Keepe,
Thomas Coxe of Stanford,
John Collins of Betterton.
An intercepted letter.
December 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 135.
Dearest Friend,
Since I writ last to you, I was at Brussels to inform myself of the temper of the Dons.
My last letter was from Antwerp. I cannot perceive, that the Spaniards will be over
hasty to imbark with the king. They will stand upon the defensive, and that will be all,
till they see what effect the peace hath between France and Spain. The great expectation is, whether the elector of Brandenburgh will engage against the Swedes. The Spaniards hope to bring the states of Holland into a league with them. The princess Dowa
ger and the new princes of the empire, prince William of Friesland and prince Maurice of Nassau, stadtholder for Brandenburgh, endeavour it. If they can effect that alliance, they hope to defend themselves against Sweden and England.
There is one mr. Manning discovered at Cologne to have given intelligence; and all his cyphers are taken. What he is, I know not; but a great noise is made of it. For my own part, I had rather starve in a ditch, than pretend friendship and be an enemy underhand; but it is odd to me to be hated at Cologne, I believe because I was able to have served the King then there, if he had lov'd men of business rather than slatterers; and at the same time to be excluded England, while to my knowledge all the confidents of the court converse publickly at London.
For mr. William Palmer at the Harp and Ball near Charing Cross.
A letter of intelligence.
Cologne, Dec. 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 139.
Worthy sir,
I Can add nothing to my last observations, and do believe you will find them so well
stated, that what shall arise from time to time from them will be my task hereafter;
though again I am to remember you always in Methodo Ignorantiæ. Count William of
Friesland is pushing hard for count Brederode's imployment, which already is or will be
soon conferred upon him, and that by those, who had the greatest hand in the late design
against the house of Nassau, by whom also no small care is taken, that this nor ought
else be done to the prejudice of the young prince of Orange, with whom do now concur
our all-commanding mortals of Amsterdam. I am confident, you cannot but have heard
of the detection of one Manning, who hath been since Christmas last a spy (as they say)
in the Scot's king's court; his person and papers were seized on, and from these may be
inferred, he wants not confederates, though as yet he hath not discovered them, infomuch, that that unhappy generation is fallen into no small jealousy the one of the other;
and now at this time they fail not to put in execution the one against the other whatever
rage and passion dictates.
A letter of intelligence.
From the Pillauw, Dec. 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 123.
My Lord,
I arrived here yesterday, where I am told of a certain, that the forces of the elector are
come to Braunsbergh. This town is situated in royal Prussia upon the river Passara,
and five miles from Elbing. It is reasonably well fortified. The town of Dantzick is
supposed to be agreed with the elector, and will defend itself. It is also said, that no act
of hostility is yet pass'd between the elector and the Swede.
Mr. T. Taylor to H. Cromwell major general of the army in Ireland.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 131.
My Lord,
Wee had scarce enjoyed (through the rich mercie of God) a breathing tyme from
those prelaticall persecutions and tyranicall usurpations of the grand enemies of religion and libertie, when the people of God growne wanton with peace, and sick of contentious questions and disputings, were not only readdy to bite one another with unchristian censures, but verie many of them (out of an head strong zeale to theyr owne
way and partie) were carryed violently to destroy the interest of those, that were of a
different perswasion from themselves. Whilst thinges were in this posture, that infinitely
wise God and father of all those that believe in him, was gradually raiseing his highnesse
your renowned father, till at last hee gave the helme of this common-wealth into his
hand; who sithence hath not onely rendered theise united nations peaceable at home,
and honourable and formidable abroad, but also kept the diffenting spirits of men prosessing godlinesse soe evenly-ballanced, that in the injoyment of theyr respective libertys;
they neyther canne oppresse nor bee oppressed one by another.
In the second place, and next unto this, wee account it a speciall mercie, that God hath taken of your father's spirit, and put it upon you; and sent your honour as a healer of the breaches in this divided nation; wherein the overflowing interest of those, that endeavoured (what in them lay) to null all churches, ordinances, and ministers (not to say magistrates also) which were not baptized into the same spirit and way with themselves, had almost like a land flood carried all before it. In this healing worke your lordship can hardly deal with soe tender a hand, but the impatience of your patients may expose your honour to misrepresentations and reproches; but bee of good courage (my lord) for your worke is with the Lord, and your reward with your God. The godlie in this land are your witnesses and remembrancers at the throne of grace; who at your lordship's first arrivall were comforted, when they saw you brought such pious and precious ministers of the gospell with you who now shine as lights of a greater magnitude in this our horrizon; and much more to heare of those gracious expressions, that dayly flowe from you, and that universally sutable carriage and demeanour, which speakes you not a superficiall favourer, but a reall patron and defender; yea a freind, brother, and companion to those, that feare the Lord, which is undeniablely evidenced by this, that you keep in closse fellowship with the Lord's people, comeing in and goeing out with them, and in all ordinances, by your presence, countenance, and assistance (in your place) strengthening theyr hands in God.
For which causes the church of God, which is at Carrickfergus, with other godly and
sober spirited men in theise parts, have injoyned me in theyr name to signifie to your lordship, how great an interest you have in theyr hearts, affections, prayers and (if in any
thing they could be serviceable to your honour) in their most sincere indeavours. And
our trust (through Christ in God) is, that hee that hath begun a good work in you, and
thus far carried it on, will still perfect it unto the day of visitation; and will (if our sins
deprive us not of that mercie) continue your honour amongst us in the same way, in the
same spirit; which shall bee the prayer of
Carricksergus, Dec. 6, 1655.
Your lordship's most humble servant,
Timothie Taylor,
Pastour of the church at Carrickfergus in
theyr name, and by the appointment of
them and others.