State Papers, 1655: November (8 of 8)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: November (8 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: November (8 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: November (8 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (8 of 8)

Oliver P.

Vol. xxxii. p. 879.

These are to will and require you to appoint some trusty person or persons to receive from the hands of the lieutenant of our tower of London the body of sir Thomas Peiton, and him to convey in safe custody to our castle of Walmer in our county of Kent, and to deliver him to the governor of the said castle. Given at Whitehall, this 27th of November 1655.

To major generall Tho. Kelsey.

Monsieur Stouppe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 883.

J'ay recu aujourdhuy lettre du gentilhomme de Bruxelles, que vous connossés, qui me mande entr' autres nouvelles, qu'un mylord, qui est avec le roy d'Ecosse, est venu le voir pour le prier d'ecrire a monsieur le prince de Condé, que le roy son maitre desiroit de faire son accord avec le roy de France & le cardinall Mazarin; & que si ledit prince desiroit, il esperoit de venir a bout de son dessein. Il écrit encor, que quand monsieur le prince aura donné sa reponse, & sera de retour a Bruxelles, le susdit my lord y retournera aussi pour traitter cette affaire avec son altesse comme aussi avec l'archiduc Leopold & le comte de Fuensaldagne. S'il vous plait, monsieur, de voir cette lettre, je vous l'iray montrer, lors qu'il vous plairra de m'envoyer querir. Je seray toujours prét a obeir a vos commandemens, & a vous temoigner, que je suis, monsieur,
Au Covent Garden ce 27 Nov. 55.

Votre tres humble, & tres obeissant serviteur,

Major general Worsley, and the other commissioners, to the protector.

Vol. xxxii. p. 887.

May it please your highness,
In obedience to the orders and instructions communicated to us from your highness and council by major general Worsley, we have made it our business to put the same in execution, and caused some progress therein, and shall in our actions express our satisfaction thereof, and conformity thereunto, having long been desirous, that the first and continued causers of the disturbance of our peace might not equally have shared our so dearly purchased freedom. We have understood the scruples presented and entertained by some our associate and other counties, but do make bold humbly to certify your highness, that we did and were confirmed to conceive it our duties upon the instructions aforesaid to us directed, to tax and assess proportionable to the having within us, if in other counties he have to compleat the sum of 100 l. yearly, though the estate were in five counties; and we conceive it is not in our power to make defalcation for debts or incumbrances, yet are glad of your highness's additional instructions for satisfaction of those we have to deal withal. And in this, and what else your highness shall please to command us, we shall endeavour unanimously to improve all, and whatsoever we possibly may, so as to approve our selves serviceable to your highness and the commonwealth, not doubting e'er long to manisest the fruits of our endeavours, correspondent to expectation, and within the time limited, whereof we shall be then enabled to give your highness and the council a full account; till then, waving particulars, we humbly crave pardon, and take leave to subscribe ourselves from our meeting at Namptwich, my lord,
Cheshire, Nov. 27, 1655.

Your highness's most humble and faithful servants,
Charles Worsley,
Tho. Croxton,
W. Malbon,
John Delves,
Tho. Harward,
Tho. Malbon,
Tho. Mainwaringe,
J. Bruen,
Henry Birkenhead,
Jo. Griffiths.

Commissary Pels to the states general.

Vol. xxxii. p. 925.

High and mighty lords,
I Have now to acquaint your high mightinesses, that the king of Sweden lying still with part of his cavalry in the suburbs of Thorn, has given liberty to the magistrates, to treat daily for their security the Thoreners refusing to take in a garrison. We long to hear what will be the sinal conclusion thereof. The city must furnish daily his majesty with victuals.

The electoral army strong 8 or 10000 men, besides those commanded by the count of Waldeck and general Cannenberg in another place, strengthen themselves in and about Marienberg. In the mean while we expect the final resolution of the greatest towns, for the conjunction agreed upon, which goes on very slowly.

Hereby I communicate a specification of the raising of the toll at Riga since the year 1653 in some commodities.

Dantzick, Dec. 8. 1655. [N. S.].

Wherewith, &c. High and mighty lords, &c. sign'd
P. Pels.

Mr. Samuel Morland, to secretary Thurloe.

Geneva, November 28, 1655. O. S.

In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

Right honorable,
Yesterday I received yours of the 15 Nov. and doe assure your honour, that my thoughts as concerning Switzerland are to this houre much the same that ever they have been; and although the affayres of states are often as to the managment and designing of them misterious, that the standers by cannot demonstrate the reasons and grounds of them, yet many times there is so much light to bee gathered from their effects and circumstances, that a righteous judgment may bee given of them à posteriori, (as the logicians terme it,) which indeed is the way, that man takes in most of his knowledge. For my part, I had never an opportunitie of entering into their cabinet councels, neither has mr. Pell by his good will given mee any light into their affaires; and all that I have learned from him has been by indirect discourses, and as it were by the by, when hee has been in a passion on the one side, or forgott himselfe on the other side, and so let fall words, which otherwise hee would by no meanes have done. Yet when I consider the cold proposition, that the Swisses first made to the duke, the miserable treatie that they afterwards there patcht up, and their py-bald and insignificant resolution at Payerne; I say, when I doe seriously consider these things, and compare them with those things, that I have read and heard concerning them, I cannot but feare, that all, which I have wrot of this kind, or at least the most part of it, is too true. The great assemblie of both papist and protestant cantons at Bade is not yet finished: the canton of Swhitz is most unreasonably insolent; and on the other side those of Zurich are extreme hott, and faine would be doing, if the others would consent. The French ambassador often begins a health to both papist and protestant cantons, which by report is the best facultie which he has, and the best argument hee can produce for uniting them, being marvelous weake in his intellectuals. The particulars of all these things your honor will see in the inclosed papers, which I have procured. The Lord God will worke out his own ends in this. It may bee, he has a mind to chastize the Swisses for being so backward to releive their poor brethren. It may bee, hee has a mind onely to shew them, that hee could give them a civill warr at home, even for the same cause of religion, that they refused to owne abroad. It may bee, hee has a mind to suffer their hearts to bee yet further hardened, so as to accomodate the buisinesse, and let the bloud of their brethren, whome the other have executed, to goe unpunished. And is soe, I shall verily beleive, that God has provided a more heavie rod for them then wee yet imagine; and that they will feele it in his due time. No man here dares give any judgment as yet, whether they will accommodate the buisinesse or not; but a little time will shew it. My faith is not spent yet as concerning the poore people of Piemont; and I doe very believe, bee it sooner, bee it later, the Lord will work out their deliverance; and I am confident, the ways and meanes before finished will bee worthy of relating to posteritie, as your honour mentions; in order whereunto I shall forthwith bend my utmost endeavours, if I have a proportionate time of retirement in this place.

Concerning the distribution, I am labouring to my utmost to give your honour a good account. I have received since the last post of mr. Chamberlane the summe of 5000 Louis d'Or with my own hands, by the consent of mr. Pell; for as much as upon more mature debate and further enquiry I found, that mr. Calandrine had not so speedie and certaine wayes of conveighing the money towards the Valleyes, as some others here. Besides wee judged it not safe to lett him have so much money in his hands; for though hee bee accounted an honest man, hee has but a little visible estate, and hee being very aged, there might bee hazard. I have at present the money in my custody, and, God willing, shall speedily send it to Grenoble.

Mr. Pell and I joyntly in our last gave your honour a full account, I hope, concerning the way of distribution. The greatest question now is, whither I should take a journey to Grenoble, and so further, to see actually the money laid out. I have a great mind so to doe, and mr. Pell now seemes not unwilling; onely the ministers here are now all against it, saying it will give great umbrage to the papists at Grenoble, and undoe the ministers and others there, if I should goe publickly thither, and consult with them. This has made me pause a little; and I have some daies sent a letter to those of Grenoble, to signifye their thoughts concerning my coming thither, and if I have not very satisfactory reasons to the contrary, I am resolved yet to goe. And I beseech your honour to beleive, as I trust you shall find in the end, that neither in this, or any thing, which concerns the good of these poore people or your honour's satisfaction, I shall omitt any thing, which lyes in my power.

The last weeke I wrote your honour a large letter concerning my reall thoughts and feares, as concerning the event of this negotiation, which I have still reason to doubt of. I then sent your honour a project, that mr. D'Ommeren brought us, in order to the wayes of re-establishing the poore people, a translation whereof I have sent you marked M, which wee then had agreed upon in a maner; and resolved also thereupon to write letters into Switzerland in such a maner, as wee shall thinke most probable to draw forth the intentions and resolutions of the Swisses, which mr. D'Ommeren and I apprehended to bee the true and necessary foundation to be layd for further proceedings, especially considering, what reason my lord protector had to expect it before hee resolved any thing further. Now thursday was the day appointed for meeting and comparing our letters together. But mr. Pell, as hee told mee afterwards, never intended any such thing, and so disappointed mr. D'Ommeren thursday and fryday. Whereupon on fryday night mr. Ommeren sent mee a copie of the letter, which hee had drawn, desiring to have my thoughts and mr. Pell's thereupon; the translation whereof I have sent your honour marked with N. On saturday morning I waited on him, and told him, I liked it well, save onely the latter end I thought fitt to be changed, (viz. what I have marked with black lines) as namely, I thought it not convenient for us to pray the Switzers to joyne with us absolutely, but to entreate them, in order to their resolution at Payerne, to signify their thoughts concerning going to Turin, and further proceedings in case of a denyall. But as for mr. Pell, I told him, that I was afraid hee mistooke us in our agreement, and also did not like the forme of the letter. Whereupon hee told mee, that hee was amazed at mr. Pell's carriage; that it was an affront to him to make him write into Holland, that wee had agreed on such a project, and afterwards fly off; as also that it was a great dishonour for my lord protector, that his deputies should not bee of the same mind. And that hee would write to have leave to goe home again, and not to bee mocked here; with manie other such expressions. Whereupon I made him answer, that for my part I was willing to consent to any thing of that nature, whereby wee might gaine the true intentions of the Swisses in a privat maner; and that I hoped hee could not say, that hee had found mee backward; and as for mr. Pell, I must not bee the judge of his conscience. But withall told him, that I was confident and sure, it was my lord protector's desire to know the intentions of the Swisses, before hee engage any further. And in order to that I knew no way possible to find or learne their intentions, but by going or writing. And though mr. Pell did not construe my lord's mind so, yet I could not construe it otherwise; and was readie to joyne with him in any thing of that nature. Hee answered mee, hee was sure mr. Downing would have don it, if hee had been here. The plain truth is, as mr. D'Ommeren's instructions do most consist, as I perceive, in big words, according to my last letters, wherein I have given your honour an account; and that hee has no orders at all any further then speaking high at Turin, so hee is glad of this occasion to declare himselfe with all the plausibilitie imaginable. But withall it greives mee to my soule, to see these things, and not bee able to helpe them. Mr. Pell has dealt extremely roughly, and I think I may say, rudely with him in point of civility. And as for me, if I speake my consecience, and that any wayes please not him, the best words that I have of him in mr. D'Ommeren's presence, or any of this place is, that I may meddle with my buisinesse, &c. after the same maner as if I were his lackey or foot-boy. I blesse God this touches not my privat person; neither did I ever returne him an ill word; but it must needs reflect upon my lord protector. However, I am afraid, hee has no heart for the cause of Christ or his people; all that I can pull one way, hee is sure to pull another. Hee will not stirr out of his chamber to do any thing; the care and burden lyes all upon my shoulders. I must see the money righteously bestowed, or else I know not how it would goe, which at present is the cause, that makes mee more confused in my letter then otherwise I would bee; for which I begg your honour's pardon. In my next I shall, God willing, give your honour a better account of all things.

As touching the transplanting the people, the inclosed paper P gives your honour a full account of the ministers and others here; which I have no time to have translated; most of my papers being received but a very few houres before I send my letters, which, the truth is, is extremely inconvenient.

About 3 daies there came severall of the lords of the town, and brought mee the paper V, making a long narrative to the same purpose, to signifie the great necessities of their citie; as also how considerable it was to the publick cause of religion in these parts; and that they entreated my lord protector to consider them. I told them, I would acquaint your honour with it; and also recommend their case, as I was capable. And this morning they sent mee the two letters, one to his highnesse, and the other to your honour. For my part, it will not become mee to say any more then this, and this is my dutie to say, that since my abode I have observed, that there are manie of the leaders, who I do verily beleive are men feareing God; and in the generall, religion and honesty is exceedingly countenanced and incouraged. It is true, there is covertly much profanenesse and wickednesse; but a great reason is because they ar poore, and liv upon strangers, and dare not execute their laws so strictly. This is their temptation. As for any other reasons, they ar all in your papers, and your honour will better judge of them. I beg your honour's pardon for this confused writing, and remaine,
Right honourable, your honour's most humble, faithful and affectionate servant,
S. Morland.

Cardinal Mazarin to de Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Paris, Dec. 8, 1655. [N. S.]

In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

My lord,
I Might very well have omitted writing to you, in regard I hope you will be here within few days; and that we may then entertain one another by word of mouth: but supposing this letter may be deliver'd to you before your departure from London, I thought fit to venture it, to put you in mind to renew your instances concerning the levies in your audience at your taking your leave. And likewise it will not be amiss to signify to the lord protector the malignity of those, who spread a report, that the ratification would not be sent, till such time that the express of the pope were returned from Madrid. Wee will agree with you concerning the commissioner for the liquidation of prizes, when you are here. You will understand by monsieur de Brienne all the rejoycings, that were made here for the peace. I will only tell you, that amongst other signs of joy the king hath ordered all the guns to be discharged generally in all the frontier places of this kingdom; a thing, which was never done; and likewise his majesty will have me to have the honor to entertain him to day at dinner in publick; and you may believe wee shall not forget to remember in a solemn manner the health of the lord protector.

An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliff's to mrs. Traps.

Paris, Dec. 8, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxii. p. 913.

The king of France hath overcome the difficulties, which the governors and frontier garrisons might have brought him into. D'Hocquincourt and all the rest are agreed with, and submitted. The peace with England is to be proclaimed to morrow, as I was told by a good hand yesterday. I saw a list of 20 cavaliers, who must be sent out of France, and I hear there are more that must go. I have spoken with Francis [ie. D. of York], and find him very well in relation to Peter [ie. K. Charles], but he knows nothing what he shall do; he sends one within these two days to Peter for his direction. Peter is beginning a new factory, which may prove again full trade. The old saying may prove true, if in one thing you be grieved, in another you may be relieved.

H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 939.

I Have sent the enclosed upon one purpose for your view, that after your perusall you may tender it to his highness. Ther is not a sillable in it, but is truth; and I thought my selfe the rather oblidged to write it, havinge it from good hands, that the particulars therin are represented by them into England, and least they should come to his highness, I thought it convenient by this way to vindicate my selfe. I'le assure you, I cannot tell how otherwise to expresse my selfe, but that they are starke madd, and that not only uppon my own observation, but the observation of all sober men. They have not had any provocation from me, neither in word or action. I have with all dilegence watched over my owne spirit: therin they themselves doe justifye mee in all my actiones to my face, tho' they doe most slawndrously caluminate mee behind my back. I know nothinge they are restrayned in, unles it be rule and dominion over their brethren. Good sir, doe mee that right as to let mee constantly heare from you. If you think my letters may not give full satisfaction, uppon notice from you, I shall endeavour to use other means by findinge some person, who may be credited, tho' as to my selfe I have satisfaction in my integritie to the mannaginge of affayres heere. You may excuse mee for givinge you but hints, when you see the length and severall particulars in the inclosed. I shall not trouble you farther at present, but remaine
Nov. 28, 1655.

Your lovinge freind and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.

Be pleased to peruse the enclosed to Sankey, and seale it and deliver it.

Unto the right honorable his highness's councell in Scotland for the government thereof,

The supplication of the ministers, elders and professors, who are for the protestation against the late controverted publick resolutions of kirk and state in the year 1651, met at Edinburgh the 28th day of November 1655, humbly shewing, that

Vol. xxxvi. p. 363.

Wherereas it hath pleased the Lord, whose judgments are unsearchable, and his ways past finding out, who sists the nations with the sieve of vanity, and who changeth the times, and setteth up and putteth down at his pleasure, after the counsel of his holy and uncontroulable will, to bring manifold sad confusions on this church, threatning utterly to break down the wall, and take away the hedge thereof; which (unless the Lord in mercy prevent) is a dreadful prognostick of greater desolation to come, as if he would break down what he hath built, and pluck up what he hath planted, even the whole nation, and his vineyard. And we having in our stations apart, and at several of our former meetings together, enquired amongst ourselves, how it went with the Lord's work and . . . . . of the land, and finding upon search many sad and clear evidences of a growing defection, and prevailing spirit of profaneness and enmity to godliness, by profane and malignant men, and that many thousands of precious souls in this church are much vexed, and do much suffer in their most precious and spiritual interest by a multitude of insufficient and scandalous ministers and elders, who have charge over congregations, and who since the interruption of the work of purging of the kirks, and since the late defection begun in this church, have listed up their heads on presbyteries and synods, to the bearing down of the work of God, and strengthning the hands of the wicked, and sadding the hearts of the righteous, we have been necessitated from the vows of God, which are upon us, for endeavouring in our places and stations the preservation of the reformed religion in Scotland in doctrine, worship, discipline, and government, and improving the same for the power of godliness, to bethink ourselves seriously what the Lord doth call us unto at such a time as this. And after consulting and communicating with the Lord's ministers and people through the land, who are of our judgment (and whose hearts are afflicted with the prevailing defection, and the sad fruits thereof, which do appear in most part of presbyteries and synods) we finding a harmony and pressure of spirit amongst them and ourselves, that the trust, which was derived from the general assembly in the year 1650 by their commission, for the publick affairs of the kirk, and by their several commissions for visitations of presbyteries and synods (since which time there hath been no lawful general assembly of this church) might be improved and made use of by those members thereof, who own that capacity and trust, with the advice of found presbyteries and synods. And albeit we have no question of the standing of that commission, and have therefore kept ourselves in the possession thereof by adjournments from time, to time; yet apprehending, that all proceeding to exercise power therein would have been an obstruction and impediment to hinder union with our brethren, who are for the publick resolutions, we have hitherto from real inclinations to peace, and being desirous, so far as could be attained, to do the work of the Lord in a joint and unanimous way with them, been sparing to exercise that power; but finding at last no profitable fruit of our forbear ance therein, but rather our evils growing worse, and our late endeavours for union with our brethren frustrated, albeit we were willing, and did propose unto them, that notwithstanding of the corruption, which is in the church, the presbyteries, and synods, an equal number of both judgments should have been appointed by the several synods within themselves for visitations, and with power and commission for purging out of insufficient and scandalous ministers, and to compose and settle differences in all businesses relating to presbyters and congregations; and perceiving that your lordships are not strangers to the manifold bonds, which are upon us, to own the government and liberties of this church, and how tender our fathers were in that matter, we mean the many faithful and eminent ministers and servants of Christ, who have lived in this nation, and in their generation were famous for the grace of God in them, and the spirit of the Lord upon them, with a strong hand instructing them, and making them a brazen wall, and a desenced city against the encroachments made by the civil magistrate upon the government and liberties of this kirk, for which to the hazard of their own liberty and lives they did faithfully appear and give witness at all occasions, and through the Lord's good hand upon them did procure the recalling and rescinding of many commissions at several times issued and set up against the liberties of the church, and the establishing of laws and acts of parliament corroborating the church power, and abrogating and declaring void any acts or laws giving power and commission in ecclesiastical matters over the church of Christ: all which laws being yet in force, and we having encouragement by frequent professions of a readiness to satisfy the desires of the godly in this nation, in any thing for which they will make addresses for the good of religion, and to rule the lieges in other things according to the laws, to represent to your honours our grievances and desires in behalf of the present condition of this church, in order to the late said encroachments, which we have formerly at several occasions laid out in our former representations and testimony (which we conceave to be founded upon the law of righteousness and love) presented unto his highness the lord protector and other eminent persons of the state and army and particularly in our paper delivered to some of the judges in this nation anent the court and power established for placing and displacing of ministers in Scotland, which herewith we offer to your honours.

We do therefore humbly beseech your lordships, that ye would be pleased not only to permit, and not hinder, and obstruct the members of that commission for the publick affairs of this church, and of the several commissions for visitations of presbyteries, in the exercise of their trust, which they have from Jesus Christ, and by the assemblies of this kirk; but also that ye would be pleased to countenance and give encouragement and assistance unto them in their endeavours for purging out of insufficient and scandalous ministers, and for planting of such, who are qualisied according to the word of God, and the acts and discipline of this kirk, and for promoting the work of the gospel, and the power of godliness; which we do not desire upon the account of engrossing or perpetuating power in our hands, but simply in order to the promoting of the gospel, and therefore shall be very willing to lay aside the exercise of that trust, whensoever our brethren for the publick resolutions shall be willing to concur with us in such effectual way, as we did overture to themselves for doing of the work of the Lord, and purging of his house. As also it is our earnest and humble desire and supplication unto your honours, that we may have a satisfactory answer unto that paper delivered to some of the judges anent the court about placing and displacing of ministers in Scotland; and that intrants into the ministry, where there are sound presbyteries and synods, may be permitted to exercise their function and office, and may have access to the maintenance allocated to the kirks, where they serve, by getting execution of the laws of the land relating thereunto upon certificates of their admission from these sound presbyteries and synods, without any new approbation, authorization, or admission to the benefice from the civil judge; which we humbly conceive and are persuaded in our consciences is contrary to the Lord's word and to the laws of this nation, and to the discipline and constant practice of this kirk. And as for any inconveniency, that may fall out by corrupt men having access to their maintenance upon the admission of corrupt presbyteries or synods, we are hopesul, that the commission, how soon they shall be permitted to sit and exercise their power, will offer unto your honours a sufficient remedy.

These our humble desires we have offered to your honours in the simplicity of our hearts, and as they are in the estimation of our spirits, and we trust also in themselves, things of great and special concernment to the kingdom of Christ Jesus our Lord, and the good of souls, and such as being granted may contribute much for the refreshing of many weary hearts; and we beseech and hope, that you will only consider thereof as before the Lord, who judgeth righteously in the earth, and that weighing the same in the balance of his sanctuary, and not in the scale of civil policy or human interest, you may endeayour our satisfaction therein; or wherein your honours do not find yourselves impowered so to do, that ye would be pleased to represent the same to his highness, the lord pro tector, and to be intercessors with him, that he may take these our grievances and desires in due and serious consideration, and allow the same refreshing and satisfying answer, that whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven may be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven; and your honours answer is humbly desired and expected by
Your honours humble supplicants abovementioned, in whose names the presents are at their appointment subscribed by,
David Weimes,
Gilbert Ker,
J. Hinsone,
Samuel Rutherford,

Major general Haynes to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 931.

Right honorable,
Since my last from Bury Edmonds, I have not received ought from you, nor yet have any thing considerable to aquaint your honour with, save only that on tuesday the 27th the commissioners for the county of Cambridge and the isle of Ely mett at Cambridge, and have put their work in good order as to the generall tax, and will soon take into consideration the other heads. Still it pleaseth the Lord to unite the heart of our friends beyond expectation in this worke, as you see evidently by the commissioners letter to his highness, which is desired may be presented by your hand, and for that purpose have I presumed to make these the covert of it. On fryday I hope I shall gett liberty to return to Bury, where a good part of the work remains to be done, and thence I intend for Essex, though I fear it will not be so soone as I intimated in my former. I humbly entreat your honour to befriend me so farr as to prevent any other counties, as Hertfordshire &c. being assigned to mee, having truly my hand full, and not sufficiently qualifyed to the work I have already appointed mee. I intimated in a former something in relation to one mr. Boteman in Norwich, who hath such an influence upon the malignant magistracye there, that hee is apprehended very dangerous in that citty, and is one that hath fallen from his first principles, and perfectly joined himself to that interest. It would be to troublesome to your honour to read you his charge. I heare he purposeth to make his application to his highness and councell, prevailing with two or three of the most moderate of that party to come up with him, hoping by them to be the better accepted; and yet were his cause to receive a judgment by the weight that those persons will be found to have in the ballance, I am sure it will goe well with the honest party there, who as one man both presbiterian and others are exceedingly oppressed by him, and those he influenceth. I beseech you have an eye thereto. One thing more I pray I may be heard in, which is our Colchester business, wherein your honour knowes I have not a little laboured: Honest mr. Barnadistone being dead, the good people there are in some seare mr. Shawe the malignant recorder lately laid aside by his highness should be againe imposed on them. I mention it the rather, because some honest people of the place have entreated the countinuance of my helpe in that thinge. I beseech you let those that will serve you faithfully, and have an interest elsewhere that may availe you, be duly encouraged, and not insulted over, by them that wayte the opportunity only of openly declaring against you. If corporations be not soon considered, the work now upon the wheel will certainly receive a stand. Please excuse the trouble of these, and accompt me what truly I am, Sir,
Cambridge, Nov. 28, 1655.

Your honour's truley humble servant,
Hen. Haynees.

Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 935.

I Hope you have received myne by the post, which went from hence on saturday night last (though I have received none from you this day) wherein I gave you an accompt of the entrance made upon our busines in this county, where I finde the commissioners that first mett very willing and active, though I feare the revenew of the extraordinary taxe will bee very inconsiderable, by reason of the meane estates of the delinquents.

I intend (if the Lord please) to goe from hence on saturday morning next, and to lye at Reading that night, where I have appointed the commissioners for Berkshire to meet mee on tuesday following; and therefore am againe bould to desire you to lett one of the messengers deliver the inclosed. Sir, I shall not further trouble you at present, save to subscribe my selfe, sir,
Winchester Nov. 28, 1655.

Your very affectionate friend and humble servant,
Wm. Goffe.

I perceive there are indeavors to take off sir Edward Ford's taxe; but I assure you most of those wee dealt with about Chichester told us, that they were drawne in by him.

Col. Robert Gibbon to the protector.

Vol. xxxii. p. 943.

May it please your highnes,
Since my last, that gave you an accompt of the dangerous letter of mr. Maret, I have only this to acquaint your highnes, that that day I sent it away I secured him, and he so remaynes; as allso one Baggott, a greate friend of the said Messervyes, to whom Marett's letters were wrott, that had before my knowledge of Marrett's giving publique affronts as now, so to all formerly in authority here, as major Littcott and major generall Heanes, and he so remaynes, refusing to give security to live peaceably towards the government and those intrusted here. He gave security in major general Heanes tyme in a considerable some, he having notoriously affronted the baillisse here, but now refuseth, saying, he cannot get security, but that I believe not. The man is of a very ill conversation as well as levellingly stubborne. I begg your highnes pleasure concerning them. I am here at such a distance, that I cannot give an accompt nor receive your highnes commands as I desire and often need, considering what a people and place I am accountable for, and am almost alone.

My lord, here are Ostenders, that do much insest this coast, and lately two of our vessells taken between this and Garnsey by them. The masters came on shoare to fetch monies to redeeme their vessells and goods, one two hundred fifty pounds, the other one hundred pounds, and they came and rode with them under our nose, and we had noe power to offend them nor releeve our freinds. I humbly begg your highnes to order a vessell at least of about sixteene or twenty gunns, to attend hereabouts; for this being so farr out of the channell, that noe vessells come here but such as are sent on purpose, and that makes them soe bold here; as also their greate knowledge of all these bayes and roades that they had free recourse to before the warr, and lay much hereabouts because of there advantages here against the French. I am,
Castle Eliza: Nov. 29, 1655.

My lord,
your highnes most humble and faithfull servant,
R. Gibbon.

From Nieupoort the Dutch embassador in England.

Vol. xxxii. p. 969.

My Lord,
The captains arrived here with the last convoy from Zeeland, mentioned in my former of the 3d instant, delivered to me last monday a declaration in writing concerning the arrest of their ships; and observing thereby that it was an action of a private person, I desired the next day the lord president Laurence (the lord protector being present himself in council) by letter, that he would take the trouble to procure, that my written memorial, whereof a translated copy goes hereby, might be still this session laid before the lord protector and council, since this affair for several pregnant reasons could bear no delay. In the afternoon I was informed, that neither the protector nor the council had any knowledge of the same, and that therefore my papers were delivered into the hands of the commissioners of the admiralty, in order to make an enquiry thereof by the judges and court of admiralty and otherwise, and to make their report to the council as soon as possible. Hereupon I desired the day following the said lords commissioners, that they would be pleased to make a due reflection on the consequences of such proceedings, and that the pretended ill grounded arrest might be taken off. I likewise thought fit to visit the secretary of state on that account, and to desire by him to demand an audience of his highness the lord protector for the next day; but the first mentioned excused himself by his indisposition, and the other having invited the lord embassador of France, I thought best to let it rest a day or two, to get also some further informations. In the mean while the lords Worseley and Strickland with the secretary Jessop came last night to me, and assured me, that upon the reading of my memorial, relating to the still detained ships, more fully expressed in the list, which I by order of their high mightinesses delivered to the lord protector, such orders were given, that they did believe, that within 4 or 5 days those affairs would be brought upon such a footing, that we should have no reason to complain any more. And as to my complaints concerning the seizure of sundry ships at and about the Barbadoes, that they first had heard the general's report thereof by word of mouth, and afterwads desired his report in writing; which having received, they had thought fit to communicate the same to me; and it being read by the secretary Jessop aforesaid, the said lords observed, that mention was made likewise of some Danish and Hamburgh vessels; therefore they ordered him to draw up the said writing in such a manner, that other foreign ships being left out of the same, to send it me early this morning. Having observed, that the said general makes no mention of several ships, which I had notice of, and that he declared only in general terms, that the said ships by the consession of the masters and ships crew, confirm'd under their own hands, were condemned by the commissaries appointed for that purpose in America, having traded in the English plantations against the act of parliament; and after I had alledged to those lords some reasons and arguments to prove the contrary, they promised me, that they would faithfully communicate to me, not only the said report, but also whatsoever they should hear, relating to the said ships, from one of the said commissaries who was lately come over: they declared, that the lord protector and the council fought nothing else, than sincerely to keep upand maintain the friendship in every respect. I thanked their lordships for the trouble they had given themselves, and told them, that I could not avoid, at this opportunity, representing unto them the inconveniencies, which arise by and from said seizures; and that it fell particularly hard upon the subjects of the united provinces, to suffer such considerable losses, under French pretences, the peace and the accommodation with the said crown being now intirely settled. I related sundry particulars touching the ships mentioned in the said list, and complained especially of the enterprises of the said Timothy Pye against the twelve Zealand ships, shewing them the bad consequences of those irregular proceedings, and telling them, that I had been resolved to demand a particular audience of the lord protector concerning the same; but because this affair demanded dispatch, and the convoy could not stay any longer, I desired their lordships, that they would be pleased further to relate to his highness and the council what I had remonstrated unto them, and if any ways possible that it might be done forthwith, to the end that I might be enabled to give an account thereof to their high mightinesses by this very post. They promised me both, that they would do their best in the said affair. As soon as I get the said report of general Pen, I intend to present a memorial with sundry strong verifications, in order to prove clearly the inconsistency and illegality of the proceedings, which are practised in those parts against the subjects of the united provinces.

Westminster, Dec. 10, 1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith &c.
My lord &c. sign'd
W. Nieupoort.

Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

Vol. xxxii. p. 965.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, last wednesday was proclaimed here the peace between this state and France, first in the area before the council chamber at Whitehall, afterwards before the great hall at Westminster, and then at the usual places in the city of London, by four heralds with twelve trumpeters on horseback, and in the presence of eight gentlemen of the lord protector's, in the like manner and with the same solemnities, as the peace made last year with your high mightinesses was proclaimed. The day after the inclosed proclamation was published, whereby it is made known, that immediately after the said publication, all acts of hostilities should cease on both sides, and that all that shall happen to be taken after the said publication by the one and the other party shall be faithfully restored. The evening after the said proclamation the lord embassador of France caused some pitch barrels to be burnt before his house, with some rockets, giving several hogsheads of French wine to the people. He gave also a magnificent treat to the extraordinary embassadors of Sweden, Venice, and your high mightinesses. The commissioners of the lord protector, that had signed the treaty, were also invited, but they beg'd to be excused, pretending that they would likewise shew at Whitehall some tokens of joy, and accompany the lord protector, there. Yesterday the said lord embassador was treated at Whitehall by the lord protector, at the same place, and as I am informed, with the same ceremonies as your high mightinesses extraordinary embassadors were formerly treated upon the same occasion. Some days ago was published here likewise the inclosed declaration of the lord protector with the advice of his council, whereby it is ordered, that no body of those, whose goods have been sequester'd as delinquents, or that actually have been in arms for the late king against the parliament, or for his son, or that have adhered unto them, or furnish'd or assisted those forces that were raised against the parliament, shall after the first day of December old style, buy, use nor keep in his house, or in any other place, any offensive or defensive weapons, upon penalty of the seizure of such weapons; besides which they shall be proceeded against, according to the ordinance made and passed by his highness and his council, for the better security of the quiet and peace of this republick. By the said declaration it is further order'd, that no body, after the first day of January next, shall take for chaplain or tutor for the information of children any one of the sequester'd and expelled ministers, regents of colleges or schoolmasters; nor that any one, who has been sequester'd or expelled out of any prebend, college or school because of delinquency and scandal, shall keep after the day aforesaid, any publick or private school, neither shall they have liberty to preach, baptise or to administer the communion either in publick or private assemblies: and in the conclusion of the said declaration, it is mentioned, that notwithstanding the aforesaid his highness doth declare, that towards those abovementioned persons, who before the date of their ejection or sequestration can bring in a real proof, or that may bring in the same hereafter, of their piety and good affection towards this present government, as much compassion shall be shewn as is consistent with the said security and welfare of the nation. They have secured here in and about the city divers persons, among whom there is one, who is said to be agent to king Charles, in whose possession were found likewise some papers of great moment, but particulars of it are not known, because every thing is transacted under a special oath of secrecy. Since my last there is no news of the fleet in the West-Indies; it is told only, that three ships with bread, brandy, and other provisions are sailed from the Caribbee islands to Jamaica. Sir George Ascue, who has been in Ireland for his own private affairs, is come hither, to command the fleet, which, they say, will be ready within a few days, as general. In Ireland several persons, as they report, have sign'd a petition, setting forth, that the commission of lord lieutenant might be conferred on the lord Henry Cromwell; but I am credibly informed that the same is suppressed. They say that the interpreter of the late extraordinary embassador of Portugal is arrived here, and that he brings along with him the ratification of the treaty lately concluded,
Westminster, Nov. 10, 1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith &c.
high and mighty lords &c. sign'd
Wm. Nieupoort.

A letter of intelligence.

Hague, Sunday Dec. 6, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxii. p. 893.

Yesterday the lord raet pensionary did entertain and treat harmoniously the commissioners of the other provinces, who did consult together about the business of harmony; and although the private report of the third of December will be first examined in the assemblies of the provinces, yet it is already perceived, that prince William doth not shew himself to abhor it much. One of Overyssell told me, a stadtholder in Overyssell hath little to say, when prince William is mareschal de camp; he hath as much in Overyssell as if he were stadtholder, and the seclusion is but so much the better for prince William, who hath no cause to be angry, that he and his line be advanced, and that of the prince of Orange suppressed and secluded, as the princes of Orange have suppressed and secluded the said prince William. Thus men discourse of it here, but in the mean time there is likelihood, that in the province there will be flatterers enough. Yesterday there was a complaint against the exactions and several tolls, which the Spaniards take upon the Meuse. The Spanish petition to have a consul at Rotterdam is refer'd to the consideration of the admiralties.

Those of the East-India company have desired and sustained, that the state ought to pay ⅓ of what they have paid to the English, which is expressly refused. The said company doth not thrive well: this year they have made no distribution.

Dec. 6.

We can already perceive, that the mutual affections do seem to meet between the provinces or their commissioners for the project of the harmony, at least that I see every one doth believe to have found the bean in the cake. Prince William hath not yet made any notification to the states general of the birth of his young princess, and therefore they have likewise not resolved as yet to wish him joy.

Those of Zealand did admire to see, that the city of Flushing doth give sea passes in blanks, as the embassador of Spain hath caused one thereof to be exhibited.

The lord of Waveren doth pretend very much to be chief or first of the embassy to Sweden, and the lord of Wimmenum doth pretend the same thing. Otherwise, and that failing, he pretends to the embassy for Spain to be joined to the lord of Gent. Those of Holland have promised to declare themselves at last.

December 7.

This morning those of Holland will make overture of those, whom they name for their embassies. They can hardly find any that will go to the king of Sweden. The lord Beuningen did nothing but protest and storm against it, when they spoke to him about it; but every one is willing enough to go for Spain, Denmark, Brandenburg. It is said, that the burgo-master doctor Tulp will at last accept of it.

And in regard that all the provinces will have a share in these embassies, there hath been proposed, that the ordinary allowance is too much contrary to the honour and estimation of the embassy; that every thing is dear; that it will require greater expences; that a little will suffice; that chiefly in Spain things must be noble and magnificent. There is likelihood, that (since all the provinces have a share in the embassy) the allowance will be encreased. The project of the harmony is sent to the provinces. It is more and more perceived, that the project hath been already privately adjusted and agreed with prince William, before it was set down in writing in the conferences; and the said prince will make no difficulty to accept of it. And I do hear from a sure hand, that amongst those of Holland, there are some that do hold all that for suspect, not without blame of those that drew it up; pre-supposing that the bridle does not signify much, when that which is bridled is master of the bridle; that the point of seclusion will be very well observed, for prince William will not act contrary to his own interest; but as for the rest, they say that arma tenens tenet omnia.

There hath been proposed, whether it were not sit to communicate the harmony by deputation likewise to the princess royal and dowager, but was not thought fit, leaving it free to any one that thinks fit to communicate it unto them in particular.

It is observed, that underhand there have been spoken so many cajoleries, that those points of the harmony are only ad populum phaleræ, some tales to make men sleep standing, some bridles for calves: that as well the royal as the dowager are well enough pleased with it. All the capitulations whatsoever do depend upon the explication of the congress. There was yesterday late a conference upon the affairs of Outre-Meuse, and the lord Beuningen hath made a report of the taking of tolls upon the Meuse.

December 8.

The lord Verbolt having made report of the passage-money of Maestricht, (for which is offered 54 thousand guilders per ann.) all the provinces shewed themseves resolved to agree to it, but the lord of Merode being president durst not conclude.

The lord embassador of Spain having made complaint, how that col. Ferents hath arrested two ships, it is referred to the consideration of the council.

The commissioners have made report of the conferences concerning the limits of Uroenhof, and of the country of Outre-Meuse.

Those of Holland hath named the lords of Polsbrouck burgo-master of Amsterdam, and the lord of Maasdam or counseller Dorp for the embassy to Sweden, the burgomaster Tulp for that to Brandenburg, the lord Beuningen for Denmark; but no overture is yet made thereof to the states general.

December 9.

This morning only on the behalf of Holland was proposed and signified in the states general the lord Beuningen for the embassy to Denmark, as one that had accepted of it; the others formerly mentioned are not yet proposed to the generality, in regard they have not yet accepted of the charge, and besides the most of them are absent.

The lord Sasburg is by the states general created resident at Brussels; but he will not go thither till such time that there is also one named on the behalf of Holland to go for Spain, which is yet deferred for a little while, to see whether the war between England and Spain be in earnest.

December 10.

The commissioners of the merchants adventurers having been some time here, have signified by the lord president, that they have an intention to return to England. Now whether and how they were agreed with those of Holland, and whether they shall have or shall not have their abode, that doth not concern the generality.

The lord Beverning and others have made report of having seen and examined the papers and several memorandums of the ministers of Denmark, that they desire first authentick copies of several papers, that so they may make authentick report to their king of what hath been transacted here with them. 2dly, That they demand payment of the remaining subsidy, which was promised them during the war of England. 3dly, That they demand a redress and remedy against the frauds, which are committed by the ships of this state in Norway. 4thly, They retain some ships of Norway brought in at Rotterdam. The ministers of the elector of Brandenburg have required that an intercessional office may be made for his highness the elector to the great Muscovite, which those of Holland have taken ad referendum in their assembly.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. xxxii. p. 979.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

It is now that men begin to discourse of the harmony, I being with raet pens, he asked my advice of what I thought of it. I told him, according to his free disposition, that he did very well perceive, that Holland had used some precaution for liberty, as much as had been possible, but that however the states of Holland did divulge this secret; that they durst not go out of the family of prince of Orange; that that was an evident sign of weakness of the states of Holland; that this precaution, and these limitations did seem something, but in effect they were only some rhetorical figures, which did in some wise colour the business, but did not settle and fix the liberty. Since that, what colour soever is laid upon it, grave William would get to be head and master of the militia, head undoubtedly, consequently also master; for it hath been sufficiently seen, that the militia hath not shewn any love or respect to the states of Holland. And if he be not at first master in supremo gradu, he will mount by degrees, and so get up to the highest degree with the more safety and with the more speed. As well Amsterdam as the prince of Orange's party will not give over, before that they have put states general into an union. It hath been seen how that elector of Brandenburg hath captivated Amsterdam and the states of Holland by the resolution, which he hath taken to make alliance and union against the Swede. The grave William by shewing himself a little resolved and animated against the Swede, will make himself to be beloved as much by Amsterdam and states of Holl, as he hath been hated. I do remember that I spoke to my lord D o l e m a n when the death of the deceased Brederode was foreseen. He laught at me, when I told him, that grave William would have the m. of the C. (being as he believed) assured by a very good hand, that the states of Holland would never put their militia under grave William. And this is that, which deceived the good prince Maurice; for having the same opinion, and upon this ground he writ the letter to Zealand, which since hath been printed, and which (if he had not such an opinion of states of Holland and of Amsterdam) he durst never have writ nor have thought; but he finds himself, and will still find himself deceived. ract pens. told me; you know however that we stand in need of union and agreement amongst our selves, and by this means we shall have it. I told him, you ought to fear that grave William will now also come to be hated, because the people will see that tacitly he doth approve of the seclusion. And this is the politick design, which Holland have plaid in this, namely to breed jealousy between grave William and the prince of Orange; and undoubtedly the princess royal and princess dowager will be sorry for it; and instead of an union, there may be one day seen a party forming themselves under prince of Orange, and if the agreement under some head doth please them, and without liberty, they have only to put themselves absolutely under the prince of Orange or grave William, and sooner the better; for also grave William as prince of Orange party will never leave designing, till they have brought him to that degree, which the grave William did attain to formerly. The states of Holland or Amsterdam have always said, that whosoever hath militia, hath all, and that therefore they would never take the grave William; but (said I to him) I see the weakness which are in the states of Holland and Amsterdam, and yet I do very well comprehend, that Amsterdam and the states of Holland were able to do what they will do. The conclusion of mine was, that all would be well provided, the states of Holland would go no further, but remain there without yielding any thing more. He said, it would do no harm. I should take care of one thing, that is, that prince of Orange party had a design to put the states general into the union; and that I judged that to be the only expedient means to yoke the Orange party. Thereupon he departed. I am
Dec. 10. 1655. [N. S.]

Your most humble servant.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

P. S. You must observe, that the weakness of Holland at present is far greater than during the war with England. The danger of the states of Holland and of commerce was then indeed far greater, for there was enmity present, yet states of Holland kept themselves free of grave William; now there is neither enmity nor danger (but what is imaginary) of commerce, and yet they have so much flattered the elector of Brandenb, and they resume the grave William.

A paper of the duke of Brandenburg's agent in Holland, to the states general.

Exhibited the 10th of Dec. 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxii. p. 973.

High and mighty lords,
Your high and mighty lordships may be pleased to remember, what letters I have desired formerly to be writ to the great duke of Muscovy: now it is so, that the duke of Brandenburg my most gracious lord by sending of the said letters hath received full satisfaction for the securing the mutual amity; but in regard it is conceived, that the said amity would be more confirmed, in case your high and mighty lordships would be pleased to signify to the said great duke in what a stricter confederacy your high and mighty lordships are lately entered into with the said duke my master; that it would be very acceptable, high and mighty lords, that in case the ancient considence, amity, and correspondency between the great duke and the said great duke of Brandenburg might be more and more encreased and confirmed, that they may oppose with the more force all such as shall attempt any thing to the prejudice of each other, and that so the freedom of commerce may be defended: wherefore I am commanded by the said duke my master to mind your high and mighty lordships, whether you do not think fit, that such a letter be forthwith sent to the said great duke in the manner as above said, or in what other terms you shall think fit. We do conceive it to be of importance to the affairs in those parts, high and mighty lords,
Your most humble servant,
John Copes.

The examination of Maurice Conry of Prague in High Germany, taken Nov. 30, 1655.

Vol. xxxii. p. 949.

The said examinate saith, that he was born at Ardkellyn in the county of Roscommon in Ireland, and is about thirty-five years of age, and his father's name was Maurice Conry; and saith, that he was bred up a scholar in Ireland, then in France in the city of Paris, where he continued about two years in the university, but took no degrees there, and from thence he went to Germany to seek out his fortune, were he continued a soldier four or five years in the emperor's army, but doth not remember how many religious houses are in Prague, and knows not of any monastry of St. John; and saith, that about two years and a half since he came from Prague into England, and his business here was to get liberty to carry soldiers out of Ireland to Germany to serve the king of Spain; and said, that he staid in Ireland three quarters of a year, but brought over no soldiers with him; and saith, that he staid about three quarters of a year in Flanders, and about September or October last was 12 months he came over to England to endeavour a composition for his estate in Ireland. And the examinate saith, that when he carne into London, he lodged at a house near the Spanish embassador's lodging, and served a Spaniard and a Frenchman, during the time he continued in London had little converse with any English. And the examinate saith, that whilst he was in London, he received several letters from Flanders from several friends of his, but denied that he received any letter from the principal of St. John's monastry, neither doth he know any such monastry. And being examined were he had, and from whom he received the instructions sealed, that were found in his hose upon being searched, saith, that he received them in London in the Spanish embassador's house from a gentleman he there met, who desired to carry them to one Maurice Conry an Irishman, but gave not the examinate any directions where to find him, but promised direction afterwards; and the examinate saith, that he put the information into his hose, because it should not be seen by the magistrates. And being further examined saith that he had two passports, the one from Brussels the other from Ratisbone, which he obtained for his quiet travel through those countries; and faith, that he obtained the pass from the lord protector's footman, an Irishman born, with whom he drank; and saith, that he obtained those letters of recommendation, that were found about him from his friends he had in London, and that he the said examinate hath no acquaintance in Bristoll, and that he happened occasionally to lodge in Bristol, where he did; and refuseth to take the oath of abjuration, &c.

Maurice Conry.

Facultates viro adm. pri. f. Mauricio Conrio sacræ theologiæ lectori &c. communicatæ.

Vol. xxxii. p. 951.

1. Reconciliandi hæreticos, & absolvendi in omnibus casibus & censuris & in bulla cœnæ domini omnes etiam ecclesiasticos & regulares.

2. Dispensandi cum clericis super irregularitate quacunque occasione contracta præterquam homicidii voluntarii.

3. Tenendi & legendi libros hæreticos, & quoseunque prohibitos ad effectum illos impugnandi, ita tamen ut prædicti libri non extrahantur extra regionem; quod si opus fuerit laicis eandem facultatem saciendi, non fiat absolute, sed ad certum terminum majorem vel minorem pro ratione personæ.

4. Administrandi sacramenta omnia parochialia, omissis pro necessitate solemnitatibus & ceremoniis solitis, non tamen necessariis.

5. Ubi breviarium ferri non possit, vel recitari officium absque periculo, recitandi rosarium beatæ virginis, vel alias orationes ac psalmos quos memoria tenet.

6. Consecrandi calices, patinas, & altaria portabilia, oleo tamen ab episcopo benedicto; benedicendi paramenta ad missæ sacrificium necessaria, nec teneantur inquirere, an altaria portabilia contineant reliquias necne.

7. Celebrandi missas quocunque loco decenti & sub dio, subtus terram, tribus horis ante lucem hyeme, una hora post meridiem, bis in die ubi necessitas postulaverit, & coram hæreticis aliisque personis excommunicatis, dummodo minister non sit hæreticus.

8. Hostiam consecratam servandi in loco decenti sine lumine aliisque ceremoniis, quibus utitur ecclesia.

9. Commutandi quæcunque vota etiam jurata, exceptis castitatis & religionis, & relaxandi juramenta, modo non fiant in prejudicium tertii.

10. Dispensandi ob magnam necessitatem in 3° gradu etiam ante contractum matrimonium.

11. Concedendi indulgentiam plenariam in prima confessione, & quotannis in festis celebrioribus & in mortis articulo, & quotiescumque generalem confessionem peccatorum fecerint etiam indulgentiam 40 aut 50 dierum ad libitum.

12. Imprimendi & edendi libros catholicorum tacito nomine authoris, loci, typographi, ac reliquorum, non obstante concilio Tridentino, modo suerint approbati à nobis, vel ab aliis per nos delegendis.

13. Dispensandi cum conversis ad fidem catholicam super fructibus ecclesiasticorum malè perceptis.

14. Absolvendi hæreticos cujuscumque nationis, morantes in Angliâ, non tamen ex partibus, in quibus exercetur sanctæ inquisitionis officium in foro conscientiæ.

15. Applicandi piis usibus bona restituenda incertis dominis.

Poterit ad tertium ordinem admittere, modo instructiones similes, & ubique conformes adhibeantur, & habeant registrum nominum receptorum, annum et diem tam receptionis quam professionis, quæ ad capitulum provinciale deferet.

De uniformitate fratrum.

Pro majori devotione populi ordinatur, ut sacerdotes in celebratione missæ graviter & religiose observent omnia, quæ ad hoc instituuntur in ceremoniis missalibus.

In audiendo vero missam observent ceremonias nostræ sacræ religionis, uniformiter in quantum ratio temporis & loci permittet, præsertim in singulis elevationibus osculentur terram.

In recitatione officii divini pro more fiat ante altare, in psalmis & lectionibus sedeant, surgendo & inclinando ad gloriam patri, & surgant etiam ad evangelicum capitulum & hymnos, in cornu altaris, ad magnificat vero, nuncdimittis, benedictus, te deum, cum collectis, ad medium altaris.

Post commemorationes ordinis in completorio, semper dicant, Tota pulchra es &c. in honorem immaculatæ conceptionis, adjungendo, memento congregationis tuæ, quam possedisti ab initio, cum collecta,

Omnipotens æterne deus, ædificator & custos Hierusalem civitatis supernæ ædifica & custodi nos & ordinem nostrum, regem, regnum, locum, & domum istam cum omnibus fratribus & habitatoribus suis, ut perpetuum sit in eis domicilium salutis, charitatis & pacis, per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Ante missam principalem pro conversione patriæ semper recitentur Litaniæ Lauretaneæ.

Singulis feriis sextis in honore passionis dominicæ curent in quantum commoditas loci fert, omnes domesticos convocari, & post litanias majores, quæ quotidie pro more recitantur, actum contritionis solemnem, sicut in instructionibus habetur, choratim repeti.

An act of contrition.

O my Lord Jesu Christ, true God and man, my creator and redeemer, thou being whom thou art, and for that I love thee above all things is greatest, it grieveth me from the bottom of my heart, that I have offended thy divine majesty; and I firmly propose never to sin any more, and to fly all occasions of offending thee; to confess my sins I perform the penance enjoined me for the same, and for the love of thee I do freely pardon all my enemies, and do offer my life, words, and works in satisfaction for the same; wherefore I most humbly beseech thee, trusting in thy infinite goodness and mercies, that by the merits of thy precious blood and passion thou wouldst pardon my offences; and grant me grace to amend my life, and to persevere therein till death. Amen, Jesus.

Ut hæc omnia prout jacent observentur, præcipio, & pro majori firmitate provinciæ majori sigillo & proprio chirographo communio, hac Feb. 23, anno Domini 1654.

Ir. Dan. a S. Joanne Mnr. Prlis.

Jan. 27, 1654/5 Raptim.

Vol. xxxii. p. 953.

Reverende adm. P. & fr. perquam dilecte.

Et præsentem, multosque futuros, vicissim vobis & ipse annos peropto precorque, & eos felicitate omni cumulatissimos. Delectant, mi charissime, literæ vestræ multum deleclant & amor & candor iste vestri spiritûs vere seraphicus; ædificat religiosum obsequium, quæ, & virtutes, & virtutum indubitata indicia, ut vestrum augebunt meritum, sic me vobis arctiori jugiter obstringent amoris vinculo. Gratulor talia vos invenisse subsidia, messem que exercendi ea, quibus ditavit largitor omnium bonorum Deus opt. max. talenta. Mitto jam quos rogavit vestra P. libellos ord. facultatum utriusque sæcularibus effectum impertiendi, impertior; i. e. cum diseretionis zelo Hab. 3. Reg. & alterius con trat sc. sacra cingula dominicæ passionis : facultates quoque si secretarius tantundem vacare nunc possit, nostras mitto, vel donec mittantur confirmo vestras. Idioma nostrum callere, consulo, satagat. Salutat vos Dominus la Cr. Rogo ipse preces adjutrices vestras, qui, etiam nunc negotiis distentus, semper sum,
For my worthy deare friend mr. Maurice Conrye.

P. ad. reverende vester addictiss, Ir. D. S. J. M. P.

London, Nov. 30, 1655.

Vol. xxxii. p. 947.

Worshipful Gentlemen,
I Received a letter from you of the 23d October, signed by your secretary mr. Misselden; it was kept by our governor eight days after it came to hand, and then at my entry into the court presented to me by John Jones the officer. Before its presentation to me, the governor had begun with mr. secretary Thurloe, and communicated your court's proceedings to him, whereof he gave a narrative presently upon the court's sitting, before which I had not time to read five lines of the letter. His reasn for the detention of your letter to me I apprehend to want many grains of what became his place, duty, quality; but I shall decline to write you more as to this preposterous incivility, whether to you or me. Your letter signifies your choice of me for your deputy of that residence. I truly wish there had been that mutual complacency maintained on each side, that you might never had thoughts of deserting each other; but rather that your late deputy might have been continued with your full affections, and do yet heartily wish (if possible) all misunderstanding may be removed, and your breaches healed ; notwithstanding, I have heard mr. Bradshaw hath been a man of much choler against me. The business now lyes before his highness the lord protector and his council, and referre it to a special committee, viz. lord Mulgrave, viscount Lisle, mr. Strickland, and sir Gilbert Pickeringe, upon whom a committee designed from the company have waited several times, and the last tuesday from their especial order by a messenger were sent for, and above two hours spent by their honours in reading your remonstrance, and their resident's, as to the particulars of your contest, which whilst doing, his highness the lord protector himself called upon them to come to council. Their honours were pleased to tell us, they should communicate it to the lord protector and council, and seek to dispose some sit remedy to our distempers; and this is the fullest account I can give you as to what hath been transacted in this business (at least to my knowledge) hitherto. I have much to thank you for your good opinion and high civilities to me; and do make it my very humble request unto you to lay aside all animosities and dispirited thwartings, to be studious of the publick weal of our formerly most splendid and flourishing society, for which I shall be ever prayerful, and do rest,
Worshipful sirs,
Yours in all services, Alex. Baron.

To the worshipful the treasurer and generality of merchants adventurers of England residing in Hamburgh, present.

Major general Worsley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 957.

Right Honorable,
Wee had our meetinge for this county of Lancaster yesterday, and have made a good progresse in our business, and have sent out our warrants for most of the cheefe delinquents in this county to appeare before us at our next meetinge, against which tyme we have taken care, that things be put in that readines, that wee may come with that taxe upon them specified in the orders. They seeme to conforme to the particulars with much readines. The commissioners that mett have desired mee to acquaint you in their names of their readines and free actinge to the carrieinge on of the things given in charge. They desired mee lykewise to mind you of sending downe some of the orders and instructions. Wee have mett this day about the ordinance for ejectinge of scandelous and ignorant ministers and schoolemasters, and have chosen a clerke, and sent out warrants into every hundred of this countie to give notice of our next meetinge, and liberty for everie one to apply unto us with such articles and complaints against any person, that they judge guiltie of any of the particulars specifyed in the said orders. The commissioners earnestly desire your honour will give order for the sendinge downe unto them of some of the said ordinances, for few are to be found in the countrie. As to that of sherriffs, I have advised with the best men, and find it a difficult busines to find fitt men rightly quallifyed for the employment; but declare it as my oppinion upon the whole, that for the county of Chester John Leigh of Booths esq; for Lancaster either John Starkie or Raphe Ashton of Midleton esq; and for Stafford I am not able at present to give you any account of, but shall as soone as I come there, which wil be in few dayes. I am hopefull e're longe to give you a good account of all our busines. I shall sease your further trouble at present, by subscribeinge myselfe to bee
Preston, the last day of Nov. 1655.

Your honour's most humble and faithfull servant,
Charles Worsley.

Mr. Tho. Maynard to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 961.

The laste weeke wee had noe ships from any parte; neither is there any thinge now considerable to signisie to your honour, which I can write to be a positive trueth. Here are three shipes arryved from Aveiro in Portugall: the masters reporte, they were informed, before they came from thence, that the shipe, in which the kinge of Portugall sente the articles of peace, was departed for Ingland. And from Cadix there was intellegence, that his highnesse sleet in America had surprized a shipe of the West-India Spanish fleete, which, I hope, will prove true, although our letters from Portugall mention noe such thinge.

If it please God there be a peace concluded by his highnesse with Portugall, and his highnesse thinke it requisite to have any promotion made in Lisbon, in case any shipe of the fleete prove defective (which happilly it may be thought more convenient to have a supplye of necessaries there, then to send them home;) I beseech your honour to be pleased to recommend me to his highnesse for that service, as well as for the place of consull; in which I shall be faithfull to his highnesse, and be ever
Plymouth, Nov. 30, 1655.

Your honour's humble servant,
Thomas Maynard.

A paper of col. Bampfylde.

Vol. xxx. p. 157.

If the cardinall continues fixt to the late agreement made with England, and showld therupon meet with any domistique trowbles, English troopes woulde contribute much to his supporte, and to the upholding of that interest in France, which this nation may be concerned to preserve in yt.

If there showld happen any diffrence betwixt the protestants and papists, tow or three thousand men ready upon the place woulde be of great advantage to those of the relidgeon.

If ther showlde be any inclination, or necessity to assist the protestants in Swizerland, the condessention to this way may be an advance to that.

It may be a means, not only to bringe some of the persons employed to the knowledge of the private affayres and designes of France, but peradventure to winde themselves into some considerable interests there for the service of this nation, and particularly into that of marshall de Turene and the protestants.

The spareing of theise men will soe little disadvantage the common wealth, that it will be a meanes to have soe many men trayned up in warre at the expence of France, and made ready in the service of this goverment, when there shall be occasion; since I am confident, if his highness shall desire it, the king of France will engage himselfe, that they shall be returned upon demande.

For my owne fidelity to the present goverment (though I hope it is not doubted) I beleive I shall be able to give 5000 l. bond of very sufficient persons, and shall cheerfully submit to any other engagement, that shall bee imposed upon mee to that ende.

Lastly, I shall not enterteyne any officer, but either by the appointment or approbation of whomesoever his highness shall please to order for that inspection into this bussiness; and shall allways receive and obey his highness commands, as faithfully there as here, to the uttermoste of my power.

Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxii. p. 324.

Right honorable,
My last unto you was of the 2d currant, giving you notice, that att Thollon the admiral Vandoisme had proclaymed the free comerse with our nation. Three dayes past it was here proclaymed also; a copie of the ordinance I sent you translated. The admiral is heare expected in 3 dayes, and is suposed from hence will goe directly for Paris. The Portugall ambassador parted yesterday for Rome, having 80 attendants; butt they are not very well accomodated. The Malta gallyes being six arrived heare yesterday, and are come for the rents appertaining to the grand maistre. They have bene in Spayne for some purpose, and may carry from hence about one hundred thousand pistolls. They may part hence in 8 dayes, and go directly from Malta. Yesterday on a galley from Genoe arrived the cardinal Anthoine, who is come from Rome, and parts suddenly for Paris. Not any thinge more att present worth your notice. So I most humbly take leave, and remayne,
Your honnor's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiv. p. 1.

Honored sir,
I Had the greate favor of your letter of 23 of October, for which I returne you my humble thankes. I must truly profess, if I writt any thinge, which might give you a rise to beleeve I put any confidence in the ministers heere, as to their good affections, I did egregiously mistake; for truly I would desyer a longer time for their probation then I hope I shall stay heere, befor I could advisedly pass such an opinion opon them. Your letter of the ennemyes in England, and of their intension of sendinge their emmisaryes heere, will make us double our diligence. We are indeed pritty hopefull, if not confident, our intilligence heere is and with such, that they shall hardly doe any thinge without our timely knowledge.

Your French treaty is manedged by such a person, that your last difference seemes not soe strange, as the contrary would have done, at lest to me, for I have bin still told, he was a perfect lawier, and understood better how to rayse difficultyes then to end them. But I trust all this uncertaynty from abroade will produce this good effect, of makinge all honest quiet men more firme at home. I shall now beg a little of your patience, to informe you of a couple of thinges.

Since col. Lokhart's and mr. Swinton's beinge made of the councill heere, the court of justice hav had but five judges to carry on that duty. By their commission fowre is a quorum, and by the rules of the court, it consists of two howses; the one termed the outward, and the other the inward house. This cannot have less then fowre, that never had more (neither can it have less) then one. The outward howse is to dispatch all thinges dispatchable of course; the inward howse is to decide all thinges of high importance, as also whatever the judge of the outward howse findes any difficulty in, or whatever any agreeved person ther desyres may be brought before the cessions, after hearing in the outward howse; the judge of which howse ought to be an able man, both of parts and boddy, the worke requiringe good intellectualls and experience, as well as corporall strenth. For want of such a one, all causes of late, which properly are to be determined ther, have bin brought into the inward howse, wherby four were imploy'd, in what one might have done; and soe the people had not that expeditious justice, which was requisite and usual; and therby, as the judges informe me, ther is at the present neer fifty thousand processes dependinge. This great stop of justice made the councill esteem it absolute duty to remoove the cause therof, by restorringe the outward howse, and placeinge a fit person to discharge the burthen therof, which they have done this day, not beinge able any longer to delay it, the judges themselves in effect declaringe the greate necessity of it. The man they have pitched upon is sir James Learmon of Bacomy. And because it was found, few fitt persons of the old lords of the cessions were willinge to acte, and that such as were had had som private meetinges amongst themselves, when they resolved none would accept a judge's place, unless it were for life or good behaviour, wherby they would, as much as in them lay, have set the dice on the councill; it inclyned the councill the more, not only to choose sir James Learmon, as havinge bin free from that engagement, and willinge and able to acte, but also (to let all the other judges see, wee were not nor needed not be bound up to their order) to elect for another judge one mr. Andrew Carr, an advocate, who the general and fom of the judges assured the councill was an able godly man, and had by divers actions evidenced his sincere affection to the government. To which, as a farther reason for their soe doeinge, may be added, that the duty of the outward howse would have deter'd any one man from acceptinge it, had he not seene an able assotiat, who might from time to time have eased him therin. For though ther is one Scotchman now upon the Bench, viz. the lord Southall, yet he is wholly unable for that worke, and would not undertake it. Besides we understand, ther are som thinges against him, which possibly will soone invite them to lay him aside. I did acquaint the councill with a part of my lord Lambert's letter unto me relatinge to the judges, which imported, that we might speedely expect to heare further therein, and that in the meane time, if possibly, we would delay electing any; but the necessity demonstrated by the judges, and visible to the councill, joyned with the impossibility of havinge any from England, able to doe the worke of the outward howse, made them proceede to that election at the present, which will not hinder the receivinge of any from England if sent; and indeed at lest one eminent man from thence wil be necessary, which I beseech you, sir, be pleased to minde.

The lord Hopton, commonly called sir James Hope, was under consideration; but I oppos'd it, he beinge a person, who had not soe well carryed himself to his highness at the dissolution of the little parliament, and had bin layd aside by my lord protector himselfe.

The lord Bacomy had longe since had the repute of havinge bin inclyned to women; which I objected, but mr. Swinton soe positively assured the councill, that it had bin a scandall falsely imputed to him, and never could be proved, and that he had with much integgrity and ability discharged that office in the most strict times heere, that thos assurances (in the latter part of which the judges concur'd) swayd the business. One of the councill doubted, if the councill had power by their instructions to appoynt judges, if neede were; but all the rest were cleer of opinion they had that power, and soe it past; but if therin any over actinge hav bin, I beg you'l informe us, and we shall mend. Also I humbly desyre to know his highness's pleasure, whither col. Lokhart and mr. Swinton are to continue judges, and receive their sallaryes as such. We are heere very much troubled for want of an aturney generall, and shall till that want a supply; which I beseech you, sir, take into your speedy consideration.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 31.

Right honorable,
One of our sea captains hath brought last night to my house a token, whereof I have spoken to your honor heretofore, which hath been aboard of his ship ever since the 10th of September, viz. eight books bound in read plush, with four India coats for his most serene highness, and two boxes with four bottles of oils apiece for her highness, and the other eight books with two India coats for your self. I wish your honor health and prosperity, remaining for ever, my lord,
Barkshire-house, this 31 November. 10 December.

Your honor's most humble servant,
Will. Nieuport.

A letter of intelligence from Rotterdam.

Vol. xxxi. p. 361.

I Formerly wroate you, C. S. had sent 12 commissions mor to Ingland, which was a mistake in my intelligence from Ceullen; for since I am auvertised, that C. S. sent 16 commissions to Dunkerck and Oostend, of which 13 weare accepted by those two places, and some Zealanders, from whence many threaten to goe to sea against the Inglish, under the kings of Spayne and Scots name, whose partye begin to doubt of a warr, because the king of Spayne hath not yet issued out more commissions; whereuppon many cavaliers wayte at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and in Brabant and Flanders. Armorer is returned to his mistress, the princess royalle in the Hage: he begins to dispaire of any assistance from the king of Spayne. I have bin last week at Rotterdam, where 'tis said, as letters bring from Ceullen, that one mr. Manning is there apprehended uppon suspicition to be a spye in your service, and committed to the cittyes goale. This is all I can communicate to you from that place; now I must beg pardon to enlarge my self on another perticular concerninge nearly the commonwealth. Being come hither to Rotterdam, the magistrates of the towne sent for me, and told mee, that they had understood by some of the company, that I was recommended to you to be deputye; therefore they desired to come into conference with mee, which I refused; but being prest by some of them, I accepted of a meeting, whoe assured mee of their good affection to the protector and the comonwealth, to whome I conceave they may be most serviceable, and how willing they were to give as favourable conditions to the company as any other towne, if not more. Therefore I beseech you, if the protector hath not yet past his consent to the towne of Dort, (as the discourse sayes he hath) that you will please to delaye it untill I speake personally with you; or that you heare my reasons for the contrary, which I believe will appeare for the good of the state and company. Therefore I must beg your leave to come over for a few weeks, being little occurs in this frigid season, and it shall be no prejudice to our affayres here; the which is most earnestly lookt after by
Dec. 10, 1655. [N. S.]

Your most affectionate and humble servant,
John Addams.