A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: August (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp690-706 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: August (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp690-706.
"State Papers, 1655: August (1 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp690-706.
In this section
August (1 of 4)
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 25.
I HAVE received from you a relation of the sad rebuke, which the Lord hath bine pleased
to give our forces in Hispaniola. The Lord affect our harts with a due sense thereof,
and give us to understand his voyce therein. I confes I doe not thincke it fitt for mee or
others to question the grounds of that designe, not knowing it, and trusting it was undertaken in the feare of the Lord; yett I doe acknowledge, I have very much questioned
what would become of some instruments imployed therein: wee have had emminent experience, how the Lord hath owned some, and rejected others; and as wee doe looke
upon this worke to be in order to what hitherto hath bine caryed on, why wee should
not have bine more carefull to imploy them there, who have bine rejected and cast
out from amongst us heere, it is not fitt for mee to question; only give mee leave to
have my feares, that where there hath bine a fayling in this, or by any other humane confidence, the Lord lye us low in his presence, and teach us still to keepe and continue in
the old good way of seeking his face, and seeing his presence to goe before us in all
our undertakings; and that those, who are precious to him, may be more and more upon
our harts to trust and imploy in this worke; for I am perswaded, it wil be still too hard
for men of corrupt spiritts and practises to be entertayned therein. None hath bine more
signally owned in the choyce of persons then his highnes. Excuse my freedome, that
I thus plainely write; for amongst other things I doe believe, the Lord would have us to
learne something of this nature. I doe not know, whether there may be more need of
men to be sent; but if soe, I believe this time of reducing heere might be seasonable in
order thereunto. The Lord teach us more and more to see where our trust and confidence alone hath bine. I hope wee shall have a blessed opportunity again. Wee are now
upon considering the busines of disbanding. I wish wee may be directed to a right
choyce therein, that the most worthy may be continued. I hope wee shall pertake of his
highness favour, in sending some money for the reducement here as well as in Scotland, who
I perceive by my lord Broghill, are provided for, and there arrears ascertain'd. Wee have
neither, but hope wee are under the same care. I suppose about the middle of September
wee shal be comeing hence. If his highnes would have any thing done before my returne,
I wish I might suddenly receave his commands. Be pleased to favour me with any further
account you shall heare from generall Pen or generall Venables. I doe trust, wee shal
heare of his gratious appearance, now he hath showed us how vayn a thing man is'in his
greatest strength and confydence. I am
August 1, 55.
Your humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 5.
I HAVE formerly troubled you with a representation of the suffering condition of
coll. Phaire, major Wallis, and capt. Deane, in their undertaking, and sending away
1488 Irish souldiers to Spaine, in consideration whereof his highnesse, by the advise of
his councell, was pleased, by his letter of the 14th of November last, to recommend their
said suffering condition unto the councell here, to consult the finding out some expedient
in Ireland, to repaire their losses, att least in some competent proportion, and to returne
the same to his highnesse, that such further confirmation might bee made therein, as to
justice appertaineth. In pursuance whereof the councell have ordered his highnesse commissioners of the revenue of Ireland, to examine the disbursments of the said persons,
which appeared to be 2933 l. 4 s. 1 d. and in order to the reimbursment thereof, caused
a strict survey to bee taken of certain lands in the barronies of Muskery and Barratts in the
county of Cork. And upon returne of the said survey, ordered the said commissioners
to proceed to contract with the said persons for so much of the said lands, as will satisfy
the said debt, at the rate of six yeares purchase, as the same was worth in the yeare 1640,
being the time of their highest improvement. The contract with the whole proceedings
will bee herewith tendered by capt. Deane, for his highness confirmation. My satisfaction
in the publiquenesse of the intentions of the poore gentlemen, and of the real and singuler
advantage, that accrues to the well and quiett settlement of those parts, from which the
men were sent, and also the incouragement they had both from my selfe and others, occasions mee to request your faviour in this addresse, who am your humble servant,
August 1, 1655.
Charles Fleetwood.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 1.
Sir Charles Coote, lord president of Connaght, in pursuance of an order of parliament, had a grant of some lands about Gormanston in the county of Meath, which
he desires may passe under the broade seale of England; and his lordship having desired
me to write to you to present the same unto his highnes, I am obliged, as well from a sence
of his greate merit and faithfullnes, as by the justice of the request, to entreate your furtherance thereunto; whereby you will not onely lay a great obligation upon his lordship,
but engage me to an acknowledgement of your favour and care therein, who am,
Dublin, August 1, 1655.
Sir, your affectionate freind and servant,
H. Cromwell.
H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 9.
The remembrance of your kindnesse shewed unto my major the last summer in the management of that affaire, wherein himselfe, collonel Pharie, and captain Deane is
concerned, occasions mee to returne you thankes. My lord deputy and councell (I understand) hath offerred an expedient for their reimbursments, which wil be herewith tendered. I am satisfied their undertakeing was much upon a publique accompt, and the
effects a very reall advantage to the quiet settlement of those partes, from which the men
were sent. I shall therefore onely request the continuance of the like favour to captaine
Deane, who am,
Dublin, August 1, 1655.
Sir, your humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
Col. Reynolds to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 13.
I Promised to trouble you with my letters also; and although I doubt not, that my
not wrighting would bee most pardonable, yet vouchsafe to receive these few lines.
It hath beene observed, that there is a constant genius to some countreyes, though it
alters in the appearances and actours. I wish poore Ireland may not give a credit to such
a fiction, and our two extremes be prejudiciall as formerly. The most present remedy
will be the settlement of power in the hands of moderate, wise, religious persons; and
although I shall take the boldnes hereafter to enlarge in some greater instances, yet I do
beleive, that what I have to offerr will be a good meanes to settle one of our best provinces, viz. if you please to second the lord deputye's and my humble motion, that
collonel Clerke may be emploied in Ulster. Generall Venables regiment being vacant of
a collonell, and there being 1000 foote ready to be sent to him from Ireland, if his highnes please to send them to him, insteade of his owne regiment, it affords a just occasion for
this my humble suite to you, wherein you will exceedingly content the lord deputy, and
very much establish your affaires here, which are not so stable as might be wished, to
which it will be a small addition to my arguments, that you will thereby oblige,
Dublin, August 1, 1655.
Sir, your faithfull humble servaunt,
J. Reynolds.
The secretary of the Swedish envoy to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix, p. 33.
Generosissime domine,
Quum præter spem ac opinionem, post discessum nostrum Stokholmiâ, maximum
effluxum sit tempus, adeo ut minimè dubius sit excellentissimus dominus legatus, quin
S. R. majestas Sueciæ maximo desiderio afficiatur, aliquid reale de nominati domini legati
commissione audienda, ideoque sua excellentia omni quo par est studio ac honore contendit,
ut placeat vestræ generositati à sua celsitudine domino protectore (attamen sine præjudicio
alicujus majoris negotii) impetrare, quod adhuc ante obitum nuncii ordinarii proximi,
prædicto domino legato de quibusdam negotiis cum suâ celsitudine domino protectore privatim conferre liceat. Quam gratiam ut magnam, ita majori officii genere excellentissimus
dominus legatus demereri studebit, atque ego in particulari semper declarabo, me esse
Die Augusti 1, 1655.
Generositati vestræ
Addictissimum ser.
Johan. Barkmann, secret.
Secretary Thurloe to the count de Charost, governor of Calais.
Vol. xli. p. 1.
This noble gentleman mr. Downinge being sent unto the king of France with letters
from my lord the protector of England, I take the boldnesse to commend him to your
favour, and to desire you to afford him such direction and meanes for his safe passage
to the court, as you shall judge necessary; which his highnes will esteeme as a respect
done to himself, and be obliged to answere your civilitie upon all occasions. I would alsoe
take this opportunitie to assure you, that I shall esteem any commands of yours as a
great honour to me, as I doe to be reckoned in the quality of
[August 1, 1655.]
Your most affectionate and humble servant.
An intercepted letter of king Charles II. to the earl of Leven.
Collen, August 12, 1655. [N. S.]
In the possession of the right honourable Philiplord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
My lord Leven,
I Heare you have made some contract to leavy men in Scotland, and to transporte them
beyond the seas, for the service of some forraine prince; which I doubte not you have
undertaken without the least ill purpose towards me: but I looke upon all designes of that
nature as most prejudiciall to my service, and mischivous to the kingdome; and therefore desire you, not only to decline it your selfe, but to disswade all your frinds from it.
And I am confident your affection is such to me, that you will satisfie me herein; and you
shall always find me to be
For the earle of Leven.
Your affectionate frinde,
Charles R.
Extract out of the resolutions of the lords the states of Holland and West-Friesland, taken on thursday August 12, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 442.
Deliberation being held by way of resumption, on the 13th article of the present convocation, touching the payment of the troops that have served this state in Brasil, and thereupon the written advice concerning the finding out of the funds, which are necessary and required for this and other purposes, inserted in the journal of the 11th instant, being put under further deliberation, it was agreed to and resolved upon, that by the lords the deputies of their noble and great mightinesses, in the general assembly, this affair shall be thus regulated and promoted with all earnestness, that the mortgages made on sundry lordships and estates, belonging to the state, shall be paid off with all speed, and thereupon the said mortgaged lordships and estates be sold immediately to the highest bidder, to the end that out of the money issuing therefrom, the said forces may be satisfied; at least that by provision, out of the readiest money thereof, some of the said militia, which to their great sorrow, and under great charges and expences, have waited here some time for the same, some comfort may be given; and that they shall represent the justice and necessity of the aforesaid, and the reasons, whereby their noble and great mightinesses are moved to a compassion for the sake of the said militia, to the end that their high mightinesses, for the support of the said militia, may come to a speedy resolution, and this affair be brought to a prompt conclusion.
Mr. George Serle and mr. Richard Bouett to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 45.
There being imparted unto us an information given in unto the right honourable
the council, by mr. Robert Gay, minister of Nettlecombe in this county, against one
mr. Barnard Wayte, an unsetled minister, who had in discourse delivered speeches, whereby he discovered not only his disaffectedness, but his knowledge and approbation of the
persons, who lately did rise in rebellion at Salisbury, with justifying the actions of Charles
Stewart, the pretended king of Scots; whereupon the council were pleased to issue their
warrant for the apprehending the said Wayte, who could not be found at his lodging,
nor met with at that time at London. This mr. Wayte being, as it seemeth, as well a
wandring person, as unsetled and disaffected; and we understanding he repaired sometimes
into these parts, we held it our duty to issue forth our warrant for his apprehending, in
case he should come into these parts, by vertue of which warrant he was lately apprehended,
and brought before us at Taunton, whom we by our warrant committed unto the common
goal of lvelchester, expressing in the mittimus the cause to be upon vehement suspicion
of high treason. It was but a very few days since we sent him away. We account it
our duty to present the whole matter unto you, with our desires, that you will be favourably
pleased to communicate this act of ours unto the council, to the end we may receive their
further commands, and understand their pleasure, how to dispose of mr. Wayte, whose
language renders him very suspicious and dangerous. We shall be ready to pursue such
further order, as the council shall direct, either by sending mr. Wayte up to London, to
make his answers there, where his charge lyeth attested, or what else shall be by the council
thought fit to command. We make it our humble request and suit unto you, to
procure us from the council such further directions for the disposal of the said mr. Wayte,
as in their wisdoms they shall think requisite; whereby you will lay a very great obligation on, sir,
From Taunton, August 2, 1655.
Your very respective and willing servants,
Geo. Serle,
Richard Bouett.
Lord chief justice St. John to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right honourable Philiplord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
I Pray pardon this trouble uppon the suggestions in the petition inclosed, and likewise
that the party, that tendrid it to his highnes, was about Whitsontide. His
highnes by his letter implys his command of a repreive, the partie being condemned for
the burglary uppon cleare evidence and his owne confessione, but leaves it to mee, as
I finde the facte. I have enquired, and feare, that his master durst not keepe him, his
life was soe wicked. He was a greate comrade of Honnox, the notoriouse burghler and
highwayman lately prest to death, and this man a habeas corpus is come to remove
him to Cambridge, to be tryed for a robbery. I intende in respecte to his highnes
letter to repreive him untill to morrow sennight, that soe if it be his highnes pleasure,
he may repreive him in the meane time; but I am informed, he is a very notoriouse person; that the woman called his wife was another man's wife, and kept by him. The
marshall of London, the bearer, will informe you further of him. Sir, let me heare
when you intend for the country, and doe that right to your health, which God and nature
requires. I rest
Berry, August 2, 1655.
Your most affectionate servant,
Ol. St. John.
3 quakers weare heare indited; one for a vagrant, whoe is ordred, according to the stat. to be whipt; the other 2 for disturbance of the peace, by rayling against the minister and ministry, in the open congregation, and in the open market, that they weare all idle doggs, deceivers of the people, cum multis aliis. I fined each of these 20 marks, and imprisonment untill paid.
Mr. George Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 88.
Honorable sir,
I am now aboard the Tredagh friggott, and shee is setting sayle for Calais. I hope
to be there ere night on shoare, the wind being very fayre.
I am, sir,
Your very reall humble servant,
G. Downing.
Aboard the Tredagh, this 4th of August, 1655. 9 of the clocke in the morning.
Eustace Smyth to general Blake.
From on bord the Richard and Marth. August 4, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 84.
Right honorable,
My due respects to your honor, &c. These may certifie, that the Spanish fleet are
ready, and intends to sayle as to morrow, beeing in nomber about 32 sayle of men
of ware, the greatest part of which are but small shipps, having not above 30 or 34 peece
of ordinance apeece, the admirall not exeding above 42. Great part of theire fleet are
hired shipps, being Genowesses, Hamburgers, and Hollanders. As I understand, they intend to sayle towards the coast of Barbary, and so to the westward, to escape your honor's
fleet for the space of 5 or 6 dayes, till their men be somewhat recoverd from being seasicke, for they be most of them souldiers and landmen, not acquainted with the sea.
They have 4 fire-shipps in theire fleet, being small barkes, not above 40 tuns. This
being all I am able to informe your honor, I rest
Your honor's most humble servant,
Eustace Smyth.
They would have bought my shipp at any rate whatever. I intend to depart hence within 3 or 4 dayes, being ready to serve your honour with ship or person, as farre as please to command me service.
A paper of the states of Holland and West Friesland.
Read August 14, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 440.
The states of Holland and West Friesland observing and taking into due consideration, that it has pleased most graciously the Almighty God by the peace concluded the last preceding year with the republick of England, and since the conclusion thereof considerably to augment and encrease the credit of this state, after previous mature deliberation have agreed to and resolved upon, in order to bring the finances into a good condition; and to support and strengthen the same more and more, from time to time, besides and beyond what for the said purpose this day has been concluded and firmly agreed in behalf of the province of Holland and West Friesland, to be proposed and represented for the said province, to the generality, that their noble and great mightinesses for the reasons aforesaid, in the present conjuncture of time and affairs, cannot consent, that the capitals negotiated for the account of the generality, shall run on and continue at an interest of five per cent. but they have resolved, that all the redeemable rents and interest, payable at the charge aforesaid, as well on account of the treasury of the sea, and the respective colleges of the admiralty; as also on account of that of the land, as well as in the treasury of the generality; as also in those of all the treasurers and subaltern receivers, as well of the domains and contributions, as also of the publick revenues of the generality, and otherwise none excepted shall and ought to be reduced from five to four per cent. so that the money that shall thus be saved by the said ensuing reduction, for the publick good of this state, shall be employed only for the payment of the negotiated capitals, and shall not be diverted for any other use, neither directly nor indirectly. And to the end that the respective provinces may be made entirely easy in that re spect, it is resolved, that besides the execution of the resolution, to be procured from their high mightinesses, on the account aforesaid, all the respective treasurers and receivers shall be commanded in writing, to take care and be mindful, that upon the concurrency of any sums which they in their respective chambers, by the said ensuing reduction, shall keep in cash, may be employed for the payment of the negotiated capitals, and also that the said payments may encrease from year to year by the addition of the interest for the capital sum which they in the manner aforesaid have paid off, the foregoing year, with this special admonition, that from year to year so much less rent, and interest money in proportion, shall be passed in their accounts. And that they shall obey no orders to the contrary hereof, or deflecting therefrom, by whomsoever the same may be given them, without a new command in writing, and express resolution of their high mightinesses. And that the lords deputies in the accomptant chamber of the generality, shall likewise be written to, to regulate themselves strictly according thereunto, in the passing and examining of the said accounts. And that, for an entire and full confirmation thereof, it shall be consented to by the respective provinces, and decreed, that in the aforesaid regulation and easement of the finances and payment of the capitals, not the least alteration shall be made. Thereupon, after previous mature consideration, the assembly of the states shall be summoned in each respective province, in order to pass the abovesaid regulation by unanimity of the votes of all the provinces. However so that therein no single province shall be outvoted by the majority. Hague, August 7, 1655. [N. S.]
Underneath stood,
By order of the high mentioned lords the states of Holland and West-Friesland.
Herb. van Beaumont.
A letter of intelligence from Rome.
Rome, August 14, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 204.
Great complaints the Spaniards make against Cromwell, calling him ungrateful, and with their wonted petulancy threaten England, because admiral Pen has possest himself of the castle St. Domingo, and other ports in the West Indies, which is very prejudicial to the Spaniard. They go insinuating themselves into the ears of those, who are disaffected to Cromwell. They likewise lament of the Irish, who have not done their duty at Landrecy, whereby the town is fallen into the hands of the French.
This is an extract verbatim out of the Roman weekly diurnal.
Mrs. Mary Gernon to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 102.
Honorable sir,
I had waited on you, but sicknesse prevented me. The earle of Arundell is my
neere kinsman, and he is in great affliction, because he is kept amongst preists and jesuits.
He desires earnestly to live a protestant in England, the place of his nativity: except it
please God to make you the instrument to redeeme him from perishing in the church of
Rome, he shall never be brought into England alive. Those, that have the guardianshipe
of him, might have done it long since; and if you send by those that will not goe, untill
they have money for theyre jorney out of his estate, his heart will breake before they
come at him. If it should please your honour to move his highnesse, to write to the
states of Venice, to send the earle of Arundell into England, I have a freind, who is well
knowen to his highnesse, who shall wait on you, when you command him, and will carry
the protector's letter with all speed, and on his owne charges, and will furnish the earle
of Arundell with moneys for his jorney into England. By doeing this act of charity
will bring blessings to you and yours for ever.
London, August 5, 1655,
Your honor's most humble servant
Mary Gernon.
Mr. Geo. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 162.
Honorable sir,
Satterday about 9 at night myselfe with some other of my company landed at Calais:
the governor the count de Charost supposing some publiq person was in the friggott,
commanded a captain and a lieutenant of the garrison to attend the landing, and accordingly they received me as soon as I came to shore, and brought me to such lodging as
was to be had without the towne wall, giving command to the people of the house to use
me with all civility. Sunday in the morning the captain coming again to my lodging,
carried me to the governor, and shewing him my passe, giving also the letter, he pressed
me to dine with him, which accordingly I did with some of my company. The governor came to my lodging about 12 of the clocke with most of his officers and equipage to
bring us to dinner. He also came this morning in like manner to take his leave of me,
and indeed in all things used me and my whole company with all possible civility, and
complemented his great joy at his highnesse's welfare. He made one request to me,
which was, that I would gett him a pass for six horses, and I could not deny him, having received so much courtesy, and have therefore left with him a short letter to yourself, which he will send to you for to have the passe. I shall be very wary what promises
in any kind I make, and what I do make while in this condition, I know you will as
carefully see made good; and I assure you they shall be as few as 'tis possible for me to
make. I pray if he send any person with the letter, take notice of his civility to me.
The lord Gerard, and one Ch. Rogers, and divers other cavalliers were in the towne,
divers of them lodged in the same inne with me, and the lord Gerard was there divers
howres with some others. The officers of the garrison told me, that Gerard was in the
quality of an ambassadour, but he denyes it himselfe. He was yesterday to have dined with
the governor, but because of my being there he came not. I mett also some of them in
the street, but as soon as they saw me, they turned another way, and hitherto I thank God
we are well. The governor of Calais could not tell where the king or the army were,
but advised me to go to Bologne, and so to Abbeville, and that in the way I shold learne
wher both were. This morning I came from Calais with a convoy of a dozen horse,
which the governor was desirous I should take with me, but I returned them within six
miles of the towne. I have sent to the lieutenant governor of this place: he tells me, that
he thinks the king is at Fere; but that as soon as the post is come, he will send me the
certaynty in case the king be therabout. I intend to morrow night to go to Abbeville,
the next night to Amiens, and then I shall be within about 14 leagues of la Fere; but in
case the king be on his way further into France, or so in motion as that no certainty is to be
had where to find him, then the governor of Calais hath absolutely advised me to go to
Paris, where I shall have certayn opportunityes of going to him; and he said, that the governor of Bredah, coming lately to Calais, was forced to go to Paris, and then to the
king, being sent about publique affayres. I will take the nearest way I can: with my humble
duty to his highnesse, I am,
Bologne, monday August 6/16, 1655.
Sir, your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.
Truly I think it were not amisse to oblige the governor so farr as to let him have his passe be custome free; had it not been for the great civility he shewed me, probably I had had some small encounter with the blades at Calais.
Count de Charost, governor of Calais, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliv. p. 86.
Je n'estois pas icy, lorsque mr. Moreland y passa. J'ay seulement trouvé a mon
arrivée la lettre, dont vous l'aviez chargé pour moy, que j'ay receue avec beaucoup de
joye, mais bien du desplaisir, de ne vous avoir peu tesmoigner en ce rencontre le desir,
que j'ay de vous rendre service. Ma seulle consolation est, que monsieur de Courtebourne,
lieutenant de roy, qui commande en mon absence, a faict tout ce que j'aurois pû faire
moy mesme; & qu'au passage de monsieur Douin (fn. 1) j'ay esté plus heureux, ayant tasché de
luy donner toute l'assistance, dont il a eu besoin, conformement a la demande, que vous
m'en faictes par la seconde lettre, dont vous m'avez honoré, & ainsy que je feray tousjours
tres volontiers a l'endroit de toutes les personnes, qui viendront de la part de monsieur le
protecteur, au quel & a vous aussy je tiendray a gloire de faire cognoistre, combien j'ay
de passion a contribuer a une bonne correspondence entre ces deux estats. Voicy cy joincte
une lettre, que ledict sieur Douin a voullu vous escrire touchant un passeport pour quelques
chevaux, que je desirerois faire venir de vostre pays. Sy c'est une chose, qui ne vous
soit point a importunité, & qui se puisse faire, je vous en seray particulierement obligé,
& je vous proteste de m'en revancher en toutes les occasions, que j'en pourray avoir,
& qui pourront vous persuader, que je suis veritablement,
à Calais, le 16 Aoust, 1655. [N. S.]
Monsieur, vostre tres humble
& tres affectionné serviteur,
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 122.
I have now received his highnes positive commands to returne into England, and can
now undertake my jorney with much comfort, trusting the Lord hath given mee a
call thereunto; and upon that account I have satisfaction, though I expect in no place or
condition to be without my trialls, yet where a call is, one may expect that presence from
the Lord, which shall owne, and alone can support, in any condition. I shall endeavour
to put things into as good a condition as I can before my returne, and make the worke
as easie to my brother as may be, who though he may have sometimes some melancholy
thoughts, yet I hope he will find it much better then he may at present expect; and I am
confident will find the army as obedient and faithfull to his highnes service, as can be expected from men. I having now received orders for reduceing, shall proceed with more
vigour then hitherto wee have done, having not as yet resolved upon the persons; but I
hope before this moneth ends, the busines will be effected, and a militia of 2000 foot,
and about 500 horse, which is as much as wee shal be well able to spare mony for. That
which his highnes propounds, of letting them have lands, I fear little advantage wil be
made thereof for there incouragement; for upon there setting downe they will all have
more then they can improve. As for what you mention concerning the law, I wish wee
may understand our instructions as yow seeme to doe; but if I could tell, whether any
regulation were intended in England, I thinke it were best to stay till that time, before
wee doe any thing actually heere, much doubting whether wee shall agree about doing
any thing effectually; not but that I am consciensiously satisfied to uphold the law; but the
corruption and delayes of itt I would be glad to see removed. If the Lord pleases, I intend to sett forward from hence about the beginning of September: sooner I would, by
reason of my wife's condition, but that I fear affairs heere will not permitt it. I shall
not further trouble, but remaine
Phœnix, Aug. 7, 55.
Your affectionate friend and humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
Sir W. Compton to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 134.
About two monthes since a party of horse was at my house in Cambridgesheere, at
which time, being in the West, I did upon notice, that souldiers had been at my
house, repaire directly to London; and, by the meanes of sir Lionell Tollemach, his
highnes was aquainted with my being here; and sir Lionell Tollemach waiteing upon you
for his highnes commands, brought the order to render myself to lieutenant collonell
Worseley, in whose custody I have remained ever since, which makes me take the bouldnes to present this humble adrese, to intreat the favour, that his highnes may be mooved
for an order for my discharge; for which I shall ever remaine
August 8. 1655.
Your most oblidged and humble servant,
W. Compton.
A letter of intelligence.
Madrid, August 18, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 150.
It is here said, that Blake hath order to take Spaniards since the first of this instant; and it is well found to be truth, for the last week two Dunkirk ships, which it is said were worth 300,000 ducats, these same fought one whole day, and sunk two of Blake's ships, but at last took them. Thursday, the 12th instant, came out of Cadiz the fleet, which the traders of Seville did set forth: it is compounded of 28 sail of men of war, and 6 fire-ships. They carry 6,000 men, brave soldiers, and 36 long boats. It is said, they would soon fight them, which we shall soon know. God help ours, and send the galleons in safety; so that I believe it will be a breach.
Mr. W. Prideaux to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 146.
Right honorable,
With this your honour will receive a duplicate of my last written from Mosco,
under covert to the Muscovia company, left with mr. Johannis de Rodes (the crown
of Sweden's commissary) whoe promised mee to send it by his brother. He was to
dispeed for Riga or the Narva, about eight dayes after my departure from Mosco; and
that it should be saefly sent to Hambourgh according to my directions; soe that I hope
the orriginall will come saefe to your honour's hands.
After that I had the chancellor's answers translated into Englishe, I found in them the titles due to his highnesse lord protector not given; I sent to Almaze to desire him to send mee the prime writer of his office, which hee did; and when hee came, I tolde him of the error committed in the chancellor's answers, of omission in them of his highness's titles (alsoe that my speech and writings delivered to Almaze, the 28 of February last, not fully answered) which made mee to imagen the like to be done in the emperor's letter given mee. And if soe, it could not bee otherwise then very ill taken in England, being that his highnesse hath given his majestie all those titles, that in England was at my departure from thence knowen that hee had assumed to himselfe, and perchance more then other princes did give him. And his majesty not corresponding to give his highnesse that, which justly appertains unto him, and is given him by the kings, princes and republiks of Europe, his highnesse could not but take it ill. And soe much I desired him to signifye to the chancellor, who might have remembered what I told him the 28th of February last, touching his highnesse in this particular. The writer promised mee to make a faithfull relation of what I had tolde him to Almaze. I then demanded of the writer, if John Hebden had not wrested the words highnesse and lord in his translationes of my writings; to which hee replyed, that hee was not certayne thereof; but that he would looke them over, and certifye mee the truth before my departure from Mosco, how hee found them.
The daye following the chancellor sent mee the sayde writen letter with money for the emperor's allowance for the dayes I had not taken it at Mosco, and for some dayes in my journey to Archangell, which Almaze did, by his majestie's order, and I received it. Alsoe the writer tolde mee, that there was a prestave appointed for my conduction to Archangell, (I had the same men that went with mee from hence to Mosco) with five souldiers for my guarde, and twenty two horses for myselfe, people, and bagage, to Vollegda, there a boate shall be provided for mee, with 22 men to rowe it downe heather, all which I had accordingly; but to what I had told the writer the daye before, hee brought mee noe answer from the chancellor, although he assured mee to have signified unto him at full what I had incharged him with; and that hee had not tyme to looke over the translations made to my writings by Hebden. And this is soe much as I could have at Mosco of these matters.
I was accompanied out of Mosco a little without the walls of the citty only by the prestave I had there. The custome is to receive messengers sent from kings to that emperor, by a gentleman a mile or two out of the cittye, accompanied with some horsemen souldiers, and to bee soe conducted at his departure. At my arrivall to Mosco I had the chancellor's excuses for that omission, as I have heretofore written; but at my departure thence there was none further made mee, soe that I cannot tell whether it be a willfull neglect yea or noe; as esteeming a gentleman sent from his highnesse not to meritt that which hath bine usualy done to such as have come from the kings of England to that emperor in that quality I ame from his highnesse.
I arrived to this citty yesterdaye morning, and had from this governor the like reception out of my boate, as I had last yeare; that is, I past from it to the company's house (where I lodge) through a layne of about six hundred souldiers. Hee had advisse of my coming the night before, and at my arrivall to the house hee sent to visitt mee by a cheeffe writer of the emperor's office, with a very civill complyment.
Here is now in this porte 36 sayle of shipps, Hollanders, Hamburgers, and Bremers,
and two others are already departed, and three or fower were expected. And of English
shipps 5 are here in porte, and one more expected. This is all I can write to your honour
for the present, being the shipp, by whome I send this to Amsterdame, is on departure.
Soe I humbly take leave, and remayne,
Archangell, Aug. 8, 1655.
Right honourable,
your honour's moste humble servant,
W. Prideaux.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 130.
I Perceive by your laste, that you expect a speedy reducement of the forces heer, but not
one worde in answer to what I writte to you in my laste, touchinge that parte of our
army, that is with you in Englande, upon which our whole business depends, for we cannot actually disbande any untill they are returned. We have proceeded neer to ane issue
in our resolutiones as to the persons; and I ame glade you have left the manner of it
to the deputy, for those reasons I gave you in my laste. We have likewise hade thoughts
of formeinge a militia, and hope to make it bothe practicable and of good use to the
publique. All is verry quiett and peaceable, and men nowe doe begin to thinke it is but reasonable, that their shoulde be ane equallitie helde out to all such as have bin fellowe-labourers
together, and continue sober and honest. And I hope it will be the care of those intrusted
heer to see it accordingly administred to such only, though their are some amonge us doe
think, that they are not well used, if a good place slippe by them, and doe take care to
prevent any such miscarrage, as nowe in the settinge up the courts of justice; but I hope
we shall keep the sollicitor general's place for a person of your choice, whome I desire may
be sent speedily. I feare I may too often trouble you with my impertinencyes. I ame,
Dublin, August 8,
Sir, your truly affectionate freind
and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
Lord Petre to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 142.
I have (contrary to my modest genius) adventured to addresse a few lines to his highnesse, being chiefly induced therto by some gracious words hee was pleased to use to
mee a little before I became a prisoner. But how to excuse myself to you, to whom I am
altogether a stranger, I must referre it to your owne goodnesse. Yet, sir, when I looke
upon you as a person of the most intimate trust and considence with his highnesse, I
thought it a beseeming method to acquaint you with my desires first; and to pray your
jugement in this way of application, which I have made use of. My request to his highness (wherin I should thinke myself happy, if I could engage you to bee my advocate) is
this; that in regard of certain great businesse, which lies gasping by reason of my restraint, hee would bee pleased either to grant mee a full liberty or freedome upon my owne
engagement, to follow my said occasions.
Sir, when I come to have the honour of being known to you, you will find you
could not have bin instrumentall to oblige any man, that hath lesse crime upon him,
or greater desire to become,
August 8, 1655.
Sir, your most humble servant,
William Petre.
Col. Bampfylde to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 346.
Having made severall adresses to you of late at Whitehall, and throwgh the importance of your business (as I suppose, not having, to the best of my understanding,
ever given you the leaste cause of dissatisfaction) hitherto not having received the honour
of any returne, being my selfe passing this way towards a frend's house neer Maydston,
where I may remayne for a day or tow, I have by this bearer given you the trouble of
this letter, to advertise you, that immediately upon my retorne to London, I intend
for France, in order to the prosecution of those directions, which I received from you
three months since; the business in it selfe being as practicable now, as it was then (if
not more soe) if the success of it may be as usefull to the present condition of your
affayres. Soe as thowgh I am resolved unallterably upon the journey, some tyme the next
weeke, unless you countermande it, yet the grounds I proposed to my selfe at firste,
being then not upon soe great certaynty as they are nowe, I am extreamly confident it
may be very avaylable to your service, if I may have halfe an hower's liberty of discource with you, before my departure, both to acquainte you with some passages come to my
knowledge since I sawe you, and to be directed by you in such particulars, as may render
my endeavours very serviceable to you in this conjuncture; soe as if you are either
pleased to give mee leave to wayte on you at your lodgings in Whitehall any tyme
the next weeke in the evening, I shall not fayle to attend you; or if you woulde be pleased
to doe mee the honoure to take a peice of venison at my lodgings (which are both very
neer you, and as private) any day you thinke fit; and to bring whome you please with
you, you woulde very highly oblidge mee, and might conveniently dispatch mee. All
the encouragement I have to hope for this favoure is, that you have your selfe motioned
tow or three tymes our dyning in Fish-street upon another occasion; and I thinke this
being much neerer you, and more private, will be more proper to the business, and a less
expence of your tyme. Though I shall looke upon this as an extraordinary great favoure,
and doe hartily request it, yet I shall leave my selfe to your pleasure and occasions, being,
Branforde, saturday night.
Sir, your moste humble
and most faithfull servant,
J. B.
The superscription,
To the right honourable mr. secretary Thurloe, principal secretary of state at Hampton-court, these.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 164.
Honoured sir,
Heere is a Scotche gentleman, who has bin a lieutenant collonell in the Scotche
army against us (and is much knowne and well esteemed by that partie, they not
having the least suspition of him) but would now endeavour to bee serviceable to us,
which I think he may very well bee. If you want one to be sent to the Scotche pretended K. his court, to waite till some one be sent from thence for England or Scotland,
and to come over with Charles Stuart's messenger, this gentleman wil bee very fit for
it, because he may know of the messenger's coming, and will bee carefull to keep soe
close with him, as to have him secur'd on his landing, and he is one that you may trust.
In case there wants one for this purpose, I desire you would lett me knowe it by the next
post, and I shall send him to you. I remaine,
Dalkeith, August 9,
Sir, your most affectionate
and humble servant,
George Monck.
This gentleman is very great with Charles Stuart,
and wil bee very farr trusted by him.
At the council at Whitehall.
Thursday, August 9, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 170.
Ordered by his highness the lord protector and the council, that the yearly salary payable to the clerk of his highness's council for Scotland, be three hundred pounds. And it is referred to the council for Scotland, to give warrant from time to time for payment thereof out of the publick revenue of Scotland.
Ordered by his highness the lord protector and the council, that the yearly salary payable to the assistant of the clerk of his highness's council in Scotland, be two hundred pounds. And it is referred to the said council for Scotland, to give warrant from time to time for payment thereof out of the revenue of Scotland.
Ordered by his highness the lord protector and the council, that the clerk of his highness's council for Scotland, as also his assistant, do take no other fees than the settled salaries appointed to those places respectively.
W. Jessop, clerk of the council.
At the council at Whitehall.
Thursday, August 9, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 182.
Ordered by his highness the lord protector and the council, that the militia forces in the counties of Kent and Surry be under the command of colonel Kelsey.
That the militia forces in the counties of Southampton, Sussex, and Berks, be under the command of colonel Goffe.
That the militia forces in the counties of Northampton, Rutland, Huntingdon, and Bedford, be under the command of major Butler.
That the militia forces in the counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, Stafford, Leicester, Warwick, be under the command of commissary general Whalley.
That the militia forces in the counties of North-Wales, South-Wales, Hereford, and Salop, be under the command of colonel Berry.
That Yorkshire, Lancashire, and the counties of Durham, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Northumberland, be in one association.
That this association be under the command of the lord Lambert.
That the militia forces in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wilts, and Gloucester, be under the command of general Disbrowe.
That the militia forces in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, and the isle of Ely, Oxford, and Buckingham, be under the command of the lord deputy of Ireland.
That the militia forces in the counties of Derby, Chester, and Worcester, be under the command of colonel Worseley.
That the militia forces in the county of Middlesex and city of London be under the command of major general Skippon.
Henry Scobell, clerk of the councill.
The examination of Alexander Lancton, of the city of Chester, taken August 9,1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 186.
The informant saith, that in the beginning of March last mr. William Rainscrast, of Hardin in Flintshire, and John Lingley of Chester aforesaid, came to this informant's house, and told him, that there was an intention to take Chester castle; and that another time in the same month this informant accidentally met with the two persons aforesaid, and one captain Francis Pickering of the Holt in the county of Denbigh, at the house of widow Throps in Chester, where mr. Rainscraft bid this informant go see, whether there was not a centinel upon a turret of the castle aforesaid, which he did accordingly, and returning from thence told Rainscraft there was a centinel there; whereupon this informant saith, all the persons aforesaid told him, that all the country would be up, and the aforesaid castle would be taken shortly by their party (meaning, as this deponent conceiveth, Charles Stuart's party) and also saith, that they enjoined him to secrecy in the business. And further that he knows not, neither heard any of the aforesaid persons declare, who were to be the principal actors in the aforesaid design, nor any thing at all further concerning it; but saith, that he intended suddenly to have declared it publickly, but was prevented by the discovery thereof.
Alexander A. L. Lancton, his mark.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 202.
Right honorable,
It is advys'd from Tollon, that the French fleet is redy to sail, consisting of 24 ships,
and 6 fyre ships, but they ar deteyn'd for want of mariners: both the duk Vandom
and his son imbark upon them; 'tis believ'd they go for Cattalonia. The Spanish armado,
about 22 ships, and 7 gallys, continue at Porto Spetie, within a dozen legues of this
place in the state of Genoa; somtymes they ar at an ankor, and somtymes under sail, turning
to and fro. Yesterday a small Inglish ship coming from Genoa fel amongst them, and
this day she arryv'd here. They askt where general Blak was, and told her they know
the Inglish wer theyr enemyes. It siems the Spanyard has several desygnes in his lying
ther with his fleet, and doing nothing, not having yet put a man ashore. He pretends
when the 2000 horse arriv from Naples, who ten dayes ago wer embarking, he wil then
land his men, and fal into the duk of Modena's countrey, to draw away his forces from
succouring the French in Millan. Another desyn is to face the French fleet, lest they
should com and land more soldiors at the said port Spetie; but 'tis suppos'd theyr chief
aym is to ly there, and contenance theyr forces in Millan, that therby they may shew
themselves in the field, and so possibly rais the seige of Pavia, wher 'tis said the French
hav taken som out-works. Prince Tomaso and 4 more of the chief comanders ar
Itallians, who really hate the French, and so the Spanyard knowes, who 'tis suppos'd with
som thousands of Spanish pistols may send them back into Savoy, and then the whole
Spanish fleet wil away for Cattalonia, wher they ar in extream want of succor, insomuch that it is much douted Barsalona wil be lost, if succour be not sent. Our nation,
that resyd in the Spanish dominions, do believ, they wil tak no notis of what general
Pen's fleet does in the West Indyes. You wil se notwithstanding what is in theyr hart
by the Roman newes, if they had power to vent it. The Tripoly ships of war are lyk to
do our nation much hurt, except restrained, or a peace made with them, which I hear
they ar inclynable unto, if but a couple of frigats appear'd ther. I am,
Right honorable,
Your most faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorn, August 20, 1655. [N. S.]
Thomas Bourne to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 208.
I Received yours by mr. Houlden, and accordingly this morning I have sent a parte to
Droytewich, to see if they can seaze the parson of that Cowley. The berer hereof
captain Creswick will give you summe accompt of the buisnes. In case they mis of him,
I will send agane, that am
August 10, 1655.
From my quarters at the white Harte in Shrewsbury.
Youre freind and servant,
Thomas Bourne.
A Letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Ce 14me d'Aoust, [1655.]
Vol. xxix. p. 190.
Ceux de Hollande ont proposé dans les estats generaux, qu'ils ont reduit leur interests de cinq a quatre, avec quoy ils gaigneront quatorze cent mille francs par an. Et pourtant ils ont requis, qu'on veuille aussy reduire les interests de la generalité, & des admirautés.
Ils ont aussy proposé, qu'il sera bon de rechater diverses seigneuries dans la Meyerye de Boisleduc & certaines rentes, &c. pour contenter les pauvres gens, qui ont esté au Brasil.
De la deputation vers Dennemarck on ne parle plus, sur l'avis, que ce roy ne monstre encore nulle inclination de s'engager contre le Sweede.
De l'instruction pour l'employ de la flotte vers le Oresundt l'on parlera, quand le sieur d'Obdam sera arrivé. Je suis d'avis, que le sieur d'Obdam sera plus sage que le feu Tromp; qui par son imprudence engagea l'estat en une si funeste & ruineuse guerre; a savoir celle d'Angleterre.
August 17.
Hier aura esté avis, que les François ou tel de leurs generaux auroit aussy sommé le pais d'Outremeuse comme possidé & pretendu par le roy de Spaigne leur ennemy; pourtant en exigeant des contributions. Sur cela on viendra en conference avec l'ambassadeur de France. Au reste on voudroit bien, que cest affaire du pais de Outremeuse se put vuider par accord.
Les sieurs Barendrecht & Vrybergh ont fait rapport d'avoir notifié aux ministres de Dennemarck l'equipage des 24 navires resolu icy, pour envoyer ver le Sont: & qu'ils avoient tasche de tirer de ces ministres l'inclination de son roy & sa resolution touchant les armes Swedoises: mais les dits ministres n'avoient rien sçeu dire, si non qu'ils n'en savoient rien.
L'on a hier tenu besoigne sur les instructions a donner, l'une pour la deputation a faire en Dennemarck; l'autre pour l'admiral Opdam sur l'employ de la flotte des 24 navires.
L'on a derechef eu sur le tapis le fournissement d'argent pour le voyage du sieur Ommeren vers Savoye. Et puisqu'il est de Geldre, l'ordre est, qu'il soit pourveu d'argent de sa province, qui est Geldre, mais sa province est tellement en desordre, qu'elle ne sauroit pas fournir tant d'argent. Et sans cela le sieur Ommeren ne veut pas aller. Et les ministres commencent a le recommander, comme estant un oeuvre pieux, pour le bien de Vaudois.
Aussy a esté sur le tapis l'envoy d'une deputation ou legation vers Dennemarck; & instruction pour telle legation. Ceux de Hollande desirent, que le sieur Beuningen seul y aille. Mais il y a d'autres provinces, qui veullent aussy avoir part a la legation. Aussy on est encore discrepant, dans l'instruction: aussy les provinces, qui sont entre l'Eems & le Rhyn, sont encore irresolues pour l'employ de la flotte, craignant la guerre par terre.
Il y a advis que le roy de Sweede a demandé de l'electeur de Brandenborck les places ou fortresses de Pillauw & de Memel pour asseurance: ce qu'ayant refusé, il y auroit desja rupture entre le roy & le dit electeur. Tant y a que le conte de Waldeck & le baron de Sweryn sont party de Stetyn mal satisfaits.
August 18.
Des Bordeaux, des marchands de cest estat ont fait nouvelle plainte de depredations qui font les Biscain: & tel marchands a Amsterdam nommes Roymans ont demandé & supplié lettres intercessionales au roy de Spaigne, pour la relaxation de certaine, leur navires prins ou detenus en Espagne.
Derechef & principalement a esté parlé de l'affaire Baltique, de l'envoy des deputes vers le roy de Dennemarck, de l'instruction. Je remarque en tout façon, que difficilement on fera quelque chose sans le protecteur: car aussy bien on voit asses, que le roy de Dennemarck meme est froid, irresolu, & n'osant rien. Aussy Dennemarck n'est pas sans mescontents: & Ulefelt y a ses correspondents : & le duc de Holsteyn a Gottorp souloit cy devant estre tousjours fort supprimé par le roy de Dennemarck. Maintenant le dit duc estant beaupere du roy de Sweede, tiendroit infalliblement le party Swedois, ou pacifique; en cas que le roy de Dennemarck se voudroit engager in guerre: en quoy luy contrarient aussy les nobles, ne desirent pas s'appauvrir de gayeté de cæur.
De Stetyn on n'a autre, si non que le roy estoit allé avec une nouvelle armée vers la Poloigne, sans savoir bonnement ou est le roy de Poloigne: lequel on dit attendre secours du Grand Turq.
Maintenant il y a assemblée des estats a Utrecht: ou principallement sera ventilée l'affaire du Grefier Berck prisonier. On croit que les chanoines (faisants les premiers membres des estats) concederont a la ville un revenu de 3 ou 4 mille francs: ou que chaque chanoine quitera quelque petite portion de leur prebende, pour l'entretien de nouvel nombre des ministres. Et qu'ainsy le different se terminera, & ce Grefier sera relasché.
Maintenant aussy en fin l'on a trouvé de l'argent pour le voyage du sieur Ommeren. La province de Geldre a esté si pauvre, qu'elle n'a sçeu fournir rien.
August 19.
Vers Dort sont derechef allés deux commissaires du grand conseil, pour prendre inspection du canal, qui ne va pas bien, n'y ayant pas asses de profondeur; & le cours de l'eau n'y va pas comme il faut.
Contre le desordre a Gorcom est publié & imprimé un placcard: comme aussy fur la reduction des interests de 5 a 4.
Il est indicible combien ceux de Geldre ont flatté les autres provinces a fournir ces 5000 francs au sieur Ommeren: car le stile & coustume est, que chaque deputé ou ambassadeur, qu'on envoye quelque part, tire l'avancement des deniers de sa province. Mais la Geldre n'a sçeu le moyen: & le sieur Ommeren n'a voulu pas estre assigné sur sa propre province: ains a fallu que la generalité luy aye fourny cela.
L'on a par une seconde lettre mandé le sieur de Opdam a venir icy.
Cependant est venu une lettre responsive du college de l'admirauté de Amsterdam, sur ce qu'on leur avoit escrit en suite de la resolution du 11c d'Aoust (la quelle aures veu) d'equipper encore seize navires de guerre vers le Sont: que ces navires nouvellement bastys ne sont pas propres sur la mer Baltique: & qu'il en faut d'autres: & que cependant il faut du temps pour les equipper: & que la saison est allée fort avant. Ceux de Hollande ont prins cette lettre vers soy, pour l'examiner & en faire rapport.
August 20.
Quand a l'equipage des 16 navires de guerre, d'autant que l'admiraulté d'Amsterdam a fait difficulte, les estats generaux ont deputés le sieur Lodesteyn vers Amsterdam, le sieur Glas vers la Northollande, le sieur Schoock vers Rotterdam: pour induire les admirautes a s'accommoder au fournissement des dits 16 navires.
Cependant demeure encore la nomination de l'ambassade vers Dennemark en surseance, comme aussy l'instruction pour icelle.
La commenderie de Geemert a esté sur le tapis: Il y a des provinces, qui sont d'opinion, qu'on doive la laisser a la collation du chapitre comme auparavant: autres la voulent confisquer comme bien d'eglise.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Vol. xxix. p. 198.
L'on s'alambique icy a present fort la teste & l'esprit pour le East Sea. Ceux de estats de Holland pour
traffique & les parties d'Orange en faveur de Denmark de le prince d'Orange & de Brandenburg sont
fort soigneux: & maintenant estant question d'un envoy de ambassadeurs & de une flotte vers
Denmarc le Sondt l'on scrupulis & se tourmente fort pour D e s t r u c t i
o n tant pour le ambassadeurs que pour les navires de guerre Cependant tout le dessein de estats generaux est
de faire aveq Denmarc, une nouvelle alliance, & d'empescher le Swede, de devenir fort en les deux Prussies
& cela est l'ame, la substance, & le contenu du reiglement qu'aura le ambassadeurs & les cavalleries.
Pour parler sans passion, ce n'est que la variabilité & insatiabilite de Amsterdam. Car quand
bien le Suede gaigne tout ce qu'il y a sur le East Sea, ce ne sera pas encore egalité contre
Denmarc, car il faut que tout ce qui est dans l'East Sea, sorte par le Sondt & a Denmarc il est beaucoup plus aisé de garder & serrer le Sondt. Si donq les Amsterdam chercheoient une vraye egalité
entre le Suede & Denmarc, ils devoient ayder le Suede a gaigner le reste de le East Sea: car alors les
Suedes & Danois seroient vrayement egaux: & les estats d'Amsterdam (comme aussy le protecteur) sauroient
aveq peu de peine faire aller la ballance de tel costé qu'ils voudroient. Or faut noter,
quand bien le Suede gaigne les deux Prussies, il y a encore divers, qui possedent leurs terres sur
le East Sea: ovire le puissant & redoutable l'empereur meme: le quel avec le Polonois estants d'autre
religion, voire fort gouvernes par J e s u i t e s tant Amsterdam que Cromw.
& autres protestants peuvent bien considerer le peu de faveur & benefice, qu'ils peuvent
attendre de le Swede & de Poland. Comme pour cette consideration les estates generaux & estates d'Holland
ont tousjours favorisé & aidé les Suedes, depuis tant d'annees. Mais a present les Amsterdam de
pure jalousie, que Cromwell ne tire quelque avantage ou quelque plus de commerce sur l'East Sea: en
un mot Amsterdam veulent avoir tout; & ne peuvent voir de bon oeil, que Cromwell les villes ou Hansatiques
ayent aussy quelque chose, & Amsterdam aussy laborant contra propria commoda: car ils arment
& rendent puissant ceux, qu'ils savent estre grand partisans d'Orange & 146, & qui veulent mal
de mort a les bonnes Hollandois, comme aussy a Cromwell, dont neantmoins Amsterdam recoivent tout appuy, faveur,
& benignité. Quell' autre chose, que Amsterdam veulent faire a croire a Cromwell, ce ne sont que
faux pretextes. La vraye cause de leur jalousie est, que Amsterdam sont insatiables; & craignants,
que le Suede veuille procurer aussy quelque part du traffique a Cromwell & les villes Hansatiques
Je suis
Le 20 Aug. [1655. N. S.]
Vostre tres humble serviteur.
Mr. W. Cooper to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 212.
Right honorable,
I send you here inclosed a superscription of your letters from my brother le Maire,
when you please to write unto him, which I could with you would doe sometimes,
that he may see his letters are received, and his indeavours accepted by you. He desires
you would signify some other person or name to direct his letters to in the superscription,
because your name being known, some seeing it may take occasion of seizing or opening
his letters to you upon that account, when they have opportunity soe to do, as sometimes
they have. I have noe more, but onely craving leave to minde you of that petition,
which was presented to you by alderman Searl, mr. Heycocks, and other honest men of
the burrough of Southwark, relating to theire adventure for Ireland, wherin they are
disappointed, and none but his highnes can relieve them: theire sollicitor waites at your
dore, and they have bene often here in person. The concernments of very many in the
burrough are in it, and the saith and honor of this state is greatly interessed in it: I am
sure it will oblige and incourage many to adhere to his highnes in that ticklish place. I
have noe further then desireing the Lord to be your sun and shield, to rest
August 10, 1655.
Your honor's humble servant, Wm. Cooper.
To his loving friend mr. Jacob le Maire, at his house at the corner of Gerbrant straetie. Give this in the Hague.
Op de groen mercht op het hoeckie vant Gerbrunts straatie.
Several prisoners in the Gatehouse to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 218.
Right Honorable,
We have used all our indeavours to present to his highness our sad conditions, having been above eight weeks prisoners in the Gatehouse, by which restraint we
have been and are many of us in great danger of our lives. We do humbly conceive,
we are not guilty of any disobedience to his highness, to whom we are many ways obliged. We have at last, upon the considence of your favour, addressed the petition to
your honor, which we humbly pray you to present to his highness, that according to his
clemency we may be delivered from this noisom place to follow our occasions, which lye
bleeding in our absence. This favour will eternally oblige
The Gatehouse, August
10, 1655.
Your honour's humble servants,
John Syors,
Robert Kirkham,
Edward Woodforde,
Walter Kirkham.
Thomas Stiles.
Docquets of Warrants.
Augusti 10, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 222.
A Warrant to the exchequer for payment of 2000 l. upon accompt unto Walter Frost, esq; treasurer for the contingent monies of his highness's council. Subscribed by his command, signified by mr. secretary Thurloe.
A like to pay unto William Smithsby, esq; keeper of the standing wardrobe and privy lodgings at Hampton Court, 103 l. 3 s. 4 d. for his salary of 51 l. 11 s. 8 d. per ann. for two years, ended the 25th of March last; and from thenceforth to continue the payment thereof unto him quarterly, by equal portions. Subscribed upon signification ut supra.
A like to pay unto Richard Forebench, post-master of Southwark, for himself and the rest of the post-masters on the Kentish road, the sum of 358 l. 1 s. for his salary, for carrying the states packets for one year and a quarter, ended at Michaelmas last. Subscribed upon signification ut supra.
P. Smithsby.
Servien to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Pignerol the 21 August, 1655. [1655.]
Vol. xxix. p. 224.
My Lord,
The accommodation of those of the pretended reformed religion of the Vallies of
Piedmont hath been concluded and signed at the time appointed this week by my
lord the duke of Savoy, and by those likewise, and registered by the sovereign courts,
whereof having given you good hope in my last letter, you will not be deceived. God
be thanked, the conditions thereof are very favourable and advantageous for them, and
his royal highness was willing to have it agreed after that manner, to declare his willingness to be so much the greater to favour his majesty therein, who had desired it of him,
and in whose behalf I did still make continual instances to his royal higness in pursuance
of those reiterated commands, which I received from his majesty, and to let his royal
highness understand, that his majesty did it to oblige the lord protector, who had taken
this business to heart. The siege of Pavia doth advance very much. I hope his majesty
will be master thereof very suddenly.
Col. Mackworth to the protector.
Vol. xxix. p. 228.
May it please your highnes,
I have now (accordinge to your highnesse's order) sent up sir Thomas Harries. As
concerning Eyton, his great consident, sir John Reighnolds hath formerly acquainted
mr. secretary with the manner of his escape, which happned through the negligence of the
marshal, who had orders from sir John and my selfe to secure him by double bolts upon
his leggs; but he puttinge only one bolt on, the prisoner, by tyinge two sheets together,
made shift to escape out of his chamber window. I count it no small part of my unhappines, that such an accident should be, in regard of the true zeale and affection,
which I beare to your highnesse's service, and which I shall ever manifest upon all occasions
to the utmost of the endeavour, accordinge to the great obligations, which your highnes
hath been so graciously pleased to lay upon my selfe and family. So prayinge for a continuation of all health and happines to your highnes, I in all sincerity remaine
Shrewsbury, Aug. 11, 1655.
Your highnesse's most humble and faithful servants,
Humfrey Mackworth.