A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: July (6 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp674-689 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: July (6 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp674-689.
"State Papers, 1655: July (6 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp674-689.
In this section
July (6 of 6)
Caillet, the prince of Condé's secretary, to Barriere.
From the camp at Noyelle near Bouchain.
July 30, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 630.
Since the taking of Landrecy, mr. de Turenne and mr. de la Ferte came to Marole, and caused la Capelle to be besieged by mr. de Castelnau, whilst they in the mean time lay at the said place with their whole army to protect him, in case we should go about to relieve the town, or to follow us, if we should make any diversion. Notwithstanding all their precautions, mr. de Bouteville, who was at Avesnes with a flying camp, took his time, and conveyed 300 horse of the troops of his highness into the place, who in their passage routed the regiments of the queen, and that of Montcaurel, which caused Turenne and La Ferte to march back with all their forces, in regard that mr. de Castelnau could not take that place with those forces he had under his command; whereupon having advice of the enemies march, we followed them, and upon our arrival, we heard they had raised the siege, and were march'd towards Guise, upon the way to Cambray; and in regard we were afraid they might make some attempt upon that place, we are come to this post, where we may the better observe the design of our enemy, and relieve Cambray, if need be. We have already strengthned that place with 2000 horse.
Major general Fortescue to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxviii. p. 556.
Right honnourable,
A Lbeit by former dispatches I gave you the trouble of an account of all transactions, I
shall forbeare to take the liberty at present, in regard the generalls, coll. Buller, &c.
will waite on you, who are able to satisfie you in all particulars. Our condition and desire
wil be humbly represented by the generall and coll. Buller; and therefore I shall not mention any more then informe you, that the commissioners are all gone, without nominateinge and appointinge a commander in chiefe of the land forces. Generall Venables in his
weaknes apprehending himself disabled for further actinge, and to be at the point of
death, opened his highnes instructions, and accordinge to the contents, the rest of the
commissioners beinge absent, captain Butler not comeinge, though sent for two days before,
to have joyned with the generall in it) the generall, in presence of severall officers, nominated
and appointed a commander in chief of the land forces, and the next day capt. Butler
coming to the head quarters, the generall acquainted him with what he had done, desireing his concurrence. Captain Butler desired tyme to consider, and accordingly took
tyme, and his highnes instructions to communicate to generall Pen, yet hath given noe
resolution to this day, but hath embarqued himself for England, alleadginge there was no
more service for him to doe, in regard the rest of the commissioners were gone. I told
him, by his highnes commission and instructions, the two commanders in cheif of sea
and land forces for the tyme being, were impowered to act as commissioners till further
order, not onely in case of the death but absence or disabillity of the respective generalls;
but nothing would prevail, but go he would. I confes I did not desier his stay out of
an opinion of any service he could do, but to make up the number of 3, for he may well
be spared, much of his busines having been to engender strife, and create factions amongst
the officers. How desirable such a man is, you may easily judge. I hope, if his highnes
please to send more commissioners, that he will appoint sober, discreete and serviceable
men, that may soe manage his highnes affaires, as (through God's blessing) he may receave a good account from hence. Sir, I am onely sorrie, that we landed on Hispaniola,
in regard of the losse and disgrace we received there. It doth not repent me, that we
sate not down there, beinge confident we could not have subsisted there, and that this
island is to all intents and purposes more advantageous then that. Not a ship can stir for
Carthagene or Cuba, but must come in view of this island. I speak my apprehension
and judgment candidly. Sir, I formerly tooke the boldnes to intreate you to minde his
highnes to put an end to the sute between my lord St. John and my self, and to order my
arrears, viz. 2674 l. 9 s. which have been longe due, stated, and ordered to be paid, to
be paid to my wife in money. His highnes was pleased to promise, both should be done.
Please you to move him on my behaulf. This is all I desire concerning my own particular.
I doubt not of his highnes care for the army; the welfare and well-being of it, in order
to his highnes service is very much desired, and shall be accordingly endeavoured, as much
as lyeth in the power of
Jamaica, July 20, 1655.
Your honor's most humble servant,
Richard Fortescue.
Col. Fortescue to the protector.
Vol. xxviii. p. 678.
Maie it please your highnes,
I shall not presume to give your highnes the trouble of a narrative of our transactions, some of our principall officers beinge returned to give your highnes an account of proceedings: I shall onely take the boldnes to give your highnes an account of
the present state of affaires: general Venables ymediatelie before general Pen's departure,
findinge himself by extreame weaknes disabled for action, apprehendinge himself at point
of death (unwillinge to leave us as sheepe without a sheppard) sent an expresse for captain
Butler, who was then aboard (as hee was for the most part) desiringe he would hasten to
the land quarters about speciall busines, which concern'd the army; but the commissioners
not coming in two days, the general (apprehendinge himself declyninge) called for your
highnes instructions, sealed and superscribed not to be opened, but in case of death, absence, or disabillity of one of the generals, caused the said instructions to be opened and
reade (by mr. Long secretary to the commissioners) and afterwards in presence of severall
officers declared and appointed a commander in chief of the army. That day commissioner Buller cominge to him, he declared to him what he had done in pursuance of your
highnes instructions, and desired his concurrence, the commissioner demurr'd, desiringe
tyme to consider of it, and to communicate the said instructions to general Pen, which
hee did, yet to this day hath given noe resolution concerning that matter, but hath embarq'd himself for England, soe as all the commissioners are gone without leavinge any
order or direction then is before exprest for government of the army.
Nevertheles I am resolved (with Gode's help) their neglect shall not hinder your highnes service (as much as in mee lies) but I shall accordinge to your generals appointment (thoug a single commissioner, and the duty of my place in the general's absence, order and manage things to the best advantage; and the advancement of your highnes service, as God shall direct and assist, till your highnes pleasure be further signified.
Much encouragement it would have beene to mee, if the commissioners had beene
pleased to have delegated such power to mee as they were directed. I hope your highnes will not bee displeased with what I have done or shall doe in order to your highnes service, though somewhat extrajudicially (the exigency of things, rebus sic stantibus, requireinge it). I have greate cause to bles God for the large interest I have in the affections of
the army, without which I should have no desyre of governinge such a body, being left
in such disadvantages; but I hope through God, by advantage of the interest, to give
your highnes a good account of the affaire. The commissioners have not left us 700 l. in
the treasury, and yet the officers (and none of the army but the officers) have received above
12 daies pay, which was at Barbados, (the better to enable them to pay their quarters)
since we came from England: besides, we have little bread, nor more than the fleete
please to afford us, which is but a very small proportion, they alleadginge all the bread
was consigned to them. Moreover we have no salt in the fleete for the army, for want
whereof we suffer much; neither have we had any from them, I know not whether any
was ordered for us: I have done and shall doe what I can to lengthen out our provisions,
and hope God will send seasonable supplies. Henceforth I humbly desire your highnes,
that such bread, provision, and stores, as shall be ordered for the army, may be consigned
to our immediate officers. May it please your highnes, the field officers of the army
haveing taken the boldness, humbly to represent their desires by the hands of general Venable and collonel Buller to your highnes consideration, I shall not trouble your highnes
with further enlargment concerninge the armye, onely humbly begg leave, that I may
without offence represent the condition of my owne affairs in England to your highnes.
I have heard by letter from my wife since I arived here, the lord St. John (marquis of
. . . . . ) contynues to vex and trouble her about woods bought of the trustees at Druryhouse, as they formerly certified your highnes, the news whereof doth much afflict mee,
that I should be dampnified in my small affairs soe undeservedly, whilst I am attendinge
the publique service. I beseech your highnes please to take a speedy and effectuall order
therein, that my wife may have noe more disturbance. Your highnes may please to remember the desision of the courte, and likewise the things I promised when your highnes sent for mee. At my coming from England, collonel Cooke (who hath great interest
in my adversary) promised to put an end to the suit, is of greate consideration to mee
both in respect of my estate, as also the peace and quiet of my wife and relations, that
that busines be setled; and that your highnes will likewise please to order my arrears
(which are in bonds left in my wife's hands) may be paid to her in money (whereby shee
may bee enabled to pay those debts I contracted by my losse for the parliament, and want
of my arrears) I confess it saddens my spirit, that I did not, could not, pay my debts before I left the land, thereby exposinge myself to reproach, a thing grievous to me; but
my hope and humble suit is, that your highnes will grant my request also in this particular, the tideings whereof would be a great contentment to me: your highnes and the
state never had any served you more truely, more faithfully: I hope your highnes will
judge mee as worthy and capable as others, who have long since received satisfaction.
Now begginge your highnes pardon for assuminge this boldness to give so much trouble,
I humbly take leave to subscribe myself,
Jamaica, July 21, 1655.
Your highnes most humble
and faithful servant,
Richard Fortescue.
I wish your army were as honest as poor. I am confident there is not an officer in the army hath above 40 shillings, hundreds not five shillings in their purse.
An intercepted letter.
Vol. xxviii. p. 554.
I have writt severall letters to you, giving you an account of your affaires in my
charge, and alsoe that I sent the commodities you writt for to Rotterdam, assigned as
you directed; since which I heard from a friend of yours, that went with them, mr. Mar.
that they are safe arrived there; but he intimates, that you are removed, and is therefore
doubtfull how to dispose of them. The newes of your remove I alsoe heard here, and
that you intended to come over hither shortly. The alarum whereof is a greate prejudice
to my indeavours in your business with your creditors, for the chiefe of them, I can assure
you, hath notice you are cominge over, and thereupon he and the rest fall off from
any termes of agreement; and I was yesterday sent to, from a true friend of yours, to informe, that he had laid waite to arrest you, wherever you landed, knowing certainely of
your coming, and the busines that brings you over. I was in hopes to have made some
good end for you, but this spoyles all, they being confident, if they take you, to have
their whole debts. Therefore if this come to you time enough, lett itt forwarne you of
your owne ruine, and forbare coming, for, beleive mee, nothing can more prejudice
your busines, then your coming over; neither can you add any thing to the advantage
of itt. I had rather meete you, if occasion were, to give you an account what is to
be done, then you to come; but till they be againe satisfied, that it is not soe, itt
is to noe purpose, for that till then I can doe nothing. Therefore pray forbare, if
you tender your owne good. I shall goe out of towne within a month, and not returne
againe till after Michaelmas. I have noe newes to write, but what I am confident you
know, that all the cavilere partie thorowout England of any note are still prisoners, and like
to be, and the rest by proclamation all banished London; which will hinder them of
such wicked plotts, as they dayly contrive, and I hope add to the intended settlement of
this nation in peace. I have noe more at present, but that I am
July 20, 1655.
Your assured freind,
John Sanders.
The superscription,
A mounsieur mounsieur Jaques le Grand,
merchant au Cullen. Cullen.
The examination of Francis Pickering.
July 20, 1655.
Vol. xxviii. p. 549.
Francis Pickering examined, saith,
That mr. John Floyd of Flintshire did, about May was a twelve-month, declare to
him, that there would be a general riseing, and that he the said Floyd should have
a commission to be a captain of horse, and that the commissions were to be delivered
at the rendezvous. That in June following one William Eaton of Orton in Flintshire,
gentleman, and comrade to sir Thomas Harris, living with him, told him the same, and
did earnestly endeavour to engage him to serve under sir Thomas Harris, who, he
said, would raise one hundred horse, and that we should never want gold, &c. but he the
said Pickering did deny him, having before engaged to Floyd. — About the 3d of
March following, one Lingley, a hat-maker in Chester, who lives in Chester, and keeps
shop with his father there, came to him, to Holt in Denbyshire, and told him, he
must come to Chester to col. Worthing, which accordingly he did, and there met with
col. Worthing, at the house of widow Alice Throp, with whom were then present,
mr. Richard Ravenscrost, who now lives with his brother col. Ravenscroft, at Brettan in
Flintshire, and mr. William Cowley, who lives at Dodleston in Cheshire, within four miles
of Chester, having an estate of about 100 l. per ann. In the presence of those two col.
Worthing asked the examinate, whether he had not heard of a rising intended; to which
the examinate replied, Yea. And then he bid him make ready, for the time of the
rising drew very nigh. And that he asked him, what friends he durst undertake to bring
in. To which the examinate answered, that he would be ready with himself and his
man well armed, and that he did believe, divers others would rise, if occasion; but
for them he would not promise. And so the examinate returned to Holt that night, and
came again the next day to Chester, and there, at the same house, met again with col.
Worthing, and the other two gentlemen. And then col. Worthing drew a letter out of
his pocket, with no name to it, but col. Worthing did tell him the name, and he thinks
if he heard the name again, that he should call it to mind. Col. Worthing read the letter
to him, the substance whereof was, that the trial between the two great men would be
on the 8th of this instant March, and that they must be sure peremptorily to get all
the witnesses ready by that day. And Ravenscroft did tell the examinate, that colonel
John Booth had sat in council with colonel Worthing, about carrying on the rising, that
day or the day before; and after the reading of the letter, mr. Worthing gave it to the
examinate, and bad him burn it; which accordingly he did. After the burning of the
letter, the examinate asked col. Worthing what the design was; to which the col. answered, that the rising was general; but that his part was principally to surprize the
castle of Chester, in which he desired the examinate to be assistant, and accordingly
that night 3 or 4 were sent by col. Worthing to seize the castle; they were all inhabitants
in Chester, and the examinate knows them all by sight; one of them is called Alexander, who lives in Chester, and is commonly known by the name of Alexander the
tobacco-pipe-maker in Chester; he knows not the name of any of the rest. These persons
brought back word to col. Worthing, that at the place, where they intended to raise a ladder, to surprise the castle, they heard a centinel walk and cough; at which report col.
Worthing was very much startled, and sent them back again to seize any other convenient place; and they brought word still, that they heard centinels walking. Then
this examinate falling into further discourse, captain Worthing told him, that if their
work succeeded well at Chester, that the gentlemen on the other side of the country
would bring away col. Croxon, and some others, to the rendezvous. The next day the
said col. sent to this examinate, to let him know, that he was much troubled, for that
he could not contrive how to take the said castle, and therefore that he should secure
him, and keep as private as he could, and desire his friends to do so too, and to
expect further orders from him; which accordingly he did, and on the 8th day (the
rising being to have been the night following) the examinate's arms, being two cases of
pistols and his saddle, were seized by the mayor of Holt; whereupon the examinate
fled into Yorkshire, hearing they were up there in arms.
The examinate saith, that Floyd told him, that capt. Edward Morgan of Woolgrove in Flintshire (who was formerly a captain of horse for the king, and a very ancient man) was engaged in this design (and Samuel Peirson saith, that he remembers well that the said Morgan went out of London (about a week before the time of the rising.) Further Floyd told the examinate, that he had bought many pistols and much powder in London, for the carrying on the design. And seeing him on the 7th of the said March, the examinate told Floyd, that he had engaged himself to col. Worthing, and therefore he desired, that he would excuse him.
Vol. xxix. p. 302.
The examinate asked Ravenscrost what they intended to do with Chirk-Castle (being the place of Sir Thomas Middleton's abode) there being there, as the examinate told him, good store of money, horses and arms; to which Ravenscrost answered, that he would ask col. Worthing; and the next day Ravenscroft told him, that they would not meddle with it, for that mr. Thomas Middleton (sir Thomas his eldest son) was a friend, and would shew himself so, if their business did stand for a while. About 10 days ago the examinate went to the chamber of mr. Thomas Grosvenor, second son to sir Richard Grosvenor of Cheshire, and told him, that he was forced to fly from home, having had a hand in the late plott, and asked him, where col. Worthing was; to which he answered, that he lay in the Strand. And then the examinate desired him, that he would let col. Worthing know, that he was extreme poor, and therefore that he would make a collection for him; and that upon this day was a seven-night, mr. Thomas Grosvenor came to a cook's shop, which the examinate frequented, and calling him out to him, told him, that col. Worthing said, that his friends had failed him, but however that he had sent a twenty shillings piece in gold.
Further the examinate saith, that one Elias Preston, a Barber-surgeon in Wrexham, now prisoner in Shrewsbury, did all along correspond with the examinate and sir Thomas Harris, and the said Eaton, about the carrying on of the plot. And the said Preston did tell the examinate, that they should be 600 good horse in Shropshire, besides foot; and they should without trouble surprize Shrewsbury-castle; and that the said Preston was to be surgeon to that party. He saith further, that the said Preston did divers times go from his house at Wrexham to sir Thomas Harris's house, to meet sir Thomas; and that the said Eaton would fain have had the examinate have gone into Shropshire with him, but he refused, desiring to serve near his own country. The examinate further faith, that he and the said Preston are very intimate friends, and that he believes he could make Preston confess all to him, if he could see him, and so that the said Preston might not know that the examinate hath been with your highness. He saith, that Preston did at several times tell him the names of many Shropshire gentlemen, but that he remembers them not, they being strangers to him. He saith further, that one lieutenant Christopher Sydney is a most intimate confident of captain Morgan's, who is prisoner at Shrewsbury on suspicion; which Sydney and Kitt Edmonds, a Dutchman, are prisoners in Shrewsbury, the said Edmonds being also an intimate of captain Morgan's, and can discover concerning him and others.
Signed by Francis Pickekinge,
in the presence of G. Downing,
Sam. Peirson.
Francis Pickeringe.
P. Pels, the Dutch resident at Dantzick, to the states general.
Dantzick, July 31, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 658.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, the return of the Poland embassadorst out of Sweden I advised in my last:
since they went from hence for Marienbergh, to make report thereof to the king
to receive further resolution against the 4th of August 1655, at which time they were to
be at Stetin, to finish the treaty.
Now here arrived unexpected news this night, that the Polish army, which was appointed for the defence of great Poland, being 4000 men, had yielded themselves willingly to the protection of the Swedes, under general Wittenbergh: this doth cause great perplexity here. General Wittenbergh is said to march higher into Poland, where he will meet with no resistance, the kingdom being too much occupied already with an inland war against the Cosacks and the Muscovites, and the king not well united with the states of Poland, whom he doth mistrust.
The city is very much troubled, notwithstanding all their preparations for its defence and resistance.
President Viole to Barriere.
Brussels, July 31, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 662.
I have received your letter of the 23d of this month, wherein you do declare your sorrow for our disasters and misfortunes; you have reason, for it will be of very great prejudice unto us. Since that the enemy laid siege to Capelle, but have now raised their siege, as thinking that place not worthy to retain them, having some greater design in hand, either upon Bouchain or Cambray, as it is thought; their army is now at Guise, and ours near Bouchain. The enemy is in a condition to go whither they please, and we must stand only upon the defence, which we are sufficient for; and I durst assure you, that they will not be able to make any further progress this summer. His highness hath sent for me, and I am just now going to him. A trooper, who was formerly of the life guards of his highness, came to him about a week since, and proposed to him, that he had a design to kill the king, the archduke, and the earl of Fuensaldagna: his highness caused him to be apprehended, and put into the hands of the provost of the Spaniards, who condemned him to be hanged, and he hath been since executed. By killing of those (he said) he would do his highness business.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, July 31, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 666.
We say here, that the signing and concluding of the peace between England and France sticks now in the French part: they have had so great success against Spain this year in all places, in Catalonia, near Milan, and towards Flanders, as they are grown very high, and now they seem to expect better terms from your lord protector than formerly they would have accepted. They would have sent the duke of York out of France, if the peace had been concluded, and to that purpose he was not suffered to go to the army this spring; but now they not only suffered him (three weeks ago) to go to the camp, but in his way as he passed by la Fere, where the king and cardinal were, the cardinal caused all the great arms to be shot off, as if it were to let the protector know, that their minds were altered. On the other side Spain is so low, that if he be not assisted, he will be in danger to lose all he hath in the Low Countries.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Paris, July 31/21, 1655.
Vol. xxviii. p. 654.
My last will have informed you of prince Thomas's entrance into the Milanese, whereat the marquis of Caracena is so much the more surprised, by reason the inhabitants of Milan and all the country complain, that he has received great sums of money for them, which he sent to Spain instead of employing them to their protection. It is written from Turin, that to appease them the said marquis had converted his plate into coin, and had engaged many jewels to get wherewithal to raise some levies. That he had 7000 men in a body; that all the places were reasonably well provided, out of which he hoped to draw a great many people unto him, when our army should be about some enterprize: but that our men did nevertheless promise themselves great progresses as soon as they have joined the duke of Modena's army, who did himself lead it unto them through Parmesan. That in the interim our men foreseeing the said marquis's design, had sent the count of Quincé and marquis Ville with an army of light horse, to keep towards Cressentin, and oblige the Spaniards to keep good garrison in Versail, Trin, and Alexandria, and hinder the governor of Milan to make any enterprize, whilst prince Thomas doth execute his, which will doubtless shortly issue forth.
The enemies affairs are not in a better posture in Flanders. The king and his eminency have held a great council at Guise with our generals, who did soon after return to the army, which is of some 25 or 30,000 men; and I am told, that for certain his majesty will put himself at their head to act personally in this occasion, in which Flanders will doubtless receive a hot bout, our soldiers having all received the incouragement of a muster. It is written, that the enemies are making the process of the governor of Landrecy, by reason he has not well defended that place; and that they had already put to death two officers, which commanded the Irish.
I hear this court has sent to propound unto the duke of Orleans the marriages of his majesty and his brother with his highness's two second daughters; as also that of his eldest daughter with the duke of Savoy, and that of the duke of Enguien with one of cardinal Mazarin's nieces, whereupon the prince of Condé's agreement is grounded.
The duke of Mantua is expected at Paris next week or the next after. The princess Palatin goeth to meet him, and his majesty has written unto all the governors, by whose government he is to pass, to receive him with the respect due to his birth.
The princess of Conti hath sent the marquis of Villars and mons. Monceaux to Modena, to compliment that duke upon his wedding.
You will have been informed of the generous defence of those of the religion at Piedmont in the new assault given them, that hath given some apprehension unto the court of Savoy, which caused the militia to be raised to oppose them, and sends the count Biglione to Vienna, to give an account of his war, hoping that the emperor will take the business into consideration, and will hinder the effect of the intelligence the said protestants have with those of Germany; which count parted from Turin the 11/3 instant, by letters written from the said Turin in date of the 14/4 instant.
You may see by the Gazette the pope's resolution to receive the Portugal embassador, and provide unto the churches of that kingdom; and besides what has been past in the homage rendered unto the pope by the Spanish embassador for the kingdom of Naples, according unto the custom, which is to present him with a white gelding, and a cedule of 7000 ducats in gold.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to Avaugour, the French embassador in Sweden.
London, July 31, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 670.
My lord,
I Believe that in effect there is no more cause to be surprized at the success, which my
negotiation will have, after so many various complexions, which it hath had for
almost these six years, and under pretences so little coloured. That which my former
letters spoke of doth not yet cease, and the patience of the king is not yet at an end;
wherefore I cannot write any thing new to you. This court is barren of news. The
protector hath not yet declared his intentions upon the imprisoning of the nobility, and
the sending away of the rest 20 miles from this place. And men do likewise wait with
impatience, what the assembly will produce, which is to be held to consider of the
means to establish the government. No certainty yet of the landing of general Penn's fleet,
nor of the disgrace, which is said to be happened unto him. And admiral Blake is still
before Cadiz. This government doth still declare great zeal for the Vaudois, but the
people did not answer their charities, which are found to be much less than was expected.
They are sending an envoy towards Switzerland, to help to accommodate the breach, but
if monsieur Servien be not deceived in his conjectures, may lose his labour; for that
business will be finished before he can get thither. Here hath been a proclamation
made within these three days, for the calling in of all private letters of marque against
the French, This order doth rather declare a complacency for the lords states general,
whose subjects were disturbed by them in their trade, than a desire to establish a good
correspondence between England and France, in regard the ships of this state do still continue to take our ships.
The Swedish embassador is arrived near this city. He hath not yet sent to give me notice of it; but I make no doubt, he will send me word, when he is to make his entrance. I hope that by what you write from your parts, peace may take place before ambition. If the king of Sweden take that course, he will free a great many states of their jealousies.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to monsieur de Lionne, the French embassador at Rome.
London, July 31, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 650.
My lord,
You may signify unto his holiness amongst the rest, that the embassadors of Spain,
upon the subject of that which had happened to those of the Vallies, did endeayour all that they could to stir up the preaching ministers of England to incense the
government and people here against the catholicks; yea they did propose to some to
go for the said Vallies, there to distribute some money to those amongst the inhabitants,
who should be able to persuade the rest to take up arms, to the end they may form a
war for religion sake. This project is politick enough, but it doth hardly agree with
the zeal which that crown doth affect.
[The rest of the letter was the same in substance with that to M. d'Avaugour.]
From mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh.
Vol. xxviii. p. 328.
Illustres excellentissimi prænobiles magnifici amplissimi viri,
Ex literis excellent. vestrar. 11 Junii Stadæ datis percepi, navarchum quendam Anglicæ gentis (cui Johannes Abbot nomen) non solùm portorium regiæ majestati Sueciæ
ratione jurisdictionis debitum pro lubitu solvendo per suppressionem mercium fraudem
fucumque fecisse, sed etiam locumtenentem regiæ navis bellicæ duriùs ac inhumaniùs ac
debuit excepisse; quin etiam loco submissionis velorum, hoc est, debiti regiæ majestati
honoris, tormentorum explosionem minatum fuisse. Quamobrem debuisse excellentias
vestras me hâc in readmonendo officium præstitisse; nec dubitare, quin præfatum navarchum ad debitam satisfactionem compulsurus sim, cæterosque Anglos idem aggressuros iter
ad justam observantiam prædictorum regalium admoniturus. Percepi, inquam, & excellentiarum vestrarum admonitioni satisfacturus, ostensurusque quantopere mihi offensio talis
displiceat, examen instituere quidem decrevi; discessisse tamen cum navi suâ præfatum
navarchum comperi invitus. Interea etiam hoc ex relatione non nullorum mercatorum
nostratium audivi, non denegasse debitum vectigal nostratem navarchum, sed locitenentem regiæ navis novum ac inusitatum, quod præter consuetudinem per viam ac modum
perlustrandæ navis (vulgo visitationem vocant) quod antehac nunquam factum, exigere
voluisse. Quod si ita se res habet, excusandum aliquo modo navarchum existimo. Interea autem quoniam cum nauta absente examen instituere non possim, si ita excellentiis
vestris placuerit, serenissimo domino protectori rem aperiam lubens; nec dubito, quin hoc
in negotio regiæ majestati Suecicæ vel defendendo insontem vel noxium severè plectendo
sit satisfacturus. Quibus excellentias vestras tutelæ divinæ commendo.
Dabam Hamb. July 22, 1655.
Excellentiarum vestrarum officiosissimus,
Col. Fortescue to the protector.
Vol. xxviii. p. 680.
May it please your highnes,
A Lbeit, by other letters I certefied your highnes, what I had said to com. Butler, yet
that not beinge satisfaction to me, because what past was betweene him and mee, I
tooke occasion this morninge, in presence of admirall Goodson, col. Buller, and this gent.
reare admirall Blagge, to tell the com. that I thought, according to the duty of his
place, he ought to tarry with us, and therefore protested against his goeinge, in regard
your highnes service would in all probabillity receive damage by it; for that the two
commanders in cheif of fleet and land forces, impowered by your highness instructions
to act as commissioners, could not in some cases act without a 3d person. I also desired
his concurrence with the gen. in nominateinge and appointinge a commander in cheif
of the army in the generall's absence; but he utterly refused, sayinge, the state of things
was now much altered, and he could not, nor would not allow of adm. Goodson or
myself to be commissioners, nor consent, that I should be commander in cheif in the
generall's absence, nor appoint any other, nor stay to order and govern things with the
other commissioners, all which reare admirall Blagge can justifie, and I count it a duty to
be certified to your highness by
Jamico, July 23, 1655.
Your highnes most humble servant,
Rich. Fortescue.
Declaration of the officers of the army in America.
Vol. xxviii. p. 684.
Forasmuch as we conceive the propagation of the gospel was the thing principally aimed at and intended in this expedition, I humbly desired, that his highness will please to take order, that some godly, sober, and learned minister may be sent unto us, which may be intrumental in planting and propagating of the gospel, and able to confute and stop the mouth of every cavilling adversary and gainsayer; and the rather for that two of the ministers of the army are already dead, and a third lieth at the point of death.
And for that many officers are imployed as commissaries and otherwise, who are intrusted with the stores for the army, and many officers of the army have died, and we have none impowered by the establishment as auditors to take and state the accompts of one or the other, by means whereof much of our store may be imbezzled, and many officers and soldiers suffer: it's humbly desired, his highness will please to establish an auditor for the purposes aforesaid, and, if his highness please, that mr. Jo. Daniell, who is a very good accomptant, and hath been serviceable to the army in examining accompts, and otherwise, and was lately deputed by two of the commissioners for the office, may be confirmed by his highness.
Jamaica, July 23, 1655.
Signed in the name and on behalf of the officers of the army in America.
Rich. Fortescue.
Vice-admiral Goodsonn to the protector.
Vol. xxviii. p. 702.
May it please your highnes,
My instructions from general Penn doe thus imboulden mee. Generall Penn departed this port the 25th of the last, leaveing under my conduct twelve shipes;
six of which att that time abroad, too being left to ply off St. Domingo, to give advice
to all shiping bound to the fleet, the Selby being one, tooke a small vessell coming from
Coro to Domingo, in the which hee made a hole and sunck her; for which with other misdeameanours is casheired of the fleet, and sent home to give a further account to the admirralty, three shipes at Cazamanos to have seized upon sume Friench, who per advice was
there, but missed them, soe with a small quantity of salt they had salted sume turtell and returned. One shipe on the north fid of the iland to have intersepted betwixt Cuba and that
place any correspondencie, which the inhabitance of this island might have, who are
fled most part one that side. The diurnalls, of all which shipes, in the best forme
could gett them, have sent to the commissioners of the admiralty, as also the account
of store of provitions present, what men dead since general Penn's departure in the
respective shipes, with all other occurences. The desire of generall Penn, before his departure, and the direction of generall Venables and esq; Butler, commissioner, whose directions as to the 12th article of my instructions from generall Pen, am to follow, have
sent home the Marstonmore, and in company the Augustine a victuallar. In three
daies I intend, God willing, with eaight shipes to go over and lie sume time before
Carthargeene and Porto Bello, leaveing only too shipes to keepe the port, and one I
hope to goe on the north side of the ileland, for our men contenewe still verry sickly; as
yett, noe fort built to secure the port. Thus wayting for your highnesse pleashure of
sending a more fett and abler person for the management of your highnesse waighty
afaiers in these parts, remaine
Torrington, Jamaica,
July 23, 1655.
Your highnesse humble and faithfull servant,
William Goodsonn.
J. Griffiths to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxviii. p. 722.
Although I was absent at the tyme of the comeing of your messenger, yet haveing
speedy notice thereof, I made all possible haste to observe your directions, and in
order thereunto Alexander Langton, the tobacco-pipe-maker, and John Lyngley, are both
secured in the castle, but will not upon any tearmes be induced to confess any thing
at all, although urged by as many interrogatories and pressing arguments as possibly I
could use. It's true, they are as suspicious persons, as are in or neere the cytty, insomuch as upon my owne accord I apprehended Alexander at the very tyme of the plott,
and that upon very greate cause of jeolousy; but through their subtillty and reservedness could not then cleere out things, according to expectation, but found him familliar
and conversant with one Mathew Cowes, who had bought up many musketts, pistolls,
and other armes (which I then seized and brought up to the towne-hall) and as it then
apeared furnished, this same mr. Ravenscroft, about 20 days before the breaking out of
the said plott, with a case of pistolls, which mr. Ravenscroft you may confydently expect by the next to be secured also; but mr. Cowley is not at this present in Cheshire,
but as I am informed is in Worcestershire, at some kinsman's house there. I am just
now informed, that mr. Humphrey Gething of Egleswaughen, and mr. Thomas Holland
of Tritden, and some others in the county of Denbigh, are yet so high in their expressions and actions, that frequently at their meetings they drincke theire pretended king's
health, at which they burn thire hatts, and some other of thire garments, and have
offerred violence unto and abused several persons, that have refused the same, and still
continue thire practice, and threatining the well-affected with a change of government,
&c. Herewith I judged it my duty to acquaint you, and to assure you, that according
to my utmost abilityes, I shall be ready and carefull in this or any other service cheerfully
to observe your commands, whilst,
Chester, July 24, 1655.
Sir, your honour's most humble servant,
Jo. Griffiths.
Coll. Wordame is upon his way, if not come before this.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Paris, July 4/24 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 1.
The king parted from Guise the 31st past to go to Marolles, which is a league from Landrecy, where great store of meal has been carried to make a magazine. The army discamped the same day to go to the said Marolles, where his majesty will see it in battle. It is composed of 36 battalions of foot, and of 135 squadrons of horse. The king is to put himself at the head thereof, and enter into the enemies country. We shall see if the Spaniards, which are a long l'escault, will defend the passage thereof. The diet of Hungary is ended to the satisfaction of the catholicks and protestants, and the emperor is returned to Vienna, still mistrusting the Swedish designs. Their agreement with Poland is much hoped. Prince Rupert has sent to Italy the troops he had raised for the duke of Modena, he himself is going to serve the king of Sweden. It is said he intended to be lieutenant general of duke of Modena, but France desired it might be count Broglio, which hath obliged that prince to seek some employment elsewhere. The duke of Mantua is expected here to night or to morrow, he is to lodge at the palace of Longueville, and after some refreshment go to court.
It is written from Marseilles the 27/17 July, that our five gallies were for certain perished, and all the men therein lost.
That the king of la Ferriere who is also perished therein, is accused to have made them go out of Toulon without order, and that the confiscation of his means had been propounded.
We hear my lord protector's envoy is gone from Turin for his return homeward, and that the poor persecuted of those Vallies are retired in little number upon their mountains. That they have daily new assaults to sustain. That the troops of Savoy do spoil all their fruits of the field; and that they begin to find themselves destitute of provisions of war, and of many others.
From col. Modyford at Barbados.
July 25, 1655.
Vol. xxviii. p. 136.
Deare brother,
The above is a coppy of what I writt you under my cousen Colleton's cover, directed
to mr. Williamson. and carryed by Paspheild; since which this new assembly have
had two meetings, and the last time highly feasted by our governor. They have done
nothinge but two things, the first is to oppose the levies of horse forces appointed by
generall Venables, for defence of the island: the second to prepare a petition and instructions for sendinge home John Bayes, to sollicite his highnes and councel. It is a great
chardge they wil be at aboute him 20m of sug. being his sallery, of which I should willingly beare the greatest share, so I might not have any in the mischeife, which I feare hee
will bringe uppon us; however, I shall endeavour to overthrow his voyadge, if I can. I
must take more time to give you the true state of our law proceedings. We have not
yett heard a word of the fleete. The Lord blesse them is the dayly and constant prayer
Your assured faithfull brother and servant,
Thomas Modyford.
Bordeaux, the French embassador at London, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxviii. p. 472.
Je vous prié de vouloir jetter les yeux sur la lettre, que m'a escrite le sieur de Poincy.
Elle vous fera voir le mauvais traittement, qui luy a este faict; comme il est contraire
a celuy que recoivent en France les peuples d'Angleterre, & mesme aux ordres, qui avoient
esté envoyés aux officiers de Plimuth en suite de la plaincte, que j'avois faite tant de la
detention du dit sieur de Poincy, & de ceux, qui l'accompagnent, que du pillage de leurs
meubles & victuailles. Je veux croire, que son altesse donnera des marques de sa justice
& du desir, qu'elle a de conserver l'intelligence entre les deux nations, en ordonnant la
restitution de ce que leur a esté pris avec les dommages qu'ils ont soufferts, & faisant
punir les autheurs d'une telle action, qui reduit les dicts passagers a la derniere necessité.
Elle m'oblige a demander, si leurs plainctes sont trouvés justes, qu'ils puissent avoir sans
remise les ordres necessaires pour leur soulagement. Je suis,
à Londres, ce xxvi Juillet, 1655.
Monsieur, vostre tres humble serviteur,
De Bordeaux.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Paris, the 7/26 August,/July, 1655.
Vol. xxviii. p. 7.
We have nothing considerable from our armies by this order. It seemeth at present, they have a design to frame some other siege towards Flanders, and we hear, that at Milan one did transvert all the gold and silver of the churches into money, where great forces were also expected from Germany to resist prince Thomaso.
This week the deputy general of those of the religion hath received a letter from mr. de la Vrilliere, one of the four secretaries of state, by which he giveth him to understand, that the king doth much dislike the secret levies of monies and men made by the protestants of Languedoc, his natural subjects, for the relief of the rebels of the duke of Savoy, his kinsman; the which his majesty being not willing to suffer, he hath enjoined the said deputy general to acquaint them with his will, and with the defence he makes them to not transgress the same, under penalty of being declared criminals of leze majesty, and disturbers of the publick rest; which makes us conjecture, that France, who interposed itself for the agreement of those pretended rebels, will seem to be impartial, and at the same time shew those poor people what need they have of his majesty's favour, and to be on his side against the Bandito's and Spaniards of Piedmont, who watch continually for Pignerol.
The duke of Longueville doth make some levies of horse and foot in his government, to send to the royal army.
We hear by the last letters from Pezenas, that the prince of Conti was still there, in hopes to see shortly his lady with child, and then to return to Catalonia.
The dutchess of Bouillon le Mere is dead, with grief, as is said, by reason of the death of the count de la Feuillade, her grand-child.
Mr. Servient, overseer of the treasury, is returned here from Anjou, after he had been received there as seneschal of that province, by the voluntary dismission of the prince of Guymene.
The marquis of Verderonne coming from court, where he had been sent by his royal highness to congratulate his majesty on the taking of Landrecy, has repast by this city, to go to Blois. He has been well received at court, but he hath not seen cardinal Mazarin, by reason he had no order to see him.
We are informed, that the king is with his army towards Maubeuge, which is a great city ill fortified, which his majesty having caused to be summoned, it's thought to be already rendred to him, without staying for a siege.
The rumour runneth, that the cardinal of Retz is sick at Rome.
Resolution of the states general.
Veneris, August 7, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 6.
Upon the memorial of the advocates employed by their high mightinesses for the affairs of those provinces at the chambre mipartie, this day exhibited and read, after deliberation, it was agreed to and resolved, that the lords president and counsellors of the chambre mipartie shall be applied to by a letter, that according to the laws and practice, as it is known, that those that are employed in some business or other, and have given their advice therein, can be no judges in the said affairs, as being not entirely impartial, and therefore unfit to give an impartial or unpassionate judgment touching the same. And that in the said letter shall be desired, that those of the said lords the counsellors, that from both sides have been employed in or about any affairs, depending before the said chambre mipartie, or have given any advice therein, would be pleased, as knowing it, and being convinced of it in their consciences, to withdraw themselves in that case, and procure, as far as it concerns such an affair or affairs, some disinterested person may be surrogated in their stead; or that an equal number of the other side withdrawing likewise, the said affair may be decided by the other lords judges of the chambre mipartie; with this addition, that in case of the contrary thereof, their high mightinesses would be obliged to refuse those counsellors as judges in such cases, wherein they have found or should still find hereafter, that they have been employed or have given their advice in.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador, to the protector.
To his most serene highness the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the dominions thereunto belonging.
Vol. xxviii. p. 708.
The subscribed extraordinary embassador of the lords the states general of the United Provinces hath by his former papers of the 16/26th of May, and of the 5/15th of June last past, most seriously shewn the great losses, wrongs, and prejudices, which some subjects of Holland and Zealand suffer by the seizure and detention of a ship of Middleburrow in Zealand, called the Hare in the Field, which ship, upon pretence that others than the people of the said United Provinces have an interest in some part of the lading, hath been diverted from his intended voyage, and been under restraint at Portsmouth about three whole months, with a company of fifty men, whose wages and diet the master and owners must provide for; and instead of releasing the said ship and goods, especially such as are claimed and proved to belong truly and really to subjects of the United Provinces, for many reasons represented to his most serene highness, in a letter of the lords the states of the province of Zealand, and other arguments expressed in the said embassador's former papers, to which hitherto, notwithstanding several often-reiterated solicitations, no answer hath been given, the judges of the high court of admiralty have been pleased yesterday in the afternoon, by an order, as is pretended, of the committee of the admiralty and navy, to decree, against all laws and reasons, that the said ship should be removed from a safe road, where she now lyeth, and be exposed to the dangers of the sea and sands in bringing of the same to the port of London, the same being bound for Cadiz in Spain, which is altogether out of her intended course. And whereas such unjust proceedings (grounded upon an order of a committee, which never heard the parties interessed in their defence, nor saw in a legal manner the proofs and allegations produced) cannot be tolerated by his highness, nor any well ordered government, being so manifestly repugnant to law, equity, and justice, and directly contrary to the late treaty of peace, union, and confederacy, established between the two states and nations, after the expence of so much wealth and blood; the said embassador beseecheth most instantly, that his most serene highness, considering and duly ponderating, in the present constitution of times and affairs, the dangerous consequences of such exorbitant proceedings, will be pleased to rectify the same, and not suffer such blemishes to be cast upon the present government, to his enemies joy, and grief of his most assured friends and confederates. Given at Westminster, this 27th/6 of July,/August, 1655.
W. Nieupoort.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Christopher Boon.
St. Lucar, August 8, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxviii. p. 11.
Your courteous lines of the 14th of June came this week to hand. I was sent by
the duke, by the king's order, about the miscarriage of an aviso from Terra Firma,
upon the coast of Portugal, and being near where general Blake's fleet lay, I went to kiss
his hands, and to know if he had any service to command me for these parts, as I told
him I was to return.
I question not but you are sensible of our condition, especially now half our town goeth out in this fleet, that goeth to meet the galleons, and will go to sea this week. I have got a protection from the duke for my person, as also what goods concern my self; and if things break out to a war, I know notwithstanding shall have licence and permission my self to trade.
Your servant,
Hen. Ramboulas.
Col. Phil. Jones to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxviii. p. 728.
Deare sir,
Yours of the 19th I receaved the 27th. I returne my thankes for it. I have
nothing new to trouble you with, and therefore shall not much longer detaine you,
then while I tell you, I am indeed heartyly glad, you have gott some strength againe.
I have this day another meeting (haveing had one already) with the young baronett about my lady Litcott's busines. I shall give you noe other account of it, till I know the full issue; only I assure you, that in any thing I have to doe for any frind of yours, I shall not be sleight or careles in it.
The Lord teach us to waite upon God for his pleasure in the churche in the West. I
hope the effect of it will not be to discourage us, but to wayte our faith, and to make
us to have an ey to him, and not instruments, for future successe. Hitherto the method
of God with us hath been, to lessen our expectation from the means, that thereby we
might more wait on him, and then to appeare. I desire to be thankefull to the Lord
for the continuance of his highnes his health. The Lord alsoe will (I doubt not) continue
his presence with him. I am now prepareing to waite on you in London, as soon as I
can, unless I receave comaunds for any servis heere. I commend you to the Lord, and
Swansey, July 29, 55.
Sir, your very affectionate and faithfull servant,
Phi. Jones.
An intercepted letter.
Vol. xxviii. p. 740.
Worthy sir,
Having this opportunity, I thought good to write a word or two to you, especially
considering I lately received a letter from you, about the import of which you
might have expected an account before now. It was thursday when my mayde received
it, and laying it up, forgott to give it me, (which is not usuall in the like cases) till
saturday, and then I had neither time to write, nor opportunity to send to you. You know
it was about your journey to London, which is over; and I must confesse, that I was weake,
that I did not more resist the importunity of some, who urged me to go, which yet I promised not absolutely, but with our bretheren's consent obtayned, (which could not bee.) And
I thinke you would have judged me more weake, havinge declared dissatisfaction as to
that you went about, to have concurred with you and others in that message, which, as it
was delivered, (according as I am informed) I am affraid you had not cleere ground for, as
from the churches, whose spirit was to be read and discerned in that assembly. And truely,
sir, I must acknowledge my owne weaknesse and unworthynesse above others; and it is
but just, that I should suffer something from those above, as your letter intimates; and I
am sensible that I do suffer, at least in the thoughts of some, whom I do honour (as I
am bound) farr above others, which have bin no litle temptation to me to comply with
things; but I desire that I may never bee left by the Lord for any person's sake, or profitt,
or advancement, to call good evill, or evill good. And to speake playnely to you, I am
still very much unsatisfyed in the bottome and foundation of publick affaires, and am
cleerly perswaded, it is not as it ought to bee, though (as I have often professed) I am
cleere, that wee have the best governours in all the world, and such as for the good and
safety of whose persons I could venture my life. I see, that they sett themselves to do
good, and do much good, which good I ascribe to the goodnes of their persons, and not
to the goverment itselfe, by which they are indeede bound from doing that good, which
they do, and which I am perswaded they themselves and others will see every day more and
more; and truely, sir, I am not of the number of those, that judge him, who is cheife,
a wicked person and a tyrant: it is farr from me, though I canot but say, that to my apprehension, there is a principall of tyranny in the goverment, and were not his person better
then the government, wee should soone see and finde what manner of government wee
are under. And indeede I wonder at wise men, who are able to distinguish betweene persons and things, and those actings, that flow from a person as in this or that capacity,
should so frequently assert the goodnes of a thing, because they are satisfyed in the goodnes of the person. Sir, yourselfe, I know, is much satisfyed as to the person of the protector. I know your wisdome is such, as you are not by that led to bee satisfyed in things,
and how you can bee satisfyed in things solely considered, I know not. And this I say
further to you, that I cannot heare of two persons, nay not one (whom there is a cause to
judge so faithfull as yourselfe and mr. Brewster) in three great countys, which I could
name, which are so satisfyed, as you manifest yourselves to bee, nor yet at all, if my information bee not false. 'Tis the observation of some, that have greater advantage of
knowing persons and things then I have, and to speake a word more, because I judge you
a friend, having found you so, that which troubles me very much, is the bondage and
very hard usage of some exceeding emminent and worthy persons and Christians, because of
theire dissenting; truely I would not have an hand for a world, if I know my heart, in
their sufferings, and oft times it lyes exceedingly upon my heart. Sir, those things I write
you, I know you canot mend them, that you may understand how it is with me, and
truely it is not thus with me onely, but with most other men (though they are so wise) if
I may call it their wisdome to conceale their dissatisfaction. I would not be tedious. I
desire excuse for this boldnes, I speake my heart, and out of respect to you. I desire that
you be armed against every temptation that is before you, for I know you cannot stand
of yourselfe. With myne and my wife's harty respects to yourselfe and mrs. Sheldrake,
craving your prayers to bee directed and kept faithfull to the Lord at such a time as
this, I rest in hast
Newalsham, July 30, 1655.
Your most unworthy brother in the Lord,
Richard B***.
Concerning the receipt I sent up, I heare nothing, though I have employed a friende to attend upon mr. Steele, who I hear have been out of towne. I expect soone to heare the result of his waiting. I make no great account of it, though I heartily thanke you for your love and paynes in it.
Yours, R. B.
Dr. Charles George Cock, one of the judges of the admiralty, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxviii. p. 742.
Right honorable,
When I was last with you, I desyred your honor to mynd his highness and the
councell of the necessity of setlinge som way for the makinge of publicque notaries, both for the carryinge on the worke requisite for the people of this nation in their
transactions one with another, as also to foreigne commerce, and such acts, as to bee legally
done and carry authority abroad, require their concurrence. Wee have som, but many
of that som are ignorant, and others are made de facto, and have the name, but are not
in acceptation of law such, so that they put people to charge, and courts to trouble only.
They are, I acknowledge, requisites only to the courte, wher the civill law is used; therefore while those courts are used, I humbly conceive of a temporary necessity. The makinge of
them, upon the dissolution of the papall power by H. VIII. [Anno 25. c. 21.] was by act of
parliament setled in the archbishop of Canterbury, &c. and was in the officer called the
master of the facultyes, which office wholly ceaseinge since the dissolution of the hierarchy,
the necessity of affayres have made mee bold to address myselfe to his highness, to improve
his power therein, by authorizeing eyther som person or the courte of admyralty to the
same till further order. His highness approoved the reasons, but from multiplicity of
affayres the thinge not beeinge remembred, I presume to offer it to your consideration.
At my comeing out of London you required mee to write to you about it, that you
might not forget it; as also to remynd you of your petitioner captain Spryngall in custody
at Lambeth, who desyred my testimony to yourselfe, what I know of him, which is, that
havinge been severall tymes within 3 yeares (which is the utmost of my knowledge of
him) in his company, I have heard him oft expresse himself, that though he loved the
present king of Scots well, yet for a personall relation, or in relation to any one person
whatsoever, he loved his country so much better, that he would never engage in or to a
warr upon such a score; and would, if imployed, as faythfully serve his highness as any
one livinge: the occasion of theis words have byn upon discourse of the severall attempts
to a new warr. Sir, this is all I shall trouble your great occasions withall, which I had
not presumed upon, but from yourselfe freely invitinge mee to it. I shall leave theis particulars to your wisdome and consideration to doe as to you shall seeme best. I can only
see the outside of thinges and affayres, and can only tell the word, not the mynde of
men. I shall therefore waive all further intimations of my sense, and leave it to your
better judgment, beeinge,
Norwich, July 30, 1655.
Honorable sir, your most humble servant, C. G. Cock.
The protector to the general of the fleet.
Vol. xxviii. p. 744. In the hand writing of secretary Thurloe.
Wee have received yours of the 4th, as alsoe that of the 6th instant, both at
once; the latter signifieinge the great preparations, which are makeinge against
you. Some intelligence of that nature is alsoe come to us from another hand, which
hath occasioned us to send away this dispatch unto you ymediately upon the receipt of
yours, to let you knowe, that we doe not judge it safe for you, whilst thinges are in
this condition, to send away any part of the fleet, as you were directed by our instructions
of the 13th of June; and therefore, notwithstandinge those orders, you are to keepe the
whole fleet with you, untill you have executed the secret instructions, or finde the oppertunitie is over for the doeinge thereof. Wee thinke it likewise requisit, that you keepe
with you the 2 frigotts, which conveyed the victualls to you, as alsoe the Nantwich, which
was sent to you with a person bound for Lisbon, with our instructions to that kinge. And
for the defects of the fleet, the commissioners of the admiraltie shall take care thereof;
and be you confident, that nothinge shall be omitted, which can be done here for your
supplye and encouragement. I beseech the Lord to be present with you. I rest,
Your very loveing freind,
O. P.
With this letter was sent the intelligence of the 20 ships comeinge across the Streights, and of the 31 ships, and 8 fire ships . . . . in Cades.
Whitehall, July 30, 1655.
Ultimo die July, 1655.
Vol. xxviii. p. 746.
A Warrant to the commissioners of the treasury to pay unto sir Thomas Honywood, knt. the sum of 500 l. with interest, payable to sir William Masham and the rest of the committee of Essex, on an order of parliament of the 10th of April 1645, and by the said committee assigned to the said sir Thomas Honywood, subscribed upon signification of his highness's pleasure by mr. secretary Thurloe.
An indenization granted unto Theobald Roades, an alien born, whereby he is invested with such franchises and privileges, as others, heretofore made denizens of this commonwealth, had been lawfully invested with; provided he be obedient to the laws, and pay customs and subsidies for his goods and merchandizes, as aliens do. Subscribed by mr. attorney general, upon signification of his highness's pleasure, by Lislebone Long, one of the masters of requests.
A like granted unto Anthony Ferdinando Carvajall and his two sons, with such privileges and provisions as aforesaid. Subscr. upon signification ut supra.
The office of receiver general of the revenue belonging to this commonwealth, within the counties of Southampton, Wilts and Dorset, granted unto Edward Butler, esq; to hold and exercise the same, by himself or deputies, during his highness's pleasure, with such fees, wages, and rewards, and allowances, as his highness, by the advice of his council, shall limit and appoint. Provision is made, that the said Edward Butler, before he enter upon the execution of the said office, shall enter into such recognizances in the exchequer, as shall be prescribed by the commissioners of the treasury, to account for and pay what revenue he shall receive into the receipt of exchequer. Subscr. ut supra, by his highness's immediate warrant.
The office of bailiff of the isle of Jersey granted to Michael Lemprier, esq; to hold the same during his highness's pleasure, by himself, or his lieutenant, so he be a person of approved integrity, faithfulness, and ability, with the powers, authorities, preheminences, profits and emoluments thereunto incident, and of right accustomed. Subscr. by warrant ut supra.
Per Smithsby.
Resolution of the states general.
Vol. xxvii. p. 801.
Received a letter from the resident Heinsius, wrote at Stockholm, on the 22d of June last, directed to Griffier Ruysch, containing advice; whereupon, being debated, it is resolved, that a copy of the answer of their high and mighty lordships, which hey gave to the lord Spar, embassador of the king of Sweden, shall be sent to the said resident Heinsius, to serve for his further information; and likewise to assure his majesty and his ministers, upon all good occasions, that the contents thereof is the sincere intention and meaning of their high and mighty lordships, with a desire and request, that they would not give credit to any other contrary reports. And likewise it is resolved, that the said resident do follow the departure of his majesty, till such time that their high and mighty lordships do send to him to make a turn hither, for the dispatching of his particular assairs.
To general Disbrowe.
Vol. xxviii. p. 748.
May it please your honour,
The generalls arrived at Berbadus before the Marston-moore, and sent me to the
Leward Islands, to rayse a regiment of men, and lay an embargo on all ships.
This I thought was nedles, greatt hopes being to rayse as many as we had nede of in
Berbadus; besides I knew itt out of the way to Carthagena; but itt being ordred by the
commissioners, I went with Holdip and Blagge joyned in commission with my selfe.
This Holdip was preferred to a regiment, contrary to the minde of the major generall
and all the collonells in the army, Forteskue excepted, but quite contrary to mine owne
minde, who knew him to be an envious, coveteous, hipocriticall fellow: butt the generall
was wilfull, and did preferre him. After we had continued 3 weekes at the Leward
Islands, the fleete appearing, we shipt our men in 4 prizes, which we had taken, and in
the Marston-moore, and Selby. We sett sayle with the whole fleete, landed at Hispaniola,
and were cowardly beaten; lost the good major generall; lieftenant collonell Clarke
received his death's wound; major Forgeson, capt. Buttler, the captain of the reformades,
and severall other persons of quality, were slayne by a handfull of cowardly Molatoes
and Negroes. My letter to his highnes will lett your honour know the truith of all
passages on that island. Att last embarked our men, and sett sayle for this island Jamica,
which we soone became masters of, meting with little opposition; and might have surprized all the people, if the generall had nott lett them goe by an inconsiderate treaty.
They lie in the woods, and, as they see opportunity, cut off your poore souldiers, as they
straggle up and downe. The generall is about coming home, who made Fortescue his
major generall, without acquainting his highnes commissioners. Believe me, sir, the general is coveteous and nigardly, and (in fine) is much out of the hearte of his souldiers,
through his imprudence and unsoldier-like deportment; but sure I am, he is prodigall
enough of his highnes revenue, cares nott what becomes of his army, soe hee himselfe be
well. He cannott endure to be enformed of his errour. Generall Penn hath nott bene
wanting, both to hazard his person, and forward his highnes service, who, I presume, can
acquaint your honour with all passages; for whose civilityes to myselfe I am much
bounde. God give him a safe returne with those ships, which come with him. The ship
Discovery was burned in this harbour by an accident, after she had taken in the generall's
lower tier of gunns, as the generall was about to carene his ships; but, through God's
blessing and his endeavour, are all recovered. This passage of providence, with generall Penn's weaknes, I thought would have proved his death; but now his strength
is pretty well recovered, and the affliction I hope truly sanctifyed to him. Mr. Winslow
dyed of griefe to see our army putt off Hispaniola, who was buried honourably att
sea, on our way betwixt Hispaniola, and this island. God sanctify these sad dispensations
of providence to his highnes and your honour, to graunt you that wisdome, which may
cheare your hearte under his will, and direct you never to lett a generall's wife accompany
him in forraine service. Generall Venables returning will enforce me to come with him,
my power being att an ende, and he proving my adversary for that good advise I gave
him. This bearer, the rear-admirall, can acquaint your honour, that all the time we lay
by Hine river, he constantly lay on board the ship every night (two only excepted.) Sir,
for all those noble favours, which God by you hath conferred on me, I returne your honour
most humble thankes, and rest
Your most unworthy servaunt.
I hearwith sende your honour the accompte of the Duch estate, seized att the Leward Islands, with the disbursments, and what is remayning.