State Papers, 1653: November (5 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1653: November (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1653: November (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1653: November (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (5 of 5)

An intercepted letter of sir W. Vane to sir John Sayers, major of the lord of Oxford's regiment at the Hague.

Vol. viii. p. 237.

Dear Jack,
As concerning my journey, I am not able to say much, since the treaty goes on so slowly, and that the great disorders that are like to happen here will retard it. The factions of Harrison and the Black-Friar's-men growing very high, the others not being able to do in the parliament what they please, it is thought that suddenly they will be dissolved. Lambert hath been sent for into town, and came last Saturday, so that there is suddenly a new May-game to be played. Since things are carried so secretly concerning that treaty, I do think, that though a peace may happen, it is not likely to happen so suddenly; so that I do not intend to undertake my journey, till I see what may be the success of this business. The Scots are up in arms, to the number of seven or eight thousand men. Our fleet is not yet at sea, though great haste is made to get them out. Here is a foolish Portugal ambassador, whose brother pretending to have received some affronts in the New Exchange, came the other night fifty or sixty of them armed, swords, pistols, coats of mail, and coaches full of gunpowder, to have blowed up the New Exchange, if they could not have gotten in: they found almost no-body there, only four or five gentlemen, of whom they killed two. The general at twelve o'clock at night sent to take the brother, and seven or eight more out of his house, which the ambassador was forced to yield to.

Mr. Ch. Longland to secretary Thurloe.

Leg. 5 Dec. 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 263.

Honored sir,
The Dutch here hav bin very hygh upon the arryval of theyr great fleet from the Sound, but this week they ar at a very low eb by the great storm happening on theyr coast, wherin themselves report (according to their usual modesty in relating theyr own losses) that they hav lost eleven of theyr best ships and two thousand men. Twenty other ships ar missing, and forty have cut theyr masts by the board. We shal from Ingland with the next letters hav a more true relation of it. The stars in their courses fought against Sisera. 'Tis a greater mercy to Ingland, that the enemy is destroyed by the hand of heaven, then by their own strength and prowes. I hope this los wil mak the Duch more fre in theyr treaty, that a good peace may be firmly setled, wherof if they giv no other assurance then theyr bonds or oathes, it will be of smal vallue.

The inclosed is what cam from Rom; you wil se I have found out a man of abillity and quallity, able to do the bisnes you desyre: now it only remaynes, that if you pleas to giv me order, what to proffer him for his weekly correspondence, I shal do it. As I hav formerly writ you, thes Itallians will not stand to curtesy; they wil know what they shal hav, before they begin theyr work, and part of it they wil hav before-hand. Al the citty of Rom are very shy of Ingland; so I beliv he wil not correspond further then this place. You se this abbot is able to giv you any advis, that Rom can afford; wherfor you may pleas to propound a pension, according to your expectation and the quallity of the person: which is al I hav at present. I am,

Honored sir,

your humble and faithful servant,
Charles Longland.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. viii. p. 239.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

This English war doth put water of temperance into the wine of covetousness of our merchants, traders, and navigators, who do seem to renew the ancient and good custom, to rest the winter, and not to provoke the fortune of the winds and tempests; and this state is very glad of it, managing in the mean time the insupportable charges of the fleets, having cashiered and paid off all the hired ships, and some few of the rest are revictualling to cruize some while the sea, and to fetch home the remainder of the ships in the Baltic Sea and at Norway, and in the mean time, towards the spring, they do hope to have a very considerable number of new ships, wherein is often found and seen a great deal of deceit, especially the two ships built for Genoa (which were thought to be the best that ever were built) are found to be built for the profit of the ship carpenters, and very little for the service of the state, standing both of them at present in need of double bellies; and in the very cables is found likewise a great deal of cheat, and it proves true, that a needy merchant doth seldom afford a good pennyworth, and every one doth endeavour to get by the state. The commissioners of the elector of Cologne do every day expect a new order from his highness the duke of Cologne which will be hardly any other than to call them home; but Holland had rather defend their own limits and borders favoured by the rivers, than to engage so far into the country of Liege. The ambassador of France, since his audience, hath made his visits of honour to the queen and the princesses, and still continueth in the terms of an ordinary ambassador, and that he is come only in general to cultivate the good amity and correspondency, and to watch opportunities, without desiring yet to engage himself in any particular negotiation; and yet I know it from a very good hand, that his chief aim and design, is to ally this state again to France, and by this means to uphold insensibly and indirectly the house of Orange and the interests thereof; a business which will be very agreeable and pleasing to the people, and taking with all our great ones, and with those that depend upon them; firmly perswading myself, that all this embassy proceeds from no other than sinu & gremio eorum; for I do also know it from a very good hand, that the party royals as well in Zealand as elsewhere, will begin very suddenly to speak of a captain and a lieutenant general, and they only stay for the news of the success of the peace in England, which friends of the prince of Orange cannot imagine themselves here of any success. And in the mean time the parties or factions in Zealand do very much imbroil with very great violence one against another, and friends of the prince of Orange having the favour of the people of France and Denmark; yea, of all the monarchs. I leave to you to consider in the end how royalists can subsist, unless it be peace with council of state of England.

5 December.

THE commissioners of the elector of Cologne having received an order from him, have desired recredential letters; whereupon being debated, the most part of the provinces are sorry that this defensive alliance is not concluded; but notwithstanding the consideration of Holland was found of such weight, that they would not do any thing against it, so that it could not be done no otherwise; they have agreed to give them letters recredentials, and therewith a dismission, wherein is to be inserted the consideration of Holland, viz. that they are ready to perfect the alliance as soon as any other members of the Westphalian Circle, as others shall be willing to join in the said alliance.

The judges appointed for the chambre mipartie (except the lords Doublet and Sallick) are agreed to go from hence on Monday next; they take along with them for advocates, Paets, Andel, Stryen, Pandelaer and Cauw. Some proctors are also to go with them, and the lord Huygens is to go, to take the oath of those of the king. But this voyage is only to lay the platform for them to proceed on hereafter.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

The commissioners in England write yet in general terms, that they have had an answer, to which they did reply. That they have had a conference; that they would continue it; that it was agreed on both sides to keep all in great secrecy, to the end that the ministers of kings and foreign princes might not penetrate into it, or learn any thing, lest they should disturb, or countermine the peace; at last they give great hopes of an accommodation. royalists do grumble, that the commissioner's have sent no copy of the answer, as well as they did of their proposition, memorandums, and other businesses. They have a very great jealousy and opinion, that states of Holland have and do receive copies of all, and do know the secrets; yea some do believe, that already peace is made, and that states of Holland have made ease or correspondency apart.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

It is very much, if in so short a time the Amboyna business, and the herring fishing, &c. (and where at present the difference with Denmark is to be added) is made an end of and decided; but that it is not necessary; it is enough if by provision they can wipe off the accident, that happened the 29th of May 1652, to cause hostilities to cease. The rest would be cleared at leisure. And according, as the commissioners write, the English are so civil as to relieve all the prisoners for a small ransom each; and the poor fishermen, which is the forerunner of a cessation of arms. And this doth already trouble royalists, who cannot imagine themselves, that any peace with the English can last long.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I do also believe, that ambassadors doth find themselves a little deceived by 140, and will have no great business, for if a peace be made, the well affected in Holland will maintain themselves very well, and republicans will triumph more and more.

The States of Groningen and Ommeland have removed their great cause, which depended here, before the judges delegates, having constituted twelve judges of and in their own provinces, and count William for president, to decide their differences.

This doth very highly please the said count, for his party, who was lower here, doth prevail there, and is master now.

The Lorrainers are still upon our frontiers, and the lord Brederode doth all what he can, to hinder them from doing any harm; and order is given to our countrymen, not to carry any provisions to the Lorrainers, ut jejunio ejiciatur hoc damoniorum genus.

An intercepted letter of Sir W. Vane to mons. Chantillot, major du regiment du champ, à la Hage.

Vol. viii. p. 265.

If the tempest hath scattered your fleet, it seemeth, that the discontent of our mariners doth keep ours yet in our harbours; for although there be some ships with Monck in the Downs; yet their fleet is not ready to go to sea; the treaty is kept very secret, there being secrecy promised on both sides, so that I can say little as to that, only thus much, since that affairs are in a posture here of some great change, there is no likelihood that it will be suddenly concluded; the two cabals or factions in the parliament do struggle very much for the upper-hand of one another, so that its thought, that this parliament will be suddenly dissolved, the general and his cabal or factions receiving so much opposition from his adverse party, that he cannot do what he would. Harrison and his party do rail and preach every day against the general and the peace with Holland, so that its thought and believed, that they are both embroiled in their cabals or factions ready to make a separation in the house of parliament. I do hear, that Harrison intends to leave this place, and to come no more. In the mean time a high court of justice is erected, to the end to frighten the people, and to make them submit to their laws through fear and terror. They write from Scotland, that there are seven or eight thousand men up in arms, and that Lilbourne was marched towards them to fight them, so that you see, that in all likelihood our general will have work enough.

Mons. Bordeaux and the other public ministers do not do any thing, and they are no wise satisfied with their abode here.

London, 25 Nov. 1653.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

Vol. ix. p. 111.

My last was the 24th currant, since when haveing not heard from you nor in fourteen dayes before, makes me feare, that your sicknes hath increased upon you, which I should be very sorry to heare. Besides the goods allready provided, I should have been glad to have knowne from you, if any others had beene in request with you; for tradeing is very dead here at present, though wee hope 'twill be better, when the Eastland fleete with the rest from the Sound are arived, who have beene looked for a long time, and 'tis much wondered at, they are not in already. Wee heare there are some ships taken in the channell; soe that I see there's no ventureing for France that way. This dayly takeing of ships makes our states more inclineable to peace then otherwise they would bee; to which end their two deputies Newport and Yongstall went hence two days since for England, to purchase it, if to be had on reasonable termes; but that fond conceipt of offensive and defensive is not to be thought on, though I beleeve wee shall condescend very farre, notwithstanding dyvers provinces (who are least sensible of a warre at sea) are against it, and besides the feare wee have of the king of Spayne, of whom wee have cause to be jealous, considering our own fayleings. 'Tis talk'd, that the Germane Princes will prove thornes in our sides, in case our states will not assist the king, though this is but the talke of such, whose fortunes are involved with his. However the king of Denmarke hath earnestly recommended his condition with his late successes in Scotland to the states, as a thing, wherein theire interest is much concerned; which was lately delivered in the Vergaedering by mynheer Kayser, who is lately come from thence, and brought little other retourne of his embassie, but that only, that the ships were in good condition. That K. had never such a purchase in his hands, if—They say our new admirall shall goe to sea shortly, when the English ships are gone home. Here is dayly expected an ambassador from France, which was one reason the deputies were posted away in such hast. 'Tis wondered at, that hee is not here already. Next weeke I intend to bee at 15, where I hope to heare from yow. In the meane time take leave.

31/16 53.


A letter of intelligence from Holland.

Vol. viii. p. 82.

My last to you was eight dayes since, wherein I advised the needefull, and to pleasure a friend of yours drew twenty five pounds upon yow, which I doubt not you will accept for his sake; since when I have yours of 26 ult. which requires little answer. These serve only to give you notice, that our adventure for the north partes will bee well protected, for notwithstanding the great talke here of English upon the coast, two dayes since went forty merchantmen out of the Fly alone, and yesterday de Witt and de Ruyter went out of the Texell with fifty odd men of warre and four fireships, as a convoy for about three hundred merchantmen, who went then out of the Fly towards the east, and to bring home the East India and Streight's men, that lye in the Sound and Norway; for whose security greate care is taken, and allsoe for 541. 530 which 464 expect 233. 94, which commodities are much in request, and I doubt not will vend well with yow, of which a word in your next. Here are, God be thanked, fifty or sixty ships safely arrived from France and other places; some came north about, and some through the channel, but they say dyvers are taken; if soe, yow will know as well as wee, though wee have notice of 17. Wee heare the English are gone from our coast, though wee fear our Eastland men will meet them about DoggerSand. 'Twere to be wished, the merchantmen might pass free, though the men of warre fight it out. 'Tis yet unresolved, who shall be admirall in Tromp's place; who was interred last Friday at Delst most sumptuously. The heer Van Opdam hath it yett in bethinking, and 'tis thought at last will not goe, 'tis too dangerous: it matters not, de Witt is able enough, and true to our interest. Yesterday Enchuysen (the inhabitants whereof rose up lately in behalfe of the prince of Orange against theire magistrates) was reduced to obedience, being surprised by five or six companyes of horse and foot, when they little dreamt of it, tho' 'twas done at noone-day, when the people were gathered together at the town-house to hear a pretended proclamation read of, though it may chance to prove of evil consequence by raysing bad bloud in the veins of the people in other towns; but that is a place of great concernment to the states of this province, who, for ought I see, intend to rule the roast; but their strength is allmost spent, a good peace would doe best, which wee have little hopes of heareing, nothing tending that way from our ambassadors in England, however the arivall of our ships in the Sound and in Norway will begett new courage: amongst the ships arrived, the Leopard is one, whose gunnes being soe usefull, are allready taken out. In your next pray write what course shall be taken with our goods for France. I suppose this winter we may safely venture through the channell, as I know others doe. Though the arival of these ships hath putt a little lyfe into trade, yett I have no more to say at present, but rest

15 12/9 53.

Yours, idem,

Letters of intelligence.

Brussells, Dec. 6, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 260.

This post from Germany brought nothing to you; the reason is, nothing renewed since your friends letter to you by the former post; only, I have from a particular hand, that the sum is not yet ascertained to be given to R. C. because the deputies, that are there, though they had power to vote assistance, wanted authority to determine the sum; wherefore they must consult their principals, and from them receive orders, as to the sum, which is not yet done.

The Protestant deputies and ambassadors in Ratisbon go on still, presenting papers in behalf of the Protestants, but nothing yet determined upon them, which is all I hear from thence.

Here is very little of news since my last to you, but that St. Menehould is surrendered tandem upon terms; and no better success was expected since Lorrain went to relieve it, and that Condé himself through indisposition was not in a condition to march towards it. The archduke is here, so is count Fuensaldagna, and are only busy in naming winter quarters for their army, no farther service being this winter intended, the army being much spent and scattered.

Some here say (of quality, but I cannot assure you of it) that the duke of Lorrain is marched into Alsace towards Brisac, where his cousin the count of Harcourt commandeth in chief, because the said count is to declare for the empire against the crown of France, and to be prince of the empire: the truth will shortly appear: interim Lorrain must provide quarters this season in some other place for his army than in this country, where they shall not be admitted, at least by orders.

The great rumour here is, that your commonwealth is now at a perclose with Holland, at which many rejoice, as the merchants, but the statesmen would be content it were otherwise, and some believe it is so. Whatever is said, Lorrain will be the less troublesom to the States General, if you make peace with them.

The post of this day is not yet arrived that I can hear of, and some say the Hollander gave him some interruption by the way, but I have no assurance of it, for I was not in the palace this day, being indisposed. We have it confirmed, how the siege of Gironne is raised, and how the French were beaten from it with loss, as I have written to you by two former posts; above a thousand of the Swisses, besides others, and some pieces of their cannon taken; so that now the French are beaten out of all Catalonia into the earldom of Rousillon and Roses, there still blocked up. The king of Spain, for the encouragement of the Catalans in this late attempt of the French, caused to be published a confirmation of all their ancient privileges before the war, without any reserve, only the power to build a cittadel to defend the city and keep it against the enemies and insurrections. Marquis Serra, governor of the arms in that country under don John of Austria, is fallen sick of a double tertian fever.

Here is not a word of a general peace, nor any thing else important to be signified at this time by

Sir, yours.

Hague, 5 Dec. 1653.

To answer your designs from hence, as to the particulars of the present treaty betwixt your council of state and our deputies in London, may not be as yet, because the said deputies give no account in particular to these states of their negotiation, and less the copies of such papers as they receive or give; and the great secrecy they observe, they write hither in their last letters to the States General, was proposed first, and next enjoined upon them by the English, who were unwilling to treat otherwise, and that their friends of the council advised them to grant it, and proceed, considering the great disposition was in the lord general and council to a peace. Considering all which, the deputies (as they write) agreed and were sworn to secrecy; and under that pretext, they desire to be excused for not writing the particulars to the States General, otherwise yet than in general terms, as they have done in their last letters to the states; saying, that they had received an answer from the council of state, to which they were preparing instantly to reply; and that they have very great hopes of an agreement, but by reason of their covenant with the English they could not be more particular. One of them writes to a friend of his, that the English do recede much from their former demeanors, and hopes they will more, and thence accommodation he expects. Divers of the States General are much offended at this secrecy, and will in time, if there be cause, question it; but they will have patience till it comes to a conclusion, and must see it before a ratification, in case it comes to that: so must the principal lords after, of every province, and they shall very well debate of it, before it shall be ratified, and question the deputies very strictly. Thus they talk in private, and in the very assembly. And others say they will keep on the treaty one way or other, till March next, before ratification, and by that time they will have their fleets ready, as in my former I gave to you the particulars.

When the deputies write hither any particulars, be sure you shall have them, and I doubt it is the fear of that, or the like, that makes all this secrecy, for the deputies have friends in your council and out of it, Englishmen, that advise them in all their negotiation, and tell them of the intelligence your council has from hence. Call to mind what I have written and repeated to you before, and you may judge upon the whole what I say is truth, and could instance much more.

The French ambassador proceeded not further since my former; and of our fleet and preparations I cannot add to what before, as yet. Of extracts here are none concerning yours, but one, which is of Middleton, of whom I writ in my former, to have a licence, &c.

It seems, though we would be at peace with yours, yet we would have you in wars with all others.

Hague, 24 Nov. 1653.

(fn. 1) There was exhibited in the assembly and read a specification of the arms, fuzees, musquets, and bandaliers, pikes, helmets, pistols, carbines, harquebusses, corslets, and armour, saddles and stirrups, gunpowder, match, and bullets, &c. of all which the lieut. gen. Middleton demanded Saturday last the licence to send the same into Scotland; upon which after mature deliberation it is resolved, that the said licence be granted and permitted, as by these presents it is, paying the duties of the country, and in that conformity a convenient pass is to be dispatched, &c.

The Spanish ambassador le Brun is not yet come hither; but I hear he is in his way now coming in haste, because the French ambassador is here. Not else at present of worth from

Sir, yours.

A letter of intelligence from Mr. Augier's, Secretary.

Paris, 6 Dec./26 Nov. 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 258.

My last was of the 1/21 of this present/past two days before which was the Monday Mr. Peter Seguier; baron de St. Brisson, was received provost of this city with the ordinary ceremonies. The next day, Tuesday, a master fenser was arrested and imprisoned here returning from Blois, upon a pretext that he had said there to have been solicited from the prince of Condé to attempt upon the cardinal's person.

Wednesday, the count de Harcourt's two sons, who studied in the Jesuits college of this city, were taken up from it (although they were observed by some guards) it being unknown where they have been led; from whence it is inferred, that as the agreement of the said count with this court is not yet ended, and that his mistrust is always exceeding great, he hath agreed with the emperor and with the duke of Lorrain; and it's already published, that the said duke hath promised him for his eldest son the daughter he hath had by the marchioness of Cantacroix, which would be a business of great consequence, but before, to believe it, we must expect the confirmation.

It is to be noted in the mean while, that mons. de Bezemont, the said cardinal's secretary, who had sent him to that count to try to content him, the said count hath discovered, that instead of doing it, he did plot how to make him prisoner.

The court was to leave Chalons on Thursday last, to be to day at Meaux, where comedies have been prepared to recreate their majesties to-morrow and next day, after which they intend to be here on Tuesday to triumph of their success. Two persons have been imprisoned in the bastille, upon a pretence they have said, that the king to take St. Menehould had made use of heavier bullets than leaden ones.

We are informed from Rheims, that mons. le prince was always at Rocroy sick of his fever, and in so great a want of money, that he has been forced to borrow some of his domestics.

I hear he hath had dispute against the duke Charles concerning St. Menehould, and that soon after the rendition of the said place, the said duke having caused his troops to march towards Lorrain and Alsace, the mareshal de Senneterre hath followed them to hinder them to take there their winter quarters.

The marshal de Turenne hath quartered his all along the frontiers of Champagne and Picardy, where they are to winter, by the means of nine millions of livres, which are to be gathered instead of the billeting of soldiery, which the treasurers shall hereafter raise upon each province. Nevertheless, I am well informed, that this court will send a party of its army into Bretagne, to establish there the gabell (or the imposition on the salt) notwithstanding those privileges, that province hath, to be freed of it.

Those states of Bretagne are in dispute with the parliament of Rennes, to conclude what they shall give to the king this year, the said parliament being more jealous of their liberty than they, and desiring his majesty to suppress and abolish the Paulette, offering (as I hear) three millions to his majesty for the same.

The duke de Longueville had given leave to the lady his wife to go and live in Normandy; but this court would not consent to it; saying, she is yet suspicious, although she hath accepted of the king's amnesty.

The dukes de Vendosme and Candale are returned hither from Guienne, to think on nothing but weddings; they seem nevertheless to take to heart the business of Naples, which I had the honour to inform you of last Wednesday, but it is not thought it will have great success, no more than the designs with which they threaten Barcelona.

The cardinal Mazarin would fain find some means to be rid of the Neapolitan princes, who are here daily upon his shoulder, happen what will.

The Cardinal Grimaldi medling with those intrigues hath received reproaches and threatnings from the pope for it. Mons. de Servient would willingly have France to arm by sea, but they are troubled how to get monies for the same. The last letters from Catalonia say, how that don Juan d'Austria had been reinforced there with 2000 men, with whom he was marching towards the col. de Pertuis, for to prevent the resolution the marshal de Hocquincourt's men are said to have, to go by that way to the relief of Rose.

The Dutch ambassador hath almost every day conferences with mons. de Servient.

Mons. Rouvigni is returned here from Languedoc, with many complaints he is to make to his majesty from the reformed churches.

Extract of a letter from mons. de Bordeaux, the French resident in England, to mons. de Brienne, the secretary of state in France.

6 December, 1653. [N. S.]

From the collection of M. de Bordeaux's letters in the library of the abbey of S. Germain at Paris.

L'Attente des ambassadeurs de Hollande a eté bien decue par la lecture du papier, que leur donna le conseil vendredi au soir. Il ne fait plus mention de caution, ny de seureté n'y même de cette grande union des etats Protestans; et contient vint sept propositions, dans toutes lesquelles il ya beaucoup à redire, cette republique traitant toujours avec une superiorité plus grande, que jamais aucun prince ne l'a pretendue sur eux, s'arrogeant la souveraineté de la mer comme son propre patrimoine, qu'aucune autre nation ne lui conteste, & voulant se prevaloir de tous les avantages, qui sont cogneus dans les traitez faits par Henry septiesme avec les ducs de Bourgogne en consideration de quelque mariage. Neanmoins ils croiroient y pouvoir trouver à tous quelque temperament, qui mettroit leur honneur & leur interest à couvert, hors à quatre articles, dont ils ne conviendront jamais. L'un regarde la maison de mons. le prince d'Orange, que les Anglois veulent exclurre de la charge de capitaine general de mess. les Etats Generaux. Par l'autre on leur demande tribut pour leur laisser la peche libre. Le troisieme porte, que comme seuls seigneurs de la mer tous leurs vaisseaux, soit de guerre ou de marchandise, auront droit de faire baisser les voiles, & visiter ceux des Estats Generaux, fussent ils en corps d'armée. Le quatrieme est encore plus dure; l'on les veut obliger à ne se pouvoir servir que d'un nombre certain de vaisseaux de guerre pour convoyer leurs merchands, & en cas que mess. les Estats Generaux voulussent en armer plus grand nombre, ils en advertiront trois mois devant cet etat pour en obtenir la permission. Il leur est aussi demandé pour reparation des frais de la guerre, outre les prises qui ont eté deja faites, une somme indefinie, à quoi ils ne s'attendoient pas. Ils m'ont dit etre resolus de se retirer, & ils me paroissent certainement un peu abbattus; surtout le fieur Beverning, qui avoit en toutes les asseurances de M. le general d'accommodement, jusques à lui en envoier des articles fort raisonnables, à quoi se confiant, & aux l'armes, qu'en plusieurs occasions il a repandûes, pour temoigner son regret de voir deux etats si amis & conformes in religion en guerre il a donné lieu au retour des deux autres deputez. M. Beverning m'a raporté beaucoup de choses touchant l'ambassadeur Boreel, qu'ils le devoient faire considerer comme un devoué aux interests du roi d'Angleterre.

J'ajouterai une petite rencontre arrivée depuis deux jours à l'ambassadeur de Portugal. Son frere & toute sa famille pretendans avoir eté maltraitez par quelques gentilhommes Anglois dans la Bourse, se resolurent mardi d'en avoir raison, & se rendirent au même lieu sur le soir armez de cottes de maille, brassarts, rondaches, pistolets, grenades, & petards, se saisirent des portes, & monterent en haut, où quelques Anglois s'etans trouvez, il y eut combat, dans lequel le colonel Irlandois fut tué, & un autre gentilhomme spectateur.—Je n'ai pas manqué de rendre tous les offices d'ami au dit sieur ambassadeur, mesme de lui donner avis sur le point, que fes gens se preparoient pour cette entreprise de les retenir; mais il croioit que l'honneur des Portugais etoit trop engagé pour se contenter d'un coup de poignard, que ses gens avoient donné la veille.

A letter to Jongestall, Dec. 8, 1653. [N. S.] Hague.

Vol. viii. p. 252.

My lord,
The 28th of the last month their lordships received a letter from the Rhinegrave of the 26th ejusdem, that he was informed, that between twenty and thirty regiments of the Lorrain and Condé's forces were come to Durbey in the country of Luxemburgh, and that they gave out, that they were to march towards the countrey of Outre-Meuse; and that therefore he had sent out several scouts to watch their march, and that four of the regiments, which the earl of Ligneville hath with him, were past the Maese near Ruremont marching towards their quarters, which they intend to take up in those parts, and the other two regiments remain yet in the same quarters near Thoor and Hessenich.

The same day their lordships received a letter from the lord ambassador de Brun, wherein he signified; that before the receipt of their letter he had spoken with the archduke and other chief ministers to prevent and hinder the passage and quartering of the Lorrainers, not only upon their borders, but also in the three quarters of the country of Outre-Muese.

The same day their lordships received a civil letter from the earl of Ligneville, hoping that the governor of Maestricht had signified unto their lordships, in what good order he had lived with his troops during their abode upon their lordships territories, without suffering the least hurt or damage to be done to any one inhabitant for them to complain of, and that the duke his master did desire to live in good correspondence and amity with this state; and the said duke his master did likewise hope, that their lordships would quietly permit two or three regiments to quarter in the country of Gemert and Meghem, which do absolutely depend upon the empire, which the governor of the Bosch did oppose. Whereupon their lordships returned the like compliment to the said earl, that they should be glad to live in amity with the said duke, but that the countries of Gemert and Meghem did not depend absolutely upon the empire as he alleged, but did absolutely and immediately belong unto their lordships the states.

Schellekens hath writ word to their lordships from Frankfort, that he hath advice from Regensburgh, that the marriage of the Roman king with the infanta of Spain doth proceed, and that there is for this purpose a stately embassy sending thither, and that the king will stay this winter at Regensburgh to decide the differences between the princes.

Some captains and officers of the soldiers employed at sea, pretending to have their share of the prizes, their lordships referred the business to the commissioners for sea affairs, who having thereupon advised, have made report, that they have nothing to pretend to but with their soldiers.

Their lordships commissioners are returning home re insecta: they are already come as far as Rochell, they were in danger of being taken by some Turkish pirates. The admiralty of Zealand having failed to publish a certain placart tending to the benefit of the convoys and licences, their lordships have resolved to write to those of Zealand, to cause publication of the said placart to be made.

Those of the admiralty of Amsterdam have advised their lordships, that they would send four or five ships of war to Vleckeren, to fetch home the East India ship and other merchantmen that lye there with two convoys, and that they had desired the admiralty of the north quarters and that of Friesland, to add each of them one man of war. The lord Lagerfelt the Swedish commissioner coming out of England past through this town seven days since incognito. The last letters from Brussells do inform us; that there was sent to the archduke the proposition and memorandum, which their lordships commissioners in England had made and delivered in to the council, and that there was no likelihood of any agreement between both states.

The lord resident de Uries in his letter of the 22d of Nov. writ their lordships word, that he had been to give his majesty thanks for the favour done to the fleet of their high and mighty lordships and the care he had of the East ships: his majesty assured me of all good accommodation and amity, with wishes of good success in their lordships war against the English. That there had been a contribution made towards the maintaining of a fleet at sea, wherein was liberally given. That he intends to set forth a fleet of fifty ships in the spring.

From the Barbadoes and other parts is confirmed the taking of four East India ships.

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

10 December, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 267.

I Received yours of the 4th instant, by which I see how basely the Portuguese were to entertain ours, for which I hope they shall be punished as they well deserved. Truly it's a base and a mad action. I wonder how their ambassador dares shew his face after such unworthy enterprizes. Some here think Mazarin may be partly the occasion of such, which if true, may be discovered by the time.

From hence you have of the 4th instant; the king hearing mons. marquis de Mannican retired incognito from court, sent fifty horsemen after him towards the wood of Senan, which after being there, looked all the wood, and finding no-body in it but the said marquis's son, asked him where his father was; he answered, he was in a tavern without the wood, drinking with a friend: they went thither but could not find him, and came back again, where they left the son, but could not find neither one nor other, so they returned as they came. We do not know the reason his majesty sent after him.

The 15th instant all the parliament thought to assemble at the palace, about many businesses they were to prepare against the king's return, and especially for the recalling of their brothers banished; but of three hundred that ought to be there, they came not forty in all: therefore they defered their assembly till this day or to-morrow.

The same day arrived here, the duke of Vendosme from Bourdeaux, where he expects to be recompensed for his good services in those parts.

His majesty and court was these last two holidays at Meaux, as I writ in my former, where he has confessed and received the Sacrament, with great ceremonies, from the bishop of that place, who entertained them very gallantly the first night his majesty came thither. Yesterday morning they parted, and arrived here yesternight about five of the clock, accompanied with many troops of horses, besides the most part of the nobility of this city that went to meet him, and the greatest part of the citizens; at least all that could get horses with all those of the academies, in a manner that we have not seen him or his father better welcomed than at this time, all sorts of provisions and victuals arriving in abundance by reason of his coming, which we wanted much before, by which you may guess, we cannot conveniently live without him, nor he without us; therefore we will make much of him. A ballet was prepared for him of divers sorts of persons. The duchess of Mercoeur and madame de Roquelaure were the two first that played in that ballet: afterwards the Italian comedy began, and played many rare pieces.

All our forces are going to their winter quarters; we hear certainly, that the prince of Condé fell out with the duke of Lorrain, because he did not stand to his promise to himself or the archduke, when he promised to join his forces with Condé's to relieve St. Menehould, to which purpose, the said Lorrain has received monies from both the archduke and Condé, and after all turned his back to them: he's a strange companion. Some say, Condé sent him a challenge to fight with him for that matter, but it's thought the other will not answer.

We have from Halsac that count de la Suze, having heard the Roman Catholic peasants in the cantons of the Swiss were lately revolted against their landlords, and sent to the duke of Lorrain to come to them, promising to obey him as their sovereign, the said count raised his forces with prince de Montbelliard and many others, landlords in those countries, to oppose Lorrain's passage, in case he would offer to pass through their own lands; but they say, if he comes, they will not be able to resist him, having already half his troops near Maestricht.

The deputies of the Roman Catholic council of the town of Nismes in Languedoc, being in this town, received letters lately from the said council, with a long speech, signifying and complaining of the Hugonots of that city, usurping and taking possession of their churches and places of prayers in that town, having already taken half the college and half the hospital from them for their own use, and pretend to get half their churches to preach their Evangelium, both there and in all other villages about it, as they do now daily; and that that will not serve them, but they must have a council in the town, and the first, called before the catholic council. How they shall prevail yet I know not, but the catholic council desires his majesty to be pleased, to send them a regiment either of horse or foot in garrison there, for to correct such fellows, &c. Their papers be not yet presented.

We have news from our ambassador in Portugal, that the king of Portugal has besieged Ciudade with twelve thousand men, a town in Old Castile, and of great importance to the king of Spain, in case he should lose it; and by that reason it is thought he will send the most part of his forces in all places, to relieve it sooner than lose it. Some think France caused it so, that it might diminish the enemies against itself.

There is an Irish Dominican frier committed to the inquisition in Rome, for remaining still in Jansenistica opinione. Some say king Charles is much given to that opinion, by reason some of them promise to help him with monies and his defenders: he is here still in eodem statu, and hopes for Holland by the help of Germany, as I writ before.

Prince Rupert is not yet arrived, but expected. I do not yet know, what will Chanut do in Holland. We fear your peace with Holland, which is all I can afford of news till next; with, sir,

My best wishes, &c.

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

Paris, 10 Dec./30 Nov. 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 271.

We are very barren of news: the marshal of Turenne arrived here on Saturday last; he came from the army. The next day he was visited by monsieur de Servient, to whom by anticipation madame de Turenne had made great complaints of the barbarous violence, which the marquis of Pompadour, lieut. for the king in Limozin, had committed after the manner mentioned in my last.

The same day there was a strong report, that mons. de Neufville had sent an express with certain news of the agreement between England and France.

On Monday last, mons. the cardinal sent an order to the said marshal of Turenne, to meet the king on Tuesday at Nogent not far from Vincennes, there to dine with his eminence, and to consult with him about some affairs concerning the militia, which were to be taken care of; whereunto he yielded obedience.

And yesterday at night all the court arrived here, where the parliament and the officers of the city were preparing some complaints for him, with some supplications, which the said parliament is to make to his majesty for the recalling of their exiled members.

Many bishops and other churchmen do meet here at the Portugal ambassador's, to plot against their pope.

The pretended duke of York is here at present with his brother Charles Stuart. It was to be seen in the last French Gazette, what delight and glory he took in going to hear mass.

An intercepted letter.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip I. Hardwicke, I. high chancellor of Great Britain.

Worthy gentlemen, and loveing kinsmen,
Wee knowe, that you expect long to heare from us, if you have not receaved any letters from us as yet; for wee sent toow to St. Malloes to some Ireish marchants to be convayed to you; and if neither of those came to your hands, then know by this, that I O Sullivane Beare could not prevale to have any thing done, that might advantage our desire not of a long time after my arrivall heere, till such time as sir James Dillon, col. Phillip O Sullivane, col. Maro, col. Flaugharty, col. Leay, col. Grace, with divers others, that brougt peeces of regiments, and all came out of Spaine hither, and likewise O Sullivane Moore, and col. Dennett O Sullivane, came out of Flanders hither to us; so that by the assistance of all thes gentlemen, and the good helpe of the reverend bishups of Limericke and Corke we have at last prevailed both with his majesty and the cardinall to assist us in our desire; and thus it is wee have heare betwixt eight and nine thousand of our cuntrymen in a body together, and wee expecte a considerable number more very spedily. Sir James Dillon went hence towards Cattalonia about a fortnight since, to draw as many Ireish from thence as possibly he could. Newes came since, that he was discovered and murdered, but we hope it is a false report, and that wee shall have a good account of his returne. Wee have allsoe imployed toow religeous fathers into Flanders, father William Terry, and father Donough O Mulkahigh, to indeavour to draw from thence col. White, col. Costilloe, col. Mollery, the toow col. Dillons, and as many others as they can; and we beleive, when they are made acquainted with our desine, they will willingly com, in regard of the hardship, which they endure there; and besides they may com with the more convenience in regard they are quartered in the fronteer garrisons to France. These toow fathers carry this letter with them, to gett it convaid to you by som of the Ireish marchants at Dunkirke. Now as soone as we have drawne together as many as wee can, the cardinal hath promised and engadged to furnish us with all things necessary for our transportation into Ireland; as allsoe good store of armes and amunision to bringe over with us, and furniture for three thousand horse. Wee expect prince Rupert with his shipinge to helpe to transport us; and about the latter end of February is the time resoulved on and concluded for our takeinge shipinge. Wee intend by God's helpe to land about Beare or Bantrey, as we can find occasion; but if not there, then without faile in Desmond, there being convenience enough for landing there. And we desire you, that about that time you will draw all the forces you possibly can make into those parts, that you both be redy to joyne with us; and alsoe give us all the intelligence how, and in what manner the enemy strength is; but we pray you in the meane time to have a great care to preserve what men you have, and not ingadge them with any party of the English, unless it bee with secure advantage. And all such gentlemen as you are certaine of there honesty, acquaint them with our desire, and stir them up to be redy to joyne with us, to recover our former liberty, and to expell those usurping tyranicall English out of our native cuntry; but have a speciall care not to make any thing of this knowne to any of those that are favorites of the English, for many such there is, that would be glade to gaine themselves more favor to have such an opertunity to discover this desine. It is kept very private heere, and we hope you will have no less care there; for if we can possibly, we will land before the English shall know any thing of our intensions, because we may take them the more unprovided to anoy us either by sea or land. All your freinds heere remember their kind loves to you, wishing you all happines, and that we may have a safe meeting and uniteing together. Thus once more desireing you to have a great care of what we have here writt to you, that there may not any thing be discovered, we take our leave, and rest

Your loveinge freinds and kinsmen,
Robertus Corke et Clohine,
Owen O Sullivane Moore,
O Sullivane Beere.

Paris the 10th of Dec. N. S. the last of Nov. with you, 1653.

To col. Mortough O Bryan, col. Daniel O Sullivane, col. Daniell McCarthy, col. McElligott O Donivane, or to any of them, deliver this care and trust, in Monster.

Leave this letter at Dunkirk with Mr. Everett an Ireish marchant, to be sent as directed.


  • 1. See the number of arms allowed in p. 146.