State Papers, 1653: November (4 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1653: November (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1653: November (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1653: November (4 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (4 of 5)

De Witt to Beverning and Nieuport.

Hague, 28 November, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 184.

My lords,
Your letter of the 21st of this month is come safe to hand; and although I could have wished, that together with the same you had given to understand to the governor here farther of the intentions of the government there, which your next letters do seem to promise, yet I do very well conceive, that in businesses of such consequence, very easily, through, one accident or the other, delays and prolongations may be suggested, which we find from day to day to be practised amongst ourselves, more than is fitting, by sad experience. We do hope to understand by your next, that this delay doth not happen or is not caused through any perverse intentions of the government there, which is much feared here, though I do conceive otherwise, and cannot imagine that it will be advantageous for that government to decline the treaty, considering the posture of present affairs.

De Bruyne to Vander Perre.

Middleburgh, 28 Nov. 1653. [N. S.]

Vol.viii. p. 183.

My lord,
I am to return you thanks for your care and trouble you have taken about the Zealand prisoners, from this assembly. We long very much for the arrival of the next post: the shortness of the one or the other disposition will be acceptable to us, as to the English; although the most of those that see farthest, will commend the the fate of those, who shall make known the peace unto us. We have deferred the calling of the assembly of the states till the next post, to know what news the letters will bring us, hoping they will contain some happy points; and this the more, because one Beckman is come from thence lately, who hath brought news, which he faith to have from a very good hand, that the peace would be made very suddenly. The advancing and increase of the Highlanders and free Scots is very much spoken of here; but I look upon it, according to the humours of men, that business is made greater or less. There is a verse that pleases me very well,

Plaude tuo Marti, miles; nos odimus arma; Candida pax homines, trux decet ira feras.

Jongestall to his excellency William Frederick earl of Nassau, &c.


High born earl, and most gracious lord,
Last Monday Mr. Peters came and dined with us, and brought another with him being a colonel of horse: he told us, that the council was busy night and day with our business, and would undertake nothing else till they have made an end; added withal, that tho' at first we did not receive any content or satisfaction, that therefore we must not be disheartned; that we should agree with one another, as men do in matters of trade, and finally being one, we should swear the treaty on both sides, without making mention of any foregoing discourses. Your excellency may rest assured, that I will do nothing to the prejudice of the state, or the house of Orange. Yesterday came colonel and major Cromwell, lieut. colonel Doleman, and capt. More to visit us, and to assure us of the good inclination of the general to a peace. The lord Beverning being drunk, at last told me, that he could no longer endure the proceedings of the lord Nieuport, that he always contradicted him and corrected him, that he could never do any thing to his mind, &c. so that I perceive well enough, that they do not agree; adding withal, that he took content in my deportment and carriage; that he would always acknowledge me to be an honest man. Likewise he said, that we must make an end of the treaty, complaining over himself, that he had given too much credit to these men, and had writ too liberally of their sincerity, of which he did now begin to doubt, by reason we were put off so long, but that he had done every thing with a good intention; that that which he had done, was nothing but what had came from the general himself. I took notice of several other passages, which I must defer till next week. Whilst the said lords were with us, the lord Fleming came to signify to us in the name of the council, that we should have conference the next day at nine of the clock in the morning, whereof we were very glad, having waited for it sixteen days. Being met, the general began the speech, that he, before God, who is the searcher of all hearts, could declare, that he had an upright meaning and intention in this treaty; that they had formerly propounded a coalition, but that the same was not acceptable to us, that therefore, they were contented according to our proposition to make as firm and near an union as was ever made between two nations, and therefore they were to begin with the interests of each side. We answered, that we thanked his excellency and the council for their open-hearted dealing and declaration, &c. That we thought that the union with all that depends upon it, ought first to be fixed and established, and that afterwards we should the easier agree about the rest. But his excellency thought fit thereupon, to propound some of the chiefest points, which being answered by us, the conference (the time being spent) was therewith ended. This day we had another conference, which held from three till seven, wherein there was nothing new propounded, but only by us insisted upon, that which we had yesterday declared; whereupon the lord general perceiving that that we did insist upon what we had sustained yesterday, delivered to us a writing for to declare ourselves upon it, which I cannot read quite over, because the post is going away, of which I shall give you a particular account by my next. There is a promise past on both sides to keep all secret. The man of war, that brought us, is gone hence for Zealand; many prisoners are gone over in her; the captain of her we have ordered to go to the Hague, to make a verbal report to their high and mighty lordships, how it is with the constitution or condition of the fleet of this state. I do not perceive, that the loss and damages suffered in our fleet, have made any alteration in the treaty, altho' they do print it in their pamphlets, for far greater than it is. I shall write you the whole story of every thing by the next, and shall observe your commands in every thing that lyeth in my power.

Westmister, 18/28 Nov. 1653.

Vande Perre to mynheer Bruyne, pensionary of Zealand.

Vol. viii. p. 173.

My lord,
On Wednesday last, the master of the ceremonies came to re-salute us, and to signify unto us, that the lords commissioners of the council would be ready the next morning at nine of the clock, to give us a conference; which being observed by us, and being busy till twelve of the clock, the same was continued to-day till three of the clock, and we were (after an introduction by the lord general, with demonstration of a great inclination to the treaty in hand, and the peace between both nations) desired to keep secret all that should be handled between us by word of mouth, and having a promise thereof made unto us by the English lords before, we undertook to practise the same amongst ourselves, his excellency alledging in case it happened otherwise, the public ministers, who were a great many at present with this government, coming to know what was handled between us, would thereby make it redound to their advantage, and make no good use of it as to the business in hand: wherefore I believe, you will not take it ill, if I make no mention at present of what passed at the meeting. This afternoon we observed the time appointed for the said conference, being at four in the afternoon, which held three hours together, and the said secrecy formerly mentioned was recommended to us again, and delivered to us a paper by the English lords, which I believe doth chiefly comprehend the whole work.

Westminster, 18/28 Nov. 1653.

My lord, &c.

B. Whitelocke, ambassador to Sweden, to the lord general Cromwell.

Vol. viii. p. 191.

My lord,
I Have nothing to write unto your excellency butt of crosse windes and stormes in the northerne seas, and att tenn dayes end we came to a coast guarded with huge rocks, and seas deeper then any ankor could reach, and the passage into this porte so narrow, that in some places there was hardly thrice the length of the Phœnix betweene the rockes. I must acknowledge with humble thankes to God, that he preserved us in very great daungers, and especially on Monday night last, when wee ankered on the back of the Scane, and had so great a storme for five or six houres together, that some of my young seamen had cause to be troubled, and all the fleet parted, so that the next day we were faine to come into Gottenburgh-River alone; but the same day all the rest came in after us, and not a person of my company butt is well here, I blesse God for it. I came so suddeinly into this towne, that my reception was excused in the want of solemnity, and the same night the governour, (whome I had sent to before to salute him, and to give him notice of my comming) came to visit mee, and told me, that they wondered such a traine could so soon come on shore. He offered me all civility and service in the name of his mistress; so did her admirall, who came also to visit me, and the next day the presidents and syndick of the towne made me a set speech in Latin, and were very full of respect to me. Capt. Forster of the Phœnix is a person of the greatest care, and judgment, and civility, that ever I met with. Posts are gone to certefy the queene att Upsall of my comming. I shall give your excellency a farther account as there shall be matter, from
18 Nov. 1653.

For his excellency the lord general Cromwell, these.

Your excellencie's faithfull servant,
B. Whitelocke.

A paper from the Spanish ambassador.

Vol. viii. p. 194.

Excelentissimo Senor,
No dudo deque V. E. se hallara con partar. noticia porlos papeles que he embiado al honorable consejo de estado del embargo que los hijos de Pedro Ricaut naturales de Amberes y subditos de su magestad se han atrevido a hazer en las lanas que venian en los tres navios de Amburgo y sueron traydos por fuerza por fragatas de este estado a puertos de Inglata. las quales dhas lanas mandô la corte del Almirantazgo se adjudicassen y restituyessen a su magestad y ansi en su real nombre, como pertenecientes a su Rl. hada. y siendo este negocio uno delos mas importantes que pueden offrecerse porlas razones que tengo representadas al consejo, juntamente conlos fundamentos que deben obligarle a no permitir que a su magestad se le haga este agravio, aquien sera muy sensible la noticia de que se haya intendado, des seando yo que este negocio camine con el resguardo que pide su importancia y que su magestad reciva la justa saton. que se le deve, conociendo que lo será que V. E. intervenga en el comitti delos negos de a fuera donde mañana sabado està señalado para tratarle y examinarle me ha parecido ponerle en considerasion a V. E. y suplicarle se sirva de authorizar con su presencia la decision del dho negocio en el dho committi, lo qual sera de partar. satisfaction de su magestad por ser una materia que no solo toca a su real prerrogativa y authoridad sino tam bien ala justicia, honor, reputation de esta republica y a la preservacion dela grande y universal opinion que el mundo tiene de la rectitud y equidad de V. E. cuya exma. persona que Dios gde. muchos años como deseo Londres 28/18 de Novre. 1653.

B. L. m. de Vlxa. su mor. servor.

Don Alonzo de Cardenas.

Friday, 18 Novem. 1653.

At the council of state at Whitehall.

Vol. viii. p. 197.

That the agent from the town of Bremen have audience at a committee of the council on Monday next at four of the clock in the afternoon; and sir Oliver Flemming, knt. master of the ceremonies is to attend him accordingly.

Ex. Jo. Thurloe, secr.

To the honourable the committee of the council of state for foreign affairs.

The humble petition of Peter, James, Samuel, and Philip Richaut, orphans and executors of sir Peter Richaut.

Vol. viii. p. 198.

Humbly sheweth,
That Philip king of Spain is justly indebted to the petitioners above twenty thousand pound sterling for monies in England lent to seignior Gondamor, and don Carol, de Colonna his ambassadors, and for a ship with her lading of fish taken at Carthagena: the debt is recovered by the law of Spain, and acknowledged due, under the said king's own hand appointed to be paid, but no satisfaction given, although much money and time had been spent in fruitless attendance in Spain many years thereabouts.

That the petitioners have, according to the laws of England (whereof they are subjects) lawfully attached certain wools belonging to the king of Spain in the hands of Mr. Mottet, to enforce satisfaction of the aforesaid debt.

That the lord ambassador for the king of Spain endeavours to gain the said woolls, free of the said attachment, by an extraordinary power, upon pretence, that they are attached contrary to the law of nations, and in breach of the league of peace and commerce between the king of Spain and this commonwealth; whereas by the case annexed (which your petitioners are ready to prove to be the true case in fact if it be denied, and the opinion of professors and such as be learned in the laws) your petitioners have in no wise transgressed the law of nations, nor any way infringed the league of commerce.

That the petitioners are in godly sincerity lovers of peace, and shall not for any private advantage (tho' never so just) in the least measure endeavour to infringe the national league between the kingdom of Spain and this commonwealth, and are ready to justify their proceedings according to the law of nations in the court of admiralty, where the complaint depends (and was commenced by the lord ambassador of the king of Spain before any complaint to the honourable council of state) and according to the course of the common law of this commonwealth (whereof the petitioners in all humbleness crave the benefit) and humbly beseech your honours that you would not be instrumental by any extraordinary power, to prevent the petitioners, being orphans, from the benefit of law, for recovery of so just a debt due to them, but rather, as pious and righteous governors (in case of so great justice and equity) to interpose your honourable mediation with the lord ambassador of the king of Spain, that your petitioners may have speedy satisfaction of what is due to them, appearing under the king of Spain's own hand, for the honour of the said king of Spain, and to prevent the cries of the fatherless to the God of justice and righteousness, for relief.

They humbly leave their case before your honours, and desire God to direct and bless you in all your counsels, for his glory and the exaltation of justice and righteousness.

And as in duty bound, shall ever pray for your honours, &c.

[Read Nov. 19, 1653.]

P. Rychaut, James Rychaut,
Sam. Rychaut, Philip Rychaut.

There were certain ships with goods in them for just cause and reasons surprised at sea by the ships of the commonwealth of England, and brought into the port of London, and for the like just causes and reasons, the goods there unladen and put into the custody of Mr. Sparrow and other commissioners for prize goods.

Afterwards, it appearing to the admiralty court, that part of these goods belonged to the king of Spain, (with whom we were in a league of peace and commerce) a decree was there made, that the seizing and unlading was just; but those goods were decreed to be restored to the king of Spain or his assigns, upon security given according to that decree; security was accordingly given by Mr. Mottet, secretary to the king of Spain's ambassador here; and thereupon Mr. Mottet procures a warrant of execution forth of the admiralty court, directed to Mr. Sparrow and others the commissioners of prize goods (in whose custody they remained) in these words: we do hereby require you to release all and singular the woolls, &c. from the said seizure, and to deliver the same, &c. and security put in accordingly, and require them to release the said goods and deliver them to the king of Spain or his assigns, according to the decree. By virtue of this warrant and in obedience thereto, Mr. Sparrow and the rest of the commissioners of the prize goods, make an order and warrant of release of the said goods and commands their officers to deliver the said goods over to the said Mottet, assignee of the king of Spain, to whom they were actually delivered accordingly.

Que. 1. Whether the commissioners for prize goods have fully and effectually executed the decree of the admiralty court?

Que. 2. Whether Mottet was thereby in full possession of the said goods, as assignee to the king of Spain, for his majesty's use?

Que. 3. Whether the said goods be out of farther protection of the said court?

18 November, 1653.

Upon perusal of the instrument of execution, as this case is stated, we do conceive the decree of the admiralty court to be fully executed. That the said Mottet was thereby in full possession of the said goods, as assignee for the king of Spain, and for his majesty's use; and that the said goods are now out of farther protection of the said court.

Geo. Parry, Rob. Mason,
Ro. King, Jo. Mylles.

PHILIP king of Spain becomes indebted for monies lent in London to his ambassadors for the use of their master, and accordingly employed. Upon a plaint against the king of Spain in London, according to the custom there, the goods of the king of Spain found in London, are attached.

Que. Whether this proceeding be legal and justifiable by the laws of England?

I conceive the attachment good, John Maynard.

I am of the same opinion, Thomas Twisden.

I think as the case is stated, the attachment is lawful, Math. Hale.

I hould the attachment legall, J. Glynn.

A letter of intelligence from Rome, to Mr. Charles Longland at Leghorn.

Rome, 29th November, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 209.

According to my promise last week, I have endeavoured to enquire out a man fitting for that purpose you desired, and certainly no man in Rome is so fitting as is Abbate Costa, a man well known to all conversant in courts, and one that is esteemed to have three thousand crowns a year revenue. I confess, I do not know the man, neither would I willingly in this occasion be known unto him; but if I by advice with any friend or confident of yours can serve you, I shall be ready on all occasions.

A letter of intelligence from Brussels.

Brussels, 29 November, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 210.

Yours by this last I received, and sent yours to Ratisbon, from whence I send another to you here: we have not any thing of news at this time, the campaign being ended and the consultations only are for winter quarters at present, most of the archduke's army being already quartered: so is Condé's. Lorrain is marched as to relieve St. Menehould, (fn. 1) which shall be to little purpose, in the opinion of most men, and that place given for lost: some rumours are, it is already surrendered, but no certainty of it yet, that I can hear of; yet it is like it is, because Lorrain is daily here now expected, whose army may be troublesom to the Hollander this winter. A small encouragement from the lord general by your council of state in a reasonable recompence and due secrecy could do much for you in this conjuncture, in case that you are not like to agree with the Dutch. This I propose also may be done upon like terms with the prince of Condé: more may be said of it as you there have an esteem of the matter, which is sufficient, &c. It is confirmed here by several letters, the great loss the Dutch received by the late tempest, and most men say, yours will conclude a peace with them suddenly, but that is not believed by the old statesmen here, who alledge the thing not to be soon done for many reasons. The archduke and count Fuenseldagna arrived here from the campaign, the 25th instant. The prince of Condé is still at Rocroy indisposed, and Lorrain here soon expected. The last three are all at variance and full of jealousies: not any two of them can agree together, but the two are against Fuenseldagna, who is unhappy in one thing, that he is hardly beloved by any. There is a rumour, that he shall be shortly removed, and some other put into his place, which would be most acceptable news to all these countries.

The great reformation of the army under the archduke is now perfected, as I have written to you in my former letters. There are no English or Scottish regiments, but four Irish have been in the archduke's army, besides those of the prince of Condé's and the duke of Lorrain's, of the four, three regiments are reformed belonging to the two Dillons, and O Mulerie, and put into the regiment of col. Mursie, being the ancientest colonel.

Don Antonio de Fuentes cannot yet obtain licence to publish his Tribunal iniquitatis, nor have I more to say at present.

Sir, yours.

A letter of intelligence from Rome.

Vol. viii. p. 201.

Non ostante che la signora Olimpia havesse passato qualche parole favorevole a pro di mons. Ghirlandani, e stato scaciatto da palatzo, e privato della carica di Mro. di casa del papa con sua poca reputatione benche communte. sia compatita la sua disgratia parendo che la compra che fece del pallatzetto del decapitato Mascambruno gl'abbia opportato cattivo augurio, et inoltre ha havuto precetto di non partire di Roma, il che tira seco qualche altro più considerabile disgusto.

La predetta signora D. Olimpia, di questi giorni è stata regalata da N. Sre. di un chirograto di 3. m. scudi di vacante seguite ultimte. è ciò p. che da. signora si e lamentata che doveva pagare alcuni debiti che haveva.

Subbito che N. Sre. Seppe l'arrivo in Roma del segnor carde. Roscetti che fu lunedi sera, li mandò a dire, che la matta. fosse dà sua santita come fece dove si tratenne lo spatio di 4 hore, et benche alcuni habbino detto varie cose intorno tal negotiato, non dimeno, non è stato altro, solo p. che dto. Roscetti, sendo molto intrinsico del cardle, de medici, et dal cardle. Barbarino, sua Sta. ha però appoggiato sopra di lui l'incumbenza dell' agiustato di questi due cardle acciò segua con reciproca sodisfne. d'ambe le parti non volendo lua Sta. che segua p. altra strada p. che non vi volle impegnare l'autorità pontificia.

Con tal occasione dicesi che il memo. Emmo, Roscetti habbia suppto. N. Sre. p. il. veseto. di ferrara sua patria vacato p. morte del cardle. Machiavello seguita aili 20. del Corrente in età di solo 45 anni, ma il papa pare che inclini di darlo al cardle. Cibo.

Molti sono di parere che debba seguire la Promotione avanti le feste natalitie per che con la suda. morte del cardle. Machiavello sono hora 8. vacante nel sacro colleggio, numero desiderato dal papa p. promovere 6. suggetti e l'altri dui serbarli in petto.

La Suda. morte del cardle. Machiavello ha datto non poco travaglio a tutta la casa Barberina, e suoi parenti, ma partite. al cardle. Franco. per esserli mancato in pochi mesi tre voti securi, ciò è, Cornaro, Poli, et il Sudo. Machiavello, tanto piu che in questo vi era la secretta parentella, e però Credesi che a tutto potere sia per adoprarsi p. ottenne. questo capello a monsre. Rasponi nepote del defonto Machiavello.

Il Sudo. mons. Rasponi è di questi giorni statto ad una lunga audienza di N. Sre. che la accolse con demostni di molto affetto, et che gia molti anni sonno dto. Preto. haveva riceuto il Brevetto che soglino dare li Rè di Frana. ad alcuni canci. di S. Gio. laterano sua sta. li disse che spedisce do. Brevetto e pigliasse il possesso delle entrata che rende.

Anco di questa 7mana. la Sra. D. Olimpia è stata due volte all audienza di N. Sre. e nella prima vi condusce la principessa di Palestrina, quale havendo lasciato nell' anticamer ala signora Clarice varni Rasponi Madre del sudo. Prelato sua ava, et Matrona, subito il papa la fece chiamare dentro e l'accolse con molte cortese parole, lodandola grandemente, egli raccomandò la cura di da. principessa, Chiamandola, la nostra principessa, et ad essa principessa ordinò che ubbedisce pontualmente in ogni cosa i suoi insegnamenti, et instruttni. ordinandoli in oltre, che ogni volta che essa principessa verebbe a palatzo, anchessa entrasse subito da S. Sta. che sempre l'haverebbe vista volontieri, con tali occassioni, il papa lodò anche assai le buone qualita del sudo. monsr. Rasponi suo figo.

La meda. principessa che malvolontieri parti dal palatzo di navora, come fu gia scritto, stà hoggi con molto gusto in questo delle 4. fontane, non curandosi piu di fare ritorno dalla nonna, cominciandolo a piacere la conversatione dello sposo, piu che altra cosa, havendo finalmente assaggiato il pomo di Adamo.

Il sudo. principe sposo ha donato p. 2. m. scudi di collane d'oro a tutti li gentilhuomini della signora D. Olimpia, et alla famiglia bassa buona quantita di danari, il tutto ha fatto dispensare p. mano della sudta. principessa sua consorte.

Si và tuttavia confermando la voce che l'emmo. de Este guinto quà giovedi notte, sia p. fare la funtione di amître di obbedienza p. il re di Portogallo, scorgendosi frà l'altri segni la numerosa famiglia piu del solito, et per il suo mantenimento gli è stato rimesso di Francia buone summe di contanti sè bene si dice che siano de medmi. Portughesi Spagnoli, però non dormono, mà osservano il tutto pontoalte. e conforme al suo solito, minaciano che in tal caso vogliono fare gran cose, mà intanto usano anco molti artificii p. adormentare il papa, et accioche il cardle. Barberino s'interponga con sua Sta. il cardle. Trivultio gli dà buone speranze che il nuovo V. rè di Napoli lo reintegrarà delle sue entrate eccce. che ha in quel regno.

Si tira tutta via avanti con gran rigore la causa del carcerato nicolo l'Agnello gia spedito. di dataria che ultimente su fatto rettorñento quà da Civitta Vechia, di dove si dice furanno anco retornare il Brandano, è tanto contro loro come di monsr. Mendex, et altri interessati di patria si teme della loro vita.

Monsr. Melchiorre Romano luogte. dell audite. della camera, come portato dalla signora D. Olimpia alla quale in tutti li tempi, ha fatto ossequii straordinarii e stato regalato dal papa di un canonicato di S. Gio. Laterano cum retentione officii, con il brevetto di non andare ad officiare solo che le feste.

E stato messo nelle carceri di questo sto officio un padre Domenicano Hiberneze lettore in Roma nel convento della Minerva per che diffendeva le prepositioni di Gansenio.

L'officio di maestro di casa del papa è, d'ordine di S. Sta. stato conferrito a untale abbate princisvalle cumre. extramuros, mà questa fa il ritoso in accettere tal carica scusandosi con la sua inhabilita e dice puplicamente, che questo officio li farà finire i suoi giorni a patiarelli ò a Civitta Vecchia, volendo inferire che i imbossibile compiacere al gusto del papa.

Il cardle. Ginetti si trova in letto con un certo suo antico male di petto, che nella sua grave età fà temmere della sua vita.

Monsr. Casale che la signora D. Olimpia mesce ultimente al servitio di camre. secreto del papa, è stato honorato di un carto. in S. Pietro, e similte. n'e stato conferito un altro all Abate Mignanelli il cui fretto sempre frequenta l'Anticamere della sudta. signora D. Olimpia.

Il cardle. Antonio, fà comporre bellisme. compositioni poetiche p. la Cronatne. del ré Xpmo. e preparavane varie cose di consideratione da mandare a donare a sua magestad.

S'intende che molti titolati, e baroni del regno di Napoli havevano voluto di fare fabricare processo contro il C. di ognate gia V. rè nel quale volevano rapresentare a s. Mta. Catta. le grosse somme di contanti fatti pagere a principi e ssri. del regno in varrie compositioni, che dicono ascendere circa 3 millioni. In tanto do. co. d'ognate haveva ceduto il governo al succesore non senza gran interno dolore, et si era retirato incognito nel convento de certosini dove aspetava il buon tempo p. imbarcarsi a la volta di Spagna, se bene egli pensava di fermarsi p. qualche tempo in Genova dove haveva fatto rimettere buone somme di danari.

Il duca dell infantado V. rè di Sicilia ha mandato a regalare il cardle. de Medici di 14. bellsmi. cavalli, e 2. Mule.

Monsr. Azzollino agiutante della secretia. di stato ha suppto. la signora D. Olimpia, acciò gl'intercedesse dal papa un canto. li S. Pietro, ma sua ecca gli rispose che il papa non voleva dare li canonicati delle Basiliche, solo che alle fameglie nobili Romane.

Li cardli. Gaponi, e Pimentelli, si trovono indisposti in letto, come anche il cardle. Cecchino, ma questo p. idisgusti di Dataria p. li quali seguita tuttavia a stare in disgratia del papa ancorche il cardle. di Medici et altri n'habbiano piu volte parlato a S. Sta.

Di Roma li 29 Nov. 1653. [N. S.]

A letter of intelligence from Rome.

Vol. viii. p. 203.

La fattione Barberina si va scemando, e riducendo a poco numero, almeno di creature, e confidenti poiche essendo morto due mesi sono il cardl. Faustopoli, adesso è morto il cardl. Macchavelli vescovo di Ferrara non solo creatura confidentisa. mà anco cogino in 2°. grado del cardl. Barberino.

Il proposito Barzatti agente dell Arcivescovo elettore di Magonza essendo andato dal cardl. Colonna per dar parte a sua emza. qualmente i cavalli le due mute, una di cavalli, e l'altra di Giumente che dto. elettore mandava per esser donate a sua emza. erano vicini a Roma, che però fra poche hore sariano gionte a Roma, come affermama il maestro di stalla di do. elettore, mandato a questo effeto; rispose il colonna che le due mute che li mandava l'elettore erano tutte due di cavalli, e non una di giumente, cosi gli era stato scritto da Trento, replicò l'agente, che sua emza. restasse servita di dar credito alla lettara dell elettore, che lui poteva mostrare, è non a la relatione di Trento, replico anco il cardle. che lui voleva dar credito alla relatione di Trento, il Barzotti respondendo che sua emza. era patrona di credere a chi piu li pareva si parti, dall altra parte il cardle. spedi sei huomini a cavallo, p. i quali incontrando i cavalli uicino Roma, presero le due mute di cavalli, lasciando quella di cavalle, e le condusero al palatzo di sua emza. hora si scuopre che la muta di cavalle recusata, vien stimata migliore d'una delle due mute di cavalli, onde il cardle. oltre al termine usato si trova pentito per la cativa elettione, vorrebbe remediare con adossare la Colpa al Barzotti sotto varii pretesti, mà questo ha mandato le sue giustificatione, e si aspetta hora la risposta dell elettore, per sapere come la senta l'elettore.

Il senor ambassadore di Francia, il Baly di valenze continua a fare le visite in ordine a la sua partenza, la quale doveva seguire subito doppo la festa di Sta. lucia 13. del presste. mese di Xmbre. ma hora si sente che sià venuto corriero della corte Xpma. che continui le sue visite, ma che non parta sin a nuovo ordine. Lunidi gionse quà il Sr. cardle. d'este incontrato dalli cardli. Barberini, Orsini, et ambassador di Francia; se ne stà ancora incognito, perche non sono finite le livree, che fà fare in gran numero per uguagliarsi al cardl. di Medici, la corte stima che tutta questa spesa che stà facendo este sia denaro del regnante di Portogallo, il quale spera per metzo di do. este e del cardl. Antonio ottennere dal papa la provisione di quei vescovadi a sua instanza, et il ricevimento del suo ambassadore in questa corte.

Si susurra che si per esser confirmata una bolla fatta nel pontificato di Paolo Vo. come dicono, uscirche tutti quei che non habbiano 30. anni di regligione, et habbiano 40. d'entrata possano dalla loro religione, e farsi preti secolari.

E gionta qui la segnora donna. Lucretia Barberini, stata dal principio di questo pontificato colli suoi fratelli, e padre il principe don Taddeo in Francia; il cardle. Barberini suo Zio ha voluto che andasse a stare col fratello principe di Palestrina con ordine espresso che non andasse a visitare la Sra. donna Anna Colonna sua Madre, alla quale lei mandò le sue Damigelle, e matrona per riverirla da sua parte con pregarle che la voglia compatire, et haver per iscusata; gionsero le damigelle, e matrona al palatzo della soda. Sra. donna Anna, quale sentita l'ambasciata di quelle, fece loro intendere, che mentre non poteva vedere la propria figliola, ne anco voleva parlare colle sue serve. La corte crede che questa cosa possa esser motivo potendi rottura frà le case Barberina, e colonnese, non parendo possibile che il cardl. colonna possa suffrire che la sua sorella non possa vedere la propria figliola.

Alli 15. del prossimo sara l'ultimo concistoro di quest anno, colle quattro tempora appresso, tempo destinato alle promotioni, si che essendo gia compito il numero ottavo de i cardli. che mancano, si spera con ragione che il papa sia per farla, tanto più che vacano tre chiese riche come sono quelle di ferrara, di fermo per la morte di monsr. Ranuccini stato maestro apostolico in Irlande, e di orvieto, colle quali potrà provedere piu di quattro cardli.

Il Conte d'ognato stato V. rè in Napoli essendosi retirato nel monastero de Padri Cartusiani sotto sant Elmo, per dar luogo al successore vien scritto che a quest' hora possa esser per mare alla volta di Genova, per andar poi alla corte Cattca. Il nuovo V. rè voglione che di gia cominciava a trattare d'imporre nuove gabelle, credesi per istruttione d'ognatte che vorebbe con questo render se stesso glorioso, et il successore odioso.

Il nuovo ambre. di Spagna il duca di Terranuova si fà conto che sia per esser qui verso carnevale. Roma 29 Nov. 1653. [N. S.]

An intercepted letter of col. Wogan to the marquis of Ormond at Paris.

Vol. viii. p. 219.

My lord,
The reason that I have nott writt all this time past was, fearing least that the leatters should be stopt, and to avoid the danger of being knowne to be in these parts. My besnes heare is to be don, butt not by those that I expected. To-morrow morning I intend to begine my jorney towards my frinds, with one and twenty in my compeney, and by the healpe of God, I dout not, butt that I shall come to my jorney's end saffe with as mannye more. This I thought fitt to acquaint youe, and humbly daesire, that your lordship would belive, that you have nott a faythfuller servant than him, that is resolved ever to continue,

London, 20 Nov. 1653.

For my lord of Ormond att Paris.

My lord,
your lordship's most faythfull servant.

Answer to the Dutch paper delivered in council 2 Dec./22 Nov. 1653.

Vol. ix. p. 173

12. We have already agreed to omit the clause concerning the prince of Orange out of the 12th article, and leave it to be a private article.

15. For the 15th inserting the words, the Brittish Seas we adhere thereto.

16. As we also do to the 16th article.

23. For the 23d and the first of the new articles, if the lords the deputies judge them not necessary to be inserted in this treaty, they must be omitted.

2. For the 2d new article relating to the murder at Amboyna, that which the lords the deputies say in that behalf is not satisfying. And therefore that article is insisted upon.

3. For the 3d, if the lords the deputies be pleased to give in a particular of the wrongs and damages, which they suppose to be done to their people in the East Indies or elsewhere, as if done on the behalf of this state; the demands on both sides may be considered and regulated by commissioners in the manner propounded; but we see no cause to depart from any other part of this article.

In case the present treaty be not signed before the lords the deputies departure from hence, and mutual engagements passed for the ratification thereof within a time to be now agreed upon, his highness doth declare, that he shall not hold himself obliged thereunto to any the parts thereof, but shall account the treaty to be at an end.

Mr. John Benson to secretary Thurloe.

Dantz. 23 Novemb. 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 222.

The Polish messenger hath his dispatch, being a delatary answere, with which commonly they put off all such messuages. The Burga-master sent me word, that so long as wee were under their jurisdiction, wee should be protected; immediately I did call all the English together, and did advise them to keep within the towne for some time, for there owne security. The messenger being gon to Elving upon the same accompt, I wrote thither, and allso to Quinsborough, that so those English att these plases might not be surprised by him. Now wee are shut up within the walls of this towne, that we cannot goe so far as from Whitehall to Charing-crosse without the gates of this city, but wee are out of there jurisdiction; but I hope it will not last long. Sir, the messenger, who was sent from Copenhagen into Holland, is returned, bringing with him neither money nor hope thereof, nor any ambassador to be expected from thence, but on the contrary, the great losses, which they have had by the storme; with the bad condition, which they are in thereupon, some lamenting their husbands, others their parents, &c. The wants of the state beinge such, as that they could not answer the desires of the king att present, which hath put them into as bad a condition att Copenhagen as they are in Holland, begining now to see the inconveniencies, which the Hollander hath brought them into, some advising one thinge and some another, but as yett they have agreed upon nothing, the major parte of the council propounding, that the agent allready in Sweeden might have new instructions, and no other sent, which is supposed will take plase, but as yet, not concluded of. Wee have news heare from Reinsborough, that the Rixstaue hath given the emperor eighteene hundred thousand rix-dollars, whereof he hath given unto the Scots king two hundred thousand, which is about 36000 l. sterling, but the money is as yett to be gathered. Thus att present I am

Your verry servant,
John Benson.

The judges of the admiralty to the council of state.

Vol. viii. p. 223.

Right honorable,
We received your honourable order of the 19th of November instant, requiring a stay of all proceedings at common law, by Richaut and others, and that we take care for a full and perfect restitution of the wools claimed by the king of Spain, and also requiring obedience by the persons by whom the same is attached, and from whom the attachment issues; but the order is only directed to the judges of the admiralty and neither to the sheriffs of London, by whom the attachment is granted and served, nor to the parties prosecuting the same, who not yielding obedience, the effect is like to be but multiplying suits against whoever shall execute the effect of that order, which will then be the foundation of their action (as to the ruin of others hath formerly been pursued.) Wherefore we humbly offer to your honours, that like orders may be directed to them, that so there may be some effect of what you intend for the service of the king of Spain in this behalf, which we humbly present to your honours consideration, as in duty bound, being

Doctor's Commons,
November 23, 1653.

Right honourable,
your honours humble servants,
Jo. Godolphin,
Wil. Clerke,
C. G. Cook.

A letter of intelligence from Mr. Augiers secretary at Paris.

Paris, 3 Dec./23 Nov. 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 224.

The dispatch of Saturday last will have informed you of the rendition of St. Menehould. I have nothing to add unto it but the marquis de Faure's agreement with this court by the interposition of the governor of Chalons his father in law, which hath made him accept the king's amnesty, upon the account that before his submission mons. le prince should consent to it.

Three great boats full of sick and wounded men of that siege have been sent from Chalons hither, because of the great quantity, which are there already. It is believed the court hath lost very near 3000 men on that occassion: the said court is not yet returned here; and its credible the cardinal Mazarin being willing to order the winter quarters, and as much as he can, the safety of the frontiers, will retard their majesties for some few days.

In the mean while several partizans of this court, and among other mons. Tambonneau, having been taxed great sums for the reimbursment of those, which St. Menehould hath consumed, are run away, to delay the exaction of the same, but its not thought they will avoid it. To the contrary the court doth return so stately, that it's to be feared, some other rich men (more to be lamented than they) will likewise feel the same smart.

The parliament hath resolved to assemble themselves Friday next, to determine, how they shall demand of his majesty the return of their exiled members.

There are also several complaints in a readiness to be presented to his majesty concerning some Protestant churches, namely from that of Vals, to which the count de Rieux hath done no justice; as also from that of Rochechouart, whose minister hath been murdered, and an advocate, who was elder of the same, tied and whipp'd at a post by the insolence and brutality of the lord of the place, no-body knowing what satisfaction shall be given for it in such a time as this is, being that in a better nothing but words without deeds could be gotten. The marshal de Turenne's lady hath promised her intercession in the business of Rochechouart, and the baron de Ruvigny is returned to Paris with some deputies of Nismes to assist him in the business, and to make known, that the injuries done to them are no more supportable.

Its now evident, that those arms bought at Lyons were for Naples, where the cardinal Mazarin hath hastened some new designs, for the execution whereof there are some ships and men ready in Provence to arm ten thousand men to be commanded by the duke of Guise, who hath accepted the command, not considering his late misfortunes. The pope's nuncio and the Venetian ambassador have both complained of that business, saying, that enterprize is only made to weaken the Italians against the Turks; but the cardinal makes not much of their words, saying, the war against the Turk is the pope's business, who must take care of it in this conjuncture. I hear the king of Portugal is sending an ambassador to Rome.

The last letters from Holland confirm the damages they have suffered by the storm, and say, that the French ambassador mons. Chanut should not have much credit, the states complaining of the French taking always some of their ships contrary to their word and pro mise. The business concerning the court of Harcourt, instead of being compounded is so much the worse, that he and Charlevois, as also the garrison of Brisac, demand extraordinary sums of money from this court.

A letter of intelligence to Mr. Augier.

Calais, 3 Dec./23 Nov. 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 227.

I Would not fail to inform you of the misfortune happened unto our post, which hath been met by some troopers, who have opened the male, and spread the letters upon the highways, whereof they have opened a great many. We have soon after sent an express to gather them up; amongst which was this inclosed for you, which I received open.

Paris, 19/29 November, 1653.

The man that parted from hence Wednesday last, to carry to the court mons. Lewellin's arrest, will not receive his last expeditions, for I hear at this instant, that they complain mightily of the detaining of the two ships loaden with whales oil in England, notwithstanding the parliament's pass; as also of the ship coming from Guinea, with such another pass.

This council hath five or six days since cashiered the admiralty, which Charles Stuart had established at Brest, whereof great reproaches have been made to the parliament of Rennes, which opposeth to all the impositions the king would settle upon Bretagne, and hath nevertheless suffered a stranger to erect another admiralty than his majesty's, and that an admiralty of pernicious consequence; but that hindereth not the pirates increasing at Brest, where the Hollanders strengthen them every day, in as much, as more than fifteen ships are there already, as I am informed, from Morlaix the 12/22 with those that are newly arrived; that most part of the Hollanders carry between thirty and forty guns, and that the ship of thirty eight guns building at Brest, was ready to go to sea for to play the pirate with the rest.


  • 1. Duke of York's Memoirs, p. 426.