State Papers, 1642: August-December

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1642: August-December', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1642: August-December', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1642: August-December". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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Die Jovis 11 Augusti 1642.

Vol. i. p. 25.

Resolved upon the question,
That whereas the lords and commons in parliament did formerly (fn. 1) choose the earl of Essex to be captain general of such forces, as are or shall be raised for the maintenance and preservation of the true protestant religion, the king's person, the laws of the land, the peace of the kingdom, the liberty and property of the subject, and the rights and privileges of parliament; this house doth now declare, that they will maintain and assist him and adhere to him the said earl with their lives and estates in the same cause.

H. Elsynger, cler. parl. d. com.

An ordinance for the Scotch commissioners to transport 15000 lib. in specie to Carickfergus.

Die Sabbati 20 Augusti 1642.

Vol. i. p. 27.

It is this day ordered by the lords and commons in parliement assembled, that the lords and others, commissioners from the kingdom of Scotland shall have liberty to transport fifteen thousand pounds in specie to Carickfergus in the kingdom of Ireland, for the use of the Scottish army there (fn. 2); and that for the speedy and safe transportation of the said moneys all captains of ships that are now in the Downes, or elsewhere in his majesty's service, and their said ships being not designed for any important employment, are hereby required to receive on board the same moneys from the said commissioners, or persons intrusted by them, and to transport the same as safely and as speedily, as may be to Carickfergus, where having delivered the said moneys, then to returne, and to put in execution this or their former instructions. And it is further ordered, that the said commissioners, or persons trusted by them, shall hereby have full power and authority, from time to time, as there shall be occasion, to cause vessels to be taken up for the transportation of the said moneys, the master or owner of such vessel receiving satisfaction for the same, according to the usual rates; and that they fail not at their peril.

Examin. copia vera.
Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamentor.
H. Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.

An ordinance for paying 6533 l. 6 s. 8 d. formerly designed for Ireland to the Scots commissioners.

Die Jovis 15 Septem. 1642.

Vol. i. p. 31.

Ordered by the lords and commons in parliament assembled, that four thousand, three hundred thirty three pounds, six shillings, eight pence, for oatmeal, sent into Ireland for the Scots army in Ulster; and one thousand two hundred pounds remaining due for their baggage horses; and one thousand pounds, part of the two thousand pounds allowed them for incident charges, amounting in all to the sum of six thousand five hundred thirty three pounds, six shillings, eight pence, be paid by the deputy treasurer at wars for Ireland, out of the twenty seven thousand pounds remaining in his hands, formerly designed for Ireland to the Scotts commissioners or their agents.

Examinat. copia vera.
Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamentor.
H. Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.

An ordinance for providing arms for the Scotish army in Ireland.

Die Veneris 14 Octob. 1642.

Vol. i. p. 33.

Ordered by the lords and commons in parliament assembled, that the chamberlain of the city of London shall, out of the remainder of the hundred thousand pounds lent by the several companies of the city of London for Ireland, or out of the remainder of the strangers and mariners money lent by them for the same purpose, pay unto the treasurer at warrs for Ireland, or his agents, the sum of ten thousand three hundred sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings, four pence, which is for six thousand muskets and bandeleers, and four thousand pikes, and ten thousand swords and belts, according to the treaty now agreed upon between the English and Scotts commissioners for the Scottish army in Ireland, and are to be bought and provided by Thomas Cunningham (fn. 3) merchant of Campvere, or his assigns, in Holland; and by him to be delivered upon his own adventure within the town of Leith in Scotland, unto our brethren of the kingdom of Scotland, or such agents as they shall appoint; and the said sum of ten thousand three hundred sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings, and four pence, is to be paid unto the said Thomas Cuningham, or such as he shall appoint, for the said arms, in manner and form following: viz. the sum of three thousand four hundred thirty eight pounds seventeen shillings, nine pence forthwith in hand; and more within one month after certificate produced from our brethren of Scotland, that all the arms before mentioned are safe delivered at the place above specified, and well conditioned according to agreement, the sum of three thousand four hundred thirty eight pounds, seventeen shillings, and nine pence; and more at two months end, after the last recited payment is due, and ought to be paid, the sum of three thousand four hundred thirty eight pounds, seventeen shillings, and ten pence; and that the said treasurer, or his agents, shall pay the aforesaid sums by virtue of this order from both houses, being in all the sum of ten thousand three hundred and sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings, four pence afore mentioned, unto George Henley and John Hawkeridge, at the several days and times before mentioned; and they are likewife ordered by the lords and commons to pay unto Thomas Cuningham, or his assigns, for the said arms, the several sums as are above mentioned.

Examinat. copia vera.
Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamentor.

H. Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.

Letter from the erle of Lindsay,—directed on the back thus:

To the right hon. the lord chancellor, and remanent lords of his majesties privie councell of Scotland. Orig.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

Right Honrable,
The treatie concerning the Irish expedition hes not yett beene signed by his majestie; nevertheles for the lord generalls better satisfaction, I have sent him ane perfite copie of the articles thairof, which the parliament (who are the paymasters) according to the orders of both houses, have allowed and are bound to observe in everie particular. The present condition of affaires heir, and the great charge the parliament is at in manteaning thair awin armie (wherin they think thameselves most interessed and concerned) togither with the defect of perfite mustour rolls, wherby I may know what is dew to our armie and accordinglie demand the saim, are and have been great impediments to the full and timelie payment of that armie; and although I have often and seriouslie pressed the same, yitt all that I have or could obteane for the present is a promise of seven or eight thousand pund within a day or tuo, whilk I intend (so soone as I ressave it) to send presentlie to the armie in regard of thair great necessities, and pay James Stewart with the nixt moneyes that I receive, whilk I hope will be verie shortlie. I have ressaved by orders of both houses of parliament this declaration to be sent to your lordships, whilk I did shaw to his majestie at Reddin, bot be reasone of the interuptions of the merchant pacquett I could not send it sooner to yor Lordships.

The parliament hes this day ordered, that all letters comeing from your lordships hither or to court or back to yor lordships, as also the weeklie merchant pacquett, shall passe without stop or searche, whilk I intend to send to his majestie with all diligence, that the lyke may be past by him; and thereefter I shall cause it be intimate to both armies in the north, as in everie otheir thing I shall be carefull to approve myself,

Londin 14 Decembris 1642.

Your lordships most humble servant

The parliament in regard of thair scarcetie of moneyes are content to furnish our armie either with cloth or cloths alreadie made, eache complete sute being estimate to five and thirtie shillings, wherin I humblie crave yor lordships direction.

Letter from the gentlemen of the shyre of Tiviotdale or Roxburgh, directed thus:

To the right honourable the lordis of his majesties secreit counsell. Orig.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

Pleas yor Lordships,
Accordening to the adverteisement gevin be the schireff to ws undersubscryveris and wtheris of the gentilmen and heritors within this schyre, we haveing convenit att Jedburgh this day, quhair your lordships leter and instructiounes thair inclosed was publictlie delyvered and red to ws.

We ar most willing, accordeing to your lordship's commandement and our dewtie, to contribute our best endevoir for the advancement of the kingis majesties service, and for the releiss of his hienes subjectis or neighbors and breitherine in Ireland, whaitto iff any thing sall slaickin or lett our desyres and designs, it will be the want of the arriars dew to the sojouris for thair former service, quhilk howsoever noblie promeist be yor lordships and be ws that ar of the barrounes and heritors within this schire credibillie trustit, zitt it will not satisfie the pairties, that are now to be levied except that reddie money be producit to them, for all of them affirmes themselfis (fn. 4) gottin so many fair promeisses, and as zit so littill performance, (fn. 4) we can give them will induce them to undertak. Ane wther impediment will also hinder the present performance of your lordships desyre, and it is this, that no sojouris can convenientlie be listit before thair captanes and wther officeris remittit to the election of the schyre be first nominat, and no captanes can convenientlie be appointit, or will willinglie undertak befoir they know thair superior officeris, quho ar to be appointtit be the lord generall. It war thairfoir necessar, iff it sould seeme goode to your lordship, that his excellence micht be moved to nominat or send over heir some of the superior officeris of that regiment, quhairin these 200 men imposed upoun this schyre sould serve; that be thair advyce these under officeris may be electit be ws. The exceiding great clamor lyikwayes of the comounes both to brughe and land in this schyre, and speciallie in the townes of Jedbrugh and Kelso, for the great sowmes dew to them for furnessings of the sojouris that was billatted upon them thir former zeiris, will muche impede this or ony such commoun service, unles your lordships provyde spedie remeid. Bot these things being dome, thair is no doubt bot your lordships will be ansserit with all obedience, in that or quhat else yor lordships shall be pleased to command for the gude of his majesties service. So according to our dewtie we thought ourselves obliged to represent these difficulties to yor lordships, which being removed or wtherwayes remeidit as yor lordships shall think expedient, we sal be most reddie to the further prosequtioun of yor lordships commandementis, as becomethe

Edinb. 17 Dec. 1642.

Your lordships most humble servands,
Admondstoune Ednim.
Kery Oremhead.
Andrew Ker of Lintoune.
A. Williamson.
T. Weliot.
A. Rutherfuirde.
Walter Scott.
John Scott.
Robert Scott quhitsleid.
T. Karr of Cabers.
William Scott.
Robert Pringill.
E. Ker of Getshaw.
Andrew Ker.
Arch. Mader.
Thomas Karr.
Mr. Wm. Bennett.
Tho. Mackdonell.
Gawine Ellott.
Geo. Douglas.
Johne Halyburtoun.
M. Mader.


  • 1. By vote 12 Jul. 1642. Rushw. par. iii. vol. i. f. 755. and this vote is set forth in totidem verbis f. 772.
  • 2. They landed in Ireland 2 April 1642, and were to be maintained by the parliament of England. Guthry's Mem. p. 97, 98. Cox's Hist. of Ireland, vol. ii. fol. 115.
  • 3. The delays used in the payment of the money to this contractor are to be seen in this vol. f. 633 to 641.
  • 4. Torn in the original.
  • 5. The name uncertain, most probably A. Robertson.