A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1641: August-November', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp12-16 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1641: August-November', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp12-16.
"State Papers, 1641: August-November". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp12-16.
In this section
Instructiounes from the parliament to the generall, concerning the retreat of the armie, subscryved by the president of the parliament, by order from the parliament, 24 August 1641.A Copy.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
THAT the generall may dismiss suche regiments, qhom he thinks fitt to go home be the neirest way to their awin shyres, when they croce Tweid, and for the remanent, whom he bring along this way, that he wald be advanceing with those regiments, who cannot be disbanded till they cum heir.
That the generall satisfie all thois, qhom he thinks necessar to dismiss at Tweid, as he and they can agree; bot that this pay be not givin to the souldiers, bot onlie sum portion for thair expencess wpon thair way, and the rest thairof delyvered to the officiars or responsall gentilmen, till they cum to the places, qhere they ar to disband within thair owne shyres, and delyver thair horss and armes; and qhere that agreement cannot be maid, and the comptis ar not fitted, that qhat is detained be of the pay dew to the officiars, till the saids officiars cum heir and fitt the accomptis, and that the armes and horss be delyvered, and that consideratione be haid be the generall of the particular skathes, done by sum regiments and troupis, for which securitie is given to the shyre be the committee, that the saymene may be deduced aff the pay dew to that regiment or troupe, or at least that ane consideratione be had of the same.
That for suche as have occasione to go from the armie befor thair croceing Tweid, for goeing the neirer way to the places qhere they wer levyed; the generall tak the lyk courss anent thair pay, as if they had cum along with him and croced Tweid togidder, and thairefter disbanded, conforme to the ordor above wreattin.
That the general mak intimatione in the armie, that such souldiers as shall not delyver thair armes, and officiars as shall not delyver thair cullors and drumes, as they shall be requyred at thair randevouss of the shyre or burgh quhither they go, shall want so muche of thair pay as the cullors, drumes, and armes ar worth, and the pryce of the armes to be delyverit be the captanes to the owners of the armes, till the armes be delyveret to thame; and the lyke courss to be tane anent the delyverie of horss and thair furnitor.
And moirover, that the generall so soun as he comes to Scotland, shall direct the commissarie deputts with convenient dilligence to Edinburgh, with money and thair accomptis; and that the colonell of everie regiment, with an principall officiar or two being gentilmen of qualitie of the shyre, and the quarter master or scriver of the regiment repair lykwayes to Edinburgh to fit thair regiment accompts with the commissaries, that they may receave money for satisfieing the rests dew to the souldiers and officiars when they reteir to thair shyres; and that preciss order be takin, that the rolls be calit evrie morning and evining; and at suche other tymes of day as the commanders shall think fitt the tyme of thair reteiring; that in cace any of the souldiers be absent, they shall be reputed as thives takin stealing, and shall be punished personallie for the same; and that by and attor his personall punishment, whosoevir shall be fund in the fault, shall forfoutt his haill resting pay.
And altho this be the opinione of the parliament anent the particulars foresaide, yit they will not tye the generall to the absolutt obedience thairof; bot permitts him to vse his owne discretione, according as he finds the necessitie or the expedieance of the armie to requyre.
Propositions anent the clection of officers of estates.
21 September 1641.
His majestie desyred the estattis to meitt this esternone in thair severall bodies, that they may be readie the morne to give thair opinioune and answer, anent the fitnes of the persones nominate be his majestie, to be counsallers and officiars of estate.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
HIS majesties last answer anent the present new electioun of officiars of estait, counsallors, and sessioners being considderit, it will evidentlie appeir, that the question is not now betwix his majestie and parliament, bot betwixt the parliament and some of thaiss quha stands presentlie provydit to the saids offices and places; albeit it be notourlie knawin by all the supplicationes, complaints, and remonstrances maid to the kingis majestie be the subjectis of this kingdome, thir many zeiris bygain, that all thir greivences did proceid from the corruptioun of the saids fountain of justice. It is thairfoir thought expedient, that thair be ane roll maid of all the saidis officeris of estait, counsallors and sessioneris, and that they be callit one be one in plain parliament, to declair quhither they will submit the richtis of thair places to his majestie and the parliament, and lay thame doun at thair feit, or gif they will maintaine the samyn, and rather abyd his majestie and the parliamentis tryel and censour, and that they answer I or no; — that thairefter the king and parliament may advyss quhat courss they will tak with thaiss, quha will adher to thair places.
Exoneratioun to the marqueis of Hamiltoune, anent the delyvering of the great seall. Orig.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
OUR soveragne lord, with advyse and consent of the estaitts of parliament, taking to consideratioun, that forsameikle as James marques of Hamiltoune hes bene entrusted be his majestie with his majesties greatt seale of Scotland, these ... zeiris bygane, hafe be himself, and his under keeper Mr. John Hamiltoun advocatt, have servit the lieges, and done everie thing incumbent to the keeper of the said seale faithfullie and diligentlie, and becaus of the nominatioun and electioun of Johne lord Loudoun to be lord high chancellour of Scotland, to quhom his majestie and the saids estaitts have appointed the said noble marques to delyver the said greatt seall, quho for obedience of the said command producet the said greet seall in presens of the king and parliament, to be delyvered as said is: Thairfoir his majestie, with advise and consent forsaid, exoners and quyte clames the said James marquess of Hamiltoun, and his said underkeeper of the said great seall, and of their cariages and actiounes in the keeping thairof, and of their useing of the samen during the said space.
2 Octob. 1641.
Red, voitted, and past in parliament, (signed) BALMERINOH, in p. d. parl.
Copy of the kingis letter to the quene of Swadin, in favors of the Prince elector palatyne.
Subscrived in parliament the 6 Octob. 1641.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
CAROLUS, Dei gratia magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ rex, fidei defensor, serenissimæ ac potentissimæ principi Christianæ, Dei gratia Suecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumque reginæ, principi Finlandiæ, ducissæ Æothoniæ, Careliæ, et Ingriæ, do minæ sorori et consanguineæ nostræ charissimæ, salutem et omnis prosperitatis incrementum. Serenissima princeps, soror et consanguinea charissima, satis superque innotuerat christiano orbi et vicinis principibus, e tot annorum misera experientia nullum operæ precium facturos nos cum domo Austriaca pro asserenda causa Palatina pacatis consiliis aut repetitis legationibus: nihilominus nos post tot iteratas frustrationes, hoc dedimus intercessioni charissimi avunculi serenissimi Daniæ regis, ut superiori æstate ad comitia imperii Ratisbonæ indicta legatum nostrum transmitteremus, si non alio, hoc saltem effectu, ut cum posteriora prioribus convenirent: Quod maxime verisimile erat et multo magis jam obtinuit, tunc nobilissima hæc legatio et illis obfirmatæ in malo et injustæ usurpationis, et nobis læsæ jam nimium patientiæ ultimum experimentum esset: Sed cum nobis certa stet sententia charissimi nepotis causam non negligere, aut lentis ipsam amplius prosequi consiliis, non dubitamus stabilita subditorum nostrorum pace (quod nobis maxime in animo jam est) totum hoc negotium asserendæ Palatinæ familiæ et vindicandæ stirpis regiæ inter præcipuas et publicas regnorum curas subditis nostris dehinc fore. Et quia sparsi sunt apud nos rumores vestram serenitatem et illustres dominos regentes de pace sancienda cum imperatore cogitare, idcirco, cum assenssu ordinum hujus regni in publicis hisce comitiis, generosum hunc virum nobis sincere dilectum statim cum hisce literis in Suetiam præmisimus, qui vestram serenitatem et illustres dominos regentes certiores saceret, legatum nostrum brevi subsequuturum, et ea mandata allaturum, quæ vestræ serenitati et regno Succiæ honori et decori, afflictis Germaniæ principibus usui et emolumento; quæque maxime profutura sunt ad majorem inter nos et nostra regna confirmandam amicitiam. Interim vestram serenitatem et illustres dominos regentes serio obtestamur, ut si qua hactenus instituta fit actio pacis, velitis lente et pedetentim procedere in illo negotio, persuasum enim habemus illustres dominos regentes, pro inveterata sua prudentia, hoc satis providere et subinde cogitare, nullam fore firmam ac diuturnam in Germania pacem, ubi non in communi consulitur, nec remansuram diu illam concordiam, quæ seorsum fit; sublata alterius partis necessitate, qua primum ægre coaluit. Sed meliora ominabimur à vestra serenitate et illustribus dominis regentibus, et ea potissimum expectamus, quæ nobis stimulos addere possunt, pro maximo nostro interesse, in pulcherrimo hoc honoris et veræ gloriæ stadio vobiscum decurrere pro restituenda libertate Germaniæ et expressis inibi principibus. Faxit vero Deus, ut rata sint quæ molimur super tali incepto, cedantque in nominis sui gloriam et christianæ reipublicæ incrementum. De cetero vestræ serenitati et illustribus dominis regentibus prosperrimos armorum successus et salutem optatam vovemus et precamur.
Vestræ serenitatis frater et
consanguineus amantissimus.
Sic subscribitur,
BALMERINO parliamenti præses.
Copy of instructions from the kingis majestie and estates of parliament to the lord general his excellence, for causing of the articles eftermentionat, set doune be his majesties and estates of parliament foirsaids, for preveining any prejudice may arryise be the confluence and frequent of repaire of people to the toun of Edinburgh, and upon the streitis thairof, be put in executioune and obeyit be all the lieges.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
FIRST yor excellence sall give ordor, that all these in Edinburgh cannogait, Leith, suburbis, and other parts neir adjoyning to the toun of Edinburgh, wha hes any persones lodged within thair houss, or in chalmers or rowmes set be tham, sall give up ane list and roll of all persons sua lodged be them, with thair designatiounes to quhom they belong, and upon quhom they depend; and that the rolls thairof be maid within twelff hors after the proclamatioune maid heir anent; and the samene rolls renewit everie twentie four hors, and that the rolls be delyverit to yor excellencie; and that this be done in maner and under the panes contenit in the first article of the act, set doune heir anent.
Secondlie, yor excellence sall caus strong guardis be keipit be the toun of Edinburgh, baithe for night and day, of sick number, and at sick places as yor excellence be the advyce of the magistrats of Edinburgh sall think fitt. And yor excellence sall give order, that these guardis be not injured, resisted, nor forced be no persons of quhomsumever qualitie, under the pane of death to the resisters and forcers. And for the injurers of the guardis to be punished by yor excellence, according to the demereit of the delinquint and qualitie of the fact. And that what sal be done be thir guardis in performeance of thair dewteis agains any persons, the tyme of thair resisting or forcing of the saidis guardis, sall inferre no hazard nor perrell of lawe agains these of the guard actors thairof conforme to the second member and article of the said act.
Thirdlie, yor excellence sall give order, and caus these regimentis, whilks ar as zit undisbanded, be drawine neir towards to Edinburgh, and sie the samene mustered with all convenience, that moneyis may be provydit for thair pay, that theirefter they may be licentiat, and in the mean tyme ye sall give ordor for quartering of these regiments, in sick maner, and in sick places neir about the town, as yor excellence shall think fitt and expedient, conforme to the third article.
Fourtlie, anent the fourt article of the said act, ordaning that no man of quhatsoever qualitie keip with him onie mae than his awne domestick servands, and that all persones, who hed not necessarie attendance at this present parliament, repaire to thair severall homes; and also, that these gentlemen, who have necessar busines in parliament, and will apply thameselfis to attend some noblemen in whome they have interest, that they thamselfis or the noblemen in quhom they have relation give up thair names to yor excellence, that they may stay be yor approbatioune; yor excellence sall sie this article obeyit and putt in executioune.
Fyistlie, concerning the syst article, quhairby all persones of whatsoevir qualitie, whather hes alreddie brocht thair freindis, fallowers and dependers to Edinburgh, or hes gevin order for thair repairing theirto, ar ordanit presentlie to dismiss these alreddie cume, and discharge the incuming of the otheirs, yor excellence sall give order and sie, that this article be obeyit and observit, conforme to the tennor theirof.
Sextlie, yor excellence sall tak notice presentlie of the haill officers and sojors, and what of them hes gottine pay and wha wantis, and give order that for these quha hes ressavit pay reteire as the toun, unles yor excellence sall tollerat thair stay upon thair necessary busines in toun, represented and knawine to yorselfe.
Sevintlie, yor excellence sall presentlie give order, that the number of fourtie or syistie horsmen be leviat and payit upon the publict charge for attending yor ordors, and for the good and peace of the kingdome.
Quhilkis instructions and articles theirof above written ar superscryvit be the kingis majestie, and subscribed be the president of the parliament at comand of the king and estates of parliament, in face of parliament att Edinburgh, the fourtene day of October 1641 yeirs.
Names (fn. 1) of the comissionars in the commission for conserving the peace.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
D. Lennox
M. of Hamilton
E. Argyle
E. Mortoun
E. Eglintoune
E. Cassills
E. Glencairne
E. Dumfermeling
E. Roxburgh
E. Lothian
E. Lauderdail
E. Lanrick
E. Kinoull
E. Levin
L. Lindsay
L. Balmerino
L. Amont
Sr. Pa. Hamilton
Sr. Tho. Hope
Sr. Ard. Ihonstoun
Sheref of Tiviotedaill
Edward Edgar
Patrick Bell
Wm. Glendonyng
John Smith
Mr. Ro. Barclay
Thomas Durhame
James Fletcheor
Patrick Ceslie
Thomas Bruce
George Bell
James Sword
Jhone Rutherfurd
Mr. Jhone Corsar
Hew Kenedie
Jhone Sempill
Mr. Ro. Cunningham
Mr. Alex. Dowglas
Richard Maxwell.
1641 Nov. 1641.
The nomber and persones within written, red and approvin in parliament, to be in the commissione for conserving the peace and the quorum to be — Twelfe, thair being at leist two of everie estaite.
Names of the commissionars in the commission anent, the articles of the treatie reservit be the treatie to furder Consideratioune, viz.
From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.
WILLIAM erle of Lothiane, Johne erle of Lindsay, John lord Balmerinoche, sir Thomas Myretoun of Cambo, sir Thomas Hope of Carss, sir Archibald Jonstoun of Wareistoun, sir Johne Smythe of Grottell, Patrick Bell Burges of Glasgow, and Mr. Robert Barclay present baillie of Irving. As also John erle of Lowdoun chancellar of Scotland, and Achibald marqueis of Argyle, erle of Kyntyre, lord Lorne, or any of thame twa that beis at court to be of the commission with the commissioners abovenamit, with power to thame or any ffyve of thame, thair being ane at leist for everie estaitt.
Names of the commissioners for Ingland.
Commissione for the treaty.
EARLE of Lothian
Lo. Lindsay
Lo. Balmerinot
Sir Thomas Hope
Sir Ar. Johnstoun
John Smith
Mr Robert Barclay
Patrick Bell.
The commission to bear, that if the lord chancellor and erle of Argyle or any of them be at court, that they or any of them shall be of the commission.
Or any fyve to be ane quorum, thair being one at leist of everie estate.
16 Novembris 1641.
The persones above written nominate and voited in parliament for the treatie.