Inquisitions Post Mortem

Inquisitions post mortem were local enquiries into the lands held by a deceased individual, in order to discover any income and rights due to the crown. Such inquisitions were only held when people were thought or known to have held lands of the crown. The records in this collection are taken from two sets of publications. (1) Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem For the City of London. Covers documents relating to London only for the period 1485-1561 and 1577-1603. (2) Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem. This provides calendars of surviving inquisitions post mortem and related documents in the National Archives covering the periods 1236-1447 and 1485-1509. (Volumes for the period 1418-1447 are not available here but may be viewed at Mapping the Medieval Countryside. Inquistions for the years 1447-85 are currently unpublished.) 

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