British History Online (no series)

These are standalone volumes that do now belong to a series.
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The Cromwell Association Online Directory of Parliamentarian Army Officers
Compiled by Tim Wales. This resource contains the names of over 4,000 officers who served in the armies of Parliament during the first English civil war (1642-6), and in some cases subsequently. This alphabetical directory covers all regions of England and Wales and, while not claiming to be comprehensive, brings together in one place the largest listing of parliamentarian officers in service prior to the creation of the New Model Army in 1645. It has been funded and supported by The Cromwell Association, a membership society and registered charity, reg. no. 1132954. The underlying XML data is available and licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.
A Dictionary of London
Historical notes of streets and buildings in the City of London, including references to other relevant sources.
University of London: the Historical Record (1836-1926)
This book contains a brief history of the University of London from 1836 to 1926, as well as lists of colleges, schools and institutions, trusts and benefactions, former fellows and officers, a list of honours and higher degrees and their recipients, exhibitions, scholarships, studentships and prizes, diplomas and an index of all graduates in alphabetical order.
A New History of London Including Westminster and Southwark
Noorthouck's 'New History' falls into two parts. The first is a narrative history of London from the Roman period until the 1770s. The second gives accounts of the present state of the City (organised by ward), and of much of Westminster, Southwark and Lambeth. It also includes an Appendix of charters and statutes relating to the City, and lists of mayors, bishops and other officers.
Richard II and the English Royal Treasure: Inventory
The full text of an inventory of Richard II's treasure, TNA: PRO, E101/411/9, covering jewels, plate and other objects of precious metal from England and France. The inventory dates from 1398/99 and contains 2,300 separate items belonging to the king and to both his queens, Anne of Bohemia and Isabelle of France. For the historical and art-historical context, plates and appendices, see Jenny Stratford, Richard II and the English Royal Treasure (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2012). See also the website Richard II's Treasure.
A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603
John Stow's survey, reprinted from the 1603 edition. Originally in two volumes, here given as one. It also contains a life of Stow, and other supporting biographical materials. Also included is an account of the variants of the 1603 edition as relating to that of 1598, and extensive notes on the text.
Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660
The full text of legislation passed into law during the Interregnum. Contains over 900 pieces of legislation. ranging from that concerning the trial and execution of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury to the regulation of trade in currants, and from the propagation of the Gospel in the New World to the draining of the Great Fen. Originally published in three volumes, it is here given together, along with a table of acts passed and a substantial introduction.
Additional Material For the History of the Grey Friars, London
A companion volume to 'The Grey Friars of London', comprising addenda, corrigenda and additional documents. It also includes extracts of wills relating to the Grey Friars (1374-1543.) Originally published as part of 'Collectanea Franciscana' 10 (1922).
Agas Map of London 1561
Produced in c. 1633, depicting the City of London in the 1560s. It probably derives from the 'Copperplate' map of. c.1560 of which three sheets are extant.
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