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The Port and Trade of Early Elizabethan London: Documents
London Possessory Assizes: A Calendar
London Record Society, volume 1. The rolls calendared contain the record of the assizes of novel disseisin and mort d'ancestor for the period 1340-1451, plus miscellaneous pleas of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries.
London Radicalism 1830-1843: A Selection of the Papers of Francis Place
London Record Society, volume 5. Selections from the papers of this central figure in London radical politics, now housed in the British Library.
London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320
London Sheriffs' Court record of 1320 arising from the CMH ESRC funded 'London women and the economy before and after the black death' project (2009-10). (Award Number: RES-000-22-3343 )
Two Calvinistic Methodist Chapels, 1743-1811: The London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel
Two Calvinistic Methodist Chapels, 1743-1811: The London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel
London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London
London Record Society, volume 26. Records of London viewers, regarding instances of nuisance and other dispute over buildings, boundaries and ways. From records in the Corporation of London Records Office.