
A keyword search finds occurrences of a word or several words across our entire library.

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Search tips

  • Search for an exact phrase by including it in quotation marks.
  • Consider the variant historical spellings of a word.
  • Find a specific place on our Ordnance Survey maps by doing a keyword search for a postcode.
  • See our using BHO guidelines for more search help.
Displaying 75661 - 75670 of 125405
A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London & Middlesex
A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London & Middlesex
A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London & Middlesex
A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London & Middlesex
A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London & Middlesex
A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London & Middlesex
London Assize of Nuisance, 1301-1431: A Calendar
London Record Society, volume 10. The records of the assize dealing with neighbourly disputes over buildings, boundaries and obstruction of ways. Consists of three rolls held by the Corporation of London Record Office.
London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381-1538
London Record Society, volume 31. An edition of rentals, payments and receipts for the principal bridge over the Thames, connecting the City on the north side with Southwark to the south.
Old and New London
Displaying 75661 - 75670 of 125405