Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: January 3rd - 29th, 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp953-979 [accessed 14 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: January 3rd - 29th, 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp953-979.
John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: January 3rd - 29th, 1648". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp953-979.
In this section
- Chap. XXII. Proceedings in Parliament from January 3. till January 29. 1647.
- Monday, January 3.
- Tuesday, January 4.
- Wednesday, January 5.
- Thursday, January 6.
- Friday, January 7.
- Saturday, January 8.
- Monday, January 10.
- Tuesday, January 11.
- Wednesday, January 12.
- Thursday, January 13.
- Friday, January 14.
- Saturday, January 15.
- Monday, January 17.
- Tuesday, January 18.
- Wednesday, January 19.
- Thursday, January 20.
- Friday, January 21.
- Saturday, January 22.
- Monday, January 24.
- Tuesday, January 25.
- Wednesday, January 26.
- Thursday, January 27.
- Friday, January 28.
- Saturday, January 29.
Chap. XXII. Proceedings in Parliament from January 3. till January 29. 1647.
Monday, January 3.
The Commissioners Report that presented the Four Bills to his Majesty.
The House of Commons sat very close this Day, from Morning until late at Night, upon debate of the King's last Message, and the Report from the Commissioners that presented the Four Bills to his Majesty; and upon the Result of all (there being no Satisfaction given by his Majesty's last Message as to the Desires of the Parliament, for passing the Bills, or any Inclination in his Majesty appearing for a Composure in that way, but the Offer barely of a Personal Treaty, as also hath been much pressed for by the Scottish Commissioners in their Papers, and who also dissented to the Four Bills) after much Debate it was put to the question, Whether any Addresses should be made hereafter to his Majesty? and this with other Votes was then resolved upon as followeth:
Votes for Non-Addresses to his Majesty.
First, That no more Addresses be made from the Parliament to the King; nor any Letters or Message received from him.
Secondly, That it shall be Treason for any Persons whatsoever to deliver any Message to the King, or receive any Letter or Message from him, without Leave from both Houses of Parliament.
Thirdly, That the Members of both Houses of the Committees of both Kingdoms, have Power to sit and act alone (as formerly the Committees of both Kingdoms had) for the Safety of the Kingdom.
Fourthly, That the Earl of Kent be added to this Committee in the Place of the Earl of Essex, deceased; and Sir John Evelyn and Mr. Fines in the Place of Sir Philip Stapleton, deceased, and Mr. Glyn, Recorder (now in the Tower.)
Fifthly, That a Committee nominated to draw up a Declaration to be Published to satisfy the Kingdom of the Reason of the Passing of these Votes.
Lastly, That the Concurrence of the Lords be desired to these Votes.
Agreement between the General and Parliament certified.
From Windsor this Day it was certified, That the Prosecution of their good Agreement betwixt the General and the Parliament's Commissioners, about Disbanding Supernumeraries, Free Quarter, and drawing the Army into the Towns and Garrisons by the Fifteenth of January Instant. The General, for further Satisfaction, hath declared by a Declaration as follows:
A DECLARATION of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Council of War.
Declaration of the General and Council of War for the Disbanding Supernumeraries.
Whereas the Houses of Parliament, for easing the present Burthens of the Kingdom, have Ordained, That all the Supernumerary Forces of the Kingdom above the Established Army shall be forthwith Disbanded; and for that Purpose, and to the End that the Established Army for the future may be condtantly paid, and the Countries relieved from Free Qurter, have likewise Ordained the present raising of great Sums of Money, and the Army is appointed by the Fifteenth of January to draw into Towns, Cities and Garrisons; We have thought sit to Declare, and do hereby Declare and Assure, That thes Army by the said Fifteenth Day of January shall, according to the said Directions, be drawn into Towns, Cities and Garrisons. And do further declare and assure, That (the Parliament supplying the Soldiery with Pay, as aforesaid) no Free Quarter after the said Fifteenth Day of January shall be taken by the Soldiers upon any Persons (duly paying their Assesments) nor any Enforcement for Meat, Drink, Victual for Men, or Horse Meat, for Quartering of any, after the said Supply of Pay begin, and so long as it shall continue; but all Officers and Soldiers shall maintain themselves with their Pay, at such Rates as they can agree upon with any Inhabitants (except only upon a March, where they shall not stay above Two Nights in a Place) and in that Case also the Soldiery shall pay for their Quarters at the Rates set down for the Army, and that no Officer or Soldier (upon Pain of Death) shall do to the contrary hereof.
Windsor, December 30. 1647.
Tuesday, January 4.
Publick Grievances Debated.
The House of Commons this Day considered of the Publick Grievances of the People, and how they may be remedied. And first of all they began with that of their own Members, that they shall be liable to pay their Debts; and passed this ensuing Order thereupon.
Protection of Members taken off.
The Commons in this present Parliament assembled, having a tender regard to the general Good of this Kingdom, and considering the many weighty Affairs which hath prolonged this present Session of Parliament; during which Time, by reason of the Privileges of Parliament, the Prosecution of just Suits may be too much delayed; for the present Remedy whereof, the said Commons being willing to forbear for some time, their own Interest and Privilege for the publick Good, do Order, and be it Ordered by the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, That no Person or Persons under the Authority of the said House, execpt the Members thereof, shall from the Twentieth Day of this Instant January, Anno Domini 1647. during this present Session of Parliament, have any Protection or Immunity by reason of any Privilege of the said House of Parliament, or derived from the Members thereof, or any of them, in any Action or Suit for Debt; or any Action or Suit grounded upon any Right or Title in any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or upon any Contract upon Borrowing or Lending, or Buying or Selling, or grounded upon any Security given or to be given by Lease, Mortgage, or otherwise, for any Sum or Sums of Money.
Members of Parliament subject to Actions at Law.
And it is hereby further Ordered, That during this Session of Parliament, in the Cases aforesaid, the Members of the said House of Parliament, and every of them, their Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods and Chattles, shall be subject to any Action, Suit, Process, Execution, Decree, or other Demands whatsoever, in Law or Equity (so that the same extend not to the Imprisonment or Arrest of the Person) or to Prosecution upon any Penal Law.
And be it further Ordered, That every Member of this House, having a Process delivered him for Appearance in the Cases aforesaid, do accordingly make his Appearance; or in Default, this House on Complaint thereof will take such Course therein, as to Justice shall appertain.
A Committee appointed to receive receive Complaints in such Cases.
The Commons also further Ordered, that is should be referred to a Committee of Complaints, to receive all Complaints against such Members of the House who have Processes delivered them in Cases mentioned in the said Order, and do make Default thereof, and so report the same to the House, that the House may take Course therin for the Satisfaction of the Parties.
Committee of Grievances to be chosen.
The House then also considered of some Course to be taken for Hearing the Grievances of the Subject, who (by Reason of the Publick Affairs that hath laid many Years upon the Parliament) could not have their particular Grievances redressed. And after much Debate, the House ordered a Committee should be chosen to consider of the Grievances that have been promised to the People to be redressed, in all their Ordinances, Declarations and Votes; and likewise they are to consider what Ease is fit to be given in relation to their Burthens, their Freedoms, and their Liberties: And likewise of reforming of Courts of Justice and Proceedings in the Law; and in all Matters of Trade, and of all other Things of Publick Concernment, which they should hold fit and reasonable for the Good and Weale of the People; and that they prepare Ordinances for the same, and present them to the House: To the end the Subject may have Satisfaction accordingly.
Money to be provided for disbanding Supernumeraries.
They ordered that it should be referred to a Committee to take care that Monies may be in readiness in the several Counties of the Kingdom for disbanding Supernumerary Forces, and that they take care of the disbanding them, and of putting in Execution all other Things in relation to the perfecting of the said Work.
Carisbrook Castle to be furnished with Provisions.
The House Ordered, That Carisbrook-Castle, in the Isle of Wight, where his Majesty now is, should be furnished with Provisions and other Necessaries; and likewise all the Forces and Castles in the Isle of Wight; which was referred to a Committee to see done accordingly.
Votes concerning the King presented to the Lords, and Ordinances past for Delinquents Estates; Sir W. Constable arrived in the Isle of Wight. Capt. Burley secured in the Dungeon. His Majesty discontented for the removal of his Chaplains.
The Votes concerning the King were this Day presented to the Lords, and their Lordships ordered to debate them on Saturday next in a full House. Divers Ordinances passed for Delinquents Estates, and several Institutions granted.
From the Isle of Wight it is certified, 'That Sir William Constable and the rest sent from the General (to assist Col. Hammond, the Governor) are come thither. Capt. Burley, that caused the Drum to beat up at Newport, for God and King Charles, and was chief Actor in the late Tumult in the Island, is now in the Dungeon at Carisbrook-Castle, and is to be tried by Martial Law. His Majesty seems much discontented ever since that Business, and that his own Servans and Chaplains are removed from him, and stirs not abroad out of the Castle; but hath been very earnest with Col. Hammond, the Governor, to have Two of his Chaplains, (viz.) Dr. Hammond and Dr. Shelden, re-admitted; whose Request in that particular Col. Hammond hath recommended to the Parliament, and to Sir Thomas Fairfax, to know their Pleasures. Some further Particulars by Letters from thence, are thus certified.
Isle of Wight settled firm to the Parliament yet Designs upon it by a Dutch Man of War and An trim's Ships. His Majesty's Person would be more secure in another Place.
'Since the appeasing of Capt. Burley we are in good Quiet: I believe the State's Men of War should have been made use of. Though Portsmouth slighted the Scots Commissioners, yet they gave a free Salute to the English, as the Canons reported. This Isle is settled firm to the Parliament; yet we think here, that another Place may be more secure for his Majesty's Person. I believe Cartwright hath secret Intelligence. We hear that the Earl of Antrim's Ships are setting out from Ireland, perhaps hither, with some other Conjunction, which may be dangerous to this Place.
Wednesday, January 5.
The House of Commons having formerly past a Vote that all such Delinquents, whose Estates Real and Personal were not worth Two Hundred Pounds should be discharged from Composition for their Delinquency.
An Ordinance was this Day brought into the House, in Prosecution of the said Vote; which was Read, and Debated, and ordered to be Committed.
Col. Hammond and Sir Will. Constable to have respect to the Safety and Security of his Majesty's Person.
The House this Day considered of the great Danger that might ensue, by having disaffected and unfaithful Attendants about his Majesty at the Isle of Wight in Carisbrook-Castle, upon some of whom a jealous Eye hath lately been cast; and for prevention of any Inconveniencies hereby for the future, the House hath Ordered, that all Power should be given to Col. Hammond, Governour of the Isle of Wight, and Sir William Constable, residing there, to place and displace such as they shall think sit, in Relation to the Safety and Security of his Majesty's Person.
Allowance for Attendants on his Majesty.
They Ordered, That it should be referred to the Committee of the Revenue, to consider of an Allowance to be made to such Attendants as now attend his Majesty, or shall attend him by Ordinance of Parliament.
First Fruits and Tenths to be abolished.
An Ordinance was read in the House of Commons, for abolishing the Payment of all Tenths and First Fruits due to the Crown, and Arrears thereof, from the Subject; which was ordered to be read again the next Week.
Delinquents Compositions reported.
The rest of this Day the House spent upon reading the Compositions of Delinquents reported from the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall.
The House of Commons this Day passed some additional Directions for the Billetting of the Army, when they are upon a March or settled in their Quarters, and sent them up to the Lords, who likewise concurred therein. We will for better Notice to all Men, insert the Directions at large.
Directions for Billetting of Soldiers.
First, That whensoever any Forces shall be, by Virtue of an Order from the General, or from such as he shall appoint, upon a March or removing Quarters, they shall at the Towns or Parishes where they shall be ordered to quarter, be Billetted in the usual Way by the Quarter-Master or superior Officers, according to the Directions of the Constables, or chief Civil Officers, of the said Towns or Parishes: And the respective Inhabitants where any of the said Soldiers shall be so Billetted shall receive them, and for one Night, or Two Nights at the most, shall find them their ordinary Family-Diet, wherewith the Soldier shall be contented, and pay for the same at the Rate of Six Pence per Diem for a Foot-Soldier, and Twelve Pence per Diem for a Trooper, and Hay only for his Horse.
Secondly, That for the first Fortnight after the Forces shall be drawn into Garrisons, Towns and Cities, (according to the Directions of Parliament) and until they shall be furnished with Pay to enable them to maintain themselves, they shall in the same manner be Quartered, Received and Provided for, and at the same Rates aforesaid, by such Inhabitants upon whom they shall be Billetted by the Magistrate of the Place, or by their own Officers, in case the Civil Magistrate shall refuse to do it, the Officers engaging to the Inhabitants to see the Quarters discharged at the said Rates.
Thirdly, That after the said Fortnight is expired, or after the Forces shall be furnished with Pay, as aforesaid, in any Garrisons, Towns, or Cities, where any Forces shall come, by Order as aforesaid, to be at settled Quarter, so many of them as cannot be conveniently disposed of to Inns, Ale-Houses, Taverns or Vietualing Houses, shall be Billetted at other Houses by the chief Magistrate of the Place, or (if he shall refuse to do it) by the chief Officer present with the said Forces; and in case of any Abuse or Inequalilty therein, the said Magistrate, or next Justice of Peace to have Power to order and alter the Proportions of Billetting to the several Inhabitants, as he shall find most fit and equal.
And the Persons where they shall be Billetted shall receive them accordingly; but shall not after the Two first Nights from the Soldiers coming thither (for which the Soldier is to pay at the Rates asoresaid) be liable to find the Soldier any Diet or Horse-Meat (except by Agreement betwixt him and the Soldier, and at such Rates as they shall agree upon) but shall only entertain the Soldier with Lodging, Stable-Room, and the use of their ordinary Fire and Candle-Light. And in Case any such Inhabitant be aggrieved therewith, and desire to have no Soldiers at all in his House (he or the Magistrate providing the Billet for the Soldier elsewhere within the Town, or at any Village adjacent within such Distance as the chief Officer commanding in the Quarter shall allow of) such Inhabitant shall have his House wholly free.
Thursday, January 6.
Committee for Hospitals to consider of Maintenance for Soldiers Widows.
The House this Day appointed an Addition of the Committee concerning Hospitals, to whom it was likewise referred to consider how a Benefit may arise out of the Receipts thereof for the Maintenance of the Wives and Children of such poor Soldiers who have been slain in the Service of the Parliament, to the end Satisfaction may be given herein.
Committee for lestening the Charge of the Officers of the Customs to make report thereof.
They ordered that the Committee concerning the lessening the great Charge of the Officers of the Custom should meet and make a Report thereof with all convenient speed.
A Book was this Day presented to the House of Commons, being Voluminous, which was concerning the Power of the Civil Magistracy, which gave much Discontent; the Party that presented them was ordered to be Committed.
Committee for preventing unlicensed Pamphlets to meet daily.
The House ordered the Committee concerning the suppressing Scandalous and Unlicensed Pamphlets should meet daily, and take special Care for the preventing any such to come out for the future.
Discoverers of Scandalous Pamphlets to be gratified.
The House ordered a Sum of Money to be paid unto the said Committee, to gratify some that had lately discovered where the Presses of some Malignant Sheets were: And to gratify such as shall make any Discovery of the Authors or Presses of such Malignant and abusive Sheets.
Committee of the Army to supply the Garrisons.
They ordered, That Power should be given to the Committee of the Army, to issue out their Warrants for Supply of the Garrisons out of the Publick Stores of the Kingdom; and that the Committee of the Navy do comply with such Warrants as they shall receive from time to time from the Committee of the Army concerning the same; and that the Committee of the Army do make Restitution to the Committee of the Navy of the same.
The rest of the Day was upon Compositions of Delinquents from Goldsmiths-Hall.
Friday, January 7.
Letter from the Committee of Kent about the Tumult at Canterbury; Thanks to be returned to the said Committee.
A Letter was read from the Committee of Kent, acquainting the House that the Insurrection and Tumult at Canterbury was now quieted, and the principal Actors thereof in Custody.
The House Ordered, That a Letter of Thanks to be Signed by Mr. Speaker, should be sent from the House to the Committee of Kent for their great Care and Pains in suppressing the said Tumult.
Commission of Oyer and Terminer for the Trial of the Rioters. Marquess of Winchester and Earl of Cleveland Liberty upon Bail, Three Letters concerning Arrears.
They further Ordered, That a Commission of Oyer and Terminer should be issued out for the Trial of the said chief Mutineers at Canterbury.
The House herepon Ordered, that the Marquess of Winton and the Earl of Cleveland should have Liberty upon their former Bail, according to the said Message.
Three Letters were this Day read in the House of Commons, Two of them of the Fifth of this Month, and the Third of a later Date.
The One concerning the Arrears of this Kingdom unto their Army, Another concerning the Arrears due to their Army in Ireland, and the Third was concerning his Majesty. The House thereupon Ordered, That these Letters should be considered of the next Week.
They further Ordered, That the Business concerning Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburne should be considered of on Wednesday next.
Ordinance for a Preaching-Ministry to be read.
It was further Ordered, That the Ordinance for settling a Preaching Ministry in this Kingdom, should be read the next Friday.
The rest of this Day was spent upon Delinquents Compositions.
Saturday, January 8.
The Power of the Committee of Grievances to be Publish'd in Print
The House this Day Ordered, That the Committee appointed this Week for Redress of Grievances, shall have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers and Records, and that the said Committee, with the Power thereof, should be forthwith Printed and Published, to the end the Subject may have general Notice thereof.
Duke Hamilton's Pictures and Goods to be restored.
A Message was this Day sent from the Lords, desiring the Concurrence of the House of Commons to an Order for the restoring of the Lord Duke Hamilton his Pictures and Goods remaining in the Hands of an Honourable Peer of this Kingdom
Ordinance against transporting of Wool and Fullers-Earth.
The House hereupon debated this Business, and ordered to agree with their Lordships herein.
An Ordinance was read in the House of Commons for inhibiting the Transportation of Wool and Fullers Earth out of this Kingdom, which was assented unto.
Irish Wool to be transported only into England.
They Ordered, That all Wool of the Growth of Ireland should not be transported thence, except into England and Wales, under pain of a great Forfeiture, and all Customs and other Officers of the Ports of England and Ireland are to see this put in Execution. The Consent of the House of Lords is to be desired herein.
Further Ordinance for suppressing scandalous Libels.
It was ordered that it should be referred to a Committee to draw up a further Ordinance for suppressing of all Scandalous and Libellous Pamphlets.
They further Ordered, That the Reports of that Committee should have the Precedency of all others.
Dr. Usher's Petition read and agreed to.
A Petition of Dr. Usher was read in the House of Commons, desiring he might continue to preach at Lincoln-Inn.
The House hereupon past an Order for the same according to the Desire of the Petition.
The House of Peers, after some Debate this Day, Ordered to consider further of the Votes sent from the House of Commons concerning the King's Person, on Thursday next.
Letters from the Council of the Army at Windsor.
From Windsor by Letters was certified, 'That this Saturday the General Council of the Army met at the Castle at Windsor, where the Appearance was great, and they were very unanimous in Debate, and at last concluded, Nullo Contradicente, of great Importance, not sit to come to Publick View till the Declaration intended upon the same be perfected and presented to the House, which we believe will be accompanied upon Monday next with many Colonels and Field-Officers of Quality. Thus much of it may be intimated in general, that it will clear the Army of under-hand Dealing, or Compliance with the Enemy, and confirm their frequent Declarations, of never deserting the Honest and Godly Party of the Kingdom, who have engaged with the Parliament in this Cause.
General Council of the Army to cine with the General at Windsor.
'To Morrow all the Council that met this Day are to dine with the General in Windsor-Castle, to congratulate the Unity of the Army, and to take their Leaves each of other before they be dispersed into the several Garrisons, and great Towns, which the Army will punctually perform against the 15th of January, and the Country may be sure to be freed of Quarter, if, according to the Ordinance of Parliament, the Monies be brought in to pay the Soldier: And it is worth the Observation, that Three Counties in South-Wales have already sent unto the General, (viz.) Caermarthen, Brecknock, and Radnor, that their Six Months Pay shall be punctually paid at the time appointed, and do therefore desire that there may be no more Free Quarter taken in those Counties, but that the Soldiers may be quartered upon Counties that are backward to pay the same.
Monday, January 10.
Committee to publish such Papers taken in the late War as may tend to vindicate the Proceedings of the Parliament.
The House of Commons this Day had reported to them, from the Committee formerly appointed to view all Letters and Papers taken in the late War, certain Papers of Warrants of Moment, some of his Majesty's own Hand Writing, as a Warrant for diverting the Ships pretended for the Relief of Rochel; another about the Ordinance and Ammunition designed for York at the first beginning of the War, with others; and it was ordered, that this Committee should appoint Secretaries to Translate and Copy out Letters and Papers of Concernment, and this Committee are to Publish in Print such of them as they shall think fit, for the clearing of all Objections, and undeceiving of the People, by answering such Papers as they shall think fit, in Vindication of Aspersions cast upon the Parliament.
Sheriffs for Caermarthen, &c; Commission of Oyer and Terminer for Trial of Mutineers in the Isle of Wight. Brief for the Relief of Bridgenorth, &c.
The Commons this Day Voted several Sheriffs for the Counties of Caermarthen, Radnor and Cardigan.
They Ordered a Judge to go down into Hampshire for the Trial of the late Mutineers in the Isle of Wight, by Commission of Oyer and Terminer.
The House was moved in behalf of Bridgenorth, for the Loss they sustained by Fire, amounting to Seventy Thousand Pounds and upwards; whereupon a Brief was granted for Collections; divers other Places were moved for that have been burnt these late Wars, and they were referred to a Committee to consider of Relief for them.
No Collections to be made but what pass under the Great Seal; Letters from the Isle of Wight relating to Passages betwixt his Majesty and Col. Hammond.
They Ordered, That no Collection should be made in this Kingdom for any Town, or Person, or other thing whatsoever, but such as shall pass the Great Seal of England.
By Letters from Newport in the Isle of Wight, in relation to the late Passages so much talk'd of, betwixt his Majesty and Col. Hammond, upon dismissing Mr. Ashburnham and the rest of the King's Party from Court, it was thus certified:
'We have had a strange Alteration here: The Parliament's Commissioners were no sooner out of Town, but the Governor commands all the King's Party forthwith to depart the Castle: The unexpectedness of the thing caused such a Confusion amongst us, that the King was soon acquainted with it; who sending for the Governor, demanded of him the Cause of this so sudden Change; whether it was suitable to his Engagement, and whether it became a Man of Honour and Honesty, to deal thus with them that had so freely cast themselves upon him? He told the King, That both his Honour and Honesty were in the first place to them that employed him; and next, that he thought the King could not but confess, that he had done more, as things stood, for him, than he himself could have expected. The King demanded, Whether the Commissioners were not at all privy to the Thing? He told him, No. He asked him by what Authority he did it? He told him, He had the Authority of both Houses so to do: But being yet pressed to it, he told him, That he believed the King was not ignorant of the Cause of his so doing: But he professing the contrary, he was necessitated to tell him, That he now plainly saw his Majesty was acted by other Counsels than stood with the Good of this Kingdom; he knew likewise of what Concernment the Person of the King was to the Kingdom, and that should he endeavour to remove himself hence, these Gentlemen would be assisting; which the King said he doubted not: But, said the King, will you infer this from my Answer? The King presently commanded Mr. Ashburnham to read it to all present; which done, the King gave the Governor Thanks for bespeaking the Good-liking of the Houses: For once, said the King, I will dare to be a Prophet, for if ever the Houses return an Answer, believe me not; but instead, they will give the Governor Thanks, and send him Gratuities. Much past on both sides, but finding the Governor fixt as to his Principles, they of the King's Party came forthwith to take leave; which was done with a great deal of Sadness, with Tears in their Eyes, and Mr. Ashburnham cried downright.
'The King told the Governor, He could not answer what he had done. But he told him, He could; and that had he done amiss let his Head answer for it, so that his Majesty and his poor Kingdoms may be happy, he did not care how soon it was.
By Letters from York of the 8th of January it was thus certified:
Committee of York-shire met about Levying the Six Months Assesment.
'This Day Ferdinand Lord Fairfax met here, together with the Committees of this County, for the Levying and Gathering the Six Months Assesments upon the Ordinance for Sixty Thousand Pounds per Mensen; and these Countries, as well as the rest of the Kingdom, are in great Expectation for the Fifteenth of January, promising themselves to be freed from Free Quarters then, according to the Ordinance of Parliament, upon the Payment of their Assesment; but we do not see any visible Course taken for the paying of these Forces to enable them to pay Quarters, which they would be as willing to do as any other Forces in the Kingdom, if they had wherewithal; and the Fifteenth of January is nearer to them than (we fear) Monies.
Fourteen Days Pay for the Northern Forces paid in.
'The Old Fourteen Days Pay, long since ordered by the Parliament to be paid to these Forces out of the Sequestrations, is now well nigh (with much ado, after divers Applications to the Committees, with the Sequestrators and Tenants of the Estates) gotten in: The West and North Ridings have paid in their Proportions, and part of the East: The other part will be paid in about Three Weeks hence. It came very hardly, the Committee could not get it upon their Orders and Summons: Some Officers of the Army in each Riding were appointed to assist them; but that proved not fully effectual: Then a Party of Horse were sent to assist them, and to lie upon the Refusers till they should bring in their Rents, which hath been the Means for obtaining it.
Col. Malleverer continued Governor of Hull.
We had likewise the Copy of a Letter from the Garrison of Hull to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax about continuing their Governor Col. Malleverer, and is as followeth.
The Town returns Thanks to the General for the same.
May it please Your Excellency,
The ample Manifestations of your good affection towards this Corporation, in the Return of Col. Malleverer to his prestine Command in this Place, hath laid such an Obligation upon us, as we cannot sufficiently express our Thankfulness for the same; for Fear of the Inconveniences often incident to such sudden Changes in Government, had possess'd our Hearts with many dubious Thoughts, which we must confess by his Restauration, and the siducial Confidence we have of the Integrity of that Gentleman, is now removed. Out thankful Acknowledgement is all at present we can return for this Noble Favour; humbly entreating that your Excellency will be still pleased to continue him amongst us, rather than any other, of whose Fidelity we have had so great Experience. And in lieu of so high a Favour, be pleased to accept of our cordial Engagements for our best Assistance unto him upon all Occasions which may concern the Welfare of the Town or State: In Testimony whereof we do now and ever subscribe our selves,
Your Excellency's Humble and Obliged Servants.
Hull, 4 Jan. 1647.
Tuesday, January 11.
The Army's Declaration presented by Sir Hardress Waller, &c. to adhere to the Parliament in their Proceedings against the King.
The House of Commons this Day bring informed that divers principal Officers of the Army were at the Door, they were called in, and Sir Hardress Waller acquainted the House, that the General and commanded seven Colonels of them, with other Officers of Rank and Quality, in the Name of the whole Army, to make their Humble Address to this House; they have represented their Intentions in Writing, in that which is called a Declaration; and they do refer it, that it shall either have Name or Life, and be exposed to View according as it shall receive Approbation and Direction from this House.
The Officers being withdrawn, the Paper delivered in by the said Officers was read, and was stiled, A Declaration of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the General Council of the Army, of their Resolutions to the Parliament in their Proceedings concerning the King, That it was resolved in the Affirmative, at the General Council of the Army at was resolved in the Affirmative, at the General Council of the Army at Windsor, Jan. 9. 1647. Nemine Contradicente. Which Declaration was read, and ordered to be read again the second time.
The House approves of the said Declaration.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of this Declaration; and doth order, That the Thanks of this House be returned to the General and Army for it. And, for better Satisfaction, we will now give you the Declaration it self as followeth,
A Declaration from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the General Council of their Army, of their Resolutions to adhere to the Parliament in their Proceedings concerning the King.
The Army's Declaration at large.
Not withstanding the high Violation of the Kingdom's Rights and Liberties, and the Endeavours to swallow up the whole Interest of the Kingdom into the Power and Will of a King, which the present King's Reign hath afforded; we have observed that the Parliament was (through his Necessities) and against his declared Intentions to the contrary, called and put into a Condition of vindicating the Kingdom in those Things, hath yet Enacted with that Tenderness towards the King (as to any thing of Right that might be in him, or Duty towards him) as that in the Protestation-Covenant, and many Declarations published by the,, that have held forth a careful Regard to the Preservation of the King's Person and Just Rights, with and in the Preservation and Vindication of the Publick Interest and Safety of the Kingdom, and by the whole Service of their Actions, and their manifold humble Addresses to him for the Preservation and Settlement of all; they have, we conceive, abundantly demonstrated, the Reality and Innocency of their Intentions towards him: In all which we have still understood the Sence and Intention to be no other, than that the Preservation of the King's Person and particular Rights should be so endeavoured, as it might be consistent with, and not destructive to those great and more obliging Publick Interests of Religion, and the Rights, Liberties and Safety of the Kingdom, and not otherwise.
And accordingly in the late Declarations and Papers that have occasionally past from this Army, as to our Desires of Settlement to the Kingdom, we have expressed our real Wishes, that if the King would, in things necessary and essential to the clearing, settling, and securing of those Publick Interests, give his Concurrence to put them past future Disputes, then his Rights should be considered and settled, so far as might be consistent with those Superior Interests of the Publick, and the Security thereof for the future.
And that by an Address to the King upon things so purely essential to those Publick Ends, it might once more come to a clear Trial, whether we could with the Preservation of the King's Person and particular Interests, have a Security to the other, hath been our earnest Desire, our great Expectation, and our Endeavour, that we and others might be in a patient waiting for such an Issue.
Now in the Parliament's Last Address to the King, we find they have insisted only upon some few things, so essential to that Interest of the Kingdom which they have hitherto engaged for; as that without betraying the Safety of the Kingdom and themselves, and all that engaged with them in that Cause; without denying that which God in the Issue of this War hath been such a Testimony uno, then could not go lower, and (those things granted) they have offered to treat for all the rest.
Thus we account that great Business of a Settlement to the Kingdom, and Security to the Publick Interest thereof, by and with the King's Concurrence, to be brought to so clear a Trial, as that (upon the King's Denial of those things) we can see no further Hopes of Settlement or Security that way.
And therefore understanding that, upon the Consideration of that Denial added to so many other, the Honourable House of Commons by several Votes upon Monday last, have Resolved, Not to make any further Address or Application to the King, nor receive any from him, nor to suffer either in others.
We do freely and unanimously declare for our selves and the Army, that we are resolved, through the Grace of God, firmly to adhere with and stand by the Parliament in the things voted on Monday last concerning the King, and in what shall be further necessary for Prosecution thereof, and for settling and securing of the Parliament and Kingdom, without the King and against him, or any other that shall hereafter partake with him.
Windsor, Jan. 9.
Petition of the Provincial Assembly of London read, and Thanks returned.
A Petition this Day came from the Provincial Assembly of London, which was read, and ordered to be referred to the Committee for Grievances, and that the Petitioners should have the Thanks of the House.
The Petitioner were this Day called in, and Mr. Speaker gave them the Thanks of the House accordingly.
The House then Ordered, That on Saturday next the Houses Answer to the Scots Paper shall be reported. And they likewise Ordered, That the Declaration to satisfy the Kingdom upon the Grounds of the Votes touching the securing of the King's Person, should also be reported on Saturday.
20000 l. to be raised for the Kingdom of Ireland.
An Ordinance was this Day read in the House of Commons, for collecting the Sum Twenty Thousand Pounds per Mensem, for the Service of the poor Kingdom of Ireland, which was read the first time and ordered to be read the second time on Saturday next. That the Treasurers of Ireland do take special Care that the Monies they receive for Ireland may be Currant, and not Clipt or Filed.
10 l. Ordered for the Burial of the Widow. Earcus.
The House was informed, That one Mrs. Margaret Harcus, Widow of Capt. Harcus, who was slain in the Service of the Parliament, was deceased, and had not left wherewithal to defray the Charge of her Funeral Expences, they therefore ordered that the Committee of the Revenue should forthwith pay the Sum of Ten Pounds for the Burial of Mrs. Harcus.
Wednesday, January 12.
31218 l. collected in the United Provinces for the Reiiet of Ireland.
The House was informed that a Collection, by way Charity, hath been made in the United Provinces, to the Value of 31218 l. for the Relief of Ireland, and that the same was prosecuted by some well-affected Merchants, who being at the Door were called in, and had the Thanks of the House given them for their great Zeal in so charitable an Act.
The State of the Navy reported.
A Report was made to the house of the present State of the Navy, which admitted of much Debate; and the result of all was, The Sum of Forty Thousand Pounds should be forthwith prepared and made ready for the Use of the Navy; and that Thirty Thousand Pounds more should be advanced with all convenint speed for that Service.
Ministers to be sent to the Isle of Wight.
The House was informed of the Necessity of having some godly and able Divines to be sent to the Isle of Wight, and they hereupon ordered that it should be referred to some worthy Members of the said House, to speak to certain Divines to go to the said Place.
The Customs to be solely for the Use of the Navy.
The House further Ordered, That all such Monies as shall arise upon the Receipts of the Custom in the several Parts of this Kingdom, shall be solely paid to the Use and for the Benefit of the Navy, and not to be diverted by any Means, for any other Use whatsoever. They Ordered, That the Lord Cromwell's Business should be considered of on Friday next.
The Garrison of Portsmouth's Arrears to be stated. Votes for Non Addressing to the King to be again debated.
That the Arrears of the Garrison of Portsmouth be stated, and for that purpose they are referred to the Consideration of a Committee.
The Lords met in a full House, and ordered a full Meeting again on the Morrow, for Debate of the Five Votes sent from the Commons, concerning Non-Addressing to the King.
A Petition also was presented to their Lordships (as had been to the Commons) from the Provincial Assembly of London, for removing of Obstructions in Church-Discipline.
Letter from Col. Rainsborough about guarding the Isle of Wight and Irish Seas.
A letter was read from Vice-Admiral Rainsborough, that the health taken Care for, and settled a Guard to the Isle of Wight, and is providing what Assistance he can to guard the Irish Seas; that he hears that the Rebels have a Fleet for their Supplies, and that he will endeavour (what he can) to impede them.
5000 l. for the Lady Brooke's Son.
A Message was sent from the Lords to move the Commons about the Lady Brooke's Son, that was born after the Lord Brooke was slain in these Wars; and the House Voted Five Thousand Pounds for his Supply out of the Lady Aukland's Estate.
50000 l. to be raised out of the Earl of Worcester's Estate for the Service of Ireland.
Another Message was sent from their Lordships about an Ordinance formerly sent up for Fifty Thousand Pounds to be raised out of the Sale of the Earl of Worcester's Estate, for the Service of Ireland. The Lords concurred in the Ordinance with some Amendments.
The rest of this Day was spent upon the Report from Goldsmiths-Hall.
Thursday, January 13.
A Church at Taunton to be repaired.
A Message this Day came from the Lords, wherein their Lordships desired the Concurrence of the House of Commons to an Ordinance for Repair of a Church at Taunton. The said Ordinance was read, and upon Debate the House assented unto it.
East-India Merchants Petition read and referred to a Committee.
A Petition was presented to the House of Commons from the Company of the East-India Merchants. The House, after reading thereof, spent much time in Debate upon it, and at last ordered, that it should be referred to a Committee to consider of and report how the Grievances in the said Petition may be redressed, for the Encouragement of the said Company, and Ease of the Subject.
Turkey Company's Petition likewise read and referred.
Another Petition was read in the House in the Name of the Merchants trading into the Levant Seas, complaining of the great Charge of the Toll that lies upon the Commodities to be transported into Turkey, desiring some Ease thereof, and Encouragement from the House in relation to their Trade. This Petition was likewise referred to a Committee to consider how the Petitioners Grievance may be redressed and they cased therein.
3000 l. to be paid out of the Fine of Sir Ger. Cliston.
The House Ordered, that the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds should be paid out of the Fine of Sir Gervis Cliston.
Sequestrations to be reported.
They Ordered, That to Morrow they hear the Report from the Grand Committee who was appointed to calculate the Benefit of the Receipt of the Sequestrations of the Kingdom.
The rest of this Day was spent upon Reports from the Committee from Goldsmiths-Hall.
Friday, January 14.
Delinquents and Papists to be put out of the Lines of Communication.
The House this Day Ordered, That all Delinquents, Papists, &c. be put of the late Lines of Communication, according to the last Ordinance of Parliament in that behalf.
Committee to put the same in Execution
That it should be referred to a Committee to put this Ordinance in Execution, who shall have Power to commit all such as are brought before them for Breach of the said Ordinance; and that they should employ such as they think fit, for finding out and apprehending such Delinquents as aforesaid.
The House had Information in Prosecution of a further Designment amongst the King's Party, and other Discontented Parties within the City and Parts adjacent, &c. whereupon they ordered that the Lord Cleaveland should be forthwith remanded to the Tower.
L. Cleaveland remanded to the Tower.; Sir Lewis Divers to be kept strict in the King's Bench.
That Sir Lewis Dives should be kept in strict and close Custody in the King's-Bench, and that Mr. Sollicitor do take Care effectually to prosecute the Trial against Sir Lewis Dives this next Term; and that the Trial against Sir John Stowell be also prosecuted this Term effectually, and that Judge Jenkins be likewise brought to his Trial this Term, and that the Charge against him be prosecuted effectually.
Sir J. Stowell an Judge Jen kins to be tried this Term.; Lord Mayor and Justiees to procecute Reports in Fleet street.
That the Lord mayor and Justices be required to prosecute at this Sessions in the Old Bailey effectually, the late Rioters in Fleetstreet, and other Parts in the City of London, that so the Offenders may be brought to speedy Punishment, according to the Law.
False Reports of the Lord Mayor.
This puts me in mind of the late calumnious and scandalous Reports raised against the present Lord Mayor of London, concerning the like mutinous Disorder by Apprentices, and others, in Cornhill on Christmas-Day last. That one Rise Williams, an inferior Servant to one Mr. William Garway, Merchant, was dead in Prison, and that the Lord Mayor was in Question about his Death, &c. which is all very false, and scandalous, and in no part true, as might be instanced, were it necessary; but 'tis enough (we conceive) to satisfy all Men of the Falsity of the Story in the mentioning of it.
The General to Quarter Soldiers in whiteball and Mewse.
It was likewise this Day, upon further Debate, Ordered, That the General do take Course for the Safety and Security of the Parliament; and that he send some Number of Horse and Foot to be quartered within the Liberties of Westminster; and to prevent the Quartering of them upon the Inhabitants of Westminster, they ordered the Foot should be quartered in Whitehall, where they will be the least Trouble and the greatest Ease to the Inhabitants, and the Horse in the Mewse, near Charing Cross; and all Accomodation of Bedding, and otherwise, was ordered to be provided for them.
Saturday, January 15.
The Lords concur to the Votes of Non Add. ets.
The House of Commons this Day received a Message from the House of Lords, whereby their Lordships acquainted the Commons, that they had agreed to the Votes sent up from that House the last Week, That no more Addresses be benceforth made to his Majesty; and that they had drawn up a Preamble to the said Votes, setting forth the Grounds of passing them, wherein they desired the Concurrence of the House of Commons.
The House had Debate hereupon, and ordered to agree with the Lords in the said Preamble.
The said Votes with the Preamble to be Printed And such as act contrary to the said Votes to be sequestred.
They further Ordered, That this Preamble, and the Votes concerning his Majesty, should be Printed and Published for better Satisfaction.
And further Ordered, That what Person or Persons soever shall act contrary to the Votes, or shall Abet or Advise in the breaking thereof, that such Persons shall be liable to Sequestration, and shall be actually sequestred accordingly, and to be further proceeded against according to the Penalty of the Votes.
Loan of 20000 l. for the Relief of Ireland.
An Ordinance was this Day read in the House of Commons, for a Loan of Twenty Thousand Pounds per Mensem, for the Relief of Ireland, which was read the Second time, and ordered to be committed.
Further Debate about Quartering of Soldiers in Whitehall and at the Mewse.
The House this Day had further Debate of the Regiment of Foot and Regiment of Horse to be quartered in Whitehall and at the Mewse, expected to take quarter there this Afternoon; and it was ordered, That the Forces this Day attending the House should take up their Quarters at Whitehall.
The Committee for the Militia of London to punish such Papists, &c. as stay in Town contrary to Order.
An additional Ordinance was this Day read in the House of Commons, for enabling the Committee of the Militia of London to employ such Persons as they shall think fit, for the searching for, and apprehending of Delinquents and Papists that stay in Town contrary to the former Ordinance of Parliament in that behalf; which, upon the Question, was assented unto.
The rest of this Day was spent upon the Reports from the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall, about the Compositions of Delinquents.
Col. Rich's Regiment of Horse, and Col. Baxter's Regiment of Foot to take up Quarters at Whitehall and the Mewse.
From the Head Quarters at Windsor, we had further thus; That they had received the Orders of Parliament for sending of a Regiment of Horse and a Regiment of Foot to Quarter about Westminster, to be a Guard for the Parliament, and were giving out Orders to that purpose. Col. Rich's Regiment of Horse is designed for that Service, and will take up Quarters in the Mewse by Monday next. Part of Col. Baxter's Regiment of Foot took up Quarters in Whitehall this Night.
Monday, January 17.
Report from the Committee for Sequestrations.
This Day a Report was made to the House of Commons, by the Committee to whom the Consideration of sequestred Estates are referred, of certain Instructions to be given to Commissioners in the several Counties of the Kingdom, to sequester such Estates as ought to be sequestred by the several Ordinances of Sequestration, and are not sequestred by Favour of Committees, &c. And also to continue Estates under sequestration that are sequestred, and to improve the Rents of those sequestred Estates to as much as they were at in the Year 1641. before such Estates were sequestred.
Scots Commissioners Papers to be debated.
The Scottish Commissioners this Day delivered in some Papers to both Houses, in which they express their long being here, and intent to depart suddenly for Scotland; and desire to know whether the Houses have any thing for Answer to their former Papers to return to the Parliament of Scotland, which is to assemble in March next. They likewise minded them of their former Papers of the Arrears due to that Kingdom. The Commons appointed to debate the said Papers to Morrow.
Six Months Pay for the Garrisons of Dover, &c. Cavaliers committed, staying in Town contrary to Order.
The Commons ordered Six Months Pay to the Garrisons of Dover-Castle, and other Forts, &c.
The House was acquainted with the apprehending of certain Cavaliers staying in London, contrary to the Ordinance of Parliament; an Order was given for their Commitment: Also some further Instructions to the Militia of London, for searching for Malignants, and committing of them. Orders were likewise sent to the Commanders of the Two Regiments at Whitehall and the Mewse to this purpose:
Guards at Whitehall and Mewse to scize such as stay in Town contrary to Order.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Colonels, Commanders and Officers of the Guards at Whitehall and the Mewse, be hereby authorized and required, by such of their Forces as they shall think fit to employ, to seize upon and apprehend all such Papists and Malignants as they shall be informed of to continue and be in Town, contrary to the late Ordinance of Parliament; and that they do send the Persons so apprehended to a Justice of Peace to be examined: If upon Examination, the said Justice of Peace shall find that the said Person or Persons have continued in Town contrary to the said Ordinance, that then they do commit the said Person or Persons to be proceeded with according to the said Ordinance.
Sir L. Dives escaped.
Information was given to the House, that Sir Lewis Dives was escaped from the Prison of the King's Bench, and gone.
Votes concerning the King again debated, and ordered to be Printed.
The Preamble, or Declaration and Votes concerning the King, were this Day again reported to the House; and it was ordered they should be forthwith Printed and Published, and that the several Knights of the Shires, and Burgesses that serve for the several Towns and Places, do send Copies of the same to the several Counties and Places.
Further Order for Sequestration of such as shall act contrary to the said Votes.
It was further Ordered, That whatsoever Person shall act contrary to the said Declaration and Resolutions of Parliament, or shall incite or encourage others so to do, shall, upon due Proof, thereof, be imprisoned, and his Estate sequestred; and the Offenders in the Premises, question: And all the Committees and Commissioners of Sequestration, are authorized and required to take Notice hereof, and to proceed to Sequestration accordingly.
The Declaration and Votes being of so material Concernment, for better Satisfaction and Notice to all Men, is as followeth:
The Preamble to the said Votes.
The Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, after many Addresses to his Majesty, for the preventing and ending this unnatural War raised by him against his Parliament and Kingdom, having lately sent Four Bills to his Majesty, which did contain only Matter of Safety and Security to the Parliament and Kingdom, referring the Composure of all other Differences to a Personal Treaty with his Majesty, and having received an absolute Negative, do hold themselves obliged to use their utmost Endeavours speedily to settle the present Government in such a way as may bring the greatest Security to this Kingdom, in the Enjoyment of the Laws and Liberties thereof; and in order thereunto, and that the Houses may receive no Delays and Interruptions in so great and necessary a Work, they have taken these Resolution, and passed these Votes following, (viz.)
Votes for Non-Address at large.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Lords and Commons do declare, That they will make no further Addresses or Applications to the King.
Resolved, &c. By the Lords and Common Assembled in Parliament, That no Application or Addresses be made to the King by any Person whatsoever, without the Leave of both Houses.
Resolved, &c. By the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the Person or Persons that shall make Breach of this Order, shall incur the Penalties of High Treason.
Resolved, &c. That the Lords and Commons do declare, That they will receive no more any Message from the King; and do enjoin, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, do presume to receive or being any Message from the King to both or either of the Houses of Parliament, or to any other Person.
This Day also a Declaration was presented to the House of Peers, from the General Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Council of War. It was presented by certain Commanders in the Army; the Effect thereof as followeth:
Another Declaration from the General and Council of War.
The General and his Council of War, taking Notice of some unworthy Endeavours asperse the Integrity of their Proceedings, as aiming at the Overthrowing of Peerage and undermining of the Rights and Privileges of the House of Peers, do unanimously declare, That they hold themselves obliged in Justice and Honour to endeavour to Preserve the Peerage of this Kingdom, with the Just Rights belonging to the House of Peers; and will really in their Places and Calling perform the same.
And as in the first place they look upon the carrying on of this great Common Cause, wherein both Houses of Parliament stand engaged, (which they hope no respect shall make them to desert) so shall they to and in prosecution of those Publick Ends, be very careful to preserve and maintain the Right and Honour belonging to the Places and Persons of the Peers in England.
By the Appointment of his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, and his Council of War
J. Rushworth, Secr.
After reading and Debate, the Presenters were called in, and had this Answer from the House of Peers:
The Persenters of the said Declaration had Thanks returned.
The Lords receive with great Satisfaction this Declaration which you have presented unto them, as the unanimous Engagement of the Council of War: And they have commanded me to return particular Thanks to the General and your selves; and be you they desire their Thanks may be returned to the Council of War and the whole Army.
And they further have commanded me to assure you, That as they have hazarded their Lives and Fortunes in the Maintenance of the true Religion, and the Liberties of the Kingdom, and Privileges of Parliament, according to our former Engagements, and for the procuring a just and safe Peace to this distracted and distressed Kingdom, so they shall still pursue those Ends, from which no respects whatsoever shall either alienate their Hearts, or lessen their Endeavours.
Tuesday, January 18.
A Letter this Day was brought to the House from some of the Committee at Ailesbury, with a Warrant enclosed from one Mr. Chapman of that Country, directed to a high Constable of a Hundred near Reading; requiring him to summon the Inhabitants of his Hundred to meet at a certain Place in that Country, to consider (as he pertended) of a Petition to be presented to the Parliament from that County.
After much Debate of this Business, and considering what sad Consequences might happen in drawing the People together upon every false Pretence, they ordered that the said Mr. Chapman should be referred to the Committee of Committee of Complaints, who had Power to examine him, and to commit or discharge him as they should think fit.
The House this Day Ordered, because of the Soldiers Quartering at Whitehall, That his Majesty's Manuscripts and Books in Whitehall, should be removed to St. James's, there to be kept in safe Custody till further Order of the House.
The House this Day considered of the Papers from the Commissioners of Scotland, in relation to the Monies in Arrear to the Kingdom of Scotland from this Nation. And upon perusal of their Receipts and Certificates of the Treasurers, it appeared, that there is due and unpaid of the Two Hundred Thousands Pounds, and of the Two Four Months Assesments for the Payment of the Scots Army, from the City of London, and the several Counties of the Kingdom, the Sum of Sixty thousand one hundred eighty six Pounds. Whiles they were in Debate of this Business, a Message came form the Lords, desiring a Conference presently in the Painted Chamber, if it might stand with their Conveniency, about some things that concerned the Safety of the Kingdom; This occasioned the putting off the Debate of the Scotch Papers until to Morrow.
The House ordered to agree to the Conference, and Members went up accordingly.
After this Conference their Lordships acquainted the House of Commons, that they had received Information by the Mr. Masterman, Minister of Shoreditch, that being desired by a Friend of his to go to a Private House to give his Judgment on a Petition to be presented to the House of Commons, he accordingly went, and found there Lieut. Col. John Lilburne and many others, debating about a Petition to be presented to the Parliament; that Lieut. Col. John Lilburne, and others, should then speak many things tending much to the Dishonour of both Houses of Parliament, and their Proceedings; and expressed themselves in such Language against both Houses of Parliament, that it was not fitting for a Man of his Coat to mention them; and that though this was stiled a Petition, yet it was intended only under the Colour and Pretence of a Petition, and that many Thousand Copies thereof should be dispersed through the Kingdom, to the Dishonour of the Parliament and their Proceedings.
That their Lordships had formerly committed Lieut. Col. John Lilburne to the Tower of London, and having Information of his going abroad, sent to the Lieutenant of the Tower to know the Reason he was not detained in Custody, according to the Order of that House; who answered, that there was lately an Order of the House of Commons directed to him, and requiring him to suffer Lieut. Col. John Lilburne to go abroad about his Occasions; and that since the said Order he could give no account of him.
Their Lordships desired that no Occasion might be given to hinder the Union and Affections between both Houses of Parliament, and that the House would speedily consider of this Business.
The House of Commons, after the Conference, took this Business into Consideration, and had much Debate thereupon; and Ordered, That the Order formerly made by that House, for giving Liberty to Lieut. Col. John Lilburne to go about his Occasions, should be repcaled, and that he be committed Prisoner to the Tower, and that the Lieutenant of the Tower should bring him to the Bar of the House of Commons to Morrow Morning.
They further Ordered, that one Mr. Wildman should be taken into Custody by the Serjeant at Arms.
Wednesday, January 19.
The House of Commons this Day, according to former Order, considered of the Business Yesterday, concerning Lieut. Col. John Lilburne; who was called in, and made a large, if not a tedious Answer to the Information or Charge against him, some whereof he confessed, and part denied.
The Proof of the Information was likewise heard, and the Examination of this Business held till Six at Night; the House then came to a Resolution upon the Business, and Ordered, That Lieut. Col. John Lilburne should be committed Prisoner to the Tower of London, and that he should be tried by the Law of the Land for seditious and scandalous Practices against the State.
That Mr. Wildman should be committed to Newgate, and tried according to Law, for treasonable and seditious Practices against the State.
That Mr. Sollicitor, and all the Lawyers of the House, should take care for preparing the Charge against them, and bringing of them to trial this next Term.
That Mr. Becke, of Lincolns-Inn, should be employed in this Business, for the better expediting and carrying it on.
Letter from the Six Lords under Restraint.
The House of Peers received a Letter from Six of the Lords who have been restrained long, (viz.) the Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Suffolk, Earl of Middlesex, Lord Barkley, Lord Willoughby, and Lord Maynard, for Liberty; which was to this Effect:
'That after so long Restraint by their Lordships Order, and no Prosecution of the Charge against them, they may expect, from their Justice, their Liberty; the which they will employ with more Satifaction, as it will appear aright to their Lordships Quality, as well as a Freedom to the present Condition of their Lordships
Humble Servants.
The said Lords discharged, and no Peer for the further to be confined above to Days upon a General Charges.
The Lords, after some Debate, did discharge them of their Imprisonment: And after ordered a Committee to draw up a Declaration, That no Peer shall hereafter be under restraint upon a General Charge, above Ten Days.
The General's Complaint against Lieut. Col. Lee.
The House of Commons received a Letter from the General, acquainting them, that one Lieur. Col. Lee, one in Office about Bishops Lands, had intercepted some Letters which he sent to Col. Lilburne to Newcastle, opened them, and detain'd some of them; which the House ordered to be referred to a Committee, to be Examined and Punished, &c.
Thursday, January 20.
Lieut. Col. Lilburne and Mr. Wildman not imprisoned according to Order.
The House was informed that Lieut. Col. John Lilburne and Major Wildman were not carried to the several Prisons, according to the Orders Yesterday made; and that many of their Party did give out high Language, that they should not be committed, unless their Desires were granted before their Commitment.
The House ordered them to be committed to several Prisons.
The House hereupon Ordered, that Lieut. Col. John Lilburne, and the Orders Yesterday made; and that the Officers of the Guard attending the House, should draw out a sufficient Guard to assist the Serjeant at Arms, or his Deputy, in the Execution of the said Orders.
A Guard was drawn forth accordingly, and they conveyed to their several Prisons.
The Committee of Kent to take care to prevent Tumultuous Meetings.
And the House being informed that a Meeting should be at Deptford in Kent, on the Lord's Day next, by some Discontented Persons; upon this Petition, the House Ordered, That the Committee of Kent should take care to suppress all Meetings upon the said Petition, and to prevent all Inconveniencies that may arise thereupon.
And in respect many of these Petitions were Printed, and given out to several Persons to be dispersed, and least there might be other Meetings here in London upon the same.
Militia of London to take care to prevent the like in the City and Suburbs.
The House Ordered, That the Militia of the City of London, Westminster-Hamlets, &c. should take special Care for suppressing of all Meetings, and preventing any Inconveniencies that might arise by reason of the said Petition, entituled, The Petition of many Thousands of the Free-born People of England, &c.
A Declaration to be drawn to shew the Danger of such Practices.
They likewise Ordered, That a Declaration should be drawn up to undecive the People, and to shew them the dangerous Consequences that will arise by reason of such Practices.
The House then, according to former Order, considered of the Scots Papers, and how to give that Kingdom Satisfaction in relation to the Money due unto them; and after long Debate thereupon, they Ordered.
Scots Papers debated, Care taken to satisfy them.
That this House doth Declare, That their Intentions are really to perform with our Brethren of Scotland, to the utmost of their Power, in the due Payment of the Hundred Thousand Pounds assigned to be paid to the Kingdom of Scotland the Third of February next; and in order thereunto do require the Committee of Goldsmith's Hall to employ their utmost Endeavours that the Fifty Thousand Pounds of the said Hundred Thousand Pounds, charged upon the Receipts of Goldsmith's-Hall, be complied with, and paid to the Persons named in the said Ordinance: And likewise of the said several Sums due unto the Kingdom of Scotland, with Interest, after the rate of Eight per Cent, per Annum, so long as the said Monies, or any part thereof, shall be unpaid.
And that shall advance Money to that end to be repaid with Interest.
And it was further Ordered, That if any well affected Citizens, Merchants, or others, shall advance the said Money, or any part thereof, that they shall be repaid the same, with Interest, as aforesaid. And in case any Obstruction shall happen herein, that the said Committee of Goldsmith's-Hall do report the same, to the House, to the end that they may take Course for the removing thereof, to the end the Kingdom of Scotland may receive all due Satisfaction herein.
Letters to be sent into the Country, to expedite the Arrears of the Assesment for the Scots Army.
They likewise Ordered, That the said Committee of Goldsmith's-Hall should prepare Letters to be sent from the House to all the Counties of the Kingdom, for the expediting the Arrears of the Two Months Assesments, for the Maintenance of the Scots Army when they were in England.
Reduced Soldiers to have Passes to go beyond Sea.
They Ordered, That Mr. Speaker should grant his Warrant to such of the Forces as are to be reduced in this Kingdom, as desire to go beyond the Seas.
The Lords passed an additional Ordinance for the Militia of London, to be sent down to the Commons for Concurrence: Their Lord ships concurred in the Ordinance for Wool, and some other Ordinances formerly sent from the Commons; some Members added to the Committee for Indempnity. Upon the reading of the Scots Papers, the Lords ordered some of their House should go to the Scots Commissioners to take their leave of them.
Friday, January 21.
Grand Committee about the Affairs of Ireland.
The House was all this Day in a Grand Committee about the Affairs of Ireland.
Saturday, January 22.
Ordinance to be drawn up for the suppressing of Stage-Plays.
This Day the House was informed that many Stage-Plays were acted in the several parts of the City and County of Middlesex, notwithstanding the Ordinance of Parliament to the contrary. The House hereupon ordered, That an Ordinance should be drawn for suppressing all Stage-Plays, and taking down all their Boxes, Stages, and Seats in the several Houses where the said plays are usually Acted, and make it unserviceable for Acting any Plays in for the future; and for making a Penalty for such as shall disobey the said Ordinance: and this Ordinance to be brought in with all convenient speed.
The Lord Mayor, &c. to take care therein.
They further Ordered, That the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and Justices of the Peace of the City of London, and the several Militia's of the Cities of London and Westminster, and likewise of the Hamlets, should take care for the suppressing of all Stage-Plays for the time to come.
Ordinance for making the Earl of Pembrook Chancellor of Oxford.
An Ordinance this Day came from the Lords, wherein their Lordships desired their Concurrence, for making the Earl of Pembrook Chancellor of Oxford; which was assented unto.
An Addition was made this Day to the Committee of the Safety, which said Committee were required to take care for suppressing of all Insurrections and Tumults, for the Safety of the Kingdom and Parliament.
The rest of this Day was spent in a Grand Committee concerning Ireland.
Letter from Windsor.
From Windsor, the Head Quarters, we understood that they have been very busy there all this Week, in perfecting and altering the Establishment of the Army, which was Yesterday returned to the Committee of the Army by Col. Deane.
Monday, January 24.
Letter from Col. Rainsborough about this Summer's Fleet.
This Day a Letter was read in the House of Commons from Col. Rainsborough, Vice-Admiral at Sea, desiring the House to take speedy Care for the making ready this Summer's Fleet, for that (besides other Reasons) the Irish Rebels grow very numerous, and lie in almost every Road on the Parts of Ireland, to the great Hazard of the Trade of England, and have already taken divers of our Merchants Ships, and seem'd to make out also towards some of our Ships in Cowes-Road, who were in great danger of Surprizal, but that the Wind proved contrary.
The House debates the same; Order 70000 l. for the use of the Navy.
The House had much Debate about this Business, and how Monies might be advanced for this Summer's Fleet, and at last came to this Resolution, That the Sum of Seventy Thousand Pounds should be charged upon the Receipts of the Excise, with Allowance of Eight Pounds per Cent to the Advancers, for the Use of the Navy.
The Grounds of the Votes for Non. Addresses reported,
They likewise Ordered, that the Declaration to set forth the Ground of the Votes concerning no further Addresses to be to his Majesty, should be reported on Thursday next.
Capt. Burley tried and condemned.
The Commissioners sent down to try Capt. Burley and the rest in the Isle of Wight, upon the Commission of Oyer and Terminer, being returned, made their Report thereof to the House; by which, in short, it appeared, That Capt. Burley being Indicted at Winchester of High Treason, he pleaded Not Guilty; and so putting himself upon the Trial of the Country, was found Guilty by the Jury; and, after Verdict was brought in, and the Judges gave Sentence (according to Law) that the said Capt. Burley should be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered: The Execution was appointed to be this Day, but upon some Consideration, Reprieved.
Two others tried and Fined.
Two others were also Indicted, and were found Guilty of a Riot, for which they were deeply Fined. Some others, which were more principal Actors in the Business, have made an Escape.
There was also a Paper read in the House, from the Grand-Jury of the County of Southampton, the true Copy whereof followeth:
The Humble and Thankful Acknowledgment and Declaration of the County of Southampton presented by the Grand Jury of the said County, at the sitting of a Commission of Oyer and Terminer, to be presented by the Knights and Burgesses that serve for that County.
To the Right Honourable the House of Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT.
The Declaration of the County of Southampton presented by the Grand Jury of that County.
As we detest with Horror the Levying of a new War, so we desire from our Hearts the firm Settlement of a lasting Peace, after so many Applications to the King made by the Parliament, and especially after the last Address, wherein the Houses (as we humbly conceive) demand nothing, but what is most essential to the Safety of the People: And after the King's absolute Negative to the last Message of the Honourable Houses, we exceedingly doubt of any Settlement by future Application to the King; and therefore we do most humbly acknowledge the Wisdom and Goodness of the Parliament, in resolving to settle the Peace of this Poor, Miserable, Distracted Nation: And, by the Blessing of God, (as in Duty we are bound) we shall not only most willingly and chearfully submit and acquiesce in such Settlement, as they in their grave Judgment shall find to be most conducible to our Peace; but also in our several Places and Callings, shall heartily endeavour to promote the same.
Ordinance to be drawn up for making such Lords as are disabled from sitting in Parliament, liable to Suits at Law.
The House of Peers this Day appointed a Committee to draw up an Ordinance, giving up all Lords, who by reason of Offences, have not Liberty to sit in Parliament, to Suits of Law, and putting them into the same State, and those that attend them, as when there was no Parliament.
It was also agreed that the Earl of Salisbury have the resusal of Worcester-have the resusal of House, to be sold at the Rate of Bishops Lands.
E. Salisbury to have the Refusal of Worcester-house.
The Commons appointed a Day for bringing in several Ordinances for removing some Obstructions in Bishops Lands, for giving other collateral Security to the City, to their Content; and other Ordinances for the better Employment of the Excise and Customs of the Kingdom; divers Ordinances also passed both Houses, (viz.)
Several Ordinances ordered to be brought in.
'For 100 l. out of Haberdashers -Hall, for Advance Monies to Sir Arthur Blundell, upon Accompt for present Supply. For 100 l. to Sir John Burlasy upon Accompts. Mr. Nicholas, of the House of Commons, to be added to the Commissioners to the Committee for regulating of Oxford, in the Place of Sir Philip Stapleton, deceased. Mr. Henry Walrond, Mr. Richard Duke, and Mr. John Turlin to be added to the Commissioners to the Committee for the County of Devon. An additional Ordinance against Papists and Cavaliers about London. For 50 l. to be paid to Capt. St. George, out of Haberdashers-Hall upon Accompt, and his Accompts to be stated by the Committee.
'The Ordinance for the Sale of Rebels Lands in Ireland to be Printed and Published, and it to be referred to the Committee of Derby-House, to appoint Commissioners speedily to effect it. Lasty, The Ordinance for the Committee of the Kingdom (at Derby-House) to subdue all Tumults and Insurrections that shall arise in the Kingdom of England, the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick, and to send to all the Militia of the Kingdom to that purpose, and to seize the Persons of the Offenders herein.
Letter of the peaceable Condition of the County of Kent.
Letters out of Kent give this Day to understand, That above Five Hundred of Sir Thomas Fairfax his Soldiers Quartered at Rochester on Saturday last, about Eight or Nine Hundred of Col. Hewson's Regiment are at Canterbury; all things are in a peaceable Condition in that County. Those which were apprehended about the late Mutiny at Canterbury are carried to Leeds Castle.
A Letter of Thanks was ordered to be sent to the Gentry of Hampshire.
Supernumeraries to be disbanded Troop after Troop.
The House further Ordered, That the Committee appointed to go down into the several Counties of this Kingdom for Disbanding of the Supernumerary Forces, shall take care to disband Troop after Troop, and Company after Company, till they be disbanded; and that the General be desired to grant his Order further herein.
A Letter was this Day read in the House of Commons, concerning the complotting of some Officers, in a dangerous Design about Glocestershire, and the Shires adjacent, sent by an eminent Person, the Copy whereof followeth:
Letter of a dangerous Design about Glocestershire.
A Gentleman came this Morning to Town, and gives us Intelligence of the whole Story of the Design you formerly intimated unto me; he had it from his Brother who was present, and heard the whole Debate, thus:
There was a Council held at Bradway in Worcestershire, the greatest part of the last Week, by about Eighty Officers of Col. Kempson, Col. Ayres, Col. Herbert's, and another Regiment of Foot, and of Col. Cooke's Regiment of Horse. Their Debate was upon their Discontents, the Surprizal of Gloucester; it being alledged, that there were Three Hundred Barrels of Powder there, and that they knew where to come at it; and that the Works being bad, they would easily Surprize the Town by Night. Hartlebury-Castle they conceived would be delivered them by Lieur. Col. Turton; if not, they held that easy to be surprized too: They had some Discourse about Ludlow, Shrewsbury, and Hereford, and an Assurance that Langhorne would join with them; and that they could have Two Thousand Cap-Men from Bewdley; and also that the discontented Citizens of London would furnish them with present Monies. To these Debates there were about Twenty Diffenters, so that Saturday last they broke up their Council. But it's thought that the rest that were for it will meet again, or have met some time the beginning of this Week.
I am assured by this Gentleman, that the General is acquainted herewith, by some of the Diffenters. The Governor and Officers are acquainted herewith, and I find nothing but all fair and well with them, they being now willing to admit of the General's Forces in, upon the Payment of the common Soldiers their Two Months, which we shall provide, although we have scarce Three Hundred Pounds (now) in, of the Assesments. Capt. Bayly's Horse was forgotten in the Establishment. The Commissioners sent for Two Thousand Pounds; so that to the End we may have Orders for Money enough, we will desire you for another Order, for the issuing out of a Thousand Pounds more out of the Assesments. Capt. Bayly's hath done good Service here, and therefore I should desire that they may have their Two Months Pay (according to the Establishment): But of this we look for Directions from you. I hope that they shall find your Favour. I have sent a Messenger away to my Brother with the former Intelligence, to the Intent they may look to Hereford, Shrewsbury and Ludlow. The Messenger stays for this, so that I must end, resting.
Signed by a Person of Note.
Gloucester, Jan. 19. 1647.
The said Letter referred to the Committee at Derby-House.
The House upon Debate hereof, ordered to refer the Business to the Committee of the Kingdom at Derby-House, and the Letters to be communicated.
Common-Council of London debate about putting a Period to the Differences in Enland.
At a Common Council the last Night at Guildhall, amongst other things, there was in Debate the expeditious way the Parliament were in for putting a Period to the Differences in England, and preventing of future Commotions in this Kingdom, and in what way the City might shew an Acknowledgment of their Thankfulness to both Houses of Parliament, by way of Declaration, Remonstrance, or otherwise; this occasioned a large Debate, and the Result thereof was referred till another Meeting.
This Afternoon the Lord Lowden, and others of the Scots Commissioners, set forth from London towards their own Country.
Tuesday, January 25.
The King's Servants to be retrencht.
The House had this Day much Debate concerning the Servants attending his Majesty in the Isle of Wight: and it was ordered, that it should be referred to the Committee of the Revenue to retrench the King's Servants, and that the Monies so arising shall be employed as the Governor of the Isle of Wight shall think fit.
Letter from the Governor of the Isle of Wight, for Money to repair Carisbrook-Castle.
A Letter was also read from the Governor of the Isle of Wight, desiring Monies may be sent down for repairing some Places in Carisbrook-Castle, where his Majesty is, and some other Places that are ruined and decayed. And it was ordered, That it should be referred to the Committee of the Army, to provide Money in relation to this Business, the Sum not exceeding a Thousand Pounds.
The Commons this Day considered of the naming of Commissioners to send into Scotland, the Convention of Estates being to meet there within few Days, and also the Parliament the 10th of March next, and the Commons voted for that Expedient,
Commissioners to go to Scotland.
Mr. Robert Goodwin, formerly there, Mr. Ashhurst, Mr. Brian Stapleton, Col. Birch, and to the Lords to appoint Two of their House to go also.
Committee at Derby House to draw Instructions for them.
It was also referred to the Committee at Derby-House, to consider of drawing up Instructions for the Commissioners that are to go into Scotland, and to report them to the House on Thursday Morning next.
Condemned Prisoners in Newgate Pardoned.
An Ordinance was sent from the Lords for the Concurrence of the Commons, setting forth, That whereas many Prisoners remain in the Goal of Newgate, which were condemned Persons, some whereof were convicted for the first Offence, and therefore both they and other Persons reprieved capable of Mercy. The Houses of Parliament taking the Premises into Consideration, ordered that their Pardons should pass the Great Seal of England &c. and after some Debate the Commons consented thereunto.
Ordinance for Worcester Passed.
Another Ordinance was also sent down to the Commons, for the Sale of Worcester-House to the Earl of Salisbury, which was assented unto.
Major General Mitton Vice-Admiral of North-Wales.
Another Ordinance also from the Lords for making Major-General Mitton Vice-Admiral of the Narrow Seas about North-Wales; which, with some Amendments, was also assented unto by the Commons.
Wednesday, January 26.
This was the Monthly Fast-Day, and there preached before the Commons at Margarets-Westminster, Mr. Marshal and Mr. Wilson, of Kent.
Letters from Ireland of the Proceedings of the Lord Inchequin.
Of the Affairs of Ireland, or more particularly the Proceedings of the Lord Inchequin in the Province of Munster, by Letters from Cork Jan. 19. is thus certified: 'The President, since the last Action of Knocknonon, having pursued the Rebels flying Forces into the County of Limrick, and made that Country a little smart for some Delinquencies, he retired to refresh his Men a while in Garrisons, where he could make but very short stay; partly Necessities, and partly Desires to be in Action induced him abroad into the County of Kerry, where he forced Compositions, from such as were able, the Refractories were destroyed; in which he continued and in the County of Limrick, until he could find no Subsistence for the Soldier, but saw all he could command consumed: The Country so generally impoverished by his Forces and the Rebels, that it is very probable, before the Spring, Thousands will perish of Famine. But God knows how many of his poor Soldiers must lead the Way, being already subjected to as much Misery as Hunger, Nakedness, equal Want of Food and Raiment can inflict. The Discomfort of beholding whereof were sufficient to make the Places they are in the Irksom to any Soul, though otherwise never so full of Contentment.
The Rebel's National Assembly contend for Superiority.
'The Rebels have lately convened a National Assembly, at which they contended chiestly for Superiority betwixt the Two Factions; the Nuntio's joining with the Clergy and Qwen Roe, all opposite to Peace; the Lord Muskery, with the rest of the Nobility, pretending to submit clearly, without Capitulation, to the King: The Result whereof was, that Muskery and his Party gained the Predominancy; and having new modelled their Supream Council, and dispatch'd their Agents for France to invite over the Prince, Spain and Rome, &c. the Convention general dissolved, transferring the Care and Power of raising and providing an Army (to be under the Command of the Lord Taaff unto a Provincial Assembly at Limrick. Taaff is already about 700 Horse and 3500 Foot, being resolved, as he gives out, to have the other Bout with the Enemy that beat him so well last time. His Rendezvous General is in the County of Typerary, whither the Lord President intends first to March, and to set forward about the 30th following, if some invincible Obstructions for bid not his gathering together, and the Advance of some further Relief for his Army. For it cannot but abate the Courage, and depress the Spirits of both Officers and Soldiers, to observe what inexpressible Hardships they are exposed unto, and what Impossibility of subsisting without Means, in the depth of Cold, this Winter.
Thursday, January 27.
Letter from the Committee of Kent, concerning Rioters.
A Letter this Day came from the Committee of Kent, acquainting the House at large with the manner of Suppressing the Riot at Canterbury, and what Persons were imprisoned for that Business, and what Engagement of many of the Gentry of that County was to the Rioters.
The Rioters to be tried.
The House hereupon began to debate upon this Business, and the former Vote of the House was read, for a Commission of Oyer and Terminer to be awarded for the Trial of the said Rioters; and at last they came to this Resolution, &c.
That the House did adhere to their fomer Vote for the Trial of the said Rioters, by Commission of Oyer and Terminer.
The Business of the Seven Lords and Eleven Members debated.
The House then took into Consideration the Business of the Seven Lords, lately discharged of their Restraint, by Order of the House of Peers: And likewise of the Eleven Members of the House of Commons, against whom the Army preferred a Charge.
Charge against the Lord Willoughby carried up to the Lords.
Hereupon the Charge against the Lord Willoughby, of Parham, was read the second time; which admitted of much Debate: And the House, towards Evening, came to a Resolution to this Effect; That the Charge against the Lord Willoughby should pass that House, and that it be sent up to the House of Lords.
Accordingly a Member of the House of Commons was named to go up with the said Charge to Morrow to the Lords.
Likewise the Charge against the Eleven Members.
The House then considered of the Charge against the Eleven Members, and in particular that against Sir John Maynard, which was formerly read in the said House.
The House ordered to prosecute the said Charge; and to that Purpose ordered the same to be sent to the Lords.
Mr. Hollis disabled to fit as a Member.
The House then voted that Mr. Hollis should be disabled ever to fit as a Member of that House during this present Parliament.
And Sir Will. Lewis, &c.
The like Order was made against Sir William Lewis, Mr. Nicholls, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir William Waller, Col. Massy, and Col. Long.
Further Consideration of this Business.
The House ordered to resume the Consideration of this Business on Saturday Morning next; at which time they are further to consider how far the Charge against the other Impeached Lords and Commons shall be prosecuted.
Lords Concurrence desired to the sending Commissioners to Scotland.
The Commons carried up a Message to the Lords, to desire their Concurrence to the sending Commissioners into Scotland; desiring their Lordships to name Two of their House. &c.
The Lords name Earl of Denby and E. of Stamford to go.
The Lords nominated the Earl of Denby and Earl of Stamford; but their Lordships being acquainted that the Earl of Stamford was not well, &c. it was ordered their Lordships should be first acquainted with it, to see if they be able to undertake so great a Journey, without Prejudice to their Bodies.
Committee of Estates of Scotland to meet at Edenburgh.
The Committee of Estates of Scotland are summoned to meet at Edenburgh, on February the Sixth next.
Friday, January 28.
The House this Day, according to former Order, considered of the Business of the Church.
Church Government debated.
An Ordinance was read in the House (which was formerly committed) for settling the Presbiterial Government in this Kingdom, and for removing of Obstructions therein; which, after some Debate, was assented unto, and ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
The House Ordered, That the Committee concerning great and crying Sins should meet daily.
Instructions for Scots Commissioners reported.
Instructions for the Commissioners to go into Scotland was this Day reported to the House, from the Committee to whom the drawing of them up were referred, which admitted of much Debate, part whereof were assented unto, and the other part committed.
The General to take Course to suppress such as, under Pretence of securing the Highway, rob themselves.
The House was informed, that many discontented Persons were met together in the Western Parts, who pretend to apprehend Highwaymen, and do good to the Country otherwise; but indeed do not only Rob on the Highway themselves, but carry away Corn and Goods from the Inhabitants. The House hereupon Ordered, that his Excellency should be desired to take speedy Course for the Suppressing of all such Persons, as assembled together under these or such like Pretences, and prevent robbing on the Highway.
According to former Order, the Charge against the Lord Willough-by and Sir John Maynard were sent up to the Lords this Day.
Commissioners for Scotland to have their Charges detrayed.
The House Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue should issue out Money for defraying the Charges of the Commissioners of Parliament, that are to go into Scotland.
Debate about securing the Magazine in the Tower.
The House had much Debate concerning the Security of the Magazine in the Tower of London; and for that Purpose Ordered, That it should be referred to a Committee to consider of the Removing of Prisoners out of the Tower of London, into other Prisons.
Lieutenant of the Tower's Fees referred to a Committee.
That the due Demands of the Lieutenant of the Tower, in relation to his Place, should be referred to the Committee, who are to report the same with all convenient speed.
Saturday, January 29.
Further Debate about the Eleven Members.
The House of Commons this Day, according to the former Order, considered further of the Business concerning the Eleven Impeached Members of the House of Commons, and the Seven Members of the House of Peers, One whereof was anew Impeached on Thursday last.
All to be Impeached of High Treason, except Sir W. Lewis.
This Business admitted of much Debate; and, upon the Result of all, it was by the House of Commons Resolved upon and Voted, That the rest of the Eleven Members of the House should be impeached of High Treason, in the same manner as Sir John Maynard was on Thursday last; except Sir William Lewis, who, for some Reasons extraordinary, was to be Impeached only of High Crimes and Misdemeanours.
Mr. Steelmade Recorder in the place of Mr. Glyn.
The House then considered of the Place of Mr. Glyn, (who is One of the Eleven) late Recorder of the City of London, and ordered that one Mr. Steele (who had done very good Service lately at the Trial of Capt. Burley, and for which he was ordered to be considered of) should be recommended for the said Place of Recorder of the City of London, instead of the said Mr. Glyn.
The Seven Lords likewise to be Impeached of High Treason.
The House then also further considered of the Charge against the rest of the Seven Lords (Members of the House of Peers) and much Debate was had, whether the said Lords Impeached of High Treason, but lately discharged by the House of Peers, should have their Impeachments and Charges against them prosecuted in the same Manner, as is against the Lord Willoughby, of Parham; and, after much Debate, the Business was carried in the Affirmative Vote.
Lords Concurrence desired to the Instruct ons for the Scots Commissioners.
The Instructions for the Commissioners of Parliament to go into the Kingdom of Scotland, were reported this Day to the House; and after much Debate thereupon, the House ordered to agree thereunto, and transmit them to the Lords, desiring their speedy Concurrence, to the end the Commissioners may be sent away forthwith.
Lords agree to the Earl of Nottingham and Earl of Stamford to go for Scotland.
The Lords this Day agreed absolutely upon the Two Commissioners of their House, to go along with the Commissioners of the House of Commons for Scotland, (viz.) the Earl of Nottingham and the Earl of Stamford; which the Commons, by Message from the House of Peers, being acquainted withal, they concurred; and ordered, That upon the Lords Concurrence in their Instructions, the said Commissioners take their Journey to Scotland with all convenient speed.
The General came to his House in Queen-street, but the Head Quarters still at Windsor.
His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, came unto his House in Queen-street this Evening, but intends not to keep his Head-Quarters there, or in any other Part of London, as some have talked, and raised many other false Stories about this Matter. The Head-Quarters are still to continue at Windsor. There came along with the General about Thirty or Forty Horse, and no other Guard.
Col. Morgan removed out of Glocester-shire, and Sir Will. Constable come in his room.
The late Differences and Discontents in the West we are farther assured by Letters, is well appeased. Sir William Constable's Regiment marched into Glocester on Thursday last, and Col. Morgan, the Governor, and his Froces, marched out: There was shewed loving Respect on both Sides, and Col. Morgan's Forces are now Quartered about Stow the Old.