Proceedings in Parliament, December 6th 1647 - January 1st 1648

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament, December 6th 1647 - January 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament, December 6th 1647 - January 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament, December 6th 1647 - January 1st 1648". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

Chap. XXI. Proceedings in Parliament, from December 6. to January 1. 1647.

Monday, December 6.

This Day the House Sat not, having Adjounrned on Saturday last until to Morrow, by Reason of the Illness of the Speaker of the House of Commons.

Tuesday, December 7.

Petition of the County to Heriford.

The House sitting this Day, the Commons had Notice that many of the Inhabitants of the County of Hertford were at the Door, they were called in, and presented a Petition to the House in the Name of the said County, complaining of the heavy and intollerable Burthen of Free Quarter, desiring that they may be eased of it, and for the purpose that the House would be pleased speedily to consider thereof, they being almost ready to sink under the same.

The Petitioners had Thanks for their good Affections.

After the Petition was Read and Debated, the Petitioners were called in, and Mr. Speaker, by command of the House, gave them Thanks for there constant good Affection to the Parliament; and as for taking off of Free Quarter, the House hath been long, and now is in Debate thereof, and they hope to give the Petitioners and the whole Kingdom, speedy Easy of that Burthen and Oppression.

Information against a Delinquent committed.

The House had then Debated upon an Information given in against a Member of the House of Commons to be a Delinquent, and had been in Arms against the Parliament; they Ordered thereupon, That the said Member should be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the several Cases of Members, and to report the same with all convenient speed.

Petitioners of Buckingham shire. Here-fordshire, and Middlesex Thanks.

The House was then informed, That several Inhabitants of the County of Buckingham were at the Door to present a Petition to the House, they were called in, and did present the same Petition with the Hertfordshire Men, for taking off of Free Quarter; and the same Answer as to the other was given them severally. Also of the County of Middlesex presented a third Petition to the same purpose, and were called in, and the same Answer.

Debate concerning the Great Seal.

The House had then much Debate concerning the Disposal of the Great Seal of England, the former Term to the Speakers being near expired; and it was Ordered, That the Speakers shall be continued Commissioners thereof, till Twenty Days after the next Term.

A Representation of the Army.

The House was then informed, That Col. Sir Hardress Waller and Col Whaly were at the Door to present some Things of Concernment from the Army to them: They were called in; and Col. Sir Hardress Waller acquainted the House, That himself and Col. Whaly were commanded by his Excellency and the General Council of the Army, to present a Representation of the Army to them; and in respect the Business is of very great Concernment to this Kingdom, he desires that it might have a present Reading and Consideration, and himself with Col. Whaly would wait upon them for an Answer.

Col. Sir Hardress Waller and Col. Whaly being withdrawn, the House Ordered that it should be Read, which took up much time in debate, and at last it was Ordered, That a Committee should be appointed to consider of the same, and what things therein are most fit and requisite for the Consideration of the House, and to report the same to Morrow Morning. And accordingly a Committee was chosen for that Purpose.

This Representation is Since Printed; yet for Satisfaction of Country Friends, and such as have not seen the said Representation at large, we will collect the chief Heads thereof, and give you them as followeth:

First, They take notice how little hath been done in Parliament for securing thereof, Settlement of the Kingdom, and Satisfaction of the Soldier, since the Return of the Speakers, who have now for Four Months sat secure.

2. That through this Delay, strange and dangerous Attempts have been to divide the Army, and new embroil the Kingdom, and the Cause of not making more Speed imputed to the Army. 3. That notwithstanding, the Army is again settled. 4. That the General to do that, engaged they should have Content as Soldiers, which prevented Blood, though to the Discontent of some evil Spirits, who by with-holding Pay, labour to make it instead of Protection, an Hurt to the Kingdom; which rather than they, viz. the Officers, will have the Odium longer, they incline to lay down, or withdraw; yea, with not Hazard of the Publick, but their own Arrears, but that they find not that which will acquit them before God. 5. But finding the main Obstruction to be Pay, the Want of which occasions Free Quarter, which to prevent, many Addresses have been made to the Parliament; but what through the Difficulty, Delay, Slowness, or Neglect of those intrusted, especially those in London, to part with Money, besides no Establishment proportionable settled, nor Means to raise it, which causes the Burden of Free Quarter, the Discontent and Disorder of the Soldier, and in Garrisons many of them have starved, others ready so to do, and to leave the hold to who will take them. 6. If this Army and other Soldiers have deserved this, they desire to be told it, desiring that all may know, that would they have set up a Party of their own with disregard to the Publick they could, and yet can put themselves, and other Soldiers into a way of Pay, and made their Opposers in City and Country willing to have followed them with Satisfaction, and not only have suppress'd, but destroy'd adverse Parties, and all this with Reason and Justice enough; whereas they have on the contrary studied the Preservation of all, and are confident at last to be no Losers by it. 7. They say, The Parliament have had sufficient Cautions and Warnings, and though when Danger continued it was largely acknowledged, yet no other or further Care. Somewhat is wrapt up in that Vote that all Supernumerary Forces be Disbanded, which they are so willing unto as upon such Terms as is after express'd, to be the first; but there being 20000 of those, the Question how can they suddenly be so discharged, as not to be discontented and apt to engage against the Parliament; and though Money be ready, yet some time must be for stating their Accompts, which is necessary to avoid a clear Inconvenience by Clamour, which Experience hath shewed. And though they wish disbanding Supernumeraries, yet they fear it will be a long Wolarge the Pay to the Number of the whole for Five of Six Months, by the Addition of Forty Thousand Pound a Month, and according to the Rates of the Sixty Thousand Pound. And they promise, 1. That no Free Quarter be taken within a Month after passing the Ordinance. 2. That it continue but Six Months, and that as Money comes in they shall be disbanded. 3. That in case any Committee fail, that the General and the Committee of the Army may name others. 4. That the Forces that cannot be disbanded, may be assigned to Counties, and be paid according to due Musters. 5. That Security for Arrears being settled, Commissioners may be sent down to state Accounts, and that there be an Office, Two Registers, and Four Clerks for that End, with Salary; and this way they conceive best, because there must be Free Quarter until paid, which is a greater Grievance than the Pay express'd.

Having thus acquitted themselves of not Guilty of Free Quarter, and seeing the ill Consequences of removing from about London, until things of this kind be settled, unless the Parts near London should be undone, they offer that the Army may quarter in London, or part of it; that is upon the Remiss, until they have paid Arrears and full Penalties.

As for satisfaction of Arrears, they offer Two Thirds of all Delinquents, also Deans and Chapters Lands for Indemnity; that there may be Committees in the Country as well as at London; Desires are express'd also for maimed Soldiers and Apprentices, and all this with all possible speed.

But if Content be not given by the end of this Week, they can't give Account of the Army; but let the Soldier and the Kingdom know, that they cannot satisfy their just Expectation; and thereupon desire the Discharge of Soldiers may be transmitted to others. And for the City of London, if they do not right, they desire that they may be made to pay Arrears and full Penalties, and to satisfy the adjacent Counties for above 100000l. Damage, and the late impeached, and other offending Citizens may make good the same; which not done they cannot withdraw the Army, finding the Common Council to intercede or plead Justification for those impeached Persons.

Wednesday, December 8.

Representation of the Army reported.

A Report was this Day made to the House from the Committee appointed to consider of the Representation of the Army, That it was the Opinion of the Committee, That the Supernumerary Forces in the Kingdom shall be disbanded.

Committee to reat about disbanding supernumerary Forces.

Hereupon the House Ordered, That a Committee of Six in Number shall go down to the Army, and treat with his Excellency and the general Council of the Army, concerning the Disbanding of Supernumerary Forces in the Kingdom, to know what Forces they are, and how much Money will discharge the said Forces.

Instructions were likewise drawn up for the Commissioners that are to go down to the Army, and upon the Question assented unto, the House further Ordered,

Sixty Thousand Pound a Month for payment of the Forces of England and Ireland.

  • 1. That the Sixty Thousand Pounds a Month, shall be settled according to the former Taxes, for Pay of Forces formerly ordered to be kept up for the Safety of the Kingdom, and for Ireland.
  • 2. That all the disjointed Forces shall receive a Month's Pay, and be disbanded.
  • 3. Every County to Pay and Disband their Proportion, according to their Sesments, and they to be sent and have Free Quarter of the Counties were they are appointed, until they be paid.
  • 4. The Counties to be reimbursed out of the Sesments, and where it wants to have the Security of Scquestrations, and if that will no do it, the Excise to be added.
  • 5. Those that have been entertained since August 6. last, to be disbanded without Pay.

Message to the Lords for their Concurrence to the Ordinace for 20000l. to the Merchant Adventurers.

The Commons sent a Message to the Lords for their Concurrence to the Ordinance for the Twenty Thousand Pounds, &c. from the Merchant Adventurers, to which the Lords concurred; to the Ordinance for Tonnage and Poundage, to which the Lords concurr'd with some Amendments; for the Great Seal to continue in the Two Speakers Hands, till Twenty Days after the next Term, as formerly, to which the Lords agreed; and to an Ordinance for Monies disburse in Ireland.

The Lords Message for Six Months Liberty for Mr. Mountague.

The Lords also sent a Message to the Commons, for Mr. Walter Mountague to have his Liberty continued Six Months longer, upon the same Bail as now it is; also for the Members of the House of Commons of the Committee for examining the London Agents to sit that Afternoon, and so de die in diem, at Pleasure.

The House Ordered, That no private Business should be heard in the House for Eight Days.

News from the Isle of wight.

Many fond and groundless Stories have been raised lately from the Isle of Wight, it were ridiculous to mention any of them; that which the Letters from thence certify is no more but this, That his Majesty is in good Health, though Solitary, and spends much Time in Retirement.

Intimacy between Col Hammond and his Majesty.

The Islanders keep their Guards strictly, and also the Island-Passes; his Majesty and Col. Hammond very intimate, the Colonel shewing all Duty and Respect. When the New Old Attendants came to Court, his Majesty, as is usual, was Private, but understanding of their Arrival he came out, shewed Chearfulness, gave all of them his Hand to kiss; Mr. Ashburnbam and Col. Legg are with him; also old Servants and Chaplains.

Letters from Ireland.

Letters from Dublin, dated the end of the last Month, give to understand thus much; That Col. Jones is marched into the County of Wicklow with 400 Horse, and 1000 Foot, his Design is to get what Corn he can, and to harrass that County, still presuming that the best way to make a sure and sudden end of the Troubles of Ireland; he took with him a Fortnight's Provisions, which he intends to spend before his Return. Little Actions have been since the Ruines made upon us by the Enemy, only Capt. Otway brought in last Week a Prev of 300 Cows, 140 Garrons, and 1000 Sheep: The Enemy hath at tempted to fortify the Banes, to prevent our March into Kilkenny Quarters, but to little purpose.

Thursday, December 9.

Message from the Lords concerning Tonage and Poundage.

A Message this Day came from the House of Lords, desiring the Commons Assent unto the Ordinance for Tonage and Poundage, with some Amendments, which they had returned with the said Ordinance; the Amendments were Read and Debated, and the further Consideration of that Business referred to a Committee.

Another concernings Letter from his Majesty.

A Message this Day came from the Lords, acquainting the House of Commons that they had received a Letter from his Majesty, which they thought sit to communicate to the House of Commons, desiring that it may be communicated to the Scots by the Members of both Houses, that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms.

The Letter was read, and ordered to be communicated according to their Lordships Desire. The Letter, for better Satisfaction, is as followeth:

His Majesty's Gracious Message to both Houses of Parliament.

Charles Rex.
His Majesty's Letter to both Houses of Parliament.

Had his Majesty thought it possible that his Two Houses could be employed in things of greater Concernment than the Peace of this miserable distracted Kingdom he would have expected, with more Patience, their Leisure in acknowledging the Receipt of his Message of the Sixteenth of November last: But since there is not in Nature, any Consideration proceeding to that of Peace, his Majesty's constant Tenderness of the Welfare of his Subjects, hath such a Prevalence with him, that he cannot forbear the vehement Prosecution of a personal Treaty, which is only so much the more desired by his Majesty, as it is superior to all other Means of Peace. And truly, when his Majesty considers the several Complaints he daily hears from all Parts of this Kingdom, that Trade is so decayed, all Commodities are dear, and Taxes so insupportable, that even natural Subsistence will suddenly fail.

His Majesty, to perform the Trust reposed in him, must use his uttermost Endeavours for Peace, though he were to have no Share in the Benefit of it: And hath not his Majesty done his part for it, by devesting himself of so much Power and Authority, as by his last Message he hath promised to do, upon the concluding of the whole Peace: And hath he met with that Acknowledgment from his Two Houses, which this his great Grace and Favour justly deserves? Surely the blame of this great retarding of Peace must fall somewhere else, than on his Majesty.

To conclude; if ye will but consider in how little time this necessary good Work will be done, if you the Two Houses, will wait on his Majesty with the same Resolutions for Peace, as he will meet you, he no ways doubts but that ye will willingly agree to this his Majesty's earnest Desire of a Personal Treaty, and speedily desire his Presence among you; where all things agreed on being divested into Acts, till when it is most unreasonable for his Majesty or his Two Houses to desire each of other the least Concession, this Kingdom may at last enjoy the Blessing of a long wish'd for Peace.

To the Speaker of the House of Peers, pro tempore, to be communicated to the Lords and Commons in Parliament of England at Westminster, and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland.

Dated from Carisbrook-Castle in the Isle of Wight, December 6, 1647.

Message concerning Mr. Walter Mountague agreed to.

Their Lordships desire farther by their Message, the Commons Concurrence to an Order for Mr. Walter Mountague to have Six Months Liberty upon his former Bail, which the House of Commons agreed unto.

Articles against the Seven Lords debated.

The House, according to former Order, took into Debate the several Articles of Impeachment against the Seven Lords formerly Impeached by that House; and some of the Proofs of the said Impeachment were read, which took up the rest of this Day's Debate; the further Consideration of that Business is to be resumed to morrow.

Friday, December 10.

The Four Propositions to his Majesty reported.

A Report was this Day made to the House from the Committee appointed to draw the Four Propositions to be tender'd to his Majesty into Bills.

That for Nulling Acts under the Great Seal.

The Bill for instructing the Proceedings of both Houses of Parliament, and making Null all Acts under the Great Seal with his Majesty, was read and assented unto.

Maintenance of Soldiers,

The Bill for settling a Maintenance upon the several Forces to be kept up in this Kingdom, Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, of Guernsey and Jersey, was read and assented unto.

And making void of Honours assented unto.

The Bill for Adjourning the Parliament,

The Bill for making all Honours void, were read and assented unto.

Instructions for the Commissioners to present these Bills assented to.

Instructions for the Commissioners that are to represent these Bills to his Majesty, were brought in by the said Committee, read and assented unto.

Letter from Scotland.

The House was informed that a Letter was come from the Assembly of Scotland, and directed to the Assembly at Westminster; they Ordered several Members of the House to bring in the said Letter to be read to Morrow in the House.

Petition of the maimed Soldiers in the Savoy.

A Report was this Day made concerning some Poor and Maimed Soldiers in the Savoy Hospital, that they are in great Necessity for want of Fewel this hard Weather, and that there is Money in Arrears unto them from the Committee appointed formerly for Wood; and the House took Order for supplying them with Wood, and to have their Arrears paid from the said Committee.

Longer time to bring up the Impeachment against the Seven Lords desired; 18001. for the Garrison of Plymouth.

The House Ordered, That a Message should be sent to the Lords, for desiring their Lordships to appoint a further Day for the House of Commons to bring up the Impeachment against the Seven Members of their House formerly Impeached by them.

An Ordinance was read for the paying the Sum of 1800l. to the Garrison of Plymouth, out of the Ordinance for 60000l. per Mensem, for paying the Arrears and disbanding the said Garrison, was read and assented unto.

Saturday, December 11.

Irish Gentlemen Petition.

The House of Commons this Day being informed, That divers Gentlemen of Ireland were at the Door, they were called in, and presented a Petition to the House, in the Name of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, remaining in London, complaining of the sad Condition of Ireland, for want of Monies and other Necessaries for the Soldiers.

The Petitioners Thanks for their Care.

The Petitioners were called in, and the House gave them Thanks for their great Care of that Kingdom; and acquainted them, That their Petition and the whole Business of Ireland was ordered to be considered of, on Tuesday Morning next.

Report made concerning the Ordinance for Tonage and Poundage.

A Report was this Day made from the Committee appointed to consider of the Lords Amendments, sent down Yesterday to the Ordinance for Tonage and Poundage; and upon Consideration thereof, the House Ordered to adhere to the said Ordinance, as it first went up from that House to the Lords; and a Conference was desired to satisfy the Lords why they cannot agree to those Amendments, which was accordingly done. Much Debate was concerning the present Commissioners of the Customs; the Result whereof was, That an Ordinance should be drawn to re-imburse and assure the present Commissioners of the Customs, all such Monies as they have, or shall advance for the Service of the State, with Eight Pounds per Cent. per Annum; and to declare the present Commissioners to be Commissioners of Tonage; yet nevertheless to be displaced when the House shall think fit, there being first Provision made for such Monies in Arrear to them.

Mr Scott added to the Committee of Lords and Commons.

They Ordered Mr. Scott, a Member of the House, to be added to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations, in the room of Mr. Recorder, now in the Tower. The House then Adjourned until Monday next.

Letter from the Head Quarters at Windsor, containing an Answer to the Votes of both Houses.

From the Head Quarters at Windsor we had by Letters this Day to this Purpose. On Thursday Night Col. White, Mr. Scowen, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Allen, and Col. Birch came to the Head Quarters: Friday they conferred with his Excellence and Officers, about the Matters contained in the Votes of the Houses.

To that concerning the disbanding of Forces admitted since the Sixth of August, it was answered, That the General had above a Week ago given order for the immediate discharging of all such: But as for Officers put in since that time, it was conceived necessary to continue them.

To that there be no more access of Forces to any Regiment, the General will take care there be none: And if any be, that they be discharged without Pay or Oppression of the Country by their Quarters.

To that, what Supernumeraries are to be disbanded, 1. That a full Answer cannot be given until the Forces continued within the Establishment be particularly set forth. 2. That they cannot give a full Account without distracting the Soldiers, so as to point out all the Forces to be disbanded as Supernumeraries, until the Parliament shall have assured the stating, registring of their Accounts before disbanding; declaring a reasonable Proportion of their Arrears, in hand at disbanding, and ascertained the Security of the Remainder. 3. To give a particular Account of the Forces they cannot at present, or at all, without considerable Time and Means to take and return exact Musters of them; and also Authority and Instructions to fit Persons for stating their Accounts as to Arrears severally due.

These are the Heads of what hath passed, and there is nothing more considerable at the Head Quarters at present.

There was likewise two Papers presented to the General at Windsor; the one a Representation from the Officers and Soldiers of Col. Thornhagh's Regiment, and the other from the Officers and Soldiers of the Three Troops of Dragoons in Col. Okey's Regiment now in Lincolnshire, the Copies whereof we should have given you, but must omit the same this time.

Monday, December 13.

New Plot discovered.

The House sitting this Day, the Speaker of the House of Commons acquainted the House with a Discovery made to him the Night before, of a new Plot or Design on foot for the raising of an Army within the City, who were to act strange things upon the Parliament: The Circumstances discovered, carry a strong Presumption of Truth along with them in a great part.

The Examination thereof referred to Committee.

The Commons, upon some Debate, referred the Examination of this Business to a Committee, who were to examine the Party that in formed Mr. Speaker thereof, and all other Witnesses relating to this Business.

Mr. Hudson committeed upon Account of the said Plot.

A Letter also was read from the Lieutenant of the Tower, acquainting the House that he had apprehended one Mr. Hudson, that came to speak with Dr. Hudson, and other Delinquents in the Tower, and that he is informed he is a Man of dangerous Condition, and had a hand in this Design, desiring to know the Pleasure of the House concerning him.

His Commitment approved of by the House; Ordinances concerning Delinquents passed.

The House hereupon approved of the Lieutenant of the Tower's securing the said Mr. Hudson, and that he should be indemnified for the same by that House.

A Report was this Day made from the Committee of Goldmiths Hall, in the Compositions of many Delinquents, and many Ordinances of this Nature were then passed.

Two Irish Gentlemens Examination referred to the Committee at Derbyhouse. Sir Faithful Fortescue secured. Impeachment against the Seven Lords read. Commissioners of the Great seal impowered to present to Livings. Letters from the Commissioners at Windsor.

The House was informed of two Gentlemen lately brought out of Ireland by Order of the House; it was Ordered, that they should be referred to the Examination of the Committee at Derby House.

The House Ordered, That Col. Milton should secure the Person of sir Faithful Fortescue, till the House take further Order.

The Impeachment against the Seven Lords was this Day read, and part of the Proofs thereof, which Business took up much Debate.

The House Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England shall have Power to present to such Livings as are void, and in their Gift.

An Additional Ordinance for settling an Annuity upon his Highness the Prince Elector, was ordered to be read the first thing after the time is expired that no private Business should be heard, which is for Eight Days.

Letters came this Day from the Parliament's Commissioners at Windsor, giving the House to understand how far they had proceeded with the General and Army upon the House Instructions, and that they are now come near to an Agreement; and Account whereof we will give you fully anon.

The last Week we mentioned Two Papers or Representations to the General from Col. Thornhagh's Regiment, and Col. Oake's Dragoons; but we will now therefore, for better Satisfaction, give you the Papers at large.

To His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax.

The Humble Representation of the Officers of Col. Thornhagh his Regiment, in behalf of themselves and Soldiers.

Representation of Col. Thornhagh's Regiment.

That, not reminding your Excellency of former Engagements, and the Difficulties we have passed through in relation thereunto, we have Received, Considered, and unanimously Subscribed to your last Remonstrance and Engagement, in behalf of the Kingdom and Soldiers; as to which we are bold, humbly to represent as followeth:

1. That we shall with all Chearfulness and Constancy remember what we have engaged to in reference to the said Remonstrance, and act accordingly.

2. That we doubt not but we are of the Army, and equally repayable with them of all Privileges ad Subjects and Soldiers, as to the new Establishment of a constant Pay, to avoid Free Quarter, and Indempnity and Security for Arrears.

3. And seeing Free Quarter a thing so ill resented by all Country-men, and grievous to the Soldiers, begets some unavoidable Quarrels; and we have Power enough, and do improve it to the utmost against offending Soldiers, yet cannot so clearly find by the Articles of War, how to deal with discontented and offended Country-men, who are ready to take all Advantages to abuse Soldiers, by dismounting, setting in the Stocks; we humbly pray, that we may receive Instructions how to carry our selves in such Cases.

4. That whereas we have not received more than Fourteen Days Pay this Six Months, and the Assignment long since for a Month's Pay in Derby and Nottinghamshire, which we cannot yet receive; chiefly, as we apprehend, because we are upon them at Free Quarter, from which the Countries conceive themselves discharged by the Ordinance, paying these Proportions of the Sixty Thousand Pounds per Month.

That some speedy and effectual Course may be taken for constant and settled Pay, to enable us to discharge Quarters.

Col. Okey's Dragoons.

May it please your Excellency,
We the Officers and Soldiers in the Three Troops of Dragooners in Col. Okey's Regiment now in Lincolnshire, as we cannot in the first place, but with abundance of Joy and Happiness, gratefully acknowledge your Excellency's extraordinary continued Care, and unparallel'd Vigilancy in the Preservation of your Army in a Spirit of Unanimity and Concord; so we cannot on the contrary but admire, and are amazed to consider the treacherous and under-hand Proceedings of a Generation of upstart Agents, who endeavouring to advance their own particular Designs and Interests, and to introduce a Parity into this Kingdom and Army, from that cursed Principle of Machiavel, Divide & Impera, for they are notable Politicians, but we fear bad Statesmen; thereby to make your Excellency's unwearied Endeavours to preserve us in our pristine Resolutions, and late solemn Engagement, null and ineffectual; a Crime of that Nature, that we prosess we want a Name to render it, as it is, most transcendently odious and abominable, and which we abhor with our very Souls. For our parts, we have on purpose called our Troops together, having acquainted them with the nature of these Mens Actions, have read the Remonstrance of your Excellency and the General Council of the Army, and your Excellency's Desire of their Resolutions therein. And to our great Satisfaction, and we hope your Excellency's also, we received at the Rendezvous at Langton in the County of Lincoln, in the Center of our Quarters, so large a Demonstration of their joint Concurrence with your Excellency and the General Council, by Acclamations and throwing up of Hats, that they have resolved to live and die with your Excellency, according to their first Engagement, and not to adhere in the least to the Counsels and Practices of those surreptitious Agents, who, under the Pretence of Freedom, would freely and willingly captivate us to their Anarchical Liberty. Thus we have thought good to acquaint your Excellency with our Cordial Resolutions herein, beseeching your Excellency to look upon us as such who account it our chiefest temporary Happiness to be until Death,

Your Excellency's most Humble Servants, and most Faithful Soldiers,

  • John Garland, Captain.
  • John Daubern, Lieut.
  • Rob. Line, Cornet.
  • Tobias Bridges, Capt.
  • John Barrow, Lieut.
  • Sam. Ady, Cornet.
  • Charles Mercer, Capt.
  • John Ross, Lieut.
  • Andrew Casse, Cornet.

With the unanimous Consent both of all Non-commission Officers and Private Soldiers of the Three Troops.

Intelligence from York against the Disorder of Soldiers.

By Letters from York, dated December II. we had this Intelligence: On Tuesday the General Council of War sat in this City; and also yesterday several Persons were tried for Misdemeanours: A Foot Soldier, for being disorderly and not contented with his Diet, was adjudged to a Week's Imprisonment, with Bread and Water, to get him a better Stomach. Another Soldier, for committing some Misdemeanour at Stokely in Cleaveland, on the Market-Day, in offering to pull one Mr. Lisle out of his Shop, for refusing to take Clipt Money, offering to his some other Disorders, was censured for his Offences to be cashier'd the Army, to stand in the Market-Place at Stokely for Two Hours, with a Paper signifying his Fault and Punishment during the Market, and afterwards to be whipt through the Town. One Lieutenant Colonel Rample, in Foster's Troop, was, for killing a Man at his Quarters at Mr. Savil's House, Mexbrough, condemned to be shot to Death. Yesterday certain Rules and Orders were agreed upon at the Council of War, for the Regulation of the Inequality of Quartering, and better redressing of Grievances of the Country, and Disorders of the Soldiers, which will be suddenly published.

Tuesday, December 14.

The Lords agree to the Four Bills to be sent to his Majesty.

A Message this Day was sent from the House of Lords to the Commons, intimating that their Lordships had agreed to the Four Bills to be sent to his Majesty, and had returned an Instruction for the Commissioners that are to go with the said Bills, to which they desired the Concurrence of the House of Commons.

That their Lordships had named the Earls of Northumberland, of Kent, Rutland, Pembrook, Salisbury, Warwick, and Mulgrave, to be the Commissioners for that House, to join with the Commissioners of the House of Commons, to go with these Bills to his Majesty.

Commissioners appointed to attend his Majesty's Answer.

The Instructions were read and assented unto, and then the House named their Commissioners to join with the Commissioners to join with the Lords. They Ordered, that any Three of the Commissioners, Two of the House of Lords, and One of the House Commons, to go to the Isle of Wight to attend his Majesty's Answer; and appointed a certain time for them to stay for it.

20000l. a Month to be raised for the Service of Ireland.

The House then, according to former Order, took into Debate the Business of Ireland, in relation to providing of Money for that Nation; and Ordered, That Twenty Thousand Pounds per Month be raised by way of Assesment, only for the Service of Ireland, and for carrying on the War there, to be continued for Six Months.

The rest of this Day was spent in the Report from the Committee of Goldsmith's Hall.

Wednesday, December 15.

Salaies for Officers.

An Ordinance was this Day read in the House of Commons for setling of Salaries upon the Officers belonging to the Committee of Accompts, which was assented unto, and ordered to be sent to the Lords.

Addition to the Committee for the Navy.

The Lords sent a Message to the Commons, desiring the Concurrence of the House to an Ordinance for adding several Members to be of the Committee of the Navy, which was assented unto.

Scots Commissioners Answer assented to.

The Scots Commissioners Answer, touching the sending of the Four Bills to his Majesty for his Assent, was read, and it was to this Effect; That in answer thereunto, they desired that the Four Bills may be communicated unto them; that they may advise, Consult and Debate about the Business, and return Answer thereunto; and that the House would give their Answer herein.

Hereupon a Committee was appointed to draw up an Answer to the Scots Commissioners, who were to prepare and bring it in with all speed.

Commissioners of the Customs to be secured for what Monies they advance.

The Committee of the Navy was ordered to send for the Commissioners of the Customs, and communicate unto them the Votes that past both Houses on Saturday last, in relation to their being Commissioners of Tonage and Poundage, and for securing all such Monies as they have, or shall advance for the Service of the State, and that they shall not be displaced till such Monies be repaid them.

Committees to give Account of Sequester'd Estates.

A Vote past both Houses this Day, that the Committees of several Counties of England and Wales Should employ the sequester'd Estates in each County to the best Advantage of the State; and that they should give an Account of those Values by the 25th Day of March next at farthest, to the end the State may know the full Value of them all.

Scots Commissioners Answer reported.

The House met again this Afternoon, and the Committee to whom the drawing up of an Answer to the Scots Commissioners last Paper was referred, reported the same, which was passed, and is to this Purpose:

That the Priviledge, Right, and Custom of the Parliament and Kingdom of England is, That Bills passed both Houses to be presented to the King for his Royal Assent, are not to be communicated to any other whatsoever, either in relation to Matter or Form, before such Assent had; and that there is nothing contained in any Article of the Treaty between the Two Kingdoms to the contrary.

Commissioners appointed to be sent to the King.

That the Houses have resolved to Sent their Commissioners to the King on Monday next, with the Bills and Propositions in the Instructions mentioned, and according to the same Instructions communicated unto them: And the Houses desire, That such Propositions as the Commissioners of Scotland shall judge fit and necessary for the Kingdom of Scotland, may be prepared and sent within the time aforesaid.

Thursday, December 16.

Lieut. Col. Lilburne's Business reported.

This Day the Committee to whom Lieut. Col. John Lilburne's Business was referred, reported the same to the House, which admitted of some Debate, and the further Debate thereof was to be resumed to Morrow Morning.

Ordinance to be brought in for repairing of Churches.

An Ordinance was this Day sent from the Lords for repairing of Churches and Chappels in this Kingdom, which after the Reading thereof was laid aside, and another for that purpose ordered to be brought in.

Ordinance against Delinquents.

The Lords this Day past an Ordinance for turning Delinquents out of the Line. Also an Order about choosing Common-Council-Men, and other Officers in London; and sent them down to the Commons for their Concurrence.

The rest of this Day was spent in the Report from Goldsmiths Hall for Delinquents Compositions.

Friday, December 17.

Ordinance for all that have bore Arms against the Parliament to depart Twenty Miles from London.

This Day both Houses passed an Ordinance for all that have born Arms against the Parliament to depart Twenty miles from London. The Order more fully is to this Purpose:

That all Papists whatsoever, and all Officers and Soldiers of Fortune, and all other Persons whatsoever, that have born Arms against the Parliament, or have adhered to, or willingly assisted the Enemy in this late War, not being under restraint, and not hereafter excepted, shall at, or before the 23rd of this Instant December, depart the Cities of London and Westminster, and all other Places within Twenty Miles of London. And if any of the Persons aforesaid, shall continue within Twenty Miles Distance as aforesaid, after the Time aforesaid, they shall be apprehended, imprisoned against as Traytors.

Provided that nothing in this Ordinance shall extend to such Persons aforesaid, who having their Habitations within the Lines of Communication, or within within the said Space of Twenty Miles, have made their Compositions, and paid in, or secured their Fines, or have taken the negative Oath and Covenant, or that shall be authorized by both Houses of Parliament, or being really attending their Compositions at Goldsmiths-Hall, shall be permitted by the Committee of Lords and Commons for Compositions, there to continue with in the said Lines of Communication, to the perfecting their said Compositions.

Both Houses likewise passed an Order about choosing of Common Council Men, and other Officers of the City of London; which Order is as followeth:

Ordinance for choosing Common-Council. Men.

Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That no Person whatsoever, that hath been Imprisoned, or hath had his Estate sequestered for his Malignancy against the Parliament, that hath adhered to the King against the Parliament, at any time during this unnatural War; or who hath Contrived, Abetted, Perswaded, or who hath entred into that late Engagement in or about the City of London, adjudged Treasonable by both Houses of Parliament, which preceded that horrid Force of the 26th of July last, against the Houses of Parliament, by the Apprentices, Reformadoes, and others; or who hath had a Hand in the said Force, or gave encouragement thereunto; or who hath Contrived, abetted, Perswaded, or Entred into that Engagement, entituled, The Agreement of the People, declared to be destructive to the Being of Parliament, and Fundamental Government of the Kingdom, shall for the Space of one whole Year, to be accounted from the 15th of December, 1647. be Elected, Chosen, or Put into the Office and Place of Lord Mayor of the City of London, or of Alderman, Sheriff, Deputy of the Ward, or Common Council-Man of the said City; nor shall have Voice in Election of any such Officers: And all such Persons are hereby made uncapable, and declared so to be, of any of the said Places. And if any Election shall be made of any such Person, the same is hereby Ordained to be Null and Void. And the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the Time being, is from time to time to give special Order that this Ordinance be Published at all Elections, and that the same be strictly and punctually Observed.

5000l. to be paid to the Executors of Mr. Hampden.

An Ordinance was read in the House of Commons, appointing the Payment of the Sum of Five Thousand Pounds, formerly ordered to the Executors of Mr. Hampden, deceased, to be paid to the Assigns of the said late Mr. Hampden out of the Excise in Course, the Moiety of the Receipts of Goldsmiths-Hall, and the King's Revenue.

Upon Report of a Committee of the House of Commons, it was Ordered, That Mr. Bard, long since committed, should be discharged of his Imprisonment, provided he gave Security to the Parliament that he goes beyond the Seas, and never return again, without the License of both Houses of Parliament, and that he act nothing prejudicial to the Parliament.

The Lords agree to the Ordinance for the poor.

A Message came down from the Lords, acquainting the Commons that their Lordships had agreed to the Ordinance for setting the poor on Work in the Cities of London and Westminster; and the Commons assented to the same accordingly.

Committee of the Army to consider the Guards.

A Letter this Day came from the Scots Commissioners from Derby-House, with a large Paper therein inclosed, in the nature of a Declaration; which being very large, took up much time in reading. The further Consideration of this Letter and the inclosed, was ordered to be resumed to Morrow.

The House then considered of the Guard of Soldiers, that came daily to guard both Houses of Parliament, and it was ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army.

Capt. Harley to be Vice-Admiral of the North-Seas of Cornwall.

A Message came from the Lords, desiring the Concurrence of the House of Commons to an Order for appointing Capt. Edward Harley, who hath done very good Service for the Parliament, to be Vice Admiral of the North Seas of Cornwall. The House debated on the said Ordinance, and hearing of so good a Repute of the said Gentleman, ordered to agree with the Lords in the said Ordinance.

Ordinance for the Isle of Providence committed.

An Ordinance was sent from the Lords, desiring the Commons Concurrence concerning the Island of Providence. The House had much Debate on this Business: and at last ordered to refer it to the Committee of the Navy, to consider of the Treaty and Agreement between the Crown of Spain and the Crown of England, and to report to the House.

Letters from Windsor about disbanding Supernumeraries.

We had to understand this Day by Letters from Windsor, of a good Agreement between the General Council of the Army, and the Commissioners of Parliament, about the Disbanding of Supernumeraries, removing the Army further off, the taking off Free Quarter, &c. And to that Purpose, that a Narrative was agreed on by the General Council of the Army, at the Meeting of the Parliament's Commissioners at Windsor, Tuesday and Wednesday last; the Sum of all, for better Satisfaction, we will give you as followeth.

And first, at the Meeting on Tuesday, these particular Heads were agreed upon:

Heads agreed on for disbinding Soldiers.

As to that Head for the disbanding of all Officers and Soldiers entertained since the 6th of August, it is declared by the General and General Council, That as to any Soldiers so added, the General above a Week since hath ordered the disbanding them; and will take care it be observed.

But as to the Officers so entertained in any vacant Rooms, it is thought sit they should be continued, for the better Government of the Soldiery.

As to the Accession of Forces above the Establishment, the General both hath, and will take Care there shall be no such Accession; and if any be found, they to be immediately discharged without Pay.

As to the disbanding of Supernumeraries, the General and Council are no way against it, but to their uttermost further it; only desire, before Disbanding, these Things to be provided for:

  • 1. That Security be settled for the Arrears of the Soldiers.
  • 2. That their Accounts be stated, and Defalcation made for Free Quarter according to the Votes of the Houses, and Debentures given for that part of their Arrears not paid at disbanding.
  • 3. That Indempnity for maimed Soldiers, Widows and Orphans of Soldiers slain, Freedom of Apprentices, and Freedom from Oppression, may be provided for.

As to the Pay of Supernumeraries that have joined with the Army, it is desired the Parliament would provide Three Months Pay for all at disbanding; and Security, as before, for the rest. Or, That the Parliament would agree with the private Soldiers by Lump, what to pay them in full of all Arrears.

And, Lastly, As to the removing of the Army, and going into Garrisons and Towns, &c. it is declared, That the Army and all Supernumerary Forces so not disbanded, shall within Three Weeks, if the Parliament think fit, be drawn into Garrisons; so as from thenceforth to take off all Free Quarter: And that they may have constant Pay from the time of their entering.

Thus far the General and General Council of the Army proceeded with the Committee of Parliament on Tuesday last. The Business was much disputed before it came to this Issue. Tuesday Morning was spent in seeking God for a Blessing; and it produced this happy Satisfaction.

After this the General Council met again on Wednesday, in the Castle; and after some debate of the Matter of Security, they came to this Resolution:

Dean and Chapters Lands to be Security for Payment of Soldiers.

That as to the Security of Deans and Chapters Lands, the only visible Security as they conceive, (yet that upon which they understand the greatest Scruple lies heavy) they valued it above a Million, but cannot offer any other in lieu of it, because they know no other to be charged to such a Value, which would not necessitate the continuance of a Burthen upon the People for the Soldiers sakes. But if though the Parliament can find a way to redeem Deans and Chapters Lands, after they are granted, it may be done, they desiring them but as Security only.

This is the Sum of what the Commissioners are to present to the Parliament as the Sanse of the General and General Council of the Army as to this Business. We had further from Windsor, the Copy of a Petition to the General out of the County of Surry.

To His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax.

The Humble Petition of the Farmers in the County of Surry. Humbly sheweth,

Petition of the Farmers of the County of Surry against the Burden of Soldiers.

That whereas your Petitioners, all Rack-rented, have for nigh Six Years past born the Charge of Free Quartering Soldiers without any deduction of Rent of the Landlords part, till now of late since the Army's advance from London; this Charge being doubled, with some of us treble; our Rent so decayeth our Estates, that little Subsistance is for our selves, for our Families, and for those many Labourers employed by us, left us for the present; and for after wards likely none at all, unless your Excellency relieve us. For your Petitioners, though rack'd in their Rents already, and unable longer to pay our Rents, and continue to bear this Charge of quartering without Allowance, are still charged as Owners, and the Landlords as yet go free, and most of them refuse absolutely to bear any part of this Charge upon tender of their Rents, unless they should be enforced thereunto by Ordinance of Parliament: And many of them have threatned, and some of them have already commenced Suits in Law to recover their full Rents; and others of them have sealed Leases of Ejectment for the cutting off such of their Tenants as desired Deduction of Rent for this Charge; which, as your Petitioners are informed, hath heretofore in many other Parts of this Kingdom been found by the Landlords, &c.

The Premises considered,

May it please Your Excellency, In reference to a Petition of this Nature, before presented to your Excellency by the Tenants of Blethinly in the said County, whereupon they were promised Relief, if refused by the Landlords, effectually to move the Two Houses of Parliament for some speedy Course to be taken, that the several Landlords may for the times past, and for the future, bear the Charge of Quartering either wholly, as in other Taxes they have ordered, or in some other Proportion as to your Excellency's Wisdom shall seem most meet; respecting Stock of the one, and the Fee-Simple Estate of the other.

And your Petioners shall Pray,

The General accordingly hath sent to the Houses, recommending the said Petition to their Consideration.

Saturday, December 18.

Mr. Marshall and Mr. Nye to be Chaplains to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight.

The House this Day received a Message from the House of Lords, desiring the Concurrence of the Commons for Mr. Marshal and Mr. Nye, to go as Chaplains to the Commissioners that go to the Isle of Wight, with the Four Bills and Propositions to his Majesty.

The Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall reported several Ordinances of Delinquent Compositions, which took up much part of the time this Day.

Col. Needham's Petition.

A Petition was presented to the House of Col. Needham's, late Governor of Leicester, setting forth, That in regard he was much in Arrears to the Service of the State, and that he had received Monies for the State's Use, the House would order him to make his Accounts to the Committee of Leioester, where he received the Monies; the said Petitioner having waited long to give up his Accounts: And that he might have some Satisfaction towards his Arrears out of the same.

He further desired, that in regard he had lost much in his Estate for Affection to the Parliament, That he might have the Remainder of his Arrears and Losses certified by the Committee of Nottingham, in which County his Sufferings were to receive Satisfaction, when the House please to take into Consideration the Losses of those who have suffered in their good Affection to the Parliament.

Col. Needham's Petition referred to a Committee.

The Petition was read in the House, and upon some Debate it was ordered to be referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall to audit the Accounts of his Reports. And further ordered a Sum of Money to be paid to the said Colonel Needham at present, in part of his Arrears.

Intelligence from the Head Quarters at Windsor; Against Barthol. Symonds.

From the Head Quarters at Windsor we had further Intelligence to this purpose, That on Wednesday last, at a Council of War, there was one Bartholomew Symonds, of Col. Lilburne's Regiment, condemned to dye; he was one who was the chief Ringleader of the Mutiny at the Rendezvous near Ware; where, when Major Gregson spake to the Soldiers of Col. Lilburne's Regiment to submit to the Discipline of the Army, he cried out, That the Major was against the King; and thereupon divers Soldiers in the Regiment threw Stones at the Major, and broke his Head.

Capt. Bray.

There was also one Bell condemned to run the Gantlet twice, for being active in that Mutiny. Captain-Lieutenant Bray and Major Cobbet have been several Days this Week at their Tryal before the Council of War; but no Issue put to either.

Monday, December 20.

Commissioners to go to the Isle of wight to have 200l.

The Commissioners appointed to carry the Propositions to his Majesty, being to take their Journey this Day, the House of Commons ordered, That the said Commissioners should have the Sum of 200l. paid unto them out of the Receipt of the King's Revenue, toward the defraying of their Charges in that Service.

The House also appointed a Committee to examine the Propositions now to be sent to his Majesty, and they were ordered forthwith to withdraw; which they accordingly did.

Dr. Usher, Bishop of Armagh, continued Preacher at Lincolns-Inn.

A great Debate was this Day in the House, whether Dr. Usher should continue preaching at Lincolns-Inn, he having formerly adhered to the Enemy against the Parliament: And the House was divided; and it was carried in the Affirmative, he taking the Negative Oath.

Deliquent Ministers to be silenced.

But, that Delinquent Ministers should not take Encouragement at this, they ordered in the second place, That it should be referred to a Committee of plundered Ministers, to send for and examine such Ministers as have adhered to the Enemy, and preach now in the Kingdom; and such as have of late, and now do cause the Book of Common-Prayer to be read, and to take care for silencing of them.

Reversion of Dean and Chapters Lands no Security for the Arrears of the Army.

The House had then a great Debate, whether Dean and Chapters Lands should be part of the Security for the Arrears of the Soldiery, as desired. And the Question was put, Whether the Reversion of Deans and Chapters Lands, the present Rents reserved, all Impropriations, Tithes, Advousons, and Presentations excepted, shall be given as Security for Payment of 600000l. assigned formerly for Security for the Arrears of the Soldiery, in case the 600000l. shall not arise out of the former Securities? And the House was divided, and resolved in the Negative Vote.

The House spent the rest of the Day in hearing the Report of Fines and Compositions from Goldsmiths-Hall.

They ordered to take the Business of the Army into further Consideration to Morrow.

There past some Votes on Saturday last, in relation to the Report from the Army; and also concerning the Scots Commissioners Declaration; which for want of room was the last Week omitted, but we will now give you them.

Security agreed for Arrears of the Soldiers.

The House, according to former Order, resumed the Report of the Commissioners lately come from the Army, which held a long time; and agreed to the Security desired for the Arrears of the Soldiers, the Moiety of the Excise in Course, Remainder of Bishops Lands, and Forrest-Lands. And they ordered, That the Sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds should be charged on the said Security for the Payment of the Arrears of the Soldiers.

The House then ordered to rise and meet again, to consider of the large Declaration inclosed in a Letter yesterday from the Scots Commissioners, which is in very high Language, to the Parliament of England, pressing hard for a personal Treaty with his Majesty, and their Protest against the sending the Four Bills. We will give you a brief Account of some of the Expressions in that Declaration, as followeth:

Some Expressions in the Scots Declaration against sending the 4 Bills to his Majesty.

There be some things which properly concerns the Kingdom of England, their Rights, Laws and Liberties. But there be other Matters, which in their own Nature, as being common to both, or by Covenant, or Treaty, concerning both Kingdoms; wherein, unless we should forget our Duty to God, to the King's Majesty, to our Native Kingdom, and to this Nation, our common Concernment and Interest cannot be denied. For as Scotland was invited and engaged in this War upon Grounds and Reasons of common Interest; so we trust it will not be offensive, that in making Peace we claim from the House an Improvement of the very same Principles, and a Performance of the Treaties they have made with us; that the same measure of Conjunction of Interests be given to us, which was had of us and promised unto us; wherein the very Laws of Nations, and the Rule of common Equity doth plead for us. Yet in the Application of this Rule, we shall not stretch our selves beyond our Line, the express Condition of our solemn League and Covenant, the Duty of our Allegiance, and the Treaties and Declarations between the Kingdoms; which are so many strong Obligations, as all who have Honour or Conscience must acknowledge should be inviolably observed.

Having laid this as a most just and solid Ground of our Proceedings, we shall first speak of the best and most probable Means to procure a good Agreement with the King, for settling Religion and a lasting Peace: And next to the Propositions, which are to be the Foundation of the Peace, and Safety of both Kingdoms. And it is still our Opinion and Judgment, that the most equal, fairest, and just way to obtain a well-grounded Peace, is by a Personal Treaty with the King; and that his Majesty, for that end, be invited to come to London, with Honour, Freedom, and safety.

And as it is very far from our Thoughts and Intentions in expressing our Differences upon the Propositions, to provoke or give Offence, so we trust, that our Freedom in discharge of Trust committed to us, proceeding from our Zeal to Religion, Loyalty to our King, and Love to Peace, shall receive a candid Interpretation from the Honourable Houses. And that they will, in their Wisdom, not slight the Desires of a Kingdom, who in the time of England's greatest Danger, esteem'd no Hazard too hard for their Assistance; and are now seeking nothing but the Performance of the mutual Obligement, Declarations and Treaties between the Two Kingdoms, and to prevent the Dangers which may ensue, upon the Violation and Breach of so solemn Engagements.

The Houses of Parliament have frequently prosessed, that the chief End of their Wars was the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, according to the Covenant. And they have often promised and declared to the King, and to all the World, not without deep Attestations of the Name of God, that no Trouble or Success should ever make them wrong or diminish the Power of the Crown; which were the chief Motives and Arguments that induced Scotland to engage with them in this War. Let therefore that be given to God, which is God's and to Caesar that which is Caesar's; whereby it may be event that you are not unmindful of the solemn Vows you made to God in the Time of Distress, for Reformation of Religion; and it may also really appear, that the Advantages and Power which Success put into our Hands, hath not lessened your Loyalty to the King. And, according to your many Professions, and near Relations, let us really and cordially cherish and strengthen the Union between the Two Kingdoms under his Majesty, by all the Pledges of reciprocal Kindness; that so Religion and Righteousness may flourish; and both Kingdoms, languishing under the heavy Pressures and Calamities of an unnatural War, may live in Peace and Plenty.

As we cannot agree to this way of Sending these Four Bills to his Majesty for his Assent, before any Treaty upon the rest of the Propositions, so we are extreamly unsatisfied with the Matter of these new Propositions lately communicated unto us, for the Reasons expressed in our Answer unto them, which we do herewith deliver unto your Lordships, to be presented to both Houses of Parliament; and we do desire that they would take the whole Business into their further Consideration, and that there be a Personal Treaty with his Majesty here at London, upon such Propositions as shall be agreed upon, with Advice and Consent of both Kingdoms, according to the Treaty.

The Commons concurrence desired to the Lords Answer to the said Declaration.

This Declaration took up a great time in reading; and upon the Debate of the same, the Lords sent a Message to the Commons, desiring the Concurrence of that House to an Answer their Lordships had agreed on to the Scots Declaration.

The said Answer was debated, and was answerable in Terms to the high Language in the Scots Declaration.

The Commons agree to the said Answer.

The Commons agreed to the said Answer; and further, if the House of Lords had not been risen, there had been some Addition desired thereunto," which was put off until another Day.

Tuesday, December 21.

A Committee to draw up an Ordinance of Indemnity for the Army.

The House this Day, according to former Order, enter'd into the further Debate concerning the Army; and ordered a committee to draw up an Ordinance for further Indempnity of the Soldier, if the former were insufficient.

Forces to be put into Garrisons.

They likewise ordered a Committee to prepare an Ordinance for drawing the several Forces in the Kingdom into several Garrisons, Cities and Towns.

Declaration of the Necessity to keep up an Army.

They likewise ordered a Declaration to be drawn, to set forth to the Kingdom, the Necessity that hath been to keep up an Army, and of taking off Free Quarter, because the Soldiery have not been bad; And that if the Kingdom do pay in Six Months Arrears of the Assesments of Sixty Thousand Pounds per Mensem, of the Nine Months Assesment due, that then the other Three Months Arrears shall be remitted: And likewise, that no Soldier or Officer should enter into any Man's House that pays his Assesment, without his leave; except it be Ale-Houses, Taverns, Inns and Victualing-Houses.

Printer of the Scots Declaration to be Committed.

The House this Day Ordered, That the Printer that Printed the Scots Answer or Declaration, should be Committed for Printing the same, without the License of the Parliament.

The Arms of disbanded soldiers not to be imbezled.

They Ordered, That it should be referred to the Committee of the Army to take Care that the Arms of such Forces as are ordered to be disbanded, may not be imbezled, but kept together for the Service of the State.

They Ordered, That the Supernumerary Forces that are to be disbanded, shall have Two Months Pay paid unto them at the time of their Disbanding.

The rest of this Day was spent in a Report from the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall, concerning Delinquents Compositions.

Major Cobbet to be Cashier'd.; Lieut. Ingram suspended his Employment.

By Letters this Day from the Head Quarters at Windsor we had to understand, 'That Yesterday the Council of War sat close about Major Cobbet's Business: After Twelve at Night they came to a final Sentence, That he should be Cashier'd the Army at the Head of the Regiment; and it to be presented to the General Council, if they thought fit to declare the Sentence. Captain Lieutenant Ingram, of the Life-Guard, being present, used some Expressions, That the Court Martial had nothing to do to try him: Which gave such Offence, that he was commanded forth, and upon Debate, he was Suspended his present Employment, to make an Acknowledgment of his Fault within Seven Days, or to be Cashier'd the Army. The General Council is now Sitting: To Morrow is appointed for a Fast: and on Thursday they fall upon Business of Importance; of which you shall then hear further.

Wednesday, December 22.

Commissioners of the Customs to be reimburst.

An Ordinance was this Day read in the House of Commons, for reimbursing the present Commissioners of the Customs all such Money disbursed or to be disbursed by them, for the Service of the State, out of the Moiety of the Customs; which was read and past.

The said Commissioners to be removeable as the Parliament shall think fit; Ordinance agreed to for the Relief of maimed Soldiers.

A Proviso was ordered to be added to the said Ordinance, to this Purpose, viz. That the said Commissioners, notwithstanding, shall be removeable as the Houses of Parliament shall think fit, after their Money disbursed be paid unto them: which was also agreed on.

An additional Ordinance was read, for the more effectual Relief of the poor maimed Soldiers, that served for the Parliament throughout the Kingdom: which was assented unto.

An Ordinance was ordered to be drawn up in particular, for Relief of poor maimed Soldiers in Lancashire.

Ordinance for Arrears of Soldiers Committed; Ordinance for Accounts past; Commissioners for the Northern Association, be added to the Committee for Sequestrations; Committee of Kent to in dempnify such as have acted by Authority or Parliament.

An Ordinance was read for securing the Soldiery the Arrears of their Pay, which admitted of much debate: and, upon Question, it was ordered to be committed.

An Ordinance was read in the House for stating the Accounts of the Army; which, upon the Question, was assented unto.

They Ordered, That the Persons named Commissioners in the Ordinance for the Sixty Thousand Pounds per Mensem for the County of York, and all the Northern Association, be added to the Committee for Sequestrations for the said several Counties of the Northern Association.

The like was ordered for the Country of Derby.

The House this Day past an Ordinance for appointing and giving Power to several Gentlemen of Kent, to be a Committee for hearing Differences in relation to Military Affaris, and to be a Committee of Indempnity for the said County; and to relieve all that have acted for and by Authority of Parliament.

The like is to be for the several Counties of the Kingdom.

False Reports from the Isle of Wight.

Strange have been the Rumours spread of late from the Isle of Wight; one while of the King's being escaped thence, and then a fearful Story of the Prince of Orange with a great Fleet of Ships to begirt that Island. Of both these Stories take this punctual Account, as it is certified by Letters from thence. 'There is no probable Grounds to suppose the King's Escape, for that he stands engaged in his Word not to stir thence; and affirms, That that was the Place he first designed, when he apprehended it not safe to continue any longer at Hampton-Court; and that if he were at Liberty to choose any Place in his Three Kingdoms, he would not remove thence, except to London upon a Personal Treaty. Capt. Rolfe, and Capt. Carter's Companies are not yet gone over into the Island; the Assesments whereof are to pay those Companies.

Concerning the Fleet of Hollanders come into the Road of the Isle of Wight, this Letter will give Satisfaction.

Letter concerning the Fleet of Hollanders at the Isle of Wight.

Much Honoured Sir,
After humble Salutations, although neither my Predecessors nor my self were ever required to give Account of the Approach of any of the Allies Ships of this Kingdom, to whom we are Servants; yet in there distracted Times, I thought my self bound in Duty to give you Notice, That there are arrived on Saturday Night in St. Attan's Road, Two Ships and Two Galliots: Also Three Frigats in the Cow-Road, all which have Soldiers and Provisions in them, belonging to the West-India Company of Holland, and are bound to Brasill, for the Relief of that Country. This I thought good to advise you of, to take away the Fears and Jealousies in this Island, which may grow by approaching of such a Fleet in these distracted Times, &c.

East-Cows this 13th of December, 1647.

Thursday, December 23.

Trustees for Bishops Lands to be also Trustees for Delinquents Lands.

The House this Day Ordered, That the Trustees for the Sale of Bishops Lands shall be Trustees for the Sale of Delinquents Lands, that are given as part of Security to the Soldiery for their Arrears; and likewise for the Forrest-Lands.

Soldiers to be put into Garrisons, and Free Quarter taken off; Bishops Lands to be part of the Security for the Arrears of Soldiers; The General Receivers of each County to return the Assesments to the Treasurers at War.

The House this Day past an Ordinance, that the Fifteenth: Day of January next, the Army shall be drawn into Garrisons, Towns, and Cities, so as from thenceforth all Free Quarter may be taken off, as is provided for.

An Ordinance was read, for appointing the Remainder of the Bishops Lands, after the Engagement charged thereupon first satisfied, to be part of the Security for the Arrears of the Soldiery; which was assented unto.

They ordered, that the Commissioners in the several Counties in the Ordinance for the Monthly Assesment of Sixty Thousand Pounds, to nominate in each particular County a General Receiver, who shall receive the Assesments of each County from the particular Collectors and Sub-Collectors; and that the said General Receiver do send the Money unto the Treasure at War; and to be allowed by the Committees of each County a Salary not exceeding a Penny in the Pound.

Committee appointed to go to the Army.

The House Ordered, That Mr. Scowen, Mr. Hodges, Col. White, Col. Birth, and Mr. Francis Allen, be a Committee to go down to the Army.

Members sent into the Country to hasten the bringing in the Assesments.

They Ordered many Members of the House that serve for the several Counties, to go down into the Country, for the bringing the Arrears of the Assesments in the several Counties, upon the Order of Sixty Thousand Pounds per Mensem, and quicken the bringing in of them.

Friday, December 24.

A Letter from the General.

A Letter this Day came to the House from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, with a Paper inclosed of the Result of the Council of War at Windsor, the 23d of this Instant December, concerning the Ordinance of Parliament, about Quartering the Soldiers in Inns and Victualing-Houses, &c.

The Debate thereof referred to a Committee.

The House debated about this Business; and Ordered, that it should be referred to the Committee of the Army, to confer and consider with his Excellency and the Officers of the Army, concerning that Business; and to return their Results thereupon to the House.

Committee for the Militia to take care to prevent Abuses offered to such as open Shops on Holy Days.

A Petition was presented to the House in the Name of some Freemen within the Cities of London and Westminster, who this time Twelve Months were much abused for opening their Shops on the Day called Christmas-Day, and Holy Days, though an Ordinance of Parliament has passed to that Purpose. The House hereupon Ordered, That the Committee of the Militia of London, Westminster, &c. shall take care in a strict manner, to prevent the like Inconveniencies for the future; and that this be Printed and Published for better Notice.

Delinquent Ministers to be put out of the Lines of Communication; Committee to draw up an Answer to the Scots Papers; Letter from the General concerning Col. Rainsborough.

The House Ordered, That the Militia of London, Westminster, Southwark, &c. should take strict Course to put out of the late Lines of Communication, all Delinquent Ministers, according to the Ordinance in that Behalf.

The House ordered, That a Committee should be named to draw up an Answer to the Scots Papers, and that they prepare it by Friday next.

the House received another Letter from his Excellency, concerning Col. Rainsborough's speedy going to his Charge at Sea; and the Question was put, Whether Col. Rainsborough be required forthwith to go to his Charge at Sea as Vice-Admiral? And the House was divided, and carried in the Affirmative, that he shall go.

From the Head Quarters at Windsor we had further, by Letters in relation to some things before mentioned, and other Particular to this Purpose:

General Council endeavour Union, and to pass by Offences committed.

'Tuesday last, December 21. the General Council of the Army met in the Castle at Windsor; the greatest part of that Day was spent in several Declarations made by divers Officers, concerning the present Juncture of Affairs; many Exhortations to Unity and Affinity, and Motions made for passing by Offences that had, through Weakness, come from Brethren.

Major White desired to be admitted into Favour.

'Major White laid hold of this Opportunity, made an Acknowledgment that he had spoken some Words rashly at Putney, for which he was Censured by that Council; desired that he might be look'd upon as one who desired the Good of the Army; and, that being received into Favour, he should readily submit to the Discipline of the Army. This was unanimously approved of, and the Major accordingly re-admitted into the General Council.

A Fast kept by the General and Officers of the Army; A Motion made on be half of Col. Rainsborough.

'Wednesday, December 22. was, according to Appointment, kept as a Solemn Fast by the General and Officers; the Duties of the Day were performed by divers of the Officers, amongst whom there was a sweet Harmony: The Lieutenant-General, Commissary General Ireton, Col. Tichburne, Col. Hewson, Mr. Peters, and other Officers, pray'd very fervently and pathetically: this continued from Nine in the Morning till Seven at Night. In the Evening a Motion was made, That whereas Col. Rainsborough had acted some Things which gave Offence, that in regard of his present Acknowledgement, his former Service might not be forgotten; but that the Council would move the General to write to the House, that he would represent to the Parliament as their Desire, that he might be made Vice-Admiral; which was assented to by all, and a Letter written to Mr. Speaker accordingly.

General Council of the Army except against the Ordinance for Quartering Soldiers only in Inns and Victualling Houses.

'Thursday, December 23. the General Council of the Army again met; an Ordinance drawn up Tuesday last by the House of Commons was read, and Exceptions taken at that part of it, that no Officer of or Soldiers should Quarter in any Private House, but only in Inns, Taverns, Ale-Houses, and Victualing-Houses. The Exceptions were, I. That it is like to fall out oft-times, and in many Towns, that there will be more Men and Horses to Quarter, than the Inns or Ale-Houses have room for. That Soldiers must either pay for their victuals and Horse Meat at such Rates as the Inns where they Quarter will reckon, as to other Guests, or else give large Satisfaction to the Inn-Keeper for their Lodging and Stable-room; otherwise the Inn-Keepers Lodgings and Stable-room taken up by Soldiers, will lose the whole Benefit of his Inn, which is his Livelihood: and if the Solider be to give him Satisfaction as other Guests, it will amount to more that his Pay comes to, though it should be constant.

Capt. Bray, and others, upon Submission discharged.

'This Day also the Council of War sat about the Trail of Captain-Lieutenant Bray, Mr. Crosman, Mr. Allen, and other; But upon their Acknowledgment of their rash and irregular Proceedings, and Promise to submit to the Discipline of the Army for the time to come, they were dismissed and sent to their several Regiments.

Saturday, commonly called Christmas-Day.

Mininsters complained of for reading the Common-Prayer, and preaching on Christmas-Day.

Both Houses sitting this Day, some Complaints were made to the House of Commons, of the countenancing of Malignant Ministers in some parts of London, where they Preach and use the Common-Prayer-Book, contrary to the Ordinance of Parliament; and some Delinquent Minsters were invited, and did Preach on this Day, because Christmas-Day. The House upon Debate hereupon, Ordered, That the Committee for plunder'd Ministers have Power given them to examine and punish Church-Wardens, Sequestrators, and others, that do countenance Delinquent Ministers to Preach, and to commit them if they see Cause; and upon which some were taken into Custody.

Scandalous Paper against the King, Parliament, and Army.

A Printed Paper was this Day sent to the House, directed to Mr. Speaker, entituled, The People and Soldiers Observations on the Scots Message to the Parliament concerning the King, 5 November, 1647. of which the Members had many Copies. The House ordered, that it should be referred to a Committee to find out the Printer, and the Author or Authors of them;it being very scandalous against King and Parliament, and Army.

A Message came from the Lords with a Copy of a Letter from his Excellency, sent formerly to their Lordships, concerning Col. Rainsborough, their Lordships not as yet concurring in the Vote of the House of Commons Yesterday, for Col. Rainsborough's speedy going to Sea as Vice-Admiral.

Conference desired concerning Col. Rainsborough.

The House hereupon ordered, that a Conference should be desired with their Lordships on Monday next, at which they were to be acquainted with the General's Letter the 22d of December Instant, upon the Desire then of the General Council, that the said Col. Rainsborough may presently go down to his Charge as Vice-Admiral at Sea, and of the General's Desire for that purpose; and the Reasons why the House did confirm the said Desires of his Excellency and his Council, concerning the same.

There hath been much talk in City and Country, about the Death of Mr. Saltmarsh, Minister, and of his last coming to the Head Quarters in Windsor; and we have been very desirous, as well to satisfy others, as to be instructed of the Truth of that Business, which we have now received to this Purpose:

Mr. Saltmarsh visits the Army at Windsor; His Deportment towards them.

'On Saturday, 4 December Instant, Mr. Saltmarsh being at his House near Ilford in Essex, told his Wife that he must presently go to Windsor, for that he had something reveal'd to him from Heaven, he must presently acquaint the Army withal: And that Night he came to London: On Sunday in the Afternoon took Horse for Windsor; but mistaking his Way, by reason of the Night, came not to Windsor until Monday Morning; and being come, had Conference with several Officers there, using very strange and various Expressions to them; and afterwards came to the Castle, where the General Council were to meet that Day, and meeting several other Officers told them, That he had formerly come to them as a Lamb, but now in the Spirit of a Lion, to tell them what the Lord had revealed to him from Heaven; That though the Lord had done much by them and for them, yet he had now forsaken them, and would not prosper them, because they had forsaken him, their first Principle, and imprisoned Saints, &c. with many other such like Expressions.

His Expressions to the General.

'Afterwards he met with the General, and told him, with his Hat on, That he had formerly so much doted on his Person, he had offended God in it; but he had now no Command from God to honour him at all: and that God had revealed unto him, that he was highly displeas'd with him for imprisoning of Saints, and would not prosper him. And spoke of great Divisions to arise in the Army, to the Ruin of them.

'The like to other great Officer.

'The like Expressions he used to another great Officer in the Army, with his Hat on. And spoke also to a Minister of the Army, and others, to the same purpose.

Takes his leave of the Army, and on the Saturday following dies.

'On Tuesday Mr. Saltmarsh took his Leave of the Army, and told them, He had now delivered his Message and done his Work, and must leave them, never to see the Army more. That Day he came to London, and stay'd there until Thursday, when he returned to his House near Ilford, in Essex. On Friday, being somewhat ill, he told his Wife, He had now finished his Course, and must go to his Father. On Saturday Morning he was taken Speechless, and in the Afternoon that Day, died. And this in brief, is the Sum of the Story.

There is not any News as yet come from the Commissioners that went to the King.

December 25. 1647.

Monday, December 27.

The State of the Navy reported.

This Day a Report was made to the House of Commons, of the present State of the Navy, which took up much Time; and after much Debate it was ordered, That it should be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider how the Sum of Six Thousand Pounds per Mensem, may be raised towards the Pay of the Navy; and that they make Report thereof with all Speed to the House.

The House then had Debate concerning a Conference to be had with the Lords, of the Grounds upon which that House had voted Col. Rainsborough to be re-invested in his former Employment as Vice-Admiral, and to desire their Lordships Concurrence therein. And a Conference was had accordingly, at which the Commons acquainted the Lords, that nothing appeared against the Vice-Admiral; that he had cleared himself in the House, and that the General desired his Dispatch to Sea, which the House had Ordered, and desired their Lordships Concurrence. The Lords also had a Letter to that purpose from his Excellency. Their Lordships had some Debate about it, but concluded nothing.

Dr. Trigg's Petition debated; Delinquents Compositions reported.

Some Debate was had upon a Petition in the Behalf of Dr. Trigg, and it was appointed to be taken into Consideration another Day.

The rest of this Day the Commons spent in Debate of Delinquents Compositions reported from Goldsmith-Hall.

This Day there came a Letter from the Commissioners now attending his Majesty with the Four Bills, giving to understand, that they had presented the Propositions to his Majesty, as you may see further by the Letter following, from one of the Commissioners.

Letter from the Commissioners that presented the Propositions to his Majesty.

My Lord,
In the pursuance of the Instructions and Commands from the Parliament, I did with the other Commissioners, present the Bills and Propositions to his Majesty, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon. The King was then pleased to say, That he was assured, that we could not expect a present Answer; but he would take the same into Consideration, and give his Answer within few Days.

This is all the Account I can return your Lordships at present, which I desire you will be pleased to communicate to the House of Peers, from

Your most Humble and Affectionate Servant,

From Newport, Dec. 24. 1647.

For the Right Honourable the Speaker of the House of Peers, pro tempore.

The Scots Commissioners were not at Court when the Four Bills were presented to his Majesty, but came the next Day and presented a Declaration to his Majesty of their Dissent to the said Bills. His Majesty gave no Answer to the same then, but the said Commissioners had afterwards private Conference with his Majesty some Hours. The Declaration given in by the Scots Commissioners was to this Effect:

The Effect of Scots Commissioners Declaration.

'That they had endeavoured by all Ways and Means to the Parliament of England, for furthering a happy Peace; having seen the Propositions, and understood of Bills brought to his Majesty, which they apprehended prejudicial to Religion, the Crown, and the Union between the Kingdoms, and therefore in the Name of the Kingdom of Scotland, declare their Dissent.

Report concerning his Majesty's declaring his Mind as to the Four Bills.

There are some further Reports, as that his Majesty should declare himself, That if the Parliament will restore his Revenue, and Fifty Thousand Pounds a Year for the Court of Wards; grant that some Divines consult with some of the Parliament at the end of three Years for settling of Religion; declare a Period to this Parliament now, to end in reasonable time; agree that after Twenty Years the Militia remain as it stood before this Parliament; and an Act of Oblivion to all Parties be, that then he will grant the Four Bills.

Intelligence from the Head Quarters at Windsor.

'From the Head Quarters at Windsor, we understand, that the chief Business now in Hand there, is about disbanding the Supernumerary Forces, according to Votes of Parliament; and that for the more effectual and speedy doing thereof, the General hath sent his Letters to Col. Lambert, Major-General Laughborne, Major-General Milton, Major Hopton, Col. Humpheries, Col. Duckenfield, and Col. Venables, concerning the disbanding Supernumeraries, as you may see by the Copy of the Letter following.

The General's Letter to Col. Lambert, concerning disbanding Supernumeraries.

For the speedier easing of the Kingdom's Burdens, and to facilitate the disbanding of all such Supernumerary Forces, as being of long standing in the Parliament Service, have great Arrears due to them, and consequently require some considerable part thereof, at the disbanding; I must desire you forthwith, upon receipt hereof, to take effectual Order for the present dismissing and discharging of all such Soldiers and Officers under your Command, as have been entertained since the end of March last: And with all possible speed I desire you to certify to me the Number of those you shall have so dismissed and discharged in every Troop or Company under your Command, as aforesaid; and the Number of those that remain, being of longer standing in the said Troops or Companies. I remain

Your very assured Friend,
Thomas Fairfax.

Windsor, Decemb. 25. 1647.

Letter from Dublin.

From Dublin by Letters dated December 16. we had thus certified, That Col. Jones is now before Arcklow, in the County of Wicklow, which he doubts not to carry, notwithstanding those Disadvantages which accompanies Winter Action, and above all Places in this Island of Ireland. His Regiment begins to conform, and in the midst of their Heat said, They would fight against the Rebels. Five Thousand of Col. Coots and Col. Ponsonbey's Forces marched Yesterday towards Col. Jones. There is certain Intelligence come hither, that the Romish Clergy at their last great Assembly at Kilkenny, prevailed against the Laity, and have made Owen Rowe Oneal, Generalissimo of Ireland, and Preston is extinct; which hath so discontented him, that he inclines rather to quit all Service, than to assist any farther. Sir Charles Cootes is gone into the Field with what he hath of his own Forces in Conagh, and such of the Lagan as can be got to march; to wit, a part of my Lord Folyot's, who is marched in Person with them, part of Col. Mervin's Foot Regiment, and Troops. Sir Robert and Sir William Steward's Regiments have refused to march; and therein have disobeyed the Orders and Directions of Parliament; which considered with what else is on Foot in Ulster, may give to think, that other Ale is there brewing than English.

Of the late Success and farther Proceedings of the Lord Inchequin in the Province of Munster in Ireland, there came in Letters to this purpose:

A Letter of the Proceedings of the Lord Inchequin in Munster.

Loving Cousin,
On the Tenth currant I wrote to you a few Lines, wherein I sent you a Catalogue of the Prisoners taken in the last Battle fought between our noble General, the Lord Inchequin, and the Lord Taaff, the Rebel; I hope it came safe to your Hands. We long much to hear good News from England, that this poor Kingdom might have Relief in its now straving and miserable Condition, for want of Money and Cloaths. It would make your Soul bleed to see the poor common Soldiers march out with never a whole Rag to his Back, nor Shoe to his Foot, feeble and saint, for want of what should suffice Nature; and yet they are as Valiant as any Men in the whole World; they shewed themselves so in the late Battle, when all our Lives lay at Stake, and when our poor, naked, hunger-starv'd Souls were kept Eight or Nine Days in the Field, and all our Bread was spent, that the Lord knows in what a feeble Condition our Men were in, when the Battle was to be struck; but never more willinger poor Wretches went on, for those that were sickish skip'd for Joy. How great Cause then have these poor Souls to be relieved out of England, and suffer them not to perish for want of Provision? for they are enforced to fight, not only for their own Food, but for many Thousand Families that live in several Garrisons.

Yesterday the poor Souls went out again, and their worthy General followed this Morning. The God of Hosts go along with them, and cover their Heads in the Day of Battle. It's thought that he means to face Owen Rowe Oneal, the Enemies most considerable Body that now they have in the Kingdom. My Lord Inchequin takes with him but 1000 Foot, such as are the lustiest amongst all the Garrisons, and was sain to have a Gathering amongst the poor Inhabitants to get so much Monies as to buy them Broges to keep their Feet from being cut to pieces by Ice, for they have a long March in hand, as is supposed. He takes likewise all the Horse with him that are in case to Travel. Let all good People put up Prayers for them. By God's Mercy, I hope to write to you or bring you Notice of the Success.

Cork, December 17. 1647.

Tuesday, December 28.

Ordinance read for settling 800l. per Annum. upon the Bishop of Durham.

An Ordinance was read this Day in the House of Commons, for settling Eight Hundred Pounds per Annum on the late Bishop of Durham, being in Prosecution of a former Vote for that Purpose; which was read the first time.

Newcastle Petition complaining of the burden of Free Quarter.

A Petition was read from the Town of Newcastle, complaining of the hard Burthen of Free Quarter when the Scots were there, and ever since their going thence; and that the like Oppression hath not been in such Measure in any part of the Kingdom.

The Publick Faith for their Security.

The House hereupon Ordered, That the said Town of Newcastle shall have the Publick Faith of the Kingdom for all Free Quarter since the Scots went from thence.

Their former Engagements to be paid out of Sequestrations.

That the Sequestrations of the Town and County of Newcastle, and the County of Northumberland, shall be paid unto the said Counties, to satisfy former Engagements and Monies due unto them.

Ammunition for the said Town.

That it should be referred to the Committee of the Army to provide Ammunition for the said Town of Newcastle.

Conference concerning Col. Rainsborough agreed to.

A Message this Day came from the Lords, desiring a Conference concerning Col. Rainsborough, which was agreed unto. And their Lordships acquainted them, that they had debated the Subject of the last Conference, and that they had adhered to their former Vote, that Col. Rainsborough might not go to Sea.

Conference desired on behalf of the Marquis of Winchester.

A Message this Day from the Lords, desiring the Concurrence of the House to an Order for giving the Marquiss of Winchester Four Months longer Liberty upon his former Bail.

Their Lordships also desired that the Petition of the Lord Cromwell might be considered of.

The House Ordered, That this Message should be considered of on Saturday next.

Another Letter from the Commissioners that presented the Four Bills to his Majesty.

The Letters from our Commissioners who presented the Four Bills to his Majesty, and relation of the Scottish Commissioners Dissent, was read; and, upon debate thereof, Ordered, That Thanks should be given to our Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, for giving the House such timely Notice of Affairs there.

The rest of the Day was spent in Reports from Goldsmiths-Hall, and the House then Adjourned until Thursday, Wednesday being the Monthly Fast.

Insurrection at Canterbury about keeping of Christmas.

News came third Day of a great Insurrection at Canterbury in Kent, about keeping of Christmas-Day; The Mayor of the Town endeavouring to allay the Tumult, and exercising his Authority according to the Ordinance of Parliament against such vain and superstitious Observations, was very much abused by the rude Multitude, had his Head broke, and was dragged up and down till at last he got into an House. They broke into divers Houses of the most Honest and Religious in the Town, broke their Windows, abused their Persons, and threw their Goods about the Streets. Monday their Number increased to above a Thousand, Two or Three Hundred kept together, they sent abroad for the Country to come in, blockt up Passages, seized upon the Magazine and Arms in the Town-Hall, made use of the Arms for themselves and Party, kept Courts of Guard in Four or Five Places, examined Passengers; Two Scouts were sent from Dover to observe Passages, and to inform the Mayor that Capt. Temple would send him Fifty Horse for Assistance, but the Mayor could not be met withal; the Tumult was so great. At last the Cry was, For God, King Charles, and Kent.

The like Disorders in other Places.

The like Disorders we understand have been in other Counties, and also in London, to the great Abuse of the present Lord Mayor, and Scandal of the Civil Government of the City.

Thursday, December 30.

The House this Day ordered serveral Members to give Mr. Caryl and Mr. Seaman Thanks for their great Pains they took yesterday in Preaching before the House of Commons at Margarets-Westminster, being the Day for the Monthly Fast.

The House ordered that Mr. Marshal and Mr. Wilson should be desired to Preach the next Fast Day before the House of Commons, at Margarets-Westminster.

A Letter from the Committee of Kent concerning Riot.

A Letter this Day came out of Kent, from some of the Committee of the said County, acquainting the House with the great Riot that was at Canterbury on Saturday last, we gave you the Particulars before; the House hereupon Ordered, That the Order for Examining and Committing of Church-Wardens that countenance malignant Ministers to Preach, be forthwith Printed.

The said Committee to cerrity the whole Business to the House.

They further Ordered, that the Business of the Riot at Canterbury be referred to the Examination and Consideration of a Committee, who shall have Power to send for Parties, and Witnesses, &c. and to Commit if they shall see Cause, and to certify the whole Business to the House.

They were likewise informed of a Riot at Eling, in the County of Middlisex, which the House likewise referred to a Committee.

The Riot at Eling referred to the Justices of Middlesex.

They further Ordered, That the Business of this Riot at Eling shall be referred to the Justices of Peace in the County of Middlesex, who are to proceed against them at the Sessions, according to the Law of the Land, as Riotors; that so severe Punishment may be executed on them, to the Terror of others for the future.

Sir Arthur Hazlerig made Governor of Newcastle.

A Letter this Day came from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, that he had given a Commission to Sir Arthur Hazlerig to be Governour of Newcastle. The House approved thereof, and Ordered, that he forth with repair thither, to take the Charge of the said Place upon him accordingly.

Col. Lilburne willing of resign the said Trust.

The Reader is not to apprehend hereby, that his Excellency hath any Dislike or Doubt of the Integrity, Judgment, or Valour of Col. Lilburne, the former Governour; but that himself is glad that the thing is so disposed of, for such Reasons as are not convenient to be made Publick.

Church-Warden of St. Martins displaced.

The House was informed that one Mr. Harris, a Church-Warden in the Parish of Martins, was a dangerous disaffected Man, and did countenance, encourage and promote Delinquent Ministers to preach there, to the Dishonour of the Parliament and their Proceedings, and to the great Encouragement of Malingnants here, and seducing of the well affected, they ordered that the said Harris be committed, and that he be displaced from being Church-warden any longer.

The Commissioners for Scotland came back to London this Night from the Isle of Wight. We told you before of their Declaration presented to his Majesty, against the Four Bills presented by the Parliament's Commissioners; we will give you the Declaration Verbatim, as follows:

The Scots Declaration concerning the Four Bills presented to his Majesty.

May it please your Majesty,
There is nothing which we more constantly endeavour, and do more earnestly desire, than a good Agreement and happy Peace between your Majesty and your Parliaments of both Kingdoms; neither have we left any Means unessayed, that with united Councils with the Houses of Parliament of England, and by making joint Applications to your Majesty, there might be a Composure of all Differences: But the new Propositions communicated to us by the Houses, and the Bills therewith presented to your Majesty, are so prejudicial to Religion, the Crown, and the Union and Interest of the Kingdoms and so far different from the former Proceedings and Engagements betwixt the Kingdoms, as we cannot concur therein. Therefore we do, in the Name of the Kingdom of Scotland, dissent from these Propositions and Bills now tender'd to your Majesty.

  • Lauderdaile.
  • C. Erskin.
  • Henry Kennedy.
  • Robert Barkley.

Friday, December 31.

Col. Hammond ordered to keep a strict Guard upon his Majesty's Person.

A Letter this Day came from his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, acquainting the House, that for the Reasons mentioned in the said Letter, viz. a late Mutiny and Design to carry away the King, he had given Order to Col. Hammond, Governor of the Isle of Wight, to keep a strict Guard upon his Majesty's Person, till he further knew the pleasure of the Houses of Parliament.

The House approves of the same.

The House hereupon being fully satisfied with the said Reasons, ordered, That they approved of the General's Order to Col. Hammond, for securing his Majesty's Person in the Place where he now is; and for his Excellency's further Warrant and Approbation thereof, the House ordered, That his Excellency be hereby required to take special Care for the securing the Person of his Majesty in the Place where he now is, in Caresbrook Castle.

They further ordered, That Col. Hammond, the Governor of the Isle of Wight, be required and authorized to take special Care for securing the Person of the King in the Place where he now is, and that he do observe such further Orders and Directions herein, as he shall receive from the General.

The Lords also concur.
The Lords were desired to concur herein, which they have done accordingly.

The Parliament's Commissioners return dissatisfied.

The Parliament's Commissioners came back from his Majesty to London this Day; but bring with them little Satisfaction from his Majesty, in answer to the Four Bills.

The House Ordered, That Mr. Marshal and Mr. Nye be desired to come to Morrow Morning to Pray in the House of Commons, to seek God for a Blessing upon their Consultations and Debates, they tending to Things of great Concernment, that God would direct them therein.

General Council of the Army meet again at Windsor about disbanding Supernumeraries.

From Windsor, the Head Quarters, we understand further; That the General Council of the Army sat again Yesterday; the chief Business of the Day was in Debate with the Parliament's Commissioners about Disbanding the Supernumeraries, and towards Night there was a further Precept or Order agreed on, to be sent to the Commanders of the respective Forces in the several Counties that are to be disbanded, the Copy whereof is as follows:

Order agreed on to be sent to the Commande's in the respective Counties about the same.

Whereas the Parliament hath Ordained and Appointed the Forces under your Command to be Disbanded, and have taken Order, That the said Forces to be disbanded, except such as have been entertained since the Sixth of August last, who are to be discharged without Money, shall before disbanding have their Accounts stated, receiving Two Months Pay or more in Hand, and Debentures for the remainder, and those to be register'd; and by several Ordinances have secured those Arrears by good and visible Securities to be hereafter paid: Or that they shall be agreed withal for their whole Arrears by a gross Sum in hand; and have authorized Commissioners to see those things done. These are to require you, that upon Notice from their Commissioners intrusted with that Service, you with the said Forces under your Command do readily comply, and give due Obedience in all things requisite for the effectual and speedy Dispatch of that Service, the Disbanding of the said Forces under your Command, according to the said Resolutions and Directions of Parliament; the said Service being of great Concernment to the Publick, and the Ease of the Country.

The Parliament and my self expect all due Observation herein, and for your so doing this shall be your Warrant. Given under my Hand and Seal at Windsor, the One and Thirtieth Day of December, 1647.

From the Head Quarters at Windsor, this Day we had further by Letters as follows:

A Letter from the Head Quarters, intimating the Resolution of the Army to live and die with the Parliament.

'The Parliament's Commissioners have been at the Head Quarters with us now this Three Days, and had divers Meetings with our Councils, and joined with us in Prayer, and other things tending to the Good of the Kingdom and Army, and have had full Satisfaction in all things upon the Votes of the Houses, to their Hearts Desire and Content. And the Officers came to them, and assured them the Spirit of the Army was, That since God hath put an Opportunity now into their Hands of purpose to settle the Kingdom, if God should honour the Army to be further helping to them, the Army would live and die with them and for them willingly. Where by they were much joyed, and received their Expressions with abundance of Thanks.

'The chief Officers, Lieutenant-General Cromwell, Commissary-General Ireton, and others, Yesterday, viz. Friday, dined with them, and with much Love parted with them when they took their Leave for London, and the Castle gave them a Salute with Five and Twenty Pieces of Ordnance.

'The Agreement was sweet and comfortable, the whole Matter of the Kingdom being left with the Parliament. Major-General Lambert, Sir Arthur Hazlerig, Governor of Newcastle, and Major-General Militon, were present at this parting, with many Officers.

Saturday, January 1.

Col. Hammond's Letter concerning a Mutiny in the Isle of Wight.

This Day the House, after Prayers by the Ministers appointed Yesterday, received Letters from Col. Hammond, Governor of the Isle of Wight, dated December the 30th, giving them to understand the great Mutiny that happened Wednesday last in Newport, in the Isle of Wight, upon the Parliament's Commissioners leaving his Majesty, to seize upon Carisbrook-Castle, and to take away his Majesty; in which Mutiny one Capt. Burley was chief Actor, and is now in Custody, with many others; his Majesty not gone, as was this Day reported, but safe in Carisbrook-Castle, his Servants and Chaplains are dismiss'd the Court, and a strong Guard upon the Castle.

There came also Letters from divers Commanders of the Parliament's Ships at Cowes, concerning this Business.

Vice-Admiral Rainsborough, ordered forth with to repair thither.

And the House upon Debate hereof, Ordered, That Col. Rainsborough, Vice-Admiral, be required forthwith to repair to the Isle of Wight, with such Ships as he shall think necessary for that Service. And the House also approved of what their Commissioners coming from his Majesty had before done, in commanding some Ships upon this Exigent, to attend upon the Isle of Wight.

The Governor to have Commission to try the chief Actors in this Mutiny.

It was ordered further, That the General, Sir Thomas Fairfax, be required to grant a Commission to the Governor of the Isle of Wight, to try the chief Actors in this Mutiny by Martial Law, or that shall make further Disturbance; and such as are not triable by Martial Law, are to be tried by Commission of Oyer and Terminer, ordered to be forthwith sent down to that Purpose.

The Mayor of Newport Thanks for his Care in this Business; 2001. sent to supply the Necessities of the Soldiers.

A Letter of Thanks from the House was ordered to be sent to the Mayor of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, and to the well affected Inhabitants there, for their Care and good Affections expressed in the late Mutiny in the Town, by Capt. Burley, and others. The House also ordered Two Hundred Pounds to be sent down to the Governor of the Isle of Wight, to supply the Necessities of the Soldiers in that Island.

Sir William Constable, Col. Goffe and Col. Salmon sent to the Isle of Wight.

The rest of the Day was spent in the Report from Commissioners who came from the Army. The Commssioners that were with the King have not yet made their Report. Yesterday likewise Sir Will. Constable, Lieutenant-Colonel Goffe, and Lieutenant-Colonel Salmon were sent from the General to the Isle of Wight.

Mr. Ashburnham, Sir John Berkley. Dr. Hammond, discharged.

Mr. Ashburnham, Sir John Berkley, Dr. Hammond, and the rest of the King's Party are discharged, and to depart the Island. And it was time, when a Drum was beat up at Newport, For God and King Charles. His Majesty is now attended by those only put in by the Parliament. Col. Hammonds Company of Foot, and Capt. Rolse's are Landed the Island, to strengthen the Guards.

January 1. 1647.