Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: September 6th - October 2nd, 1647', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp801-829 [accessed 14 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: September 6th - October 2nd, 1647', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp801-829.
John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: September 6th - October 2nd, 1647". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp801-829.
In this section
- CHAP. XVIII. Proceedings in Parliament from September 6. to October 2. 1647.
- Monday, Septemb. 6, 1647.
- Tuesday, September 7.
- Friday September 10. and Saturday September 11.
- Tuesday, September 14.
- Monday September 20.
- Tuesday, September 22.
- Wednesday, September 22.
- Thursday, September 23.
- Friday, September 24.
- Saturday, September 25.
- Monday, September 24. 1647.
- Tuesday, September 27.
- Thursday September 29.
- Friday, October 1. 1647.
- Saturday, October 2. 1647.
CHAP. XVIII. Proceedings in Parliament from September 6. to October 2. 1647.
Monday, Septemb. 6, 1647.
Mr. Glyn attended the House, put off till the next day.
This day Mr. Glyn Recorder of London, attended the House of Commons, according to the Order on Saturday last to answer the Charge against him: But the House being then very attentive about the Business of sending the Propositions to the King, Mr. Recorder was put off till the next Day.
Scots Commissioners obstruct the Propositions to the King.
The Debate about the Dispatch of the Propositions took up some time; and the Non-concurrence of the Scotch Commissioners was some Obstruction to the same; but it was ordered, that the Committee of both Kingdoms should this Afternoon desire the Scotch Commissioners positive Answer; for that the Houses do adhere to their former Resolutions of sending the Propositions to his Majesty to morrow.
John Biddle's Arguments upon the Deity, to be burnt by the Hangman.
A Report was made to the House, and Complaint against a dangerous Pamphlet lately printed of one Mr. John Biddles's 12 Arguments upon the Deity, said to be no less than Blasphemy, denying the Third Person to be God. Upon debate of this Business, it was ordered the Pamphlet should be called in, and to be burnt by the Hangman; and that the said Mr. Biddle should be referred to the Examination of the Committee for Plundered Ministers.
Colonel, Sanderson's Petition on behalf of Captain Macquire. Petitions to the General on his behalf left to the Parliament. Macquier reprieved.
A Petition was presented to the Commons from Colonel Sanderson on the behalf of Captain Macquire, condemned to die at the Sessions in the Old-Baily about the Murder and Riot at Guild-hall. The Petition was read, and some Debate, but no Order made upon it.
Petition on his behalf were likewise presented to the General Sir Thomas Fairfax. His Excellency left it to the Pleasure of the Houses, being no ways concerned in the Business.
Much stirring there was in the City on his behalf; and in sine, the Execution (which should have been this Day) was put off, and he likely to gain the Benefit of a Reprieve.
Ordinance against Clipt Money.
An Ordinance this day passed both Houses against Clipped Silver; the Business so generally concerning the whole Kingdom, we will give you the Ordinance.
The Ordinance at large.
Forasmuch as during these Distractions, great Sums of Money clipped and unlawfully diminished, have been dispersed and given out among the People throughout the Kingdom: for the speedy Suppression thereof, and Prevention of the like in the future: Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that from henceforth no Money diminished by Clipping or Filing shall be current or payable in this Kingdom, or be offered in payment by any Person whatsoever, but to be esteemed as Bullion, and no otherwise: And to the end that such Monies as are by this present Ordinance declared to be uncurrent, may not for the present become unuseful unto such as live in remote Parts of the Kingdom, and cannot fell them but at under-Rates.
Be it Ordained, That for three Months after the Date hereof, the said Clipt Money shall be allowed of in Payment at Four Shillings and Ten Pence per Ounce for Goldsmiths Weight, which is Troy-weight; or Four Shillings and Four Pence Halfpeny the Ounce Averdupoize, which is the Common Weight. And all Persons may hereby take notice, That such Clipped Money will yield in London Four Shillings and Eleven Pence per Ounce for Goldsmiths Weight, and Four Shillings Five Pence Halfpeny per Ounce for Averdupoize Weight at the least.
Provided nevertheless that it is not hereby intended that any old Monies which are apparent not to be clipt or otherwise unlawfully diminished, but only grown light through wearing and wasting by long passing from Hand to Hand, shall be included within this Order, but shall still be current without Dispute, as formerly.
Jo. Brown. Cler. Parl. D. Com.
Ordinance for C. Hammond to be Governour of the Isle of Wight.
An Ordinance for making Colonel Hammond Governour of the Isle of Wight, was again read and passed the Commons.
(fn. 1) Letters likewise were presented to the House coming from the Lord Inchiquin, desiring Monies, &c. These, with some other Letters concerning the same Business were referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms.
Lord Inchiquin's Declaration resenting the Proceedings of the Parliament and Army in England.
The Letters from Ireland give to understand that the Officers and Soldiers, with the Lord Inchiquin have been upon dangerous Designs lately, and in Particular upon a Remonstrance or Declaration resenting the Proceedings of Parliament and Army in England, the Pretence being want of Pay, Discharge from Service and the like; yet, that it might not be thought they intended to countenance or accommodate the Rebels, it's declared that they resolve to go on against them vigorously, but withal declare, That they will not admit of any Alteration in Government martial, till their Arrears be paid them, both what's due in England, and Ireland, &c.
Declaration to disable Delinquents to bear Office.
The Commons passed a Declaration for disabling all Delinquents that have born Arms against the Parliament, to be any Publick Officers in the Kingdom, and the Lords Concurrence desired.
Letters from Newcastle, that the General Assembly in Scotland have not yet published their Declaration.
From Newcastle September the Second, 'tis certified, That the General Assembly had not yet published their Declaration in Scotland. The Committee of Estates, in expectation of the Messenger who was sent to London, and to the General for Passes for the Lords. The Messenger passed here this Night with Passes for them.
6 or 8000 Scots advance to quarter on the Confines of Scotland.
Six or Eight Thousand of the Scottish Forces it is certified are drawing Southwards, and intend to quarter on the Confines of Scotland; but it is (they say) only for better Accomodation and Benefit of fresh Quarter.
Tuesday, September 7.
Scots Concurrence to the Propositions for Peace.
Report was this Day made to the House of the Concurrence of the Scotch Commissioners to the Propositions of Peace; whereupon a Letter was agreed upon to the Commissioners with the king, and Instructions from the Houses to present the Propositions to his Majesty, and to receive his Answer within six Days; to which Letter and Instructions both Houses concurring, the said Propositions were sent away this Afternoon to his Majesty at Hampton-Court. The Commissioners who are to present the same, are these as following:
Commissioners Names appointed to present the same to his Majesty.
The Earl of Pembroke, the Lord Montague of Boughton, Sir James Harrington, Sir John Cooke, Sir John Holland, Major General Brown, (Commissioners from both Houses of the Parliament of England) and the Earl of Lauderdale, and Sir Charles Erskin, and two other Commissioners from the Kingdom of Scotland.
Letter to the Scots Commissioners to recall the Scots Forces out of Ulster.
A Letter this day passed both Houses to be sent to the Estates of Scotland for the recalling of the Scottish Forces out of Ulster in Ireland, according to the first Agreement and Treaty for Ireland, there being no further need to continue those Forces in that Kingdom, the Houses resolving to prosecute that War in Ireland with the Forces of this Kingdom only.
Mr. Rowe, a Gentleman that hath deserved well of this Kingdom for his former Service, was appointed to go with the Letter into Scotland.
Order from the Lords for slighting the Works about the City.
An Order was brought down by a Message from the Lords to the Commons of Direction to the Militia of London, about slighting the Works and Lines of Communication.
Col. Baynes to be remov'd from the Compter to Petter-House. He opposeth the Army's Entrance into Southw.
Upon the Petition of Colonel Baynes, Prisoner in Woodstreet Compter, that the said Prison was infected with the Plague, It was ordered that he should be removed to Peter-House.
The House of Peers had before them the Ordinance in behalf of the Officers of the Court of Wards, and committed the same.
Mr. Glyn again attended and was discharged from being a Member of the House
Mr. Glyn the Recorder, this day again attended the Commons, and the House then proceeded upon the Informations and Proofs against him, which were read, and in Sum were reported, That he had been very active in the Actions in London for a new War; countenanced the Cities last Declaration, encouraged the Riotous Petitioners, had been very active with the Committee of Safety and New Committee of the Militia of London, &c.
And Mr. Glyn being called into the House, had the particulars of his Charge laid open to him; to which he made a large Defence in a very well composed and advised Speech to the House, and afterwards withdrawing, the House debated the matter very considerately; and in fine, the Question being put, the House was divided; but it was carried in the affirmative, That Mr. Glyn Recorder of London, should be discharged from being any longer a Member of the Commons House.
And that further he should be committed to the Tower, there to remain during Pleasure of the Houses.
And much time being spent about this Business, it was ordered he should be brought before the House to receive his Sentence to morrow morning.
Sir John Maynard ordered to attend the House of Commons for endeavouring to raise a new War.
The Commons then proceeded to the Case of Sir John Maynard appointed also to attend this Day; and upon hearing of the Charge against him, with the Proof upon Oath, That he had with great Zeal and Activity endeavoured the raising of a new War, and in prosecution thereof had subscribed Warrants for the raising of Horse within the City, &c.
Discharged from being a Member, and impeach'd of High Treason.
Sir John was called into the House, had liberty to speak what he could in his Defence, and afterwards withdrawing, it was voted that he should be discharged from being any longer a Member of that House, that he should be committed Prisoner to the Tower, and that an Impeachment of High-Treason should be drawn up against him.
Lieut. Colonel Lilburn's Case to be reported.
The Commons ordered, That Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburn's Case, Prisoner in the Tower, should be reported to Morrow.
Ordered further, That the Report concerning the Prisoners in the Tower be made.
The General's Letter to the City, about the Arrears to the Army.
This Day, at a Common-Council in London, a Letter was read and debated, from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, which they received the Night before, with Direction to the Lord-Mayor, Alderman, and Common-Council; and it was as followeth.
My Lord and Gentlemen,
Being informed, that the City of London is in Arrear to the Army, a very great Sum, and understanding that care is taken by the Committee of Parliament for the Army, to provide Money seasonably for the payment thereof, by sending to you to advance Fifty Thousand Pounds upon the security of what is due from you, which is a far greater Sum than is desired to be presently advanced by you, although we cannot conceive, that there will be any backwardness in you to answer this desire, which is so reasonable, and of such a necessity to the satisfaction and well-ordering of the Army, yet we thought good to write unto you about it, so that you may understand so much from us with this, that delay will be equal to a denial, and cause us to Think, that little regard is had of us, or the Endeavours now in hand, tending to the settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom, which is so much desired and hoped for by us, and all honest Men, and the obtaining of which timely Supplies of Money, and especially the present payment of the Sum above-named.
Postscript to the aforesaid Letter, not admitting any longer delay.
Postscript. We understand it's near a Fortnight since the Committee applied themselves to you in this business, and that yet nothing is done, we desire there may be a present performance, the condition of the Army not admitting any long delay. Putney Sept. 7. 1647.
Impeachment of High-Treason against the Earl of Suffolk, L. Willoughby, &c. for besigning a new War.
The Commons this 8th. Day of September further proceeding in the Report from the Committee, how far any Member of Parliament had been active in the late design of a new War, and Tumults in London; and They had before them the Case of several Lords, Members of the House of Peers, and upon debate of the Informations and Proofs against them, the Commons voted an Impeachment of High-Treason against them, viz. against James Earl of Suffolk, Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, John Lord Hunsden, Willliam Lord Maynard, Theobald Earl of Lincoln, George Lord Berkley, and James Earl of Middlesex, for levying of War against the King, Parliament, and Kingdom.
Message to Impeach the said Lords at the Bar of their House.
And the Commons sent a Message to the House of Peers, to Impeach the said Lords of High-Treason at the Bar of that House; and to desire their Lordships that they may be sequestred from the service of the House, and committed to Custody; and that the Commons would be ready when their Lordships should please to bring a particular Charge against them, which was done accordingly.
The said Lords to have notice to attend.
Their Lordships taking into debate the said Charge, appointed to meet in full House about the same to morrow; and that the said Impeached Lords should have notice, to attend which was also done accordingly.
The Case of another Peer should have been reported, but upon some Consideration was put off for a Weeks time.
Sir John Maynard committed to the Tower; Mr. Recorder's Sentence respited for a Week.
Sir John Maynard was carried Prisoner to the Tower, according to the Order Yesterday; and Mr. Recorder received his Sentence in the Commons House; but is was ordered that his Commitment to the Tower should be dispensed withal for a Week, that he may have time to fort and deliver up his Papers and Writings in relation to his Place of Recorder of London, or to his Clients at Law, and to remain in Custody.
Commissary Copley's Case to be reported.
The Commons had then further debate, and ordered, That the Case of Commissary Copley, a Member of the House, should be reported to Morrow, and he ordered to attend the House.
Sir Robert Harlow, and Mr. Stephens Case to be reported.
It was also ordered, That the Case of Sir Robert Harlow, Mr. Edward Stephens, and Mr. Guen, Members of the House, should be reported to the House on Tuesday next, and they ordered to attend the House at that time.
A Message about taking off the D. of Buckingham's Sequestration.
The Lords sent a Message to the Commons, about the Ordinance for taking off the Sequestration of the Duke of Buckingham.
Also recommending a Petition of the Lady Gray's to the Commons.
Lady Gray's Petitions.; Land-Waiters Place bestowed upon one in the City.
One of the King's Land-Waiters Place of the Customs being void, great striving was for obtaining the same; and it was, by Order of the House, this Day bestowed upon one of Note and Desert in the City.
Mr. Biddle's Book burnt.
This Day Master Biddle's Book against the Deity of the Three Persons in Trinity, was burned according to the Order of Parliament.
Mr. Lilburne's Case put off.
Mr. John Lilburne's Case, by reason of the former Business, was put off till another Day.
Propositions for Peace delievered to His Majesty at Hampton-Court.
From Hampton-Court it is certified, That the Commissioners delievered the Propositions for Peace to His Majesty the last Night; there happened little in exchange betwixt His Majesty and the Commissioners at the delievery, only his Majesty told them, He would return Answer with all conveniency.
L. Inchiquin's Declaration stopt.
Letters from Ireland give further to understand, That the Proceedings upon the Declaration or Remonstrance, by the Lord Inchiquin's Officers is in a good way stopped, and likely to proceed no further, but the Soldiers cry out much for Monies.
A Party from Dublin return with a Prize of 7 or 8000 Cows, having burnt the greatest part of the Town of Wicklow.
From Dublin they write, That the Party sent out by Colonel Jones, into the County of Wicklow, are returned with a Prize of 7 or 8000 Cows, and have burnt down greatest part of the Town of Wicklow. In this Expedition they met with no Enemy; that Party of Preston's that escaped the last Fight never rallying, nor it's likely will not get to any considerable Head until the next Spring.
Ordinance for the Militia of Westminster, and other Out-Parts; The Names of the Committee for the Militia.
Thursday, Septemb. 9. This Day the Commons passed an Ordinance, to which also the Lords concurred, for constituting a Committee of Militia for the City of Westminster, and the other out-Parishes, not within the Walls of London, Savoy Parish, Clements Danes, Giles's in the Fields, Andrews Holbourn, Sepulcher's, James Clerken-Well, Mary Islington, and Giles's Criple-gate, in the County of Middlesex, with Power to the Committee to Arm, Train, and Discipline all Persons fit for Service, and to appoint Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, and in all Points having a full power as the Committee for the Militia of London, which Ordinance is to continue during the pleasure of the Houses. The Names of the Committee for this Militia are as followeth, viz. Sir Gregory Norton Knight, Humphry Edward, John Trenchard, Cornelius Holland, and John Brown Clerk of the Parliament, William Bail, Richard Keble, George Manley, Josias Berners; Richard Graves, Nicholas Martin, John Hall, John Heylin, and Edward Denby Junior, Esquires; William Parker, Doctor in Physick, James Prince, Sylvenus Taylor, George Crompton, John Rainton, Noah Bankes, Peter Lindsey, Richard Bigg, Ralph Farmer, Nicholas Bond, Arthur Squibb, John Honnor, Richard Bates, Samuel Smith, John Clendon, Francis Blake, Ralph Grey, John Frampton, Edward Neal, William Stone, and Walter Frost, or any Seven or more of them.
Another Ordinance for the Militia of Southwark.
And another Ordinance likewise passed, for constituting the like Committee, with the same Power as the former, for the Borough of Southwark.
Another for the Tower Hamlets.
And another Ordinance for the Tower Hamlets; and that the Trained-Bands and Auxiliaries of the Tower be under the immediate Command of the Constable of the Tower, as they were before under the Command of the Militia.
Militia of London and Westminster to pull down the Court of Guards, and Lines of Communication.
An Ordinance likewise passed the Houses, for enabling the Militia of London, Westminster, &c. to pull down the Court of Guards, and Lines of Communication, and to make Sale of the Timber for defraying necessary Charges for pulling down of the same.
The Inhabitants to send their Servants to help to demolish the same.
Likewise a further Order past, for inviting the Inhabitants of London and Westminster to send their Servants to help to pull down the Forts and Lines about the City, and to desire them to begin this Work Monday Morning next.
Common-Council's Petition, giving reasons why they could not at this time advance 500001. as desired.
There was a Petition this Day presented to the Commons and read, from the Common-Council of London, and it was by way of Answer to the desire of both Houses for the borrowing the Sum of 50000l. of the City for the supply of the Army, giving Reasons wherefore they could not at this time advance the said Sum as desired, having likewise the Day before returned the like Answer to the General's Letter.
The City to be further desired to advance the said Sum.
The House debated the business, but considering how great the necessities of the Army is at present, for want of Moneys, Ordered, That the City should be further desired to advance that Sum by Saturday come Seven-night, the necessities of the Army not admitting any longer delay.
The E. of Portland's Condition recommended by the Lords.
The Lords sent a Message to the recommending the Condition of the Earl of Portland.
The Lords concurrence concerning the Mayor of Worcester.
Their Lordships also concurred with the Commons in the Ordinance for continuing the Mayor of Worcester in his Place for some time longer.
Col. Copley upon debate discharged from being a Member of the House, and committed to the Tower.
The Business of Commissary Copley was reported to the House, and took up much time in Debate; the Proofs were of his joining with the Committee for raising of Forces for a new War, and his compliance with the Proceedings of the Members in the Speakers Absence; and at last it was put to the Vote, and voted that he should be discharged the Service of the House, and committed to the Tower during pleasure.
Cap. Musgrave committed to Newgate.
The House had also debate concerning Captain Musgrave, taken into Custody the Day before, as a great Stickler in the late business of the City, and it was ordered he should be sent Prisoner to Newgate.
The Earls of Linclon, Suffolk, &c. to answer the Commons Impeachment of High-Treason.
The House of Peers this Day (as was ordered) debated the Business and Impeachment of their Members in a full House; and it was voted and ordered, that the Gentleman-Usher of their House seize and bring before their Lordships the said Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Suffolk, and Earl of Middlesex, the Lord Hunsden, Lord Willoughby of Parham, Lord Bartlet, and Lord Maynard, to answer the Impeachment of High-Treason brought up against them by the House of Commons.
Friday September 10. and Saturday September 11.
Declaration that none that have been in Arms against the Parliament bear any Office as followeth.
This Day was published a Declaration passed both Houses Yesterday, that none shall be elected into any Office whatsoever, that hath been in the King's Army, aiding or assisting the Enemy against the Parliament within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick. The Declaration is as follows.
Except such as have been unduly Sequestred and discharged of the same.
Be it declared, ordered, and ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That no Person whatsoever that hath been in Arms against the Parliament, or hath been aiding or assisting the Forces of the Enemy; or hath been, or is sequestred, shall be elected or constituted Mayor, Alderman, Bayliff, Sheriff, Justice of Peace, Steward of any Court, Constable, or any other Officer in any County, City, Borough, or Town Corporate with in the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick. And in case any such Persons as aforesaid be elected into any of the Offices aforesaid, in any of the aforesaid Places, the Lords and Commons do declare all such Elections to be void and null; Provided that this shall not extend to any Person or Persons who have been, or shall be unduly sequestred as Delinquents, and have been, or shall be therefore discharged of the said undue Sequestration by both Houses of Parliament, or by the Lords and Commons for Sequestration.
Scotch Army to Quarter on the Parts of Scotland, bordering upon England. The L. Chancellor of Scotland presses for assistance according to the Covenant.
From Scotland it is further confirmed by Letters, That David Lesly, with the Scots Army which are come over Spey, are most of them appointed to Quarter on the Parts of Scotland, bordering upon England. The Lord Chancellor and Lord Lanrich are ready to come for England, and have received their Instructions; they are to press for Moneys and Assistance for securing Scotland, and for Uniformity in Religion according to the Covenant. They bring also a Declaration with them from the Estates, wherein many things are in relation to the Covenant and the Treaty.
Saturday produced little, the Houses not fitting, they having Adjourned until Tuesday next.
Commissioners of Parliament fit at Putney, about disbanding the Army, and business of Ireland.
From Putney, the Head-Quarters of the Army, we understand, that the Council of War, and Commissioners of Parliament, fit daily about disbanding, and about the Business of Ireland, which would be soon perfected if Moneys could be raised: No Moneys for pay of the Army being sent them in all this time much discontents the Soldiery.
His Majesty is preparing an Answer to the Propositions.
From our Commissioners who presented the Propositions to the King at Hampton Court came Letters, which tell, that His Majesty is preparing an Answer to send to the House; and hath already in effect declared his sense of the Propositions. That to several of the Propositions he is willing to assent, settle Presbyterie in this Kingdom for three Years; the Militia as he before offered, &c. But others he is no ways satisfied in, on can assent unto, but desires to put himself upon the Proposals of the Army, and that they may be taken into Consideration by the Houses.
The Commissioners return with His Majesty's Answer to the Propositions.
Monday September 13. This Day the Houses sate not, having adjourned until Tuesday. The Commissioners are returned from Hampton-Court with his Majesty's Answer to the Propositions; and by which we gather that his Majesty waveth the Propositions now sent him, or any Treaty upon, files to the Proposals of the Army, and urgeth a Treaty upon them, and upon such other Proposals as his Majesty shall make; and that upon this Treaty his Majesty professeth his Resolution to whatsoever shall concern the setling the Protestant Profession, with Liberty to tender Consciences, and the securing of the Laws Liberties and Properties of all his Subjects, and just Priviledges of Parliament for the future.
His Majesty willing to treat apart with the Scotch Commissioners.
The Commissioners of Scotland his Majesty also waveth in this Treaty, but faith, That for what concerns that Kingdom, mentioned in the Propositions, his Majesty is willing to treat upon those Particulars apart with the Scotch Commissioners.
What Entertainment this Answer of his Majesty's hath with the Parliament, we shall tell you further anon. A Copy of this Answer his Majesty hath also sent to the General Sir Thomas Fairfax.
The King's Children dine with his Majesty at Hampton Court.
The King's Children dined with his Majesty at Hampton-Court yesterday: Great Resorts to Court daily to kiss his Majesty's Hand.
The Treaty with the Parliament Commissioners goes forward.
The Treaty with the Parliaments Commissioners and Commissioners of the Army upon the Proposals of the Army, and the Business of Ireland goes forwards; but the latter is like to be very much retarded through want of Moneys. This was a very busie Day at the Head-Quarters at Putney upon the Treaty.
Numerous Addresses to the General about Grievances.
Numerous are the Addresses that have been and are daily made by Petitions and otherwise to the General upon particular Grievances, which takes up much time in answering; and wherein the General Care and Condescension is great.
Agitators Paper to the General on behalf of Persons in Prison.
The Agitators of the Army presented a Paper to the General in the behalf of many who now lie in Prison, and have much suffered for Words spoken in time of War. They are as followeth:
The Paper at large.
May it please your Excellency,
Having received Information from some Persons of good Affections and Fidelity to the Army and Kingdom, that several Persons are now under unmerciful Sufferings by confiscating their Goods and Imprisonment of their Persons for Words spoken against the King (acting by tyrannical Practices in the late War, they having been Soldiers.)
We being made sensible of their Misery, not knowing how soon it may be our Condition, there as yet being no Provision for their or our own Indempnity.
For want of which, our Enemies have so great Advantage of all the well-affected in the Kingdom, that if not timely remedied, they will recover more upon our Words, than we of them by our Swords.
We are engaged to supplicate your Excellency in the behalf of these Prisoners named in this enclosed Paper, That you would be pleased to use some Means for the restoring them to their Freedom, and to deliver them from their tyrannical Sufferings, according as your Excellency will find agreeable to Justice and Reason.
In Answer to which the General writes to the House of Commons.
The General in answer to this writ a Letter to the House of Commons: Of which further anon.
By Letters from the North this Day came thus:
M. G. Lamber writes to the L. Mayor of York to admit Major Carter Governour of Clifford's Town.
'Major General Lambert hath written several times to the Lord Mayor of York for the admitting Major Carter Governour of Clifford's-Town and his Company, (or 60 thereof) to be there; but the Mayor of York seems unwilling, standing upon other Authority.
'Yesterday there were several Rules and Orders agreed upon at a Council of War at Wakefield for Equality of quartering and regulating the Army in Quarters, which the Major General thought not fit to put in Execution without first acquainting the Committee therewith; such Fairness, Civility and Moderation doth he use, moving equally to all, according to Justice; and endeavouring (now the Sword is sheathed) to win and overcome by Love. He endeavours to reconcile Differences between Party and Party.
The Clergy importune him for assistance to get possession of their Tithes.
'The Clergy are very importunate with him for the Assistance of Soldiers to give them possession of Tithes; but he rather takes the Trouble upon himself by fair Means to work Reconciliation: A Man so compleatly composed for such an Employment (rebus sic stantibus) could not have been pitched upon besides.
The Northumberland Troops relinquishing the Service of Ireland order'd to be disbanded.
'The Two Northumberland Troops, under Major Shafto and Captain Shafto, that engaged with their Officers for Ireland, pretending they have been wronged by their Officers in point of Pay, have relinquished their Service, and left their Officers: They are now appointed to quarter in Northumberland, and with the Money they should have had at their Transportation they are shortly to be disbanded.
The M. G. will go in person to distand them.
'The Major General will go in Person into that County to disband them: Nevertheless Major Shafto resolves to that Service. About Eighteen of his Troop remain with him; and within six Weeks he intends to compleat a Troop. Quarters are assigned them, and all Encouragement given. Colonel Ponsonby lies for a Wind in Lancashire and Cheshire. Captain Peper's Foot Company appointed by Parliament to be disbanded, on Monday last met together (the Captain and Lieutenant being absent) and disbanded, themselves. The Company was appointed to be commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Lassels for the Safety of Helmesley-Castle, &c.
The Council of War punish Offenders.
'We begin to do Justice-apace, keep Councils of War often, punish Offenders. At a Council of War yesterday one Mac Ro an Irish Man, a notorious Drunkard, Swearer, and one that slighted the Commander in Chief was tried. He was clearly convicted; and it was so bad, that all cried out against it. His Sentence was to be bored through the Tongue with a red-hot Iron, to suffer Fourteen Days Imprisonment with Bread and Water, to be casheered the Army, made incapable of ever serving the Parliament again, to deliver up his Horse and Arms. Another Delinquent was also tried for being disorderly in his Quarters, and other Crimes, and was adjudged to a Weeks Imprisonment, to stand in the Market-place during the time of the Market at the Head-Quarters for the Space of an Hour with his Faults written in Great Letters on his Breast. These are strange things here, and much gazing at it; ingenuous People both Martial and Civil, are much taken with it. It hath wrought much Good against the Soldiers already; the Officers do confess it, and the Country are sensible of it: Money and Justice will Work great Reformation.
C. Thornton's Regiment denied Quarters in Richmond-Dales; The Town Clerk of York sent to the Col. Gen. for a fair Correspondency about the Business of: Clifford's Tower.
'Colonel Thorton's Regiment of Foot are to quarter in Richmondshire, in the Dales, it being thought just they should bear some Burthen in quartering as well as the rest. Major Copperthwait resolving to try their Courage, went to draw his Men to their Quarters; but was resisted by the Inhabitants in a resolute manner, particularly about 150 rose against Captain Dyneley's Company, and endeavoured to keep them out in Swale-dale. Some Knocking there was, but no great Hurt; yet the Soldiers were sain to betake themselves to a Church for Safeguard, and sent to the Major General for Relief. Major General hath first used all fair Means to perswade them to it, and hath wrote to them about it; but if that prevail not, some other course will be taken. This Night the Lord Mayor of York sent three Gentlemen, viz. Mr. Blackbeard the Town-Clerk, and two others, to the Colonel General, desiring there may be a fair Correspondency and right Understanding between them concerning the Business of Clifford's-Tower, and inviting him to a Dinner tomorrow. His Answer was to the first, he desired the same, and did nothing therein but in prosecution of his Duty and Trust: To the second, that he would wait on his Lordship in the Morning, but the great Affairs he had in hand for the publick Service would not permit him to accept it.
Wakefield, Sept. 11.
Letters from Edinburgh inform thus much; That the Forces under David Lesley are quartered in the South Shires of Scotland near the Borders, Major-General Middleton in the East, the Marquiss of Argile's Forces in the West, and the Highlanders keep the Hills in the North. The Lord Lanericke hath his Dispatch, and is coming towards the King. The Lord Chancellour is come to the Parliament, but stays for some further Instructions. There is a Declaration come from Scotland to be presented to the Parliament and Assembly at Westminster.
Tuesday, September 14.
This Day the House sitting, his Majesty's Answer to the Propositions was read in both Houses, which being not large, take Verbatim.
The King's Answer at large.
His Majesty cannot chuse but be passionately sensible (as he believes all his good Subjects are) of the late great Distractions, and still languishing and unsettled State of this Kingdom; and he calls God to Witness, and is willing to give Testimony to all the World of Readiness this to contribute his utmost Endeavour for restoring it to a happy and flourishing Condition.
His Majesty having perused the Propositions now brought to him, finds them the same in Effect which were offered to him at Newcastle. To some of which, as he could not then consent without Violation of his Conscience and Honour; so neither can be agree to others now, conceiving them in many respects more disagreeable to the present Condition of Affairs than when they were formerly presented to him, as being destructive to the main principal Interest of the Army, and of all those whose Affections concurr with them: And his Majesty having seen the Proposals of the Army to the Commissioners from his Two Houses residing with them, and with them to be treated on in order to the clearing and securing the Right and Liberties of the Kingdom, and the setling a just and lasting Peace, To which Proposals, as he conceives his Two Houses not to be Strangers, so he believes they will think with him, that they much more conduce to the Satisfaction of all Interests, and may be a fitter Foundation for a lasting Peace than the Propositions which at this time are tendred to him.
He therefore propounds (as the best way in his judgment in order to Peace) that his two Houses would instantly take into Consideration these Proposals, upon which there may be a personal Treaty with his Majesty, and upon such other Propositions as his Majesty shall make, hoping that the said Proposals may be so moderated in the said Treaty as to render them the more capable of his Majesty's full Concessions, wherein he resolves to give full Satisfaction unto his People for whatsoever shall concern the setling of the Protestant Profession, with Liberty to tender Consciences, and the securing of the Laws, Liberties and Properties of all his Subjects, and the just Priviledges of Parliament for the future: And likewise by his present Deportment in this Treaty, he will make the World clearly judge of his Intention in the matter of future Government: In which Treaty his Majesty will be pleased (if it be thought fit) that Commissioners from the Army (whose the Proposals are) may like-wise be admitted.
His Majesty therefore conjures his two Houses of Parliament by the Duty they owe to God and to his Majesty their King, and by the Bowels of Compassion they have to their Fellow Subjects, both for relief of their present Sufferings, and to prevent further miseries; that they will forthwith accept of his Majesty's Offer, whereby the joyful News of Peace may be restor'd to this distressed Kingdom.
And for what concerns the Kingdom of Scotland mentioned in the Propositions, his Majesty will very willingly treat upon those Particulars with Scotch Commissioners, and doubts not but to give a reasonable Satisfaction to that his Majesty's Kingdom.
Upon reading which Answer both Houses order to communicate it to the Scots Commissioners.
Upon reading of the King's Answer, both Houses order'd to communicate it to the Scots Commissioners. The Lords ordered to take it into consideration on Tuesday next. The Commons ordered to consider what is first to be done for the setling of Peace and Safety of the Kingdom on Friday next.
Letter from the General on behalf of several Persons committed for Words spoken in time of War.
This Day also was read in the House of Commons a Letter from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and it was to give the House to understand the sad Condition and Sufferings of divers well-affected Persons in the Kingdom, and particularly the Cases of James Symball, Frances Ward, Robert White, and Roger Crag, committed for Words spoken in time of War, as they are presented to the General, with many others, desiring the House to take their Condition into Consideration; and if they be committed merely for speaking Words against the King in time of War, it would do well if the Men might have some Enlargement, so as they may not perish by a languishing Imprisonment and such cruel Usage as some of them suffer, especially considering the Offences for which they suffer were but in Express of Zeal for this Cause, and that upon apparent Provocation from such as were professed Enemies, &c.
The Commons refer the same to the Committee of Indempnity.
After reading of which Letter the Commons ordered that this Business concerning the Persons mentioned, which were committed by Justice Bacon and Serjeant Creswell be referred to the Consideration and Examination of the Committee of Indempnity to relieve them as they shall see Cause, if they have power, otherwise to make speedy Report to the House.
Buckinghams. Petition against Tithes and free Quarter.
A Petition was this day presented by many Inhabitants of the County of Buckingham against Tithes and Free-Quarter. The House called them in and gave them an Answer, That as to the Business concerning Tithes, the House would take it into consideration in convenient time; and as to their Desire to be eased of Free-Quarter, the House was then upon Debate thereof.
L. Colonel Lilburne's Case re-committed for want of Precedents.
The Business concerning Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne was this day reported to the House by the Committee to whom it was referred: And upon long Debate thereof, the House ordered that the Business should be re-committed, to find out some Precedents of this nature and to report to the House.
An Ordinance this day passed for sequestring such Delinquents as have their Ordinances passed both Houses, and have not paid in the second Payment of their Compositions according to their Bonds and Engagements.
Napier's Se-Sir Robert qustration discharged.
The Commons then debated the Business of Sir Robert Napier's Sequestration; and after full stating the Business, it was voted, That the Sequestration of the said Sir Robert Napier's Estate should be forthwith discharged and taken off.
Lord Mayor, &c. Petition for further Security 50000l. to be advanced for the Army.
A Petition was this Day presented to the House, from the Lord-Mayor, Alderman, and Common-Council, desiring further security for the 50000l. to be advanced for the Army; and likewise further Power for the forcing of such as refuse to Pay their Assessment upon that Ordinance.
The desire was granted, and an Ordinance ordered to be brought in accordingly, notwithstanding they were given to understand, that the House expected that Sum to be ready by the time formerly appointed, viz. Saturday next.
An Ordinance settling certain Lands of the Earl of Worcester's upon the L. Say, &c.
Wednesday Septemb. 15. An Ordinance was this Day read in the House of Commons, for setling certain Lands of the Earl of Worcester's upon the Lord Say, Sir Benjamin Ruddyer, and Sir Rowlaud Wandesford, in reparation of their Losses, by taking away the Court of Wards, which was committed.
The Committee for Ireland to examine Persons concerned in the Tumult.
The Committee was required to send for such Persons into Custody, as the Committee to examine the Tumult shall think sit.
The Armies Proposals reported.
A Report was made from the Commissioners residing with the Army, how far they had treated with the Commissioners of the Army, upon the Proposals of the Army, and that they had given them to understand, how far some things in those Proposals were against the Votes and Declarations of the Houses; That the Commissioners of the Army having received the same, had promised very speedily to deliver them back to the Commissioners of Parliament, in such manner as they desire to have them to be presented to both Houses. And that the further meeting upon this Treaty is appointed on Thursday next.
Petitions presented against Tythes.
Several Petitions were presented to the House from Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Colchester, and some others, against payment of Tythes, which were read in the House, and some debate thereupon.
Two Ordinances for payment of Tythes read, and referred to a Committee.
Also Two Ordinances for payment of Tythes were then read, and referred to a Committee, who were to take into Consideration the Grievances of the Subjects in this particular, and how they may be redressed.
Petition desiring a further purging of the Houses of all Members that acted in the House, whilst the Speaker was with the Army.
A Petition was then likewise presented to the House, from divers Inhabitants of London and Southwark, desiring a further purging of the Houses of Parliament, to all that acted when the Speaker and other Members went away, by reason of the Tumult. This being a weighty business, it was resolved to be taken into Consideration to Morrow.
Members acting with Tumults in the City, designing a new War.
Thursday Septemb. 16. This Day the Petition from London and Southwark, and a joint Petition from Oxford, Buckingham, and Hertfordshire, for Purging of the House of all Members that sate in the absence of the Speakers, upon a Penalty, was taken into Consideration, and aster long debate the House resolved to adhere to their former Votes; and an Ordinance thereupon passed both Houses August last, for nulling all Proceedings done in that time, but that no Member should be questioned for being present at those Debates only, but such as should be Actors in the Tumult, City-Engagement, and design of a new War.
The Petitioners received the Thanks of the House.
Which Answer being returned to the Petitioners, they had Thanks given them for their good Affections, and desired to be satisfied as to this business.
Debate reassumed, concerning Mr. Glyn, and Commissary Copley.
The Commons resumed the Debate concerning the Impeached Members, and ordered an Impeachment of high Crimes and Misdemeanors to be brought in against Mr. Recorder Glyn, and Commissary Copley Prisoners in the Tower.
Impeachment against the Lords.
They likewise ordered to send a Message to the Lords, that they would appoint a Day for the Commons to bring up a Charge, in order to the former Impeachment against the Seven Impeached Members, of that House, of which Seven the Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Suffolk, and Lord Maynard only are in Custody of the Black-Rod, Lord Hunsden sick, and no Return, as we yet hear of, from the Earl of Middlesex, Lord Barkly, and Lord Willoughby of Parham.
The Lords this Day concurred with the Commons in the Ordinance concerning Delinquents Compositions; and it is as followeth.
Ordinance concerning Delinquents compesition.
Whereas it appears by Information from the Commissioners for compounding with Delinquents sitting at Goldsmiths-Hall, that there is due in Arrears upon Bond, from several Persons who have been fined for their Delinquencies, and whose Reports have long since passed both Houses, and their several Fines allowed by them, the Sum of 40000 l. or thereabouts; yet notwithstanding nothing hath been done by any of the said Persons Delinquents, for discharging of their several Sums due upon Bond, altho' their Reports have passed as aforesaid; but that they do still continue obstinate and peremptory in their Resoultions, and do not pay the same. It is therefore ordered and ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Committees and Sequestrators in the several and respective Counties wherein any part of the Estate of such Delinquent or Delinquents shall lie, who have sailed and do refuse to pay in the remainder of their Fines, according to their Bond, shall forthwith sequester the Estates of all such Persons whose Names shall be returned unto them from the said Commissioners sitting at Goldsmiths-Hall, and proceed thereupon as formerly before any such Composition made, until they shall fully satifie the remainder of their Fines, and shall make the same appear, by Certificate from the said Commissioners.
Lords Concurrence desired for the payment of Fee-Farm Rents.
The Lords sent a Message to the Commons, with an Ordinance passed by their Lordships for the payment of the King's Fee-Farm Rents due by Members where they have been received; to which the concurrence of the Commons was desired.
Also to an Ordinance for payment of Debts due upon Bond to the Court of Wards, but nothing then done upon them.
Their Lordships also further minded the Commons, of the Lord Gray's Petition.
Debate of the King's Answer put off.
Their Lordships have put off the Debate of the King's Answer, which should have been this Day, until Tuesday next.
Debate concerning the Establishment of Forces in England and Ireland.
In the Afternoon this Day, the Commons spent some time in resuming the Debate of what Forces should be continued in this Kingdom, and sent over for the Service of Ireland, and what Establishment should be made them for Pay, and passeth several Votes as follows: Five Regiments of Foot, consisting of 1200 in a Regiment; Four Regiment of Horse, of 600 in a Regiment; and Five Companies of Dragoons, of 100 in a Company, be sent over for the Service of Ireland.
That the Commissioners residing in the Army do treat with the General and Field-Officers, how the Forces may be fitted and put in readiness to be transported into Ireland. That it be referred further to the Commissioners residing in the Army, to treat with the General and Field-Officers about the Colonels and Captains that shall Command these Forces, that they may be reported to the House for their Approbation. That to Morrow the House do consider further of what Forces to be kept up in this Kingdom, in order to the Security thereof, and future Service of Ireland.
The debate of the King's Answer was also put off until Tuesday next.
Colonel King's Business to be reported; Committee to give Account of the Gratuity promised to the Army.
Friday Septemb. 17. This Day the House ordered, that Colonel King, of Lincoln shire, his business shall be reported on Thursday next. That the Committees to whom the Care of providing the Month's gratuity for the Army, the Month's Pay of the Army, and the 50000l. upon the Loan of the Arrears of the City, do give an Account to the House of these Businesses.
Message to the Lords to appoint a time to bring up the Charge against the 7 Impeached Members of the House Debate of what number of Forces to be kept up for the Service of this Kingdom and relief of Irel.
According to former Order, the House sent up a Message to the Lords to desire them to appoint a certain Day when the House of Commons may bring up their Charge against the seven Impeached Members of that House,
The House then considered of the Forces to be kept up in this Kingdom, in relation to the Service of Ireland; and ordered, that for the present security and relief of Ireland, 7200 Horse be kept up in this Kingdom, and 18000 Foot, and 1000 Dragoons.
Reasons for Quartering Lesly's Forces upon the Borders of England.
From Newcastle there came further Letters to this purpose; "That the Forces under Lieutenant-General David Lesly, are Quartered in Lothian, Tividale, and the Marsh, and some in Fife; the reason of their approaching the Borders is the convenience of Quartering their Horse, those Counties being the richest, and having been freed of Arms when other Parts of Scotland have been long opprest. The North of Scotland is quiet, and Arms are put in the hands of Argile's Party for their defence, if Kilkitto do attempt to bring new Forces from Ireland: And if it be asked why the Kingdom of Scotland will put themselves to such unnecessary a Charge, as the maintenance of these Forces when the Kingdom is in Quietness, and they see no use of them, it's answered, They are the only support of Argile and his Party, that they are afraid of a malignant Party among themselves; and without Forces they cannot get the Excise paid; divers of the Commanders of these Forces by Ten or Twenty in a Company, come often to Berwick, there being no other good Town near them.
Lowden and Lannerick's Journey stayed upon the Death of the Lady Hamilton; Lesly's Head-Quarters; His Forces consist of 1500 Horse and 3000 Foot.
"The new Commissioners, E. Lowden and Lannerick, will not begin their Journey as yet, the Death of the Lady Marchioness of Hamilton, the Earl of Lannerick's Mother, is one cause of their stay. There is no new Devies agreed on. The Declaration of the General Assembly of Scotland is not Printed, but it's thought will be recalled. Lieutenant General David Lesly's Head-Quarters are at Jaddard, a Place upon the Borders, within Fifty Miles of Newcastle; but he is still at Edinborough; his Forces consist of 1500 good Horse and 3000 Foot.
Settling of Garrisons referred to the General and Commissioners of Parliament.
Saturday Septemb. 18, The Commons this Day further debated the establishment of the Army, and the settling of Garrisons in this Kingdom, which, for the more orderly Proceeding was referred to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Commissioners of Parliament in the Army, with reference to the former Orders of the Houses to this purpose.
Intimation of under-band dealing in Ireland debated.
The Commons had a long Debate upon the report of some Letters and Informations from Ireland, by which was intimated some under-hand Dealing and Invitation of the Lord Inchiquin and Colonel Jones, Governour of Dublin, to join with the Scotish Forces in ulster, by some of chief Command in that Army, in opposition to the Army in England. The further debate of which Business was put off till another Day.
Committee to make Report of the late Tumult and Force upon the House.
The Committee appointed to examine the late Tumult and Force upon the Parliament, was ordered to make their further Report to the House on Wednesday next.
Report to be made of a Winter Guard of the Sea.
The further Report also from the Committee of the Navy, as to the Winter Guard of the Sea, and Accompts, was ordered to be made on Monday next.
General Council of the Army at Putney debate the Proposals of the Army.
From the Head-Quarters at Putney we had this Intelligence; 'That Thursday last, September 16. there being a General Council of the Army appointed to be held every Thursday (after a Sermon preached at Putney in the Forenoon by Mr. Peters) the General Council met in the Church: The General, many General Officers, Field-Officers, inferiour Officers and Agitators, met: A great part of the time was spent in Consideration and Debate of the Proposals of the Army, and some few things agreed upon to be altered and explained in them.
Declaration agreed on, declaring the want of Pay for the Army, and how it might have been prevented
A Declaration was then agreed on by his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the General Council concerning the Delays in raising Money for Supply of the Army and other Forces of the Kingdom, where in they take notice and declare their sensibleness of the extream Wants of the Soldiery, both of the Army and other Forces and Garrisons, as also of the Sufferings of the Country in respect of free Quarter, which might have been prevented, and a Course taken for disbanding supersluous Forces, and sending over other for the Relief of Ireland, and the Supplies of those that are there already, had it not been for the neglect or delay of those on whom the Parliament have depended in that Particular: And they do especially take notice of the Delays made by the City in the advancing of that Sum, which the Houses have demanded of them upon the Security of the Arrears so long since due from the City to the Army; upon which they do declare and propound to this effect.
1. 'That for what time their Default or Delays have occasioned, and shall farther occasion the Army's stay hereabouts, the Charge thereof shall some way be laid upon them and their Adherents about the City.
2. 'That the Houses will be pleased speedily to consider of the Delinquency of those that had a Hand in the Tumult, Engagement, and Design of a new War; and that such Fines may be laid upon them for the same, as is agreeable to Justice.
3. 'That in Case the Money be not brought in the time limited, the Parliament would be pleased to give leave and Power to the General (with the Advice and Direction of the Committee for the Army) for the levying the said Arrears.
The said Declaration sent to the Commissioners residing in the Army to be presented to both Houses of Parliament.
All which they the rather desire from Gounds of Reason and Evidence from the Speeches of many in the City, and Designs and Hopes of the Parliament's and Army's Enemies to raise the Army into Distempers, and the Country about them into Confusion.
This Declaration was by appointment of his Excellency and the General Council of War, sent to the Right Honourable the Commissioners of Lords and Commons residing with the Army, to be presented from them to both Houses of Parliament; which accordingly, with a Letter from the General and Army, earnestly desiring their Pay, that they may be enabled to pay their Quarters, was presented to the Houses this Day, and upon debate ordered to be communicated to the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council. And the House then adjourned until Monday
Monday September 20.
Ordinance assented to for payment of Moneys upon Bonds into the Court of Wards.
This Day an Ordinance was read in the House of Commons, which came down by Message from the Lords, and it was for Payment of such Moneys as were entred into Bond for, to be paid into the Court of Wards, before the Vote pass for the dissolving of that Court, and was assenting unto.
Debate about Provision for Orphans.
The Commons then likewise further ordered, that this Day Seven-night the House do consider what is to be done with Orphans, whose Parents are deceas'd, to make some Provision for their real Behoof and Advantage, and for confirmation of such Grants as have been to Orphans.
Letter from the General for the relief of Portsmouth.
A Letter was this Day read from his Excellency, desiring the present great Necessity of Portsmouth may be speedily taken into Consideration, and some Means used for their Relief.
Commissioners of the Army to treat with him concerning the some, and future establishment of Garrisons.
The Commons hereupon ordered, that it shall be left to the General and the Commissioners of the Army, who are to treat with him and his Officers concerning Garrisons, both in relation to their present Relief and future Establishment.
Ordinance read for suppressing unlicens'd Pamphlets.
An Ordinance was read for suppressing of all unlicens'd Pamphlets, and for Punishment of such as shall frame, print, or vend the same, upon severe Penalties; which was assented unto, and sent up to the Lords for their Concurrence.
Report made of Provisions for the Soldiers in Munster.
A further Report was made to the House from the Committee for Irish Affairs; and the House ordered thereupon, that 7000 Suits of Clothes, and the like number of Shirts, Shooes and Stockins be forthwith provided for the Foot Soldiers in the Province of Munster, to be deducted as part of their Pay.
And likewise for the Forces in Ulster and Connought.
That a Propotion of Clothes be likewise provided for the Forces in Ulster and Connought, to be deducted as part of their Pay.
M. Tho. Challoner and Col. Temple appointed Commissioners to transact the Affairs of Munst.
That Master Thomas Challoner, and Colonel John Temple be employed as Commissioners for the Parliament, and to the Lord President of Munster to transact the Parliament Affairs in that Province for three Months.
Letters from the North concerning the Affairs of Scotland.
The Letters from the North give this Day to understand but little News this Week: Affairs in Scotland are very quiet at present; the Lord Chancellor, and Lanericke not yet dispatched for England; the Army in Scotland is voted to disband by the 20th of October next; but first paid.
Richmondshire upon their Guard against free Quarter.
The Richmondshire Men are still upon their Guard against free Quarter; they and the Soldiers (say the Letters) are upon an engaging Posture; but General Lambert have given Orders to Major Smithson's Regiment of Horse, and Colonel Ledgeard's Regiment of Foot to march towards them to keep all in quiet.
M. G. Lambert marching to disband the Troops in Northumberland.
Major General Lambert is much upon motion towards Northumberland about disbanding the Troops of that County.
An Order from the General to prevent Misdemeanors of Soldiers in their Quarters.
From the Head-Quarters at Putney we understand of a wholsome Order by the General to prevent Misdemeanors of Soldiers in their Quarters.
That his Excellency taking notice of the manifold Abuses and Injuries committed by the rude part of Soldiers (especially where they quarter) to the great Damage and Prejudice of the People, and to no less Dishonour and Scandal of the whole Army, notwithstanding the wholesome Laws and Ordinances to the contrary made and provided, and the severe Punishments inflicted upon the known Offenders. For Reformation whereof, and for the case of Persons, that they may not be troubled to repair to the Head Quarters for Justice, hath therefore granted Commissions, thereby enabling the Commissioners of each Regiment to fit in a Council of War so often as need shall require, and to punish Offenders according to the Laws and Ordinances of War in as large a Measure, to all intents and Purposes as if the Offenders were tryed before a Council of War at the Head Quarters (except in Cases extending to Life or Limb,) which are to be tryed at the Head Quarters only.
Tuesday, September 22.
Both Houses reassume the K's Answer to the Propositions.; The Answer to be a flat Denial.
This Day, accordingly to former Order, both the Houses resumed the Debate of the King's Answer to the Propositions which took up much time, and at last voted to be a flat Denial. Or thus; Resolved upon the Question by the Commons, &c. That the King denies in his Answer to give his assent to the Propositions; and to this Vote also the Lords concurred.
The further Debate thereof to be to morrow.
And upon further Debate of this Business by the Commons, it was voted, That to morrow the King and his Answer, and those that are about the King, be taken into further Consideration.
Members to be summoned to attend the Service of the House.
The Commons further ordered (taking notice of the great neglect of many of their Members to attend the Service of the House, some in the Countries and otherwise) that all the Members be summoned to attend their Places by Saturday next come Sevennight.
Ordinances past for taking off Sequestrations.
Several Ordinances passed the House upon the Report from the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall for taking off Sequestrations, and in particular three Ordinances for taking off the Delinquency of Sir John Bankes his Wife and Children.
A Report was made to the House from the City of London, and it was to satisfie the House, that the City at this time could no ways advance the 50000 l. for the Army.
A Report further to be made concerning the late Tumult concerning Gnernsey.
The House ordered, That the further Report be made to the House from the Committee appointed to examine the Force upon the Parliament and the City on Friday next.
The Report also concerning Guernsey was ordered to be made on that Day.
Army's Proposals read.
The Head of the Proposals of the Army, with the Explanations of the Council of the Army, in answer to several Queries made upon them by the Commissioners of the Parliament residing with the Army, was presented to the House by Mr. Povey, and read. The Proposals have been formerly published: The Explanations being but short, yet for Satisfaction we will insert them as followeth.
The Proposals at large.
1. To the Quære concerning the time of Commencement of the Year, within which a Period to this Parliament is desired.
The Explanation was thought fit to be suspended until it should appear what Expedition will be made in the Settlement of the things proposed.
2. To the Quære whether not rather Triennial Parliaments, and the Act for that Purpose to be continued, with Supplemental Additions according to the Effect of the Particulars contained under this General Head.
Resolved, That as to the Circumstance of time, we are satisfied with their Biennial or Triennial Parliament, provided that (in case Triennials be preferred) there be a proportionable Addition to the time for the certainty of their Sitting, viz. to be (at least) for six or eight Months.
3. To that Quære concerning the Prejudice of laying a Limitation upon Parliaments not to sit past 240 Days.
Resolved, That Limitation is to be understood with this Exception, viz. unless any Parliaments shall find it necessary for the Safety of the Kingdom to sit longer; but still with this Proviso, That each Parliament shall dissolve of Course, at least eighty Days before the next Biennial or Triennial, if not otherwise dissolved sooner, so as that the Course of new Elections may never be interrupted.
4. To the Quære concerning the Prejudice to Parliament Freedom, which this Particular might induce.
Resolved, That the Liberty of entring Dissents is not desired, but in case where the Major Vote may be to the Destruction or Prejudice of the Common Right or Liberty of the Subject.
5. To the Quære concerning what is meant by the Power of the Militia.
Resolved, That by these Words (The Power of the Militia) is meant the Power of Raising, Arming, &c. according to the Expressions used in the Propositions of both Kingdoms concerning the Militia.
6. To the Quære concerning the Expressing of that Power of Raising Disposing Monies by both Houses.
Resolved, That we are well satisfied in the Expressions thereof used in Propositions of both Kingdoms concerning the Matter.
7. To the Quære, What great Officers are meant.
Resolved, The same that are named in the Propositions of both Kingdoms, together with the Office of High-Admiral or Commissioners for the Admiralty.
8. Upon the fourteenth Head concerning the King.
To first the Quære concerning the Extent of these Words (Without Diminution to their Personal Rights.)
Resolved, That those Words were not intended to extend to any part of the Revenues that have come or shall become due before the Settlement, so as to invalid or question any Disposure thereof made by the Houses of Parliament or by Authority derived from them.
To the Second Quære upon the same Head concerning the Extent of these Words (Without further Limitation to the Exercise of the Royal Power.)
Resolved, That these Words are intended only as exclusive to any further new Limitations (not to any that have been made heretofore by the Laws of the Land.)
Wednesday, September 22.
The King's Answer further debated.
This Day (as was before ordered) the Commons further debated the King's Answer to the Propositions, and what should be done in Relation to the King and those that remain about him: And upon this the House was turned into a Grand Committee; and the Debate held a long time, Whether they should adhere to the Propositions, or fall on the Proposals, or have a Personal Treaty with His Majesty, or not; or whether they should send the Propositions again to His Majesty: But determining nothing in any of these, they came to this Resolution, To fall directly upon the Settlement of the Kingdom, by establishing such Additional Laws as might make for the present and future Good of the Kingdom, and turning the Propositions into Bills and Acts.
Debate concerning the Militia.
And the Grand Committee being again turned into a House, the Speaker taking the Chair, it was resolved upon, That the Militia should be settled as a Law for twenty Years, and an Act made for that purpose, according to the Propositions in that behalf. This Debate took up the Whole time this Day, and ordered to be further resumed to morrow.
Ordinance for Payment of the Lanc. Forces. Another against unlicens'd Pamphlets.
An Ordinance was ordered to be drawn up for Payment of the Forces of Lancashire. The Ordinance against printing unlicensed Pamphlets was carried up to the Lords.
Thursday, September 23.
The King's Propositions again debated.
The Commons this Day further debated the Propositions; and the Debate was upon this consideration, Whether they should once more send the Propositions to the King, or any part of them.
Resolved once more to move his Majesty for his Assent to such Propositions as they conceive most necessary, viz The Great Seal, Titles of Honour, taking away Bishops, &c.
And it was put to the Question, and voted, That they would once more make Application to his Majesty for his Assent to such things in thePropositions as they conceive will most make for the Good of this Kingdom: And in order to this it was voted, That the Proposition for the Great Seal, concerning Honours and Titles; The Proposition for taking away Bishops, &c. with some Alteration to that Proposition.
The Propositions concerning Declarations and Proclamations against the Parliament, be forthwith drawn into Bills, and sent to his Majesty for his Assent: Together also with so much of the Twelve Propositions, as concerns the raising of Money for payment of the Publick Debts of the Kingdom.
Ordinance for continuing the Committee of the Army, past.
An Ordinance for continuing the Committee of the Army and Treasurers at Wars, was reported to the House, and past with some Amendments; as the Name of Mr. Glynn put out, and Mr. Nathaniel Fines incerted in his room.
30000 l. to be paid to the Committee of the Army out of the Excise.
The Commons ordered, That the 30000l. formerly ordered for the Army out of the Excise be disposed of, and paid to the Committee of the Army; and that the Commissioners of Excise be required to make Payment thereof accordingly, and that they do not issue out, lend, or pay any part of the said Sum to any other Persons, either for the making up of the Advance of the 50000l. upon the Arrears of the City, or for any other Purpose; and the Commissioners to be made acquainted with this Order this Night.
The Payment of the Months Gratuity to the Army referr'd to the said Committee.
It was likewise ordered, That the Months Gratuity for the private Soldiers of the Army, be referred to the Committee of the Army and Treasurers at Wars, to provide and send the said Months Gratuity forthwith to the Army.
The Report concerning the Force upon both Houses to be made to morrow, and the Debate concerning the K. reassumed.
The Committee appointed to examine the Force upon the Houses, were further ordered to report to morrow, and after that, the Debate concerning the Matter to be sent to the King to be reassumed.
General Council of the Army meet at Putney about their Proposals.
From Putney we understand, that the General Council of Officers of the Army had a further Meeting this Day about the Proposals; and they likewise agreed upon a Representation to the Parliament of their Desires in relation to themselves as Soldiers; in which they desire Satisfaction before disbanding; Which Representation was accordingly presented to the Commissioners of Parliament with a Letter from the General as followeth,
The General's Letter to both Houses concerning the same.
Right Honourable,
In our Representation or Declaration sent from St. Albans, we did express in general Terms, what we desired for the settling and securing of the Rights and Liberties, Peace and Safety of the Kingdom: And since then, as the Distractions and Interruptions we have met withal would admit, we have proceeded to prepare, and have lately delievered to your Lordships in particular Proposals. In pursuance of these general Desires, and in order to the same Ends, having in these set forth what our Desires are in the things which concern us, as Members of the Commonwealth, and in Common with all others: We shall now desire your Lordships to
remind the Parliament of our humble Desires in these things which concern us as Soldiers, and of our Dissatisfactions in relation thereunto, which remained upon us when some Regiments of the Army are voted to be disbanded.
For which purpose we have now prepared, and do herewith tender to your Lordships our particular Desires in pursuance of our former Papers, published before our coming to St. Albans, in order to the Satisfaction and Security of the Army, and other the Parliament's Forces in point of Arrears, and other things that concern us as Soldiers.
Which we desire may be humbly represented to the Parliament to be taken speedily into a Consideration, as may be the Matter of the first Article, concerning the present stating of Accompts, and giving Debentures for Arrears, to be speedily put in execution, or set in a way of dispatch, and the rest of them to be agreed upon, and provided for, and included in any setling of a Peace; which we shall heartily pray for.
John Rushworth.
Putney Septemb. 23, 1647.
For the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons, Commissioners of Parliament residing with the Army.
The Heads of the Representation briefly thus.
Brief Heads of the Army's Representation; 1. To have Accompts stated and Debenters given.
FIrst, That a Committee be appointed by the Parliament to abide at the Head Quarters of the Army to audite and state the Accompts thereof, and give Debentures as well for the pay respited upon the Publick Faith, as otherwise for their Service under the Command of his Excellency, or any other respective Command, wherein they, or any of them have formerly served the Parliament; that so what shall appear justly due upon the said Debentures, may be made an unquestionable Debt unto them.
2. Security for the Arrears.
Secondly, That Provision may be forthwith made, and a visiable Security given to satisfie the Arrears of the Army, in such way and manner as may be least burthensome to the Commonwealth. In order to which they offer, That Bishops Lands, Deans and Chapters Lands, and Forest-Land, may be speedily set to sale, or otherwise made over for the use aforesaid.
3. Not to be imprested.
Thirdly, That there may be an Ordinance for securing all and every Person in this Army who have willingly served the Parliament, from being imprested out of this Kingdom to any Foreign Service; and that no Horseman shall be forc'd to serve on foot in any future Case.
4. Apprentices to have their Freedom.
Fourthly, That the Ordinances concerning Apprentices Freedom that have served the Parliament, may be an Act before, or at the setling of a Peace.
5. Provision for mainid Soldiers.
Fifthly, That the Ordinance concerning Provision for maimed Soldiers, and the Widows and Orphans of Men slain in the Parliaments Service, may likewise be made an Act.
6. An Additional Provision for Indempnity.
Sixthly, That to the Ordinance lately passed for Indempnity, there may be an Additional Provision for saving harmless and indempnifying the Army and all the Members of it, as also all that have acted in concurrence with it; and for securing of them from all Trouble, Question or Prejudice, for or concerning any thing done in, upon, or in pursuance of the Petition for or concerning any thing done in, upon, or in pursuance of the Petition of the Army agreed upon at Walden in March last; or upon the Papers since then presented and published from the Army, or any the things therein contained; or for, or concerning any thing spoken or done in relation to, or in Vindication of the Army from the Injuries or Extremites put upon it about the said Petition, or since.
Friday, September 24.
The late Force upon the House reported.
This Day, according to former Order, the Committee appointed to examine the Force upon the House, made their further Report, and it was concerning the Proofs and Informations against some of chief Eminency in that City that had been Actors or Abettors of the Force and Tumults against the Houses.
Sir J. Gayre Lord Mayor, accused of abetting the said Force, and committed to the Tower.
Upon which the House entering into serious Debate, it was put to the question, and voted, That there appears sufficient Matter to accuse Sir John Gayre Knight, Mayor of the City of London, of High Treason; and further voted, That he should be committed Prisoner to the Tower of London upon Accusation of High-Treason, for countenancing and abbetting the Force and Tumults brought down and used against the House the 26th of July last; and this be in order to his Tryal.
One of the Sheriffs and three Aldermen likewise committed to the Tower on the same account.
The House upon debate also further voted the like Charge of High Treason against Thomas Cullam Alderman, and one of the Sheriffs of London, James Bunce Alderman, John Langham Alderman, Thomas Adams Alderman Citizens of London, for countenancing and abetting the said Force against the Houses; and that they be committed to the Tower of London.
The Committee to bring Impeachments against them.
And the Committee appointed to examine the said Force and Tumult, were appointed to prepare and bring Impeachments against the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen, as aforesaid, against Monday Morning next.
The further Report of this Business was appointed to be made to morrow.
Saturday, September 25.
The Lord Mayor and impeached Aldermen before mentioned being taken into Custody the last Night, were this day carried to the Tower, according to the Votes of the House.
Further Report made of the said Force.
This day a further Report was made to the House from the Committee appointed to examine the Force upon the House and Tumult in relation to Citizens, and it was voted,
Co. Bromfield &c. committed to the Serjeant at Arms, and a Charge of high Crimes to be drawn up against him.
That Colonel Lawrence Bromfield, Colonel Edward Hooker, Captain Jones, be impeached of High Crimes and Misdemeanours, and committed to the Serjeant's Custody attending the House of Commons; and that a Charge of Impeachment be drawn up against them accordingly.
Several Citizens to be indicted of High-Treason, and committed.
That Captain Musgrave, Tho. Carill, Barthol. West, Rich. Rumney, Ralph Hooker, John Melton Minister, James Studley, Richard Fortis, Mr. William Drake,—Brooke, Apprentice to Mr. Baker of Hellens, John Harley, Daniel Hill, and Edm. Peisley Citizens of London, be indicted of High-Treason at the King's-Bench Bar, and committed to the Serjeant's Custody until their Tryal this next Term at the Court of King's-Bench aforesaid.
The Aldermen and Common Council to consult about the Civil Government of the City, now that the L. Mayor is committed.
The House had then also Debate in relation to the Settlement of the Government of the City of London; and ordered, that the Aldermen and Common-Council of London do meet and consider how the Civil Government of the City may be executed according to the City Charter now that the Lord Mayor is committed.
Wednesday, next, being Michaelmas-day, is a usual day appointed for chusing a new Lord Mayor.
Debate about dangerous Pamphlets, and that the Militia do endeavour to Suppress the Pamplets written by G. Wharton.
Some debate was likewise had of some dangerous printed Books against the Parliament and Kingdom; and it was ordered, that the Militia of London do endeavour to find out the Pamphlets, No Merline nor Mercury, and Bellum Hibernicale, written by Captain George Wharton, and take Order for suppressing of them; and likewise that they do examine the Information given into the House of those that gave Money to one Goles to the use of the said Wharton for a Copy of the said Pamphlets.
The Militia to suppress Tumults.
The House then further likewise ordered, That the Militia of London, Middlesex and Westminster, do take care for suppressing of all Tumults and Insurrections for the future.
The King at Hampton Court.
The King is at Hampton-Court in good Health, and chearful; not a Word of removing his Majesty or the Court from Hampton Court whatever some have suggested to the contrary.
Head-quarters at Putney.
The Head-Quarters of the Army is still at Putney.
Monday, September 24. 1647.
The Lords concurrence desired to the Impeachment against the Lord Mayor.
This day the Commons sent by Message to the House of Peers an Impeachment against the Lord Mayor of London according to the Votes the last Week, desiring their Lordships would appoint a time for his Tryal; and the Commons will be ready to bring up their Charge and Proof against him.
Further Debate about the Government during the Lord Mayor's Confinement.
The Commons had then also further Debate of the Government of the City of London, now that the Lord Mayor is in Prison, until Simon and Jude next, being the time that the new Lord Mayor takes place; and it was referred back to the City of London to think upon one; or the new Lord Mayor to be elected, to officiate the time of Sir John Gayre, unless he be acquitted.
Common-Hall to be called for chusing a new Lord Mayor.
Both the Houses passed an Order for a Common-Hall to be called to morrow (Wednesday being the Fast) at Guild-hall, London, for the chusing of a new Lord Mayor, according to the Custom of the City of London.
Debate concerning the Winter Fleet.; Col. Rainsborow to be Vice-Admiral in the room of Capt Batten.
The Commons this day considered of the Winter Fleet, to be sent out, and the List of the Captains and Officers of Ships, and passed this ensuing List, viz. Colonel Rainsborow to be Vice-Admiral, in the place of Captain Batten, who laid down his Commission the last Week; Captain Crowther Vice-Admiral of the Irish Seas, and Captain of the Ship called the Bonaventure.
The Names of the Ships and Captains.
Captain Young for the Nonsuch, for the Assurance, Captain Pen, for the Adventure Frigat, Captain Pelham, the John respited, the Providence Frigat Captain Mildmay, the Mary-Rose Captain Thomas Harrison, the Fellowship Captain Gervice, the President Frigat Captain John Pilgrim, Captain John Elliot for the Hector, the Expedition Captain Jordan, the Warwick Frigat Captain Richard Fens, the Swan Frigat Robert Clarke, the Star Captain Thomas Maryan, the Hart Frigat Captain Jo. Browen, the Greyhound Captain Jo. Coppin, the Wayman Captain Jo. Percy, the Pellican Captain Owen Cox, the Increase Captain Signett, Four new Frigats, Captain Dell, Captain James Reeve, Captain Peckover, and Captain William Bramley.
Somersetshire Petition read, and the Petitioners Thanks returned for their good Affection.
A Petition was presented to the Commons from many of the Inhabitants of Somersetshire, consisting of many Particulars, which Petition was read, and the Petitioners had Thanks for their good Affections.
Col. Rainsborow to have 1000 l. in part of his Arrears.
The Houses ordered 1000 l. to Colonel Rainsborow out of Goldsmiths Hall in part of his Arrears.
Ordinance read against electing Relinquent Mayors, &c. Mr. Speaker to give notice thereof.
An Ordinance was reported to the House and read, for making void the Election of all Delinquent Mayors, Bayliffs, in this Kingdom.
And it was ordered, That Mr. Speaker do write his Letter to all such Places, where any delinquent Mayors, Bayliffs, &c. are chosen, to acquaint them with this Ordinance; and that they do proceed to a new Election.
Another to make void the Election of all del. Sheriffs.
Another Ordinance was appointed to be brought in for making void the Choice of all Sheriffs, who have been Delinquents within this Kingdom.
No Delinquent to have any Vote at the Election of Mayors, Bayliffs, &c.
And another Ordinance then also debated, and twice read for the taking away the Voices of Delinquents at the Election of any Mayor, Bayliffs, Sheriff, or other publick Officer in any City or Town of this Kingdom, which was committed.
A Message to the Lords to expedite the Ordinance for suppressing Pamphlets.
A Message was sent to the Lords desiring them to expedite the Ordinance for the punishing and suppressing of unlicensed Pamphelts in respect of the great Scandal and Abuse of them.
1500 l. to be paid to Colonel Walton for the Garrison of Lynn.
An Ordinance passed for Fifteen hundred Pounds for the Garrison of Lynn in Norfolk, for the Soldiers Arrears, to be paid to Colonel Valentine Walton by the Committee for Norfolk and Norwich.
2000 l. to be paid to those who disburs'd Money for Cloaths for the Scots Army.
An Ordinance passed for Two Thousand Pounds to be paid to Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parkes, and others, for Monies long since disbursed to buy Cloaths for the Scots Army.
Letters from the Lord Inchiquin read, concerning the taking of 12 Castles, &c.; The Lord Inchiquin desires Supplies for his Soldiers.
Letters were this Day read in the House from the Lord Inchiquin, giving Account of the taking of twelve Castles in the County of Tiperare, and the Town and Castle of Cahir, which was thus taken: His Lordship passing over Sewor near Cahir, one of his Troopers plundering near the Town, was discover'd, wounded, and taken. Colonel Hepsley in a Disguise was admitted to go into the Castle to dress him, who before had discovered some Defects in the outward Bawn and Timerousness of the Warders. The Colonel after led ona Party to storm, and took that Bawn and some out Turrets, and within few Hours had the Castle surrendred on Quarter only for Life. Above 20000 l. worth of Corn burnt in that Country, the Cattle drove away, so that our Soldiers make hard shift for Victuals. From Cahir his Lordship marched September 12. to the City of Cashiel, formerly the Metropolitan of the Province, where the Inhabitants (amazed at the reducing of Cahir) left upon the Gates, and fled to the Cathedral, a large spacious Pile, seated upon a Rock fully manned. His Lordship intended to endeavour the reducing of it, then to fall upon Fethard, and from thence to Conmel. The Gentry in the Country desire to be admitted to a Contribution; and his Lordship desires Supplies for his Soldiers from hence.
Some of his Officers accused.
A Letter passeth to be sent to his Lordship, to acquaint him with some things charged against some of his Officers, desiring him to send them over in safety, the Commissioners and Supplies are upon going.
Col. Jones in the Field with 21 Pieces of Ordinance.
Letters of the 23. from Chester say, That Colonel Jones went to Field with 21 Pieces of Ordinance, such as the Ways would pass: Owen Rowe, with his Forces, not having advanced nearer then he quartered, most of the time since Preston was defeated, its conceived will keep himself in his Securities, and not fight but upon advantage.
The Forces in Arms in Scotland to be disbanded the 10th of October unless the Committee of Estates shall think fit to continue them.
The Northern Letters this Week confirm what he had in the last, That the Forces in Arms in Scotland are to be disbanded the tenth of October next; unless in the Interim the Committee of Estates shall see fit to continue them, as in these particular Cases, that their Kingdom may be in any danger of Trouble, the Person of the King in any Hazard, or their Nation likely to come into any Dishonour. As to the disbanding, Duke Hambleton and his Party were very forward: The Kingdom raises 200000l. Scotch, to pay the Soldiers who quarter upon them, until they do; and those that will not disband, are to be judged Mutineers, and no part of the Army.
Richmond-shire prevailed with to quarter Soldiers; Two Troops that refused to go to Ireland disbanded.
Those we mentioned last Week that live in the Dales of Richmond-shire, and refused to give Quarter to the Forces of Major General Lambert, have been so won by the Sweetness of the Major, that they are content not only to give Quarter, but to deliver up their Arms unto him, who will no doubt use this with much Meekness, and no hurt to them. The two Troops that came from Colonel Pudsonby, and would not go for Ireland, being convened before the Major General, he told them, He doubted some had done ill Offices in disswading them from going for Ireland; and therefore he would pick out those, and punish them: To which they answer, One and All. The Major General tells them plainly, he would (if they were upon those Terms, punish One and All) and with exemplary Punishment: which so terrified the Gentlemen, that they were all content to be disbanded, with a little Money.
220 Horse to quarter in Northumberland to suppress the Moss Troopers.
The County of Northumberland, who besides former Sufferings, have this still continued, the Vexation of those old Thieves, with plenty of new added, called Moss Troopers. These are of late better horsed and armed than formerly, and lately made an Attempt upon the Fields of the High-Sheriff, whilst he was busie at the Assizes attending the Judge, carried away many of his Cattle. The Major General, with the consent of the County, who were to be quit of all other, sent 220 Horse, who are to quarter so as to preserve the Country, and fall upon those Night-workers; and if they scatter and destroy them, rhey will do an excellent good Work for the poor and middle fort of People, if not to the great ones also.
Tuesday, September 27.
The Ordinance for suppressing scandalous and unlicens'd Pamphlets (this Day) passed the House of Peers, with some Amendments, which were assented unto by the Commons: That it may be the better taken notice of, we will briefly give you the Sum thereof thus:
The Ordinance for suppressing scandalous Papers and Pamphlets.
The Lords and Commons taking notice of the many seditious, false and scandalous Papers and Pamphlets daily printed and published, to the great Abuse and Prejudice of the People, and insufferable Reproach of the Proceedings of the Parliament and their Army, for the better suppressing thereof, and Prevention of the like Inconvenience in time to come, Do ordain, That what Person soever shall make, write, publish, sell, or utter, or cause to be made, written, printed or published, sold or uttered any Book, Pamphlet, Treatise, Ballad, Libel, Sheet, or Sheets of News whatsoever (except the same be licensed by both, or either House of Parliament, or by such Person or Persons, as shall be thereunto authorized by one or both Houses or Parliament:) For every such Offence the Author to pay forty Shillings, or be imprisoned in the common Goal for the County and Liberty for forty Days; the Printer to pay twenty Shillings, and suffer the like Imprisonment for twenty Days, and likewise to have his Press and Implements of Printing seized and broken in pieces: The Bookseller or Stationer, to forfeit or pay ten Shillings, or ten Days Imprisonment: And the Hawker, Pedlar, or Ballad-finger, to forfeit and lose all his Books, Pamphlets, and printed Papers exposed to Sale; and also to be whipped as a common Rogue in the Liberty or Parish where the said Offender shall be apprehended, or the Offence committed.
The Execution of this Ordinance is committed to the Committee of the Militia of London, Middlesex, Surrey, and all Mayors and other Head Officers within the Kingdom.
Ordinance read and committed for levying the Arrears due to the Army.
An Ordinance was then likewise read for levying the Arrears to the Army of the City of London; which was committed, and ordered to be brought in on Thursday.
A Letter from the General Council of the Army for a present Supply of Money.
A Letter was read in the House, agreed upon by the General Council of War at Putney, on Monday, directed to Lieutenant-General Cromwell; and was as follows:
Informations come to this Meeting from all Regiments, of the great Extremities the Armies lie under for want of Money; their Expectation being so often deceived, that they cannot admit any further delay.
Sir, We cannot but in much Sadness represent this unto you, fearing that the Consequence of those Delays will prove very dangerous (if not fatal) to the Army and Kingdom: No Promises can be further useful; its only a present Supply of Money that can help us, and give satisfaction to the Soldiery; to whom, without this, we cannot well return; and it any Tumult or Outrages fall out, to the great hazard of the Army and Kingdom, for want of this Supply, we have discharged our selves before God and Men: And we desire you to represent this as our Sense to the Parliament.
By the Appointment of the General Council of the Army,
Signed William Clarke.
Putney, Sept. 27. 1647.
For the Honourable Lieutenant General Cromwell.
The said Letter debated and 30000 l. ordered to be advanced for the Army.
The House entred into present Debate hereof, and passed an Ordinance for the 30000l. to the Treasurers of Wars advanced by them for the Army.
To advance a Months Gratuity, and a Months Pay.
Also ordered, That the Treasurers of the Army do forthwith advance a Months Gratuity for the Army, according to former Orders: Also a Months Pay to the Army, and such other Forces as the Committee for the Army shall nominate.
A Letter was read in the House from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax; and it was in the Name of many Officers Wives, whose Husbands were lately engaged against the Army, in behalf of their Husbands, and for their Arrears; which was referred to a Committee.
Ordinance read for stating the Accompts of Officers and Sold.
An Ordinance reported to the House, and read, for stating of the Accompts of Officers, and Soldiers Widows, &c. and was also committed.
The Debate about the Propositions to his Majesty put off.
The Commons ordered, That on Thursday next they do consider what is further to be again offered to His Majesty in the Propositions for Peace; which Business should have been the Debate of this Day, had not the Business of the Army intervened.
Consideration to be had of Maintenance for Prisoners in the Tower.
They ordered also on Friday next, to consider of the Maintenance of the Prisoners in the Tower.
The Commons Concurrence desired to a Letter from the Lords to the Q. of Sweden.
A Message from the Lords to the House of Commons, by Doctor Aylet and Doctor Health, with the Draught of a Letter to the Queen of Sweden; to which they desired the speedy Concurrence of the House; which being read, was assented unto, and ordered to be signed by the Speakers of both Houses, and delivered to the Queen of Sweden's Agent.
The said Letter read and assented unto the State of Matter of Fact of what passed between the Ships of England and Sweden read and assented to Alderman.
The State of the Matter of Fact of what passed between the Ships of England and Sweden was read, and ordered, that the State of the Matter of Fact be delivered unto the Swedish Agent, and the Lords Concurrence desired herein; which was accordingly assented unto by them.
Warner elected Mayor for the year ensuing, and the remaining part of Sir John gaire's time.
This Day was a Common-Hall in London for the chusing of a Lord-Mayor. There was in Nomination Alderman Warner, Alderman Andrews, Sir Jacob Garret, Sir Thomas Soames, and Alderman Reynoldson; and after it was put to the Voice, it was in competition between the three first. The Alderman would have two presented to the Commons, whereof they to chuse one, according to late Custom: But the City Charter being read in that Particular, it appeared, that the Commons came to chuse (and not to present) a Mayor for the Year ensuing; and they chose Alderman Warner both for the next Year ensuing, and in the room of Sir John Gaire, for the remaining part of this time.
Wednesday was the Fast-Day.
Thursday September 29.
The new Lord-Mayor presented to the House of Peers.; City Council's Speech in commendation of the said Lord-Mayor.
This Day Alderman Warner, the new Lord-Mayor, was presented to the House of Peers to take his Oath to serve out the time of Sir John Gaire; and is afterwards to be again sworn for the Year following. At his presenting before the Lords, one of the City Council made a Speech, acquainting their Lordships, That according to the Charter of the City of London, they had chosen Alderman Warner to be Lord Mayor for the Year following, he being a Gentleman of approved worth and Fidelity to the City and Kingdom; using many Expressions in his Commendations; and in truth he well deserves them, desiring their Lordships Approbation of their Choice, and that he may execute the Place for the time of Sir John Gaire, and Year following, and that he may be sworn; which their Lordships accordingly gave Order for, expressing their very good liking and Approbation in the Choice of the said Lord-Mayor; of whose Fidelity and Abilities, as well Parliament as City, have received so many Testimonies.
Ordinance read for the Payment of Tonnage and Poundage.
An Ordinance was this Day read for the payment of Tonnage and Poundage, and ordered to be read the second time on the morrow; which Ordinance is to continue for the space of two Years after the expiration of the former Ordinance: And it was ordered That the Committee of the Navy do treat with the Commissioners of the Custom concerning advance of Money for carrying on of the Navy, and the setting out this Winter Fleet.
Further Debate upon the Propositions to his Majesty, and several Votes thereupon.
The House then debated according to former Order, what should be further tendred to his Majesty upon the Propositions, and this Business took up much time this Day; and several Votes passed to this purpose,
1. That the Proposition concerning the Prosecution of the War in Ireland, to be in both Houses of Parliament only; and in the Intervals, by a Committee of both Houses, to be again tendred to his Majesty.
2. The Proposition for making void the Cessation with the Rebels of Ireland, to be again tendred to his Majesty.
3. The Proposition for nominating the chief Officers of England and Ireland, by both Houses of Parliament, in the Intervals by Committees, to be again tendred to his Majesty; and that these Propositions be forthwith drawn into Bills, and sent to his Majesty for his Consent.
4. That the three Treaties between England and Scotland was ordered to be considered of, and how far they stand in relation to the Desire of his Majesty:
The Lords Concurrence desired to the Votes concerning the Propositions to be sent to his Majesty.
The Lords Concurrence was ordered to be desired to all the Votes about the Propositions to be sent to his Majesty; and also the Lords Concurrence to be desired to the Vote, That both Houses should make a second Application to his Majesty, for such things as in their Judgments they conceive will tend to the Good and Welfare of this Kingdom.
Debate about the Proposition concerning Religion referred to a Committee.
Some further Debate the Houses likewise had of the Proposition concerning Religion, Government and Doctrine of the Church, was ordered to be referred to a Committee, and they do bring in their Report thereof with all speed.
The further Report concerning the Tumult and Force upon the Houses was appointed to be made to the Houses tomorrow.
Munday, The Business of the Armies and Forces in England and Ireland is also appointed to be debated.
Friday, October 1. 1647.
A Life of Officers and Widows of Officers referred to a Committee to state their Accompts.
This Day the House had Debate concerning a Lift of Officers and Widows of Officers who are in great Distress, and have their Accompts audited, and are in great Necessity for Money; they ordered to refer the same to a Committee to consider of that, and how Money may be provided for them after their Accompts are approved of.
They ordered also, that an Addition should be made to the Committee appointed to distribute Monies to the poor Irish residing here.
A further Report of the late Force upon the two Houses.
A farther Report was then made to the House concerning the Tumult and Force upon the Houses; and many that were active in that Design had their Names reported to the House by the said Committee; but because Mercy may be seen in Judgment, and that they intend to execute Justice only upon the Principal Actors,
A Decl. to be drawn to desist from further prosecuting any concerned in the late Force. Cursitors Petition referred to a Committee to report to the House.
A Declaration was ordered to be drawn up that both Houses intend to desist from prosecuting any more that were active or Abettors in this Design, than what they have already voted against.
A Petition was this Day presented in the Name of one Mr. Latham a Cursitor, whose Place hath been long sequestred from him, (as he and others conceive) upon unjust Grounds; and upon Debate of the Business, it was ordered, That this be referred to the Speakers of both Houses to examine and to re-invest him in his Place, if they shall find Cause; or else to report the Business to the House.
Another Cursitor conceiving his Place to be unjustly sequestred, was referred to Examination.
Prisoners in the Tower to be removed to other Prisons in the City.
A Report was made to the House from the Committee concerning Prisoners; and thereupon it was ordered, That many Prisoners, particularly in the Tower of London, should be removed to other Prisons in and about the City.
More particularly upon the Report of the Prisoners in the Tower that Order passed, That Mr. Cognysby be removed from the Tower to Peter-house; Sir Winkefield Bodenham, Mr. Thomas Violett, to the King's-Bench.
- Sir William Moreton to Peter-house.
- Sir Henry Vaughan, Sir John Marley, to the Fleet.
- Major Slaughter to the King's-Bench.
- Sir Thomas Hunsford to Peter-house.
- Mr. Hamilton to the Compter.
The Articles of Impeachment against L. C. Baines read and assented to.
Upon the Charge of the Tumult and Force upon the Houses, the Articles of Impeachment against Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremy Baynes, was read and assented unto.
Ordinance for Delin. to have no Vote in the Election of publick Officers assented to and sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
The Ordinance for Delinquents to have no Voice in Election for Mayors, Bayliffs, Sheriffs, or other publick Officers, was again reported and assented unto by the Commons, and sent to the Lords for the Concurrence.
Saturday, October 2. 1647.
Mr. Glide and Mr. Alexander, and 3 Ministers to be summon'd to answer what should be objected against them concerning the late Tumult. Declaration concerning the said Tumult read and committed.
The House this Day had a further Report from the Committee appointed to examine the Tumult and Force upon the Houses, and voted, That one of the Excise-Office Mr. Glyde, Mr. Jeremy Alexander, and three Ministers of Note in the City, should be summoned to answer to such things as should be objected against them; and that it be referred to the said Committee appointed to examine the Force, to send Summons for them, and be reported to the House.
A Report was also made of the Declaration formerly ordered to be drawn for not questioning any more that were active in this late Force under several Qualifications, which was read and committed.
No Member of the House or reduc'd Officer to have any Benefit of the said Declaration.
And it was then ordered, That no Members of the House, reduced Officers, or any Delinquents shall receive any benefit by this Declaration, nor be any wise freed by it, if any be found guilty of the said Tumult.
Convicted Prisoners in Northampt. Goal pardoned
A Motion was then made, and upon Debate a Pardon was granted by the House to several convicted and reprieved Prisoners in the Goal of Northampton and ordered, that Pardons should be sued out in course for them.
Chapter of the Confession of Faith to be debated every Wednesday.
The House then debated the fourth Chapter of the Confession of Faith, presented by the Assembly, and passed some things therein, and ordered that Business should be considered of further every Wednesday.
Declaration agreed on by the General Council of the Army at Putney
From the Head-Quarters at Putney this day came Intelligence to this purpose: 'That on Thursday, September 30. the General Council of the Army, according to former Order, met in the Church at Putney, where, after much Debate, a Declaration was agreed upon to be presented to the Commissioners residing with the Army, to be by them presented to the Parliament to this effect:
That the Arrears due from the City to the Army may be paid.
'That since, according to their Desires in a Paper delivered to the Commissioners residing with the Army of the 16th of September the Arrears due from the City to the Army are not paid in, they renew their Desires.
Or the Army to levy the same by way of Distress.
'First, That the Parliament would take the whole Matter of the said Paper into Consideration, and be pleas'd to grant to the General and such Officers and Soldiers as he should appoint full Power (with the Directions of the Committee for the Army) to levy the said Arrears by way of Distress.
'Secondly, That the Parliament would be pleased to set down a certain Penalty to be levyed upon every Person who shall put the Committee and Army to the Trouble of distraining, by their not paying of their Arrears without it.
The like Levy to be made in other Countries.
'Thirdly, That the Parliament will give the like Power for the levying all Arrears due to the Army, with the like Increase by way of Penalty upon all such Persons in other Countries and Places, who shall not pay the same without the Trouble and Charge of Distress.
That to case the City, the Army do remove further, and the Parliament to take care of their own Safety.
'And since the Continuance of the Army about London, in regard of the Dearness of Commodities, is much more heavy than in Places more remote, they desire that the Houses would be pleased to think of some Course for their own safe guarding; so as the Army may be set free from the Necessity of Quartering about London any longer than till a Months Pay shall be obtained; which Declaration was accordingly presented to the House this Day, and read.