Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 4th, 1647

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 4th, 1647', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 4th, 1647', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 4th, 1647". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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A CONTINUATION of Historical Collections


August 1. 1647.

CHAP. XVII. Proceedings in Parliament from August 1. to Sept. 4. 1647.

The Heads of the Proposals agreed upon by his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Council of the Army, to be tendered to the Commissioners of Parliament residing with the Army, and with them to be treated on by the Commissioners of the Army: Containing the Particulars of their Desires in pursuance of their former Declarations and Papers. In order to the clearing and securing of the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdom, and the setling a just and lasting Peace. To which are added some further particular Desires (for the removing and redressing of divers pressing Grievances) being also comprised in, or necessary Pursuance of their former Representations and Papers appointed to be treated upon.

I. That (things hereafter proposed, being provided for by this Parliament) a certain Period may (by Act of Parliament) be set for the ending of this Parliament (such Period to be put within a Year at most) and in the same Act Provision to be made for the Succession and Constitution of Parliaments in future, as followeth:

1. That Parliaments may biennially be called and meet at a certain Day, with such Provision for the Certainty thereof, as in the late Act was made for Triennial Parliaments; and what further or other Provision shall be found needful by the Parliament to reduce it to more Certainty; and upon the passing of this, the said Act for Triennial Parliaments to be repealed.

2. Each Biennial Parliament to fit 120 Days certain (unless adjourn'd or dissolv'd sooner by their own Consent) afterward to be adjournable or dissolvable by the King, and no Parliament to sit past 240 Days from their first Meeting, or some other limited Number of Days now to be agreed on; upon the Expiration whereof each Parliament to dissolve of course, if not otherwise dissolv'd sooner.

3. The King, upon Advice of the Council of State, in the Intervals betwixt Biennial Parliaments, to call a Parliament Extraordinary, provided it meet above 70 Days before the next Biennial Day, and be dissolv'd at least 60 Days before the same; so as the course of Biennial Elections may never be interrupted.

4. That this Parliament and each succeeding Biennial Parliament at or before Adjournment or Dissolution thereof, may appoint Committees to continue during the Interval for such Purposes as are in any of these Proposals referr'd to such Committees.

5. That the Elections of the Commons for succeeding Parliaments may be distributed to all Counties, or other Parts or Divisions of the Kingdom, according to some Rule of Equality of Proportion, so as all Counties may have a Number of Parliament Members allow'd to their Choice, proportionable to the respective Rates they bear in the Common Charges and Burthens of the Kingdom, according to some other Rule of Equality or Proportion, to render the House of Commons (as near as may be) an equal Representative of the whole; and in order thereunto, That a Present Consideration be had to take off the Election of Burgesses for poor decay'd or inconsiderable Towns and to give some present Addition to the Number of Parliament Members for great Counties that have now less than their due Proportion, to bring all (at present) as near as may be, to such a Rule of Proportion as aforesaid.

6. That effectual Provision be made for future Freedom of Elections, and Certainty of due Returns.

7. That the House of Commons alone have the Power from time to time to set down further Orders and Rules for the Ends express'd in the two last Proceeding Articles, so as to reduce the Election of Members for that House to more and more Perfection of Equality in the Distribution, Freedom in the Election, Order in the Proceeding thereto, and Certainty in the Returns, with Orders and Rules (in that case) to be in Laws.

8. That there be a Liberty for entering Dissents in the House of Commons with Provision, that no Member be censuiable for ought said or voted in the House further than to Exclusion from that Trust; and that only by the Judgment of the House it self.

9. That the Judicial Power, or Power of Final Judgment in the Lords and Commons (and their Power of Exposition and Application of Law, without further Appeal) may be clear'd: And that no Officer of Justice, Minister of State, or other Person adjudg'd by them, may be capable of Protection or Pardon from the King without their Advice or Consent.

10. That the Right and Liberty of the Commons of England may be cleared and vindicated as to a due Exemption from any Judgment, Tryal, or other Proceeding against them by the House of Peers without the concurring Judgment of the House of Commons: As also from any other Judgment, Sentence, or Proceeding against them, other than by their Equals, or according to the Law of the Land.

11. The same Act to provide, That Grand Jury-Men may be chosen by and for several Parts of Divisions of each County respectively, in some equal way (and not to remain as now, at the Discretion of an Under Sheriff to be put on or off) and that such Grand Jury-Men for their respective Counties, may at each Assize present the Names of Persons to be made Justices of Peace from time to time, as the Country hath need for any to be added to the Commission, and at the Summer Assize to present the Names of three Persons, out of whom the King may prick one to be Sheriff for the next Year.

II. For the future Security to Parliament and the Militia in general, in order thereunto, That it be provided by Act of Parliament,

1. That the Power of the Militia by Sea and Land during the Space of ten Years next ensuing shall be order'd and disposed by the Lords and Commons assembled, and to be assembled in the Parliament or Parliaments of England, by such Persons as they shall nominate and appoint for that purpose from time to time during the said Space.

2. That the said Power shall not be order'd, dispos'd, or exercis'd by the King's Majesty that now is, or by any Person or Persons by any Authority deriv'd from him, during the said Space, or at any time hereafter by his said Majesty, without the Advice and Consent of the said Lords and Commons, or of such Committees or Council in the Intervals of Parliament, as they shall appoint.

3. That during the same Space of ten Years the said Lords and Commons may by Bill or Ordinance raise and dispose of what Monies, and for what Forces they shall from time to time find necessary; As also for Payment of the Publick Debts and Damages; and for all other the Publick Uses of the Kingdom.

4. And to the end the temporary Security intended by the three Particulars last precedent may be the better assured, it may therefore be provided:

That no Subjects that have been in hostility against the Parliament in the late War, shall be capable of bearing any Office of Power or publick Trust in the Common-wealth during the space of Five Years without the Consent of Parliament or of the Council of State; or to fit as Members or Assistants of either House of Parliament, until the Second Biennial Parliament be past.

III. For the present Form of disposing the Militia in order to the Peace and Safety of this Kingdom and the Service of Ireland,

1. That there be Commissioners for the Admiralty with the Vice-Admiral and Rere-Admiral, now to be agreed on, with Power for the forming, regulating, appointing of Officers and providing for the Navy, and for ordering the same to, and in the ordinary Service of the Kingdom; And that there be a sufficient Provision and Establishment for Pay and Maintenance thereof.

2. That there be a General for Command of the Land-Forces that are to be in Pay both in England, Ireland and Wales, both for Field and Garrison.

3. That there be Commissioners in the several Counties for the standing Militia of the respective Counties (consisting of Trained-Bands and Auxiliaries not in Pay) with Power for the proportioning, forming, regulating, training and disciplining of them.

4. That there be a council of State with Power to superintend and direct the several and particular Powers of the Militia last mention d for the Peace and Safety of this Kingdom, and of Ireland.

5. That the same Council may have Power as the King's Privy-Council, for and in all foreign Negotiations; provided that the making of War or Peace with any other Kingdom or State shall not be without the Advice and Consent of Parliament.

6. That the said Power of the Council of State be put into the Hands of trusty and able Persons now to be agreed on, and the same Persons to continue in that Power (si bene se gesserint) for a certain Term not exceeding Seven Years.

7. That there be a sufficient Establishment now provided for the Salary Forces both in England and Ireland, the Establishment to continue until two Months after the meeting of the first Biennial Parliament.

IV. That an Act be passed for disposing the Great Offices for Ten Years by the Lords and Commons in Parliament; or by such Committees as they shall appoint for that purpose in the Intervals (with Submission to the Approbation of the next Parliament) and after Ten Years they to nominate Three, and the King out of that Number to appoint One for the Succession upon any Vacancy.

V. That an Act be passed for restraining of any Peers made since the 21st day of May, 1642. or to be hereafter made, from having any Power to sit or vote in Parliament without consent of both Houses.

VI. That an Act be passed for recalling and making void all Declarations and other Proceedings against the Parliament, or against any that have acted by, or under their Authority in the late War, or in relation to it; And that the Ordinances for Indemnity may be confirmed.

VII. That an Act be passed for making void all Grants, &c. under the Great-Seal, that was conveyed away from the Parliament since the time that it was so conveyed away (except as in the Parliament's Propositions) and for making those valid that have been or shall be passed under the Great Seal, made by the Authority of both Houses of Parliament.

VIII. That an Act be passed for Confirmation of the Treaties between the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland; and for appointing Conservators of the Peace betwixt them.

IX. that the Ordinance for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries be confirmed by Act of Parliament; proved his Majesty's Revenue be not damnified therein, nor those that last held Offices in the same, left without Reparation some other way.

X. An Act to declare void the Cessation of Ireland, &c. and to leave the Prosecution of that War to the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England.

XI. An Act to be passed to take away all coercive Power, Authority, and Jurisdiction of Bishops and all other Ecclesiastical Officers whatsoever, extending to any Civil Penalties upon any: and to repeal all Laws whereby the Civil Magistracy hath been, or is bound, upon any Ecclesiastical Censure to proceed (ex officio) unto any Civil Penalties against any Persons so censured.

XII. That there be a Repeal of all Acts or Clauses in any Act enjoyning the Use of the Book of Common-Prayer, and imposing any Penalty for neglect thereof, as also of all Acts, or Clauses in any Act, imposing any Penalty for not coming to Church, or for Meeting elsewhere, for Prayer or other Religious Duties, Exercises or Ordinances, and some other Provision to be made for discovering of Papists and Popish Recusants, and for disabling of them, and of all Jesuits or Priests from disturbing the State.

XIII. That the taking of the Covenant be not enforc'd upon any, nor any Penalties imposed on the Refusers, whereby Men might be restrained to take it against their Judgment or Consciences; but all Orders or Ordinances tending to that purpose to be repealed.

XIV. That (the thing, here before proposed, being provided, for setling and securing the Rights, Liberties, Peace and Safety of the Kingdom) his Majesty's Person, his Queen, and Royal Issue, may be restor'd to a Condition of Safety, Honour and Freedom in this Nation, without Diminution to their Personal Rights, or further Limitation to the Exercise of the Regal Power than according to the Particulars foregoing.

XV. For the Matter of Composition.

1. That a less Number out of the Persons excepted in the two first Qualifications (not exceeding Five for the English) being nominated particularly by the Parliament, who (together with the Persons in the Irish Rebellion, included in the third Qualification) may be reserved to the further Judgment of the Parliament as they shall find Cause, all other expected Persons may be remitted from the Exception, and admitted to Composition.

2. That the Rates of all future Compositions may be lessened and limited, not to exceed the several Proportions hereafter expressed respectively. That is to say,

  • 1. For all Persons formerly excepted, not above a Third Part.
  • 2. For the late Members of Parliament under the first Branch of the fourth Qualification in the Propositions, a Fourth Part.
  • 3. For other Members of Parliament and the 2d and 3d Branches of the same Qualification, a Sixth Part.
  • 4. For the Persons nominated in the said fourth Qualification, and those included in the tenth Qualification, an Eighth Part.
  • 5. For all other included in the sixth Qualification, a Tenth Part: And that real Debts either upon Record, or proved by Witnesses, be consider'd and abated in the Valuation of their Estates in all the Cases aforesaid.

3. That those who shall hereafter come to compound, may not have the Covenant put upon them as a Condition without which they may not compound, but in case they shall not willingly take it, they may pass their Compositions without it.

4. That the Persons and Estates of all English not worth 200l. in Land or Goods, be at liberty and discharged: And that the King's menial Servants that never took up Arms, but only attended his Persons according to their Offices, may be freed from Composition, or to pay (at most) but the proportion of one Years Revenue, or a twentieth Part.

5. That in order to the making and perfecting of Compositions at the rates aforesaid, the Rents, Revenues, and other Duties and Profits of all sequestred Estates whatsoever (except the Estates of such Persons who shall be continued under Exception as before) be from henceforth suspended and detained in the Hands of the respective Tenants, Occupants and others from whom they are due, for the space of six Months following.

6. That the Faith of the Army, or other Forces of the Parliament given in Articles upon Surrenders to any of the King's Party may be fully made good; and where any Breach thereof shall appear to have been made, full Reparation and Satisfaction may be given to the Parties injur'd, and the Persons offending (being found out) may be compell'd thereto.

XVI. That there may be a general Act of Oblivion to extend unto all (except the Persons to be continued in Exception as before) to absolve from all Trespasses, Misdemeanours, &c. done in prosecution of the War; and from all Trouble or Prejudice for or concerning the same (after their Compositions past) and to restore them to all Privileges, &c. belonging to other Subjects, provided as in the fourth Particular, under the second general Head afore-going concerning Security.

And whereas there have been of late strong Endeavours and Practices of a factious and desperate Party to embroil this Kingdom in a new war, and for that purpose to induce the King, the Queen, and the Prince to declare for the said Party, and also to excite and stir up all those of the King's late Party to appear and engage for the same, which Attempts and Designs, many of the King's Party (out of their desire to avoid further Misery to the Kingdom) have contributed their Endeavours to prevent (as for diversof them we have had particular Assurance:) We do therefore desire that such of the King's Party who shall appear to have expressed, and shall hereafter express that way their good Affections to the Peace and Welfare of the Kingdom, and to hinder the imbroiling of the same in a new War, may be freed and exempted from Compositions, or to pay but one Year's Revenue, or a twentieth Part.

These Particulars aforegoing are the Heads of such Proposals as we have agreed on to tender in order to the setling of the Peace of this Kingdom, leaving the Terms of Peace for the Kingdom of Scotland to stand as in the late Propositions of both Kingdoms, until that Kingdom shall agree to any Alteration.

Next to the Proposals aforesaid for the present setling of a Peace we shall desire that no time may be lost by the Parliament for dispatch of other things tending to the Welfare, Ease and just Satisfaction of the Kingdom, and in special manner:

I. That the just and necessary Liberty of the People to represent their Grievances and Desires by way of Petition, may be cleared and vindicated, according to the fifth Head in the late Representation or Declaration of the Army sent from St. Albans.

II. That (in pursuance of the same Head in the said Declaration) the common Grievances of this People may be speedily considered of, and effectually redressed, and in particular,

1. That the Excise may be taken off from such Commodities, whereon the poor People of the Land do ordinarily live, and a certain time to be limited for taking off the whole.

2. That the Oppressions and Encroachments of Forrest-Laws may be prevented for the future.

3. All Monopolies (old or new) and Restraints to the Freedom of Trade to be taken off.

4. That a course may be taken, and Commissioners appointed to remedy and rectifie the Inequality of Rates lying upon several Counties, and several parts of each County in respect of others, and to settle the proportion for Land-Rates to more Equality throughout the Kingdom; in order to which we shall offer some further particulars, which we hope may be useful.

5. The present unequal troublesome and contentious way of Ministers Maintenance by Tithes to be considered of, and some Remedy applied.

6. That the Rules and Course of Law, and the Officers of it may be so reduced and reformed, as that all Suits and Questions of Right may be more clear and certain in the Issues, and not so tedious nor chargeable in the Proceedings as now; in order to which, we shall offer some further Particulars hereafter.

7. That Prisoners for Debt, or other Creditors (who have Estates to discharge them) may not by embracing Imprisonment, or any other ways, have advantage to defraud their Creditors, but that the Estates of all Men may be some way made liable to their Debts (as well as Tradesmen are by Commissions of Bankrupt) whether they be imprisoned for it or not. And that such Prisoners for Debt, who have not wherewith to pay, or at least do yield up what they have to their Creditors, may be freed from Imprisonment; or some way provided for, so as neither they nor their Families may perish by their Imprisonment.

8. Some Provision to be made, that none may be compelled by Penalty or otherwise to answer unto Questions tending to the accusing of themselves, or their nearest Relations in Criminal Causes; and no Man's Life to be taken away under two Witnesses.

9. That Consideration may be had of all Statutes, and the Laws or Customs of Corporations, imposing any Oaths either to repeal, or else to qualifie and provide against the same so far as they may extend or be construed to the Molestation or ensnaring of religious and peaceable People, merely for Nonconformity in Religion.

III. That according to the sixth Head in the Declaration of the Army, the large Power given to Committees or Deputy-Lieutenants during the late times of War and Distraction, may be speedily taken into consideration to be recalled and made void, and that such Powers of that nature as shall appear necessary to be continued, may be put into a regulated way, and left to as little Arbitrariness, as the Nature and Necessity of the things (wherein they are conversant) will bear.

IV. That (according to the seventh Head in the said Declaration) an effectual course may be taken that the Kingdom may be righted, and satisfied in point of Accompts for the vast Sums that have been levied.

V. That Provision may be made for Payment of Arrears to the Army, and the rest of the Soldiers of the Kingdom who have concurr'd with the Army in the late Desires and Proceedings thereof: And in the next place for payment of the publick Debts and Damages of the Kingdom; and that to be perform'd, First, to such Persons whose Debts or Damages (upon the publick Account) are great, and their Estates small, so as they are thereby reduced to a difficulty of Subsistence: In order to all which, and to the fourth Particular last preceding, we shall speedily offer some further Particulars (in the nature of Rules) which we hope will be of good use towards publick Satisfaction.

Signed by the Appointment of his Excellency Sir Thomas
Fair fax
and the Council of War.

August 1. 1647.

A Message to the King's Majesty from both Houses of Parliament for his coming to London: Also the Votes of both Houses, in answer to Papers deliver'd by the Scots Commissioners, coming from his Majesty; With a Declaration of the Lords and Commons of the Committee of the Safety and the Militia of London, to the whole Kingdom, of the Resolutions of the Parliament and City. Ordered by the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Safety of the King and Parliament, City and Kingdom; and also by the Committee of the Militia of the City of London and Parts adjacent, that the said Declaration be Printed and Published,

Tho. Partington, Clerk.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

May it please your Majesty,
We your Majesty's most humble and loyal Subjects, the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England, having agreed upon these enclosed Votes, and do humbly present them to your Majesty; Remaining

Your Majesty's most humble and loyal Subjects,
HUNSDON, Speaker of the House of Peers pro tempere
H. PELLAM, Speaker of the House of Commons.

Westm. Aug. 2. 1647.

The Votes are as follow, viz.

Whereas the King hath been seized upon, and carried away from Holmby without his Consent, or the Consent of the Houses of Parliament by a Party into the Army, where his Majesty yet remaineth; the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, do desire That his Majesty will be pleased immediately to come to such Places as both Houses of Parliament shall appoint: And they do declare, That he shall there be with Honour, Freedom, and Safety; and that they with the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland will make their Addresses unto his Majesty for a safe and well-grounded Peace.

Resolv'd upon the Question, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that London be the Place whither the King shall be desired to come, where both Houses of Parliament and the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland may make their Addresses to him for a safe and and well-grounded Peace.

John Browne, Cler. Parl.
Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Right Honourable,
The Committee of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland having sent us frequent Directions since these late Commotions, to give them a true Account from time to time of his Majesty's Condition; In pursuance thereof, we desired the Earl of Lauderdale to repair to his Majesty at Wooburne, where we expected that he should have been used with that Respect which is due to a Commissioner of the Parliament of Scotland: But we are herein extreamly disappointed: For on Saturday Morning early before his Lordship was out of his Bed, a great many Soldiers rushed into his Chamber, and coming to his Bed side, desired him speedily to be gone without any Delay.

He represented unto them his Employment, that he was there in the Capacity of a Commissioner of Scotland to attend his Majesty: That he had resolved to go away that Morning; and intreated he might have the liberty first to speak with his Majesty, which they would not grant; but violently insisted, that what they demanded might forthwith be put in Execution, and would not bearken to any Reason be offered unto them, telling him it was past dispute: It was resolved upon, what they did therein would be owned by the Army, and they would maintain it with other Expressions of this kind.

We do acknowledge the Civility of the Commissioners of both Houses, who acted their parts in dissuading them from so unwarrantable an Action; and one of the Commissioners in particular represented unto them the Danger thereof, acquainting them that he had been an Embassador abroad, and did very well understand that this Injury done by them to a Commissioner of the Parliament of Scotland was of a very high nature; intreating, that if they apprenhended any thing from Scotland, the Breach might not be made upon the Kingdom of England's part: and that they would not give just Cause by this Action to the Kingdom of Scotland to make War against England: But no Argument did prevail: So at length the Earl of Lauderdale was forced to depart, having publickly protested before the Commissioners of both Houses, that he was debarred Access to the King of Scotland, and his Liberty taken from him, contrary to the Law of Nations, and a particular Agreement betwixt the Kingdoms.

We have formerly represented unto the Honourable Houses, how his Majesty was carried away from Holmby by a Party of Sir Tho. Fairfax' s Army (which the Soldiers before-mentioned did on Saturday last before the Earl of Lauderdale and some of the Commissioners of both Houses, own to be the Act of the whole Souldiery of the Army.) We did likewise acquaint the Houses, how our Letters to Scotland were intercepted by some of that Army.

And now to compleat these Injuries, they offered Violence to a Commissioner of the Parliament of Scotland, debarred him from Access to his Majesty, deprived him of his Liberty, and drove him away: So that there remains no Hope that there can be any Application made hereafter to his Majesty from the Kingdom of Scotland: Nor can we be able to give that Account of his Majesty's Condition to that Kingdom which is expected from us, so long as he is in the Power of that Army. Wherefore we do desire that the Houses of Parliament will in their Wisdom take such Course herein as Reparation may be made to the Kingdom of Scotland of these multiplied Injuries, and especially of the last, done against the Person of a Publick Minister of the Kingdom of Scotland in so violent a manner.

And to the end there may be a free and unrestained Application to his Majesty from the Parliaments of both Kingdoms, We do earnestly desire the Honourable Houses to invite his Majesty to come to London; and to declare that he shall be there in Safety Honour and Freedom; than which we see no other probable Means for the present to obtain a safe and well-grounded Peace: And so we rest.

Your Lordship's Humble Servants,

  • Lauderdale.
  • Cha. Erkine.
  • Hugh Kennedy.
  • Ro. Barclay.

Worcester-House, Aug. 10. 1647.

To the Right Honourable, the Speaker of the House of Peers pro tempore.

August 2. 1647.

A Declaration from his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax and his Council of War, concerning their Proceedings in the Proposals prepared and agreed by the Council of the Army; together with the Heads of the said Proposals, containing the Particulars of their Desires in pursuance of their former Declaration and Papers, in order to the clearing and securing of the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdom, and the setling of a just and lasting Peace: To which are added some further particular Desires for the removing and redressing of divers present Grievances, being also comprised in, or in necessary pursuance of their former Representations and Papers appointed to be treated on.

The Declaration follows, viz.

Since our drawing back to Reading, we have applied our selves with all Diligence to frame and hasten an intire Body of all the particular Proposals, which we would tender to the Commissioners of Parliament residing with the Army, to be treated on in pursuance of those General Desires expressed in our former Declarations and Papers, for the securing of the Common Rights and Liberties, and a present setling of the Peace of the Kingdom. In which Business, (notwithstanding the many Interruptions and Disturbances which daily Advertisements of the indirect Practices and Preparations of the Committee of Militia and others in and about the City of London, and elsewhere, tending to a new War, have occasioned, to the diverting or retarding of our Proceedings therein; yet) we have made a Progress as speedy as the Nature and Weight of such a Work would admit: And having finished the same, we have delivered in an Abstract of the Heads thereof unto the said Commissioners of Parliament to be treated upon.

But the late pernicious Engagement set on foot in the City, and (much more) that prodigious Violence done to both Houses of Parliament on Monday last, having wholly taken us off for the present, and rendred all Proceedings in the way of Treaty thereupon meerly vain and hopeless, until it shall please God the Parliament be righted and vindicated against that Violation done to it, and restored into a Condition of Freedom, so as the unquestion'd Members of it may repair together with Safety, and proceed according to their just Freedom; We have thought good in the mean time to make this publick Tender of the Heads of the Proposals to the Consideration of the whole Kingdom; wherein, though all Circumstances requisite to be determined in an actual Settlement, be not so fully and perfectly expressed as upon the Treaty intended (if not interrupted as before) they might speedily have been, yet all Men may see and understand in these the Effect and Bottom of our Desires; Whereupon we have sincerely studied that a present Peace might be setled; which same thing (with and after such Vindication of the Parliament as may again render it into a Capacity to establish the same) we shall still faithfully endeavour to the utmost of our powers, and accordingly shall expect the chearful and hearty Concurrence of all those who are or shall be satisfied concerning the Integrity of our Intentions to the Peace and Welfare of the Kingdom in these Proposals; or who shall (for the main) desire or approve of the same things with us in order to a Settlement. And to these Proposals which we here first tender as necessary to a Peace; and upon which, we desire the Seal of Peace (in the Restitution of his Majesty and others to their Rights; and in an Act of Oblivion to be pass'd). We cannot but add the further Expression of our Desires in some other particulars, which though not Essential to Peace, as necessarily to precede the setling of it, yet being Matters of very publick, and (most of them) of general Grievance to the Kingdom (which we every-where find the Out-cries of) and being constrained in, or pursuance of, the same things expressed in our former Representations and Papers: We shall desire, that (the Parliament being set free) no time may be lost for a speedy Consideration of them, so as the former things for the present setling of Peace be not delayed thereby.

Signed by the Appointment of his Excellency
Sir Tho. Fairfax and the Council of War.
J. Rushworth, Secretary.

Aug. 2. 1647.

August 2. 1647.

A Declaration of the Lords and Commons of the Committee for the Safety and the Militia of London, to the whole Kingdom, of the Resolutions of the Parliament and City.

For the better Satisfaction of the Kingdom, the City of London, (who have been the Principal Maintainers of the Army now advancing against them.) is for Peace, and hath omitted nothing to shew their Desires to maintain a good Understanding with the Army; what the City doth in standing upon their Guard, is for their own Defence, and not to engage in a new War, but to put a speedy Period to the Kingdoms Troubles, and hasten Ireland's Relief: They profess they have, and shall always endeavour to procure the Soldiers Indempnity, and that they may have their Arrears, paid them; and have, no other end, but that God may have his Glory, the King's Majesty setled in his just Rights, the Parliament enjoy their Privileges and Freedoms, and the Subject their Fundamental Laws, Liberty and Peace: and this being the Resolution of this City, they are confident no Person of Honour, good Conscience, and Lover of their Country, will draw Sword, or use Violence against them, but rather stand for their Defence and Safety.

Ordered by the Committee of Lords and Commons, for the Safety of the King, Parliament, City and Kingdom; and also by the Committee of the Militia of the City of London and Parts adjacent, that this Declaration be Printed and published.

Tho. Partington, Clerk.

A Letter from a Gentleman in the Army concerning the King's Majesty and the Proceedings of the Army, dated at Colebrook Aug. 2. 1647.

Right Honourable,
'The General's Head-Quarters are yet here at Colebrook; but this day they are intended to march to a Rendezvous at Hownslow. Heath: part of the Horse are gone over into Kent, of the General's own Regiment, under Major Desborough; the other part are in Essex; Those (we hear) have seized on the Fort at Tilbury called the Block house. As for the Block-house at Gravesend, that we hear is not much tenable, and of little use to be kept, except it be guarded when taken.

"The King is resolv'd to remove from Latimer to a House near Windsor, which his Majesty hath made choice of, and I suppose will not be denied him,

"The Army hath contracted their Head-Quarters closer out of the several Counties where they were quartered; the last being now come up, and (I suppose) will be at the Rendezvous this Day on Hounslow Heath.

'This Night it is to be resolv'd by a Council of War what shall be done in matter of Advance against the City when to approach and where.

'There is no Answer sent from the General or the Counsel of War, to the Letter from the Parliament, by reason that they do not take notice of the Houses sitting.

'I am sorry to see things so high.

'I am grieved at the very Heart to see the imminent Dangers hanging over us, if God divert not the Deluge of Blood threatning us.

'Colonel Juleday had notice that Sir Samuel Luke was at his House at Cople in Bedfordshire near Bedford, and thereupon he sent out a party of his Regiment thither, who (as we hear) have taken him Prisoner.

'Divers Members of both Houses are with the Army, and more with the Head Quarters.

'The Council of War have had Some Debates about a Declaration; but as yet it is not concluded. I hear they intended to summon the City of London first; but the Truth is (I Suppose) it is not fully resolv'd by the General and Council of War in that particular.

'The Printed Declaration from the City of London was yesterday brought to the General, and read at a Council of War.

'The Lord Lauderdale (one of the Scots Commissioners) is put away from the Court, not being admitted to the King before he went from Wooburne.

'God send a Composure of these unhappy Differences.

Colcbrook, Aug. 2. 1647.

A Letter from a Gentleman that was at Greenwich, to a Friend of his in London, relating the manner of the late Fight at Deptford near London,

where four of Sir Robert Pye's men were slain, some taken, and divers wounded by a Party of Horses in Kent.

Dear Sir,
I Have a sad Subjects to write unto you of, which makes me tremble: It is briefly thus; That Colonel Sir Robert Pye's Troop quartered at Deptford within a Mile of this Town; and at some other adjacent Villages a Party of Horse came upon them, (as it is said, they came over Henly-Bridge, and so into Kent and so wheeled about this way) they came to parly with the Soldiers, intending (as it is believed, to have taken them Prisoners) but upon the Parly some of them came to such high Words, they called them Run-away Rogues; the others retorted to them again; and the mean while some got to Horse; but at last it came to Blows: Some they took in pursuit, four were slain in the pursuit, and divers wounded of Sir Robert Pye's Men. Here are Blows struck, here is Blood shed; the Lord direct the Parliament, and the City, and the Army, to study how to compose these fresh Divisions left poor England be overwhelmed in the Red Sea of Sub-divisions.

From August 2. to Sept. 4. 1547.

August 2. 1647.

Southwark desires not to be compell'd to levy Arms with the City.

There sitting a Common-Council this Day at Guild-hall, London, divers Officers of the Trained Bands, and others of the Borough of Southwark presented their Desires in behalf of themselves and the said Borough, intreating that they might not be forced to levy Arms, or go forth in a hostile manner under any Command, but such as should be approved of by the generality of the said Borough, and that they might be left to defend themselves and stand on their own Guard.

Well-affected Citizens petition for a Composure. Col. General Poyntz back'd and bewed the Petitioners, and wounded others to Death; An Alderman declared then in a Speech the danger of a new War,

There was also a Petition in the Name of many thousand well-affected Citizens, praying that some means might be used for a Composure, &c. which time Colonel General Poyntz and some other Officers of the new List attended for Orders of the Militia, came into Guild-hall Yard amongst the Petitioners, and in a cruel manner with their Swords hacked and hewed many of them, and mortally wounded divers, whereof some are since dead: So the Petitioners where forced to fly, and Poyntz and the rest left to triumph in their Bloody Design. After this, an Alderman of the City made a very gallant Speech in the Common-Council, declaring the Danger of a new War, both to the City and Kingdom; and but little was concluded, although the Common-council sate till Nine at Night, only agreed to sent a Letter to his Excellency the next Day.

Head Quarter at Colebrook.

Letters from the Army certified that the General's Head-Quarters were at Colebrook, at one Mr. Wilson's near the Bridge, whither he came Sunday Night, and that the King was at Stoke-Abby near Windsor.

The King at Stoke-Abby. Earls of Warwick and Manchester retire from the Parliament. And they with other Members leave the Parliament, and fly to the Army for Protection Sir Sam. Luke.

The Earl of Warwick and Earl of Manchester sent to the General, intimating, that they had quit the Houses, as most of the Members likewise had; for that there could be no Free Parliament as things went; and that their Lordships were retired into Essex, and intended, as there should be occasion, to wait on the General, casting themselves upon his Protection.

The Lord Say and Seal, Lord Mulgrave, and divers other Lords, and many of the House of Commons, came to the Head Quarters, desiring Protection by the General.

Sir Samuel Luke was brought to the General our of Bedfordshire upon some Information, but soon after dismist.

This Day Orders were given for the Payment of a Fortnight's Pay to the Army, which was paid accordingly.

We heard further from the Army of a Petition presented to the General from the Country of Devonshire; and which, for better Satisfaction, is as follows.

To the Right Honourable his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, General of all the Forces raised by the Parliamentary Power within the Kingdom of England.

A Petition to the General of the well-affected in the County of Devon.

The Humble Remonstrance and Petition of many the Well-affected within the County of Devon.

That where as the Petitioners now at length, after so many evident Demonstrations and Testimonies of the Good Hand of God towards this Nation in its greatest Extremities and Liberties: And by the Guidance of your worthy self, making successful, to the overthrowing of the Common and Desperate Adversary of the publick Weal, did expect the Restitution of our pristine Freedom, in the Removal of all Illegal Burdens, the Abolishment of all Arbitrary Proceedings in Courts Judicatory; and the casting out of such base-hearted Men from Places of publick Concernment, that to advantage their own private Interests, and build their own Houses, though in the Ruine of their Neighbours, yea, the Destruction of the Kingdom, follow their Designs with much Heat and Eagerness of Spirit, cannot yet but with much Sadness and Trouble of Heart represent to your Excellency, with the rest faithful in the Land, the Heavy Pressures and Intolerable Grievances which your poor Petitioners groan under, even in this the very Day of our Hopes, that those who have been thought useful, and have employed themselves to the endangering of their Lives, and wasting their Estates in the Kingdoms Extremity, are now reputed unworthy to be entrusted, nay, to live in a peaceable manner, besides their Neighbours, but are hall'd before Magistrates and imprisoned, when nothing can be found worthy of Death or Offence in them; they have Interrogatiories for their self-Condemnation, proposed to them, little inferiour, if not exceeding the Customary Proceedings in the High-commission Court; But it any that prove more zealous, entrusted in the Execution of Justice than others, being earnest in extirpating of Vice, and dealing so faithfully in their Trusts, be found a little differing in Judgment about these Out-side Controversies in the Land, though blameless in Conversation and Officer, are thrust out, and others unable to govern their own Houses or Heads placed in; and are thought more meet to officiate in Places of such high nature; and contrariwise, such who formerly, because of their Malignity to the Parliament, were judged unmeet to lodge within a Garrison without Confinement of Body, have since been chief Examiners of some of your Petitioners and promoters of their Hardships, and are now raised not only to Places of Judicature in the Country, but fit as Steersmen at the Kingdom's Helm; from whom, if Providence prevent not, instead of Safety, we may expect nothing but Shipwreck; so that in very deed the utmost, we can yet see into, after so large Expence of Blood and Treasure, is only the Exchange of Men in places, but not of Manners; old Burdens with new Names, and new Men with old Corruptions; the Root and Spring from whence mostly our Sorrow (because of our Opprossions) do arise, is the late Undue Election of Burgesses in our neighbour County of Cornwall, and elsewhere, where private Relation with Affection to Persons more than the publick Good, did both make the Choice, and gave the Voice, and of such as any faithful Heart would bleed to consider what dangerous Effects their Consultations might produce; being Men devoted to Sensuality, strong in Wine, weak in Wisdom, minding more their Lusts than their Labour, their Honour than their Honesty; and what the Evil, Tendencey, and Event of a Kingdom's Power reposed in the Hands of such Persons may be, let the World be silent if it can: You are not ignorant (Right Honourable) what a sore Distemperature the Disease of the Head is in the Body Natural; and can it be less in the Political? From the Consideration of the Premisses, your Petitioners humble Suit is, That seeing your Excellency was primarily entrusted with that Power now under your Command for the Redemption of the Subjects Birth-right of Liberty, You would still, in pursuance thereof, endeavour all possible Ways and Means to work its Establishment: Seeing now God calls you thereto through the Defect of those from whom our Hope for Relief now fails us: For it cannot enter into our Thoughts that God should leave a People beyond possibility of Recovery, when those that are entrusted with the Rule of a Nation are corrupted through the Disaffection of some, may judge your Proceedings unwarrantable: And sithence your Excellency, with the Strength commanded by you, is eyed as the only Visible Support the Kingdom survives by, your Petitioners humbly supplicate you would use it to the prevention of a new War, left through a further Embroilment, this already almost wasted Land come to utter Desolation and Ruin, however that you be not perswaded to lay it by till the Kingdom, with its Ruler be committed to the Care and Charge of such faithful Persons of Trust and Integrity, as may secure this Nation from their fear of further Oppression, and render us a happy People in the due and impartial Administration of Justice; in prosecution of which, and every your just and honourable Designs, your Excellency shall have both the Prayers and Persons of your Petitioners engaged.

The City sends a Letter to the General for an Answer to their Letters by six Aldermen and 12 Common-Council Men.

Upon August 3. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of the City of London, having agreed upon a Letter to send to the General, six Aldermen and twelve of the Common-Council went with the same early this Morning, and presented it to the General at Colebrook: The Letter was as followeth.

A Letter agreed upon by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council Men of the City of London, to be sent to the General at Colebrook.

That the Army approacheth near; Yet they abhor a new War.

Right Honourable,
Unto all our present Unhappiness we have this added, That we have not yet received any Answer from your Excellency to our two last Letters, although the Army be approached so near unto us, and that some of our Committee have daily attended to that purpose: But we are resolved to omit nothing unattempted, though all Discouragements do; manifest, as we have alway profest, how much we desire Peace and abhor a new War; and to this end we have added six Aldermen and twelve Commons to the Committee we formerly appointed to attend your Excellency; from whom your Excellency will please to receive our Sense of the great Offence that the Army hath taken against this City, and give ear and credit unto those things which they delivered unto your Excellency and your Honourable Council of War on our behalf: We have no more to say, but to pursue them with our Prayers, that God will give a Blessing to their and our Endeavours; and avert his heavy Judgments from this City, and encline your Noble Heart to weigh seriously the Miseries of a new War; wherein whatsoever share is allotted to this City, the Desolation will have an Influence upon the whole Kingdom.

By the Command of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London,

London, Aug. 2.

In Answer to the Letter from the City the Army presents the City-Commissioners with a Declaration and Proposals.

Upon the presenting of this Letter the Commissioners for this City had presented them a Declaration by the General and Council of War on behalf of themselves and the whole Army, shewing the Grounds of their present Advance towards London: They likewise presented them a Copy of the Grant Proposals of the Army for a settled Peace, and a short Declaration thereunto added; both which are to be seen at large at the beginning of this Month; and these they received as the Grand Desires and Proposals of the Army, and Declaration of their Proceedings and Intentions.

August 2. 1647.

A Declaration of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and his Council of War on behalf of themselvs and the whole Army; shewing the the Grounds of their present Advance towards the City of London.

When this Army was formerly led by the manifod Dispensations of God's Providence, and the Grounds then declared, to advance towards the City of London; we held it our Duty to yield the Kingdom the Sum of those Desires which we had to propose on behalf of it our selves, wherein we should acquiesce: And having received from the Parliament some Hopes of due Satisfaction therein; and some Assurance from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of the City of London, of their ready Concurrence with us in those things; and also great Resolution professed by them of their Care and Tenderness to preserve all the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament; safe, free and inviolated from Attempts of all kind; we do appeal to God, to the City and to all Men, what a speedy Compliance to their Desires for our Removal to a further Distance, found in this Army for preventing all Fears, Jealousies and other Inconveniences to the City; and to give clear Testimony that we had nothing in our Breasts but Thoughts of Peace, and the Good and Welfare both of Parliament' City and Kingdom, notwithstanding many false and scandalous Reports raised that we fought our selves, that we had vile and wicked Ends; and that nothing would satifie the Soldiers but the Plunder of the City; the contrary whereof did manifestly appear when they so readily marched back upon Hopes of Satisfaction in their Desires of publick Concernment.

Having then upon the aforesaid Confidence so withdrawn, and out of a just sense of the Countries suffering (by Quartering) removed the Head Quarters of the Army above Forty Miles from London, and dispersed the rest well nigh Two Hundred Miles, for the more ease of all parts, and that we might give the better satisfaction to the Kingdom. And being in this secure way, and labouring after the sudden settlement of the Kingdom, we had even brought to Perfection the particular Proposals (included in the Generals of our first Representation) to be sent to the Parliament for a final conclusion of all our Troubles. And also had made good progress towards the present relief of distressed Ireland, by assigning a competent Force, both of Horse and Foot, forthwith to have advanced for that Service.

But the Kingdoms and our Enemies being most vigilant and active to prevent and frustrate those good Intentions and Endeavours of ours, that they might carry on their former Evil Designs and underhand Practices, and also preserve themselves from the hand of Justice, they have endeavoured to cast the Kingdom into a new and bloody War. And for that end have procured the under-hand Listing of several Reformados, and others; have contrived, promoted, and caused to be entred into by several Persons, a wicked and treasonable Combination; as it is sufficiently manifested by a Declaration passed thereupon by Both Houses of parliament the 23d July last, for the prevention of the Disturbances that were like to ensue thereupon; from which kind of Disorders the City had been well preserved, during the space of almost Four Years, whilst the Militia was in the hands of the old Commissioners; whereby it appears, there was cause for the Army to intreat the Parliament, that the Militia might be returned into the hands it was in before; as also for divers other good Reasons.

1. The old Commissioners of the Militia (that have been since left out) were not only Persons without all Exception, having been formerly chosen and approved by the parliament and City, but also Men of whom the City, Parliament, and Kingdom have had above Four Years Experience in the faithful discharge of their Trust; Men that ever, from the beginning, in the worst of Times, and in the occasions of the greatest Difficulty, had faithfully and constantly ingaged for, and with the Parliament in this Cause; Men that were always most desirous of a Peace, but of a safe and well grounded one, and that had always testified a great Care to prevent all occasions of embroiling the Kingdom in a new War.

Now that on a sudden this Trust which they had so faithfully discharged so long, should be taken out of their hands, and put into the hands of others, some whereof (at the best) have been very cool in the Service of the Parliament at the beginning of this War: That this should be pressed, and in a manner forced upon the Parliament, with such importunity from the Common-Council, that some out of every Ward shall be assigned to follicite the Members of the House of Commons, every Day as they went in and out of the House, with Professions that they would never leave the Door of the House 'till they were satisfied in their Desires. That they would not be contented with the Militia of the City of London only, unless they might have Power also over that of the Suburbs and Out-parts: And all this before the Peace of the Kingdom was settled, or the Propositions sent to the King for that purpose.

These things ministred great cause of Suspicion, that this alteration of the Militia was in order to a Design, and to make the Terms of the Peace, and Agreement with the King (on which the Security of the whole Kingdom, and their Posterity, is to be bottomed) more suitable to the private Bargainings and Undertakings of some Men, than to the publick Welfare of the whole Kingdom, in its Security and Prosperity, for the present and in future Times. But this Design discovered it self more clearly by such things as accompanied the pursuit of this alteration of the Militia, and ensued upon the obtaining thereof. At the same time that the alteration of the Militia of London was set on foot, the same Persons with as much earnestness pressed for the disbanding of this Army, before any thing was settled for the Security and Liberty of the Kingdom. At the same time the Common-Council was new modellized, and a Lord Mayor chosen that might suit with the present Design in hand. At the said time (under colour of Differences in some circumstances of Church Government) it was earnestly endeavoured, that such as had been constantly true, and most faithful to the Interest of the Kingdom, should be disabled to have any Employment in Church and Common Wealth, either in England or Ireland, and without any such Colour or Pretence divers Persons were left out of the Common-Council and Militia of eminent Deserts and Fidelity, and others brought into their rooms, that had either testified an ill Affection, or little Affection to the Parliament and their Cause: And such as seeking to withdraw themselves from all Imployment in the beginning of this War, now at the winding up thereof, are ambitious to thrust themselves into Imployment, with a design (as may justly be suspected) to frustrate and overthrow, in the close of all, the fruit and effect of all the Cost and Blood that hath been spent and spilt in this Cause: And after that with difficulty, and not without reluctancy in the Houses of Parliament, they had obtained the Power of the Militia in the City of London, and also in the Out-parts, for the space of one Year, many Officers and Under-Officers in the Trained-Bands, of known Trust and Fidelity were displaced, and others of more doubtful Affections placed in their rooms, little care was taken of the Honour of the Parliament, which was continually trampled under foot, and their Authority affronted by every rabble of Women, Apprentices, Reformado's, and Soldiers; which latter fort of Persons were thereby so encouraged to rise higher and higher in their tumultuous Carriges against the Houses, 'till at length it is risen to the height of barbarous and monstrous Violence against the Parliament, that they might set themselves on Work, and the Kingdom on Fire again. And now at length the Design appears open-faced, and though the Militia be made as the principal ground of the Quarrel, yet by the late Vows and Engagements set on foot before any alteration of the Militia, and the pressing so much the Message of the 12th of May, and the King's coming to London to confirm the same, shew, that the Militia is desired but in order to that design, and to force the Parliament (being wholly in their Power) to such terms of Peace as they pleased.

2. In the next place, when the Interest of the Common-Council, in their change of the Militia shall be claimed as the Birth-right of the City of London, (which they never had any colour to pretend to, saying by the Indulgency of the Parliament unto them, since this Parliament, in respect to the great use they have had of them, and the many good Services they have received from them.)

It is time for all the Kingdom to look to their Birth-rights, if such a Claim shall be held up against Both the Houses of Parliament: That upon no occasion whatsoever, nor in no time of danger and distraction whatsoever, they may appoint those that shall have the Power of the Militia of London, without the consent of the Common-Council; especially when as the Houses shall fit under their Power.

The late Example may evidence to all the World, who shall be Masters of the Parliament's Freedom and Resolutions: And common reason will teach every Man, who shall be Masters of the Birth-rights of the whole Kingdom, when there shall be no Army on foot, when they have the confidence to dispute for the Mastrey, notwithstanding such an Army as this, to check and ballance them in behalf of the Kingdom and Parliament.

3. Lastly, The Army discerning how intimate some of the new Militia were with some of the Eleven accused Members, how forward they were to comply and act with them in their Endeavours to raise a new War; how they made Eighteen or Nineteen Votes in order thereunto, together with them in one Night.

All which the Common-Council and Parliament disliked and revoked; how notwithstanding afterwards they secretly promoted their Designs by private Listings, which now appears to have been still working under Ground.

The Army, we say, observing this, and having nothing more in their Thoughts and Desires, than to settle a speedy, sage and well-grounded Peace, and to prevent a new War, found it necessary to desire, That the Militia might be put into the hands wherein it was formerly, who had approved themselves both to the Army, Parliament, and Kingdom, to be sober-minded Men, and not given to any Practice whereby a new War might be kindled.

To the intent that the Army being secured by that means from that danger, might with the more confidence retire further from the City, inlarge their Quarters, for the greater ease of the Kingdom, and intend wholly the settling of a secure Peace in this Kingdom, and a speedy and effectual relief of Ireland, which was almost brought to a Period, and nothing in the sight of Man could have hindered, but this cursed Practice of Violence upon the Parliament, under pretence of the Militia; which, according to our desire, being restored again into the hands of the old Commissioners, by an Ordinance of Both Houses, dated the 21st. of July (in pursuance of the aforesaid treasonable Combination) several Petitions were presented to the Common-Council of the City of London, in the Name of the Apprentices and others, importing their dersies, that the Militia of the City might continue in the hands of the former Commissioners, according to the Ordinance of the 4th of May last.

Whereupon, Munday July 26. the Common-Council of the City presents their Petitions to Both Houses for changing the Militia, wherein the House of Lords refuse to alter their Resolutions; the House of Commons answered, they would take it into Consideration the next Morning; notwithstanding which, the City and Kingdom cannot be ignorant with what Rage and Infolency the Tumult of Apprentices the same Day forced Both Houses. They block'd up their Doors, swearing they would keep them in 'till they had passed what Votes they pleased; they threatned the Houses, if they granted not their desires, knocking, hooting, and hollowing so at the Parliament Doors, that many times the Members could not be heard to speak or debate, not suffering the House of Commons to divide for determining such Questions as were put, crying out, that those that gave their Votes against them, should be sent out to them, very often and loudly saying, Agree, agree, dispatch, we'll wait no longer; and in this outragious manner they continued at the House above eight Hours together, the City Guards there present, not the City relieving them, by reason whereof the House was forced to vote what that rude Multitude would demand, and then adjourned the House till the next Morning; after which, the House rising, the Speaker, and many Members going out of the House, they forced them back again into the House, many of the Apprentices pressing in with them, where they stood with their Hats on their Heads, and compelled the Speaker to take the Chair, and the House to vote in their Presence what they pleased; committing many other Insolencies, as is published by the Speaker of the House of Commons in his Declaration, and is too well known by all then present; and during the time of this execrable Violence done by the said Apprentices, Westminster-Hall and the Palace-Yard, was filled with Reformado's and other ill-affected Persons designed to back them.

After this, the Houses being Adjourned till Friday following, upon the Thursday the Apprentices printed and posted a Paper in several places of the City, requiring all their Fellows to be early at the Parliament the next Morning, for that they intended to Adjourn by Seven of the Clock, and that for a Month. Thus the Speakers, with many of the Members were driven away from the Parliament.

This in brief being the true State of things as they have broke forth within these few Days; (which are so contrary to all those Prentences of peace and Detestation of a new War of late, so frequently held forth on all sides;) all Men may observe to what Maturity the long projected Design of some Men (of whom are those that are Impeached by us) is now brought and may be traced in the several Steps thereof, as it hath tended to the enslaving of this Kingdom, and the destruction of all such well -affected People who would not comply with them therein; so as by what now is come to light, the justness of that Cause this Army had engaged themselves in, and the great and wonderful Mercy of God in continuing them together, we assure our selves doth not clearly appear to all Mens Eyes and Apprehensions, and will every Day more and more be acknowledged, even by those that have heretofore made a Question of it.

And if when this Kingdom hath spent so much of its Blood and Treasure, hath past through such unheard of Dangers, and overcome such Difficulties so many Years together. All that they must now hope for, and rest in, must only be what the King grants in his Message of the 12th. of May last: And if this must be imposed upon Mens Judgments and Consciences by an Oath, and now entered into in a tumultuous and unlawful way; and by Outrage maintained in despight and Contempt of the Parliament: If rather than this should not be accomplished, the Parliament it self must be violated, and forced into the Hands of such of the Members thereof as have secretly abetted, and somented those Practices to that end, that these hidden Councils and Works of Darkness might, when they come to their full Birth, have the Image of highest Authority in the face of them the better to gain credit thereunto, and secure the Authors of them from Punishment; 'For the evidence of all which we refer ourselves in the Particulars in our Charge against the Eleven Members, compared with those Passages of late broke forth, before rehears'd; unto which we shall now only add, and leave it to the Consideration of all wise and good Men, with what Artifice and Boldness these Members have served themselves of those horrid Tumults and Violences of their own creating (instead of shewing their Detestation of them) again to intrude themselves into the publick managing of Affairs; and inevitably to embroil the Kingdom in a new War, which their own Revenge and the compassing of their former Plots and Designs, makes them so greedily thirst after.

If these things (we say) must be the End and Upshot of all, what then remains to this poor Kingdom and all true-hearted English Men, but to joyn together as one Man with their Counsels, Estates and Lives in this Way, as our last Refuge under God; which, by his wise and gracious Providence hath provided and reserved by keeping up this Army even to a Mircale so to prevent the aforesaid Evils, and to procure to this Dying Kingdom yet a settled Peace and Happiness, if it be his Blessed Will?

These things being seriously considered by us, we have thought sit in the Name of the Army to declare, That all such Members of either House of Parliament as are already with the Army for the Security of their Persons, and for the Ends aforesaid, are forc'd to absent themselves from Westminster, that we shall hold and esteem them as Persons in whom the publick Trust of the Kingdom is still remaining, that they cannot for the present sit as a Parliament with freedom and safety at Westminster; and by whose Advice and Counsels we desire to govern our selves in the managing these weighty Affairs: And to that end we invite them to make Repair to this Army to joyn with us in this great Cause, we being resolved, and do hereby faithfully oblige our selves to stand by them therein, and to live and die with them against all Opposition whatsoever; and in particular we do hold our selves bound to that Honourable Act of the Speaker of the House of Commons, who upon the Grounds he himself expressed in his Declaration sent unto us, hath actually withdrawn himself; and hereupon we do further engage to use our utmost and speedy Endeavours, that he and those Members of either House that are thus enforc'd away from their Attendance at Westminster, may with Freedom and Security fit there, and again discharge their Trust as a free and legal Parliament: And in the mean time we do declare against that late Choice of a new Speaker by some Gentleman at Westminster, as contrary to all Right, Reason, Law, and Custom: And we profess our selves to be most clearly satisfied in all our Judgments; and are also confident the Kingdom will herein conour with us, that as things now stand, there is no free nor legal Parliament sitting, being through the aforesaid Violence at present suspended; And that Orders, Votes, or Resolutions forced from the House on Munday the 26th of July last, as also such as shall pass in this Assembly of some few Lords and Gentlemen at Westminster, under what Pretence and Colour soever, are void and null, and ought not to be submitted unto by the Free-born Subjects of England.

And that we may prevent that Slavery designed upon us and the Nation, that the Kingdom may be restored to a happy State of a Visible Government, now eclipsed and darkened, we hold our selves bound by our Duty to God and the Kingdom, to bring to condign Punishment the Authors and Fomenters of that unparallell'd Violence done to the Parliament; and in that, to all the Free-born Subjects of England, that are, or hereafter shall be: And therefore we are resolved to march up towards London, where we do expect that the well-affected People of that City will deliver up unto us (or otherwise put into safe Custody, so as they may be reserved to a Legal Tryal) the Eleven Members impreached, that have again thrust themselves into the Management of Publick Affairs by this wicked Design.

And that all others will give us such Assistance therein, that the Members of both Houses may receive due Encouragement to return to Westminster, there to sit with all Freedom, and so to perform their Trust, as shall conduce to the Settlement of this distracted Kingdom; and to inflict such Punishments upon these late Offenders as shall deter any for the futuer to make the like Attempt.

Our Lives have not been dear unto us for the Publick Good; and being now resolved by the Assistance of God, to bring these Delinquents to their deserved Punishments, as that then, which there cannot be any thing of more Publick Concernment to the Kingdom, we trust (if it shall come to that) our Blood shall nor be accounted too dear a Price for the accomplishment of it. And if any in the City will engage themselves against us to protect these Persons, and so put the Kingdom again into a new and miserable War, the Blood must be laid to the Account of such Persons as the Authors thereof.

And Lastly, Because it is the main Engine of ours and the Kingdom's Enemies, to render us odious by possessing the Minds of Men, that we we gape only after the Plunder of this Great and Wealthy City; as the Experience of the contrary Carriage in all Towns that we have taken, yieldeth unto us a Testimony beyond the Example of any Army; so we do from our Hearts declare, that we abhor the Thought thereof: And we doubt not but the World shall see our Actions answerable to our Professions; and that we shall not cause any Man to suffer but by his own Default; and that God will manifest we have only in our Eyes, that Justice may have a free Course, the Parliament a free Sitting and Voting, and a full Vindication of the late Violence done to them.

And as for the City of Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, the Hamlets, and the rest of the Suburbs, and Out-parts, as we are inform'd that they are not so ready to engage themselves in a new War as some would have them, so we are sensible of the hard Condition that they are brought into, even by them that claim a Right against both Houses of Parliament (a strange Claim against a Parliament, though more reasonable against others) not to be subjected to a Militia without their own Consent; and yet will not be contented unless they may have others subjected unto them, and lay what Burthens they please upon them without allowing them any part of Vote or Consent with them; In which Point of Common-Right and Equity, we shall not be wanting (in a due way) to assist them for the obtaining of their just Desires and Immunities; it being our chief Aim to settle Peace with Truth and Righteousness throughout the Kingdom, that none may be oppressed in his just Freedom and Liberties, much less the Parliament it self; which things being duly settled, we shall be as ready also to assure unto the King his just Rights and Authority, as any that pretend it never so much, for the better upholding of an ill Cause, and the Countenance of Tumultuous Violence against the Parliament, the which our honest, just, and necessary Undertakings, as we are resolved to pursue with the utmost Hazard of our Lives and Fortunes; so we doubt not but we shall find God's accustomed Goodness and Assistance with us therein, till we have brought them to a good and happy Conclusion for this poor distracted and languishing Kingdom.

This day the Army did Rendezvous on Hounslow-Heath.

The great Preparations of the General and Army this Day, was for the general Rendezvous appointed to be upon Hounslow-Heath, and a gallant appearance there was of at least 20000 Men, Horse and Foot, a gallent Train of Artillery, as the Commissioners themselves for the City can testifie, who came thither to see the Army, but made but a short stay, and returned for London.

A further Account of the general Rendezvous, we had by a Letter to this purpose.

Intelligence from the Rendezvous; Lords and Commons there present, and their Speaker, Will Lenthall, Esq;

This day the Army had a Rendezvous on Hounslow-Heath, where was present the Earl of Northumberland, the Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Kent, the Lord Grey of Wark, the Lord Howard of Estwrick, the Lord Wharton, Lord Say and Sael, and the Lord Molgrave, and others of the House of Peers, in all about Fourteen, the Speaker of the House of Commons, and about a Hundred Members of that House.

The Army drawn up in Battalia; Tie Palsgrave viewed the Army.

The whole Army was drawn up in Battalia with Reserves upon the Heath, near a Mile and half in length; the General, accompanied with the said Lords and Commons, and other Gentry, rode along through the Army, and took a view of them from Regiment to Regiment, and the Members rode along before the Front; and as they passed each Regiment they were received with great Acclamations of the Soldiers, both Horse and Foot, crying with a loud Voice, Lords and Commons, and a Free Parliament, shouting and hallowing, and throwing up their Hats. Having thus viewed the Army, the said Lords and Commons took their Leave of the General, and part of them went to the Earl of Northumberland's House at Sion; and others to the Lord Say's House at Stanwell. These were no sooner parted but Intimation was given the General, that the Palsgrave was come into the Field: Whereupon the General, with his Life-Guard, and many Gentleman attending him, went to meet him. With the Palsgrave came the Earl of Denbigh, the Lord Grey; and many other Gentlemen, and after some Ceremonies past between his Highness and his Excellency, they all likewise took view of the Army, and as they passed each Regiment, were received with the like Acclamations of the Soldiers, crying, Lords and Commons and a Free Parliament.

The Head Quarters that Night at Thistleworth; Well-affected incensed against Poyntz.

Afterwards the General received a Letter of the Deportment of the Inhabitants of Southwark, their standing ont against the Design of raising a new War, crying out against the City for their forwardness therein, casting themselvs upon the General's Protection, and desiring some speedy Assistance and Aid from him, whereupon, after Consultation with the Council of War, one Bridge of the Army commanded by Collonel Gainsborough, was sent to their Aid, and marched in the way over Kingston-Bridge into Surry, the rest of the Army about Six at Night drew off the Field: The General's Head-Quarters that Night was at Thistleworth, and the Train of Artillery drew to Brentford, and the Army on this side the River about Brentford and Hammersmith. General Massie, we hear, is very busie in his new Command in the City, and sent out Scouts, but beyond Brentford a Party of the King's Army took Four of them: Afterwards some of ours met with a Party from the City, and took one of their Colours. The Army is very much incensed against Coll. Poyntz, for killing and wounding so many well-affected Citizens, that they are hardly to be kept from falling on him and the new lifted Men. This great Business is like to come to a speedy Issue, God grant it may be done without Ingagement, and we hope it will, for the Citizens have sent Six Alderman and Twelve Commoners, with a very respectful Letter to the General, beseeching a way of Composure.

Hounslow, August 3. 1647.

Proclamation no Soldier on pain of Death to go to London.

The General made Proclamation, that no Soldier upon pain of Death should go to London without Order. The Lady Pye petitioned the General for a Pass for her Husband, Sir Robert Pye, to go beyond Sea, which was granted.

Another Letter from the City to the General at Thistleworth.

This Morning, being Wednesday August the 4th. another Letter was presented to the General at Thistleworth, from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. of London, in these Words:

The Letter followeth; The City approves of the Armies march so near to London; And order that the Ports and Passes to be open for the Army; And recall their Declaration which provok'd the Army.

Right Honourable,
We have, by some of that Committee, which we sent down unto your Excellency this Morning received the Declaration of your Excellence, and your Council of War, on the behalf of your selves, and the whole Army, as we were sitting in Council, about Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, and have heard the same read, and considered seriously thereupon; and by our Committee we have had a full Relation of all Passages between your Excellency and them; and forasmuch as we observe from the said Declaration, of the chief Cause that hath drawn your Excellency and your Army thus near the City, is to bring home those Noble and Honourable Members of Both Houses; who, because of the Tumults at Westminster the 26th. past, have retired themselves, to the end they may be placed in Safety, and in Free Parliament at Westminster, We chearfully and heartily join with your Excellency therein; and according as We shall find Directions from your Excellency, they shall find all Ports and Passes open to receive you and them, as also such Guards of Two or Three Regiments as your Excellency shall think sitting, for their Conduct to the Two Houses of Parliament; and the Parliament being sate with Peace and Safety, We shall humbly submit to their Direction, what Forces of yours and ours to continue for their future Guard; in which Service, we humbly offer the whole Strength of this City, all other Matters which in this streight of Time we cannot go through, We wholly refer and submit to be determined by Both Houses, when they shall be set in safety at Westminster, as aforesaid, and in confidence that God will give a Blessing to these our Endeavours, for the taking away all Offences and Misunderstanding, We have recalled our late Declaration, Published in the Name of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the of City London, in Common-Council assembled: And now we well hope, That your Excellency will receive such satisfaction hereby, as that you will with-hold the Soldier from doing any Offence or Prejudice to the City, or Lines of Communication.

By Command of the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons at London, in Common-Council assembled.

London, Aug. 3. 1647.

A Brigade of Horse and Foot enter into Southwark, end plant Ordnance against the Gate at the Draw-bridge on London-Bridge, but I let down again by Order from the City, notwithstanding Colonel Jeremiah Baines his oppositionto the Army, Now the City consents to deliver up to the Army the Forts and Works on the West side of the City, from St. Giles's in the Field, to the Water-side.

This Morning also about Two of the Clock, Colonel Rainsborough, Colonel Hewson, Colonel Pride, and Colonel Rossiter's Regiment, Commanded then by Lieutenant Colonel Twisleton, with their several Regiments of Horse and Foot, which is the Brigade commanded out on Hounslow-Heath, marched into the Burrough of Southwark, without any Opposition, the Soldiers carrying themselves very civilly without doing hurt to any; and finding the City Gate on the Bridge shut, and the Port-cullis let down, as also a Guard within; they planted Two Pieces of Ordance against the Gate, and set a Guard without, and in a short time after the great Fort was yielded to them.

About Two of the Clock this Afternoon the Six Aldermen, and Twelve Commoners before-mentioned, returned from His Excellency to the Common-Council at Guild-Hall, with the General's Demands, to have the Forts on the West side of the City of London to be delivered up to him; and that Security being given, he would bring the Members of both Houses, who were forced from the Parliament, to Westminster, to fit in the free Parliament; and of this an Answer was to be returned to the General by Six of the Clock at Night, And after a full debate thereupon a Letter was drawn up and sent to his Excellency in these words:

The City's Letter followeth; They draw off their Forces and great Guns from their Forts and Line.

Right Honourable,
By those of our Committee which came from you this Day, we understand your Excellency's and your Honourable Council of War, their Expectation to be possessed of all Forts from Giles's Fort, and that to be one, down to the River-side, by Six of the Clock this Evening: And we took notice for what Reasons your Exellency is led to insist thereupon: For our Part, that we may manifest how ready we are to comply with all things which may beget a good Understanding, We have readily consented thereunto, as far as the Cognizance thereof belongs to this Court, and have given directions accordingly, to the Committee of the Militia, for drawing off all Forces and Ordnance, unto which Work they do now instantly apply themselves, and We are confident your Excellency will find performance accordingly. The Committee of the Militia will also give order for quitting such Forts on Southwark side as are not as yet in possession of your Forces. And now, next under Almighty God, we do rely upon your Excellencies Honourable Word for our Safety, and to be protected from all Violence of the Soldiery.


August 4. 1647.

August 4. 1647.

The King's Majesty's Declaration and Profession, disavowing any Preparations or Intentions in him to levy War against his two Houses of Parliament: With his Majesty's Letter to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, delivered by Sir John Bartlett and Mr. Ashburnham.

The Declaration follows.

There having been many Rumours spread, and Informations given which may have induced many to believe that we intend to make War against our Parliament: We profess before God, and declare to all the World, That we always have and do abhor all such Designs, and desire of our Nobility and Commons who are here upon the Place, to declare whether they have not been Witnesses of our frequent and earnest Declarations and Professions to this purpose; whether they see any Colour of Preparations, or Councils that might reasonably beget a Belief of any such Design.

And whether they be not fully perswaded, that we have no such Intentions, but that all our Endeavours (according to our many Professions, tend to the firm and constant Settlement of the true Protestant Religion, the just Rights of Parliaments, the Liberty of the Subject, the Law, Peace and Prosperity of this Kingdom.

C. R.

The King's Majesty's Letter to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, delivered, as aforesaid, by Sir John Bartlett and Mr. John Ashburnham.

His Majesty being advertised of many false Rumours raised of him to comply with a Party to raise Forces against you and your Army.

His Majesty doth hereby acquit himself of the great Scandal cast upon him therein.

And for the Proceedings of some in London, and elsewhere, who have of late raised Tumults in the City and other Places.

His Majesty doth utterly disclaim the same, testifying a great Dislike thereof.

His Majesty doth account it too dishonourable an Action to have Thoughts of being brought to London in such a tumultuous manner.

Stoak, Aug. 4. 1647.

An Engagement of the Lords and Commons that went to the Army, with their Names thereunto subscribed; some of which fate in the House in the Speaker's Absence, followeth.

An Engagement of the Lords and Commons that went to the Army.

Die Mercurii 4to Augusti 1647.

We the Members of both Houses of Parliament, who absent our selves from the Service of the Parliament by reason of the Force and Violence offered thereunto by a tumultuous Multitude, having received from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax a Declaration, entituled, A Declaration of his Excellency and his Council of War, on the behalf of themselves and the whole Army, shewing the Grounds of their present Advance towards the City of London; And having perused the same, we look upon it as a Declaration full of Truth, the Matter of Fact being well known unto most of us who have been Eye and Ear-witnesses thereof, full of Christian, Noble and Publick Affection to the Good, Peace and Prosperity of this Kingdom, and full of Integrity and Faithfulness to the true Interest of the English Nation, and full of undaunted and generous Resolution to assert the Honour and Freedom of the Parliament, and effectually to vindicate it from the Force and Violence whereby it hath been of late trampled under the Feet of a Rabble of People, unto which Force it is still exposed, so as it may be exercised upon them at pleasure. And whilst the Parliament remaineth in such a Condition, although it be not dissolvable but by Act of Parliament, yet it is suspended from acting as a Parliament. In all these things, and generally throughout, our Sense so fully agreeth with what is expressed in that Declaration of the Army, that we cannot but receive it with much Approbation, and also with great Thankfulness to God in the first place, and next under him to this ever-faithful Army, for that tender Sense expressed therein of our Honour and Security, who absent our selves from the Parliament in regard of that Force, and for that high Engagement of the Army to live and die with us in this Cause: whereupon we cannot but mutually engage our selves, as hereby we do, to live and die with Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army in the Vindication of the Honour and Freedom of Parliament: And we cannot but observe the special Providence of God in holding up so extraordinarily this Army, and reserving it to take off the Reproach and Scorn of this Nation, and to raise up again from the depth of Contempt, that once so much honoured and high-esteemed Name of a Parliament.

And whereas in the said Declaration it is desired, That we as Persons upon whom their publick Trust still remaineth (though for the present we cannot exercise the same in a Parliamentary way) would advise his Excellency and his Council of War in such things as may be for the Good of the Kingdom, and for attaining the Ends aforesaid, me do declare, that we shall be ever ready to do it upon all Occasions in such a Capacity as we may, till we shall be enabled again to discharge our Trust in a free Parliament, which we conceive we can never do until the Houses of Parliament, which we conceive we can never do until the Houses of Parliament may be Absolute Judges and Masters of their own Securities: And that such traiterous audacious Offenders as have endeavoured with so high a Hand to destroy the Highest Authority (as by the Particulars so fully and clearly expressed in the Declaration of the Army may appear) shall receive condign Punishment; or at least the Parliament put in such a Condition, as that we may be able to bring them thereunto: And we trust in God through his accustomed Blessing upon this Army, and their Assistance in their honest and just Undertakings, the Parliament shall speedily be put again into a Condition to sit like a Parliament of England: And we hope that every true-hearted English-man will put his helping Hand to so necessary, so publick, and so honourable a Work as is the vindicating of the Freedom and Honour of the Parliament; wherein the Freedom and Honour of all the free-born People of this Nation are involved

    Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers.

  • Salisbury.
  • Denbigh.
  • Northumberland.
  • Gray of Wark.
  • Mulgrave.
  • Kent.
  • Howard.
  • Say and Seale.

    William Lenthall, Speaker of the House of Commons.

  • Lord Lisle.
  • Tho. Gray.
  • William Pierpoint.
  • Henry Mildmay.
  • Nath. Fiennes.
  • John Fiennes.
  • Arthur Haslerigg.
  • William Armyn.
  • James Temple.
  • Edmond Prideaux.
  • Miles Corbet.
  • John Danvers.
  • Francis Allen.
  • John Evleyn.
  • George Fleetwood.
  • George Fenwicke.
  • John Blackstone.
  • Tho. Scot.
  • James Scot, Major.
  • Roger Hill.
  • Hen. Martyn.
  • Cornelius Holland.
  • Oliver St. John.
  • William Lemon.
  • William Mounsonne.
  • Hump. Edwards.
  • John Weaver.
  • John Corbet.
  • Tho. Lister.
  • Hen. Smith.
  • Nicholas Love.
  • Francis Pierpont.
  • Henry Lawrence.
  • Tho. Ougaine.
  • Godfrey Beswell.
  • Hen. Darley.
  • Tho. Boone.
  • Peter Temple.
  • Philip Smith.
  • Michael Livesey.
  • Henry Hammond.
  • Gregory Norton.
  • Tho. Jarvise.
  • William Constable.
  • William Say.
  • Edward Ludlow.
  • Edward Dunce.
  • John Bingham.
  • Augustine Skinner.
  • John Trenchard.
  • Samuel Mayne.
  • Benjamin Weston.
  • Francis Thornow.
  • Laurence Whitaker.
  • John Crowder.
  • George Piggotts.
  • John Bamfield.

The County of Hertford offers the General the assistance of 2 Regiments of Foot, and 2 of Horse.

Many of the Gentry, on August 5. of the County of Hartford, came to the General, and acquainted him, that Two Regiments of the Trained Bands, consisting of 1300 in each Regiment, and Two Troops of Horse of that County, were ready to attend His Excellency, and that day had a Rendezvous at Watford, to whom the General returned Thanks.

The Head-Quarters at Hammersmith and the City Commissioners come there to the General.

The whole Army this Day advanced nearer London, the General removing his Head Quarters from Thistleworth, came to Hammersmith and at the end of the Town was met by the Commissioners of the City, who assured him, that the City were well satisfied upon the agreement of His Excellency's Advance, that the Forts from Giles's to the Water-side were acquitted by them, and delivered to the Forces sent by His Excellency, who now had the guard of them; and they desired of His Excellency an Answer to their last Letter, whereupon his Excellency returned back to Sir Nicholas Crisp's House, where a Letter was agreed on as followeth:

The Generals Letter to the City, in Answer; The Members to fit to morrow in Parliament; The City to be preserved from Violence; and the Nation from new Troubles.

My Lord and Gentlemen,
I am very glad to find so ready a Compliance, in Answer to my last Desire sent to the Common-Council, and have accordingly given order for Three Regiments of Foot, and Two of Horse to possess those Forts you mention in your last, and to lie thereabouts. I am with the rest of the Army marched up to Hammersmith, in order to the security of the Lords and Commons, who, I suppose, will to morrow fit in Parliament: The preserving of their Privileges, and securing them from Violence, that with freedom they may sit and discharge their Trusts, hath been the cause of my near approach to your City; and whereas you are pleased to express your hopes of Preservation from Violence, you may be confident nothing shall pass from this Army, but what shall be for the safety of this City: And I doubt not, though some disaffected Persons to the Peace of the Kingdom, have endeavoured to beget a misunderstanding between this Army and the City, hoping thereby to embroil the Kingdom in new Troubles, yet that this Army will always so behave themselves, as to witness to the World the Integrity of their Hearts, in having no other design, but the quiet and happy settlement of a firm and lasting Peace, wherein both the whole Kingdom, and your City particularly, will have cause to rejoice in the goodness of God, the Accomplishment whereof will truly glad the Hearts of this Army, and in particular of,

Your most humble Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.

The manner of Lords and Commons, (with the General on Horse-back) their going to Westminster.

This Friday, August 6. in the Morning, the Members of Parliament, which were driven away by Tumults from Westminster, met the General at the Earl of Holland's House at Kensington, and subscribed the Declaration of the Army, and a further Declaration of their approving and joining with the Army in their last Proceedings, making null all Acts passed by the Members at Westminster since July the 26. last. Afterwards His Excellency, with the Lords, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Members of the said House, and many other Gentry, march'd towards Westminster, a guard of Soldiers, three deep, standing from that place to the Forts. But by the way, in Hide-Park, the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of London met His Excellency to congratulate the fair Composure between the Army and the City; and after a short Ceremony passing by, His Excellency marched to Westminster in this manner: First came Colonel Hammond's Regiment of Foot; after came Colonel Rich's Regiment of Horse; next Lieutenant General Cromwel's Regiment of Horse; then came the General on Horseback, attended with his Life-guard; and then came the Lords in Coaches, the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the rest of the Members of that House; after these were past, Colonel Tomlinson's Regiment of Horse brought up the Rear-guard; and it is not to be forgotten, that every Soldier had in his Hat a Laurel. As his Excellency passed by, at Charing-Cross stood the Common-Council of the City, who, by outward deportment, seemed to evidence a good Affection to his Excellency as he marched along; and when he came to the New-Pallace at Westminster, he alighted at Sir Abraham Williams's House, and the Speaker and the Members, Lords and Commons repaired to their respective Houses.

The General and Members go into Sir A. Williams's House in the New-Palace-Yard, and spent thence into the Two Houses of Parliament.

Both the Houses being sate, with their wonted old Speakers, the Earl of Manchester for the House of Peers, and William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons; the House of Peers, upon the Debate, passed an Ordinance for making his Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, Constable of the Tower of London, and sent the same down to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Sir Tho. Fairfax made Constable of the Tower.

The Ordinance was read in the Commons House, and upon Debate committed, and afterwards again reported, and passed with some Amendments.

A Day of Thanksgiving for restoring the Members without Bloodshed.

The House of Peers likewise agreed upon an Ordinance, and sent down to the Commons for their Concurrence, for appointing Thursday next a day of Thanksgiving, for the great Mercies of God, in restoring the Members of Both Houses to their just Priviledges without the effusion of Blood, and so for the Settlement of Peace in the Kingdom, to which the Commons concurred.

A Report was this Day made by the Commissioners that are come with the Army to London, of their Transactions with the Army, the House gave them Thanks for their great Pains.

Sir Thomas Fairfax sent for into the House of Peers, and received the Thanks of that House.

Both Houses took into Consideration, That His Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, was, in order to the Safety and Preservation of the Parliament and City, himself in Person at Sir Abraham Williams's House in the Pallace-Yard: The House of Peers ordered he should be sent for, to receive the Thanks of the House, and the Commons did the like. The Commons ordered, that a Chair should be brought into the House, and that Sir Thomas Fairfax should be desired to come in, and that the House should give him Thanks for his great and faithful Services for the Kingdom, and in particular, for restoring the Members of Both Houses to their former Freedom and Priviledges.

The General brought to the House of Commons, and received the Thanks of that House.

Sir Thomas Fairfax was accordingly brought into the House of Commons, and by much Importunity, after the House and His Excellency had saluted one another, the General sate down in the Chair, and Mr. Speaker gave his Excellency the Thanks of the House, as before specified.

The Parliament gives a Months Pay as a Gratnity to the Non-Commission Officers and Soldiers.

After the House taking into Consideration the great desert of the Soldiers of the Army, they ordered that a Gratuity of a Months Pay should be given to the Non-Commission Officers and private Soldiers of the Army for this great Service.

A Committee to examine the Promoters of the Tumult, which forced the Members from the Parliament.

The House then had Debate, and a Committee was appointed to find out who were the chief Authors, Promoters, Abettors, and Countenancers of the late Design in forcing the Members from the Houses by the Tumult, and designing a new War, and to state the Matter of Fact against them, to the end they may be brought to speedy and condign Punishment.

Two Speeches made by the Speakers of both Houses of Parliament to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax General, after the Army had guarded the Members to fit in safety on Friday the sixth of August, 1647: And an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, making his Excellency Constable of the Tower of London, and giving him power to make a Lieutenant: A Months Pay given to the Soldiers and Under-Officers of the Army, for a Gratuity: And the Votes concerning the Guards; with several Orders concerning the Army: Also an Order of both Houses, appointing a Committee to examine the Mutiny on Munday sevennight, whereby the Speakers and Members were driven from the Parliament; And a Thanksgiving appointed to be kept on Thursday Aug. 12.

Die Veneris August 6. 1647.

His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax having guarded the Lords and Commons (with the Speakers) of both Houses to Westminster, and the Houses being fate, they ordered the Right Honourable the Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Lords pro temproe, and William Lenthall, Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons, to acquaint his Excellency with Votes which were then made.

The Earl of Manchester (Speaker of the House of Peers) his Speech to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax.

A Chair being set (in the House of Peers by the Lords Seats for Sir Thomas Fairfax, in which the General fate, and his Officers in the House without the Bar; the Earl of Manchester declared to his Excellency as follows, viz,

'That he was commanded by the Lords to acquaint his Excellency how sensible their Lordships are of the many good Services which his Excellency hath done for the Kingdom; and that they had taken the Reasons expressed in his Declaration of his coming to London into Consideration, and do approve thereof; and that they had commanded him to give his Excellency Thanks for the constant Care which he hath always had of the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom, desiring him to go on in taking care for the Security thereof for the future; desiring that his Excellency will appoint such a Guard for the Parliament as may be a sufficient Security to the Members to fit (in the House) in Safety.

William Lenthall, Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons, made the like Speech to the General in that House, his Excellency sitting in a Chair near the Speaker.

Die Veneris, August 6. 1647.

Resolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That Thursday the 12th of this Instant August be set apart for a Day of Thanksgiving to be kept by both Houses of Parliament at the Abby of Westminster; and that Mr. Marshall and Mr. Nye be desired to preach before the Houses on that Day.

Die Veneris, August 6. 1647.

It is ordered and ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight, Commander in chief of all the Garrisons and Forces in the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales under Pay, be appointed and constituted Constable of the Tower of London for the Space of one whole Year, except both Houses of Parliament shall otherwise determine: And it is also ordered and ordained, that his said Excellency shall nominate and appoint a Lieutenant of the Tower under him.

Die Veneris, August 6. 1647.

Resolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled,

  • 1. That they do approve of his Excellency's coming to Guard the City and Parliament.
  • 2. That Thanks be given to his Excellency for his Care of the Safety of the City and Parliament.
  • 3. That it be left to the General to appoint what Guard his Excellency shall think fit for the Security of the City and parliament.
  • 4. That in Consideration of the many good Services of the Army, the Sum of one Months Pay be given as a Gratuity to all the Soldiers and under-Officers of House, Foot and Dragoons, that are under Commission Officers, as a Gratuity from the Kingdom.
  • 5. That a Committee of ten Lords and twenty of the House of Commons be appointed to fit in the Painted Chamber to Morrow in the Afternoon, and so de Die in Diem, to examine the Business of the Mutinying, and the forcing of the Members on Monday was Sevenight at the Parliament Doors; and to find out the Authors and Fomenters thereof, and all such as did prosecute the same; as also the Contrivers and Promoters of the Petition declared against.

Die Veneris August 6. 1647.

  • 1. Resolv'd upon the Question by the Lords and Parliament assembled, That a Committee be appointed to draw up a Declaration from the Houses to the Army, to be read in the Head of every Regiment.
  • 2. Resolv'd upon the Question by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That is the Opinion of this House, that all things done by the Members since the Speakers and other Members were driven away from the Parliament, be adnulled, and of none effect: This to be communicated to the House of Commons.

Die Veneris, August 6. 1647.

Resolv'd upon the Question by the Commons in Parliament assembled,

  • 1. That they will send Answer to the Lords Message concerning the adnulling of what hath been done during the Absence of the Speakers by Messengers of their own.
  • 2. Resolv'd, That it be taken into consideration on Monday next.

The Ordinance to make void all Acts done by Lords and Common's since July 26. when the Speakers and Members were more forc'd from the Parliament.

This Day both Houses of Parliament, August 9. being set, the House of Peers sent a Message to the Commons for their Concurrence to the Ordinance for making null all Acts done from the 26th of July to the 6th of August; and likewise a Declaration for Vindication of the Army: Both passed the Lords House: The Commons agreed to send Answer by Messengers of their own.

(fn. 1) The Commons entred into a large Debate of the said Ordinance for making null all Acts so done, and the thing occasioned many Arguments on both sides, which took up the whole Days Debate, the House being turned into a Grand Committee a great part of the Day to debate the same; and at last it was put to the question, and voted, that the said Votes, though forced from the House, are not to be nulled but by a Repeal; and this Vote was carried but by two Voices: The further Debate of this Business was put off till to morrow.


Both Houses this day passed an additional Ordinance concerning Tithes, that the Ministers which are or shall be put into any Livings by Authority of Parliament, shall or may sue for the Recovery of their Tithes, Rates, Rents or other Duties payable by Ordinance of Parliament; and it is further referred to all Justices of the Peace respectively to be further assisted herein according to Ordinance of Parliament, &c.

Sir. Thomas Fairfax took possession of the Tower as Constable thereof.

This Day his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax came to take possession of the Tower of London, according to the Votes of both Houses on Friday last; he was attended on by his Life-guard and a Party of Colonel Pride's Regiment of Foot: Coming to the Tower, the City-guard that were there, marched out, and about three Hundred of the General's Foot marched in, when also his Excellency went into the Tower, attended by many Commanders and other Gentlemen, and took possession of his Command there as Constable.

The City sent a Committee to the General to congratulate him; and Alderman Gibbs made the following Speech.

The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of London had appointed a Committee to congratulate his Excellency at the Tower, which Committee coming to the Tower, after Dinner Alderman Gibbs made a Speech to his Excellency, thereby intimating that the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council of the City had commanded him to give his Excellency and his Army Thanks for their Love to and Care of the City of London; and that they could wish they were able to record his Praises to future Ages suitable to their Worth:

Giving the General Tanks from the City. Sorry that they were in no better Equipage to receive his Excellency; But invite him and his Officers to dinner.

That they are very sorry that their coming into the City was so sudden, that they could not attend his Excellency in such an Equipage as they desired: And lastly, that he was desired to recommend to his Excellency the Faithfulness and Care of Colonel West Lieutenant of the Tower; and that they do desire his Excellency, That on Thursday next, if it may suit with the great Affairs of the Kingdom, the City do desire that his Excellency with his general Officers, and Captains, would please to dine with them; and that all Names and Distinction of Parties in the City and Kingdom may be laid aside, and every one seek Peace and Unity, that the Army may strengthen the Hands of the City, and the City the Army, by a firm Bond of Unity.

The General's Answer was an Excuse; Colonel Tichburne appointed Lieutenant of the Tower.

To which his Excellency returned a loving and modest Answer, giving them thanks for the Expressions of their Love to him, and Care of the Peace of the Kingdom; That for a Lieutenant of the Tower, (though he that was now in, was a worthy Person) he had appointed a Gentleman of known Worth and Fidelity, a Citizen of good Estate, dwelling amongst them, viz. Colonel Tichburne, who is by his Excellency made Lieutenant of the Tower; That for him and his Officers coming to dine with the City, he would acquaint them with the City, he would acquaint them with their Desires at a Council of War, giving them Thanks, and desiring that all may labour and study for Unity and Peace: After this his Excellency went to view what store of Ordinance, Arms Powder, Shot, Musket, Pistols, and other Ammunition was in the Tower, attended by both the Lieutenants, Officers of the Ordnance, and many other Gentlemen of Quality; and after View taken of the Stores, he went up into the White Tower, and stayed above half an Hour, taking a View thereof, and then came down and gave Order to his Lieutenant to give away twenty Pounds to be divided as he shall think fit, among the Warders, Clerks, &. belonging to the Officers of the Ordnance for their Pains; So his Excellency departed, and went that Night from London to the Lord Pawlet's House by Turnham-Green, whose Son Sir John Pawlet married the General's Lady's Sister, and stayed there this Night and Tuesday.

The Armies Declaration of the Cause and Grounds of their coming to London debated.

Both Houses again on August 10. sitting, the Lords a Message to the Commons with a Declaration of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army, wherein they mention the Cause and Grounds of their coming up to London with the Army, which Declaration their Lordships had passed their Approbation of, and what was contained in it, desiring the Concurrence of the Commons.

Several Questions put.

After long Debate upon it in the House of Commons, and a Review of what was put to the Question the Night before, the Question was then put, Whether the Question should be put at that time, Whether they should concur with the Lords as was desired: It was carried in the Negative, and the further Debate thereupon to be the next day.

Great Sealcontinued in the Hands of the two Speakers. 25000 l. seized on by the Apprentices, and then sent to the Tower, being for Ireland, was delivered back.

An Ordinance passed both Houses for the continuing of the two Speakers in the Management of the Great Seal for a Month longer.

An Order likewise passed both Houses that the 25000 l. which was stained by the Apprentices, and sent to the Tower, be delivered back and speedily sent for the Service of Ireland, to be disposed of according to the former Orders; and that his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax be desired to send 200 Horse along with it, to convey it to the Water-side, and which the General hath since taken Order for accordingly.

Two Ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the relief and maintenance of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and the Widows and Orphans of such as have died in the Service of the Parliament, during these late Wars.

Die Martis 10th. of August 1647.

Whereas by a former Ordinance, bearing Date the 28th of May last past, intitul'd, An Ordinance for Relief of Maimed Soldiers, &c. It is Ordained, That such further Sum of Money shall be Assessed, as by the Justices of the Peace in the next Quarter-Sessions, after the passing the said Ordinance, or the major part of them, shall be adjudged meet to be assessed upon every Parish or Chapelry that hath distinct Parochial Officers, so as the said Additional Sum exceedeth not the Sum of Two Shillings Six-pence, nor being under the Sum of Three-pence each Week, for each such Parish or Chapelry, forasmuch as the Service aforesaid could not be performed as was desired, for want of time sufficient allowed by this Ordinance, in regard the Authority given to the Justices to execute the same, is only at the next Quarter-Sessions after the passing the Ordinance. It is therefore Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Justices of the Peace within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, shall be hereby authorized to proceed, and shall or may at any time hereafter, at any Sessions of the Peace, which shall or may at any time hereafter be holden within their several Divisions, proceed for the putting the former Ordinance in execution, to all Intents and Purposes, as they might have done by Virtue of the said Ordinance aforesaid, at the next Quarter-Sessions after the passing the same.

John Brown, Cler. Par.

Die Veneris, the 28th of May, 1647.

An Ordinance for relief of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and the Widows and Orphans of such as have died in the Service of the Parliament, during these late Wars.

For the Relief and Maintenance of such Soldiers as have been maimed and disabled in the Service of the Parliament, during these late Wars, that is to say, since the Wars began; and for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of such as have been slain or dead in the said Service, Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, that from and after the Feast of Easter last past, before the Date hereof, every Parish within this Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, shall be charged Weekly to the payment of such Sum of Money as formerly they have been rated at, by Virtue of the Statute of the Thirteenth Year of Queen Elizabeth, Chap. Tertio, concerning the Relief of Soldiers and Mariners, for and to such end and purpose. And likewise such further Sum of Money, over and besides the same, as by the Justices of the Peace in their next Quarter-Sessions after the passing of this Ordinance, or the major part of them, shall be adjuged meet to be assessed upon every Parish or Chapelry that hath distinct Parochial Officers; so as the said additional Sum exceedeth not the Sum of two Shillings fix Pence, nor be under the Sum of three Pence each Week, for each such Parish or Chapelry, the same to be levied in manner and form, by such Persons, and under such Penalties, as by the said Statute of Queen Elizabeth is declared; and to be paid to the Treasurers for the maimed Soldiers, appointed by the Justices of the Peace of the County or Liberty, by Virtue of this Ordinance, and the Statute of Queen Elizabeth aforesaid; which said Treasures shall be ordered in such manner, and under such Penalties as by the said Statue is further declared. And be it Ordained, That every Soldier or Mariner, maimed or disabled in Body for Work, in the Service of the Parliament, during these late Wars, shall forthwith repair to the place where he was last settled, when he took up Arms, with a Certificate of his Service and Hurt received, under the Hand of his Captain, or other Commissionary Officer; and shall also repair unto the two next Justices of the Peace for the County where such his settling was; and the said two next Justices, upon examination of the Truth of such Certificates (which the said two Justices are hereby enabled to take upon Oath of the Party, and of such Witnesses as he shall produce) shall by Warrant unto the Treasurer, assign him relief until the next Quarter-Sessions to be holden for that County or Liberty; at which time a Yearly Pension shall be by the said Justices, or major part of them, granted in manner and form, and with power of revocation or alteration, as by the said Statue is further declared and directed; and in case that the Captain or Officer appointed to make such Certificate be dead, the said two Justices shall have power, upon request of them made in behalf of the Party maimed, by Persons of Credit, to give such Relief as in case of Examination aforesaid. And as touching Widows and Orphans of such as have died, or have been slain in the Service of the Parliament, it is hereby Ordained, That over and besides such Relief as they shall gain by their Work and Labour, and shall be allowed by the Charity and Benevolence of the Parish, Town, or Hamlet where they are settled (who are hereby required to have them in special regard) the Treasurers of the maimed Soldiers for such County, shall allow such further Relief from time to time, as shall be judged meet by the two next Justices of the Peace of such County; the said Relief shall be paid out of the surplusage of such Stock of Maintenance as shall remain in the hands of the said Treasurers, after such Pensions granted, and payment of them made; and of which surplusage and allowance made unto such Widows and Orphans, the said Treasurers shall give account from time to time, and the same distribute in such manner as by the Justices shall be directed, and according to the Statute aforesaid.

Be it further Ordained, That the Justices of the Peace in every County or Liberty, or any two of them, shall forthwith call all such Treasurers, High-Constables, Petty Constables, or other Persons (who have formerly been intrusted with the Receipt, Collecting, or disposing of any Sum of Money charged unto any Parish, by Virtue of the Statue aforesaid, and whereof no account hath been given; and likewise the Executors and Administrators of such Persons) unto account concerning such Levies and Collections made, and such Money as they shall find remaining in the Custody of such Persons, or others, forthwith to be paid unto the Treasurer appointed by Virtue of the said Statute, or to be appointed by Virtue of this Ordinance, at the next Quarters-Sessions to be holden for the County or Liberty, under such Penalties as by the said Statute is set forth: Which said Treasurer to be appointed by Virtue of this Ordinance, shall continue by Virtue hereof until the Easter-Sessions following.

John Brown, Cler. Parl.

The City invites the General to Dinner.

Two Aldermen and four of the Common-Council of London attended his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax this Day, for his Excellency's Answer to the Invitation of the City, to dine with them on Thursday next,

He excuses his not coming.

His Excellency returned them a very loving and modest Answer, excusing his non-acceptance of that Invitation, by reason of the many great and weighty Affairs, in order to the settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom, the Army are at this time wholly taken up withal, but returned the City Thanks.

A Bason and Ewer of Gold preparing.

The City are preparing a Bason and Ewer of beaten Gold, to the value of a Thousand or twelve Hundred Pounds, for a Present for the General.

Scots do urge to matain the Covenant.

Letters this Day from Berwick, give to understand, that the Convention of Estates of Scotland met at Edenburgh was but new begun, and so no Resolutions yet known: The Clergy, in their Pulpits, urge highly the necessity of that Kingdom to maintain the Ends of the Covenant against all Violation. Some speak of Scots Forces being on their march upon the Borders, but is nothing so; great entertainment of Soldiers lately hath been, but no Generalissimo yet agreed on.

August 9. 1647. Die Lunæ.

An Additional Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the true payment of Tythes and other Duties.

Whereas some Doubts have been raised, whether Ministers put into Livings and Sequestrations, by Ordinance of Both Houses of Parliament, or Committees thereunto authorized by them, be comprised within the Ordinance of the 8th of November, 1644. Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the true payment of Tythes, and other such Duties, according to the Laws and Custom of the Realm, so as to recover their Tythes and other Duties by Virtue thereof; and in what manner Justices of the Peace ought to proceed upon the same. The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for prevention of all such Doubts and Scruples, do declare, That every Minister put, or which shall be put into any Parsonage, Rectory, Vicaridge, or Ecclesiastical Living, by way of Sequestration or otherwise, by both or either the Houses of Parliament, or by any Committee, or other Person or Persons, by authority of any Ordinance or Order of Parliament, shall and may sue for the recovery of his Tythes, Rates for Tythes, Rents, and other Duties, by Virtue of the said Ordinance, in as full and ample manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as any other Minister, or other Person whatsoever. And that the Justices of Peace mentioned in the said Ordinance, shall, upon complaint to them, made by any such Minister as aforesaid, or other Person within the said Ordinance, immediately without delay issue out their Warrants to the Constables, Petty-Constables or other Officers, to summon such Person or Persons who already have, or hereafter shall refuse to set out or Pay, or shall substract their Tythes, Rents, or other Duties, to appear before them at their next Monthly Meeting, or sooner; and use all possible expedition in the hearing and determining of such Complaints; and likewise have Power to award treble Damages to the Parties complaining, and shall award the same accordingly, in all such cases where the Statute allows, and gives the same to any Minister or other Person whatsoever.

And in case the Sum or Sums of Money, so judged and awarded shall not be paid within the time in the said Ordinance mentioned, then the said Justices shall, upon Complaint to them made, send forth their Warrants to the Constables, Petty-Constables, or such other fit Persons as shall be by the Parties named, to whom any such Sum or Sums, upon such Judgment shall be due, to distrain all and every, or any the Goods and Chattels of any Person or Persons so refusing; and to sell and dispose of the said Goods and Chattels, according to the said Ordinance; and to impose such Fines and Penalties not exceeding the Sum of Forty Shillings, upon the Constable, Petty-Constables, and other Officers, who shall wilfully refuse or be negligent in executing their warrants, as they in their Discretion shall think fit.

And because many Appeals are brought into the Chancery, upon the Former Ordinance for Tythes than otherwise, Be it therefore Ordained, That no Appeal shall be received or admitted thereupon, until the Party appealing shall lay down in Money, either with the said Justices of the Peace, or in the Court of Chancery, the full Value of the Tythes adjudged before the said Justices, by way of Security, to prosecute his Appeal with effect and to render double Costs and Damages to the Party injured, or delayed by the Appeal, in case no Relief be given upon the Appeal to the Prosecutor.

An Ordinance for payment of Tithes.

Provided, that this Ordinance shall continue, and be in force, from the 29th. Day of July, 1547. until the first Day of November, which shall be in the Year 1648.

Die Lunæ August 9. 1647.

'Ordered by the Lords Assembled in Parliament, That this Additional Ordinance for paying of Tythes, be forthwith Printed and Published.

John Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum

Aug. 6. 1647.

The Declaration of General Massey, and Colonel General Pointz, shewing the true Grounds and Reasons that induced them to depart from the City, and for a while from the Kingdom.

With their Resolutions, what they intend for their own Safety, and the preservation of Religion and Covenant, and the King and Kingdom.

Being one of us elected lately by the Common-Council of the famous City of London, to be their Commander in Chief for defence of the King and Parliament, the Kingdom and the City: And being resolved, both of us, to the utmost of our Power to defend the same, with, and above all the Covenant, which we have so often and so solemnly undertaken for the preservation of Religion. And finding that by the Combination of another Party (which closely lay, as well by Policy as by Force to undermine us) that we were both left destitute of all promised Helps; and being not able thereby to preform the Work, conducing so much to the Covenart we had taken, that Religion in the first place might be kept inviolable and entire, but that, amongst many others, we were exposed to the greatest Infamy and Danger that could almost fall on any Men, but especially those who, by the Mercy of God, have so faithfully and successfully deported themselves for the preservation of the Kingdom: But though it requisite, as well for the general satisfaction of the Kingdom, as the particular Obligation of our own Honours, to give the World notice of the integrity and candour of our Intentions in this our following Declaration.

We take no pleasure, in the first place (as many do who are against us) to insinuate into the Affection of the People, by repeating what great things God hath done by us in the North and West Parts of the Kingdom, especially the latter, when all the Power and Arms of the united West, having less than the King himself and two Princes to be their Commanders, did fit before the City of Gloucester which not long before a small Party out of Wales, under the Command of the Lord of Ragland (since made Earl of Glamorgan) did make full account to master.

There is no delight taken to repeat with what Faithfulness and Courage that City was then, and afterwards preserved by one of us, and the whole Kingdom (as Affairs then stood) in relation unto it. We need not to declare, that the most able, and the most forward of the Soldiers of the Kingdom being there sorely hurt, or slain outright I made a way not only to facilitate the Victories to come, but to put the chief Staff of Command into those hands also who since have born it. For though that not long after the Earl of Essex did break not only the Head and the Heart of the King's Army at Newberry, he could not have the Honour to see the great Work accomplished in himself. It was the Virtue indeed and the Vigilance of Lucullus, to overcome the Puissant Mithridates of Asia, a Monarch of more than three Kingdoms, and to break at first that mighty and almost invincible Body of his Horse; but it was the Fortune afterwards of Pompey to ride in Triumph for it at Rome. Whilst we declare the Virtues of one great Commander, we take not from the Merits of another: And we are confident/there is no Breast of Honour can accuse us of detraction in giving the Dead their due. We shall for our own Parts forbear to mention the Services atchieved for the State, both in Gloucester-shire and the County of Wilts, at Newark, and in Cheshire, &c. and what especially was preformed in Somerset-shire, when first the great Body of General Goring's Horse was beaten. Doubtless there will be hereafter a review of all, and Persons that now lie dormant, will be roused up to tell the Mistaken their Errors. But let others Voice out-praise, it shall be enough for us to declare our Integrity.

The first beginning of the Distaste was, when one of us did use his best endeavours to appease the Mutiny and Mutineers at York. There are no good Works but are attended with Envy; and Ambition is so heady, that it will know nothing more eminent than it self. Services begun by command of the State, grew first into Suspicion, and afterwards into Offence; it was a Crime to do any thing but what must be cried up by those who would have al things to dance according to the Motions of there own Sphere. All things were made subject unto change, and under tenderness of Conscience, even (that which is most to be lamented, because most spiritual) our Religion also. And the other of us, when by Order of Parliament, being a Member of it, I was employed into the Army, to make experience what Forces could be drawn from thence for the Service of Ireland in which (I thank them) I had an eminent Place of Dignity conferred on me, where I left nothing unattempted for the dispatching of that Service, well knowing, how much it concerned the Honour of England, and the necessity of Ireland. Being there daily in the Heads of the Regiments, I observed in many of them, some threescore, and in others more or less of the Soldiers who heretofore had served under my Command, who were willing all to adventure their Lives with me in that Service, and to that purpose they were drawn up: But so dough-baked were the Examples of some others in the Army, and their proceedings so left-handed, that what was resolved on over Night, found no effect on the Morning following: But these things are so evidently known, and so apparent to the whole Kingdom, that we shall not need to insist upon any further discourse thereof.

Aug. 6. 1648. Massey's and Poyntz's Declaration.

It shall suffice, that since our departure, we will not presume to deliver any thing of our own sense, upon that which hath been altered, acted, or consented unto, or shall be by the instant interposition, or the importunity of the Army; but only to give a true account unto the Kingdom, upon what Grounds and Reasons we have been induced to forsake the City. For finding all things so uncertain, and nothing answering to what was promised or expected, we hold it safer Wisdom to withdraw to our own Friends, whom we have always found fast and entire to their first Principles, than continue with those who like Waves are beaten with every Wind, and do take or receive Counsels as their Fears do prompt them: But not without this confession, that we acknowledge the General himself to be an excellent Personage, and free from those violent Distempers and heats of Passion in which other Men do delight and perish.

And we do protest, that as far as in us lies (wheresoever God shall call us) we will improved our utmost Abilities for the true settling of Peace in this Kingdom, for the restoring of the Covenant to Religion, and for the restoring of His Majesty to His just Rights and Authority, and for the maintaining of the Privileges of Parliament, and preserving of the People in their lawful Liberties and Properties, and for the relieving of our distressed Brethren, the Protestants in Ireland. and we profess in the conclusion, that we have been necessitated to this Declaration, to give satisfaction to the World, that the Honour, Safety, and Happiness of this Kingdom, shall be evermore the delight and earnest of our Devotion and Endeavour: For we shall always labour to keep our selves in that Posture both with Heaven and Earth, as to be ready to wade through a Sea of Blood, and increase it with our own, that the Gospel of Truth may flourish, and that the Peace of the King, the Parliament, and the Kingdom may grow high and happy.

Edw. Massey.
Syd. Poyntz.

Papers from Scotland of Matters agitated by the General Assembly and the Committee of Estates at Edinburgh concerning the King, the Kirk, the Presbyterian Government, and the Kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Scotland having humbled themselves by a late solemn Fast, wherein they have intreated the Lord concerning the King, Kingdoms and the Kirk; and prayed the Lord to remove the imminent Danger they are in by the Sword, Pestilence and Famine; they do now lay out themselves to act according to the Custom of the Kingdom, every one in his Sphere therein.

In which Kingdom the Designs are carried on,

  • 1. By the General Assembled of the Kirk.
  • 2. By the Estates of Scotland.
  • 3. By the Army: In all which as followeth viz.

I. The General Assembled of the Kirk of Scotland met in Edinburgh, according as they were called the Fifth of August 1647. to settle the Great and Weighty Affairs of the Kirk, which through the late Wars are much out of order, there remaining still an Episcopal Party in the Kingdom, who have too great an Influence even on no small Persons, whereby the Work will be the more difficult.

As for the Clergy who conforms to the Kirk and State, they have been very laborious in their Pulpits of late to promote the Unity of the Kingdom to the Power established.

The Parochial Sessions have had much Interruption in their Transactions with the People by reason of Delinquents returning, and Admittance, in hopes that they would have conformed.

The Classical and Provincial Synods have been much burthened with Business, whereby Parties have broken out into many Factions, especially about the North-west of Scotland, where they have not yet had time to be setled since our late Troubles.

The General Assembly being set, divers Papers were presented in the behalf of the Kirk of Scotland, and concerning the late Transactions upon the intended Declaration.

In order to which (after all Customs and Orders were observed, the Oaths, Covenants, and Protestations being taken for the right ordering of the setting down) they thought first to appoint several Committees for their several Proceedings to be committed to, concerning several Matters to be transacted, and a Grand Committee for this Business.

The main things propounded to be agitated herein are these:

  • 1. Concerning the total Reducing of the whole Clergy in the Kingdom of Scotland to submit to the Power in them established by the King and Parliament.
  • 2. Concerning Explanations of some things relating to those come in by Composition.
  • 3. Concerning divers Lords, Barons, and Gentlemen, who have passed the School of Repentance.
  • 4. Concerning the present Estate of the King's Majesty, in relation to the Queen, to the Royal Issues, to the Army, and to themselves.
  • 5. Concerning the several Covenants of the Kirk of Scotland, and the Covenant of both Kingdoms.
  • 6. Concerning removing of the difference, particularly of Ministers a mongst themselves.
  • 7. Concerning the rooting out of Heresies and Errors out of the Kirk.
  • 8. For representing some Particulars to the Kingdom of England.
  • 9. Concerning the conferring of the Treaties and Covenant.
  • 10. For the setling of a firm Peace in the Kirk and Kingdom.

The Assembly have chosen, and are setling of Committees the better to prepare and facilitate the Business they are about; by reason whereof, time hath been so taken up, that no main Business could as yet be finished.

The Grand Committee of Estates are met also at Edinburgh, and sate down; but they met not so frequent as was expected; so that they have (as yet) little done.

The Army are now upon Treaty with the Gordons for their Compositions upon their coming in, and large Offers are made to them if they will submit.

David Lesley hath also sent to the Lord Ares of Stranaverne concerning several Particulars expressed in a Message to his Lordship.

  • 1. To know whether he will yield Obedience to the Parliament of Scotland with his Forces and Strength.
  • 2. That if he will submit to the State to manifest the same by Declaration.
  • 3. If he refuseth to come in and submit, he will march with his whole Army to reduce that Shire to the Obedience of the State.
  • 4. That he send a speedy Answer.

Edinburgh, the 10th of August, 1647. Printed for Evan Tyler.

Edinburgh, August 13. 1647.

A Declaration and Remonstrance of the present Engagement of the Kingdom of Scotland: With their Resolutions and Intentions (according to their late Solemn League and Covenant to establish the Presbyterian Government in the Church) to redeem his Majesty from the Hands of Schimaticks, and place him in his Parliament with Honour and Safety, to procure the Peace of the Three Kingdoms, to vindicate the worthy Members of Parliament falsely impeached by the Army, with the true Priviledges of Parliament and Liberty of the Subject: All which are not only endangered, but by likelihood ready to be destroyed by the Power of an over-owing tyrannical Army, under the Conduct of Sir Thomas Fairfax: The Oath taken by the Parliament of Scotland, and by them prescibed to be taken by all his Majesty's Loyal Subjects.

Whereas it hath been customarily used at all National Assemblies Parliaments and Councils; that at our first coming together, to take a Solemn Oath before God and Man; protesting not to determine or execute any thing contrary to the Word of God, or prejudicial to the Honour of his Majesty, only that all their Studies, Endeavours, Councils, and Determinations should be employ'd to the Encrease of God's Glory, the Advancement of his Majesty's Honour, and the Peace, Quiet, Freedom, and blessed Prosperity of Kirk and Common wealth; which Oath and Protestation is as well for the Inducement of others (to wit, all his Majesty's Loyal Subjects) as themselves, since it is not in their Power to perform what they protest, without the Assistance of such his Majesty's Subjects, as shall be commanded by them, to the fulfilling of whose Commands, such an Oath and Protestation binds.

And to the end none may be ignorant or plead Excuse, after themselves have taken the said Oath and Protestation, they caused to be published in Print, that every Man may know what they have promised, and what they are to command; and likewise what everyone's Duty is, and must be if he desire to have a Share or Portion in their Religious Protections.

An Oath taken by the Parliament of Scotland.

"Forasmuch as the Honour, Greatness and Happiness of the King's Royal Majesty and the Welfare of the Subjects dependeth on the Purity of Religion (as it now established in this Kingdom) the Laws, Liberties and Peace thereof, which ought to be sought by all good Christians, loyal Subjects and true Patriots; and to be furthered and maintained by them against such as by any means endeavour to shake or subvert the same.

"Therefore We Under-Subscribers, and every one of us, do in the Presence of Almighty God, promise and vow, That in this present Parliament we shall faithfully and freely speak, answer, and express our selves upon all and every thing which is, or shall be propounded so far as we think in our Conscience may conduce to the Glory of God, the Good and Peace of the Kirk, and State of this Kingdom, and employ our best Endeavours to promote the same, and shall in no way advise, voice, nor consent to any thing to our best Knowledge, which we think not most exepdient and conducible thereunto: As also that we shall maintain and defend with our Lives, Powers and Estates, his Majesty's Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as is expressed in our National Covenant, and likewise the Power and Priviledges of Parliament, and the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and by all good means and ways oppose and endeavour to bring to exact Trial all such as either by Force, Practice, Councils, Plots Conspiracies, or otherwise, have done, or shall do any thing to the Prejudice of the Purity of Religion, the Laws Liberties, and Peace of the Kingdom: And further, that we shall in all just, in all honourable Ways, endeavour to preserve Union and Peace betwixt the three Kingdoms Scotland, England and Ireland; and neither for Hope, Fear or other respect shall relinquish this Vow and Promise.

Thus considering how we stand engaged as well by this Oath, as our late solemn National League and Covenant, to maintain his Majesty's Royal Person, Honour and Estate; and finding his Majesty's to be in apparent Danger, and environed with Sectaries, whose pernicious and destructive Principles are well known unto us to be directly against Monarchy, as may appear by their late desperate Speeches concerning his Majesty (as on Lilburne and many others) as, That the House of Commons should think of that great Murtherer of England; (meaning the King) for by the impartial Law of God there is no Exemption of Kings, Princes, Dukes, Earls, more than Coblers Tinkers, or Chimney-Sweepers, &c.

And in another place, where they speak more plainly; 'We expect according to Reason, that ye should in the first place declare and set forth King Charles's Wickedness openly before the World, and with all to shew the intolerable Inconveniences of having a Kingly Government, from the constant evil Practices of those of this Nation; and so to declare King Charles an Enemy; and to publish your Resolutions never to have any more.

By these and the like Speeches all reasonable Men may understand what such Sectaries (whatsoever they pretend) intend for his Majesty's Safety and Honour, especially since we are bound by Oath to deliver his Majesty out of Hands of such Miscreants.

1. We Vow and Covenant, to utmost of our Lives and Estates, to effect the same.

2. Consider the great Design they drive at, which is, to new mould the House of Commons; better to effect which, they first suspend eleven Members, and so more and more, suddenly introducing many of their own independent Members in their rooms; that so (if possible) they might promote their wicked Designs in a Parliamentary way.

3. Consider that they intend the Ruin and Destruction of the House of Lords, as may appear by many of the Sectaries printed Pamphlets and Petitions, as when they petition'd to the House of Commons, where the say, 'That the Lords of this Realm ought not to fit in Parliament, unless they do come in by Election, as Members of the House of Commons do: And in Pamphlet against the House of Lords they thus say; 'That the Lords are but painted Puppits and Dagons; that our Superstition and Ignorance, their own Craft and Impudence have erected to natural Issue of Laws: but the Mushrooms of Prerogatives, the Wens of just Government, putting the Body of the People to pain, as well as occasioning Deformity, Sons of Conquest they are, and Usurpation, not of Choice and Election, intruded upon us by Power, not constituted by Consent, not made by the People, whom all Power, Place and Office that is just; in this Kingdom ought only to arise. And in another Place thus; 'Why presume ye thus, O ye Lords? Set forth your Merits before the People, remember your selves, or we shall remember ye? Which of you before this Parliament minded any thing so much as your Pleasure, Plays, Masques, Feastings, Huntings, Gamings, Dancings, &c. For what other have you been, but a meer Clog to the House of Commons in all their Proceedings? How many necessary things have you obstructed; how many Evils have you promoted? And again, 'That the Lords must stand to be chosen as Knights and Burgesses by the People as other the Freemen and Gentry of this Nation are. By all this is apparent that they intend the destroying of the House of Lords.

4. They drive on for a Tolleration for all sorts of Heresies and Heretical Opinions; which they term Liberty of Conscience: For they boldly assert, 'That it is the Will and Command of God, that since the coming of his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, a Permission of the most Paganish, Jewish, Turkish or Antichristian Consciences and Worships being granted to all Men in all Nations and Countries.

And again, 'That Liberty of Conscience is to be allowed by every Man to worship God in that Way or Manner as shall appear to them most aggreable to God's Word. By the Length of this Foot we may guess at the whole Body; and that Babylonish Confusion this will be, let all true Christians judge.

5. That they intend (past Intention, for they have done it already) to pull down Orthodox and Godly Ministers placed in their Livings by Ordinance of Parliament; and to take upon themselves (though the very Scum of the People) the Pastor's Office; abuse Godly Ministers; saying, 'Their Ministerial Calling is Antichristian, their Maintenance Jewish, their Preaching illegal, and their Persons contemptible, preferring before them Grooms of Stables, Botchers, Coblers, and all Mechanicks how ignorant soever.

6. That having a Power (the Sword in their own Hands, as they have often bragged of) do protect their own independent Members (who are guilty of Capital Crimes) from a due and legal Trial, they drein the City of London, which now lies at their Mercy, of vast Sums of Monies, burthen their Suburbs by Free-quartering, and the like, retard the Relief of Ireland, elect Members of their own Factions, flight and set at nought the House of Lords, keep the King still at a distance from the Parliament, lift Soldiers continually, and yet would make us believe they intend Peace, demand unreasonable things of the Parliament, and more than they can honourably grant, seize upon all the strong Holds and Forts of the Kingdom, and must not be denied any thing they ask.

They accuse Members of known Integrity and Faithfulness to the Parliament and Kingdom, upon meer Surmises, and lamentable lame Informations of some of their Fantastick Brethren; they resist the Solemn League and Covenant for uniting the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, they dissolve the Parliament, and seek to new cast it in an Independent Mold. They countenance desperate Malignants. who vindicate them in their Proceedings, and suffer them to be about the Person of the King.

These things having taken all into our serious Consideration, truly weighing them in an equal Balance, and laying them to heart, We cannot but apprehend what Miseries will be entail'd upon us and our Posterities, if we shall not stand as one Man, in the Name of all that have taken the Covenant with us, humbly to petition the Parliament for the speedy disbanding of the Army so soon as their Arrears can be paid, Declarations against them revoked, and the Act of Indempnity enlarged; That those Counties that were Petitioners to Sir Thomas Fairfax should represent how surreptitiously the Petitions were gotten, by whom somented, contrived and subscrib'd, that they may come to condign Punishment for so high an Affront against the Parliament: That the Eleven Members may be again taken into the House, or others legally and fairly chosen, to attend the Service of the House, till the Charge can be proved against the Accused: That none may be admitted Members of Parliament, or have any Place of Trust in the Kingdom, that refuse to take the Solemn League and Covenant: That some Persons of Trust and Valour (as Field Marshal Skippon, or Major-General Massey) may be put into Supreme Command for the affairs of Ireland: That his Majesty may be speedily brought with Honour and Safety to the Parliament, that such wholesome Laws may be enacted that may procure a Firm and Lasting Peace.

Else we shall be enforced speedily according to our Covenant, to make such Provisions of Arms and other military Forces, as may secure our Religion, our King, Kingdom and Parliament; and make no Doubt of the Blessing of God, together with chearful Concurrence of all good People and well-affected of both Kingdoms, that desire Freedom from Sects, Schisms, and Hereticks, with inflamed Vigour and Alacrity to oppose their Enterprises, and maintain the Honour and Religion of both Kingdoms against all Tyrants whatsoever, to the comfort of God's People, to the rescuing and vindicating our wronged Brethren, delivering them out of the Jaws of Destruction, and the establishing of Truth and Peace in these three Kingdoms.

Edinburgh, August 13. 1647.

Letters from Colonel Lambert out of the North mention not any thing of the Scots Approaches, but Preparations; and such likewise is ours for the Defence and Safety of the North, Colonel Lambert having got together in that short time he has been there about 8000 Horse and Foot.

A Message from the Lords concerning the Armies declaration debated, and an expedient proposed.

The House of Peers on August II. sent again this Day a Message to the Commons for their Concurrence to the Declaration of Sir Thomas Fairfax and Army, and for nulling the forced Votes.

The Commons again resumed the Debate thereof, and an Expedient was then reported to the House for the nulling of the forced Votes by a Repeal; yet so, that the Mutineers, Fomenters of the intended War, may be proceeded against: This took up a great Debate; and at last it was committed to a Committee with the Ordinances from the Lords to make some Alteration therein, and to be reported to the House again on Friday Morning next.

A Lieutenant in Southwark reviled for consenting to let the Army in; Mr. Britton, who was against the Army, sent for.

A Petition was this Day read in both Houses from a Captain-Lieutenant of Southwark Trained-Bands, complaining, that he had been much abused and reviled by some in the City, and in particular by one Mr. Thomas Britton, for standing with Southwark not to oppose the Army. The House, upon Debate hereof, ordered Master Britton to be sent for into Custody; and an Order of Thanks and Indempnity passed both Houses for those of Southwark; the like Orders for the Committee and Forces of Hertfordshire, and for Colonel Blunt and his Forces in Kent: The Orders being but short, for the better Satisfaction, we will give you them verbatim.

Southwark's Indemnity for assisting the Parliament and Army.

'The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, do approve of the late Action of the Forces, Soldiers and Inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and all others that assisted them, in joyning, with the Army for Preservation of the Peace of the Parliament, City and Kingdom, and that Thanks be given them for the said Action, and that Colonel Thomson and Master Snelling, that serve in Parliament for the said Borough, do return the Thanks of the Houses.

The like to Col. Blunt.

'The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do approve of the late Action of Colonel Blunt, and all others that assisted him in joyning with the Army for Preservation of the Peace of the Parliament, City, and Kingdom; and do give him and them Thanks for it.

Hertford-shire's Indemnity.

'The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do approve of the late Action of the Committee of the County of Hertford in raising the Forces of the said County to joyn with the Army for Preservation of the Peace of the Parliament, City and Kingdom, and do give them Thanks for it; and Master Leman and Sir Thomas Dacres are appointed to give them Thanks.

To inquire what Arms in this time of Distraction have been taken out of the Tower.

An Order was made by the Commons that it be referred to a Committee to consider what Arms were taken since the late Disturbance out of the Store of the Tower, Army and Navy, and that the same be again restored to each particularly.

Poor at Westminster.

An Order was made for 100 l. to be given to the poor visited Persons of Westminster, and paid by the Committee of Revenue.


A Complaint was, and thereupon a further Order made for the Justices of Peace and Committees of Middlesex and Southwark, to take special Care for the suppressing of Stage Plays, Bear and Bull-baitings, Dancing on the Ropes, &c.

Fast-day, two Sermons without Intermission.

Ordered by both Houses, that the two Sermons to be preached before the Houses to morrow, being Thanksgiving Day, should be immediately one after the other without Intermission.

Mr. Perne and Mr. Knight were appointed to Preach before the House of Commons the next Monthly Fast-Day.

The Head-Quarter this Nightat Kingston upon Thames.

From the Army we understand, that his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax came to the Head Quarters at Kingston upon Thames this Day, and thereupon called a Council of War, who had several things before them, in order to the speedy Settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom.

No Protection from being quarter'd upon

Whereas there are great Complaints of divers Inhabitants in several Parishes where the Army is Quartered, of their being overburthened with Soldiers, by reason of several Persons of Estate, who have Protections to be freed from Quarter, having no Soldiers put upon them, whilst the Soldiers assigned to Quarter in those Parishes, put the rest of the poorer sort of Inhabitants to great Inconveniencies, and richer sort go free and unburthened, it is therefore ordered by the Council of War, for prevention of the like Complaints and Inconveniences for the future, that his Excellency be moved, that all Protections for exemption from Quarter be recalled: And that those Persons who had the same granted, do notwithstanding bear their share in Quartering, yet nevertheless shall have their Houses free from the Quartering of private Soldiers, provided they take care to provide Quarter elsewhere for the proportion of Soldiers which justly ought to be assigned to them; and all Officers in the Army are required to take notice of this Order.

By the appointment of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Council of War.
John Rushworth, Secret.

Kingston, Aug. 11. 1647.

Information of Forces rising in Wales, pretending to join with the Army.

We have much Talk of late of some Rising, or endeavours to raise Forces in Wales against the Army under Sir Thomas Fairfax; such speak of it as would have it so, for otherwise there is little ground of such a Report; and this we can further assure you, that some Gentlemen of Note have been sent out of South Wales to the General, and attended him this Week, who give a very good account of the good Affections of the generality of those Parts to the Army, and their desires to join with them; and that they will be ready to testisie the same to the World as there shall be occasion; desiring the General would be pleased to grant them Commissions for the defence and safety of those Parts, as there shall be occasion.

Excise of Beer and Ale.

There was likewise a Petition presented to his Excellency, at the Head Quarters at Kingston, in the Name of the Company of Brewers of the City of London, complaining against the Excise of Beer and Ale, as a great Burthen to them, desiring his Excellency would be a means for the taking off the same, but nothing yet we hear of done upon it.

A Day of Thanksgiving, by Lords and Commons.

This Day, both Houses, August 12. Kept a solemn Thanksgiving; the House of Peers met in their House in the Morning, and from thence went to the Abby at Westminster, where the Speaker and Members of the House of commons met their Lordships, and there had Two Sermons preached unto them by Mr. Marshal and Mr. Nye.

Reformado Officers disclaiming any hand in the late Tumult.

This Day divers Reformado Officers in and about London, who disclaim having any hand in the late Tumult or Designs of raising a new War, presented a Petition to the General at Kingston as followeth:

To his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, Knight, General of all the Forces within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales.

The Humble Petition of divers Officers, whose Names are here under-written.

Their Petition followeth.

That many of your Petitions have faithfully served the Common-wealth, during these Wars, as before and since the reducement under your Excellency's Command, for which there is great Sums due, and in Arrears unto them, as by these several Debenters, and otherwise may appear:

That some of your Petitioners necessitous Condition hath required their long and chargeable Attendance for Supply in London, yet to this Day hath not received One Peny, whilst Persons disaffected to the freedom of the People, and who deeply acted in the late Tumults and Distempers, have received considerable Sums, by which most of your Petitioners are reduced to such a miserable condition of Living, that unless speedily relieved, they must in all likelihood perish.

Now, forasmuch as your Petitioners have always been cordially affected to your Excellency's Proceedings, continually concurring in the Armies desires, who for opposing their late Tumults, Distempers, Mutinies, had their Lives daily exposed to great hazard and danger.

Your Petitioners therefore most humbly pray your Excellency would vouchsase to take them and their distressed Condition into your serious Consideration, and out of your wonted Goodness, be a means they may be relieved with some considerable proportion of their Arrears, in such way and manner as to your Excellency's Wisdom shall seem meet,

And your Petitioners, as bound, shall daily pray,

A Declaration of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Council of War, against a Printed Pamphlet,

pretending Authority from the Army to dispossess or interrupt such Ministers as are put into Sequestred Livings, by a Parliament, or Authority derived from them.

Tumults put Sequestred Ministers into their Churches, pretending the Authority of the Army, but disclaim'd by the Army.

Whereas it appears, by sufficient Proof, that many violent Tumults and Outrages are committed by several Persons, against divers Ministers, placed by Order or Ordinance of Parliament in Sequestred Livings, and for their such violent Carriage to, and detaining from the said Ministers their Profits, there is pretended, by the said Parties, power and Authority from the General and the Army; and for the more plausible justifying of their undue Pretences therein, have caused to be Printed and Published, a Pamphlet; Intituled, Two Petitions of the Sequestred Clergy of England and Wales, one to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, and the other to Sir Thomas Fairfax, with a pretended Declaration of the General and his Council of War there-upon; of all which Actions we cannot but testifie a very ill Resentment, and do hereby declare a dislike of such Proceedings declaring not only against themselves to have had any incouragement from us, but also any Ends or Intentions to that purpose, and to the further clearing of our selves herein, we shall henceforth endeavour the bringing to condign Punishment such who have or shall express the like, upon any pretence what soever.

By the appointment of His Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Council of War.
John Rushworth

Kingston upon Thames, Aug. 12. 1647.

Thanks to the Preachers on the Thanksgiving-Day.

Both Houses, on August 14. ordered Thanks to be given to Mr. Marshal and Mr. Nye, for their Sermons Yesterday, and to print their Sermons. The House of Commons further Ordered, That Mr. Marshal and Mr. Nye should be referred to the Members of the House, that are for the County of Essex, to consider of some Gratuity for their great Pains in the Service of the Publick, and in particular their attendance with the Commissioners along with the Army.

Sir James Hamilton.

Sir James Hamilton, and Mr. Hamilton, being sent up Prisoners to the House, out of Wales, the Persons that brought them up was ordered a Gratuity, and they ordered to be committed to Custody till further Order.

The Apprentices Ordinance laid aside.

A Message this Day came from the Lords, that the new Commissioners of the Militia acting upon a forced Ordinance, commonly called, the Apprentices Ordinance, their Lordships declared, they acted unwarrantably. This Declaration was once read, and upon much Debate it was put to the Question, and ordered to be laid aside, and not to be read the second time.

An Ordinance to examine the force put upon both Houses by the Apprentices July 26.

An Ordinance was likewise sent from the Lords, to appoint a Sub-Committee of Lords and Commons, to examine the Forces put upon the Houses by the Apprentices and Malignants, July 26. and the chief Authors of it.

The House of Commons debated this Ordinance, and agreed thereunto with the Lords accordingly: Some we understand are already in Custody about it.

A Message from the Lords.

Another Message was likewise sent from the Lords, giving to understand, that they having read the Declaration of the 4th of August, 1647. subscribed by those Lords and Commons, who, by reason of the late violence upon the Houses did absent themselves, and have approved thereof, desiring the Commons Concurrence therein, concerning which some Debate was then had, but no Answer was given at that time.

Ordinance for Vindication of the Army passed.

The Ordinance for Vindication of the Army, with the Amendments, was reported, and upon Debate, the Question was put, and the Ordinance passed, and ordered to be sent to the Lords.

Ordinance to make void all Acts done from the 26. of July till August 6.; Intelligence of a great Victory in Ireland, by Colonel Jones, against General Preston.

The Ordinance also committed on Wednesday last, for making null all Acts since the 26th of July till the 6th of August, was reported with the Expedients and the Amendments thereupon, and upon Debate also Passed and ordered to be sent to the Lords.

This Day came Intelligence to the House, by Letters from Ireland, of a very great Overthrow given by Colonel Jones, Commander in Chief, to the Irish Rebels near Trym, on August the 8th Instant; the particulars are not yet come, only a List taken in the Field, Presently after the Fight, of what were killed and taken, which is as followeth.

A List of Prisoners, Arms, and Cattle, &c.

Lieutenant General Burne, Colonel Plunket, Earl of Fingal, Colonel Butler, Colonel Waring, Colonel Cynod, Earl of Westmeath, Lieutenant Colonel Rochford; Preston's Son killed, and himself Shot and fled; Forty Officers taken; Three Hundred Foot left to the Mercy of the House; Seven Thousand Foot Arms taken; Three Hundred of the Gentry killed; a Hundred and Fifty Oxen taken, Three Thousand Foot killed upon the Place; Four Pieces of Ordnance taken; great Pillage gotten in the Field; Preston's Cabinet taken, with all his Writings and Commissions.

Earl of Ormond to reside in Gloucester-shire.

The Marquis of Ormond, and Lord Roscomon, and others in Company are come from Ireland into England; the Marquis and Lord Roscomon sent to the General for a License to reside near Gloucester, which was granted accordingly.

August 15. This Day the House of Commons received a further Information of the great Overthrow given to the Rebels in Ireland, as before-mentioned; and they ordered that the Messenger who brought the News, should have Fifty Pounds given him for his Reward.

Monies ordered for Ireland.

The House then insisted on the business of Ireland, and ordered 20000l. besides the 25000l. before-mentioned, for the Service of that Kingdom, to be paid out of the Excise in course, with eight Pounds per Cent.

Commissioners in Ireland to have Thanks.

Ordered further, That Sir Robert King, and the rest of the Commissioners in Ireland have the Thanks of the House for their good Service: And it was ordered, That the business of Ireland should be taken into further Consideration on Thursday next. We will add further also, and it may believed, That the Distempers in this Kingdom (now in so happy a way of composure) Provision is making for sending over considerable Forces into Ireland, and the General is very intentive about it.

Commissioners with the Army.

A Report was made to the House, from the Commissioners residing with the Army, and upon Debate their Proceedings were approved of, and they ordered the Thanks of the House.

The last Proposals of the Army.

It was ordered further also, that on Thursday next, the last Proposals of the General and Army, be taken into consideration by that House.

King's Servants to be provided for.

A Letter was read in the House from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, in behalf of the King's Servants, who have been along time destitute and outed of their Places and Imployments; and upon debate of the said Letter it was ordered, that the Committee of the Revenue should take speedy Care for some convenient maintenance for them; those that stayed with the Parliament in the first place; and those that attended the Parliament, not having been in Arms against the King in the second place; and that none that have gotten the Places of those that stayed here, to have any Provision but the Parties to be restored.

Ordered, That Mr. Molins, Keeper of the Stores, be re-invested in his place; and Colonel Weymes, and Lieutenant Colonel Baynes not to intermeddle with that Office.

Garrison of Linn in Norolk.

A Letter was also read in the House from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, on the behalf of the Garrison of Lynn in Norfolk; and thereupon 1500l. was ordered to be paid them by the Committee of Norfolk and Norwich.


An Ordinance was read the second time in the House, for taking away the Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Durham, and upon Debate was committed.

The House then Adjourned their sitting until Tuesday next; the House of Peers having Adjourned the Night before until Wednesday

The King at Oatlands.

From the Army we had further this Day, that the King removed Friday from Stoke-House, and came to Oatlands; He is very well and chearful, being come now again a little nearer London; and there are them that will engage great Wagers to see him at St. James's or White-hall before the Week be past.

The Head-Quarters at Kingston.

His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax hath his Head-Quarters still at Kingston; the face of things look gallantly towards a settled Peace, as you shall hear further shortly.

Intelligence from the Forces under Major General Lambert in the North.

Munday August 16. This Day the House sate not; from the North there came Letters of August 13. of the Proceedings of Colonel Lambert, Commander in Chief of the Northern Forces, by appointment of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, to this purpose:

Col. Lambert declares he is sent by his Excellency, to take the Conduct of the Forces in the North, be being then at Pontefract. The next day the Rendezvous was at Peckfield Moor. Six Regiments appear'd, viz.

Tuesday August the 3d. We marched from Rotheram to Pontefract Castle, and lay there that Night, being very courteously entertained by the Governour Colonel Overton, a Man of great Interest in these Parts. Wednesday we marched to Sherburne, where several officers of the Forces here met us, to receive Orders, and our Major General Lambert made a Speech to them, acquainting them, That he was sent by his Excellency to take upon him the Charge and Conduct of the Forces in this Northern Association, amplyfying himself in many good Expressions, and hoping to find their ready Concurrence with him, but he was answered only with Silence. That Night we issued out Orders to the several Regiments to be at the Rendezvous the next Morning at Eleven a clock, on Peckfield Moor; and accordingly they met, where there was a good Appearance, I conceive near Five Thousand Horse and Foot, consisting only of the Six Regiments of Horse and Foot in this County, viz. Colonel Poyntz, Colonel Bethel's, Colonel Copley's, Colonel Thornton's, Colonel Bright's, Colonel Legers, and the two Troops Commanded by Major Sanderson; they were drawn up together into Regiments, and the Major General made a Speech to them in several Divisions, to this effect:

Major General Lambert's Speech at the Rend zvous, to the several Regiments.

"That he was Commanded by his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, to repair to these Parts, and take upon him the Charge and Conduct of the Forces of this Association.

"That the General was very sensible of their Loves and Respect to him, and they might be assured of his to them.

"That his Excellency had by this time put them into a way of settlement of Pay, and taken equal Care of them, with his own Army, if the present Disturbance had not happen'd, and was resolved to do it as soon as the great Affairs of the Kingdom would permit.

"That be conceived his coming into these Parts was not without some of their Knowledge and Desires, and therefore desired to see some token of their acceptance of him, and concurrence with him, in willingness to obey his Commands, promising and engaging himself to Command nothing but what should be for the good of the Kingdom, and their good more than his own, for that he did not come to seek himself, or any by-ends of his own.

"That he needed not to tell them of the unanimity of the Army, and of their Proceedings, being so well known for the settling of the Kingdom in Peace and Quiet, but desired their unanimous concurrence with them.

"That he had instructions to put such Officers over them as might join in the advancing this Work, and desired some taste of their readiness to comply with him.

Hereupon as many as heard, testified their Compliance by Acclamation.

The several Regiments had orders given them from their Quarters, so they marched off the Field; and when the Field was clear, we marched off and came to York that Night, and there advised with some Friends to get Money for the Soldiers; to which purpose the Committee of the Country were respectively written to, to give the Major General a meeting on Monday next at York, to take some Course therein, and to advise about the Settlement of these Parts.

Lord Mayor invites Lambert to Dinner; Two Troops ordered to Hull.

Friday the Lord Mayor invited the Major General to Dinner and gave him a very courteous Entertainment; after Dinner we went to Whetherby, and there ordered Major Spencer, and Major Rooksby, each to send a Troop of their Horse to Hull, for the use of that Garrison and ordered Captain Wilkinson's, and Captain Bradford's to New castle.

Mr. J. Chisley stopped at Newcastle.

Mr. John Chisley, Secretary to the Scotch Commissioners, coming this way from London, towards Scotland, was stopped at Newcastle, but we believe since discharged by Colonel Lilbourn, Governour.

Intelligence from Edenborough.

There is no great matter that we hear of done at Edenborough as yet, the News of the City of London's Agreement with Sir Thomas Fairfax, his march through London, and being made Lieutenant of the Tower, hath put a stop to Proceedings at present.

Ant. Nichols; Hard Quarters at Kingdom; King at Oatlands.

Mr. Anthony Nichols, one of the Eleven Impeached Members, who had a Pass from the Speaker to go into Cornwall, and two or three Days since writ a Letter to a Commander in the Army, to procure him the General's pass, he ingaged not to act any thing prejudicial to the Army, but was not granted him; and on his way for Cornwall was stopped by some Troopers of the Army, and this Day brought back to the Head-Quarters at Kingston; the General was then at the Lord Pawlet's House near Turnham-Green, whither he went Saturday Night. The King is still at Oatlands, very Merry and Pleasant; there is daily very great Resort from London to see His Majesty.

Debate and Resolves, to make void proceedings in Parliament, from July 26. unto Aug. 6.

The House of Commons, on August 17. again reassumed the Debate of the Declaration by the Lords, against the Proceedings of the Houses, from the 26th of July, till the 6th of August, to be forced; and that Sitting not to be a free Parliament: The Debate held very long in the House about it; at last the Question was put, whether the Question should be put or not, upon which the House was divided, and it was affirmatively by two Voices; then the Question was put, whether it should be declared, that what was done in the time aforesaid to be forced, and that Sitting no Free Parliament, and it was carried in the Negative by three Voices.

Young Men and Apprenties their Congratulation to the General.

This Day was presented to the General, an humble Acknowledgment, and Congratulation of may Thousands young Men and Apprentices of the City of London, to his Excellency, for his many great Services to the Kingdom and City of London, in order to the establishing of a firm Peace; for all which Services they do thus express themselves; "That as they cannot but with all Joy and Thankfulness acknowledge, so they doubt not but the Memorial of them will be a Crown of Glory and Honour upon his Excellency's Head, and upon the Heads of all his faithful commanders and Soldiers to all Posterity.

That the General well accepts their refusal not to join with the Armies Opposers, though with threats of Death.

"And although they cannot, as they would, manifest their Hearts in a visible acting for his Excellency in the late time of Need, they desire his Excellency be pleased to accept of their refusals to join or comply with any thing bearing a face of Opposition to him, notwithstanding the Threats of Death for so doing, as an undoubted Testimony of their Resolution to live and die with his Excellency and Army, in settling His Majesty's Rights, the Parliament's priviledges, and the Peace and Freedom of this Nation, the which they do still return, and shall further manifest, as God shall give an opportunity, and his Excellency require it at their hands.

This acknowledgment was received with very good respect from his Excellency, and an Answer was returned by his Excellency, as followeth

The General's Answer to the Apprenties.

I Have received your Congratulation of the late endeavours of this Army, and great Successes with which God hath blest us against the open and secret Enemies, to the Interest of this Kingdom, manifesting with many cordial Expressions, your good resentment of our late Proceedings, in prosecution of those publick Ends; for the accomplishment whereof, you have not only declined and refused Compliance with the Kingdom's Enemies, but have freely tendered a joint Adventure of your selves with us, when occasion shall require: All which I cannot but gladly receive with a thankful Acceptance, returning to like acknowledgment of your good and honest Offer, as you of our Endeavours; and do desire that you will continue still in your several Places, the promotion and pursuance of those publick Ends aforementioned; and I doubt not but the same divine Providence that hath been our Guide hereto, will still direct us and all honest Men, going hand in hand with us, towards a happy conclusion of our present Troubles, and Distractions, and settling of the King, Parliament, and Kingdom, in safety, peace, and freedom.

The Council of Warsate close at Kingston, about a Remonstrance of their Proceedings.

This Day the General came again to Kingston, and the Council fate close about drawing up a Declaration or Remonstrance, concerning their just and clear Proceedings in behalf of the Parliament, Kingdom, and themselves, declaring also against the Members sitting at Westminster, and their Votes to be forced, and no free Parliament, from July 26. to August 6.

Colonel Ellis Leighton.

Mr. Nichols was this Day brought to the General; and also Colonel Ellis Leighton, who was also taken into Custody at Kingston, upon Information he was one that took up a Commission in London for the raising of Forces to engage the Kingdom in a new War, and remains under restraint.

A Relation of the great Overthrow given to Preston by Colonel Jones, at the relieving of Trym.

This Day, being August 18. came Letters to the Parliament, and a full Relation and Confirmation of the great Overthrow given to the Irish Rebels, under Preston, at the relieving of Trym, August the 8th by Colonel Jones, the Particulars are very large, and some account of this business hath been already given, what is since further certified we will give you as briefly as may be.

Sunday August. 8 Colonel Jones, with his Army, consisting in all of 1500 Horse, and about 5000 Foot, in pursuit of Preston's Forces newly raised from Trym, came to a place called Linchesknock, within one Mile whereof the Enemy was drawn upon Dungan-Hill, a place to him of all Advantages, being a high Ground, whereunto adjoined a Wood and a Bog, their Usual Refuge in distress; the Enemy also stood possessed of great Ditches. The Enemy had lately before mustered 7300 Foot, 1047 Horse, as appeared by a muster-Roll after found.

The Battle near Trym.

About Twelve of the Clock the Armies joined, the Battle continuing about two Hours, our two Wings of Horse, with some Foot, having broken both Wings of the Enemy, our main Body advanced and broke theirs, whereupon about 3000 of the Rebels betaking themselves to the Bog, they there drew up into a Body, but Colonel Jones commanding the Bog to be surrounded with Horse and Foot, our Foot following into the Bog, where they put to the Sword all not admitted to Quarter; such of the Rebels as left the Bog fell into the Power of our Horse.

Of the Slain, there was upon the place reckoned 5470, besides those after gleaned up, which were very many of the Enemies Foot. There could not escape above 500, being as they were inviron'd: Among those Slain were 400 of Collogh Kittages Men. there was also put to the Sword, without Mercy, all formerly of our Party now found amongst the Rebels, and all English, though never of our Party.

Prisoners taken; Preston's Cabinet taken.

The number of Prisoners is of Colonels five, whereof is the Lieutenant-General of Lemster, and the Earl of Westmeath, four Lieutenant-Colonels, six Serjeant-Majors, thirty two Captains, twenty three Lieutenants, twenty seven Ensigns, two Cornets, twenty two Sergeants, two Quarter-Masters, two Gunners, the Clerk of the Store, thirteen Troopers, and two Hundred thirty eight common Soldiers; Preston their General hardly escaped with the Horse; he lost his Carriages and Cannon, being four Demi-Culverins, each carrying twelve Pound Bullet, and sixty four fair Oxen attending the Train, which are to us of very great use, of which we have till now in that kind been very short provided. There was also taken Preston's Cabinet of Papers, much valued in the Discoveries therein made, and also their Colours.

Of ours were some Wounded, but not twenty Slain; of Note we lost only two Cornets, and one Captain Gibbs.

A Day of Thanksgiving at Dublin.

All done, Colonel Jones commanded throughout the Army Thanksgiving to be given to the Lord of Host, who did that Day wonderfully for his People, appointed Tuesday the 17th of August for a Day of Thanksgiving in all the Churches in Dublin.

After this Victory the Enemy quit and burnt divers of their Garrisons, viz. the Nas, Signistown, Harristown, Collanstown, Castlewarning, and Mayglare, and much more had been gained of them, had there been Pay and Provision for our Army, whereby the Victory might have been prosecuted, but in want of both they were enforced to take homewards unexpectedly.

This was the greatest Victory, with loss to the Rebels.

This was the most signal Victory, with greatest Loss to the Rebels that ever was gained in Ireland since the first Conquest thereof by the English; for which the Lord make us truly thankful.

A Day of Thanksgiving in England, for the Success in Ireland.

The Commons, upon consideration of this great Victory, ordered Tuesday come Fortnight to be a Day of Thanksgiving for the same throughout the Kingdom.

Gratuities to Colonel Jones, and other Commanders.

They likewise ordered several Gratuities to the Chief Commanders for their good Service. viz. 1000l. to Colonel Jones, Colonel Fenwick 1000l. Colonel Conway 500l. to Sir Henry Tichburne 200l. and Lieutenant Colonel Culham, who brought the Letter 100l.

And it was referred to the Committee of Ireland, to take into speedy Consideration, the sending of requisite Provisions into Ireland, and to make Report thereof to the House.

Ant. Nichols.

A Letter was read in the House from Mr. Nichols, under restraint by the Army, and it was ordered thereupon, that a Letter should be written to the General, to desire that he may be discharged, or sent up to London, to answer such things as shall be objected against him.

Sir John Chisley, the Scots Secretary staid at Newcastle.

A Letter was read from the Commissioners of Scotland, at Warcester-House, in both Houses, complaining of the great breach of the Union of the two Kingdoms, in Staying Mr. Chisley, their Secretary, at Newcastle. The House ordered a Copy of this Letter to be sent to Sir Thomas Fairfax, and to be desired to give order for his Release, if it be not already done.

Dr. Temple, and Mr. Simpson were ordered to preach before the House the Day of Thanksgiving for Ireland.

Conference to anull all Votes from July 22 to Aug. 9.

Both Houses had a Conference, whereat Lords gave Reasons to the Commons for passing the Ordinance to null all the Votes in the time before-mentioned, as forced; the Commons after had debate thereof, and committed the Ordinance, and so adjourned till the next Day.

A Remonstrance inclosed in the General's Letter to the House of Peers.

This day, August 19. Both Houses being sate, there were Letters brought to them, from his excellency, and therein inclosed a Remonstrance or Declaration of the General and Council of War; you may the better judge of the Remonstrance by the Letter from the General to the Speakers of both Houses, as followeth.

For the Right Honourable the earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers pro tempere.

My Lord,
The tender and deep sense which my self and the Army have of the Difficulties and Dangers under which your Lordship, with the right Honourable Lords, Faithful and Worthy Members of the House of Commons, lately driven away to the Army; as also our selves and all others that love the peace of the Kingdom, and freedom of Parliaments, notwithstanding the said just and honoured Resolution, Proceedings, and Endeavours of the Right honourable House of Peers, do still lie under, hath produced this Remonstrance from us, whereof I Have enclosed sent your Lordships a Copy, and those Considerations and Resolutions therein expressed, where as they are, in the present cafe, most necessary for your Lordship and ours, and the Kingdom safety, quiet, and welfare; so, we hope, we hope, we will appear just and honest, and accordingly be accepted and approved by your Lordships, as proceeding from the hearty Affections, and sincere Intentions of your Lordship and the Kingdoms Servants here, and especially of,

Your Lordship's Humble Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.

Kingston, Aug. 14. 1647.

The Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons was the same with this.

The Remonstrance itself is very large, but that which is most eminently driven at in it, is the Purging the Parliament, by expunging such Members as did Act and Vote in the time the Speakers and the rest were forced from the House, concerning whom the Remonstrance runs thus.

Part of the Remonstrance for purging the House.

Upon consideration of justness of the Cause, and the necessity of the thing for the safety of the Parliament, Kingdom, and this Army, having no other way lest timely to remedy the Difficulties we are put upon, or prevent the growing dangers of future Violence unto the Parliament, and disturbances to the Kingdom, or to secure the Parliament in a quiet Proceeding to settle the Peace of this Kingdom. And, in such case, the safety of the People, being the supream Law, we do protest and declare, that if any of those Members, who, during the absence of the Speakers and Members of both Houses, forced away by the tumultuous Violence aforesaid, did Sit and Vote in the pretended Houses, then continuing at Westminster, that hereafter intrude themselves to sit in Parliament, before they shall have given Satisfaction to the respective Houses whereof they are, concerning the Grounds of their said sitting at Westminster, during the absence of the said Speakers, and shall have acquitted themselves by sufficient evidence, that they did not procure, or give their consent unto any of those pretended Votes, Orders, or Ordinances tending to the raising and levying of a War, as is before declared, or for the King's coming forthwith to London we cannot any longer suffer the same, but shall do that right to the Speakers and Members of both Houses, who were driven away to us, and to our selves with them, all whom the said other Members have endeavoured in an hostile manner unjustly to destroy, and also the Kingdom, which they endeavoured to imbroil in a new War, as to take some speedy and effectual course, whereby to restrain them from being their own, and ours, and the Kingdoms Judges, in those things wherein they have made themselves Parties, by this means to make War, that both they and others that are guilty of, and Parties to the aforesaid treasonable and destructive Practices and Proceedings, against the freedom of Parliament and Peace of the Kingdom, may be brought to condign Punishment, and that at the Judgment of a free Parliament, consisting duly and properly of such Members of both Houses respectively, who stand clear from such apparent and treasonable breach of the Trust, as is before expressed, &c.

The Lords return Thanks to the Army for the Remonstrance.

This Remonstrance was read in both Houses and the House of Peers past a Vote, That they do approve of the said Remonstrance, and that a Letter of Thanks should be sent to the General.

Their Lordships likewise had another Letter read from the General, recommending the Condition of many Ministers put into Sequestred Livings, by order of Parliament, that have of late been much molested by delinquent Ministers.

Upon both which Matters, their Lordships caused this Letter to be sent to the General in answer to the same.

For the Honourable Sir Thomas Fairfax, Knight, General of the Forces raised by the Parliament for the Safety of the Kingdom.

The Lords Letter to the General, concerning the Remonstrance, and the Lord's Approbation thereof.

The Lords in Parliament having received a Letter and Remonstrance from you, have commanded me in their Names to let you know, that they do approve of the said Remonstrance, and return you Thanks for the continuance of your Care for the preserving the Honour and Freedom of the Parliament: And likewise have received another Letter, by which you do recommend to them the Condition of divers Ministers settled by Ordinance of Parliament, who have been disquieted and molested, and turned out of Possession of their Houses by force through the practices of divers delinquent Ministers: They do fully approve of your Care, for the Vindication of your Self and Army under your Command; and have commanded me to assure you, that they will speedily take such a course for the questioning of those principal offenders, whose Names they are certified of, and for the punishing of their said Miscarriages, as that others may be deterred thereby for the future, from the like Practices: This is all I have in Command, as

Your Friend and Servant,

Westminster 20. Aug. 1647.

The House of Commons had the Remonstrance read, but did nothing upon it.

Delinquent Ministers.

They had likewise read the Letter from the General, about the Ministers disturbed in their Places by delinquent Ministers, and appointed another Ordinance to be drawn up for the continuing of such Ministers, settled by Ordinance of Parliament, and the ejecting the delinquent Ministers, and to bring the disturbers to condign Punishment.

Colonel Ennis going by another Name, endeavoured to pass beyond Seas.

The House was informed, that one Colonel Ennis had endeavoured to pass beyond Sea by the Name of Mr. John Price, but discovered and brought up to the House; the House ordered to commit him to the Custody of the Serjeant, and referred the Examination of this business to a Committee.

A Goldsmith committed.

The House was informed, that a Goldsmith of London had presumed to cut a new privy-Signet-Seal, without any Authority of parliament, they ordered the said Goldsmith to be committed, and the examination of the business to be referred to a Committee.

Plymouth, 8000 l. to be paid to the Governor.

A Letter this Day came from the Governor of Plymouth, complaining of the great necessity of that Garrison.

Ordered that 8000 l. shall be paid for the Service of that Garrison, and that this 8000 l. be paid out of the first Money to be raised upon the Ordinance for 60000 l. per Mensem, to be raised in the Country of Devon.

The Committee of the Army have Power to treat with the General concerning the lessening of Garrisons.

A Collection for the poor English Irish.

A Collection was this Day, August 20. ordered to be made on Tuesday come Seven-night here, and Tuesday come Fortnight in all the Counties of England for the relief of the poor English Irish here.

The Poor in visited Places.

An Order was made for 100 l. to be given to the parish of Martin's for relief of the visited in that Parish.

An Ordinance also past for a voluntary Contribution throughout the kingdom, for the visited City of Chester.

Mr. Strickland had leave to come from Holland home, to dispatch some of his business here, and then to return.

20000 l. for the Service of Ireland.

An Ordinance was read for payment of 20000 l. out of the Excise for the service of Ireland, and past.

The Ordinance this Day passed both Houses, for declaring all Votes, Orders, and Ordinances, passed both Houses since the force on both Houses, July 26. until the 6th of this present August, 1647. to be mull and void. The Ordinance, for better satisfaction, followeth.

Ordinance making void Proceedings in Parliament, when the Speakers and Members were forced from the Parliament.

Whereas there was a visible, horrid, insolent, and actual force upon the Houses of Parliament, on Monday the 26th of July last, whereby the Speakers, and many Members of both Houses of Parliament were forced to absent themselves from the Service of the Parliament. And whereas those Members of the House could not return to fit in safety before Friday the 6th. of August, it is therefore declared, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Ordinance of Munday, the said July, 26, for the revoking and making void the Ordinance of the 23d. of the said July, for the settling of the Militia of the City of London, being gained by force and violence; and all Votes, Orders, Ordinances, passed in either or both Houses of Parliament, since the said Ordinance of the 26th of July, to the said 6th of August, are null and void, and were so at the making thereof, and are hereby declared so to be the Parliament being under a force and not free: Provided always, and be it, Ordained, that no Person or Persons shall be impeached or Punished for his or their acting by or upon, or according to the aforesaid Votes, Orders, or Ordinances, unless he or they shall be found guilty of contriving, acting, or abeting the aforesaid Visible and actual Force, or being present at, or knowing of the said Force, did afterwards act upon the Votes so forced, or were guilty of entring into, or promoting the late Engagement for bringing the King to the City, upon the Terms and Conditions expressed in His Majesty's Letter of the 12th of May last.

Parliament. Soldiers of the Army in the Hospitals relieved.

A Letter this Day, August 21. was read in the House of Commons, from his Excellency, with a Petition inclosed in the name of the sick, maimed, and wounded Soldiers in the Hospitals at London; the House ordered them 30l. per Week out of Haberdasher's-Hall; and 4s. 8d. be paid Weekly to such Soldiers as are sick, and lie under Cure, till they be cured,

An Ordinance was read for all Judges of Assize, Justices of the Peace, to put the Ordinance for maintenance of maimed Soldiers in execution, which was assented unto.

A Months Pay to the Army.

They ordered a Months Pay for the Army, and further ordered, That the City be desired to advance a Month's Pay for the Army, upon Security, and that they repay themselves out of the Arrears due from the City to the Army upon Assessment.

A Report made of the late Tumult and Engagement to raise a new War.

A Report was made to the House, from the Committee appointed to examine the business of the late Tumult at Westminster, the dangerous Engagement, and the Authors and abettors of raising a new War, upon which several of Note within the City are already in Custody; and upon debate thereof, it was ordered, that the Lord Mayor do call a Common Council on Tuesday next, at Two of the Clock, about that and other business.

Ordered also, That the Committee appointed to examine the force upon the City, do make a further Report on Tuesday next.

Establishment for Ireland.

Ordered that Friday next the House do consider what Forces may be spared for Ireland, and consider of an Establishment for the Forces of that Kingdom and this.

The Militia to deliver Books, Writings, &c. concerning the late force upon the Parliament.

Ordered also that the Clerk attending the late Committee of the Militia, and Committee of the Safety, do deliver over to the Subcommittee examining the force put on the Houses, all such Books, Warrants, and Writings as remain in his Custody, and were past during his attendance on the Committees; and if he refuse, then to be taken into Custody of the Serjeant.

Of Members who have adhered to the King.

The Committee appointed to consider of the Cases of the Members that have adhered to the King, and was ordered to be renewed, and to make Report on Friday next; and all the Members Concerned are to attend them, and one Gentleman to attend them this Afternoon.

Well-affected Ministers. Six of the Eleven Members seised on near Callis.

An Ordinance for establishing well-affected Ministers in Sequestred Livings was again read and passed. The House then adjourned their sitting till Tuesday next.

Captain Lamming put to Sea, and overtook Six of the Eleven Members, not having any Order; They were brought aboard Captain Batten, and discharged to go to Sea again.

This Day we had certain Intelligence of the apprehending Six of the Eleven Members as they were going beyond Sea, being taken within Six Miles of Callis: In brief it was thus; Major Redman being upon the Guard at Gravesend had notice that some of the Eleven Impeached Members were passed by, and gone to Margaret's in Kent, hereupon he sent Post after them, and as the Messenger came to Margaret's, they hoisted Sail, and were a Mile at Sea, Inquiry being made of the Fishermen what their Carriage was, they replied, The Gentlemen that went aboard were in very great haste: One Fisherman saying to them, I do not think but these are some Parliament-men flying. Whereupon one Captain Bennet who was in their Company, drew his Sword at him, but the Fisherman being nimble of his Heels escaped. The Town understanding by the Messenger what they were, very readily, at the beat of a Drum, repaired to their Colours, and Forty of them, under the Command of Captain Lamming, a Valiant Seaman, put to Sea in a Small Vessel, and within Six Miles of Callis overtook them, who seeing themselves pursued, made hard to Windward to escape, but could not: Captain Lamming plying them hard with small Shot, and a Frigate Man of War, one Captain Peirson, coming in to the assistance, the Six Members pulled down Sail and yielded, viz. Mr. Denzil Hollis, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Waller, Sir William Lewes, Sir John Clotworthy, and Mr. Walter Long, and demanded by what Warrant they were apprehended, Answer was made, pretending it to be by Sir Thomas Fairfax his Warrant. They earnestly prest a free passage beyond Seas, and great Invitations had the Seamen to let them escape, but it would not be, so they desired to be brought aboard Captain Batten at Deal, which accordingly they were, but they were dismist and sent to Sea by Captain Batten, and the Seamen who apprehended them soundly threatned, and sufficiently reviled against by Parson Major Kem.

The King still at Oatlands, the Head Quarters at Kingston.

The Head-Quarters of the Army are still at Kingston: some talk of removing to Guildford. The King still at Oatlands, but talk also of his removing to Hampton-Court, but not agreed on.

Citizens examinations concerning the late Force.

This Day, August the 23d. the Committee of Lords and Commons appointed to find out and examine the late force against the Parliament, the business of the Engagement, and design of raising a new War, fate close in the Painted Chamber at Westminster, and had before them several Citizens in Examination, whereof some as chief Actors, who stand committed to Prison: and the Committee appointed to make their Report to the House, how far they had proceeded herein the next Day.

The House of Peers also met this Day, and received, by Message, several Orders passed the House of Commons at the last Sitting, which their Lordships debated and concurred in. One was an Ordinance concerning Ministers.

Ordinance concerning Ministers disturbed in the possession of their Houses and Tithes by Delinquent Ministers.

Whereas divers Ministers in the several Counties of this Kingdom, for notorious Scandals and Delinquency, have been put out of their Livings by Authority of Parliament, and Godly, Learned, and Orthodox Ministers placed in their rooms; and whereas the said scandalous and delinquent Ministers by force, or otherwise, have entred upon the Churches, and gained possession of the Parsonage-Houses, Tithes, and Profits thereunto belonging, and have obstructed the payment of the Tithes, and other Profits due by the Parishioners unto the Ministers placed in the said Churches, by Authority aforesaid.

The Lords and Commons do Ordain That all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bayliffs, Justices of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenants, and Committee of Parliament in the several Counties, Cities, and Places within this Kingdom, do forthwith apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, all such Ministers as by Authority of Parliament have been put out of their Livings, and all such Persons as have been Aiders, A betters, or Assisters in the Premisses, and commit them to Prison, there to remain until such Satisfaction be made unto the several Ministers placed by the Authority of Parliament, for his or their damages sustained; and likewise to restore, settle, and quiet the possession in such Ministers, as have been placed by the said Authority of Parliament.

And Lastly, That if any such scandalous or delinquent Ministers put out as aforesaid, their Aiders or Abettors, shall at any time hereafter disturb, molest, or hinder such Ministers as are put into such Ministers as are put in into such Church or Chapel as aforesaid, in the exercising of the Office of his Ministry, upon proof thereof made upon the Oath of two Witnesses, before the said Sheriffs, Mayors, Bayliffs, Justices of Peace, Deputy-Lieutenants, or Committees of Parliaments, or any two of them, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Sheriffs, Mayors, Bayliffs, Justices of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenants, or Committees of Parliament, or any two of them, to commit such Offender or Offenders to Prison for one Mouth, so often as he or they shall so Offend.

Another Order was concerning Chester.

Plague in Chester, greatly infected; To be published for relieving several Counties.

That whereas the City of Chester is grievously infected and visited with the Plague of Pestilence in every Parish and Part thereof, very few Families being clear, by reason whereof almost all the Persons of Ability have left the said City, and there are remaining for the most part, only the Poor that have no means of Subsistence, being altogether deprived of Trading, which if they be not presently relieved in an extraordinary way, are like to Perish for Want, and to endanger the Infecting the adjacent Counties: And whereas the County of Chester is exceedingly impoverished by the late War, whereby they are disabled for affording them any considerable Relief, it is ordered, that the respective Ministers of every Parish of London and Westminster, within the Counties of Chester, Kent, Sussex, Surry, Southampton, Middlesex, Essex, Hereford, Cambridge, Suffolk, and Norfolk, do, upon the next Lords a Day after the receipt of This Ordinance, publish the distressed Condition of the poor Inhabitants of the said City of Chester, and earnestly move their People to contribute to so Charitable a Work for the relief of the poor distressed Inhabitants of Chester.

Bishops Lands

There was likewise passed an Additional Ordinance concerning the Sale of Bishop's Lands.

Intelligence from Edenborough. Commissioners to come to the Parliament, and to Sir Tho. Fairfax.

From the North this Day, by the Post Letters, came little of News. The Scotch Assembly fits close at Edenborough, but no great matters yet concluded on, only new Commissioners appointed, with some of the old to come unto the Parliament of England, and to Sir Thomas Fairfax. What their Instructions be, is not well known at present.

False Alarm of the Scots drawing near.

From Newcastle they write, August 19. That they had an Alarm from Scotland, occasioned by a Rumour, that the Scots were upon their March near to the Borders. Upon this, Orders was given for some Regiments to march into Northumberland, and Colonel Thornton's Regiment to come to this Town, which was at Durham Yesterday; but upon certain Intelligence that the Alarm was false and no Forces coming, nor designed, they recieved Orders for retreating back again into York-shire.

Ill-affected Minister at New castle.

The well-affected in Newcastle are much cast down, that a malignant Party in that Town are so prevalent Domineering it over the honest Party, as they have lately done, in putting a Minister into the Parish of Gateside, and a Clerk of the same Stamp, who was once a Master-Gunner in the Earl of Newcastle's Army.

Ireland. Success by my Lord Inchiquin, as followeth.

This Day also from Cork, in the Province of Munster in Ireland, came Letters to several Members of Parliament, of the late further Successes obtained by the Lord Inchiquin in that Province, more particularly as followeth.

Your constant Friendship engages me to give some Account of our Proceedings of late in this Province: We have kept the Field ever since Midsummer, in pursuit of the Rebels, and not being able to draw them to an Encounter, which my Lord President designed; We took divers Castles in the County of Limerick and his Lordship placed competent Guards in two of them, viz. Ballingarry and Castlemaketras, and destroyed the rest; soon after this his Lordship withdrew into the County of Cork, in expectation to engage the Rebels Army before them, which happened accordingly, for that the Rebels laid Siege to Ballingarry, whereupon he marched with all possible speed to the relief of the Place, but he that had the Command of the Castle, gave it up upon a Summons, within the time prefixed. But my Lord, by his Letter for his relief, being no way necessitated thereunto, for which he is now in question, being disappointed of our Engagement expected with the Army of the Rebels, the Lord President marched towards those Parts where he was most like to find them; he first met an intire Company commanded by Captain Den, of whom he slew twenty three, took his Captain-Lieutenant, Ensign, and Twenty seven common Soldiers, Prisoners, with Eighty spare Arms.

From hence his Lordship ordered his march towards the Rebels, near the River of Moylekerne, four or five Miles above Lymerick.

After three hours dispute we gained the Pass, and having beaten off and routed their Forces, pursued them as far as we could, kill'd a Hundred upon the Place, wounded many, whereof some are since dead, took, Two hundred serviceable Horses, their Riders for saking them, and kill'd and wounded many others who at the first pressed hard upon our Foot; here we got Two hundred Cows about the Lord Bourch of Castleconel's, and Sir Edmond Walsh's.

That Night we marched to Newcastle, a Garrison of the Revels, within half a Mile of the City of Lymerick, which was surrendred upon Summons, and Quarter only for their Lives; and here we rested the remainder of that Night; some of our Troops pursued the Rebels over the River of Shanon.

The Party that got over were disposed into several Divisions, and gained a Prey of 8000 Head of Cattel, and at least 5000 Sheep, the most part of them upon the Lands belonging to Brien's Bridge, with good Plunder: Our unexpected getting over the Shanon, struck such a Terror into the Rebels of Thomond, that they burnt the Earl of Thomond's Castle of Bunratty, which they had Garrisoned.

The Lord President, with the Army, is now returned for a few Days to refresh the Soldiers, who are generally bare-foot and extreme naked; and he intends to march presently out again towards the County of Tipperary, and the borders of Lemster, whereof Colonel Jones hath the Command, which is conceived to be of much more advantage to the Service than any other Course, as well in spoiling the Enemies Quarters, as in driving Preston's Forces, which, we hear are very strong in those Parts towards Dublin.


In the mean time the Forces of the Garrison of Dungarvon and Capperquin, with Lismore and Tallow, have marched under Lieutenant Colonel Michael Byren into Butler's County in Typerary by Order of the Lord President, to make a Diversion, and taken the Lord of Caher's Castle, called Grace Castle, stormed it, put the Rogues to the Sword, and got a good Prey of 2800 Head of Cattle, and Garrans or Horses, with some store of Sheep in the County of Limerick; we stormed and burnt the Abbey of Adare held by the Rebels, where four Friers were burnt and three took Prisoners; and also the Garrison of Owney belonging to the Heirs of Sir Edmund Welsh, with a Castle belonging to one Mr. Fox, where all that were within suffered Death, save Fox himself, who was let down by a Rope from the Battlements, which few would have attempted, hoping to make an Escape, but was knock'd on the Head by our Soldiers.

Dated at Cork, Aug. 12. 1647.

Mr. Anthony Nicholl's Escape.

This day a Letter upon August 24. was read in the House of Commons from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and it was concerning Mr. Anthony Nicholls, one of the Eleven impeach'd Members sent up Prisoner from the Army on Saturday last, and committed to Custody with the Grounds of his Detainment by the Army, and a further Accusation of High Treason against him: The House had Debate of the General's Letter, and ordered that Master Nicholls should be continued in safe Custody.

But after a short time, the Houses were inform'd, that the said Mr. Nicholls being committed to the Custody of one Denham, one of the Serjeant's Deputies, was escaped from him.

The said Denham was called in, and the House demanded of him how he came to escape; he answer'd that passing his Word as he was a Gentleman, to be a safe Prisoner, he gave him his liberty, and thereupon he escaped. The House upon debate hereof, order'd that the said Denham should be committed: And order'd further, that all the Ports in England and Wales should be stopped for the apprehending of the said Mr. Nicholls; and this Order to be sent to them with speed: Also it was ordered, that the Pass formerly granted by the Speaker, should be revok'd and made void.

The Names of City Colonels in Arms against the Army, and countenancing the Force upon the Parliament.

This Day the House of Commons received Mr. Corbet's Report from the Committee appointed to examine the Force upon the Parliament, &c. And the Examinations of Colonel Sowton, Colonel Vaugham, Colonel Chapman, Lieutenant-Colonel Baines, Captain Cox, and some others in Custody about the Business, were reported; and upon particular Debates hereof, the House ordered, that they do approve of the Commitment of the said Persons, and that they shall still stand committed.

That an Impeachment of High-Treason be brought in against Colonel Chapman and Lieutenant-Colonel Baines; and a Charge of High Misdemeanour against Colonel Vaughan.

The Report upon the Examination of Colonel Sowton and Captain Cox was put off, upon some Grounds, till another Day.

Reformado Officers to depart the City.

The House had further Debate concerning an Ordinance for putting Reformado Officers out of the Lines of Communication.

Browers and Exercise.

A Petition was presented to the House by the Brewers of Ale and Beer within four Miles of London, shewing that many of them were in Arrear to the Commissioners of Excise for Beer and Ale, and they look upon it as a great pressure, desiring the Excise might be taken off from that Commodity.

The Petitioners were called in, and Mr. Speaker, by order of the House, acquainted them, that the House had ordered, That if they paid not in their Arrears to the Commissioners of Excise by Friday next, that then the respective Sums owing by them to the Commissioners, should be distrained for upon their Estates.

The City moved for the Loan of a months Pay for the Army, without effect at present.

This Afternoon a Committee from the House met the Lord-Major, Aldemen, and Common Council at Guild-Hall in London, about the Loan of a Months Pay for the Army, formerly Voted to be given them for a Gratuity; the business was prest to the City, but Answer was made, that it could not be granted, the City having for three Years past suffered very much, not only by way of Loans, and of advancing of Money, whereof a great part yet remaineth unpaid, but also by many other Assessments, Taxations, &c. Then it was replied, That there were yet great Arrears due from the City still remaining unpaid, so that they might repay themselves that way; but that was not approv'd of, only agreed, that a Committee be appointed to examine what Arrears are yet behind, and how they may be gathered and made to be paid.

Intelligence from the Army of bringing on Proposals.

From the Army we understand, that there is still great Thoughts and Endeavours to settle the great Affairs of the Kingdom, by a sudden bringing on of the Proposals, by removing Obstructions within, so as best reason will take place; likewise by settling some number of Soldiers, and not many to avoid Charge, for securing the Parliament and Tower of London, and consequently the City from after Dangers and Disturbances; and these done, which to effect better, will a while necessitate the Head Quarter, and much of the Army to be near London.

The Army will shortly be dispersed to Garrisons and Quarters remote, so as most coveniently they may be made fit to secure this Kingdom, and to send Forces for Ireland, in which business they go forwards apace with their Preparations.

This Day the King left Oatlands, and came to Hampton-Court, August 24.

The King hath been several Days at Oatlands, where he hath been much visited by Citizens and others. This Day His Majesty left Outlands and came to Hampton Court, where as yet he remains. Yesterday His Majesty went to Sion-House, and Dined there with the Duke of York and the rest of the Princes, and after Dinner went back to Oatlands.

Sir Philip Stapleton died of the the Plauge at Callis, and was much lamented, approved to be Valiant like his Ancestors. the monthly East-day.

Letters from France tell of Six of the Eleven Impeached Members landed at Callis, but that Sir Philip Stapleton soon after his Landing died at Callis of the Plague, the rest are gone to Flushen, very much sad at the sudden Death of Sir Philip.

Wednesday Aug 25. This Day was the Monthly Fast-Day; there preached before the Lords, Mr. Carrill and Mr. Spurstowe; and before the Commons, Mr. Fowler and Mr. Robinson; after the Sermons the Houses met, and ordered Thanks to the Ministers that preached, and to print their Sermons: And Mr. Bateman and Mr. Horton nominated to preach before the Commons next Fast-Day.

Mr. Pope, new Election.

Thursday, August 26. The House this Day ordered a Writ to be issued forth for a new Election in the room of Mr. Pope, deceased, late Knight of the Shire for Merioneth.

City to collect the Arrears due to the Army.

Mr. Scowen reported from the Committee that had been with the Common Council Tuesday last, about the advance of a Months Pay upon the Credit of the Arrears of the City, that their Answer was, That they had appointed a Committee to collect the Arrears of the City due to the Army; and that if they wanted Power, they had Directions to apply themselves to the Parliament for it.


The House did further Debate of this business, and an Ordinance was read for the regulation of the Excise, which was twice read and committed.

Pembroke College.

An Ordinance was sent from the Lords, for making Mr. Henry Langley to be Master of Pembroke College in Oxon; which upon Debate was also assented unto by the Commons.

How to secure the Parliament when the Army withdraws.

It was referred to a Committee to consider what way was best for the security of the Two Houses of Parliament when the Army should withdraw, and to report to the House.

John Lilburne

A Petition was presented, in the Name of many Citizens, on the behalf of Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburne, which was referred to the Committee, where Mr. Martin has the Chair, and to report with all convenient speed.

No Private business.

Ordered, That the House hear no private business 'till Monday come Seven-night.

Clamorous People not to pass the Guards to the Houses, by reason of the Infection.

And in respect of the danger of Infection, it was ordered, That the General should be desired to give Command to the Guards attending the House, that they should keep the Passages of the House, Westminster-Hall, from all clamorous Women, and suffer none to come to the disturbance of the House.

From the Army we understood, that the Head-Quarters were upon removing to Hammersmith or Putney, the King at Hampton-Court: some further Proposals are drawn up in further prosecution of the Remonstrance of the Army. The Commissioners of Lords and Commons, who lately were with the Army, are again ordered to the Head-Quarters, which will much facilitate business no doubt.

Propositions for Peace being the same that were at New castle.

The House of Commons this Day, being August 27. took into Debate the Amendments sent from the Lords, upon the Propositions of Peace to be sent to His Majesty, they are the same Propositions sent formerly to His Majesty at Newcastle. And ordered,

E. of Salisbury.

That the Earl of Salisbury's Name should be put into that place of the Propositions, wherein the Earl of Essex set down to be Conservators of the Peace between the Two Kingdoms.

Qualifications of Persons in the Propositions.

That the Name of the Lord Herbert should be put out, and the Name of Edward Earl of Wigon should be incerted.

That they should adhere to all the Names put in the first Qualification of the Propositions.

W. Shelden.

That the Name of the Lord Brudenel, and William Shelden of Bely, should be contained in the second Qualification of the Propositions.

That Sir Philip Musgrave do stand in the fourth Qualification of the Propositions.

This with some small Alterations being made and agreed on, the Propositions fully passed the Commons House; and it was ordered, that a Conference be desired with the Lords, upon these Amendments.

Propositions for Peace agreed unto, and to be Communicated to the Scots Commissioners.

The Lords and Commons accordingly had a Conference upon this business, and the Lords taking the Amendments into Consideration, they concurred presently with much affection in the said Amendments to the Propositions; and it was ordered by both Houses, that these Propositions, with the Amendments, should be communicated this Afternoon, by the Committee of both Kingdoms, to the Scots Commissioners residing here, that so their Concurrence being likewise had to the Amendments, the Propositions may be forthwith sent to His Majesty, by Commissioners from both Houses, for the speedy settling a safe and well-grounded Peace in this Kingdom.

Mr Doyley, a Member his Case reported.

The Committee to whom the Case of the Members for undue Election, or adherence to the King's Party were referred, reported the Case of Mr. Doyly, that he had attended them according to former Order, and had given his answer, but it was no way satisfactory according to the Questions propounded to him: Hereupon a further Order was made, that the said Master Doyley should answer effectually, according to the former Power that Committee had to examine him, and the rest in his case.

What Members not to presume to fit.

That the Members that have given in their Cases to the House, and shall presume to fit in the House, being included in the former Votes, shall have no benefit of the Order of the 15th of July last, for the disabling of them only. Upon this some have left the House.

The House then adjourned their Sitting from this Day till Wednesday next.

The Army Sate close about Ireland.

The Houses sate not this Day, August 28. but from the Army we understand thus much, that the General and Council of War sate very close Yesterday at Kingston about Ireland, and for the sending over a speedy and considerable strength into that Kingdom; a business the Army had before in their Thoughts, and were so far in Preparation of, as that had not the late Troubles in the City interrupted, we might have had before this time a gallant Force in Ireland, to prosecute the late Victory obtained against the Rebels by Colonel Jones. However, the Army, as well to testifie their real Intentions, in order to the Service of Ireland, as to the obtaining a firm Peace here, have again resolved to fit upon the Work; and as you may see by the Letter from the General, to the Speaker of the House of Commons, (but not yet read in the House, by reason of the House's of Commons, (but not yet read in the House, by reason of the House's Adjournment Yesterday) they will have 6000 Foot, and 2000 Horse in readiness, when the Parliament shall appoint the Time and Place, with necessary Provisions and accommodation for their Transportation for the Service of Ireland.

The General's Letter to the Speaker followeth.

The General's Letter to the Speaker, that he will have in readiness 6000 Foot, and 2000 Horse, to go for Ireland, and desires that Monies and Necessaries may be provided for them.

Mr. Speaker,
Upon consideration of the present Advantage that may be made, through the goodness of God, of this last Success, which it hath pleased the Lord to give to the Forces in Ireland, I have thereupon advised with my Council of War, how the Forces in this Kingdom might be improved for that Service; and I find that there will be in a readiness for that Service, to the Number of 6000 Foot, and 2000 Horse, which, if they may have incouragement, will be ready to go as soon as you shall be pleased to Command them. I do therefore desire you would move the Houses to take some effectual Course for the providing of Monies and other Necessaries, and for the removing of all Obstructions; and for the more clear and quick proceedings in this so important a Work, I shall appoint a certain number of Officers, to wait upon such as the House shall appoint to consult upon the whole business, if you shall think fit, I remain,

Your most humble Servant,
Tho. Fairfax

For the Honourable W. Linthall, Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons

Putney is now the Head-Quarter.

The General removed his Head-Quarters the last Night from Kingston to Putney; they were at Kingston too much pressed and crouded by the great resort of People upon the King's coming to Hampton-Court; but as the Head-Quarters are removed nearer to London, for better convenience and expedition in the dispatch of business between the Parliament and Army, and for no other end, so the other Quarters of the Army, that they might not give Offence or Jealousie to the City, are enlarged every way to a further distance from the City.

Care for Provisions for Ireland.

The Parliament's Commissioners went down to the Army Yesterday. And this Day the General and Commissioners have consideration at Putney, how Provision may be made for the Forces designed for Ireland, and in what time, that there may be no let to their speedy dispatch and transportation.

The old Militia met.

The old Militia of the City of London, met this last night, and sate at Guild-Hall.

Clipped Money.

A Committee of Common-Council of London, sate this Day at Guild-Hall, about an Ordinance for the calling in of clipped Money to pass both Houses.

Colonel Ellis Leighton.

Colonel Leighton, Prisoner to the Army is not shot, or adjudged to be shot to Death by the Council of War, as some have reported, but is committed Prisoner, by order of the General at Windsor, Castle.

Sir Rob Pye in Custody, and released.

Sir Robert Pye, Junior, having obtained, at Thistleworth, the General's Pass to go beyond Sea, and now newly returned again, was met withal by some Forces of the Army, and kept Prisoner, but upon Suit to the General is again discharged, and his Horses and Goods restored.

Citizens committed about the late Force upon the Parliament; Their Books and Subscriptions were produced.

This Day, August 30. the House sate not, but the Committee appointed to examine the late Force upon the Parliament sate, and made a further Progress in the business, had divers before them in Examination, Mr. Mosse, Chamberlain in London, Mr. Michel, Clerk to the Common-Council, and the Clerk to Trinity-House, and others who appeared before the Committee with their Books, Records, Notes of Subscriptions, and other Papers, and were particularly examined before the Committee; Colonel Vaughan, Leather Seller in Cornhill, Colonel Chapman of the Tower Hamlets, Lieutenant Colonel Bains of Southwark, Captain Cox, Vintner at Dowgate, and others, are committed to several Prisons.


This Day an Ordinance of both Houses, for establishing the Duty of Excise upon all Commodities except Salt and Flesh, was published, which is as follows.

Ordinance for Excise

The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, by their late taking off the Excise wholly from Flesh, and discharging all Salt made in this Kingdom from the payment of Excise, were confident they had given so full a testimony to the whole Kingdom, of their readiness to ease all People, so far as might stand with the support of the Publick, that they expected, That all Persons would have, with Patience, attended the time of the Parliament for the removal of the rest, and in the interim have duly paid several Duties of Excise upon all other Commodities, and submitted unto all Ordinances of Parliament in that behalf; but being daily informed of the general opposition which is made against Collections of those Duties of the Excise, which they have thought fit for some time to continue, and many Violences, Injuries, and Abuses that are offered to the Commissioners, Subcommissioners, and other Officers and Receivers thereof, in many Cities, Towns, Counties, and Places of the Kingdom; the said Lords and Commons do therefore hereby declare, That as they have not taken off any part of the Excise, but only from Flesh and Salt, made in the Kingdom as aforesaid so they cannot yet in respect of the great Duty and many Payments; for which these continued Receipts of the Excise are engaged and designed, neither in Justice, nor Honour, nor with the Safety of the Kingdom surcease the rest; and if they be put unto it, must require Obedience and Conformity from all Persons whatsoever unto the due Payment of all and every of them, according to the Ordinances of Parliament in that behalf made. What Causes did enforce the Parliament at first to resolve upon this Imposition, and for what reasons they are necessitated to continue the same, are fully set down in the Declaration of both Houses of Parliament so the 22d of February 1646, upon occasion of the Tumults and great Riots which then lately before had happened, and were privily somented in several Parts of the Kingdom against the Receipts of the Excise; and the same necessity for continuance thereof lying still upon the Parliament, and the Tumults and Riots in opposition thereunto rather being increased than suppressed.

The said Lords and Commons cannot but deeply represent the great Neglect of the Authority of Parliament amongst the People; and if they shall continue in this Obstinacy, shall be enforced upon such Remedies as shall speedily bring the Contemners thereof unto condign and exemplary Punishment: But they do hope all well-affected Persons will after Publication of this present Declaration, and upon review of the said Declaration of the 22d of February 1646. before-mention'd, which therefore they have ordered to be reprinted and published herewith, be so sensible of their own past Miscarriages, and so fully satisfied of the Parliament's Intentions in continuance of these Receipts, that they will presently conform unto the Payment of all Duties of Excise, due or payable by every one of them, according to the Ordinances of Parliament, and not to divert the Parliament from those great Affairs for the Settlement of the Peace of the whole Kingdom, upon which they are at present engaged by enforcing them to such Courses for vindicating the Authority of their Ordinances, as must needs hinder the Parliament in this great Work; but will also be severely accounted for, with the Causes thereof.

For as this Duty is by Experience found to be the most easie and equal Way both in relation to the People and to the Publick; so the Lords and Commons are resolved through all Opposition whatsoever, to insist upon the due Collection thereof. But when it shall please God to enable them to settle the Peace of the Kingdom, and to overcome the Engagements and Occasions thereof in some good measure, they do hereby again declare, that they will then make it appear to the whole World, how much more ready they are to ease the People of this Charge, than they could be willing to impose the same.

And for the speedy re-establishing of this Receipt according to the Ordinance of Parliament, or more vigorous carrying on thereof, the said Lords and Commons do hereby require and enjoin the Commissioners of Excise, their Sub-Commissioners, Collectors and Officers forthwith to apply themselves in all Parts throughout all the Kingdom, to the due Collection of the Excise by several Ordinances continued, wherein, as they are hereby required to provide as conveniently as may be, for the ease of the People in their Repair and Travel unto such Places as they shall through every Hundred or Wapentake, appoint for the bringing in of this Duty; so in case of neglect of Appearence, all Persons are to take notice, that if any further Charge or Trouble besal them, it ariseth from their own Default, and so must expect no other Relief, but to be proceeded against according to the Ordinance of Parliament, in due and vigorous Execution whereof, if any Tumults, Riots, or other Opposition, shall be hereafter attempted or acted against the said Commissioners of Excise their Sub-Commissioners, Collectors, Officers or others, in their Aid and Assistance.

It is hereby further ordain'd, That all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenants, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, and all others his Majesty's Officers in their several Counties, Liberties, and Jurisdictions, are also hereby strictly enjoyned to be aiding and assisting in the Collections of the Excise, and suppressing of all Tumults and Riots raised in Opposition thereunto, according to the several Ordinances of Parliament in that behalf made, as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their utmost Peril.

And Sir Thomas Fairfax, General of all whole Forces of the Kingdom, is hereby desired to order and enjoyn all Colonels, Captains, Officers and Soldiers under his Command upon Application made unto them or any of them, speedily to suppress all such Tumults, Riots or unlawful Assemblies, and to apprehend all such Rioters and Tumultuous Persons, that they may be proceeded against according to Law: And forasmuch as such as are disaffected to the Service of the Publick, have, and do give out as if the Charge of the Collection of the Excise were so great, as that half the Receipt and Income were consumed upon Officers, the said Lords and Commons do hereby declare, That upon an exact Examination, it doth clearly appear unto the Parliament, and they are well satisfied; whereof they assure the Kingdom, that until their late Obstructions and Oppositions, the Charge in collecting the Excise, hath never amounted upon the whole Receipt to full two Shillings in every twenty Shillings received; And that the whole Kingdom may be fully possest of what great Service the Receipts of the Excise have been to the Common-wealth; the said Lords and Commons do hereby declare, That toward the Relief of Ireland, satisfaction of their Brethren of cotland, Maintenance of their Navy, and several Armies and Garrisons which there were necessitated to raise and keep up in divers Parts of the Kingdom for the preservation thereof, and in disbanding and discharging of several Armies, Forces and Garrisons, and for the Relief of wounded and maimed Soldiers, and the Widows and Children of such as have lost their Lives in the Service of the Common-wealth; and for other necessary Occasions for the Defence of the Parliament and Kingdom, there hath been clearly received and converted to these publick Services only, and to no private Use whatsoever, the Sum of One Million three hundred thirty four Thousand five hundred thirty two Pounds, ten Shillings and eleven Pence Half peny; and by the Credit of this Receipt, there hath been taken up, and stands assigned divers very great Sums of Money, all which must be discharged before this Receipt can in Justice and Honour be laid down; and if the Kingdom do duly submit unto the Payment of the Excise, will in short time be very well overcome and paid off: And from hence it will be declared apparent of what great Benefit the same hath been to the Kingdom, and Ease also to the People, of whom these great Sums must otherwise necessarily have been raised although with much Difficulty and Inconvenience, and in a far more burthensome manner.

And lastly, the said Lords and Commons do hereby ordain and declare, That as well the said Commissioners of Excise, their Sub-Commissioners and under-Officers, as all other Persons whatsoever who shall be aiding and assisting to them or any of them, in the executing of the Ordinances of Parliament for Collection of the Excise, shall be defended and saved harmless and indempnified by Authority of both Houses, of Parliament: And in ease any Person or Persons whatsoever shall be sued, indicted, prosecuted or molested for any Act or Acts, Thing or Things done in pursuance of this Declaration, or any other Declaration or Ordinance of Parliament touching Excise, it is hereby declared and ordained, That in every Action, Suit, Indictment, Information or Prosecution whatsoever, wherein, or whereby they are or shall be so sued indicted, prosecuted or molested, as aforesaid, it shall be lawful to and for all Persons, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators to plead the General Issue, to give this or any other Ordinance of Parliament for Excise in Evidence in any of his Majesty's Courts of Justice, or other Courts: And the Judges of all the said Courts are hereby strictly required and enjoyned to allow and admit of the same accordingly.

This Day from Hampton-Court came an Express from Colonel Whaley, and it was to this Purpose.

Aug. 27. a Paper entituled His Majesty's Declaration made publick, disavowed by the King

There was a Paper of the 27th Instant, intituled, His Majesty's Declaration, made publick: It is patronized upon the King; but I assure you his Majesty is much abus'd in it: He hath many times to my self and others expressed not only his disavowing, bu8t utter dislike of it. As first it something troubled him; but it being so unlike any thing of his, and so contrary to his known Intentions, he was confident it wou'd not gain Credence with any; yet since hearing that divers both in City, and Country, and Army, were so fondly credulous as to deem it to be his Majesty's, and so were much offered at it, It was the King's Command I should certifie Friends how extreamly he is wrong'd: And truly Sir, you would do the King but Right, and I conceive no more but your own Duty to endeavour the finding out the Author, and making him exemplary; and I am confident the King expects so much Justice therein. Here so little News in Court more than this, That the King was a hunting in New Park, killed a Stage and a Buck, afterwards dined at Sion stayed three or four Hours with his Children, and then returned to Hampton-Court, where there is great Resort of all sorts of People to him; but not so many Cavaliers as is reported; it is confessed no Gentleman is debarred the Liberty of kissing the King's Hand; yet no Stranger stays long: we have fresh and fresh Appearance; the Faces you see in the Morning, you seldom see in the Afternoon; at the farthest but the next day. The Lord Conway hath taken his leave of the Court for present. I have no more to acquaint you with: I shall only mind you, That to vindicate the King by discovering and punishing the Libeller, cannot but give great Satisfaction to his Majesty.

Edw. Whaley.

Hampton-Court, August. 29. 1647.

Tuesday, August 31.

A Thanksgiving Day for the Victory in Ireland.

This was Thanksgiving day throughout London and Westminster for the Victory obtained against the Rebels in Ireland. There preach'd before the House of Commons Doctor Temple and Master Simson.

September 2.

At Putney the Head Quarter, the Marquiss of Ormond visits the General.

From the Head-Quarters at Putney we understand, That the Marquiss of Ormond having given a Visit, and tendred his Service to his Majesty at Hampton Court, came this day also, and gave a Visit to the General at Putney, was respectfully entertained, and very loving Congratulation passed betwixt them.

6000 Foot and 2000 Horse bastening for Ireland.

The General and the Commissioners for the Parliament Proceed fairly in the Business of Ireland as to the sending over the Six Thousands Foot and Two Thousand Horse: Colonel Sir Hardresse Waller it is thought shall command in chief.

A standing Guard for the Parliament and City.

The General and Officers had likewise this Day Treaty with the Committee about a standing Guard for the Parliament and City, and the Tower, and a Council of War sate about it.

A Paper was likewise given in to the Committee for demolishing of the Works and Forts about London to be presented to the Parliament. Colonel Ellis Layton is committed to Windsor; but hath his Liberty, with some Restriction at the Head-Quarters.

Debate to hasten the 6000 Foot and 2000 Horse for Ireland; To expedite the Force for Ireland.

This Day September 1. 1647. both the Houses sate; and the General's Letter about sending Six Thousand Foot and Two Thousand Horse for Ireland, was read in the House of Commons, and approved of; and it was ordered that a Letter should be sent to the Parliaments Commissioners with the Army, to receive such Propositions as shall be further propounded; and to treat with the General about the Conditions for the expediting this Force into Ireland, and further appointed a Committee to consider of a Way for the raising of Moneys for the Forces.

Bullion in the Tower.

Some Debate was likewise had about securing such Persons as shall bring in Bullion to the Tower.

Clipt Silver.

An Ordinance was read in the House for the calling in of Clipt Silver, and upon Debate was committed.


Another Ordinance was also ordered to be drawn up against the Transportations of Bullion out of this Kingdom.

Maimed Soldiers.

The Petition of divers mained Soldiers was read and committed, and ordered further, that the Committees of Goldsmiths Hall and Haberdashers Hall do pay the 100l. and 30l. charged upon them for Maimed Soldiers.

Scots Commissioners not yet ready to give their concurrence to send the Propositions to the King.

The House of Peers sent a Message to the Commons, and it was to inform that the Scots Commissioners had not as yet met to give their Concurrence for sending the Propositions to the King.

The Commons debated the Business, and several Votes passed, to which likewise the Lords concurred, viz.


1. Resolv'd upon the Question by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That a Day be appointed for the Delivering of the Propositions of both Kingdoms to the King's Majesty for a safe and well-grounded Peace.


2. Resolved, &c. That on Tuesday next the said Propositions be presented from both Kingdoms to the King's Majesty.


3. Resolved, &c. That the Commissioners of both Houses appointed to attend his Majesty, shall deliver the said Propositions to the King's Majesty.


4. Resolved, &c. That the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland join with the Commissioners of both Houses of the Parliament of England in the Delivery of the Propositions to the King's Majesty Tuesday next.


5. Resolved, &c. That Notice be given to the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland at Worcester-House, to meet the Commissioners of both Houses, to deliver the Propositions to the King's Majesty for a safe and well-grounded Peace.

The Business of the Lord Lotherdale and Sir Jo. Cheifley under Consideration by the Parliament.

The Commons had further Debate of another Message from the Lords with a Letter from the Estates of Scotland, and another from the Scotch Commissioners residing here about the Business of the Lord Lotherdale, the opening of the Packets going for Scotland and the detaining of Master Cheifly at Newcastle, desiring Repartion, &c. The Business was by the Lords referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, and by the Commons referred to the Committee with the Army for the Business of Master Cheesely's Detainment at Newcastle. We have but newly seen the Copy of a Letter from Colonel Lilburne, Governour of Newcastle, to the Estates of Scotland about the same; and which comes very fitly to be here inserted.

For the Right Honourable the Committee of Estates in Scotland.

Colonel Lilburner's Letter to clear the business concerning Mr. Cheesely's being staid at Newcastle.

Right Honourable,
Receiving your Letter concerning Mr Cheesely, though his free Passage, before it came, was granted, and therein your Expectations answered, yet that a clear and right Interpretation may be had of the cause of stopping Mr. Cheesely, and all misinterpretations removed, I desire to demonstrate the grounds and reasons of what I did, and give your Honours ample, and what further just satisfaction I can in the thing, that no Offence may be taken thereat. First, My Intelligencers in the South told me of dangerous Risings and Tumults in the City of London, against the Parliament, occasioned by the Instigation of some particular Male-contented Persons who endeavoured to imbroil this Kingdom in a new War, and was labouring to kindle a flame in your Nation, had sent Agents thither to the work on Foot, which seemed too probable, by that which fell from the Mouths of many of your Clergy in their Pulpits about the same time; and that the Speakers of the Parliament were, with most of the Members, driven from the Houses, and glad to fly to the Army for safety; and they, with the Army, marched towards the City, with a resolutions to suppress the Tumults, and Mr, Cheesely coming in the mean time, before I had received any Express from the Army, how state of Affairs stood, before I knew Mr. Speakers, and the rest of the Members were safely returned to the Houses, shewing me a Paper without a Seal, which he pretended to be the Speaker's Pass, which I knew not, nor him neither, and not having the General's Pass, nor letting me see your Commissioner's Pass, but not only at last told me that he had it, but did not shew it met it at all, I was doubtful that he might have been Party engaged in that dangerous Combination against the Parliament and Army, and going to do some ill Office in your Kingdom; and therefore, upon these grounds, and some other, I thought it my Duty, in discharge of the Truth reposed in me, to desire Mr. Cheesley to stay here till I send an Express, which I did with all speed, to Major General Lambert in York-Shire, upon the return whereof, Mr. Cheesely had free Passage, and no longer stayed; and therefore I hope no such Constructions will be put, as that there was the least intention in me, or any thing conduced to it, to violate the happy Friendship and Union betwixt the Two Nations; and with all Cordialness and Reality have I endeavoured, and shall with all my Power, study to preserve,

Your Honours assured Friend and Servant
R. L.

Newcastle, Aug. 22. 1646.

An Ordinance for settling the Militia of London in the old hand.

Both Houses this Day, Sept. 2. passed an Ordinance for the settling the Militia of London, in the old hands, and some of the new, which Ordinance is to continue during the pleasure of the Houses; the Names, for better satisfaction, is as follows, viz. Isaac Pinningtion, Sir John Wolleston, Thomas Atkins, John Warner, John Fowke, William Gibbs, Thomas Andrews, Thomas Foot, Simon Edmonds, Aldermen of the City of London, Major General Philip Skippon, Colonel John Ven, Francis Allen, Colonel Rowland Wilson, Junior, Colonel Edmond Harvy, Major Richard Salloway, Richard Turner Senior, Samuel Warner, William Bartly, William Hobsori, James Russel, Colonel Owen Rowe, Colonel Thomas Moyor, Stephen Estwick, Colonel Robert Tichbure, Lieutenant of the Tower; Colonel Richard Turner, Tempest Milner, William Antrobus, Thomas Noel, Christopher Pack, Thomas Arnold, Colonel Nathaniel Camfield, Samuel Moyor, Alexander Normington, Alexander Jones, Maurice Gething, and Mark Hilderstey, Citizens. These, or any Nine or more of them, and no other Person or Persons whatsoever to be, and are constituted and appointed a Committee for the Militia of the City of London, and Liberties thereof.

Bristol Inhabitants their Petition, the Heads thereof do follow.

A Petition was presented to the Commons, in the Name of the Inhabitants of the City of Bristol, containing many things of very weighty Concernment; we will briefly give you the heads of their desires as follows:

1. That the Parliament would provide for the Settlement of a firm and lasting Peace in the Kingdom, according to the full opportunity now before them, and divert all occasions of, and preparations unto a second War. And that ye would so succour Ireland, as that Kingdom also may at length be relieved out of its bleeding dying Condition.

2. That you would answer the just desires and grievances of the Army, vindicate them from all Aspersions and Calumnies, give them all due Reparations, and continue them undisbanded till the Kingdom shall have the happy experience of the well-settled Peace.

3. That the just Rights and Liberties of the English Subjects may be secured from all Violence, Oppression, Injustice, Tyranny, and the free course of Justice pass upon all such Infringers of our Liberties, as either have been, or shall be Impeached and Convicted.

4. That ye would free us from any unlawful Power, and from endeavours to suppress the Petitions of the Subjects.

5. That ye would remove out of the House of Parliament, out of Committees, and places of Administration of Justice, all such as are justly made incapable by several Votes and Ordinances.

6. That such who have given undoubted Testimonies of their Abilities and Faithfulness, may be intrusted and continued in the several Places of Power, Rule, and Concernment in the Kingdom.

7. That ye would be tender in imposing the Covenant, either upon any of the Members, or upon any other Subject in this Kingdom, whose Consciences dare not subscribe unto it.

8. That they would provide for the succouring of tender Consciences, and not suffer them to be grieved, and brought unto Bondage by any rigid Impositions, but protect them by the Laws in their Civil Rights, so long as they live peaceably, and without offence.

9. That to prevent Feuds, Factions, future Insurrections and Tumults, and to procure a lasting Peace to this Nation, they would propose to such as have partaked with the King their utmost Penalty; and they fully satisfying it, may be owned again as Subjects, all former actings to be obliterated.

10. That they would seriously consider our Fellow-Subjects, that are cast into Prisons, and lie languishing there, and provide for the hearing of their Causes, that either they may be acquitted by Law, and have reparations for their Losses and Sufferings, or else fall under the Censure of it, if they so demerit.

11. That long and lingering Imprisonments may be remedied by a speedy Tryal.

12. That the Widows and Fatherless, and those who have lost Estate; and Limbs for their Affections to, and in the Service of the Parliament, may be considered and relieved.

13. That Accompts may be given for the millions of Money that have been expended.

Lastly, That they would find out a Way for the deciding of Controversies and Suits of Law, without so much expence of Time, Trouble, and Charges, and bring the Laws, if possible you may, into a lesser Volume, and to speak our own Language.

The Petition being read in the House, the Petitioners were called in, and Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer: "That though there be some things in this Petition, that the House cannot so well approve of, to be presented by Petition, yet there are some things in which they have expressed their good Affections to this House, and to the Kingdom; and for their good Affections they shall have the Thanks of this House.

That the Committee about Tumults do make a Report.

Ordered, that the Committee about Tumults do report to Morrow, A Petition of the Officers of Lancashire, which was read; and referred to a Committee. The Ordinance against clip'd Money was read again the second time, and committed.

Answer to the Scots Commissioners.

An Answer this Day was agreed upon by both Houses, to the Answer of the Scots Commissioners, which was assented unto.

A Vote to demolish the Works and Lines about London.

The Commons then had also debate of the Paper from the Army, about demolishing of the Works about London, for lessening of the Charge in keeping and maintaining them; and it was then Voted, that the Works and Lines about London should be slighted accordingly.

The King's Answer to the Proposition to be given within six Days.

This Day, Sept. 3. 1647. the Commons had further debate of sending Propositions to the King, and it was ordered, that the Commissioners appointed to present the Propositions should present them to His Majesty on Tuesday next; and that the Ten Days for receiving His Majesty's Answer, should be altered to Six Days.

Scurrilous Pampbelts to be suppressed.

Complaint was made to the House, of the great abuse of many late scurrilous and abusive Pamphlets, such as reflected on His Majesty's Declaration, Propositions to the King, pretended Articles of Agreement betwixt the King and the Army and others: whereupon it is ordered, that an Ordinance be drawn for the suppressing of scurrilous Pamphlets.

Mr. Baynton, a Member. charged with listing of Horse in the City-commanded to withdraw out of the House.

The further Report was then made to the House, from the Committee appointed to examine the late Tumults and Force upon the Parliament; the chief business of the Report was concerning Mr. Baynton, a Member of the House, who is charged with the signing a Warrant for raising of Horse in the City, and after long debate, it was ordered, that Baynton should forthwith withdraw the House, which was done accordingly.

And ordered further, That Mr. Baynton should be suspended the House till further report of this business was ordered to be tomorrow Morning.

Several Members summoned being concerned in the levying of a new War.

Saturday September 4. The House of Commons this Day, as was before ordered, proceeded further in the Report from the Committee for examination of the late Tumult and Force upon the Parliament, and the whole Day was spent in this particular business; something was first considered of in the case of Mr. Baynton; and this, as a leading Case, brought on the Report, how far some other Members of that House had engaged, or were concerned in the late Tumult or design of a new War; and upon this Debate several of the Impeached Members were concerned; and at last it was voted and ordered, that Summons from the House of Commons should be made out for Mr. Denzil Hollis, Sir William Waller, Sir John Clothworthy, Major General Massy, Colonel Walter Long, and Mr. Anthony Nichols, Members of that House, to attend the House the 16th of October next, to answer such things as shall be objected against them.

It was also upon Debate further ordered, that Mr. Glynn, the Recorder of London, should attend the House on Monday next, to answer as aforesaid.

Mr. Glynn, Recorder, and Sir John Maynard, summoned on the like account, of designing a new War.

And that Sir John Maynard should also attend the House on Tuesday next; and the Serjeant at Arms attending that House had directions to send notice forthwith of the said Orders, at their respective Houses or Lodgings; and the House then Adjourned unto Monday next.

The King at Hampton Court. The Head Quarters at Putney. Inchiquin suspected.

The King is still at Hampton Court, and the Head-Quarters of the Army at Putney. Some talk there is ill news from Ireland, of the Lord Inchiquin's falling off from us; but we give it you as a Report, until we hear further.


  • 1. A Vindication of the Army pass'd the Lords House