Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: April 1642', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp559-564 [accessed 14 March 2025].
Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: April 1642', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp559-564.
Rushworth, John. "Historical Collections: April 1642". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp559-564.
In this section
Sabbati 3. April, 1642.
One Sentenced in the House of Lords for speaking Words against the Parliament.
The House was this Day informed by the Depositions of several Witnesses at the Bar, that Edward Sanderford, a Taylor of the City of London, said, That the Earl of Essex was a Traytor, that all the Parliament were Traytors, that the Earl of Warwick was a Traytor, and wished his Heart in his Boots, and that he cursed the Parliament, and wished Mr. Pym (calling him King Pym) and Sir John Hotham both hanged.
This Evidence being given before the said Sanderford, he was asked what he could say for himself, who being not able to make any Defence, was commanded with the Witnesses to be withdrawn: And afterwards the House taking the whole Matter into serious Consideration, commanding that the said Sanderford should be again brought to the Bar, and did then by the Speaker pronounce this Judgment against him, (viz.)
- 1. That the said Edward Sanderford should be fined to our Sovereign Lord the King in the Sum of one hundred Marks.
- 2. That he shall stand on the Pillory in Cheapside and Westminster, with a Paper on his Head declaring his Offence.
- 3. That when he shall be taken off the Pillory, in each Place, he shall be whipped from thence at a Cart's-Tayl, the first Day to the Fleet, and the second Day to Bridewell.
- 4. That he shall stand committed to the House of Correction in Bridewell, there to be kept to work during his Life.
Die Sabbati 9 Aprilis, 1642.
A Declaration of both Houses touching Church-Government. April the 9th.
The Lords and Commons do declare, That they intend a due and necessary Reformation of the Government and Liturgy of the Church, and to take away nothing in the one or the other, but what shall be evil and justly offensive or at the least unnecessary and burthensome: And for the better effecting thereof, speedily to have consultation with godly and learned Divines. And because this will never of it self attain the end sought therein, they will therefore use their utmost endeavours to establish learned Preaching Ministers with a good sufficient maintenance throughout the whole Kingdom,, wherein many dark corners are miserably destitute of the means of Salvation, and many poor Ministers want necessary Provision.
Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That this Declaration of both Houses touching the Government and Liturgy of the Church, shall be forthwith printed and published by the Sheriffs in their several Counties, in all the Market-Towns within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales.
His Majesty's Message sent to the Parliament the 8th of April, 1642 concerning his Resolution to go into Ireland, for suppressing the Rebels there.
King's Offer to go in Person into Ireland, April 8, 1642.
'His Majesty being grieved at the very Soul, for the Calamities of his good Subjects of Ireland, and being most tenderly sensible of the false and scandalous Reports dispersed amongst the People, concerning the Rebellion there; which not only wounds his Majesty in Honour, but likewise greatly retards the reducing of that unhappy Kingdom, and multiplies the Distractions at home, by weakening the mutual confidence between him and his People; out of his pious Zeal to the Honour of Almighty God, in establishing the true Protestant Profession in that Kingdom, and his Princely Care for the good of all his Dominions, hath firmly resolved, with all convenient speed to go into Ireland, to chastise those wicked and detestable Rebels (odious to God, and all good Men) thereby so to settle the Peace of that Kingdom, and the Security of this, that the very Name of Fears and Jealousies may be no more heard of amongst us.
'As his Majesty doubts not, but that his Parliament will chearfully give all possible assistance to this good Work; so he requires them, and all his loving Subjects to believe, that he shall, upon those Considerations, as earnestly pursue this Design (not declining any hazard of his Person in performing that Duty which he oweth to the Defence of God's true Religion, and his distressed Subjects) as for these, and only these ends he undertakes it; to the sincerity of which Profession he calls God to witness, with this farther assurance, That his Majesty will never consent (upon whatsoever Pretence) to a Toleration of the Popish Profession there, or the Abolition of the Laws now in Force against Popish Recusants in that Kingdom.
'His Majesty hath farther thought fit to advertise this Parliament, that towards this Work he intends to raise forthwith by his Commissions, in the Counties near Westchester, a Guard for his own Person (when he shall come into Ireland) consisting of two thousand Foot and two hundred House, which shall be armed at Westchester from his Magazine at Hull: At which time all the Officers and Soldiers shall take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance: The charge of raising and paying whereof his Majesty desires his Parliament to add to their former undertakings for that War; which his Majesty will not only well accept; but if their pay be found too great a burthen to his good Subjects, his Majesty will be willing (by the Advice of his Parliament) to sell, or pawn any of his Parks, Lands, or Houses toward the Supplies of the Service of Ireland; with the Addition of these Levies to the former of English and Scots agreed upon in Parliament, he hopes so to appear in this Action, that (by the Assistance of Almighty God) in a short time that Kingdom may be wholly reduced and restored to peace, and some measure of happiness, whereby he may chearfully return, to be welcomed home with the Affections and Blessings of all his good English People.
'Toward this good Work, as his Majesty hath lately made dispatches unto Scotland to quicken the Levies there for Ulster; so he heartily wishes, that his Parliament here would give all possible expedition to those which they have resolved for Munster and Conaught; and hopes the encouragement which the Adventurers (of whose Interest his Majesty will be always very careful) will hereby receive (as likewise by the lately signing of a Commission for the Affairs of Ireland, to such persons as were recommended to him by both Houses of Parliament) will raise full Summs of Money for the doing thereof.
'His Majesty hath been likewise pleased (out of his earnest desire to remove all occasions, which do unhappily multiply misunderstandings between him and his Parliament) to prepare a Bill to be offered to them by his Attorney concerning the Militia, whereby he hopes the Peace and Safety of this Kingdom may be fully secured, to the general satisfaction of all Men, without violation of his Majesty's just Rights, or prejudice to the Liberty of the Subject: If this shall be thankfully received, he is glad of it; if refused, he calls God, and all the World to judge, on whose part the default is: One thing his Majesty requires (if this Bill be approved of) that if any Corporation shall make their lawful Rights appear, they may be reserved unto them.
'Before his Majesty shall part from England, he will take all due care to intrust such Persons with such Authority in his absence, as he shall find to be requisite for the peace and safety of this Kingdom, and the happy Progress of this Parliament.
The Petition of the Lords and Commons, presented to his Majesty by the Earl of Stamford, Mr. Chancellour of the Exchequer, and Mr. Hungerford, Esq; April 28, 1642.
The Two Houses Petition the King not to go into Ireland, Apr. the 28th, 1642.
May it please your Majesty,
Your Majesty's most Loyal and Faithful Subjects, the Lords and Commons in Parliament, have duly considered the Message received from your Majesty concerning your purpose of going into Ireland in your own Person, to prosecute the War there with the Bodies of your English Subjects, levied, transported, and maintained at their Charge, which you are pleased to propound to us, not as a matter wherein your Majesty desires the Advice of your Parliament, but as already firmly resolved on, and forthwith to be put in execution, by granting out Commissions for the levying of two thousand Foot, and two hundred Horse for a Guard for your Person, when you shall come into that Kingdom; wherein we cannot chuse but, with all reverence and humility to your Majesty observe, that you have declined your great Council, the Parliament, and varied from the usual course of your Royal Predecessors; that a business of so great Importance, concerning the Peace and Safety of all your Subjects, and wherein they have a special interest by your Majesty's promise, and by those great Summs which they have disbursed, and for which they stand engaged, should be concluded and undertaken without their Advice: Whereupon we hold it our duty to declare, That if at this time your Majesty shall go into Ireland, you will very much endanger the Safety of your Royal Person and Kingdoms, and of all other States, professing the Protestant Religion in Christendem, and make way to the execution of that cruel and bloody design of the Papists every where to root out and destroy the Reformed Religion, as the Irish Papists have in a great part already effected in that Kingdom, and in all likelihood would quickly be attempted in other places, if the Consideration of the Strength and Union of the two Nations of England and Scotland did not much hinder and discourage the execution of any such Design. And that we may manifest to your Majesty the Danger and Misery which such a Journey and Enterprize would produce, we present to your Majesty the Reasons of this our humble Opinion and Advice.
- 1. Your Royal Person will be subject, not only to the Casualty of War, but to the secret Practices and Conspiracies; especially your Majesty continuing your Profession to maintain the Protestant Religion in that Kingdom, which the Papists are generally bound by their Vow to extirpate.
- 2. It will exceedingly encourage the Rebels, who do generally profess and declare, That your Majesty doth countenance their Proceedings, and that this Insurrection was undertaken by the Warrant of your Commission, and it will make good their expectation of great advantage by your Majesty's presence at this time of so much distraction in this Kingdom, whereby they may hope we shall be disabled to supply the War there; especially there appearing less necessity of your Majesty's going thither at this time, by reason of the manifold Successes which God hath given against them.
- 3. It will much hinder and impair the means whereby this War is to be supported, and increase the Charge of it, and in both these respects, make it more insupportable to your Subjects: And this we can confidently affirm, because many of the Adventurers, who have already subscribed, do, upon the knowledge of your Majesty's Intention, declare their Resolution, not to pay in their Money; and others very willing to have subscrib'd, do now profess the contrary.
- 4. Your Majesty's Absence must necessarily very much interrupt the Proceedings of Parliament, and deprive your Subjects of the benefit of those farther Acts of Grace and Justice, which we shall humbly expect from your Majesty for the establishing of a perfect Union, and mutual Confidence betwixt your Majesty and your People, nnd procuring and confirming the Prosperity and Happiness of both.
- 5. It will exceedingly increase the Jealousies and Fears of your People, and render their doubts more probable of some force intended by some evil Counsels near your Majesty, in opposition of the Parliament, and favour of the malignant Party of this Kingdom.
- 6. It will bereave your Parliament of that advantage, whereby they were induced to undertake this War, upon your Majesty's promise, that it should be managed by their Advice; which cannot be done, if your Majesty, contrary to their Counsels, shall undertake to order and govern it in your own Person.
Upon which, and divers other reasons, we have resolved by the full and concurring agreement of both Houses, that we cannot with discharge of our Duty, consent to any Levies, or raising of Soldiers to be made by your Majesty for this your intended expedition into Ireland, or to the Payment of any Army or Soldiers there, but such as shall be employed and governed according to our advice and direction; and that if such Levies shall be made by any Commission of your Majesty (not agreed to by both Houses of Parliament) we shall be forced to interpret the same to be raised to the terror of your People, and disturbance of the publick Peace, and held our selves bound by the Laws of the Kingdom, to apply the Authority of Parliament to suppress the same.
And we do farther most humbly declare, That if year Majesty shall by ill Counsel be perswaded to go contrary to this Advice of your Parliament (which we hope your Majesty will not) we do not in that case hold our selves bound to submit to any Commissioners which your Majesty shall chuse; but do resolve to preserve and govern the Kingdom by the Council and Advice of Parliament for your Majesty and your Posterity, according to our Allegiance, and the Laws of the Land.
Wherefore we do most humbly pray, and advise your Majesty to desist from your intended Passage into Ireland, and from all Preparation of Men and Arms, tending thereunto, and to leave the management of that War to your Parliament, according to your Majesty's Promise made unto us, and your Royal Commission, granted unto your great Seal of England, by Advice of both Houses, in prosecution whereof, by God's Blessing, we have already made a prosperous entrance by many defeats of the Rebels, whereby they are much weakened and disheartened, and have no probable means of subsistence, if our Proceedings shall not be interrupted by your Majesty's Journey, but that we may hope, upon good Grounds, that within a short time, without hazard of your Majesty's Person, and so much dangerous confusion to your Kingdoms (which must needs ensue) if you should proceed in this Resolution, we shall be enabled fully to vindicate your Majesty's Right and Authority in that Kingdom, and punish those horrible, outragious cruelties, which have been committed, in the murthering and spoiling so many of your Subjects; and bring that Realm to such a condition, as may be much for the advantage of your Majesty and this Crown, the honour of your Government, and contentment of your People; for the better and more speedy effecting whereof, we do again renew our humble Desires of your Return to your Parliament, and that you will please to reject all Counsels or Apprehensions, which may any way derogate from that Faithfulness and Allegiance, which in truth and sincerity we have always born and professed to your Majesty, and shall ever make good to the uttermost with our Lives and Fortunes.
His Majesty's Answer to the Petition of the Lords and Commons to disswade him from going into Ireland.
King's Reply touching his going to Ireland.
'We are so troubled and astonished to find the unexpected Reception, and Misunderstanding of our Message of the 8th. of April, concerning our Irish Journey, that being so much disappointed of the approbation and thanks we looked for to that Declaration; we have great cause to doubt whether it be in our power to say or do any thing, which shall not fall within interpretation; but as we have in that Message called God to witness the Sincerity of the Profession of our only ends for the undertaking that Journey, so we must appeal to all our good Subjects, and the whole World, whether the Reasons alledged against that Journey be of weight to satisfie our understanding, or the Counsel presented to disswade us from it, be full of that duty as is like to prevail over our affections.
'For our resolving of so great a Business without the Advice of our Parliament, we must remember you, how often by our Messages, we made the same offer, if you would advise us thereunto, to which you never gave us the least Answer, but in your late Declaration told us, That you were not to be satisfied with words: So that we had reason to conceive you rather avoided (out of regard to our Person) to give us Counsel to run that hazard, than that you disapproved the Inclination; and what greater comfort or security, can the Protestants of Christendom receive than by seeing a Protestant King venture and engage his Person for the defence of that Profession, and the suppression of Popery, to which we solemnly protested in that Message never to grant a Toleration upon what pretence soever, or an Abolition of any of the Laws, there in force against the Professors of it. And when we consider the great calamities, and unheard of cruelties our poor Protestant Subjects in that Kingdom have undergone for the space of near, or full six Months, the growth and increase of the strength of those barbarous Rebels, and the evident probability of Foreign Supplies, (if they are not speedily suppressed) the very slow Succours hitherto sent them from hence; that the Officers of several Regiments, who have a long time been allowed entertainment from you for that service, have not raised any Supply or Succour for that Kingdom; that many Troops of Horse have long lain near Chester untransported, that the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on whom we rely'd principally for the conduct and managing of Affairs there, is still in this Kingdom, notwithstanding our earnestness expressed that he should repair to his command; and when we consider the many and great scandals raised upon our self by report of the Rebels, and not sufficiently discountenanced here, notwithstanding so many professions of ours, and had seen a Book lately printed by the Order of the House of Commons, intituled, A Remonstrance of divers remarkable Passages concerning the Church and Kingdom of Ireland; wherein some Examinations are set down, which (how improbable or impossible soever) may make an impression in the minds of many of our weak Subjects. And lastly, when we duly weigh the dishonour which will perpetually lie upon this Kingdom, if full and speedy relief be not dispatched thither, we could nor cannot think of a better way to discharge our duty to Almighty God for the defence of the true Protestant Profession, or to manifest our affection to our Three Kingdoms for their preservation, than by engaging our Person in this Expedition, as many of our Royal Progenitors have done, even in Foreign Parts, upon Causes of less Importance and Piety, with great honour to themselves, and advantage to this Kingdom; and therefore we expected at least, thanks for such our Inclination.
'For the danger to our Person; We conceive it necessary and worthy of a King to adventure his life to preserve his Kingdom; neither can it be imagined, that we will sit still and suffer our Kingdoms to be lost, and our good Protestant Subjects to be massacred without exposing our own Person to the utmost hazard for their Relief and Preservation; our life, when it was most pleasant, being nothing so precious to us, as it is, and shall be to govern and preserve our People with Honour and Justice.
'For any encouragement to the Rebels, because of the Reports they raised; we cannot conceive that the Rebels are capable of greater terror than by the presence of their lawful King in the Head of an Army to chastise them: Besides, it will be an unspeakable advantage to them, if any reports of theirs could hinder us from doing any thing which were sit for us to do, if such Reports we not raised; this would quickly teach them in this jealous Age to prevent by such Reports any other Persons coming against them, whom they had no mind should be imployed.
'We marvel that the Adventurers, whose advantage was a principal Motive (next the reason before-mentioned) to us, should so much mistake our purpose, whose interest, we conceive, must be much improved by the Expedition, we hope (by God's Blessing) to use in this Service: This being the most probable way for the speedy Conquest of the Rebels; their Lands are sufficiently secured by Act of Parliament.
'We think not our self kindly used, that the Addition of so few Men to your Levies (for a guard to our Person in Ireland) should be thought fit for your refusal: And much more, that having used so many cautions in that Message, both in the smallness of the Number; in our having raised none until your Answer; in their being to be raised only near their place of Shipping; in their being there to be armed, and that, not 'till they were ready to be shipped; in the Provision, by the Oaths, that none of them should be Papists (all which appears sufficient to destroy all grounds of Jealousie of any force intended by them in opposition to the Parliament, or favour to any malignant Party) any suspicion should notwithstanding be grounded upon it.
'Neither can it be understood; that when we recommended the managing of that War to you, that we intended to exclude our self, or not to be concerned in your Councils, that if we found any Expedient (which in our Conscience or Understanding we thought necessary for that great Work,) we might not put it in practice. We look upon you as our great Council, whose Advice we always have and will (with great regard and deliberation) weigh and consider: But look upon our self, as neither deprived of our understanding, or divested of any right we had, if there were no Parliament sitting, we called you together by our own Writ and Authority (without which you could not have met) to give us faithful Council about our great Affairs: But we resigned not up our own Interest and Freedom. We never subjected our self to your absolute determination. We have always weighed your Councils as proceeding from a Body entrusted by us: And when we have dissented from you, we have returned you the Reasons, which have prevailed with our Conscience and Understanding, with that Candour, as a Prince should use towards his Subjects, and that Affection, which a Father can express to his Children, what application hath been used to rectifie our Understanding by Reasons, or what Motives have been given to perswade our Affections, we leave all the World to judge: And then we must tell you, however, a major part may bind you in matter of opinion, we hold our self (as we are by the Law, and sure the Constitution of this Kingdom hath always held the same) as free to dissent ('till our Reason be convinced for the general-good) as if you deliver'd no opinion. For our Journey it self, the Circumstances of your Petition are such, as we know not well what Answer to return, or whether we were best to give any: That part which pretends to carry reason with it, doth no way satisfie us: The other, which is rather reprehension and menace, than advice, cannot stagger us. Our Answer therefore is, That we shall be very glad to find the work of Ireland so easie as you seem to think it; which did not so appear by any thing known to us, when we sent our Message. And though we will never refuse, or be unwilling to venture our Person for the good and safety of our People, we are not so weary of our life, as to hazard it impertinently. And therefore since you seem to have received Advertisements of some late and great Successes in that Kingdom, we will stay some time to see the event of these, and not pursue this Resolution, 'till we have given you a second notice. But if we find the miserable Condition of our poor Subjects of that Kingdom be not speedily relieved, we will (with God's assistance) visit them with Succours, as our particular Credit and Interest can supply us with, if you refuse to joyn with us. And we doubt not but the Levies we shall make (in which we will observe punctually the former, and all other cautions, as may best prevent all fears and jealousies, and to use no power but what is Legal) will be so much to the satisfaction of our Subjects, as no person will dare presume to resist our Commands, and if they should, at their peril be it. In the mean time we hope our forwardness so remarkable to that Service, shall be notorious to all the World and that all scandals laid on us in that business shall be clearly wiped away.
'We were so careful that our Journey into Ireland should not interrupt the Proceedings of Parliament, nor deprive our Subjects of any Acts of Justice or further Acts of Grace, for the real benefit of our People, that we made a free offer of leaving such power behind, as should not only be necessary for the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom, but fully provide for the happy Progress of the Parliament, and therefore we cannot but wonder, since such power hath been always left here by Commission for the Government of this Kingdom, when our Progenitors have been out of the same, during the sitting of Parliament: And since your selves desired that such a Power might be left here by us at our last going into Scotland, what Law of the Land have now found to dispence with you, from submitting to such Authority, legally derived from us, in our absence; and to enable you to govern this Kingdom by your own meer Authority.
'For our return towards London, we have given you so full an Answer in our late Declaration, and in Answer to your Petition presented to us at York the 20th. of March last, that we know not what to add, if you will not provide for our security with you, nor agree to remove to another place, where there may not be the same Danger to us. We expected that (since we have been so particular in the Causes and Grounds of our Fears) you should have sent us word, That you had published such Declarations against future Tumulis and unlawful Assemblies, and taken such Courses for the Suppressing of Seditious Sermons and Pamphlets, that our Fears of that kind might be laid aside, before you should press our Return.
'To conclude, We could wish that you would (with the same strictness and severity) weigh and examine your Messages and Expressions to us, as you do those you receive from us; for we are very confident, that if you examine our Rights and Privileges by what our Predecessors have enjoyed, and your own Addresses, by the usual Courses of your Ancestors; you will find many expressions in this Petition warranted only by your own Authority, which indeed, we forbear to take Notice of, or to give Answer to, left we should be tempted (in a just Indignation) to express a greater Passion, than we are yet willing to put on. God in his good time (we hope) will so inform the hearts of our Subjects, that we shall recover from the mischief and danger of this distemper, on whose good pleasure we will wait with all patience and humility.
A Letter sent to his Majesty from the Lords Justices, and Council in Ireland, April 23, 1642. Concerning his Majesty's Resolution to go into Ireland.
Letter of the Justices in Ireland touching his Majesty's going into that Kingdom April 23.
May it pease Your most Excellent Majesty,
By your Majesty's Gracious Letters of the 13th. of this Month, and a Copy of your Majesty's Message sent lately to your Parliament in your Kingdom of England (both which came to the hands of us your Justices, on the 18th. of this Month) we observe that your Majesty, out of a just sense of the great miseries and afflictions of your distressed Subjects in this your Kingdom of Ireland, occasioned by the inhumane cruelties of the Rebels here, and out of your tender and gracious care of your good Subjects on this side, hath firmly resolved (by the assistance of Almighty God) with all pessible speed to make a Journey hither, in your own Royal Person, for the full and final suppressing of this Rebellion. Those Letters and Message, we your Majesty's Justices then immediately communicated with the Council, as we always do all matters of Importance concerning your Sacred Majesty's Service; and caused the Copy sent us of your Message to your Parliament in England to be printed here, so to make known here your Majesty's gracious Purpose, as you commanded us.
And we all jointly do humbly beseech your Majesty to give us leave to cast ourselve, at your Majesty's fect, and (with the Duty and Loyalty of faithful Subjects) most humbly and thankfully to acknowledge to your Sacred Majesty, as well your continued Grace and Goodness upon all Occasions expressed to this your Kingdom, and all your Subjects therein, and amongst them, even to those wretched Rebels themselves heretofore, when they stood in the Condition of good Subjects, though they want the gratitude to be sensible of it, as particularly, this high addition of your Majesty's gracious Favour to us, in not sparing the pains, or hazard even of your own Royal Person for the suppressing of this hideous Rebellion, and punishment of these ungrateful and treacherous Rebels, who are thus unnaturally risen in Arms against your Majesty, expressed such unparallell'd hatred and detestation against your Government and Nation spilt (unprovoked) the blood of so many thousands of your faithful and innocent Subjects, destroy'd the Estates of all British and Protestants in the Kingdom; and (which is above all) as appears by several examination, and many other concurring Circumstances here, notwithstanding all their false and feigned pretences to disguise their wicked and traiterous Purposes, aimed finally at no less (which we tremble to write, and cannot think without horror and astonishment at their impiety) than even to deprive you of your Royal Crown and Dignity, and to place over them some of themselves or some Foreign Prince, and so altogether to slake off the English Government. Wherefore we cannot but rejoice (even in the midst of our present Calamities) to hear your Majesty's Princely Purpose, to take just vengeance on them, for vindicating your Honour, revenging the Blood and Destruction of so many of your faithful Subjects, and securing the future Safety of your Crown and Kingdom.
And as we do thus joyfully apprehend the happiness we are to enjoy by those your Majesty's Royal urposes, so we hold it agreeable with the Duty of us your Loyal Subjects and Faithful Servants, whom you have advanced to the Honour to serve you as Counsellors to you in this your Kingdom, humbly to present to your Majesty, upon this occasion, the present Estate of your affairs here, and the Condition wherein this Kingdom stands, which we have done by our Letters now sent to Master Secretary Nicholas, to be made known to your Majesty, so that your Majesty understanding them, may on that side provide for supplying our defects here, and rendring safety to your own Royal Person, against these bloody Rebels, as your Majesty in your Excellent Judgment shall think fit, whereby you may (to the Comfort of your good Subjects, and Terror of your Enemies) appear in this Kingdom in that Majesty which is suitable to the Greatness and Wisdom of so mighty a King as God hath appointed you, whom we pray God to bless and prosper with length of Days, and a happy and blessed Government over this, and all other your Kingdoms and Dominions, to the Glory of God, the Honour of your Majesty, and the Joy and Comfort of all your Subjects, and amongst them of us,
Your Majesty's most Loyal and most Faithful Subjects and Servants.
From your Majesty's Castle of Dublin, April 23, 1642.
This Letter was subscribed by Sir William Parsons, Sir Jo. Borlase, Justices; Earl of Ormond Ossory, Earl of Roscommon, Lord Digby, Lord Charles Lambert, Sir Thomas St. John, Rotheram Temple, Sir Francis Willoughby, Sir Adam Lofius, Sir James Ware, Sir George Wentworth, Sir Robert Meredith.
A Message from a Committee of both Houses to the spanish Ambassador.
The Lords and Commons have commanded us to intimate to the Spanish Ambassadour the Advertisement that they have received of certain Ships lying in Dunkirk, laden with Ammunition, ready to fail, intended for the relief of the Rebels in Ireland: This they hold contrary to the Articles agreed upon in the Treaty of Peace between the two Crowns. And therefore the Ambassadour is to be moved from both Houses to send speedily to Dunkirk, and to all other his Master's Dominions, and to the King his Master to make stay of those, and all such Ships as may carry any Supply of Men, Victuals, Money, or any other Aid to his Majesty's Subjects, that at this present are in Rebellion in Ireland, which otherwise will be understood to be a Breach of the Treaties between the Crowns of England and Spain, and so resented by the Parliament.
The Spanish Ambassador's Answer.
The Lord Ambassadour of Spain, Don Allanso de Cardenas having understood what the Lord Fielding of the Lords House, and Sir Thomas Barrington, Baronet, and Sir John Holland, Baronet, of the House of Commons, all three Commissioners for the Parliament, have said in behalf of both Houses, concerning the Advertisement given them, that in the Haven of Dunkirk there were certain Ships laden with Ammunition, ready to take fail, intended for the relief of the Rebels of Ireland, which they hold contrary to the Articles of Peace between the two Crowns. And that they required he should send to Dunkirk, and all other his Majesty's Dominions, and that he should write unto the King his Master, to make stay of those, and all such Ships as may carry supply of Powder, Victuals, Money, or any other Aid to his Majesty's Subjects, that at this present are in Rebellion in Ireland; because otherwise it would be understood to be a breach of the Treaties between the two Crowns, and so resented by the Parliament. The said Ambassadour of Spain answered, That besides the understanding, which be hath of the King his Master's mind and intension to conserve the friendship which he professeth with his Majesty of Great-Britain, he hath express and most particular notice, that the Ships which are now in Dunkirk Haven, laden with Soldiers and Ammunition, and ready to fail, neither are for Ireland, nor were they provided for any such purpose, and that this notice was given him by Don Francisco de Melo, Earl of Assumer, Governour and Captain-General of the States of Flanders, whom the Resident of his Majesty of Great-Britain, that assists in Brussels, assured that he is fully satisfied of their not going for Ireland, as is also his King, who signified so much unto him in a Letter, in which he likewise commanded him to thank the said Don Francisco de Melo, for denying leave, which certain Irish, serving in those States, had asked to return to their Country, which he denied; to avoid all suspicion, notwithstanding their end for asking it, was unknown. The same Assurance did the same Ambassadour give unto the Commissaries aforesaid of the Parliament, concerning the mentioned Ships in Dunkirk laden with Ammunition and Soldiers, that they are not for Ireland: And be proffered to write to Dunkirk, and all other parts of Flanders, and Dominions of the King his Master; and particularly to his Catholick Majesty, to the end, That the observance of the Articles of Peace, which hitherto have been so religiously observed of the King his Master's part, and his Subjects, may be continued, and that new and strict Orders be given, That no Subjects of his Catholick Majesty, shall dare violate them, against finding any kind of Aids to foster the Insurrection in Ireland, under pain of the punishment imposed upon the Transgressors. And the said Ambassadour, to manifest the sincerity of his Heart, proffered to sollicit it with the readiest and most forcible means that lay in his power, hoping (as in reason he should) that his Majesty of Great-Britain, and the Parliament, will for their part punctually observe the same in the aforesaid conformity towards the Rebels of the King his Master, not permitting any kinds of succour or assistance in whatsoever quality to be offer'd them, from these Kingdoms. Renewing for this effect all requisite Orders unto the Officers and Ports of the said Kingdoms, chastising the Transgressors of what is settled in the Peace, with the punishments contained in the Articles of it; that so by reciprocal observance, the good correspondency, which is at this present betwixt these two Crowns of Spain and England, may be assuredly maintained.
A Special Order of the House of Commons, concerning the Free Offer of the County of Buckingham, towards Relief of Ireland. Die Sabbati 9 April, 1642.
Order touching the Offer of the County of Buckt, toward the Relief of Ireland, April 9.
Whereas the Gentlemen of the County of Buckingham have offered unto this House freely, to lend six thousand pounds upon the Act of Contribution for the Affairs of Ireland, and to pay in the same before the first day of May next ensuing. This House doth take in very good part that offer, and accept the same, and doth hereby Order, That the said six thousand pounds shall be repaid out of the first monies that shall be raised in that County upon the Bill of four hundred thousand pounds, and Mr. Hampden, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Winwood, and Mr. Whitlock, are appointed to return thanks to the County of Buckingham from this House for their kind offer and acceptable service.
And it is further Ordered and Declared by this House, That if any other County, or Persons shall do the like, the same will be taken as a very good service to the Common-wealth, and such as will be well accepted by this House; and the monies which they shall lend, shall be repaid unto them with Interest, if they desire it, out of the monies that shall be raised in those Counties, where such Persons inhabit, out of the Bill of four hundred thousand pounds.
And it is further Ordered, That this Order shall be forthwith published.
H. Elsign, Cler. Parlament. Com.
The Names of such Members of the Commons House of Parliament that Subscribed in pursuance of the Act of Parliament, for the speedy Reducing of the Rebels, and the future Peace and Safety of that Kingdom, together with the Summs by them under-written.
April 9, 1642.
MR. Walter Long 1200 l. Sir Robert Pye 1000. 8 Martii, 1641. Mr. Samuel Vasal 1200. Sir Samuel Rolls of Devon 1000. William Lord Munsen 2400. Sir John Harrison 1200. 19 Martii. Sir William Brereton 1000. 21 Martii. Sir Edward Aisheough 600. Mr. John and Mr. Edward Ash 1200. 24 Martii. Sir Gilbert Pickering 600. 25 Martii, 1642. Sir John Clotworthy in money 500. Sir John Clotworthy for his entertainment as Collonel in the Fish wars 500. Mr Henry Martin 1200. 26 Martii. Mr. Arthur Goodwin 1800. Sir Arthur Haslerig of Leicestershire 1200. Mr. Robert Reynolds 1200. Sir Robert Parkhurst 1000. Sir Thomas Dacres 600. Sir John Ports 600. Sir Arthur Ingram 1000. Dr. Thomas Eden 600. Mr. Oliver Cromwel 500 Mr. Nathaniel Fines 600. Mr. John Pym 600. Sir Walter Earl 600. Mr Cornelius Holland 600. Sir John Northcort 450. Mr. Roger Matthew 300. Sir Nathaniel Bernardiston 600. Sir William Masham 600. Sir Martin Lomley for Martin Lomley his Son Esq; 1200. Mr. Thomas Hoyle of York 600. Mr. Anthony Bedding field, and Mr. William Cage 700. Sir William Allenson of York 600. Mr. William Hevingham 600. Mr. Herbert Morley 600. Sir William Morley 1200. Sir John Culpepper 600. Sir Edward Patberith 600. Richard Shuttleworth Esq; 600. Mr. John More and Mr. William Thomas 600. Mr. John Lisle 600. Mr. John Blackston 600. Sir Gilbert Gerrard 2000. Mr. Bulstrode Whitlock 600. Sir Edward Momford, and Mr. Richard Harmon 600. Mr. John Trenchard 600. Mr. John Gurdon 1000. Mr. John Barker 1000. Mr. William Harrison 600. 29 Martii. Mr. John Wild Serjeant at Law, and Mr. Thomas Lane 1000. Nathaniel Hallows of Derby for himself and others 1400. John Frankling 600. Mr. George Buller of the County of Cornwal 600 Sir Henry Mildway 600. 1 April. Mr. Oliver St. John 600. Sir John Wray 600. Sir Thomas Barrington 1200. Mr. Robert Goodwyn, and Mr. John Goodwyn 600. 2 April. Mr. Denzil Hollii 1000. Mr. John Crew 600. Sir John Peyton 600. 4 April. Sir William Plactors 600. Sir William Strickland 600. Sir Thomas Savin 1000. Alexander and Esq; Bence 600. Mr. John Rolles of Devon 450. Mr. John Hampden 1000. Mr. William Jesson 300. Sir Edward Bainten 600. Thomas Lord Wenman, and Mr. Richard Winwood 1200. 5 April. Sir William Drake 600. Mr. William Spurston 600. Sir John Evelyn of Godstone, in the County of Surrey, for himself and others 1500. 7 April. Mr. Miles Corbet 200. 9 April.
The rest of the Members subscribed at several times afterwards.
But the most eminent Occurrence that happen'd in this Month of April, 1642. being Sir Jo. Hotham 's denying his Majesty Entrance into Hull, I thought fit to cast that, and the matter relating thereunto, into a Chapter by it self, as followeth.