Historical Collections: March 1642

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: March 1642', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp558-559 [accessed 14 March 2025].

Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: March 1642', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp558-559.

Rushworth, John. "Historical Collections: March 1642". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp558-559.

In this section

March, 1641.

When the Queen and her Daughter, the young Princess of Orange, had set fail for Holland, the King came back to Greenwich, whither he sent for the Prince and Duke of York to come to him, and attend him in his Journey to the City of York, which was the Place where he intended to reside and to that purpose immediately went on his way as far as Theobalds; to which Place he was followed with a Petition from both Houses, presented to him on the 1st. of March, 1641. (which see above, Chapter of the Militia, as also the King's Answer.)

Notwithstanding what the Parliament could alledge to disswade him, the King prosecutes his Northern Journey, where he arrived on the 19th of this Month, being attended at divers Places in his Journey with Petitions from both Houses, which because they relate chiefly to the Business of the Militia, have been likewise inserted into that Chapter, as also the King's Answers thereunto, and the Votes and Measures made and taken by the Parliament thereupon.

Wednesday, 2d. March.

An Order to the Lords and Commons concerning the Navy.

The Lords and Commons, in this present Parliament Assembled, having received Advertisements of extraordinary Preparations made by the Neighbouring Princes, both by Land Sea; the Intentions whereof have been so represented, as to raise an apprehension in both Houses, that the publick Honour, Peace and Safety of his Majesty and this Kingdom cannot be secured, unless a timely course be taken for putting the Kingdom into a condition of defence at Sea as well as Land. It is therefore Ordered by the Lords and Commons aforesaid, That the Earl of Northumberland, Lord High-Admiral of England, do forthwith give effectual Direction and Order, that all, and every the Ships belonging to his Majesty's Navy, which are fit for Service, and not already abroad, nor designed for this Summer's Fleet, be with all speed rigged, and put in such a readiness, as that they may soon be fitted for the Sea. And that his Lordship do also make known to all the Masters and Owners of such Ships, as now are in, or about any the Harbours of this Kingdom, and may be of use for the publick defence thereof, that it will be an acceptable Service to the King and Parliament, if they likewise will cause their Ships to be rigged, and so far put in a readiness, as they may be at a short warning set forth to Sea, upon any emergent Occasion, which will be a means of great security to his Majesty and his Dominions.

On the 16th of March, the King being at Stamford, issued a Proclamation for putting in Execution the Laws against Papists, as followeth:

By the King.

A Proclamation against Popish Recusants.

The king's most Excellent Majesty having been formerly moved by his Parliament for putting the Laws in Execution against Papists, whereto he hath from Time to time still given his Gracious Answers, expressing his Willingness thereunto: But now finding that no such Proceedings against them have been yet had, as might answer his Majesty's Expression; his Majesty therefore out of his Princely and Lious Cave, as well for maintaining the true Protestant Religion established in his Kingdom, as for suppressing, by lawful ways, all Increase and Growth of Popery, hath thought fit to publish his Ropal Pleasure therein: wherefore his Majesty both hereby straitly charged and command all, and every his Judges and Justices of Assize, Sheriffs, Justices of the peace, and oither his Officers and Ministers whatsoever, whom it doth any way concern, That they, and every of them, according to the Duties of their several Offices and Places, do forthwith, and without further Delay put in due and effectual Execution the Laws and Statutes oif this Realm, provided and made against Popish Recusants, and that without Favour Connivance, as they tender his Majesty's Just and Loayal Commands, and the Good of his Church and Kingdom, and will answer for neglect of their Duties herein.

Given at his Majesty's Court at Stamford, the 16th Day
of March, in the Seventeenth Year of his Reign.

Wednesday 16th. of March, 1641.

An Order of the Lords concerning private Persons.

Whereas the Lords in the upper House of Parliament, do find that there are many Petitions concerning private Persons depending now before their Lordships, and conceive that many more may be brought into that House, if timely Advertisement be not given to the contrary, which may occasion the repair and attendance of divers of his Majesty's loving Subjects upon their Lordships; who cannot give a dispatch to private Businesses, by reason of the many publick and great Affairs that now lye before them, concerning the Safety and Weal of his Majesty's Kingdoms.

It is therefore thought fit and so ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That all private Businesses shall be hereby deferred and put off, until the 1st. Day of the next Term, being the 27th. of April next: Whereof this House doth hereby give notice to all his Majesty's loving People, to prevent the Charge and Trouble, which otherwise the Petitioners might be put unto in repairing unto the House at this Time.
John Brown, Cleric. Parliament.

The King being come to York, renews his Claim to the Duties of Tunnage and Poundage, though the late Act that gave them was expired; and accordingly publishes this ensuing Proclamation.

By the King.

A Proclamation concerning the true Payment of Tunnage and Poundage.

Tunnage and Poundage.

Whereas in and by the last Act of this presence Parliament concerning Tunnage and Poundage, (intituled, A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage, Poundage, and other Summs of Money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported,) it is provided, That no penalty no resisture contained in the said last Act, or in an Act made in the first year of his Majesty's late Royal father king James, (intituted, A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage, Poundage, Woolls, &c.) do, or shall ensue to any Person or Persons, unless they refuse to compound for any Merchandize or Goods imported or exported, after notice given of the said last Act, Penalty and Forfeiture by Proclamation, where the said Goods are or ought to be entered.

His most Excellent Majesty, left any his loving Subjects or others (under Pretence of Ignorants) should forbear to pay the said Tunnage, Poundage, and other Summs of Money payable upon Merchandize, or Goods either exported or imported, contrary to the Tenour of the said last Act, and for the more speedy publishing thereof, hath thought fit (by Addice of his Parliament) hereby to declare his Royal Will and Pleasure to be, That all his loving Subjects and others, whom it shall or may concern, to take notice of the said last Act; and that they and every of them do accordingly pay the said Tunnage and Poundage, and other Summs of Money thereby said or imposed upon Merchandizes, or Golods, either imposed or exported, under the Pains and Penalties in the said last Act, and in the said Act made in the first year of the Reign of his Majesty's said late father, or either of them provided or expressed: And to be farther punished according to the Law for their Contempt of his Majesty's Royal Commandment herein.

And therefore his Majesty doth hereby straitly charge and command as well all and every his Customers, Comptrollers, Collectors, Scarchers, Waiters, and others the Officers and Ministers in all and every his Majesty's and havens and havens, and the Members thereof within his Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, as all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Maylisss, Constables, Headboroughs, and other his Majesty's Officers and Ministers, to when it shall or may appertain, that they and every of them in their several Offices and Places respectively, do take care that all and every the Premisses he fully executed and performed according to his Majesty's Royal Will and Pleasure herein declared, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost Perils.

Given at our Court at York the 24th Day of March, in the Seventeenth Year of our Reign.

The very same Day the Lords and Commons published this Order concerning the same.

Thursday 24th. of March, 1641.

Whereas the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage is this Day expired, and a new Bill pass'd both Houses for the continuance of those Payments until the 3d. Day of May, which cannot as yet receive the Royal Assent, in regard of the remoteness of his Majesty's Person from the Parliament, which Monies to be collected by that Bill, are to be imploy'd for the necessary guarding of the Seas, and defence of the Common-wealth: It is therefore Ordered by the Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the several Officers belonging to the Custom-house, both in the Port of London, and the out-Ports, do not permit any Merchant, or other, to lade or unlade any Goods or Merchandizes, before such Persons do first make due Entries thereof in the Custom-house: And it is also hereby declared by the said Commons, That such Officers upon the respective Entry made by any Merchant, as aforesaid, shall intimate to such Merchant, that it is the Advice of the Commons, for the better Ease of the said Merchants, and in regard the respective Duties will relate and become due as from this Day; that the said Merchants upon Entry of their Goods, as they usually did, when a Law was in force for that purpose, would deposite so much Money as the several Customs will amount unto, in the Hands of such Officers, to be by them accounted to his Majesty, as the respective Customs due by the said Bill, when the said Bill shall have the Royal Assent; or otherwise his Majesty refusing the passing thereof, the said Monies to be restored upon demand unto the several Merchants respectively.

H. Elsing, Cleric. Parl. Dom. Com.