Historical Collections: November 1641

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: November 1641', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp421-436 [accessed 14 March 2025].

Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: November 1641', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp421-436.

Rushworth, John. "Historical Collections: November 1641". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp421-436.

In this section

Novemb. 5. A Plot in Scotland to Seize Hamilton, his Brother Lanerick, and the Earl of Argyle.

The House of Commons this Day proceeded to read the Papers sent up by the Committee in Scotland, containing the Depositions taken in that Kingdom, concerning the Plot against the Lives of Marquess Hamilton, the Earl of Argyle, and the Earl of Lanerick (the Marquess's Brother.) The first Examination that was read, was of Mr. William Murray, of his Majesty's Bed-Chamber, taken before a Committee in Scotland, Octob. 27, 1641. wherein he shewed what Discourse had passed between himself and the Earl of Montross; and that the Earl of Montross writ a Letter to the King, touching Matters relating to the King's Crown and Honour: He further deposed, That Colonel Cockrain desired to speak privately with his Majesty, then at Edenburgh, saying he would not declare what he had to say to any other; that the Examinate did bring him privately to the King, and that he spake something concerning Marquess Hamilton and the Earl of Argyle. And that after wards the Examinate discoursed with the Earl of Crawford, and asked him if he had heard of the Earl of Montross's Letter to the King, in which the said Earl accused Marquess Hamilton of High Treason? The Earl of Crawford replied, That the Marquess of Hamilton was a Traytor, but denied that he said to Colonel Cockrain, That he would have all the Traitors Throats cut.

The Lord Amond being examined the same Day, declared there was much Discourse had at his House, when Mr. Murray, the Earl of Crawford, and others were there, but spoke very faintly as to Particulars.

Colonel Cockrain gave his Relation in Writing, and said he was no Subject that would not wholly submit to his Majesty, and told Mr. Murray that he thought the Marquess Hamilton and the Earl of Argyle hindred the Peace of the Country, and that they must be sequestred: And further said, That upon Monday the Earl of Crawford said, he thought the Traitors Heads must be cut off.

Lieutenant Colonel Hume was examined, Octob. 26. who said, That having lately discoursed with the Earl of Crawsord, he thereby discovered a Design which was to be put in Execution, and acquainted General Lesley, Marquess Hamilton, and the Earl of Argyle therewith; declaring that their Persons were to be seized, and that they should be sent on Board one of the King's Ships, and that a Coach should be set ready near the King's Palace, to carry them away in the Night, to the Water.

Captain Steward, set forth to the Committee, Octob. 24. much of the Design, adding, That the Earl of Lanerick (the Marquess's Brother) was also to be taken with them: And that there was a great Faction of Noblemen, and others present in Edenburgh, who were able (as he said) to suppress the Marquess, and the Earl of Argyle, and their Party.

These Papers being read in the House of Commons, Mr. Hollis moved and was seconded by others; That there might be a Conference with the Lords about this Matter, which was ordered accordingly; and the said Papers were imparted to the Lords at a Conference.

A brief Account of this Design against Hamilton, &c. as 'tis set forth in Hamilton's Memoirs, p. 184, and 185.

That a Gentleman not known to the Marquess, brought him and the Earl of Argyle the discovery of a Plot; which, he said, was laid for their Lives, and the Life of the Earl of Lanerick; which he said, he could justify by one Witness, that was invited to the Execution of it: He told also a long formal Story of the Persons to be Actors, and of the Time, Place, and Manner: And said it was to be executed that very Night. This the Marquess carried to the King, without naming the Particulars; but by the Law of Scotland, since he had but one Witness to prove the Design, it was not sufficient: The King desired him to examine the thing to the bottom, and bring him what further Evidence he could find: In the Evening other Presumptions were brought to the Marquess, but no clear Proof: However the matter had taken wind, and was got in every Bodies Mouth, so that all who depended on these Lords, came about them in great Numbers: And those on whom the Design was fastned, gave out, it was a Forgery to make them odious, and gathered also together: The Marquess, &c. hearing this, did not stir out of Doors, left some of their too officious Followers should raise Tumults; and next Day in the Evening, he with the Earl of Argyle, and his Brother the Earl of Lanerick, and half a Dozen Servants went out of Town his House of Kencele, twelve Miles from Edinburgh, and sent his Excuse to his Majesty, with an Account of the Reasons: Upon this many Discourses were raised, People of all Sides passing Construction as they were affected: But the Parliament took the matter into Consideration, before whom those that had given the Information owned what they had said, and those on whom the Plot was charged, did as positively deny all; so that no clear Proof being brought, the Parliament could come to no other Decision, but that the Lords had good Reason to withdraw themselves; and so they were invited to return to their Place in Parliament. However, this was a tedious Business, and put a great Stop to the Settlement betwixt the King and that Nation.—Thus that Author.

Wednesday, Novemb. the 10th, 1641.

The Lord Keeper reported the Conference with the Commons Yesterday, That Mr. Pym delivered, by Command, divers Heads agreed upon by the Commons, which are Instructions to be sent to the Commissioners of both Houses, now attending His Majesty in Scotland, which they desire their Lordships to join with them in.

Instructions to the Commissioners in Scotland, November the 10th. 1641.

The Instructions were read in Hæc verba;

  • 1. You shall humbly inform His Majesty, that the Propositions made to the Parliament of Scotland, concerning their Assistance, for suppressing the Rebellion in Ireland, have been fully consider'd and debated by both Houses of Parliament here, and their wife and brotherly Expressions and Proceedings are apprehended and entertained here by us, not only with Approbation, but with Thankfulness; wherefore we desire that His Majesty will be pleased, that you, in the Name of the Lords and Commons of England, give publick Thanks to the States of the Parliament of Scotland, for their Care and Readiness to employ the Forces of that Kingdom for reducing the rebellious Subjects of Ireland to their due Obedience to His Majesty and the Crown of England.
  • 2. You shall farther make known to His Majesty, That in the great and almost universal Revolt of the Natives of Ireland, cherished and somented (as we have cause to doubt) by the secret Practices and Encouragements of some foreign States ill-affected to this Crown; and that the Northern Parts of that Kingdom may, with much more Ease and Speed, be supplied from Scotland than from England, we humbly desire and beseech His Majesty to make use of the Assistance of his Parliament and Subjects of Scotland, for the present Relief of those Parts of Ireland which lie nearest to them, according to the Treaty agreed upon and confirmed in both Parliaments, and this affectionate and friendly Disposition now lately expressed, as is more particularly specified in the 5th Article.
  • 3. You shall present to His Majesty the Copy enclosed of the Declaration which we have sent into Ireland, for the Incouragement of his good Subjects there, and for the more speedy and effectual opposing of the Rebels; and in Execution and Performance of our Expressions therein made, of Zeal and Faithfulness to His Majesty's Service, we have already taken care for 50000 l. to be presently borrowed and secured by Parliament. We have likewise resolved to hasten the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, very speedily to repair thither, and forthwith to raise a convenient Number of Horse and Foot for securing Dublin, and the English Pale, with such other Parts as remain in His Majesty's Subjection, intending to second them with a far greater Supply.
  • 4. We have farther ordered and directed, That His Majesty's Arms and Munition lying in the City of Carlisle, shall be transported into the North Parts of Ireland, for the supply of Carrickfergus, and other His Majesty's Forts and Garrisons there; and that a convenient Number of Men shall be sent from the North Parts of England, for the better Guard and Defence of those Countries adjoining; and that a large Proportion of Arms and other Munition, shall be speedily conveyed out of His Majesty's Stores to West-Chester, to be disposed according to the Direction of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for arming the Men to be sent from England, and such other of His Majesty's Loyal Subjects as may be raised in Ireland.
  • 5. And because we understand that the Rebels are like, with great Strength, to attempt the Ruine and Destruction of the British Plantation in Ulster, we humbly advise His Majesty, by the Council and Authority of His Parliament in Scotland, to provide that one Regiment consisting of 1000 Men, furnish'd and accomplish'd with all necessary Arms and Munition, as shall seem best to their great Wisdoms and Experience, may with all possible Speed be transported into Ireland, under the Command of some worthy Person well-affected to the Reformed Religion, and the Peace of both Kingdoms, and well enabled with Skill, Judgment and Reputation for such an Imployment, which Forces we desire may be quartered in those Northern Parts, for the opposing of the Rebels, and Comfort Assistance of His Majesty's good Subjects there, with Instructions from His Majesty and the Parliament of Scotland, that they shall, upon all Occasions, pursue and observe the Directions of the Lord Lieutenant, his Lieutenant General, or the Governour of Ireland, according to their Authority derived from His Majesty and Crown of England.
  • 6. That we have just Cause to believe that those Conspiracies and Commotions in Ireland, are but the Effects of the same Councils; and if Persons of such Aims and Conditions shall continue in Credit, Authority and Imployment, the great Aids which we shall be enforced to draw from his People, for subduing the Rebellion in Ireland, will be applied to the fomenting and cherishing of it there, and encouraging some such like Attempt by the Papists, and ill-affected Subjects in England, and in the end, to the Subversion of Religion, and Destruction of His Loyal Subjects in both Kingdoms; and do therefore most humbly beseech His Majesty to change these Councils, from which such ill Courses have proceeded, and which have caused so many Miseries and Dangers to himself and all his Dominions; and that he will be graciously pleased to employ such Councils and Ministers as shall be approv'd of by his Parliament, who are his greatest and most faithful Council, that so his People may with Courage and Confidence undergo the Charge and Hazard of War, and by their Bounty and faithful Endeavours, with God's Blessing restore to His Majesty, and this Kingdom, that Honour, Peace, Safety, and Prosperity, which they have enjoyed in former Times.
  • And if herein His Majesty shall not vouchsafe to condescend to our humble Supplications, although we shall always continue with Reverence and Faithfulness to his Person and to his Crown, and to perform those Duties of Service and Obedience, to which by the Laws of God and this Kingdom we are oblig'd, yet we shall be forced, in discharge of the Trust which we owe to the State, and to those whom we represent, to resolve upon some such way of desending Ireland from the Rebels, as may concur to the securing our selves from such mischievous Council and Designs as have just Cause to believe; and commend those Aids and Contributions which this great Necessity shall require, to the Custody and disposing of such Persons of Honour and Fidelity, as we have cause to confide in.
  • 7. And as touching the Wages and and other Charges needful, which this Assistance will require, we would have you in our Name, to beseech His Majesty to commend it to our Brethren, the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland, to take it into their Care, on the behalf his Majesty and this Kingdom, and to make such Agreements with all the Commanders and Soldiers to be employed, as they would do in like case for themselves, and to let them know for our Parts, we do wholly rely upon their honourable and friendly Dealing with us, and will take care that Satisfaction be made accordingly.
  • 8. You shall represent to His most Excellent Majesty this our humble and faithful Declaration, that we cannot without much Grief remember the great Miseries, Burthens and Distempers, which have for divers Years afflicted all his Kingdoms and Dominions, and brought them to the last point of Ruin and Destruction; all which have issued from the cunning, false, and malicious Practices of some of those who have been admitted into very near Places of Council and Authority about him, who have been Favourers of Popery, Superstition and Innovation, Subverters of Religion, Honour and Justice, Factors for promoting the Designs of foreign Princes and States, to the great apparent Danger of his Royal Person, Crown and Dignity, and of all his People, Authors of false, Scandals and Jealousies betwixt His Majesty and his Loyal Subjects, Enemies to the Peace, Union and Confidence betwixt him and his Parliament, which is the surest Foundation of Prosperity and Greatness to His Majesty, of Comfort and Hope to them: That by their Councils and Endeavours, those great Sums which have been lately drawn from the People, have been either consumed unprofitably, or in the Maintenance of such Designs as have been mischievous and destructive to the State, and whilst we have been labouring to support His Majesty, to purge out the Corruption, and restore the Decays both of Church and State, others of their Faction and Party have been contriving, by Violence and Force, to suppress the Liberty of Parliament, and endanger the Safety of those who have opposed such wicked and pernicious Courses.

But the great matter at this time in Agitation, was The Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom, which occasioned very high Debates, and to the same, Sir Edward Deering, being a Dissenter thereunto, spoke upon that occasion as follows:

Sir Edward Deering's Speech 22. Nov. 1641. against the Remonstrance.

Mr. Speaker,
This Remonstrance is now in Progress upon its last Foot in this House: I must give a Vote unto it, one way or other: My Conscience bids me not to dare to be affirmative: So sings the Bird in my Breast, and I do cheerfully believe the Tune to be good.

This Remonstrance, whensoever it passeth, will make such an Impression, and leave such a Character behind, both of His Majesty, the People, the Parliament, and of this present Church and State, as no Time shall ever eat it out whilst Histories are written, and Men have Eyes to read them.—How curious then ought we to be, both in the Matter and the Form? Herein is a severe Point of Conscience to be tried: Let us be sure that every particular Substance be a Truth; and let us cloath that Truth with a free Language, yet a modest and a sober Language.

Mr. Speaker, This Remonstrance is in some kind greater and more extensive than an Act of Parliament: That reacheth only to England and Wales; but in this the three Kingdoms will be your immediate Supervisors; and the greatest part of Christendom will quickly borrow the Glass to see our Desormities therein. They will scan this Work at Leisure, which (I hope) we shall not shut up in haste.

Some Pieces here are of excellent use and worth; but what is that to me, if I may not have them, without other Parts that are both doubtful and dangerous.

The Matter, Form, and final End of this Remonstrance, all of them do argue with me, not to remonstrate thus:

The End: To what End do we decline thus to them that look not for it? Wherefore is this Descension from a Parliament to a People? They look not up for this so extraordinary Courtesie? The better sort think best of us: And why are we told that the People are expectant for a Declaration ?

I did never look for it of my Predecessors in this Place, nor shall do from my Successors. I do here prosess that I do not know any one Soul in all that Country (for which I have the Honour to serve) who looks for this at your Hands. They do humbly and heartily thank you for many good Laws and Statutes already enacted, and pray for more; That is the Language best understood of them, and most welcome to them. They do not expect to hear any other Stories of what you have done, much less Promises of what you will do.

Mr. Speaker, When I first heard of a Remonstrance, I presently imagined that like faithful Counsellors, we should hold up a Glass unto His Majesty: I thought to represent unto the King the wicked Counsels of pernicious Counsellors: The restless Turbulency of practical Papists: The Treachery of false Judges: The bold Innovations, and some Superstition brought in by some pragmatical Bishops, and the rotten Part of the Clergy.

I did not dream that we shou'd remonstrate downward, tell Stories to the People, and talk of the King as of a third Person.

The Use and End of such Remonstrance I understand not; at least, I hope I do not.

Mr. Speaker, In the Form of this Remonstrance, if it were presented to you from a full Committee, yet I am bold to make this Query, Whether that Committee have presented to us any Heads in this Remonstrance which were not first agitated here, and recommended to them from this House; if they have, there wanteth then (for so much) the formal Power that should actuate and enliven the Work so brought unto us; as may be well observed by perusing the Order (now above a twelve Month old) for constuting that Committee.

10 Novemb. 1640.

In the Matter of this Remonstrance I except against several Particulars, but upon the transient reading of it, (not having any View thereof) I will gather up two Instances only, very obvious, very easie to be observed.

Lord Viscount Faulk Land

First (as was also observed by a learned noble Lord who spake last) here is a Charge of a high Crime against all the Bishops in the Land, and that above all Proof that yet I have heard.

Your Words are, Idolatry introduced by Command of the Bishops.

What! plain, flat, formal Idolatry? Name the Species of this Idolatry, that is introduced by the Bishops, that is (for indefinite Propositions are aequipollent to universal) by all the Bishops, and by a Command of theirs.

Certainly, Sir, Idolatry (in the practice of it) is a very visible Sin; and the Command of the Bishops was either legible or audible. Who hath read this Command? Who hath heard this Command? Who hath seen this commanded Idolatry, and can assign wherein it is ?

Some Superstition in Doctrines, and in Practices, by some Bishops; this is not the Question: But the odious Apostacy of Idolatry. Give me leave to say,

No Man in this House can charge and prove all the Bishops, no nor half of them, I dare say, not any three among them; perhaps (and truly I think so) not one among them all, to have issued forth any one Command for Idolatry. If any Man can, let him speak and convince me, I love to be informed. In the mean time, I desire to offer you some Particulars in bar, and by way of opposal to this Charge.

Dr. Morton.

The learned, pious, and painful Bishop of Durham hath fought in Front against Roman Superstition and Idolatry.

Dr. Williams.

The Bishop of Lincoln was the first of Note, that gave Check unto our Papal Misleaders and Altarian Innovators. He stood in the Gap of that Inundation, and was a Sufferer for us.

Dr. Hall.

The Bishop of Exeter (however mistaken in the Divinity of Episcopacy) hath ever had the Repute both of a good Man, and a good Bishop. He hath not only held and maintain'd his Station, but advanced also, and made good Impression upon the Idolaters of Rome.

Dr. Juxon.

Mr. Speaker, This hath been a very accusative Age; yet have I not heard any Superstition (much less Idolatry) charged (much less proved) upon the several Bishops of London, Winchester, Chester, Carlile, Chichester.

Dr. Curle.

Parcite paucorum diffundere crimen in omnes.

Dr. Bridgeman; Dr. Potter; Dr. Duppa.

Not for Love unto the Persons of these Bishops, but for Honour to our Religion. The Times of late have been somewhat darkened; yet, let not us make the Day blacker in Report then it is in Truth.

In the last Place I observe a Promise in general Words, that Learning shall be rather advanced then discouraged: Sed quid verba audio, cumfacta videam?

Great Rewards do beget great Endeavours; and certainly (Sir) when the great Bason and Ewer are taken out of the Lottery, you shall have few Adventurers for small Plate and Spoons only.

If any Man could cut the Moon out all into little Stars; although we might still have the same Moon, or as much in small Pieces, yet we shall want both Light and Influence.

To hold out the Golden Ball of Honour and of Profit, is both Policy and Honestly, and will be operative upon the best Natures, and the most pious Minds.

But (Mr. Speaker) if I observe aright, Learning (I mean Religious Learning) in this Remonstrance, is for one half thereof utterly unthought on. And because I hear often Speech of one half, but seldom mention of the other, give me leave (I beseech you) in this Theme a little to enlarge my self: if your Remonstrance once pass, it will be too late (I fear) to enter this Plea.

It is, I dare say, the unanimous Wish, the concurrent Sence, of this whole House, to go such a way, as may best settle and secure an able, learned, and fully sufficient Ministry among us. This ability, this sufficiency, must be of two several forts.

I Tit. 9.

It is one thing to be able to preach ana to fill the Pulpit well; it is another ability to confute the perverse Adversaries of Truth, and to stand in that breach. The first of these gives you the wholsome food of found Doctrine; the other maintains it for you, and defends it from such Harpies as would devour or else polute it. Both of these are supremely necessary for us, and for our Religion.

I Tit. 9. 10. Verse 11.

Both are of divine institution. The holy Apostle requireth both. Both παρακαλεῖν and ἐλεγχειν, First to preach, That he be able with found Doctrine to exhort: and then Καὶ τοὺς ἀντιλέγοντας ἐλέγκειν, and to convince the Gainsayers. For (faith be) there are many deceivers whose mouths must be stopt.

Now, Sir, to my purpose: these double abilities, these several sufficiencies, may perhaps sometimes meet together in one and the same Man; but seldom, very seldom, so seldom, that you scarce can find a very few among thousands rightly qualified in both.

Nor is this so much the inselicity of our, or any times, as it is generally the incapacity of Man, who cannot easily raise himself up to double excel. lencies.

Knowledge in Religion doth extend it self into so large, so vast a Sphere, that many (for bast) do cut cross the Diameter, and find weight enough in balf their work: very few do or can travel the whole Circle round.

Some one in an age (perhaps) may be found, who, as sir Francis Drake about the terrestrial Globe, may have travelled the celestial Orb of Theological Learning, both for controversial, and for instructive Divinity.

The incomparable Primate of Ireland deserves first to be named; Bishop Moreton (whom I mentioned before) is another reverend Worthy, and bath highly deserved of our Church in both capacities. Jewel (of pious memory) another Bishop never to be forgotten. some few others I could name, able and active both for Pulpit and the Pen. But, Sir, these be Rarae aves, there are very few of them.

As Mr. Reading. Mr. About.

The reason is evident. For whilst one Man doth chiefly intend the Pulpit exercise, he is thereby disabled for polemick discourses: and whilst another indulgeth to himself the faculty of his Pen, he thereby renders himself the weaker for the Pulpit. Some Men aiming at eminency in both, have proved but mean Proficients in either. For it is a Rule and a sure one.

Pluribus intentus minor est ad singula—

Now, Sir, such a way, such a temper of Church government, and of Church revenue, I must wish, as may best secure unto us both; both for preaching to us at home, and for convincing such as are abroad.

1. Sam. 2.

Let me be always sure of some Champions in our Israel, such as may be ready and able to fight the Lord's battle against the Philistines of Rome: the socinians of the North; the Arminians and Semi-Pelagians of the West: and generally against Hereticks and Atheist every where. God increase the number of his Labourers within his Vineyard: such as may plentifully and powerfully preach Faith and good Life among us. But never let us want some of these Watchmen also about our Israel, such as may from the everlasting Hills (so the Scriptures are called) watch for us, and descry the common Enemy, which may soever he shall approach. Let us maintain both Pen and Pulpit. Let no Ammonite perswade the Gileadite, to fool out his right Eye, unless we be willing to make a League with Destruction; and to wink at Ruine whilst it comes upon us.

Learning (Sir) it is invaluable: the loss of Learning, it is not in one age recoverable. Tou may have observed, that there bath been a continual Spring, a perpetual growth of learning ever since it pleased God, first to light Luther's Candle; I might have said Wicklife's, and justly so I do: For even from that time unto this day, and night, and hour, this light hath increased: and all this while our better cause hath gained by this light: which doth convince our Misomusists, and doth evict that Learning and Religion, by their mutual support, are like Hippocrate's Twins, they laugh and mourn together.

But, Sir, notwithstanding all this so long encrease of learning, there is a Terra incognita, a great Land of learning not yet discovered: Our Adversaries are daily trading, and we must not sit down and give over, but must encourage and maintain and encrease the number of our painful Adventurers for the Golden, fleece: and except the Fleece be of Gold, you shall have no Adventurers.

Sir, We all do look that our Cause should be defended: if the Fee be poor, the Plea will be but faint. Our cause is good, our defence is just: let us take care that it be strong; which for my part, I do clearly and ingenuously profess, I cannot expect should be perform'd by the Parish Minister, no not so well as bitherto it hath been. For from whom the more you do now expect of the Pulpit, the less (I am sure) you must look for of the Pen.

How shall be with one hundred pounds (perhaps two hundred pounds) per annum with a Family, and with constant preaching, be able, either in purse for charge, or in leasure for time, or in art for skill, to disgrace this so charge. able, so different, so difficult a work? I speak it (Mr. Speaker) and pardon my want of modesty if I say, I speak it not unknowingly: Six hundred pounds is but a mean expence in Books, and will advance but a moderate Library. Pains and learning must have a reward of Honour and Profit proportional: and so long as our Adversaries will contend, we must maintain the Charge, or else lay down the Cause.

In conclusion, I do beseech you all with the fervour of an earness heart; a heart almost divided between hopes and fears, never to suffer diversion or diminution of the Rents we have for Learning and Religion: but beside the Pulpit, let us be sure to maintain πανστρατὶαν καθολικὴν, an universal Militia of Theology, whereby we may be always ready and able (even by strength of our own, within our own happy Island at home) ἐπίστομιζειν to stop the month of all Errors and Heresies that can arise.

Never, Sir, never let it be said that sacred Learning (for such is that I plead for) shall in one essential half thereof, be quite unprovided for in England. Sir, I have reason to be earnest in this, I see, I know great designs drawing another way; and my fears are increased, not cured by this Declaration.

Thus I have done: and because I want Champions for true Religion; Because I neither look for cure of our complaints from the common People, nor do desire to be cured by them; Because this House (as under favour I conceive) hath not recommended all the heads of this Remonstrance to the Committee which brought it in: Because it is not true, that the Bishops have commanded Idolatry; Because I do not know any necessary good end and use of this Declaration, but do fear a bad one; And because we pass His Majesty, and do remonstrate to the People: I do here discharge my Vote with a clear confidence and must say, NO, to this strange Remonstrance.

However this Remonstrance, after a Debate that lasted from Three a Clock in the Afternoon, till Three a Clock next Morning (so that one said it lookt like the Verdict of a starv'd Jury ) was carried in the Affirmative, but not by many Voices. Mr. Palmer and some others making a Protestation against it, which those of the other side complained of, as directly against the Order, Custom, and Priviledge of the House of Commons: whereupon the said Mr. Palmer was committed to the Tower, but on his Petition some days after, released, and took his Place in the House as formerly.

His Majesty's Return from Scotland, and magnificent Reception into London, 25. Nov. 1641.

On the 25th of Nov. the King returned to London from Scotland; and was received with all imaginary Expressions and Demonstrations of Affection and Grandure, as followeth.

The Manner of His Majesties Royal passing through the City of London, November 25. Anno 1641. upon his Return from Scotland.

Novemb. 25th. 1641.

That Morning His Majesty came from Theobalds by Coach, with the Queen, the Prince, the Duke of York, the Princess Mary, the Count Palatine of the Rhine, the Duke of Richmond and Lenox, the Marquess Hamilton Master of the Horse, the Earl of Essex Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Houshold, and some other Lords attending his Highness.

At Stamsord-Hill, the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex met him with 72 Men suited in Scarlet Cloaks, having Hats and Feathers, with Javelins, attending him to Kingsland, at which place, a Way was purposely made through the Field unto Moor-gate, the Banks being cut down, and Bridges with Planks set up, for the better passage. At the entrance into the first Field was the Lord Mayor's Tent set up, wherein were placed divers Forms and Seats, on which the Nobility, with the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, that waited His Majesties coming, reposed themselves.

About the hour of Eleven His Majesty came, sitting on the right side of the Coach, the Queen on his Right Hand; the Prince, the Duke of York, and Princess Mary, within the Coach, and the Count Palatine, and Duchess of Richmond, sitting on the other side.

When His Majesty came against the Tent, he caused the Coach to be stayed, and the Nobility then came presenting themselves before him on their knees, Joying his Happy Return, kiss'd his Hand and the Queen's; and then the Lord Mayor delivered up to His Majesty, first the City Sword, and then the City Scepter, which His Majesty having received, re-delivered to the Lord Mayor: Which done, the Recorder made the following Speech.

Mr. Recorder of London his Speech to the King at his Return from Scotland.

May it Please Your Majesty,
This is the day of exceeding great Joy to your Citizens of London, Joy exalted to the highest degree, to see you return in safety after a long absence, and see this happy meeting with your dearest Consort, our Good and Gracious Queen, and with these blessed Children, that are the Fruits of your Loves; and Pledges to us of a fruitful and hopeful Succession.

I can truly say this from the Representative Body of your City, from whence I have my Warrant, they meet your Majesty with as much Love and Affection as ever Citizens of London met with any of your Royal progenitors, King or Queen of this Kingdom, and with as hearty a desire to shew it fully; pardon their failures where you meet with any.

We tender unto you no formal Present, it would but lessen us whatever it were (I am sure it would be far short of our meaning) but we present unto you our Hearts and Affections, Hearts of true Subjects, full of Loyalty to you our King and Sovereign.

'Tis true in this we offer your Majesty but your own, they were by just Right yours before; but upon this new and enlivening occasion, be pleased to take them as a new Gift, we offer them chearfully, vouchsafe to accept them graciously, and with the Influence of those Excellent and Princely Vertues, which we know by great assurance to be eminent in your Royal Person, we doubt not but Your Majesty will continue the desence of our Establish'd Religion, and the clear current Justice of, through all the streams, of which your Majesty is the Royal Fountain.

Vouchsafe likewise to uphold and countenance that ancient form and same of Government, which hath been long established in the City; that Power and Authority of your, which you have committed to your Lord Mayor, your true and faithful Subject and Servant, and the fit Reverence and Respect due to the Aldermen his Brethren, who are to assist him in his Government; we shall be there by the better enabled to serve your Majesty, and constantly to render to you the Fruits of a true Obedience, and as our Duty binds us, we shall never cease to bless you, and pray for you and your dearest Consort our Gracious Queen, and for this your Royal and Princely Off-spring, for Your Majesties long Life and prosperous Reign over us, in Peace and Glory, and with full Contentment; and I doubt not but every true Subject will join with us in this and say, Amen.

These Expressions of Joy, of Love, of Loyalty, and these hearty Wishes and Desires which I have mentioned, I meet with every where from your Citizens of London; they are the soft and still Musick prepared for your Majesties Welcome and Entertainment this Day; the joyful Acclamations of your People, upon the sight of your Royal Person, will make it louder, and all chearfully bearing their agreeing parts together, shall I hope, this Day, make up to Your Majesty a full and pleasing Harmony.

To which His Majesty immediately returned this Gracious Answer:

The King's Answer to the Recorder of London's Speech.

Mr. Recorder,
I Must desire you, because my voice cannot reach to all those that I desire should here me, to give most hearty thanks to all the good Citizens of London, for their hearty Expressions of their Love to me this Day; and indeed, I cannot sufficiently express the contentment I have received therein; for now I see that all these tumults and disorders have only risen from the meaner sort of people, and that the Affections of the better, and main part of the City, have ever been Loyal and Affectionate to my Person and Government.

And likewise it comforts me to see, that all those Misreports that have been made of me in my absence, have not the least power to do me prejudice in your Opinions, as may be easily seen by this days Expressions of Joy

And now I think it fit for me to assure you, That I am returned with as hearty and kind Affections to my People in general, and to this City in particular, as can be desired by loving Subjects: The first I shall express, by Governing you all according to the Laws of this Kingdom, and in maintaining and protecting the true Protestant Religion, according as it hath been Established in my two famous Predecessors times, Queen Elizebeth and my Father; and this I will do, if need be, to the hazard of my Life, and all that is dear to me.

As for the City in particular, I shall study by all means their prosperity: And I assure you, I will singly grant those few reasonable demands you have now made unto me, in the Name of the City. And likewise, I shall study to re-establish that flourishing Trade which now is in some disorder amongst you, which I doubt not to effect, with the good assistance of the Parliament.

One thing I have thought of, as a particular Affection to you, which is, To give back unto you freely, that part of London-Derry which heretofore was evicted from you. This I confess, as that Kingdom is now, is no great Gift, but I hope to recover it first, and then to give it to you whole and entirely; and for the Legal part of this, I command you, Mr. Recorder, to wait upon me to see it punctually performed.

Sir Richard Gurney the Lord Mayor, and the Recorder, Knighted.

I will end as I begun, to desire you, Mr. Recorder, to give all the City thanks in better Expressions than I can make; though I must tell you, it will be far short of that real Contentment I find in my Heart, for this real and seasonable Demonstration of their Affections to me.

His Majesty having ended this Gracious Speech, was pleased to confer the the Honour of Knighthood upon the Lord Mayor and Mr. Recorder with the City Sword, and both their Majesties gave them, as also the Aldermen, City Council, and Officers, the Honour of kissing their Royal Hands.

All which performed, His Majesty took Horse, and proceeded with his Equipage and Attendants as followeth:

First went the City Marshal: Next the Sheriffs Trumpets: Then the Sheriffs Men in Scarlet Cloaks, with Siver Lac'd Hats, Feathers, and Javelins, to the number of 72, two and two. Citizens in Velvet Coats, with Chains of Gold, well mounted, to the number of 500, two and two, selected out of the Companies, who were distinguish'd by several Trumpets and Horsemen, that wore the Ensign of each Company at the Head thereof, every Man having his Footman in suit and Cassock, with Ribbon of the Colours of his Company: City Council: Aldermen in Scarlet Gowns, two and two: Princes Trumpets: Messengers of the Chamber, two and two: King's Trumpets: Gentlemen of the Privy-Chamber: Knight Marshal: Pursevants at-Arms: The Lord Chief Justice of the Common-Pleas, being a Knight of the Privy-Council.

    Barons, viz.

  • Lord Goring,
  • Lord Coventry,
  • Lord Fielding,
  • Lord Digby,
  • Lord Mowbray,
  • Lord William Stewart, Brother to the Duke of Lenox.

Viscount Conway. Heralds.

    Earls, viz

  • Earl Rivers,
  • Earl of Bath,
  • Earl of Cumberland,
  • Earl of Oxford,
  • Earl of Essex, L. Chamberlain of his Majesty's Houshold.

Amongst these, Serjeant Parker, the King's Serjeant for the City of London.

Duke of Richmond. Clarenceiux and Norroy. Lord-Keeper. Lord Privy-Seal. Serjeants-at-Arms. Serjeant-at-Arms.

Queries and Footmen. The Prince's Highness alone. Queries and Footmen.
Garter on the Right Hand. The Lord Mayor of London carrying the City Sword by his Majesty's Special Appointment, as a Grace and Favour at this time. A Gentlemen Usher, daily Waiter, on the Left Hand.
The L. Great Chamberlain on the Right Hand. Marquess Hartford bearing the sword of state. The Earl Marshal on the Left Hand.
Queries and Footmen. The King's Majesty on Horseback. Queries and Footmen.

The Queen's Majesty in her Coach richly Embroidered, and with her the Prince Elector Palatine, the Duke of York, and the Princess Mary.

Marquess Hamilton, Master of the Horse, leading the Horse of State.

The Earl of Salisbury Captain of the Pensioners.

The Gentlemen Pensioners with their Poll-Axes, all mounted with Pistols at their Saddles.

The Earl of Holland, Lord General beyond Trent, and after him Viscount Grandison, with many other of the principal Commanders in the late Northern Expedition. After them divers great Ladies, and other great Personages of Note.

In this Order his Majesty came to Moor-Gate, and being entred within the Gate, proceeded along by London-Wall to Bishop's-Gate, and from thence to Cornhill, through part of Cheapside, and so down St. Lawrence-Lane to Guild-Hall, the Companies of London sitting within Rails set up for that purpose, covered with blue Cloath, and with the Banners and Ensigns of their several Companies, which begun at Moor-Gate, and continued to Temple Bar, the Conduits, as his Majesty passed, running Claret Wine.

At Guild-Hall his Majesty was royally feasted, his Table standing at the East-end of the Hall, upon a large half Pace, covered with green Cloth, railed about to keep off the press of People. And on each side the Hall, below the half Pace, a long Table was placed for the Lords and other Gentlemen of Quality that attended his Majesty.

The Meat was served up by Citizens, standing in their Gowns and Hoods, of the Livery of their Company; on each side the Hall, a Row, Face to Face, from the Dresser to the King's Table, passing the Dishes from Hand to Hand; and to the other Tables Back to Back.

After Dinner his Majesty withdrew into a private Room, where he Knighted Sir John Pettus, who married the Lord Mayor's Daughter.

After Dinner, towards Four of the Clock, his Majesty took Horse again, and by Torch-light proceeded as aforesaid, towards White-Hall, through St. Laurence-Lane, Cheap-side, Paul's Church-Yard, where over the South Porch of the Church, the Quires of St. Paul's stood in their Surplisses, singing an Anthem, with Sackbuts and Cornets.

And all the way his Majesty rid were infinite Acclamations of Joy, by shouting and other Expressions; the Streets and Windows thronged with People, and the sides of the Houses on each part of the way, from Moor-Gate to Temple-Bar, hanged with rich Tapestry.

In this manner his Majesty past through Fleet-Street, and the Strand, to White-Hall; the Lord Mayor bearing the City Sword till his Majesty alighted, which was within White-Hall, at the Stair-Foot, going up to the great Chamber, where the Lord Mayor alighted; and both his Majesty and the Queen, did there give the Lord Mayor great Thanks for their Entertainment.

From the Maypole in the Strand, to Exeter -House, the Sheriff's Men made a stand on the Right-Hand; And from thence to the Tilt-Yard the Citizens on Horseback, in Velvet Coats and Chains (each having his Footman Suited in the Colours of his Company, holding two Torches lighted in his Hands.) And from thence to White-Hall, the City Officers and the Aldermen.

Lord Mayor commanded to return the King's Thanks to the whole City.

When the Lord Mayor was taking his Leave, his Majesty not only return'd him particular Thanks, but gave him in Charge, That in his Name the whole City might be thanked; whereupon, his Lordship, Nov. 30, being St. Andrew's -day, summon'd a Common-Council, where an Act was made, and the Lord Mayor was intreated to appoint Mr. Recorder, and so many Aldermen and Commoners as his Lordship should think fit, to attend his Majesty; and to return their humble Thanks for all his Great and Princely Favours to the City; and to present to his Majesty such other Desires of the City as should be thought necessary and convenient.

In pursuance whereof, December the third, a Committee waited upon his Majesty, and Mr. Recorder spoke to this purpose:

The Recorder's Speech to the King, &c. Dec. 3d.

That according to his Majesty's Commands, the Lord Mayor and himself had publish'd what his Majesty had so graciously express'd, not only to particular Men, but at a Common Council, which is the Representative Body of the City; and there made known the most gracious Acceptance by both their Majesties, of the Endeavours of the Citizens for that Citizens for that Days Welcome and Entertainment.

Upon publishing of which, they all forthwith with one Heart and one Voice, earnestly entreated and prest the Lord Mayor, That by his means, and in such way as he should think fit, their most humble and hearty Thanks might be rendred and presented to both their Majesties, for that singular Honour they had done the City, in vouchsasing their Presence, and for those real Testimonies of Princely Favour his Majesty had vouchsafed, tending to their Profit and Advantage, and especially for their Majesties poor (tho' hearty) Endeavours; with these and the like Expressions, which came from amongst them: That if they had done a thousand Times more, it had been but their Duty. That the Memory of this Honour, and these Favours should ever live amongst them, and be preserved to Posterity; which thankful Acknowledgment we that are present are come to make to your Majesty.

And also to present two Petitions from the City; first, That your Majesties would vouchsafe this Honour to the City (if it might stand with your good Pleasures) to make your Residence at this Season of the Year, at the Palace of White-Hall, your Presence being very joyful to us: And we are the rather emboldned to the Presumption of this Request, since your Majesty has been graciously pleased to tell us, You would study our Prosperity, and to restore the Trade of the City, which of late hath been in some Disorder: Now your Royal Residence there will give a good quickning to the Retailing Trade, and by conseuence to the Merchant.

Our second Petition is, That whereas since your Majesty's Return hither, there has been some late Disorders about Westminster, amongst some People that met there, we beseech your Majesties not to impute this to the Body of the City, or to the better fort of Citizens, we held it a Misfortune and a Scandal upon us, that when those Disorders were mentioned, the City was named with it; and our Desire has been to vindicate and redeem our selves by some publick Disavowment of it, and we could not begin better, than in the Presence of your Majesties, whom we beseech to take into your Princely Consideration, That the Skirts of the City, where the Lord Mayor and Magistrates of London have neither Power nor Liberty, are more populous than the City it self, and suller of the meaner sort of People. And if any Dwellers in the City should be Actors in it (as who can deny but amongst Millions of People, some there may be) yet their Purpose was unknown to us, and to give your Majesties some Assurance therein, there were some present there amongst us, Men that had lived in the City above forty Years together, that knew the City, and the better fort of Citizens, and were at Westminster attending other Occasions when those People met there, and took a full View of them, and they have affirmed, that they knew not the Face of one Man among them.

Mr. Recorder having ended, his Majesty presently and graciously gave Answer to this effect:

His Majesty's Answer.

That he was very well pleased with the Hearty and Loyal Affections of the Citizens, for which he gave them great Thanks. And for their first Petition, tho' he and her Majesty had before purposed to Winter at Hampton-Court, yet being now fully perswaded, that the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and the most considerable part of the Citizens of London had not any hand in the Disorders mentioned by Mr. Recorder in his second Petition; he intended (and so he knew her Majesty would) to alter his Resolution, and with all convenient speed repair to White-Hall, there to keep their Christmas, and be ready to do any thing else that might promote the Trade of the City, desiring Mr. Recorder to join with him in taking some Course for Prevention of the like Disorders for the future.

After his Majesty had ended his Answer, and that Mr. Recorder, and Sir George Whitmore had kissed his Royal Hand, the next Alderman in Seniority kneeled down to receive the like Princely Favour, when, unexpectedly, his Majesty drew a Sword, and instead of giving him his Hand to kiss, laid the Sword upon his shoulder and knighted him. The like he did to the other aldermen and two Sheriffs, being all in Number seven: which being done, and the Commoners having also kiss'd his Hand, they were by his Majesty's special Order, conducted by the Earl of Dorset, and Mr. Comptroller, to a Room where a Table was prepared for them, and none other to Dine at, where they were bountifully feasted, the Earl of Dorset dining with them, and Mr. Comptroller; and while they were at Dinner, there came two Gentlemen to them, one from his Majesty, the other from the Queen, to let them know that their Majesties had remembred the Health of the Lord Mayor and the whole City, which they received with due Respect, returning their humble Thanks for such their Majesties extraordinary Favour.

There were also these Verses publish'd in the Name of the City on this Occasion, which being short, I shall venture to incert.

Cives Londinenses, Illustrissimi Regis Caroliè Scotia Reditum, sic gratulantur.

Principis Adventus Carcli, vel gratior Urbi
Quis dicat? Carolus velmagè gratus erat?
Gratia grata, magè est, Veniensè Principis Ore:
Nostra soluta facit, Debita, grata minus.
Nec tamen ingratos Nos reddit: Vota supersunt,
Ut crescat Caroli Gratia, noster Amor.


Thanks, Mighty Sir, that you would Gracious be,
T'accept the poor great Zeal of mine and me.
I entertain'd you not: Where e're you go,
All else are but Spectators, not the Show.
I do not envy now the Empress Rome,
When her Great Cœsars rode Triumphant Home;
Nor wish her Hills, but when you absent are,
To see your long'd-for coming from afar.
But go no more, leave me no more with Fears,
And Loyal Grief, to spend my Thames in Tears;
Your next Return may some due Honour miss,
I shall not then have done my joy for this.

Essex Surrenders his Commission of Captain General.

The Earl of Essex, Lord Chamberlain, acquainted the House of Lords, that he had, upon his Majesty's Return, surrendred his Commission of Captain-General of the South Parts of the Kingdom into his Majesty's Hands, and therefore could take no further Orders for Guards; whereupon the House resolved to communicate the same to the Commons.

The King Dissolves the Parliaments Guards; They Petition to continue them.

The Lord-Keeper being sent for by the King, had the Leave of the House to attend his Majesty, and at his Return signified, that he was ordered to acquaint them that his Majesty understanding there were Guards appointed for securing the Houses, tho' his Majesty presumes they did it upon some Reasons, yet his Majesty not knowing any Reasons, it was his Royal Pleasure the Guards should be dissolv'd, hoping that now his Presence would be a Protection unto them; but if there be Occasion, and his Majesty sees Reason for it, he shall be ready to take Care for sufficient Guards to secure his Parliament. Which being communicated to the Commons, they sent a Message to the Lords, desiring his Majesty may be Petitioned in the Name of both Houses, that the Guards may still be continued, till they may satisfie his Majesty of the Reasons why a Guard is necessary, which in a few Days they intend to do. Whereunto the Lords, after some Dispute, consented, and the End of Warwick, and the Lord Digby were ordered to move his Majesty accordingly; and his Majesty, the next Day, return'd this Answer.

His Majesty's Answer, Nov.27.

'That he did command the Guards to be dismiss'd, because he knew no Cause they had of Fears, and because it was a great Trouble to his Subjects that were to perform that Service, besides disquieting the People with strange Apprehensions and Jealousies. And that his Majesty expects, when the Parliament shall desire any thing extraordinary, as this is, they should give particular Reasons for it; yet his Majesty is so tender of the Parliament Safety, that he will command the Earl of Dorset to appoint some of the Train-Bands, only for a few Days, to wait on both Houses, and if in that Time he shall be satisfied there is just Reason, shall continue them; and like wise, shall take such a Course for the Safety of his own Person as shall be fit, of which his Majesty doubts not but they will be as careful as of their own.

Monday, Nov. 29.

The Committee appointed by the Commons to draw up Reasons for a Guard, brought them into the House as follows:

Reasons for a Guard.

  • I. Because of the great Numbers of disorderly, suspicious, and desperate Persons, especially Irish, lurking in the Suburbs, and other Places near London and Westminster.
  • II. The Jealousie conceived upon the Discovery of a Design in Scotland to surprize several of the Nobility, Members of the Parliament there, which had been spoken of here some Days before it broke out there, with Intimation that the like was intended against divers Persons of both Houses here, which was the more credible, from the former Attempts to bring up the Army to over run and disturb this Parliament.
  • III. From the Conspiracy in Ireland, so secretly manag'd, that but for the Providential Discovery at Dublin, it had been executed in one Day throughout that whole Kingdom; and some of the chief Conspirators have professed the like Course was intended in England and Scotland.
  • IV. From divers Advices from beyond the Seas, that there would be great Alteration in Religion shortly in these Kingdoms, and that the Necks of both the Parliament in England and Scotland should be broken.
  • V. From divers Examinations taken of dangerous Speeches of some of the Popish and discontented Party in this Kingdom.
  • VI. The secret Meetings and Consultations of the Papists in several Parts, and their frequent Devotions for the Prosperity of some great Design in Hand.

These several Considerations do move the Parliament to desire a Guard, under the Command of the Earl of Essex; and they do conceive there is just Cause to apprehend, that there is some wicked and mischievous Practice, to interrupt the peaceable Proceedings of the Parliament, still in Hand; for preventing where of it is fit the Guards should be still continued under the same Command, or such other as they shall choose. But to have it under the Command of any other, not chosen by themselves, they can by no means consent, and will rather run any Hazard than admit of a President so dangerous both to this and future Parliaments. And they humbly leave it to his Majesty to consider, whether it will not be sit to suffer his High Court of Parliament to enjoy that Priviledge of providing for their own Safety, which was never denied other inferior Courts. And that he will be pleased Graciously to believe, that they cannot think themselves safe under any Guard, of which they shall not be assured, that it will be as faithful in desending his Majesty's Safety as their own, whereof they shall always be more careful than of their own.